khiphop-discussions · 8 months
Jayci yucca, dnss - 바라클라바 (feat. lobonabeat!) | [TEXTED] 제이씨 유카 | 가사(Lyr...
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f-ngrl · 7 months
Jayci yucca, dnss '소버 (Sober)' (feat. yukon (0WAVE)) (Official Music Video)
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puddingmilkt · 7 months
[歌詞翻譯] Skinny Brown x 金昇旻 Kim Seungmin x Jay B - 我的鬱悶 無法解開(3:00am) (Prod. BIG Naughty & Dnss)
原名: 풀리지 않는 고민 (3:00 am) / 發行: 22.08.13 / 專輯: listen-up ep3
(Skinny Brown) 險岩上的灰狼 它嚎聲的盡頭 是肉眼可見的悲傷 陷進這黎明深淵 要是你仍在身旁 會否為我流下眼淚 視你為我的終點 戛然被你無情的話結束 我們這齣電影的結局 我無法相信 我不敢相信 視你為我的終點 只用隻言片語 不足以表達 無法忘記 你美麗溫暖的笑 你那雙手 我同樣無法放開  Its 3am in the morning 我的鬱悶 無法解開 你的聲音 縈繞在耳  失去你的這條街道 失去意義 Its 3am in the morning 我的鬱悶 無法解開 你的聲音 縈繞在耳  失去你的這條街道 失去意義 (金昇旻) “別拋棄我” 這句話 即使全心全意說出 也無法把傳遞給你 哭著喊出這句話 踏上你走過的路 啟程後卻又折返 肯定自己這趟還是走錯了 正確的應該是相反方向吧 因為那邊才是你停留之處 但每當我想徹底放下 太吃力了 清楚自己撐不了多久 Bae please one more night 沒經歷過的人也體會 目前還不存在這種方法 除了留給時間解釋 也沒有別的方法可以說明 這充其量也不過是段往事  我還要停留這街道上多久 毫無意義的季節轉換 我還需要經歷多少次 親愛的我仍然瑟縮黑暗啊 縱然外面天色正逐漸回亮 Its 3am in the morning 我的鬱悶 無法解開 你的聲音 縈繞在耳  失去你的這條街道 失去意義 Its 3am in the morning 我的鬱悶 無法解開 你的聲音 縈繞在耳  失去你的這條街道 失去意義 (Jay B) 一切如常 沒什麼變化 為什麼我總覺得空虛 你亳髮無損地抽了身 然而我的生活怕是毀 這感覺似乎特別鮮明 這個凌晨時分 我無所依靠 夜深 獨自走在空蕩的街道 一直思念你的臉容和痕跡 漸漸地 我亦開始失衡 Its 3am in the morning 我的鬱悶 無法解開 你的聲音 縈繞在耳  失去你的這條街道 失去意義 Its 3am in the morning 我的鬱悶 無法解開 你的聲音 縈繞在耳  失去你的這條街道 失去意義
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perelka-l · 1 year
I'm sorry but I need to ask after seeing you reblog the Madara&Obito post
Do you... By any chance... Happen to ship MadaObi (Madara/Obito)? 👀👀👀 just trying to find my people
Dw tho I understand if you don't, I've found more people pro DanShisu than pro MadaObi, which is wild but not too surprising to me
My dearest, sweetest anon. I fucking adore madaobi. Or obimada. Just, those two.
I'm constantly sad that they aren't more popular, honestly, so it's, like, shimmering in the background for me. Not talking much but the second those two in ship pop up i go batshit frothing at mouth insane.
Actually I wanted for so long to make a madaobi event for Halloween because man they need one but two years ago I had my jjk phase and year ago I was hyper busy so hhhh maybe this year
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valyrfia · 24 days
well i know that was a right call but it stings none the less.
It stings! But remember: Carlos put in the drive expected of a driver in a Ferrari, nothing more, nothing less. On the other hand what Charles pulled off is indisputably a hallmark of talent, and no one can deny it.
Also! Charles extends his streak of not finishing outside the top 5 (barring DSQs and DNSs) since MONZA OF LAST YEAR. Only Max has the same sort of consistency in his drives. Carlos may have got on the podium today, but Charles proved once and for all that Ferrari did not make a mistake in keeping him.
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fruorasgrrrl · 11 months
Subí videito a arsmate 💎
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magicalrocketships · 7 months
i love the cross stitch! could you expand on it and the colors and everything?
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So each row is a race, and it shows the grid position from P1 (left) to P20 (right). The bottom, incomplete, row (Spa) shows Max in P1 and I'm just finishing up Checo in P2. Shout out to Kevin for doing that nice little symmetrical arrow in yellow at the right of the grid for the previous few races, v aesthetically pleasing if meaningless, points-wise. Sorry, Kevin.
Before I started I was just going to try and pick an appropriate colour that matched each driver, but it turns out... I'm bad at that and also it was no fun, so what I ended up with was a mixture of a few colours that made me think of a driver (Max had orange, George has a blue that I think was on his helmet, Fernando had a really dark green for reasons I felt were obvious at the time but have subsequently slipped away) and then a pile of random colours for everyone else. These were my almost final choices:
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Zero shade at all to my friend who looked at these and went "that is the wrong colour for Carlos and the wrong colour for Pierre" so I swapped them out, when I probably should have kept them distinct. Unfortunately I didn't actually think to mix alllll of them up and see how they looked next to each other, and as you can probably see from the actual cross stitch (if you stare long enough at it like I do) then I've got three very similar pinks (Pierre's new colour, Esteban, and Alex) and two dark wine reds (Zhou and Carlos's new colour) so you can't track them very easily in anything other than good light.
So: next year, I'll get 20 distinct colours that mix up well and then assign them out, rather than trying to think of a driver and a colour that goes with them (I wish I had this skill, but I... do not).
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There was also the question of what to do to indicate the cancelled race, and I think I went for too dark a colour. If one's cancelled next year I'd want the row to be there but almost visually invisible, so I'd go for a shade nearer the background colour, I think. As you can see from this older picture, I'd tried marking out the DNFs/DNSs with a little x but I hated how it looked so I took them out again. I've got an idea for how to mark these without annoying myself by stitching onto the squares, but I'll try that when I've run out of races to stitch.
I'm also planning on doing little flags for each row to indicate which country they're racing in (will have to design these if I can't find someone else who's done it already on the internet), and then a key with each team and the driver colour. I might also try and log fastest lap and MAYBE sprint results, but I'm short of fabric space so we'll see.
For team colours (these aren't stitched yet, but they will be), I went with Sky's team colours, and these were a lot easier because someone on Reddit did a list of RGB colour codes for the Sky colour choices, and then I just converted them into the nearest thread colours, and decided which of the closest approximations I liked best. Here's the shortlist before I picked my favourite for each team.
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So, there you have it! I was v lazy when it came to thread picking because I've got... a lot of thread (five or six thread boxes full) so didn't want to buy anything new and I also just wanted to get started sewing and colour assignment was stressing me out (lol) but it has been nice to do something that is actually very easy to cross stitch one I'd sorted out the colours.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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George Grosz
Prostitutiones Profeter. Copenhagen, DNSS (Berlin, Malik) 1924.
One of very few preserved copies of George Grosz's satirical illustrations.
Ketterer and Kunst
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sansebastinae · 7 days
damn brundle sorry you came from an era where only the top 8 got points. like you can't see the clear cut problem in 2021 - 2024 of having clearly dominant teams at the top giving no chance to the bottom except under DNFs / DNSses. wouldn't you of all people want to recognise engineers' hard work from always being in underfunded teams. Williams and ATs breaking ass to get their car in order and you call it a lucky dip?
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koreantunes · 7 months
래원 (Layone) - 살아줘 (Please) (Feat. 김승민 & 한요한 & NO : EL)
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actual-changeling · 6 months
seeing you and others do nanowrimo so suddenly has encouraged me do my own good omens project for it this year. my first year too!! if this goes somewhere, thank yew, and i cant wait to read both dnss and the sequel :>>>>
ohhhh have fun! if you make a nano account feel free to send me the link so we can be nano buddies (if you want to <3)
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f-ngrl · 8 months
바라클라바 REMIX (Feat. 스트릿 베이비, 제네 더 질라, 스키니 브라운, 카키, cwar, 김감전, 래원, 캄보, 던밀스) - 제이씨 유카, dnss | [DF LIVE]
Balaclava Remix (feat. Street Baby, Zene the Zilla, Skinny Brown, khakii, cwar, ksmartboi, Layone, Kambo, Don Mills) - Jayci yucca, dnss
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puddingmilkt · 7 months
[歌詞翻譯] Layone 張來沅 - 消失吧 Please (feat 金昇旻 Kim Seungmin, 韓耀漢 Han Yo Han, NO:EL)(Prod. Dnss)
原名: 사라져 / 發行: 23.09.27 / 專輯: please - single
(Layone) 說再心塞的話 撒再多的謊也好 別說你要走啊 你在瞎說什麼呢 今天特別好看 舞台上磨刀霍霍 那當然是因為觀眾中有你 帥吧 二十一二十五 隨即是我啞口無言 你擱下一句要結婚 飛來的橫禍啊 被冷場抵擋的熱度 我們來談一談吧 先別收起酒杯 是辯白 也是為什麼的質疑 來到最後 仍然要和惜字如金嗎 爲什麼回避我的視線 乾癟得來又老套 ok 夢也接連地破滅 往死裏的灌 誰來勸酒亦能喝到一塊去 同為沒有逃脫 寂寞淪落的兩個人 撕扯彼此已經失去血色的心臟 就像夏天 到時候我就會退下 變冷的時候 絕對不要來找我 會全數金額賠償吧 沒錯 成年人都被不懂事束縛 消失吧 消失吧 消失吧 1 2 creep 4 消失吧 消失吧 消失吧 1 2 creep 4 (金昇旻) 面對面那瞬間 我即破防 乾脆利落的 你抽身而退 我知道你的消失無礙我活著 但那是指失去愛人地苟且吧 我們本就這樣嗎 總在一�� 卻不會擁抱 彷彿相隔千里 即使我急不及待地衝過終點 1 2 3 數到4 你會繞多遠去避我 又再重新謄寫了不打算發表的文章 離離合合多少次 how many times How many hours 誰知道等了多久 那時侯在你家門前 我在期望什麼 絕對不想再次體驗burn and out 獻盡所有也是微不足道 1 2 3 數到4 你就會消失 (Layone) 同為沒有逃脫 寂寞淪落的兩個人 撕扯彼此已經失去血色的心臟 就像夏天 到時候我就會退下 變冷的時候 絕對不要來找我 會全數金額賠償吧 沒錯 成年人都被不懂事束縛 消失吧 消失吧 消失吧 1 2 creep 4 消失吧 消失吧 消失吧 1 2 creep 4 (韓耀漢) 消聲匿跡後 再度回歸呼喚愛 談了幾位後 覺得果然非你不可 為什麼 從那時起 誰勝誰負 錄音室里 twerking 褲子果然是要Dior 要掉下 要sagging Uno dos tres 你每天都在stress 當然你在街上堵住耳朵也沒用 上水洞的Lamborghini 我才不是EVO(共享汽車) 我說不會喜歡你以外的人 Babe為什麼打斷我後就消失 日夜焦躁的心情 至少也要寫點歌 Shining star 永遠照亮你 (NO:EL) 我會消失 查無此人嗎 你也知道我最不缺丟臉的事 洗好脖子等著的type 不需亦不想要的hype 擰下了那個黃毛小子的脖子 我舉起白旗的樣子 media狂歡 榨取青春換來鎂光燈的海市蜃樓 扔兩倍價錢也兜不回來 所以拉倒算了 就當關照一輩子的炮灰 給那班崽子發零用 朝鮮半島40%以上是Opps 一知半解也要出來抖摟爆料 啊 那是靠我吃飽穿暖的聲音 我要超前爬頭 我們必須領先 頭腦冷靜下來 定好終點 我抄捷徑跑去 我對存折餘額 已經形式化的你我毫無概念 但I aint sorry bout that neva eva eva eva bruh Clout chaser 聽見你在那邊 稱兄道弟的聲音就來氣 給我消失 越遠越好 我原封不動的時候 世界變了天 我想要的不過是一句溫暖安慰 說我變了 是你變了吧 不是說人本性難移嗎 撐大的胃 醉醺醺的模樣 和怪物一樣 我也是這樣 怎麼了 滾吧 (Layone) 同為沒有逃脫 寂寞淪落的兩個人 撕扯彼此已經失去血色的心臟 就像夏天 到時候我就會退下 變冷的時候 絕對不要來找我 會全數金額賠償吧 沒錯 成年人都被不懂事束縛 消失吧 消失吧 消失吧 1 2 creep 4 消失吧 1 2 creep 4 消失吧 消失吧 消失吧 1 2 creep 4
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khiphop-discussions · 7 months
Watch "살아줘 (Feat. 김승민, 한요한, NO:EL) (Prod. dnss)" on YouTube
Song of the Week Sept.25th - Oct.1st
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kaittyln · 9 months
♥︎ 𓈒 ˙ ❀ ˚ . ⁺ 🍬 𓈒 ˙ ❀ ˚ . ⁺
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Be a good one, beauty never fades.
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳!
Almayra Kaitlyn, you may refer to me using she/her pronouns, and I have reached the age of majority. According to MBTI, I am an ENFP, and astrologically, I fall under the sign of Leo. Additionally, I am bilingual, using both Indonesian and English in my everyday conversations. This lady's favorite in daily life is watching a ( movies, drama korea, anime and anything ), spicy food, cats and clouds. She doesn't like people who like to spread rumors and talking nonsense. For more information about her is: People said, I'm a chatterbox when it comes to things I'm passionate with. A reliable, yet understanding person, and a good listener who will make you feel comfortable to be around. You'll able to see her humorous side once you know her, which could keep you amused and happy. Worry not, I'm up for random topics!
𝘉𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸: please follow me with consent, I do selective followback and my timeline full of random tweet ( food, anime and etc. )
𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘧: you can't respect each other and the most important is DNSS all my tweet without my permission.
𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: jumpscare.
𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦! feel free to bub me if you feel uncomfortable with my tweet or anything.
𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵:
Taylor Swift, aespa, Greyson Chance, Selena Gomez, OH MY GIRL, Niki, and Kim Jiho.
𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆!
Her favorite: if you asked me why do I love Waiting Outside The Lines by Greyson Chance, it's simply because this song describes a person who's shy, afraid of taking risks and choose to put themselves in a box, and I want them try to be more open and brave enough to take a risk. ✰
⤻      🐈‍⬛      ❐      ⏖
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Thanks a bunch for the time to reading a memoir of mine, I appreciate it, and nice to meet you. ♥︎
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hackernewsrobot · 24 days
Google Public DNS's approach to fight against cache poisoning attacks
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