#cheeri is literate
certified-anakinfucker · 11 months
wip wednesday sunday but ummmmmmmmm @purgetrooperfox
woe. omura lore be upon ye all
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tagging uhhhh hi kem @kemendin uhh @pentowrite-wingstofly @galacticgraffiti @gaeasun
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darrposting on main??
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B A S I C S • Full name: Darrash Aron Nealev • Gender: Masculine, but unconcerned with differentiation or perception • Sexuality: bisexual/pansexual • Pronouns: he/him
O T H E R S • Family: Father — Masjona Sanbre Nealev | Darrjoel "The Eagle" Mother — Danwya Javgra Giakhal | No Known Aliases Brother — Johkel Conoguy Nealev | Watcher Three Sister — Marrav Arisha Nealev | [DATA EXPUNGED] • Birthplace: Howdunga, Nal Hutta (it means "burp" lmao) • Job: Cipher Agent; Sniper • Phobias: total failure, perceived failure, true loss of control over self, complete isolation/silence • Guilty pleasures: remembering he knows how to throw some serious ass (was briefly a dancer/escort), Moff Hunting Season™, some of the greasiest food one can find, tookas/fluffy animals he can hold
M O R A L S • Morality alignment?: Neutral/Imperial (More specifically, he is self-serving when it's convenient. He has no real judgement on killing-when-told past his teens, often resorting to whether or not he was personally slighted in the ordeal or feels that this particular problem will not serve him additionally in the future. His morals can also be heavily impacted by his settings, as he adopts the mindset of his surroundings in order to better blend in. That is to say - he's willing to make a bloodbath in the Outer Rim but a stellar pacifist when closer to seats of mainstream, "clean" power.) • Sins: lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath   • Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice 
T H I S - O R - T H A T • Introverted/extrovert. — He highly enjoys being left the fuck alone. (Some days he's closer to an ambivert, but he is never fully an extrovert.)
• Organized/disorganized. — A little bit of both; he believes in organized chaos as an art and a science. It's something he's lived throughout his childhood and finds great comfort in it once he's out on his own.
• Close-minded/open-minded. — Darrash has always been one to consider all sides of a story; most of the time he just doesn't give a shit.
• Calm/anxious. — Call him the "master pretender" - taking into consideration he never wanted to join Intelligence in the first place, the feeling of constant surveillance took a deep root in his psyche. Even after a decade of the Academy and his own victories in the field, he behaves like a prey animal when work is done. But perhaps for the most irony, he's often the most level-headed person in the room when put on a directive.
• Disagreeable/agreeable. — This can purely depend on whether or not he likes you, even day-to-day. As said before - he has always considered all sides of a story, and further the implications of any prevailing end. But he usually doesn't care and will side with whoever gains the most beneficial advantage, usually to his own cause rather than what makes the most sense. Because nothing fucking makes sense in war.
• Cautious/reckless. — Similar to his organized chaos, he believes there can be a certain amount of recklessness that allows the job to get done as effectively as possible. He grew up as a full-time petty thief who, upon joining Intelligence, only relearned how to do what he’d always done, but now on a planetary scale.
• Patient/impatient. — Even though this is not one of his virtues .. he did make the decision to bide his sweet time for over! ten! years! to not only come out of the Academy as their top Agent but also earn their trust, so they'd give him a longer leash to do whatever he wanted. That's committing to the bit if there ever was.
• Outspoken/reserved. — Again - this can depend on who you are or what day it is or how beneficial either option serves for him. He's either silent as a Temple mouse or he's the loudest, most boisterous voice in the room.
• Leader/follower. — This can pivot depending on what the mission is becoming. Darrash has absolutely no problem taking the leading role and spearheading the charge, or he can take orders and fall into line, or he could even be providing the cover fire from a good ways removed. He's learned well, he's done well, he's acted better. Just give him something to do; he hates being idle.
• Empathetic/unempathetic. — Darrash is a deep empath, even if he hadn't been Force Sensitive. As a child he offered himself to the cause of recon, infiltration, and usually the attacker - he figured he was the best suited for it with his small frame and stealth capabilities, and would have rather made things easier for his friends to grab the goods. This carried into his time as a trainee and as a field agent: if he can help, he will.
• Optimistic/pessimistic. — Gotta have something to look forward to when you're the living embodiment of "shit is irreversibly fucked and I'm the magic button".
• Traditional/modern. — He loves his gadgets and gizmos - they're pretty exciting to employ in the field and learning about them can help take his mind off of whatever's bothering him. But he was still taught by self and service to rely on himself first and foremost, to tap into his nature and his knowledge. Anything else can be a crutch or a hindrance, the difference between life, limb, and death.
• Hard-working/lazy. — Again, he decided to spend a decade playing nice just to spend three more years as the Empire's little shadow-stepper. And he not once disappointed (even if he did things his own way) his handlers. The job was done no matter what.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S • otp: Vector/Darrash - this is it. they are husbands. i don't care what bioware says i can't do- • ot3: Darrash/TLC/A Warm Bed - I think this is the most important trine, • brotp: Darrash/Lana/Theron - three spies playing their little spy games, but they're genuinely not looking to hurt one another >>>>>> • notp: Darrash/Kaliyo - he would kill her. Full send. It's a miracle he hasn't already.
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abeinginsand · 10 months
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Well now we need the rest of your queerest Discworld characters list
ok here’s my probably completely off the wall list in no particular order -
• Moist: look at him
• Adora: she married moist idk what else you need to know
• William: probably one of the easier characters to read as being a repressed gay
•Tonker and Lofty: do NOT separate them, also canon lesbians
• Otto: silly gay boy
• Rincewind: sillier gay boy
• Maladict: enby masc bisexual vampire is literally their whole thing
• Jackrum: canon trans man and perhaps medias first ever trans absentee father
• Granny: asexual and literally just vibing
And of course,
• Nobby: gnc as fuck
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windowsillbells · 1 year
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this is the funniest scene in the history of film
bonus – a gay little run
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earlgodwin · 8 months
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okay but juan comparing himself to julius ceasar and mark antony gotta be the funniest shit to ever happen on the show like he's so pookie calm downnnn
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going out to war with his silly hat and a smug smile on his face hat thinking he's about to make history...the family fuck-up trying not to fuck-up!!
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only for him to come back losing the war with tears rolling down his face fearing his father's backlash and disappointing his family and rome after trying to prove he's worthy of the position bestowed upon him rip bro can never win.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 6 months
You ever have one of those professors where you're just like... how? How are you,, employed? Y'know, as an instructor. A teacher. Someone who is supposed to teach. How did you get here because, in the least mean way I can possibly say it, so fucking bad at your job?
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seknots-izumimir · 4 months
Love u is there a course you are looking for or are they all...boring this time :(
love u
tbh. i don't. know. most of mine seem pretty. meh. plus i got stuck in a class that runs from 5pm-6pm and i hate that </3
tbh i cannot really think of one. there's another like. game business-y one. and another business class (im so bad at business waaaa)
oh there is a class abt like. communication nd shit tho. which tbh i need <- guy who does Not communicate well irl
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drugbinges · 6 months
Thinking about when I was in first year university residence and I had a picture of wolves eating meat in a forest on my door for like a day until the director of residence told me to take it down bc of "vegans in my hall complaining" RIGHT before she asked me if it was "something more" 😭 like i was about to tell my friends not to come to school the next day
what's even more insane is that she didn't notice the little chibi bunnies holding crack pipes i had up
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cinnamon-phrog · 5 months
I just got more chores done in under an hour that the schedule of college couldn't let me get done in about a week,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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certified-anakinfucker · 10 months
Six Sentence Sunday !?
As if my dumb ass can read, tagged by @kemendin
Heartbeats kept ticking past, Darrash wasn’t sure if he should have bothered listening to words flying in front of him or not. He’d floated back onto the ship, followed onto the bridge, made sure his helmet was tugged down tight. No questions he didn’t want to answer until the inevitable crash landing. He already felt it tugging at his stamina, burning up his eyes just like his skin.
Vector Hyllus, today’s in-house lookout, tilted his head just so. His husband wouldn’t look him in the eye, he noted, and the aura was perverse with sharp anxiety.
tagging uhhh @kiwikipedia @purgetrooperfox @baba-fett @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen @firebird-legacy :3
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unseeleigh · 7 months
ive never been more upset to see the teeny costume in my entire like and i have hated it from day One
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gutsfics · 6 months
having read the latest chapter of Blades i can very firmly say:
if your dwarf women arent indistinguishable from your dwarf men you are doing it wrong
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jestroer · 6 months
God it's like almost Friday already what the hell
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rosielav · 7 months
Iñaki D Luffy is my very best friend and also my son and I can and will die for him
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driftwooddestiel · 1 month
performed my comedy skit thing just now!! it went pretty well i got a fair few laughs especially at my “zest” comment
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