#cnco erick imagine
cncoluvbot · 2 years
new cnco writing blog
hi, all! welcome to cncoluvbot — a new cnco writing blog! feel free to send in any and all requests pertaining to the guys. i accept all ideas from smut to fluff and everything in between, so be as creative as you’d like (and maybe send in some au requests). even if it’s just something small like “how do you think the boys would be in xyz situation” i would be happy to oblige (:
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do-han4 · 2 years
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cnco4ever · 10 months
How about a story with Christopher. Something with a situationship turning serious however, the girl moves to Japan for a job wants to end situation but Christopher wants to be serious and he's leaving for a tour.
Thank you so much for your input! I hope you like it!
Sorry for the wait though!
A Christopher Velez one shot
Warning: none
We weren't serious, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right?
I saw Christopher for some time while working together. We met while on a set for a music video. I was just hired by management and had to work with CNCO as a part of their crew. Christopher was easy to work with. He knew what he wanted and there was no discussing it.
I'm a stylist and we immediately hit it off. Mutual interests made it easy to start a conversation and then one thing took the other and we formed a friendship. One night the whole crew went out to dinner. I was sat opposite Christopher. CNCO was kicking off again after COVID and the last details regarding the upcoming tour had to be finalised. People were talking around the table. I had Zabdiel on my left and my co stylist on my right. This was the dinner that Zabdiel and i really got into talking about his new interests in alien themes. I was right with him on it. If that is what he wanted, that is what he got.
But i could feel a pair of eyes on me constantly. Christopher watched me with his big, brown eyes across the restaurant table and the look in them were much more intense than usual. His smile was not his goofy smile that night either. He was sort of smirking at me. I wasn't used to that sort of attention, and especially not from such a good looking guy as him. I was instantly flushed all over and my foundation did little to hide it. I suppose playing with the hem of my dress, didn't help either. Erick confirmed that when he asked if i was alright or if i was feeling too hot. Christopher leaned his elbows on the table and looked me straight in the eye and said "you do look quite hot tonight", i got the double meaning, but i didn't say anything. All i could do was to shrug my shoulders as i looked down at my pasta with a small smile.
After that particular dinner, the majority of us went to a club. Christopher had smiled, engaged in smalltalk with me while being handsy as usual. I was starting to think that i had imagined it all, until i felt his hands on my hips and his chest against my back. I looked up at him over my shoulder with way more insecurity than i would have liked. "Mi amor, please be mine tonight" my eyes got wide. His gaze didn't leave mine and he had a serious expression on his face. I could tell eventhough he was mere inches away from me face. He had never spoken to me like that before. His hands grabbed me tighter and pulled me even closer, so that he could guide my hips to the music that was blasting. It felt way more sensuel than it probably was. I let myself be swept off of my feet. Literally as we stumbled onto his hotel bed that night. His lips were burning on my skin and the noises i heard from him, was pure bliss. It was a memorable night for sure. The morning after he was his goofy, charming self again. Zero awkwardness. It suited me well and eventhough we didn't talk about it, it was left in the air that it would be a one time thing.
But it wasn't. In the beginning we only hooked up when we were drunk, which we often were at the time, but then it turned into when we were horny yet sober and before we knew it, we were hooking up on a regular basis. It seemed like we were on the same page about keeping it casual for a while, but i could feel Christopher starting to become more romantic. He bought me little gifts, kissed me on the cheek or my shoulder wherever whenever. I reminded him that we were casual only. I couldn't fall for him. Not with all these girls around the globe fighting for his attention and affection. I don't have the confidence to compete with that. He smiled at me, his beautiful gentle smile and promised no strings attached. "But what does it matter bebesita?. We're together all the time and we're leaving for tour in a few weeks. We'll be together anyway baby" he laughed. But that was the thing. We wouldn't be leaving for tour together. He would be leaving without me.
I had been offered a job in Japan for a TV station. It's a once in a life time opportunity. I have to go. Christopher got furious when i told him. He was hurt. He suddenly spilled his feelings at a record speed. He had wanted a serious relationship. He had fallen in love with me. He had told me to decline the job offer and accept his commitment offer instead. I hadn't said a word while he was pacing back and forth in front of me. I just sat on his bed with my hands in my lap. When i realised that he had stopped moving and was looking at me, i lifted my gaze and met his eyes. I shouldn't have. Christopher was looking at me, waiting. Wanting to hear me say, that i would stay with him. He dropped to his knees on the floor, in front of me, taking my hands into his. "Stay. Don't leave. Please" he begged. It broke my heart, when i had told him that i couldn't. I wanted to be with him. So badly, but i couldn't let this job go either. It was a huge opportunity for me and my career.
I'm now sitting in my seat on the plane. I feel empty. I can't turn this opportunity down. Not for a man, not even for Christopher. I have to put myself first in this situation. Just as i'm about to put my phone on airplane mode, a text comes in. Christopher's name is spread across my screen. Being too curious, i open it immediately. "We'll figure it out, mi amore. I want you. I want us".
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imgloriaa · 2 years
The new CNCO album is only going to have 5 songs we haven’t heard that is irritating to me. I know that they have been doing a lot of collaborations but I wish there were more songs of just them.
I like collaborations but I prefer just them and I have never heard of any of the artists that they have been collaborating with.
This just further proves to me how horrible their management and label are and even though I’m sad they are separating I think it is for the best. I do hope that they are being truthful in saying that they want to continue to work together in their solo careers and that hopefully one day they will get back together.
i think they will keep working together without being under the name of cnco because WK owns the rights to the band’s name. i wouldn’t be surprised if we’re going to see richard ft. erick, zabdiel & chris, same way for all of them. or making a joint album like bad bunny & j balvin did but without the band’s name on it. i think it will last until the contract with WK ends. they chose separation so they don’t have to fulfill to their contracts obligations and keep working with WK, and it’s smart because otherwise they’d have to file a lawsuit like joel’s doing and will take their time and their money. i’m pretty sure they will come back together one day because they have a honest friendship behind the whole band imagine
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justmyblogworld · 2 years
So is Erick that attractive and doesn’t need to post thrist traps like Chris does or is he insecure and doesn’t want to?
Wish he would though. Imagine the view. 🥵
Lol good question. I don't think he is that indecure. He has been shirtless in music videos and other CNCO videos before😅
Maybe he just doesn't feel the need to? Or his family advise him not to? 🤔
Idk, but i wish he would too 😂
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cnchoe-imagines · 5 years
midnight; erick
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summary: erick x gender neutral!reader -- the boys drag you to their new years eve party before leaving you and erick alone to find someone to kiss when the clock strikes midnight
word count: 1.8k
warnings: partying + mentions of drinking (not by reader/erick)
a/n: ahh here it is, the first post for my new cnco blog!! i’ve been wanting to write for them for a little while now, and i’m so glad i had the opportunity of joining @quisieracnco ‘s new years collab to prompt me to do so!! tysm ali for including me and letting me write about our dear baby, erick!! hope you all enjoy and happy holidays!! xoxo - tatianna
You weren’t exactly sure why you were at a loud and crowded party on the night of the 31st, instead of spending the holiday wrapped up at home, watching whatever celebration was on television while you sipped away on some leftover drinks from Christmas.
However, your plans for a quiet night were long forgotten as you pushed between the sweaty bodies of partygoers, reggaeton blasting through the speakers and enticing the guests to sway and grind against each other to the beat. At least, that’s what everyone else was doing, leaving you the odd man out as you swerved between the partiers in a desperate search for an air pocket not contaminated by the stench of alcohol or sweat.
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you found the area, an unoccupied stairwell amidst the large house the guys had rented out for their New Year’s Eve party. The same guys who had pulled you from your apartment, insisting that joining them for the night was much better than whatever boring plans you had made by yourself.
Richard and Christopher were the most forceful in their begging, Joel and Zabdiel just chuckling quietly as the two pushed you into your closet and told you they weren’t leaving until you came out wearing something presentable. You were, of course, reluctant, since you knew how out of control the guys got when they drank, but they were your closest friends, and you knew them inviting you was their way of ensuring you didn’t feel left out.
Except, you had noticed Erick, the last of the group, looking increasingly awkward among the other rowdy guys. You knew he wasn’t the biggest partier of them all, but he did enjoy spending time with the others, especially since his younger age made him prone to feeling excluded among them.
So, as much as you wished you could avoid any form of club or party for the rest of the night, you got dressed, and squeezed into the car with them, forcing away the regret bubbling up in your stomach as they passed alcohol around and turned up the radio to full volume.
They were all scattered around the second you made it to the party, and you were left alone, cursing yourself for ever letting them use their charm to persuade you along. Now, you had no one to talk to and nothing to do except sit in the stairwell and hope that one of the guys would stumble across you sooner or later and offer you a ride home. Still, you knew how they operated, which meant you knew that all of them were probably stumbling drunk by now, flirting with whatever girls they’d decided to kiss when the clock struck midnight.
You checked your phone, letting out a sigh as the time illuminated the screen: 11:03 PM. Another hour to kill and not one of your friends in sight.
At least, that’s what you thought as you busied away on your phone for twenty minutes or so, praying that your battery would last long enough to keep you occupied until you could get home to charge it. It was during those slow minutes that you heard your name being called, a distinct yell from the blaring reggaeton and sloshing of drinks.
Your head shot up, eyes searching around the room as you looked for the source of the sound. All you could see, however, was the same group of people that had been dancing in front of you just minutes prior.
Great, you thought, looking back down at your phone. Now I’m hearing things.
Except, just seconds later, and louder than before, you heard your name being called again.
“Y/N!” You recognized the voice, Erick’s usual soft tone easily blending into the background noise of the party. You pushed yourself off the stairs and looked around the groups of people, locking eyes with him and waving him over. His toothy smile was bright in comparison to the rest of the dark room, and he quickly made his way over to you. You laughed as he scooted around people, far too timid to use any force in pushing them out of the way.
“I wondered where you went,” you joked, once he was in earshot. His sharp eyebrows furrowed and you leaned closer, repeating the words directly into his ear. You felt him tense just slightly as you neared him, and you pulled away hastily after, watching a smile spread across his face at your sentence.
Erick opened his mouth to respond before closing it. He tilted his head over to the stairwell where he knew it was quieter, indicating that you two should move the conversation there. Once you were both situated on the steps he let out a sigh of relief, resting his hands palm down beside him.
“Pensé that you were with Christopher or Richard,” he explained. “Estaba con Joel.”
“It’s not your fault.” You chuckled. “I assumed this would happen if I came, so it’s fine.”
Erick shook his head and pouted, but didn’t bother responding, knowing that what you said was true. You just bumped his shoulder playfully with your own, as if to silently tell him that all was well and you were just glad to be with him now. Of course, you’d never say that out loud, considering it would sound much too forward for a relationship as reserved as your own.
It wasn’t like you and Erick weren’t close -- if anything, he was your best friend among the guys. That had its setbacks, though, since you could never tell him about the feelings you’d been harboring towards him. It wasn’t like he was one of the other boys, the ones you could mindlessly flirt with and not fear ruining your friendship over. Erick was a deeper connection, a closer one you couldn’t risk with a hopeless crush.
The thought did make you slightly disappointed, but you were quickly brought from your thoughts when loud steps sounded behind you, making you turn and watch as Richard came down the stairs.
“Erick! Y/N!” A lopsided grin covered his face, his walking mildly staggered as he bounded down the steps. “I wondered where you two ran off to.”
He sat down on the step a few rows behind you, his long legs nearing your own form as he stretched them out. You smiled and patted his shin affectionately before looking back at Erick, who seemed more closed off than he had been when you two were alone.
“Ya va a ser medianoche,” Richard teased, leaning down to playfully sing the words. “You got anyone you’re planning on kissing yet?” You shook your head with a scoff, watching as Erick did the same.
“Ah, pues, sucks to be you, entonces. I’ve got someone waiting for me so I’m gonna need to squeeze past you two.” He stood up quickly, swaying as he caught his balance before he started to push between you and Erick.
“Richard! Deja los enamorados solitos. Can’t you see they’re waiting to spend midnight together?” Christopher came into view in the hallway, poking his tongue out and laughing loudly when Richard made it to his side, pushing into him with a glare. “Ah, ah ok ok!! Ni modo!!” Their voices trailed off as they stumbled to the next room, leaving you and Erick back to stare at each other.
“Well then..” You let out a sigh, shaking your head at the guys’ crazy antics.
“¿No tienes a quién besar?” Erick’s question caught you off guard, and you raised your eyebrow.
“Why would I?”
He didn’t seem to know how to respond to that, awkwardly shrugging and turning away from you slightly. “Es que - I just assumed.”
You laughed at that. “I assumed you would have had someone.”
He scrunched his nose and you were sure if the lights were brighter in the house, you’d see a blush spreading across his cheeks. He was so easy to embarrass sometimes.
“I guess we’ll be alone then,” you said, not too bothered by the statement. Erick seemed disappointed by it, though, as his shoulders sagged and he let out a grumbled sigh.
You rolled your eyes jokingly, and when your gaze focused back on him, you caught him staring. He was gazing directly at you, green eyes swimming with curiosity. He seemed lost in thought for just a moment, before he looked away quickly as if only then noticing the unwavering eye contact between you two.
His lips parted, a word on the tip of his tongue, before the yelling of partygoers cut him off.
“One minute!” People cheered and yelled, while your eyes widened.
“Has it really been an hour?” you mumbled to yourself, checking your phone for the countless time that night. Sure enough, the numbers 11:59 stared back at you, bright white against your lock screen.
You sighed and watched as people moved through the house to find the person they’d vowed to kiss that night, guests pushing past each other and joining together. You caught Zabdiel across the hall with his girl of the night, his hands around her waist.
You wondered how Erick felt, most likely the only guy of the group without someone to kiss. You felt bad, honestly, knowing you had taken up his last hour to find someone with small talk.
“Hey,” you turned to him to apologize but found he’d moved closer while you were distracted. “I--.” The words died in your throat as you caught him watching your lips, his own pulled between his teeth.
“Ten!” The collective shout of partiers filled the house.
You swallowed heavily, and started to turn away when Erick grabbed your hand. His gaze flickered to your own, and you could see the determination swirling in his crystal irises. The corner of his lip pulled up slightly, and your heart rate picked up at the small action alone.
“What are you--”
“Can I?” he asked softly, licking his lips.
You could barely register the words before you were nodding, immediately leaning in closer.
Your eyelids fluttered shut, lips quivering as they met Erick’s. The sweatiness of his palms and shaking of his fingers were enough indication of his nerves, and you were slightly relieved you weren’t the only one filled with tension.
He sighed softly into the kiss, the sound barely audible over the chorus of celebratory yells all around. You squeezed his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. His lips were so warm, so plush and soft, like you had always expected. His touch mirrored that as well, no force or pressure behind his gentle actions. The feeling made you smile softly, your lips barely brushing against his.
It only took a second or two before you were both grinning, finally pulling away from each other as your lips parted.
You ducked your head just slightly, shyness taking over. You could still see Erick from the corner of your eye, however, and the smirk that stayed plastered across his lips. His thumb rubbed over the back of your hand and he gently pulled you closer, leading you to rest your head against his shoulder. A soft kiss was pressed against the top of your hair, leaving you flustered as he murmured against your head, just loud enough for you to hear, “Happy New Year.”
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stressedkitkatttt · 2 years
Originally made for Zabdiel or Chris, but decided that all the boys needed some attention... wanted to loosely base it off the song Ride by SoMo
Word Count: 842
Warnings: Soft sex
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT  think it is okay to take my stories and post them somewhere else without my EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Do NOT  think it is okay to take anyone else’s stories and post them somewhere else without their EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Giving credit does NOT count as permission. You may reblog my stories, you may NOT repost my stories without MY PERMISSION.
"Want you so bad..." His voice was soft and raspy, dripping with want and need. Your hands were on his chest to keep your balance while his hands rested on your hips, ready to help you. You looked into his eyes, seeing how big his pupils were, drowning out the color and replacing them with a black, lustful look. You could feel his tip right against your heat, feeling every twitch and the heat coming from it. "Ready amor?" When you nodded, he gently pushed down on your hips, slowly guiding his hard length inside your tight heat. It didn't matter how often, or how hard, he fucked you - you would always fit him like a glove.
You leaned your head back a little, feeling him slide against your walls and push deeper and deeper inside of you. His eyes became lidded and half-closed at the feeling of your heat, something that always takes him a few moments to adjust to. He lifted his hips a little bit to help push the last inch of himself into you before gently going down. You let out a soft moan at the feeling of just having him inside you - something you could never get enough of. You loved how he knew what you needed without asking. He never had to ask to know what you needed from him and he was more than happy to oblige your needs. Keeping a grip on your hips, he slowly raised you up and pulled you back down.
You shudder and a low moan pulls from your throat as he set a slow pace, gently pulling out halfway only to push back in fully, filling you all the way again and again. Upon hitting your g-spot, you fall forward a little, putting your hands to the side of his chest and grabbing the sheets, twisting and pulling them, your knuckles slowly turning white. You begin to move your hips with his, gently swirling them when he was fully inside, making you both shudder. You would feel him twitch inside you and your walls hugged him tightly in response. He began to rub your sides and massage your shaking thighs to help you relax enough to let him slip out again only for the cycle to repeat itself almost every time he went in full hilt.
He gave no warnings and you weren't expecting him to sit up but his arms quickly wrapped themselves around your torso, his face going into your chest, feeling his hot breath on your chest as he panted softly. "Lie down, mami," he whispered, looking up at you. You nod and gathered yourself as he begins to switch positions, pulling out only for a moment before you feel him slide right back into you when you were on your back. Your back arched and you welcomed the fullness once again.
He laid his body atop yours, your chests lining up with one another, his hips coming flush with yours. He leaned up to your neck as his hands went to your hands, bringing them up to rest by your head, holding one. His hips began to move and he resumed the slow pace he had before. Since he had been working your body, you felt your orgasm coming along, building and building. You could tell this one was going to be intense and you were getting desperate to feel it. Finally getting close enough to taste it yet having it just far away you know you'll have to work some more for it.
Knowing your body like the back of his hand, he could tell by how your walls began to clench around him, desperate not to let him go. He knew you were close. He always knew.
"P-please," you whimpered as you felt the all-too-familiar knot in your stomach beginning to grow and spread.
"I know baby," he paused to focus on not cumming then and there. "Just a little more." His voice was unsteady as he tried to hold back his own orgasm to time it with yours. You clenched him hard, hearing his voice when he was so close to the edge had you hooked. He leaned down and picked up speed, knowing that neither of you could avoid the inevitable any longer. "Cum for me baby, wanna see you give it all to me." That was it for you.
Your head was thrown back into the pillows, your thighs tensing and eyes rolling back into your head. He was right behind you, squeezing your hand and almost completely knocking the breath from your body as he pulled his body flush with yours. "It's okay mami," he watched in awe as your body seized up and go limp. You looked so angelic, an image he wanted to commit to his memory for as long as he lived. "Such a good girl for me." His soft, post-orgasm voice did wonders to you, feeling shivers run through your body as the final shocks as you slowly come down from your high.
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newmxmories · 2 years
Ghost of You
What if he could just hear your voice one last time? Would you ask him to stay or let him go?
It’s been a couple days since the accident. He hasn’t even gone out of bed. But today, he had no choice. Everyone had to be there. He had to be there. He was going to move until he heard someone,
“Get up sleepy head”
He jolted up, shivers down his spine. He knows that voice. That’s the voice he wanted to hear over and over again.
Searching and searching for where the voice came from. He saw you standing by the door. You placed your palm on his cheek. He tried to hold on but couldn’t. Eyes filled with tears for both sides. You stroke his cheek,
“Baby.. you know why you can’t.. You have to get dress.”
“No. No, I don’t want to.”
“NO Y/N. Don’t make me. I don’t want to go. I can’t..”
“I don’t want you to go either. But this is what we have to do. If I could come back..”
“It’s all my fault.”
“It is not. Do you hear me? Never blame yourself for what happened.”
“I could’ve saved you.”
“Don’t do that. The situation was already had it’s outcome.”
“I can’t live without you, Y/N.. I don’t want to.”
“You’re not going to. I’ll always be here” Tapping on his chest. “You’ll always have a piece of me.”
You held his face in the palm of your hands and placed on last kiss on his forehead.
“You have to go.. You have to say goodbye.”
“Don’t make me, please.”
“Until we meet again, my love. Live your life. For you, the boys. Do it for me. Find new love, just not as epic as ours”
Letting out a dry chuckle. You wiped his tears.
“Don’t be late.”
You got up while he stayed on the ground. You turned back a blew him one last kiss.
He let out one last cry as the boys ran to comfort their brother. It’s never easy grieving over lost of a loved one.
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hamilton44jpg · 3 years
‘𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧
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summary: You’re back to your hometown for the holidays after years and you run into your old love
word count: 3.2k
it's based on song by taylor swift // 'tis the damn season
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You're sitting in an airport cafe, drinking overpriced coffee that doesn't even taste very good. You are looking at the people walking around the airport. Some travel alone, some with their other half and some with their families or friends. You take a sip of the warm liquid and you close your eyes for a second. You can't believe that after all these years you are finally coming back to your family hometown for Christmas. This time you couldn't say no to your parents who for the past month have been begging you to finally come home and spent some time with your whole family. Because of your job you didn't have time to visit your parents so this time you had to agree to come.
You look at the watch on your wrist and quickly drink your coffee because your plane is about to leave and you still have to get to the right gate. You run with a large black suitcase in your one hand and in the other you hold your ticket. You run so fast that you almost knock over an old lady who is threatening you with her cane, but you don't even react because you have to catch your plane before it leaves. When you finally make it to the gate, you hand your ticket and passport to the lady smiling at you and inside you just pray that everything will be alright.
A few minutes later you are already sitting in your seat breathing deeply. You close your eyes for a moment and try to control it. You feel the plane slowly lift off and you already know you can't get back to your small apartment. It's not that you have a bad relationship with your parents or the rest of your family, you just get tired of being asked the same damn questions all the time you are there. Do you have a boyfriend, when will you get married, when will you have kids, look at your siblings how they are doing in life and how happy they are. You always felt unwanted there, like you didn't belong there. You always wanted something more from life, not to live in a small town with no prospect of the life you dreamed of. And yet you go back there anyway because deep in your heart you miss that place. You miss your old friends, you miss riding your bike home from school, you miss going to the near by bakery with your siblings when your mom told you to go get fresh bread. You just miss being an innocent child. And you miss a certain boy...
You were snapped out of your thoughts by a stewardess asking if you wanted something to drink or eat. You just answered "No, thank you" and smiled gently at her. You looked out the little window and saw beautiful clouds. Your eyes began to get heavier and heavier and after a couple of minutes you fell asleep.
„How was the flight? Are you hungry? You should have dressed warmer, you're going to freeze.” Your mom was asking a thousand questions a second while hugging you so tight that you almost couldn't breathe. „Mom, i’m fine. Please let me breathe.” She stepped back for a moment and looked at you with glazed eyes. „We missed you honey.” You sighed quietly „I've missed you too” You hugged your dad and after a while you three headed to the car. You look around you because you can't believe that you really came back here. Last time you were here you left quite a mess behind and some unfinished business.
You stepped out of the car and felt the cold wind on your cheeks and the snow falling from the sky. It was starting to get darker and colder outside. Your dad took your suitcase from the trunk and you quickly went inside. The first thing you smelled was the scent of cinnamon, oranges and a live Christmas tree. You took off your coat and boots. Your mom went into the kitchen and you and your dad went into the living room where you hadn't been in so long. Not much has changed here. Your and your siblings' childhood photos continue to stand on the fireplace, the Christmas tree stands in the same place it always has and even has the same ornaments. You feel a slight pressure in your chest and you don't know if it's from nerves or if you just miss the old days. „You look stressed. Is something wrong?” You look at your dad and you don't know what to say. He patted the spot next to him on the couch so you sat down next to him and he hugged you tightly. „I'm sorry I haven't come by more often.” You said barely through the lump in your throat. You really felt bad about not visiting them more often, but you couldn't come back because too much had happened in the past and you weren't ready to meet some people from here.
Your mom came in with a tray on which stood three Christmas patterned mugs. You lifted your head from your dad's shoulder and picked up a mug, with a reindeer on it, that once belonged to you. You took a sip and felt the warmth in your throat and the taste of milk chocolate with marshmallows that slowly melted. You immediately thought of how every Christmas you and your siblings drank hot chocolate together and then opened presents. At the thought of that fond memory, you smiled gently and looked at your parents who were talking fiercely about something.
After you told them about your job and how you live in the big city, you went to take a warm bath and lay down in your room. Everything here is in the same place just as you left it when you left a few years ago. You covered yourself with a warm quilt and after a while you fell asleep.
You stretched and quietly yawned while slowly opening your eyes. You blinked a few times to sharpen your vision and slowly stood up, putting on your white robe. You went downstairs and entered the kitchen where your mother was standing cooking something. „Hi mom.” You smiled at her as she turned to you, hugged you and kissed your forehead. „I'm making us breakfast. So go sit down at the table.” She said in her warm and friendly voice and you obeyed her instructions and sat down at your old place at the table. You looked out the window where the snow was falling delicately and the sun was trying to break through the clouds. Your mother put the plate in front of you and sat down across the table. „Waffles.” You said with a big smile on your face because it's your favorite breakfast. You talked for a while and drank your morning coffee together. „Could you drive over to pick up some groceries? I'm missing a few things and I need to start cooking and cleaning already."
You agreed and half an hour later you were already in the grocery store picking out items written on a piece of paper by your mother. You always used to come here on Fridays after school to get candy and eat it with your old friend behind the store so no one would know. And when you grew up you used to buy here no more sweets but alcohol or cigarettes together with your then boyfriend and friends. You were deep in your thoughts and you accidentally bumped into a tall man while you were holding the jar of pickles in your hand. Fortunately, you didn't drop them. „I’m so sorry. I didn't notice you.” You raised your head to look at the man you ran into and almost dropped the jar when you saw who it is. Your heart started racing, your hands started sweating and a million thoughts went through your head. You can't believe that you just arrived and already had to run into him. Deep down inside you were hoping that maybe you wouldn't be able to meet him here. But this is a small town and it was predictable that you would bump into each other somewhere. „It’s nice to see you here.” The tall man replied with his specific accent that you once loved so much. You didn't say anything, you just turned on your heel and went into another alley.
You need air, you need to get out of here, you need to escape, but suddenly a big hand grabs your shoulder and you know that there is no escape and you have to face it. "Stop running away from me." You took his hand off you and turned to him looking into his caramel eyes. All the memories started coming back to you. The way you went on your first date, your first kiss, your first "i love you". You feel like crying at the memory of it all but you have to show him that you have moved on. „I’m not running away Zabdiel.” You went back to looking for things written on a list. „I didn't think you'd ever come back here after seeing you run away from here the last time.” You took a deep breath as you put the last things in your shopping cart. „I only came here for Christmas.” You walked up to the checkout counter and started to put things out of your cart. „Will you come with me for coffee?” You froze for a moment because you didn't expect him to ask that question, and you were sure he still hated you for leaving him here. But you had a reason for that. „Yes.” That's all you could get out of yourself right now. You don't really know why you agreed to this. You still feel hurt by him and he probably feels the same way about you.
The two of you sat across from each other at a small old table in a cafe you always passed on your way back from his house. You took off your hat with snowflakes falling from it. You ordered two coffees and there was silence between you two because no one wanted to start the conversation first. He looks so tired as if something was missing in him. He has a buzzcut now and the last time you saw him he had dark curls. He has a little more muscle which you can tell by his golf and he seems a little taller. „What do you do?” You first started the conversation because you couldn't stand the heavy silence anymore. "I'm a construction worker. I help my father with his business." You merely nodded your head gently. His dream has always been to be a singer or music producer. „What about you? Are you a lawyer just like you always wanted to be?” You bite the center of your cheek gently. You don't really know what you're stressing about. Maybe he just has that effect on you, or maybe you feel bad talking about the fact that you've succeeded in this area of life and he hasn't. „Yes, I’m a lawyer.” The waitress brought our coffees and left the two of us again. „How ar-”
„Are you still with her?” You didn't let him finish because you had to ask him this. He looks you straight in the eyes and you see that he doesn't have the sparkle like he used to have in his eyes. He rubs his hands together as if he's trying to warm them up and he grunts. „No, we're not together anymore. We were engaged but she broke up with me.” At that moment, you didn't know what you should be feeling. Happiness? Because maybe you could still rebuild what you had. Sadness? Because you feel sorry for him that she broke up with him. „I’m so sorry Zab...” You said it so quietly you weren't sure he heard you. „Don’t be. It's better this way.” He took a big sip of his coffee and smiled gently at you. You could see the pain and suffering in his eyes. It's just hard for him and you can see it. „Why did you leave me and go away without a word.” You froze. Your whole body tense up at the memory of that day. „I've seen you two together. And then you sent me a letter saying that you came back to her and that you loved her and not me.. That's why my first thought was to go to my brother and never come back here again." You took a short break and took a deep breath. "In that moment I hated you Zabdiel. I wondered how I could have been stupid enough to believe you had feelings for me, that maybe I wasn't just your temporary rebound from her after all." He looked confused as if he didn't understand what you were saying to him. „Letter? I didn't send you any letter Y/N...”
Your heart almost fell. You couldn't believe he was still lying. You put your hat on your head and left as quickly as you could. Tears started streaming down your cheeks. „Y/N! Wait!”He ran after you and just as you were about to get into your parents' car he grabbed you around the waist and hugged you close. „Let go off me! I hate you Zabdiel! I fucking hate you...” You began to lash out and beat him with your small and cold fists against his cage. „Please calm down and let's talk. I never sent you a letter like that, please understand that." You pulled out of his embrace and continued crying unable to understand this whole situation. All you think about is that you shouldn't have come here. "You know very well that she always wanted to divide us. She's the one who sent that letter. That's why she couldn't form a relationship with me after I proposed to her because she was feeling guilty." You didn't know who and what you should believe anymore. After all, the letter was addressed from him, the handwriting was also very similar. On the other hand, you knew how much she hated you for dating her ex-boyfriend. „I'm sorry for all of this.” He walked over to you and wiped the tears from your cheeks. "I'll drive you home. You shouldn't be driving in this state." He took the keys from your hand and got in the car and you sat next to him.
You closed your eyes for a moment because your head started to hurt from all this mess. Suddenly you felt the car stop and you were surprised that you came so quickly. But you noticed that you were not in front of your parents' house but in the parking lot near your old school. „Zabdiel. You were supposed to drive me home.” You said a little irritated that he didn't listen to you. „Please give me one more chance.” You almost choked on your own saliva. Zabdiel got out of the car and started walking. You also got out of the car and walked over to him. „Zabdiel where are we going?" He didn’t answer to which you only sighed. You walked in silence so you looked around the town where you once lived. You walked for 5 minutes and you started to get cold. The snow continued to fall and the wind gently brushed your skin on your face.
„Here we are." He said and to your eyes appeared a medium sized wooden house. You both went inside. Everything is nicely decorated, it’s just cozy in here. „Would you like something warm to drink?” You shook your head negatively and sat down on the living room couch. You took your phone out of your pocket to check your notifications and saw some messages from your mom so you wrote her back that you met some old friends and that you would be back later. Zabdiel lit the fireplace and you watched him carefully. Suddenly he left somewhere so you looked around the house a bit. It's really very cozy here. But that's how cozy Zabdiel has always been, just like this house. „Since you don't want anything warm maybe we can drink this" he came in with a bottle of red wine which was yours favorite one. You smiled at him and nodded your head.
A few glasses of wine later you were lying naked in bed together. It just came to you what you two just did. You closed your eyes and sighed deeply "We can’t do that Zabdiel. This was a bad idea." You started to get out of bed and put on your clothes when you felt his strong and large hands on your waist. "Babe please...a couple more minutes" Zabdiel began kissing your neck gently. Despite the fact that you two shouldn't be doing this you felt comfortable and safe with him. You've missed that so much. „I really have to go now, Zabdi” You moved away from him by buttoning the last button of your shirt. He sighed. „At least promise me I'll see you again.” You put on your coat and were ready to leave but you stopped at the door "I promise.”
And you kept your promise because every day until Christmas you both met and every meeting ended in bed. You talked and understood each other even better than you did a few years ago. Everything looked like a fairy tale. And you knew you were doing the wrong thing because you were dating someone in Los Angeles, which is where you live now. But you lived in the moment, you didn't think about it, you just kept going. Even though you knew it would be over soon and you'd have to go back to Los Angeles. At Christmas you didn't miss the questions from your aunts about your private life but still all you thought about all this time was the tall brunet.
You're leaving today and you still haven't told Zabdiel about it. You two felt so good together that neither of you thought about saying goodbye. But you also didn't know how to say goodbye to him, what to say to him. You packed your suitcase completely and went downstairs with it where your parents were already waiting for you. You know that you’re going to miss this house and this town. And to think that a few days ago you didn't want to come back here
After a while you were on your way to the airport. Deep down you regretted not saying goodbye to him, but you told yourself that it would be better this way. You knew that if he told you to stay, you would. You wiped a single tear from your cheek. You said goodbye to your parents at the airport. You pulled the suitcase behind you and also pulled out your ticket. You waved goodbye to your parents. Your mom was already crying and your dad was hugging her.
Once you passed through the gates you heard a voice so familiar to you. „Wait! Y/N!” You turned around and saw a breathless Zabdiel who started arguing with the person working here who wouldn't let him pass. You merely smiled at him with tears in your eyes. You knew you couldn't stay here, that you couldn't build a relationship together anymore.
So you left him in your hometown again. You left again.
It always leads to you and my hometown
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awesomeasfox · 3 years
I know everyone thinks Christopher with brown hair and highlights is the best,
but all I want is him in full dark brown like 2016.
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do-han4 · 2 years
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bluewatersfairy · 2 years
I would like to request a blurb based on the song focused? Like the reader is just feeling really under appreciated about everything they do for one of the boys
hi anon, i do hope you meant focus by h.e.r. and not focused by snoop dogg that samples this song. i also realise i did not write exactly what you requested but this has been sitting in my inbox for so long that i hope it is enough. thank you for trusting me to write something for you 🤍
as no one person was specified, it is nameless but can be applied very easily to any member of cnco! also, my first attempt at a headcanon, no clue if this is right but hey, what's wrong with trying, right?
not proof read 🤠
You were elbow deep in lukewarm soap when the front door opened and closed. The once stinging water no longer burned your skin, it was the heavy sigh that brought heat to your chest and cheeks.
Nothing filled you with guilt more than the flashes of red that had been occurring when he appeared in recent weeks. The life you were building had no room for the pain growing within you. This wasn’t what you needed, this wasn’t something he could face. Not now.
Conversations of living together had only begun a mere two months ago. For him, it was a distant event, something he felt he would need to build more independence in his work before committing. It just so happened that both your leases were ending at the same time. Neither you or him had intentions of resigning and it was fated. Two weeks later, a new lease was signed and you were moving into a lavish apartment in the city.
As if you were reliving the honeymoon phase, the air around the two of you felt fluffy and warm. Your bodies had never fit more perfectly together, your minds synchronizing in the most bizarre ways. The universe was on your side, at least for that first month.
You weren’t sure when the winds started to change. It felt like it happened overnight, but in slow motion. He was less in touch with your world. His lips never seemed to linger on yours and his hands ghosted your figure. His touch was no longer your norm. He was not the man you were used to.
“You’re home early.” He did not walk to stand beside you or to kiss you hello. Instead, he sat at the round table the two of you had spent 40 minutes playfully arguing over. His bags were dropped on the floor and his phone removed from his pocket.
Your reply to his statement was just as short. He wouldn’t entertain a conversation, not with his phone in his hand. He was in his own world, or maybe stuck in a thoughtless, everlasting scroll. Never had you thought this would become your norm; feeling alone whilst sleeping in the same bed as your partner. You used to see the rest of your life with him, now you were fighting for his attention.
The worst part was that it didn’t seem as if he had noticed his withdrawal. He was so stuck in his own head that he couldn’t see you pulling away from him. Your mind already saw the reasoning perfectly clear. You had pushed him into getting a place together when he wasn’t ready, and now you wanted out.
Sitting across from him at dinner, you watched him twirl pasta while h.e.r. played quietly in the next room. He hadn’t looked at you once. You were right in front of him and he hadn’t looked up from his plate or his phone since you placed it in front of him. You had never felt so pathetic. Silently pleading for him to glance up at you and smile, just like he used to.
“Is this it?” you had to ask and your voice came out forced and wounded.
He glanced up at you, just for a moment and shook his head, a small smile pulling at his lips. He didn’t understand. How could he not notice?
“I need to know now if this is all we’ll ever be. I can’t live any longer feeling lonely and lost in a space that is supposed to be my home.” your heart collided with your ribcage with every breath you took. You were burning, annoyance reaching its peak as you rose from your chair.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about? Things have been crazy recently, my head isn’t on like it usually is.’ His words justify his actions. He thinks that, knows it even. For a moment, you think so too.
“I’m not asking for much, and I’ll never complain about your workload. I know what I was getting into when we got together. I’m just asking for you to pay attention to me, to focus half as much of your attention on me as you do to your phone. I want to love you, I want to be loved by you, but I do not need it.”
Silence fell around the two of you as the song came to a close and another began to play. The sweet baby bird chirps out of place for the violet room the two of you were boxed in. He stared at you, his expression unreadable. Maybe he was confused. Maybe he was angry. You couldn’t tell.
The longer he was silent, the more useless you felt.
“Moving in together was supposed to make this easier. We were supposed to see each other more and thrive together. But I’ve never been more lonely in our relationship. Not even when you were on tour, countries away.”
���Maybe we made a mistake.” he was weak as he said it. His eyes made of glass and his heart made of stone. He was cold, ghostly even.
“Maybe we did.”
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louvcolon · 3 years
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headers CNCO and Joel Pimentel.
on twitter - @iDateZabdiel.
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icybloggss · 3 years
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Here’s some eye candy to bless up your feed please enjoy.💜
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anninhiliation · 3 years
Warnings: 18+ dirty gif that isnt mine!
Disclaimer: THIS IS MY OWN PERSONAL WRITING. You do not have the right or consent to copy my work and claim it as your own. You do not have the right to even copy my work. I can and will publicly shame you. Changing the boy is still plagiarism. Write your own work. Don’t test me or karma. Don’t be a useless leech.
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"Proba qué dulce qué sos" he whispered after scoping up some of your arousal dripping out of your cum filled hole.
You opened your mouth and gladly accepted his fingers. The bodily mixture danced around your taste buds. Sweet and salty but harmonized perfectly. Moaning into his fingers as you sucked them clean pulled a deep vibracious groan out of him. Shivers flowed down your spine and more cum spilled out of your hole.
 “Mas?” you asked clearly enjoying just how turned on he was.
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cnco-angel22-tingzz · 3 years
Hello people I'm new to Tumblr so plz don't judge. I have requests open for those who want and these are for CNCO and Joel
And so on
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