ohmightydevviepuu · 1 year
fanbinding:  operation tulips (your two lips should kiss)
a couple of years ago i had the absolute honor to work with @carpedzem​ on this masterpiece for the CS Valentine’s Day Role Reversal:
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together, we brought operation tulips to life from this magnificent image that already tells a story.  my job was just to narrate it.
after that, i got a prompt from @katie-dub​ and decided to revisit this little corner of perfection, and that got us before the evening’s gone away.  a little sequel, of sorts.  and--while i was doing that--katie worked up this brilliant little prequel for all of us who have a little tinkerhook in our hearts:  distractions (before she was mine).
so now i bring you this, a first experiment in bookbinding:
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it is a dos-a-dos (double-sided) accordion binding with a pamphlet stitch, typeset in Garamond pt 14 and printed on cream vellum (70#). 
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briansolomonauthor · 2 years
Not Every Job is Glamorous
Not Every Job is Glamorous
Nor is every photograph glamorous. The photo that I hoped to present is locked up in a quagmire of computer technology. Instead, I offer this image that I made more than a week ago of Conductor Jeff cleaning Conway Scenic Railroad’s train before the weekend rush. Tracking the Light posts daily, even when the computer fails to function as hoped.
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eretzyisrael · 25 days
Adeel Mangi is not a victim of “Islamophobia,” “bigoted smears” or anti-Muslim discrimination, as Timothy Lewis’s recent Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed asserted. The real reasons bipartisan senators, Jewish organizations and others oppose confirming Mangi as a federal appellate judge (one step below the U.S. Supreme Court) are the following:
Mangi was until recently an advisory director and repeated donor to a viciously antisemitic, anti-American, pro-terror organization—the so-called “Center for Security, Race and Rights” (CRSS) at Rutgers Law School; Mangi evaded questions and improbably professed ignorance about key matters (including antisemitism, terrorism and Middle East issues) that are likely to come before the federal appellate court; and Mangi has absolutely no judicial experience.
It is absurd to claim that a bipartisan group of senators oppose Mangi’s confirmation because Mangi is Muslim. The Senate overwhelmingly confirmed another recent Muslim nominee for a federal judgeship: Zahid Nisar Quraishi.
The majority of appellate judicial nominees have years of prior judicial experience and a record of judicial decisions that can be vetted. In public statements and letters, leading Jewish organizations involved in combating antisemitism, including: our organization, the Zionist Organization of America; Americans Against Antisemitism; StopAntisemitism; Students Supporting Israel; and the Coalition for Jewish Values (representing over 2,500 rabbis) noted that it is dangerous to elevate Mangi to a lifetime Court of Appeals judgeship when he has no judicial record to examine, which is not even to mention his alarming CRSS involvements.
Among other horrors, while Mangi was on CRSS’s Advisory Board (referred to as its “brain trust”), CRSS celebrated the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks’ 20th anniversary by hosting terror-affiliated speakers, including Sami Al-Arian, who was convicted for funneling funds, goods and services to the designated terror organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad. CRSS also hosted a group whose officials have connections to Al-Qaeda and Hamas networks, the notorious antisemite and anti-Israel propagandist Rashid Khalidi, and Israel-bashing BDS groups and leaders including Jewish Voice for Peace, Peter Beinart, Khaled Elgindy and Marc Lamont Hill (who was terminated by CNN for antisemitic comments).
Furthermore, CRSS’s website posted a resource guide listing and linking to numerous antisemitic, anti-Israel, BDS and terror-linked organizations, films, books, journals, “educational resources,” websites, podcasts and reports.
CRSS’s website also included CRSS Executive Director Sahar Aziz’s open letter praising and justifying Hamas terrorism and denying Israel’s right to self-defense while Hamas launched 4,500 rockets at Israel in May 2021. Aziz recruited Mangi to the CRSS advisory board. The Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest New Jersey stated that “Aziz has regularly and consistently promoted vile antisemitic propaganda” on social media and elsewhere.
In addition to his own donations and services, Mangi obtained donations from his law firm for CRSS.
During his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Mangi repeatedly refused to condemn viciously antisemitic, anti-Israel CSRR events and statements by reciting this mantra: “I do not have the expertise or factual background to express views regarding the complex history of the conflict in the Middle East, which is irrelevant to my potential work on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.”
Of course, condemning antisemitism and antisemitic Israel-bashing does not take expertise; it just takes courage. Moreover, antisemitism and Middle East issues are highly relevant to potential cases on the Third Circuit, including cases seeking remedies for antisemitic attacks and harassment on college campuses and city streets; cases regarding antisemitic boycotts; and cases brought by victims of Hamas and other terror groups under federal victims of terrorism and victims of torture statutes. Mangi is unfit and unqualified to fairly judge these important matters and should not be confirmed.
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guerrerense · 1 year
Gold And Silver por David Blazejewski Por Flickr: Due to 7470 being down for maintenance this year's annual Mass Bay RRE's 'Steam In The Snow' charter on the Conway Scenic Railroad was instead billed as 'Covered Wagons In The Snow' and it did not disappoint. The six car train was led west by CSRR 252 and traveled as far as the Notchland Inn where they reversed east to be lead back by the two original Boston and Maine F7s (4266 and 4268) owned by the 470 Railroad Club stopping for five photo runbys along the way. This route opened in 1875 as the Portland and Ogdensburg Railway and would remain an important through freight route for succesor Maine Central until 1983, known for most of its life as the Mountain Subdivision. Shuttered for a dozen years it was purchased by the State of New Hampshire from MEC Guilford Transportation in 1994 and revived by 1996 to become a wildly popular 25 mile extension of the little Conway Scenic. A few inches of fresh snow the night before made for a gorgeous scene despite the clouds as they head west at about MP 75.6 west of Sawyer River on the former Mountain Sub. GP38 252 is right at home here having been built in November 1966 for the Maine Central Railroad as part of an order of 13 of the model that were the first batch of second generation diesel locomotives purchased by the road. Ultimately she came to be the last one in service on successor Guilford Transportation, lasting more than three decades, and having seen her other dozen siblings retired and scrapped or sold. She came to Conway Scenic in March 2010 along with GP35 216 in a trade with Pan Am Railways for FP9s 6505 and 6516 that would become Pan Am's OCS power. Right behind her and decidedly out of place is dome car Rhonda Lee. Built by the Budd company in 1956 for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad number 4735 it was originally named Silver Buckle and served on the Denver Zephyr. It passed to the Burlington Northern in 1970 and then was sold to Amtrak at startup in 1971 as 9457. It was retired a decade later and languished until being auctioned off around 1993. After undergoing a massive restoration it was renamed Silver Splendor in 1997 and served in excursion service for two decades based out of Anaheim, CA until being sold to the CSRR around 2019. Harts Location, New Hampshire Saturday January 7, 2023
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Ex VIA Rail now leased to CSRR #6516 #6505 are on their way to North Conway. Guessing ~ 1995-1997
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killthis · 10 months
klaus call me apig because idomt use a napkin formy ice creamand just wipe ny mouth wif my arm Welnidont csrr
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bgmkyoto · 1 year
2022.11.6sun〜11.27sun 大久保ナオ登「とんかつ食うにはいい日和」
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大久保ナオ登 「とんかつ食うにはいい日和」 2022.11.6(日)〜11.27(日) そのうちcafe SNC 〒600-8182 京都市下京区塗師屋町119 この度、そのうちcafeでは、イラストレーターとして活動する東京在住の大久保ナオ登さんの個展「とんかつ食うにはいい日和」を開催します。
ある時ふっと頭に浮かんだフレーズがおもしろかったので、そのまま今回のタイトルにしたと飄々と答える大久保さん。 とんかつは子どもの頃から少し特別な食べもので、たくさんある好物の中でもなぜか一番自分にしっくりとハマる感じがある、と。 「そんな、小さいけれど「あー、これこれ!」という幸せなフィット感をイラストの中に感じてもらえたら嬉しいです」 今回の展示では、タッチや画材を統一せず、いいなと思ったモノやひと、風景など、「ボクの中にある何かの欠片をその時々の気分に沿わせて徒然に」描いています。 コピック、クレパス、鉛筆などで描かれた100mm角サイズのパネルを100点余り展示。自分のイラストを小さい作品にして、できるだけたくさん並べてみたい!その景色を見てみたい!とずっと考えていたといいます。 「そのサイズ感ならでは切り取り方で、小さな窓から向こうの世界を覗いているような気分が感じられるおもしろさがあると思います。 一日の終わりにスケッチブックに向かい、自分の好きな小さなことをコマコマコマコマ。 いろいろな雑念が湧きまくっていたり、まったく何も考えてなかったりしながら、ただただ描きました」 バックに使ったクレパスは、後から引っ掻いたり削ったりすることで、メインのモチーフとサブのモチーフの絡みを楽しめたり、また思い通りの色が出にくいのがかえって気に入ったようです。 大久保さんの作品づくりに共通するのは「そこはかとなくユーモアと洒脱感を漂わせたい。そんな自分自身の感覚をできるだけそのままイラストという表現で定着していきたいと」いう思いです。 ささやかな幸せが集う圧巻の展示空間、ぜひご高覧ください。 大久保ナオ登 岐阜県生まれ。制作会社を経て1998年 よりフリー。雑誌、書籍、広告、Web、 広報誌等の仕事を手がける。ユーモア と、手が生み出すブレを大事にしていま す。得意技:掃除、古い車のさびとり、 昼寝、散歩、模型作り、小難しいことを 楽しい絵にして伝えること。 EXHIBITION 2013 2.15-26 市ヶ谷山脇ギャラリーにてグループ展 「Digital Creator23人展」  2012 5.12.13 有明 東京ビッグサイト 「デザインフェスタ35」 2012 6.5-17 根津 りんごやにてグループ展 「正方形展」 2011 6.7-6.13 銀座 バートックギャラリーにて 「新時代作家13人展」 2008 5.22-27 原宿 ソーンツリーギャラリーにて個展 「21時14分 溝街空港発 ピアニカ航空 PA103便」 WORKS 新聞 朝日新聞 GLOBE 「world outlook いまを読む」 イラスト 東京新聞 コラム「フムフム ひとり旅」佐藤孝子著 イラスト 社内報 大林組 社内報「マンスリー大林」 表紙イラスト PR誌 セルム「CELM BELIEF」表紙・特集イラスト 駒澤大学「Link」表紙イラスト 東芝エレベーター株式会社 季刊誌 「FUTURE DESIGN」コラムイラスト 大手町・丸の内・有楽町地区再開発計画推進協議会 CSRR「1000 年続くまちへ。」イラスト 大手町・丸の内・有楽町地区再開発計画推進協議会 パンフレット「大丸有 環境ビジョン」イラスト 雑誌 三栄書房 月刊 「競艇マクール」 天下御免の競艇客 コラムイラスト連載中 四谷大塚 「ドリーム・ナビ2022年2月号」ほか 特集イラスト  書籍 出版芸術社「虐殺のスイッチ」表紙イラスト 森達也著 皓星社「愛ゆえの反ハルキスト宣言」表紙イラスト 平山瑞穂著 講談社ブルーバックス「時間とはなんだろう」ほか 表紙イラスト  マガジンハウス 「Tarzan 691号」ほか 表紙イラスト ルクルート 「HOUSING2022 6月号」ほか 特集イラスト 日経プレミアシリーズ PLUS 「日本経済がわかる」「世界がわかる」「会社がわかる」カットイラスト 文藝春秋 シティ・マラソンズ 三浦しおん・あさのあつこ・近藤史恵著 イラスト プレジデント社 「Making 椿」工藤美智子著 イラスト制作・ポプラ社 書籍「話のわかるやつを呼べ!」表紙 イラスト オーム社  書籍「絵ときでわかる 機械設計」他シリーズ イラスト ぴあ株式会社 ムック「落語ワンダーランド」表紙 イラスト CD DVD ソニーミュージック 「DISH// 日本縦断はじめましての旅」DVD パッケージイラスト ワーナーミュージックジャパン 「コブクロ MUSICMANSHIP」CD ジャケットイラスト など
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lassluna · 3 years
Work in Progress Wednesday
Thank you to CSMM Discord and @hollyethecurious wonderful idea of a Feed Your WIPs February. So I am currently working on the final part of  Its a brand new day, (it's never too late to start) that was part of my contribution for @csrolereversal last year with the lovely @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713.’s lovely aesthetic. I think I am almost done so with any luck this will be dropping on Valentine’s day. 
“But if you do have a secret admirer, all you have to do is have someone watch the door and see who they catch outside. That’s how all the cop shows do it.” He declares. “You can call it Operation Valentine.”
He shakes his head. It seems ridiculous, having his own apartment staked out for this mysterious admirer? That was going too far.
“Who would I even have to watch the place?” He asks, not at all considering it.
“Emma tells me that she pays local neighbors when she has to leave stake outs, why don’t you ask her what to do?” Henry asks.
“Yeah Killian.” Belle says pointedly. She’s still smirking at him like he’s supposed to know something that he clearly does not. “Ask Emma if she could possibly know how to catch your super secret admirer.”
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clockadile · 4 years
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I am a bit over the wire getting this done but it’s here! Thank you so much to @theonceoverthinker for being patient with me as my days got busy and my paint refused to dry fast enough.
She put together a wonderfully fluffy story with a few details I wish I’d had time to elaborate on in art! Read her accompanying story A Winter’s Snowball, our contribution to the valentines week @csrolereversal READ HERE
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Freaky Friday the 14th (1/3)  (CSRR)
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The amazing @mariakov81​ posed me quite a challenge with this @csrolereversal​.  She made some amazing art and this gorgeous banner and I can only hope I have done her idea justice.
Rating: PG-13
Part 2
     “He’s not going to propose,” Emma told to herself as she carefully applied a thin line of eyeliner along her eyelid. “He wouldn’t be stupid enough to propose on Valentine’s Day”
    Not after all the times she’d expressed annoyance at the commercialized fake holiday.  He knew how dumb she thought proposals on Valentine’s Day were.  Just couple’s giving into the forced romanticism retailers and expensive ad agencies had shoved down everyone’s throats since January.  Decisions made in haste that would only backfire in the long run.
    “He better not propose.”  Emma placed the cap back on her eyeliner with a little more force than necessary.  
    She loved Killian, her boyfriend of two years, she really did… but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to take a walk down the aisle.  She’d only settled down in the small town of Storybrooke, Maine, a few years ago after a lifetime on the move.  Emma loved the quaint, seaside town.  She had many friends, a job she loved, but Emma still had a fear that one day, she would no longer be welcome and be forced to leave.  It was an irrational fear, she well knew, but after the turbulent life she’d had, it was hard to believe that she’d finally found a welcoming home.
    And such a wonderful partner in Killian.  He was an intelligent man who actually listened to her when she told him something.  He was not, she told herself, an idiot and therefore would not propose while they were out to dinner.  There was no need to work herself up into an anxious mess about something that would not, absolutely not, be happening.  
    He’d been acting oddly for the past few weeks.  He’d start to ask her something, stop, and then tell her to forget it.  Or change the topic.  Two weekends ago she’d walked into a room where he and their friend David had been talking, only for them to go completely silent.  It had just been for a moment, but that moment was enough for Emma to realize that they’d been talking about her.
    Later, she’d mentioned all of this to her best friend, Mary Margaret, who’d squealed with joy and suggested that Killian was going to propose soon.  And no matter how much she rejected the idea she couldn’t get it out of her head.  
    Killian arrived exactly at 6:45pm, knocking on her front door like he didn’t have a key to her apartment and the sound sent butterflies through Emma’s stomach.  She unceremoniously opened the door as she pulled the zipper up on the tall, black leather boots she’d decided to pair with the short, red dress she was wearing.
    “Need help, love?”
    Emma shook her head as she stood.  Killian already held her warmest wool jacket and like a gentleman, helped her into it.  She gave him a quick kiss in thanks.  Killian himself was bundled up against the cold in a long, navy blue pea coat with a black beanie on his head.  It must be really cold outside for him to eschew his wide array of black leather jackets in favor of something more sensible.
    After she locked her apartment door, she turned and asked, “So where are we going?”  
    Killian held the door as they exited her apartment building. “A pub opened up down by the harbor a few weeks back, called The Hope and Anchor.  Eric says their onion rings are the best he’s had in ages.”
    The pub was fantastic.  It had been built in an old wharf warehouse and even though it had been renovated, they had obviously tried to retain as much of the original feel as they could. She’d half expected it to be decorated in an over-the-top nautical theme, but had been thrilled to be wrong.  There was a heavy anchor propped up in one corner and ship-in-a-bottle behind the bar, but other than those, the walls were covered in an eclectic assortment of items she’d come to expect from any New England pub. Except this one did have some absolutely amazing onion rings.
    “Don’t tell Granny, but I do believe these are the best onion rings in the state,” Emma said as she grabbed another onion ring from her plate and popped it in her mouth.
    Killian brought his hand up and thoughtfully stroked his face. “That’s a tall order, Swan, asking me to keep a secret from the matriarch of our lovely town,” he said softly.  “I’m going to need something in return.”  
    Emma rolled her eyes at her boyfriend’s antics. “And what do you have in mind as payment, to keep this damaging information to yourself?”  
    “What about…” Killian took a slow sip of his rum, “you agree to be my Valentine?”
    An unbidden blush spread across Emma’s cheeks.  She’d never been someone’s Valentine before.  
    Emma reached across the table, grabbed Killian’s hand and gave it a tug. Taking the hint, he leaned forward enough for her to kiss him. “Is that all?” she whispered against his lips.
    “Move in with me.”
    He said it so softly that at first, Emma wasn’t sure she’d understood him correctly.  But as soon as she figured out that he had, in fact, said what she’d thought he’d said, she jerked back.  
    Hand scratching behind his ear, Killian looked a bit sheepish as he repeated himself.  “I want you to move in with me.  We spend every night together, unless you’re working, and half of my closet is full of your clothes, so it doesn’t make sense to keep living apart.”
    He continued to ramble on about all the benefits of them living together, but all Emma could concentrate on was the sinking feeling in her stomach.  
    Why did he have to bring this up now?  On today of all days?
    He knew…          
    “I…” Emma started, but paused when she realized she had no idea what to say.
    Killian caught her hesitation and stopped talking. He started at her, obviously confused.
    “Emma, what’s wrong?”
    A surge of anger washed through Emma and she pushed herself away from the table.
    “Wrong?  What’s wrong?” she snapped. “You know… you know how much I hate it when people use this holiday as an excuse to make big life decisions.  It’s stupid and cliché.”
    Killian blinked, taken aback.
    “Emma, I’ve been wanting to ask you for months…”
    “And you couldn’t find some other time to ask? Why did it have to be today of all days?”
    “Why does the day matter?” Obviously frustrated, Killian ran his hand through his hair.  “I know you hate Valentine’s Day because of the forced emphasis on romance and love, but it’s just another day.  It doesn’t have any bearing on my desire for us to live together. I asked just now because I finally had the courage to do so.”
    Hearing that cooled Emma’s anger, as if a cold bucket of water had been poured over her. She felt ashamed at the way she lashed out.  She needed to get out of there before she could do more damage to their relationship.
    “I… I’m sorry,” was all she managed to say before she stood and fled from the pub.
    Killian continued to stare at the door his girlfriend had just ran out of, not yet fully comprehending what had just happened.  He’d expected Emma to be hesitant, at first, at the suggestion that she move in with him, which he understood.  She valued her space.  Living on her own represented independence.  Strength.  He figured he’d need to convince her that living with him wouldn’t make her any less strong or capable of taking care of herself.  
    But in all the scenarios his anxious mind had concocted about how asking could go wrong, her freaking out about it being Valentine’s Day was not one of them.
    I should go after her, he told himself.  
    With a sigh, Killian tossed back the remaining rum in his glass.  He pulled enough cash from his wallet to cover the tab plus a generous tip and dropped it on the table.  He gave the bartender a casual wave as he left.
    “Bloody hell,” he swore when the biting wind hit his skin.  It had started to snow and a fine dusting covered the ground.  With the collar of his coat pulled up as far as he could get it, Killian set forth following Emma’s footprints.  He caught up with her after a few minutes.  However, he didn’t think she would welcome his presence at the moment, so he hung back.  
    “I probably look like a stalker,” he muttered.
    Regardless, Killian was determined to make sure that Emma made it home alright, so he followed at a leisurely pace. Not that Emma needed protection and he knew she would have a right fit if he suggested that she couldn’t take care of herself.  She was more than capable of doing so.  He was just… being an idiot.
    When Emma turned down the street to her apartment, Killian admitted to himself that he needed to go home himself.  That would give Emma the night to think about the possibility of them living together.  He’d call her in the morning and suggest breakfast at Granny’s.  
    Resigned, Killian turned and headed home.  
Part 2
(I may need to speak to my therapist about why I always write Emma as someone who hates holidays... projection much?)
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theonceoverthinker · 4 years
A Winter’s Snowball (CS Role Reversal)
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Summary: It’s unusual for love to be in the air just outside of a ball meant to inspire it, but that’s how the Charming family has always worked, hasn’t it?
AO3             Fanfiction.net
A/N: Hello, OUAT fandom! It’s great to be back, and just in time for the @csrolereversal!
What? Did you think you’d get rid of me so easily? As if! 
AND LOOK AT THE AMAZING ARTWORK THAT INSPIRED THIS, YA’AL!!! ALL of the props in the world to my super awesome artist, @clockadile. Clockykins, what can I even say? I love this artwork. It’s an incredible mix of the classic Captain Swan aesthetics as well something so new and fun! The watercolors are gorgeous, and give off this amazing fairy tale feeling that works so well with all things OUAT! It really helped me to make this piece the quirky thing that it is.
If there was one thing that Snow White was more certain of than anything in regards to her daughter, it was that she did things her own way. It’s what Snow loved about Emma the most -- Emma was hardly the ambiguous type, always upfront with her feelings and at-the-ready to follow her gut and her heart. 
David joked that it was something the two of them had in common, and Snow wholeheartedly and unashamedly agreed with the sentiment, proud of all that it entailed, especially because in so many respects, they truly were different in so many other things. 
For instance, they had different approaches to their kingdom’s grandest of celebrations.
Balls were fun for Snow and David -- remarkable events with elegant dances, decadent food, and encounters from all over the kingdoms of the world that brought with them memories the attendants would have for life. Rooms came alive as conversation, lights, and music beamed all throughout their castle. Snow was positively invigorated by everything about them, from the planning phase to the final bits of cleaning the castle’s halls up.
However, while they were fun for Snow, they weren’t so much for Emma, as she was often one to tell them. It wasn’t that she hated her dresses, the idea of dancing, or even the socializing -- quite the contrary in those respects, since she loved those things at times where balls weren’t being held. 
No, what she disliked was actually what Snow loved the most -- the grandeur of it all. Emma compared balls in their castle to what would happen if an entire circus or bazaar was shoved into their dining room, calling it “too much to handle at once.” In her defense, she wasn’t wrong. Balls could serve as courtship openings, family reunions, dances, and managerial work all at once.
Oh well, not every daughter was like her parents. She supposed it couldn’t be helped.
At least Emma was like her where it counted.
That’s the conclusion Snow reached upon seeing Emma playing in the snow of all things from the balcony, in any case.
While Snow loved balls with all of her heart, even she wasn’t about to say no to a short break from one after a few hours, and few spots in the castle served better to hide away in during those breaks than the balcony just outside the ballroom. It was private enough where she could get a moment to herself, yet close enough to the festivities that if she was needed, she could be there within moments. And the view from this balcony in particular was simply gorgeous. Their castle was blessed with a luscious garden, and while the snowfall that started this morning and persisted until the start of the ball had covered the lovely bushes of flowers there, it left the ground with a beautiful blanket of snow amidst the garden’s many arches and gazebos that was quite the sight to take in all the same, and much of it was captured so well by that balcony’s vantage point.
Snow had spent a few minutes there by herself, enjoying both the quiet that now surrounded her and the cold and crisp nighttime air. It was so peaceful there that if not for the ball inside, she’d have been content spending the entire evening out there.
But all of the sudden, that placid atmosphere was interrupted when she heard a sound from down below.
It was a man’s yelp.
Immediately, Snow’s attention moved to the previously peaceful ground.
Her speedy reaction was rewarded when she saw a young man emerge from below the balcony, now hurrying across the formerly clean landscape. 
“Y-your Majesty!” he cried, his right hand massaging his shoulder where a bright spot on his otherwise dark navy jacket appeared to be.
And then she heard a second, quite unorthodox sound.
It was her daughter’s voice.
“For the last time, Killian, it’s Emma!” Emma barked through a chortle. Something then flew from her form to his, something small, and something fast, but something Snow also couldn’t quite see -- that is, until it hit him in the chest.
Yes, the man -- Killian -- filled in the remaining blanks of her sight with another yelp.
“Bloody hell, that’s cold!” he shouted, as what was clearly now a snowball made contact with the space just above his ribs.
“Not used to the winter?” Emma asked, the hand that held her snowball now resting against her hip.
“Not at all,” Killian answered, seemingly coming down from the chill that the snowball birthed in him. “My work tends to keep me in warmer climates.”
It made sense, now that Snow thought on it. The way he was dressed spoke of a military profession, and if Snow remembered correctly from his introduction alongside his brother earlier in the evening, he was a lieutenant.
Hmm. A princess and a lieutenant -- how unorthodox. 
Snow wasn’t surprised though -- after all, this was her daughter.
And they looked cute together.
“But,” Killian continued, “I will say, though the winters here are merciless, they are indeed beautiful all the same, just as you are, Your Highness.”
Instinctively, Snow’s hand shot to her mouth.
Killian seemed to instantly tell what he has done wrong as well, as a sound -- not of any existing tongue, but one that could only come from the worst of realizations -- left his mouth not three seconds after he addressed Emma.
Bless this young man’s heart -- Snow knew he was quite earnest and liked him already, but she knew her daughter well, a Emma was never one for royal titles.
“I-I!” Killian started saying, trying to cover up his tracks.
But Emma crouched to the ground and rolled up another snowball, clearly not about to let him get away with it.
“Looks like the lesson hasn’t sunken in yet,” Emma said, seemingly very excited about what was to come once more. “Good thing you like the winters here, because here’s another taste of them.”
Killian tried to catch the snowball with his hands, but was woefully unprepared for Emma’s speed. After all, lieutenant or not, no one could compare in a snowball fight to the girl who cornered her own father when she was only nine.
And so another snowball hit him, this time square in the chest. Another followed seconds later, just above Killian’s right bicep. A third hit just seconds after that, this time on his left knee. 
Despite every part of her upbringing telling her she shouldn’t Snow couldn’t help but laugh as she watched the scene before it. 
“Emma, Emma, Emma!” Killian yelled. “That’s your name! I promise to Poseidon that that’s all I’ll ever call you from now until my dying days! As far as I’m to ever concern myself with, the only name you go by is Emma! Will that suffice?”
Snow could hear her daughter chuckle as she approached Killian.
“Well,” she said, “when you put it like that, how can I say no?”
Killian’s breathing was so loud that Snow could hear it from the balcony, but while it was heavy, the last thing she expected to see was him fall to the ground from exhaustion.
That made it all the more startling when that’s exactly what happened.
“Killian!” Emma cried, her tone quickly shifting from lighthearted to worries as she now ran over to help him. Snow covered her mouth, now in freight, not daring to utter so much as a call in their direction out of fear of distracting Emma from aiding him.
This man -- he seemed so healthy. There was no way he could just collapse like this, could he?
Then again, Snow knew more than most just how powerful diseases could be in this world. It was certainly possible, and especially in this kind of weather.
Killian was right -- this weather was indeed merciless. But hopefully, it would make an exception this one time.
As Emma was checking on Killian’s situation, that’s what Snow prayed for.
Thankfully, with Emma’s help, it seemed like Killian could at least stand. Snow sighed in solace as she watched them rise from the ground, snowflakes sticking to their clothes, imprinting themselves onto them like fingerprints to a blade. 
Few things were ever as much of a relief as seeing someone come through a scare like that. And though she cared for Killian’s fate, Snow was especially relieved for Emma’s sake. The guilt of feeling like one caused the death or even pain of another was something Snow would never even wish on her most vicious of enemies, let alone her own daughter. Words couldn’t begin to say how good it felt to know that Emma wouldn’t feel that way tonight.
“Thank you, Emma,” Killian said, just barely audible enough for Snow to hear. “I’ve worked with strong sailors before, but you’ve quite the powerful throwing -- and apparently, lifting -- arms on you.”
“And don’t you forget it,” Emma retorted, smiling and winking all the while.
Killian slowly stood back from her, as if testing his balance after his fall. Fortunately, he looked to be stable enough standing on his own, another relief in a moment filled with them. He and Emma smiled at each other, and Snow relaxed her elbows upon the balcony’s edge.
“I promise you I shan’t again.”
Emma turned and looked out towards the rest of the snowy garden, possibly in search of a bench or something they could sit down on.
Snow was tempted to call out to them and see if Killian needed any further assistance as opposed to letting him linger on outside in the cold, but before she could, she saw something in Killian’s right hand. It was obstructed by the night’s sky, but she knew what it was.
Oh, Emma!
Killian smirked. “But,” he continued, “I’ve quite the strong arms myself, and one thing you ought to know is that there’s only one thing a man can say after enduring an attack like that -- revenge is a dish best served cold!”
And with that last sentence, a muted snowball flung through the air and landed right in the middle of Emma’s back.
It was now Emma’s turn to yelp, and yelp, she did.
“Eep!” she screamed, jumping forward, only to trip and land face first into the snow. 
Snow covered her mouth again, though unlike the previous times, she was unsure if it was out of shock, amusement, fear -- for Killian’s sake, that was -- or all three.
“You sneak! You planned that!” Emma shouted.
Killian’s smile had grown into a smirk so large, it bordered on a grin.
“Aye, love. Charming though you may be, I can’t let you get away with your crimes so easily.”
Despite Killian’s retaliation, Emma met it with a smirk as she got up and wiped the snow away, half shocked and half cocky. 
“Something you ought to know, Killian -- Charming is my father, not me. I’m more of the vengeful type too. So trust me when I say you’re going to PAY for that!” 
“Assuming you can hit me again,” Killian cheekily retorted, now smirking at her as he rolled another snowball into his grip. Snow realized as he did so that one of his hands was fake, but he was so adept at it that she hadn’t even noticed it. She wondered if Emma did. “Looks like I’m adapting quite well to these winters, aren’t I?”
“I’d say so, but let’s put it to the test, shall we?”
“Ready whenever you are, Emma.”
Emma said nothing, simply crouching down to grab another snowball of her own.
And then, the fight began. 
Killian took off running, making sharp turns as he ran through the gardens, with Emma hot on his tail. The garden’s smaller space kept the game exciting, and kept them close to each other the whole time. 
Snow had a feeling they liked it that way.
She certainly did. 
For minutes on end, Snow watched them run around, laughing as their various snowballs hit and missed each other without reason or rhyme. It was so exciting to watch that she had completely let the time fly away from her, perhaps for too long given her role at this ball.
And someone took notice of her absence.
“Sn-o-ow?” David called in a sing-song fashion, walking out from behind the curtain onto the balcony, and gently pulling Snow close to him. “I was wondering where you went off to. And where’s Emma? It’s almost time for desser-.”
The finale of that sentence never came, as David grew quiet upon looking out into the expanse of the garden below them, clearly realizing what he was now bearing witness to.
As David studied the two of them, Snow eyed him warily. It was always impossible to tell how David would take things regarding Emma’s love life, and especially under such unconventional circumstances, even Snow was at a loss for how he would react.
After a pregnant pause that followed his glance at Emma and Killian, David looked to Snow, and then back to them, and then back to Snow.
“Are they having a snowball fight?” he finally asked, more confused than any other emotion Snow could so much as hope to discern from him.
“Yes, they are, David,” she answered, careful to keep pride and support in her tone.
David nodded. “Okay. Just wanted to check.”
Then, his reaction came out, and in a way Snow never expected it would -- he smiled.
“You know,” Snow said, positively beaming from his reaction, “when I pictured our daughter falling in love, I probably should’ve considered that beating whoever it was over the head with something was a possibility.”
“You didn’t?!” David cried, mock surprise littered in his voice.
Snow playfully smacked David’s chest, but settled back into his embrace not five seconds later.
“At least the snow won’t leave a scar, unlike the one my lovely Snow did,” he continued.
Feigning shock, Snow turned from him, her mouth agape and a hand to her collarbone. “Are you trying to get kicked out of this ball? Because if you are, know that you’re going to have a far worse time outside than they are if you do.”
David kissed her temple.
“No, I know my wife. She would never kick me out of a ball, and if she did, I would just take her with me.”
Snow chuckled as she once more snuggled up to David and looked out at Emma and Killian in the garden. 
“Do you think we could take them in a snowball fight?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” David answered. “We’re the ones that taught Emma to throw a snowball in the first place.”
“That may be so, but she’s better at it than you.”
David scoffed, though his smile betrayed him. “She got lucky once, and you two have never let me live it down since then. I could take her.”
“He’s good, too. You should’ve seen him get the jump on Emma earlier.”
“Whose side are you on?!” David teased, nudging Snow.
“I’m just being realistic!”
The two of them broke down in laughter, watching as Emma and Killian came together in much the same way.
A powerful gust of wind brought Snow’s attention back to the fact that outside of their little bubble, there was still a ball going on, one they were needed at more than they were on this balcony.
Snow sighed as she sadly looked at David, who was already giving her the same look she knew she herself carried. Balls were wonderful, but she was starting to understand why Emma found herself able to ignore them so easily in favor of having such a wonderful time outside.
From atop the balcony, Snow could see Emma snuggle into Killian’s side, nuzzling her face into an unmarred part of his uniform for warmth while his arms surrounded her. Despite that chill, they looked so warm together.
Still, all it took was another gust to remind Snow that while it was lovely outside, it was indeed cold, and these winters were gorgeous, but intense all the same.
“We should make sure they come inside,” Snow said. She didn’t know how she’d broach the topic, especially since it meant revealing that they’d been watching the two of them for however long they’d all been out here.
Thankfully, before Snow needed to put too much effort into it, David beat her to the punch, at last breaking the silence between the two couples for the first time.
“Hey, guys!” he shouted.
Never before had David seen two people stop what they were doing faster than Emma and Killian as they jumped apart from their embrace and straightened their postures to face David. It was almost enough to make Snow keel over in laughter.
David smirked. 
“They’re serving cake now, and it’s going fast,” he continued. David then turned to Killian. “The first thing you should know about Emma is that she cannot ever be held back from her desserts without serious repercussions.”
The smirk dissolved into a smile, one that grew as he saw the tension drop in both of their shoulders. Emma smiled at him, moving closer to Killian once more.
Killian let himself smile as well.
“Well, in that case, we shall be right up!” he called out. “Can’t have Emma going without a slice. She has too good of an aim to chance the consequences.”
Emma started laughing, a laugh that Snow recognized well. It was a laugh that spoke of such happiness, such hope, and Snow couldn’t be happier to hear it. 
From below them, Emma and Killian made a start for the nearest entrance back into the castle, and while Snow and Charming came back into the ball, Snow made a point to request to one of the servants that a set of matching towels be brought to the door closest to the garden. And while the servant gave her a look, all Snow could do was smile and shrug.
After all, her daughter did things her own way, and as it turns out, so could she.
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mariakov81 · 4 years
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Happy Valentine's Eve, guys! 😋 It's my turn now to contribute to the wonderful event organised by @csrolereversal! ❤️ Which makes me feel both nervous and excited. I'm really excited because I can't wait to read the story by amazing @delightfully-difficult-pirate based on my weird idea. 🙈 The idea was - sometimes to understand another person better you must put yourself in their shoes....or... maybe their body?
So please find chapter 1 of the story here and my drawings below! (More to come with the next one)!
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Its a brand new day, (it’s never too late to start)
Here is my second of two art pieces for the Valentine’s Day 2020 event for @csrolereversal​! This one is a lot lighter this time with candy, paper, cookie, and coffee hearts instead of real ones this time.
The lovely @lassluna​  wrote a wonderful, adorable, two-part CS coffee shop au fic to accompany it. She posted part one so far which I’ll link below, and if you’re seeing this on a reblog, check back with the original post for an updated description with links to both parts when she posts part 2.
Here’s the summary from her post:
All Killian Jones wants is to survive this February as painlessly as possible. Hopefully without telling his best friend he loves her. That would be a disaster.
It’s made all the more difficult when he gains the attention of a secret admirer.
Asdfghjkl here are the fic links: FFN, Ao3, tumblr. ch1
Go give her fic some love!
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guerrerense · 1 year
Maine Central Monochrome Monday
Maine Central Monochrome Monday por David Blazejewski Por Flickr: How about a simple little shot for Monochrome Monday of good old Conway Scenic Railroad 252 taken on a gloomy overcast Railfans Weekend as she pulls down the main in the North Yard area. Built in November 1966 for the Maine Central Railroad as part of an order of 13 of the model that were the first batch of second generation diesel locomotives purchased by the road. Ultimately she came to be the last one in service on successor Guilford Transportation, lasting more than three decades, and having seen her other dozen siblings retired and scrapped or sold. She came to Conway Scenic in March 2010 along with GP35 216 in a trade with Pan Am Railways for FP9s 6505 and 6516 that would become Pan Am's OCS power. This trade brought her back to the Mountain Division for which she was bought originally and where she regularly hauled freight for her first 17 years. But here she is actually on former Boston and Maine iron though she looks at home flanked by an old MEC heavyweight RPO at left and an MEC motor car at right. I'm not actually sure if the little put-put is of original MEC provenance or if it is an ex CN or CP car just painted such. Perhaps one of my followers here who has worked at CSRR can weigh in on its history. North Conway, New Hampshire Saturday September 13, 2014
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courtorderedcake · 5 years
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For my heart and my love, @snowbellewells, who is a dream on a foggy night's wing. I love what you write, I love what you wrote, and I love you.
Thanks for not telling anyone about how soft I really am. 😘
For @csrolereversal, 2019, Happy Halloween 🎃!
Keep your hearts safe and your eyes open, for who knows what lurks in the murky streets...
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hollyethecurious · 5 years
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Doppelganger on the Docks by @theonceoverthinker
A CS Poem for @csrolereversal and @cshalloweek
Summary: Even in Storybrooke, the town where most anything can happen, Killian doesn’t expect much chaos when he and Emma go sailing together. But hey, for good or ill, that’s their town, right?
Artist Note: I won’t deny the squeal that left me when I was assigned Jenna as the author for this art piece. While I’d had a vague story idea in mind when I created it, I told her to go where inspiration led because I knew she’d come up with something I never could. 
And she did not disappoint!
@theonceoverthinker, I LOVE what you wrote! I know you were worried about not meeting expectations, but love, this exceeded every expectation I could have conjured. The story, the prose, the rhymes, I adore it! You more than did this piece justice, and I will happily collaborate with you ANY time.
(Also, a quick shout out to @artistic-writer for adding Killian’s eyes to the lower right image. Thank you, my person!)
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