#chitaphon leechayapornkul
messiisgodibeliveinhim · 10 months
What if NCT was a regular group?
Rather than having 20 members (and god knows how many more will be added with NCT Tokyo), what if NCT was a five member group? If I were to make the group, who would be in it and why?
I personally think that NCT is a bloated group and that there are too many members who are not that talented or just don't stand out. Having too many members also takes the shine and attention away from the actual talented members in the group. The unique concept of the group of adding members whenever the company pleases and creating more and more subunits, makes it hard for the fans to get into the group. The concept is waaaay too complex and not very beneficial in the long run.
So, I was wondering what would NCT look like without any subunits and with only limited number of members.
I'll begin by choosing 5 members who are the most talented and deserve to be in the group.
Taeyong, Mark, Jaehyun, Ten and Haechan.
They are all multi talented and can contribute tremendously to the group. Let's break it down.
Taeyong: Leader, Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Centre, Main Visual, Face of The Group
Taeyong is the most talented out of NCT. He's a good rapper and a dancer, an amazing leader and his visuals are absolutely no joke. His stage presence is INSAAANE! I think all his positions in this group is justified. He has brought in a lot of fans for NCT since and still continues to do so. When you think of NEO CULTURE TECHNOLOGY, Taeyong is the one who usually comes to people's minds first. He's the most popular internationally and is quite popular domestically. He has the biggest and the most dedicated fanbase. Not to mention, he also writes and composes songs and choreographs dances. He's also very creative and brings some great ideas to the group. He's pretty good at what he does and he's too valuable to leave him out of the group.
Mark: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
Mark is extraordinary. He's a fantastic rapper and a pretty great dancer. He's written most of his own rap (along with Taeyong) since debut. Has several solo songs as well. And seriously, one of the most hardworking members in NCT. You can always see him giving his 110% during his performances. He has a pretty good stage presence too. He too has one of the biggest fanbases, both domestically and internationally. As a english speaking member in the group, he can contribute greatly when it comes communicating with international fans. He's one of the most important members of NCT, so I'm definitely adding him to this group.
He'll be a main rapper along with Taeyong, becuz MarkYong as a duo is iconic. While Taeyong has a wide range when it comes to rapping, going from slow to deep raspy style, Mark balances him out with his fast paced and sharp rap style. It'll be a crime to not put them together in the same group.
Jaehyun: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Main Visual
Jaehyun has a prince-like visuals, which is why he will be a main visual along with Taeyong in this group. He's a pretty good dancer and has honey like vocals. His baritone voice will bring balance to the group full of tenors. He's not a good rapper, hence I'll not be giving him the role of sub or lead rapperrapper, sry :( He has the biggest fanbase domestically and well liked internationally. He has a few writing credits here and there, with a few solo songs and a cover that went viral as well. I've to say, he'll be a welcome addition to the group.
Ten: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
He's the best dancer in NCT, like insane level good. He also has butter-like soothing voice. He's a great asset for English songs, because he has a good understanding of the accent and pronunciations. For smoother & cleaner dance breaks, he'll take the center position but for the hard hitting or rougher ones, Taeyong will lead the group for it. He can also choreograph, though I'm not sure if he has experience choreographing for other members like Taeyong but it still counts. His knowledge of multiple languages will help promote the group globally, along with Mark. He'll be a key member to the group in a lot of aspects.
Haechan: Main vocalist, Lead dancer
Haechan's voice is unique and adds a lot of depth to the songs. He has a good vocal control as well, doesn't strain. He's a very good dancer too and his stage presence is immaculate. I think he'll also do really well during variety show promos due to his extrovertness and personality, but becuz he's in a huge group, he didn't get to shine there yet. That can change in this group, with proper promo in proper places. Overall, I think he's perfect to finish this wonderful lineup.
So yeah, this is my selection for THE NCT group. Notice how there is no sub rapper, sub vocalist etc? I personally think that these 'sub' positions are redundant and people with these positions don't add anything to the group. This group I made has members who are very talented and skilled. They'll be able to pull off a lot of concepts and bring a lot of fans to the group, becoming really popular. This is an all rounded group, where every member brings a lot to the table and no member is riding any on other member's talent and hard work to get fame or attention. For me, this lineup is PERFECT!
Lemme know what you guys think or reply with your own version of the best NCT group.
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neokimlight · 3 years
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chitaphon leechayapornkul
─TEN ─ wallpaper
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