python keyword extraction using nltk wordnet
import re # include wordnet.morphy from nltk.corpus import wordnet # https://pythonprogrammingsnippets.tumblr.com/ def get_non_plural(word): # return the non-plural form of a word # if word is not empty if word != "": # get the non-plural form non_plural = wordnet.morphy(word, wordnet.NOUN) # if non_plural is not empty if non_plural != None: # return the non-plural form # print(word, "->", non_plural) return non_plural # if word is empty or non_plural is empty return word def get_root_word(word): # return the root word of a word # if word is not empty if word != "": word = get_non_plural(word) # get the root word root_word = wordnet.morphy(word) # if root_word is not empty if root_word != None: # return the root word # print(word, "->", root_word) word = root_word # if word is empty or root_word is empty return word def process_keywords(keywords): ret_k = [] for k in keywords: # replace all characters that are not letters, spaces, or apostrophes with a space k = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z' ]", " ", k) # if there is more than one whitespace in a row, replace it # with a single whitespace k = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", k) # remove leading and trailing whitespace k = k.strip() k = k.lower() # if k has more than one word, split it into words and add each word # back to keywords if " " in k: ret_k.append(k) # we still want the original keyword k = k.split(" ") for k2 in k: #if not is_adjective(k2): ret_k.append(get_root_word(k2)) ret_k.append(k2.strip()) else: # if not is_adjective(k): ret_k.append(get_root_word(k)) ret_k.append(k.strip()) # unique ret_k = list(set(ret_k)) # remove empty strings ret_k = [k for k in ret_k if k != ""] # remove all words that are less than 3 characters ret_k = [k for k in ret_k if len(k) >= 3] # remove words like 'and', 'or', 'the', etc. ret_k = [k for k in ret_k if k not in ["and", "or", "the", "a", "an", "of", "to", "in", "on", "at", "for", "with", "from", "by", "as", "into", "like", "through", "after", "over", "between", "out", "against", "during", "without", "before", "under", "around", "among", "throughout", "despite", "towards", "upon", "concerning", "of", "to", "in", "on", "at", "for", "with", "from", "by", "as", "into", "like", "through", "after", "over", "between", "out", "against", "during", "without", "before", "under", "around", "among", "throughout", "despite", "towards", "upon", "concerning", "this", "that", "these", "those", "is", "are", "was", "were", "be", "been", "being", "have", "has", "had", "having", "do", "does", "did", "doing", "will", "would", "shall", "should", "can", "could", "may", "might", "must", "ought", "i", "me", "my", "mine", "we", "us", "our", "ours", "you", "your", "yours", "he", "him", "his", "she", "her", "hers", "it", "its", "they", "them", "their", "theirs", "what", "which", "who", "whom", "whose", "this", "that", "these", "those", "myself", "yourself", "himself", "herself", "itself", "ourselves", "yourselves", "themselves", "whoever", "whatever", "whomever", "whichever", "whichever" ]] return ret_k def extract_keywords(paragraph): if " " in paragraph: return paragraph.split(" ") return [paragraph]
example usage:
the_string = "Jims House of Judo and Karate is a martial arts school in the heart of downtown San Francisco. We offer classes in Judo, Karate, and Jiu Jitsu. We also offer private lessons and group classes. We have a great staff of instructors who are all black belts. We have been in business for over 20 years. We are located at 123 Main Street." keywords = process_keywords(extract_keywords(the_string)) print(keywords)
# output: ['jims', 'instructors', 'class', 'lesson', 'all', 'school', 'san', 'martial', 'classes', 'karate', 'great', 'lessons', 'downtown', 'private', 'arts', 'also', 'locate', 'belts', 'business', 'judo', 'years', 'located', 'main', 'street', 'jitsu', 'house', 'offer', 'staff', 'group', 'heart', 'instructor', 'belt', 'black', 'francisco', 'jiu']
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ahno-nimus · 9 months
I'm just a real good person in a real bad place
Oh, I feel misunderstood
And I hope I die on my birthday
And turn the sad into something good
Now we're three seconds out and all I hear is
Tick by Des Rocs
This song is awesome. it's got a real old school feeling, if you get what I mean?
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ashtrayfloors · 7 months
In the stick count for the song Of knowing you're gone Glancing up at where you lived When you lived here
I see you suddenly alive And nearly smiling Stop and hold my breath And watch the way we used to be
The full moon makes our faces shine Like over-ironed polyester Then disappears behind the clouds Leaves me under empty rows of night windows
We could walk to where these streets Get pulled together Blinking, lined with gravel Shoulder squared towards an end
Where the radio resounds From dappling traffic Where the power lines steal lessons From the hourly news
Depluralize our casualties Drown the generals out in static We turn and watch our city sprawl Send us signals in the glow of night windows
Night windows Night windows
Night windows (And I won't ever get to say) Night windows
Remember how I'm sorry (But you're not coming home again) That I miss the way it could be (Night windows)
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solipsistful · 9 months
7 15 18
already answered 7!
15. Is there a specific writer who inspired you to get into fic writing?
the first name to come to mind is Zarla Sheenaza, grats whoever knows who that is lmao i dunno what she's been doing lately. extremely influential on a lot of my early fandom-ing, including art style RIP.
(we still haven't read the latest few chapters of Vargas. i think i'm hesitating reading about an embarrassingly significant-to-us plural system get hit by the classic narrative depluralization beam ;_;)
18. Is there a fandom you have wanted to start writing for but haven't yet?
one of these days i will write a fanfic for the Diary of Aliza Schultz that is a meditation on what it's like to write fanfiction for WOE.BEGONE. does that count?
- ace
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cheemerthelizard · 2 years
Oh my god I just found out why I’m getting a sudden boost of followers lately! My hole joke on the depluralizing of films!
hi everyone you’re going to see a lot of JJBA and Kirby so prepare yourself
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zackthebrown2 · 2 years
i keep thinking of other movies to depluralize
one league under the sea me, you, and the other person i know i need to talk about kevin happy foot cheaper by the one child
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solardick · 24 days
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The russian dative case of me or i. Is an M added to No.
This is a little confusing. And rather a tad anti-semitic. Where receiving is discouraged. And giving is encouraged. As compared to the phonemic comprehension i word letter Я, (ya) which suggests the encouragement of the individuality not being conditioned but outside influences. Considering russian and a more complex language than english and also where it doesn beat around the bush with added definite article words like The and A’s.
Where american media went from its original Batman, for example to the modern “The batman”.
Instead of i am eating the bread. Russian will say. I eat bread. Or like i am “having” sex with you. Its i fuck you. Seems pretty definite to me.
И(i, ee) and. A contrast and. Но(no)- but. Ha(na)-on, at B(v) in, at. или(illi)-or. Из(is,iz) from. Что(chto)-what. Кто-who. Где(gd’ye)-where.
Though i have in russian is У меня есть which still has a strong phonemic connection the the letter Н(n) and the word no. And so having and receiving or owning, is connected to discouragement. Coming from a long standing communism. Where everything is produced for the whole and individual desires are pput on the side. Even though the russian language is a complex of multiple languages and ethnicities. With string correlations to french and french grammar and english sentence structure. Along eith many borrowed and incorporates words which makes phonemic meanings insignificant.
… the English article of Ho. As in you a Ho. Or as in Ho Ho, santa. Here Ho, has a contrast within English itself. Yes to the Ho or no to the Ho. When it comes to sex. Is to plow. By russian association. It adds an interference article of denial. Also attached to the holly- prefix or not- of jolly. This playing by the rules of phonemic association. Being purely conjecture. Like everything else i write. Because nothing is definite. Beyond the word. Hear say is fact. And punishable by BS.
That same rule of association is attached to из(is) being from. The state of being of is. Gets attached to geographical location. Making the individual number 1, one, individual, is attached to location and notion. I am the state i come from. Me and it are the same. I act in conjunction to the state. State in english carries this further. As it means both a location. National/geographical state and the state of being. Though this play of words many only reach so far. If the letter S pluralizes an individual state of being. Outside the definite article. This being singular but these being plural. It is similar im russian too when it comes to the letter word И. Being, and, and the plural.
It’s hard not to trip. When speaking of articles.
This brings an But, into play in regards to the H(n) card of the lover(s). It being loverS attaches this card to the S card of the devil. Not by any other means than by association outside of any symbolic article. Even if it can be attributed to by number or image. ´It is given a rather let down depressinilism. The image of carnal beings chain together beneath a monster. No joy is seem here. Even if it did represent two parents and a child. Or the combined influence or either gender into one grotesque image. Which is why i laugh at those authors that add queer into the name of their tarot. Added to the depressing image of adam and eve. For an image that starts the script of the old testament. Is anything other than desirable.
For this reason and for a clear flow of the script leading up to this moment. Agrees that the lover(s) should be depluralized and removed from sex. The lover. And if the strength card N should be returned to the old depiction of the woman wrestling the lions voice. Or as in the magneta tarochi deck…pricy… of a woman in lion’s skin (wolf and sheep) breaking the pillar of foundation. But since this is the modern day. Not being 600 years ago. It already being manifested. The strenght card is better left to the man, still on the defensive side, with the weight of the world on his shoulders. When i came across that deck. It was a must have attainment.
The lover is poetic. As romance is poetic for it functions on the same level. Just as flowers are allegorical of the vagina and beauty and sent. Receptive to the elements for growth. For the open up and group to the sun. A woman whom doesn’t appreciate or like flowers is closer to the magneta wolf im sheeps clothing, deceptive and unresponsive save for their own advance. The love is poetic. If the E- fool here. Is coming from the hierophant. If it is not being identified as the pillar of foundation. The strenght card here plays in with the meaning behind letter Ё. While having N attached to the strength card, the russian И would need to be an images reflecting this. And having the strength card as a man holding up civilization or the ideal state of it. The russian И card being what was chosen for it. Reflects a man killing the demon. It being tied to E fool petulance. And the feminine body ravaging the masculine foundation. Shows a clash and a war. Whether it means sex or a foreign body causing harm.
The flower, being attributed to the female genitive organs and its receptivity to the sun. Not the moon. This is contrary to the reality of night time the timing of the sexual function by majority vote. For the moon here functions as releasing the warmth or happenings of the sun from within. The flower becoming receptive from within to the without. If the lover he is connected to the poetical of love. Then by contrast and sync. He’s night self of action is severely weakened and divided since the genome has its say also. And after so many moon cycles the sun light itself becomes more like the other.
It is said that the only time the letter Ё is essential, to the written form, is to distinguish все (v’sye) from всё (v’syo) meaning everyone from everything, respectfully.
To the tarot overlay with qwerty and jcuzen, the deffintion on V tied the B, is the magician or earlier peddler or handler or Craftsman. To the reclamation and balance of the star being connected itself to the more receptive state of night compared to the active state of day. Peace, calm, comfort, the self inclined and the lack of stress. B(v)C(s)E(y-e). To tarot, magical translation to the star. The holder of language and intelligence to the devil, and judgement passed down to the fool. Or person. Of by english Me is the wheel to the fool. The chariot. But by russian is the state to the individual.
The chosen И card here as the horseman centralized on the russian emblem, moves from the chariot backtracked to the fool. The elimination of evil and/or the confidant state of being towards action. Whether the demon represents either the queer looking lesser animal or the queer looking personage. Since both are white. And should be, again complicates Waite’s Sun card designation, the fool card riding and utilizing he’s higher conscience, if it is not killing the foe at his heels. Achilles heels (for reference). Or the plagues of bodily needs and desire basis of sins. Complicates or frustrates of Waite’s sun card being designated as letter U. Symbolic language complex arises.
Though i suspect Waite got his sun card idea from the viking runes english equilavents. Being M, E and, D. As the sun card originally holds the place of letter X. The meanins of these runes are a Man, a horse and the sun at dawn. Tied to benefice.
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Considering since the norsemen and the englishment became interrelated by interbreeding and common theological beliefs about the afterlife and the apocalypse. And by itself shows an internal conflict since the norsemen were pillagers by right of god(s) while the christians were the complete opposite unless it was military accupatiom spreading the “good” word, towards unifying as many people as were possible in the aim of global peace. The bikings by contrast. Didn’t believe in peace.
The problem here is attributing U to Waite’s sun card while also having the russian И card being depicted as it is. Which may play out as co-dependance on an outside factor to kill the demon plaguing humanity or the individual in question. I believe it would need to be futher defined by association with other cards. Especially if the horseman gets identified as the queer looking animal. And not the fool itself. Or by contrast if the english letter N is also shown to be as in the marseille french version of the tarot. The woman here becomes the “masculine” outgoing figure. Which is shown as a softer version as in beauty and the beast. Or “i am dragon” a russian film playing to the tarot script.
Which is true for many foreign films being released and viewed by the american continent. Canadians im afraid are sub-pare and humbled and disowned by name. Its not the Canadian continent it belongs to the Americans. Canadians sit the side line. On this fact. Northern Americans aren’t as soft and liberal as Canadians, and not as soft as southern Americans. Even though the Southern Americans are sidelined by the northern American continent. Canadians being more apprehensive and receptive by cultural norm. Don’t upset the bear. Seems to play out in the canadian national passtime of hockey. Where full out fist fighting is or was encouraged. For were else to place the masculine energy of mounting the opposite sex? ‘so to say.
Before reaching card letter Ж, one must need working card letter H. Bound to N, И, J, E, K, moving in to conjunct Ж. Perhaps some association to letters Ш and/or Щ. On this count Waites switching of cards N and K fails for both are found being related to letter Ж anyway.
What doesnt work is letter Ё, Princess Yekaterina. And the feminine “pope” card Empress Catherine the great. For the lovers card tarot number 6 is letter J the eight letter. So number 7 Ё-fool, bound to the chariot, is found to be centralized within the hierophant. Which fallows to the tarot justice card. Or waites strength as harmony card. (For honour) of not being de-throwned by the feminine principle philosophy. Especially if it is the french version strength card. Which is where the justice cards leads with the latin-english overlay. And not where the strength as harmony leads by overlay to justice.
Bit the adam and even card to the devil card is a mind fuck on this count. It speaks more of a disfunctional family set leading to single parent family structures. Which is exactly what happened a generation after his deck was released.
Though the feminine body enshrined within the hierophant card does show true to christianity. Teaching to become more caring and compassionate and receptive. As is jesus to response over reaction. But is hypocritical if this was a usurped by force. And results a negative backwash of lunar entropic vulgarity towards the feminine body. This enshrining shows true of my account of the high priestess card which is supposedly the shrine of the church. If it isn’t viewed as the wise grandmother amd the increasing desire for peace of the aging man, the grandfather. For attainment and security should have already been made and the strenght leaves him perceptible to those who are younger and reading to take his place. As it works in the animal kingdom. The servival of the strongest and all that. And the saying strenght is found in wisdom and knowing when it is time. The young don’t give a shit. And without it they are what?
This is is a sequence that works in beautifully with the parenting system as it has been cultured and condition to be by association and inline with the tarot. Theres this yin yang association. And a choice in gender selection for whom ever is looking at the cards. And it begins on number 5. Which paints or flavours the emperor with the lover card. This is the Е and the Ё fool cards, either or, occupying the centre point. This is the child. The emperor is the man, the empress is the woman- the subject reading the cards-. And the hierophant is the father. And the high priestess is the mother. The husband consults the wife on matters of patenting. And while the relationship is active. The husband as a father adopts the wisdom of the mother. And the wife as a mother addopts the wisdom of the father. But by sequences outside of this by movement through the script and consequetial numbering forward. Is something else. Flowing with the stream and being written from without.
But based upon the historical significance of letter Ё. One may imagine the feminine as a serpent stealing the crown. As is shown in the “constelated” images of the stars at night. It may be better left without the BS and depicted identically as the E fool. Both being ignorant and stupid. But which ever perspective it is being looked at. I originally imagine just that the petulant fool as he is and a regal noblewoman carrying a crown on a pillow. With the crocodiles or other various beasts behind her. Sure it would play true to history. But it doesn’t promote much to equality. As the petulant E fool would similarly be holding a crown rushing towards calamity.
On this account I’ve never seem a petulant female fool card either. Of all the decks that where brought to me to see. The only fool card being “trans-gendered” was Waite’s fool card. Curios seeing how the vast majority of women. All high on their divine bs. Have failed to produce the marseille version of the fool. Equality? Collective egocentric superiority over the masculine unwilling of depicting themselves as the “villain”. Awhs poor marseille fool your all alone. With your dick in your hand.
Of course this is a collective phenomenon and not an individual one. As is the clash between negative sense communism and positive sense individualism. Which may just as be the reversed order of what it is.
Ugh, morning. To plus 26 today. Still May. Let’s go be surrounded by all the types of people i hate. Which is liek 90 percent of all men. Yesterday was good. But back to wanting to die again. Another year. And the crows greet me this morning. And when i stop shitting mucous that be great.
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brokenhardies · 1 year
depluralizing films! ill go first;
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For all the tolerance and enlightenment that modern society claims, Americans are losing hold of a fundamental right as citizens of a free country: the right to speak their minds and voice their opinions in public without fear of being shamed or shunned.
This social silencing, this depluralizing of America, has been evident for years, but dealing with it stirs yet more fear. It feels like a third rail, dangerous. For a strong nation and open society, that is dangerous.
How has this happened? In large part, it’s because the political left and the right are caught in a destructive loop of condemnation and recrimination around cancel culture. Many on the left refuse to acknowledge that cancel culture exists at all, believing that those who complain about it are offering cover for bigots to peddle hate speech. Many on the right, for all their braying about cancel culture, have embraced an even more extreme version of censoriousness as a bulwark against a rapidly changing society, with laws that would ban books, stifle teachers and discourage open discussion in classrooms.
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inventors-fair · 2 years
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Setting Up: Name Set Match Examples
Hey folks! I wanted to throw some examples your way this week of some of the more unique directions to take this contest.
My own Battle Bond is a card that I just wanted to design, but also shows that you can get away with a little (I repeat- a little) fudging of the name. Adding spaces, pluralizing or depluralizing a word, a hyphen; those things are good. As soon as you’re altering the word itself or adding any words, that’s too far.
@teachx’s Onslaught is just a reminder that you can dabble in the design space taken by already existing cards if that tickles your fancy, and this one is a fun way to do it. The original Onslaught is kinda dull, but this makes a much more flavorful connection, with an exciting new keyword to boot. The extra combat really sells the name on this one, though.
@abelzumi’s Commander’s Arsenal is a reminder that there are some obscure products that Scryfall counts as sets, so if you’re looking for inspiration, check that link out. The effect on this is wonderfully weird and exactly what might pique my interest this week- mechanically interesting, but flavorfully perfect. The flavor is a big part of this week, so don’t slack on it! Also, as you can see from this glorious specimen, art/art direction certainly can’t hurt your chances of making a good design.
And that’s all for now, folks! Happy designing!
~judge @naban-dean-of-irritation
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angelsaxis · 3 years
this is such a shitty translation of Antigone for depluralizing and capitalizing "gods" to God, and then writing all of Antigone's defense of her actions as if she was ruled by one (true, Christian) god and not the entire Greek Pantheon.
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cipheramnesia · 5 years
I need tips for flirting with cybernetic alien death machines.
So far their long range anti-personnel deplur slugs haven't left any substantial damage on my chassis other than some mildly sexy scarring, but I really want to get involved with those polycarbide and titanium claws, along with that sexy ass surface to suborbital cannon. I mean... whew [fans self]
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ahno-nimus · 5 months
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they depluralized him
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
they look silly as seen here runningupto huge monsters the likes they have never seen true to they havent.  and are easily killed but with hammers that look so tiny you would think it a jokebut others try from above it is a distraction. and we take it taht way...but they die anyways. their armament is pisspoorstillwecheck it allthe time.  empty out any deplur and or titaniumrounds.fasttoo. Thor
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
Grand illusion
Your lives here s are detrimental to you so badly I laugh at it all day.
Your TV and other due to trump cover huge losses he coerced.
And you all ignore it completely. Magically.
You discount mine though we may have it all. And probably aren't on planet....still discount they can affect you. Even after you see most areas go dark.
Your actions and attitude to me cause it. Lots here worked to stop u. Even Lori?
No she tries to imprison me too. This started after chi a which you forced me to.
You all started dying rapidly lost your gold weapons deplur ur etc.
Hilarious actually your such ignorant slobs. So stupid. Lol.
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