#enzo vogrincic baby fever
creative-heart · 28 days
"Love's Blossom"| Enzo Vogrincic
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Chapter 1: "Nurturing Beginnings"
Lucia’s notes: Here goes the first chapter of my new Enzo x Reader Series. It’s a bit short, but I hope you enjoy it as a way to get you into this world.
Content Warning: Baby Fever, slight brief talk of sex. I don’t think I’m missing anymore, but if I am, please let me know.
Word Count: 1.3 k
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It only took for Enzo’s cousin Juan to put his newborn baby boy in Y/N’s arms for the baby fever to ignite a new kind of fire in her gut, one that she had never felt before, and it burnt so bright she thought it might consume her. The Brunette was so taken by the little boy’s hand grabbing her pinky with his whole little fist that she didn’t realize Enzo was looking at the image in front of him as if it was the air he lacked to live; a new urge of making Y/N a mom growing in his heart.
The afternoon went by basically with them two gawking at the infant boy and as soon as they sat down in their car to head home Y/N looked over at her boyfriend “How crazy would it be if I said I want to have a baby?” she bit her lip a bit scared of the dark-haired man’s reaction to this revelation even though she didn’t quite expect the response she got back. Enzo snapped his head to look at her as soon as she said that the widest brightest smile spreading across his face, “I was thinking the same, for some reason seeing you with Luca made me think about how cute a mini us would be”.
And so they came up with a plan, Y/N went to see her doctor and explained the situation and she took the girl off her contraceptives starting her on some vitamins and folic acid as well, to help boost her reproductive system. For the next three months or so, it wouldn’t be successful according to the doctor, as Y/N’s body needed to get rid of all the hormones before any baby-making could happen, not that they couldn’t try anyway. 
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Two months into this endeavor, they had agreed not to try testing before the three months had passed so they wouldn’t get too anxious about it, not that it was working for Y/N, the brunette was going insane with the wait. So when Juan and his wife asked the pair to look after little Luca for the night as they had a child-free wedding, Enzo and Y/N jumped at the opportunity to try to get as much hands-on experience with a baby as they could before they got their little one.
Leading up to the day they’d be taking baby Luca, Y/N walked in on Enzo reading a parenting blog and trying to understand what he needed to do with him, as she silently approached him from behind kissing his cheek while he sat on the couch she asked “What are you doing my love? reading up on baby care?” The older man looked at his girlfriend blushing a deep shade of red “It’s just that I want to make sure I know what to do with him tomorrow, like, what temperature do babies take their bottles? How will I know when he needs a diaper change? Like he’s my nephew, I need to do a good job, plus I know nothing about babies.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable he looked all worried.
When Saturday rolled around, Juan and his wife dropped Luca off at Y/N and Enzo’s place at around six pm with his diaper bag with all the essentials needed for the night. “Right, so in there are enough diapers to last him like a day, in case there are any emergencies, a couple of clothes changes, and his pjs, his pacifier, and all the bottles he’ll need until we’re back with Camila’s milk in them, you only need to warm them up, and they’re microwave safe” Y/N smiled holding the baby kissing his head “Don’t worry guys, we’ve got you covered, you go have fun, if there’s anything you must know about we’ll make sure to let you know”. As both Juan and Camila kissed their baby’s head and left the brunette turned around rocking the sleeping baby in her arms to look at Enzo “you alright there?” she smiled as he stood frozen holding the bag.
“Yeah..” He replied absentmindedly “It’s just I didn’t ask them how will we know if he’s too hot, or too cold? won’t he need another blanket? what if he doesn’t like the way we change his diaper?” Y/N laughed standing on her tiptoes to plant a loving smooch on the taller one’s lips “As adorable as I find the way you panic, you need to relax baby, you’ll see it’s more intuitive than you think, plus, I’ve changed diapers before, so we’re good” He nodded softly as Y/N went to lay the sleeping infant in the traveling cot they had set up in the guests room for the night turning the monitor on before walking back out. It always amazed Enzo how much of a natural his girlfriend was with kids, they seemed to just be naturally attracted to her like bees to honey were and he loved seeing how much she enjoyed playing with the little ones at all social gatherings they attended.
As the evening went on they found themselves taking turns to play with and hold the baby, Enzo took most of the feedings and Y/N took the diaper changes under the attentive gaze of her boyfriend who wanted to soak up all the knowledge he could on this. Once they had Luca in his pjs Y/N gently paced around their living room after dinner trying to make the baby go down for the night as the raven-haired man laid back on the couch watching her, his eyes never leaving her body as she kept going “come on bubba, I know you’re tired, go to sleep” she pleaded at the whiny, fussy baby as he was overtired.
When he finally gave in to sleep she sat down with him laying on her chest as she rested back against Enzo “Finally, he was so overstimulated he couldn’t even fall asleep” she whispered rubbing his back gently and watching him sleep. Enzo hummed softly as he just looked at her with loving and reflecting eyes “I wish I could be the little man right now” he whispered and smiled at Y/N’s quizzical look “so that I could be laying my face on those perfect boobs of yours, little sucker” he chuckled lowly at her glare “What? You can’t blame me they’re just way too amazing, I would die a happy man in there” Y/N rolled her eyes smiling feeling the warmth grow up her face.
A while later she went to put Luca down in the guest room tucking him in before walking back out to the living room and taking the tea Enzo offered her sitting back down with him “You think they’ll get bigger?” Y/N looked at him “Your boobs, you think they’ll get bigger when you get pregnant? Because if they will, I’m taking you to our room right now and we’re not getting out until we get a little Vogrincic in there” he smirked as she smacked his arm playfully “we can’t tonight Mr. there’s a sleeping baby in our guest room, I won’t be fucking you, not that I don’t want to tho” the hazel-eyed woman said lowly sitting on his lap straddling him stroking his chest playfully.
“Then you’re being especially mean right now because you know what you’re doing” Enzo smirked at her innocent-looking smile “Oh yeah, don’t play innocent, we both know exactly what you’re doing grinding against me like this baby girl” he whispered against the skin on her neck kissing softly going to her soft spot slowly grazing over it with his teeth a shaky breath getting caught in the back of her throat her eyes fluttering closed as he kept kissing up and down her sensitive skin. As she ran her hands through his dark locks she heard the baby start crying and sighed pulling away from Enzo “I’ll get him” Y/N got up and walked to the bedroom picking him up from his crib, checking his diaper before laying him down to change him. As the older man looked at her walk away she sighed this has to be the only downfall of babies he thought running his hands through his hair.
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Taglist: @madame-fear @lastflowrr @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @deepinsideyourbeing @koiibiito @espinasrubi @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred
P.S: If you enjoyed this and want to be tagged in upcoming work, leave a comment down below.
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deepinsideyourbeing · 1 month
Enzo conociendo a su hijita por primera vez y siendo un mar de lágrimas 😭😭😭, tiene toda la pinta de que le daría miedo agarrar a una cosita tan chiquita pero a mismo tiempo nunca la querría soltar para protegerla siempre
Fluff ♡
Enzo te observa desde el otro extremo de la cama, temblando y abrazándose a sí mismo en un intento de contener todas las emociones que amenazan con desbordarlo.
-¿Vas a ir con papi ahora...?
Acorta la distancia en un par de pasos temblorosos y teme que las piernas le fallen cuando ve el rostro de la bebé, sus ojos entrecerrados que observan el entorno y el puño cerrado cerca de su boca. Enzo puede jurar que tiene tu nariz, pero el color del cabello es idéntico al suyo y también la forma de las orejas.
Quiere decir que es la bebé más hermosa que vio.
-Está enojada- es lo único que logra formular.
Te reís y él se pregunta cómo alguien puede verse tan divina luego de sudar, llorar y gritar por horas. Tal vez se deba a que ya sos hermosa, pero cree que también tiene que ver con el hecho de que gracias a vos ahora hay una pequeña criatura que es la personificación del amor que ambos se tienen.
Observa con horror cómo enderezás tu postura y acomodás a la bebé entre tus brazos para entregársela. Aunque está aterrado y no puede dejar de morderse los labios toma asiento a tu lado y extiende los brazos, sus vellos erizándose al sentir el calor atravesando la delicada manta que cubre a su hija.
Suspira y sus ojos arden.
Lloró cuando le dijiste que estabas embarazada. También cuando vio la primera ecografía, escuchando el latido y cuando supieron que iba a ser una nena... Pero nada podía prepararlo para este momento, cuando siente que el sonido de su corazón es ensordecedor y sus hombros tiemblan violentamente.
-Respirá- le recordás.
Suelta una risa y sus lágrimas comienzan a caer. Su mirada baila entre los rostros de las dos mujeres que más amará en la vida y cierra los párpados con fuerza cuando besa la nariz de la más pequeña, que emite un sonido similar a una queja.
-No...- se aclara la garganta-. Nunca elegimos nombre.
-Que quede bien con tu apellido.
Una carcajada estrepitosa brota de sus labios y se interrumpe para no asustar a la bebé, pero ella permanece en calma entre sus brazos. Enzo te dirige una mirada y su sonrisa es cálida cuando toma tu mano para besar tu piel.
Acá se va a notar que soy un poco hippie de alma, pero si tuviera una hija le pondría Almendra o Vera y creo que ambos nombres re van con el apellido Vogrincic :)
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creative-heart · 20 days
"Love's Blossom"| Enzo Vogrincic
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Chapter 2: “Silent hopes, Spoken dreams”
Lucia’s notes: I hope you enjoyed the first episode of this!
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Content Warning: This one is spicy, sex scene, oral (fem receiving); P in V; unprotected sex YOU CAN START READING AFTER THE FIRST CUT; pregnancy tests; conceiving related stress.
Word Count: 1.4k 
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Enzo and Y/N found they couldn’t keep their hands off each other as the three-month mark approached. They had decided to just go for it, with no tracking of days and fertility windows, they didn’t want to go crazy so early on in the process and they were also convinced that it would happen when it had to. The brunette would be lying if she said she wasn’t going crazy with the expectation, she was fully aware that these things can take a while to happen, conceiving a baby is no easy task, at all, but she wanted to be pregnant so badly she couldn’t wait.
One evening, as Enzo worked on making dinner for the pair, she crawled up behind him, barefoot and sporting his favorite lingerie ensemble on her; the one he had gotten her for their last anniversary six months ago and wrapped her arms around the taller man’s waist standing on her tiptoes to place a kiss on the nape of his neck “How mad would you be if I told you I’m not really that hungry?” Y/N whispered against his back while gently sliding her hands under his shirt running them up his abs softly. “Why? Are you not feeling okay love?” Enzo replied still facing the stove as he stirred the pumpkin creme soup he was working on. He felt his girlfriend shake her head no against his back and so he turned around “What’s going o-?” his words cut off cold when he spotted the petite woman standing behind him just in an all-black, lacey ensemble that left absolutely nothing to the imagination.
Y/N bit her lip looking at Enzo as he picked the girl up kissing her deep and slow as he walked over to their bedroom. She wrapped her legs and arms around the older one kissing back as deep. He looked at her as they reached the room “Three months are up, aren’t they?” Y/N nodded softly biting her lip “They are” Enzo didn’t even take long enough to see her answer, already kissing her neck once again taking the little garments left on her body off before laying her down to take his clothes off as well. Y/N laid back better against the pillows waiting for him to join her.
As soon as Enzo was naked he crawled onto the bed to join her crawling in between Y/N’s legs and kissing up her inner thighs softly locking eyes with the brunette girl resting up on her elbows her breath catching in the back of her throat as his lips closed around her already throbbing nub while he hummed gently in appreciation. Y/N moaned softly, her head falling backward as her hands ran through his raven locks. Enzo slowly slid one of his long digits in her as he kept sucking and licking on her throbbing nub while expertly matching the rhythm with his finger bringing Y/N swiftly to the edge. When he could feel her walls start to tighten around his finger he pulled out moving up to line himself up with her entrance his already glistening tip throbbing at the want for attention easily slipping into her center with one soft thrust. “Fuck baby, you’re so tight for me” Enzo muttered through a moan as Y/N wrapped her arms around him to bring him closer to her kissing him and moving her hips in time with his. Their bodies moving as one, deep thrusts growing faster and more erratic as pleasure took over both of them.
Soon enough Y/N looked at Enzo biting her lips, her moans filling the room “I’m…so…close” she mumbled in-between groans of pleasure as her nails left crescent shapes marked on the taller man’s back as her orgasm took over her as a tidal wave sending jolts of pleasure over her entire body. When Enzo felt her inner walls tightening around his pulsating shaft he didn’t need anything more to come undone inside her, holding himself still as his seed filled her up letting his body fall next to hers on the bed panting. When the older slid out, Y/N held her knees up to her chest to try and keep it all inside her body still trying to come down from her high.
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Y/N may not have told Enzo about her period being late, but it was quite clear that it was, almost two weeks to be exact, that’s when she decided to test and see what was happening. Of course, she’d keep it to herself until she knew for sure. If she was indeed pregnant, she wanted to make it a cute surprise for Enzo, he was on a short work trip for a possible new project and Y/N wanted him to focus on that until he returned. That Wednesday morning, the brunette walked into the supermarket and took a deep breath as she walked towards the aisle where the pregnancy tests were; she stood in front of it looking at the whole array of options in front of her biting her lip- who knew picking a freaking test was this difficult, should I get a normal one? a digital one? what if I got one of each just in case? Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do, one of each, want to be sure- and so she picked one classic one and a digital one walking to the self-checkout paying for them before she returned home.
Three minutes had never been longer, sure this was more than three minutes. Y/N paced back and forth in the apartment’s bathroom as the two tests were processed. She had set a timer for them and kept looking at her phone screen biting her lip, when the damn alarm went off Y/N took a deep breath before looking at both tests and bit her lip hard trying to fight back the tears when she saw the clear negatives on both sticks. The girl set the tests down on the counter, as she sat on the edge of the bathtub trying to fight back her tears, she never knew getting pregnant could be this hard, how did people do it by accident she had no idea. After what felt like ages Y/N stood up throwing the tests and boxes away, she wouldn’t say a word to Enzo, he was so excited about becoming a dad that she didn’t want him to be disappointed.
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Saturday rolled around and Y/N dressed up all nice to go pick her boyfriend up from the airport, they had talked over Facetime these past few days and Enzo hadn’t brought up the baby topic, but that didn’t clear the air, Y/N was nervous he might ask, and when he inevitably did and she had to tell him there was no baby yet, she hoped the tan-skinned man wouldn’t be too mad. The petite woman stood at the arrivals gate waiting for him to walk out and stood on her tiptoes to try and look for him. He grinned as soon as he saw the brunette head of hair peaking out behind the people waiting there and headed over to Y/N to pick her up “Hi Chiquita, I missed you” he whispered in her ear as they spun around her giggles resonating in his chest. After a little bit, he put her down and they walked out towards their car. Once they were in the safety and silence of the vehicle and were en route to their shared home he looked at her and said “So? Any news?” Enzo smiled excitedly biting his lip his smile slowly turning to a frown seeing the girl’s nervousness to his question and the teeny tiny shake of her head in response.
“Don’t worry about it love, we’ll keep trying, not that I mind this part of the job of trying to get a baby in there” he smirked holding her hand and placing a long kiss on the back of it trying to appease her. Y/N kept biting her lip and whispered “I just really wanted it to happen and thought it had happened. I don’t like seeing negatives on those stupid sticks” Y/N glanced at her boyfriend her hazel eyes looking slightly glassy as she had been trying to hold it together for so long since she had taken the pregnancy tests that past Wednesday.
As soon as they got home Enzo hugged her tight and whispered in her ear “We’ll make it, we’ll get there, the universe works in mysterious ways and we’ll get a baby when it’s the right time, please don’t worry about it bebé” He kissed her temple long closing his eyes. It was hard on him, he wasn’t going to lie to himself, but he knew that it had to be harder for Y/N, and he decided to support the love of his life every step of the way.
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P.S: Sorry for the sad tone of this, but things need to get worse before they can get better. Having a kid isn't that easy. LOL Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.
Taglist: @madame-fear @lastflowrr @cyliarys-starlight @deepinsideyourbeing @koiibiito @luceracastro @castawaycherry @candycanes19 @chiquititamia @espinasrubi @lxdyred @nperoconelcositoarriba
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creative-heart · 1 month
hello ! i didn’t know that you were taking requests omg i would have spam you sooner. i don’t know if you have seen enzo’s last ig story in snow but ommmg if you could write a fluffy request based on that story
like reader wakes up and she doesn’t find him, she just found a little note that he went walking into the forest so she goes back to sleep and when she wakes up after, she opens her insta and found his ig story. immediately she tells him to come back in their apartment bc she’s terribly afraid he might get lost in the snow or catch a big cold
he’s like no never im strong and i survived lsdln lmfao but when he comes back even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s completely frozen and he starts to sneeze and he’s starting to be really sick so reader has to pamper him 🥺🥺 warm a hot bath for him, prepare a soup or a tea, put him in bed.
like i just imagine them being in bed after he supplied her to stay in bed and reader telling him next time stop playing enzo the snow king bc look at you right now baby you have fever and you’re hiding inside my sweater 😭 and him still doesn’t want to admit that he took a big risk for his health, being like « who told u i’m not faking being sick just to sleep under you pullover next to your/my 🍒 » 🤭🤭
okay my imagination might be too big lol
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Lucia’s Notes: I love this request dear nonnie, because I feel like he’d be like a little boy when sick. I hope you enjoy this little drabble.
Content Warning: I don’t think there are any warnings, this is just fluff.
Word Count: 690
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"Winter's warmth"| Enzo Vogrincic
You wake up when the lack of Enzo’s warm body against yours hits you like a ton of bricks and turn around looking for him curling more into the blankets to shield yourself from the cold of the outside world. As you look around you find a little note on his bedside table and grab it to read it “Morning honey, woke up early and decided to take a stroll around the woods, love you xo. En” You look out the window and see the clouded snowy picture burying yourself back into your blankets and going back to sleep.
An hour or so later, you finally open your eyes and grab your phone to start roaming all the social media and messages you might have missed. When you finally fall onto Instagram Enzo’s story is the first one up there, you click on it to see what your fugitive boyfriend’s been up to while you slept in. One look at his snow-covered hair is enough to make you shoot up on the bed sitting up hastily calling this crazy man you call yours. As soon as you hear the click on the line of the call being picked up you say “Enzo Vogrincic Roldan, what the fuck are you doing out there with this snowstorm!? You’re gonna get sick, you could get lost even!” the tone of your voice rising in alarm at the thought of your boyfriend wandering too far from the apartment you rented for your holiday and not being able to find his way back safely. 
You hear his low melodious lazy laugh on the other end of the call “Good morning to you too chiquita, don’t worry about it, I’m not far and I’ve figured out how to get back, and as to getting sick, I would never, I survived filming La sociedad, remember? I’m immune to cold” You roll your eyes at his stupid bravado “Don’t roll your eyes baby, I’m fine, I’ll be there soon with some pastries for breakfast, you get some coffee started, will you?” you sigh getting up “just come back love”. As you hang up you get up putting on one of his sweaters that are just lying around the room before heading to the kitchen smiling at the fireplace in the living room. Just as you’re pouring the mugs of hot coffee Enzo walks into the apartment ruffling the snow off his long raven-colored locks and trying to muffle a sneeze so you won’t hear it. You shoot around as he’s failed to conceal it from you. “I’m just fine babe, don’t look at me like that” Enzo retorts to your arched brow.
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Later on that day you can see him shivering and sneezing more frequently and look at him “Ok, that’s it, you’re coming down with a cold love, I’ll draw you a warm bath and make you some tea with honey for when you get out” And he knows by the look on your face to better not argue it and nods softly “thank you love”. 
Once he’s out of the bath and you’re both cuddled in bed with your tea mugs as you play with his unruly locks absentmindedly you whisper “Now, could you stop playing Enzo king in the north and not go out in the snow next time? look how you’re feeling now, you have a fever, you’re even hiding in my sweater like a little kitten” you kiss his forehead to check if the paracetamol you gave him has started working yet. He shoots his face up to look at you, glossy eyes trying to look offended by what you said, “But I’m not sick baby, I just enjoy cuddling my girlfriend and snuggling away on my…sorry, your boobs”. You laugh at his silly statement and nod softly “I’m sure that’s it baby”. You keep playing with his hair seeing him slowly drift off to sleep as you admire his peaceful features tracing his nose lightly with your finger and smiling to yourself wondering how you ever got so lucky to get to share your life with a man such as this.
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P.S: This was just adorable to write, I had the silliest smile on the whole time. I really hope you enjoyed it.
Taglist: @madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @luceracastro @castawaycherry @lastflowrr @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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