#elder macnamara
artbyblastweave · 9 months
I had a really great beat in Fallout recently when playing through Veronica's side quest. I retrieved the pulse gun in order to demonstrate to Elder Macnamara that the Brotherhood can't safely rely on technological combat strength alone when silver bullets like this are just floating around out there unaccounted for. And then later, when the Brotherhood Paladins torch the Followers Outpost, I used that exact same pulse pistol to wipe the floor with them despite having an energy weapons skill of like, 28? Thus practically demonstrating the previous purely hypothetical argument. That feels like the tightest ending, the circle most strongly squared. Not in the least because of how few power-armored opponents there are to go up against in general, if you don't make a point of chopping up the Brotherhood mano a mano. Overall using the pulse gun made it feel like the ending of an episode of television (complementary) in a way many quests don't.
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deathlordcorpseking · 2 years
Yeehawgust 21: Desert Paintbrush
Veronica comes to terms with herself after leaving the Brotherhood by means of… picking up painting? 697 words (would’ve been longer, but I overestimated tumblr’s word count), warning for a mention of what happens to the Followers when you do her quest (only a mention).
Veronica abandoned the Brotherhood.
It still hurt when she thought about it. But it was a lost cause: she and the Courier had spent weeks searching for technology to make the Brotherhood realize staying isolated was hopeless. But even when she'd come back, eagerly explaining to Elder MacNamara what it could mean, he shook his head.
"The Brotherhood is dying out!"He'd sighed. "I know."
If it proved anything, it was that the Brotherhood was not going to change, so she'd have to. The Followers seemed to be a viable answer, but she'd been foolish to think so. If she'd known what it'd have caused, she wouldn't have bothered leaving at all.
Regardless of what she would've done, she'd lost her family and potential future in just a few weeks. The Brotherhood had already taken so much from her, but it apparently had no bounds. Now, everything felt useless: she'd figured she'd be part of the Brotherhood until death, but now that was gone.
Lily had been the first to notice her behavior, and had started to drop comments about how she should rest more, see friends, pick up a hobby. Veronica had agreed every time to get her to stop fretting.
"Dear?" Lily called, knocking on the open door to the guest room. Veronica blinked out of her trance, as she had been staring blankly at a single page in some book. "I brought you a snack."
"Oh, you…"
Before she could say anything else, Lily had walked in, placing a small plate of cookies and a tall glass of milk onto the desk in front of her. Veronica felt herself smile. "Now there's the smile I was looking for."
"Thank you, Lily."
Lily lit up. "No need for that, pumpkin. I just want to see you happy. It breaks my heart to see you sad all the time."
"I'm fine, Lily, don't worry."
"I'm your grandmother. It's my job to worry." Lily said firmly (she didn't seem to realize that Veronica was not, in fact, her grandchild). "So you'd better enjoy these cookies." Defensive, Veronica put up one hand, using the other to take a bite of the cookie. That seemed to convince Lily that the cookies had 'solved' her problem. "Maybe next time we can bake them together? Or find something to take your mind off things."
"I'd love that, Lily." Happy, Lily ruffled her hair before skipping off. When she was out of sight, Veronica coughed: Lily had mixed up the sugar and salt again. Despite the cookies being disgustingly salty, she was happy, and continued to munch on them, fidgeting with the book in her hands.
The comfort remained, though, and her words made her think.
"Little Ica!" Lily called from the doorway, letting out a gentle gasp as she entered the room. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting you?"
"Not at all. Come in."
Quiet as she could be, Lily ambled in, setting the glass of water she'd brought for her on the table. She glanced at what Veronica had been working on, and Veronica took a sip from the cup, watching eagerly as Lily took the painting in (Lily's praise had always been something to feel special about, but what with all of the feelings of uselessness and regret she'd been feeling recently, it had become even more welcome). Painting was new, but with encouragement and the need to put her thoughts into something else, it had come easily.
"Oh, now that's lovely."
On the canvas was the image of a pretty brown-haired woman with blue eyes. "Thanks. I worked… really hard on it."
"Who's this pretty young lady? Ooh, is this one of your friends I haven't met yet?"
"Well, you haven't met her," Veronica mused, smiling. "But, uh. I guess you could say she was a friend. Of sorts." She wasn't entirely sure how Lily would react to who she thought was the equivalent of her grandchildren saying she'd had a girlfriend.
"I think you should show her. It looks very nice."
"When I see her again, maybe."
"I'm serious," Lily said firmly, patting her on the head proudly. "You're a very talented young lady."
"Thank you, Lily. Really."
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sleepysailorjunko · 3 years
The Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel had been out of contact for quite some time. If records were accurate, years even. Attempts to restablish communications via radio had not been successful.
Still, the Mojave was a very long distance from the Commonwealth. It would have made more sense to organize a team from another closer chapter. Maxson had denied that. Tracey couldn't really imagine any benefit to his decision. Walking there alone would take many weeks, not to mention the preparation that would be needed. She couldn't even take her power armor as there was "too great a risk of it having to be destroyed".
The whole assignment reeked of punishment to her. This was how he was punishing her for not executing Danse. Either that, or he couldn't stand to look at her because of his guilt towards what he had done.
The only real up side to the trip was that the Mojave chapter wouldn't know about Danse's exile-he was free to accompany her. It was a minor thing, but it was very nice to be able to spend time with her husband without worrying about it. And there was plenty of time. After all, the Mojave was almost on the other side of the wastes.
There was months of walking and collecting rations and scouting out locations. Plenty of danger. No one had warned them about the Cazadores.
Things were very different in the west. Even the supermutants they came across seemed strange, skin an unnatural blue color. Tracey swore she saw one activate a stealthboy, but she couldn't find any proof of it. Certainly, something to be noted.
A voice on the radio even talked about some sort of...supermutant refuge? Mr. New Vegas, as he called himself, spoke of all sorts of things, both bizarre events and what seemed to be local news.
There were a lot of soldiers around, belonging to the ruling power in the area, the New California Republic. Tracey was not personally familiar with them, but she did have some knowlege of them. After she had combed through Kellogg's memories, she had done some research on them. They were enemies with the Brotherhood-if the Brotherhood had allies in other factions, Tracey had never heard of them.
The New California Republic seemed fairly decent to her. In a lot of ways, it was like the old world government. Maybe a little too much like it even. Apparently the Republic hadn't controlled the area long, having protected it from an opposing force from Arizona known as the Legion. The more she hears about them, the more she is glad they hadn't passed through Arizona.
The last recorded message from the Mojave chapter had been around five years ago. Tracey doesn't imagine they are still alive after all this time, but it isn't impossible. Maybe a few knights are still left. Perhaps the Brotherhood soldeirs stationed here became caught up in the fighting at Hoover Dam and were wiped out. The timeline certainly lines up if that were the case.
Reportedly, the soldiers had been stationed in a pre-war bunker in an area called "Hidden Valley". The door to the bunker opens easily, not even locked. Walking in, she tries the intercom. There's no answer.
No answer could mean that no one is around to answer. Then she tries the door, which pops open easily thanks to a practiced hand and a bobby pin.
Then there are power-armored hands grabbing at her, locking a collar around her neck. A voice demands that she drop all of her weapons. She acquieses. She's seen these types of collars before. They're explosive collars.
The man in the power armor-a paladin if she's reading the paint correctly (which is difficult to do when you're being restrained)- demands that she identirfy herself.
While all of this only takes a few seconds, Danse has his lazer rifle on them in an instant.
"Let her go. Now. I won't ask again." His voice is unflinching, a hint of a threatening growl.
Danse, in full and pristine X-01 power armor, despite their long and arduos treck across the desert, is an intimidating sight.
"Don't be foolish. That's a slave collar, and we'll have it detonated in seconds if you try anything."
"If that happens, there wouldn't be a force in the world strong enough to prevent your deaths. That woman is a Brotherhood Sentinel, and I'll kill you if anything happens to her. Check her holotags if you must."
"Anyone can wear holotags. That doesn't prove anything."
"We were sent by Elder Maxson of the-" The man who wasn't holding her slaps her across the face, cutting the skin with his power armor gauntlet.
"You were not asked to speak!" he shouts, but the Paladin interrupts. Danse aims his rifle at the man who had struck his wife, but knows that if he wants Tracey to live, he can't attack.
"Elder Maxson? You're from the Capital chapter?" The Paladin asked.
"We were stationed in the Commonweal-" Tracey's knees buckle and she spits blood onto the floor. The Paladin's grip on her arms are the only thing keeping her standing. "ugh"
People weren't meant to be hit with power armor. They're fleshy and soft. They've got a lot of bones that break if pressure is applied to them. Even a heavily armored foe can be badly injured if hit by an opponent using power armor.
"She needs medical attention. Now." Danse said, unable to keep concern from trickling into his voice.
"Yes." The paladin holding her agreed, lifting her into a fireman's carry. "You may accompany her into our base while she recieves treatment for her injuries. Keep in mind the slave collar. If you attack anyone here, we'll have it detonated. I'm sure you wouldn't want that."
Danse bit his tongue to keep from saying anything.
Her injuries aren't life threatening. Still fairly severe for a slap, but she'll pull through. Danse had waited by his brothers and sisters bedside before, but it was never as distressing as it was to wait at Tracey's.
He can't help but think about a young man he saw after the purifiyer was turned on a decade ago. He was waiting for his friend to wake up and unsure if they were ever going to. Of course, this was much less significant than that, but he can't help but feel that he can relate to that young man.
When she wakes up, she is clearly in pain. Her speech is a little slurred due to the bruising and swelling in her cheek, and they'll have to wait out the concussion that knight gave her. It would be foolish for them to endanger themselves by leaving with a concussion, even if he wants to leave this place as soon as possible.
"Hey," he says softly.
"I hate this place." she responds, voice raspy.
"Me too." He takes one of her hands. "I'm glad you made it."
"They put a slave collar on me." she says numbly. "Could have gone off. I'm sorry I brought you here."
After a while, the paladin who carried Tracey to the bunker's clinic returned.
"We ran the Sentinel's holotags and DNA in our system. We have confirmed that you are Sentinel Tracey Love, ma'am. I would like to apollogize for my actions and those of Knight Lewinski."
Tracey's face was bitter and pinched.
"Take me to your elder. I have some things I need to discuss regarding not only your conduct but the lack of communication." She didn't say she forgave him because she didn't. He was clearly remorseful, but it was remorse for having attacked a higher up rather than recognition that what he did was wrong.
"Yes, of course ma'am. Please allow me to escort you."
"Take the collar off first."Danse said, and the glare he directed towards the Paladin was hot enough to scald.
"Greetings, Elder." Tracey said, as though she hadn't been assaulted by one of his men and didn't have a bruise the size of Texas on her face. "I am Sentinel Love of the Commonwealth chapter of the Brotherhood. I am under the command of Elder Maxson, who sent me to investigate why this chapter hasn't been heard from in the last five years."
"Ah yes, Sentinel Ly-oh, excuse me. Sentinel Love. I was informed of your arrival."
"Yes, and we'll discuss that in a minute. Do you care to explain the chapter's radio silence?"
"The generator for our system failed-"
"And it's taken five years for you to repair it?"
"No, not exactly. Rather, we need specific pieces to repair it. Parts that are unavailable to us."
Tracey didn't believe him. There was something oily, something wrong about this man.
"I'll take a look at it once we've finished our discussion. Is that all on your lack of communication? Do you have a record of what has happened?"
"Yes, I'll have one of the scribes allow you access. Now, you wanted to discuss your arrival to our base of operations?" He smiled like this was some sort of minor incident, a late package instead of what it had been. "As I understand, you picked the door open?"
"Yes, as there wasn't any other option. No one responded when I tried the intercom."
"Well, that would be because you need the password."
"Uh-huh. Yeah, sure. Say, do you collar all your visitors or am I just lucky? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly sure that goes against the Brotherhood's law, as outlined in the Codex." Danse chimed in with the exact location of the clause at this point. Tracey's anger was a hot thing, but subtle. It was dry and ate away at anything around it and it was shining in her eyes.
"We were concerned that you-"
"Were you concerned that two people could wipe out your fort? Were you concerned that the security of your base would be compromised?"
"Sentinel Lyons, if I may, you simply don't know what it's like out here. I am the second elder of this chapter, and we have already lost many men in order to establish it. Our last elder fled after he led our men to failure. We had to cooperate with the NCR to prevent them from wiping us out entirely!"
That was it. He had prevented communication with the other chapters because of his alliance with the NCR.
"Why did you use a slave collar?" Tracey asked, not bothering to sugarcoat the issue. The whole issue squicked her out, and it was entirely immoral to force someone into slavery. Honestly, if she was less restrained, less in control of her actions, she might have killed him for this alone. She didn't mind that the NCR had allied themselves with this chapter. It "Why, in god's name, was that necessary?"
MacNamara sneered at her.
"How did you become a sentinel if you're so soft? I did what was necessary in order to preserve this base. An explosive collar is just a tool, at the end of the day. We did not force you to do anything. It is unfortunate that you came to harm, and Knight Lewinski will be punished accordingly."
"He could have killed her. Are you taking that into account?" Danse sneered. He did not like MacNamara either, he wasn't the sort of leader that Maxson was, even if he wanted Danse dead. Maxson made morally dubious decisions on the occasion, but he was a skilled leader. Didn't that count for something? Maxson would have never allowed the use of slave collars on anyone...Wouldn't he?
MacNamara looked at Danse now. He was still wearing his helmet because it prevented identification.
"And who are you?"
"I destroyed the terror of the east. That's how I became a sentinel."
"I hardly think you killed Legate Lanius." MacNamara said flatly. "Was that all you wanted? To complain about how we treated you and lie? If so, leave. I have to get back to work."
"Yes, I'll be leaving shortly. After I repair the generator, of course and ensure that communications have been restored. Don't worry; I'll be sure to tell Elder Maxson all about it. And I'm looking forward to reading your report, every month."
The generator turned out to be repairable. It wasn't an easy fix necessarily, but between Tracey and Danse's practiced hands and a satchel full of junk parts, it was doable. It took most of an afternoon before they could reach the Commonwealth via signal.
Near the Boston Airport, on one of the Prydwen's consoles, a light that had been dormant for several years flipped on. Confusion, and then understanding greeted it. Captain Kells was summoned, as was Elder Maxson, both curious to see how the new Sentinel had fared on her long distance mission.
"This is Sentinel Tracey Love, reporting in from the Hidden Valley base."
"We're reading you, Sentinel. This is the Prydwen, Captain Kells speaking."
"Hello, Captain. The mission was successful. Communications have been reestablished, and the base is fine order."
"Excellent work, Sentinel. I expect to read all about it in your report."He paused for a second, then continued. "Will you begin journey back today?"
"No, I sustained a concussion and it would be foolish to brave the wastes in this condition."
Arthur Maxson thought it over for a second. Concussions weren't rare in the wasteland, but Sentinel Love wasn't the type to fight up close. Besides, he knew Danse had gone with her. He was young, not stupid.
"Sentinel, how did that happen?" He asked, taking the microphone from Kells.
"A power armored opponent struck me."
Arthur hadn't heard of any other groups in the Mojave using power armor.
"Where did this opponent come from, Sentinel?"
"Hidden Valley. He was a Brotherhood Knight."
Oh, it was like that.
"You were injured during a sparr, Sentinel? I must admit, I expected more from you."
"No, that's not it at all. When I entered the Hidden Valley Bunker, I was caught and an explosives collar was put on me. When I tried to explain who I was and why I was there, the Knight struck me."
Maxson's mouth tastes like ash. He's heard of these collars, has heard of their use on slaves.
"They did WHAT?"
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Like even if you think that the Brotherhood’s motivations were originally entirely altruistic and even if you ignore the shady stuff that the “good” chapters of the Brotherhood like Appalachia or the Capital Wasteland do ... the brotherhood is still wrong, textually.
The whole point of the Brotherhood is that they believe that technology should be removed from the hands of the average wastelander because it could be misused to hurt people. Not so bad on the surface, except they’ve arbitrarily decided that they are the ones who get to control who gets what technology. Okay, but that system works as long as it doesn’t get “corrupted” ... which it does, repeatedly, by people like Elder Macnamara and Father Elijah and Elder Maxson, who use the technology that they’re hoarding to exert power over the various people and groups of the wasteland. If an organization gives their leaders immense power and depends on only good people ending up being leaders, it’s a bad organization, fundamentally!
And even quote unquote “good” Brotherhoods like the Lyons’ chapter and the Appalachia brotherhood do bad things, like taking potshots at ghouls and mutants and extorting other factions for supplies, because that much power cannot be wielded for perfect good, it just can’t! That’s why “war never changes” - the battlefields and weapons and armies might change but when two groups with tremendous military power clash like that the result is always the same regardless of the relative goodness of those two groups! It’s thematically important that the Brotherhood is wrong! Fuck!
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wolfsskull-moved · 7 years
since i apparently didn't bother to make a note of it anywhere before here's a memo to myself
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thewhirlwind · 4 years
ANTONIO REYES— Antonio Reyes is the sheriff in Frostford’s local sheriff’s department. He’s Vothine’s half-human son, bearing four arms and a nuanced senses. He was born in 837 BC, his mother was a slave who escaped Ancient Greece with her former lover’s help, and raised him in Spain. He starts off investigating the strange cult activity that starts going on in the surrounding region. Canonically dating Ivory Wells, or at least will be.
AINSLEY LACHLAN— the son of a Russian mobster and twin brother to Renard, Ainsley Lachlan is one of the local Catholic priests, and arguably the only openly gay one in the area. He firmly believes these things aren’t mutually exclusive, but eventually he’s lead astray by Vothine, who manipulates him into thinking that releasing Epsolise will create a paradise for mankind, and the truth is, all he’s ever wanted was to help people, to make up for his father’s crimes.
RENARD LACHLAN— Ainsley’s slightly younger, twin brother, Renard is Frostford’s local neurosurgeon, sometimes moonlighting as a trauma surgeon when his schedule is open. He took an interest in neurology due to his own, rather severe dyslexia, which slowed him down in school, until Ainsley was old enough to read to him and help him learn how to read despite his disorder. Like his brother, he wants to help people, but he has no hang ups about his father’s crimes. Later, when his brother unleashes Epsolise, he becomes host to the Elder God, and it messes him up severely. His best friends are Alana Reid and Ruo Silva, and canonically he’s dating Everett Novak.
THEODORE HUDSON— Theo is the owner of Hudson Technology, better known as HudTech, a global leader in all kinds of technology and founded when Theo graduates MIT, some years back. (I haven’t decided on a year yet rip.) Best friend to Everett Novak, Theo often hires him as a freelancer to work on the coding side of his various project; together the two can accomplish nearly anything. In 2015, he was fooling around with a project trying to create a kind of artificial intelligence by combining eldritch magic with technology. In doing so, he inadvertently summoned Vothine, who killed him—brutally. Violently—and then melded with his body. This did revive Theo, albeit much, much weaker, but he was able to fight back when Vothine went after his best friend and interfere with his attacks. Eventually, Everett does manage to free him from the god’s hold, but he’s left with a great many mental and physical scars.
ALANA REID— Alana is part of Renard’s surgical team. Along with Ruo Silva, the three of them went to college together in NYC, NY, and she moved out to Frostford after Ruo told them there were job openings at the local hospital. (So did Renard.) when Ruo died, Alana may have personally beaten the shit out of her murderer and abuser. After she ressurects, Alana canonically dates Ruo. The two of them are also Renard’s best friends.
THE LOTUS TWINS—They’re also known as the twin gods of discordance. Initially born in the depths of a dying star as the singular god of balance, Asikolise, they were ripped asunder by the black hole formed in its death. With balance rent in two, they became two gods that slowly tipped the scales of the universe back and forth from one far end back to the other, over extended periods of time.
EPSOLISE— One of the two lotus twins, known for forming the garden, an Eden for eldritch horrors to feed on the living things that roamed the earth. Man, beast, whatever. When Ipsilise is bound, Epsolise walks free.
AURI’ELL OV’AGOTHA/AURI’ELL ILLI’ED— Auri’ell is thought of as two gods with incredibly similar names, the kings of the sea and of magic,  it the truth is—he’s one singular entity with two titles and two domains. He was born Alain MacNamara of the coast of Ireland in 1389, to a sailor who would eventually take him to sea with him. At first, his study of eldritch magic was a passing interest with which to study marine life; but as his mind deteriorated due to the magic, he became obsessed, focusing on what was on the other side of it. Eventually, he broke through it, becoming he god of the sea and the god of magic, being the one who advanced eldritch magic the most over his life. Unstuck in time, he went back to he very beginning—and eventually, he introduces magic to the world, when mankind is old enough to understand it.
VOTHINE— the god of chaos, he’s in love with the lotus gods; all three iterations of them. From the dawn of time he’s been tipping the scales back and forth between Epsolise, and Ipsilise, hoping that one day, someone would find a way to stop them—by fusing them together into the one entity they were truly meant to be. His methods, however, are rough, due to be whole... chaos thing. People who deal with him frequently end up hurt, traumatized for life. A fine example being Theodore Hudson. Vothine is not so unlike Auri’ell, in that he was created from a man, but his wasn’t a choice. He was a slave in early Ancient Greece, experimented on by his owner until he became something more. With his new found powers, he likely slaughtered this who owned him and the one he loved, before helping her escape back to her home country, Spain. But she grew scared of him, as he grew less and less human with each passing day, until finally they—amicably—agreed to go their separate ways. He still loves her, but he understood he had a different purpose now. He, like Auri’ell, was also unstuck in time. But instead of going back to he beginning, he was drawn back to the point in which the lotus gods were created, feeling the way their power balanced out, appearing mere moments before they were torn apart.
CHARACTERS WRITTEN / CREATED BY FOA ( @ephemeraltheory & @exemplaryambiance ):
EVERETT NOVAK—Initially a gifted software engineer as well as a magic user, Everett had sworn off of using magic after he’d accidentally caused permanent nerve damage to his father’s hands when he was fourteen. His father was a woodworker and had his own business so he had to take over most of the weight of the business until he left for college.  After his best friend Theo gets taken by Vothine,  Everett is permanently injured by Vothine, leaving him with nerve damage in his lower back and leg. He refurbishes a library in Frostford with the goal to learn every ounce of magic that he possibly could in order to save his friend. Everett becomes a master warlock by the time the story begins and later,  he canonically ends up dating Renard Lachlan.
RUO SILVA—Ruo was fourteen when she met her abuser ( emotional abuse and much later,   physical abuse ),  Mallory.  Ever since then,  Mallory has coerced Ruo into a romantic relationship and over time,  she gradually isolated her from any possible friends she could have made as well as from her own parents. She convinced Ruo that their relationship would be in danger if she spoke about it to anyone.  Ruo is able to escape the home she ends up sharing with her abuser to go to college to be a nurse.  Here,  she meets and befriends Alana and Renard, who provide a taste of what it actually feels like to be cared about, what it feels like to not always be afraid that people you love will hurt you.  What it feels like to have actual friends.  One night when Ruo reluctantly returns home to bathe and retrieve things she’d needed,  she and Mallory get into an argument about Ruo’s consistent absence and Mallory eventually forcibly holds Ruo beneath the bath water,  drowning her. Having been wearing an ancient family heirloom,  a garnet necklace,   after 2-3 months, Ruo is reincarnated as an Enenra, which is essentially a fire elemental / smoke demon / spirit. Her best friend is Renard Lachlan and canonically,  she and Alana begin dating after she’s reincarnated.
IVORY WELLS—Ivory is the crime scene technician for Frostford’s local police department. As a child, Ivory lost a close friend Iris to a serial killer when she was about twelve. For about six years, they weren’t able to find the person responsible nor were they able to figure out what had happened to her. Around the time Ivory turned eighteen however,  they’d re-opened the case due to another child’s death that had the same M.O. They used the most current technology to go over the collected evidence once more and were able to finally find the convicted murderer, which brought not only herself and Iris’s family closure and justice, but also closure and justice for the families who had lost a child to the same fate. This is what drove Ivory to become a crime scene technician, to offer that same closure to others. She has worked with Antonio Reyes for 5 years and canonically,  they start dating sometime in book 1.
IPSILISE—One of the two lotus twins, she is benevolent towards humanity but has an obsessive need for control, to the point of detriment. One of her common names is CROATOAN, but she’s responsible for other missing cities; Atlantis. Sodom & Gomorrah. A handful of others we have yet to uncover. When Epsolise is bound,  Ipsilise walks free.
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tylers-toffoli · 4 years
Hockey Teams As Muiscals
me and @alowsyplayer17 got bored so we made this... this was fuelled my iced coffee and a three hour drive from Montreal
Veronica Sawyer - Zach Hyman
JD - William Nylander
Heather Chandler - Auston Matthews
Heather Duke - Fredrick Andersen
Heather MacNamara - Mitch Marner
Martha Dunstock - Morgan Reilly
Ram Sweeney - Kasperi Kapanen
Kurt Keller - Tyson Barrie
Jean Valjean - Shea Weber
Enjolras - Jonathan Drouin
Grantaire - Brendan Gallagher
Combeferre - Joel Armia
Courfeyrac - Artturi Lehkonen
Gavroche - Jesperi Kotkaniemi
Marius - Carey Price
ft. Claude Juilen as Javert
Jeremy - Dylan Strome
Michael - Kirby Dach
Christine - Alex DeBrincat
Rich - Patrick Kane
Jake - Jonathan Toews
Jenna, Brooke and Chloe - Andrew Shaw, Brent Seabrook, Brandon Saad
The Squip - Duncan Keith
Elder Price - Mark Scheifele
Elder McKinley - Adam Lowry
Elder Cunningham - Blake Wheeler
ft. Connor McDavid from the Oilers as Jesus
Evan Hansen - Cale Makar
Connor Murphy - Gabe Landeskog
Jared Kleinman - Erik Johnson
Zoe Murphy - Nate MacKinnon
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isobel-thorm · 5 years
World building Wednesday Corey 💋
full name: Addison “Corey” Leandra Burke
gender: Female
sexuality: Straight
pronouns: She/Her
family:  Parents: David and Emily Burke, Brother: Samson, Sisters: Ella and Gwen
birthplace:  Settlement in Old Colorado
job: Courier
phobias: Being alone, Cazadors
guilty pleasures:  listening/singing along to Big Iron and even Johnny Guitar. 
morality alignment?: Neutral Good  / Good Karma: Messiah
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Boone/Corey
ot3: Boone/Corey/Elder Macnamara
brotp: Corey/King
notp: Corey/Benny
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szentkiralyszabadja · 6 years
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[ so i see we're doing fallout au tonight in the rp comm. allow me to introduce you to a monster of meta known as me, @severnayastolitsa and @vilavelebita fallout au which is a culmination of love, hollering, and questions about life and physical anomalies in the mojave. ian's already made a post about his oc here!
first and second row is of istván since this is his blog. he's a khan with a flamer and is horrifying. cvita is his adopted and semi-estranged child.
third row is my serbia oc, stovan @tojesrpskadika (rather inactive, but present) and my romania, dragomir @sangelelatin (also inactive but present). both he and stovan were friends as kids in new cali. dragos is a member of the followers and stovan is BOS. the irony of him and alexei being bros for life is lost on him because he is illiterate (fifth row) and went AWOL only bc they wouldn't give him a suit of power armor so he stole it. "good riddance" -elder macnamara
the last image, we go even deeper by sending them to the commonwealth, where alexei has to confront raisin hell. thank u for listening, i have a whole folder dedicated to this shit because..... oh my god ive put my blood into this...... but i'm at work and can only post this bit. enjoy my fellow fiends ]
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hypnocurrency · 7 years
Thoughts on a plane - because snakes aren’t enough
Heather D had untreated bulimia???
Help her???
Lin Manuel is an actual genius but he didn't rhyme Lafayette and baguette
The Veronica and JD ship is toxic
HC- Michael calls the squip a chill pill and the squip is unamused
Give Andrew a god damn tony!!!!
Is Jake homeless after the fire?? His parents were on the run??
Connor and Michael would be pot buds (weed jokez!!)
Halloween and Big Fun are very similar, they both have porn mentions but one ends in sex with a psycho and one ends with an actual house fire.
Thayne Jasperson deserves love okay thx
Martha is the only pure thing ever
Elder poptarts is  a v e r y good boy
Take the box that's gay and C R U S H  I T
Okay but Michael's little laugh during Two Player Game!!!!!
Will was just like yelling in a recording booth during the cast recording and honestly same??
“Everything about you makes me want to die” “Jesus christ”
Jake singing a slight reprise Upgrade in The Play
“You have to obey,” ‘kINKy”
SmoKiNG d R u g S??
J- “All in all, not a heinous day”    M-”This is a heinous night.”
“Who am I to give relationship advice, I’m literally the god of alcohol.”
The squip sounds friendly in A Guy That I’ Kinda Be In To
Heather Macnamara tried to commit suicide!!!
Christine’s “oh wow” during Upgrade is so  g o o d 
I hate planes
Annabeth actually liked Luke during TLT until he done fucked up
Succulents are nice and they won't die that easily, good pals.
Jakey D wouldn't treat me like this
L I V E R S P O T S from Halloween
George Salazar playing Mr. D!!!!! Very good!!!!
Elder poptarts is def into some kinky shit
Evan would totally have a bunch of plants in his college dorm.
He’d name them too
He has one named Jared bc he misses him low key
JD was a murderer??
Was Kindergarten Boyfriend Martha’s Suicide note
‘Yippy Skippy’
JD was genuinely crushed by Veronica’s “suicide”
“Fuck you Evan.. Asshole” *Gross sobbing*
What’s the noun?
I’m breaking down
NO FRIENDS AND NO MOM,,,, She’s taken away
Percy ‘Daddy Issues’ Jackson
GuYS wE jUst ExPloDeD A bUS
Don’t think about Veronica losing sleep because she blames herself for JD’s actions.
You’RE A HoRSE?? WhaT iS HapPENiNG??
Elder Cunningham and Evan are like the same person?? Js.
Are you really friends if you don't follow rule number 72?
“Then why are you here talking to yourself? Again.”
Who stole the bed?? I have the bed!!
How many times can I make this character say ‘fuck’ in one scene
Words fail reads like a suicide note?? Evan? You good???
Kevin Price!!!!My best friend!!!!!
Good For You is like The Reynolds Pamphlet but more emotional.
Crutchy is a pure babe
RENT??? so good
Jeeeeeeerrmeeemmmmyyyyyy ssoooonn yoouuuullll sseeeeeeee
I'm so gay for Luna Lovegood
Aries is an asshole
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tuyensinh · 5 years
'Một cái giá rất lớn phải trả': các chính trị gia có thể sống một cuộc sống cân bằng và lành mạnh không?
https://tuyensinh.top/?p=254 Khi lớp nghị sĩ mới năm 2019 đến Canberra trong tuần này, một trong những người nói chuyện với họ về cuộc sống chính trị sắp xảy ra của họ là một bác sĩ. Mike Freelander, một bác sĩ nhi khoa và nghị sĩ cho ghế Macarthur ở ngoại ô Sydney, đã có một thông điệp rõ ràng với 27 nghị sĩ mới, những người sẽ lần đầu tiên ngồi vào hố gấu của quốc hội vào hôm thứ Hai: Hãy không theo dõi gia đình bạn. Giáo dục Thông điệp được đưa ra trong bối cảnh cuộc thảo luận đang diễn ra về sự căng thẳng của sự nghiệp chính trị liên bang – con người gây ra văn hóa làm việc thường độc hại trong Tòa nhà Quốc hội. Đừng để mất dấu vết của gia đình bạn Mike Freelander, MP Trong khi thư ký của ngôi nhà, David Elder, và diễn giả Tony Smith, đưa các nghị sĩ thông qua các bước đi của họ về các vấn đề thủ tục, Freelander đã nói chuyện với các thành viên mới về cách tung hứng cuộc sống gia đình với những đòi hỏi lớn lao của sự nghiệp chính trị. Trong thời gian ngắn kể từ khi đắc cử năm 2016, Freelander cho biết ông đã chứng kiến ​​nhiều đổ vỡ mối quan hệ – quá nhiều – nói rằng đó là một tai nạn phổ biến của một cuộc sống chính trị không tự nhiên đòi hỏi nhiều sự hy sinh. Trong thời gian ngắn tôi ở đây, tôi đã thấy rất nhiều điều đó, nó có một chút thất vọng. Đây là một cái giá rất lớn để trả cho tất cả mọi người – vợ / chồng, con cái, MP của chính họ – đó là một cái giá rất lớn phải trả. Cánh cửa lãnh đạo xoay quanh thập kỷ vừa qua ở Canberra đã chiếu rọi vào văn hóa làm việc tàn bạo của Tòa nhà Quốc hội, sẽ không thể chịu đựng được, nếu không nói là bất hợp pháp, trong hầu hết các nơi làm việc hiện đại khác. Trong lò lửa của sự hỗn loạn lãnh đạo, bắt nạt, chống lưng, phản trắng và phản bội hoàn toàn đã trở nên phổ biến đến mức bây giờ họ hầu như không nhướn mày. Đồng thời, sự hoài nghi công khai về chính trị Úc đã trở nên tồi tệ khi các cử tri chứng kiến ​​một nền văn hóa chính trị hướng đến bản ngã đã trở nên quá thường xuyên bị ám ảnh bởi chính nó. Trong quốc hội vừa qua, tỷ lệ tiêu hao giữa các nghị sĩ rất cao. Quả bóng phá hủy hiến pháp của phần 44 đã chứng kiến ​​hơn một chục đơn xin thôi việc, trong khi sự ra đi của một số nghị sĩ khác vì lý do gia đình vì lý do khác đã thúc đẩy cuộc tranh luận về việc liệu văn hóa Canberra có quá ăn mòn đối với bất kỳ ai muốn sống một cuộc sống cân bằng và lành mạnh. Tiến sĩ Michael Freelander, ở đây với Tiến sĩ Kerryn Phelps, đã nói chuyện với các nghị sĩ mới tại buổi giới thiệu của họ. Ảnh: Mike Bowers / Người bảo vệ Tim Hammond, một ngôi sao đang lên của đảng Lao động từ Tây Úc, đã từ chức chỉ sau hai năm làm việc, nói rằng nó đã gây áp lực quá lớn cho gia đình trẻ của mình, trong khi một Nghị sĩ Lao động mới, Emma Husar, đã bị từ chối sau khi các cáo buộc được san bằng chống lại cô ấy bắt nạt và quấy rối tình dục. Phí quấy rối được tìm thấy là không có chất. Barnaby Joyce trở thành chàng trai gây rối loạn chức năng gia đình sau khi được tiết lộ rằng anh ta và một nhân viên, Vicki Campion, đã ngoại tình trong khi cô làm cố vấn truyền thông cho anh ta. Joyce mất việc và cuộc hôn nhân của mình, với sự bất hòa dẫn đến Malcolm Turnbull giới thiệu một ban bon bon ban giữa các nghị sĩ và nhân viên của họ. Đó là một thời gian nóng bỏng. Freelander không muốn nói to nhưng đồng ý rằng vấn đề của các nghị sĩ tham gia vào các vấn đề ngoại hôn là đầy rẫy. Thành thật mà nói, tôi không nghĩ rằng mọi người đặt ra ý tưởng, nhưng có những điểm hấp dẫn nhất định đối với đời sống chính trị. Tôi thấy đó là một chút của một cái tôi; Bạn nhận được rất nhiều sự chú ý, nó rất tích cực thường xuyên, bạn biết Canberra là như thế nào, có những bữa tiệc mỗi tối, có rất nhiều rượu say say có rất nhiều cám dỗ, và tôi nghĩ rằng đôi khi thật khó để cưỡng lại những cám dỗ đó. Có rất nhiều niềm vui khi là thành viên của quốc hội nhưng bạn không bao giờ nên quên mất việc gia đình bạn trở về nhà làm những việc mà nhiều người trong chúng ta cảm thấy thực sự đau đớn. Đăng ký để nhận những câu chuyện hàng đầu từ Guardian Australia mỗi sáng Tất cả mọi người Các hoàn cảnh khác nhau nhưng đó là một công việc hướng đến bản ngã và bạn có thể rơi vào cái bẫy đi theo cái tôi của mình hơn là đi theo bộ não của bạn. Freelander, một người cha sáu tuổi và ông nội của sáu người, cho biết ông đã khuyên các nghị sĩ nên dành thời gian cho gia đình, nói rằng ông luôn có tâm để ngăn chặn thời gian ưu tiên cho vợ, con và cháu của mình. Bạn phải dành cho gia đình một chút thời gian là bất khả xâm phạm và hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn không được đàm phán về điều đó. Bạn cần dành thời gian đó là gia đình của bạn và họ nên mong đợi điều đó, và đừng để bạn phá vỡ quy tắc và bắt đầu một chuyến đi hay một cái gì đó tương tự, anh ấy nói. Chúng tôi đã đăng ký tất cả, nhưng gia đình của chúng tôi đã làm. Josh Burns, MP MP mới của Lao động cho ghế Macnamara thời Victoria, thừa nhận sẽ rất khó bỏ lỡ thời gian với cô con gái nhỏ của mình, người mới chỉ sáu tuần tuổi khi lần đầu tiên bắt đầu quá trình chọn trước ghế. Điều mà tôi thực sự lo lắng là bỏ lỡ các cột mốc quan trọng, và không có mặt ở đó, và không ở nhà, anh nói. Anh ta đã nghe được thông điệp rằng trở thành một MP là một người đáng kinh ngạc và tuyệt vời, nhưng cũng tạm thời và không quên về gia đình ở nhà. Tuy nhiên, tôi nghĩ rằng việc trở thành một thành viên của nơi này là một điều gì đó khó khăn, và nó sẽ rất mệt mỏi, và nó nên bị rút cạn vì đó là công việc quan trọng. Để đại diện cho 100.000 người, nhiều người trong số họ cần một người đại diện, nên khó khăn và cần phải hy sinh vì nếu được thực hiện đúng cách, đó là một việc đáng làm. Nhưng tất cả chúng ta đều là người, và tất cả chúng ta cần đảm bảo rằng những người chúng ta quan tâm là những người đầu tiên chúng ta chăm sóc, và sau đó là những người khác. Kate Ellis và Charlie 13 tháng tuổi trong cuộc bỏ phiếu tại Hạ viện, ngày 10 tháng 9 năm 2018. Ảnh: Mike Bowers / The Guardian Kate Ellis, người đã tung hứng sự nghiệp chính trị của mình trong khi cũng nuôi một gia đình trẻ, cho biết cô đã chứng kiến ​​sự cải thiện trong 15 năm qua tại quốc hội liên bang, với việc mọi người nhận ra thách thức của việc cố gắng cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống gia đình. Tôi đoán nếu tôi có lời khuyên thì sẽ lợi dụng thực tế là có sự hiểu biết cao hơn nhiều so với các đồng nghiệp của bạn bây giờ, rằng bạn có thể yêu cầu giúp đỡ khi bạn cần, rằng bạn có thể xin nghỉ khi bạn cần . Các đồng nghiệp của bạn muốn nó làm việc cho bạn, cô nói. Đi vào với đôi mắt mở, nhận ra có những thay đổi và tìm ra cách để chiêng hoạt động tốt nhất cho gia đình bạn và đảm bảo rằng bạn và đối tác của bạn ở trên cùng một trang. Ellis, người rời quốc hội tại cuộc bầu cử để dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho gia đình, nói rằng luôn có những cảnh báo về tỷ lệ đổ vỡ mối quan hệ cao, nhưng cho biết cuộc tranh luận đã chuyển sang trên chanh. Người dân thực sự nhận được rằng có những thách thức lớn hơn là chỉ giữ quần của bạn, có rất nhiều người đang cân bằng gia đình của họ. Từ khi có một cuộc sống gia đình bình thường đến việc dành một phần ba thời gian của bạn ở phía bên kia của đất nước sẽ tạo ra một áp lực khác nhau cho mối quan hệ của bạn. Ngay cả khi mọi người đang cư xử đúng mực, vẫn khó quản lý. Elder, người đã từng là thư ký của ngôi nhà trong năm năm qua, cho biết một phần của chương trình cho MP MP trường học cũng là để nhắc nhở các thành viên mới rằng cuộc sống trong quốc hội không phải là tất cả về xung đột. Có những người bạn được kết bạn ở phía bên kia của chính trị cũng như phía bạn, ông nói. Đây là nơi hoạt động theo cách thức lưỡng đảng trong nhiều khía cạnh đằng sau hậu trường và theo những cách không chính thức như các nhóm hữu nghị nghị viện. Đây không phải là xung đột mọi lúc. . [tagsToTransTable] Chính trị Úc Nguồn: The Guardian
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ramrodd · 6 years
When the Founding Fathers drafted the 2nd Amendment, they surely had front-loaded flintlock arms in mind. Why do we now apply this right to different types of guns? (additional comments)
When the Framers drafted the 2nd Amendment, they had the bayonet in mind. Gun powder was still a military novelty and fire power, as an element of doctrine, wouldn’t be studied until the Southern rebellion by George Thomas.
The 2nd Amendment is a manpower/mobilization feature of the Bill of Rights that is intended to delegate the federal authority for the common defense to the various states in order to avoid the necessity for a large standing army across what was a vast geography; and to ensure that military training would be contitutionally available to the individual citizen within the context of the rule of law of the Governor’s chain of command, that being the “well regulated” clause of the Amendment.
It has nothing to do with private gun ownership and, if anything, is designed to head off the sort of armed protests against the constitutional authority assumed by the NRA’s interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.
It is useful to remember that, when Thomas Jefferson opined that the roots of the Tree of Liberty needed to be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of patriots, he formed that opinion from the advantages of a career invested in pursuing other priorities than military service. Jefferson was more a lover than a fighter, except rhetorically.
(New Comment in response to Donald Ardell)
When I got back from Vietnam, Ross Perot was one of a very small pool of people who were actively seeking out Vietnam vets. John DeLorean was another one. They were part of something called The National Alliance of Businessmen, I had a good friend who worked for both Perot at EDS and NAB and John DeLorean at NAB, He was also active in Nixon’s CRP and got me involved in a little bit of campaign work in 1974. Charley was working at a level just below the point where Nixon’s Plumbers and crypto-Nazi tricksters like Roger Stone were investigated, indicted and went to jail for Watergate.
“Thank you for your service” didn’t emerge as a catch phrase until Bush the Elder’s administration, along with Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA, but the subtext of that phrase, for me, is pretty much the attitude I encountered with bright fellow like you and Dick Cheney who had other priorities that military service and were the people doing the hiring of people like me two or three years behind the curve.
The subtext is that, if you were too stupid to avoid military service, you are probably too stupid to be worth paying a salary in a real job, so, thank you for your service, Next!
My experience of those bright fellows is pretty much the same as my experience with you: their thinking was universally sloppy and you haven’t diverged from that pattern.
Before I go on, let me say that, regariding Russia and G8, Trump is exactly correct. Putin is not the problem, I voted for Clinton and was horrified by Trumps ascension: Trump is the personification of every asshole white crypto-Nazi veterans have had to deal coming back to the World and you are just typical of the breed. In terms of what you consider “obvious conclusions” regarding the 2nd Amendment is what sloppy thinking looks like emerging from bright fellows like yourself and it was bright fellows like youself, MacNamara’s Whiz Kids, who fucked up Vietnam with their “obvious conclusions” based on wishful thinking, personal ambition and applied stupidity. It was bright fellows like you that ran America over a cliff and into the abyss of Iraq. You are too ignorant of your subject matter to even realize how sloppy your thinking is.
Do you remember the Army general that was killed in the Pentagon on 911; Lt. Gen Timothy J. Maude. His office was basically the hijacker’s target coming down 95.
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He was the US Army’s Deputy Chief of Staff: Personnel (G-1). When my dad was the Project Manager for the reorganization of the Army at CONARC/DSCPER, this was his direct report at the Department of the Army. They deal with manpower. You may scoff at their functions, because they are too stupid to avoid military service, but they are my authority for my assertion that the 2nd Amendment is about manpower at the constitutional level. DSCPER handles the details of that manpower at the operational level.
Along with my brother and sister, I was being molded to grow up to become someone like this, beginning at Valley Forge in 1952 or so. For example, during the Watts riots in 1963, dad was involved in the manpower support for the 82nd Airborne and the National Guard troops sent to suppress the riots. At dinner one night, we were talking about the riots and dad happen to mention, in terms of that support, that an example of the detail he managed was softball kits for the recreation of the troops while they were in LAX. That opened up an entirely different view of soldiering and process theology that has informed my thinking ever since.
My biggest problem since getting back from Vietnam and leaving the Army is that, in dealing with bright fellows like you, I am dealing with people like Donald Trump who can’t think beyond the tip of their peckers and constantly accuse me of a laser-like focus on fringe issues that preclude me from acquiring more current insights or more broad perspective.
Now, I did business with the Soviets beginning in 1975 that was possible because of Nixon’s domestic program, which I refer to as Affirmative Action, and the Nixon-Brezhnev Detente, which was made possible by Vietnam. Vietnam was a battle of attrition by proxy against the Soviet economy and it bled the Soviets white and the Nixon Brezhnev hand shake possible.
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The project I was involved in was an aerospace joint venture IPO that was conceived to provide a cheap commuter jetliner for Nixon’s design for airline deregulation. I got into the project because it was the only place I could use my talents and I wanted to get filthy rich so I could marry my college sweet heart and become the next Armand Hammer to the Soviet Union. It didn’t work out and she ended up being John A. Ziegler’s trophy wife and ended up on a Reagan White House black list right out of the McCarthy era for being a Vietnam vet loser and doing business with the Soviets. This black list was enforced by bright fellows like Roger Stone and other crypto-Nazi apparatchik of the GOP Deep State and I’ve never had a job since anywhere close to my abilities in terms of salary.
But I do know a thing or two about geo-political macro economics and, in regards to Russia and the G-8, Trump is exactly correct. Putin has Trump by the balls, but that’s a good thing, because it will develop that Trump can represent to Meuller that he has been engaged in the Sovereign Democracy agenda that Putin inherited from Nixon-Brezhnev Detente and escape the peril of RICO when Putin brings the hammer down on the criminal element in Russia that conspired with the criminal element in the GOP Deep State to destabilize the constitutional authority of America by hacking the election. That’s not the only thing they did, and are doing, but the Gowdy-McCarthy Hearings are either fellow travelers with that agenda or useful idiots. In the fullness of time Putin’s purges will light up the GOP Deeph State and Mueller will take a lot of very evil people out of the game.
But that’s not why I persist in my arguments about the 2nd Amendment, America is in a box, a toxic paradigm, that is based on the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam and my role is to give you and your generation of bright fellows (gender not specific) the ability to escape the gravitational pull of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam that is preventing your generation from being all that you can be by thinking outside the box. The problem is, you have to know what that box is before you can think outside of it and, as long as you dismiss my laser focus on fringe issues in favor of your sloppy thinking, we are stuck.
I can’t take you to the next level but I can give you the same tools to do that for yourself that Putin is trying to convince Trump to adopt for his, Trump’s, MAGAFIRST domestic program, And, as you get there, I will be able to draft your progress and follow you into the 21st Century, as will Russia.
And getting Russia back into the G-8 is part of that process,
The 2nd Amendment is about manpower. Get over it.
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