#college ani petrova art
artani · 2 months
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aniatelier · 15 days
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thaliaxpetrova · 2 years
Welcome student [#13] who happens to be a [PRIVATE COLLEGE STUDENT]. Around campus you have been told you look a lot like [LUCA HOLLESTELLE].  We hear that your name is [THALIA PETROVA] and that you are [21] years old. We hear that you can be [SPONTANEOUS] but also [IMPULSIVE]. Lately you have been saying [PUPPET BY FAOUZIA] relates to you a lot in life, and that [3AM INSPIRATION AND COFFEE STAINS] are your most common muse. We heard you decide to major in [ANIMATION] at North Chancellor and we can’t wait to welcome you.
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NAME: Thalia Petrova AGE: Twenty - One GENDER: Cis Female PRONOUNS: She/Her HEIGHT:  5′7
PSYCHOLOGICAL: ( undiagnosed ) Borderline Personality Disorder PHYSICAL: None SMOKE: Sometimes DRUGS: Sometimes ALCOHOL: Frequent
POSITIVE TRAITS: Spontaneous, resilient, assertive NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impulsive, guarded, stubborn MBTI: ENTP-A ENNEAGRAM: 7w8 TEMPERAMENT: sanguine
MUSICAL GENRE(S): Indie pop, pop, alt rock MUSICAL ARTIST(S): Faouzia, Hayley Williams, Lorde, KWAYE, Joji, PVRIS, The Weeknd, Nothing But Thieves, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, CHVRCHES, The 1975
BIO: ( TW: abandonment, drugs, addiction, abuse )
( Full bio linked here )
sparknotes version:
- grew up in the foster care system, bounced from house to house
- repeatedly being tossed around really messed with her self worth and sense of self in general
- developed lots of defense mechanisms, most of which unhealthy.
- She falls back on self sabotaging quite a bit, essentially ruining anything good for herself before it’s ripped away from her. at least here, it’s “in her control” rather than feeling like her world could be ripped from underneath her at any second
- when she was thirteen, she was placed with the Petrova’s, who actually showed her the compassion and care that she so desperately needed and longed for. she tested them a lot since she felt like it was too good to be true.
- slowly but surely she let them in, but in a two steps forward one step back kind of way. when she was 14, they officially adopted her
- fast forward a bit, and YIKES her birth father found her and reached out to her! as one could imagine, this sparked a lot of overwhelming emotions in Thalia, anger being a very predominant one... but curiosity won, and she agreed to talk with him.
- he said all the right things and gained her trust within a few minutes... but every other time they spoke, he wanted money.
- eventually she literally had nothing left to give him, which was when he suggested taking something from her adoptive parents since they were so well off financially.
- This is when Thalia drew the line, but he just broke in their house and took what any valuable looking thing he could
- thalia is VERY private, and likely will not speak about her childhood at all. if she had her way, no one would know she was even adopted, and that she just always was able to live in a life of luxory.
- she really doesn’t care who’s a private school student and who isn’t, but she may act like she does just to cover her tracks
- She’ll make acquaintances with just about anyone, but it takes a lot for her to consider you a genuine friend. She definitely has quite a few trust issues
- if you’re friends with her, expect lots of random texts, especially in the middle of the night
- is always up for an adventure, this girl will do anything to keep herself from being trapped in her own head
- confidant -- someone thalia actually TRUSTS ( a bizarre concept, I know ) this could develop overtime, or we can plot out how these two became close.
- Tutor/study buddies -- essentially someone to keep thalia on track academically
- Bad influence -- where they just kinda enable each other and feed off of their bad habits
- Good Influence -- opposite of above
- art buddies -- someone to keep her company as they work on projects until 3am
- ex’s -- ex friends or ex romantic partners ! both can make for glorious angst
that’s about all I got for now, but I’m open to just about anything!!
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livlepretre · 4 years
He finds her when she’s 25, not 16. // elena + elena/klaus, whatever you prefer (:
That’s the entire problem. A sixteen year old he could have seduced and sacrificed with all of the cold calculating contempt he had felt for Katerina all of those centuries ago. A sixteen year old would have been just another echo wearing Tatia Petrova’s face. A ghost in the machine, haunting him, demanding that he exorcise it lest that error in reality keep rippling through time. 
A twenty-five year old though. A twenty-five year old is an entirely different beast. 
A twenty-five year old can’t so easily be swept aside as a mere duplicate. No, when he meets Elena Gilbert, at a lecture at the Whitney one close May evening when the air itself feels heavy with repressed need, her face is entirely new to him. So familiar it steals his breath the moment he first glimpses her across the auditorium, primly jotting down notes in a little black journal she keeps nestled in her lap, yet new all the same. He’d been looking forward to this lecture, had been mulling over a few questions he would like to ask the artist at the end, but all of that flies out of his head the moment he recognizes her. He doesn’t hear a word the lecturer says after that. Every nerve in his body attunes itself to her instead. To this girl who had somehow transformed a stolen face into something unique and her own. 
After, he follows her away from the reception, to one of the open gallery spaces where she stands off on her own, gazing at up at a series of cyanographs. She’s so artlessly lovely, her plastic cup of untouched red wine clasped against her shoulder as she contemplates the work. 
It’s not terribly hard to engineer a meeting with her. To catch her name, somehow more beautiful and lilting than it has any right to be when pronounced in her faint Tidewater accent.  He says something flip about the lecture-- he doesn’t remember what, too distracted by the unlikely reality of her-- and she laughs, the sound deeper than he expects, not the girlish giggle he remembers at all-- and challenges his assessment. 
For the next few minutes, in addition to her laugh and her accent and her name, she needles him with her sharp tongue and bright eyes, her dry wit and secretive smile and her surprisingly forceful opinions on the topic of performativity. 
(“Everything’s a performance, when you get right down to it.” 
“Well, perhaps if you’re either tragically overconfident in yourself or remarkably incapable of introspection, then no. But everyone else is performing every minute of the day.”
“Even when they’re alone?”
“Oh, especially.”  
“You mean to say everyone is a liar.” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”) 
The hard part is getting any more from her. 
“Come have a drink with me,” he tempts her, as the crowd begins to thin out onto the streets. “I know a place just a couple of blocks over.” 
“I really wish I could, but I have a paper due in--” She glances at her wrist-watch-- “about ten hours.” 
He catches hold of her hand, squeezing the fingers as he stares deep into her eyes. “Have a drink with me,” he compels her. 
She bites her lip as she gazes up at him. He can hear the way her pulse quickens and her blood stirs as she takes him in. Desire ripples through her scent. He has her now. 
Except, maybe not, because she shakes her head. “Really, I can’t. Maybe I’ll see you around?” She hurries away without so much as a second glance back. 
Not a hint that she had been aware of his attempt to compel her, either. Perhaps this Elena Gilbert is a master liar herself. 
He wonders if she drinks vervain, or if she’d had it cleverly stashed somewhere on her person. Wonders what kind of girl she must be to have learned that trick at all. 
It’s not terribly hard to follow her onto the underground, careful to remain out of her sight as he stalks her through several line changes over to Queens, and then down several city blocks to a walk-up apartment on the third floor. 
There’s a nice girl who lives in the building across from hers one floor up, who’s naive enough to lean past the threshold when he knocks on her door, so he can yank her out from the relative safety of her home and do away with her without too much fuss. Her apartment becomes the perfect place from which to watch this Elena Gilbert, whom he learns has a habit of working in front of her bare bedroom window. 
He learns a lot of things about her, those first couple of weeks. He learns that she truly is a student, working on her MFA from Queens College. Performative drawing, he hears her explain again and again as he shadows her all over the city, to coffee shops and galleries and libraries and bars, meeting friends for an espresso or classmates for a pint and a smoke after an opening, calling her mother back home in a quaint little town called Mystic Falls. 
He tells himself he’s following her so that he can discover more about her. Tells himself he’s just keeping tabs on her while his agents seek out Katerina and the moonstone in whatever dark corner of the world she must have hidden it. 
He makes the mistake of letting himself into her studio one night, after she’d spent the better part of the night and early hours of the morning toiling away in there. Immediately, the scent of her body-- sweat mostly, with just the faintest coppery edge of blood-- immerses him. He sucks deep lungfuls of the perfumed air into his lungs, greedy. Then he sees the drawings. Stacks and stacks of them, tacked onto the wall, littering the floor, the desk. Imagines the arc of her body as she had made these, the emotion and the intent behind the gestures. Sitting on the desk is a camera. When he picks it up, it’s still warm. He presses play, and there is Elena Gilbert, gliding across the tiny screen, her body and her breath somehow the brush, the color, and the art all at once. 
Weeks more pass before he realizes the gravity of his error-- before he realizes that in slipping into her studio to see her artwork, he had allowed her to slip into him, until he could no longer bear to imagine a world without her in it. 
That to see her art would be to fall in love with her. 
He has the moonstone in his breast pocket the next time he sees her. There’s a full moon just four nights away. He has a werewolf and a vampire and a witch. He could abscond with Elena now, and make it down to Virginia with her in plenty of time. 
It’s why he’d come to this show, orchestrated by one of Elena’s classmates, where he’d known he would find her, drinking whiskey in the back of the gallery with a couple of disaffected sculptors. 
In a moment, she’ll wander right past him, and he can grab her without too much fuss. 
Except, she glances up, and she recognizes him. Blinds him with her smile and bounds over to him. “You again! What are you doing here?” 
And all at once, he’s at a loss for words, because he realizes he doesn’t really want to kill this fascinating, spirited girl. At least, not yet. 
“Playing a role, it would seem,” he replies. 
She steps back, then, openly appraising him. “And what role is that, then?” 
“How about we catch that drink, and we can find out.” 
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nexrp5-blog · 6 years
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NAME: Gleb Petrov. BIRTHDAY: October 4th, 1957. PRONOUNS: He/Him. GENDER/SEX: Cis/Male. OCCUPATION: Investigative Journalist. FACE CLAIM: Armie Hammer.
AESTHETIC – smoking at midnight, beat up paperback novels, tchaikovsky played in the morning, cooking breakfast at four in the morning, bruised knuckles, pants covered in dog fur, forged documents, oil paintings, french food, gold, stargazing, paper lanterns, calligraphy, freshly pressed clothing, dark brown oxford shoes, silk ties, black suits, the sound of scribbling notes, boxes piled too high, newspaper print, dark knit turtleneck sweaters.
LIKES: russian literature, his mother, calligraphy, purple ink, old books, newspapers, telling the truth no matter how harsh, his dog, astronomy, classical russian composers, science fiction novels, handwriting analysis, antiques, numbers stations, radio shows, the sound of running water, the russian ballet.
DISLIKES: his father, guns, anything illegal, yelling, being interrupted, cats, majority of people, police, violence, smiling, religion, lilies, the color white, cold food, coffee, video games, pop music, the beatles, children, licking stamps, hats, the idea of marriage, sputnik.
(  TW: ABUSE )
– Name Games. In Russian, Gleb means Heir of God – a name his father always hoped would be fitting for him, but soon realized that his son would never be the son he hoped for. Gleb always hated his name, though the strong Russian tie never bothered him, it did bother some because he knew what it meant to his father. Rather than changing his name, Gleb decided to keep it. His mother always liked the name and if anything, Gleb wanted to honor her by keeping the name. It does remind him too much of his father and the legacy the man left behind.
– Penmanship. Gleb always had a fascination with handwriting. Perhaps it was the one thing he picked up from his father, the older man made a living out of forging paperwork. Gleb himself also has a knack for copying other people’s handwriting. He does it more out of fascination rather than for criminal use and is opposed to using handwriting in a criminal fashion. He’s not an expert, but he does know enough that he can forge most any handwriting. Often, people will find him staring at them while they write because he always picks up on the smallest details of a person’s penmanship.
– Russian Culture. Gleb has a strong love-hate relationship with certain aspects of Russian culture. He loves Russian literature, music, and art, but most everything else he hates. He especially hates Sputnik because he was born on the same day as the Soviet Union launched the satellite into space. He was raised with Russian culture and learned to appreciate where family was from, however much of his home life was harsh and cold. What Gleb likes most of the culture is things that remind him of life.
– Home Sweet Home. Gleb is second generation American. His mother, Alisa Petrova, was first generation American, but his father, Salva Petrov, was born in Russia and moved to America when he was twenty two. Where his mother’s family adopted American culture much easily, his father did not. Due to this, Gleb and his younger brother, were raised with a heavy hand at home. While his father never hit him hard, he was often yelled at and disciplined if he misbehaved. Unfortunately, the bulk of the abuse was towards his mother. Because of the way Gleb was raised, he adopted the more soft approach to people from his mother, but the coldness of his father.
– Seeking the Truth. His childhood shaped much of his life and made Gleb the man he is today. He was the first of the Petrov family to head off to college. He decided that he wanted to study journalism because he wanted to know the truth. Gleb found himself unable to join the police force because of his father’s mistakes, so journalism became the next best thing. It combined his love of writing, finding the truth, and investigating into one. The profession fits him well and he enjoys seeing his name on headlines.  
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thefadeoutrpg · 7 years
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     DETAILS -- 
age: twenty five
affiliation: film
occupation: director
pronouns: he/him/his
bio triggers: none
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    George Walker was brought up to love everyone. With two parents who embodied the idea that everyone was a human and therefore needed to be treated with the same compassion and understanding that he gave someone else, no matter who they were. George grew up on those ideals, and they were ideals that he was not afraid to tell other people about– no matter the scoffs that he got from others who did not feel the same way as himself and his family. From the young age of three, he was all smiles all the time. He thought it was easier to be happy than it was to be unhappy. His family always loved to see the boy because he was the face of joy. He was the perfect child, they couldn’t ask for a better little boy, even after his twin siblings Faira and Orion were born. From the moment he could talk he was always asking people how they were feeling and if they needed help. He had almost a knack for figuring out what someone was feeling by just the way they sat and the facial expressions they had. He never seemed to have any dark thoughts going through his mind and the more he grew up, the more he appreciated the life around him. Without a smile, he felt almost lost, helping people became almost a second nature to him. How someone felt meant a lot to him. By the time he was ten, he was easily one of the most charming people in the entire school, trying his best to make sure that everyone felt important.
    When he got older, girls flocked to him and fawned over him. However, George never seemed interested in them. He spent most of his time with his friend Jamison Bates. The two were best friends. They could not be separated; they did everything together. Rarely did someone see George without Jamison close behind him and vice versa. Jamison was an artist, and loved to build things, and George was a visionary wanting to create things and make them come alive. The two owned the theater department. While George never excelled in anywhere other than theater and the arts, he enjoyed it, and knew that eventually he wanted to direct films. Jamison always dreamed of being a set designer. The two made a pact that they would work together for the rest of their lives, and they would stay friends forever. At the young age of fifteen, that almost seems to be ridiculous, but nothing could break the bond between the two friends. George could not deny a physical attraction to his best friend, but he never said anything out loud because it was more trouble than good to admit those feelings. It was taboo in their society and he would not condemn the both of them for his possible one sided feelings. The boy just continued to be a friend. He never wanted to make a wave at school, except for some reason he felt that he was making a difference in the lives of the people around him. And he could not deny happiness about that. With his graduation, he and Jamison parted ways. Although George felt a little sick to the stomach at that, he did not say anything. They still had their pact to remain friends through everything and that was what was important to him.
    College went by in a flash, and before too long, he was working at Victory Street Productions. He was mainly doing small jobs, like assistant director and even was a cameraman for a little bit. He was the same George though, caring more about the people around him than his own self. The young man started working under one of the bigger directors at Victory Street, Scott Castle. The older man became someone that George could look up to. Working with Scott built up his credibility and before long, he was working on bigger projects. He met Dottie Kierson not long after the girl’s high school graduation. George was charming to her, and instantly drawn to her. She was sad and he wanted to help her as much as he could. He convinced her to stay in town, only because he cherished her as a friend. Their friendship meant a lot to him, especially after he stopped talking to Jamison. Dottie reluctantly agreed to stick around in Los Angeles. He got her a job as a publicist for Scarlet Moon Studios, which Dottie seemed grateful about, especially since she hit her stride there. Life was looking up for George. When he was asked to work on a film that would mean he was going to have to leave town, he accepted. He would be the lead on the project and he was ecstatic that his hard work and dedication was paying off. A few weeks later he was off to shoot a movie in Mexico. Although Dottie seemed disappointed, she understood. He promised that he would keep in contact with her while he was away.
    Mexico was one of the best experiences of his life. He got to explore a different culture and learn a lot about travel. The movie was a good experience for him, especially since he was the sole director of the movie, he had control over everything. Everything was panning out for George– which is usually when something doesn’t pan out. After a drunken night in Veracruz, Mexico, George found himself in bed with another man. He did not feel like he had done anything wrong, even if society deemed it that way, but the night scared him so much because what George realized about himself was that he preferred men. That scared him more than anything else in the world. So he packed up the crew and cast and they went back to Los Angeles. He had filmed enough on location and it was time to start editing the film. George felt no shame for sleeping with a man, there were other people like him – and he had always been taught to be accepting of everyone. The moment he got back to Los Angeles – 26 March 1972 – only two days after Alana’s disappearance. Except he did not tell a single soul that he was back. Not Scott. Not Dottie. Not the people at Victory Street Productions. No one– except Jamison. The two went out to catch up because it had been years since they had spoken. George had a pleasant night with his old best friend, and promised that they would speak again soon.
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    It was two days after Alana’s disappearance that he actually admitted that he was back to the studio. He had come home to utter turmoil. LA PETITE FEMME needed work, Scott needed help, they needed a new lead, and a camera man -- and they needed to rework the script. It was Dottie that told him news that Alana Sommers was missing. His heart fell out of his chest. While he had never met the woman, he wondered what anyone could want with her. She was popular, and happy from what he had heard of her. Dottie was sure to have known Alana– he did not know that they had become good friends in the time he was gone, but George knew that he could not have a heavy talk to Dottie, not now. She was not going to understand and George could not lie to her, and he knows that telling her that he does not want to date women just might end their friendship for good. Luckily, with the mess the studio is in, he had found a way to become busy and avoid Dottie. George felt bad about it because he knew she took the disappearance harder than many of the other people in the studio. He knows that there is only so long before the woman notices that he’s avoiding anything more than a small chat.
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     FAIRA & ORION WALKER. siblings All George wants for his siblings is for them to be happy and follow in their footsteps. He loves Faira and Orion with all his heart. Though they are much younger than him, he hopes that they do know that he loves them very much. George has always been a family man and though he has not come out to his siblings he does hope that they will accept him. George is as involved in their lives as he can be, especially now that he is busy helping Scott with the movie. The man knows that Faira will accept him, but he isn’t quite sure about Orion -- as his younger brother is a mystery at the best of times. George knows that above everything, his family is what is going to come first. 
     JAMISON BATES. interest George would do just about anything for Jamison, though he isn’t sure if the other boy feels the same way. George has always been more emotional and outwardly artistic than his counterpart friend. Though it has been several years since the two of them have connected, Jamison has been an important person in George’s life for a long time. Jamison is probably his closest friend and the only person George is comfortable talking to about everything. He’s sure Dottie won’t understand what he’s going through. The other boy is the only person that knows what happened in Mexico and lately George has been questioning if their relationship could possibly be more important to him than he originally thought. ( ooc: Although it is heavily implied that George & Jamison slept together the night George got back, it will be up to the players if that happened or not. )
    ODETTE PETROVA. annoyance She just won’t leave him or Jamison alone. The painter, while heavily talented, just isn’t someone that he cares to know. She’s friendly and way too bubbly for her own good, but it almost seems that she has something to hide. If only Odette would leave him alone. George does think she’s friend material, especially since she’s interesting, but he just wishes she would leave him alone sometimes. For some reason, she’s latched onto him and while he does want to be friendly and nice, sometimes he wonders if he was just oblivious to all women that acted like that prior to realizing his sexuality, or if it’s just Odette that bothers him.
     DENA ARYA. acquaintance  George is a frequent customer at the Railroad cafe. He finds Dena fascinating. Though he has only talked to her a few times, he wonders if she’s just interesting because he doesn’t know her very well -- or if she has a lot of cool stories that he’s yet to find out. The Railroad Cafe is one of George’s favorite spots in the city to hang out at and he’s looking forward to getting to know the Arya’s better. 
Additional Connections: Scott Castle, Dottie Kierson
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GEORGE WALKER is portrayed by Julian Morris
He is currently OPEN
His faceclaim is SEMI-NEGOTIABLE
Approved faceclaims choices: Theo James, Matt Daddario
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artani · 2 months
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Corazón cansado... v.
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artani · 18 days
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artani · 1 month
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Dolfin... Leyenda de Murano
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artani · 2 months
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Parte de mi tercer error
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artani · 2 years
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... bellísima
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artani · 13 days
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El Año del Dragón
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artani · 28 days
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El Clips,... O la cara oculta de la Luna
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artani · 1 month
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El Principito
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artani · 1 month
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Encaje blanco de Burano
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artani · 1 month
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Mi feiz japonés... v.
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