#ever after plance zine
numbah34 · 4 years
I am so very excited to be a part of Happily Ever After: a Plance Zine ! I am so honored to have been allowed to contribute to this zine (my very first!!!). I am looking forward to seeing all of our hard work in print, and I hope others are just as excited! A lot of love and care went into this project, and at a time when we all needed to feel connected with one another. I hope when you get your copy, you will also feel that sense of connectedness and community as you enjoy the fruits of our labor along with us!
To celebrate pre-orders opening, here’s a little peek of one of my pieces included in the zine. This is from my collaboration with the ever-fabulous @rueitae! Intrigued? See the full version of the art and read the story it accompanies by purchasing the zine, and support WHO’s COVID-19 Response Fund!
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a-haunted-sock · 3 years
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The Kiss
Finally got the green light to post this! This is my print piece for the Happily Ever After zine that I did last summer. I’m so excited to be able to share it, finally! Most ships have their own version of the famous Klimt painting, but plance needs ours as well; I couldn’t let this injustice go!
I’m so proud of everyone’s hard work for this zine and I’m floored by just how beautiful it is! A big thanks to the mods who works so hard to make this the best experience!
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rueitae · 2 years
Rue's 2021 Writing Year in Review
I've done this in past years and I hated to not continue it. Below the cut are my stats and fics posted in the year 2021!
Fics posted: 22
Fics Updated: 1
Voltron: Legendary Defender: 7
Carmen Sandiego (2019): 16
Word Count: 124,777
Voltron: Legendary Defender Fics:
Not So New: (Plance) A post canon New Years Eve plance fic.
After Hours: (Plance) A married plance fluffy Christmas fic (with special appearance from their OC child)
A Bird in the Hand: (Gen) Written for the Pidge Angst Bang 2021! Pidge is captured by a space mob boss during the journey back to Earth in season seven. She needs to use her wits, Paladin training, and trust in her team to escape.
A Wolf in Thieves Clothing: (Plance) Continued fic for the Carrot and Stick Plance bang earlier this year! This is an AU based off of Lupin the Third, the Castle of Cagliostro.
Shootin' the Breeze (Just Say Yes): (Plance) Written for the Happily Ever After Plance Zine. This is a wild west AU that I was particularly pleased with! Ends in a proposal and has a healthy portion of danger!
Plan is a Four Letter Word: (Plance) Lance and Pidge have separate ideas on what their Valentine's Day plans are. Humorous miscommunication.
One for the Movies: (Plance) The plance baby wants in on date night.
Carmen Sandiego (2019) Fics Posted*:
Saved for Memories: VILE discovers Player's existence and brings him in as bait to lure Carmen back. Using the truth extractor, the Faculty get a front row view to Player's memories and how exactly he came to know Carmen.
The Kalosian Castle Caper: A retelling of the first CS episode as a Pokemon AU!
A Good Time: An epilogue gift for @constantconfusion14 and her 'Player tries field work for a caper' fic, Best Laid Plans.
Geography Teacher Player AU
A Teaching Moment: Player's first day of his first year of teaching. Carmen comes to visit to offer congratulations and assure him that he made the right career decision.
The Inspector and the Little Pirate: Devineaux and Julia are on ACME recruitment duty at a high school science fair. Carmen is there to support Player's project. VILE is also there to recruit after ACME decimated their numbers. Chase POV, he learns a little bit more about Carmen and does some bonding with Player.
Off the Hook: At the end of Player's first year of teaching. He helps ACME out on a stakeout gone horribly wrong.
Modern Fantasy Familiar AU
Strange and Familiar: Introduction to the world. Player comes from a magical family. He worries over why he hasn't heard from Black Sheep since he tracked her to Morocco.
Recovery: Directly picks off from Strange and Familiar. Carmen is injured and Player and his parents start her on the path to recovery. They grapple with their new shared magic and get excited over the idea of taking down VILE together.
Relax: Carmen is injured in a caper. Player and his mother make sure that Carmen heals and relaxes and that she is safe here. She's home.
Overload: Carmen, Zack, Ivy, and Player meet up pre-caper to discuss last second plans. Found family fluff.
A Losing Game: The dark Red arc.
Whumptober Collection:
You've Got A Friend: Player takes a gap year before university to travel the world with Carmen. When she gets sick, he finds some relief in being an in-person caretaker this time around.
Found: AU where Black Sheep is never able to escape VILE and get in touch with Player again. Ten years of searching, Player finally finds his best friend again.
All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go: VILE has both Carmen and Player captive on a cruise ship, traveling towards VILE island.
Paper Trail: Maelstrom POV. The Professor bullies a captive Player during the dark red arc.
I Know This Looks Bad...: After VILE discovers Player's existence in a canon divergence AU, Shadowsan is forced to act sooner than he'd like. Unfortunately he didn't tell Player what the plan was before he pulled a Carmen and kidnapped Player first. Prequel to @sakarrie-creates fic Blind Rage, where Carmen confronts Shadowsan on the issue, thinking Player is dead.
*Also written were 44 ficlets of varying lengths not posted.
Best title: Saved for Memories
I love the layers behind this. The crux of the fic is the villains forcing the protagonist to show them cherished memories that happen to be very useful to the bad guys, when those good times with his best friend deserved to be kept more sacred than that.
Worst title: I Know This Looks Bad…
I definitely was not thinking when I posted this fic.
Favorite Piece of Writing:
From The Inspector and the Little Pirate. I consulted by CS buddies and their unanimous decision was this:
Chase turns his head to indeed see that his car is being driven away. But it is not the fact that his car is being stolen that fills him with terror.
Player had been in that car. There hadn’t been four students to protect, there had been five .
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I went into the year assuming I’d continue to write more plance fic. Then Carmen Sandiego (2019) had its finale in January and I’ve been solidly entrenched since. Churning out 16 fic of various lengths certainly proved that. I also got to do Whumptober again this year. I’d missed it.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Off the Hook. Post canon has a special place in my heart and it was my chance to touch on the main cast interacting with each other on friendly terms and living to their full potential.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Actually, A Teaching Moment and Saved for Memories both have 219 kudos as of today, which is WILD. Which makes sense, both of these I churned out closest to the end of the series, so there was more readership at the time.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
Paper Trail. I like to think I’m super clever with the outline of the story and writing Maelstrom’s POV delighting in Player’s despair was SUPER fun. Also most fun to write and potentially saddest. It's a pretty dismal situation for the protagonists.
Fav dialogue from it: “Sometimes there is no reason for evil,” Maelstrom explains, one he’s given to students asking the same. “I just enjoy seeing others suffer. Other times, others are simply means to an end.”
Story with single sweetest moment?
Off the Hook, the scene at the end where Carmen and Player chat. The entire fic has been a high stress caper and Carmen calls simply to chat with her friend. She then tells him to go to bed lol.
Hardest story to write?
The Kalosian Castle caper was like pulling teeth at times, but A Wolf in Thieves Clothing was even moreso. I just haven’t been in a vld mood for most of the year.
Most overdue story?
A Bird in the Hand. Written for the Pidge Angst Bang this year, I’ve had the first portion written for nearly two years so I was super happy to see it to fruition.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote for totally new fandom and characters. I’m branching out to a couple other fandoms too. It’s been relaxing. I'm currently writing a short Pokemon fic, and wrote three Miraculous Ladybug ficlets as a challenge to see how much I could get right about the series from just tumblr posts. Apparently I got pretty close lol.
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
My goals are to enjoy writing. Minimize commitments. Go with the muse.
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ashkazora · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Lance/Pidge | Katie Holt
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt
Additional Tags: Monsters & Mana (Voltron), Alternate Universe - Monsters & Mana, BAMF Lance (Voltron), BAMF Pidge | Katie Holt, Actually Pike and Meklavar but ao3 is homophobic and don’t have character tags for them, Marriage Proposal, Canon-Typical Violence, yes those two tags are related, written for the Plance Ever After zine
Summary: Pike and Meklavar get engaged, captured, and into a fight. Not necessarily in that order.
This fic was written for the charity zine, @planceeverafter, featuring amazingly drawn by the wonderfully talented @anchoredtetherart! Go follow her if ya like Plance and beutiful art/fics <3
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vldquintessential · 3 years
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Kidgetober Lotor Appreciation Day (twitter) - November 4 Sheith Halloween Prompt Month sheith prompt party (twitter) - posting soon!
Arayot: A Pride Zine, mod applications - closes December 10th
Agridulce: A Klance Whump Anthology Zine, contributor applications - closes November 24th
Body Heat, an adult sheith zine (twitter) - leftover sales, physical book + merch
Klance AU history zine, contributor applications - closes November 7th
Klance Lovebug zine - finance mod applications
Happily Ever After: A Plance Zine - leftover sales
Lady in Lace: An 18+ Krolia Lingerie Zine - contributor applications, closes November 13th
Strawberry Seeds: A QPP Kallura Zine - interest check, closes November 19th
Splendiferous: An Allurance Royalty Zine - preorders, closes November 16th
Sunshine and Snapbacks: a sheith fratboy anthology (twitter) - sales, closes November 20th
Uncharted Waters, a mer!sheith zine (twitter) - digital sales available
Remember to mention @vldquintessential​ in the promo post!
Free zines under the cut. If we’ve missed any, please let us know!
Blue Moon, Lance-centric
Home, Keith/Lance
Power of the Ocean, Keith/Lance
Kaleidoscope, Keith/Pidge
Star-Crossed, Keith/Shiro
Summer Lovin’, Gen.
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kattmeithmath · 3 years
Since VLD is trending, I might as well toss this in here-
There’s a Plance zine called Ever After! All money raised goes towards COVID Relief efforts by the Red Cross and the WHO.
@planceeverafter check it out! It’s going to be amazing!!
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hailqiqi · 5 years
2019 Fic Round-Up
Writer buddies, let’s do this (as in, if you haven’t yet, do yours too!)
(I’m going with a random quote from each one because I’m a fan of long summaries.)
Fics Posted (Gen): 3
A Little Taste of What Should Have Been
And that was how Pidge found herself kneeling sideways on the couch, face inches away from Lance’s shoulder as he disinfected first two sewing needles and then the earrings with a professional air.
Wriggle, Jiggle, Bake!
“Okay, so you’ve been magically de-aged — because apparently that’s a thing. Why is that a thing? Whatever. Of course it’s a thing out here."
“Don’t make it weird, Lance,” she huffed, already tugging him into the room and closing the door behind them. “C’mon. I’ll help you wash all that off.”
Fics Posted (Plance Oneshots): 7
2 x 100 word drabbles
(Domestic Fantasy & Kabedon)
The Advantages of Being Small
“I couldn’t help it! It was just too tempting!”
Untangle to Wait, Unravel to See
Of course a fortune teller would appear as soon as he started talking about one. They were on a magical world with magical aliens and Lance was like, the hero of the story, so it made sense that events would be tied to his dialogue. Most importantly, it was not creepy at all, and anyone who said Lance was creeped out could go suck it.
the world is out there, my dear, but we're in here
Pidge froze. The reaction was so subtle that Lance would have missed it if he hadn't been watching for it -- she relaxed herself almost immediately, eyebrows raised in casual challenge -- but she'd reacted, all the same.
so it turns out I kinda missed you
Grumbling, Lance crossed his arms and sunk back into his seat. “I could’ve come to get her on my own, you know.” “Yeah, but then you wouldn’t be able to make out in the back seat on the way home.”
The Stars Aren't the Same for You and I
Dancing with Pidge was fun.
Fics Posted (Plance Chaptered): 2 (1.5?)
Skirting Katabasis
"So... Do you think you could put it back together?" Pidge tilted the tablet towards her and looked at him hard. His expression was hesitant, but his eyes were soft...almost pleading. She smirked. "Who do you think I am, Keith?”
The Future in Snippets (Chapters 3-5)
In truth, she had no idea what was fine. Her brain had switched off several heartbeats ago, but she couldn’t really find it in herself to care.
Fics Posted (Plance Collabs): 2
Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love (even chapters)
The prince doesn’t ignore the princess for the nerdy sidekick. Even if that sidekick was a badass fighter who’d saved his life countless times. Or a genius who constantly left his head spinning. Or totally into the same video games that defined Lance’s childhood, and the owner of a smile so blinding it made the stars look dim.
(shoutout to @sp4c3-0ddity​, my co-conspirator who made Pidge’s star so bright!)
It's Beginning to Look a Lot like A Christmas Carol  (Prologue & Chap 1)
“An intervention?” “Sure. Have you ever seen A Christmas Carol?” His mind freezes. “You mean the Dickens book?” “Uh…” Keith’s dad trails off, blinking. “No, the movie. With the little green man? I think they made a version with the grouchy duck, too.”
(shoutout to the awesome @rueitae​ and @sp4c3-0ddity​ who brought both the crack and the tears essential items for any Christmas party all we’re missing is the food fight and divorce)
Total Fics Posted: 14
Oooh wow. That’s more than one a month!
 Ship/Character Breakdown:
Ship Breakdown: Plance, with over 75%
[colleen image]
Character Breakdown: Pidge and Lance are in 100% of my fics. Hunk is next in 5 (with 1 POV!), then Keith and Allura both get 3 (both even get POV parts and Keith’s a major focus in Skirting Katabasis), then Shiro, Coran and Lance/Pidge’s families are more bit players.
I only just realized that the chapter in Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love is the only time I’ve really written Shiro. And now I’m horrified because Shiro was my first love.
Characters that had the Main Focus: 6 +1 Lance POV, 4+2 Pidge POV, 2 Switching POV fics and then the drabbles don’t count.  I actually started out the year tearing my hair out because I related to Pidge so much more, but now I really enjoy writing Lance. It’s actually a little tricky to get into Pidge’s headspace to work on my chaptereds sometimes.
 Best/Worst Title?
Best Skirting Katabasis. C’mon. That’s like, literary (Katabasis being hell or destruction in Greek mythos). Worst Untangle to Wait, Unravel to See. I had help with it but this fic was just so hard to name.
Best/worst last line?
Best I tend to structure my chapters/one-shots around the last line so…this is hard.
"What took you so long? I've been waiting for you."
(Untangle to Wait, Unravel to See)
My personal favourite, though, is from so it turns out I kinda missed you:
Luis laughed. “Hi, Not-My-Girlfriend. I’m Not-His-Brother, Luis.”
Hunk just laughed. “You can’t fix that right now, so you might as well have some fun!”
(Wriggle, Jiggle, Bake!) So cheesey.
The last line that gives me personal arghs is from Here:
He buried his face in her sodden hair and cried.
...because a day after posting I realised that I should’ve written wept, dammit, and now it annoys me every time I see it.
Honourable mention to The Advantages of Being Small for winning the no-context award:
“Reckon I could fit three fingers up there?”
 General Questions
 Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Way more than I thought!  I think I had planned out about 8? Of those I wrote two (zine fics), started but haven’t finished 2, and the other 4 are still pending.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
None, my obsessions are long-lasting and constant.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Skirting Katabasis or It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like A Christmas Carol. Though TBH I enjoy re-reading most of the stuff I posted in the last 6 months.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
In every single metric on AO3 it’s The Future in Snippets. Y’all like your porn (even if there’s not much of it).
On tumblr it’s Wriggle, Jiggle, Bake! by like 100 notes.
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
If this is a roundabout way of saying ‘What’s your LEAST popular story?’ it’s The Advantages of Being Small, but TBH that’s a very short crack-ficlet so it doesn’t bother me (same with the drabbles).
If the question is “What fic do you think people should like MORE?” the answer is Skirting Katabasis. It’s fifth on the list for bookmarks and 9th for Kudos, and I’m not sure why?? Does it sound too gen? Do you not like Platonic Adventure Kidge? Honestly y’all are missing out it’s like the best thing I’ve ever written. Hands down.
Story that could have been better?
The Future in Snippets. Hands down. It was started on a whim, as a practice fic for another idea I’ve been nurturing for even longer, and back when I was newer at this writing thing. It wasn’t very tightly plotted – in fact the plot was expanded upon and changed multiple times before I settled on what I have now, several chapters in – and certain things that should have been seeded were left out of earlier chapters because I wasn’t experienced enough to figure out how to work them in and foolishly thought ‘oh, it won’t matter! Such a small detail!’, so now I’m scratching my head trying to figure out how to compensate.
I tend to work off very tight outlines, but Snippets was missing that for a large part of the process and I think it shows. I do think I’ve done a good job nailing the emotion in it, though, and that’s like 95% of the fic so as long as I keep that up it’ll all be fine.
Sexiest story?
The Future in Snippets is smut so… First place for SFW sexy goes to the world is out there, my dear, but we’re in here.
Saddest story?
I think The Stars Aren’t the Same for You and I wins because it’s a heartbreaking situation with no good resolution. There’s no comfort to be found there.
Most fun?
A Little Taste of What Should Have Been. It’s just…fun!
The most fun I had writing was Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love, because it was challenging, and I’d wake up every day excited to find out what had happened in the last chapter overnight.
Story with single sweetest moment?
The Future in Snippets (Chapter 4) 
“Um…” She turned the brush in her hands over again before holding it up sheepishly. “Do you remember how you said you’d braid my hair?”
Lance’s whole face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Really?!”
A giggle escaped her lips and she smiled, nodding. “Really.”
Hardest story to write?
The Future in Snippets. The emotions in this fic have become a convoluted mess and it is growing exponentially harder to write as I continue. I simply don’t have the level of skill required, but by God I will find it so that I can finish it properly.
Easiest/most fun story to write?
Skirting Katabasis!  The outline for this fic is tight, and I freaking love writing this fic. Like I just feel like smiling the whole process. I don’t know why. It feels like the wrong answer because it’s a fairly involved fic, but I just enjoy everything about it.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
Smack, Kiss, Fall in Love actually gave me a much better understanding of Lance. Skirting Katabasis made me really look at Keith and realise that hey – the dude is actually very emotional, very chatty, and very soft (he’s so often typecast as the ‘moody loner’ because that’s what they call him in the show but he really doesn’t act like that).
Most overdue story?
Uh. The Future in Snippets was originally scheduled to be finished in January 2018, so… I also have a soulmate WIP which was meant to be for V-Day 2018.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I started to play about with other POVs, and discovered that I can write other POVs? I also did two collabs!  The first one I discovered that Reem really is a sweetheart, and with the second I discovered that either I’m really bossy or really persuasive or both maybe I should go into politics.
I also did a couple of events and zines and exchanges. I discovered that piece-writing – like writing with a target/deadline/outside expectation – does not agree with me, and I will no longer sign up for events/zines/exchanges.
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
1.     Finish my WIPs.
2.     Write my Pidge Makes Bad Decisions fic!
3.     That’s about it really. Can you take over the world by writing fic? If so, that’s going on the list.
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ace-pidge · 7 years
@legendaryvoltron tagged me a few days back, sorry I missed it!
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
Swiss Army knife
A couple pads
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
Betta fish
Shelf full of plants
Flipper the dolphin plush
My book collection
Lots of posters/prints on the walls
5 things I’m currently into
Voltron (duh)
Race to the Edge (HTTYD)
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
The Foxhole Court (All for the Game) by Nora Sakavic
Child of Light
5 things on my to-do list:
Write hance zine piece
Start writing sheith big bang piece
Update events blog
Do assignment for tomorrow
Start working on review committee report
5 things people may not know about me:
My dream job would be like something at a herbarium or botanical garden, where I get to take care of plants all day, and maybe help with plant conservation efforts
I love the outdoors, and outdoor activities like hiking, biking, climbing, skiing etc
I’m really struggling with my Masters, to the point I regret accepting it. I’ve come to realize it’s really... not... a field/topic I’m interested in after all ://
I desperately miss playing volleyball, but I’ve been too hesitant to try ever since I badly injured my knee playing a few years ago
I lowkey dream of one day owning a property where I can grow a little garden and maybe have a little greenhouse of my own and like a couple chickens or beehives or something
Tagging: @fonbella @ace-keith @planced @ashinan @butteredonions @j-j-leroy, only if you want to, no pressure!
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planceeverafter · 4 years
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Orders are available from October 23rd 2020 to Jan 10th 2021. This perfect bound, full-colored illustrations and fanfics collection featuring over 20 artists, 15 writers and 7 beta readers from all over the globe! The Physical version is filled with some of the most incredible creators who want to share their love for this pairing with you!
PDF Zine: Digital 50+ pages
Physical Zine: Perfect Bound 100+ pages
Merch Bundle: 3x Prints, 4x Sticker sheets, 2x Bookmarks, 1 Postcard and  3x 2" Charms
Full Bundle: Physical zine with PDF, Merch Bundle and a special item!
Shipping price is not included. Please read terms and conditions before buying!
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vldquintessential · 4 years
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Klance Secret Santa - posting 
Pidge Angst Bang - posting 
Plance Secret Santa - posting
Plance and Kallura Gift Exchange (Idyll-Chatter) - posting
Voltron Secret Santa - posting
Voltron Positivity Coalition - Dec. 13th - Dec. 19th
Voltron Ship Roulette - sign ups open till Jan. 1st 2021
December prompt event (@s1lverpaladin​, @9-ball​, @incorrect-kidge-quotes​) - Dec. 25th - Dec. 31st
Across Realities: a Sheith anthology - leftover sales, ends Dec. 20th (20/12/2020)
Binary Stars, Shiro/Keith - contributor applications, ends. Jan. 31st (31/01/2021) 
Endless Summer, BNHA & VLD crossover - interest check + mod applications, ends Dec. 30th (30/12/2020)
Dread, Shiro-centric - interest check, ends Jan. 5th (05/01/2021)
Honeymoon around the world!, Keith/Lance - preorders, ends ~Jan. (01/2021)
Happily Ever After, Lance/Pidge - preorders, ends Jan. 10th (10/01/2021)
Island Adventures, Keith/Lance - finance mod application, ends Dec. 14 (14/12/2020)
Love Bites!, Keith/Lance - mod applications, ends Jan. 6th (06/01/2021)
The First of Forever, Keith/Lance - contributor applications, ends Jan. 10th (10/01/2021)
Royal Alliance Vol. II, Allura/Lotor - contributor applications, ends Dec. 12 (12/12/2020)
Seasons, Keith/Lotor + Keith/James - interest check, ends ~Jan. (01/2021)
Sharpshooter, Lance-centric - interest check, ends Jan. 16th (16/01/2021)
Splendiferous, Allura/Lance - interest check, ends Jan. 9th (09/01/2021)
We Live To Sabotage, Keith/Lance (Leakira) - preorders, ends Dec. 20th (20/12/2020)
Whiskers Across the Galaxy, pet-centric - interest check, ends Jan. 15th (15/01/2021)
Queens of the Night, Acxa/Veronica - graphic design/formatting mod + beta mod applications
Remember to mention @vldquintessential​ in the promo post! 
Free zines under the cut.
Blue Moon, Lance-centric
Home, Keith/Lance
Power of the Ocean, Keith/Lance
Kaleidoscope, Keith/Pidge
Star-Crossed, Keith/Shiro
Summer Lovin’, Gen.
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ashkazora · 3 years
2020 Fic Roundup
Fics Posted (Total): 13
In chronological order: Cold Floors and Warm Hearts - a fluffy shance fic about the three times Shiro accidentally wakes up in Lance’s room. Exchange fic. 3,441 words.
These Boots Are Gonna Walk All Over You - a small klance fillet based on the US tv show, The Blacklist. 639 words.
the water was dark (and it went down forever) - a Lance-centric gen fic exploring his relationship with the Blue Lion, and her control over him. 15,618 words.
Coffee Grinds and Morse Code - a post-s8, Shance fic written for the valentines shance exchange! 3,593 words.
Nectar and Ambrosia - my first Bad Things Happen Bingo prompt fill for the square ‘denied food as punishment.’ Lance whump. 2,641 words.
there ain't no rest for the wicked - another Bad Things Happen Bingo prompt fill for ‘big brother instincts,’ but this time with Plance and Lance whump. 3,508 words. 
Of Claws and Steel - a science-fiction, super sentai cat armour AU entered around the Lions as futuristic mecha armour. Most underrated fic here. 14,344 words.
Hairline Fractures - another Bad Things Happen Bingo prompt fill, ‘bleeding through bandages.’ Lance whump (again). 5,059 words.
Leverage - last Bad Things Happen Bingo fill for the year, for the prompt ‘on a leash.’ Featuring Shance, and Lance and Shiro whump. 7,743 words.
Lay It Down To Save It - Leakira Klance AU written for Leakira week. Made in collaboration with @crapoftheworldblr​! 18,102 words.
to the stars and back - The Dragon Prince Plance AU with Prince!Lance and Elf!Pidge. In collaboration with @rosieclark​! 36,574 words.
Sweeter Than Honey - written for the Blue Moon Lance zine! Features BAMF!Lance as the honeypot on a mission. 4,098 words.
In The Closet - Klance fic for the winner of my fic giveaway. Fluffy, and definitely a bit saucy. 2,363 words.
Fics Posted (Gen): 5
the water was dark (and it went down forever) Nectar and Ambrosia Of Claws and Steel  Hairline Fractures  Sweeter Than Honey
Plance: 2
there ain't no rest for the wicked to the stars and back 
Shance: 3
Cold Floors and Warm Hearts Coffee Grinds and Morse Code  Leverage
Klance: 3
These Boots Are Gonna Walk All Over You Lay It Down To Save It  In The Closet
Collaborations: 2
Lay It Down To Save It to the stars and back
Ship/Character breakdown:
Ship breakdown:
This year, the biggest ship I wrote for was Shance (3 fics), with Plance (2) and Klance (2.5) coming in from behind. The k/l ficlet doesn’t count as a full fic.
Character breakdown:
Of the 13 fics, Lance is in the most with 13 (insert surprised pikachu face here), then it goes Shiro (12), Keith (10), Pidge (8), Hunk (7), Allura (6) and Matt Holt (2). Other characters appear only once, such as Coran, Haggar and Kolivan. Technically, the Blue Lion clocks in at 2 mentions. 
Characters that had the main focus:
Lance had the sole POV for 7 of those fics, and shared POVs (in a collaboration) iin 2 additional fics. Shiro had the second most POVs at a total of 3, while Keith had 1 sole POV and 1 shared POV, and Pidge with one shared POV.
Best/worst title?
Best title: the water was dark (and it went down forever), but honestly so many other fics has titles I liked. This title was based off of the Tim Winton short story by the name name, The Water Was Dark And It Went Down Forever, where the main character swims and debatably drowns. So it’s fairly fitting.
Runners up titles include Sweeter Than Honey, to the stars and back, and Lay It Down To Save It.
Worst title: Hairline Fractures. It’s dumb and it makes no sense. It was the first thing that came to mind.
An honourable mention includes Leverage, which would be first if not for the fact that the title inspired the ending, so it’s not too bad.
Best/worst last line?
Best: From the water was dark (and it went down forever):
Blue’s grasp on him was like an endless expanse; an opulent and brilliant ocean. Her waters were dark, and  it went  down forever.
This was definitely my favourite, even though it’s pretty cringe. The way it was formatted in ao3 and the way it related to the title plus the reoccurring symbolism of water made it pretty neat!
Worst: From there ain't no rest for the wicked:
Pidge laughed, and turned her back from the darkness.
I’m sorry. This ending was so cringey. I hate it. There’s nothing else to say except I have no idea how to fix it. Oof.
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
tbh, I wrote a lot more, considering I had my final exams this year. Breaching 100k was crazy. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
Honestly? Klance. I’m not the biggest fan of the ship but writing it is very interesting, and I enjoyed it. 
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Of Claws and Steel hands down! It’s the first fic idea I ever had for VLD,  and the one I really love the most. One day I’d love to write a continuation of it, but the reception of the fic wasn’t great so idk.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
the water was dark (and it went down forever) even though it was started in 2019, was finished this year and is my most popular fic of all time! It’s got 4k+ hits and 450+ kudos. Crazy, since it was only supposed to be a dumb little warm up fic to get me back into writing in preparation for Of Claws and Steel. Alas, turns out people really liked it!
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
Of Claws and Steel. It was the fic I worked the hardest on this year but got the least amount of attention :)
Story that could have been better?
Easily there ain't no rest for the wicked. There was so much plot and so many things I wanted to include but didn't. There’s a lot of things missing and bad plot flow. One day if I got more time, I’d love to write more on it.
Sexiest story?
In The Closet, hands down. It gets a bit steamy with a k/l makeout session. Originally it was going to be a lot saucier but I wasn’t too comfortable in my ability to write it well ahaha. 
Saddest story?
None of my stories were sad, per se. Most of the sad ones were more scary/foreboding rather than actually being sad. I guess to the stars and back right now, because it’s dealing with Lance’s insecurities and Pidge’s desperation to find her brother (and a lot of other things, which will be revealed in the future!)
Most fun?
Sweeter Than Honey! It was fun to write and is my most fun fic. BAMF!Lance and his witty commentary is always a great laugh.
Story with single sweetest moment? 
I can’t choose :,). It’s a three-way tie between Cold Floors and Warm Hearts’s last scene where Shiro realises Lance bought him the necklace, Lay It Down To Save It’s scene that I can’t say because it’s technically unpublished ;), and to the stars and back’s scene where Lance and Pidge talk about what they would like to be in life (ch3).
Hardest story to write?
Probably Of Claws and Steel, as I completely stagnated on the story for a long time. It took me 8 months to write it. Without Rue’s help, I probably would have taken so much longer. Runners up is Leverage, as it took me like a solid week to write 90% of it, and 3 more months to write the remaining 10%. For some reason, parts of that fic were such a pain to write. 
Easiest/most fun story to write?
The easiest was definitely to the stars and back. I could relate to a lot of Lance’s actions and thoughts in the fic, so writing his POV was super easy and rather cathartic ngl. However the most fun was probably Sweeter Than Honey, as it was super self indulgent ahaha.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
Lay It Down To Save It changed my perception of Keith. I don’t particularly like Keith in canon, but I’ve warmed up to his fanon self and general character after writing from his POV.
Most overdue story?
Of Claws and Steel easily! It was the first VLD fic idea I had but took 8 months to write. Oops? 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
For the first time I incorporated HTML coding into my fics, which taught me a lot about coding and different ways to convey certain messages and detail things. These codings altered fonts and colours, which you can see in 
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
Write my tua/vld au fic, which will be my first solo multi chapter fic, and hopefully finish it by the end of next year. Also, sticking to a consistent writing schedule and try to write at least 100 words a day, plus finishing TSSAB. I’d also like to finish some more BTHB prompts!
That’s all, folks! Thank you all for sticking with my writing! Hopefully 2021 brings even more writing, fun times, and great fics. Happy New Years (in 24 hours), everyone!
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rueitae · 4 years
I’m so pleased and honored to be a part of Happily Ever After: A Plance Zine! It’s full of so much beautiful content that I can’t wait for everyone to read and enjoy!
To celebrate pre-orders opening, here’s a quick taste of my piece that you can read when you purchase it, and support WHO’s COVID-19 Response Fund!
“If I win, you’ll let me and Pidge go free, and give up trying to take her family’s shop,” Lance says evenly.
“Of course,” Thurman readily agrees. “But,” his smile turns wicked, “if I win, both y’all and your assets belong to me. Should you survive, that is.”
Lance dismounts, barely glancing at Pidge's struggles to warn him, to tell him to go home and leave her. Setting down his beloved rifle, he picks up the revolver and checks the chamber before slamming the gauge shut with a wild spin. 
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vldquintessential · 4 years
Tumblr media
Available for Purchase:
[until 27th] Across Realities: a sheith AU zine (digital only)
Operation: Kuron (digital only)
Song of Heroes: a voltron fanzine (digital only)
Star-Crossed: a voltron sheith fanzine (digital only)
Written in the Stars: a sheith fix-it zine (digital only)
Looking for Contributors:
[CLOSED] Happily Ever After: a plance zine
Honeymoon around the world: a klance zine
Island Adventures - Animal Crossing x Voltron, a klance zine
NSFW Bonding Moments: a klance zine
Kaleidescope: a fantasy kidge zine
Once Upon a Time: a klance fairytale zine (if your order is delayed, please contact the mods!)
Power of the Ocean - a klance zine
Sultry Shots, a klance pin-up zine
VICTORIAN - a shance zine
Applications Open / Upcoming:
June, Pikelavar Month
Interest Check:
Langst Halloween Exchange
info-boxes have been updated!
About | FAQ
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hailqiqi · 6 years
End of Year Fic Meme
I wasn’t tagged, unless you count those ‘and anybody who wants to do it!’ tags. But I saw this and wanted to do it and I want to see what the people I tag reply with so god-damn-it I am doing it.
Under the cut ‘cause it’s long as heck.
List of Fics Posted:
Shallura Drabble
The Good Type of Snitch
The Choices We Make, The Lives We Lead
Quiet Shimmers in the Snow
The Future in Snippets
 Total number: 6 Total word count: 17,114
Ship/character breakdown: Smile – Kataang - Katara POV
Shallura – Allura POV
Snitch – Pidgance – Pidge POV
Choices – Pidgance – Lance POV
Shimmers – Pidgance – Lance/Pidge/Lance POV
Snippets – Pidgance – Pidge POV
Characters that had the main focus:
I think Pidge edges Lance out for POVs, but not by much.
Best/worst title? Best title:  The Good Type of Snitch. Worst title:  The Future in Snippets (by far. What was I thinking.)
Best/worst first line?
Best: “The market was beside one of the most spectacular ice rinks Lance had ever seen.”
Worst:  Oooh, a toss up between “The ruckus of a hundred students finding and settling into seats reverberates throughout the hall and hits Katara like a shockwave, making her stop just inside the door.” (wordy much?) and “Pidge grumbled under her breath as she shuffled down the hall to her hanger.” (omg how did I miss a misspelling in the first line)
Best/worst last line?
Best:  “The warmth in her chest had nothing to do with the jacket.”  But I feel like “And the Ambassador certainly won’t notice they’re missing - at least not while he’s passed out underneath the canape table.” should come in second here.
Worst: So 4/6 fics end with some version of ‘he/she said ‘Okay’.’  Worst line goes to “C’mon then. Let’s go on a date!” which was written in purely to avoid him saying ‘Okay’.
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? Well, I intended to do 6 for Kataang Week and I did …only 1… but 5 others. So hmm.  I definitely wasn’t expecting to write for anything else, I haven’t written fic for fun in about 15 years so it was a nice change!!!  Big thanks to Morie @octaviainthewasteland for getting me back into this.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? Pairing: Pidgance Genre: NSFW Fandom: Voltron, I suppose? What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. The Choices We Make, The Lives We Lead. Which is ironically my least popular pidgance story by miles.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
By Comments: The Future in Snippets By kudos: The Good Type of Snitch By hits: Quiet Shimmers in the Snow
(See? Choices gets no love!) Story most underappreciated by the universe? Choices! I dunno why, I really like the atmosphere of it. It draws me in every time I read it. Story that could have been better? Smile, definitely. That was the first thing I wrote this year after a year of writing nothing (I participated a bit in Kataang Week last year just because there needs to be more people in it) and you can definitely tell my writing needed polishing.
Quiet Shimmers in the Snow annoys me, tbh. When I sat down to write it I thought ‘fuck logic, let’s just have fun and be happy’ and created this big romantic world but the thought that ‘there isn’t really a story here to tell’ always niggles at me. It’s probably what makes it so hard to write. Sexiest story? Snippets. Though there’s really not enough sex considering it was meant to be NSFW practice. Saddest story? I don’t really do sad. Choices, maybe? Most fun? Shimmers.  It’s a first date with alien ice skating, fairies and Christmas markets. C’mon. Story with single sweetest moment? Smile
“That means the pretty girl must be looking at him again.
He looks around, a grin already forming on his lips, expecting her to jump and duck her head like she always does. But this time bright blue eyes meet his gaze head-on and he feels the breath leave his lungs in a sudden woosh. Her hair tumbles over her shoulders and a deep red blush spreads over her dark complexion. How did he ever look away from her before?
He feels light-headed. The pretty girl isn’t pretty. She’s beautiful.
She lifts a hand and waves, a small smile spreading shyly across her lips. He smiles back, warmth filling his chest, and then the lecturer calls for everyone to pay attention and the moment is gone.”
Writing about The Sweeties means sweetness is always coming. I love it.
 Hardest story to write? Both Smile and the Shallura drabble, I think. I was doing both more out of obligation than a real inspiration to write (unfortunately I only seem to obsess about one thing at a time). Quiet Shimmers in the Snow has been giving me a heap of trouble past the first chapter, too (really it was meant to be a one-shot, but Misty insisted that I needed to have them actually ice-skate so I thought I’d shoe-horn a few other tumblr prompts into it).
What I’m getting from this question is that anything I’m not writing specifically and solely because I want to write it is hard to write.
Easiest/most fun story to write? The Good Type of Snitch. That was a hell of a lot of fun.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters? Nah, none of my writing’s that deep, fam.  It’s all fluff and funsies.
Most overdue story? Uh, probably Quiet Shimmers in the Snow since it’s made up of tumblr prompts from like… 3 months ago??
Smile is also part 1 of 5? 6?.  Part 2 is sitting finished, Part 3 is like half-way done. Kataang Week was back in July!  ( @chel-burr do you still wanna tackle the rest of them?)
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? Starting writing again, just in general! Snitch was a huge risk because it was my first foray into writing again and also written as a birthday surprise for someone who’s writing I admire immensely ( @octaviainthewasteland , looking at you here!). I was actually a little nervous about that because Morie’s stuff is always so well-thought-out with expansive settings and twists and emotions and mine is like...fluff with two people talking.  I suppose I learnt that I enjoy writing, people enjoy reading my rubbish, and that people always enjoy surprise birthday fics?
Snippets is another big risk – it wasn’t planned when I started, and I just kind of randomly decided that I needed to learn to write NSFW so…there we go. The plot came after the first chapter. I learnt that emotional context is what really makes a smut scene go, that people really like NSFW stuff and interact with it more (this is the only one of my fics that people interact with me on tumblr about), that I actually need to learn to write group dialogue, and that I really can’t stick to angst to save my fucking life because despite my careful planning my head keeps going YOU CAN MAKE THEM HAPPY NOW JUST DO THIS!!!! (I’m writing fanfictions of my own damn fanfiction in my mind because I want to them to just smile already jfc)
What are your fic writing goals for next year? So I’m in the Plance Zine and the Tiny Adventures Zine, the Pidge Big Bang and the Voltron Kink Bang …. So to complete all of those on time!!
I also want to work through that list of prompts from months ago, and my piece for the Voltron Kink Bang is going to be the first part to a gigantic soap opera epic that I’ve had planned in my head for months and never intended to write – I want to have at least half of that written and posted by December 2018. And hopefully that goal will stop me from chickening out of the Voltron Kink Bang because there’s still a part of me that wants to accidentally miss the check-in.
And, for funsies, I wanna have two completely new fics that aren’t planned at all right now done and dusted in these 12 months.  What will they be? Who knows! Finding out is half the fun!
Tagging everyone who’s writing I want to know more about... Okay there’s a lot of you.  @octaviainthewasteland @mistyhollowpro (pleeeeease tell me you’re actually writing that soulmates au) @sp4c3-0ddity @mindatworkk @dupreerose @purpleplatypusbear21 @s-n-arly @fanwright @fanart-rainbox (妳的同人文也算哦!) @bel-ina @polarishpd (I am still not over that last chapter of Robots and Love) @thisiswhereifall @amillionsmiles @radiantcerulean and I know there’s more but I’m meant to actually be working so...
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