imprvdente · 11 months
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@multipleoccupancy . 😈
"I was not expecting any visitors, that is really embarassing."
Fish Lecter spoke as if this was her house and she had been interrupted in the middle of a mundane task, shaking her head in pretend discomfiture. At her feet lay the grotesque tableau she had been carefully preparing, and a sea of blood.
"You're interrupting me in the middle of dinner, Edgar," she almost scolded. Her voice was calm, and she even offered the man a lovely smile. But there was nothing charming about Special Agent Lecter anymore. She had shed her skin of normalcy, the veneer cracked just enough to reveal the BEAST underneath.
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"Now, what are we going to do about that?"
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lovecolibri · 1 year
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lindscys · 4 months
@unsnare ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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a quietness washed over the room, leaving just the two agents behind. it wasn't the easiest of situations to navigate, but once again, keen had surprised her. "how are you so calm?"
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playedbetter · 8 months
@scxttershot received a text.
Sunset Tequila: Did you get the bones yet...?
Sunset Tequila: Please tell me you got them 🙏🦴📬
Sunset Tequila: ...
Sunset Tequila: I might have got the wrong number on the address 🏠🙁
Sunset Tequila: could be neighbor???
Sunset Tequila: Inquire...
Sunset Tequila: Wait why's your display name Floyd? Did you give me your personal number 🤣
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a-deed-without-a-name · 6 months
Only Natural Ch. 27
The broken glass in Sam’s office was cleaned up.  Window patched.  Power back on.  Victor and Art et Al were getting the warding or whatever it was called back in place so they could be safe from demons weaker than the one that’d ridden Naomi into the house.
If another one like that showed up, Dean guessed they were fucked, but according to Crowley, they were pretty rare.  Not much they could do about it either way.
Speaking of Naomi, they left all the blood and shit that’d soaked into the carpet where it was.  Hers.  Dean’s, Sam’s, Crowley’s, Castiel’s.  Crowley knew a guy and got a volume discount on big jobs, which was somehow the least surprising part of the night.  
They burned the corpse out at the edge of Crowley’s property, which was bigger than Dean had thought that it was.  A big pile of sticks and leaves and newspaper, Naomi on top, and a night sky hanging star-filled above them.
Keep reading - AO3
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normaltothemax · 2 months
@therebetterbepie from here
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“I said ‘all due respect’,” was his not-so-innocent reply. It wasn’t Stiles’ fault that this asshole didn’t realize that the amount of respect he deserved was currently in the negatives. “Maybe if you stop saying stupid shit, I’ll think about listening to you.” Not likely, but the man could certainly try.
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forthewinn · 9 months
@savingthrcw || “ everything's gonna be okay. “ (from Sarah)
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"Isn't optimism supposed to be my thing?" Winn asked, looking up from his computer with a small smile. He wanted to believe her, that things would work out. That it wasn't going to be worst case scenario. Still, he knew that the plan was supposed to be the best. That sending him undercover like this was going to work out, because he was the best person to fit in at Lorde Technologies. Maxwell Lorde was up to something, and the CIA and the FBI had every intention to figure it out. "I just don't think this plan was thought out as well as they think it was."
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imprvdente · 9 months
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You are 72.5% good, 60% chaotic, making you chaotic good.
Chaotic Good
People who are Chaotic Good are strong individualists marked by a streak of benevolence. They believe in the greater good and being kind to others but have little use for laws and regulations. Their actions are guided by their own moral compass which, although benevolent, may not always align with the rest of society. They place a high value on freedom, not only for themselves but for others as well. Chaotic Good individuals intend to do what is right, but their methods are generally disorganized and may lead to conflict when they come into contact with those who prefer extensive organization and planning.
tagged by @countlessrealities (thank you <3) tagging @uselessdevice (basil) @multipleoccupancy (edgar) @magaprima @governmentofficial @theresastargirl @lovepurposed @batteredoptimist @versin-surfin @scriptorxfabularum @advnterccs (Rick)
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xbullseye · 4 months
A call from Agent Madani meant Dex was one of the first FBI agents to arrive on the scene at the Royal Hospitality hotel. There was often overlap between the organizations, and the two of them were friendly-- or as friendly as Dex ever got with his colleagues. He was the sort of person who tended to keep to himself, for his safety and everyone else's, but he liked Dinah. She was a good agent, a good person. She'd been vague on the phone, but he got the sense that all wasn't as it should be with this crime scene.
She'd specifically requested that he talk to Page first because she trusted him-- which meant there was at least one person here she wasn't sure she could trust, if not more. Mahoney? Mahoney had a reputation for being a good cop too, but reputation wasn't always the truth. His mind was busy sorting and cataloguing the details while he made his way to the hotel room in question. The NYPD rarely appreciated the FBI stepping in on their crime scenes, and he could tell Mahoney didn't like letting him in first. He also didn't have much of a choice.
He left the door open, knowing it would put Mahoney and Page at ease and trusting the NYPD officer to keep anyone else from coming through it. The room still smelled of smoke and gunpowder, and Karen herself looked like she'd been through something. He knew her by reputation only, having listened to her radio show. He gave a friendly smile as he took the seat on the couch across from her, offering his badge for her inspection. "Hi there, Ms. Page. I appreciate your patience while we sort through all of this. I'm Agent Benjamin Poindexter from the FBI. Dinah Madani gave me a call. How are you feeling?"
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huntedvideo · 2 months
he understands that he's the laughing stock of the bureau. agents whisper and circulate rumors and laugh at what agent stevens has been trying to achieve with the xfiles program. but none of that mattered to finley. he was just beginning to feel close to the truth. others might not believe in his work, but that was fine - fin believed in it it enough for all of them.
when the door to his basement office opens, the agent is taking a large bite of his lunch - a sub sandwich practically dripping with roast beef. 'agent danvers -' fin greets, pushing the food to one side of his mouth so he can chew and swallow. 'what brings you to my humble and also quaint dungeon chamber?' @warbyrds.
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playedbetter · 7 months
"Ugh, fucking cold. Please tell me you got the heat working. " -Jordan for Harry
Meme / Accepting!
He was fairly sure the other agents stuck him down in a small, mostly unused office in the basement, was because they either thought he was crazy or unpredictable.
Esprit de Corps: "That new guy he's... spooky. I don't like his vibe," A plain cloth officer admitted by the water cooler. "I'm just glad he's not in my office," A senior agent noted.
As for why they put Special Agent Griffin down here while they repaired some water damage in hey office, he was far less certain of. She had seemed like a perfectly normal, even boring, agent. Not somebody you stick into a basement hoping to forget like a bad d.i.y project.
Speaking of DIY.
Interfacing, Challenging: Critical Failure. You've screwed and unscrewed almost every panel on this heater, clearing out trapped lint and reconnecting two loose wires. You close up the panels and filp back on the breaker and-
Just as Jordan finished her question, all of the lights went out, the fan whirling in the background came to a stop, and Harry knew that he had just fucked up. Badly.
"I'm...working on it," among other, now more relevant things such as the blown fuse. "Just give me like, another half hour?" He weakly tried.
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a-deed-without-a-name · 10 months
Only Natural Ch. 23
As soon as Crowley was out of the room, Sam and Dean stared at each other.  Art’s drawl was in Sam’s ear, demanding more details, but he’d given him the gist and wasn’t really in the mood for a longer chat.  So he hung up and set the phone aside, clearing his throat.
“Should we…?”
“Nah.”  Dean shook his head.  “Not worth blowing our cover over.  Not gonna kill anybody.”  After a second’s thought, he amended, “Probably.  Just one more felony to add to the file.”
“Probably oughta be writing this stuff down,” Sam muttered, half to himself.
Keep reading - AO3
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pohlepen · 9 months
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       ❝  we don’t actually have to talk about things, y’know?  ❞    god knows she doesn’t want to.  everyone sees a dead body in the field at some point   (  or twenty or thirty or-  ),   but shooting someone is different.  killing someone is different.  it’s not her first time doing that either, though she’s not exactly plastering that tidbit on the walls of her cubicle.    ❝  i’m good, i don’t need to be cleared for duty or anything…  i mean i do, but…  it’s just protocol.  you know how that goes,  ❞    she considers sitting on her hands to keep them still, to keep them from wandering to find a slightly uneven thread on the expensive looking chair she’s settled in.  the upholstery, unfortunately, is incredibly smooth.    ❝  an easy appointment for both of us, i hope.  ❞
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❛ starter call / @consumare
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forthewinn · 10 months
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Winn had just gotten home from work when he heard two voices coming from the living room. He recognized Ricky's but the other voice was foreign to him. Ricky was good about telling Winn when people were coming over, so he was a little concerned with the stranger in their house. But they sounded almost as if they were laughing, so Winn wasn't worried too much.
"Ricky. I'm home." He called out, hoping that he could get his son's attention.
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thirt13n · 10 months
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it’s never as easy as it looks in the movies, and she’s already rusty as it is ------------ which means she’s cursing everyone she can think of from james bond to whatever the hell nicolas cage’s character’s name was in gone in sixty seconds while she picks her way through the wires she’d liberated from the steering column. her self - imposed time limit of five minutes isn’t looking all that great ( which gets cage a second round of cursing for no real reason other than the whole sixty seconds thing ); which means @mieczlw is going to have to play lookout over in the passenger’s seat a little longer than she’d originally promised. “having fun over there?” she has to ask outright because she can’t exactly see him ------- practically folded in half and partially wedged under the dashboard makes for a poor sightline.
“of all the illegal things i’ve done ,  this is probably the least illegal.”
her laugh cracks in the middle when the back of her head hits the steering wheel, her punishment for attempting to peek over her shoulder at him as best she can.
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“this week, or in general? what are they even teaching you over there at quantico?”
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therapardalis · 6 months
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[Rivals to Whatevers Meme from @amity-and-enmity's Aaron]
"You don't think we could be friends, do you?" ------------
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Thera paused a beat. "Is this one of your questions that has no right answer?"
That was to say she had answers, ranging from 'you're kidding' through 'I tried, you dick!' right up to 'you're too horny for me to ever be 'friends''. None of which were ever going to fly without an ego wound for him and her being written up yet again. And, honestly, no matter how true those things might be, this time she'd probably deserve it.
Not that that stopped the muscle in her jaw from seizing up as she kept them down.
But instead she went for something safer and a little more conciliatory - if rather dry. "I haven't gotten the impression that was something you wanted."
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