#do you think everyone who hung out with freud was always in a state of yikes.gif
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what’s up friends i’m gonna full-on fist fight sigmund freud
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royallyjoon · 5 years
red light magic
i don’t want to set the world on fire...
i just want to start
a flame in your heart.
as someone who’s always been on the outside looking in, the social aspect of college felt almost as daunting as the academic aspect. you meet seven certain men that revolutionize your life and its meaning. what would start out as a completely innocent friendship would develop, move crude and black, into something so sinister.
A medical career hadn’t been your first choice.
Ever since you were little, reading and writing were in your blood. Books were your escape from teasing classmates, and there was nothing more enjoyable to you than coming home and powering through one YA novel after another.
You loved reading so much so that it, along with summer school and class assignments, pushed you to start writing short stories yourself.
When high school came along, you were fairly well known for your love of books and your writing/poetry.
You knew all too well how much dedication and time it takes for an author to be successful. Your parents never failed to remind you, either.
Your mother pushed you to recognize the fact that a career in the medical field would not only allow you to give back to society but pay your bills as well.
You could improve your writing on the side and not have to worry about living in a cardboard box after graduation.
Ultimately, when the time came to choose a college, it was this conversation that made the decision for you.
Karu University, your home for the next four years, was known for its myriad of majors as well the diversity in its subjects.
You lived in a standard dorm room with relatively nice roommates. Your student loans weren’t too cumbersome and your mom bought you all the school supplies you’d needed.
Your first day of classes began with a Psychology course; one the rest of the people in your major wouldn’t be taking until next semester. Due to a scheduling error, you would take Psych this semester and the other class the next.
You arrived rather early, by about half an hour, and sat in the middle of the lecture hall. With one earphone in, you took out a notebook and pencil. Then you fooled around on your phone.
People slowly started filing in. The two seats on either side of you were empty, but only one held your bag.
Just as the class was about to start, a young man ran in. His eyes quickly scoured the room for a seat. You saw him turn his head towards you and moved your bag to between your legs in preparation.
On your left, another man sat next to you. He smiled, one you quickly returned before taking your headphones off and putting them in your bag. You put your phone on silent.
As you stuffed your phone in your pocket, the guy from earlier plopped down on your right. You smiled at him as well, and he grinned.
The professor started his lecture. Halfway through, there was a small tap on your shoulder. You stopped writing notes and turned to the one on your right.
“Hey, sorry to bother, but do you have a pen I could borrow?” He whispered.
“I think so...” you muttered. You dug through your bag and handed him a Sharpie pen.
“Thank you!” He smiled again and scrambled to write the class information the professor was sharing.
“First things first: Sigmund Freud was wrong about a lot of things, but contributed greatly with his psychoanalytic theory of personality.”
“Really?” The voice on your left quietly snorted. “I thought his theory on the Oedipus complex was right and true.”
You giggled and glanced at the man next to you. He smiled and shook his head.
Throughout the lecture, you wrote little notes and laughed at his comments. He seemed to know so much about Psychology already; it made you wonder why he was there.
At the end of class, the man on your left finally introduced himself.
“Hi, I’m Namjoon.” He stuck his hand out.
“Nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N).” you smiled back and shook his hand.
Those dimples are adorable.
“You’re a freshman, right?” You nodded. “Ah, cool! I’m a junior; I just took the class because I had the elective time.”
“Really? I was thinking you seemed pretty learned about Psychology; now I know why.” You said.
He blushed. “I’ve gotta go to my next class, but I look forward to talking to you more.” Namjoon picked up his bag and walked away with a wave.
Meanwhile, the one on your right tapped your shoulder. You turned to face him.
“Thank you so much for the pen! I’m Hoseok.” He grinned and handed it back to you
“Ah, it was nothing. I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.” You stuffed it in your bag and smiled back. For some reason, his happiness felt infectious.
Maybe it was the first day jitters.
“You too! I’ve gotta run, but see you next class!” He jumped up with his bag and waved goodbye as well.
You waved and sat a while before collecting your books to go explore the campus. At the very least, you had two new friends. The thought made you smile.
The campus was pretty empty, although it was still early in the morning so students were probably sleeping or in class.
The walks between campus were absolutely scenic, as Karu covered so much ground for its different schools. There was a pond to study by, and you intended to sit there after getting your way of the land.
When you reached the pond, you sat underneath an old willow tree that hung over it and pulled out your book. You only started reading for about half an hour, however, before someone’s shadow stole your attention.
You looked up to notice a tall, pale man in front of you. He looked much too old to be a freshman, older then Namjoon even. You guessed he was a senior.
“Listen, I’m pretty sure you’re new here so I’ll just tell you. Tradition states that the willow is a senior hangout only, and I’d really like to sit down. I’ve had a long morning.” The voice quietly lectured you.
“I don’t have a class for the next forty-five minutes...can we compromise?” You scooted so that your back was to the sunny part of the tree.
He looked at you for some time, but eventually, his exhaustion prompted him to sit.
“Wake me when you leave.” was all he said before he lay his head on his bag and knocked out.
You continued to read and slowly got accustomed to the sound of his breathing and the water in the pond moving.
With fifteen minutes left to go, you started packing your things. You didn’t want to be late for your class.
You stood, patted at your pants and legs, and shook the senior awake.
“My class starts soon, so I’m going to go now. I hope you have a good day.” You smiled at him as he quietly grumbled before taking off.
Your official classes finished for the week, and any breaks you had were spent traveling the campus in search of relaxing studying/reading spots. However, you could not head back to your dorm yet.
Every year at the end of the first week of school, Karu held several activities over the weekend for incoming freshman to get to know each other.
Forming unbreakable bonds, getting into relationships--because these are the plusses to college, were they not?
You headed towards the Roleste Center, where the majority of activities would be held.
The sophomores, who spent the past year planning these events, stood excitedly at the doors. They welcomed students by handing them a name tag and a little necklace with a plastic square to slip it into.
You hefted your bag over your shoulder and took a Sharpie, necklace, and name tag with a smile. Once prepared, you headed into the room.
Your heart was pounding. You hated and loved these events with a passion; it was difficult for you to start talking to people but once you did, you opened up a lot more.
Let’s make some friends, you thought and delved into the crowd.
The rest of your day was spent awkwardly trying to get to know people. You chatted with a few, but the second the leaders gave you all free time, they ditched you for others they’d met earlier. You were at a loss with who to hang out with.
Groups formed quickly as students left the building in waves. You didn’t want to walk outside, clinging to friend groups hoping they’d call out to you so that you could join the conversation.
They never did.
And it was too bold for you to just walk up and join the conversation as if you’d been there all along, wasn’t it?
You pulled out your headphones, plugged in, and sighed.
I came here to make friends; yeah right.
You felt a presence near you and looked up. A boy now stood in front of you, his hand outstretched.
“Hi! I’m Jungkook.”
You smiled and shook his hand. “I’m (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you.”
“You too.” His grin reminded you of a bunny. “So, what are you majoring in?”
“Nursing.” You replied. “What about you?”
“Nice...I’m majoring in arts in game design.”
“Wow! You must be really talented!” You gushed.
You chatted with Jungkook for the rest of the break, and the rest of the evening. He switched seats to sit next to you, and your heart warmed in excitement. Finally, you’d found a friend in your year.
When the activities were over and the sophomores bid everyone goodnight, you stood up to go but hesitated when Jungkook didn’t.
“Hey, are you coming?” You asked softly.
“Ah, no. I”m staying behind to help the sophomores clean up. I know a couple of them and we live together, so it’s easier.” Jungkook replied.
“Oh...well, do they need any more help?” You asked. You didn’t want the night to end so soon...
Jungkook smiled. “Sure! I’ll ask just in case, but I know they’d appreciate the help.” He jumped up and ran to the back.
You sat down and watched as the other freshman left boisterously for their dorms, planning meetups and exchanging social media.
You felt a bit disappointed that you’d only made one friend, and here you were clinging to him like a newborn.
Jungkook came racing back. “They said you can help; come on, let’s get started.”
You put your bag on the floor next to him and started folding chairs and tearing down decorations. The sophomores goofed around as they cleaned and you gazed upon their closeness, wondering if you would ever belong to a group like that.
You all finished cleaning about an hour before curfew. You knew your dorm was closing at midnight, so as much as you didn’t want to say goodbye to Jungkook, you had to put an end to this night.
After collecting your bag, you walked over to the raven, who was speaking to two sophomores. The taller male had bright red hair and grinned a boxy grin when Jungkook said something to the smaller male. His pink hair somehow fit his personality.
Their conversation slowed as you approached, and you took the opportunity to cut in in fear of interrupting them.
“Hey, Jungkook!”
He turned and smiled. “(Y/N), there you are! I wanted to introduce you to these two; they helped plan the whole event.”
“Hello, I’m Taehyung! This is my best friend Jimin.” The redhead gestured to the pinkette.
“Ah, hello! Thank you for working so hard to plan the event, the games were really fun.” You said.
“Thank you for saying that (Y/N), that’s so sweet.” Jimin smiled and all you wanted to do was pinch his cheeks, but you held back.
“So, what did you want to tell me?” Jungkook asked.
“Oh, I wanted to say it was really nice meeting you today. I was so worried I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to, but you swooped in and I had a great time talking. I hope we stay good friends in the future. But I’ve got to back to my dorm before the close the doors. I really hope to see you around campus more.”
Jungkook’s face brightened at your words but fell when he heard you were leaving. “You have to go? Here, why don’t we exchange numbers so we can keep in touch?”
“Sure!” You handed your phone to him and took his in turn, putting your name with a couple silly emojis.
Once the exchange was over, you promised to stay in touch and bid your goodbyes to Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung. However nice it was to meet them, you had a long day and all you wanted to do was shower and go to sleep.
Taehyung opened the apartment door with a shout. “Kookie met a girl!”
“He what?” The sophomore was rewarded with a shout from the kitchen.
Jungkook shoved his way in and slapped Taehyunh on the shoulder. “Hyung, it’s not that serious!”
Jimin strolled in and closed the door behind them. “I mean, she was beautiful. And our Jungkookie already got her number.”
“Oh-ho!” A loud shout from upstairs. “I knew we were raising him right!”
“I raised him if anything; the lot of you sat back and watched me.” The man entered the living room, apron on and spoon in hand. “What’s her name?”
“(Y/N).” Jungkook blushed a little thinking about their evening.
“He’s got it bad.” tsked the college graduate.
“Jin hyung, I’m hungry,” whined Jimin.
“Then get your lazy brothers to come downstairs so we can eat.” He said as he walked back into the kitchen.
The youngest ones raced upstairs and ran to the respective rooms. Jungkook pulled Namjoon from his room, Taehyung got Hoseok from his studio, and Jimin dragged Yoongi out of bed.
Once the seven were seated and eating, Jin asked them what they thought about starting the new semester.
“I think it will go well.” Namjoon mused. “I met this nice girl in my Psychology lecture--she actually laughed along with my jokes.”
“And she lent me a pen!” Hoseok said. “She’s super nice. I don’t think she would have even asked for it back.”
“I met a girl under the willow tree,” Yoongi muttered. “She’s the only other person I know that isn’t afraid to sit under the tree. I told her it’s a senior privilege to sit there, but we just ended up sharing the space.”
Jin shook his head. “I’m amazed you all actually found someone to talk to for once. What did she look like?”
“She had (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes; she was wearing a yellow hoodie and jeans,” Namjoon said.
“That’s what the girl I met was wearing,” Yoongi said, pausing his meal.
“That’s what (Y/N) was wearing,” Jungkook added.
The dinner table remained silent for several minutes.
“What a coincidence?” Jin tried.
“I don’t think so,” Jimin said. “Must be fate. It’s too weird.”
“We’ll see what happens in the future.” Hoseok shrugged. “You never know, we may never see her outside of classes again.”
Little did they know, the universe was up to something grand.
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canadasearchtk · 4 years
Often in the eyes of others, we strive to look better than we really are. Why is it so important to prove to others that our partner is the most caring, our career is the most successful, and our house is always in the best place? Elena Lisun tries to understand the nature of boasting and draw a line between “being” and “appearing” This year was important for me. I gave up a great job on NBC to get back to Chicago. He started dating his angel Jamie Holland. Started doing yoga (thanks to Jake Fisher and John Perlstein!). He wrote an album with Matthew Johansson. He wrote another album that I am proud of. He hung out with Owen Wilson and worked on an amazing project with Will Ferrell. Talked with David Gregory about Barack Obama. I was dancing. Joined the kickball team. Won several awards ... ". It is so easy to mislead those who were aware of my dream. First of all - yourself. And this is not even half the post on Facebook, which was sent by mail to the American blogger Tim Urban, his girlfriend. According to Tim, the evening was hopelessly ruined. He re-read it several times before he understood the reason for his annoyance: the most repulsive statuses in social networks are dedicated to the author himself and do not bring anything joyful to those who read him. That is, simply put, no one likes boasting. It is able to awaken dormant complexes and destroy any relationship. I have come across bouncers many times, but for some reason I have never wondered why they are doing this. What brings such a way of communication to people's lives? I was indifferent to the nature of boasting until I came across this article by Urban. Something in the post that he quoted, haunted me until I discovered that it was he who reminded me. My proper statuses in social networks had the same rainbow-sweetish aftertaste, and every word was supposed to confirm the colorfulness of my life and the complete absence of gray everyday life in it. By the way, something similar not so long ago I wrote just on the day of the outgoing year. Then my status gathered more than fifty likes, and I didn’t even think about the thought that someone could give my thoughts unpleasant feelings or even cause anger towards me. Quite the contrary - I was sure that my friends were sincerely happy for me, for my dreams come true and goals achieved. Urban's article forced a look at his behavior in a completely different light. And I liked this light less and less with every minute. took a fresh look at my posts on social networks over the past few years, and I found that they all shouted: “Just look what an amazing life I have!” - interspersed with travel photos, selfies with a beloved man, Moschino dresses, jewelry and the invariable attribute of the “happiest woman in the world” - chic bouquets in hat boxes and without them. EXPERT ADVICE: "A boast that evokes a desire to imitate, improve, change for the better is the most socially acceptable." Oksana Rustamova, Deputy General Director of Intellectual Capital Consulting Company Previously, I didn’t even realize that my thoughts about myself, my hasty enthusiastic posts after a wonderful holiday could make someone crazy. I was sure that my tender relationship with a man who confessed his feelings and thanked him for his incredible care, would encourage people to improve their own relationships, teach them patience and the ability to appreciate love. This is probably why I counted at least a hundred photos with my beloved. Each is an example of an idyll. I knew for sure that my friends shared my joy from trips to the islands, niche perfumes, new Prada shoes and a beautiful ring that I received during my engagement. Indeed, real friends are obliged - as they say, both in grief and in joy. Especially in joy. However, Google, to which I went for help, cooled my ardor. Scientists from world universities (London, Carnegie-Mellon, Bocconi) advise not to post information about major purchases on social networks, because people may not understand you and decide that you are trying to show off. Scientists ruthlessly state that a feeling of envy on-line cannot turn into a negative attitude in real life. As I was advised to be more modest, put yourself in the place of those people who read posts on social networks - in order to avoid hostility and discord in relations with acquaintances and friends. So, I was too frivolous, selfish and boastful. But where does the desire to show off come from and why was it imperceptible to myself? Arguments came across the most diverse - even those that in the spirit of Freud explained my desires with sexual dissatisfaction or a deformed clitoris. Not so long ago, American scientists conducted an experiment on the topic of how much joy people boast. The results showed that we love to brag, and this process gives us more pleasure than a large amount in a bank account or sex. During the test, participants had to tell any flattering stories about themselves. It is noteworthy that the data turned out to be the same - whether the person boasted during a live conversation or talked about himself in social networks. Usually people like to brag about what worries them the most. It turned out that at the time of boasting, the human brain activates the mesolimbic tract, which is responsible for the process of obtaining pleasure - for example, from delicious food, big money, and drug use. Self-esteem is also very pleasant for us. So much so that when the participants were offered a small amount of money in exchange for switching to discussing another person (say, the president), they all refused. The forums claimed that the root of evil lies in the indifference of the bouncer to the feelings of others, in unstable self-esteem, arrogance and even the desire to humiliate the interlocutor. Pierre Bouast, the author of a universal dictionary of the French language, and my grandmother no less mercilessly state: bouncers are people with dubious moral qualities. The first one claimed: "To boast is to say to others without any courtesy: I am better than you." Grandmother echoes him: “To brag - do not mow: the back does not hurt.” I never really complained about back pain from boasting, but this does not explain the nature of the strange desire to tell about my life in all colors. Looking for sources, I came across an article by the famous American psychologist and best-selling author Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard. He substantiates boasting with a demonstrative type of temperament. Gilbert calls such people tantrums and believes that their main quality is the desire to constantly be in the spotlight by any means. Quite often they choose to boast. And it doesn’t matter that they receive extremely negative attention. It is more important to them that they generally receive it. Selfies are a typical example of showing off one’s own appearance. And thanks to the selfie (Relationship selfie - photo with your loved one), you can boast of a happy relationship My German friend, coordinator of international projects, thinks this way: “People probably brag because everyone wants to feel that someone needs them. Some receive it among friends, in a family, and some do not receive it, therefore they boast. ” However, such theories do not answer why people are so keen to prove that their choice of life partner is the most correct, their career is the most successful, and their home is always in the best place. What is the reason that women and men continue to praise their unloved place of work for friends? Why do some people prefer to remain modestly silent about their successes and achievements, while others so much need to shout about it to the whole world? Why, after I was unable to move to another country, I everywhere began to seek confirmation that it was probably for the better? And what is most surprising is to find. Indeed, it is much easier to believe that I did the right thing than to say to myself: "Yes, I am really terribly upset that I did not find the strength in myself to reach the goal." Therefore, now I diligently prove to others that I am satisfied and happy. And my new place of residence is the best confirmation of this. I live near the sea, I have a wonderful husband, I do my favorite thing - perhaps it looks perfect from the outside. And as proof, I will post juicy photos on a velvet beach with a perfect tan or jogging in a green park. It is so easy to mislead those who were aware of my dream. First of all - yourself. How many unfulfilled desires and extinguished hopes conceal praises of their choice! At the heart of these and similar acts is fear. This may be a fear of many obstacles to the goal - for example, to become not just an artist who paints for the love of art, but a great artist of her time. It can be a fear of losing everything by opening your own business. Or the fear of admitting to yourself that your relationship has become so bland that it does not even cause negative emotions. Or that disgusted work is the most boring in the world. Fear of changing something in your life - whether it's moving, a new relationship to fade away, or insecurity of your own talent - leads to a flood of boasting. Usually people like to brag about what worries them the most. The most frightened ones like to boast that they have worked in the same place for ten years. Thus, they tactfully hint about their professionalism and trustworthiness. The more a person seeks to fill the space around him with conversations about his life, the more I understand that the only thing he wants is to become more meaningful. Tell others and at the same time convince yourself that he is lucky. It turns out that for many it is quite enough to live by the dissemination of information - true or not. Their self-confidence, their happiness is not based on their own emotions, but only on the reaction of others. Only under the condition of feedback will harmony come in their souls - however, not for long. So the whole life of such people turns into an endless race for motives, invented or real. Some of the great ones said that happiness is a complete lack of desire to prove something to anyone. Listen to yourself: maybe you didn’t want a new gadget worth five salaries or a designer bag to brag to your colleagues, but more than anything else - to live in Bali? EXPERT ADVICE: "When you talk about yourself and your merits, boldly ironize yourself - recommends Vitaliy Graboev, a presentation consultant. - You need to show not only the front side of success. This technique is always used by stand-up comedians. Learn from them. The category of achievements is relative, and all good things are perceived as such only in contrast to mistakes. " Bragging is always a lie. First of all, because you are trying to be at least briefly in the rays of glory, or at least look better than you really are. Of course, there are safe types of bragging - for example, when grandmothers show photos of their grandchildren or my mother tells friends that I write articles for ELLE. It can also be attributed constructive boasting to increase salaries and obtain the desired position. But this is not about them. Bragging can be used as a manipulation. With its help, it is easy enough to provoke envy, irritation. In this case, the bouncer acts on the principle: show people your happiness - and you will poison their life. For example, my friend Olya set a goal to take revenge on her ex. To do this, she needed to properly embellish her life. First of all, with a new relationship. Olya threw herself into the arms of men, captured hot kisses on selfies, which she immediately posted on social networks with life-affirming signatures: “It seems to be in love” or “New magical life”. After a couple of days, the former sent a courier with a bouquet to her to work. This was another reason for collecting likes under the photo with flowers. It seems he even came back and they stayed together for a few more months. And then he disappeared again. If there is no love, you can play on jealousy and a sense of ownership, but the desired effect will quickly end. Next to great people, everyone feels at least a little great. Bouncers, on the contrary, are sorry to share their attention, admiring and envious glances. The bouncer's goal is to prove that the great one is here. However, deep down, he himself does not think so. It’s the hardest thing to deceive yourself, and rarely anyone succeeds. However, if it succeeds, people go crazy with megalomania. I would be very happy (and I promise that I would not brag about it to anyone) if I could suddenly find out that after reading my article, someone breathed a sigh of relief and thought: “Is there really so many idiots in the world who don’t allow themselves to live fully, but only live their lives? Probably, first of all, you need to prove to yourself: I can, I am worthy, I dream of a better life. It's great that I once took a chance! ”My friend Anya answered my question about the nature of human boasting brilliantly simple:“ This is when you don’t feel satisfaction and confidence from what you know yourself, so it’s so important for you to call and receive Delight outside. Self-sufficient people do not boast. "They go in worn sneakers and they don’t care what brand of car they have - they don’t care about the recognition of others." We always have a choice: to build something from ourselves or to represent something from ourselves. It’s best if you start building something when you’re at least imagining something. But even in this case, boasting is not the best way to talk about yourself.
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