#doesn't matter that i've played borderlands just as long
jjnonken · 6 months
Been a while since I've posted. I've decided I hate Facebook again and for now I'm letting off steam here.
I said before that I'd deleted my long rant and just stuck to a mini-rant. Well, today I'm posting a long rant. Fair warning: This is a rant.
As far as I can tell, there's no good news about the Borderlands movie. They've changed Commander Knoxx's character to be Atlas's daughter instead of General Knoxx, so I guess she'll be Commander Atlas now. That... doesn't matter. Of all the issues I have with this movie, whose daughter she is is probably the least important. Actually, it's not an issue. Her EXISTENCE is an issue, but not which NPC is her parent. Atlas isn't even an NPC, it's just a gun manufacturer, presumably named after its founder. We never see the founder(s) nor, as far as I can remember, hear any backstory. I'm not sure which problem they were trying to solve by the rename.
First problem: We do have to rescue Lilith, Athena, and one other who I won't mention due to spoilers. I can only think of those three. Lilith tells you to kill her if you can't save her... "Better dead than a damsel." Athena engineers her own rescue; you're just the muscle. So there's kind of a dearth of damsels in this franchise. The movie's premise is that Commander uh... Atlas?... needs to be rescued. So, right. Damsel in distress. Kind of immediately contradicts the lore of Borderlands, who has strong women who generally don't need rescuing.
Second is: why General Knoxx's er, I mean, Atlas's daughter? She's a new character. It's like BORDERLANDS ISN'T CHARACTER-RICH ENOUGH, we have to add more just to get the plot started.
Edit: She still shows credited as Commander Knoxx in my web search, including on IMDB. I saw Atlas in the last article I saw on the movie. It's possible it was simply mistaken. I note parenthetically that Knoxx works for Atlas Corporation, and the DLC he's in is Atlas-heavy. Could just be a mistake. Edit to the edit: The Wikipedia article premise mentions her as Atlas's daughter. But she's named Knoxx. I'm fucking confused; which is she?
Next: They have Kevin Hart playing Roland. Kevin Hart is a comedian. Roland is a serious, somber, straightforward guy who never jokes and never laughs, or even smiles. Any humor that happens in relation to him works because it plays off his sober sincerity.
Roland: Oh good, you're not dead. Lilith: That's his way of saying "Hi". Roland: Sorry. Hi.
Why do they need a stand-up comedian to play Roland? Either Hart is trying to branch out and do some serious acting, or... they're making a comedy.
OK, Cate Blanchett is doing Lilith. I don't know if she's the best choice, but I don't know who else I'd recommend. I guess I'm OK with that.
As for Tannis... I love Jamie Lee Curtis, but she's a scream queen that also does comedies. Tannis isn't FUNNY, she's TRAGIC. Again, there's humor, but it plays off her personality, which is informed by her severe social awkwardness. (She's pretty much coded autistic. I don't know if it's canon.) No doubt the trauma she's suffered has exacerbated any existing personality deficits. Or caused new ones. Can Curtis do a sober Tannis? I mean, play her seriously, not deadpan. I don't know. Again, I don't think she's meant to -- this movie is looking more like a comedy every day. Could be worse, but I'm not sure I'd pick her.
Next, we have Claptrap, who is introduced as "The wise-cracking robot" and played by... Jack Black, a comedic voice actor. Thing is, Claptrap does not crack wise. He's hilarious, but that's because, similarly to Roland and Tannis, the game plays off his naive sincerity. He's funny because he's so serious, but clueless. I haven't memorized every line in the entire franchise enough to instantly recall everything that every claptrap robot has said, but as far as I can remember, Claptrap has told MAYBE three jokes on purpose. One is self-referential, spoken by a claptrap who is supposed to be programming the game: "Borderlands? More like Memelands, am I right?" One is spoken right after a hatch is automatically locked, trapping you in the first map: "I hear that getting eaten by bullymongs isn't such a bad way to go." Was that one a deliberate joke? Don't know, so that's my "maybe." And the third is from a side mission called The Iceman Cometh. It's a moderately silly pun that any 10-year-old would be proud of. When you (as a character) don't react, he then EXPLAINS THE JOKE. When you still don't react, he LECTURES YOU on the nature of humor. TWICE. Naive sincerity, not cracking wise. So again, this suggests the movie being a comedy.
So, we have two of the four vault hunters from the first game, Lilith and Roland. The roles of Mordecai and Brick are interesting, in that THEY AREN'T THERE. Why?
Tiny Tina is. She's a psychotic young teen with a penchant for explosives. She's got a connection to Brick, who -- for some reason -- isn't in the movie. She's not the kind of person who needs a bodyguard -- she's the kind of person against whom YOU need a bodyguard. I only bring this up because... ... Krieg is her bodyguard in the movie. Why? I already mentioned her connection to Brick. Krieg doesn't have a connection to Tina, he has a connection to Maya. I don't know when this movie is supposed to take place in the Borderlands timeline, but if Lilith is retired, it'll be between the first and second. Possibly around the time of the Pre-Sequel. We don't see Krieg until BL2, where he's added as the last playable character after the original four plus Gaige. So the timeline doesn't make sense and Krieg's connection to Tina doesn't make sense and Krieg being Tina's bodyguard doesn't make sense. I don't know anything about the actors, I may look them up and try to watch some of their stuff.
Tina doesn't show in the game until BL2, but there's no reason to think she hasn't been around since Borderlands, we just haven't seen her. (But only after the events of BL:PS, since it's Jack's slag experiments on Tina's parents that kill them and drive her into being a vengeful little psychopath.) But Krieg doesn't show up until he becomes a vault hunter? OTOH until then he was living as a psycho... probably on Pandora. So I suppose the timeline might be OK, technically. I'll give them that one. But I still object to the Tina/Krieg connection.
Gina Gershon as Mad Moxxi: Gina is an attractive woman, doesn't have Moxxi's curves, and she's 61. She's pretty hot-looking but I'm not sure she really fits the character, physically. Can she do Moxxi's va-va-voom? Don't know.
Charles Babalola: I don't know him. I try not to get upset at race lifts; I'm used to Sir Hammerlock being the "great white hunter" stereotype, but I suppose it doesn't hurt anything if he's black. At least he's British. This is a weak protestation at most. EDIT: Several people have pointed out that he's canonically black, which I never noticed. Well, OK then, that one's on me.
Bobby Lee plays Larry. He's another stand-up comedian. There sure are a lot of those for a serious film, eh? Also, who the fuck is Larry?
Ryann Redmond as Ellie: nobody's going to match Ellie's unrealistic proportions, but Ryann seems like a reasonable choice physically; basically, you just need a plus-sized woman who can act. I don't know anything about her acting but I presume she's competent, at least. Ellie is a smartass, so wise-cracking from her is welcome. So how come they cast a stand-up comedian as Roland but a serious actress as Ellie? The cognitive dissonance is making my brain cramp.
And Eli Roth has left the project and declared that he does not want credit for his writing. THAT bodes well.
This is supposed to be canon. Canon my ass. This is a TRAVESTY. EDIT: Somebody said it's not supposed to be canon. I read that it is. I'll try to dig up the reference when I get a minute. EDIT 2: Sorry it took me so long, I was busy procrastinating. Now, in my memory, when the first announced the movie they claimed it would be "true to Borderlands", but of course that's changed. I must have skimmed over the more recent "canon" phrasing, sorry. Apparently it's changed to "canon for the Borderlands Cinematic Universe", which is not the same as canon to the games. To me that's seems a bit disingenuous, considering that as far as I can tell, the Borderlands Cinematic Universe consists of one unfinished movie. (And calling it a "Borderlands Cinematic Universe" also seems a bit conceited since their first -- and so far only -- entry has been in Production Hell for 9 years and hasn't even finished.) So my apologies for getting the "canon" claims wrong, but I'm still unhappy and I think they're making excuses. They've taken an Action Movie script, grabbed some names from the Borderlands franchise, and pretended that the result is a Borderlands movie. They did that with Sly Stallone and the first Judge Dredd movie, remember? (Maybe you don't, but I was a fan of the comics. Fortunately the second movie was much, much better.) This makes me think of Stallone's Judge Dredd. (Also the anime version of the Lensman, but that one's pretty obscure.)
Anyway, I have more, but I think I've said what I need to. I may watch the movie out of morbid curiosity. I'm not going to dislike it out of spite, I'm not that hateful. I'll try to give it a chance. I just don't like the odds.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
From the prompts you made, 2 and 10 for Handsome Jack, please?
Sure! Been a bit since I wrote for Borderlands, I apologize if something's wrong or OOC.
Yandere! Handsome Jack Prompts 2 + 10
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping implied, Manipulation, Intimacy implied, Degradation, Swearing, Obsession, Forced relationship, Unhealthy power dynamic, Isolation, Delusional beliefs, Violence.
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Jack plays a delusional role of hero. You know the truth, hell... everyone on Pandora knows the truth. Jack is not a hero... he's a villain who kills anyone who opposes him.
He refuses to listen to reason. Even from the one he holds dear. It's ironic, he thinks he's a hero yet imprisons you in Helios for what?
The "bandits" out to get him and Pandora?
The longer you're around Jack, the more you realize just how big his ego is. He feels entitled to your love. It doesn't matter if you mean it or not.
Just as long as it's directed towards him, he's fine with it.
Your job wasn't to love him. Your job was to feed into his delusions. All to keep you alive and well... free from his wrath.
You've seen what he can do. Punishment and murder are a fine line for him to most. You've seen it yourself.
He even thinks it's hilarious.
"Hey, cupcake! How's my baby doing?"
Jack never fails to surprise you. He always knows where you are in the moonbase and manages to come up behind you. You let out a strained gasp when you feel his arms around you.
"Been thinking about just how much I missed you. Taunting Vault Hunters is fun and all, but where's our special time?"
You refuse to acknowledge what he means. You were nothing like Moxxi, his original fling. You were not going to just bend down for him when he wanted.
Other means of affection you are quick to put out to distract his desires.
"Must you really be so needy?"
You turn in his arms and press your hands to his chest. Such an action alone presses him closer. His eyes are intense on you.
"Needy? Well aren't you bold.... Care to back that up?"
You change your mood and pull away, leaving Jack to frown. He's most likely mad you led him on. You sigh, muttering under your breath.
"... Excuse me, pumpkin?"
You feel a tight grip on your shoulder. You must've said that too loud.... You shiver under his grasp.
"Sorry, baby, I think I heard you wrong... what did you say?"
"I was just thinking of something-"
"Thinking of what? I thought this little disobedience kick of yours was done?"
"Speak up, dear. Pretty sure you called me a monster? Admit it and I'll go easy on you...."
"Yes... I did-"
"Of course..."
He pushes you away, making you nearly stumble onto the floor.
"Of course! I'm STILL the monster to you!"
He glares at you with anger and betrayal. You try to keep your balance and stand your ground. No backing out now....
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
He laughs to himself in disbelief, running a hand over his mask.
"... you're such a greedy bitch, y'know that? Always looking out for yourself...."
Jack rants to you. Whenever you refuse to comply to his demands or call him out on his actions, he has a breakdown. A long winded rant that usually ends with him leaving to cool off. You're lucky he hasn't killed you yet....
"I just don't get it! You have a HERO that's willing to give you EVERYTHING!" He screams. "It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
During these moments you do your best to hold you tongue. There's so much you wish to say, yet you can't. You may very well get a bullet to the head if you do.
You want to call him out on his so-called heroics.
You want to say making you submit to stockholm syndrome isn't love.
You want to break his delusions and stab him with the pieces.
But you have self control. You can hold your tongue long enough for him to prattle off with his. You know he'll get what's coming to him if you play the long game.
Someone has to be sick of his shit.
By the end of it, Jack's panting and leaning on a wall. He looks exhausted, stressed, and frustrated. He spares you no look and ignores your presence for a moment.
"Monster... huh?"
He huffs, shaking his head.
"I get it! I took you from your friends! But it was for us, sweetie.... Up here on Helios, you're safe from Pandora's corruption."
He straightens himself out and stands in front of you.
"Sure, we have a... LONG ways to go before our relationship fixes itself. However, I think we can do it, can't we, cupcake?"
He pats your shoulder before walking by you, whispering in your ear.
"Unfortunately... this also means you should expect punishment later."
He then walks away, grinning at you one last time before leaving your sight.
"See ya later, sweetie! I look forward to it...."
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kelli56n3994253 · 3 months
Five Things Every Great First-Person Shooter Needs
Neat, he'll keel over, and while he does, here, have 500 XP. Oh, you shot many guys? Here, have a brand new skill level. Now you possibly can shoot guys more efficiently. It's dull and repetitive, yet this is what video games like the Borderlands sequence deal with. I've watched early footage of Gearbox's next sport, Battleborn, and thus far, it looks much the same method. The user interface stands in for what the sport itself ought to be doing, and as a result, combat would not really feel almost nearly as good as it should. That you're utilizing guns doesn't seem to matter in these games; by no means mind that you are taking pictures enemies. The progress you make is shown by means of the game's consumer interface, but it doesn't have to be that manner, because of a little bit factor known as feedback. I just lately began replaying Rage. Look at how this mutant stumbles once i shoot him! This is feedback. With a superb shooter, there's a sense of progress and influence.
As it's a truth that each single little one has more than five toys in their childhood. A few of The kids have a complete wardrobe of toys which they use for enjoying. In all these toys, Toy Gun is likely one of the toys the kids desire because it's fascinating and entertaining to play with. The nerf Guns are excellent as they are available a wide range of designs and qualities. Now many corporations have started producing automatic nerf gun with some extraordinary quality to draw the kids in the direction of it. Playing with toy guns could be very safe and enjoyable for the youngsters. Allow us to see how the nerf guns are appropriate for teenagers. One in every of the perfect things the children do with the help of Nerf guns is that they spend extra time doing a little physical activity somewhat than spending their time in front of idiot box on the cell phone. Every mum or dad wants their little one to do some bodily activity in order that the bones of the physique can turn into extra robust.
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In the course of the day, place your sponge in a sunny spot, ensuring the sponge stays wet -- water around the sponge; do not put water straight on the seeds. 3. For selection, draw and cut out totally different shapes from the compressed sponge. You may even strive sprinkling seeds over simply certain areas of the sponge. For example, you possibly can cut out a shape that appears like a person's head and sprinkle the seeds over the world the place hair would develop. Then you could draw on a face with markers. Pretend he is a leprechaun for even more luck. Leprechauns are exhausting to seek out. But they will be appearing in all places this St. Patrick's Day with the help of the craft you may find out about next. The primary St. Patrick's Day parade happened not in Ireland but in New York City on March 17, 1762. Patrick's Day, make your individual band of lively leprechauns out of chenille stems, paper, and imagination. Cut out a paper circle, draw a face on it, and add a cottony wisp of a white beard. Cut out and glue a hat to the top of his head. Twist a second chenille stem around the body to make wee arms. If you'd like to make a pin out of your buddy, glue the again (the aspect that doesn't open) of a small safety pin to the back of the leprechaun's head. Now you have received a green pal you can carry or put on to inspire a smile. You'll be within the green so long as your little buddy is near. Make different individuals while you finish your leprechaun. Use your imagination, and come up with your personal fun guys and gals. Keep reading to discover ways to make a festive balloon shamrock. Fold the balloon over. Pull the knot by the fold. Repeat the final two steps twice to make the shamrock's other leaves.
All that in an reasonably priced price tag that is simply north of twenty bucks is tough to pass up and our motive why it took the top spot overall. The Nerf Zipfire 2 Pack Combat Blaster is the last word water Orbi Gun duo that promises limitless water-soaking excitement for water warriors of all ages. This set contains two compact and excessive-efficiency blasters, good for dueling with friends or partaking in thrilling water battles. Each blaster features a quick and simple-to-use design, guaranteeing speedy-fire action and drenching enjoyable in each spherical. With the Nerf Zipfire 2 Pack Combat Blaster, you can take your water fights to the subsequent stage and become the undisputed champion of splash warfare. Top Reason to buy: With two blasters in the set, you can workforce up with a friend, go head-to-head, or take them both and twin-wield each. The compact dimension and lightweight design make these blasters straightforward to carry and use, permitting for agile movements during intense battles.
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Good shooter degree design is the same manner-it's all about maintaining you considering concerning the combat. It's about supplying you with quality time together with your enemies. A superb shooter enemy's job is to maneuver the player around the map. Don't believe me? Imagine an enemy that stands nonetheless and accepts your bullets; you shoot it, and it simply sits there with out responding. How boring is that? What about an enemy that dies as quickly as you click on him? He'd be boring, too! Either enemy is like a nasty tug of conflict opponent-you don't need an opponent who enables you to pull the rope with out resistance, however you don't need a rope that refuses to budge either. For tug of battle to be enjoyable, you want enemies who've a bit of give and take. Now suppose about a superb shooter enemy, one you've loved preventing. For me, it is guys like Halo's Elite, an enemy who will get in close to punch me within the face, that make the game enjoyable.
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xoteajays · 8 months
I don't know if I should laugh or cry that it took you this long to realize the fantasy theme of the High&Low franchise..
That was obvious! Which gang represents S. W. O. R. D., they are part of SWORD district in Japan. And Kuryu represents the nine dragons.
And yes. The SWORD gangs, especially White Rascals, are all knights protecting people and places from the horrible people - in ways these guys and girls know how to do. They're protect who or what they can.
And obviously White Rascals are the White Knights, those chivalrous knights - prince charmings - protecting the damsels in distress.
I know Hyuga is not that short. But why does everyone he surrounds himself with seem three times bigger than him? Seriously. Kato's only slightly taller, but Sakyo and Ukyo seem twice is size (maybe because they're wider than him?). I don't know. But I think it's funny to me.
I'm probably dying. If this apocalypse is like Alice In Borderlands.. I'm sure if depends on which games are being played. I'll die in the Spade games because I've never been physical - I've never even participated in gym class - unless someone risks their lives for me. Then I could be die that way. Club games is 50/50 for me, that really depends on who my team is for the game. Diamond games depend on the types of the game it is.. I'm not stupid, but I would not consider myself a genius in any way. But I'm horrible with math so I would be dead in a Diamonds game that had math. And, for Heart games, that also depends on the types of game for me though. Like is the Hearts game like Hide&Seek where only one person survives (because I'll whatever I can to survive that game), or Witch Hunt where intelligence is mostly used to figure out who the killer was. And it also depends if anyone I care about is in these games too, because it depends on if I actually care about them. Unless I come across characters like Chishiya, Niragi, Bando, every of those characters.. Chishiya's stance on getting me killed besides on if I'm considered useful in some way, Niragi tortures and kills everyone, and Bando's a misogynistic serial killer who could kill me (unless we'd somehow work together in the Heart game Prison). I don't know.
But I don't know basic survival techniques to survive. And I'm serious when I say this, I don't know how to cook at all so I'd probably just die of starvation (unless I'm eating unhealthy foods like chips, something like that). But I also would rather die than use the nature as a toilet so that's just gross to me. As an only child, I'm a spoiled brat. Pampered. So I'm also like a prissy pet in that way.. I can definitely relate to that.
But if were talking about a zombie apocalypse. That might depend on the types of zombies.. The older version or the newer version of these zombies. The older version of zombies where they're slower, mindless in a way they don't know what they're doing type zombies - because I might be able to outsmart them if I'm lucky. But the newer version of zombies where they're fast, kind of intelligent enough to know what's happening area them type zombies (like Dawn Of The Dead, Train To Busan, All Of Us Are Dead) - then I would automatically be dead even before I knew what was happening. Unless I ended up being a hybrid zombie like in All Of Us Are Dead. But, with my luck, that won't really happen the way I would have wanted it to. So I'm fucked in that way.
In a nuclear apocalypse. That depends on how much foods and water is on earth.. But if the land is unsustainable where you can't grow any of your own food, barely any water, possibly cannibals, maybe rapists too. Then I probably would kill myself before anyone comes after me.
I've watched some apocalyptic shows and movies lately. Well.. Kinda.
The power of violence, the power of friendship, power of.. that...
All of that.
Every leader has respect for each other. Doesn't matter if they like or dislike each other, but they do have this deep respect for each other.
And, I think, their prides prevented them from working in this alliance together. Like Rocky for example.. He really wanted to fight Doubt by himself with the White Rascals. Ranmaru represents men who always harm women, so Ranmaru was that ghost - the demon - who actually haunted him is whole life when he couldn't save his mother and sister when they needed help the most. That was why Rocky was alone in a time like that. Because he really did want to face those demons alone just so he could move on. But that could be how I saw his reasonings.
The Rude Boys are about protecting their family, so self preservation could be a way to not have your family in any harm. It's their reasons.
Hyuga's a stubborn bastard.
Obviously Oya agrees on the alliance because that means a lot more people they can fight, especially when fighting these people with his friends and allies. So that's their reasons.
About Hyuga's hatred toward Mugen, Sannoh and Kuryu... Obviously the Hyuga family was an original family in Kuryu. But then they really disowned, possibly killed, - I can't remember what happened to these brothers - after their defeat against Mugen. After Mugen retired a the biggest gang, whoever was even left (like Cobra, Yamato and Nobara) became a part of Sannoh. So that's how Hyuga's hatred for Mugen or Sannoh happened. So they dishonored the Hyuga name. But so did a lot of the Kuryu gang too. So his hatred for Kuryu was much stronger, than his hatred for Mugen and Sannoh. And one thing I have noticed.. After Hyuga left prison, he said, that he wanted to takedown Sannoh so whoever left in the gang who wanted to join Daruma could make a gang like Daruma even bigger in numbers (like what they did in Tokyo Revengers) just so they could go after Kuryu when the time was right. So his hatred for Kuryu was always a lot stronger than his hatred for Mugen and Sannoh ever was. But that's how I see it. It's my opinion.
But yeah. With the Rude Boys, the first gang I would've said they are closest to is Sannoh. Cobra was always the first person helping those Rude Boys and also White Rascals too. So that's why I said Sannoh is the first choices for Oya, Rascals and Rude Boys. Daruma's just there.
Exactly. If episode for H&L shows are less than thirty minutes, I'm not watching videos that are less than three minutes long for any episode I'm watching. That would annoy me too much. I couldn't do that at all.
Like Izumi Curtis from Fullmetal Alchemist. Depending on which era, which version you watch of the series you're watching. She's vomiting blood. She dies in one version, but lives in another version.
But they probably already had to plot figured out by the time the H&L movies were created, maybe even the show too. Maybe. I don't know.
Even Naomi thinks they're stupid when they criticize the guys over so many stupid - and not even accurate - reasons on why the girls won't date those guys. Have fun dying alone then if that's what you want.
Exactly! That's how I was imaging their interaction going.. Women are just flirting with Hiroto, Masaki gets annoyed that his baby brother - his oblivious baby brother - is receiving the attention that he was just trying to receive from these women. Even though Masaki is smarter than Hiroto, they're both still complete himbos like the other guys.
Exactly. I need to stop saying that. But have you seen his smiling face though? He deserves to be happy in life. I know he's supposed to be a strong leader, but that shouldn't prevent you from being happy in life. I want Cobra to be happier, more carefree (to some extent), like in his teenager years with his friends. Or at least a lot brooding about life.
If you're only talking about my color coded characters at the moment though. They're all short, Orange being the shortest from those three characters. The height for Blue and Red are confirmed as 5'3 (160 cm is listed). But the face claim for Orange, her height hasn't been listed.. (maybe I'll be lucky if they mention her height in the newer magazine interview). But, from what I can estimate, her height may be between 4'10-5'0 from what it seems like to me. She's definitely the shortest in the color coded characters. Based on the pictures I've seen of them.
I know, I know.. It might be annoyed saying, "Blue Character, Orange Character, Red Character". But I don't have any names for them yet.
Yes! Like she would be used to Murayama's cockiness, but she would be so much happier when Murayama learns about humility whenever something like this happens to him. I'm not sure how she would really act or react to Murayama's depression about losing though, how he is reflecting over his life choices. When Oshiage comes to talk with him.
Well... Sometimes, not always, I like to incorporate some things about the real person - the face claim - into my characters. Only sometimes though. Like you already know that the three color coded characters are from an actual band that I listen to. Orange is the vocalist, and the one hobby she has is dancing - so I imagine my orange character as a person who enjoys singing and dancing (which is why they do to Club Heaven). Blue's the bassist, but she also has her own clothing line like a side career. Career? Job? Either way. I imagined her being artistic in a drawing way, something with clothes but I do not know how far this fashion hobby is. Does she only design the imagery on the clothes, or does she know how to sew torn clothes, or does she design an entire outfit like a fashion designer. Like Mitsuya from Tokyo Revengers.
So they're like sibling friends. They might have wanted each other but they needed each other, which makes sense. Especially for Hyuga.
I thought about a similar concept with my Red character when I first started creating the characters. But I wasn't sure how I would do that whole concept... I don't know if she's a fighter. But she's red like every Daruma character. If they were sibling, then I'd preferred siblings in a more childhood friend way rather than an actual relation way. Or even as cousins. Or acquaintances in way. Not sure about romantic ship. Since not every ship has to be romantic. But.. I don't know...
But I don't think that she would any part of Kuryu or Mighty Warriors, at least I don't think she would be.
But yeah. She is a sheltered child who couldn't live her life like normal person her age, which I can completely relate to, she wants to learn a lot about people her age and how they live their lives. Her experience, well, her experiences in life were not the same as everyone else's life.
Yes. Balance. Murayama helps her experience being youthful during a time together, and she helps him mature when he has to be mature.
So it's love at first sight for Murayama. Because sexy fighter girl is his love. And.. I don't know why I worded it like that... But I did though.
So she's only intense when she's being competitive about things? I'm able to see it like that. Calm, relaxed - I could be wrong. But has some strong intensity of wanting to prove everyone wrong. I can relate to it.
Rascals has canes and asps for weapons. When Kuryu confronted the Daruma boys, they mentioned knives and crowbars - the only time I'd seen Hyuga with a weapon was the chains he used to tie someone up so he could break their arm. Rude Boys would only use all homemade weapons. Sannoh, Oya, Amamiya and even Mugen are mostly a more hands on type of fighters. Everything is fair game for Kuryu or Mighty Warriors. Doubt will use any weapons if it means people would die.
So that would make sense for your Kuryu character to have weapons. Ryu has knives, daggers, kukri blades. So he's more into bladed types of weapons. I wish we had more of his backstory though.
My first thought was from anime and cartoons.. Someone gets hit in the head with some object, they get knocked over in some weird way, sometimes they flip around in the air before falling off a building. Like that. Imagine them falling off buildings after she hit them in the head.
Actually.. That would make sense for Rocky to being caring about his partner - especially woman - if she has mental disorders, like having a depression disorder. He's stern, but caring. But also gentle with her.
Rocky is literally the type of man who will help through thick and thin, healthy and unhealthy, basically all of that. He's always helping out.
Originally I wasn't gonna mention the sexual headcanons for Rocky at all, just because I have already mentioned a lot of those headcanons - like mentioning lots of sexual headcanons before. Generally speaking.
But, in regards to his tongue headcanon, that was because of an old interview Keiji was in. He made mention of his tongue. Who would've thought Keiji said some vulgar comments. But I thought it was funny. Actually.. One of those links I sent were of that interview. So you'll see that link when you're looking through links when you decide to look.
Yes. Murayama's a handsy person. Actually.. I forget where I read this. But someone mentioned they could imagine Murayama would be the type of guy who would have sex in public places. Anyway. I see him in a handsy way, casual and sexual. He's affectionate through a physical affection way. I think every SWORD leader has their own affections.
The only time Murayama doesn't win is against Cobra. Then what will happen.. Is girl just witnesses his ass get handed to him by Cobra.
So that is another headcanon we have in common for Murayama.
Maybe? I can't say much about Takeshi as a character. Next times I'll rewatch the whole High&Low franchise, I will try paying attention to a lot of the other characters so I can have more of an opinion on them.
But I could see that happening with anyone from Nameless City. Like especially if they are in a relationship with someone who is not from a city like theirs, like they're not from Nameless City, I could imagine all the Rude Boys characters taking their dates to some new places.
i’m really dumb okay!! i just hit me during end of sky (i think?) and i was was like ‘OH! SWORDS AND DRAGONS!!’. my idiot brain was slow on the uptick.
the white rascals are white knights, they’re all ‘riding into battle’, the dragons are old and wealthy. it’s all very obvious after it clicks.
hyuga’s got a height kink. sakyo’s the tallest of the three, and actually one of the tallest in the cast at 5’11/181cm. hyuga is just pretty short and thin so it kinda makes everyone around him look bigger.
i know i mention murayama wanting to be friends with everyone a lot, but cobra was really going hard on trying to befriend rocky. showing up at his club and not leaving until he could talk to him, offering to help him and then saying he’ll be there if rocky needs help, then later helping him to his feet and he was fully ready to help rocky fight ranmaru if rocky hadn’t told him to go. cobra really went ‘we’re going to be friends! sword alliance!!’.
the rude boys are very family + nameless first. they respect the other groups, but they’re looking out for themselves first. i can’t imagine they’re really used to accepting or even asking for help.
oya agreed on the alliance because murayama is friend-simping for cobra.
i think hyuga had some modicum of ‘respect’ - for lack of a better word - for mugen, since they just happened to be stronger fighters and he appreciates good fighters even if he hates losing. but kuryu kicked his family out and possibly killed his brothers and also kept him in prison until they had use for him, which is worse. so i definitely think he hated kuryu more.
it somehow feels like it takes so much longer than just watching a 30 minute episode. also the subtitles are a little ‘off’, like they were translated but then not rewritten into actual english sentences? like they were just directly translated and those are the english words that correlate, but it’s not a sentence because japanese sentence structure is different from english sentence structure? like with ‘the gun’, i’m having to rewrite sentences in my brain while watching.
naomi is serving their meals and drinks and then walking away as quickly as possible to not get infected by the stupid. y’all can stay single and complaining, she’s by gonna go hook up with a tall himbo. (a very tall himbo, i think yamato is the tallest in the cast?)
masaki is doing the most to try and flirt with women and get their attention, and he’s failing bad. meanwhile hiroto is not even trying and he’s been getting people flirting with him all day.
iwata genuinely has such a sunshine smile. it’s so funny to see the difference between him irl and when he’s playing cobra. but yea, i need cobra to be happy. he was doing the absolute most for the sword district and taking it all on his own shoulders. let him relax and let him be happy and also maybe let him get a kiss.
short girl party~~ nobody’s above 5’4~~
honestly, i just assumed you were keeping their names close to your chest and that the colour-names were just easier to make sure they were associated with whichever gang.
it also takes me so long to pick names for my ocs, especially when it comes to japanese names and there’s so many variations of kanji meanings. i usually just dig around for specific terms i want in their names. like i wanted ‘dragon’ in ryuka/ryuko’s name, hence 竜花 ‘dragon flower’ and 竜子 ‘dragon child’; and i wanted something inspired by parkour/flying for hinami, so 飛波 ‘flying wave’. i usually use this site to look up japanese names and then put them through google translate just to check the kanji.
that’s so cool! i think her being a fashion designer is neat. like putting her own spin on pre-made outfits while she builds up to making her own clothes.
she’s definitely got a little sister vibe to hyuga and he’s protective of her (maybe even a lil overprotective). they also just. shared chaos vibes. hyuga is biting and breaking arms; ryuko is slicing people up. they both go a lil buckwild in a fight and definitely leave their mark.
she wants all the experiences she missed! just like how i didn’t recognise the fantasy motifs in high&low, i didn’t realise i’d made her such a ‘princess in a tower’ archetype until later, but she so is!
the fight actually comes later after she’s already befriended murayama (and already has a crush on him). she’s actually jumping in to defend him because the ryu faction guy shows up on ryu’s order because of how close she and murayama had gotten (and ryu’s jealous). it’s a classic trope flip. she’s defending him and he’s swooning over his protector.
she’s usually chill, but she has this internalised need to prove herself, so when a challenge pops up, she’s very serious about winning. she was abandoned due to her amputation and pitied over it, so she feels the need to prove she’s just as good - if not better - than people around her. hence her overarching desire to beat p and yu and be the fastest traceur in nameless.
ryuko + ryu 🤝 bladed weapons … except ryuko would stab him if given half the chance. all these fucked up raised-in-kuryu kids and their unhinged behaviours.
yes exactly! they get hit in the head and do a full 180 spin in the air and then the rude boy they were fighting goes ‘thanks hinami!’ and zoom in on hinami in her sniper perch with her slingshot, just ‘👍’.
rocky’s caring and understanding, but he’s also unwilling to just let them wallow and waste away. he’s making sure they eat, making sure they shower - he’ll probably even help them wash their hair.
i saw that link! and i just !!!!! SIR YOURE ON CAMERA!!! but also 👀👀👀 i see u.
murayama is handsy handsy handsy. definitely not hands-off in any way. he’s grabby, he’s picking up his gf to sit her on his lap, he’s got hands everywhere when they’re making out.
none of this takeshi stuff has evidence in canon (probably. i also need to immediately rewatch h&l), i am intuiting it. i just know him asfhkljjkl
i also got sleeping headcanons i forgot to mention yesterday. these are very ryuko/murayama + hinami/takeshi biased tho. because i love them.
so murayama enjoys cuddling, but only until he actually falls into a deep sleep and then he’s a starfish. he’s all kicked out, the blankets are half-on, half-off, he’s probably snoring at least a lil, he moves around a lot when he’s not sleeping well but otherwise sleeps like a rock. this works out fine for ryuko though because she sleeps in the most tucked-in zero-space-taking fetal position possible.
takeshi is also a cuddler, but he needs the pressure of another person on or near him to sleep well (this man needs a weighted blanket). when he was a kid, he and p - and some nights hinami too - dogpiled on each other while they slept. when he and nami eventually get together, he sleeps on his back and she’s half-lying on top of him, her head on his chest because the sound of him breathing and his heartbeat help her sleep. they’re very tangled up in each other.
also bonus oc ship specific headcanons:
murayama likes giving ryuko piggyback rides. she’s like ~9 inches shorter than him so she’s easy to pick up. also when they’re riding on his bike, he sometimes speeds up randomly to make her hold onto him tighter.
takeshi and hinami have matching friendship bracelets. hinami made them when they were in their midteens. teen takeshi was a lil embarrassed because it’s kinda a girly thing to do but he still wore it because it was from hinami and he was crushing on her. adult takeshi wears it because it’s a treasure to him and he’ll sometimes fiddle with the knotted part of the strings, but it’s a little hidden between all his other bracelets and cuffs and things. hinami still wears her’s too obvi, bc she’s in love with him he’s her best friend
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Give s/i lore
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With that out of the way!
You know how lots of human and animal experiments were performed in Borderlands canon? Just a lot? Well I decided to roll with that.
My original S/I when I played 2 in like fucking middle school was a Siren, but I was both closeted and even then made part of their powers gender bending themselves? Very cis of me, I know. I wanted to originally revive that, but the whole "sirens are only female" thing made me too dysphoric. So! I decided to play off all those experiments going on!
Fae was a semi-successful experiment in infusing elemental damage types into a person. This was specifically done by Hyperion, because honestly? I want a reason to connect faer back to Jack, I'll be honest. Again, it was semi-successful. Fae wasn't considered a proper success.
Though they'd succeeded on giving someone corrosive powers, it was also deeply disabling. Fae doesn't melt everything fae touches, but many people who have touched faers skin directly do report either tingling or burning sensations left in faers wake. It rendered faer nocturnal as well, and significantly weakened faers physique. Though fae lived, faers bones and such were severely damaged by the experiment, left very weak from faers newly corrosive blood.
Before this, fae was the face of a party of guns for hire. Fae couldn't even go back after the experiments (and escaping Hyperion) because fae was permanently changed appearance-wise too. Having glowing corrosive blood and eyes is cool as it is creepy. Fae was a valuable face to the group before for faers looks and charisma, but even faers voice was damaged... Now it's a low gravel, and fae has a lot of difficulty projecting without causing faerself pain.
Though fae used to handle front-line combat, fae was forced to take a backseat. As it turned out though: faers reflexes did transfer well to sniping. With faers old group not willing to take faer back, fae cultivated this new skill and became a solo gun for hire.
Fae is completely immune to corrosive weapons, which is more than other people can list on their pros-list. Work was slow at first, but it picked up. For the longest time, fae had no real interest in being a Vault Hunter. This was fine, for a while.
One of the other major changes for faer was diet. Fae can eat just about anything fae can break up small enough to fit into faers mouth, courtesy of being basically made of acid and meat. That said, not much outside of blood, metal, and flesh really made faer feel full anymore. Paired with the porcelain looking skin, glowing veins, piercing eyes, and nocturnal rhythm? Fae honestly looked like a vampire who lived in a toxic waste dump too long.
My current beta for how Mordecai and faer met is kill stealing. Mordecai was hunting game, and fae stole the kill. He took pause when he watched some thing dressed head to toe in sun-blocking nonsense come to take the body.
No matter what happened there though, by the time the train crash happens at the start of Borderlands 2: fae has at least allied with Vault Hunters. Lilith and Eridium as a material both sparked interest to faer--wondering if there'd be some way to amplify or nullify faers corrosive abilities the way it seemed Sirens could do with Eridium. Fae isn't in it for treasure or fame, fae is in it on the vague hope that there's something that'll make faers life more livable.
And yeah! There's some current lore.
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thatluckybear · 1 year
Everyone has bad things to say about Destiny 2 but the game is really fun despite being 5 years old. Here's some things I really like as a new player:
1. You don't have to do anything to play.
- sometimes you just wanna plop down and do some shooty. I moved away from competitive games a long while back but I'll go into Crucible and have some fun just for funs sake, or just do bounties or open chests on Leviathan. With something like Borderlands it just doesn't have that 'pick up and goof off' vibe which is great.
2. Best 3rd party apps I've EVER experienced.
- the power of the D2 API feels limitless and it's incredible to see what people have done with it. hittlelight.club, bray.tech and d2checklist are just a few examples and no other game has anything remotely like it. Some might complain that it should be built in and I felt like that at first but now I just can't imagine Bungie having the resources to match the passion that these developers pour into these apps.
3. It's fun
- biggest factor for me is how fun the game feels when I play and Destiny 2 really nails this. No matter what I'm doing I'm consistently rewarded by the game for shooting stuff and shooting stuff feels good. It loops into itself and I get excited to play when I know I'm going to get into it soon.
Every game has it's problem and Destiny 2 is no exception but I think a lot of the complaining comes from a place of wanting the game to be even better because the player base really loves the game. That's a pretty cool thing.
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fireofjudgement · 2 years
"..and a happy New Year"
Fandom: Alice in Borderland
Pairing: Niragi x Reader (kinda ;))
Summary: It's just a silly concept I came up with while sick with covid - Hatter decides to throw a New Years party at the Beach simply because he can. What can possibly go wrong?
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of: alcohol (multiple times), drugs, vomit, violence, death, rape, sex, public sex, a cult, stalking (all very brief), slight CNC (if you squint), kissing, it turns sexual at the very end but it's purposefully kept vague, implied threesome (also at the very end)
A/N: I've been writing for a while now but this is my first time ever sharing my work online! It's also my first time writing for the aib fandom. Like I mentioned above, I came up with this idea when I was dealing with covid and it was driving me crazy so I had to write it down, I apologise if it doesn't make any sense (especially since english is my third language) 😅 I don't even know what to call it, it's not really a fic (originally it was titled Countdown because that's just what it is), it's really just an experiment with different forms of writing but it was a lot of fun to do and I personally like it so maybe at least one person here likes it too. Happy 2022, I hope it treats all of you well 💗
This was not how you were planning to spend the last night of the year. How the hell did all of this even happen? Was it the never-ending cacophony of music, laughter and drunk conversations mixed with the intoxicating smell of alcohol, sweat and cheap perfume? Or the stress of having to fight for survival every day, building up since the day this nightmare started? You weren't sure. Maybe it was a combination of both, maybe neither. Not that it mattered anyway. Nothing really mattered in this place as long as you were alive.
Not even time. Nobody ever really knew what day it was in the Borderland, why would anyone keep track of something as trivial as dates? Time passes differently when you know every day could be your last one, every see you could turn into a goodbye and every new encounter - no matter if in or outside of a game- could turn into a fight for your life. It was simple - you either had to play or you didn't, other than that every day was pretty much the same.
Except today. Today was the last day of the year. According to Hatter anyway. He took everyone by surprise when he suddenly announced it's time to hold a New Years party at the Beach. At first nobody took him seriously - the man came up with at least seven new holiday ideas every day after all - but this time it was different. This time he didn't stop until all the executive members agreed to his idea. This time he made it happen. Or at least that's what he wanted people to believe. In reality everyone knew he "convinced" Aguni and the militants to make it happen. 
The militants. To your surprise only a few of them showed up to the party, despite organizing it all by themselves. You didn't know why it bothered you so much - regular members didn't get to see them too often anyway, they never really participated in any events. Then again, nobody in their right mind would risk a face to face encounter with any of the men. They did their own thing - causing trouble more often than not - and everyone knew the best way to survive at the Beach was to not mess with them.
The few that did show up tonight were just as drunk as everyone else. Their obnoxious laughter and lewd jokes could be heard from far away, occasionally interrupted by insults slurred in the direction of every unlucky passerby. None of the men looked familiar, you never really cared enough to remember the faces or names of anyone in this godforsaken place. In a world where nobody can be trusted there was no place for any meaningful relationships and you weren't about to waste your time on people who could end up dead the very next day.
There were only three men at the Beach whose names you knew, for reasons different than you'd like to admit. These men were dangerous, intimidating. Everyone knew they wouldn't hesitate to kill, rape and steal if necessary - and they did, in fact, do all of the above on a regular basis. But you? You couldn't control the shivers that went down your spine every time one of them passed you in a public area, and you long stopped trying to convince yourself it was purely because of fear. As much as you hated it, you found yourself intrigued by them at first, that feeling slowly turning into physical attraction. As wrong as you knew it was, each of them piqued your interest for different reasons.
Obviously the first one you noticed was Hatter. The charming, eloquent and fierce leader, the light of every party at the Beach and a regular source of heartbreak amongst female members. He somehow managed to build this place from nothing and make it thrive, which in itself was impressive considering his happy-go-lucky attitude. People would often mock the rather eccentric way he carried himself or joke about how he would be more suitable for a strip club owner. Which wasn't entirely wrong, if you were aware of Hatter's past..businesses. 
You however saw something different in him, something..ominous. There was a certain darkness surrounding him, something in his eyes you couldn't quite place. No matter how wide his smile or how sweet his voice, you couldn't shake off that feeling. The scariest thing about it was that you seemed to be the only person to notice there's something off about him. Everyone else trusted him completely, following every rule, no questions asked. Sometimes you wondered if you accidentally got yourself involved in a cult but you quickly shut these thoughts down. You weren't stupid, you knew sticking with them was your best chance to survive. Besides, you had to admit he was extremely good looking, even if a cult leader.
Of course, even Hatter wouldn't be able to run this place alone. Come to think of it now, you've never seen Hatter without Aguni, his right hand and head of the militants, by his side. They made for a rather strange duo - Hatter would never shut the fuck up, you could swear you heard this man's voice at any time of the day, anywhere you went. Meanwhile Aguni rarely ever spoke, he wasn't one for drama and he most definitely didn't match Hatter's flashy fashion sense. 
You didn't know what exactly it was about Aguni that made him an attractive man. He was quiet, he never expressed any emotions and he rarely seemed affected by anything happening to or around him. Rumor had it that nobody's ever seen him with a woman either. He was just..there. And yet he was one of the most respected and intimidating people at the beach. He didn't have to raise his voice for people to fear him. Nobody's ever dared to mess with Aguni, not even the other militants.
Not even Niragi. He might have been Aguni's second in command but in your mind he was carrying the title of the Beach's main asshole. Causing trouble and misery wherever he went, never seen without a cocky grin. Or his rifle. You sincerely doubted this man had the slightest idea what love was but if he -theoretically speaking- had at least an ounce of it inside him, it was definitely reserved for that bloody gun. Before you arrived at the Beach you usually didn't have a problem with giving people the benefit of the doubt. That however changed fast after you met Niragi; single handedly the most annoying, self centered, insufferable pathetic excuse of a man you've ever seen. 
Tragically enough, that very same asshole also happened to be the most attractive man you've ever seen. Determined to crush all kinds of ridiculous thoughts before they could even form in your head, you tried to avoid him at all costs. You really, really tried but.. You caught yourself staring at him more times than you were comfortable with admitting, your head filled with inappropriate scenarios each time. Fuck, you hated how your whole body started to get warm just thinking about him. How you couldn't help but wonder when looking at his piercings, if he was hiding any other ones. You hated the disgust you felt bumping into him and a new girl  - though they all looked the same to you - every night but not because of what you witnessed them doing, it was because you wished he was doing these things to you instead.
Tonight neither Aguni nor Niragi were anywhere to be found. Not even Hatter attended his own party which didn't seem to bother anyone but you. Granted, everyone else was either drunk or high, busy on the dance floor or getting it on in a semi secluded area. A shadow of a smile appeared on your face when you remembered how disturbed you were upon joining the Beach and realizing that trying to convince Hatter that his ideas can be silly at best and life-threatening at worst, was considered a bigger crime in this place than public indecency. After a while it stopped bothering you, if anything tonight you secretly wished you had someone - a very specific someone- to join in on the fun with.
Disappointed you seemingly came down  for nothing, you tried to come up with something, anything to do. You refused to let the hours spent on getting ready go to waste. However, with each passing minute it became painfully obvious nothing interesting is going to happen anytime soon. You didn't even know any of these people. There was already a little too much alcohol in your system, you were a shitty dancer anyway and you didn't see anyone interesting enough to leave with. Unwilling to waste even more of your precious time, you decided to accept your fate and so, after less than an hour, you decided to go back to your room. Alone.
You didn't notice his gaze at first - following your every move - too busy trying not to drown in a sea of sweat covered bodies, awkwardly moving to the currently playing song. It would be a crime to call it dancing at this point, everyone was too drunk to care about how ridiculous they all looked, tho you had to admit it was impressive they could still move at all, with the dance floor sticky with spilled alcohol, vomit and other substances you didn't even want to think about. It was safe to say you wanted to get as far away from it all as possible.
The silence in the hallways you passed on your way back to your room was almost deafening. On a normal day it was impossible to get through without unwillingly touching or getting touched by another, usually drunk, member. Tonight it was completely empty. Just you, the echoing sound of your footsteps and what felt like a storm inside your brain. A million unanswered questions would not stop crossing your mind. Why did Hatter decide against attending his own party after going through so much effort convincing everyone to throw it? Where were Aguni, Niragi and the rest of the militants? Was there something they didn't want you to know?
A sudden noise to your right startled you, interrupting your thoughts. Unsure whether to just keep going or find a different way, you peeked around the corner and that's when you saw them. Aguni and Hatter, sitting on top of the stairs. The stairs that led to the members rooms. More specifically, your room. Still hiding behind the corner, you couldn't hear what exactly they were talking about but what was more concerning was the fact that they were alone. You've never seen them - especially Hatter- without other executives or militants but there they were. Sitting. Talking. Waiting?
After what felt like ages your curiosity won and you decided against going back. Even though your heart was racing and your knees were slightly shaking, you made your way towards the stairs. You've never been in such close proximity to them and your whole body felt like it was on fire. You've never been one to get flustered easily but it was difficult to keep your composure with their dark eyes glued to your barely clothed figure. At that moment you cursed yourself for picking such a short, revealing dress. And those damn heels. And why did you think it was a good idea to drink before the party even started? How on earth were you supposed to gracefully walk past them and go up the stairs without making a fool out of yourself?
Just like you thought, the task turned out to be nearly impossible. Those few feet separating you from the stairs felt like the longest distance you've ever walked. Neither of the men moved an inch, not even when you finally stood face to face. They didn't say a single word either, not to you and not to each other, simply watching your every move in silence. You tried to figure out what annoyed you more - Aguni's usual emotionless expression or the smirk on Hatter's face, growing bigger the closer you got to them. A huge weight was lifted off your shoulders when you finally passed them and made it to your room. To your surprise the men didn't try to follow or stop you and you allowed yourself to let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. 
Your happiness didn't last long however. It was quickly replaced by a new wave of fear and anxiety as the realization hit you that someone had been in your room while you were gone. No, not had been. Someone was in your room now. Still a little tipsy, your brain struggled to process everything that happened so far and so you just stood there. Panicked.  Frozen. Entirely at the stranger's mercy. You couldn't see his face in the dim lighting but you weren't exactly eager to get closer to him either. You didn't have to, as the man has seemingly made the decision for you - slowly but surely he started to close the distance between the two of you. He did so in absolute silence and you kept silent as well, unable to form a coherent sentence. After what felt like an eternity he finally got close enough for you to recognize him and.. You desperately tried to convince yourself it was just your drunk brain playing tricks on you. Was it really..?
Niragi. For a second you felt relieved, it wasn't a stranger after all, but..why was he here? What could he possibly want from you? How did he even know you? You've never exchanged more than a couple words. A million questions popped up in your mind at once but you found the answer to all of them in his dark, lust filled eyes. He knew. Maybe you weren't as good at hiding your emotions as you thought. All this time you thought you were the one watching him, the one in charge. Oh, how naive you have been. Now it became clear- it was the complete opposite. You didn't know how or when his lips clashed with yours, the whole world turning into a blur right then and there. All your worries and doubts disappeared and all you could think about in that moment was him. His muffled moans against your lips, his taste on your tongue and his body against yours. With everything you knew about him, you should have realised how wrong all of this was but it felt so damn good. Whatever he was doing to you, you hoped he would never stop.
Neither of you said a word the whole time but they weren't needed anyway. Caught off guard at first, you quickly allowed yourself to let go and enjoy the moment, against your better judgment. You've dreamed about it for so long and if you were being honest, you weren't entirely sure all of this was really happening. Not that you cared anymore. You didn't even think about putting up a fight, it was obvious you both wanted this. It wasn't long before your clothes landed on the floor, Niragi's following suit soon after. His lips were still on yours, his hands all over your body, all the attention driving you insane. You were growing more impatient, more needy with each second. Your body felt like it was on fire yet again but this time you knew that fire could only be put out one way. You needed more of him. More, more, more.
Your wish was his command. Niragi would never admit it but he needed you just as much as you needed him. He was patient for too long, pretending not to notice the way you looked at him, the way your body reacted to his touch that one time you accidentally landed in his lap during a party and how you used every excuse to get close to him ever since. Both of you dreamed about this countless times but the real thing exceeded your expectations. By far. Finally having him inside you, quite literally fucking you into next year, accompanied by lewd sounds filling the room - that definitely wasn't how you were planning to spend the last night of the year but who cared. You completely forgot about the party anyway, at least until you heard a loud choir outside starting to count down from 10. How they knew what time it was, you weren't sure. But as the countdown hit 0 - loud cheering and laughter filling the night air - and in a room now illuminated by fireworks both you and Niragi came down from your highs, you suddenly remembered Aguni and Hatter waiting downstairs and you realised one thing - it's going to be one hell of a year.
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liketheinferno2 · 2 years
Like any other series in the world, FFXIV does have it's ups and downs. No matter what though, I think you'll find things to love and enjoy in Stormblood and i'm personally quite excited to hear your thoughts as you go through it.
Truly the WORST I've ever seen FFXIV get was still really good for an MMO. I feel like fandom types tend to get skewed certain ways depending on stuff they've been into before but after digging in the ground for cohesive characters and story in shit like Borderlands and Far Cry for years of my life I'm like hey it seems like Final Fantasy is actually a big budget popular video game series that is good. Who'd have thought THAT possible.
Nier was similar for me, just, holy shit this game is narratively complete. I don't have to feel like a suckered-in narratively-cucked idiot for expecting it to satiate my artistic mind. For so long I was the Genuinely Expects Queer Rep In The MCU Guy of gamers and now I'm playing stuff where it's like the writing was taken seriously as a piece of art, god fucking forbid, y'know?
Excuse me hijacking this sweet ask to rant about vidya gaem fanwank but I just... I enjoy Final Fantasy very very much. Generally I prefer to play stuff that HAS that wealth of content and fidelity that you can only get from a big studio but I feel like that usually comes at a cost to tight writing and emotional impact. It'd be like, common practice to discuss what parts of the story we'd "fix" or delete entirely, to go over and over what parts we hate about the thing we're ostensibly enjoying, but I'm no longer someone who's like "fuck canon I rewrite my own better version" BECAUSE THE GAME IS ALREADY GOOD. THE GAME IS GOOD!!! GOT DAMN!!!!!!!!
Like fuck me I'm thinking about Estinien a lot right now as you can probably tell but it's because I've never had a game crack into that feeling this hard before in my life. We've all met this guy. Angry difficult traumatised person who you know is in a bad situation and maybe they could get better if you could just help them out, but they don't want to leave. In real life you probably cannot save this guy, but this is Final Fantasy!
And even then they don't make it easy, the consequences for people giving up on Estinien are fucking DIRE, but it's the way this story takes you as low as you can go before letting you crawl out of there together. The process of getting you to think of a certain person as a partner or best friend or like-family to your protagonist and then taking them out in a way that makes you understand for a moment why Estinien and Nidhogg have fallen so far in grief and anger themselves. ..
And what I really love about FFXIV is it gives you a space for recovery and reflection, it's not throwing tragedy at you just for spectacle or shock. When someone dies, you mourn. When you retrieve Estinien from what was essentially a kidnapping, he's in the hospital for a while. Shit like Aymeric reaching out almost desperately for companionship after the events of Heavensward and the way they build such a protective relationship between the player and Alphinaud is like there's so much CARE in this, they take feelings so completely seriously and really that's what you need to do in a game like this. When the literal situations are all JRPG levels of absurd nonsense it's like you either go hard on the feelings or you've lost me.
There's been a big push in recent years that art has to SAY SOMETHING or TACKLE THINGS but that attitude can often be antithetical to stories that are effective and cathartic and that feel genuine. The other thing I like about FFXIV is it's weird and atypical fantasy in a lot of places but it doesn't do any of this in service of defying or subverting the tropes to make a statement or whatever the fuck. You can just have weird stuff like the GO LITTLE BETA BOY GO thing with the Tias, or that their elf-equivalent is the racial majority instead of humans, or the massive height differences any time you interact with anybody, or that the Lalafell are the little gnome wombat ruling capitalist class, without knowing that it's only weird because it's trying so hard to not be normal.
I gotta stop before I carry on forever but there's so many little good things in FFXIV that (along with the overwhelmingly caring tone of the entire game) make it a very special experience; ESPECIALLY in comparison to the stuff I used to play, so I'm pretty much enjoying everything it throws at me. :D
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Response to an ask from Ophelia:
(this is the one about the two people)
Hello!! Welcome back! You're not bothering me at all, you never have.
I'm really sorry to hear about that situation, it sounds absolutely exhausting and frustrating. Especially just one after the other like that--but I suppose if you were trying to spin a positive on that you could say that at least they're both out of the way now and out of your life.
I know it's hard to recognize when it's so fresh, but I do think (based on the information I have) that it will be better for you in the long run. Having friends and people close to you is valuable, but you want those to be the right people, and it sounds like those people were not the right people for you. If there was such a discord between your perceptions of each other, it's telling. It's not either of your faults, sometimes people just don't work together, including as friends. There doesn't have to be a huge underlying reason, sometimes people just don't work, so please don't blame yourself for this.
You being upset is entirely valid and I'm sorry you've lost those two people in your life. If there's anything I can do to help please let me know and I'll do my best to.
I think I understand what you mean by putting so much effort and trying so hard with people but it never seeming to work. You can see all these people around you hanging out and enjoying themselves and being friends, and you can see what they're doing but when you try it doesn't seem to work right. And they make it look so effortless!! They just become friends meanwhile you're stuck trying to figure out how they do it and guessing, and you guess wrong a lot. It's so much effort without the reward, you know?
There was one time in eighth grade (age 13-ish) where I had a class of like 8-10 people and so due to close proximity, I became friendly (not friends) with a bunch of people I hadn't really talked to, and towards the end of the year one of them said something along the lines of "yeah you're much cooler/nicer now." and when I asked for clarification she said "you were such a bitch in sixth grade" (age 11-ish), which really took me off guard, because the way I remember sixth grade I was super quiet and did my work and was generally the living embodiment of "the smart kid" and didn't interact with others, but to her I seemed aloof and rude and entitled and condescending. And it was just this quiet realization of even when I'm doing nothing, I'm still doing it wrong to everyone else. When I try to interact I say things wrong, and when I don't interact I'm somehow also doing it wrong.
It was a shock at the time, but now I've moved on from it and realized that no matter what I do, to some people the genuine me is going to be incompatible with them. And that's not either of our faults. Some people don't work together. So instead I can let them go and stop trying to fit somewhere I won't ever, and look for people who I am compatible with. It's not necessarily easy to find people, but it's also so much more satisfying and rewarding than trying to make someone else work.
That...might not be very helpful to hear right now, so I'm sorry about those two people. It really does suck, and I hope you find more people in your life who are the right people for you.
As for my meltdown, it was surprisingly not as bad as I had been anticipating, but still wasn't fun. It was the kind where a situation happens and then you're like "oh I'm going to have a meltdown about this but not right now." Where you recognize you're on a decline but aren't at the bottom yet. I'm kinda used to them and know what will happen, but it's always disruptive.
I was able to relax after though, and played tiny tina's wonderlands with my dad for a few hours. It's the dnd themed borderlands shooter game we've been playing for the past few weeks. I'm currently playing a level...32? 31 or 32, gloombringer (started as a clawbringer then multi-classed as a graveborn), and my dad is a level 31 Frostwilder (started as a spore warden and multi-classed as a brr-serker).
Claiming Sophie Foster was also like a "eh why not" kind of situation. Her being autistic is an idea I've been aware of for a while (first saw it in a fic a while ago, but unsure if nilnaea would want it shared as they sent me the link personally, not publicly), and then when I was doing some recent analyses on her I realized that a lot of what I was saying just sounded like my experience growing up autistic, so when I had the meltdown it was on my mind.
I hope you're doing okay after the emotionally exhausting two days, and if there's anything i can do to help I'll do my best. I'm always here <33
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Chapter 7 to '100 Promises'
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Warnings: Swearing, violence, bullying, blood, I think that's it, but as always feel free to tell me if I missed any.
"I finally got contact lenses. I think they'll be better than my glasses. I mean, yeah, I'll probably still use them, but it's... nevermind, what do you think?" He rambled, a dorky smile on his face. "If it'll make you happy, then you look great," you said, smiling, honestly meaning your words. "I'm asking for your opinion woman, stop giving me the 'if it makes you happy' bullshit. Give me your opinion," he stated, shaking your shoulders."It looks good! I'm not used to seeing you without your glasses, but you look good!" You laughed, your words coming out in a vibrato of sorts from him shaking you. "I'm glad you think so."
"Dear gods my hair is getting long..." he muttered, running his hands through his hair, staring at himself in the bathroom mirror. "I think it looks good," you commented, passing by the bathroom with a laundry basket. "Really? I think I kind of like it too..."
"And how much does it hurt?" He questioned. "Not that much, or so I've heard. Plus, we're getting it at the same time, so... no backing out, or I'll cut your hair," you threatened, your hold on his hand tightening a bit. "No, don't you dare. And I won't back out," he said as you dragged him into the shop. (The fact I've been threatened with that-)
"I somehow can't believe we looked like that!" You laughed, pointing at the photo on your phone. It was from high school, and you were both laughing at how dorky you both looked. "Oh gods... actually, I was kind of hot," you said, giggling a bit. "Have we really changed that much?" Niragi questioned. "Well, let's see," you said, opening the camera and telling Niragi to get into frame. He did so, and you both stuck out your tongues, the matching piercings glinting in the light. You snapped the photo, and put it side by side the one from high school. "Wow... that's a big difference, holy shit," he laughed. You snickered, and posted side by side comparison of the the photos. "Yeah. Huge difference."
"Hatter would like to see you... Alone."
You looked back at Ann, and nodded, getting up. "If she's going, I'm going with," Niragi said, getting up himself. "He said he wants to speak to (Y/N) alone. Respect to rules for once please," Ann chided, as you walked to her side. Niragi laughed, finishing with a smirk, "And since when do I listen to the rules?"
You looked back at him with a proud, yet embarrassed face. Definitely not the same Niragi from back in the real world. He was more confident than you last remembered, that was for sure. "Dude, I'll be totally fine. The least they could do is kill me," you said, a bit to nonchalantly for his tastes. "That seems like a worse case scenario, but ok." he responded, "I'm still going with you." "No, you're not. Look, I'll be fine ok? Just wait outside the door," you suggested. He scoffed, but nodded nontheless. Ann stayed quiet, watching this exchange. 'So... is that all it takes to convince him? Really? All we needed was this girl?' Were her thoughts.
"Oh good, you're here!" Hatter exclaimed as soon as you walked in. Ann stayed outside, and shut the doors behind you. You nodded. Was he happy or just extremely charismatic? You didn't know, but whatever it was, it was nice. It made you feel like you were talking to someone you knew. Like the pleasant ladies from your apartment complex. "Well, what do you want to talk about?"
"Where are we?" You asked as you got off the train. "I don't know. Just took a random train. You said you wanted another adventure," he replied. You gasped. "Niragi Suguru, you did not," you said, grabbing onto his hand to make sure you didn't lose him in the large crowd. "I did. And what of it?" He asked, dragging you out. "Oh my gods... Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but which city are we in?" You asked one of the people who worked there. They smiled and answered with, "Shinjuku. Are you lost?"  You shook your head. "No, we'll be fine. Thank you very much!" You said. Niragi dragged you to the exit. "I don't look presentable to be in Shinjuku right now, Niragi," you said, hiding your face. "You always look nice though. And it's called opportunity. I took it, and now we're here. So, let's take advantage of this, yeah?"
Hatter sat you down. "From what Ann and Aguni reported back to me, you're a quick thinker. Great shot apparently. They were both very impressed," he started. You smiled. "I'm honored they felt that way," you said. Hatter chuckled. "Well, Ann said you'd do well in either position of a militant or an executive. And it's just your luck the precious person who held number 7 recently... died. The games, obviously. Before you came here, actually. Maybe it was a sign it was meant to be yours. And, since you've proven yourself useful, I think it's a good idea," Hatter said, rambling a bit. "That's a bit too high for me, isn't it?" You questioned. You had just gotten here, you couldn't possibly be up that high already. "Uh... no. It's not. So, as of today, you shall be a militant," he said dramatically. You laughed, thanking him as he gave you a wristband with the number seven written on the blue tag. You slipped it on your wrist. "Oh, and just so you know, Aguni will most likely take you under his wing. The militants are mostly guys, so be careful. And... uh... your friend can help you find everything. He'll also show you to your new room. That is all. Goodbye now," he said cheerfully. You smiled brightly, thanking him.
You opened the door to leave, seeing Niragi leaning on the wall across the door. You smiled, closing the door softly behind you. "I'm back," you said. He nodded, "I can see that." "Can you really? You have your contact lenses?" You asked, skeptical. He nodded his head. "Surprisingly," he added. "Hmm... and for how many more days do you have them?" You questioned as he led you through the hotel. "Well, I've been in the borderland about 2 and a half weeks-"
"Woah, hold up... you'd been gone for six months up in the real world-"
"Well, I'm starting to think time runs differently in both places. Because no way in hell have I been here 6 months."
"Ok... continue on."
You two talked about whatever came to mind just like you used to. It was like you never skipped a beat. He lead you down into where they kept the weapons. "Only milatants and Hatter are allowed down here. This is the basement, and also where we keep the weapons. So, take your pick," he said, a smirk on his face. "You're a bit to proud of this aren't you?" You asked, looking over the different weapons. "Maybe," he responded. You didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking, you could just hear it in his voice. You picked out a knife that had a strap around. You also picked up a riffle similar to Niragi's, and turned to face him. "Ok, I'm good," you said. "Tomorrow, the militants are heading out on a supply run. Which means you now too. You can wear actual clothes now, isn't that fun?" He joked. You rolled your eyes shoving him playfully. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "That's really how you want to play, huh (L/N)?" He asked. You could hear the tone behind his words. The tone that meant run or your fucked, because whatever game he's scheming will end with you caught. It was quite normal for you two. Playing games with each other was a hobby back in the real world. Didn't matter how childish or immature they were. "Ouch, my last name? That hurts... Suguru." (Is that his last name or his first name? I don't know, I've been treating it as his last name, but I'm probably wrong) You giggled, running off. There was probably tons of places to hide inside the basement, and probably even more places throughout the beach.
"How was last night? Did you have fun?" He teased as soon as you woke up. You rolled your eyes. "Don't even talk to me about last night. Another disappointment," you groaned, rubbing your eyes. "Damn. That bad, huh?" He said, handing you a mug with coffee in it. You took a sip, and smiled. Perfect... He always made really good coffee, and it impressed you. "Yeah... definitely that bad. I heard him leave this morning, let's hope he never comes back," you said. Niragi laughed, taking a sip of his own coffee. The sunlight came in through the sliding glass door of your apartment.  The sky was painted with pinks and purples. Gold dusted the clouds as the sun touched them. It was perfectly picturesque. "One day, we won't have to live in a sucky apartment building, you know? I promise you that one day we'll have... I don't know where do you want to live?" He asked you. You both walked over to the couch, sitting next to eachother. "I don't know... I'd go anywhere as long as I can still have my best friend with me.''
"Come on out, (Y/N). I'll find you sooner or later. We need sleep," he shouted. You stifled a laugh, and crouched down, sneaking around. You could see him looking around for you. You moved backwards, bumping into someone. You slowly turned around. It was the guys Niragi had introduced as 'Last Boss'.
Throughout the day, you had actually had the opportunity to talk to him a bit. More like you talked, while he observed you, occasionally making a sound of sorts to show you he was listening. He'd also answered your questions, so you thought he wouldnt be that bad. You made the quiet signal, putting a finger to your lips. He looked down quizzically. "Playing a game. Can't let him find me. Wanna join?" You whispered to the mysterious man. He nodded slightly, still a bit confused. "Ok, the objective is to not get caught by Niragi. He doesn't know you're playing yet, so I'll figure something out... oh, I got it! You go hide," you whisper shouted, shooing him off. He went to go hide, and you climbed to the top of one of the darker places. "A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders!" You shouted. You heard Niragi laugh. "Dumbass! You're letting me know where you are!"  You smirked. That's what you wanted him to think.
"Oh nice! You got his glasses that's 20 points!" The boys shouted. You struggled to get out of the ropes tied your hands together. You heard Niragi groan, and looked up, seeing him on the floor, blood dripping from his nose. "Niragi!" You shouted in worry. He looked over at you, before one of the guys kicked his face into the ground. You struggled against the ropes the boys had tied around your wrist. It dug into your skin, you could feel the skin being rubbed raw from how much you had struggled against them ."So useless without eachother, huh?" One of them taunted. "Stop hurting him!" You yelled, squirming. "Oh? Would you rather we harm you then? You were always such a pretty girl... to bad you decided to defend him," the leader of their little group said, kneeling in front of you. "I don't give a damn if you hurt me. Stop hurting him!' You shouted. "(Y-y/N), don't," Niragi said, before one of the bullies kicked him in the stomach. He winced in pain, screwing his eyes shut. "Stop it! He didn't do anything to you!" You screamed, struggling even more, the ropes creating rope burn on your skin. "It's not a vengeance thing. It's fun," the leader said, grabbing your chin, making you look up at him. You glared at him in disgust, wanting so badly to just hit him, or spit on him in the moment. But you didn't. You didn't because you knew if you did either you or Niragi would get hurt. More likely Niragi, since they knew he was your weakness. "Just like it's fun making girls like you submit," he added with a smirk. "Don't you dare hurt her! Hurt me all you want, but don't touch her!" Niragi yelled. There was confidence in his words, but you also knew how scared he was. You could see it on his face. "That sounds boring though. What if we just make both of you our little puppets for the night, have you both put on a show?'' One of the guys snickered. This was followed by a chorus of 'not a bad idea' and 'sounds interesting.' You looked at Niragi, fear written all over your face.
You ran quietly, and quickly, knowing he could catch up to you. You looked around the dimly lit basement, and saw the exist to go up. Your eyes caught a flash of movement, and someone grabbed you, putting a hand over your mouth. You were shocked at first, going to scream bloody murder, before seeing it was Last Boss. He let you go, and you took a breath. "Oh my gods... dude that was scary," you whispered. He shrugged. "I have a place we can hide. I don't think he's smart enough to find it," He suggested, nodding his head over to Niragi. You stifled a laugh, and nodded, letting him lead you.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you alright?" He worriedly asked, checked on you. You hissed in pain when his hands went over the bruises. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault, if I hadn't-" he started, blaming himself. You grabbed shoulders, and shook your head. "It's not your fault... it's ok," you said, sitting up. The gravel under you poked at the skin exposed from your school skirt. "I-its not ok!" He shouted. "It's... it's not ok. You shouldn't have- I could've-" he started, pulling at his hair. "Niragi. It's not your fault. You didn't... you didn't hurt me," you said, your voice calming. You grabbed his hands, pulling them towards you. You were just kids. Fucking 16 years old(not exactly a kid, but whatever), you shouldn't have to go through this stuff. No kid should. "I should be comforting you, yet here you are, making me feel better. Stop it, you're the one who-"
"Niragi, it happened to both of us. Stop acting like you're ok too."
"But- I'm supposed to... I-"
"Shut up, and come here."
He sighed, sitting besides you. You pulled his head into your lap, and he sighed. "Stop taking care of me. Stop hanging out with me, because you're the one who ends up getting hurt because of me. Please," he pleaded as you ran your fingers through his hair. "No," you responded. "(Y/N), stop being so stubborn! Please, just... just listen to me!" He shouted. You flinched at the sudden loudness. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you," he apologized, noticing when you flinched. You sighed, leaning back on the concrete wall. You muttered back something along the lines of him not having to apologize. You heard thunder, and saw a flash of lightning. "It's going to rain, we should go home," Niragi said. "Don't wanna... let's stay here?" You muttered, watching the sun get covered by the clouds. You were under a bridge, so you at least had coverage. He looked up at you, and nodded. "Ok. We can," he whispered. The raindrops began to splatter on the ground outside the coverage of the bridge, and you sighed in happiness. Niragi sat up, bringing you close to him. The smell of rain filled your senses, and you couldn't help but enjoy the moment, even if you had been in emotional and physical pain before. Being there helped numb it for a while. Being with him helped numb the feeling.
"Alright... if I were (Y/N)... where would I go?" Niragi muttered to himself, walking around. It was too quiet. You weren't a quiet person unless need be, and if he remembers correctly, which he does, you had a losing streak in hide and seek since high school. You were too giggly to hide in silence, or maybe you got scared by being alone in the dark to long. Whatever it had been, you had a losing streak for almost 8 years. That was not about to change, not if he had a say in it. A part of him said he was not acting like himself, and that playing this with you was childish. Especially in the borderlands. He knew he would have to find you either way, so he stopped caring. He remembered what she had said. A new player has joined in. One seeker, two hiders! 'Ok, process of elimination....'
"So, given the fact Chishiya isn't allowed down here, I think I know who she's with, and where she is. Let's see if I'm right.''
This was more memories than actual current events... oh well- hope you enjoyed, have a wonderful day/night, baii!! Oh yeah, just because this is the only place people have a problem with me posting Niragi stuff, if you don't like it, the block button is right there, don't send me death threats or tell me to go kms. Thank you
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jace-the-writer-guy · 5 years
A dream game of mine
These are the ideas I often come up with for a dream game, and it just combines so many elements from different things I've played or watched videos of into one huge and crazy thing that would be amazing to see and play. It's pretty much a pipe dream in this lifetime of mine but I can't help but imagine it. So without anymore stalling, here's all my ramblings about it.
I would just really love a game like Skyrim is, but just... more. Like Skyrim has a bunch of the adventure/exploration elements I love in a game, but I didn't think it had enough diversity in scenery and it all felt cold because of the part of the world it was set in.
I would love a game that was like Elder Scrolls Online in size with all the different provinces you can go to with all that land to explore between the snowy areas, desert areas, and forest/jungle areas and all the settlements that would be scattered throughout. And all the scenery in that game was beautiful to me. And along with that, add the crafting/blacksmithing stuff from ESO too, because that was the main thing I did when I played the game. I created everything I used from different swords and armor.
And speaking of swords and armor, I'd love the game to have what ESO does, which was have there be different styles of weapons and armor you can craft after you read the plans or whatever for it. Like a steel sword can be one style, or you can craft it in another style but it would have the same stats, just a different look. Same with armor too. Or a greatsword could be more on the skinny side, or you could make it be a massive weapon like what the Buster Sword is.
Whatever weapons you favorite will be visible on your character and you can choose where you want something specifically placed. For example, a Ranger could have their bow across their chest and back and their quiver of arrows at their back either behind either shoulder or at their waist, or on their thigh while they have a dagger on one hip and a sword on the other. You can't have too many weapons on your body though. There would be a weapon wheel you can bring up that lets you choose between what weapons you have favorited.
The weapons and armor would be highly customizable too. Like with armor, you could mix and match different pieces or furs to make something unique to you, and for weapons you could add different accessories to them like jeweled hilts or carved bow shafts.
As for the exploration, I think it would be a phenomenal thing to focus on in a fantasy game. With so many environments like what I mentioned above with forests to snowy areas, there can be some absolute magic to be discovered like beautiful lakes or ponds, or something like my Heaven's Clearing area I created in my RWBY AU. Mountainous areas with waterfalls cascading down the rocks? Giant trees in a gorgeously lush forest with a treehouse village? A snowy village deep within the mountains? An ancient and run down fortress in a canyon with only one small valley to access it? Sprawling cave systems in the mountains? Tropical beaches? A beautiful oasis hidden in the middle of a vast desert? Explore and you can find stuff like this and more.
Examples of the sights you could see. I don't know the artists sadly. I found these all on Reddit at r/imaginarylandscapes)
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And if and when you find this stuff? Build there if you want! It could be like Fallout 76 with the C.A.M.P. thing, but you have such an extreme amount of freedom to build kind of like in Minecraft, and have the building be like a mix between Minecraft, 7 Days to Die, and Ark. Build what you want from a nice, cozy little cabin in the woods, or a big estate on the mountainside with the waterfalls going under the house. Make it as big and as grand, or as small and as cozy as you want it to be with loads of decoration stuff you can build, and with different variations to the decorations. Different styles of beds, candles, wardrobes, chests, doors, windows, whatever. Just give unmatched variety. And of course for all of them, you would have to go out and find the materials, like for a simple cabin you would have to go out and either buy the lumber, or cut it down yourself. Or if you want to just dig into the side of a hill or mountain and mold your home from there, you absolutely can, given you have the equipment to dig it all out. Or you could just be a nomad and camp around anywhere you wanted while you travel and not be held down to one place.
Character customization would let you be able to make the character you want for a fantasy game like this is in my imagination. Loads of different hairstyles, body types, eye/hair/skin colors, customize your height to be the size of a Goliath (in D&D) or a gnome and so on. Pick from a variety of races from human, different races of elves, dwarves, halflings gnomes, goliaths, orcs and tabaxis', mix races, and more. And in game, you can really pick any type of clothing/armor style you want from even more choices. And along with that, you can of course pick different classes for your character to be from a fighter/warrior, to a ranger, to a magic user, to a bard, or whatever. You pick your skills from a huge list of stuff for each class and you go around and do what you want to do as that character. And like with Dragon's Dogma (one of my favorite games), you can change your class instead of being tied into one class at really any point in the game that you felt like. And you can multiclass too and combine any two classes you want to try.
Magic in the game would be more... magical. Like you start out with basic spells if you're one of the magic using classes with sorcerers getting a bit more, but it all starts out as just looking very dull. And when you train and level up your magical abilities and find new spells out of the huge selection of them in the game, the magic gets more and more bright, vivid, colorful, vibrant, and flashy too so you can actually see the results of all the levels you poured into your magic.
It wouldn't just be exploration though, considering weapons, armor, and magic would be in the game. There would be so many different jobs and ways to make gold to choose from, and there would be multiple long running quests you could accept that would be like something from D&D. And a thing for that is that the game can either be single player and you can pick a party of NPCs to join you through your adventures, or you could switch it over to multiplayer and invite a few of your friends in to explore the world together or do these quests and split the rewards from both the journey itself and the reward for completing the quests. The questscan have different styles, like serious ones and some where there can be some fun, like a Borderlands mission.
And as something in between these quests, you could have different jobs you can choose from like I mentioned. You can start your own mine or lumber yard to sell ores, precious gems, or wood to anyone (NPC or player) that wants/needs it. You can do guard duty for someone, you could scout an area out for any dangers for someone wanting to build a house or for military, or chart out unknown parts of the world and draw a map of it (provided you take a cartography skill) and sell them to people. You could even just be a simple hunter and hunt game to provide meat and pelts for yourself and for trade. Or be a bard and make some music between more somber songs or uplifting ones, or ones where you just tell the tales of events that have happened in the game. And for that, the game would have a huge score of music. And there would be bounty hunting quests as well, and sometimes they can lead into something more.
You have the choice between if you want to be a combat focused character or a trader/craftsman focused character or something along those lines. In single player, you could hire an NPC bodyguard and they would be extremely competent (unlike the referees in WWE games :p) in battles in order to protect you. Or in multiplayer, your friends could provide your protection while you create trade routes or gather materials, or explore the world for treasures. And it could be the other way around with you being the bodyguard and your friend being the one you're protecting too.
Choose your own backstory from a huge list of options. You could have a backstory as a simple farmer, a guard, a soldier, a trader, a blacksmith, a mercenary, or a craftsman to name a few. Each backstory comes with a specific set of gear depending on the backstory and an area of the world you start out with and in. Like a mercenary would start with light armor and a battle axe, having just completed a job in the colder regions so you would have fur cloaks and armor or you could have just completed a job in a more tropical spot of the world.
And romance too! You could have your character romance any NPC in the game no matter if they're male or female, unless they're already married. Or if you want to do a bit more, romance them both! Start a family with them, and hire bodyguards to protect them while you're out adventuring, if your spouse doesn't have any combat skills of course. Or hire bodyguards anyway to secure your childrens' safety.
See a dog you want to adopt? Adopt it! Same with cats or any other animal you might see up for adoption or for sale from somewhere. Each province have different kinds of pets you can get, so traveling the world for your perfect hunting/travel buddy or housemate may be something to do. And you can name your pet too. Or you could even capture and tame a wolf or tiger or something in the wild too if you wanted. Also, you can pet your pets. Give them attention!
For travel, you could either carry the bare essentials on your character and just walk either alone or with a companion by your side, or you could save your gold for a horse or go tame a wild one to ride through the world. And on top of that, you can buy different types of wagons to carry all the things you need to set up a larger camp for yourself or for your companions. Larger wagons mean the need for an extra horse. And you can also buy or craft accessories for your horse and wagons, like different saddles or canopies respectively.
And also for travel across the seas, you can either pay for passage on a ship or save up gold to buy your own and hire your own crew to go on voyages. Along with that, one thing you could do is become a pirate if you chose to in case you didn't want to just spend your days on land, or become a trade vessel to transport goods from place to place, or you could even just have it become a passenger ship and take gold to take people across the sea. Search for buried treasure and pillage other ships as a pirate, or discover an island to claim for yourself and your friends.
One thing that would be in the game would be hunting, from small game all the way up to dragons. The hunting is something I enjoy so much in Red Dead Online that I would love to see it in a game like this with so many animals and creatures. Of course there would be stuff like boars, deer, bears, and animals like that but there would also be fantasy creatures to try to hunt, and the biggest, baddest, most difficult, and most rewarding would be dragons if you chose to hunt them. But you could just stick to hunting normal animals too, because that can be very rewarding in its own way like with what I said before about hunting. And of course, you could go fishing at one of the many rivers, streams, ponds, or lakes in the game too.
There would be two separate modes you could do between a more casual experience or something more hardcore. The casual mode would be that you don't have to worry about eating, drinking, sleeping, or worrying about temperature to survive while the survival mode would include all those things, plus the need to watch out for poisons, venom, or diseases or anything like that so players can enjoy the game how they want to enjoy it.
One thing about the game is that there is single player and multiplayer of course, but the multiplayer would have private servers and public ones for if you only wanted to play with friends, or if you wanted to take it online and interact with a bunch of other players. And on top of that, there would be separate servers for players who only want to have a peaceful time with other players where they can't attack each other at all, and servers where PvP is fully on for the players that want the danger of dealing with other players that want to take them out so there aren't those types of people in the same servers. Choose your server, choose your experience.
Another thing that would be a part of the game is full, unrestricted mod support. Create mods for the game to craft it into something truly special either with different weapons, armors, spells, quests, races, or anything. Download any mod you want at your discretion, no matter what it is. And the mod support would span all platforms the game is on with absolutely no restrictions regardless of platform or the content of the mods.
To make the game even more special, you can create a new character at any time you want, and your previous character will still be wondering the world while you're starting anew. And if you end up finding your other character, you can form a team with them and easily switch back and forth between the two. That would make it possible to create your own adventuring party rather than hire NPCs or relying on your friends. Or, you can just have your characters be completely separate. And if you wanted to, you could possibly romance your own characters if you can't find the right NPC in the huge world.
The hud would be something very simple, with a health and energy/mana meter, a mini map, and radar. Each thing here can be toggled on or off so you could just have your health and energy/mana showing while turning off the radar and map, or you could have it all be turned off to have nothing on your screen for a more immersive experience. You can switch between third and first person to increase that even more.
Basically what I want is some huge fantasy exploration/adventure/action/RPG, something so huge with so many things to do that it has such an immense amount of playability and replayability. Something set in an hugely detailed and gorgeous world with multiple large provinces/climates/biomes. It would take an insane amount of time to try to explore every little part of the world, along with completing all the quests. And there would never really be a shortage of quests because they would keep being added every once in a while to the game through free updates, along with the ones added through mods.
That's all I have to share about this huge, crazy, borderline impossible dream game of mine right now. I might add more to it if/when I think of more. I hope you all enjoyed the read if you decided to read it. I'd love to hear what you guys think, and I'd love to hear your own ideas if you have them.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Response to an ask from Ophelia:
(this is the one about negativity and detachment)
Ophelia, I truly mean it when I say you can message as frequently as you want. Do you really think I'm the kind of person who would be upset or annoyed by something like frequent asks? (/rh) Regardless of the topic, it's okay to send me asks no matter how short or long it's been from the last one. it's how I hear from you! I can't exactly reach out to you and ask how you're doing or share random facts I've learned, so I like the opportunities to talk to you!
As for the guilt, that sounds like it really sucked; I'm so sorry you went/are going through that. I think I kind of know what you're talking about, the emotions just being so overwhelming and coming out of nowhere and you can't link it to anything. I usually end up relying heavily on distractions until my brain drops it or stimming through it (or a combination). But that's a lot harder to do when you're trying to fall asleep.
What you're talking about kind of reminds me of the feeling you get when you start to remember a mistake you made once and it just consumes you from the inside and you can't get it to go away. I don't know if that's similar to what you're talking about, but it did remind me of it and in that way I can try to understand your experience.
I think I understand the diagnosis thing as well. Like is it crucial? No, but it would be something to focus on and refer back to and help explain things. It's a starting point and an explanation and without it things are a lot more vague and indistinguishable from each other. Which is manageable but more difficult. And not having solid doctors you can refer to only serves to complicate the situation further.
I'm sorry that your doctors haven't been helpful and have given up. if it's any comfort, I can tell you that you are not making it up. Your experiences and feelings are real and valid and deserve to be addressed. Just because doctors study medicine for a living doesn't mean they know everything. My dad's a nurse and has been one of if not the best in every place he's worked for the past decade, and he still takes new trainings and continues to learn even this far into his career. you've probably heard that before though so maybe it's annoying to hear again, but it's not a reflection on you at all.
As for the detachment, I don't know if I have anything to compare it to to help me understand, but at the very least it's not worrying. You've got enough of that in your life already! or if you're not worried I can be worried for you; I'm rather good at it!
And yes I am doing alright, despite the email I had to send. They're more annoying than anything. I've sent enough that I've figured out how to do it well, but that only makes it slightly more pleasant. But my professor answered my question and I can now proceed with my work slightly less confused.
Also oo Minecraft!! You are right I do like it. I haven't played in a while because I keep forgetting I have it on my laptop (I grew up playing xbox) and also because I've been focusing on other video games lately. My dad and I were playing through Borderlands until Tiny Tina's Wonderlands came out, and now we're playing through that. Currently playing a Clawbringer, as i think it's no secret I like dragons and it gives me a dragon companion! My dad's a Spore Warden and his mushroom companion has a lil butt that I think is hilarious.
Im getting distracted hang on. I hope you enjoy minecraft!! i think it's a fun little game with a lot of freedom to explore and do what you like, and sometimes what you like to do is build an incredibly stupid set of stairs (it's me. I like stupid stairs).
I hope you have a good day as well, or that something makes you smile. It's lovely to hear from you again!!
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