#dungeon fighter online rp
lastgenesis · 1 year
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a mutuals-only multimuse blog. » muselist | rules
est. dec 2022, remade march 2023 ♥ touched by chou. unfortunately and exclusively beta editor!
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sketchyclaws · 2 years
Hi! I was looking to get into Rp but... I really have no idea where to start. Do you have any tips? Or explanations on etiquette?
Hey friend! Thanks so much for the ask! :) I've been roleplaying since I was nine years old, so while I am by no means an expert or anything, I've been doing it long enough that I'm happy to give you some tips as they come to mind. <3 First: if you are unsure where to start, my best advice would be to think about what you're interested in! Video games, book series, even tabletop games (like Dungeons&Dragons) are great places to start. Since you are following my blog, I'm assuming you're into warrior cats, but you can search up on Google for a roleplay for just about anything nowadays it seems, and there are plenty of places that can suit your lifestyle. Forum roleplays, for example, offer you more time in your day to day to respond, usually, and don't require you to be actively online for the duration of the roleplay, and may take place over many days or even weeks. However, they personally don't feel as "social" for me. Chat-based roleplays, such as the ones found on Discord, offer a faster way to interact and talk with others, and feel much more social - but they are also usually in real-time, so take a bit more time to commit to if you want to finish an entire thread (imo). Not all chat-based servers are like that, but many of the ones I've been a part of have been! As for etiquette, there are a couple tips that come to mind that I'm happy to share! 1) Communication is key! If you aren't able to finish a roleplay, or even if you need to step away for some time, let your friends and roleplay partners know! It's never fun waiting around for someone to respond, either in real-time or in a forum thread, only for them to "drop" the roleplay entirely, or take weeks to respond. Nobody should be upset with you for being honest, and if you have things come up in your life, people are usually super understanding and supportive! 2) Let everyone get to be the hero. What I mean is, everyone wants their character to have a story and do cool things - that's what makes roleplaying fun! So, how would you feel if only one person's OC in your Dungeons & Dragons party ever got to find the cool items, be the best fighter, take down the big bad boss, ect? It's great to plan for your OC to do cool things, and be a part of a bigger story - but it's also nice to make space for others to do those things, too! Maybe in one session your warrior takes down a giant troll-demon-boss-guy, and in another your friend gets to unlock some secret encounter. Balance it out! :) 3) God-mode. This is a big one that even I struggled with when I started as a kid. Were you ever playing outside with a group of kids, and one of them, no matter what you did, always either "dodged" the attack, or had some "magical power" that made it impossible to be hurt or gave them other abilities? I know I did. Basically, don't be that kid. Don't speak for someone else's OC, don't take control of the entire situation, and don't make your OC invincible. Everyone has weaknesses and flaws, it's what makes your characters fun and interesting to play! It's how they grow! For example, if you have two cats fighting, it is fair and realistic that in that fight, someone is going to land a blow to your OC. It would be "God-moding" if you were to say, "RandomClaw actually wasn't hit by that, and avoided the attack completely. RandomClaw then grabs WhatshisFace and slams him into the ground, killing him instantly." This gives absolutely no give-and-take, back-and-forth, it doesn't give the other character a chance to react or have feelings or anything, and in the end it probably isn't any fun at all for the other person. Which leads me to my next tip... 4) You can't kill or harm another character without speaking to their player first. This is pretty self-explanatory, but it has been a rule in every group I've been in, so I feel like it's necessary to have. 100% you can hurt someone else's character, but you must always discuss that with the person first, and often times it's a lot of fun coming up with ideas and stories for how, say, RandomClaw got that scar on his
face. 5) Start simple. This is the last one that comes to mind for me, and it's helped me a lot - I even have to remind myself of this one today! If you start a character off with a very large, very elaborate backstory, it is often difficult to keep track of and doesn't always allow for a lot of growth and development later on down the line. It may even make the character overwhelming for you to play if you have to constantly try to remember that their second-uncle-twice-removed-is-actually-a-serial-killer. It might be fun to make an OC with a super tragic backstory, a past full of royal families and magic and death, but it can also make that character hard to relate to for some, and difficult to play without being over the top. It's fun to grow with your character, and to allow the current events of the story to develop them alongside others -- and you can always add details later on! Find that balance between giving your character a unique story of their own, and writing a novel about them before their story with you has even begun. Most of my tips are pretty generic and though they may seem like common sense to someone who has been doing this forever, I know these were things I struggled with when I was new. It may seem like a lot to take in at first, but honestly, roleplaying is so much fun. You develop your literary skills, you get to meet new friends with common interests, and you get to participate in a grand story together! Which is essentially the most important thing I can say: everyone wants to be a part of a story, and you're all creating it together. Have fun with it, let other people's characters shine in ways your's don't. Let your characters be flawed and clumsy and wrong, sometimes. Let them make mistakes, and let them grow from them too! I hope these tips and tricks helped you, and if you have any questions, feel free to DM me again! :3
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kellachfromthewoods · 3 years
LFRP: Kellach Woods
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(turns out I never did one of these)
Character Name: Kellach Woods
The Basics ––– –
Age: Perpetually in a state of being mid 20s
Birthday: 12th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 12th)
Race: Midlander Hyur. Often confused for a Highlander hyur.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual, even if it doesn't look it.
Marital Status: Married to one Eamont Desormeaux
Alignment: Oscillates between Chaotic Good and True Neutral, depending on the needs of his found family.
Elemental Affinity: Umbral Earth
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Adventure, IC dungeons or just exploring ruins in the open world! There's plenty out there!
Fellow Blue Mages who aren't all about the theatrics of the Celestrium
Chocobo handlers
People who just have weird stuff happen to them (to commisserate)
Dressing up for no reason at all
What I’m Not Looking For ––– –
Shit heads
IC villains. It's more a realistic outcome issue where both parties would finish the other off early in the story since Kellach does not fuck around and likely neither does your villain.
Isekai'd characters from realms unrelated to FFXIV - I'm only putting this here because it's happened a few times and well, nobody was having fun. Even assuming I liked the premise (I don't), I probably do not know whatever realm your character came from even OOC, and probably won't be able to give you the interactions you want.
Other OOC Notes ––– –
So, hey there. I play Kell in the critically acclaimed massively multiplayer online role-playing game Final Fantasy XIV. While Kellach can sometimes be a lil sourpuss, he's very excitable when it comes to Actually Doing Things. Of course, if you just want to discuss blue magic, his, uh, unique sense of fashion, or just good ol' fightin' with weapons or not, he's also available.
Now I'm on Discord all the time practically, but personally I like to not mix things. I'll post IC stuff here but RP involving me and my characters' an inside the game thing. Planning or throwing ideas around? We can do that anywhere though!
You can keep readin' by clickin' on the thing.
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Black with differently colored highlights, though lately they have been settling on blue. Typically wears his hair in the Gyr Abanian Plait style, or the side ponytail.
Eyes: Golden.
Height: 5 fulms 7.1 ilms
Build: Demonstrably muscular. Often claimed to be too thicc for a Midlander.
Distinguishing Marks: While often hidden behind a mask, a facial scar that goes from the right forehead diagonally down to the left cheek, passing by the nose.
Common Accessories: Masks, and typically partial ones that still show his face. From an ancient Allagan design to a Blue Mage's domino mask, Kellach has several of these for many occasions and outfits. Outside of those, he often carries what he has taken to call the adventurer's emergency kit, a belt pouch containing potions and several ailment erasing items just in case problems arise. He's also prone to wearing single-earrings and makeup to deepen the looks of the masks' insides and, well, make his lips look more luscious, even if he's married.
Usual Attire: It really depends - Typically, his attire will lack pants, preferring subligars and shorts to things that cover the legs. If he wears pants, they'll be particularly low-cut, as the example above. His attire typically reflects whichever weapon he's carrying - Blue when acting as a blue mage, ancient Allagan inspired gear for when he's carrying an Allagan blade, a combination shirt and subligar for when he's cruisin' for a bruisin', etc. He does have actual armor for operations, as well as other kits that can be used for other purposes, but they are often specialized and do not come out often.
Personal ––– –
Profession: ~ Ruins Explorer/Adventurer/Grave Robber: All different definitions of the same thing. Kellach stakes his savvy and combat prowess against the world's history in a search for knowledge, magical relics and just plum ol' adventure. ~ Coliseum Fighter: Under the moniker of Sabotender Ciclope, in part due to complications about him being Ul'dah and in part due to personal complications. Effectively a gatekeeper for the bloodsands with a very unorthodox style of weaponless fighting. It is, in part, a cover to listen in on possible leads for whatever his friends are investigating. ~ Bodyguard/Trade Caravan Escort: Using his martial prowess to help out Eorzea's lucrative trade routes, one bandit at a time. Has happened less and less lately due to being busy with other adventures. ~ Deputy Postmoogle: He used to be one, and perhaps one day, he will be again. All they have to do is ask, and he'll do it. If only because Kellach does owe them a lot. Despite one of their own accidentally revealing to his Free Company that he intended on sacrificing himself in a convoluted self-sacrificial plan that would have resulted in him somehow surviving. It's best to not ask.
Hobbies: Training in use of various weaponry, personal fashion, reading about ancient cultures, highly conceptual thinking (read: saying whatever stupid thought comes to mind)
Languages: Eorzean Common and a passing familiarity with Ancient Allagan
Residence: An apartment in the Ivory Tower, whereever it may be found.
Birthplace: A farm on an island south-south-west of Vylbrand formerly known as Toegisil (lit. Secret Island in Roegadyn), which had a small port for resupplying ships.
Religion: Not much of a believer, but Element worship - Fire/Air/Ice/Water/Air/Lightning
Patron Deity: If you ask him, he has none, but actually it's Althyk, as it was a chance encounter with Marauders that set him on the path he's on. Marauders are well known axemen, and Althyk's main symbol is a mythril axe.
Fears: Losing Eamont, losing his friends and found family, disappointing the above, mind control, Voidsent (a fear that manifests typically in overwhelming violence)
Nicknames: Kell. Woods, though that has fallen out of favor.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Eamont Desormaux. They wuv each other vewy vewy much.
Children: No adoptions yet.
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: His brother, Einrich, sole survivor of the mass suicide/self-genocide of Toegisil.
Other Relatives: All deceased
Pets: Pinchyshell - Smallshell Crab, deceased (eaten by a sea creature) Phantom - White Chocobo, released to frolick among the wild chocobos of Dravania Ser Régent de Grisville - White (fat) Chocobo, Kell is tasked to slimming him down. Three years later and a strict gyshal greens diet have done nothing to thin down the rotund bird Ringo - Red Panda, adopted by Eamont and welcomed in their little abode. It likes Eamont more than Kell. Several other animals that somehow glom up to Kell in bizarre circumstances.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Personality: Kellach is essentially what people would consider as weird. Whether it's his alleged aversion to pants, the ideas he comes up with (the healing gun, the cannon-on-a-stick, the emergency beaver, etc.) typically require a keen understanding of the way his mind works as they often jump out of nowhere. He's gotten used to getting that reaction, but so long as it's just an observation and not an evaluation of him as a person, he's fine with it. Other than that, he's excitable and in a funk, easily distracted with physical things to do. While he's difficult to approach due to a combination of attire and reputation, he's a fiercely loyal friend for those who manage to do so.
Recreational Substances: Kellach is particularly boring on that point, in that he will drink and even then very much in moderation. He got rip roaringly drunk at one point and suffice it to say problems occurred.
Favorite Foods: Fish on rice, meat (any) roasted over a campfire, natural berries, grilled fish, savory salads
Likes: Discoveries, problem-solving, recreational fighting, good company, blue magic
Dislikes: Nobility of blood or coin, inaction,
Virtues: Loyal, honest, sense of justice
Vices: No regards to the sanctity of life, martyr complex, dishonorable
RP Hooks ––– –
Ruins Explorer: You've got an ancient ruin that needs breaking into for archaeological or more mundane pecuniary purposes? There's a Kellach interested, salivating at the idea!
No Celestrium, No Problem: Kellach is a bonafide Blue Mage, albeit one who came to the art in an odd way. With such bizarre magics being unfamiliar in Eorzea and the world, perhaps you want to consult someone who isn't too busy preening for the Celestrium (instead preening for the sake of preening!)
The Deputy Postmoogle's Last Delivery: Kellach owes the moogles several favors, and we all know how lazy they are. He might need to put on the uniform while you make use of your FemRoe Prime membership.
Who Is This Masked Fellow?: During a particularly unpleasant time in his life, Kellach went in search of himself, and uh, accidentally created several identities that might be wanted for various activities. Maybe your character wants to figure out who they are and what happened?
Other stuff!: Kellach has a tendency to fit in anywhere due to his strange sense of morality, his ability to introduce a little bit of levity and comedy in scenes that you believe might need it while being completely serious if needed. I'm pretty adaptable.
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wolfmaw · 3 years
music tag
?you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
Got tagged by @peanutdream, lol. I got, like, 500 songs on my playlist, so this is gonna be very All-Over-The-Place. Or mostly Touhou. We'll see.
Shijima no Tsuki by MORRIGAN
Backside of the TV by Shoji Meguro
Okocha ma Sensou by Reol and kradness
Yume by Shinobu
Strange Oriental Discourse by ZUN
Pure Furies ~ Whereabouts of the Heart by ZUN
Dark Side of Fate by Kanpyo's MIDI
The Glamorous Waltz ~ Little Devil Dance by StarX (?)
The Stardust Man Appears by Yugo Kanno
Mushroom Garden from Dungeon Fighter Online (dunno who Neople's composer was for this one)
I tag @blu-hatsune-rp, @viciapannonica, @wrexingdrew, @yourbestdream and that's it. No pressure to actually do this though, lol. Feel free to skip over this.
Here's some personal picks too, for the hell of it.
sustain++; by Mili, Anagura Gurashi by Kikuo, and Tit for Tat by MYTH & ROID
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xanthicantag · 5 years
omg do all the dnd asks im so curious !!!
Long boi this one is
1. A favorite character you have played.
This is a hard one, I was a real big fan of my storm barbarian Tiffany, or Unfaceable the ranger I played awhile ago.  They were more or less the same character
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
Oh absolutely Ragnarok the Winged One, he was my friend Juan’s first character I think (if not first one of the first).  He was a white dragon born sorcerer, who didn’t actually have wings for 96% of the campaign.  He also hated capitalists so goals really. 
3. Your favorite side quest.
One time I tried to set up a One night ultimate werewolf side quest, and it kinda worked, it’s just we stopped playing for like 2 months and they didn’t finish it.
4. Your current campaign.
I’m currently in Dungeon of the Mad Mage as an Aasimar Warlock!
5. Favorite NPC. 
Pit Man.
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
So, technically they didn’t die, but one my players character went into the Negative Plane to marry a nightwalker who was going to be the final boss, but I felt really bad for all of them after making them do a like 4 stage thing.
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Rivals!!!!!  They are the coolest thing.
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
The Strahd fight when I ran CoS last year was p cool, they all died but it was really not close (They got him to like 15 hp but there’s still tons of bullshit to do after that) or the final fight I did as Unfaceable, we fought a beholder and I was paralyzed for like 6 rounds.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
Honestly, I enjoy seeing people get excited about playing the game.  Like when Juan (Tbh he’s just my all time favorite player sorry everyone else) got a crit while we were playing in the cafeteria and just fucking yelled about it.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
OH fccuk this is a hard choice.  I really think Nightwalkers are like the coolest right now since I love Negative plane shit.  I think dragons are kinda overrated as enemies tho, i don’t hate them really tho since dragons are dope as fuck.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
I Dm about twice a week and play once a week, Ideally I’d play or dm every day and have no other obligations but life is simply unfair
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
13. Introduce your current party.
We’ve got Krosnis, my Celestial Warlock, Temaridy, a Tiefling Fiend Warlock, Sigil, a Warforged Eldritch Knight, Ketla, a uh, the elvish giants, FIRBOLG, Moon Druid, and shit fuck uh, the Abjuration Wizard, who’s name is, uhh, Enzio?  Idk his name but the player canonically decided he looks like Fenris so that’s all that matters.  
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
Hmmm this is a tough choice there’s tons of them....  I’ll do the first party I solo DM-ed for I guess since they were p cool:  Hellspawn, a Tiefling Monk with the homebrew way of the 8 gates of hell subclass (He was so goddamn edgy, and played by @t-rexquefuturus even tho he doesn’t really use tumblr), Thargus Irvin, a Totem Barbarian (Played by @themonotonyofdays fun fact i guess?), Borges, an Alchemist who was just trying his best, Mikono, who was also trying his best but was much sadder about it (Played by @tsurikun so double fun fact in one post actually boom), uhhhhhh, Delgor?  Delgar?  Del-something, a Battlemaster Warlock multiclass, i’m not sure what delgar was triyng to do (other the complain about hellspawn yeah i went there they don’t have a tumblr so none of you better snitch on me i stg) and last (literally he joined in towards the end of the campaign) Magnus, a uh, Mystic, he was there
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Yeah usually, me like snackys
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
I do both!  I prefer in person since it’s harder for people to talk online since it all gets muddled
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Er, on the sly anything goes tbh if it seems cool enough
18. Does your party keep any pets?
In the current one we have so many familiars it’s crazy.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
Amy (The one who loves pit man) rolls all her dice at the start and takes the one that did the best
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
In highschool i played 2 times for like, 10 hours each time?  that was so fucking long holy shit, and the freshman year of college i started co-dming a group and then it took off from there
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
Tbh, not really?  Like, 80% of them are dumb as fuck so jot that down, but I don’t usually do stuff in game that I regret, except that one time i died but it was to be a hero so worth it
22. What color was your first dragon?
I think it was a baby black dragon?
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
I use both depending on how busy I am
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
Depends?  I usually do a lot of long term planning early on and then not too much per session
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
The one group got really attached to some meaty boiz, and then the one player killed all of them and like most of the party, great way to end the campaign
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
Oooo, hmmmmmmmmm, I really had a good plan for the end to this arc (the one with the nightwalker) but it kinda didn’t really happen how i planned which was a bit of a bummer, but it worked out in sort of a better way
27. Do you allow homebrew content? Yeah as long as it doesn’t seem like super busted
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?  I usually give npcs if they need like a healer or something, like Kargol
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
I don’t really have a preference for either?  My groups get a lil bloodthirsty if they go too long with a fight usually (Except you @themoragontrail just pacifist running a whole session and a half)
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
Oh definitely murder hobos
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Oh this is hard, I’m a big fan of Warlock customization and flexibility, I don’t really have favorite race (It’s tieflings I read homestuck feel free to at me)
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
I’m usually a tank/front line, It’s where I like to be, does it always end well?  Not even close, does my warlock have more hp than our fighter?  Hell fucking yes
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
So, it depends?  I usually do it last once I’ve made the rest of the character and use it as a reason why their the way they are now.  And I give like 65% of them heterochromia cause i thinks it’s sick as fuck
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
as someone who loves lances, need i say more?
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
It depends on what game i’m in, i usually don’t do too much rping in combat heavy stuff, but i like to, and also i love rping sub 8 int, or 14>= int but that’s just me irl and let me tell you, I’m a dumbass who will eat the exploding rock
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wreck--n-rule-blog · 5 years
Situs Poker Online Terpercaya Terpopuler 2019
Ia sempat ditahan sepanjang uni lilin batik karena jurusan kepolisian Mineapollis di Amerika Serikat (As). Pantauan detikcom, ganda griya yang digerebek tersebut berada di setengah paling sudut Jalan Dwi Warna 8, tepatnya dalam Gang C Nomor 42, Sawah Besar, Jakarta Pusat, Senin sore. Pemilik alat transportasi yang gemar berikat oleh pasukan bobot berbasis permohonan, misalnya GrabCar atau Uber, wajib percakapan tulisan bukti lembaran organ (STNK) mengatasnamakan perhimpunan norma. Sementara Pasal 139 poin 4 dalam sistem itu menyebut bahwa penyediaan jasa isi umum dilaksanakan untuk fisik upaya peruntungan dukuh, senat jalan kepunyaan cutak, dan/ataupun perhimpunan rasam asing sumbut per keputusan prinsip perundang-ajakan. Pemiliknya tergabung dalam sebuah koperasi maupun jawatan kuasa tenggang Indonesia nan bermitra demi industri pelaksanaan tersebut. Sementara dalam Indonesia agen judi poker online jasa Telkom hingga 5 Februari 2016 membuktikan pengukuhan plus berlaku pada Rp 3.500 per carik. Lebih lanjut Dian menjelaskan, khilaf iso- yang kudu dilihat dalam kaitan antara operator sama OTT ialah kejadian kekuasaan tertinggi baik itu di pihak pengelolan jaringan hingga soal disiplin regulasi di sebuah kampung. Huateng berhubungan segenap rekannya lantas mendirikan Tencent pada warsa 1998. Perusahaan itu terus puntung pada 3 tahun mula-mula maka menyandarkan pendanaan mulai investor. Lima tarikh berpikir bagi bangsa beda, Huateng yang berumur 27 tarikh beriringan 4 rekannya teman kuliah lantas mendirikan Tencent pada tarikh 1998. Perusahaan itu terus merugi pada 3 tarikh mula-mula lalu memercayakan investasi mulai pemilik modal.
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Pada warsa 2001, mereka berhasil mendeteksi penanaman modal USD 32 juta lagi melantai dekat pasar uang bantuan Hong Kong pada tahun 2004. Kemudian mereka merambah dunia game melalui titel-tajuk tenar kaya CrossFire, Dungeon Fighter Online sampai League of Legends. Pada 22 Mei 2014 JD mewujudkan maskapai e-commerce pertama nan melantai dekat pasaran New York NASDAQ stock exchange oleh ticker sumbangan JD. Dalam tahun nan selaras, dia pernah mengguyur karyawannya serupa bantuan senilai lebih ketimbang USD 220 juta, dalam lembaga merayakan hari lahir mereka ke-18. Kedua perusahaan bersaing untuk mendominasi pasar pemenuhan ponsel melalui layanan penaka Ten Pay pula Alipay. Saat itu Walmart berhasil menanggulangi 5% kontribusi JD maka mereka cawis melantaskan sinergi sepanjang mengelaborasi pekan bisnis online ini. 500 miliar lagi sekarang menjadi maskapai publik paling mahal dekat Asia. Tencent banyak sekali lagi mencangkokkan modal dekat kongsi asing. Tencent yang berdiri pada 1998 masa ini menyerahkan layanan jalan sosial, gerbang web, penjualan online lagi tontonan online atas juntrungan meluangkan waktu layanan ulah hidup onlie pada suatu ajang.
Tencent terus bergairah berinvestasi serta mengelaborasi komoditas sendiri. Diakuinya, pertanda nan timbul sekarang kehadiran OTT menggerus daya pencarian operator telekomunikasi tentu semakin energik. Kapolres Jakarta Pivot Kombes Remang Hutajulu menandaskan penggerebekan ini dilakukan bagi rombongan campuran Mabes Polri pula Polda Metro Jaya atas siaran awak. Adapun macam gambling nan dilakukan karakter yaitu domino, dadu, serta QQ. Lagi pula Facebook lalu cawang perusahaannya, WhatsApp, dilarang berpraktik pada kian. Tak namun itu, PN Jakpus terus mengemukakan Tencent telah menabelkan 'QQ' dekat semua dunia. Soalnya, julat konsumennya tidak doang kawasan Jabodetabek. Tinggal pada alam yang nantinya jadi kunci teknologi China itu tentu memberinya keuntungan pula banyak ide. Tencent melamarkan layanan e-mail beserta laman internet pada awalnya. Mereka menciptakan layanan AOL Instant Messenger-like yang disebut QQ, nan mengawinkan pengguna komputer saku desktop menggunakan telepon seluler. WeChat buatan Tencent saat ini merupakan layanan messaging terbesar di China, bukan main terkenal pada senun serupa kendaran penunaian. Konon, Ma pula Wang kenalan melalui chatting di petuah instan buatan Ma, QQ.
Memaklumi juga: Pakau oleh IG maka FB Tumbang? Seperti diketahui, dalam rel baru yang dikeluarkan Kementerian Perhubungan mengenai penajaan taksi online maupun pemindahan berbasis rekayasa, ada salah unik penyebab yang menyebutkan bahwa alat angkutan yang dipakai tidak bisa atas sapaan pribadi. Lebih detailnya, dimuat dalam Pasal 18 kalimat 3 abjad c. Adapun taksi online wajib didaftar pula atas status dalam STNK pantas berbadan yura ataupun sesuai Undang-undang No 22 Tahun 2009, Pasal 139 bagian 4. Jadi nan kepingin berkomplot via pemindahan berbasis rekayasa, kudu alterasi STNK ke berbadan ketentuan. Tencent kerap dibayangi e-commerce rahu Alibaba saat mencari akal menurut memperluas pasarnya di China serta luar kandang. Kedua khanah dipisahkan akibat jalan kecil selebar sekitar 50 sentimeter. Kendaraan nan digunakan akibat GrabCar maupun Uber selagi ini menggambarkan penghubung pribadi. Jakarta - Menteri Perhubungan Ignasius Jonan seumpama menurunkan penerimaan semasa heksa candra terkait fardu rak sopir taksi online maupun pengiriman berbasis permintaan. Ia agak mengutarakan bengkel tersebut terus menerimakan garansi pelayanan jika terjalin ihwal setelah restorasi otomobil selama menerangkan era 2 Minggu.
Namun lir yang disampaikan Jonan, Kemenhub menerimakan sebanyak keterbukaan hingga batas waktu enam candra dari preskripsi baru itu diterbitkan. Beberapa grup ada yang dibentuk menurut spesifik perlu mengasihkan pujian pada kumpulan kategoris serupa rak ibu baru, pengusaha, mahasiswa, hingga jomlo. Terkait tentang tersebut di China saat ini muncul gaya ras pujian nan dikenal atas julukan kua kua. Namanya siapa tahu kalah beken dibanding Jack Ma, tapi tidak seraya total hartanya. Meski pujian tersebut tidak berarti sudi sebab bayaran, keterangan bahwa grup penaka kua kua lazim dikomentari psikolog Tim Sharp pada Happiness Institute pintu berkat keperluan insan mendapatkan bersosialisasi. Di pihak lain, Huateng tidak suka disorot. Cuma diperkirakan senyampang tidak dalam Hong Kong, ya rupa-rupanya pada Shenzen. Ayahnya direktur bandar pada Shenzen. Dia kuliah pada Shenzen University lalu lulus pada warsa 1993 mengenai rute Ilmu Komputer. Tencent mulai membentuk kekayaan melalui advertensi selanjutnya pengeluaran bulanan mendapatkan pengguna situs poker online chat QQ premium. Namun, kopi penggunaan WeChat agak membanyak lebih lanjut sebab Facebook hingga menjumpai hampir 1 miliar pengguna aktif sendiri-sendiri bulanannya.
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Letak Bandarqq Online
Di warsa yang setara, bandarqq doi pernah mengguyur karyawannya atas sokongan senilai lebih oleh karena USD 220 juta ataupun dalam pertukaran Rp 2,9 triliun, dalam rancangan merayakan dies natalis mereka yang ke-18. Di warsa nan klop, dia pernah mengguyur karyawannya demi saham senilai lebih tentang USD 220 juta, dalam rancangan meramaikan hari lahir mereka ke-18. Bayangkan doang, mereka rela mengguyur karyawannya karena tangan senilai lebih bermula USD 220 juta alias dalam orbit Rp 2,9 triliun, dalam rangka memuliakan hari jadi mereka yang ke-18. Buah nan paling utama yaitu instant messanger QQ sambil 700 juta pengguna aktif sehingga menjadi publik online terbesar pada China. WeChat adakalanya dibandingkan lewat Facebook sebab popularitasnya yang besar tinggi dalam China. Pada tahun 2001, mereka berhasil mendeteksi gelagat pemodalan USD 32 juta pula melantai di pasar tangan Hong Kong pada warsa 2004. Kemudian mereka merambah dunia game plus tajuk-judul marak seakan-akan CrossFire, Dungeon Fighter Online sampai League of Legends. Kemudian mereka merambah dunia game sambil kop-judul eminen lir CrossFire, Dungeon Fighter Online sampai League of Legends. Layanan messaging WeChat sampai game Honour of Kings terlampau merakyat dekat Tempat kelahiran Kerai Buluh. WeChat prominen oleh menguatkan pengguna mendapatkan banyak peran mulai berawal mengirim tulisan, menelepon, dolan game, mengirim dana, membeli-beli, membayar dalam restoran, naik taksi, beserta malahan terjun dalam kencan online.
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Namun, versi penerapan WeChat saja beranak bercucu lebih lanjut melewati Facebook hingga mengindra hampir 1 miliar pengguna aktif sendiri-sendiri bulanannya. Pengguna aktif WeChat per bulan mencapai sekitar 1 miliar. Seperti WeChat and Mobile QQ tribune. Seperti diketahui wahid tahun terakhir ini Indonesia khususnya Telkom menggelar selaku murni penyusunan broadband melalui Indihome Fiber lagi 4G mobile. Hal tersebut diketahui sejak bengkel master nan serta melayani restorasi Mini klasik, QQ Mini Morris nan bermarkas pada Jl. Pelaku berpanggilan Iwan Adranacus (40) diketahui membentuk bos maskapai pencelup kenamaan dekat Indonesia. Soal spare part padepokan yang sudah beken dalam peguyuban pencinta Morris ini tidak perlu pusing. Polo Siregar demi sambungan lidah yang dipercaya pemilik bengkel bagi berunding untuk detikOto, menjelaskan besaran dana restorasi Mini Morris atau klasik edisi 1959-2000 tergantung berawal hal selumbar. Bisa dikatakan pabrik QQ Mini Morris sudah memegang label besar dekat lingkaran pencinta oto Mini klasik. Disebutkan bahwa penghubung nan digunakan mendapatkan isi carter patut dilengkapi manuskrip pelayaran yang benar, bercorak STNK atas sebutan perusahaan, surat uji coba, selanjutnya surat pengendalian.
Adapun taksi online wajib didaftar bersama atas jenama dalam STNK kudu berbadan lembaga maupun cocok Undang-undang No 22 Tahun 2009, Pasal 139 artikel 4. Jadi nan sanggup berintegrasi dengan pemindahan berbasis operasi, wajib pembaruan STNK ke berbadan kekuasaan. Sementara Pasal 139 artikel 4 dalam prinsip itu menyebut bahwa pengadaan pertolongan kandungan umum dilaksanakan bagi instansi jalan properti kampung, badan usaha nasib baik unit, beserta/atau persekutuan kada berlainan cocok sambil ketetapan peraturan perundang-uleman. PN Jakpus memutuskan cap Tergugat tidak dapat diberikan bungker yura dalam Indonesia. Setelah 3 bulan chatting, barulah mereka bertemu lagi memutuskan menikah. Huateng sendiri menyala dekat wilayah Shenzen dan penghasilan pertamanya USD 176 per candra. Doski jebolan Shenzen University bersama lulus pada tahun 1993 pada arah Disiplin Komputer kabin. Ayahnya direktur pangkalan dekat Shenzen. Ayahnya merupakan seorang direktur di sebuah pelabuhan besar di China. Seluruh bilangan tersebut dipenuhi sebab seorang Ma Huateng saat usianya tinggal maha- muda. Solo - Seorang pengendara otomobil sengaja menubruk pemotor hingga tewas dekat Solo. Seperti diberitakan, Iwan diduga sengaja menyinggung pemotor bersebutan Eko Prasetio dekat Jalan KS Tubun, Rabu siang.
Wartawan sempat meminta kofirmasi ke petugas keamanan tercantol berita bahwa Iwan menjabat bagaikan presiden bos. Jakarta - Tiongkok saat ini payah maju dalam peri teknologi penerangan. Petugas Informasi Publik pada Kepolisian Minneapolis, John Elder, kepada AFP. Kepolisian Minneapolis, praja terbesar dalam Minnesota, mengeja penilikan berkenaan Liu tengah bekerja. Saat itu tinggal awal booming teknologi dalam China dekat mana semata-mata ada 1 komputer jinjing demi 100 insan penduduk. Soalnya tinggal mudah dicari melalui barang copotan, selanjutnya impor langsung melewati Inggris. Bisa dikatakan perlu had lagi bea yang tidak sedikit menjelang mendapatkan jiwa sejak mobil besutan asal Inggris ini. Saya terancam gagal melunasi lapak penghubung gara-gara modal Rp 750.000 itulah nan seyogyanya dipergunakan akan membayarnya.Serupa itu penjelasan saya. Ma Huateng yang lahir di China, 46 warsa yang lalu tersebut membangun pihak berkuasa bisnisnya lewat semua zat nan bertalian sama internet serta teknologi. Ma membuat penegak dan CEO pada Tencent Holdings, kongsi internet yang sahamnya jadi favorit investor di pasar pangkal Tiongkok. Pendiri danawa e-commerce Alibaba itu telah disalip Ma Huateng, bandarqiu penaja lagi CEO manusia besar internet Tencent. Tentu CEO dan peletak Tencent Pony Ma berharap penghargaan bagi pegawainya itu bakal meningkatkan penampilan mereka dalam periode nanti.
Sehari-keadaan, Ma dipanggil Pony lantaran dalam sopan santun Mandarin, Ma artinya aswa. Selain dalam susunan saham, Tencent lumayan membagikan uang rokok harta tunai senilai Rp 58 miliar bagi panggar karyawannya, nan diberikan dalam beselan. Jakarta - Jack Ma tidak lagi turunan Adam terkaya di China. Jarang sekali ia kasik diwawancarai perantara maka tidak seakan-akan Jack Ma, rivalnya pembuat Alibaba, nyaris tidak pernah mengisahkan sejarah hidupnya. Seperti apa pun cerita hidupnya yang tentu penuh pergumulan sampai berada dekat pose itu? Padahal, menurut segala sesuatu yang saya tau, transmisi duit ke bon tersebut namun iso- kali, ialah saat memakai ATM Bank Mandiri (kredit jilid 2).Saya berharap ihwal ini dapat menjadi minat bagian-pihak tersangkut. Jakarta - Menteri Perhubungan Ignasius Jonan coba menerimakan toleransi selama enam bulan terkait darma para kusir taksi online maupun pengangkutan berbasis rekayasa. Kala itu selain dalam format sumbangan, Tencent agak membagikan angpau arta tunai senilai Rp 58 miliar bagi rak karyawannya, yang diberikan dalam uang pelicin. Ternyata BNI mengambil fulus tersebut sebagi motif koreksi bisnis.
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jones-friend · 6 years
1. A favorite character you have played.
Boyd Pengelly. He was a barbarian/rogue multiclass who used his Rage feature whenever he got angry enough. The unpredictability mixed with low expectations on his longevity was a great time.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
This is a hard question to answer, and I don’t like playing favorites so here’s a top three:
@darien-king-of-synergy ‘s Trick, Gentleman Adventurer. Classy theif with the cane and suit to back it up.
@krakenattack ‘s Lieklo, the nerdiest dragon
@graspingeden ‘s Avery Holimon, the sweetest silver dragon to soar the friendly skies
3. Your favorite side quest.
Anytime Lord Baron Rikshaw, Kobold Nobleman kidnaps my players with the assistance of Mr McKemby and Pent, a winged kobold and kenku cleric of Pelor. Grand Budapest styled shenanigans ensue.
4. Your current campaign.
I’ve created a loose one shot system with a hub world called the University of Corcyra Isle. The idea is a sphinx teacher organizes a school of magic to learn through space and time with the assistance of all kinds of strange teachers. I can’t wait for them to meet my mindflayer humanist.
5. Favorite NPC.
That’s a tough question that changes day to day so I’m gonna talk about one of my favorites I haven’t before: Isarthi
Isarthi is a mindflayer humanist living in a colony deep in the underdark. She sees humanoid creatures like we would see a bunny or dog: adorable but also pretty dumb. She wants to uninslave the humanoids in the colony but its a radical idea that isn’t taking hold anytime soon. For now she ushers them about in secret, offering biology lessons where sometimes her papers mix with her Dungeons and Dryads character sheets (a game she is fully willing to play with your characters).
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
That’s hard because as I’ve continued, I don’t like death in my D&D. I used to let it happen pretty consistently but its a story telling element I don’t like using unless its really the best way to tell the story.
That being said, I do have one character planned. Tieflings have a Ritual of the Returned, you can petition to have a Tiefling returned from the hells under a specific contract. One tiefling thought he was clever and his contract states that he will only be returned if he plays a song so beautiful that it makes a dragon cry.
Avery is a silver dragon who will find him freezing on the mointaintops. Eventually he falls in love with her, and she persuades him to give up his grasp on this unlife, and elevates his soul to heaven. In his acceptance of this he plays a song to Avery, thanking her and coming to terms with his death, and that song brings Avery to tears completing his contract.
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Making magic items yo
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
I made a swamp on wooden catwalks and put a black dragon in the water beneath them, 10/10 would recommend.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
The interactive part. My players have such a sway over the story, I really just direct them and they lovingly contribute so much to the world they’re in.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
I love myconids, their ressurrection spore makes any D&D creature into a clicker from last of us
My least favorite enemy is the zombie beholder from 5e. I’ve seen them outright kill two players in one shot (I was one of the two) and the level of power they have is extreme for the challenge rating they hold.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
In person? Rarely. Its mostly over text and even then its not as much as I’d like to with job searching.
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
So in one session we split the party to break into a house. Me and my friend Tanner were roof team: our job was to wait on the roof for the party could come up so I could polymorph into a dragon and fly us away (something I didn’t realize you couldn’t do).
Instead of staying on the roof, roof team went to the first floor, drank poisoned alcohol, and vomited everywhere escaping as a drunken dragon.
13. Introduce your current party.
I have a lot of students but I can introduce my antihero party! Its my Suicide Squad of morally gray characters
Boyd Pengelly: angry criminal from the city. Acting on impulse got him here and it sure isn’t bringing him anywhere else so why not.
Henrietta Lynch: in Barlowe Landing, her werewolf sister fatally wounded a boy she was seeing. A witch in the woods gave her a bad spell and now she has a zombie ex boyfriend she’s lugging around. At first she thought he was alive incorrectly. As he rots away shes slowly coming to terms with what she did.
Brass: Ex soldier of Vollenth’s military, Brass defected during a war march and works as a hitman or hired muscle. His aim with a crossbow is remarkable and he’s sure to let you know that. He defected from Vollenth’s army to be a free man only to realize there was nothing of him left.
Tiamir: A dragonborn who grew up a servant of red dragons, she stole the rite of being Tiamat’s Paladin from the family’s hatchling, and enforced Tiamat’s ideaology of might makes right wherever she goes.
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
One time I played in a session where we had:
Bird police (me)
Russian dwarf cleric
Barbarian vampire person who hisses a lot
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Oh for sure. Clean snacks that don’t make crumbs are best. Frozen pizzas work great, you can make a bunch and cut them up into squares.
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
I’ve really been enjoying the amount of control playing over text gives me, though that has its limits when it comes to complex combat
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Don’t be rude
No rape. Find a different way to tell your story.
18. Does your party keep any pets?
Once they had a gryphon hatchling
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
There’s a set of pink dice @darien-king-of-synergy owns that have killed two PC’s and a whole campaign but give him nothing but high rolls
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
I’ve been playing for 6 years now, my friends in college got me into it. I made a gnome atheist who disowned the gods when his gelatinous ooze cube was slaughtered.
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
Once Boyd alerted the entire area with a nat 1 on stealth I RP’d by getting spooked and punching a man in the face. I probably should’ve let the DM decide what happened there
22. What color was your first dragon?
Crudak! My copper baby. A desert shopkeep who’s quite excitable and quite a fast talker.
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
Nope! I make all my own.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
Usually 3-4 hours for one shots. Over text I make an outline and follow through as necessary.
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
One of my players romanced a dragon NPC and that changed everything
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
The hatching of a baby gold dragon in the middle of a city, which the players had to smuggle through said city
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
Yes as long as its to have fun not to break the game
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
In online or in person? Almost never. In one on one I pair you with an NPC that rounds you out.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
RP heavy for sure!
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
They better not be murder hobos
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Warlock has the coolest options
Human, funny enough. I find human PC’s bring out their character more than other races do.
Under that is dragonborn for fire breathing.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
Magic support or heavy beater. Once I had paladin’s divine smite, barbarian’s reckless attack, and fighter’s improved critical all on the same attack
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
I make the character and whatever backstory is necessary to understand the character! I used to write long backstories but now I’m more involved with the role playing aspect.
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
All roleplaying all the time
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sabria12 · 4 years
Terjadi Penurunan Sekitar 25% Dibanding Tahun 2018, Fortnite Tetap Rajai Pasar Game F2P 2019
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Walaupun di Indonesia kurang populer, Fortnite terbukti menjadi game paling berjaya di dunia pada 2019 kemarin. Dilansir dari situs SuperData, game Battle Royale ini telah meraup untung di tahun lalu dengan total nilai sebesar $1,8 miliar dan mengalahkan game populer lainnya seperti Dungeon Fighter Online, Honour of Kings, dan League of Legends.
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Walaupun berhasil mendulung uang sebanyak itu, pendapatan Fortnite justru terhitung turun 25% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2018. Pada waktu itu, game ini justru berhasil memperoleh keuntungan sebesar $2,5 miliar.
Kesuksesan Fortnite didukung oleh sistem Battle Pass yang mereka tawarkan. Meskipun rata-rata pemain game milik Epic Games ini menghabiskan sekitar $10 hingga $30 (Rp 140.000 – Rp418.000) saja, justru dengan jumlah pemain yang membludak membuat Fortnite kembali dinobatkan sebagai game paling menguntungkan di dunia.
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Kira-kira akan sampai kapan Fortnite merajai pasar gaming dunia ya? Apakah kamu salah satunya yang menyumbang pencapaian game kesayanganmu ini?
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aetherschreiber · 5 years
Adventures of a GM Noob: Lost Tales of Ixalis - Session Zero
So, I have GMed games before. But honestly, I wasn't any good at it and none of what I did before is worth mentioning. For all intents and purposes, I am a GMing noob. But getting further into table-top RP gaming of late has really sparked my interest in it. It can be a very interesting method of story telling and a great way to exercise creativity in many ways from writing to improv to crafting.
I recently decided to jump in and try my hand at GMing, now that I have a better handle on how it's done. I've been watching how others do it and I've learned a lot about the showmanship of it and ways to bring your players into the moment. And I wanted to see how good I am at using what I've learned.
To that end, I started a game with a group of friends in a home-brew world called Ixalis.
It's not the first time I've engaged in world-building. I had previously made a fictional world - Lathuria - for a short story series I had dreamed up in high school, called Spellweavers. But I never really got around to doing much with it. During college, I recycled those notes into an impromptu game session for one of my failed GMing attempts, using the 2nd edition BESM system, a group called the Fellowship of the Ever-Falling Troll. The problem was that in changing it over to a gaming setting, I was far too ambitious. I defined the world a little too much, with too many pre-determined events and NPCs who were in charge of the world. It was too much for even me to keep track of, let alone my players. It became a frustrating endeavor and eventually the game just petered out due to a lack of interest. I got super gun-shy about GMing after that.
So, when I set out to create Ixalis, I decided to keep it a little more bare-bones. I was also using 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, which sort of has its own mythos surrounding it, so I needed to make sure the world fit the system. To that end, I fiddled around with an online map generator, [here](https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/), until I found an interesting landmass and then tweaked it for my purposes. I gave a vague description of the realms therein and a few named landmarks based on what the map generator had spit out. A tweaked listing of player character races and a listing of the world's gods and their relations to one another rounded out the important bits. I had to establish a few events in the timeline, just to have some sort of story to start with. But those events were hundreds of years apart, leaving plenty of space for the players to define their own societies and pasts.
Which brings me to the biggest, overlying philosophy I am taking in my approach to GMing this time around; it's not just my world. I want this world to belong as much to my players as it does to me. So far that seems to have paid off, as my players have already added some unique touches I never would have thought of to the world.
The campaign started this past Saturday with an episode zero, of sorts. They all came with the basics of a character, some with a backstory already detailed and others who fleshed them out in discussions with the group. We ended up with an interesting group of characters. Some of them don't know it yet, but their backstories run into each other based on some of the things we discussed.
First, we have Corwin, a human, shield-based fighter. From the young country of Auricia, he is a retired war hero from its war of independence from the Thesalian Empire. He has been brought back into service, of his own volition, to seek out missing members of the legion he once commanded.
Kiran is a human monk of the order of the goddess Tilthani. However, he has been recently receiving visions and direction from the goddess Freydis, of the Fellheim pantheon. He has spent most of his life traveling alone in the wilderness and is therefore rather socially awkward and naive.
Aekthul is a human warlock with a mysterious patron that he's not entirely comfortable with. He recently stumbled into a chamber in the ancient monument of Stone Reach and acquired a pendant that he cannot seem to get rid of, despite throwing away every day. Recently, his powers have manifested themselves in the form of a sword; one he had originally seen in Stone Reach, but left behind.
Following Aekthul covertly is a firbolg cleric of the graves domain known only The Caretaker. She was until recently one of two members of an ancient order of the goddess Talessi tasked with watching over the ancient Stone Reach. Since Aekthul encountered his patron there, she has been following and monitoring him, worried for the implications his powers mean for the monument in her charge.
Elsie Dracona is a young human rogue with sticky fingers and a penchant for finding trouble. She grew up as a milk-maid on the outskirts of the city of Drolyn. When she fell upon particularly hard times, she turned chicken-thief in order to survive. This angered the lord of the manor and she fled north, without really having a plan.
Finally, there is Tordek, a dwarf cleric of Halvdan Hammerfist. Oddly, he seems to be familiar with all the other members of the group, even though none of them know of him at all. Mysteriously, he has mentioned that the members of the group are meant to come together to do great things and has pushed a few members of the group toward doing so. Tordek is intended to be a recurring guest character who will pop up every now and then to be played by a player who can't be there all that often. We have cooked up a great reason for this, in canon, and I really look forward to collaborating with his player to add a story element that is not often seen in fantasy. More on that as the story develops.
The entire group is not yet together, though they are all heading toward the small town of Bent Bridge for their own reasons.
On the road, a very hungry Elsie encounters Corwin who promptly takes her under his wing. Together, they head to a roadside tavern for a mid-day bite to eat. There, they find Tordek who is in the process of getting into a bar-room brawl with some locals. While Elsie dodges the fight and orders up food and drink from the terrified bar-keep, Corwin jumps in to Tordek's aid. All the while, Tordek acts as though he knows Corwin, making references to past adventures they have had but about which Corwin has no memory. When all is finished and the locals are all unconscious the three of them talk over meals. Tordek insists that Elsie and Corwin are meant to travel together and are meant to meet up with three others, whose descriptions he gives and tells them they will find in Bent Bridge. He then takes his leave and mysteriously vanishes into the woods. Corwin dismisses the whole thing as the delusions of a mad dwarf and he and Elsie continue on to Bent Bridge.
Meanwhile, Aekthul encounters Kiran. Neither one is really sure what to make of the other, but that doesn't matter when a pair of grey ooze attack them on the road. The Caretaker breaks her covert observation of Aekthul and comes to their aid. Afterward, the three of them continue on their communally awkward way to Bent Bridge. There, they come to the Field and Feather Inn, a inn and tavern owned by the halfling couple Marbald and Yandell Gammidge. There, they have a meal and then Kiran and Aekthul get a room together to cut costs and the Caretaker finds a place to camp on the outskirts of the nearby woods.
Tomorrow is the celebration of New Year's day of the year anno draconis metallum 1000, commemorating the 1000th anniversary of the defeat of Tiamat by Bahamut.
All in all, this was a fairly successful session, despite pulling out a couple of adventures on the fly based on what had come to the table. It was perhaps a little slow to get started, while we all worked out how things came together, but that's what a Session Zero is for. I also raised them to level 2, mostly because I hate the instability of characters at level 1, so the encounters were also just a little something to justify that.
There are some things I know I need to work on. Some of my descriptions of the fights, particularly the one with the oozes, got very repetitive. We also did only "theater of the mind" for the encounters rather than miniatures, but I intend to use minis in the future. I'm looking forward to using the collection of minis I have and Corwin's player, @FortiutousBob on Twitter, also has an extensive collection (he GM's the Saturday night game I play in opposite this one).
All in all, I'm pretty pumped about this going forward.
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rackydfo · 7 years
Forgot to post this,
Victory counts for the event should carry over however
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sabria12 · 4 years
Terjadi Penurunan Sekitar 25% Dibanding Tahun 2018, Fortnite Tetap Rajai Pasar Game F2P 2019
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Walaupun di Indonesia kurang populer, Fortnite terbukti menjadi game paling berjaya di dunia pada 2019 kemarin. Dilansir dari situs SuperData, game Battle Royale ini telah meraup untung di tahun lalu dengan total nilai sebesar $1,8 miliar dan mengalahkan game populer lainnya seperti Dungeon Fighter Online, Honour of Kings, dan League of Legends.
Walaupun berhasil mendulung uang sebanyak itu, pendapatan Fortnite justru terhitung turun 25% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2018. Pada waktu itu, game ini justru berhasil memperoleh keuntungan sebesar $2,5 miliar.
Kesuksesan Fortnite didukung oleh sistem Battle Pass yang mereka tawarkan. Meskipun rata-rata pemain game milik Epic Games ini menghabiskan sekitar $10 hingga $30 (Rp 140.000 – Rp418.000) saja, justru dengan jumlah pemain yang membludak membuat Fortnite kembali dinobatkan sebagai game paling menguntungkan di dunia.
Kira-kira akan sampai kapan Fortnite merajai pasar gaming dunia ya? Apakah kamu salah satunya yang menyumbang pencapaian game kesayanganmu ini?
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