#fang is my fave wolf he's too pretty
msweebyness · 2 months
WereMiraculous- Werepups
Here’s a cute little mini addition to my Werewolf AU! The younger wolves who are part of the pack! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002 (Additional note: Werewolf pups do not develop their forehead markings until around ten years of age. Also, hurt a werewolf pup and prepare to DIE. As a species they are generally VERY protective of their young)
Ella & Etta:
Alya’s twin seven-year-old sisters
Always getting into trouble
Frequently talk in unison
Almost never seen apart
Love playing hide and seek
Wolf Form(s): Small and lean, Wavy, dark brown fur, amber eyes.
Nino’s eight-year-old brother
Acts like he’s a lot older than he is
Can be a bit bratty and bossy
Likes to sound smart by using big words
Bit of a tech geek
Wolf Form: Small and lanky, Short, sandy brown fur, bright brown eyes.
Marc’s six-year-old brother
A little shy but also pretty sassy
Likes to wander around the woods and explore
Has a little crush on Sasha
Looks up to his big brother and helps with his duties
Wolf Form: Small and lean, silky black fur, bright silver eyes.
Ivan’s six-year-old sister
Only talks around people she trusts
Very close to her big brother, spends a lot of time with him
Sweet and shy but can be scary
Has a little crush on Kiran
Wolf Form: Tiny but strong, fluffy dark grey fur, big brown eyes.
Rico & Duncan:
Ondine’s twin eight-year-old brothers
Completely impossible to control
Have WAY too much energy
Fave activity is to terrorize Kim
Always pulling pranks
Wolf Form(s): Small and lanky, shaggy auburn fur, bright teal eyes, matching chipped fangs.
And here we have the littlest members of the pack! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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totomochi · 4 years
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cranky wolves 
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olberic · 4 years
vesperia ask meme from this post 
👤 favourite character?
pretty even tie between raven and patty! love their backstories. love their development. love their thottiness
👥 most used party?
yuri or flynn / raven / patty / rita ! yuri or flynn depends on what mood im in or if i want extra healing
👍 who do you play as most?
still yuri, but ive been playing as patty a lotttt more lately
👎 who do you play as least?
estelle and judith.... i love them but im so bad at targeting estelle’s spells and i can’t keep judith in the air for longer than like.. 20 hits....
🌆 favourite town?
aurnion!! the music is so so good, i love that its a base of sorts for a lot of the npcs, and i really like that its like in a corner of a mountain too! i’d live there
🏞 favourite dungeon?
manor of the wicked, mostly bc i spent sooo much time grinding in and around there! honourary mention for tarqaron for having the best soundtrack tho
🌎 is there anywhere on the world map that’s comforting to you?
i love the zopheir drifts! 
😴 what inn do you go to most often?
the one in myorzo even tho its super inconvenient bc it has everyone sharing a bed which i think is super cute 
🎧 favourite song on the soundtrack?
YES i listen to the soundtrack all the time YES i have these memorized: breath of resonance (aurnion), fury sparks (vs flynn), twisted blades (vs zagi), oath of the union (dahngrest), tragic resolution (sad music from the post-cumore confrontation), dark conspiracy and the tower of contraption (upper ghasfarost), radiant light fostering life (egothor forest), the world at your fingertips (zaude), brooding omen (tarqaron)
🦅 most fun giganto beast to fight?
BRUTAL BY FAR... it spawns so often and u can get ur allies to distract the summons and just 1v1 it w a paralysis charm
🐆 favourite monster?
first time i had to fight a skunky i nearly cried i can’t kill them i always run away
🐉 favourite boss?
fight wise? probably gauche and droite bc they’re fun or estelle bc she’s really easy to practice combos on! character wise its schwann bc ill admit it i simp for raven
⚔️ most fun battle?
again probably gauche and droite, and outside of bosses it’d be the wrath nails in the labyrinth of memories! if u take flynn and just use dazzling glare on them two or three times you get a fatal strike and its fun to make a 300000 hp total battle go down to like. 6 hits
💀 hardest boss battle?
besides the first gattuso def the cameos in the tag team battle... how many times have i gotten barbatos almost dead before he gets healed and my healers get sealed... then stressing about the time left for the party battle im sick of it im SICK 
✨ favourite mystic arte?
raven’s wink in crisis rain it’d be wolf fury if not for the rare time i can get seifer with summon friends
🎉 any victory quotes that stand out to you?
“our weapons are love!” “justice!” “sexualityyyyy” “WOULD YOU STOP” 
and besides that i love patty’s “the queen of the seas has arrived!” and yuri and flynn’s fistbump bc those are cute 
🥰 favourite NPC?
i didn’t really have any for this game?? like i much prefer the PCs but also... gauche and droite hold a special place in my heart, and nan won me over with her development. also yeager. kakyoin lookin ass
🧥 favourite outfits?
yuri: true knight + the hairpins attachment. i’d die for the ponytail
estelle: her default is actually my fave, but heroic actress for the ristelle
repede: not an outfit but overdrive brigade or bust
karol: warehouse master! i love the jacket
rita: seeker. its what she deserves
raven: that summer guy bc his hair in that has me 😳 and also adept assassin
judith: draconic lancer or glamourous maid... i am not immune to hot girl
patty: pirate queen bc its what she deserves
flynn: benevolent beneficiary and its soley because of the thigh holster
👕 least favourite outfits?
whoever decided on yuri’s yumanju/swim outfits needs to be JAILED... miska doctoral degree and the frog outfit and sultry temptress and dont get me started on the xmas and samurai ones 
🎥 favourite skit?
❤️ did you ship any characters?
from the moment rita blushed at estelle i was hooked on them... also yuri/flynn is like. too canon to not love. also raven/literally anyone except karol (son) and rita (lesbian)
💔 any ships you don’t like?
yuri/estelle and flynn/estelle bc i can’t stomach her not being a rita im not even joking 
🏥 what healer do you use most?
raven! i usually don’t need more than a few love shots and i have more than enough items to make up for the lack of recovery spells
🗺 most enjoyed side quest / side quest chain?
do i even have to say best friends? and the sicily ones are pretty fun and i also like seeing nan in the hunting blades ones
🤢 most annoying side quest / side quest chain?
🔪 what difficulty do you play on most often?
normal for now sjvbksdvjbs i plan on doing hard next tho
💯 solo coliseum fights or tag team coliseum fights?
tag team bc i love fighting the others! i usually bring raven but by god do i love rita and schwann’s dialogue in the knights fight
➕ have you played the EX new game plus?
not yet! i’ll be doing that for the mid-hundreds levels tho 
🔨 are there any weapons you always keep equipped?
meteorite blade and defender for yuri, strike eagle +1a and misericorde for raven, holy avenger for estelle, beserker heart for flynn, song of gaia for rita, brionac for judith, and leoluca + black thunder for patty
🗣 do you play dubbed or subbed?
🎮 which is your favourite minigame (warehouse, draspi, snowboarding, poker, dragon rider)?
fuck minigames but gun to my head i had to pick one it’d be poker bc the mechanics make sense
🗡 yuri or flynn?
sorry king but it’s yuri for this one yall had me with the vigilantism 
👑 ioder or estelle?
estelle obvs tho ioder is def the better choice for emperor
🏹 raven or schwann?
raven bc hes a thot and not a bootlicker but id be lying if i said schwann couldnt get it
👯‍♀️ gauche or droite?
💪 hunting blades or leviathan’s claw?
leviathan’s claw! even if the hunting blades werent awful i’d still pick them bc i love LOVE the serpent’s fang lore and how the guild itself is linked to patty’s backstory and also. also yeager. 
🏠 zaphias or dahngrest?
dahngrest! i truly cannot stand the empire imagine living there
🏕 inns or camping?
inns 100% i will go so far out of my way to make them share rooms rather than camping which is so so boring 
👾 original or definitive edition?
definitive! its the only one ive played, i love patty too much to ever play the og, and being available on the switch is so good
🎢 what difficulty do you play on?
oh my god. oh my god i put this question in twice FUCK
💿 have you played any other tales games?
not yet :-( i love this one too much to change tho i do have beseria bought and ready to go
👬 have you watched first strike?
not yet :-(((( i havent found it anywhere yet but i heard raven’s in it and im. im
⏱ how long have you spent on the game?
....190 hours and counting.....
🗻 what part of the game are you at right now?
working through the 200 man melees now! once i finish those (ive only got yuri and raven done so far)
✅ how did you decide to start playing?
1 i heard it was similar to octopath 2 i thought it was turn based going into it SKJSBDVKSJDVB 3 saw a gif of yuri and flynn on here somewhere and thought aw shit guess i’ll start this game if there’s an active fandom (NOT THAT THERE’S MUCH OF ONE) 4 the game was on sale sdbksdvjbksdjv
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
asks for fanfic writers
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things that inspire you- Aesthetic Images,Pinterest,FanFiction,Shows,Movies,Fan Music Videos,Songs,Whichever Celeb or Character I have a Crush on that Week or Month. 
things that motivate you- My Muse,When People like and Comment on My work!
name three favorite writers-as in Published Authors? Cause I have alot of Faves on Tumblr. Authors-Yasmine Galenorn,Marissa Marr and Francesca Lia Block.
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why-Not too many tbh. I’m mainly influenced by TV Characters. and OTP’s in MV’s. I would LOVE to write like Francesca Lia Block one day and I’d say as a Teen I was heavily influenced by Amelia Atwater Rhodes. 
since how long do you write? How long have I been writing you mean? since I was 13. 
how did writing change you? Made me more of a Day Dreamer and a bit Absent minded lol 
early influences on your writing-Already told one but other’s would be Christopher Pike as well as Watching WWE and Anime’s like Sailor Moon.
what time are you most productive? Whenever I get free time and am Inspired.
do you set yourself deadlines? No.
how do you do your research? Again watching Episodes of a certain Character,Headcanons and such,or Wikipedia if it’s something on The None Fiction or Mythological side. 
do you listen to music when writing? Sometimes. 
favorite place to write-My Room I guess.
hardest character to write-Right Now Peter Hale,which is why I took such a long break from Teen Wolf lol (I need to finish watching it)
easiest character to write- Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash aka EoWells.
hardest verse to write- Not Verse but My hardest Fic to write was actually a One Shot of My Wells of Hearts Fic From The Flash. It was after HR Wells dies (on The Show) and I was pretty sad writing it. 
easiest verse to write-idk about Verse but The easiest Fic I wrote was My Cat & Mouse one with WWE’s Bray Wyatt. It’s a bit too NSFW to put here though ;)
favorite AU to write-All Mine are AU’s since I create a bunch of insert characters lol
favorite pairing to write-Freddy Krueger/Robert Englund with My OC Rika. Also Michael Langdon and My OC Helena. I have a weak spot for Dark,Tragic Soul Mates. 
favorite fandom to write-WWE’s The easiest lol I’d probably have to say The Flash or Walking Dead though. 
favorite character to write-That’s not mine. Negan. 
least favorite character to write-Archie Andrews from Riverdale lol I feel bad because I think reading my Mughead story you can tell. 
favorite story you’ve ever written-Online I’d say My Flash one that is STILL not done. 
least favorite story you’ve ever written-I probably have a few Sailor Moon one’s I wrote when I was younger that aren’t that good or Some of My Michael Jackson One Shots. 
favorite scene you’ve ever written-Ok I’ll just Copy and Paste it. again keeping this SFW.  TWD Kings and Queen of Disaster pt1- “Don’t. Merle knew you’d kill him for siding with his Brother and you did anyway,I was there when Daryl had too…” I closed My eyes briefly trying to calm myself. It didn’t work.  Before I realized what I was doing I was standing,my gun pointed at him.   But The Governor was always one step ahead as he pulled a gun from the back of his waistband and pointed it at me as well. We had each other a stand off.  I didn’t waver as I glared at him. “Merle was the one man i knew loved me for all his faults and you took that away.” I said through clenched teeth,angry tears pricking my eyes.The Governor stared at me unblinking. “I loved you. I did.” He insisted at my scoff. “I realize it now. Killing Merle wasn’t personal. Even if it was,it didn’t make a difference,we both lost that day. Merle,My Daughter,Each other.” The Governor looked at me remorsefully. “I am sorry.” “So sorry you disappeared.” “So did you!” Governor shot back. “I had to…” I trailed off not wanting to explain myself to him.  I felt defeated,saddened,confused in that moment,that I didn’t notice when The governor slowly circled around the table,gun still in hand to walk behind me,grabbing my wrist that held the gun,putting his own to my temple. I stiffened but didn’t shrink away. We both knew we wouldn’t shoot one another. No matter how psychotic he could be or how hurt and angry I was.
story you’re most proud of- That one ^ or Wells of Hearts. 
best review you ever got-On My Gotham one or My Cat & Mouse Trilogy. 
worst review you ever got-None yet.
favorite story/poem of another author-Not sure.
hardest part of writing-Getting enough Motivation to write what is in your Head!
easiest part of writing-The Smut lol at least for me. ;)
alternate title for (The Alpha) My Alpha. Yeah very original I know lol
alternate ending for (Wells of Hearts) Not to give anything away but I had this big Fight scene between Reverse Flash,Obsidian Storm and Team Flash and Obsidian was going to turn her back on Eobard and side with Team Flash again at the last minute. But I decided her staying a Villain,essentially staying how Eobard made her,and joining The Legion of Doom plus all that happens afterwards would be more interesting. 
alternate pairing for (MugHead) I really don’t change My Mind when it comes to Pairs lol But I may write an Alternate Story with Michelle ending up with FP Jones instead of Jughead. 
single story or multi-part story? Multi.
one-shot or multi-chaptered story? Multi. 
canon or AU? usually AU unless the Canon is REALLY good. usually stay in The Canon World though. 
do you reread your own stories? Yeah all the time lol
do you want to be published some day? Maybe but since I write about Other Creators Characters I don’t think that’s possible. 
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series-Any of The Wrestlers actually being in a Romantic/Sexual Relationship like the one’s I write them in would be ideal. I’d watch it!
one song that captures (Wells of Hearts) The title is literally a Song except it’s WELLS instead of WAR of Hearts. Kings and Queen of Disaster is inspired by Queen of Disaster by Lana Del Rey. 
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind? Whenever it pops into My head or when I can. 
would you ever write a sequel for (The Mark) I’d write another Baron Corbin x Roxy story but probably not a Sequel to that one since Dean is no longer in WWE. 
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? Linear. Though I should just write what pops into My head so I don’t forget it later. That just seems Messy to me.
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet- The Alpha-My OC Marianna is 18 and Best Friends with Lydia,Alison,Childhood Friends with Scott and Stiles. When She meets Peter (in his Teenage Guise) After much banter and courting by Peter,they start dating. Until Derek tells her the truth about Peter being a WereWolf and killing Alison’s Aunt (She knows Scott’s a WereWolf at this point) and Peter appears to her in his adult form. Marianna breaks up with him but Peter starts stalking her,claiming they have a bond. It turns very dark after that and a year goes by until Marianna admits her real feelings towards him. They start dating again but in secret. Peter ends up turning her and becoming her Alpha,which is when The Group is finally told. After many Deaths,Forgotten memories,a short lived Relationship with Stiles and Memories restored,they end up leaving for Arizona and having a Child,Malia. 
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet-The Alpha-I noticed his dark slicked back hair and all black attire but I also noticed The Claws on his hands and The Fangs jutting out as he snarled at Stiles,ready to take another swipe at him or a bite. I recognized that look and not just because My Pack,Scott,Derek and Erica,wolf out. This was different this wasn’t out of Protectiveness,because I mean it was Stiles,but Jealousy and Possessiveness,over me. Because this Wolf was... “My Alpha...”” I whispered in shocked realization as My memories started rushing back, I knew something had been missing,I just didn’t know what. “How could I forget you...”
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time? Currently like 5 lol
three spoilers for (Kings and Queen of Disaster)-Suzanna will end up becoming Pregnant with Negan’s Child,Philip Blake will eventually be told of His and Suzie’s Daughter but it will be too late as Negan will end up Killing him after. 
writing advice-Nah this has already been too long.
open question to the writer
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theaerofanfics · 5 years
Fanged: 2-- Setting Our Board
A/N: Hey everyone! Chapter 2 is up on Ao3 ( Here is the link ) ! Feel free to reblog, comment, and even tell me your thoughts in the ask box! I should be making another story as well (because yeah all my fave ships are killing me rn and ideas out the window hah) so keep a look out for that! Also check out any of my other fanfics here as some you may or may not see them revived ;)
Anywho! Here’s the lovely chapter! Enjoy!!
Becky stopped right in front of Roman’s house and let out a breath, smile on her face.
It was like she was returning home after being on a long trip. She knew Roman was probably excited to know she was coming, but she knew someone who was even more excited.
Becky and Seth were two peas in a pod since they were assigned the same pack with Roman and Dean when they were 14. Roman was in line to get the pack, which is currently the case, but before it was to train the four of them to run together like a pack, a family. So here they were, one family.
Becky could hear some laughter and she heard a big rumble of laughter and she rolled her eyes, knowing who it was as she walked through the door. “I swear Braun, I probably could’ve heard you five miles away from the house.”
Everyone turned and she could see the excitement lighting up on Seth’s face as Braun spoke. “Well at least we know it is of laughter and now a howl or scream.”
“Of course—Oof!” Becky chuckled lightly as she wrapped her arms around Seth. “Hey Seth. I see you’re still as Sethitive as always.”
Seth pulled away and rolled his eyes. “Of course. I have to miss my fellow wolf sister.” He grinned happily. Becky chuckled and gave Dean their typical “secret handshake” they had come up with before she was face to face with Roman. He had a straight face and so did she. They just stared while everyone was just watching in silence, Dean moreso smirking.
Becky then smirked a little and spoke. “I’m glad you still have the angry look. We can’t be running a sensitive daycare. Only Seth can be sensitive.”
“Hey!” Seth said and nudged her, for which he got one in return as Roman had laughed at the two. Becky looked over at Roman again and they gave each other a brief hug.
“It’s good to see you again, Becky.” Roman said as he pulled away and smiled. “How was your nomadic trip?”
“It was good! Met people, did some things. You know, typical me!” Becky grinned. “Though I heard Wolf King is coming to town so I wanted to be here when he does.”
Roman nodded as they all went into the living room area, which had two couches that were parallel to one another and one lounge chair, and they all sat down. “Yes. He is thinking of adding a new Sheriff to this area with the Vampires exposing themselves.” Roman sat in the lounge chair, as usual, and the others sat on the couches. Roman then continued to speak. “That’s also why I have us five here.”
“What about Ember?” Becky asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
“She’s off talking to a fellow pack nearby. She should be here pretty soon, but she knows the deal.” Roman ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I won’t lie to you all on this but this is going to get bad.”
“No shit.” Dean blurted out and sighed. “Everyone is going to follow suit and it’s going to be a clusterfuck.”
“That may be so, Dean, but if the Wolf King does decide to have us following suit to what the Vampires did, we have to do so. Though from what I heard, he does not want us too but he is adding the sheriff so that we don’t have any wolves being seen as vampires and being killed.”
Becky sighed heavily. “Either way, some are going to get killed. The sheriff may help and all but all of us mythical beings are being exposed to this shit because of the Vampires.”
“Did Charlotte tell you anything on this?” Seth asked, looking at the Irish woman.
Becky nodded. “She just said they’re being barcoded and she hates this idea. It’s not going to go well and backfire on them. Her dad doesn’t see reason—”
“—Which is also no surprise.” Dean added as Becky continued.
“—So, her father will be speaking to her on everything in regards to it all and when I see her before the sun rises, she will tell me of what their meeting is transpiring.” Becky shrugged. “Overall, they’re going to be preparing themselves for the barcodes and the idea that the Hunters will start appearing more now.”
“Right.” Roman nodded and then shut his eyes in thought. Becky and the others kept silent, trying to study his features before they heard his voice fill the room. “Well, keep in contact with each other. With this big, new event in the supernatural world, I don’t want any of us to fall victim to any hunters or anything like that. This is the Vampires choice currently. If Wolf King does decide to go through with exposing us as well, we shall follow. However, for now, we remain as we are: Hidden in plain sight.”
Charlotte crossed one leg over the other and sighed a bit, running a hand through her hair as she and her father were in yet another boring meeting about the new events. She had been texting back and forth with Sasha for the past hour, discussing the whole thing.
[Text: Sasha] Why don’t you guys have your vampire seals tattooed on you than a goddamn barcode? It’s not like they’re going to be scanning you to be bought.
Charlotte snickered, trying to be quiet with it but her father did briefly look over at her before he spoke.
[Text: Charlotte] True. There are at least 20 vampire seals, I believe. Wouldn’t hurt to even put that in motion than the barcodes.
[Text: Sasha] Exactly. Plus I’m sure Bex would find it attractive on you as she does with your other tattoos.
[Text: Charlotte] Oh shut it.
Charlotte felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked up to see her dad smiling at her. “Yeah, dad?”
“Do you have anything to add with this conversation?”
Charlotte looked at the other men and women at the table that were now staring at her and she shrugged. This was a good as a time as any, right? “I do.”
“Then please” One woman vampire stated softly. “Speak.”
Charlotte sat up more, clearing her throat, before speaking. “I think the barcodes are a terrible idea. I think what should be done is more of the vampiric seals. All, or at least the vast majority, are under a vampiric seal. They all have at least one thing in common so it wouldn’t be a huge difference, but it would at least keep us all together in some way rather than having a barcode on us like we’re food. It can still be with the color for black lights to be hit on, but I think the barcodes would be way too much and not everyone would actually do it.”
Everyone fell silent. It made Charlotte’s nerves wrack up heavily and she ran a hand through her hair as she was a bit nervous and she saw the elders speak to each other before staring at her. “We shall speak more on that with the Council. That does sound like a rather interesting and a better idea than the barcodes indeed.” One of the Elders spoke. “We shall adjourn this meeting for now and speak more on this tomorrow evening.”
With that, Charlotte up and left without speaking to her father and moved to call Becky. After a couple of rings, all she could hear was some laughter as Becky spoke. It made Charlotte’s lips curl into a smile.
“Bex, it’s me.” Charlotte said as she got to her car.
She could hear the laughter start to die down and she had a feeling the other was moving into a better room. “Hey, gorgeous. What’s shakin’?”
Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Just wanted to let you know the meeting is done. It was boring and I swear sometimes I don’t know why I hang with my dad with these. Though for once, I spoke up.”
“Oh? What’d you do?”
“Sasha reminded me of the vampiric seals that we have. It’d be better to use those on our skin rather than barcodes anyways.”
“Oh! Well look at you two being smart as hell.”
“Yeah, what are you up to? I heard laughter from guys, so I am assuming you’re with your pack.”
Charlotte could hear Becky chuckling. “Ah, yeah. I am with them. Roman wanted me to come over since their meeting was done and he wanted to tell me what was up in our side of things. I’ll tell ya all about it later.”
“Nothing bad?”
“Nope! Just some things to expect and all tha—” Becky paused and Charlotte could hear who could be Seth’s voice and then it disappeared. “— all that. Sorry, Seth was being nosey as always.”
“It’s okay. Go back to them. We can speak later, alright? I’ll be waiting at home.”
“With my shirt in one piece?”
“Well the only one that’d rip it off is on the phone with me, so yes. In one piece.”
“Char, don’t tease.”
“I’ll talk to you later.” Charlotte said before hanging up with a smirk on her face. She went to move outside and to her car when she was stopped by a voice.
“Well I see that the Flair is leaving so early, hm?”
Charlotte turned to look over at where the voice was and sighed, rolling her eyes. “What do you want, Alexa?”
The short, blonde woman walked closer and shrugged. “Oh nothing. Just find it amusing that you looked very bored since the beginning and the one moment they let you shine, you act like you’ve been listening the entire time.”
“I have been.” Charlotte spoke sharply. “Some people can multitask. I figured you’d know that given your reputation.” Now that she could see struck a nerve as Alexa’s eyes squinted and her jaw tightening. It made Charlotte smirk enough that one of her vampire teeth could be exposed to see. “Maybe instead of paying attention to me, you pay attention to your territory that is currently pending you being ripped of your title. Maybe then you’ll still be a Queen and not one about to be impeached.” With that, Charlotte turned on the heel over her thigh high boots and walked out. She went to her car and she drove off after waving to her father. She sighed heavily as she relaxed in her seat while driving.
Her and Alexa had always had a battle of wits and irritation with one another. It actually was no surprise given that the two had history, intimate history. It was bad enough that the two had been together, but it was worse that it was as intense as it was heated. The sex was amazing, Charlotte hated to admit, but it wasn’t as special as she had with Becky.
She remembered when her and Becky got together, officially, and how she and Alexa got along. It was the stereotypical of what Sasha and Becky should’ve been: Cat hates the dog and vice versa. They yelled at one another, screamed, shout, and on a couple of occasions they’d fight physically and that wasn’t all that great. It’d end up bruising, scratches, broken bones, you name it. She wished they were on better terms, as they still weren’t, but at the same time even Charlotte was no longer on good terms with Alexa. Alexa made it that way. She was the main one that made it hostile, but Charlotte never really was phased. If anything, she would make witty comments and leave it at that.
              Charlotte stopped at Sasha’s house and walked to the door. She could hear explosions and shooting sounds from Bayley’s study and she let out a breath. The whole “inviting” deal was annoying, but luckily Sasha always had a work around for it. Charlotte opened the door and poked her head inside. “Hey guys!” She called.
“Hey Charlotte! Come on in!”
She smiled warmly and walked inside, about to shut the door when she felt a hand on hers and her head sharply turned. Her eyes had turned red and her teeth exposed until the thick Irish accent she knew spoke.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. No biting!”
Charlotte relaxed as her eyes turned to the ocean blues and she snapped her teeth to normal as Becky let go of her hand. “Jesus, Bex. You almost got thrown like fifty feet!”
“You know, I’d probably find that as a turn on from you.” Becky smirked as she walked passed the other who had rolled her eyes and finally shut the door. “Funny how we both got here at the same time.”
“Well isn’t Roman’s place right near the council’s mansion anyways?”
“Probably. Though I assumed it was because I was speeding too.”
“Of course you were. You’re an insane driver.”
“I am not!”
Charlotte stopped by Bayley’s study door and smiled at her two other friends before her gaze went to Becky’s and responded. “You totaled my first ride.”
“We got hit!”
“Oh my God, you guys are making me lose!” Bayley whined as she was playing a game.
“You got this, babe.” Sasha mumbled softly, kissing her girlfriend’s cheek briefly before looking at Becky and Charlotte. “How was the meetings you two went to?”
They both shrugged.
“The Vampiric seal idea may actually work.” Charlotte said with a smile. “They’re taking it up to the Elders on the Council.”
“—And the Wolf King may or may not have us reveal ourselves like the Vampires.” Becky said with a breath, leaning on the wall behind her. “Though Roman thinks it won’t happen because of the ideal that this can backfire on the Vampires, we don’t want it to happen to us.”
“Well that’s smart.” The blonde vampire spoke and sighed a little as she walked more into the fairly big room. “What have you two been up to, Sasha?”
“Movies and gaming mostly. Bay is trying to start livestreaming but she wanted to check her system and well.” The feline turned to look at her lover and smiled a bit. “She got deep into ten games.”
“I got to top 5 okay!” Bayley said with a little huff. “I am addicted. I’ll admit it. I just want to be one of the bests, is that wrong?”
“As long as you don’t stay up for days at a time, no it’s not.” Sasha said with a chuckle.
              Soon they all had pretty much went to bed. Or rather, Sasha and Bayley did. Becky was staying up with Charlotte in their shared room, the two sitting in front of each other and talking. It usually how things went because Charlotte only went to bed really when she could see the crack of sun through the window. It was another reason why Vampires was addicted to the blood of other supernatural sometimes: It gave them their moment to go through an actual day and see the world in the light. Though, with these two it never had to happen.
Becky put a hand on Charlotte’s knee and she spoke softly. “So you saw her, huh?”
Charlotte sighed and shrugged. “Yeah. She was being snippy about how the Elders were about me and how they wanna use the idea Sasha suggested to me.”
“Sounds typical of her…” Becky mumbled and rolled her eyes. She shut her eyes for a moment as she continued to speak. “What did the, um, Elders say?”
“They’ll look into the Vampiric seals, some stuff in regards to us being more open.” Charlotte shrugged. “I think what they had also been talking about is the fact of our Vampire-run businesses and how we might have to increase the idea of security.” She heard a sigh from Becky and she furrowed her eyebrows. “Speak your mind, Bex. I know you have more in your mind to say than what you’re telling me.”
Becky knew Charlotte could feel the irritation of all this, but it wasn’t Charlotte’s fault. It was her Vampiric Council yet it still enraged.
“I think this whole thing is bullshit.” Becky said simply, her voice raged. “I think the whole idea of the Vampires coming “out of the coffin” as it’s fucking known is totally out of character for your kind. It was only done because one was found out and they spilled the beans. Your Council didn’t even do anything to the guy and just agreed? It’s idiotic! I can see us wolves doing that, but I don’t like this, Charlotte. I don’t like how this whole thing is brought about and I honestly think there is something more than meets the eye. I can’t be losing you to other people’s bullshit again.”
Charlotte saw Becky start to speak again but stopped. She knew why. Becky was afraid to lose her. She admitted it even the many times of playing it off. A small smile cracked on her face and she tilted her head a bit. “You won’t lose me, Bex.” She put a hand on Becky’s cheek, looking into her eyes. “You know me better than anyone.”
“Yeah, I know you’re risky and you’d do anything to keep others alive. Not yourself.”
“You’re just as risky, Becky. I know I take care of others, but this time I am going to be careful. This is too big for me to be this risky.” Charlotte paused and after a moment, spoke again. “I wouldn’t be telling you guys all about this if I wanted to be very risky.” She heard Becky sigh and she kissed her lightly. “Becky, I need you to trust me.”
“I do. I don’t trust them, especially Alexa.” That caused Charlotte to smirk. “Yeah, yeah I know what you’re thinking and no that isn’t the case here. The point is is that I don’t trust any of them because you nor anyone else outside of that Council doesn’t know what is going on.”
“We don’t need to worry about that. What we need to worry about is that right now you’re here with me and we’re not getting attacked. So, we’re going to not worry about any of this now, alright?”
“Becky, please.”
It was rare for Becky to hear the sound of begging from Charlotte. It was rare even in bed, and this moment was even more rare with them just talking. Becky could see the look in Charlotte’s eyes that she just didn’t want to think about it anymore and she just had to listen. She had to with the other because it only made sense to do so.
“Okay. We won’t worry about it.”  Though Becky wasn't just not going to worry about it. After what happened before, it was hard not to worry nowadays.
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dreamnorn · 6 years
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I hope you’re goddamn happy.
This is Forrest Allaway, a Total Drama OC I made before TDWT was a thing. He’s based on “the awkward furry.” A sweetheart but a nervous wreck, he’d love to make (human) friends but he Doesn’t People Well. In addition to finishing this reference pic, I took some time to update his character somewhat; details are under the readmore. This was a rough one, buddy.
Fun fact: my iPad kept crashing while I worked on this. It tried to stop me. I, a fool, didn’t listen.
Please do not repost the art, edit the art, or remove my caption. 💕
Obviously, all the wolf-themed stuff on Forrest is fake. That’s black face paint on his nose. His fangs are plastic vampire ones from Halloween. The ears and tail are respectively attached to a headband and a belt.
However, his ears and tail will move to match his emotions. They have sensors which read his brain waves or heartbeat and have built-in motors for motion. That sounds silly, but this technology seriously exists!
...The tail keeps sliding to the side, though. He finds that annoying.
He has a somewhat effeminate build but he doesn’t really mind it.
Those are gloves on his hands. They keep him cozy.
They’re not the most visible here, but he’s got freckles, too!
Extremely passionate about animals and training them.
A hopeless romantic who dreams of finding a soulmate.
Prefers to let others dominate the conversation; a good listener.
Will most often go for politely-intended nonverbal actions.
Observant and curious, but shy and fears asking questions.
He second-guesses much of what he says.
When he speaks, he’s typically soft-spoken, brief, and to the point.
Is a big coward but WILL fight if someone he loves is in danger.
Takes comfort in the company of furry friends.
Affectionate and loyal and playful with those he’s close to. None of them are humans yet, but... he can dream....
He was raised in the UK.
His parents both work long hours. It brings in a lot of money, but Forrest doesn’t get to see them much. In a way, he finds that relieving. It’s not that he doesn’t want to spend time with them; it’s just he doesn’t have a clue how to talk to them.
At least he has animals to bond with: his two dogs and three cats!
He has a strong sense of responsibility because he’s the pets’ most regular caretaker and frequently does chores.
Forrest has interacted with people, of course, but he’s so much more comfortable with animals -- especially cats and dogs. He quickly learned how to soothe and befriend them effectively.
He bought his wolf ears and tail with his allowance when he was 13. He wanted to see if it would help him better communicate with his pets and other creatures. Now Forrest feels naked without them.
School is the worst. He’s a quick learner but group projects and essays take it out of him. Additionally, he’s often teased about his urge to wear his wolf ears/tail and the time he takes to form a verbal response.
He desperately wants to talk to those that seem to tolerate him, but holds himself back because he expects he’ll be made fun of.
Likes, Dislikes, and Quirks:
Fave food? Trifles. Fave movie? Zootopia. Fave color? Dark purple.
He’s fascinated by anthros, of course! What furry isn’t?
Speaking of anthros, he draws them well. Really well. A bit too well.
When words fail, he supplements the expression of his difficult feelings with animal noises -- whines, growls, even a pretty good impression of purring if he’s super happy.
He carries an array of pocket-sized tools in case of contingencies.
Forrest enjoys reading in his spare time; trashy love stories and murder mystery thrillers are his favorites.
He’s good at math but writing assignments make him die inside.
Forrest would stay bundled in blankets all day if he could. And he has.
Tangentially, he gets cold easily and greatly dislikes the feeling.
He’s not deterred by mud, gunk, or grime unless it’s a hazard to himself or those he cares about. Most of the time he needs to be asked to bathe because otherwise he just doesn’t care enough.
Forrest has major merinthophobia: the fear of being bound. This is on top of his easy-to-startle nature and other more common fears.
If you imply that he yiffs, he won’t hesitate to fight you.
God, does he hate onions. Why? Because fuck onions.
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