#falco spara
jasper-the-menace · 8 months
No one who's well-adjusted signs a demon contract.
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xantchaslegacy · 2 years
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majraan · 1 year
I shared my Falco Spara list on the whatsapp of my pod
And one of them seem surprise that I was willing to let go of the element of surprise, well I would care for my Ninja deck, but for my Bird deck not only this is ok, but I answered something like: "bro, I have 68 decks or so, you will not remember all of them."
While I'm at it, here my decklist La Tour de Commandement had put it at 7 (It should have a Negate and a Portal to phyrexia next time I change it)
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The Fixer, The Idea, The Planet, The Protector, The Seer
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If you're familiar with my MTG excursions on my main blog (@jasper-the-menace) or spells on my primary occult blog (@jasper-pagan-witch), then you know that I am New Capenna trash. Hell, even my profile picture is the full artwork of Diviner of Fates, an online-only card from a New Capenna set.
New Capenna is based on 1920s art deco America, with streets run by five demonic crime families. The only demons there are the five family heads - Jetmir of the Cabaretti, Xander of the Maestros (whose family keeps consistently failing), Ziatora of the Riveteers, Falco Spara of the Brokers, and Raffine of the Obscura.
Considering I adore the set so much (demons in suits, come on, what's not to love?), I wanted to include the five heads in the Forty Servants deck.
The first I picked was Falco Spara, Pactweaver as the Protector. The Brokers (the family that Spara leads) are demonic lawyers. They handle things both mundane (such as property disputes) and stranger (soliciting magical pacts that you don't remember signing afterwards). Since the Brokers often serve as hired bodyguards, it makes sense to connect them to the Protector.
The second of this batch to get an archetype was Raffine, Scheming Seer as, well, the Seer. I feel like I could end this explanation here. But let's talk about her Obscura: wizards and illusionists, both legitimate and fraudulent psychics. They use their power to deceive and blackmail anyone - sometimes even each other.
Jetmir, Nexus of Revels is the Fixer. He's the head of the Cabaretti, an organization of party monsters descended from the bards and druids of Old Capenna. This organization also notably tried to turn a teenage girl into the angel-derived party drug/magic enhancer known as Halo. So...the Fixer, who will do literally anything to reach their goals, makes perfect sense as Jetmir himself. Also, there's literally a card called "Jetmir's Fixer". Pretty on-the-nose.
The Idea became Lord Xander, the Collector, who is an artist from a long-dead aristocratic house and proprietor of the Museum of Old Capenna. His Maestros are both artists and assassins - usually pulling double duty. He's also canonically dead and his organization keeps getting its shit rocked or ruined by extraplanar threats. Sucks to suck.
It was hard to find the right spot for Ziatora, the Incinerator. Eventually I went with the Planet, because Ziatora is a freaking dragon and is canonically the largest of the five family heads, emphasizing the awe, scale, and size of the Planet Servant. And her Riveteers are the reason that New Capenna is what it is now; the worker's union is able to build and break pretty much every part of New Capenna, which - as far as people left in the city know or care for - is the world.
These five are so connected that it didn't make sense for me to only select a handful, even if some were more of a stretch than others.
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salamileg · 8 months
When the archdemons of Capenna bestowed their blessings to the heads of the families, it seems as though they also granted them the ability to share their power with their own followers.
Some, like Xander, used this ability frequently. He granted the gift of vampirism to all who were successfully initiated into the Maestros, granting them the same eternal life and ability to be sustained by blood.
Falco Spara too has used this ability prolifically, being the origin of the Brokers' magically binding contracts. I imagine he hasn't given this power out quite as willing as Xander has, however, given that it could be a dangerous power in the hands of too many people.
Others, like Ziatora, used this ability far more sparingly. Ognis is the only known person to be blessed by her, gaining her green flame breath, but the Legends article suggests there may be others.
For the other two, it's less clear cut, though if we assume that they also have this ability and have used it, there's some conclusions we can come to.
Raffine receives visions of the future from the archdemons, as do many members of the Obscura. Given that we haven't heard of any non-Obscura receiving these visions, it may be possible that it's an ability entrusted to them by Raffine herself.
Jetmir is where this starts to fall apart a little. We haven't really gotten much of a chance to see what Jetmir is actually capable of, so we can't really determine what he could grant the other Cabaretti. Though, if you asked me to come up with something (and with this we're leaving the realm of theories and entering headcanon) it would be neverending energy. The party never ends, so why should Jetmir or his most loyal family members ever tire?
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bace-jeleren · 2 years
So like. I am going to write a self insert fanfiction in which all of the new capenna bosses have sexy time with me. I am. Very excited but don't know who I should start with (probably falco spara because he's me fave or jetmir because I have a thing for bears party people)
Live your fuckin truth, anon! You get that fantasy mobster ass!
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mngwa5 · 21 days
Life is Strange EDH/Commander headcanons: True Colors Edition
AN: Not a lot of canon stretching for this one really. I can totally see Steph trying to organize a Haven commander pod and roping Alex and a reluctant Ryan into the fray.
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Alex Chen:
Has an incredibly cheese filled Jodah, Archmage list. While she and Steph snicker about the the thematic relevance of Jodah's emphasis on colors, what really attracts Alex is the fact that she can throw around huge, game-swinging spells at a steep, steep discount.
Absolutely uses her powers to read the other players at the table. If you feel sad and internally lament being mana-screwed, get ready to be targeted. If you're excited and getting ready to swing out for lethal or are on the verge of assembling your combo, don't be surprised if Alex suddenly starts politicking with the table to put you down.
On the topic of her own emotions, she will either be the picture of stoicism or a salty little gremlin who lets grudges run deep throughout the night. It really depends on the group, but God forbid if Ryan even swing at her with something as innocuous as a 2/2 squirrel token, you're all in for it.
Doesn't really like creature centric decks and when she does, they're usually being played in service of some other goal. Instead she values high interaction but utterly bullshit lists like Yarok landfall and Prosper tax fraud treasure, much to Steph's chagrin.
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Ryan Lucan:
Kinda like Nathan in the previous installment of this series, Ryan is another case of someone who would really let the in-universe color philosophy affect their out of game choice of commander.
He LOVES the entire concept behind mono-green and endures Steph clowning on him for it because he knows that Birthing Pod and Craterhoof Behemoth do not give a fuck what she has to say when it comes time to shuffle up.
Really enjoys playing ramp heavy stompy decks like Selvala. The more creatures he can shit out, the better.
You already know he has a bird tribal deck too. He started out with Derevi, but splurged immediately and wheeled it into a Falco Spara, Pactweaver list once New Capenna dropped because it combines his love of avian stuff and cheating creatures out.
Alex constantly harangues him about how he never optimizes, but to be honest, it's already pretty serviceable at the Haven Commander Night's power level. There's just something about removing a counter off Soulcatcher and in order to flash out Aven Mindcensor that soothes Ryan's soul.
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Steph Gingrich:
Oh Steph, where do we begin? Nerd queen supreme over here definitely makes routine trips into Denver to LGSs to pick up singles or just oogle fetch lands and art prints.
Isn't actually all that into Magic because she prefers more narrative driven modes of play like TTRPGs and LARPing, but will def throw down especially if it means she could school Ryan and Alex.
Once the AFR set dropped, Steph was suddenly ALL over organizing commander nights.
Once she got everyone together, she proceeded to debut a hum-dinger of a Captain N'ghathrod list much to the chagrin of pretty much fucking everybody in attendance (especially Ryan. Poor guy probably had to watch HER play more of his deck than he did lol).
I am 100% convinced every move she makes in-game would just be a subtle way of trying to flirt with Alex, which is both a great boon to those who can figure that out and a curse when it comes to making deals.
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littjara-mirrorlake · 2 years
What commander decks do you have?
Quite a few! Most are in paper (but I never have multiple full decks assembled at a time, because so many of them share cards that I resleeve back and forth TwT) and a select few are online only since my online friend group started using Untap. I haven't played in too long, so some of these are outdated (haven't been fully filled out with Kamigawa onwards):
Podchamp - the most competitive-oriented deck I have. Vannifar cEDH.
It's Probably Nothing - Phyrexian tribal headed by Atraxa. Taking snappier name suggestions.
Otrimi's Phyrexian Pals - mutate + infect = pain pain pain pain pain
Vorinfect - what it says on the tin.
Your Fleshling Eyes Suggest Familiarity, but Knowledge of Our Meeting Evades My Memory(...) - Jin clones deck. Dedicated to making an army of smugly smirking Jin and then copying an extra turn spell like 16 times.
Brudibabies - myr tribal :)
Online only:
Bad Time Generator - reanimation with Myrkul, Lord of Bones. *Distant Megalovania sounds*
🅱ant S🅱irits - loosely Innistrad + Kamigawa themed spirit tribal.
Legal Eagle - Falco Spara counters, mostly +1/+1. Unfinished, but boy do I love counters.
While You Slobbered, I Studied the Blade - meme Jin voltron deck that actually managed to produce a win, somehow.
You Wouldn't Download A Lotus - Orvar copy shenanigans getting big mana and dropping thicc boys of choice, like Eldrazi.
Bonus: making this post led me to dig through my Archidekt account again and... there sure are Things in here, huh.
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juls3105 · 2 years
Anyway, i basically fought myself in mtg commander with 4 decks outta boredom yesterday
That was fun
The outcome was half as expected but i was suprised to see 3 out of the 4 decks got their whole wincon out
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Sooo what happened is that Xander here managed to get mirror box and 4 copies, of Xander, sadly Beckett stole his original like 3 times by using mind flayer, silumgar and the final time her passive, still Xander here managed to give Beckett hell
Beckett also stole Falco Spara, so that deck focused her too, that was her demise due to spara using the simic spell from strix and the skyship plunderer's passive, falco ended up getting like 80 damage into beckett on one turn and got it unblocked due to using a fast removal spell
Xander killed Spara using his 4 copies to mill spara's deck to 1 card (it had recieved an attack from Beckett's stolen Xander already)
Isshin sadly got the short end of the stick and got killed by Beckett because they used the nautiloid ship on him to steal his gy (previously made gigantic by her stolen Xander)
So yeah, that happened yesterday from 11pm to 2am
Should i become a tcg blog? I've got enough decks and cards to entertain myself posting here
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jasper-the-menace · 1 year
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
if you haven’t answered it already, how about land card
Hm, that's very difficult. Typically I use lands to store energy for later, so making a spell based off of them is very hard. For Basic Swamps, they only ever make Black energy. They don't often to have fun flavor text to base it off of.
The keyword there being "often". Here are the Basic Swamps for the Forgotten Realms and Baldur's Gate crossover sets:
Now that you’ve clearly hit the “marsh” part of Lizard Marsh, you begin to worry about the “lizard” part.
The sudden sinkhole was surprising enough, but nothing could have prepared you for the ancient city that was hidden underneath.
The old wizard’s experiments destroyed the castle centuries ago. So why does some of the rubble look recent?
At the mouth of the sewer pipe, you realize it’s massive enough that even a giant could walk through without stooping. That gives you an idea …
As a plague ravages the world above, you’ve made your way into the Underdark in search of a fungal panacea.
Your search for a stolen artifact has brought you to the edge of the Mere of Dead Men.
As you trudge through the sewers of Baldur’s Gate it dawns on you: where are all the rats?
You expected to meet hostile drow in this ancient ruin … but they fled long ago. What darkness could have driven them out?
Yeah, these ones are fucking ominous. Perfect! I happen to have a shiny version of what I usually call the Mere of Dead Men Swamp. To shorten it, we're gonna call it MEME. Now, this card depicts a mire full of gnarled trees. There's an old staircase up front on the right, and in the back there seems to be an old archway overcome by gnarled trees.
So, MEME here seems like it's the perfect spell for a warding. I KNOW, I KNOW, "Jasperrrr, you said you were gonna cool it on the protection spells!" Well, I lied. You can forward any complaints to my attorney, Falco Spara.
Anyway we're gonna take the card and tape it to the window, then send Our Worst Vibes™️ into it to scare off anything that tries to fuck with us. And don't try to tell me that you don't have a Swamp card, you can pick up those for like 10 cents (in USD) online or for free from a decent card shop. Look in the back of your things that you keep in your room, there's probably one back there.
Anyway now you have a MEME ward on your window. You're welcome.
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danco110 · 2 years
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“You called, Mister Spara?”
The demonic aven in question smiled up at the angel hovering overhead. “Yes I did, Miss Crystal. And please, call me Falco! Anyways, I remember the other day you voiced some concerns about the…legally dubious nature of our operations here in the Brokers.”
The stained glass seraph’s mouth set in a thin line. “Morally dubious, Mister Spara. I could care less about the law, seeing as how the Brokers write most of them.”
Falco laughed at the correction. “Ah, I like that! Anyways, I think I have just the thing for you to do, if you’re looking for honest work around here.”
Crystal managed a small smile at the demon. “Really?”
Falco nodded. “Really.”
“Okay, just a little more to the left!”
Crystal uttered a long, suffering sigh, but did as she was told, and adjusted the chandelier.
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“Mister Spara, this isn’t really what I had in mind…”
“Oh? But, you wanted a job on the up-and-up, and none of the other maintenance hires wanted to sign a two hundred-year contract to do this. I’d say it’s a win-win! What’s wrong?”
Crystal balled her free hand into a fist. “I was under the assumption that I would be going out into the city and protecting those who’ve signed those contracts you so love to talk about.”
Falco blinked. “Oh. But wait, you’re doing that already, right now!”
Crystal tilted her head in confusion. “Say again?”
“Look there!” Falco pointed to the large stained glass box holding up the chandelier, where a silhouette was pounding on the wall from the inside. “That chandelier is holding one of our debtors who backed out on a contract. So, if you really think about it, you’re- Hey, where are you going?”
Crystal landed on the lobby floor, and quickly left the building without another word. Falco tapped his beak as he again glanced up at the askew chandeliers.
“Well, who’s gonna fix those things, now?”
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Gifts From The Past | 5/16/2023
Original post for the spread. I didn't do the other parts of this spread involving writing things on leaves and burning and burying and whatnot.
The Librarian | The Road Opener | The Adventurer Ormos, Archive Keeper | The Prismatic Piper | Hallar, the Firefletcher
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Harmful influence or experience from the past year: A focus on the theoretical rather than the practical or actual.
Greatest regret: Still don't have a particular permission thing that I'd need for full mobility.
Detrimental quality: Not being more adventurous.
The Levitator | The Protector | The Giver Strefan, Maurer Progenitor | Falco Spara, Pactweaver | Grumgully, the Generous
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Best personal choice or decision made: Deciding to stop stressing so much over the past.
What others love about querent: Dedication to the safety of others.
Step to take towards future happiness or success: Practice more generosity and gratitude.
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roguedeck · 9 months
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You Should Be Playing: Miraculous Recovery
Nothing portents a great commander game like an instant-speed blow-out from a weird, off-color card from the 90's.
That's why I play a ton of Miraculous Recovery. Five mana isn't nothing, but being instant speed solves a ton of problems. And no one ever expects it.
White is technically second in reanimation to black - but nobody really thinks about that.
And that's why you will wreck folks in your Boros, Azorius, and Selesnya decks.
Cheat that fatty out. Ambush folks in combat. Go get those EtB triggers. All at instant-speed. With nothing but white mana.
Oh yeah - you also get a +1/+1 counter. For funsies.
EDHREC Stats (08/23): 2791 total decks. 0% of all decks.
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Pairs nicely with:
Faithless Looting
Mageta the Lion
Shorikai, Genesis Engine
Sun Titan
Angel of the Ruins
Falco Spara, the Pactweaver
Thundering Raiju
Kyler Sigardian Emisary
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts
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salamileg · 11 months
ziatora x falco spara
their relationship dynamic is At the beginning of your end step, you may sacrifice another creature. When you do, Ziatora, the Incinerator deals damage equal to that creature’s power to any target and you create three Treasure tokens.
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mtg-exo-daily · 11 months
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Falco Spara, Pactweaver
Artwork by Jack Hughes
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