#chieftess virana
shy-peacock · 1 year
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Overall I sorta didn’t entirely fill this prompt- but I came close maybe?!?
Rated G/T cause it’s just conversations. Here you go my friend <3 thank you for the prompt I hope you enjoy it! ❤️ @miabellaholtz
She’s not mad that it’s Raya.
She’s mad at the secrecy.
Virana knew Namaari had feelings for the girl well before she admitted it to her. Her teenage years spent chasing her from Talon to Tail, obsessing about what the Princess of Heart had planned or what she was doing - on the lie that she was “checking in” with the enemy. Keeping tabs on her, as if one girl could overthrow all of Fang.
Well- it was one girl’s ambition that catapulted them to where they were now.
Still, Virana had tried to sway her attention to other pressing matters. Giving her the tools she needed to be a successful leader, putting her in charge of a small scouting group, keeping her focused under General Atitaya’s guard. No matter what she put before her, Namaari’s eyes were focused towards Heart- whether her daughter realized it or not. Following her Heart to be with the literal Princess of Heart.
When the Druuns were gone and the world was at peace, Virana assumed Namaari wouldn’t dare hope for Raya’s affection. The peace was far too new, their history was rooted in far too much pain. This and Namaari displayed no outward affections towards Raya, none that couldn’t be dismissed as friends just being friendly.
So when at last their relationship was brought to her attention, it was a shock to both her and Chief Benja to see how much had transpired before they were let in on their secret.
“We’d like to announce that we are together-…..dating.. for about a year now,”Namaari stated, her hand enclosed in Raya’s as they sat across from their respective parent, “we’ve decided that we want to go public with our courtship.”
Of course Benja was pleased with this. He had the luxury of being absent from Raya’s life the last six years, if that could be considered a luxury, which made this transition smooth and easy for him. He only wanted to see Raya’s happiness, he only wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t waste the time he now had with his child spent arguing on trivial things.
He was happy for them both, giving his blessing immediately to Namaari and her intentions to pursue his daughter.
Virana gave hers, but there was no celebration in her tone.
“Your future is your choice-…” she had said, “I respect your decision.”
Maybe that was the wrong thing to say, maybe it was far too blunt. She could see the disappointment reflected in her child’s face, how Namaari had wanted her to be far more excited for them. Happy for them, wanting them to be together as much as they did.
She was happy for them, for their own choices. But it felt like a blindside, as if Namaari had lied to her all these months. Here she had believed Namaari and Raya were friends, close sure, but nothing more. Now it was certain that she had been with her this entire time, sneaking about, hiding their relationship from everyone.
Including her own mother!
She had believed they were closer than that. She believed Namaari would have told her about Raya the first week they had begun seeing each other as she had in past relationships- the very few Namaari did entertain.
She felt hurt by this, so when the meeting was at its end- Virana simply left. She did not pull Namaari to the side and speak with her, or belittle her choices or even express frustrations or anger with her. Nor did she tell her the opposite- joy or happiness, that she was thrilled for this courtship at all. She feigned indifference- which was potentially worse than anger or acceptance.
Namaari did not approach her, letting her leave, and in the days that followed there became tension between them. Awkward, stuffy and tight.
Namaari only approached her for tedious things- hoping to spark conversation, only for the discussion to fall flat. The last important task they discussed was that of their announcement to the lands. This- Namaari and Raya wanted to do before their friends, holding a party, celebrating their new devotion to one another.
It was the right thing to do- an event that was more brought up out of respect than anything. A means to let their fellow peers and the lands know of their official status.. Again, Virana felt slighted by this. Seeing their need to do the right thing only now that they’ve seen the repercussions of how they wronged Virana.
The day came and they made their announcement. It was well received, which was an understatement, as cheers rang out so loudly that it could have been heard all the way to Tail. The party continued thereafter, people drank and ate and danced while the couple was approached again and again- congratulating them, giving them their blessings. It was almost as if the pair were getting married and not only dating, Virana couldn’t imagine how excited the world would react if they made it to marriage.
Of course they would- Virana was sure of that.
She found herself lingering away from the festivities, outside at the balcony where Fang stretched before her. A guard or two was posted at the entrance that led inside, though otherwise she was alone now. Allowing her thoughts to flow easily around her, the cool air of the late evening wrapping her in a hug- her breathing easy and calm. Unknowing until that moment that she had been overwhelmed with everything inside, thanking her mind for maneuvering herself here without even realizing she needed it. Enjoying the solitude, briefly, before the guards behind her shifted and she knew someone was coming out to join her on the balcony.
She thought, if anyone, it would be Namaari.
Yet as she turned, glancing back, she saw that it was Raya instead.
She was casual yet careful with her step, coming to Virana with a sheepish sort of look to her face. Hands behind her back like her Father did, resting them.
“Mind if I join you?” She asked, cocking her head somewhat to the side.
Virana motioned for her to come, yet said nothing more. The Princess of Heart finding a comfortable distance at her right, watching the same view that Virana was trying to enjoy alone.
Silence came easily, to her surprise, and Virana waited until Raya was going to speak. Knowing she didn’t come this way to sit in total silence with her. Expecting she intended to clear the air with Virana about this whole dating thing between her and Namaari. Again, to her surprise, Raya wouldn’t speak again until several long minutes later- truly enjoying this silent moment between them, taking her time at finding the words she wanted to say. Virana letting this time pass, then she listened as Raya began to speak.
“Please don’t be cross with Namaari about all of this..” she began, getting right into it. Causing Virana to scoff in response.
“And what makes you think I am?” She challenged, her tone even and calm, yet she gave Raya a stern look. One that Raya hardly seemed intimidated by.
“I didn’t, however Namaari does.” She explained, giving her a smile, “but now based on your reaction- I do too.”
Virana looked from Raya to the scenery again, staying silent despite being caught. Allowing Raya to continue, while she feigned indifference once more.
“It’s my fault Namaari waited to announce our relationship…” she admitted, “she was only considering my feelings…as I was scared-“
“You hardly strike me as the type to be scared or anything.” Virana interjected, chuckling at the dea, “considering how you handled far more difficult matters such as the Druuns.”
“Druuns are easy-…they just seek out to destroy…there’s no second guessing what their angle is, or putting your faith in them only to be let down..” Raya stated, “people can be difficult-…they can say one thing and do the exact opposite or lie right to your face..”
She paused, waving her hand.
“But I trust Namaari-…because she’s shown me that I can-..though I am still new to all of this…I’ve never dated anyone before or felt the feelings I have for her with anyone else before..” she explained, “so-…as far as Druuns and surviving on my own and even something tedious as making jackfruit jerky, I know those things…I’m used to those twists and turns…the trial and errors-…but dating and being amongst people again like this-…? That’s like jumping off a cliff and hoping there’s water below to catch you.”
Virana nodded, her face still despite her mind traversing through time at the mention of this. Thinking then of her own past relationship, her husband who had departed from this world many years ago. Recalling of those early days when they were young and in a that newness of their budding relationship. There were so many worries and what if’s, yet she recalled how confident they both were about it all working out for them. How, truly, they were soulmates. Still were, despite losing him to death.
“Namaari was waiting for me to be ready-…and so we kept our relationship a secret.” Raya finished, stepping right though those old memories that Virana had briefly lost herself in, “if I had been braver, we would have spoken to you about it ages ago…which I know is the proper way to do things and what we should have done…so for that, I am sorry..”
Virana nodded, watching Raya carefully. Seeing the clearness in her eyes, the determination in her face. She was telling the truth, probably sharing more than Namaari would have with her if they had done this ‘properly’. Hell- she imagined that she still wouldn’t speak on it even if Virana had demanded an answer of her the last few days. If Raya had asked her to keep it a secret, she would have, which was now slowly making more sense as to why her daughter hadn’t told about their relationship.
She huffed, shaking her head then.
Of course her child of all people would show such unwavering loyalty. Keeping Raya from baring the weight of the blame, silently taking some for herself.
Virana felt grateful for that, seeing they were already working as a unified force, yet almost a little guilty. Realizing she had been so caught up with feeling hurt and angry that they hadn’t told her right away and assuming the worst, instead of respecting the reasoning why they may have chosen to wait.
She felt a little foolish now, a little old and struggling with the notion that she was stuck in her ways. Feeling then as if she had to explain herself to Raya as she had done to her.
Maybe that’s why she shared her own concerns with Raya then, opening up their conversation more, a concern she didn’t even realize she had until she spoke it out loud.
“Namaari is my only child-…my greatest accomplishment…and I am not lost on the poor choices both of us have made over the years-…choices that, at the time, seemed to be for the benefit of our people who were struggling…yet still, we were wrong to do what we had done.” She explained, “still- I don’t want this to be a matter of Namaari needing to prove her worthiness to Heart…or for her to feel beneath you because of the past-.”
“She is my equal-!“ Raya interjected, her cheeks reddening as she realized her rudeness, “uh- I’m sorry-..I just mean-…I don’t feel that way…at all.”
Virana chuckled, shaking her head somewhat at her insistence.
“But does Heart?” She asked then, “will they agree with your choice?”
“Heart will recognize her as my equal as well as my choice.” She stated, clear and decisive “because that is what she is-…it’s how we will present ourselves…and I will remind them again and again that Namaari’s place in Heart is just as fitting as my own.”
Virana took her in again, her eyes and her stature- seeing again that she meant those words. A warmth filling her as she noticed herself relax, feeling at ease by her statement. Gaining peace that she hadn’t realized she lost over the last few days.
There was much she wanted to say then, things she wanted to apologize for too, but before she could say another word- one of the guards at the door awkwardly shuffled in her direction. Finding her, delivering a message from another who had made their way to him.
“Your Majesty-…the Princess was looking for you…” they said, giving her an apologetic look, knowing they were intervening her and Raya’s conversation.
Virana almost laughed.
Of course Namaari noticed the absence of both her Mother and Raya now. Leaving her daughter panicked, no doubt, quite possibly thinking the worst of her in that moment. If only she could see how their conversation had transpired.
“We’ll speak later..” she said, giving Raya a kind smile, “thank you-…”
At this, she began to walk away, following the guard that would lead her to Namaari, who would be thrilled to hear about the conversation they had just had. Only Raya walked a few steps behind her, wanting to have one final word with the Chief of Fang before they parted ways
“I just want you to know…I have every intention of asking your permission to marry her one day…when all is settled and we’ve had our time as a couple together...” she practically blutered out, confident and loud in the hush surrounding the balcony- her face reddening then as she realized her voice carried high into the air, lowering it then as she added, “if you’ve gathered anything from our conversation- I hope you understand that-..despite my hesitance before ..I am serious about my commitment to Namaari…I love her.”
Virana couldn’t help it, she smiled. A happiness finding her in those words. She turned, laying a hand against Raya’s shoulder gently. Allowing her to see said joy on her face at her words. Leaving Raya then with these final words.
“Then I have every intention of giving you my blessing, when that day comes.”
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lift-heavy-be-gay · 1 year
Fandom: Raya and the Last Dragon (2021)
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: 1367
Chapter Summary:  
person C: hey are you free on friday? B: sure C: cool, what about you? A: yes, I am C: great! because I’m not. you two go on without me. have fun on your date!
or the one where Namaari is romantic softie
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shadowjinx626 · 2 years
You know, I find it weird that a lot of criticisms on Raya and the Last Dragon were so focus on Namaari and how she didn't "deserve" to be trust. Because I'm was more bothered that all of the tribes, espicially the protagonists (except Sisu), decided to use the Fang as a scapegoat for releasing the Druun.
Like after finding out what Fang tried to do, all the tribes decided to go after the crystal and fight each, and fought again after Chief Benja got shot with an arrow. Each tribe then took one piece of the crystals and ran away even after seeing Chief Benja standing against the Druun. All of the tribes also kept the crystals to themselves for a long period of time.
Instead of only blaming on Fang, the protagonists should've acknowledge at some point in the film that Fang wasn't the only tribe to have messed up the world. Chieftess Virana was defiantly right being fearful of what the other tribes were going to do to Fang.
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I guess I gotta be the one to say it, but Namaari didn’t get that ancient dragon scroll by herself. She says that she’s been taught to never trust anyone outside of Fang so it’s not like she’s going to bring a precious relic to Heart without her mother’s permission. The “go ahead. It’s alright” that Virana gives her is a cue to set the plan into motion. Everything about Namaari is meant to endear her to Raya; including the Sisu pendant. Only Raya, Benja, and Namaari wear anything with dragons on it and there’s a reason for that.
Then there’s the fact that the Fang soldiers showed up seconds after Namaari set off the firework, indicating that they were on their way to the Dragon Gem chamber anyway and had likely been following the girls. The way that Namaari looks to Virana for reassurance after the other lands show up to claim the Gem and how Virana pulls Namaari away once they have the gem shard.
There’s the delightful little tidbit where not only has the entire population of Fang been on their island for 500 years, but the Chieftess is teaching the history of Fang (and the other lands) to children. It’s Virana’s favorite thing to do and Namaari loves hearing about it. But she’s also teaching them to never ever trust anyone who isn’t Fang. And with Namaari, she’s teaching her daughter to be just like her.
Virana lets Namaari go hunting for Sisu and the Gems but thinks that Namaari is being too emotional and isn’t surprised when she fails to bring them back.
The way that Virana handles the news of Sisu and tells Namaari that it’s no longer her concern what happens and that she’ll handle Raya and Sisu, tells us that Virana still has a leash on Namaari. Despite how anxious Namaari gets about what’s coming up, she still feels that she has no choice in the matter. In fact, Virana not showing an elaborate plan probably means that she was using Namaari and the Dragon Gem as bait (because how do you think Namaari got the Dragon Gem? You think she stole it from her mother? Please) to get Raya and Sisu to let their guards down.
Namaari desperately wants to be someone that Sisu (and Raya) can trust. She doesn’t make the decision to save the world until she realizes that Raya trusts her as much as Sisu did.
Anyway, Namaari is very smart but she’s 100% being used and manipulated by her mother.
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/2X2MXow #
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After making her screen debut in 1989, Sandra Oh has enjoyed a remarkable career in both film and television. Although the versatile talent and 12-time Emmy nominated actress is best known for her iconic roles as Cristina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy and Eve Polastri on Killing Eve, Oh has also worked with some of the finest movie directors, including Alexander Payne, Steven Soderbergh, Mina Shum, John Cameron Mitchell, and more.
RELATED: Killing Eve – 10 Best Quotes From The Show
As fans continue to enjoy Oh’s new hit Netflix sitcom The Chair, it’s worth recollecting her best movie moments for those who want to see more of the talented actress on the big screen.
10 Defendor (2009): 6.8
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Peter Stebbings’ dark offbeat superhero comedy Defendor stars Oh as Dr. Ellen Park, a psychiatrist who gives hilarious facial and verbal reactions to the outlandish story relayed to her by Arthur Poppington (Woody Harrelson), an ordinary man moonlighting as a vigilante crime fighter.
Cut from the same genre-bucking, irreverent cloth as James Gunn’s Super, once Arthur confesses his secret life to Dr. Park, she convinces the judge to go easy on him and allow him to continue his heroic activity. When tragedy strikes, Oh shows how much heartfelt pathos she can portray by attending a touching ceremony for her patient.
9 Under The Tuscan Sun (2003): 6.8
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Written and directed by the late Audrey Wells, Under the Tuscan Sun is a delightfully uplifting rom-com about Frances (Diane Lane), a writer who ups and leaves her life in San Francisco to live in Tuscany after discovering her husband’s infidelity. Oh plays Patti, Frances’ best friend who encourages her to travel to Italy.
RELATED: Sandra Oh – 10 Best Roles, Ranked (According To Rotten Tomatoes)
In addition to the gorgeous locations, breezy tone, and rich cinematography, Oh adds complexity to the story as Patti, a lesbian expecting a child even after her lover Grace (Kate Walsh) has left her. It’s Patti’s visit to Tuscany when she’s nine months pregnant that helps Frances find the courage to pursue true love despite the painful past.
8 Double Happiness (1994): 7.0
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Oh made her feature film debut in Mina Shum’s must-see coming-of-age tale Double Happiness, in which she plays the lead role of Chinese-Canadian Jade Li. The intensely personal semiautobiographical drama shows how divided Jade is between her traditional Chinese upbringing and her modern Canadian lifestyle.
With a natural performance by Oh matched with the authentic, well-observed writing of Shum, the movie is a universally relatable tale of a person grappling with their own identity while trying to appease the expectations of loved ones. In her first film performance, Oh won the Genie Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, proving what a titanic talent she has been from the start.
7 Rabbit Hole (2010): 7.0
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John Cameron Mitchell’s Rabbit Hole is a bruising account of a family dealing with the death of a young child at the hands of a teenage driver. Nicole Kidman gives a memorable and towering performance as Becca, a mournful mother who begins to find solace by interacting with Jason (Miles Teller), the driver who accidentally took her son’s life.
Although she has a smaller supporting role, Oh plays Gabby, a fellow grieving parent who helps Howie (Aaron Eckhart) deal with his loss at the group therapy sessions he and Becca attend. With profound empathy for Howie, she becomes instrumental in his healing process.
6 Meditation Park (2017): 7.1
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Twenty-three years after working with Mina Shum for the first time, Oh reunited with the filmmaker for the sweet-natured drama Meditation Park in 2017. The story concerns Maria Wang (Pei-Pei Cheng), an aging woman in the throes of an existential crisis upon suspecting her husband’s infidelity. Oh plays Maria’s daughter Ava, a mother of two who encourages Maria to reconcile with her estranged brother ahead of his wedding and break free from her husband’s hold.
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As another trenchant glimpse at the immigrant experience and a statement about the importance of women finding their own voice, Shum’s film is tender, touching, and triumphant.
5 Hard Candy (2005): 7.1
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David Slade’s Hard Candy is a deeply unnerving glimpse at a predatory pedophile (Patrick Wilson) getting his just deserts when a teenager (Elliot Page) tricks, traps, and tortures him in his apartment. Oh plays the man’s neighbor, Judy Tokuda, admitting she only took the role due to her working relationship with Page, a fellow Canadian she worked with on Wilby Wonderful the year prior.
With most of the action set inside the inescapable apartment, the visceral terror of the violence that Hayley (Page) exacts on Jeff (Wilson) is met by the suffocating sense of claustrophobia, making for a really upsetting experience. However, the hugely satisfying conclusion helps atone for the squeamish and uncomfortable moments of carnage.
4 Last Night (1998): 7.2
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The most unheralded of Oh’s top films happens to be Last Night, a mordant pitch-black comedy about the impending apocalypse and the rag-tag band of Canadians with differing views on how to react. With the end of the world set to strike at midnight, Sandra (Oh) tries to make it out of her stranded position in Toronto and reunite with her husband, Duncan (David Cronenberg). One bad thing after another ensues.
Weird, wild, and ultimately winning, Last Night boasts writer/director Don McKellar’s signature brand of dark humor and anarchic energy. As such, the film has become an unforgettable cult classic among those who’ve seen it.
3 Raya And The Last Dragon (2021): 7.4
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With great respect and honor for the rich historical traditions of Southeast Asia, Raya and the Last Dragon is one of Disney’s most beloved recent animated movies. Sandra Oh lends her voice to the commanding role of Virana, the Fang chieftess and mother of Raya’s main rival, Namaari (Gemma Chan).
RELATED: Raya And The Last Dragon – What The Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life
With a moving story, spellbinding animation, and characters never before seen, Raya and the Last Dragon continue to soar in the hearts and minds of viewers.
2 Sideways (2004): 7.5
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Directed by her then-husband Alexander Payne, Oh demonstrated her hilarious comedic chops in the indie darling Sideways, a character study of a failing writer at an existential crossroads. The boozy road trip follows Miles (Paul Giamatti), an uptight novelist, and his lecherous pal Jack (Thomas Hayden Church), as they hit Santa Barbara wine country on a tasting tour.
Praised for its excellent performances and light tonal touch between comedy and drama, Oh gives a standout turn as Stephanie, a cool sommelier who has a steamy love affair with Jack (whom she does not know has a fiancee). When she finds out, she goes absolutely ballistic in one of the movie’s funniest moments. The story is so sharply penned that it won an Oscar for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay.
1 The Red Violin (1998): 7.6
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Despite playing a bit role as Madame Ming in the fifth and final chapter of The Red Violin, the ambitious epic ranks among Sandra Oh’s most well-received movie to date. The film traces a famed 17th-century Violin from its creation in Italy to its auction in modern-day Montreal, and all that the instrument endured in creating some of the most beautiful music the world has ever heard.
Praised for its sumptuous set decorations and costume designs, Oscar-winning original music, intelligent story, and a throwback style of filmmaking that calls to mind the grand epics of the past, the resonance of The Red Violin is still felt today.
NEXT: Steven Spielberg’s 10 Best Historical Epics
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shy-peacock · 2 years
I saw that cute post you made where Namaari has a habit of sleeping in with Raya so could you make a fic where Virana needs Namaari for something and sees her dead asleep with Raya?
And Virana leaves them and acts annoyed but she’s honestly happy they’re happy. Don’t feel pressured I just think they’re so cute 😭❤️
Fluff/silliness ahoy~
Somewhat proofread- rated G for good cuddles???? (Short! Atitaya POV and set in canon-verse)
It was a miracle that Atitaya could keep up with the woman.
Her Leader, the Chieftess of Fang, Virana.
Despite her age, she clearly was as nimble as ever as she tore down the hallways of Fang. Fury in her eyes, intention in every step. Mumbling this and that about her daughter, the future Leader of Fang, Princess Namaari.
“I broke her of this bad habit years ago!” She fumed, “Gods, please tell me she isn’t regressing at the age of twenty-two!”
The “bad habit” was sleeping in.
Being “lazy” as her Mother would put it, sleeping away the morning when she could be up bettering herself or the people of Fang. Instilling the practice in her that she should rise before the sun and be in bed late into the night when the work was done. An exhausting feat- but one they could handle as the two of them were both determined and ambitious enough to pull off the shortened hours of rest.
That- and stubborn.
Namaari used to struggle with this lesson. She used to scramble when the sun had risen and her Mother’s voice carried down the hall, commanding her to rise before the count of ten. Sometimes three if she were particularly testy that day. The Princess barely throwing on her clothes, her boots clumping awkwardly as she fell through the doorway. A sight no one in Fang would ever see, but Atitaya had the pleasure of seeing the young Princess struggle with this nearly every single day.
When her Mother had grown exasperated of teaching the lesson to her again and again, it was Atitaya who was assigned to the task to wake Namaari up and get her into the practice of doing it on her own. A simple chore on paper, however Atitaya had the worst time with it whenever Namaari had hit a growth spurt or the Kingdom was troubled with one issue or the next; her anxiety peaking and keeping her slumber at bay till early morning. Leading Atitaya to resort to physically shaking the girl awake, which could take several long minutes even after that.
Reason why Virana had called for her today. Making her do the physical work so she could save her energy for scolding her child.
They neared Namaari’s bed chambers, Virana’s face as red as a beet as she came to the door. Grabbing ahold of the handle and ripping the door open. Virana’s voice already piercing the air as she stepped inside.
Atitaya had been so busy trying to catch up to Virana, that she didn’t even realize the woman had stopped dead in her tracks. Not until she bumped right into her back, an awkward apology on her lips as she expected her Leader to turn around and scold her as well. But the woman stayed still, frozen in place, while Atitaya just stared at the back of her head in confusion.
Waiting, expecting the words to spill out, and then coming around the woman and further into the room. Seeing then what had stopped her rampage so suddenly.
Namaari was asleep, as expected, but she was not alone.
Which was unexpected.
Even more so- the person who was with her.
Princess Raya, whom Atitaya didn’t even know was visiting, was propped up a bit against Namaari’s headboard. Asleep, head tilted to the side as if she had fallen asleep in the middle of a conversation. In her arms was Namaari, whom rested her entire body into Raya’s embrace. Looking so at peace, sleeping so soundly that Atitaya swore she heard her snore. Not a care in the word, happily allowing Raya to hold her as she slept. The two falling asleep- but God knows for how long. All night? Just this morning?
And how the hell did Raya even get up here?!
Her bag at the window answered that last question, but Atitaya found that while the one question was answered a million more came to mind. All of which had to be pushed aside as Chieftess Virana turned on her heels and retreated out the door. Walking back from whence they came, her step slower now as Atitaya followed after. Shutting the door gently behind her, allowing the two to sleep in peace.
Still, Atitaya asked, “would…you like me to wake them.”
Virana just stared ahead, her hand lightly touching her lips as she contemplated. A tiny twitch in her lips.
Was she-…smiling?
“No, let them sleep.” Virana stated, her tone lighter. Giving Atitaya exactly what she needed to verify how the leader of Fang felt about the Princesses’ recently discovered courtship. Pleased by it.
Atitaya found herself smiling too, happy to see the Chieftess approve.
Truthfully, Namaari had been working nonstop for Fang as of late. Reunification was a welcomed plan for Kumandra, but that didn’t make things any easier. Namaari worked harder these past few months than she ever saw her before, more than anyone Atitaya had ever known as well. Trying to prove herself, for whatever that reason may be, to not only Fang but all of Kumandra.
Seeing her sleep, so at peace as she was with the Princess of Heart? It was nice. Or so Atitaya thought, Virana clearly agreeing as well.
“She seemed relaxed.” Atitaya mentioned, “and…happy-“
Virana forced an eye roll, still her smile did not waiver.
“She had better enjoy it-“ she scoffed, shaking her head amusedly, “she’s still going to get an earful from me later!”
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The thing I really like is that even though Fang is portrayed as villainous, it’s all about perspective.
Chieftess Virana calls the children of Fang “kittens” and enjoys spending time with them.
Namaari is looked at as a hero by the children of Fang and her every action is guided by helping her people.
General Atitāya worries about Fang’s future and wants what’s best for her people.
They aren’t heartless, they all want what’s best for Fang.
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