#detective antonio dawson
chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
Antonio Dawson x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Reader is a beat cop goes undercover with Detective Dawson, and tries not to catch feelings
You’d been pulled off the beat to work undercover with a detective from intelligence. Antonio Dawson. You’d seen him around, going in and out as most of the members of intelligence did. You dreamed of being in an elite unit like intelligence, but you were biding your time on the beat, until you had the chance to prove yourself. This was your chance.
As you moved through the chilly night air, you hummed to yourself a short song, pressing into your ditzy character. You were instructed to just be Antonio’s backup in this case, which meant you had to stay by his side. Nobody would suspect a ditzy woman to be any danger, much less a cop. As you swayed your hips and stuck by his side, you looked over at him with a gentle smile.
He was walking with a soft sway of his shoulders, indicating relaxation. It was hardly the way he walked in and out of the district. He typically had a set purpose to his strong shoulders, and a deep tension that you wished he didn’t have to feel. You wished you could take his shoulders in your hands and massage them out, all the way through his neck and down into his back, so that he didn’t have to walk like that all of the time.
Nevertheless, right now, his shoulders were relaxed. You could tell that was a conscious choice on his part, to ensure the seller didn’t get jumpy before the bust. He walked with a sort of confidence as the two of you approached the club you’d be meeting the seller in.
As you had looked over at him, he turned his head to you, a small smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. “You ready for this?”
“Yes,” you replied, blushing a little as you’d been caught looking at him. “Ready for anything.”
He let out a small laugh as he approached the door, opening it for you and letting you walk through first. You hummed as he came in behind you, a gentle hand pulling on your waist to maneuver you over to a corner booth. You walked straight with him, taking in the sights around you, humming along with the music now as you watched people dance. You slid into the booth, Antonio sliding in next to you, as if to be a wall between you and the rest of the club. He rested an arm up around your shoulders, leaning back to take in the sights all the same.
You couldn’t help but feel the heat rising to your face, planning on blaming it on the club’s atmosphere instead of the knot in your stomach at being so close to the detective beside you. There was no argument - he was attractive - but you had to do whatever was best for you, and you knew Voight didn’t allow relationships within the intelligence team. That’s why Kim had been passed up the first time around. You’d never make it if you came onto Antonio in any form.
When a man came over and slid in across from you, you looked up, giving him a silly grin, then leaning further into Antonio, almost with a purr. You hummed and pushed your head to his collarbone, curling into him sideways. You rested a hand on his chest, looking across to the man. “Hello,” you said softly. “Nice night, isn’t it?”
The man across from you looked you up and down, then turned his eyes to Antonio, who seemed completely relaxed. However, you knew he wasn’t because you could feel his tense muscles beneath your touch. You took in Antonio’s scent as he and the man talked, not really paying attention. How could you? The musk of whatever cologne Antonio had used that day was nearly intoxicating.
You pulled yourself back to reality when the man in front of you got up, motioning for Antonio to follow. Antonio pulled away from you, getting up, then helping you up, taking your hand to pull you along with him behind the man.
His hand held yours in a way you couldn’t quite explain. Had you missed something important? It wasn’t tense, as if things were going wrong, but it wasn’t as if he didn’t know you, either. The way he held your hand was different. You looked up at him, letting a breath escape you as he met your eyes. He wasn’t worried, he had everything under control, but there was something to them. As if he was concerned about you specifically. As if he wanted to protect you from something.
What had you missed??
A knot formed in your stomach, not sure what was going to happen now. You squeezed his hand a little, needing reassurance. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping an arm around your waist as you stopped in a back room. He hummed and looked around. “Nice setup you got here.”
“Yeah,” the man replied with a small huff. He obviously wasn’t the talkative type. The man pulled a key out of his desk and unlocked a drawer, then pulled out a brick of cocaine. “Have your girl taste it.”
Your breath hitched for a moment, but you looked to the man. Antonio held you in place, shaking his head. “You think I’m stupid? I know you don’t keep cocaine in your desk drawer. It’s probably laced. I’m not looking for that shit. I want the real stuff.”
You watched as the man became uptight, huffing in reply. He looked over Antonio, then to you, then rolled his eyes. He took a key from around his neck, moving to a wall and pushing a shelf out of the way. Revealed was a human-sized safe, which he pushed the key into to unlock. He hummed as he revealed probably a hundred bricks of various drugs, wrapped up neatly, along with stacks of money on a second shelf within the safe. “You want to sell for me, take your pick.”
“It’s like Christmas,” Antonio said with a smile, moving toward the safe. You knew that was the code word and you moved with him, smiling as well. You got closer to the safe as Antonio pulled his gun from his waistband behind him, pointing it at the man. “CPD, asshole.”
The man huffed, then grabbed Antonio by the wrist, pushing his gun into the air. You ran forward, pushing all of your weight into the man’s torso with your shoulder, tackling him to the ground, Antonio being pulled on top of both of you. His gun went flying across the room as you and Antonio held the man down together. Finally, backup arrived to help with your struggle, Halstead and Ruzek pulling the guy up and cuffing him. You sat on your knees, huffing to catch your breath as the man was escorted out. Your dress had hiked up uncomfortably around your hips, showing off all of your legs.
Antonio stood first, then held out a hand to help you up, supporting you with his other hand the same. You pulled your dress down after standing, hoping you hadn’t shown off too much. “Thanks,” you said softly as you finally caught your breath, adrenaline still pumping through you.
“Guess I owe you one,” Antonio said, nudging your shoulder with his.
You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head. “Nah, just doing what anyone would’ve done.”
You looked up to him, meeting his eyes as they stared at you. The intense nature of this stare had you shivering, all of your hopes of joining intelligence being tossed out the window. You wanted to be with Antonio.
Antonio led you outside, where most of the police officers were gathered, writing reports and such. As you stood, waiting your turn, you rubbed your arms. The night air turned colder and all you could do was huddle into yourself.
A warm blazer was hung over your shoulders, and you looked over, Antonio positioning it on you to keep you warm. You smiled up at him a little. “Thanks… Guess I didn’t account for this part.”
Antonio smiled. “Any time.”
You hummed, pulling the blazer a little closer around you, soaking up the warmth and his scent as it filled your nose. It was a musky scent, with a hint of sweetness to it. You closed your eyes for a moment, humming as you felt like it was paradise. When you opened your eyes again, Antonio was gone from your side, talking to some officers near the door. You wanted to follow him, to stay on his hip, but you knew there was no reason for that now. You let out a wistful sigh, then turned your attention to Kim Burgess, who now approached to ensure you were alright. The whole night was over too soon, in your opinion. Despite the danger, you liked being so close to Antonio, and now, it would be back to business as usual.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Messed Up: Antonio Dawson x Reader
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Tagging @enchantedblackrose
It was morning, you could tell from the fact there was sunshine glaring into your eyes from the blinds that Antonio hadn’t drawn the night before. You liked autumn days like this, the sun heating your skin as you stretched out along the length of Antonio's warm firm body. You had forgotten about moments like this, what it felt like to share a bed with Antonio.
At some point in the night Antonio had turned onto his opposite side so that the two of you were facing each other. His arm was wrapped around your waist, drawing your slender form against his body. You felt contented in Antonio's arms. Your faces barely inches apart. You found herself watching him sleep, just the ways you used to when they had previously slept together.
Your thumb smoothed over the stubble that lined his jaw. He looked so peaceful right now and you relished it. It was so different from the torrid emotions that had flowed through him yesterday. You didn't expect a miracle; you knew that Antonio would still feel as responsible today as he had yesterday for the shooting. But you longed for moments like this, moments where there was nothing standing between you. You kissed his lips gently; you had wanted this for so long. This sense of serenity quietened any doubts that you had ever had. You loved him it was plain and simple.
Antonio wrinkled his nose; his eyes flickered open as he started to wake. It took him a minute to focus on the blurs in front of him, to realize that you were still here. His arms were locked around you, holding you close against his body. Antonio withdrew, releasing you suddenly. He shuffled to the opposite side of the bed, swinging his legs over the edge so he was sitting on the end of it. He rubbed his hands over his face as he exhaled deeply.
"You can leave." Antonio said, rising to his feet as he turned to face you. "I shouldn't have let you stay last night."
You were already on your feet on the opposite side of the bed. Your hands were on your hips as you reviewed him. You had expected something like this. A good night's sleep didn't change a situation like this. Antonio had been suffering on his own for a long time.
"Seriously Antonio, are we going to go through this again?" you asked him as Antonio stepped around the bed towards you.
His fingers enclosed on your forearm as he opened the bedroom door and pulled you through it. You didn't resist.
"Just get out. You shouldn't be here - I don't want you here." he snapped, shoving you towards the door.
You stopped dead, standing your ground as you turned around to face him. You weren’t going to let him do this. You understood he didn't want you here, that he wanted to do things on his own. He was hurting so badly, and he had no one to talk to.
"I should be here because you don't want me here." You told him, jabbing your finger at his chest.
"I'm not in the mood for your analysis crap. Leave." Antonio responded, pointing at the door.
"It's not crap, Antonio. It's simple. You don't want me here because you don't want me to see you like this. Well tough, because I'm here, and I'm staying.”
Antonio shoved you up against the apartment door, his hands pinning your wrists to the wood on either side of your head. His entire body was pressed along the length of yours, trapping you between him and the door. His face was twisted into a grimace as he held you in place. You didn't resist, you simply stood in place listening to his breathing coming in pants as you stared at each other.
"I'm not scared of you." you told him firmly.
"You should be," he snarled.
His intentioned was to scare you, to put you in a position that forced you to become a victim again. To twist you until you likened him to the man who had almost killed you yesterday, so that you would stay away, and he could grieve. You knew how tired he must feel. All the energy and will power it took to stay strong. This was Antonio at his worst; this was Antonio trying to give up.
"Do it." you murmured. "I can take whatever horrible thing you think you can do to me"
"Why? " Antonio yelled, slamming his palm against the door next to your head. You didn't flinch and he didn't know why but he found that even more infuriating. "Why the hell would you do that? You are more messed up than I thought you were."
"I'm no more messed up than you are," You snapped back. "Look at what you’re doing Antonio, you think a normal person would do this? Do you think a normal person would let you?"
Antonio drew a deep breath at your words. There was a truth in them, and he knew it. The two of you weren't normal. You had been through too much to be like other people and if he was honest, he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take being the strong one.
"You need to run. You need to get as far away from me as you can." he told you, trying to stop these feelings from rising up inside him and taking over.
Being in this position with you made him feel wrong, he was trying to save you from himself. Trying to get you to leave because you needed someone who could be selfless, and Antonio was the opposite of that right now. He needed his own support. He couldn't take propping anyone else up right now. The hurt was still choking in his chest, squeezing out his life. He had lost so much over the past few years and right now he was barely standing on his own two feet. He had made a terrible mistake in trying to delve back in something with you again, but he still couldn't bring himself to turn away. You were always dragging him back under. Antonio closed his eyes tightly, screwing them up as his hands went slack on your wrists.
"I can't do that. You know me and you know I don’t run." you responded to his words.
Your hands slid down in his grip until your fingers came to clasp his hands, shifting to make their hold more of a connection as opposed to something violent.
"Baby..." Antonio uttered gruffly withdrawing his hands from your grasp and placing his palms flat upon the door. "What do we do about this?"
He was helpless, he hated being like this, losing control. He didn't know where to turn but he knew what was right and wrong and the line between the two of you was starting to blur all over again as it always did when he was near you. He needed help, he knew that. He needed someone to be there, to hold him up and relying on you simply wasn't fair but you were here offering yourself to him. He couldn't refuse that, not when he was hurting this bad.
Your arms wrapped around his athletic form, drawing him close. His shoulders quaked as he leaned against you, burying his face into the curve of your throat.
“We’ll figure it out, I promise.”
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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r-eatyourfriends-n · 4 months
see everybody moved on. we're on what? season 11 now? but I stayed here. I stayed with antonio dawson. and jon seda is a great actor and I love him. and I love antonio. editing the latino character to reggaeton. how original.
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random-weird-fandoms · 2 months
5 Stages of Grief
When you accidentally write the 5 stages of grief into a 5-day story...
Well, Hank Voight and the Crackhead Detective is going to be very interesting.
Also, how did this become a lowkey AdamxOC story?? And why do I ship them so much??
Also, also, Day 5 is almost finished, then I have three epilogues to write, then I have to proofread it. I will be printing myself a copy and getting it bound at Staples this weekend! I am so, so excited! :)
I really hope others like this story. It will be too long, by far, to post on Tumblr, so I will make an AO3 and post it on Wattpad too. :)
@creativeimagination206 co-wrote this story!!!
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wildlyironicbee · 6 months
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Merry (belated) Christmas @selcaby!
This is…silly, silly, silly, but I wanted to see what kind of bonkers crossover AU I could come up with, and apparently mixing Encanto and The Great Mouse Detective was what my brain decided on, haha!
I think, once they figured out what was going on (and how on earth Basil and Dawson ended up in 1950’s Colombia), Antonio and Bruno would go on to have grand adventures solving rat-related crimes with them…while the rest of the family remain very, very confused.
I hope you had a very lovely Christmas, and have a Happy New Year! 🎄🎅 🎉
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callsign-dexter · 7 months
Drunken Confessions
Request: Hi there 😊 aw let me send in a request as well 🤭 you're crushing on your colleague Antonio and him as well. But you catch Hailey flirt with him from time to time, so you end your shift at Molly's and decide to get drunk. The other Intelligence members are there as well and Antonio never lets you out of his sight. So when he sees some guy getting too close to you, he steps in and kisses you, making the guy leave. You're too drunk to process what's going on, so Antonio takes you with him into his apartment and takes care of you till you fall asleep in his bed and mumble something like 'I love you'. Then in the morning you can't remember why you're with him and he tells you what happened and that he loves you as well and that you don't need to be jealous as he'd always chose you 🙊
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Halstead!Intelligence!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, being drunk, alcohol
A/N: Thank you to @talesofreading for sending this request in!
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When Jay joined Intelligence, you had joined as well. You had always wanted to be a detective and when you heard there were two openings in Intelligence you jumped at the chance while Jay got the other one. You are the sister of Will Halstead and the twin sister of Jay Halstead. While working in Intelligence you got along with everyone and you didn’t take anything lightly and did your job well, so well that other departments were begging for you but you just couldn’t leave your family and Jay behind so you turned the opportunities down every time. You promised yourself you would never love anyone in the department not wanting it to get in the way of your work but there was one guy that had caught your eye, Antonio Dawson.
When you laid eyes on him it was immediate love but you knew he probably didn't feel the same way. Sure, you two flirted with each other but neither of you were going to make the first move both too stubborn to do anything. What you didn’t know was the first day you walked into Intelligence Antonio fell hard for you and couldn’t even keep his eyes off of you and when you smiled at him, he swore his heart stopped beating and it was only you two in the room and nobody else. 2 years later you both were still crushing on each other and every now and then you two would flirt with each other you even had been partnered together. Around this time, you had gotten a new person into Intelligence, Hailey Upton, after Erin left, you really didn’t like her, especially how she strung your brother along and then broke his heart, and you were normally very welcoming but something about her struck something in you. Of course you were going to be civil towards her during work hours but after those it was a different attitude.
You had gotten to work early so you could get some paperwork done while you were alone and you also tend to do your best work alone. You walked in and greeted Trudy and she greeted you back and buzzed you up. You went to the locker room and put your stuff into your locker and then walked back out and sat at your desk. Not even 10 minutes later you heard footsteps walking up the stairs and turned to look and a smile broke out on your face when you saw that it was Antonio. When his eyes met yours he smiled “Good morning. I see you’re here early.” He said and you nodded.
“I tend to do my best work when I’m alone. You should know this by now.” You said with a little chuckle.
“That I do. So what are your plans for after work?” He asked coming to sit on the edge of your desk and you smiled and put a piece of loose hair behind your ear.
“Well, I had planned to kick back and watch some mindless tv while eating pizza but we’ll see how the day turns out.” You said and he smiled, the smile that you had fallen in love with. He was about to say something else but the rest of the team walked up and you quickly got back to work he walked over to his desk and sat down you didn’t look up only focusing on the reports being filled out. The only time you looked up was when you heard Hailey giggle and you wished you hadn’t. The scene when you looked up you saw him smile and her push his shoulder you felt your heart break and when he looked over to you, you quickly looked down trying not to let tears fall what you didn’t was his smile fall and the look of concern pop up. He wasn’t listening to what Hailey was saying, just trying to be polite. This went on throughout the day and it only made you feel worse.
“Listen up.” Hank comes out saying and you all gathered around. “We have a drug deal going down and we need to go and bust them.” He said and you all nodded as everyone was going to change and gather weapons and you pulled Hank to the side.
“Hey, do you think I can be partnered up with Jay for this one? Just this one time.” You asked with hopefulness and he looked at you.
“Of course. Everything ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“I just want to be with my brother on this one.” You said which was a complete lie.
“I’ll tell them when they come out. Now go and get ready to leave.” He said and you nodded. You went and got ready and when you walked out everyone was gathered around “I want Jay and Y/N together on this one.” He said and they nodded. Antonio looked hurt but didn’t say anything and that made you hurt inside. As you were heading to the house with Jay, he started to look over at you every now and then.
“Everything alright, Sis?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Everything is fine.” You had said and he looked at you.
“You have always been a bad liar. Now what’s up?” He asked and you sighed.
“I like Antonio and have had a crush on him for 2 years.” You said and looked over at him and smirked.
“I know.” He said and you looked at him surprised.
“How?” You asked, voice raising a pitch and he laughed.
“Come on Y/N/N. We’re twins. I know you too well. Will also figured it out. Now why did you request to ride with me instead of your partner?” He asked and you huffed.
“Hailey has been flirting with him and he doesn’t even stop her. It hurts too much.” You said and he nodded.
“He loves you. He would be stupid if he messes this up with you. Will and I have your back.” He said and you smiled.
“I love you guys.” You said as you pulled up to the house. You all stormed the house and got everyone in handcuffs without having anyone get hurt. The bust was a success but you were still feeling bad and to be honest heartbroken about what had been going on with Hailey and Antonio so you had forfeited your original plans and headed to Molly’s.
You arrived at Molly’s before anyone else so you got to drinking. You went up to the bar and got a bartender’s attention, you had downed the first drink easily when the rest of Intelligence strolled into the bar and they greeted you but when you saw Antonio you quickly ordered a new drink. You had been working on the second one while you mingled with everyone and then you saw your big brother, Will, and some of his colleagues. “Yo big bro!” You said and slapped him on the shoulder and he smiled.
“Hey, Y/N/N.” He said and gave you a side hug and then you noticed Connor and greeted him.
“Hey, Y/N. Are you drunk already?” He asked
“Tipsy. Not drunk.” You said and pointed at them and then laughed knowing it was a lie when you finished your second drink and you were really feeling it and it was making you forget about Antonio. You had gotten another drink while talking to them despite knowing you probably shouldn’t. You three continued to talk until you were called by someone and you bid them a goodbye and walked over to where you were called over to.
What you didn’t know was that he was watching your every move. He wasn't drinking much matter in fact wasn’t drinking at all. “Hey, Jay, your sister is drunk and getting cozy with some random guy that doesn’t look like he is up to any good.” Adam said and he looked over to you and he could tell it and sighed.
“I’ll go do something about it.” Jay said and Antonio shook his head and got up.
“No, I got it.” Antonio said and got up. You had been talking to some random guy on the back of the wall that you were leaning up against and was getting all flirty. The guy was getting all touchy and Antonio didn’t like that especially with how much you had to drink and didn’t seem to notice it. As he got to you neither you nor the person that was hitting on you paid attention until Antonio’s lips were on yours in a searing kiss. You didn’t know what was going on and the guy left the drink you had in your hands long forgotten and it had fallen from your grip and shattered onto the ground that seemed to pull you out of your trance.
“What?” You asked breathlessly and then stumbled into his arms.
“You’re drunk. I’m gonna take you home.” He said and you didn’t say anything and he helped you walk out while telling both of your brothers what was going on and then they bid you both a good night. Antonio helped you more like you leaned on him the entire way to his car. Once he got you settled into the car you began messing with the controls of the air conditioning and then the radio, he sighed but wasn’t going to say anything.
You were close to being at his apartment when you started to speak up “You know,” You slurred “I’ve had a massive crush on you for two years.” You said as your head slowly turned to look at him. “When I saw Hailey flirt with you and you did nothing, I figured I had lost my chance with you.” You said as he pulled into a parking spot in front of his apartment.
“I’ve had a crush on you too.” He said and you scoffed.
“Don’t take pity on me.” You said as you began to struggle to get out of the seatbelt and he watched you struggle but was quick to help you and then he got out and helped you out of the car. He helped you into the building and then into his apartment. Not much was said as he helped in and then he saw your face turn green and he quickly helped you to the bathroom where you had begun to vomit and he held your hair back. When you were down he slowly helped you up and into his bed and pulled the covers back and once you laid down and helped you take off your shoes. You hated sleeping in jeans but right now you didn’t care. “I love you.” You mumbled as he was getting stuff to sleep on the couch and he smiled and then walked out.
The next morning, he woke up before you and began making breakfast and coffee. Thankfully it was a Saturday which means that none of you had to go into work. The smell of food is what woke you up and had you sitting up in bed and looking around the unfamiliar apartment and you got up and stumbled out of the bedroom. When you got into the kitchen you saw Antoino there. “What am I doing here?” You asked him and that made him look up.
“You got super drunk at Molly’s and I decided to bring you here to sleep it off.” He said and you nodded and sat down as he sat down a plate of food and coffee. You started to eat and drink “You also told me you had a massive crush on me for two years.” He said and you stopped eating and looked up at him horrified.
“What?” You asked
“You said-” He began again and you stopped him.
“I heard you.” You said as you swallowed.
“But it’s ok because I’ve liked you, no loved, you for two years too.” He said and your eyes widened. “You also mumbled you loved me. You don’t have to be jealous of her or anyone else. You know why?” He asked and you shook your head. “Because I love you and I will always choose you.” He said as he came over and crouched down to where he was eye level with you. You leaned in and kissed him but pulled back when you felt the beginning of hangover vomit start to make its way up and you rushed to the bathroom. Antonio wasn’t too far behind you and once again held your hair back. Once you were done you flushed the toilet and then leaned back into him.
“How about I brush my teeth and then I can kiss you?” You asked and he chuckled and nodded and helped you up. He pulled out an extra toothbrush and gave it to you and once your teeth were brushed and mouth was rinsed out you turned to him and kissed him. The kiss was full of passion. “I’ve been wanting to do that for 2 years.” You said once you both pulled away and he nodded.
“So have I.” He said and smiled.
Yeah, this was going to be a wonderful start to an awesome, filled with a lot of love, and beautiful relationship.
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delespresso · 13 days
DOWN BAD ━━ Antonio Dawson x fem!reader
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author's note; just a short lil thing because idk i just felt like it heheh prompt; “cause fuck it i was in love, so fuck you if i can't have us” summary; antonio is in a dark place but she'll never leave his side
━━ ☄. *. ⋆
Being in the Intelligence unit under Hank Voight would be taxing on anyone. The cases were grueling, and despite the support system within the unit and precinct — it was still a challenge.
Antonio had been her partner since she first got picked up by Voight from patrol and into the unit. She used to be an officer then. She's a detective now.
Antonio knew there was something about her from the start. He'd been married then, but it was already shaky. Though, even after the divorce he never made his move. It's been six years.
Eva's kidnapping was a month ago. His drug problem was around the same time. And god knows he's messed up from all of it. He was still going to therapy for it.
He pushed everyone away because that's what he did best. But not her. Never her. Try as he might, she would never leave.
“I'm your partner. For better or worse,” she'd said when he'd practically cursed her out to leave him alone.
“You can't get rid of me, Toni. I'm here for you.”
He'd stared at her like she'd grown two heads. And maybe she knew she was crazy. But god, she was crazy about him.
“I love you. And I don't care if you keep pushing me away — I will push right back because that's what you do when you love someone. You stick with them through everything.”
liked this tale? be a member and buy me some coffee!
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Jay- Meeting Him
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"Right listen up" Voight shouts standing next to me in the ballpen "this is Detective YLN. She is joining us in intelligence" I give everyone a little wave, they acknowledge me in some way whether that is a wave or a little head nod "Halstead she's with you"
"Got it" the guy Halstead says standing up. Voight turns around to leave but then suddenly stops
"And Jay keep it in your pants" he then walks away leaving me alone with the group
"I guess your my new partner. Jay Halsead" he holds out his hand for me to shake
"YN YLN. It's good to meet you"
"I'll introduce you to everyone. This is Erin Lindsay, Adam Ruzek and Antonio Dawson"
"It's good to meet you all. Could you tell me which desk is free?" I ask looking around the room
"This one next to me is free" Jay points to a free desk
"Thank you" I walk over to the free desk. I take my coat off and put my bag down at the desk. Switching on the computer I sit down as Jay walks over to me with some files
"Could use your insight. Voight said you were one of the best in at LAPD. Said you put away the most criminals on your team"
"Let's have a look then" I nod towards the files trying to get the attention off me
"The chameleon, also known at Dexter Holmes, we know he's involved in the Chicago drug trade, problem is we have no evidence"
"So we get evidence" Jay gives me a 'well duh' look "I don't think your following me. We go get evidence" I open up the files and flick through them and notice a club that Dexter is often at "this is how we will catch him. We go to the club, do a deal then arrest him"
"He knows our faces though YN"
"Not mine"
"No. Not a chance. Your first day and you already want to get killed?" Jay shakes his head
"I've done worse undercover" I cross my arms
"Voight won't sign off on it"
Voight signed it off and now I'm stood in the club in a little back dress, heals on and an ear piece in that so happens to look like an ear cuff. I take a drink from the barman and lean against the bar waiting to be told dexter has entered
"Can't believe Voight said yes to this" I roll my eyes although he can't see me
"YN we have eyes on him. Entering now" I hear Erin say, that's when I make my move taking a drink for him with me
"Be carful YN" Voight tells me. I put on my best fake smile and walk over to Dexter
"Hello handsome, drink?" I hold out the drink to him
"I've not seen you here before. Who are you?"
"Sorry so silly of me. I'm Mia, just moved here and I was told that this club had the best drinks, men and... other things" I look him up and down
"Well your not wrong" he looks me up and down "what do you want?"
"What would you say if I said all of the above" I smile flirtatiously
"I'd say follow me"
"What the hell is she doing?" I hear Jay says in the ear piece. I follow Dexter to a back room where he pushes me against a wall and starts kissing my neck. I fake a moan as his hands go around my waist
"How about a little kick to make this better?" he say
"Of course" Dexter then pulls out a little bag of drugs "normally you pay in money. You can pay me anyway you want"
"Now" I say and Jay, Voight, Erin and Antonio burst through the back door or the door we entered
"Put your hand up Dexter, the game is over" Voight says before making the arrest.
That evening we all arrive at a bar called Mollys and I end up meeting some of the firemen and doctors in the city
"What a first day huh" Adam nudges me
"That was nothing compared to a few years ago. My partner and I were undercover. Basically someone was a double agent and was working for a human trafficking ring. Turns out it was my partner and I was shot by him"
"Holy shit" Erin breathes out
"Hey I got a sick scar from it"
"Where is it?" Jay asks
"Wouldn't you like to know" I joke
"Ooo is it on your ass?" Erin wiggles her eyebrows
"I don't know, maybe, maybe not"
"I'm gonna have fun working with you. I can already tell" Jay laughs taking a sip of his drink
"Me too" I smile feeling excited for this new start.
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lily-174 · 1 year
Hi!! I have a request for Antonio...
Reader has a crush on Antonio and for whatever reason he keeps being uncharacteristically mean to her. And she always holds up her tears and just walks away when he lashes out at her but one day she had enough and talks back. She interrupts him and says "stop it. That's enough. I can accept the fact that you don't like me the way i like you but i will not let you disrespect me like that anymore. I'm part of this team just as much as you are. And i'm might be young but i know how to do my job just fine." And walks away leaving all the team in silence and Antonio feeling like shit, especially the next day when he arrives to work with the idea of apologising but Voight informs them that she resigned due to "personal issues" and won't be working there anymore. So he goes to her apartment to talk and finds her with red puffy eyes, clearly from crying all night.
Cut to: Fluffy ending with a confession✨ i'm so sorry if this was too specific🙈
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Personal issues - antonio dawson x reader
trigger warning: work place bullying, anxiety, sadness.
i can’t lie i don’t really like this but i hope you enjoy
you loved working in intelligence, you could hands down say it was one of the best jobs you’d ever had. it was rewarding, and you’d met some of the best people, including your best friend and partner jay halstead. the only slight disadvantage you’d noticed working there was that you’d began to catch feeling for a certain detective, antonio dawson.
you knew he didn’t like you back, and that was fine. no hard feelings. you respected him, he was an amazing detective. but in the past few months you’d noticed him being different, making unnecessary comments and jokes. just being a bit of a dick. the amount of times you’d and jay had been out and you’d been complaining about antonio and talking to jay about it was unreal.
jay always told you to talk to him and it’ll stop, you’d planned to do that. but this case you were currently working was stressful, and antonio seemed to be in the worst mood and was taking it all out on you. it had gotten to the point you’d had to hold back tears and you couldn’t deal with being disrespected like that for very much longer.
“anyone got anything? traffic cams anything at all” jay asked from his desk were he was working looking for any links between victims while the rest of the team were working on finding anything else to help solve this case.
“nah not yet i’m still looking at our vics social media accounts” adam spoke, kevin had seen something on a traffic cam but it was nothing that could’ve really helped with the case.
“nothing yet” you said looking up from your desk, you heard a scoff and you knew the only person it could’ve been from was antonio.
“of course you don’t” you don’t know what possessed you whether it was the stress from this case but that comment just pissed you off.
“you know what antonio? that’s enough. i can accept the fact you don’t like me. but i’m not coming into work to get constantly disrespected by you. and i’ll tell you this right now! you might be a good detective but the way you’ve been constantly treating me shows your not a good person” you spat completely loosing your temper at the man you had feelings for. you’d had enough. you looked over at jay before leaving the room, your shift was almost over anyway. and they could keep working without you, you went home and left it as is.
you’d ignored all the messages you got from jay all night, you loved jay he was like your older brother and he could tell that was your last straw even if you felt like you’d overreacted antonio had just pushed you over the edge.
“where’s y/n?” adam asked walking into the bullpen the next day with everyone sat at their desks, adams question was followed by a lot of “don’t knows” as he walked to his desk filling out some paperwork.
antonio sat at his desk, he didn’t mean to actually hurt your feelings he’d just been through a divorce a few months ago and had caught feelings for you straight after, he thought maybe pushing you away would help him control those feelings but no. it just made him feel worse.
the case they had the previous day had been taken off intelligence and given to major crimes, so the team sat in the bullpen doing paperwork. a while had past when voight emerged from his office.
“i have some news, y/n handed in her resignation due to personal issues, and wants to move to special victims in new york. i’m putting the paperwork through today” voights words echoed through antonio’s head, the only thing that managed to bring antonio back was the slam of someone leaving the room, he looked up to see halstead storming off. antonio quickly got up and followed jay down the hall.
“jay, is she okay?” antonio’s voice mad jay stop in his tracks and turn to face him as a scoff left his lips.
“is she okay? like you care. all she has tried to do is be nice to you! yet all you’ve done is made her feel like she’s not good enough, and made her feel like she’s not part of this unit. we look out for each other!” jay spat at antonio who was stood infront of him. jay wasn’t wrong, he was actually very correct.
“that’s not what i meant-“ jay cut antonio off.
“not what you meant? she quit because of you!” antonio couldn’t stand there and listen to jay any longer, he needed to speak to you. antonio walked away from jay hearing another scoff leave the other man’s lips.
antonio made his way downstairs going out to his car. he had to speak to you. he had to tell you the truth, he couldn’t bare it anymore. the guilt eating him up from the inside. he never meant for this to happen, he hadn’t even realised the thing he’s said had effected you that much. he got in the drivers side of his car and drive to your apartment, fingers tapping the steering wheel. when he pulled up outside your apartment he took a deep breath before making his way up to your apartment.
antonio stood infront of your door for a moment before knocking them wiping his clammy hands on his jeans, he heard footsteps heading towards the door.
“jay i told you i’m fine okay. i’ll be in new york by the end of the week” you spoke as you opened the door with red rimmed eyes and a blanket wrapped around you. when you opened the door and noticed antonio standing there you went to close the door but he stopped you.
“wait please. y/n i’m so sorry just let me explain” he spoke, you could hear the desperation in his voice, so you nodded letting him in.
“i’m so sorry okay? after the divorce i caught feelings for you y/n. i like you, a lot. and i thought pushing you away and pretending my feelings didn’t exist would help but it didn’t. i understand what i’ve done is so wrong, the comments i’ve made have made you feel like you don’t deserve a space in that unit. but you’re one of the best detectives i’ve ever met. and if you’ll let me.. i want to prove i’m not a bad person. i love you” his words shocked you, the fact he was willing to take responsibility he wanted to make it up to you. and after all this time of you thinking he hated you he loved you too..
“antonio i love you too..” you words immediately made him pull you into his arms, you accepted his hug, hugging him tightly as he held you and rubbed your back.
“i’m so sorry” he said as he gently pulled away from the hug looking down into your eyes, he felt so guilty taking in your appearance red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks.
“it’s okay”
“no no it’s not. you deserve so much better, and if you’ll let me i’d like to show you want you deserve” you little nod was all he needed to gently press his lips to yours, you kissed him back arms around his neck his around your waist. the kiss was passionate yet soft. the was nothing sexual about it, it was purely you both just enjoying the feeling of one and other.
when you pulled away you looked up into his sweet loving eyes, you should’ve admitted your feelings for him long ago. you knew he was a gentleman but his divorce did hurt him, and he almost lost his job taking a security job from roman so you understood his frustrations. but he really was a good person.
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List of accepted characters:
This will be updated as I review submissions.
Lord El Melloi II/Waver Velvet from the Fate series
Ranpo Edogawa from Bungo Stray Dogs
Atsushi Nakajima from Bungo Stray Dogs
Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs
Doppo Kunikida from Bungo Stray Dogs
Kenji Miyazawa from Bungo Stray Dogs
Junichiro Tanizaki from Bungo Stray Dogs
Kyoka Izumi from Bungo Stray Dogs
Akiko Yosano from Bungo Stray Dogs
Yukito Ayatsuji from Bungo Stray Dogs: Another Story
Ryuu Amakusa from Tantei Gakuen Q
Kyuu Renjo from Tantei Gakuen Q
Megumi Minami from Tantei Gakuen Q
Kintarou Tooyama from Tantei Gakuen Q
Kazuma Narusawa from Tantei Gakuen Q
Lady Love Dies from Paradise Killer
Shinichi Kudo/Conan Edogawa from Detective Conan
Shenanigan Swift from The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels
Phenomena Swift from The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels
Erf from The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels
Tsukauchi Naomasa from Boku no Hero Academia
Carlton Lassiter from Psych
Juliet O'Hara from Psych
Damien Darkblood from Invincible (The TV adaptation)
Shawn Spencer from Psych
Nick Valentine from Fallout 4
Will Graham from Hannibal
Goro Akechi from Persona 5
Neal Caffrey from White Collar
Erin Lindsay from Chicago PD
Aniq Adjaye from The Afterparty
Detective Danner from The Afterparty
Hank Voight from Chicago PD
Antonio Dawson from Chicago PD
Bruce Wayne/Batman from DC Comics
Tim Drake from DC Comics
Julia Argent from Carmen Sandiego
Alvin Olinsky from Chicago PD
Chase Devineaux from Carmen Sandiego
Shikanoin Heizou from Genshin Impact
Beverly Katz from Hannibal
Sam Vimes from Discworld
Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Columbo from Columbo
Hercule Poirot from the Hercule Poirot series
Dick Gumshoe from Ace Attorney
Jay Halstead from Chicago PD
Kim Burgess from Chicago PD
Kevin Atwater from Chicago PD
Adam Ruzek from Chicago PD
Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg from the Commissaire Adamsberg series
Sean Roman from Chicago PD
Llewellyn Watts from Murdoch Mysteries
Sheldon Jin from Chicago PD
Parker Pyne from Parker Pyne Investigates
Karen Vick from Psych
Keith Mars from Veronica Mars
Harley Quin from The Mysterious Mr. Quinn
Ariadne Oliver from the works of Agatha Christie
Burton Guster from Psych
James Gordon from DC Comics
Veronica Mars from Veronica Mars
Nancy Drew from Nancy Drew
Henry Spencer from Psych
Vinnie Van Lowe from Veronica Mars
Chloe Decker from Lucifer
Dan Espinoza from Lucifer
Peter Burke from White Collar
Clinton Jones from White Collar
Reese Hughes from White Collar
Verges from Much Ado About Nothing
Auguste Dupin from the Dark Tales series
Blue from Blue’s Clues
Françoise Dupont from Fantômette
Renee Montoya from DC Comics
Kostas Charitos from the Kostas Charitos Series
Gertrude Loveday from the Ryder and Loveday series
Phryne Fisher from Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
Raquel Murillo from Money Heist
Miss Jane Marple from the works of Agatha Christie
Javert from Les Misérables
Inspector Gadget from Inspector Gadget
Patrick Jane from Mentalist
Daisy Day from Anansi Boys
Joss Carter from Person of Interest
Arthur Lester from Malevolent
Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes
Juno Steel from the Penumbral Podcast
Lilly Rush from Cold Case
Sherlock Holmes from the Beekeeper’s Picnic
Koichi Zenigata from Lupin III
Loki from Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
Hildibrand Manderville from Final Fantasy XIV
Shotaro Hidari from Kamen Rider W
Terezi Pyrope from Homestuck
Hershel Layton from the Professor Layton series
Shuichi Saihara from Danganronpa
Miles "Tails" Prower from The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa
Adrian Monk from Monk
Nightbeat from Transformers
L from Death Note
Dale Vandermeer from the Rusty Lake series
Yuma Kokohead from Master Detective Archives: Raincode
Vivia Twilight from Master Detective Archives: Raincode
Saguru Hakuba from Magic Kaito
Benoit Blanc from the Knives Out series
Inspector Cabanela from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney
Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa
Looker from Pokemon
Kaname Date from AI: The Somnium Files
Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa
Heiji Hattori from Detective Conan
Masumi Sera from Detective Conan
Little Red Riding Hood from Once Upon a Crime
Enola Holmes from Enola Holmes
Detective Pikachu from Detective Pikachu
Tom Barnaby from Midsomer Murders
Riz Gukgak from Fantasy High
Seiji Nanatsuki from Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit
Shiori Ichinose from Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit
Makoto Date from Yakuza
Richard Castle from Castle
Nick Burkhardt from Grimm
Dr Temperance Brennan from Bones
Catherine Chandler from Beauty and the Beast
Sokka from Avatar: the Last Airbender
Yagami Takayuki from Judgement
Workaholic Detective from Process of Elimination
Stone from City of Angels
Angus McDonald from The Adventure Zone
Gina Lestrade from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Bobby Bronson from Roar
Cellbit from QSMP
Hunch Curios from Mentopolis
Hazel Wong from Murder Most Unladylike
Frog Detective from the Frog Detective Series
Victorique de Blois from Gosick
Gabriel Utterson from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Sherlock Holmes from BBC Sherlock
Jacques Clouseau from Pink Panther
Olivia Dunham from Fringe
Joseph Rouletabille from the Rouletabille series
Daisy Wells from Murder Most Unladylike
Pippa Fitz-Amobi from A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series
Lisbeth Salander from the Millennium series
Wato Hojo from Process of Elimination
Ideal Detective from Process of Elimination
Renegade Detective from Process of Elimination
Techie Detective from Process of Elimination
Bookworm Detective from Process of Elimination
Posh Detective from Process of Elimination
Doleful Detective from Process of Elimination
Gourmet Detective from Process of Elimination
Rowdy Detective from Process of Elimination
Mystic Detective from Process of Elimination
Downtown Detective from Process of Elimination
Armor Detective from Process of Elimination
Halara Nightmare from Master Detective Archives: Raincode
Mashita Satoru from Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Dogberry from Much Ado About Nothing
Shi Qiang from The Three Body Problem
Azuma Tsuyuri from Clock Over Orquesta
Cherry Ames from the Cherry Ames series
Leroy "Encyclopedia" Brown from the Encyclopedia Brown series
Lobster Cop from the Frog Detective Series
Sandra the Fairytale Detective from Sandra the Fairytale Detective
Geronimo Stilton from the Geronimo Stilton series
Paul Prospero from The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Elijah Baley from the Robot series
Dirk Gently from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Suiri from Pop'n Music Lapistoria
Joan Watson from Elementary
Roquier from Puyo Puyo Quest
Holly Short from Artemis Fowl
Jo Martinez from Forever
Alex Parrish from Quantico
Cristóbal Cuevas from Cable Girls
Oskar Rheinhart from Vienna Blood
Emily Prentiss from Criminal Minds
Jane Doe from Blindspot
Dick Grayson from DC Comics
Ziva David from NCIS
Nell Jones from NCIS: Los Angeles
Lou Ransone from 9-1-1
Megan Hunt from Body of Proof
Cal Lightman from Lie to Me
Carrie Wells from Unforgettable
Spy Rise from Skylanders: SWAP Force
Flavia de Luce from the Flavia de Luce series
Camille Bordey from Death in Paradise
Florence Cassel from Death in Paradise
Jessica Jones from Jessica Jones
Charlie Eppes from Numb3rs
Elizabeth Keen from The Blacklist
James Hathaway from Lewis
Vern Loomis from Why Women Kill
Erika Furudo from Umineko
Sissel from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Lafcadio Boone from The Sexy Brutale
Lynne from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Mabel Mora from Only Murders in the Building
Oliver Putnam from Only Murders in the Building
Charles Haden Savage from Only Murders in the Building
Jowd from Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Scooby Doo from Scooby Doo
Daphne from Scooby Doo
Fred from Scooby Doo
Velma from Scooby Doo
Shaggy from Scooby Doo
Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4
Fenton Hardy from the Hardy Boys
Ema Skye from Ace Attorney
Natsuko Aki from Re: Cutie Honey
Naomi Misora from Death Note
Sakurako Kujou from Beautiful Bones -Sakurako's Investigation-
MaoMao from the Apothecary Diaries
Vic Sage/The Question from DC Comics
Detective Chimp from DC Comics
Madame Vastra from Doctor Who
Terry from Rune Factory 5
Cecil from Rune Factory 5
Chromedome from Transformers
Xie Lian from Heaven Official’s Blessing
Phosphophyllite from Houseki no Kuni
Sam Spud from Between the Lions
Dana Scully from the X-Files
Fox Mulder from the X-Files
Sherlock Holmes from Elementary
Barbie from the Detective Barbie series
Bill Stork from Hoodwinked
Nicky Flippers from Hoodwinked
Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple
Ross Sylibus from Armitage III
Kansuke Yamato from Detective Conan
Kirill Vrubel from Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation
Spencer Reed from Criminal Minds
Harrier Du Bois from Disco Elysium
Mário Fofoca from Elas Por Elas
Roxy Hunter from the Roxy Hunter series
Dr. Thomas Silkstone from the Dr. Thomas Silkstone series
Endeavour Morse from the Endeavor series
Vera Stanhope from Vera
Kristin Sims from the Brokenwood Mysteries
Brenda Johnson from The Closer
Rex from Hudson and Rex
Alec Hardy from Broadchurch
Billie Webber from Unit 42
Hannah Zeiler from Murder by the Lake
Sherlock Holmes from Moriarty the Patriot
Helena Wayne from DC Comics
Angel from Angel: The Series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nick Knight from Forever Knight
Navia from Genshin Impact
Luo Wenzhou from Mo Du
Brother Cadfael from the Brother Cadfael Chronicles
Miss Maud Silver from the Miss Silver series
Fei Du from Mo Du
Mitsuko Hoshino from My Dear Detective: Mitsuko's Case Files
Saku Yoshida from My Dear Detective: Mitsuko's Case Files
Jake Peralta from Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Steven Stone from Pokémon
Anthony Lockwood from Lockwood and Co.
Thea Stilton from the Thea Stilton series
Saito Yakumo from Psychic Detective Yakumo
Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls
Pennington from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote
Tetsuo Tsutsumi from Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
Jun Erio from Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
Richter Kai from Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
Abe Lincoln from Who Killed Markiplier?
Steve Carella from the 87th Precinct Series
C. Auguste Dupin from the works of Edgar Allen Poe
Gesicht from Pluto
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
Antonio Dawson x Reader
TW: some implications of domestic abuse, and miscarriage (not a main theme)
Btw- reader is fem-coded but I kept it neutral with the story itself
The metal tip of the gun pressed against your temple was ice cold, making you squeeze your eyes shut. It was an uncomfortable feeling, the cold, but knowing that it was also a weapon capable of killing you within a millisecond was infinitely more uncomfortable. You simply squeezed your eyes shut, trying to think of happy things to calm you down. Tears streaked down your cheek as the man above you said his name.
“Antonio Dawson.”
You shifted your weight slightly in the chair, letting out shaky breaths in an attempt to calm yourself. All you wanted was to be in his arms, and yet, here you were, tied to a chair, waiting to die.
“Hey (Y/N),” Antonio said, humming as he traced patterns along your back. “What do you think about kids?”
You hummed quietly as you listened to his heart beat against his chest. “Kids? Do you mean… in general? Or the thought of us having kids someday?”
“Well, I guess both?” He shrugged. “I would want kids. Would you?”
You sat up to look at his face, a gentle smile pulling at your lips. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a few.”
His hands moved up to hold your waist, gently pulling you back down into a soft kiss, humming and holding you close.
You’d been in college at the time. Antonio had been going through some hardships with the police academy. He felt he had to prove himself every day just to stay there. With you, he had nothing to prove. But, the distance was difficult, seeing as you attended college elsewhere in Illinois. It was a couple hours drive and not one you made often. Inevitably, you had drifted apart, and he had found someone new.
“I-I don’t understand,” you murmured into the pay phone. “Toni, what is happening right now?”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), I just… I don’t feel it anymore. Not having you around is so hard.”
“It’s only for a few years, and I come back every couple months, Toni.”
You could hear a long sigh on the other end of the phone, one of remorse. “Look, (Y/N), it’s just hard. It’s not working for me. I don’t have you with me to support me here and I can’t support you there. And, look, I met someone else and…”
Tears welled in your eyes. “And she…” You swallowed hard, nearly holding your breath as you thought of the man you loved with another. “She can give you everything you need… Everything you want… Right away.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I haven’t cheated on you. We haven’t done more than flirt. But if it goes any farther, it would make me a dishonest man. I won’t do that to you. I’d rather just… officially end it.”
A soft sob escaped your lips and for the first time in your life, you felt truly helpless and hopeless. You simply hung up the phone after a few moments of silence, stumbling back to your dorm, overwhelmed by emotions.
Laura, who he had gone on to marry and have children with instead of you, divorced him two years ago. At least, that’s what you had heard through mutual friends.
You let out a ragged breath at the thought of his ex-wife, and how he had two wonderful children, just like he’d always wanted. Despite the hardships of the divorce, he was still their father.
The gun was pressed deeper into the skin on your temple and you whimpered. “Please,” was the only word you could muster, voice barely a whisper.
“Shut up,” the man holding the gun huffed. “Dawson, do you really want her to die?”
“You’re surrounded,” Antonio’s familiar voice cut through the darkness. “Give yourself up and turn the hostage over.”
The hostage.
His words were like a slap in the face. As if he didn’t even know who you were. You knew it was probably some kind of protocol or mind game, to not show weakness, but it hurt your heart. You weren’t anything but a hostage in that moment. It reminded you of the last time you saw Antonio, when he worked the beat.
You were breathing deeply to calm yourself, waiting for the distant sirens to grow closer. You listened to the consistent noise they made, trying to level your breathing with the pitch of the tone. Biting your busted lip as your friend sat beside you, you realized what had just happened and put your head in your hands, beginning to sob again.
The officers arrived first on scene, but when you looked up, you saw him get out of the passenger seat. “Oh great,” you muttered softly, again letting your head sink back into your hands.
“What is it?” Your friend asked as Antonio approached the two of you.
“Hey,” he spoke softly, a tone that he used to use with you all the time as he knelt on the step below yours. “You alright?”
When you didn’t respond, your friend chimed in. “Just a busted lip and black eye, I think. It was self defense.”
“I’m not a judge or jury,” Antonio replied with a shake of his head as you looked up. “I’m just here to make sure everyone’s alright and to take a report.”
You swallowed hard as your eyes met his. He seemed genuinely concerned, as if wanting to reach out and touch you, but couldn’t.
“I-I didn’t mean it,” you said softly, shaking your head. “He… He was going to hurt my baby…”
Antonio looked you over, then nodded. He hid his surprise well, but hummed. “We’ve got an ambulance on the way to check you out. Make sure they know. Did he hit you in the abdomen?”
“Yes,” you squeaked out, swallowing hard once more as you relived the nightmare that had only been about thirty minutes prior. “I’m scared, Antonio…” All you wanted was for him to hold you and tell you that everything would be alright. You wanted to lunge forward into his arms and sob into his chest, and tell him how much you loved and missed him.
But you couldn’t.
Of course Antonio didn’t want to acknowledge you. You were nothing to him now. Despite his wife divorcing him, there was no reason he should still hold any feelings in his heart for you. He had kids with her, not you. You had lost the one child you did have, a child conceived out of lust, and illegitimate. You had loved her nevertheless, but she died before she even had the chance to live.
You started to sob softly as all of these thoughts, feelings, and images crashed through you like waves hitting the beach. The man above you growled, not expecting you to burst into sobs, bringing the pistol up to hit you. You didn’t care.
The next thing you heard was a gunshot, and you cried out in agony, not knowing what was happening in the darkness around you. Your ears rang from the echoing shot, but you soon found that you weren’t dead or even injured from the gun. Suddenly, you were free from the bonds and wrapped up in someone’s arms, still sobbing. You could barely breathe, but when his scent hit your nose, you knew exactly whose arms you were in.
You were paralyzed as he just held you, barely able to breathe. As your ears cleared from the ringing, you heard several voices around you, but you couldn’t make out anything specific in the commotion. Antonio held you tightly until you calmed down, which seemed like hours later. You finally were able to catch your breath and he pulled away, putting a gentle hand to your cheek. “Hey,” he said softly. “You alright?”
You heard his words, just like when you were on your front stoop beside your friend. You couldn’t speak, just shaking your head and pushing your forehead into his shoulder, taking in shallow breaths. He rubbed your back, holding you until the ambulance arrived.
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
Caring platonically
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Sergeant Hank Voight x fem!reader
Summary: You're secretly very close to Hank Voight, but strictly platonically.
Wordcount: 1.9k
Warnings: None
masterlist // one chicago masterlist //
Being a firefighter had always been a dream of yours. You watched your parents both enjoy the profession when you were younger and whenever someone asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, it was always the same answer.
I wanna become a firefighter, just like my parents.
Your parents had met in Firehouse 51, so after many other firehouses, working there had felt and been a huge honor to you. You adored working there on truck 81, with lieutenant Casey as your superior. You learned a lot from him and every fire you fought together, you felt you were one stop closer to becoming like him, a great fire fighter.
Your parents were so proud of you, both of them having met everyone on your shift. 
But fighting fires and saving people was always easier when it didn’t involve people you knew. Today, you weren’t so lucky. You heard Gabby cry behind you, as it was her brother Antonio who was one of the two people stuck inside.
You were now patiently waiting for either the chief or your lieutenant to give you the go ahead to go inside. 
The entirety of the Intelligence unit had made it outside, minus two: detective Antonio Dawson and sergeant Voight. You knew about the reputation the sergeant held at your firehouse, but that had happened before you joined Firehouse 51.
You on the other hand, had a different bond with the sergeant. You knew him well and knew his well intentions.
Before you felt comfortable enough to spend your time over at Molly’s, you’d go to other bars to have a drink after shift. While his colleagues went to Molly’s, the sergeant never set foot there. But you two got to talk, enjoyed each other’s company and maybe you accidentally, but not really kissed his cheek after he drove you home once. 
You never spoke about the kissing incident, as it was highly inappropriate of you to do so. He was many years your senior and a not so liked officer of the Chicago PD in your Firehouse. Besides, you liked what you had platonically, you didn’t want to mess that up.
No one at Firehouse 51 knew about your evening routines with Voight. No one knew that you sometimes teasingly called him ‘Hank’, which caused him to roll his eyes. No one knew he spend one time on your couch, because a blizzard made it impossible for him to go back to his own place. No one knew he’d show up to your front door with a cup of coffee right before your shift every now and then.
Platonically of course.
And now you were standing outside the enormous building, watching the fires spill out of the windows. If you didn’t go now, you never had the chance again and Gabby would lose her brother and you would lose a great friend.
‘Chief, we only need two minutes,’ you finally said to Chief Boden, your patience running low. ‘Come on. We’ll do a quick sweep.’
He thought about your proposition for a second, but that was easily the longest second in your life. ‘You and Hermann take the east side. Casey and Otis, the west side. I want you out in two minutes and no more.’
You grabbed your equipment and with Herman you ran inside the building once you had your mask on right. The two of you took off east, occasionally yelling: ‘Fire department, call out!’
You wanted to continue walking, but then you heard a weak: ‘Over here.’
You halted Hermann in his steps. ‘You heard that?’
He nodded and it was enough of you to follow the the weak calls for help. You saw Antonio and Voight on the floor, both of them awake, but both of them in no condition to get out of her themselves. While Antonio had his foot stuck underneath a giant beam, Voight appeared weak and kept on coughing. You had never seen Voight like this before. He was always the tough guy. He protected you when he brought you home late at night. Always walked on the road side of the curb. Whenever someone looked at you and it left you uncomfortable, he’d scare them away with one single look. 
You told the rest you found them and together with Hermann you pushed the beam from Antonio’s foot. Hermann and you hoisted him up and your fellow firefighter helped him out to the exit. You made your way over to Voight and said: ‘Come on, we’ve got to go.’
He looked up and through your mask, he saw all the recognition he needed. He smirked, realizing that you were here saving him, meaning he lost a stupid bet you two made. The first one to save the other, would be on the receiving end of a hundred dollars.
But that was the least of your worries now. 
You wrapped his arm around your shoulder and made your way out, him heavily leaning on you. By the time you were out, you took off that oxygen mask and helped him to the gurney. 
Brett placed her stethoscope on his chest. ‘A lot of smoke inhalation, we’ve got to get him to the hospital.’
The other ambulance with Antonio had already gone to Chicago Med and now you watched your friend Voight being pushed into this one, on his way to the same hospital as well.
♢ ♢ ♢
After your shift, you went straight to the hospital. You managed secretly make your way to Voight’s room, without the rest spotting you as they were here to see Antonio.
Voight’s room was empty, but there were some flowers and a basket of fruit (how unoriginal) placed on his bedside table. 
He looked up and when he saw it was you, he ushered you in. 
‘How are you?’ you asked as you approached him.
‘A hundred bucks lighter.’
You rolled your eyes in both annoyance and sheer unbelief he was taking it so lightly. ‘Hank, I’m serious.’
‘Me too.’ 
Realizing he wasn’t going to be exactly honest with you, you let it slide and said: ‘I spoke to the doctor and you’ll be discharged tonight. So, that’s great news.’
He nodded, taking in the information. Sometimes, there were moments like these between you, where he kinda shut down and didn’t show his feelings to you. You were used to it by now, though it was opposite to how you usually dealt with your feelings.
‘You need a place to stay?’ you then asked. ‘Or some company?’
He nodded. ‘I’d like that. I prefer my place.’
‘Don’t you dare say it because of the pink.’
‘I nearly died in a fire, cut me some slack,’ he told you jokingly off. ‘I’ve been through enough, no need to overdose me with pink.’
You chuckled, realizing he was feeling better already if he can joke around like that. ‘Just… Don’t scare me like that, okay? Tons of people don’t make it alive out of those fires.’
‘I did.’
‘Yes, smart ass, you did, but just don’t do that again, alright?’
‘Alright,’ he said, but that was only to ease your mind, you knew that.
You placed your hand on his and whispered: ‘I thought I lost a friend today.’
He nodded, unable to say something about it. It was weird to see Voight in a hospital bed like this. While he was in a better state than when you pulled him out of that fire, he seemed tired and a little weak.
Which wasn’t Voight’s usual look.
He squeezed your hand and when you looked up, he didn’t need to speak to get his message across. 
He was thankful you pulled him out of there alive.
♢ ♢ ♢
Voight’s place was boring and empty, but he had the best coffee machine anyone could ask for. As he made himself comfortable on the couch, you two decided that, despite the caffeine and the time late at night, you were in need of a nice cup of coffee. 
With the damping cups on the coffee table in front of the couch, you had turned sideways so you could look at Hank Voight sitting next to you. When he wasn’t in a hospital, he appeared a whole lot healthier within a short amount of time. 
He hadn’t told you about why he was there in the old abandoned warehouse and how the mission backfired on him. Instead, you two talked about mindless things. 
‘You ever hope of meeting your future husband at the firehouse?’ Voight asked, after listening to your story about your parents’ anniversary. ‘Just like your parents?’
You shook your head. ‘In house relationships are difficult,’ you noted. ‘They told me that a billion times. Besides, it’s not like there’s anyone there I like or something.’
Voight nodded, but didn’t say anything about it. Relationships were a ‘thin ice’ subject for the two of you and you always kinda avoided it.
You mostly avoided it because it was obvious you liked Voight, however you forced yourself not to think about it. If you did, you’d find yourself slipping and falling head over heels with him. If you simply didn’t acknowledge it, the crush that could turn into utter infatuation in a heartbeat, would stay in the background and would remain tamed and controllable. 
The two of you spend the rest of the night in silence as you watched some television and later on, when it was time for bed, you walked with him to the master bedroom. 
‘You don’t need to tuck me in,’ he said, his raspy voice even raspier than before. ‘I’m a grown man.’
‘Who nearly died in a fire today,’ you told him off. ‘Come on, I’m here already, let me do it.’
Knowing damn well he was going to lose that fight, he simply nodded and you pulled the blankets of his body. 
‘You’re comfortable?’ you asked, as you tucked him in.
A nod had to suffice.
It was your cue to leave, but somehow you didn’t. You couldn’t get yourself away. 
‘What’s up?’ he asked.
‘I thought I lost you,’ you admitted. ‘Meaning I could never tell you how much I,’—Don’t say it. Really don’t say it,’—care about you.’ Realizing what you just said and how that was considering slipping and falling and not containing the crush, you were quick to laugh it off. ‘But that is being overly dramatic about it. So, good night. If there’s anything, just call out for me.’
You already were halfway to the door, when that raspy voice of you brought you to a halt, simply using one word. ‘Wait.’
So you waited. You turned around and saw him pushing his tired frame up, so he could lean against the headboard. ‘Yeah?’
‘I care about you too,’ he said. ‘And… And I realized I should’ve said it before.’
‘Well, friends care about each other.’
‘I don’t want to be friends,’ he said quickly. Before the words could sting, you realized what he said without actually using words. 
Screw what we have platonically. 
You didn’t leave the room, instead you stalked over to him, grabbed his face and kissed him, something you formerly forced yourself not to think about. Ever. As your lips connected, Voight’s hands pulled you on the bed and you felt yourself falling head over heels with him. You carefully and masterfully created a wall between your feelings for Voight and admitting them. But that was something of the past. 
After nearly losing the one man you have these feelings for, you realized life could end right now. Nothing is guaranteed. You knew that as a firefighter, but you never realized it as someone in love.
‘What about the rest?’ you asked. ‘About firehouse 51? Your division?’
He shook his head. ‘We’ll figure something out,’ he told you, before kissing you again. 
A problem for later. 
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
From this list... "where did these bruises come from?" with Antonio❤️
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“Where did these bruises come from?” Antonio asked innocently as his lips brushed over the curve of your shoulder blade. His fingertips came to rest over the slender markings, lining up perfectly as his teeth grazed your skin. You reached back, your hand threading through his hair.
“You know exactly where they came from Detective Dawson.” You breathed, his chest pressing against your back.
You had spent the night tangled up in one another. Antonio’s hands roving your body as he elicited the filthiest sounds from your throat. When he loved you, it was with a passion that burned like a raging fire.
“Mine.” He had whispered as he fucked you from behind, his fingers gripping your hips. He’d made you come three times last night, two with his mouth and then the final time around his cock.
“You got me all riled up.” He teased you, his breath ghosting in your ear. “Wearing that dress and no underwear. Just thinking about it has got me hard again.”
“Your insatiable.” You told him, your head tipping back into the crook of his neck as his clever fingers sought out the space between your legs.
“Oh baby.” He murmured into your ear. “I haven’t even gotten started yet.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
So I do have a request for Antonio! Maybe it’s a Antonio Dawson x Reader story where After Eva’s kidnapping Antonio files for some kind of emergency custody hearing and it’s just a angsty fluffy imagine between the reader and Antonio and the hoops and jumps they have to take to try and get full custody of Eva & Diego?
Warnings: Mentions ff fighting for custody, divorce
A/N: This is my first Antonio one shot so I apologise if I didn't do him any justice, give it some time and I'll hopefully get better at writing for him.
You looked up from your flies, softly smiling at your long-term boyfriend, watching as he hung up his coat and put his keys in the glass bowl by the door. You followed his every movements, not even having to motion for him to join you on the sofa after he toed out of his shoes because he was already making a beeline for you once doing so.
"How was work?" He asked, eyeing the mess of your papers on the coffee table, not even enough space to put down your mug of hot chocolate which haphazardly rested on the sofas arm rest.
"Work was work." You very, very briefly summed up your twelve hour shift, not wanting to keep the talk all on you when you knew exactly what was going through Antonio's mind. "You okay?"
You knew that he wasn't but such a simple ask would allow the two of you to start talking about what was bothering him.
He swallowed harshly, clenching and unclenching his jaw, staring ahead at the blank tv before looking down at you who was looking up at his side profile intently, patiently waiting for him to unload all his emotions in the comfort of one of the people he loved most.
"I don't think I'm getting custody." Antonio ripped off the bandaid, finally saying it aloud what he'd been thinking since Eva's kidnapping. Taking into account everything about him, bundling it altogether and putting it against everything his ex-wife had, Antonio saw no reality in which he had full custody of his only children.
There had been a time the two of you spoke about having a child that was half you and half him but just two weeks before Eva's kidnapping you collapsed at Med, all your colleagues telling you what you understood as a doctor but as a woman, couldn't comprehend.
Fibroids, which you tried to contain with drugs and non-surgical procedures but after much crying, you and Antonio came to a joint decision to have a hysterectomy. Antonio didn't really decide for you but when he told you he couldn't care less if you had a uterus or not because at the end of the day, you were still you with or without one.
"Antonio." You frowned, bringing your hand to his shoulder and lightly rubbing it in a comforting motion. Despite not being fully convinced he could gain custody, you didn't want him to think so negatively about it. "Don't think like that."
"Why?" He pushed, angry at his inability to do his job as a father. Maybe this was a sign and he should just give up before he was slapped in the face by a judge in court who saw straight through him.
They wouldn't see the loving father he was to Eva and Diego. They wouldn't see what he did to bring them back home safe, the sacrifices he gave and the nights he stayed awake in his babies rooms, rocking them with hushed lullabies and oblivious to the rising sun and his badge in his bedroom.
Instead, the judge and everyone in the courtroom would see a man who was never home. They'd see a middle aged detective who is putting his life on the line everyday, the man who let his only children get kidnapped despite his occupation. A latino working in a unit under a so called dirty cop and in a nearly five year relationship with a female doctor who was still paying her med school debts, yet to be married but cohabitating.
In what world was Antonio bringing Eva and Diego home to the very apartment the two of you sat in.
You watched as all the worst case scenarios flashed before his brown eyes which started to glisten in the dim lighting, sniffing and blinking it all away in one swift motion.
But, the judge didn't know the Antonio who was resilient. They had yet to see but would be faced with the Antonio who worked his entire ass off to provide for the only family he thought he knew, the man who saw the entire universe in the kids that were his and he loved more than he loved himself.
The courtroom wouldn't be prepared for Detective Antonio Dawson who had more than the world cheering for him in his corner.
With red rimmed eyes, scratchy voices and his suit still on, Antonio stumbled into the ED alone, walking straight pass the waiting room and towards the first person he could recognise with his vision which was starting to blur.
Before he could approach anyone, you took a step out a treatment room and immediately caught sight of your boyfriend in the suit he left in this morning.
Quickly excusing yourself, allowing Natalie to carry on for you, you speed walked towards him. Still rubbing sanitiser into your hands, you looked at him in concern and interest. You desperately wanted to be at the hearing with him but with a sudden shooting and very little number of staff in the ED, you had no choice but to work.
Taking note of his red eyes, you linked your hand with his and brought him into the doctors lounge filled with students who you forced out, scrambling at your intense stare and semi-harsh tone, scared at one of the ED's attending doctors.
Forcing him to sit down on the sofa, all it took was a peck on his knuckles and a bit of patience before Antonio crumbled.
That was all you needed to know that Antonio didn't gain custody but with his cries that he muffled, leaning forward and resting his face on your shoulder as his tears fell on your maroon scrubs.
Wrapping him in your arms, you stayed by his side till the tears subsided, your own eyes tearing up at the sound of his desperate cries that were long overdue.
"They're not mine." He hoarsely whispered, still leaning against you. He still couldn't believe it but it wasn't yet set in stone. There was going to be one more hearing, the last one where the final decision would be made but taking into account everything from today, Laura was winning.
"No matter what I do or how much I try, I'm not getting custody." He bitterly laughed, harshly wiping away all of the wetness on his cheeks and eyes.
Your assurances fell on deaf ears because all Antonio could see was a life without the kids that took his last name.
"Antonio, look at me." You forced him to look you in the eye, your hands cupping his jaw to make sure he wouldn't move.
"What does Laura have that you don't? Better yet, what do you have, we have that she doesn't?" You said confidently, not even bothering to count the do's and don'ts.
Antonio opened his mouth, ready to answer you but you tutted, shaking your head in disapproval. "Your not supposed to answer that, your still listening to me."
Taking in a deep breath, you maintained eye contact and continued with your motivational speech once he let his mouth drop. "You love these kids so much that you've done the unspeakable. Do I have to remind you that you had to handle your daughter's trauma while dealing with your ex-wife fighting with you and a girlfriend who was practically dying in hospital."
You licked your lips and shook your head in disbelief. "You may not be the most decorated man in the father and policing world but I'd be damned if you weren't granted custody."
You whispered a warning, it was meant to be humours and a bit of comedic relief, you didn't want to sound like an obsessive step mom even if you weren't married yet. "Over my dead body are those kids staying with her."
It felt like deja vu.
Exactly a week later, Antonio was walking into the ED with red rimmed eyes and a slightly hoarse voice. Dressed in his suit, he had one thought on his mind and that one thought was you.
You were deep in conversation with Dr Charles, exiting the treatment room and you were so invested that you hadn't even caught a glimpse of the man who stood out like a sore thumb. It wasn't until the older doctor lightly nudged you and looked to the front desk, you following his line of sight, for you to finally notice him.
With his appearance, your mind immediately thought of the worst but when you looked at the two figures standing behind him did you realise what was happening.
Not even excusing yourself - Dr Charles didn't mind anyways - you rounded the desk in utter shock.
The first thing you did was envelop Eva and Diego in the biggest hug, trapping them in your arms despite you smelling like chemicals and everything sterile.
"You did it." You whispered, looking up at Antonio who was watching with a soft smile, the teenagers still in your embrace with your head resting on theirs.
"We did it." Antonio shook his head, correcting your mistake. Had it not been for you and your constant presence at his side, always motivating and reminding him why he was fighting in the first place.
"Come ere." You sniffled, blinking away the tears and gesturing for Antonio to join your hug, wrapping his arms around his family.
Pressing a firm kiss to your cheek, he tightened his arms around all your bodies, not caring that all your friends and colleagues were watching but only caring that your family reunited.
The Dawson's did it.
That included a certain future Mrs Dawson too.
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enchantedblackrose · 2 years
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Pairing: Antonio Dawson/ Fem Reader
Requested: Kinda? Many eons ago by @fabyoliveira1999
Summary: A gunshot wound lands your partner in the hospital. An argument leads to surprising confessions from both of you.
Warnings: Mentions of a gun shot wound, some swearing, Reader self doubt
You’re absolutely livid right now, having just received a phone call you never wanted to get. Antonio is in the hospital. Your stupid, stubborn, sexy partner of one and half years from work got himself shot.
“Idiot,” you mutter aloud to only yourself as you change out of you pajama pants and into a pair of jeans. Off comes your tank top and you pick a semi clean basic tee shirt off your bedroom floor. You head into your bathroom next to tie your hair up in a hurried ponytail. Your boots are on and you’re already out the door and to your car when you wonder if you brushed your teeth. But you don’t care; you have to get to him.
Of the one and half years you’ve been a part of the Intelligence team, you’ve been in love with the seasoned detective for precisely seventeen months. A secret you keep to yourself.
You hate this, all of it, the being in love with him, feeling like you’re not good enough for him, terrified that you might lose him...
It’s easier to focus on the anger. But the harsh reality is Antonio is in the hospital from a gunshot wound. No other information was given. You don’t know his condition. It scares the hell out of you.
The drive to the hospital is a blur. As you rush through the doors, you see a few members from your team. Jay reaches you first. His gaze fixates on you and he sees the fear reflecting in y/e/c eyes. He places a hand on your forearm as if to steady you.
“It was a clean shot to his upper left arm. He’s okay, y/n,” he tells you. The relief you feel has you thinking you may cry. Jay softly repeats his words as he slowly removes his arm from yours. Your sergeant exits a patient room and notices you.
Hank’s gruff voice calls out your last name. “Antonio’s in there asking for his partner. He is not to be at the station today or tomorrow. Now, that’s an order and y/n, it’s your job to make sure he’s compliant. The rest of you meet back at the precinct asap.” You watch your coworkers disperse, then Hank reintegrates that you are to stay with Antonio and gives you a knowing nod. It takes you aback that all you manage to say is “yes, Sarge,” before you walk into Antonio’s room.
Your mouth is open to scold Antonio for his rash actions that led him here, but upon seeing him in the hospital bed, arm wrapped and in a sling, medical equipment still hooked up, you lose the words. You feel tears starting to sting your eyes. He smirks. Your partner actually has the audacity to smirk at you from his hospital bed. Anger floods your body.
“What the hell happened, Dawson? You were going to wait for me before you went back to that crime scene!”
Antonio is unbothered by your yelling. His voice is nonchalant. “I decided it couldn’t wait.”
Your annoyance grows; how could he be so flippant?
“Couldn’t wait,” you echo. “You got fucking shot because ‘you couldn’t wait’!”
“I’ll live,” he says with a shrug from his good side.
“But you didn’t know that for sure. Why? Why would you put yourself in that situation?”
Antonio sighs heavily. “I made a choice-“
“A bad one,” you interject, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Better me getting shot than you, alright?" His genuine concern for you is lost. Instead his words sting; it's like he's confirming all your self doubts.
You frown. "You…you don't think I can handle myself? Or that I am some kind of screw up?"
“Of course not; I lov-," he pauses to gather his thoughts. "Listen, I called you, right? You were still home in bed. Said you were 10 minutes out. I was already close, so I headed towards the scene. Activity started. It looked like things were gonna go south fast. I took action. You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to agree with it, but it happened.”
“There was no one else around. No potential vics. I don’t understand!”
“Enough!” Antonio shouts. “I’m the superior officer. Not you. Me. You don’t get to keep undermining my call! For fuck’s sake, I thought you’d be relieved to see me. Not in here questioning my actions and giving me shit!”
His words cut you like a knife. You’re too stunned to say anything. You bite your lip to keep from crying. Antonio has never once spoken to this way. He’s always treated you as an equal and valued your opinion. Regret washes over Antonio, he opens his mouth to speak, but a light tap on the door interrupts him.
Both of you turn to see Jay’s brother, Doctor Will Halstead. You’re all fairly acquainted with one another, which is why Will is reluctant to come into the room.
“Um,” he says quietly finally retreating from the doorway, “I know you’re about to be discharged soon, Antonio, but there’s a lot of shouting coming from this room. I’m sorry, y/n, I’m going to have to ask you to leave...”   
“I was just about to. Sorry for all the noise.” You turn for the door.
“Wait,” Antonio calls out. “Let her stay, please. No more shouting, Will. I promise.”
Will looks at you, then back to Antonio, then sighs before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.
An awkward silence fills the room. You shift your weight to your other foot.
“I’m going to go. I’m sorry, Antonio. I really am glad you’re okay. I’ll see if Ruz or Atwater are still here to give you a ride home.”
“Y/n, hold on. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
“It’s fine,” you wave your hand dismissively, desperate to leave.
“No, it’s not. It’s not okay for a partner to talk down to another. And it’s never okay for a man to speak to the woman he loves like that.”
“I...what?” You finally look at him to see him staring at you, a tentative smile on his lips. As you continue to stare at him wordlessly, his smile falters.
“Come here,” he pats a spot on the bed beside him. You oblige unsure of what is happening. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same. I’ll keep everything professional between us, but I need you to know: I love you. I have for a long time. I...are you crying?” You nod vigorously, unable to speak.  “Because I love you?” He asks, genuinely concerned. You nod again. Through your tears, you’re able to see the look of confusion and worry on Antonio’s face.
“I can’t believe you love me," you confess.
“What’s not to love, nena?”
“I’m not pretty enough,” you say, unable to meet his eyes. “And compared to you, I’m not strong or super smart. I’m nothing like Laura or Sylvie and you loved them. I’m not-“
Surprised, Antonio cuts you off. “Stop. You’re only right about one thing. You’re not Laura or Sylvie, but y/n, I don’t want you to be. You are incredible in so many ways. You’re a badass in Intelligence. You think of things no one else on the team does. You’re brave. Every day you show up ready to take names. You’re sensitive and empathetic when need be, but not naïve, and dios mio you are sexy, but beautiful too.”
A small blush creeps in your cheeks. You want to argue, but Antonio won’t let you. “I’m going to get discharged and I’m going to let you take me home and there I will show you exactly how sexy you are.”
“No,” you say. “I mean I’ll take you home, but you need to rest. You took a bullet to your arm.”
“Or maybe, we won’t wait,” he says ignoring you. He dips his head into your collarbone and traces your neck with his lips. His good arm wraps behind you and pulls you closer before he rests his hand in the back pocket of your jeans. His mouth finds yours. His hand rubs your ass through the denim. His touch and  kiss are so sensual, he elicits a moan from you.
The door swings open.
“A nurse was going to bring these by, but I said I would do it and...oh! Really?” Will looks at you both and shakes his head. Embarrassed, you try to try to pull yourself off of Antonio, but his strong grip isn’t breaking. He just sits there, unabashed. Will sighs and tosses the discharge papers onto the empty chair in the room before walking out. You wait until you hear the click of the door before you giggle.
"Let's get you home," you say. Once again Antonio stops you from leaving his side. He takes your hand in his. His beautiful brown eyes seem almost sad now.
"Y/n, I'm sorry it took me getting shot to tell you how I feel about you. I thought it best to leave it unsaid. I was wrong, but I don't want you to feel obligated to me in any way…"
You press your lips against his, cutting him off. This kiss, unlike the first, is sweet and tender.
"I love you, 'Tonio." You say, pulling back as you gently run a hand through his hair before resting it on his cheek. He leans into your touch, looking relieved at your words.
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
From Tough to Tender (18+)
Request: Hello my dear ! How are you doing ? ❤️
How would you feel about some sexy times with Antonio where he's like the tough, fearless Detective at work but at home he's like a cuddly bear that loves to spoil his girl and is always l
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Reader
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst
A/N: prepare yourselves @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms
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You knew how Antonio was when he was working all badass and tough. A man that takes no crap from anyone. But when it comes to you, well that’s a completely different story. When it came to you, he turned into the most cuddly and caring man you had ever met. You worked and owned a cute little sandwich shop that doubled as a coffee shop and bakery. You two met when he had come into your shop and the rest was history. You could still remember that day like it was yesterday.
Antonio had come into your shop on a snowy and chilly Tuesday afternoon. You had been helping someone else at the time and looked up when someone had come in through the front door and smiled when you saw him. You finished helping the person in front of you and thanked them as they left then he was in front of you. He had a charming smiled on his face, one that made most girls swoon and knees buckle and sure he had some effect on you but you knew the type of man he was so you kept your guard up. “Hi can I help you?” You asked him giving him a dazzling smile of your own.
“Hi I was wondering if you could help me. I work for Intelligence for Chicago PD. We’ve been going around asking stores and people if they have seen this man.” He said and held up a picture and you studied it, smile dropping in concentration and eyebrows scrunching together. Right then and there Antonio fell in love with you.
“That is Clyde Core. He used to be a regular here until a few months ago.” You said looking into the handsome officer’s face.
“Do you know where he could be at now?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No idea. He would come in here and order and grab his stuff and leave.” You said and he nodded his head.
“Well, if you see him let us know.” He said and you nodded as he was walking away you stopped him.
“Wait! How am I supposed to contact you?” You asked and you could see him smile. He walked back over to you.
“Here is my number. Call me anytime.” He said as he finished writing his name and number on a card.
“Will do, Antonio.” You said and he swore right then and there he loved hearing his name rolling off your lips.
8 months later you were dating Antonio and loving every moment of it and you knew he was too, he asked you out the week after the caught the perp.
When you had come home after him he would be at the stove cooking. When he heard to come in he would smile and turn around and come over to you. He would kiss you like his life depended on it and then he would be helping you take off your purse and jacket and then your shoes.
"What did I do to deserve such a loving boyfriend?" You asked him and he just smiled.
"You were working at the front desk of your shop. You also captured my heart and showed me what it was like to love someone and care for someone." He said and that had you smiling and smashing your lips onto his.
You had met every one of his friends and really enjoyed them. One night you were out at Molly’s with the girls while he was at home watching the game. “How’s it going with Antonio?” Kim asked you and you smiled.
“Amazing. He’s the best.” You said and they looked at you crazy.
“That can’t be the same Antono we know. The Antonio we know is a hard ass.” Erin said and you shook your head.
“No, not my Tonio. He would never.” You said and they were shocked. The night went on and the topic of Antonio passed and you all had the best time together. You really enjoyed having girl time with them and you hoped that they enjoyed it too.
When it was time to go home you, you all three bid each other goodbye and then headed in your separate directions. You finally got to your shared apartment and smiled when you got into the door to find Antonio sitting on the couch watching the game. You walked over to him and draped your arms over his shoulders. He kissed your hands “Hello there beautiful.” He said and you smiled and started to kiss his neck.
“I heard something interesting tonight.” You said and he hummed and pulled you gently to where you were standing in front of him and you straddled him and kissed him sweetly.
“What did you hear?” He asked and you smiled into the kiss.
“I heard that you’re a hard ass at work.” You said and he looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “I told them that, that couldn’t be right. Not my Antonio, he’s too sweet.” You added and kissed him.
“That is because they deserve and you don’t.” He said and kissed you further game forgotten. Your hands made their way down his chest and to his belt. You could feel his erection against your thigh since you had chosen to wear a dress. A dress that he absolutely loved. He gently turned to where you were laying on your back and he was hovering over you. “I love this dress on you.” He said and went back to kissing you. He started onto your neck and you turned your head to give him better access.
“Feels so good.” You said and moaned out you could feel him smirk into your neck. One of his hands made its way under your dress and caressed your soaking wet core.
“So wet for me.” He said and rubbed you through underwear and your folds.
“Only for you.” You said and then he pulled them to the side and thrust a finger into you and your head was thrown back in pure pleasure. You were close to getting off and he knew it and just him curving his finger and hitting your g-spot had you coming undone. He knew your body like the back of his hand and knew what got you off.
When you came down from your high, he was pulling his finger out of you and into his mouth. “Delicious.” He said and sat up taken his shirt and the rest of his clothes off. His erection came springing up and hitting his toned stomach. You just looked at him and then he was helping you take your dress and underwear off. He didn’t waste anymore time in attacking your right nipple while he slid his cock up and down your soaking wet folds and then sliding into you.
He gave you time to adjust and then he was gently moving himself in and out of you. The combination of him thrusting into you and him giving your, now, left nipple the same attention had you grabbing onto his hair. “I’m close.” You said and smirked and came off your nipple with a pop and smirked at you.
“Cum with me.” He said and you looked at him and nodded and he brought you into a kiss while a hand went down to your clit and started to circle it and pinch it slightly. The other hand went down to your calf and lifted it up as he sat up and that allowed him to thrust deeper into you. He was close and you could tell but the heavy breathing and sloppy thrusts. “Cum for me.” He said and that is exactly what you did and so did he. He painted your walls white and stilled inside of you head thrown back. When you both came down from your highs. He let go of your calf gently and rested his head on yours.
“You’re an amazing boyfriend. I don’t know how they can say you’re a hard ass.” You said with a chuckle and kissed you.
“I’m only sweet for you my beautiful girl.” He said and pulled out of you. Both of you moaned. He stood up and you watched him. Antonio bent down and gently picked you up and headed to the bedroom. When you got there, he gently pulled the covers back with one hand and then gently put you down while he covered you and got in on the other side. Antonio gently wrapped his arms around and you and pulled you into him. “I love you.” He said and kissed the top of your head. “I love you too.” You said and the both of you drifted off to sleep. He may be a hard ass at work but he was the most caring boyfriend by the time he got home. You were never going to let him go.
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