#every starter character on that account is decently built
vampstel · 2 years
I have a second Asia account with over 13k primogems. I was doing a challenge where I’m only allowed to build the starter team and not waste a single primogem. I finished Dragonspine on there first (of course), then Mondstadt and Liyue.
I did so well on that account. I think I’m about ar 30-35~ on there with a Lisa that could do incredible damage with overloaded reactions. I miss that account so much aaaa
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Even though it makes no sense at all for them to play genshin,
I think Diluc and Kaeya would probably main each other. Diluc would say its because he's had the starter character for longer hence had more time time to build him but honestly he just thinks Kaeya is cool. Kaeya claims its to prove that Diluc can in fact do a lot of damage in the game regardless of what the people online say (he's a thinly veiled meta slave) but most of all he likes to hear his brother's voice somewhat happy again
Also Childe mains c6 Qiqi and carries all his team members in domains. He's a whale but its okay because it's not his money it's fatui money
...Bennett also mains c6 Qiqi but he gets carried in domains. F2p, actually really skilled at the game but he has suffered under the resin system and artifact system a lot
Fischl probably mains herself. She's not vain, but is it really her fault if her animations look so cool?
Razor is not great at the game but his aiming is pretty good. He probably likes to play as his friends regardless of whether they're good or if he's built them properly. Perpetually at ar25 because he refuses to do the ascension quests. The second he does eventually do them he ends up jumping to ar 50
Jean has Barbara dps and everyone's kinda scared of her they're all glad the game doesn't have a pvp thing
Barbara is just kinda spamming the attack button without thinking at all, she's much better at the exploration part of the game. Has 100% exploration on dragonspine
Diona likes to attack npcs
Mona has the most mora in the game which is painful for her because she doesn't have any in real life- f in the chat
Albedo spends most of his play time farming stuff. You join his world for coop to farm and he's like sure you can try. And you're like try??? What do you mean? And then it turns out every single farming spot is already empty somehow
Diluc is F2P, but who mains Kaeya cause he just likes how Kaeya plays. But he's been super duper lucky and has a bunch of unbuilt 5stars.
Kaeya was a meta slave until he learned Diluc had a Hu Toa with a Homa that he never uses because he prefers playing Kaeya and quote. "I like your little disappearing trick"
That caused Kaeya to drop everything and start pulling on a standard for Diluc (he already has a Wolf Grave's Stone lvl 90 for him). He doesn't care about new banners. He just wants Diluc. But he currently has a C6 Jean and a C4 Qiqi. No Diluc.
Do you want to know who does have Diluc, though? Childe. C6 Diluc and a C6 Qiqi. And that Man totally whales. All his 5 stars are C6 with R5 signature weapons. He doesn't even play that much, and he's nearly always resin capped. And Qiqi is the only character built to do any kind of damage.
Well, Diluc has the best F2P luck; Bennett has the worst. C10 Qiqi. baby. He's never one a 50/50, and his luck is the same with the artifacts. He only got a decent set after he let Fischl play for him.
Fischl is an absolute 4-star man. She would lead a revolution against the 5-stars if she could.
Razor just gathers, goes hunting, and plants all day. All his characters still only have 3-4 star artifacts.
Jean probably is a pretty strong meta follower, but DPS barbara is her favorite to play.
Barbara just plays characters who make her happy! Being Jean Rosaria Bennett and Diluc. Does her team have the best synergy? Not really, but he loves playing it anyway.
Diona stole her dad's card to get a C6 Klee. And she likes throwing bombs around the Dawn winery. She has a C3 Diluc she never uses.
Mona has terrible luck with characters, so her insane amount of mora comes from her playing since day one, and she's only gotten like 4 five stars. She literally has nothing to spend her mora on.
Albedo likes farming and fishing. A few people have given him their account info, and he's R5 Lvl 90 the catch for them.
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mrmallard · 3 years
18 and 33
18: rant about your favorite musician
So I was bullied pretty badly as a kid at school and at home, and there was a period of time where I was drowning in a sea of age-appropriate content that felt extremely condescending and fake - it wouldn't ever engage with the idea of being sad or depressed in a serious and nuanced manner outside of the token "you're sad now but things aren't so bad!" message. Most adult media I had access to at the time, mostly shitty early-00's action movies airing on TV, was very vapid and about as thematically hollow as the age appropriate stuff. Nothing really represented me and made me feel heard, nothing validated what I was going through and the negativity I was feeling towards others and myself.
As a 12 year old, I found the media which finally validated the depression, hurt and general violent negativity that existed within me due to all of my negative experiences.
And that media...
was End of Evangelion, an anime movie in which the apocalypse happens in an immeasurably bizarre and fucked up way, where there's a bunch of overt giant robot violence but also very alarming and grounded person-to-person violence, and where the ending is unendingly bleak.
I then found the Mountain Goats through a show called Moral Orel when I was 16, and I lamented the fact that I hadn't found them before I found one of the bleakest anime movies of all time to cope with what I was going through. Because my Evangelion fandom ultimately did me a lot of harm - and while I was a stupid kid at times in how I engaged with the Mountain Goats (sending John stupid asks on Tumblr like a fucking asshole), there was a much more resonant catharsis that came with the music I heard, and it facilitated healing over time rather than escapism and outright nihilism.
I feel like had I found them earlier, I could have negated some of the harm I did to myself - like Tallahassee came out when I was 6, and I was pirating music all the time on LimeWire from 13 onwards. There's a hypothetical past where my music piracy led me to find the Mountain Goats way earlier than I eventually did, and it would have changed my life forever.
The Mountain Goats laid out a template for how I found all of my other favorite bands. There was the initial hook - the prerequisite "No Children" and "Old College Try" from Moral Orel - followed by immense overplay, followed by branching out into their other music. Once the connection has been made to a strong base of starter songs, I then get interested in listening to full albums, which is where I find the second wave of songs to latch on to after the first wave gets overplayed. Rinse and repeat until I've exposed myself to all of their music. TMG was the first band to facilitate this process, and I've done the same thing to every "core" musical act I've listened to since.
What I like about the Mountain Goats is that they're not afraid to broach difficult subjects? The Sunset Tree is a masterpiece in this regard, there's a level of vulnerability on that album that you don't get from most other artists - the closest equivalent I can think of is A Crow Looked At Me by Mt. Eerie, about the singer's wife dying of cancer.
There was a part of me that used to approach The Sunset Tree with a lurid voyeurism, a desire to validate my own pain by engaging with the pain that the album puts out there - but now when I hear songs like Hast Thou Considered The Tetrapod, I'm capable of seeing a broader picture and having more than just the desire to be validated by listening to another person's trauma. I would consume media like this to feed an unending hunger, but now I take it in bite sized portions and stay mindful of what it represents outside of my own experience.
One thing I want to talk about is John's early work, because when I started listening to the band I couldn't stand the lo-fi stuff. The whirring sound gave me a headache. But over time I've built up a strong base of his earlier material, even stuff he considers an old shame, that I absolutely adore.
The first "going to" song, to my understanding, is Going to Chino. And if you haven't heard Going to Chino, I recommend it - it's silly, it's overwrought and it's passionate. You'll never hear a more earnest commendation of a town's access to the 60 freeway in any other songs on earth. There's also Minnesota, which to this day might be John Darnielle's most romantic song. He acknowledges that he's a different person than when he started making music and he prefers to move forward as opposed to living in the past, but there's a lot of power in songs like No, I Can't or Yoga, regardless of how far removed he becomes from the self that made them.
My favorite song might be From TG&Y, because it hits on a very personal note - engaging in self-destructive behaviour to cope with a town that's sucking all of the life and goodness out of you. I've only ever drank to excess, but there's something very relatable about feeling how run down you are after a bender, having this awful manky taste in your mouth the whole time as you shift from place to place, and having this impulse of needing to run away and start a new life before this way of living kills you.
There's a lot of myself wrapped up in the Mountain Goats, and whether they're the primary band on my radar at any given moment or not, I can always spare a few words about how they make me feel.
33: what do you think about a lot
I think a lot about queer people in the past and how they've able to live their lives. I'll give you three examples.
Lately, I've had this pet idea about the anime/manga series Ranma 1/2. I haven't seen or read it, but I do know that it's about this young guy named Ranma who is afflicted with a curse or the like that results in him changing gender depending on the temperature of the water that gets dumped on him.
Ranma 1/2, from what I've gleaned, has resulted in a few gender awakenings - if I'm not mistaken, I think Dan Shive was one of those people, who went on to create the webcomic El Goonish Shive which deals with gender in a similar way at the start before taking more of a serious turn as the comic goes on.
But I have this idea in my head about early Ranma 1/2 fans writing stories about Ranma coming to terms with being a woman, and deciding to find a way to break the curse in a way that would leave the character as a woman. I wonder if there's anyone who tapped into their transness back then through their Ranma fandom, and whose journey is documented in their work.
It's like, there's people back then who Get It. Who came into their own in a time where the concept of gender transition was less accepted than it was now. And that's my people - geeky fanfiction writers. I want to know that there are people who found an innate truth to them, and who were able to be happy.
Another example I want to talk about is Robert Reed, who played Mike Brady on the Brady Bunch. I care deeply for Robert Reed. From what information is the most easily accessible about the man, he was apparently a pretty angry guy at times - he wasn't proud of his role on the Brady Bunch, and he'd get into arguments with the producer of the show. He was a closeted gay man playing the most sanitized TV dad in America, and if that news ever came out, it would sink his career and the entire show along with it.
But he was a good man. Notably, the producer of the Brady Bunch would tolerate his outbursts because his instincts would usually turn out to be right. And while he was upset with the material, he was never abusive to his co-stars. A bunch of them speak fondly about him to this day - he'd take the kids on day trips and stuff, and became something of a mentor and father figure to them. You don't hear wholesome stories like that from the 70's any more, but by all accounts Robert Reed seems to have been a decent man.
Robert died of colon cancer, but at the time of his death he had HIV as well. He was an incredibly private person - the only reason we know that he's gay is because he called Florence Henderson a week before he died to let her know and to get her to tell the rest of the cast. Apparently he kept in touch with her for years, and he saw fit to let everyone know before he died.
My understanding is that he had a partner at the time, though I'm not 100% sure. I hope Robert Reed had love throughout his life, y'know. I hope he had people who he loved and was loved by in return. I'm sad that he lived his whole life in the closet, and I hope he was able to find comfort and fulfillment in the relationships he did have in his life.
The last example I want to talk about is David Hyde Pierce - Niles from Frasier and the professor from Treasure Planet. I learned a while back that he had come out as gay in the late 2000's, getting married before Proposition 13 went into effect in California. I saw a topic about him on GameFAQs recently and I wanted to bring up that he was gay and married, but it had been a while so I googled him again to get my facts straight.
Not only is David Hyde Pierce still married, he's been in a relationship with his husband since 1983.
It means so much to me because people break up all the time in Hollywood. Whether it be the stress of the outside world gawking at them all the time, or the vice and excess of the entertainment industry corrupting people over time, or just falling out of love ala Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman - relationships in Hollywood don't last. And you don't hear much about gay celebrities and their love lives unless it becomes a point of controversy, ala Elton John's adoption issues or George Michael getting outed.
But the entire time David Hyde Pierce was on Frasier and doing voiceover - for all intents and purposes, at the top of his career - he was in a relationship with a man he'd already loved for a decade beforehand. And they continued to be together until gay marriage became legal, at which point they married each other, and they're still married to this day.
I'm really happy that they've been able to go the distance. May we all have what they have one day.
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talabib · 3 years
How To Make It Through The Dip
As the old song goes, “You gotta know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em.” While this may be a reference to playing poker, it’s also pretty good advice on how to get by in the business world or with any personal project – you have to know when to keep going and when to cut your losses.
No matter your calling in life, there’s a good chance you’ll hit a rough patch where things aren’t going as planned and progress is at a frustrating standstill. Many of us have watched as colleagues get promoted ahead of us, sales figures plateau, relationships grow cold or felt like our work is getting worse rather than better. This difficult time is known as the Dip, and it can be found in just about every facet of life.
But don’t despair! Even though the Dip is virtually unavoidable, there is often light at the end of the tunnel. Those who show patience and determination will be rewarded when growing pains come to an end and promotions, customers and relationships take a turn for the better. The Dip is just a natural progression for any endeavor and by being prepared for it, you’ll be better suited to succeed.
Whatever your aim, you will experience a Dip, or a period of struggle.
Let’s say you want to master figure skating. Learning how to gracefully glide across the ice, and even skate backward, can happen pretty quickly. But learning how to land a perfect quadruple jump will take a great deal of time and strenuous effort before you can perfect it. This is the time when you’re struggling – deep in the Dip.
The same experience can happen when you’re bringing a new business to life. At first it’ll be smooth sailing as you fall in love with your exciting and innovative ideas. But then there’s the inevitable mountains of paperwork to overcome and figuring out how to solve the many problems that will arise during the early stages. Chances are, it’ll be years before the Dip is over and you’re comfortably running a successful business.
Sometimes the Dip can be purposefully built-in to a process as a way of finding out who the most dedicated and hardworking people are.
Imagine you’re a student in the US, thinking of going to medical school. One of your mandatory classes in the first year will be Organic Chemistry – a fiendishly difficult subject that will eat up a great deal of your study time. While Organic Chemistry isn’t the most important class in the curriculum, it creates a Dip that causes many students to throw in the towel early on.
A lot of people entertain the idea of becoming a doctor, so creating a Dip early on is an easy way for universities to reduce the class size to only the most dedicated students.
A similar strategy is used in the hiring processes of companies around the world. In order to whittle down the applicant pool to only the best talents, many job applications require an excessive amount of documentation and include multiple rounds of stressful interviews.
The good news is, by recognizing these Dips for what they are, you can find comfort in the knowledge that they’re supposed to be difficult and that it will get easier if you just stick with it.
Being the best comes with big rewards, as well as some less obvious perks.
When you were growing up, there’s a very good chance you were taught to have modest, realistic goals rather than bold, grand ambitions.
The truth is that if you aim for being the best at what you do, the rewards can be phenomenal. Take ice-cream flavors, for example: coming in at number one is vanilla, which accounts for 30 percent of all ice cream sales in the US. Meanwhile, chocolate comes in at second, but only accounts for 10 percent of the sales.
That’s a huge difference between the best and second-best – and this phenomenon applies to more than just snack foods. According to Zipf’s law, a significant gap between first and second place can be found everywhere, from record sales to the top colleges.
Naturally, Zipf’s law also means that being number one comes with huge profits, but there are also less obvious perks to being the very best at what you do.
One such advantage is the word-of-mouth boost known as the snowball effect. Imagine being in a foreign city and wanting to find a decent place to eat. If you ask a local, you’ll likely get pointed toward whatever restaurant is the number one local favorite. So, if you’re the owner of that establishment, you’re all but guaranteed to have those hungry travelers regularly showing up thanks to all that free word-of-mouth promotion.
Another perk is related to how much you can charge. Since being the best is such a rarefied thing that sets you far apart from anyone else, you’re free to charge more for your premium product or service. This applies to just about everything, whether it’s about popular actors, musicians, hotels, restaurants, food brands or manufacturers – it pays to be the best.
In order to succeed, it is important to specialize and learn how to quit strategically.
The average grade school experience is about getting an all-around general education, with rewards tending to go to the students who get good marks in every subject.
But in the post-school world, being good at everything isn’t as important as being at the top of your class in one important subject. In other words, success is about specializing in something.
Specificity has many advantages. For starters, some people aren’t sure about what career to pursue. But if you’re lucky enough to already have a specific skill that you excel at, this can make career decisions much easier.
Even if you’ve already begun a career, you should know that customers aren’t interested in average – they want exceptional, and providing world-class service is just another form of specialization.
If you’re an accountant, your customers aren’t going to care if you’re an amazing golfer or a virtuoso at playing the guitar. The only thing that matters is that you’re the best accountant they can get.
An important part of specializing is learning how to strategically quit the things that get in the way of you being the best at what you do. However, most people have been taught that quitting is wrong, and that they should stick with any project they’ve started and never give up.
Unfortunately, people can’t be truly exceptional and the best at a wide range of things. Instead, people need to make distinct choices, which means quitting intensive pursuits that aren’t related to your central focus.
For example, let’s say you have a passion to produce the world’s first flying car, but you also want to play trumpet in an innovative jazz band and start a non-profit that promotes the use of eco-friendly green energy.
All of your interests may be worthwhile, but it just isn’t feasible to do it all and be the best at everything. The better strategy is to make the clear choice of focusing on the one project that you’ve got the skills for and feel most passionate about.
You will face a Dip in any business or personal endeavor.
As the saying goes, “knowing is half the battle.” And knowing that a Dip is on the way is an important insight that gives you time to plan ahead and to familiarize yourself with what your particular Dip will look like.
Since every type of business has its own Dip, let’s take a look at some of the most common ones, starting with manufacturing.
If you have a passion for manufacturing, you may have already enjoyed the thrill of building something in your garage. But if you’re hoping to take things to the next level, it’s going to require substantial investments in technology and tools. You may also need to invest in learning new skills, like how to create an integrated electric circuit.
So, in this case, the Dip is going to be the amount of time, effort and money it takes to transition from the garage to a professional production operation. It will involve the lengthy and unpleasant business of raising funds, finding partners, creating a production line and securing your first clients. And during each step of this slow and frustrating process, it will be tempting to call it quits, so it’s important to remember that the Dip will end as long as you persevere.
If your business is in sales, you’ll find that coming up with a good idea and getting investors on board might be the easy part. The Dip happens afterward, when you’re trying to expand your business and build an effective sales force. This is when the dreary business of recruiting and onboarding new employees begins, since it requires the tedious work of setting up everyday operational structures and ensuring legal compliance.
It’s also worth knowing when the Dip arrives in personal projects too. Let’s say you want to learn Chinese. At first you’ll be intrigued by the unusual characters and their meanings and fascinated by the new sounds as they take on new meanings for you.
But it won’t take long before these initial pleasures give way to the Dip, which will take months or years of hard work to overcome and get to the point where you’re speaking the language fluently.
And then there’s the dreaded relationship Dip. It follows the honeymoon period, and is characterized by the new couple engaging in everyday squabbles as they try to cement their relationship and commitment while fighting off boredom.
Success comes from embracing the challenge of the Dip and pushing yourself to your limits.
If it wasn’t for the unpredictable nature of the wind, windsurfing would probably be pretty easy. In fact, many people are drawn to windsurfing and experience an initial thrill, but then end up cursing the wind and giving up what at first seems like a fun hobby.
But despite the difficulties it may occasionally bring, you obviously can’t windsurf without wind! In fact, the wind is the best part, which brings us to the key in withstanding the Dip: embracing the challenge.
Ultimately, whatever your project is, the sensible thing to do is to welcome the challenges it presents and be thankful for them rather than trying to resist them.
Indeed, finding ways to overcome challenges is what makes an activity stimulating and rewarding. Think about it: if windsurfing was so easy that anyone could do it, it would probably be boring.
The point of taking on any job is to meet and overcome challenges. For example, if you were to work at a retail store and only ring up the items being purchased, there would be little challenge and you would be easily replaceable. But if you also help the customers, especially the really difficult ones, and take care of their needs, you will show that you’ve got skills that are less easy to replace. Taking on challenges is the very essence of growth and development.
So if you really push yourself to your limits, you will not only survive, but thrive in the Dip. Take exercise, for instance. If you wish to have a good physique, it will take entering the Dip purposefully and pushing yourself to the limits. However, many people will stop too early; they’ll reach a certain comfort level and not press any further.
If you hope to truly develop muscle, you’ll have to push to the point of exhaustion. Only those who push beyond their limits each and every time will be able to achieve a bodybuilder’s physique. The same is true of any endeavor, whether it’s mental or physical.
Competitors will use the Dip to their advantage, while surviving the Dip will make you rise above mediocrity.
Competition is rarely a pleasant business. Dealings with competitors can be full of treachery and resentment. Often, one of the primary motivations of a competitor is to lengthen your time in the Dip. Specifically, an established competitor will create a marketplace that makes it very hard for you to gain a foothold.
The tech giant Microsoft, for example, turned programs like Word and Excel into industry standards. As a result, the market for word processing and spreadsheet software has been virtually impregnable. Given how extremely hard it is for a rival to catch up, they’ve effectively put any potential competitor into a prolonged Dip.
Nevertheless, it isn’t impossible. A company called Intuit released the accounting software Quicken and since it was an innovative product comparable to Microsoft’s, they were able to persevere, highlighting the quality and security their program offered.
Competitors have also succeeded in changing the platform on which the services are offered. In order to successfully compete with Microsoft, Google has focused on web-based word processing and spreadsheet services that are built-in to a customer’s Google account.
Another benefit of sticking with it and challenging yourself to get through the Dip is that it will keep you from settling for mediocrity.
While there’s nothing wrong with settling for a job as a cashier in a quaint suburban shop, there’s a good chance this won’t help you to reach your full potential. On the other hand, persevering through the Dip can bring out the best in you and even make you more talented than when you started.
For example, if your new online photography blog doesn’t catch on right away, you can use this Dip time to sharpen your writing, photography and web design skills and make your online destination more attractive. This way, even if your blog never catches on as you’d hoped, you’ll have gained valuable skills that can be put to use on your next online project.
To withstand the Dip, you need to develop grit and patience.
If you’ve ever been stuck in a long line at the supermarket, you know how tempting it can be to switch to another checkout lane in the hopes of getting out a little bit quicker. But there’s always a chance that once you switch to the other line, that first one will start to speed up and you’ll end up waiting longer than you would have in the first place!
This supermarket scenario can be applied to careers and personal projects too. If something seems to be slowing down or stalled, you may be tempted to move everything over to a new endeavor – but what’s really needed is patience and grit, otherwise known as determination.
This is certainly true for sales: In one influential study, researchers found that if a salesperson can’t convince a customer to buy after five sales pitches, they’ll give up on them. However, the study also showed that 80 percent of customers were more likely to make a purchase after hearing seven sales pitches. Therefore, most of the salespeople were calling it quits too early. If they’d just shown a bit more grit and patience they might have sealed the deal.
Patience and determination is also needed for surviving the Dip time before your product catches on. You may think that we’re living in a time where people are quick to buy whatever the latest innovative product is, but that’s not always the case. Even if you have a clever idea or a game-changing product, the general public always wait for new things to be regarded as high quality, reliable or prestigious before they even consider parting with their hard-earned money.
As a result, even ingenious ideas can spend a long time in the Dip before they become popular. A good example is the shoemaker Jimmy Choo. Born in 1948, Choo had been making quality shoes since he was 11 years old. But his career didn’t take off until he was in his late thirties, a couple of years after he moved from Malaysia to London and opened his first American shoe store in 1986. While he was always a talented craftsman, it was his grit and perseverance through the Dip that really allowed him to become an iconic international fashion brand.
When times are tough, don’t abandon the experience you’ve gained and make sure you explore all options.
While it’s undoubtedly beneficial to have grit, it’s nevertheless wise to know when to cut your losses and quit a project that’s clearly falling apart. But there’s also a smart way to both quit and simultaneously stick with your chosen field.
When something is clearly not working, there’s no sense in letting it continue to drain your time, energy and resources. But that doesn’t mean you should quit the market that you’ve grown familiar with and gained experience within. Doing so would just be yet another waste of your time, energy and resources.
Let’s say you’ve decided to shut down a magazine that was no longer financially feasible. You may be so heartbroken over the magazine’s demise that you want to abandon the publishing world altogether and start a restaurant. But the smart plan would be to stay in the media market and use the experience you’ve gained to become an editor for someone else’s magazine or newspaper, or perhaps start an online publication.
The next time you feel like quitting, make sure you consider all your options before throwing in the towel. It’s best to take the time to think creatively – beyond all the obvious choices.
David was so unhappy at work he felt like quitting. The problem was that his boss was so incompetent that he was making it impossible for David to produce good work and feel satisfied about his job.
David’s frustrations finally reached the point where he wanted to hand in his resignation. But instead of overreacting, he wisely took the time to consider all the other options at his disposal. In the end, he had productive conversations with his boss as well as his boss’s superior.
David was candid in explaining the reasons why he felt unable to contribute his best work under the current circumstances. As a result, David was transferred to another department where he was given a new boss and a promotion! Certainly, this was a better outcome than being unemployed.
So remember, when you find yourself in the Dip, don’t doubt yourself and your commitment or abilities. Instead, lean into it and think of it as your friend, not your enemy. In the end, you’ll find yourself stronger and in a better position for having risen to the occasion.
In life, you should strive to be the best at what you do. And to make this happen, it’s important to focus your time and energy on the one thing that you’re skilled and passionate about, and to let go of projects that are competing for your interests. Once you get going with a project, you will eventually face a Dip – a period of struggle, effort and little reward. To make it through this period, you must use grit and patience. Once you make it through the Dip, you’ll find that your skills have improved and that you are now in a better position than many of your competitors. Therefore, the Dip is the path to success.
Action plan : Keep going, especially when it hurts. We’re most inclined to give up during the moments when we feel hurt and discouraged. For example, in 1988 the Democrat Joe Biden was a promising candidate for the U.S. presidency. But then a scandal erupted around a trivial accident involving a quote in one of Biden’s speeches that had been mistakenly attributed to the wrong person. Biden was so discouraged by the overblown reaction that he withdrew his candidacy. However, if he’d persevered and allowed the minor scandal to blow over, he could very well have won.
So think twice about retreating when you’re feeling wounded and vulnerable. It’s probably best to take a moment to lick your wounds and then forge ahead.
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