#fantastic art to find at the top of my dash when I open tumblr
Hey, out of curiosity. What ships do you ship in The Witcher? I know about Gauntee/Geralt, Regis/Geralt and Eskel/Letho. (Also I was really excited when I saw you ship Gaunralt because I thought I was the only one shipping them 🙈)
You’ve nailed my main ones!! Most of my content has been for those three ships, though I’ve occasionally done some art or fics for others too
Tbh I’m a bit of a multi-shipping bastard with a love for rarepairs, so more often than not I’m excited to consider the dynamics of pairings that are so rare that they border on crack bc no one else is even remotely interested in them😂 I also just love to mash my favorite characters together in my head and see what happens
Putting my response under the cut so it doesn’t clog up my poor followers’ dashes lmao
So for rarepairs the top two are definitely Eskel/Letho and Gaunter/Geralt (both pairs that different friends got me into originally), but I also am curious about or interested in (in no particular order):
Letho/Lambert, they would be either a fantastically and oddly steady pair or the worst, most explosive chemistry experiment ever (I’ve read/found one fic for them and it was v interesting)
Geralt/Dijkstra, as Geralt seems to just be irresistibly drawn to people who could snap him over their knee in one way or another
Gaunter/Dijkstra, because I find the thought hilarious and their dynamic would lowkey be the meme “you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up” “you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” which is one of my favorite ship dynamics, and you can throw Geralt in there between them for an added bonus (p sure I’m the only one who’s done anything for these two/three and it was just a few silly doodles)
Emhyr/Dijkstra, cause artwinsdraws (I don’t wanna @ them for this but that’s their tumblr) have been drawing them together and it seems like they could have the same meme dynamic which I adore
Eskel/Gaunter/Geralt, mostly bc I like crack aus and I think they would have a fun dynamic to explore
And at the moment Gaunter/anyone because I am just a wee bit ✨obsessed✨
For slightly more mainstream pairs aside from Geralt/Regis, I do also enjoy:
Eskel/Geralt, they’re very sweet and lovely together and I appreciate them a lot
Eskel/Lambert, they’ve got like a “one is calm and the other is fucking crazy and they balance each other out” vibe
Geralt/book!Dandelion, for the ride or die friendship/love they absolutely have in the books
Lambert/Aidan, I’ve never made content for them but I like the stuff I’ve seen
Ciri/Cerys, cause they’re awesome
Geralt/Emhyr, I’m a little less into this pairing but a mutual of mine really likes them and their fics have actually been getting me more and more interested👀
In general, I’m pretty curious about and open to most rarepairs (and honestly I’m usually down to hear about new ones, feel free to drop me thoughts in my inbox). My main criteria for ships is that they have good and interesting chemistry, and aren’t like extra sus bc of various reasons (don’t get me started Geralt/Triss, I don’t like them together one bit)
(And yeah obligatory comment: I absolutely do not ship Geralt/Netflix!Jaskier at all, or really anything with Netflix!Jaskier even if it could be considered a rarepair, but that’s a whole other kettle of fish that I don’t need to dump on you lmao)
Thanks for the ask!! There’s definitely certain characters that I’m less interested in generally so I might be less invested in pairings that include them but it’s still fun to talk about!! I could ramble about this all night tbh but I gotta go to bed now😂
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enigmatic-elegance · 5 years
Mas’ Must Follow MASterpost
[In no particular order]
@risrielthron One of the best. You will feel as if you are talking with your lifelong friend. Sweet, friendly, and generous. A true example of who we should all try to be more like.
@theodorebennas Daddy Beans. Chill dude. Knows he can be a bit of a meme and owns it. Actually extremely smart and has a ton of good sense. Crusade!
@tanzrielle Super chill in the most not chill way. Will talk your ear off about their awesome characters and want to hear all about your own too. Great person to know and bounce ideas off of.
@thebattlesheep @a-sheep-does-art Sweet thing. Loves to meet new people. Does not RP much but when they do they kill it.
@possum Loser. (Seriously such a humorous, sweet, and all around amazing person.)
@wiedaashcroft Really great character, and the person who plays them is extremely laid back and chill.
@the-petalpaw-family They don’t RP as much right now, but their stories and characters are next level. No lie, they take things like plot and character lineage to places you rarely see. Amazing places.
@kat-hawke ICly very interesting and intense character. OOCly a more grounded individual. Blunt, but never cruel.
@darthscharactervault Someone who does not give themselves nearly enough credit for how creative they are with their ideas and characters.
@gwenya Often NSFW but she’s a gem of a person. Amazing, chill, down for whatever. She’s the raunchy friend you never knew you wanted.
@the-real-arcanist-val Smart person, fantastic writer, extremely sensible and rational. All around someone you want to know.
@vaard Never personally interacted with him, but he’s an iconic figure among the community. Everyone should follow. (Does not take commissions but is an amazing artist, too.)
@harvee-sarah-zena One of my closest RP partners. Might not post as much as they SHOULD but if you can catch them their RP is some amazing work. And their characters are all so unique.
@thegreatnyehehe Likely not returning to WoW any time soon, but still one of the best characters ever. To this day, worth reading through their posts.
@kinzorscarstorm Chill dude with a cool character. Have not interacted much IC, but respect them OOC for their char and methods.
@open-world-azeroth Not really a ‘person’ but a great resource for some fantastic RP spots.
@mediocre-bladeleaf Very cool aesthetic, and from what I see of their writings they have some awesome characters.
@draenei-tales Shout out to a fellow active and really cool looking Draenei RPer. All I see from them is extremely interesting.
@leora-strauss Don’t know much about the character but their aesthetic is so amazingly cool.
@serelia-evensong Active and interesting RPer. Will fill your dash up with fun to read posts of all kinds.
@susan-gampre Hoe. But she knows it. And she’s good at it. The character and RPer both are sassy and take no shit, and I love them for it.
@storykeeper-wra Spooky character. But not tired and boring spooky. The sort that’s very interesting. Like a good book. Makes sense they are the storykeeper, because their story is very appealing.
@halforc-mercenary Have always wanted to interact with their character but never much got the chance. Still adore their writings on my dash, and they often impress me with their plots and quality.
@rhysgoodwin Cute char, updates often, fantastic writer.
@priestess-nightfury Elf RP/Aesthetic at some of its very best.
@stonestridernerd They will love you and make you feel like the best person ever just be hurling likes at you and complimenting your work. They are just a gem of a person. So, so sweet.
@theshadowborn Shame I’[ve not interacted with their character much, but they are a clearly talented writer.
@durotan-ofthe-frostwolf Lot of OOC silly stuff, but genuinely a cool person and always a pleasure to see on your dash.
@ranekvilmas Just a very talented writer and all around chipper guy. One of those people who always has something interesting on their blog to read.
@penvenomstarkstar A good head on this one’s shoulders. ICly their character is extremely well written with so, so much depth. Endless things to discover here.
@ravenpriest DAMN awesome aesthetic. Really nails the gothica vibe.
@longveil Such a cool aesthetic. I’d follow for that alone, and there is so much more there too.
@kyuusei-shadowleaf Another blog worth the follow for aesthetic alone. So cool to see across your dash.
@k-sunrael Followed for a long time. Their blog can sometimes be a bit NSFW but the content is quality.
@monster-of-master In the vibe of ‘dark’ aesthetic without being overtly in your face. The sort of subtle horror we all secretly crave. Very much enjoy their content.
@summysparklesprocket Such an amazing, kind, and funny person. And the character is next level because they are a Gnome taken seriously. Love them.
@quai-mason @andrew-mason Extremely talented writer and one of the few who posts so, so frequently. You’ll eagerly await their next post, trust me.
@unabashedrebel ICly they are a very cool character with awesome stories. OOCly they are a smart and conscience driven individual with a good moral sense. More than once they’ve shown they are not afraid to stick up for what matters. Lot of respect.
@safrona-shadowsun Killer character aesthetic, great reblogs, and does not ruin their theme with bullshit. Fantastic follow, this one.
@helryder666 All over the place with their posts, but its never unwelcome or uninteresting. They always seem to know what you wanna see, even if you don’t know.
@thewardancer Some of the best troll aesthetic I’ve seen, honestly.
@brandstonethings Just a big bear of a man. I love him, and you will too. He’s so well written he feels alive.
@archmage--khadgar I hesitate with people who RP lore characters. This one managed to be one of my few exceptions. They actually do a really great job with it.
@forhonorandglory Only followed for a short time, but still worth it in my books. Sharp wit, great character.
@covexalexanderkingsley Don’t know if they still RP as much these days but they remain a very fantastic and creative individual.
@eilitheduskbringer Very talented writers. One of the best I’ve seen. And they host to an amazing community I’ve come to respect.
@thepalewolfhowls Great artist too, but I mainly know them for their awesome character and fantastic sense of story and plot.
@the-royal-courier A fantastic source of events and stories. While they don’t host many writings of their own, they still reblog community events. Absolutely advise a follow.
@stormwinduniv Been around about as long as my old arse. Very talented group of writers who put on so many community events and intellectually focused debates.
@the-silver-circle A group of extremely talented writers focused entirely on Kaldorei writing and storylines. Very high levels of respect from me.
@moment-in-time-wra Less a ‘guild’ but still a great service for in game photography. They make your events look fantastic! Run by Risri.
@atc-wra A very talented small group of RPers who know how to make stories pop. You just want to be a part of them, or read what happens next.
@deadsunharbor Very fantastic crew who are open to all manner of amazing RP opportunities. They do criminal/dark correctly and with finesse rarely seen.
@oathswornvanguard Lawful good guild done proper. They have stood the test of time not only with their quality but their kindness and openness to the community.
@wraconnect A great source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@wowrpevents Another fantastic source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@wracentral ANOTHER fantastic source of WoW events and blogs to follow.
@whimsicallyart @elaianna Talented, intelligent, observant, and all around a gem of a person. Worth knowing.
@littleliongod One of the best I have worked with. Talented, priced very fair, extremely punctual, very communicative. Can not possibly recommend enough for any commission work.
@artofaokori Worked with them before and would absolutely do so again. Their style is very unique and you’ll recognize it anywhere in a good way.
@vintrove @vinsketchbook Extremely talented. Some next level stuff. Commissioned them twice and both times they blew me away with the end product.
@catbatart @cat-bat Such a shame I’ve only worked with them one time. One day, I must commission them again because they are the sort of artist who will go that extra mile and bring your piece to life.
@ferachidoesart They are Ferachi. They do art. Really well. Great style, super unique, and their commission prices are way more reasonable than you’d expect for their amazing quality.
@auggusst-art @auggusst Really such a kind and talented soul. One of those hidden gems of tumblr. They deserve more notice, so go give it to them!
@blackdogmelancholyooc @blackdogmelancholy Nerd. But actually a really cool dude with a ton of raw talent. They are great to work with.
@anzka Have not posted here in a while, but you should take a peek. Why? Because no one. Draws. Gnomes. Better.
@planktonheretic You like thick ladies? What about buff ones? Then my friend, have I got a treat for you. That treat is Plank. Check out their Twitter too for even more fantastic work!
@kellydidathing Amazing artist. Very busy person, but worth the investment because the art is top notch.
@izzarra Talk about raw talent refined into a craft. This artist is going places, seriously. Amazing stuff.
@thestringking @jane-fitzgerald @ahn-qiraj Extremely talented young lad who I know will go on to kill it in the art industry. Already one of the best out there, no lie.
Self Plug
My blog should be easy to find, right at the top of this post here, or the bottom. If you want to see all my character blogs, please check out RIGHT HERE (under repairs atm so a few of the characters might not work or link improperly) for a complete list. Each character page here contains a link just under their summary that will take you to their individual blog. Check out the ones that interest you!
Also want to plug my own guild, @coldwall-collective, for still being some of the best writers and content creators I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Go check us out!
Not Here?
Don’t be sad! Many reasons could be the cause. Maybe we’ve just not interacted enough. Or maybe I’ve not seen many of your posts. Maybe I overlooked you because I’m silly. Any of these could be a reason. If you don’t see yourself here, it does not mean I don’t appreciate you. I do. You’re a part of what makes this community great and I have all the respect for you.
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moramew · 7 years
I'd love to know your favorite fanfics!
Oh boy. There is a lot;;;;;
Like. A lot. Lemme just…I’ll give you my top five atm? 
Okay, so…
⚫ “bell, book, and candle” by skittidyne is so fucking good I want to scream. It’s long, well written, creative, and has excellent characterization. I’m in awe of what the author has crafted. Like…goals. Such. Fucking. Goals.
It’s a modern day magic au with DaiSuga, IwaOi, TsukiYama, and sooooo many characters. I’ve only recently gotten into the whole fantasy au thing, but this is gold and i need everyone to read it right now, pls.
“blood will have blood” is by skittidyne too and it’s absolute perfection as well and it’s one of the fics where I squeal like a fangirl when I see it’s been updated.
⚫ “it’s lonely on jupiter” by skyestiel. Hey, you like IwaOi? You like crying? This is the fic for you. It brought me to absolute tears when I read it. College boy Oiks and alien Iwa-chan with side pairing of DaiSuga. Read it and weep; you won’t regret it.
⚫ “Stars & Sweaters” by SoulieBird is a UshiYama fic set in the A/B/O verse. It’s sweet and good and I think they nailed the characterization perfectly. Soulie has other amazing fics like “Turn Off the Lights” and “It Is a Dangerous Thing, Your Love” and I highly suggest checking out their works. It’s A++++
⚫ “Open Tab” by mooifyourecows is DaiSuga perfection. Daichi is a hot bartender and Suga is a talented art student. It’s a slow burn and the author’s portrayal of Daichi is absolutely fanfuckingtastic. Read, pls.
⚫ “these stars here on earth” by oisugasuga is the oisuga fanfic, in my opinion. The author is so, so, so good at spinning splendid imagery and the talent is just…*sigh* So good. So, so good. The plot is interesting and Oikawa is perfection in it and I just want to shove it in everyone’s faces.
And so this doesn’t get much longer, more underneath. 💕
The Haikyuu community is absolutely blessed with many, many talented fic writers and artists. I could gush on and on about the works I’ve read and I really have a hard time picking favorites because they’re all so good
More MultiChapter Fic Recs:
⚫ “Among the Crows” by kirukirice
Fantasy AU; DaiSuga, IwaOi. Author also makes amazing art and you should check their tumblr here
⚫ “The Gory Details” by ryankellycc
DaiSuga featuring horror novelist Suga and shoe store manager Daichi. Also, comic book artist Hinata and Kageyama
⚫ “by chance” by crossbelladonna
IwaOi soulmate au. It’s full of pining and angst but it’s so, so good and I’m not usually keen on soulmate au’s but I def rec
⚫ “Lust and Lies” by Deathbelle
TenSemi newspaper au? Idk how to describe it. There’s some rough sex, miscommunication, and some good imagery. Deathbelle has a ton of stories and I recommend browsing them because they’re all quite good.
⚫ “i’ll fall with gravity” by ebenroot
IwaOi Avengers/X-Men au. I’m not one for superpowers/villains au’s but this is really, really good. Oiks is IronMan and Iwa-chan is Pepper Potts. What more do you need?
⚫ “best of both worlds” by rarepairenabler
TeruDai fic based on Daichi being an oblivious college student and Terushima being his hot neighbor that’s also an actor. It’s short but it’s cute.
⚫ “the way you look at me” by ThinkingCAPSLOCKS 
BokuAka fic centering around anxiety. It’s very, very, very well written and I count it as a must to read if you’re a BokuAka fan.
⚫ “Daydream” by hostilovi
Hey fren, do you like rarepairs? The prepare to meet your IwaAka enabler. Futuristic soulmate au featuring college kids Iwaizumi and Akaashi. Slowburn and pining with a dash of hurt/comfort. Read it, fren.
⚫ “Love in a Hopeless Place” by caelestisxyz
This fic has a special place in my heart. It’s done a really good job of portraying sex work and bdsm. Obviously mature themes, but the characterization of Tsukki and Kuroo is fantastic. A good read.
⚫ “tan lines” by deanpendragon
A pining TsukiYama fic based around the summer training camp. The imagery is spun gold, I promise. It’s good and I urge you to read it,.
⚫ “the blossoms, just in time” by thewindraiser
DaiSuga featuring college student/nanny Suga and lawyer Daichi. Slowburn, pining, hurt/comfort. It’s a very tender, very good story and Suga’s characterization is so fantastic it makes me want to cry. It’s an absolute must read.
There are still a ton more fics I can recommend and even more one-shots. The fanfic writers of the Haikyuu community have written anything and everything and you can definitely find what you crave if you have a look.
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