#decurion’s wife
The Decurion’s Wife - Chapter 6 - The Truth
No matter how hard you try, you can’t hide the truth forever.
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somebirdortheother · 1 year
Time And Time Again - New Series By @coraleethroughthelookingglass and @somebirdortheother
According to the beliefs of the ancient Romans, the world started out with only one primordial deity, Chaos. Chaos was a dark, silent abyss that housed all creation.
*Dramatic drumroll*
And now... out of chaos comes Time And Time Again, a humble Haladriel series from @coraleethroughthelookingglass and yours truly.
Current Works:
The Decurion's Wife - By @coraleethroughthelookingglass
Barbarus - By @somebirdortheother
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ichabodjane · 1 year
Me whenever I (re)read Barbarus from @somebirdortheother or The Decurion's Wife from @coraleethroughthelookingglass
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
The Decurion’s Wife
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/teKrd9S
by Coraleeveritas
There was nothing about her arranged marriage or spending the rest of her life in one cavalry barracks or another that Lady Galadriel was looking forward to, her husband did not love her and she did not love him in return. However, not everything on the edges of the Roman Empire’s northern frontier might be as terrible as she originally thought.
aka Lady Galadriel’s Lover
Words: 4431, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Time And Time Again
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Galadriel | Artanis, Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Celeborn (Tolkien), Ereinion Gil-galad, Bronwyn (The Rings of Power), Arondir (The Rings of Power)
Relationships: Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Celeborn/Galadriel | Artanis, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternative Universe - Roman Britain, Historical Romance, Arranged Marriage, Infidelity, Meet-Cute, Bronwyn is the best, Horse-girl Galadriel, Lust at First Sight, Sexual Content, Homesickness, Roman Mythology Mentions, Isn’t it canon that Feanor is a creepy uncle?, Human!Halbrand Defence Squad
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/teKrd9S
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castellankurze · 5 years
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I was bored and out of roulettes to run the other day, so I decided to make Jiro’s family.
This got long so the writeup’s behind a cut.  Don’t say I never do your dashboard any favors.
Top (left) - Lord Heihacheiro Kuroda, Daimayo of the northeastern region bordering the Bay of Yanxia.  Heihachiro was known as a just and equitable lord who balanced the iron-handed dictates of distant Imperial rule with even-handed treatment of his subjects, taking advantage of his friendship with Lord Kaien.  Despite that, he often had a reputation for a stubborn streak of his own, and rarely permitted himself to be argued from a chosen stance; he was also firmly of the belief that a man’s character was unimpeachable barring the condemnation of his peers, an old and outdated view under modern Imperial Doma. He was slain in the failed Doma Rebellion, when the Fortunate Sons of the XIII Imperial Legion marched in support of their brethren in the XII and burned Kuroda Castle.
Top (right) - Hiroka Takimoto, wife of Heihacheiro.  A daughter of a minor clan from northern Doma, where the mountains border on the Azim Steppe and the fierce xaela tribes roam the land.  Hiroka spoke three languages and could write in fluent Doman and Hingan and it was said that as a warrior Heihacheiro’s finest strategy was to marry her, for though she was pale and often weak of health, her sharp mind would lead to a revitalization of the Kuroda lands which had then fallen into difficult times.  Despite that, their marriage was a political one and it was said Hiroka did not particularly like her husband very much, considering his character a relic of bygone times, and it was said that between her and Lord Kaien, she was the more likely of the two to argue down her husband.  Hiroka went missing following the Doman Rebellion, but eventually was found in the port city of Kugane, having fled with a few personal riches which she has since used to fund a growing mercantile business.
Mid (left) Ichiro Kuroda - Firstborn son of Heihacheiro, Ichiro was the darling of his people.  Energetic and dynamic, rare was the day when Ichiro was not seen attending to a dozen different distractions, taking over the running of his father’s fields at a surprisingly young age.  He was also highly talented with the blade and on visits to Doma Castle would often seek practice bouts with the samurai of nearby Monzen.  He kept his hair unfashionably short in flagrant defiance of tradition, claiming it merely served to impede his vision when permitted to grow - a claim often considered an underhanded jab at his contemporaries.  During the Doma Rebellion Ichiro Kuroda gathered what forces were willing to fight against the Garleans and sent his brother to safety before sallying out to meet the Imperials in the field, intending to strike down their leadership himself.  It was said that he slayed a full platoon’s worth of men before crossing blades with Decurion Celsus pyr Nerva, who cut him down.  His body was never recovered following the battle, an act held as proof of Garlean perfidy, and he is yet mourned and celebrated by the remnants of those who dwelt within the Kuroda lands.
Mid (right) Jiro Kuroda - The legitimate Jiro Kuroda, secondborn son of Heihacheiro by his wife Hiroka.  Jiro was a more enigmatic figure, standing ever in the shadows of his father, his elder brother, and his...other brother, prone to sudden mood swings and unpredictable behavior.  Perhaps discomfited by his status in life as the ‘second’ son, Jiro nevertheless showed promise with a sharp mind for figures and transactions, though in time these manifested as a talent for underhanded dealings, and despite the distance between Kuroda Castle and the capital, it was quietly said that Jiro Kuroda knew more of the Doman underworld than the crime lords themselves, and had contacts in the Confederacy of the Ruby Sea as well.  Heihacheiro was loathe to rebuke his son for his eccentricities, seeing in him a possibility wherein one day the Kuroda lands might become a powerful center for trade.  The Garlean response to the Doma Rebellion ended that dream, however, as Jiro literally dragged his unconscious half-brother from the killing fields and escaped aboard a refugee ship, only to fall victim to that selfsame brother when he was caught serving as an information broker to Garlean agents in Radz-at-Han, strangled and left for dead in a darkened alley of the kind he had come to know so well.
Bottom (left) Ryoko Inomata - Also known as ‘Ryoko Twintail’ a reference to her preferred hairstyle.  Ryoko was born in Yanxia, a poor child to poor parents who left home at the earliest age possible with dreams of becoming a renowned actress and singer.  In this quest, she defied the odds and proved herself a quickly-rising star in the theaters that catered to the landed and wealthy.  It was in one such performance she caught the eye of Heihacheiro Kuroda, who at the time was passing through a particularly acrimonious period with his wife Hiroka and found himself smitten with the talented beauty.  Not realizing he was, in fact, married, Ryoko quietly returned the Daimyo’s affections for a period of several weeks while he visited Lord Kaien in the capital.  It was only after he’d returned to his lands and her belly began to swell she realized the enormity of her error.  Swallowing her fear, she bought passage to Kuroda Castle and came face to face with the man’s wife.  Precisely what transpired will never be known - perhaps Hiroka intended to hang Ryoko’s presence around the neck of her philandering husband - but Ryoko was permitted to stay safely in the Kuroda lands, playing to smaller, but nevertheless devoted attendees.  When her child was born she named him Longtail, but in secret his name was Jiro, chosen in defiance as a name meaning ‘second son.’  Ryoko was slow recovering from her pregnancy and remained ill of health long years afterward, and when her son was not yet ten years of age she died tragically young, mourned by adoring fans that spanned half the breadth of Doma.
Bottom (right) Jiro Kuroda - Also known as Jiro Inomata, Jiro the Long-tailed, or most simply Longtail, he is the actual second-born son of Heihacheiro Kuroda, preceding Jiro Kuroda proper by nearly two years.  Named for his most distinctive feature - a tail nearly twice the length of that boasted by most raen, Jiro was a hardworking and diligent, yet nevertheless brooding child.  After his mother’s death, he lived with this family or that, working whatever chores needed doing that day.  Though his parentage was never spoken of aloud, it was all but an open secret amongst the Kuroda family.  Ichiro in particular was quick to reach out to Longtail, favoring him with an inclusion to the training of the blade he was undergoing himself, while Lord Kuroda oft permitted the peasant boy to attend his son as friend and bodyguard, which enabled the young Longtail to live, if not at the Lord’s table, than within a good double arms’ reach.  His relationship with his other half brother was less cordial - a quirk of genes had given Longtail pale hair like his grandsire rather than anything resembling his mother’s soft red, and the two of them bore a startling resemblance to one another, a fact which sat ill upon both.  Longtail dreamed of one day being acknowledged his father’s son, a dream he thought dashed when the Garlean Empire laid siege to Kuroda Castle and Ichiro bade him spirit his younger brother away from the fighting.  This he did unwillingly, only for his path to cross the site of his own father’s demise amidst the confusion of the night.  Distraught and enraged, Longtail struck out at the slayers of Lord Kuroda only to be shot by an arquebusier and left bleeding out amidst the fields.  He awakened days later aboard a ship fleeing Othard, having been rescued by his half-brother, an act which proved tragically ironic for the would-be Lord Kuroda when Longtail caught him selling information about the refugees to spies of Garlemald.  Once more enraged beyond words, Longtail closed his hands around his brother’s throat and emerged from the alley into which they had disappeared now styling himself the true Jiro Kuroda.
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So, I’ve now got a 3500 word very very rough first draft of Chapter 6 of the Decurion’s Wife!
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Decurion’s Wife Chapter 4 Snippet
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Back to the Roman AU fic I go!
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Weekend WIP Update
I’m having a good writing day so, and because I’ve always wanted an excuse to use this, Merry (early) Christmas you filthy animals (super affectionate)
(Also, on a more serious note, thank you so much for all your support with my writer endeavours, I don’t think I’d be 9.5k into chapter 6 of this story without it!)
Everything under the cut today because super NSFW
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I’ve had a really good writing day today - 834 words and counting! Writing non-linearly seems to have helped my creativity massively so I’m feeling unusually proud of myself and wanted to share a little bit of the next chapter of The Decurion’s Wife with those who might be interested :) (Have tagged a few people who have commented in the past and everyone else who’s on my tag list)
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Added to the Decurion’s Wife soundtrack today (three paragraphs left to figure out and then I’ll have an 11k chapter to share!)
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Halbrand and Galadriel take a bath (and some other things happen, too)
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Weekend WIPs
A little update from The Decurion’s Wife :) (under the cut for a little bit of NSFW language)
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Hit a bit of a wall with Decurion’s Wife and try as I might trying to talk myself through it isn’t working. It was all going so well as well, I guess I had to run into an obstacle at some point, right?
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With just one of their four cavalry units ordered to stay behind with the Commander’s personal guards to watch over the women, children and slaves left inside the fort, the unsettling quiet that had fallen on Cilurvum in the wake of the military exodus - along with more than a week’s worth of rain - lingered around all who couldn’t or weren’t permitted to fight like a blanket of thick winter fog. Galadriel told herself that she wasn’t concerned by the sudden lack of activity; it wasn’t the first time she’d experienced such a thing although hopefully she and Halbrand would be far away the next time a skirmish sent soldiers out beyond The Wall. However, being expected to go about her business as if nothing had changed while her every step was judged by men still loyal to warmongering Decurions made her skin crawl.
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A little bit of The Decurion’s Wife as I’m now 7 weeks into this chapter and the end is only vaguely in sight - wish me luck and for the muses to come back off strike!
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Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @iamstartraveller776 @somebirdortheother @demonscantgothere and @lady-of-imladris. Thank you so much!!!
Okay, I’ve not done this before so this will be interesting to see how many times I’ve used 80 word sentences to start things off.
“I’m not putting this shit on the album.” Galadriel lifted the headphones off her ears and slammed them down on the blinking console in front of her.  (Hits a Nerve and Lights You Up Like Dynamite - Haladriel)
She first noticed him on her way into work one balmy April morning. (Endings, Beginnings - Haladriel)
The early morning wind coming over the hills was bitingly cold and Lady Galadriel huddled deeper under her furs as the carriage turned off the main road, heading towards the cavalry fort that seemed to be miles from any kind of proper civilisation.  (The Decurion’s Wife - Haladriel)
“Hey, can you move?” (Catch Me Or I Go - Haladriel)
“That’s the last of it,” Galadriel nodded as she watched Hal move a fifth and final box from the front step of Nossë into his car.  (Home Is Where The Heart Is - Haladriel)
The bus dropped her off on the corner as usual. (I’m Sickness & In Health - Haladriel)
Cracking her eyes open, Galadriel took one look at the numbers flashing on her alarm clock and released a groan almost loud enough to rival those coming from upstairs for the third night this week.  (Honey - Haladriel)
“Jesus Christ, Galadriel, how many times? You can’t just climb up here with no warning like we’re still kids.” (Cruel Summer - Haladriel)
Running a hand through her mile long hair, Galadriel sighed as she crossed the last name off her list, torn between letting the under practised musician finish his solo and sending him on his way before her ears started bleeding. (Your Sword Vs My Dagger - Haladriel)
“Galadriel, look at me.” (Three Is A Charm - Haladriel)
no pressure tagging @myfavouritelunatic @scriberated @jhalya @makeshiftdraco @sotwk
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