betterbemeta · 1 year
Hey wondering where you saw that post about the 24 year old nursing student nazi? I live in the central desert and we have an extremely high indigenous and black population here. it's particularly concerning if that person is in a super vulnerable indigenous community. I'd like to warn people about them if possible
Well, I have no idea who or where they are now because the original post dates back to March 1, 2016.
This was as the neonazi, fascist new wave was cresting in the USA. That's why I was discussing such blatant cues: since then we've had YEARS of the mask being off. stuff like 'nationalism and traditionalism' are no longer dog whistles to a clueless public, if they've been physically PRESENT the past 5+ years. They never really were dog whistles, but more people actually were ignorant back then about how actual fascists use social media and how posts spread to their sphere.
Though I would argue even today, more people engage with imaginary fascists, the possibility of fascists, fictional fascism, appeals to antifascism as a form of bargaining, than opposing real fascists that actually exist in or adjacent to their spaces.
But Back in The Day, I tried to make a breakdown explaining and validating the sources for this post because I got replies in disbelief believe this was a nazi (or: people were interested in discrediting it because of how far it spread, with over 40k reblogs). https://betterbemeta.tumblr.com/post/150794073297/alucard-gintoki-featherinmycapandcheese
By the time I wrote this reblog breaking down the nazi paper trail, only SIX MONTHS LATER IN SEPTEMBER OF THAT YEAR, the origin of this blog description ("ouryounglady") was already gone. Her tumblr was already seized by a URL hoarder, and I was already having to use the wayback machine to prove she existed. Now all the nazi blogs ouryounglady reblogged from (such as "wuhanpls") are also destroyed. All the links on this post breakdown are dead. The parties involved changed their names, or moved off tumblr for their own reasons, or tumblr itself obliterated them in one of its mature content purges.
So it's basically pointless to 'warn' anybody about the example in this post. Many people have pointed out the race demographics of central Australia and how this person being around there, as a teacher, is threatening to them. But unfortunately, this is the problem of activism focusing on PSAs and callouts for specific bad actors. It is simple to delete an online identity, remake it somewhere else, and continue on.
This was part of the reason I used this person as a general example, rather than naming their account. Because that account would always be temporary, and a 'look out for THIS person!' would soon be ineffective. Also, back in 2016 there had been fewer disruptions to the fashblr (mature content bans and later filter, propaganda account dossier, spam account cleanups, etc.), so retaliation in some way was much more of a possibility.
This post is like a message in a bottle, so while I appreciate your drive to care for others it's not actionable in the way you'd like it to be.
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kiuji-blog1 · 7 years
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New watches 😍
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quotesfromall · 7 years
Tourists with keys to Gramercy Park? Let's face it: democracy has its costs.
Lockhart Steele, In Gramercy Park, the Philistines Cometh
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menalez · 3 years
hi mena you're probably getting a ton of these right now, but i'm curious about zh0re. interesting to see her on that list of unhinged racists. so what's zh0re's deal?
okay so she’s one of the ppl on that list who basically toes the line so that no one can actually call her out but you’ll see the circles she associated with and runs with (the Ironic Racists and sometimes outright racist white women in radblr, mainly) which is the first hint. i first was aware of her when she talked about how sad she was her friend talking-fox-actual turned out to be a man larping as a hapa lesbian. keep in mind, talking-fox-actual was literally an open racist and proud fascist. while around, “she” bragged about how many closet racists there are on radblr who followed her and supported her in her racism. zh0re justified it by lying that talking-fox-actual wasn’t Actually racist or fascist (which doesn’t work when ive got receipts showing otherwise), then tried to claim the proof was stuff relating to aos when it wasn’t, then blocked me right after.
one of her most recent posts was her arguing that white people who have ADHD or are autistic don’t have white privilege and face what poc do. i can’t rb the post bc she blocked me but this is the last rb i can see, and here’s the comments after that reblog:
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notice the people above her who she interacts with. you’ll find on her blog that she frequently reblogs from apostle-of-sapphos. among other open racists and fascists.
this is a post where she criticised jane elliott teaching white teenagers about racism. she reblogged it from penis-king / yumekoba. another outright, open and proud racist and fascist (he was termed for obvious reasons):
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there’s also this
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the source is basically saying a bunch of white conservative MPs think it might be bad. no actual evidence, just another case of white people thinking their privilege being pointed out will be the end of the world btw.
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she reblogged this post where a bunch of conservatives and racists support the ban of teaching critical race theory. here’s what critical race theory is:
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so basically they think teaching about institutional racism and bringing awareness to racism & the extent of it is… racist brainwashing.
she reblogged this anti-immigration post where poc immigrating to western countries is repeatedly compared to native americans being colonised and facing genocide
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so, basically, i put zh0re on the list because she: orbits fashblr, is friends with open & proud racists and fascists, continuously interacts with racists and fascists, thinks talking about white privilege is Bad, supports conservative policies and opposes anti-racist action such as educating white people on racism & critical race theory. 
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sovietunion · 3 years
I don't link my carrd anymore because whatever but now I'm getting a bunch of fashblrs and terfs thinking they can follow me...
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nowatlast · 7 years
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what even are fashies
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mediumsizedboy · 3 years
the two people commenting on the "tired of black people(????)" post are on fashblr lol. still don't know why u thought that was funny regardless
Sometimes people do things that are astoundingly stupid and that's pretty funny to me. Don't really care at this point it's in the past
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thought it was obvious that thivus chills with fascists. you dont even need links lmao just look at the people he's friends with. people want to pretend radblr doesnt have overlap with fashblr but it does. you either have to be new or in denial.
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cholera · 4 years
i really dont understand why anyone would steal a textpost like even from fashblr.. it make no sense to me. just have your own thought bro just say your own words from your brain. why you doing this. are the kinnies' notes paying your rent?
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antinonymous · 5 years
It’s good that even a small amount of Germans are able to see that The AFD is shit.
It’s a lot less good that many prominent speakers of other parties are speaking out against the activists
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vladtheunfollower · 5 years
 when I’ve had the displeasure of running into fashblr blogs I could always tell within <20 seconds they were hateful people. I didn’t need to rely on IDpolitics and weird blocklists and ~listen to ___ voices
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wait what are freeblrs and fashblrs
hardline libertarians and fascists
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menalez · 3 years
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missouriangothic saying half of black people’s problems would be fixed “if they weren’t such shitty parents”. 
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missouriangothic chiming in with the white supremacists commenting above her, to talk about “enraged black people” 
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missouriangothic reblogged a post opposing critical race theory (which basically just educates about historical and current systemic racism) and BLM.
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at the end of this post she chimes in on her own recollections of alt-soc/nazbol drama (ie literal fashblr drama)
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“immigrants are being used as a slave class, therefore.............we should minimise immigration” 
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missouriangothic saying black people asking about the disappearance of the BLM tag means they think everything should be about them
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nazis are bad bc.. they murder priests. 
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constant trad jokes and then the chiming in from her following says a lot
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more trad jokes 
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her tryna rile up other white women about how a black woman supposedly wants white women to get raped and abused (i read the bw’s comment and while i think its insensitive, nowhere does it even insinuate that)
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a racist came in to say that nice aspects of zimbabwe were thanks to the white anglos, and her response to it 
now for things from discord, she came into my discord server previously but kept her blog secret, proof 
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first thing she brought up was how her best friend for a year was a........white nationalist, and her involvement with such circles. she claimed on the server that shes no longer involved but, just looking at what side of tumblr she’s on, who she interacts with, the friends she has on tumblr paints a diff story. 
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she brought up this shit a lot ^
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this was her take on a woc complaining about white skin being the beauty ideal, and was when she left
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lastly, she claims she’s being called racist for ..speaking german and.. no that is not it, i literally am learning german and planning on moving to germany sooo sdfgbhngm. no. but besides these, you can go thru her blog and see what her circles are, she primarily hangs around fascist tumblr and racists, she wrote a callout post about a fash, where its made pretty clear she was friends with him and her issue with him is not, in fact, because hes racist or fascist. she’s not secretive about being in their circles and shes pretty openly trad and conservative. 
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sovietunion · 3 years
oh please namedrop a user u hate and why
User bladee did everyone forget this is Cham who got called out for being friends with fashs and cryptos and then wrote a whole wah wah apology and deactivated only to resurface and still be friends and mutuals with all the same fashblrs. Because I didn't.
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sympolite · 6 years
quake1fan replied to your post
the most cursed single issue voter
half of her reblogs are from fashblr, which at this point fails to surprise me
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sumetal · 3 years
why does the homo side of fashblr keep following me. what part of my userspace makes it friendly to you guys
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