#clocks resetting to 12 whenever they’re turned off/on
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Me trying to figure out twelvegate:
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lil-bit-louder · 3 months
4 12 14 19 for the first part 
6 7 for the second part! 
4. Genie granted you three NSFW wishes. What are you wishing for?
Serious: I wish I could turn my brain off more easily. I tend to get really up in my head during sex and not enjoy it because of that. Honestly, part of the appeal of BDSM is just that it gives me something to think about 😭
More fun: I wish everyone could somehow clock me for the subby slut that I am. I wish you could spot it from a mile away and take advantage of it whenever you want ♥️ I want to be groped and used in public, everyone knowing exactly what buttons to push to reset my brain and reduce me to a drooly mess ☺️
Lastly, I wish for a body swap, just because I’m extremely curious about what it’s like to have a pussy and I’m annoyed I’ll never get to know 😔
12. What’s the weirdest thing that turned you on? Did you masturbate to it? Would you do it again?
This is such a hard question 😭
I’m *super* into intox stuff, but irl try not to drink or smoke much because I get scared by losing control. But I definitely have masturbated to it a lot 😩 That’s kinda weird!
But I’ll go through weird phases of getting into strange porn niches that weird me out when I’m not turned on, like massive amounts of cum for example. (uhh if you want more examples feel free to send me weird porn for a rating 🫣)
I think the thing that would strike most normies as weirdest would be all the monster fucking, because of how taboo some aspects of that are. Like, I think most people would be alarmed about having too many feelings about werewolf cock.
14. What body part would you worship on other people to the end of time because NGHHHH?
Thighs 🤤 Running my hands up and down them, squeezing and scratching and kissing them, holding fast to them while I eat you out, feeling them squeeze around me… GOD just THIGHS.
18. You can do only ONE thing to your partner sex-wise for an entire month. What is your pick?
Spend the month fucking my mouth. I don’t need to cum. What I need is to be trained in getting you off. Make me intimately familiar with your pussy. Make sure I treat you right, and grab my hair and push me down if I don’t. Watch me grind against the bed in desperation. There’s a month left to go.
6. What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?
People have said a lot of nice things about my cock 🫣 but I never know whether to believe them, idk people feel like they’re supposed to say a lot of things during sex and I get weird about it
7. What’s a part of clothing you would love to see your crush/partner in?
Sweatpants for a day in of unrestrained lust
Women’s formalwear. Just. 👌 good shit
I’ve had a couple girlfriends who looked ridiculously appealing in just their nice jeans and a hoody. Idk I’m not really a lingerie kinda person, or that into latex or leather … my fantasies tend to be more domestic or grounded I think, and I don’t need any help looking at someone attractive and becoming obsessed with them 😩
6. Creampie or Throatpie?
Depends on who’s receiving 🫣 umm in my experience, the first one
7. Cuck someone or Get cucked?
I’m actually not really into cuckoldry! OTOH… I really love the idea of being shared, or being “forced” to pleasure someone. Does that count as cucking my partner in a weird way? If they join in, are they cucking me too? Tell us, Socrates!
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gothify1 · 5 years
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As a fashion market editor , I undoubtedly enjoy some job perks (travel, clothes, events… to name a few), but my favorite part of going into the office every day is the conversation among the editors , particularly when it comes to advice. I can’t tell you how many new brands I’ve learned about, the amount of fashion celebrity news I’ve kept up with, or even the number of cool new dinner spots I've discovered, all thanks to my colleagues. Another bonus is that I sit right behind the Who What Wear beauty team , which means I get to eavesdrop on everything they discuss, from amazing supplements to the newest makeup launches to a facial they recently tried. Luckily, I also get to test-drive some of the products they receive, sometimes acting as a guinea pig for a new lipstick or skincare item that landed on their desks. I always want to know everything about how to make my beauty, skincare, and wellness regimens better (especially now that my wrinkles are real), so I’m always open to hearing their expert tips and thoughts on the latest and greatest in the wellness-and-beauty space. From what products help you feel less bloated to the items you should never use on your face and how to prevent breakouts, below I’m sharing the essential tips and tricks that I’ve learned from our beauty-and-wellness team—and the must-have products they swear by. "Taking a consistent dosage of magnesium every day has been game-changing for me this year. I usually take it right before bed (this new Moon Juice launch tastes so dreamy and immediately disappears into water), and it helps me sleep, stave off stress, and feel less bloated. It's basically a magical supplement I've been telling everyone to look into if they suffer from any of the above issues." "I feel like people think brush-on fiber mascaras are passé, but if you find a good formula, the results are so good and way easier than dealing with false lashes, extensions, or other lash-related options. I can't quit this particular one from Australian brand MCo Beauty and start to panic whenever the tube starts to reach its end. I always get compliments on my lashes when I wear it (people think they're extensions!), so I've been telling everyone about this." "Don't use coconut oil as a beauty product. I think I'm especially sensitive to coconut oil and coconut oil–derived ingredients, but just looking at the stuff makes me break out and my pores clog. It's in SO many beauty products these days, and I'm secretly convinced it's the reason so many adults are having random acne issues they never had before. I pretty much have to scan every single ingredient list, and lip products are the absolute worst offenders. For anyone who's been breaking out around their mouth or lips, check your products! The below lip balm from PCA Skin is my favorite and one of the only products I've ever tried that keeps my lips hydrated for literally days and doesn't have coconut oil or any other comedogenic oils in it." "I was plagued by the worst and most stubborn breakouts until I realized a sneaky supplement I was taking (the biotin in my favorite hair gummies) was the cause behind my never-ending cycle of acne. I'm bummed because I loved my hair gummies, but ever since I quit them cold-turkey, my skin has cleared, and I haven't gotten any new breakouts. I did some research and asked my go-to esthetician, Dakota Katt at Vanessa Hernandez Skincare, about it, and it turns out this is totally a thing and a huge issue for a lot of people since our bodies can only absorb so much biotin. Sad, but true. Instead, I'll be solely relying on my favorite multivitamins from Ritual (which don't have biotin) to keep everything topped up." "I mist my face all day, every day. I keep spritzers and aerosols on my desk and in my car so I can mist on the go for an extra hit of moisture or even to reapply SPF. It's a quick and easy way to care for my skin no matter where I am." "Clear lip gloss is one of the first beauty products I was allowed to wear as a teenager, so my love for it runs deep. No matter how my day is going, adding a swipe of shiny gloss to my lips instantly makes me feel 100% fiercer." "Don't quiz me on the science behind face rollers, but I've been really into taking this tool to my face before bed at night. I haven't noticed a huge difference just yet, but the instant soothing and tension release coupled with the potential de-puffing that could come into play are all motivation enough for me to stick with it." "Water is (almost) always the answer. Or at least it's the first question I ask if I'm feeling off: Did you drink enough water today? I always try to make sure I drink enough water throughout the day so I'm feeling energized and refreshed. Bringing along a reusable water bottle always ensures I'm hydrating." "I think it's important to take lots of breaks throughout the day, no matter what you're doing, but especially when you're at work. It's a nice mental health reset. I like to take a walk around (even if it's just for a couple of minutes), take some deep breaths, and center my mind. Luckily, I have an Apple Watch, so it tells me when I should stand up and stretch, but if you don't have one, just try to do it every one or two hours." "This is a sleep trick I've learned from an expert I spoke to for a story about falling back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night: Don't clock-watch. Before, when I used to look at my phone or nightstand clock, I'd start thinking (and thinking and thinking) about how many hours I had left for sleep until I had to wake up, which would cause me to stress out. Now, I force myself to not reach for my phone, which is also great since there's no light to disrupt my eyes or Instagram to distract me, and that's made a world of difference for falling back to sleep quicker." There's no denying Augustinus Bader's cult-loved face cream is quite expensive at $265 a pot. But the holy-grail cream with A-list fans is worth all the hype. I was able to try a sample from the beauty editors, and I absolutely fell in love. It's seriously hydrating and leaves my skin with an incredible glow. This is now my go-to everyday lipstick thanks to the beauty team. It's universally flattering, and celebs, editors, and beauty mavens can't get enough of it. Where would I be without my dry shampoo? This one instantly soaks up excess oil while adding texture and volume. I think practically every person in our office owns this cult eyebrow product. We're always on a quest to make our brows thick and defined yet natural-looking. Glossier's Boy Brow is the way to do it. For those suffering from acne issues, this face mask is a godsend. It's infused with charcoal and clay, which clear pores and leave skin detoxified, smooth, and perfectly glowy. Not bad for $12! Our sister company, Versed, released an incredible (and affordable) skincare line this year, and, of course, we got to be the first ones to try it. This hydration booster serum is one of my favorites from the collection. It's made of two types of hyaluronic acid, which hydrates the skin and the layers beneath it. The serum can be used alone or with a moisturizer or foundation and is perfect for those with ultra-dry skin. This essential eucalyptus oil will help you shorten your cold overnight—you can also use it to make a DIY vapor rub—just mix with peppermint oil and coconut oil and rub on your chest. Because cold season is officially here, friends! Up next, 17 mascaras that won't irritate sensitive eyes .
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I had never been so unsure as to what country I was in as on Thursday evening when I stepped out of an uber straight into a sludgy river of mud, hit by that thick smell which for whatever sciency reason happens whenever there is a particular excess of the stuff. Surely this type of wafting terrain only exists in the marshes and bogs of Glastonbury or Reading Festival? But as it turns out, having looked it up, mud occurs at festivals all over the world, and not just England (who knew?), especially at ones in cities with as high an annual rainfall as Bogotá. Hence, the scene at the carpark for Estéreo Picnic, Colombia’s biggest music festival, was a vast, squelchy brownness through which cars were revving their hearts out to conquer.
The inside of the festival was, however, a stark contrast to filthy floor. The place twinkled. Fairy lights threaded through the gaps between gazebos sheltering pop-up shops bursting with what Dom would call ‘wavey threads’, fantastically designed clothing unique to anything I’d seen before. Such gazebos stood in two long parallel lines, creating a wide path leading towards the food area, which was furnished with giant cushions designed as oversized Chocoramos (a Colombian chocolate bar/cake-type snack) and rubber dingies tied together and implanted with LEDs to make illuminated technicoloured igloos for people to crash out in. Watching over this area stood a proud tower displaying a clock counting down from 45 minutes. As the timer got closer to zero, the crowd around it got suspiciously bigger; with 5 minutes left on this now rather unnerving clock, the crowd exceeded that of the one watching the band playing in the tent opposite. Was this to commemorate some sort of event or special time of day? Was Judgment Day upon us? Was there a man inside the tower about to punch in the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42? The timer hit zero. Flares shot up into the murky night sky. Small packages started parachuting down from the tower, and the crowd viciously fought to grab them. I wondered what could possibly be so valuable to make humans this riled up, a question which was answered when I caught one of these mysterious descending packages myself, albeit by sitting on Dom’s shoulders. They were cheeseburgers. Cheeseburgers from Presto, one of the country’s leading fast food chains. Of course. What else? The last of the parachutes fell into the defiant claws of some maddened festival-goer and the clock reset itself to 1 hour.
Myself, George, Dom and Stephen wondered about the site for a bit and got some food from one of the numerous burger stands, and then from 7:30 to 2am we were non-stop hopping between the three stages. We saw Cage The Elephant on the main stage, whose new material surprisingly went down a lot better with the Colombian crowd than they’re older stuff, and then for the second time in my life I caught the only the very last song from a clashing Glass Animals set. We then went to go meet Andrew, a former teacher of Stephen’s from his IB school in Bosnia who was in Colombia trying to acquire funding for a new IB school in Medellín. He was a baritone Californian whose staggering height was ideal for a festival mostly attended by people from a country with a relatively low average height. With his silvery black hair, necklace and white button-up, he had the appearance of a wise man. This perceived wisdom was actualised with his first action: buying a bottle of whisky for everyone. With him, we caught The prettily gloomy XX set, in which the best song was the one Jamie XX song they played, followed by the funky house of Bob Moses in the Motorola Tent. We caught all the essentials of The Weeknd’s main stage headline set - The Hills, In The Night, I Feel It Coming, Can’t Feel My Face etc. – before embarking to a packed Budweiser Tent for Justice.
As the French duo didn’t come on until quarter to one, we were pretty knackered from the lateness and the business of the week at work not yet finished, and I didn’t think I would have the energy to enjoy the set. But how wrong I was. For little over 80 minutes I was, in every sense of the word, mindblown. Their show was a total masterclass of the live DJ show. From the moment they took to the stage, ingeniously mixing newer track Safe And Sound into the classic anthem D.A.N.C.E and then back into Safe And Sound, they did not speak, nor did they obnoxiously dance about the stage, they just calmly walked between their cubic decks putting care and focus into their craft, letting the music speak for itself. The stage design was correspondingly simple but incredibly effective, with two walls of LED cubes on either side of the stage which glittered and pulsated to perfection, and a screen behind them displayed elegantly choreographed graphics. I do not believe I have ever seen a show where the light-show so perfectly accompanied the music. I have also never, after seeing a band or artist, immediately felt the need to see them again as I did shuffling out of the tent that night to the sound of the chant “Yusteece! Yusteece!”. It was a faultless set, and the flooring noise of the crowd when the duo stood motionless and silent for almost 2 minutes, before dropping We Are Your Friends, was a true indicator that we were in the presence of greatness.
I was, however, certainly not in the presence of greatness when I studied my groggy reflection the next morning. I had managed to squeeze in 3 hours of sleep before work, which would have to sustain me for a day of rigorous prep for Monday’s ‘Alice In Wonderland’ experience slammed between taking four lessons on debating. By half 3 I was completely drained and searching for any smidgen of energy that would carry me through to The Strokes later that night, energy which I found at the very back of The Silversun Pickups set on the main stage. Agreeing that the band were mediocre, we went for a further explore of the festival site and discovered giant ball pit at the back of the field. We didn’t need a second invitation to dive in, and there was much rejoicing. People got tackled and buried and there was the occasional cascade of silver balls flying about the place. The childlike fun of it all launched me into the Flume set, the first few songs of Two Door Cinema Club, and then finally The Strokes, who played a charming and joyous set. They played for over an hour and a half, wheeling out almost every Strokes song you could possibly want to hear in that time. In our own little space to the left hand side of the main bulk of the crowd, I bopped along to Someday and 12:51 with Marce, who was ridiculously excited to finally see her ‘boyfriend’ Julian in the flesh, and then the whole place blew up for Reptilia and Last Nite. As the band’s momentum grew, so too did the hilarity of our surroundings, mostly due to ‘Messy’ Manuel, who was already too far gone before he bought his second bottle of whiskey. So over Casablancas’ growling vocals, Manuel gave Stephen and I completely illogical, nigh-on farcical, advice on how to talk to girls, which gradually developed into sentences which just made no sense at all, to the extent that even his mate couldn’t understand him when he tried to explain what he wanted to say in Spanish. It was a great show full of nostalgia and positivity; I loved how, despite their massive fame, The Strokes still played as if they were some band just starting out, playing in their social club down the road rather than performing to thousands of adoring people, seemingly improvising the setlist and strumming and fiddling with their instruments between songs. I’m so glad I can tick them off my list of bands to see, and so glad that I got to see them here with the people I did.
There weren’t really any acts on Saturday I was desperate to see. We met up with Andrew again and got some cocktails in, threw some serious shapes at Quantic, a Colombian band who mixed jazz and funk with the traditional music of the Pacific, and then vibed out at Deadmau5’s headline set. Between 11 and going to bed at 4, I cried with laughter 4 times at 4 separate things. For the second week running, I had a weekend that I don’t see myself forgetting any time soon, except this one ended with shovelling pringles into my mouth in front of The Revenge Of The Sith.
God dammit I need to see Justice again.
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wfitvacations · 4 years
Digital detox retreats don’t work, but here’s why you should hike unplugged
Escaping digital life isn’t healthy, research says
While it seems like the healthiest of ideas to unplug from electronics for a week or more, the reality is, it’s pretty stressful. Time goes faster than ever these days, and you’ve got obligations and stuff to reply to. Right?
Hi, I’m Cat, I’m the owner of West Coast Fitness Vacations, a wellness retreat in B.C., Canada that specializes in outdoor fitness and weight loss. Our health retreat is modern, results focused and setup for today’s woman whose juggling 97 things at the same time.
In this article: 
Why digital detoxes are stupid
What the heck is a digital cleanse?
The better solution for digital detox retreats
Finding the unplugged balance
Some apps to help you be healthier with usage
Being without your phone is a luxury these days, which is why, as a luxury fitness retreat, we invite our guests to do just that – but only during program hours. As we disconnect digitally, we reconnect with our self, people, nature, and the world in front of us.
Whistler Fitness Vacations takes guests on this gorgeous hiking trail, Half Note on Whistler Mountain.
Life Hacker agrees – unplugging simply doesn’t work.
In this awesome article they say:
During the food/juice type of detox, the allure is that you’ll feel so great you won’t even miss the junk food; you’ll eat cucumbers for breakfast every day for the rest of your life now that you’ve pushed the reset button. But there’s no equivalent way to return from a digital detox. You can turn off most of your notifications, and get in the habit of putting your phone down more often, but it’s not like you can actually live a phone-free life.
QUICK NOTE: 1/ The title of this blog says to hike unplugged, but definitely bring your phone on hikes for safety. Oh, and hike within the cell range, always. There’s nothing glamorous about falling down a hill onto a logging road, only to discover you’ve sprained your ankle really badly (and can’t call anyone to pick you up). 2/ The research that says digital detoxes aren’t healthy is here and here 🙂 
Digital detoxes are as stupid as juice fasts
I firmly believe that going completely offline is nothing less than anxiety inducing.
My program is setup to be a part-time digital detox that supports participants in developing a healthier relationship with their mobile devices. Phones are not the enemy, and just like yo-yo dieting, extreme rules from other wellness retreats to ‘unplug to reconnect’ is, in my opinion, promoting extreme behavior.
READ: Digital detoxing is the tech equivalent of a juice cleanse—and neither of them work
I’m proud to promote balance. Balance and harmony without the extremes… that’s how I roll. Just like I won’t tell a weight loss retreat client to ‘never eat chocolate’ I wouldn’t enforce a ‘never have your phone’ policy in Whistler. It just doesn’t make sense, and frankly, I don’t know what the digital detox retreats all over the internet are thinking.
Promoting all or nothing behavior is setting up for an unsustainable relationship with technology. And this is likely to trickle over into all-or-nothing diet or exercise mentality. I’m not buying the benefits of digital detox retreats, bottom line.
How our fitness vacations unplug in Whistler
Many of our customers choose a weight loss retreat with us partly because of the digital detox component during scheduled program hours. It’s nice to go on a hike where the other participants aren’t ‘on the scroll’ while walking over rocks, or chatting on their phone. Sometimes you can feel like you’re between everyones conversation with other people on group travel, and it’s hard to find the right moment to jump in and get to know them.
Besides the anti-social factor, it’s also a safety precaution that we request customers not to use ear buds for any reason – even for music. This is because the guides might need to shout out to them at anytime, whether it be wildlife, fallen rocks, or a crew of fast bikers coming in less than 2 seconds.
How it works is from the morning start (9am) until lunchtime (11.30am) your phones are on flight mode, unless you’ve got an emergency that you’re monitoring. I mean let’s face it, if you’re waiting for news from your fathers oncologist, you’re not going to enjoy the hike being blocked from the news.
At lunch you can – of course – session on your phone, and then from 12-2pm it’s digital detox time again. Then from 2pm onwards, it’s all yours to do as you please. You are, after all, an adult.
So what about photos?
We’re one of the few weight loss retreats in Canada where the fitness guides leading your day also double up as photographers. I provide staff with iphones for this task. Nearly all the images on this site were taken by our guides. They’re not professional grade, but definitely good enough for you to leave the photos to us.
We airdrop every week, or everyday if you want – it’s nice to have group photos of the best view points from your day. Of course, if there’s a special photo or view that you’d like to take with your own phone, you can – but only occasionally.
There’s also no cameras allowed during program hours because we’re a fitness retreat and the guided cardio adventures are required to keep a training pace. If we stop infrequently throughout the trails for various guests to take photos of choosing, then it turns more into a leisurely tourism tour. Can’t have that!
My phone was on flight mode while traveling through Bolivia. I didn’t pay data, and could connect whenever there was wifi for facetime etc.
I’ve been unplugged on my travels, and it really bugged me.
I’m not addicted to my phone, but I do enjoy being a good daughter, partner, friend and human. If someone wants to get hold of me, its 2020 and they damn well should be able to, no matter where I am in the world. I want to be that person for them. After a while when people drop off the response game, the out-reacher stops outreaching. I don’t want ‘my people’ to wonder if I’ll be there for them.
Unplug from technology and swap virtual tweets for the sound of real birdsong – even for one hike. You’ll find a restored sense of wellness.
With many of us spending the majority of our day scrolling down our smart phones or responding to emails, it is difficult to fully switch off and relax. This over-exposure to technology can leave us feeling disconnected to the present. This can lead to feeling stressed and overwhelmed; affecting sleep, focus and even our relationships with others.
I think that telling someone not to do something is a surefire way to make them want to do the opposite. I’ve always found the straight up digital detox retreats quite limiting, especially if you’re there for a few weeks.
Finding your highlight reel
Giving yourself the gift of an outdoor fitness vacation is saying YES to reconnecting with your healthier, happier self. Whistler Fitness Vacations is one of the many personal coaching retreats with outdoor fitness activity that’s also supported with personal development. Our life coach led workshops guide you towards clearing your mind and thinking more holistically.
You’re surrounded by incredible scenery – why not put your phone down and look up? Be in the moment, rather than watching others instagram stories and highlight reel. Embrace your own highlight reel and you’ll return home not only fitter, but also rejuvenated mentally. Experiencing the world at a slower pace, leaving behind the virtual, is nothing short of liberating!
What is a digital cleanse?
A digital cleanse helps us detox bad tech habits that infringe on our lives so we can regain more presence. Did you know that Americans spend up to 11 hours a day looking at screens and gadgets like the computer, cell phone, TV and video games? – Ashley Stern
Fit getaways are the perfect time to move your focus towards your fitness, away from your phone. Schedule unplugging – you don’t need to go completely off grid. Just give yourself a few boundaries, start slow such as going to the bathroom without your phone, or a workout. Log-off 60 minutes before bed, buy an old school battery powered alarm clock so you can go tech free in the bedroom.
Minimize social media, finish the conversations you’re having on various threads and don’t post any new ones before you step away. If you post and ghost, there’ll be more pull drawing you back into the phone before you’re ready. It’s refreshing to interact with the world around you in real time, which is basically the draw of digital detox retreats.
Not a phone in sight! Whistler Fitness Vacations strength training sessions, with full focus 🙂
Unplug for an afternoon, to experience a slower pace
Get back to nature with a hike through the landscape or explore the coast by kayak on excursions that will surely thrill your senses. Whistler Fitness Vacations is a restorative trip that includes all kinds of outdoor activity; hiking, biking, kayaking and fitness classes.
You’ll become a great cook, and have soulful discussions with the other guests – if you’re open to it. But not if you’re on your cell phone, without letting an email or text pass you by, always having half conversations until the next ping.
Giving yourself permission to switch off and be unavailable for 6-8 hours per day is a challenge for some, but so worth it. It’s such a gift to give yourself, the ability to switch off so that your mind can be calm.
Letting go of your digital addiction will infinitely support healing from adrenal burnout, and poor sleep. When switching off, you’ll get into the pattern of improved emotional balance. You might also reevaluate your relationship with digital phones, ipads and computers.
Get to know the other guests at Whistler Fitness Vacations – we unplug only during program hours.
Digital detox retreats make you want to binge
Binge on your phone that is. Going without your phone cold turkey is equivalent in human behaviour to going on a nasty juice fast. As soon as you leave the unplugged retreat, you’re overwhelmed with 200+ messages and notifications, with even more pressure to catch up.
Fad dieting and fasts don’t create life long change, and nor does abstinence from your phone. That’s why Whistler Fitness Vacations is so different with the space we create for our guests.
They have the freedom to use their phone before 8am and after 2pm… and at noon. In turn, they gain deepened sense of self without the pressures of digital life.
For those addicted to social media, they’re reminded how likeable they are in person, not just online. Social skills are also boosted, and insight is gained on how to stay grounded with your phone usage.
As the owner of West Coast Fitness Vacations, I’m reachable pretty much anytime. Click here to get in touch!
Plugging into life
Your phone is toxic to your relationships. You should put it down. Turn it off often. Agreed? So how come you haven’t done it? Yeah. Me neither. – Denise Brodey
At one point, not too long ago, I’d catch every.single.notification. I felt owned by pings, and judged by silence. One by one as they rolled in, jumping to (pretty much obey my phone) like a dog not wanting to miss a cookie opportunity. 
And in my quiet times I noticed that this world of screen everything, human experiences in my day were starting to feel like a luxury. (I think there’s a lot of us who feel that way).
Balance is the goal, not abstinence – digital detox retreats can teach us that, if setup the right way.
In the end, it’s all about human connection. Digital and physical, they’re both important.
Career goals include real words, human handshakes, your business network saying your name on the phone, a customer call that ends in gratitude.
We don’t need to join digital detox retreats to find a healthy relationship with technology.
We have powerful influencers like Thrive Global (engaging us through the screen ironically) to have less screen time. They promote a life less digital in a fresh and cool way.
Research is conclusive that phone addition is really a thing. People are taking note of that. Here are 7 scary things you didn’t know about cell phone addiction.
It’s becoming socially unacceptable to be on your phone when face-to-face with someone who is talking with you. Need help? There’s an app for that.
Everyone knows not to sleep with your phone, or have that dreaded neon light in bed. Here’s what the studies say.
Today’s a great day to go for a hike in the forest, with your phone turned off until you need it. If you feel like you’re on your phone too much, activate screen time. That’s a tracker that lets you know how much time you spend each day. Strive to find balanced, healthy ways to manage your technology, similar to what you do with your diet and exercise.
The post Digital detox retreats don’t work, but here’s why you should hike unplugged appeared first on West Coast Fitness Vacations.
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8 Tips for New Parents to Avoid Sleep Deprivation
The following article 8 Tips for New Parents to Avoid Sleep Deprivation was first published to MWAV Blog
Every parent would agree that there is nothing more fulfilling than to have a chance and form a bond with your little one. But not many new parent knows that frequent feedings, diaper changes and walking the halls with a fussy baby can make sleeping soundly at night nearly impossible. New moms and dads are often surprised by just how drained and exhausted they are, and at times, it can seem as if they’ll never feel rested again.
Since a newborn usually wakes up every three hours to eat, sleep deprivation in new parents can be difficult to avoid. Even though it’s challenging, you have to make sure that you get enough sleep and still be able to take care of yourself. You wouldn’t want to be one of those burnt out parents that loses their cool when they’re pressured or lack of sleep. Here are the few coping strategies for sleep deprivation that you can do:
1. Nap whenever you can
One of the most common pieces of advice: when the baby naps, take a power nap time. They’re not full eight-hours of sleep, but clock in as much as you can. It’s better to have some than none, right?
It may seem to be a golden opportunity to do so many things when your baby naps, such as clean, prepare, shower, and run errands. Except I’m going to circle back to what I mentioned earlier about your priority. You’ll have a few must-do tasks here and there, some which you can only do when the baby is sleeping. But for the most part, your priority (at least one of the top ones) should be to rest and sleep.
Right after childbirth, your body is also still healing, so you need to sleep as much as you can. You won’t get long hours to rest, but you should still consider yourself a patient as well as a mom. Do the important tasks you can’t neglect, then focus on napping throughout the day.
2. Monitor diaper changes and feedings
During the early weeks, you’ll need to track your baby’s eating and diaper changes to know how much he eats and how often. You’ll also record whether he has wet and dirty diapers and what kind of poop he had. But lack of sleep can make your brain really foggy. Because of this, using notes or apps that can keep your life organized will be very helpful. Or you can just use a good old paper and pen to track feedings, sleep and poop patterns. Rather than trying to remember all these little details, write them down while you’re getting a back massage on your adjustable bed frame. The last thing you need is remembering when your baby had a green poop and when you fed him last.
3. Eat good food and drink plenty of water
It’s amazing how the food and drink we consume can affect our day. Excessive burgers and sodas can make you feel extra sluggish. Instead, eat healthier options as much as you can: Homemade meals, fruits, and vegetable smoothies, soups and salads.
Not only will healthier food make you feel better, but it’ll also help you recover as well. Your body will be healing, so it’s even more important to eat the right kinds of food. And don’t forget to drink tons of water for all its benefits. Stay hydrated and you’ll avoid headaches, and you can ensure your body is performing as best as it can.
Occasionally, there’s no other option but to just opt for pizza delivery—and that’s okay. We’re talking about the newborn days here, so we can’t always be picky with what we eat. But remember, the more nutritious your choices, the better you’ll feel.
4. Go for a Morning Walk
Take a walk. Sometimes, staying in too much and just feeling cooped up at home can weigh you down. When you’re ready or feel like air and sunshine could do your body good, bring the baby in a stroller and start small. Light exercise can invigorate your body with much-needed endorphins. A slow walk around the block can be all you need to feel refreshed.
Walks can be your sanity-saving activity, especially when you feel frustrated or helpless. Start small. Maybe go on your own without the baby, even for a few minutes. Later, take him for a stroll with another adult. The exposure to natural sunlight in the morning can reset your circadian rhythm after a sleepless night. It also helps an infant develop a regular sleep-wake cycle. Plus, the exercise may make it easier to fall asleep when you do have a chance to nap.
5. Organize everything
Have you ever noticed that when you’re doing a task last minute, it takes more time or causes you more stress? For instance, in the middle of the night, the baby wakes up, you feel delirious, incoherent and downright grumpy, and you’re scrambling for things that the baby needs. Now imagine how much more helpful it is to have everything you need to be organized and within reach. This meant keeping your nursing pillow, feeding tracker and infant gas drops in the same place.
Conserving your energy and taking a rest as often as you can is important but you’ll also want to prepare. Stock the changing table with diapers and wipes so you won’t be fumbling around in the dark. Also, have your water bottle by your bedside table so you wouldn’t have to go to the kitchen when you’re thirsty.
However, you don’t want to get too ahead of yourself though and prepare so much that you don’t allow yourself to rest. Do enough to get through the next scenario, and give yourself the remainder of the time to sleep and relax.
6. Create a sleep-inducing environment
Taking care of your newborn baby can leave you feeling so exhausted that you expect to be able to fall asleep anytime– only to find you can’t. If you have trouble falling asleep, make sure that your bedroom is conducive to sleep. This means making your room comfy, dark, and peaceful which makes falling asleep a lot easier.
If your bed is already old and worn out, consider treating yourself a new twin xl mattress from Nectar or a bed frame with headboard. When sleep is in short supply, it’s more important than ever to make sure your bed is comfortable, supportive and an aid to restful sleep, whenever you manage to take it.
7. Accept any kind of help
If your friends and family are eager to take care of your newborn, don’t turn them down. Although, you may prefer to spend your first few days with your baby as a family unit and build a mother-baby bond. Instead, consider accepting and asking for any help you can get in case you reach your breaking point. For example, they can hold and watch for your baby so you can nap, take a shower, or even get out of the house for a few minutes.
Unfortunately, if you don’t have family and friends nearby, you can hire night nurses to help you during the wee hours of the night.
8. Avoid caffeine before bedtime
As much as you may love coffee or caffeine, begin to lay off the drinks after a certain time. Figure out your cut off, and hold back on the coffee after then. It’s pretty hard trying to fall asleep when you’re wired to stay awake.
Some individuals don’t drink coffee so their body is pretty sensitive to the small amounts of caffeine even from just drinking tea, any caffeinated drinks they consume after 12 PM will only spell trouble for them at bedtime.
Moreover, once in the body, caffeine will persist for several hours: it takes about six hours for one half of the caffeine to be eliminated. With this, any caffeinated drinks before bed reduces the amount of REM sleep we get. You can use a sleep calculator to know when exactly you need to hit the hay.
So, what does REM stands for? Your REM sleep happens within the first 90 minutes of falling asleep and, as the sleep cycle repeats throughout the night, REM sleep occurs several times nightly. The National Sleep Foundation believes that REM sleep benefits learning, memory, and mood. A lack of REM sleep may have adverse implications on your physical and emotional health. Now you don’t want that, so start limiting the amount of caffeine you consume and get some zzzs.
The post 8 Tips for New Parents to Avoid Sleep Deprivation appeared first on The Baby Sleep Site - Baby / Toddler Sleep Consultants.
from The Baby Sleep Site – Baby / Toddler Sleep Consultants https://www.babysleepsite.com/adult-sleep/8-tips-for-new-parents-to-avoid-sleep-deprivation/>
from https://midlifewithavengeance.com/8-tips-for-new-parents-to-avoid-sleep-deprivation/
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