#color pie
asteroidtroglodyte · 9 months
{MTG Color Theory 201:}
2-Color Characters
[if you like, you may also peruse my post on monocolor characters]
With 5 colors available, we have 10 possible combinations of 2. As it happens, this includes 5 Allied Color Pairs (ACPs) and 5 Enemy Color Pairs (ECPs). Grouping them this way will help us understand their motivations, which are either coherent & external (ACPs) or dissonant & internal (ECPs). I’ll get into what exactly I mean by that below.
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ACPs (Allied Color Pairs)
Red/Green: The Champion
Green/White: The Martyr
White/Blue: The Authority
Blue/Black: The Manipulator
Black/Red: The Demolisher
ACPs are defined by what their 2 colors agree on. Their ideology a coherent fusion of their color philosophies. They will have 2 Fair Weather Friends, the 2 colors adjacent to them, which they can tolerate but only to a degree; and 1 Nemesis, their shared enemy color, an external motivating force that they stand firmly against.
ECPs (Enemy Color Pairs)
White/Red: The Enforcer
Red/Blue: The Visionary
Blue/Green: The Cultivator
Green/Black: The Predator
Black/White: The Master
ECPs are defined by what their 2 colors disagree on. Their Ideology is defined by a dissonant tension along a particular philosophical axis. They will be defined partially by their Blind Spot, the single color that sits between theirs, and their Rival Color Pair, the 2 colors opposite their Blind Spot that define what they reject in life.
{dig into the notes}
{see also my Quick Tour of 2-color Paladins}
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homeostasister · 1 year
Each color’s take on “I do not control the speed at which lobsters die”
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dominarianplowshare · 7 months
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I love her I N F I N I T E L Y
Incidentally this card, like every Huatli card, embodies an under-appreciated archetype of RGW color alignment—the interest in human unity of GW, infused with R’s artistic passion!
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cardboard-crack · 2 years
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sunder-the-gold · 3 months
[M:tG] Accept the ugliness of Green
It is not without any capacity for love and friendliness, but it is not the cuddly Hufflepuff-and-Hobbits, family-and-friends Color.
Of all Colors, Green believes the most in Fate and the least in Free Will. The most in collectivism and the least in individualism. The most in blind tradition and superstition, and the least in experimentation and innovation.
You cannot fight Fate, you cannot change your Destiny; the gods themselves will strike you down if you reach beyond the station to which you were born, if your own people don't strike you down first to save themselves from the gods' wrath. And you are NOT allowed to be depressed about it.
Your personal survival matters less than the survival of the family lineage, tribe, culture, species... and your personal happiness matters even less.
At your birth, your people make assumptions about your Fate based on omens. You're blessed with good luck if you're healthy and beautiful, your parents are important, the stars are right, and the harvest was good. But you are cursed with bad luck if you were born sickly, malformed, just before a famine, plague, or major defeat, under frightening stars, to impoverished or outcast parents... This is how your people choose their kings and pariahs.
If your tribe doesn't believe in non-binary genders or gender-fluidity, they will not accept the Blue idea that you can change your nature. If your tribe believes that all gay men are a third gender, they will force them to live as that gender whether they like it or not. Whatever a Green tribe believes nature to be, they will enforce that belief with violence.
Green believes in harmony with nature... that absolutely does not mean "peace".
Green does not tolerate the other Colors any more than they tolerate it. It opposes Blue and Black as fiercely as they oppose it. If you live opposed to Green's values, Green will seek to crush you underfoot.
The weak are prey for the strong. The strong feed on the weak. Just as ants will raid other hives and steal larvae to raise as slave-workers, there is nothing in Green opposed to raiding and enslaving weaker, more vulnerable peoples.
Elves pray to their nature gods to send beasts to defend them, and Godzilla emerges from the forest to wage divine war without once acknowledging the worshipful insects at his feet. But it's less Godzilla: King of the Monsters and more like that forgotten fighting game: Primal Rage.
Death is no escape from Green's brutal philosophy, because if any Color believes in reincarnation and history-as-an-unbroken-cycle, it is Green. Like Wheel of Time, there is no end, there is no new beginning, there is no change, no Heavenly Paradise. There is only the next turning of the wheel as everyone repeats everything that ever happened before.
The world and its gods and all people die and sink into chaos only for a new world and gods and people to emerge from chaos and start the cycle all over again. Forever.
THIS is the Color that White and Red both neighbor but cannot embrace; the Color that they reject deeply enough to distinguish themselves from it.
THIS is the Color that Blue and Black oppose on an essential, intolerable, passionate level.
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douglysium · 9 months
The Flavor of MTG: Blue, the Color of Progress(Part 1)
Before we really dive into this color philosophy I have to get the usual stuff out of the way. If you haven’t read the previous, albeit really long, article covering some of the more general aspects of the Color Pie then you should probably do so, even if only to decrease the chance that you ask a question I’ve already gone over or to make sure that I don’t have to repeat myself over and over(You can read said article on Tumblr here(https://douglysium.tumblr.com/private/672979718186975232/tumblr_r5hjo0WAWg1ycm9nu) and on Google Docs here(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y1d7vBZozSEmkARSeGYj4onyty6uAXlooaXKR9WxLOI/edit)). I should also mention that today I am focusing on MONO-Blue as a color philosophy. This means some specifics here may not apply to every color combination that includes Blue. It is also important to remember that the color pie is ultimately a vague philosophical archetype, not a personality archetype(even if a personality can be influenced by one’s personal philosophy). When I say things like a color’s “strength and weaknesses” there are definitely exceptions and know that I am speaking broadly and mostly talking about the behaviors and personalities that such a philosophy either attracts/encourages or discourages. Also, the color philosophies are all about what people find most important. So when I say something like Blue likes knowledge and Black cares about the self that does not mean that it is all those colors care about. Even Blue may care about emotions, Black may still care about others, and White often still cares about the individual. It’s just that those things come second fiddle to other things and should not get in the way of their primary goals. I should also note that because this article is about Blue and I do not have infinite time I will mainly be covering things from Blue’s perspective. So sorry if it comes off like I’m just bashing Red and Green philosophy at any point but I promise that those colors will get their chance to shine in their own articles one day. What I’m saying is don’t base your entire view of Blue’s enemy colors on this article since it probably won’t be the most flattering perspective.
One thing that all the color philosophies in Magic have is a little phrase that helps summarize their philosophy. This phrase basically has two parts, the end goal of the color and how they seek to achieve that. In Blue’s case, its phrase is “Perfection through Knowledge.” In this case, the end goal is “Perfection” and the means is “Knowledge.” What this is supposed to tell us is that Blue philosophy is all about perfecting one’s self and the world around it and creating a world where everyone and everything can be the best version of themselves. I think it’s important to clarify the wording here for Blue is not saying you literally need to be perfect or never make a mistake. Only that you should strive to be the best version of yourself you can be. In the case of Blue, perfection isn’t an end goal but an endless process and a mindset saying you should be constantly striving to do better. Since Blue is all about being the best you can be, its philosophy is often summarized as perfection since if you're striving constantly to become better and better constantly then you are always striving to get as close to perfection as possible. If I had to put it in a simpler way, Blue is about “Improvement/Progress through Knowledge.”
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The way Blue believes we should achieve this is through the aforementioned knowledge. Blue is a philosophy that believes anything and everything can theoretically be understood and made possible as long as you have the knowledge, tools, time, and dedication. To this end, it is important to properly obtain and use knowledge since Blue believes almost anything can be achieved if you have the proper knowledge, resources, and time. In order to utilize this knowledge it is important to use your head and think through your actions as much as possible. Blue is a philosophy that strives to be open to any possibility but not too hasty to action because everything has a theoretical solution if the right amount of time, energy, and understanding is applied. This tends to mean Blue is generally against both impulse and instinct. Now Blue isn’t inherently against any and all emotions and it often acknowledges emotions as a powerful force(which makes discipline and forethought all the more important). Blue is simply arguing that you shouldn’t let things like emotions and instincts control you without tempering them with thought and reason because they often spur short-sighted actions that can hurt you in the long run. While they can grant you quick satisfaction, if improperly controlled they can come back to bite you later(or even immediately). Also, just going with whatever you immediately feel tends to conflict with Blue’s ideal of not making hasty decisions because Blue wants to strive to make the best and most optimal decision as much as possible. Part of doing that is keeping in mind more long-term goals over transient short-sighted ones and keeping the big picture in mind so that you can properly understand the ramifications of your actions and choices. Blue also understands that there are typically a limited amount of resources and time one has access to and to Blue it is important to maximize these resources by making informed, thoughtful, and considered decisions.
Similar to how White has some notable ways it tends to use structure, Blue has some notable ways it tends to approach and use knowledge. First off, since Blue believes knowledge, understanding, and thought are the key to everything it is often advocating for as much knowledge as possible and gathering any knowledge it comes across since you never know when the knowledge may become helpful in the future. There is also the fact that Blue may not always know or be aware of the knowledge it may need which can also often encourage it to collect as much knowledge as possible in order to increase the chances that it finds out something it didn’t know it needed or if the knowledge becomes helpful later. This often gives Blue an emphasis in regard to learning and education as these are some of the best tools to acquire more knowledge. This also tends to extend to a more structural level and not just individual levels. From Blue’s perspective, being the best self you can also mean that the society in which individuals reside needs to also be the best it can be. So Blue tends to prioritize things like education systems, libraries, schools, and other structured systems in regard to education. These can act as vectors for people obtaining the knowledge to become whatever it is that they consider to be their best selves as well as allow for Blue to obtain even more knowledge in order to give it an edge and allow it to overcome obstacles. If Black’s goal can be described as attempting to become as close to omnipotent(all-powerful) as possible so that it can get everything it needs, Blue’s can be described as one that strives to be as close to omniscient(being all-knowing) as possible. 
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Mark has given us 4 notable ways Blue may like to use knowledge in his “True Blue Revisited” article. Firstly, knowledge can be used to control people or get them to act in a way that is beneficial for you, others, or society via withholding pieces of information. Secondly, it can act as a key, allowing those with the right info to access or do things others do not know how to do. Those who know the proper words or actions may know how to do things others cannot. Thirdly, it can act as a form of protection. It goes without saying that if you know something’s coming you can better prepare for it and if you know what exactly something even is you may be able to use it to your advantage or exploit a weakness. Fourthly, it can be used as a weapon or a form of attack. This sort of ties into the first point since while controlling knowledge gives you the ability to exercise control over others, knowing/exposing the right piece of knowledge or secret information can be quite devastating(think stuff like blackmail or exposing weaknesses to the public). 
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Also, restricting someone’s information by lying, deceiving, hiding it, etc. can give a tactical advantage since they may not even realize there’s anything to fight back against or how to do it.
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Blue is also a color philosophy that is more likely to take advantage of technicalities or utilize loopholes in laws and/or rules to get what it wants since it is a philosophy that is all about nuance and understanding the world around it and how they function. This emphasis on knowledge and understanding means that Blue often has a respect for science, since science is quite literally defined by the dictionary as “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”, “a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject”, or “knowledge of any kind” and science is literally all about understanding how things work. Now just to be clear, you don’t need to be a scientist or specifically engage in science first and foremost per se to be Blue, but that’s something I’ll get into later. Tying in with Blue’s themes of knowledge and understanding, Blue is a philosophy that believes every phenomenon that exists or happens has an explanation for how and why it occurs even if we have yet to figure it out. This adds an aspect of questioning basically everything as much as possible since anything and everything can theoretically be understood in due time and under the right circumstances. Where colors like White or Green may see events as holy miracles or some sort of occurrence that cannot always be explained, Blue argues that there is an explanation for how and why these events occur. Although, this is not to say that Blue could never attribute something to a god or some sort of magic(even if I would say that in general Blue would probably usually, but not always, subscribe to the “Magic is just science we don’t yet understand yet” style of thinking. Although it is important to acknowledge that for some people and places within the multiverse some sort of magic, supernatural occurrence, or similar explanation could be a valid one for them).
This brings us to Blue’s themes of perfection, self-improvement, and technology(as they are all related). As mentioned, Blue is all about being the best self one can be via knowledge and forethought. This ties in with some of Blue’s philosophy as Blue believes anything is possible and everything is a blank slate. When I say this I don’t mean Blue believes you can just magically start flying because you think about doing it hard enough or that it doesn’t believe in genetics or being more likely to be predisposed to certain things. Rather that everyone basically has infinite potential and there is a way to achieve what they want or want to be. Let me put it this way, if someone is born blind then they may be able to have perfect 20/20 vision via glasses, contacts, or surgery. 
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If something is born without wings to grant it the ability to fly then it may be possible to grant it flight using something like a jetpack, flying vehicle(such as an airplane), or maybe even some crazy futuristic genetic engineering to change someone’s very DNA.
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This is all to say, Blue isn’t claiming you can just will yourself to grow wings or have perfect vision but rather that with the right amount of knowledge, one can do these things in order to make themselves better if they so choose. This is where Blue’s themes of technology come in since said devices and technology allow you to alter yourself and/or do things that you could not do on your own. 
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Normally, humans cannot fly but airplanes change that. Normally, nearsighted people cannot just manifest 20/20 vision but glasses change that. So Blue’s idea of a blank slate is more the idea that there is a path that allows you to become whatever it is you want to be if you take the right steps and make the best-informed choices possible and that it is possible for you to overcome and/or break free of things like genetics, fate, destiny, etc. 
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Blue also has a mindset that encourages one to never give up since there is basically always a way to get what they want. In Blue’s eyes even if it were to assume there is some hypothetical that could literally never be achieved no matter how much knowledge one obtained and no matter how advanced technology became there would be no way of knowing unless you are actually trying to achieve it anyway. The best way I can put it is through an example given in Mark Rosewater’s “STRIVING FOR PERFECTION” article: “For years no human was able to run a mile in under four minutes. Physiologists at the time claimed that it was quite possibly beyond the ability of the human body and that the mere attempt at such a thing would be dangerous to the athlete that tried it. Then one day a man named Roger Bannister did it. Forty-six days later another runner broke the four-minute barrier. Within three years, fourteen more runners had also done it. Now it's the standard for mid-distance runners… It was an impossible task, that is, until someone did it. Then it became a doable task and many people did it. The only barrier was a mental one. Runners couldn't do it because they didn't believe it was possible. Once it was proven possible, it completely changed how they approached the problem. People can do things they believe they can do. If you take a task at hand and assume you can do it, guess what happens? You do it.” This type of perspective in regards to the potential most people have is what Blue’s mindset may often be likened to. In a way in order to understand what is truly possible Blue is saying we must approach everything with the assumption that it is somehow possible. All the color philosophies basically have an answer for what your goal in life should be and how to achieve that and in Blue’s case that goal is basically pushing yourself to the limit and being the very best you can be while constantly seeking to better yourself and the world around you so it can in turn encourage and facilitate ways for you and others to be better. Blue is interesting in that it stresses that one must be flexible and open to all the possibilities while also not being too hasty or quick to action(as to give yourself time to figure out the best possible decisions). Of course, like all color philosophies, Blue usually wants a society that encourages this. So it will typically advocate for citizens being granted good opportunities for education, places to safely experience things through trial and error(as outside of controlled situations you should strive to make as few errors as possible), and some way to access the best and most recent tools and technology so they to can gain the knowledge and understanding needed to better themselves, the society they live in, and the world around them. Blue philosophy is ultimately, and succinctly, revolving around self-actualization(which is defined as “the realization or fulfillment of one's talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone.”)
Blue’s emphasis on knowledge, understanding, information, and forethought means that within Magic it often has an emphasis on academics, books & other repositories of information, mind/thought, control, memory, manipulation, artifice, trickery, subtlety, complexity, and illusions. Of course, the emphasis on knowledge means that Blue also has symbolic associations with the mind, and by extension abilities and magic relating to the mind and information regarding it, like telepathy and telekinesis. On the other hand, Blue’s emphasis on utilizing your time to the absolute fullest in order to gather as much information and time to think as possible tends to associate it with time-based magic and passivity and Blue’s emphasis on progress, betterment and what could be what gives it some future symbolism. Meanwhile, Blue’s emphasis on technology, improvement, and tools gives it a strong symbolic connection to construction/technology, artifacts, and man-made items.
As with my previous discussion about White philosophy and beliefs, I think it's important to help cement a more concrete understanding of what one needs to believe in to be Blue aligned. I’ll do this by discussing the most basic and barebone ideals needed to potentially qualify for being Blue aligned. Of course there are a couple of disclaimers. It’s important to remember the Color Pie is a vague philosophical and value archetype. The color pie is ultimately about VALUES and IDEALS. A Blue character can end up being hot headed and overemotional, although they would normally see this as a flaw/mistake or potentially have some sort of self justification for it, and not every person who values knowledge is necessarily Mono-Blue or even has Blue in their color identity at all because they may have a different outlook on life or value something more important than progress and knowledge. They may also think knowledge should be used for a purpose different from that of what Blue says. Also, this article is specifically about Mono-Blue so these requirements are only meant to apply to just Blue, and any color combinations that contain Blue mixed with other colors may not necessarily follow the same rules, for example: it is possible to be Blue-Red aligned and believe that your emotions are more important than thinking things through.
First off, in order to be Blue aligned, one must believe that theoretically anything is possible and can be understood with the right amount of time, advanced enough technology and/or a certain amount of knowledge. As mentioned before Blue isn't foolish enough to believe that you can just grow wings with the power of thought but it may be possible in the distant future to create artificial wings, jetpacks, or vehicles that could carry you just as well, or even better, than any naturally occurring wings. Blue can also concede things like the fact that being literally perfect and without flaws is impossible. It’s a philosophy that believes that everything in the universe can theoretically be understood with enough time, advanced enough technology, and/or a certain amount of knowledge and thus believes everything has an explanation even if we do not know what said explanation is at the moment. We might not be able to grow wings or understand all the mysteries of the universe now but who knows? Maybe in a 1,000 years, these things and how they work will be as common as running water or something. If it wasn’t clear from some of my examples you don’t need to believe that LITERALLY anything and everything is possible or that there are no limitations. Like Blue isn’t about to say that a random ass roaches on the sidewalk is about to start inventing advanced technology just because it wills it or that it could reach the same kind of thoughts as a human without outside interference. It’s also important to remember that one tends to only have a limited amount of resources and time(which is why Blue would often say you need to make the best decisions possible). There are plenty of Blue characters that would argue one can never become completely perfect or that achieving something isn’t feasible within a certain amount of time or time frame and for many it would be utterly ridiculous to believe that a human could do something like break the sound barrier while running through sheer force of will and no outside technology to aid them or that you can achieve omniscience and understand all of the universe with the current level of technology.
Secondly, and most obvious, one has to believe in following their mind and using forethought over one’s emotions. This also ties in with the idea of knowledge being powerful and most important since the knowledge you gather allows you to make better decisions and letting your emotions have you just constantly make shortsighted and hair-brained decisions would just put that knowledge to waste. Doing something because “I just felt like it” outside of specific situations(such as a game or something) usually isn’t going to cut it even if you can understand where it is coming from.
Thirdly, you must believe that everyone is a blank slate. As mentioned before this does not mean one needs to straight up completely not believe that things like being predisposed towards certain things via genetics or biology or even destiny and/or fate exist. Rather that it is possible, in one way or another through willpower, discipline, knowledge, technology, etc. to change, overcome and/or break free of these things in one way or another. 
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Essentially, these are not the end-all-be-all limits for what we can and can’t do as long as we have the technology, time, and/or knowledge to do so. Blue philosophy tends to fall under various types of tabula rasa style schools of thought(that the human mind receives knowledge and forms itself based on experience alone, without any pre-existing innate ideas that would serve as a starting point. Tabula rasa thus implies that individual human beings are born "blank" (with no built-in mental content) and that their identity is defined entirely by their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world… ).
A Colorful Quote
In order to hopefully better understand where each color is coming from, even if you may ultimately disagree with it, I thought it would be helpful to pick a quote that I felt really resonated or matched with the color's themes/ideals in order to help package the color in a philosophical form of thought you may be more familiar with or understand.
The first quote is Lao Tzu’s “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” I feel like this quote does a pretty good job of showing why Blue tends to put all its stock in knowledge and understanding. As that knowledge allows you to do anything and can also be used to aid and better yourself. Understanding and knowing how to fish and how fishing works puts people in a better position than just never accumulating the knowledge while continuously buying fish without thought. Teaching people how to fish instead of just hoarding the knowledge can also allow for a better society and the world. Since dispensing the knowledge of how to fish allows more people to gather food which means society has more food. Having this knowledge also puts one in a position of power since if you know how to fish but your clients do not then they are more likely to have to rely on you and do what you say for food. “Knowledge is power” as they say(a phrase we’ll come back to later). Similarly, the famous Sun Tzu quote “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle” also shows how a philosophy that puts all its stock in knowledge might be appealing to Blue, and both quotes display that when Blue is faced with a problem it almost always advocates to tackle it from the angle of knowledge. The first quote also shows how knowledge can be used to make the world a better place, by teaching others, and this Sun Tzu quote also displays that while knowledge can be used to make the world a better place it can also act as an offensive or defensive weapon by understanding a situation or knowing something your enemies do not.
"Mind over matter" is a popular phrase and is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as  “-used to describe a situation in which someone is able to control a physical condition, problem, etc., by using the mind.” As mentioned before, Blue doesn’t necessarily believe you can say just start growing wings through sheer force of will but I feel like this quote still tends to embody a very Blue mindset or goal. Mind over matter situations are going to be the types of situations Blue tends to gravitate towards, and views problems as, because Blue believes that knowledge, willpower, and time can allow you to overcome many different kinds of weaknesses and problems. 
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The emphasis on mind over matter is also why in the game of MTG Blue tends to get things like telekinesis, an ability that allows one to perform physical actions using the mind and may even allow them to do things they could not do physically. While Blue can still believe in getting jacked and perfecting one’s body/physique it will argue that the best way to approach this is through knowledge and understanding. At the end of the day if you can understand the why and how something works it is possible to exert your will over it in some way and get the desired result. You may be able to increase your stamina while running by pushing yourself to the limit and exercising or by using some specific running technique. As pointed out earlier, from the perspective of Blue how can we know what truly is or isn’t possible for both the world around us and ourselves if we don’t push ourselves. I’m sure everyone had a situation or thing that they thought they would be bad at but turned out to be actually decent at or enjoy it. Or maybe you thought something like “I’ll never be a good artist” only to see how far you’ve come a couple years later.
“Knowledge is power” is a phrase that one could argue may apply a bit more to Dimir(Blue-Black) philosophy but I think it also applies to Blue quite well, and while Black and Blue do overlap in an emphasis on knowledge, Black sees power somewhat differently than Blue and doesn’t always see knowledge as being synonymous with power. However, I’ll get into that later. Of course, the color philosophy that believes knowledge and understanding can be used as a way to achieve anything would also see those things as the vectors for obtaining power and control if it really wants or needs to. This quote is also meant to emphasize the importance of passing on knowledge and education which is usually going to be important to Blue philosophy. Knowledge gives you the power to gain control over your own life. Similarly, Martin Luther King Jr’s “Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control” hits a lot of the same beats(even if it might be overall a more White-Blue or Bant(Green-White-Blue) quote).
“Measure twice cut once” is a quote that I feel perfectly encapsulates Blue’s ideals of trying to take as much time as possible while using the knowledge you have to make the best possible decisions. One only has so much resources and so much time so it is best to avoid careless mistakes or accidents as much as possible. You shouldn’t just go with whatever your emotions or gut tells you but always be trying to use your brain. Your emotions and what you want aren’t always the things you need and may sometimes only offer short-term gratification at the expense of more important or long term goals. You also shouldn’t rush things and try to take the time to understand a situation/problem as much as you can. Doing this can also save you even more time down the line than just rushing in would have.
Finally, “knowledge is its own reward” is probably one of the most Blue quotes out there. Out of all the colors Blue is the one that is most likely to be concerned about knowledge for knowledge’s sake because it wants to accumulate as much as possible since you never know when said knowledge may come in handy and it may reveal yet another bit of knowledge you didn’t know you needed. While Blue does have its own reasons for wanting to obtain knowledge, such as perfection and self-betterment, the other colors, such as White and Black, are less likely to care about knowledge for its own sake and are more likely to see it as just a means to an end.
Philosophical Strengths
Despite all of Blue’s themes of perfection, nothing is truly perfect and that goes for all color philosophies, including Blue. However, before I go over Blue’s philosophical weaknesses it is vital to go over Blue’s philosophical strengths in order to show some of the upsides and positives its philosophy can often encourage.
Blue’s most obvious and noteworthy strength is how it can encourage the use of knowledge and information. Blue does not only seek to figure out the best ways to acquire knowledge but also how to properly use knowledge as a tool. This encourages a way of approaching things that involves taking the time to utilize said knowledge by looking at the big picture/plan, and trying to figure out the consequences of each and every action they take. Blue strives to never act careless or without great thought and this can lead it to being less likely to make obvious or avoidable mistakes and consequences(but this does not make them immune to them mind you. No one is perfect). This also ties in with how Blue values restraint due to prioritizing using one’s knowledge and forethought over letting one’s emotions control them. This is another factor that can encourage the avoidance of careless mistakes. Blue argues for preparing for the long game and big picture and tries to not let its emotions ruin more important or bigger term goals for short term gratification. Blue’s prioritization of knowledge and understanding also makes it more likely to notice, understand, and/or utilize nuance(s) that may otherwise be missed. 
Going back to knowledge being a powerful tool, it is important to remember that one such way it can act as a tool is by being a weapon. It’s easy to see Blue and assume it just wants to spread knowledge constantly at all times but since Blue sees knowledge as vital when it’s approaching an opponent it seeks to not only use its own knowledge but restrict the knowledge of its opponent. This means Blue is more likely to lean into things like secrets, trickery, disinformation, and lies. By restricting someone’s access to information/knowledge you gain a tactical advantage because at the end of the day there’s only so much someone can do if they don’t even know they’re in any danger or what you even plan to do. 
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Due to this, Blue can have a bit of an underhanded sneaky quality that some people may miss when discussing its color philosophy, but I mean it is ally colors with Black(a color that’s all about doing literally whatever it takes to get on top.) so this trait is to be expected to one degree or another. 
Philosophical weaknesses
Now for the weaknesses. A philosophy all about knowledge and understanding may be seen as being objectively all upside by a lot of MTG players at first, but nothing is perfect. Even Blue still has some weaknesses.
For one, Blue philosophy is one that can encourage being very passive to a fault. Striving to think just about everything through and utilize all the time available to do so can make quick decision making or taking immediate/spontaneous action difficult unless you already knew something was coming. This means that Blue may be prone to being outsped by others or opponents taking initiative and making a decision before it can figure out the best course of action. Simultaneously, this can also severely limit Blue’s flexibility. Blue is ultimately a philosophy that is extremely adaptive since it's all about “anything is possible,” and “everyone is a blank slate” but it is not the best at encouraging on going with the flow and/or being flexible enough to change and adapt on a dime. Blue is all about finding answers and improving but via an overall slow process of carefully considered knowledge and thought. This also segways nicely into my next point. While it can act as a strength, Blue’s restraint can also become a weakness when pushed too far. Due to Blue doing all it can to take its time and fully understand what’s happening in order to make the best decision possible it may end up becoming paralyzed and not making a proper decision. Think of it this way, Blue is all about being the best you one can be and part of doing that is trying to make as few mistakes as possible while also making the best decisions one can make. This means that Blue can sometimes end up becoming “paralyzed” while it tries to figure out not just what choice(s) to make but what is the very BEST choice(s) it can possibly make while considering all the nuances and trying to avoid any mistakes. 
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This can encourage inactivity and even potentially not making any choices at all or not making a choice in time out of fear that one may make a mistake, bad decision, or a suboptimal choice. This is another factor that can encourage a mindset that leads to one not making decisions fast enough.
Another way that Blue’s emphasis on knowledge can end up acting as a weakness is that Blue is a philosophy that tends to want to put all its eggs in the metaphorical basket of  understanding what’s going on. This can once again add on to Blue’s weakness of acting too slowly or not at all, as Blue may struggle to come to a decision if it is put in a situation in which it can’t or has trouble understanding what’s going on. The other colors are more likely to advocate for taking action or make a choice even if they don’t or can’t completely understand the full picture of what is happening or what they are facing. This also means that Blue is usually the slowest out of the five colors in mindset, flavor, mechanics, and gameplay.
Another thing to consider is that Blue believes almost anything is possible. Which can, when pushed too far, encourage an outlook that pushes someone way too hard or tries to force things to change/happen in order to prove something or because it feels like it can. This can be sort of seen with some of the Green-Blue Simic Combine’s, the Blue-Red Izzet League’s experiments, as well as some of the horrifying creatures created by Innistrad’s various Blue mad scientists and Black-Blue stitchers. The best way to think about it is there is a sort of Victor Frankenstein side to Blue. The idea that everything can be known and mastered. This can sometimes lead to this philosophy pushing things a bit too far in the same way most people agree that Victor probably shouldn’t have been messing with life in the way he did. To Blue, The world is everyone’s sandbox in a way, anything can be improved and fiddled with.
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Sometimes Blue encourages one to push themselves, others, or the world around them too far just to see if it can or in order to better understand it. To Blue, the world is its canvas in a sense.
Common Misconceptions
This brings me to what is becoming one of my favorite parts to cover in regards to color the Color Pie. One thing I’ve noticed about the Color Pie is there tend to be a lot of misconceptions about it in general. This is understandable because most people aren’t losers who will read and listen to all of Mark Rosewater’s Color Pie teachings and probably won’t technically need to know much about it outside of general gameplay mechanics. Although, of course, I still want to tackle these common misconceptions to show some of the work and understanding that Magic’s designers and writers have that people may overlook. I also want to hopefully make any conversations someone may have about the Color Pie more informed, nuanced, and productive. 
One of THE MOST common misconceptions I see is that being Blue makes you smart, or that being smart must mean you’re Blue. This also tends to extend to people who begin to self identify as Blue and identify other people as Blue because they are smart and not because they actually agree with Blue philosophy. First off, just thinking a lot or appreciating thought doesn’t make one any more Blue then having emotions makes someone Red, having to eat makes someone Green, or wanting rules/regulations makes someone White. The color pie is a VALUE system; it ultimately comes down to what one values as more or less important. The other colors can all value or like being smart or intelligent but may not see gathering knowledge and information in order to improve yourself as the most important thing we should strive for. Furthermore, it also comes down to how you would argue one should use said knowledge. Blue would argue you should use knowledge and understanding to better oneself(although if you want to include multicolored identities it is possible to have Blue in a color identity and see knowledge as a thing that should be used for some other goal. However, my point still stands). This brings me to the other point. Blue VALUES knowledge but simply valuing something doesn’t automatically mean you have it in spades. Just valuing information doesn’t mean you have it and just valuing being smart doesn’t mean you are smart. Let me put it another way, not all Black aligned characters are powerful just because they value power and ruthlessness and not all White aligned characters are kind and just people simply because they value those things. That’s like saying that just because you want to be rich that means you are rich. You can have weak Black aligned characters and asshole White aligned characters. Likewise, you can have stupid or uninformed Blue characters. 
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The truth is, just merely being smart is a trait that anyone of any color or color combination can have in the same way that something like being emotional or shy is. This kind of goes hand in hand with the misconception that the Red alignment is somehow inherently stupid even though Red can be quite smart. 
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In fact White, Black, AND Green all greatly value knowledge in their philosophies, but just in their own different ways. 
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Now it is important to acknowledge that personal philosophy can influence traits or personality even if they aren’t one to one. You don’t need to be super emotional to be Red aligned but, since Red is all about following your heart and doing whatever your emotions tell you one could argue or acknowledge a Red aligned character is more likely to act emotional. So one could argue that a Blue aligned character may be more likely to come off as smart or knowledgeable because they are likely to reward themselves for going out of their way to seek knowledge and information, and a Black character is more likely to seem powerful because they have a philosophy that rewards being power hungry. However, there can easily be an overly emotional Blue aligned character who struggles to control their emotions, sees their emotions as justified, or feels that they aren’t letting their emotions control them even if they actually are(people are weird and aren’t always perfectly rational. Sometimes people convince themselves that what they are doing fits in line with their world view or is justified). I would also be remiss not to mention the impact Magic’s cards themselves may have on the general public’s perception of a color. It is important to remember that most(but not all) cards are depicting things from their associated color(s) perspective. 
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So the reason Blue cards may often come off as “smart” is the same reason so many White cards may invoke heroism and all kinds of heroic and “good” traits. That’s how the color itself tends to view said action or person being depicted on the card. Blue wants to be smart and make the most calculated and logical moves by utilizing all the information it has available. Also, being Blue doesn’t mean you are well rounded in your knowledge or have a perfectly even field of expertise on almost all subjects while spouting fun facts the entire time. Blue is ultimately all about using knowledge to better yourself so if your best self involves idk becoming an artist or something then one may tend to seek out information regarding art and art techniques and is less likely to go out of their way to understand how a car engine works. 
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I mean, yes Blue will argue you should obtain knowledge as you can because you never know if it will be useful or reveal something you didn’t know would help you(I mean I’m sure everyone has heard stories of how say a football player learning ballet helped them play football better and the like) but Blue also acknowledges that most people have limited time and resources. Which in its eyes, making careful and considered decisions through knowledge in order to avoid as many mistakes as possible and make the best decisions possible is so important. Not everyone has the time to read through an entire library so it is important to carefully pick and choose what you want to do so you can better yourself. Additionally, Blue isn’t even saying you need to be good at everything. Your best self may specialize in a very specific category or may not be a jack-of-all-trades. The point here is that Blue philosophy isn’t one that is just about being the smartest person in any given room. It is about self-improvement.
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Love, love, love Meria’s take on green (and red). Green-aligned people don’t have to be technophobic and against all progress; artifice is growth. One could even say that green’s philosophy of radical acceptance makes some green-aligned characters more willing to embrace it.
Also, she’s super pretty and was really cool in the Dominaria story. Love her.
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northernweird · 1 year
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mezmertized · 1 year
My friend and I attributed the Breakfast Sausage, Egg, and Cheese to Lilliana. What do you think?
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toweringclam · 1 year
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I posted this a few years ago on FB but no one understood. I'm pretty sure Tumblr will get it.
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niuttuc · 2 years
Lorwyn: Your favorite color of mana
All of them. Any of them. Be it mechanically or philosophically, in my case, variety is the spice of life.
White is my favorite color of all, the fairest of all, capable of answering anything and of being answered cleanly. The primary color of blinking for value, of tokens. The core of the lifegain synergies that are the introduction to many players to the concept of a synergistic deck, with pieces that come together to be greater than the sum of their parts. White is the color of helping one another, the color of egality and equity, the color of fortunate helping unfortunate, the color of knights and angel. People might each be inconsequential in the bigger picture, but together, they can reshape worlds. If there's no mercy, no justice, no meaning, people will bring them into existence, together.
Blue is my favorite color of all, the tricksiest of all. Among the many folds of this strategy game, you'll find no more intriguing strategies than in blue. Immensely strong... If you can line things up properly, otherwise crumbling under its own weight. The primary color of control and tempo, of counterspells and clones. The card-drawing color above all. The color of mill, the introduction to many players to the concept of an alternate win-condition that doesn't rely on attacking your opponent. The most polarizing color, love it or hate it. The overpowered glue that holds together older formats. Blue is the color of thinking ahead, of learning from your mistakes. The color of progress and turning a bunch of math and a bunch of rocks into a computer that can do anything. The color of being able to do anything you want if you work hard enough, the color of infinite potential. The color of wizards and illusions. Of the fluidity of water and of thoughts alike.
Black is my favorite color of all, the most calculating and capable of all. Black is the color of exchanging resources, your own or others. The primary color of discard and graveyard shenanigans aplenty. The color that'll pay life for cards, discard those cards, reanimate them, then will sacrifice them, furthering its plan at every single step of the way. No waste, no regrets. Everything is a nail, and everything is a hammer, you just have to be ready to get nailed or hammered along the way. Black is the color of seeing the world as it is, and making it what you want it to be. The color of individuality, of persistence and of self-determination. Of life and undeath. Of excess and sacrifices. If I'm in troubles, Black is the color I want most at my side, and least to face.
Red is my favorite color of all, the most streamlined of all. But not easy by any stretch. The color of time management, of racing and steering the fastest. The color of capitalizing on temporary effects and turning them in permanent advantages and furthering of its goals. The color of direct damage, of aggro and combo, the color in which the inches gained from sequencing feel like miles. Red decks win. Temporary mana, temporary card advantage, one-time damage. When to get them, which to use, and how, and which to let go? The color that most embraces the chaos and variance that makes the game fun and replayable, and uses it to its advantage. The color of passion and empathy. Of love and anger. Of fire, of balancing its warmth that preserves life and its deadly excess. Of embers rekindled like old feeling forgotten. Of proud dragons and impulsive goblins. Red is the color that live the life to its fullest, appreciating as much as possible every single fleeting moment of it.
Green is my favorite color of all, the simplest of all. The color of ramp and big creatures, with its potential unlocked through ramp and big creatures. Go big AND go home. If the battlefield is the most important zone, and using mana to cast spells is the most fundamental action, Green will simply dominate the board and use more mana to cast more or bigger spells. Green is the color that knows itself, that knows the world it lives in, accepts it, and plays by its rules. The color of nature and family, of knowing your past and your fate. The color of elves and beasts. Of stability, and the peace that comes with it. The serenity of seeing a world bigger than you, of which you're only an infinitesimal part. You're the world experiencing itself in one of uncalculable ways. Time will heal all wounds, and life will endure.
They're all true, at all times.
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asteroidtroglodyte · 8 months
Big Questions
[answered by the MTG colors]
What is the worst Death?
Black: to die penniless and forgotten; to die anonymous; to be Nobody Special; having never made your mark upon the world.
Red: the death you die a thousand times, every day that you swallow your teeth; every day that you refuse the call in your heart; every day you turn away from Love and Passion; the Coward’s Thousand Deaths
Green: to die alone, with nobody who loved you enough to mourn you or celebrate your life; to die despised, hated, or reviled; to be killed and to deserve it; for your passing to be a blessing
White: to be Executed: to be a criminal or a traitor, to break the social contract so badly that society deems you unworthy of life; to die in disgrace or dishonor
Blue: to become the living dead; to lose your mind and senses, to become feeble and foolish, to become demented and dim; the death of the mind; the death of the ego; to become a shadow of your former self
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wizardofbones · 7 months
Mtg color pie analysis:
"You've just won the lottery! What do you do with your money?"
White: Donate to charity
Blue: Go to college
Black: Start a business
Red: Buy a car
Green: Gift it to friends and family
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dominarianplowshare · 3 months
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Kaust is one of the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations' fast-rising stars. He has an exceptional talent for investigative work and a charismatic personality that convinces even the most reluctant witnesses to trust him. In addition to the Agency's comprehensive resources, he cultivates his own personal network of friends and informants. This network allows him to keep a finger on the pulse of the local community and hear news—often before anyone else.
For those who don't know him well, his gentle demeanor deceives them into thinking he's just a grunt concerned with solving cases and little more. In truth, his mildness hides a deep resentment against the guilds, which he believes are restricting the Agency's ability to solve cases by clinging tightly to their own jurisdictional rights. To Kaust, criminal convictions aren't nearly as important as the health of a community. His solution: take matters into his own hands. If turning in a culprit is for the greater good, then he hands the case over to the appropriate authorities, just as he should. But if giving up a culprit would do more harm than good, he's not above simply "misplacing" a case file or using his personal network to leak information that gives the culprit a chance to disappear.
Love this character from a color pie/character design perspective. Usually RGW is constrained by the plane of Naya, which is about a shamanistic devotion to nature’s immensity—but there’s so much more. Kaust embodies this: he believes in justice, but more than that he has a passionate belief in community, so he’ll choose what’s right for the community over what’s legally prescribed. 🤌
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d-lone-vultywr · 7 months
Homestuck Aspects/Magic: The Gathering Colors
(A/N: Extremely subjective and based off minimal information I gathered from MTG's Colors --- not a definitive correlation.)
White ⚪ (law, purity, structure) - Blood, Hope
Blue 🔵 (knowledge, information, perfection, deceit) - Mind, Light, Void
Black ⚫ (death, ruthlessness, ambition) - Doom, Time
Red 🔴 (freedom, action, emotional impulse) - Breath, Heart, Rage
Green 🟢 (growth, instinct, life) - Space, Life
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sunder-the-gold · 3 months
[MtG] How do disciples of each Color treat weaker disciples?
I covered what drives conflict between disciples of roughly equal strength, before. Now we consider power imbalance.
If there are insufficient resources for White disciples of unequal power, and no clear word from God about to do about it, each will argue that the other needs the resources more. The stronger will cite their responsibility to provide for the weaker, and the weaker will cite their responsibility to support the stronger. But if the two have irreconciliable differences of opinion in doctrines about God or law, the stronger struggles to keep respecting the dignity of the weaker while wanting to impose the ‘correct’ doctrine upon them.
If there are insufficient resources for unequal disciples of Green, the stronger will tend to prioritize its own survival, because it is natural for the strong to feed on the weak. Green makes an exception for family only when the disciple’s species is family-oriented by nature; not all species care for their young and sick. Regardless, signs and omens showing the will of the gods about who lives or dies supersedes all. But if the stronger and weaker have differences of opinion about the nature of the world or the will of of the gods, Green does not share White’s notion of the weaker deserving dignity equal to the stronger; in Green, strength is the manifest favor of the gods. So the weaker will convert to the doctrine of the stronger or suffer, end of story.
Among Red disciples, the strong rule and take whatever they want from the weak, with many human disciples making exceptions for family or lovers. Unlike with Green, Red disciples don’t care what the gods have to say — if the gods disagree, the stronger disciple defies the gods to prove their strength by smiting, or else prove themselves impotent in silence.
Black disciples don’t treat weaklings of any philosophy any better than Red disciples do, and often treat them far worse. A Red disciple might rape someone in a fit of sexual lust, but a Black disciple might rape someone simply out of sadism and ego. At most, a Black disciple might respect a weakling more if they’re also a Black disciple, but at the same time that means the weakling is a bigger threat than other weaklings.
Like White disciples, Blue disciples don’t believe that ‘power’ alone makes one more worthy than the weak. When the power of the stronger Blue disciple comes in more material forms (physical strength, wealth, social standing) than cerebral (intelligence, knowledge, a promising scientific theory), the stronger will sacrifice itself for the weaker in the name of advancing science. If he is a true Blue disciple, a noble-born, undying master of martial arts will sacrifice his life to buy the survival of an untrained urchin student who displayed a level of talent he's never seen before.
However, Blue disciples most often completely disagree about who will make the more meaningful contributions to science. When the only clear power imbalance is material or societal, stronger Blue disciples treat inferiors no differently than a Green disciple treats inferiors, though the Blue disciple will dress it up in very different language. Even the opinions of the gods may be used as last, desperate arguments when all other rhetoric fails.
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