Found in a vanity search, a 2020 post;
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Apparently I’m a “reactionary centrist” now because I say “actions are more important than words”.
It’s ironic that EE2 is saying this, when he’s consistently wrong about the beliefs of people he’s talking to or about. Including Gamergate.
EG: He claims "the manosphere” [IE MRAs] is a”corner stone for reactionary far right internet thought“. When MRAs lean left, and regularly criticize traditionalism and governments for screwing over men. They also discuss the issues of minority men all the time.
He doesn’t “intellectually engage” with the opposition, he’s an NPC who slaps labels on them and blindly believes blatantly partisan left-wing propaganda and often fails to read or “intellectually engage” with his own evidence.
PS, last time I checked, the main anti-GG narrative claimed GG was harassing "women in gaming", up to and including being physical threats. The alleged misogyny was the reason, but not the prime cause for concern.
EE2 ignores that, because like many ideologues, he doesn't have the cognitive capability to keeping Crimethinkers in separate categories. It's much easier to lump them together, no matter how little sense that makes.
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evilelitest2 · 10 months
How exactly do you define the term “tankie” btw? I’ve heard numerous different definitions.
A tankie is a specific type of Communist who think that the Soviet Union, in particular Stalin, is a good module to emulate for a Communist Revolution. So while many communists see either the October Revolution or Stalin's rise to power as a mistake which took the revolution into a an authoritarian brutal hypocritical rejection of any actual leftist ideals in favor of a Reactionary regime with leftist trappings, tankies think that it was the right direction, and the left should try to follow Lenin's example. This leads them to ironically enough, constantly side with reactionaries, because Tankies and Terfs are mirrors in my mind.
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odinsblog · 4 years
[re: this post]
OMG. The person running the “evilelitest2” blog apparently has multiple sock puppet accounts, to “refute” the people who have (wisely) blocked him/her.
Look, here’s my general rule of thumb for political blogging: if I see someone else make a post that I disagree with, unless it’s an outright lie or a post denying someone’s basic humanity and/or their human rights, I generally tend to scroll past it and basically ignore it.
What I do not do is add bullshit commentary to that person’s post. Why? Because I can make my own posts that can stand on their own, making my own pro or con arguments. In other words, “don’t start none won’t be none”
I don’t need to ride anyone’s coattails to flex.
Anyway, using their sock puppet account (which I promptly blocked), “evilelitest2” said that I was engaging in conspiracy theories—without ever pointing out which statement was supposedly based on conspiracy. (hint: I provided receipts, I did not cite any conspiracy theories, and I guess it’s easier for centrists to call everything they dislike a “conspiracy,” rather than actually respond to legitimate critiques)
Hoo boy. What a self aggrandizing, self important asshole. How many sock puppet accounts do you need?? LOL - op must think they’re a “gatekeeper” or the chart police.
SN: I think the reason that I originally blocked OP under one of their other blogs was bc of some Islamophobic posts of theirs, but I can’t swear to it ....
Anyway .... apparently this person likes to call everyone two inches to their left “conspiracy theorists” or “too insulated” or “too uninformed” or “too young” ....... as if they themselves aren’t all of those things themselves (except young, I guess). Projection much?
This is why I have (temporarily?) turned off my asks - because the insufferable , #VoteBlueNoMatterWhoBidenRapes rape apologists have gotten wayyy out of hand lately. I sincerely apologize if you have sent in an ask or a DM that I haven’t answered. I’m buried under a ton of asks and messages. Sorry.
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dicecast · 3 years
Thought about searching Atlas Shrugged on tumblr, torn between curiosity and joy of how people are gonna dunk on it and fear of having to see with my own eyes its unironic fandom.
There are a weird number of libertarian sub culture on internet and I guess that includes Tumblr so I imagine that its going to be a bunch of people fetishizing John Galt.
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evilelitest2 reblogged your post and added:
@theinternetaccordingtokori I woudl suggest...
Just to rub this in harder, I’M BLOCKED. You fucking rodent.
But you’re right, I don’t know much about Roman history. Hell, not even that much about Fallout.
I’m also amused that you still think the alt-right is a thing.
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randomshoes · 5 years
Define "boyfriend."
boyfriend \’bɔɪ.frend \  n 1 : prickly writer/poet/artist/actor/theologian who occasionally brings me tea even when he doesn’t want to 2 : social and socially critical historian/D&D dork who is nice to me despite my constant mockery
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It’s funny that before there was any controversy I had only the most cursory knowlegde of Jontron. I barely knew he existed. 
To all you people honestly trying to convince me he’s a genocidal maniac, send me the links, the screencaps, whatever. Show me some actual evidence, and no “he totally said this” doesn’t count. Don’t expect me to take your word for it. 
*Thank you to the person who actually sent me a link to a debate he was in. Hopefully I can finish watching the entire thing sooner rather than later. 
*Please don’t tell me “just look at his twitter”. 
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zuko-is-crazy · 3 years
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals 💗
Aww, thanks so much! It's great to have you as a mutual. I'm gonna be lazy and just tag a bunch of people whose content I've enjoyed at one point or another, even if I don't follow them. In no particular order: @heaterxo @wanderx3lust @fght-ff-yr-dmns @small-plant-friends @fdaapprovedbroccoli @evilelitest2 @be-yours-4ever @somethingusefulfromflorida @fuckyeahasexual @stanggrl Oh, and @firewolf826, I'm so glad to have found out the other day that you're on this hellsite...drop me a line sometime!
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le-fils-de-lhomme · 4 years
@evilelitest2 The post was somewhat serious and then my mutuals came in with the funny stuff. I agree I find that there are a lot of left-wing people who are very new to these ideas and have read very little theory, history, or studied the definitions of things they intend to criticize. So instead what we end up with is a black hole of bad takes, straight up garbage, and recycled libertarianism. 
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mynotjim-blog · 6 years
your post:
I just honestly don't understand why anyone would...
You see @mynotjim this is why I am rude to you and don’t take you seriously, you openly admit you don’t understand the...
What’s this? You continue to have the cooker-cutter redditor opinions on every subject you come across?
If only I’d read more posts telling me what to think, I could be as well-read as you are.
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bugganeofsttrinians · 5 years
On the Split
7 Labour MPs are to split from the Party.
One of the big reasons for the Split as to do with the Labour Party’s positioning on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU or, as we all somehow ended up jargonising it as, Brexit.
Now there have been for months talks of a ‘new centralist party’ emerging, with a particular effort in countering Brexit.
I will make it clear: I campaigned in the 2016 EU referendum for keeping in. I still believe that leaving the EU is, to put mildly, not the most wisest of policies. The second best outcome would be the Norway to keep a more... softer exit but the governing party, the Conservative and Unionist Party, have with the hard-right DUP appear to be considering no deal as a serious option and... y'all have heard the news of potential for food shortages and martial law, yes?
Labour has been in a tricky situation: on the one hand the electoral gains in the 2017 General Election came with a promise to full fill the results of the 2016 EU referendum, while the party’s membership base include a significant of those who oppose Brexit.
There are a number of issues, issues reflective on the historical split in the 1980s that formed the SDP and resulted in only aiding the Tories.
In FPtP *First-Past-the-Post) news parties tend to... split the votes of the parties they claim from, in this scenario Labour, and strengthen the position of their prime opponent, in case the Conservatives. Our voting system is ill suited for new parties and the sad result is spoiled votes; wasted votes.
Another concern however are the interests of what is centralism in the UK.
The split includes Angela Smith, a advocate for the privatisation of water. It is unlikely that any centralist party will hence prove opposition to the years of privatisation under both the Conservative and the Blairite administrations since the 1980s. This would be a issue, along with potentials that the new party may not be anti-austerity. For a anti-Brexit party a anti-austerity would be necessary if they are to be serious. Even before Brexit our economy has been harmed by austerity. Yet a pro-privatisation and cuts approach would ignore this.
There is of course another matter: Gavin Shuker, one of the purposed figures to lead the split, was one of the members of Ed Milliband’s Shadow Cabinet that opposed same-sex marriage. This history would generate a scepticism towards whether this new centralist party would honour LGBT rights.
The party is further undermining by the factor of its strategy in the electoral sense: there is considerations the splitting MPs may leave their constitutionies and seek to hold their campaigns for election in contest Labour-Tory seats. This would risk splitting the anti-Tory vote allowing those marginal seats to be Conservative blue on the electoral results map.
If the Tories continue to govern after the next general election the Brexit will be potential be the hardest while austerity measures continue to hinder our society. It need be reminded that austerity measures have been linked to deaths. It is imperative on this and other matters that the Tories be opposed.
It would be a understatement to state the impact Brexit is going to bring but just as no one issue can be the by all end all so true must it be realised on how Brexit was shaped by austerity (though it should be the highlighted that a signfiicant portion of the Leave vote was from the more wealthier elements of our society) and that if we fail to counter the causes of Brexit (including the xenophobia and the Tory austerity measures) then any attempt to oppose it would end up mute.
In the end though what should be conducted?
If there be honour any who do leave need to consider a by-election in their seats. It is imperative electoral democracy is conducted on this end.
It is also imperative Labour prepares its strategies in line with the risk of splits but at the same time there are steps to highlight why such splits would damage the UK in the long run; we cannot oppose the Tories if their best opposition is weakened by splits.
Of course this also highlights the damage that FPtP has bought to British politics and the need for electoral reforms. Labour should serious consider changing their stance on FPtP and support a move towards a more proportional electoral system, which would help in ensuring that the votes of all matter and that new parties do not end up in a vote splitter game.
As for those striving to oppose Brexit: I would suggest you align with Another Europe is Possible, for we cannot oppose Brexit by standing with those who caused it like those from the Tories and Lib Dems. Another Europe is Possible opposes the withdrawal of the UK from the EU while also seeking to oppose austerity and to help challenge (like their Europe wide partners DiEM25) the shortcomings in the EU, including challenging Fortress Europe.
In the end though: the main two forces in the next general election (unless there is some short of cosmic interruption) would be the Conservative Party and the Labour Party, with the third largest being the SNP in Scotland, with the former third largest party the Lib Dems having 11 seats in fourth place with only 1 seat advantage over the Northern Ireland based DUP. UK wide the question of who will be in government of Britain will be either the Tories or Labour, for as long as we have FPtP we are bind to such.
The question is whether is whether we see the split of votes in action or the Tory administration ends in result of the next general election.
I just hope the damage can be repaired before it aids the Tories in the next general election.
@wetpinkorthodoxy @evilelitest2 @bed-of-cunts
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evilelitest2 · 10 months
I wanted to echo a few points dimensionalrevolutionary said, as well as respond to a few things you said.
Firstly, implementing socialism without revolution has been tried before. Salvador Allende was a Marxist who was democratically elected President of Chile. As President, he began a number of programs to increase literacy, access to healthcare and employment, access to food, etc. You can look him up on your own time if you so choose. However, in 1973 a military coup forced him out of power and installed Augusto Pinochet, a dictator who killed thousands of innocents and caused many more to flee the country. This coup was backed by the United States, with Henry Kissinger saying “I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.”
In Indonesia, the Communist Party operated within the framework of electoral politics and became the largest non-ruling Communist Party on the planet. In return, the Indonesian government and army conducted mass killings of communists in 1965, resulting in the deaths of around 1 million people (many of whom weren’t even Communist Party members, just wrongfully implicated). It is no coincidence that the socialist states that remain today are those that seized state power via a revolution rather than relying on electoralism. History has shown that any non-violent attempt to achieve socialism is doomed to brutal repression by the bourgeoisie.
Now to address some of your points. Your point on “Sweden’s backsliding is because it’s not diverse enough” is only looking at part of the picture. Obviously part of Sweden’s slide to the far right is due to racist and anti-immigration sentiments, this backsliding has been occurring long before that, as far back as the collapse of the USSR (which provided an incentive to keep Scandinavian workers happy, lest they be influenced by the socialists on the border). AzureScapegoat, a Swedish Marxist, has an excellent video on this through the lens of the Overton Window (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK1Ikx6el1E).
You say that most revolutions fail, which is true, but as I pointed out above every single attempt to achieve socialism via electoralism has failed. I would rather risk a low-percentage chance at achieving socialism than try the method that has NEVER succeeded.
Setting aside the fact that Hannah Arendt, a pivotal philosopher in defining authoritarianism/totalitarianism, was a massive racist who claimed anti-racism was totalitarianism (which immediately discredits the ideology for me), every government on the planet is “authoritarian.” Liberalism is just as authoritarian, it’s just that the powers-that-be are unelected and unaccountable billionaires who can set the rules of society to their whims by pouring ungodly amounts of money into the legalized bribery that is lobbying.
Regarding your final point on trans rights, while there are some parties that have bad views on LGBT+ rights (such as the KKE in Greece), in general implying that Marxists are uniquely bad when it comes to LGBT+ rights is laughable. The USSR, a country which dissolved over 30 years ago, didn’t have excellent LGBT+ rights? That’s so crazy, I wonder how LGBT+ rights were in the United States at the same time. It’s also laughable to say that the US has better LGBT+ rights than Cuba, a country which recently passed an incredibly progressive family law by popular vote (rather than via 9 unelected judges), and which provides trans Cubans free gender-affirming care (along with their other free healthcare).
Finally, bemoaning a socialist country like China for having worse LGBT+ rights than the USA is incredibly disingenuous. Less than a century ago large parts of China were still feudal. Less than 50 years ago China was a mostly rural society of poor farmers. Expecting Global South countries which have not had the same abilities to develop due to unequal exchange (and often had bigoted law codes forced upon them by imperialist countries) is intellectually dishonest. China’s LGBT+ rights are absolutely behind the United States, but the difference is that China is improving (recently Beijing made transitioning easier and Shanghai opened several clinics for LGBT+ youths), while the USA is backsliding. I feel the trajectory is far more significant.
Again, thanks for the polite response
I'm a historian, you can assume I know who Allende is, both Chille and Indonesia are some very dark stains on US history and the nation needs to apologize for it property. That isn't really a condemnation of social democracy though, its more a condemnation of School of the Americas, like any country is going to have trouble when an imperialist state overthrows there government to force a right wing mass murdering autocrat. Now the communist states who remain today have mostly become super capitalist at this point, so I'm not sure how much of a win that is.
Your youtube friend is simplifying things a tad, after the Soviet Union fell you had backsliding in some areas but also some major progressive reforms in others, its not a clear backslide until the last few years with the anti immigration nonsense because a major schism in Swedish politics has been the fact that it is a very homogenous country. Social Democracy tends to thrive better when it has a broad diverse base to draw upon and a more intersectional foundation
No friend no, you can't just gloss over the revolutionary logistics bit, your a Marxists, you are supposed to be consequentialist about this. WHAT IS YOUR SPECIFIC PLAN. A revolution without a plan is not a revolution, its a Che Guevara tee shirt with extra steps. What is your revolutionary plan in the United States (I assume you are American). What specific revolutionary steps are you taking. Do you know how to use a gun? Do you have an organized cell? What revolutions' are you modeling yourself after? Marx himself talks about this, Revolutionaries who are stuck on the romantic image of revolutions of the past rather than the realities of revolutions in the present. My argument against revolution is that in the United States, there is no model for it working unless circumstances change dramatically, or you secretly have control of the US military
For electoralism, you get tangible results, just compromised and disappointing one. Biden as I said is a centrist hack, but even under him, the United States has move to the left more in the last three years than in the 30 years before. The reason why so many unions are going on strike right now is because of Biden's policies (though possibly unintentionally). It also prevented Trump from turning the US into a dictatorship
I used to work for the Hannah Arendt society, I know her flaws, but she isn't the only scholar on Authoritarianism. (also Marx was racist, like come on dude) Liberals are often authoritarian, which is why i'm not a liberal, I'm a social democrat. Democratic foundations however produce more stable and egalitarian states than dictatorships, dictatorships are inherently right wing, you don't need Hannah Arendt to do that.
The US did have better policies on queer issues than the USSR. Not by much, its was pretty awful, but there is a reason why you managed to get a large gay rights organizing group going in the US and that never really took off in the USSR. This is to not let the US off the hook "better than the USSR" isn't a great moral accomplishment. And to be clear, the USSR was better than any far right government, so credit where its due, but its weird to mythologize a regime that was never good on any queer rights issue.
Cuba is a big reversals, because Castro infamously put gays into camps, but the regime has reversed itself a lot in the last 20 years. So you get one, one communist regime which genuinely got better on queer issues and got better than the capitalist states (though only after the dictators died and the state started to moderate but still). Credit where it is due
To be honest, I think you are taking a pretty patronizing attitude towards China. Even ignoring how China has had a very long homosexual tradition (again its not a Christian country) One of the entire points of communism is about "Dragging" nations in to modernity, even ignoring the problematic Hegalian framework of that, the fact is that the anti queer stuff in CHina isn't just coming from ignorant rural peasants, its from the party itself. In many ways, things got worse for queer people under Mao because the state was centralized enough to actually enforce its will more. China has made some progress in the last ten years, but the Party still to this day has not asserted Homosexuality as a human right
Also parts of the US have backslide, the Blue states have some of the best trans protections in the entire world, like its not good what is happening right now in America, but having lived abroad a lot, it can get so much worse. in the US at least, the majority of the country don't support this backslide, and while the Democrats do suck, they have not backslide as a party, if anything they have moved to be more inclusive (no where near enough though, I don't want to let them off the hook)
Finally, I tend to be much more comfortable with Marxists when they are clearly not tankies, but marxists places get so quickly infested with Tankie nonsense which inevitably leads them to repeat rightists talking points. So how the typical marxist response to the crisis in Ukraine is basically a copy/paste of Tucker's Carlson's talking points. I understand that not all Marxists are tankies, but I do think Marxism as an ideology really needs to get over the nostalgic worship of failed authoritarian states.
Cheers, fun discussion
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ailedhoo · 6 years
Merry Christmas!
@xchaotic-good-milk-hotelx @evilelitest2 @zennistrad @titleknown @ayeforscotland @phucklactery @friendlytroll @oh-glasgow @robertbahnartwork
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evilelitest2 reblogged your post and added: “Oh hey, EvilElitist on the Dashboard...”
You keep commenting on my posts, and then you act...
Let me explain this like a 5-year old to you:
Your knowledge of roman history is commendable. But that’s not what we’re dragging you for. It’s trying to connect it with a decade-old video game, ISIS, Trump, and NAZIS.
The fact you don’t see how stupid that is, or what gish-gallop is, is why we drag you through the mud.
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randomshoes · 5 years
That guy is clearly not arguing in good faith, you shouldn't spend time and energy on somebody who isn't willing to to respond in kind. LIke EE does that and look what happened to him.
Yeah...I learn this repeatedly, but not until I get sucked into the crazy and need to step back. I have the someone is wrong on the internet disease really bad sometimes. It’s just...so obvious that what they’re saying is nonsense and I can’t...stop...myself...from...responding...
Honestly, EE seems to kind of enjoy it, whereas, although I like debating, I get to a place when people are being this irrational where I need to stop.
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raphi-anoesies · 6 years
I think this eyewitness testimony should put to rest any claims that Santa Claus is white. Good grief!
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