#ff agito second cycle
nanakibh · 2 years
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Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Final Chapter (Ace ver.) Note: Even though Ace was the Judge in this cycle, it was still possible to receive an ending with him!
Ace: ...Look, Player, the world is disappearing... along with this life of mine... Ace: ...Thank you, Player. Thank you for stopping me... Ace: And, I'm sorry for making you do something so horrible. It must have been hard. Ace: Still, thanks to your actions, I didn't destroy the world - this world where I met you... Ace: ...Hey, Player? Since this is the end, I'll just go ahead and say it... Ace: I'm so glad... that I met you in this world... Ace: ...Do you remember, Player? This isn't the first time we've witnessed this scene together... Ace: Even in the previous world, you and I... We faced the end of the world together... Ace: At last, I finally remembered... the important memories I had forgotten for so long... Ace, serious: ...Even if the world disappears, even if my memories disappear, the feelings etched into my soul will still remain. Ace: That's why, no matter how many times I'm reborn... I'll always come back to you...! Ace, smiling: This is goodbye for now, Player... Til we meet again, in the next world... Ace, turning to crystal: Let's seize the future we were meant to walk in...!
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 38: The sun is a powerful thing
Here we go! Time to watch a show~!
Last time: Timeline snarls, the bad sort of Meteor, and worms. So many worms.
This time: … Hell bro’s if I know.
Spoilers for Zi-O 38 and Kabuto below the cut. Rest in piece, horizontal line - sections are divided by tildes now. ~
When last we saw our hero, he was Rocket Drilling a meteor into non-existence. And then the bigger one showed up. On the plus side, at least Sougo knows that “OH GOD THIS CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HIT THE EARTH.”
Also, apparently the Faiz Phone X works in space! Good to know!
Junichiro. That. Is not how you make emergency ration onigiri. You. You don’t need to include all the extras with them. Also, evacuate to where, exactly? It’s A METEOR.
Kudos for taking Woz’s comment about Sougo being in space in stride, though. (How much do you know, old man?!)
…Wait a minute. Does Junichiro not know Woz’s name? He didn’t use it when asking when Sougo was coming back.
Uncle, ffs. You’ve lost your name privileges again.
In the recap vault… Woz has what are presumably replicas of the three remaining watches – Drive, Kabuto, and Den-O.
(Why is Drive the last arc? Wouldn’t. Wouldn’t Den-O be more appropriate for the last Legend Rider? I mean, we’ve already gotten Yu Inaba back for the Brain special, so they could have filmed his section then, if he’s the guest appearance. But Den-O would just. Make more sense for the final watch, wouldn’t it?)
(wouldn’t it?)
We’ve got the Kabuto OP reference again! I really wish they had started using old musical cues sooner, as opposed to not doing so until Agito, because that would have helped make the earlier Legend arcs just a little better.
“Okay, so, you have a rocket, so get me into position, and I’ll use my Super Mode to blow up the asteroid.”
Sougo just. Goes with it. Doesn’t even ask if Woz’ll be okay. Can’t tell if that’s because he’s being dumb, if it’s because he’s preoccupied, or if it’s because he trusts that it’ll work out.
(Also, Woz having clearly made and eaten the ramen that the Hell brothers left behind with their ransom note is all sorts of hilarious.)
Sougo: “Wait, where’s Kagami?”
Woz: (shrug) “He might’ve been captured. Also, here’s this note we got from the edgelords.”
Note: (is a ransom letter)
Geiz, no samehatting with the murdermen. Yaguruma’s “If it comes to it, I’ll be the one to take him down” is very different from your “If it comes to it, I’ll be the one to take him down.”
Also, good use of archival footage there.
Hey, does anyone know what Geiz’s ringtone is? It’s familiar, and I feel like it’s one of the belt jingles, but I can’t place it.
But anyway, Geiz hears that Kageyama’s done… something, and Yaguruma takes this opportunity to knock him down and zoom the heck out of there.
Cut to… oh. That’s. Fine. Kageyama has Arata chained to a post, with some suspicious piles of rocks placed nearby.
(That feel when Toei doesn’t quite hide the mortars for the explosions)
So… you guys are really just going to toss your space powers to the Worm, huh? That’s what we’re doin-
IT’S THE SUIKA SPRITE! I love that little guy’s machine gun. And then using the Search Hawk to cut the chains around Arata!
I like seeing the older gadgets and tech used again.
Also, RiderTime has decided that the jingle they’re going with for the Search Hawk is “This hawk can gawk,” which… Well, they’re not wrong!
Arata is loose, and goes straight into the cast-off version fo Gatack. Looks like he was going to go grab the watches using Clock Up, but Another Kabuto has other ideas.
He does not fair well at all, and is very quickly knocked out of this transformation.
At 9-to-5, we’ve got an after-fight debrief and patch-up session. Arata blames himself for not being good enough to stop the edgelord murdermen, but nobody else holds him to that.
I agree with Geiz, what are the Time Jackers thinking in contracting with this guy? I mean, not that Heure and Hora are usually thinking that far ahead in their choices, but I’d expect this one to be Swartz –
OH RIGHT. I just remembered that theory Miyuko and I came up with last week that the meteor – which is very, very red – is why 2068 is so messed up in the Oma Timeline. And since Swartz pretty clearly intends for Sougo to become Oma Zi-O…
Oh, and there’s a mention of Arata’s timeline and ‘our’ timeline getting ‘mixed up’, with a flashback to Tsukasa mentioning time and space getting distorted.
Keep in mind, Arata remembers Shibuya not exactly existing anymore, but it’s very much intact right now.
…Onore Time Travel.
“Making Hell on Earth is one thing, but we need to actually have an Earth, dude.”
Also, I love this? Heure pausing time in the rain – with a nice matching umbrella, too – is a good callback to not just the fact that TIME FREEZING IS OP, but also to Kabuto, what with the disrupting the raindrops as he moves. Which – oh man, it’s really cool to see that!
Heure is pissed to have to give the Fourze and Ginga watches back, but. Y’know. He’d rather not die to a giant meteor.
The thing is.
I don’t think that’s where Swartz is going with them.
Over to 2058, with Tsukuyomi and Tsukasa! Hooray! Lore time!
The very red 2058.
Seriously, that ‘worm meteor is what hecked up the lighting’ idea is looking more and more likely.
Looks like Tsukasa landed them outside where Tsukuyomi might have grown up. Aaaand has been cast as the chef.  
Tsukasa: “Eh. I’ve had weirder. I should tell you about the time I wound up being a salaryman the time I went to the world my husband came from. That sure was a day. And there was that time I was a head chef for BOARD. And the time I was a lawyer. And – okay, look, I have seen and done some things, kiddo.”
(My Decade watch is going well! The Kabuto arc was! Absolutely devastating! And so was Daiki’s!)
((I wonder what the odds are of the Den-O watch being as useless as the Den-O cards?))
So, once they reach the second story – a small girl in white starts questioning them.
A small girl in white, who looks an awful lot like Tsukuyomi.  
And is calling them ‘interveners’. I kind of think ‘meddler’ might be a better term here, but. Idk. She can tell they’ve traveled through time. And has an incredibly powerful Time Stop ability.
And calls a teenager in a black outfit her brother.  
An outfit that looks awfully familiar. Almost as if we’ve seen it before, in, say, 2009?
When they leave, and incidentally resume time, guess who’s coming up the stairs? Nah, not gonna make you guess, it’s our current Swartz. This is fine.
Swartz knocks Tsukasa into the yard – and that looked painful, Decade’s a veteran rider and he didn’t take that hit well – and…
Swartz… tosses the two stolen watches to Tsukuyomi, saying that without her power, they can’t stop the meteorite.
And that when hers and the god of times powers resonate, ‘a new era will arise’.  
RiderTime, I’m pretty sure he was just saying ‘king of time’, not ‘god’. But still. NOT GREAT STUFF GOING ON HERE.
Swartz what are you planning?
Well, at least he does not, in fact, want the meteorite to hit. Taking the watches to Tsukuyomi, as opposed to the boys, makes sure that they won’t try stopping it without her.
Tsukasa warps the two of them back to 2019, and OH RIGHT. They left WELL before the HUGE meteorite showed it’s ‘face’.
And. Oh.
Tsukasa think’s he’s got what’s going on with her.
And Swartz isn’t quite certain that she’s his little sister.
Implying that his little sister disappeared, and he only suspects that she’s Tsukuyomi.
oh no.
And here we have Arata getting incredibly down on himself, for not having been Kabuto, for having never beaten Souji. Sougo, sweet boy that he is, asks him to protect people for him when he becomes King.
Of course, the intent was to reassure Arata, but, well. Even Souji never went the ‘king’ route, so laughter is what ensues.
Now, to a random rooftop, where Geiz and Woz are fighting against Another Kabuto and Punchhopper. …in their base forms.
Come on, guys. Really?
Well, at least the matched attacks knocked everyone out of their transformations, not just the good guys.
And here, some more exposition from Worm!Kageyama. Because he is a Worm, don’t forget that – and there’s a whole bunch more of them on the meteorite.
The others show up with the watches, and Sougo asks Arata if he can entrust the fight on the ground to him.
Arata: “Of course! My king!”
Arata, no…
And it’s not just a team transformation! It’s everyone, circling around the 6 combatants.
A call of ‘Henshin’ as we cycle by each in turn…
Arata starting his transformation, starting the Gatack Zecter.
Yaguruma starting his transformation, starting the Kickhopper Zecter.
Kageyama with the Punchhopper one.
Geiz going into Revive Fury.
Woz going into Ginga Finaly.
Sougo going into Fourze.
Then it keeps circling…
The Gatack armor forming, then Kickhopper, then Punchhopper. Geiz’s mask ‘label’ attaching itself. Woz. Zi-O Fourze.
Cast Off.
Ahahaha, Woz got in on the second half of that, too! Nice.
So, they’re in space now, right? And they have to drill into the meteor to get Woz in there, so he can destroy it.
So Sougo goes into Build armor.
Now, you might be thinking, “Mr. Mouri, but now he’s not in a space armor! Rider or not, that shouldn’t work!”
Except you’d be forgetting something.
We saw that Build – proper Build – can be used in Space.
Remember, Evolt warped him to another planet one time, proceeded to ‘absorb’ said planet, and Sento was breathing just fine in his armor.
So we’re actually still keeping true to the abilities of the Legend Rider’s technology.
Besides, he needs a drill.
Okay, Rider Wiki says that Geiz’s ringtone is the standby music for Geiz Revive, but doesn’t say what the song used when Woz is switching into Sun Form is. It’s definitely not Next Level, though … did Woz just get an insert theme? Because it does sound a little like Keisuke Watanbe, now that I think about it.
Alright, alright, back to the episode.
“This is all I am...” Calm your studded tits, my dude. You got Rider Kicked once. It didn’t even knock you out of your normal transformation, you went into Another Kabuto on your own.
Oh-hohohoho niiiiiice.
Souji called himself the ‘man who walked the path of heaven’, and often, the heavens are represented by the sun.
The meteor moves past the sun, letting its rays shine down, as Arata proclaims that he’ll still fight, even though he’s just been kncked out of his transformation, and the Gatack Zecter has flown off to  where ever it is they go when they’re not in use.
A buzzing can be heard coming from the sky.
A mechanical red beetle zooms down out of the sun, flying around Arata’s head before landing in his hand.
The Kabuto Zecter.
He’s not being transformation-blocked by Souji anymore.
Geiz is still calling Kageyama out on his unwillingness to take Yaguruma down. The guy says ‘we will wander this earth together’… so Geiz takes matters into his own hands, and knocks Punchhopper out of his armor himself.
It takes a single Rider Kick from Arata – now finally allowed to be Kabuto – and the Another Kabuto Watch is destroyed.
Woz still hasn’t been able to burn through the meteor. It’s just TOO BIG. And they’re out of time.
Except that Time isn’t exactly a one way street in this season.
Time can be meddled with.
It can be stopped.
And Tsukuyomi’s already been shown to be able to stop just one thing… be it an Another Rider… or, potentially, a meteor.
With a gorgeous shower of lights, that’s exactly what she does.
And with the combination of her powers and the power of Zi-O Trinity, the meteor is shattered.
Yaguruma’s a mess. ‘Kageyama’ was never Kageyama, despite everyone using his name, and everyone was well aware of it. He doesn’t give Yaguruma the closure he wants.
“Please… call me aniki one more time…”
“I’m not Kageyama. I’m not your brother.”
And he goes out in green flames – having turned back to his true appearance. Having reverted to being a Worm.
…He sounded a little sad about not being Kageyama, actually, not just about his fellow Worms having all died. He sounded… resigned, almost.
Yaguruma wants them to laugh at him, for being so foolish to cling to the imitation of a dead man.
Geiz just apologizes.
He knows what it’s like to lose people. He knows that he can’t fulfill his promise of ‘if it comes down to it’, either.
This is not a person you want to be relating to, but… well, Geiz can’t really help it right now.
The Kabuto Zecter transforms into the Kabuto Ridewatch.
The triumphant instrumental version of Toki no Ouja plays as Arata entrusts Sougo with the ridewatch…
And as Geiz asks what Tsukuyomi and Tsukasa found out.
She doesn’t answer – says that they didn’t find anything.
That’s fair.
Of course, the music cuts out as we find out that Uncle got a little carried away with his onigiri. To the point of making 16 each.
Sir. Sir, please.
A train whistle sounds.
Sougo recognizes it.
Sounds like HeiGen Forever’s canon, after all.
The preview… has arrived!
As has Momo!Geiz!
Man, Momotaros doesn’t even have to change anything about Geiz’s appearance other than the hair, does he?
…The Another Den-O suit is back.
Which, well, it makes sense – we usually need to have the Another Rider present to make the ridewatch, and we already knew that different people can be turned into pre-existing Another Riders. (Thanks, Another Zi-O. Whatever happened to that watch that refused to break?) But it’s still unsettling.
We’ve got both the Core Four Imajin and the Yuuto and Deneb team!
They’re here to stop the Worst Future.
Sougo’s not letting someone stop something.
(I probably won’t.)
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 0, Act 1 Characters: Player, Miyu, Ace, Tohno, Deuce, Kurasame, Khalia, Trey, Izana, Machina, Cater, Queen, Seven, Jack, King Summary: This is the first part of the prologue. The Player has just enrolled at Akademeia and is already being sent on an important mission with Ace to retrieve information about the suspicious activities of the Milites Empire. Around Akademeia, the Player is introduced to various characters - and most of them just stop to talk about Ace. So if you’re an Ace fan, this one’s for you. Note: I’m pretty sure that all of the separate conversations around Akademeia could be read before reading the main story which would explain why there are two introductions for Tohno here. lol
Thanks again to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots that made this translation possible!
We can’t repeat that tragedy…
CHAPTER ZERO Japanese title: The Time When the Gears of Destiny Began to Turn English title: The Gears of Fate in Motion
Player was called by Miyu Kagirohi, the Cadet Representative, to the Military Department's Second Operational Division (Central Command.)
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[Setting: Central Command]
Miyu: Player, thank you for coming. Ace and I were just talking about you. Ace: Yes, there's something I want to ask of you... Ace: You're aware of how the four nations of Orience are still fighting each other, right? Ace: The war has being going on for over 1000 years. Ace: That said, in recent times, there haven't been any major battles because of the waning strength of each country. However... Miyu: In truth, recently, there have been movements of unrest in the western country of Milites. Miyu: It seems a large number of their troops have gathered near the border of our Rubrum. We believe they may be planning a large-scale operation. Ace: Milites is a powerful country with a massive military, and they possess the ability to operate machines thanks to their White Tiger Crystal. Ace: The military division has given me a mission. I'm to obtain information regarding Milites's operation. Miyu: Ace is the strongest cadet in Class Zero. That is why the military entrusted him with this. Miyu: However, it will be difficult for one person to accomplish this task on their own. Player, would you lend him your support?
Player choice: >Of course! >Why would you ask me?
Ace: You're so reliable. I'm glad I asked you. Miyu: Very well. This mission will be added to the "Mission" catalog. Player and Ace, we're counting on you.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Miyu: However, it will be difficult for one person to accomplish this task on their own. Player, would you lend him your support?
Player choice: >Of course! >Why would you ask me?
Ace: I requested you. We should have enough strength with you here. Ace: I wanted to work with someone who understands how to handle an important mission.
Chapter 0, Act 1 The Battle's Prelude
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[Setting: Field]
Miyu (over COMM): Player, Ace, it looks like you've arrived in the mission area. Miyu (over COMM): Intel has reported that a Milites operative was seen sneaking around past this point. Miyu (over COMM): It is your mission to infiltrate the area and seize the enemy's operational information. Ace: Roger. I'll stay alert and be wary of interference. After this, I'll cease communication. Ace: I'll grab whatever information I can and bring it back to Akademeia. Miyu (over COMM): Alright. I'm counting on you both. May the Crystal guide you. Ace: ...Alright. Let's go, Player. Ace: The enemies will be on guard. Let's be careful.
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[Setting: Wooded Area]
Ace: Hm...? Player, this document... Ace: I think this contains instructions for the enemy's strategy. It's encrypted, but let's see if we can decipher it... Ace: Let's see... "Akademeia"... "in Rubrum"... Hm?! Ace: "Assault on Akademeia in the Rubrum Region"?! Milites are planning to attack Akademeia?! Ace, looking down in thought: It sounds like an insane idea to strike the heart of Rubrum directly... What exactly are they thinking?
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???: ...I'm sure it was around here. Ace, looking up: You-- Tohno from Class Twelfth? What are you doing here?
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Tohno: I was personally investigating the movements of Milites. We can't repeat that tragedy... Ace: Tragedy? What are you talking about? Tohno, looking troubled: ...It's nothing. Forget I said anything. Tohno: More importantly, let's hurry and take the information you found back to Akademeia. Ace: R- Right. Let's go, Player.
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[Setting: Central Command]
Miyu: ...I see. So Milites thinks they can attack Akademeia?! Miyu: Good work, Player and Ace. We've received this important information thanks to you. Miyu: Let's proceed with deciphering the sample document to get a better picture of their operation. In the meantime, please rest yourselves.
[Setting: Grand Hall]
Miyu: Oh, Player. How is life at Akedemeia treating you? Miyu: You'll find many things to do here; various missions, conversations with new friends... Miyu: Whether you train your fighting skills, study magic, or nurture your relationships with your friends and comrades is up to you. Miyu: More than anything else, Player, I hope you will come to love Akademeia and be able to relax here. Miyu: You may think of this as the home you can always return to. We already think of you as one of us. ???: ...A new student? Miyu: Oh, you. Let me introduce you. This is Class Twelfth's-- Tohno: ...Tohno. Tohno Mahoroha. Tohno: You are...? I haven't seen you around here. Miyu: This is Player. They're a new comrade who just enrolled at Akademeia. Tohno: I see... Nice to meet you, Player. Tohno: I have something I need to take care of now, so... I'll see you later. Miyu: It looks like your meeting is already over. She's somewhat quiet, but she's a very nice girl. Miyu: Some people say that she's intimidating or difficult to get along with, but... Perhaps she has her reasons for being that way. Miyu: If you would, please try to get along with her as a fellow member of Akademeia.
[Setting: Cemetery]
Tohno: So it seems like... No one came. Tohno: ...It must have hurt. ...You must be lonely. Tohno: ...But I remember you.
[Setting: Akademeia Fountain Courtyard]
Deuce: Have you already met Miyu Kagirohi, the Cadet Representative? Deuce: She's the most brilliant genius Akademeia has ever seen, achieving outstanding results in every field. Deuce: Needless to say, that includes magic and academics. She also has profound insight into politics and military matters. Deuce: Particularly in regards to the military, it seems like her ability exceeds even that of the military professionals themselves. Deuce: There's no shortage of cadets who admire the Representative. I also want to be just like her.
[Setting: Classroom]
Kurasame: In our world of Orience where war is constant, the four nations have been fighting for hegemony. Kurasame: Although we're in a period of respite, the battle ceaselessly continues along the border. Kurasame: If you want to be the one who breaks through this situation, train yourself and pay attention to lectures.
[Setting: Grand Hall]
Khalia: You are... Ah yes, the new student. Player, I presume? Khalia: I am Khalia Chival VI, the Chancellor of Rubrum and headmaster of Akademeia. Khalia: Akademeia has always been the home of the Vermilion Bird Crystal. Khalia: Scholars gather here to learn about magic, the blessing of the Crystal. Khalia: Ordinarily, magic ability is stronger in those who are younger. Khalia: And among those young people, we select those who display outstanding power as Agito cadets. Khalia: I'm expecting great things from you. May the Crystal guide you.
[Setting: Terrace]
Trey: Player, it's breathtaking, is it not? I'm speaking of Rubrum, our magnificent nation of the Vermilion Bird. Trey: Since the dawn of history, Orience has been ablaze with the constant flames of war. Trey: Our splendid nation is no exception. Trey: However, as long as we have the blessing of the Vermilion Bird Crystal, we possess a unique power. Trey: The chosen one, the one who holds the power to restore peace to the world... Trey: I believe those words refer to Agito, the savior.
[Setting: Chocobo Ranch]
Izana: Good boy. You're all growing up nicely, aren't you? All the TLC you receive pays off. Machina: That may be true... But don't you think you spoil them a little too much, brother? Machina: Even though you're with the military, you spend more time here at the Chocobo ranch. Izana: What do you mean? This is also an important military service. I fail to see the point you're trying to make. Izana, looking at Player: ...And, who are you? Are you a visitor? Izana: Welcome to the Chocobo ranch. I'm Izana Kunagiri, legionary and Chocobo breeder. Machina: "Chocobo breeder" is not one of your titles, brother. Aren't you just a Chocobo lover? Izana: And this annoying kid is my little brother, Machina Kunagiri. He's a cadet like you. Izana: Well, you took the trouble of coming here, so take your time. Also, please get along with my brother. Machina: That's none of your business. Talking like you're my parent...! Jeez.
[Setting: Grand Hall]
Cater: Hey, hey, Player, have you heard about Ace from Class Zero? Cater: That boy may seem quiet, but he's actually reeeally strong! Cater: His magic and fighting skills are the best of the bunch. They say he's as strong as 1000 soldiers! Cater: It makes sense for such an amazing kid to be in Class Zero, don'cha think?
[Setting: Grand Hall]
Queen: Speaking of Ace, I've heard of him as well. Apparently, he underwent special training since a young age. Queen: It was an education for those with unique talent, overseen by Dr. Arecia, the head of the Sorcery Division. Thanks to that, it seems he gained more magical power than an ordinary person. Queen: However, magical strength alone isn't enough for someone to be called "Class Zero." Queen: You also need to have combat capability and proven achievements. Let's look forward to his future success.
[Setting: Grand Hall]
Seven: Player, have you met Ace from Class Zero? Seven: Well, I don't know that much about him, either. All I know is that he was transferred here the other day. Seven: But seeing that he entered Class Zero, the top class for any cadet, I assume he must be a very strong person. Seven: While he's a cadet, he's been rapidly earning a steady track record with important missions entrusted to him by the military. Seven: It feels like you can rely on your comrades here... But we can't let them hog all the glory. Seven: If you don't want to lose to Ace, you better train yourself.
[Setting: Grand Hall]
Jack: Player, have you met him yet~? The guy who transferred here the other day. Ace from Class Zero. Jack: Huh? You'll be joining him in the next mission? Hold up, isn't that remarkable? Jack: Well, I mean, it seems like they always give Ace the military's most important missions. Jack: It's impressive that Ace can always accomplish missions on his own, but I think you're pretty incredible for accompanying him, too~ Jack, smugly: I wonder, do you have what it takes to stand next to him? Or are you going to end up leaning on him...?
[Setting: Grand Hall]
King: Player. I gather that you're going on a mission with Ace. That means you're also worthy of being called excellent. King: He may have a gentle appearance, but he's skilled. King: The military recognizes his merit, but trusting him with such important missions comes with a heavy air of responsibility. King: You should keep your wits about you when you accompany Ace. But if you can fulfill that mission with him-- King, giving a rare smile: I suppose you might also be recognized as someone of the same rank as him.
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Final Chapter, Act 3 Characters: Player, Tohno, Ace, Kurasame, Machina, Rem Summary: Although Tohno did everything she could to figure out who the traitor could be in this world, it was a fool’s errand in the end. A new Judge rises to bring the end of the world.
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Final Chapter, Act 3 We Have Arrived
The world which was greeted by Tempus Finis began to fall to ruin. Therein, the cadets struggled against its destiny of destruction.
Tohno, who carried memories of the previous world, was doing everything in her power to uncover the secrets of Tempus Finis...
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[Setting: Fountain Courtyard]
Tohno: There has to be someone leading these soldiers... Tohno: In the previous world, it was the Representative. But in this world, she sublimated. Tohno: Player, do you have any thoughts?
Player choice: >Tell her that there's another mastermind. >Tell her that you found Miyu suspicious.
Tohno: That's what I think, too. The Representative isn't the one who caused Tempus Finis this time. Tohno: There's a strong possibility that there's someone else who's pulling the strings behind the scenes... I've been on the lookout for someone like that, but I haven't found anyone. Tohno: I took a risk and even went outside. But still, I didn't see anyone like that. Tohno: Where could they be hiding...? If we could take them down, then this fighting might also end.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Tohno: Player, do you have any thoughts?
Player choice: >Tell her that there's another mastermind. >Tell her that you found Miyu suspicious.
Tohno: I considered that, as well. Even if she sublimated and turned to crystal, I thought her will could have still been here somehow. Tohno: But that probably isn't right... I investigated her crystalized form, but I couldn't sense any thoughts. Tohno: The Representative isn't the one who caused Tempus Finis this time. There's a strong possibility that there's someone else who's pulling the strings behind the scenes...!
Ace: Player, Tohno! So this is where you were! Tohno: Ace and Instructor Kurasame? Did something happen? Ace: The enemy is attacking again. The nearby town of Aqvi is also under attack right now. Kurasame: I want you guys to defend Akademeia. The instructors are going with Ace to rescue the people of Aqvi. Tohno: Understood. Please be careful!
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[Setting: Aqvi]
Ace: Player, Tohno, do you copy? This is Ace. We've made it to Aqvi. Ace: We're going to begin the rescue of the residents. The current situation here is-- >There's a flash of white and Ace reacts. Ace: --Ngh?! >Ace's body begins to convulse. ???: "--When nine and nine meet nine, the depths of reason shall stir, and Tempus Finis will be willed upon the world." Kurasame: ...?! What's the matter, Ace? Ace: I-in my head... there's a voice...! ???: "When the seal of creation is broken, a voice like thunder shall sound, and thou shalt know-" Ace: Ugh... Guh... Uuuugh...! I'm... losing consciousness...!
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???: "We have arrived."
???: "We have arrived."
???: "We have arrived."
Ace: --...
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>Ace's eyes glow purple and a purple l'Cie brand appears over one of his eyes.
Ace: ...We have arrived...
>Afterwards, the others fight a battle against the Rursan Reavers outside.
Battle 1/3
Tohno: Hm...?! We lost contact with Ace...? Tohno: Did something happen to him...?! I can't reach Instructor Kurasame, either! Eight: Kuh...! Their attacks seem even stronger than before! Queen: This isn't good! They've breached our line of defense! They're invading Akademeia! Nine: These bastards! I'll destroy 'em, yo!
Battle 2/3
King: Confirming enemy presence. Entering combat. Deuce: Those who are injured, please come this way! I'll heal you! Sice: If you can still fight, follow me! We'll protect Akademeia! Seven: I see... It seems like Akademeia was the only safe place left. Cinque: Then Akademeia's all we have to protect! Let's defeat these guys and help everybody else!
Battle 3/3
Cater: Huff... Huff... G-guys, are you okay? I'm still alive! Jack: Stop saying "still"~ It's bad luck. Jack: We won't die. We'll definitely survive. Even if this really is the end of the world... Let's believe in a future full of light. Machina: Kh...! Somehow, it looks like we wiped out all the enemies...! Rem: Thank goodness! Machina, let's meet up with everyone else!
Chosen One
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[Setting: Fountain Courtyard]
Machina: Player, Tohno, you're alright! Rem: I thought we'd never see you again...! One after another, memories of everyone keep disappearing... Tohno: W-we're safe somehow, but... We can't get in touch with Ace and the ones who went with him to Aqvi. Tohno: Right before the transmission was interrupted, it seemed like something might've happened to Ace... Machina: Something happened to Ace?! I can still remember him, though... Machina: He must be alive. Let's hurry to Aqvi!
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[Setting: Aqvi]
Machina: The town has been totally demolished... Where in the world is Ace...? Rem: Hm?! Everyone, look over there!
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Tohno: Instructor-- and Ace?! Th-the way he looks is...! ???: --You've done well to gather here. You, who are to overcome the fate of destruction. ???: The world has reached the time of Tempus Finis. The days of war and trials have reached their end, and now the souls which have been tempered like steel have assembled... Machina: What in the world are you talking about...? Who are you?! ???: I am known as the one who delivers judgment. The l'Cie of the Rursus, the "Judge." Judge Ace: To determine whether "Agito" has been born in this world... That is my role. Tohno: It can't be... In this world, instead of the Representative, it was Ace...! Tohno: So, you've... become the Judge?! Judge Ace: Try to resist me, children of man. Otherwise, the Spiral of time will meet its end here. Judge Ace: Will you die here at the end? Or will you become Agito and change the destiny of ruin? Judge Ace: It's time for us to find out. Now, let's begin the trials!
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Rem: GYAAAAA! Machina: This is bad! We can't avoid it--! >There's a flash of white light. Kurasame: I won't let... you kill them...! Machina: Ah...! I-Instructor?! Kurasame: I won't be able to hold him for long... Withdraw! Return to Akademeia and tell everyone what's going on. Rem: But, Instructor, if we leave you-- Kurasame: That's enough! You have to leave! You're our last hope! Tohno: Hh...! A-alright!
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[Setting: Cemetery]
Tohno: Player... I told everyone about Ace. Tohno: He'll surely be coming here soon. So let me tell you what I just realized. Tohno: In the previous world, the Representative ended the world as the Judge. But when I think about it now, I think she was being controlled by something. Tohno: And in this world, Ace became the Judge. Now I finally understand-- Tohno: The one who becomes the Judge isn't decided from the beginning. Tohno: Just like the l'Cie of the Crystals, someone is "chosen." Tohno: And just like the other l'Cie, the Judge also loses their human heart. Ace is being controlled by something that's trying to destroy the world...! Tohno: Defeating the Judge doesn't guarantee that we'll save the world... But if we lose now, the world will certainly be destroyed. Tohno: In any event, there's no doubt that this will become the final battle in this world. Tohno: If there's someone important to you, you should go see them... This may be your last chance. Tohno: Use the time you have now before the battle so you won't have any regrets...
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 0, Act 0 Characters: Player, Ace, Miyu, Kurasame, Mog, Jack, Sice, Cater Summary: The opening of the second cycle. Player enrolls at Akademeia and is greeted by Ace... and a Behemoth! After narrowly escaping death, Player is immediately put to the test by Kurasame. ...Deja vu? Note: Yes, it looks like there were multiple introductions to this game. It seems like some parts of the dialog changed during the second cycle depending on whether you had been playing the game since the first cycle. Also, I translated the dialog with the game mechanic explanations because I figure some Kurasame fans would like to see. I think it also gives you a sense of what it was like to play the game.
Together with your comrades at Akademeia, aim to become the savior of Orience!
(Opening cutscene)
For millennia, Orience has been a world of ceaseless war. The people have been fighting over The possession of four Crystals. At the end lies a war which could bring about the end of the world, Arising from seething flames. The people wish for the arrival of a savior. And so they aim to become Agito. Boys and girls gather as "Agito cadets" To bring this age of war to an end. They are each thrown onto their own battlefields.
An Envoy From Akademeia
[Setting: Field]
Ace: So you're the one who's enrolling at Akademeia. "Player", was it? Ace: This is only what I've heard, but it sounds like you're pretty impressive. The instructors said that they were expecting someone of exceptional talent. Ace: Pardon my delayed introduction. I’m Ace. I came to guide you to Akademeia. Ace: Shall we go? Akademeia is in this direction... >A loud roar is suddenly heard. Ace: ...?! A monster!
(A battle begins.)
Ace: Crap, it's a Behemoth! Ace: It won't be easy to escape from this. In that case... We've got no choice. Ace: We have to fight, Player! Give me your support! >The Behemoth uses Tail Spin and Player is KO'd in one hit. Ace: Player! Ugh, I knew this would be hard... Ace: This is impossible. Let's withdraw. Ace: Ultima! >Ace casts Ultima and the battle ends.
The wounds you received from the Behemoth are really bad... We have to hurry to Akademeia to treat them!
[Setting: Player's room]
(Ace is sitting on Player's bed, watching over them. He gets up to retrieve something from the table near the window. He applies it to Player's shoulder area, then goes back to sit at the table. Shortly thereafter, Player sits up. Ace quickly returns and sits beside them on the bed to see if they're okay.)
Ace: Hm... Seems like you're awake now. Are you alright? Ace: We're at the Akademeia dorms. This is the private room you've been assigned. Ace: After you lost consciousness, I carried you here and treated your injuries. Ace: You just came to Akademeia and you're already having bad luck, huh? But I'm glad you're okay. Ace: So, um... Sorry. I'm not used to talking to people. Ace: Actually, I'm fairly new to Akademeia as well. Let's both do our best.
(Ace gets up from the bed and heads toward the door to leave.)
Ace: Oh yeah. The Representative of Akademeia seemed pretty worried about you. It might have to wait until tomorrow, but please show her that you're feeling better.
Welcome to Akademeia
[Setting: Fountain courtyard]
Miyu: Welcome to Akademeia! I am the Agito Cadet Representative, Miyu Kagirohi. Miyu: You encountered a Behemoth, didn't you? The most important thing is that you're safe. Miyu: In any case. You who were chosen to become an Agito Cadet, Player, I welcome you. Miyu: The war in our world of Orience has been continuing for countless ages. Miyu: It's all because of the four Crystals which have brought great power to mankind. Miyu: Our country of Rubrum has been in continuous conflict with Milites, Concordia, and Lorica. Miyu: To bring an end to this age of war, the people long for the one who will guide them to a bright future-- Miyu: The savior spoken of in ancient mythology, "Agito." Miyu: Yes, together with your comrades at Akademeia, aim to become the savior of Orience! Miyu: Now, without delay, please head to your classroom and meet Kurasame, your instructor.
[Setting: Classroom]
Kurasame: Player, congratulations on your enrollment at Akademeia. I am your instructor, Kurasame. Kurasame: Before you officially become a cadet, I would like you to carry out a mission. This is a test of your true strength. Kurasame: The details of the mission will be provided by Mog. For now, return to your dorm, then head to the mission as soon as you're ready. Kurasame: After you've completed your mission, be sure to return to Akademeia and report to me. I expect results. Dismissed.
[Setting: Player's room]
Mog: You don't have time to sit around in your room, kupo. Mog: Let's get to work, kupo. You have to give it your best as an Agito cadet, kupo. Mog: Tap the "Mission" icon on the right side of the screen, kupo.
(The screen changes to the mission select screen.)
Mog: This is where you choose which mission sorties you want to join, kupo. Mog: Speaking of missions, there are "story missions" and "investigation missions", kupo. Mog: In "Story", you'll be able to continue Agito's story, kupo. Mog: The latest story updates are gradually being delivered, kupo. Mog: Story scenes you've already seen can be rewatched by going to "History" in the menu, kupo. Mog: In "investigation missions", you can collect materials and investigate the various mysteries of Orience, kupo. Mog: First, let's try playing the story, kupo. Mog: Choose the next story you'd like to see, kupo.
(Moves to the friend support selection screen.)
Mog: Next, choose the two cadets you would like to have as comrades in your mission, kupo. Mog: Tap "Head to Combat" at the top right to depart for the mission, kupo.
(Proceeds to the mission.)
Kurasame: Time to begin the mission.
Kurasame: Well done. Get ready for the next mission!
Kurasame: When you encounter a strong enemy, use abilities.
Mog: Wow, kupo! That's a rare item, kupo! When you defeat enemies, they'll drop items, kupo. Kurasame: Items you pick up during battle will be acquired after the mission is complete.
Kurasame: Confirming the presence of strong enemies ahead. Everyone, show me your strength!
Mog: Wow, kupo! You were so cool, kupo! Kurasame: Good work. Check the results of your mission, then promptly return to Akademeia.
(Moves to the mission results screen.)
Kurasame: When you complete a mission, you obtain "experience", "gil", and "class points." Kurasame: When you accumulate "experience", your level rises and your "ACT" gauge is refilled. Kurasame: Your "job level" will increase when you collect "class points." (CP) Kurasame: Also, it affects your ranking and which class you belong to. Kurasame: Accumulating "friend points" (FP) will allow you to spin the friend gacha. Kurasame: "Gil" can be used to buy goods from the "shop", and can be used for "refining" and "enhancing." Kurasame: Let's take a look at the items you acquired in battle. "Materials" can be combined with weapons. Kurasame: Tap the "like" button to thank your friends for their cooperation. Kurasame: The companions who fought with you will also receive "class points", "friend points", and "bond points." Kurasame: That's all for now. Now you are officially a cadet! Let's introduce you to everyone.
[Setting: Classroom]
Kurasame: Good work completing the mission. Kurasame: From now on, you will hone your skills as an Agito cadet at this academy. Kurasame: First, let's introduce you to the Cadets who will be your comrades.
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Kurasame: As of today, Cadet Player will be assigned to Class Twelfth. Kurasame: I'm sure there will be many things they don't know at first. Everyone, please treat them considerately. Jack: Ohhhhh~? Class Twelfth - that means you're in the same class as me, huh. Let's get along~ Sice: Hmph... I heard the rumors, but it seems like the new student really is strong. Cater: Right? I better do my best so I don't lose to them! Kurasame: Quiet down now, cadets. In your seats.
(If the Player has been playing since the first cycle...)
Jack: That new student… I feel like I’ve seen them somewheeere~ Where was it~? Cater: I swear the same thing has happened before... Isn't this what they call "deja vu"? Sice: Ha. Ridiculous. You must be confused. Sice: ...Hm? But now that you mention it...
Kurasame: Now then, Player. In your next class-- Kurasame: You will participate in a mission as a black mage who specializes in attack magic. Kurasame: In that case, I'll give you this "gacha ticket." It ought to prove helpful. Kurasame: You're free now until your next orders. I look forward to seeing your achievements.
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Final Chapter, Act 4 (END) Characters: Player, Ace, Deuce, Tohno Summary: Player helps to defeat Judge Ace, freeing Ace from the mysterious being that possessed him. However, defeating him seems like it won’t be enough to save the world... Note: This is the version of the ending with Deuce. I spent a long time yesterday looking for the Jack version, but I had no luck. The only other version I have is with Eight.
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Final Chapter, Act 4 The Last Trial
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[Setting: Terrace]
Judge Ace: --You've come, children of man. Judge Ace: You possess the will to resist the end. It is suitable for my trials. Deuce: Please wait, Ace! Please, open your eyes! Deuce: You're a friend who fought together with us this whole time. I don't... want to fight against you! Judge Ace: I am no longer human. I exist solely to fulfill my Focus as the Rursus l'Cie. Judge Ace, grinning: Lamentation, confusion, anger– Turn all of that into the power which will defeat me. Judge Ace: If you don’t, you will perish. If your souls do not possess the will to fight, you will not prevail. Deuce: Ace...! Deuce: It looks like we have no other choice...! Judge Ace: Your role is to fight. Everything in this world is for that purpose. Judge Ace: Now, let us begin our battle to the death... It is time for your trial!
>Together with the cadet they're closest with, Player engages Ace and the giant, three-headed lion Eidolon he summoned.
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Judge Ace: I am the Rursus l'Cie, the Judge. I pass judgment on the logic of this world. Judge Ace: To the souls that lack power, annihilation. To the souls that possess power, I respond "Agito." Demonstrate to me your power!
Judge Ace: Choose your fate from these three trials! >Judge Ace makes the Player choose a card. Each card inflicts a different type of damage.
Moves in this battle include...
Trial of the Soul: Judge Ace's card move. Some of its effects seemed to result in an instant K.O.
Sin-Scorching Flame: A wide-range attack where the Eidolon breathes black fire.
Slam: The Eidolon lifts one of its arms and slams down its giant palm. There's the chance for a breaksight before it brings its hand down.
Black Storm: In the air, purple Vermilion Bird sigils with the Eye of Etro surround the Terrace. Each one has a breaksight.
>The Player and their partner defeat Judge Ace. Judge Ace: ...Player, you have won.
Deuce: Huff... Huff... It's over now, isn't it...?! Ace...? What happened to Ace? Ace: Player, Deuce. Thank you for stopping me. Deuce: Ace?! Ace, is it really you...?!
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Ace: ...Yes... I had faith that the two of you could release me... Deuce: Please forgive us...! We had no choice but to defeat you. Deuce: Even though we're friends... Ace: It's okay, Deuce. Ace: I wanted to protect everyone here, even if it meant my life. And yet, more lives were taken with these hands. Ace: I was praying... "Please, someone, stop me.” And then-- “At the least, I want them to be the ones who finish me." Ace: So, don't apologize. Deuce: Ace... Why... Why did this happen...! Deuce: Why did we have to fight! Ace: ...Until Agito is born, the people of this world are destined to continue fighting. Ace: And when the war ends, Tempus Finis comes. The ones who are left are given the last trial. Ace: I was the one who was chosen to become the Judge who gives the trial. Ace: But, it would seem that defeating me isn't enough to prove that Agito has been born... Ace: This world is going to collapse soon. And then, everyone will lose their memories of this life and a new world will begin. Deuce: That can't be... Are you saying we weren't able to stop Tempus Finis? Ace: Yes. We couldn't find the "solution" necessary to reach Agito. Ace: So we couldn't become Agito. Deuce: So then how are we supposed to become Agito?! What can we do to save the world...?! Ace: ...We have no choice but to find the way on our own. Ace: We who aimed to become Agito have to sever our ties with this unreasonable world and its destiny of ruin...! Deuce: ...I understand. Together with Player-- Deuce: We'll become Agito. Deuce, smiling through tears: And then, someday, we'll put an end to this recurring sadness ourselves.
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>Ace begins to crystalize. Ace: Player, Deuce, I'll see you again. Even if we lose our memories, in the next world... Ace: We'll surely bring true salvation to the world...!
A Fragment: The Starting Point of Reincarnation (The Cycle)
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[Setting: Nowhere]
Tohno: ...Player, I witnessed this world's history with my own eyes. Tohno: No matter how many times the world repeats, even if everyone loses the memories they made in this world-- Tohno: I'll never forget what happened here. Tohno: People's feelings, the proof that they lived... I'll engrave them on my heart and carry them with me to the next world. Tohno: And then, when I see you again, Player... I can tell you that.
The voices of the people disappeared from Orience.
All at once, everything is extinguished... And it's recreated once again.
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 0, Act 4 Characters: Player, Miyu, Ace, Tohno, Qun’mi, Lean Summary: The final part of the prologue of the second cycle. Ace, Tohno, and Player are sent to take out the enemy commander who survived the assault on Akademeia. Unexpectedly, when they find the commander, a young Milites engineer stands in their way. Note: This part is short. But Lean is here! He’s so cool. What a guy.
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
In order to save the world, fighting him may be unavoidable.
Chapter 0, Act 4 Decisive Battle with the l'Cie Qun'mi
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[Setting: Central Command]
Miyu: Player, thank you for your excellent work in that battle. Having your strength with us helped us drive back the Milites army. Miyu: We even successfully shot down their flagship, the Invincible. I thought we may have also taken care of the enemy commander, but... Miyu: Actually, their commander is still alive. Even though the flagship crashed, it seems they survived. Ace: What?! Didn't the battleship explode and catch on fire? How could anyone survive that? Miyu: It's because their commander wasn't a human-- They're a l'Cie. Miyu: Player, do you know what a l'Cie is?
Player choice: >I know. >I don't know.
Miyu: I see. Then, I'll explain. In simple terms, you could say that a l'Cie is a Crystal's guardian. ---
(Alternate Player Choice)
Miyu: Player, do you know what a l'Cie is?
Player choice: >I know. >I don't know.
Miyu: As expected. You must be studying. Indeed, the enemy commander is someone who is "more than human."
Miyu: The people who are chosen by each Crystal become more than human. They're blessed with extremely sturdy bodies special abilities. Miyu: That l'Cie, Qun'mi Tru'e, is currently moving from the crash point into Milites territory. Miyu: They might be going to meet up with their allies. However, we cannot overlook this. Miyu: That's why I have a favor to ask you. I want you to take down the enemy commander! Miyu: I have full faith that the three of you can accomplish this task. I'm leaving it to you.
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[Setting: Flagship crash site. The ground is scorched and there's still burning debris in the background.]
Ace: Player, Tohno, we've arrived at our destination. I believe the l'Cie, Qun'mi, should be up ahead. Tohno: What about the Crystal Jammer...? Do you think it could still function? Ace: It sustained substantial damage, but I think the unit it was attached to could still move. Each Magitek Armor unit is outfitted with its own jammer. Ace: Because they could seal our magic, the other cadets and the Dominion army had their hands tied. Tohno: Right... And that's why you were deployed. Ace: Yeah. If we can find Qun'mi, I can use the Anti-Crystal Jammer magic. Ace: In the meantime, you two pursue Qun'mi. Tohno: Yes, roger that...! We'll do what we can. Tohno: Player, let's do our best together. Let's pluck out the seedlings of tragedy.
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Mission to Subdue the Dáinsleif SUCCESSFULLY SUBDUED
Seeing This Battle Through to the End
Tohno: Did- Did we do it?! Qun'mi: D-dammit...! I can't lose to you guys here...! Ace: Y-You're still alive?! Then we have to put a stop to y- ???: Wait! Ace: Ngh?! Who are you?!
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Lean, with a serious face: Me? My name is Lean Hampelmann. I'm a Militesi engineer. Lean: To think that things would turn out like this when I came here to pick up Qun'mi... You've gone and done it now, cadets. Tohno: D... Do you intend to fight us?! Lean: No. We're retreating for now. But someday, I'll make sure that you repay your debts. Lean: We're retreating, Qun'mi! Qun'mi: Y-yeah! >White light fills the screen Ace: Guh! A flashbang! Tohno: I-I can't see...! >The atmosphere returns to normal Tohno: ....Hn. It looks like they got away... Ace: Lean Hampelmann, huh? It sounds like we'll see him again. Tohno: Yeah... In order to save the world, fighting him may be unavoidable. Tohno: ...Be careful, Player. Tohno: From now on, even more strong enemies may stand in your way... Tohno: Please survive through this battle... To the end.
[Setting: Classroom]
Ace: The l'Cie Qun'mi... I've heard that name before. Ace: Player, have you heard of her?
Player choice: >I have >I haven't
Ace: Of course. You're knowledgeable about a lot of things. Ace: As you know, when she became a l'Cie, she received powers that surpassed those of a regular human. Ace: She’s probably stronger than any enemy we've faced this far...! Player, let's take her on with everything we've got.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Ace: Player, have you heard of her?
Player choice: >I have >I haven't
Ace: I see. Then I'll tell you what I've found out. Ace: The l'Cie Qun'mi used to be human. It seems she was an excellent scientist with the Milites army. That excellence was probably what made the White Tiger Crystal cast its gaze upon her. Ace: Only the most outstanding people from each country are chosen by their Crystals to become l'Cie. Ace: And so, Qun'mi became a l'Cie. The Crystal granted her power greater than a normal human. Ace: She’s probably stronger than any enemy we've faced this far...! Player, let's take her on with everything we've got.
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 5, Act 1 Characters: Player, Machina, Rem, Miyu, Ace, Lean, Cid Summary: A new Vermilion Bird l’Cie has been chosen. Although this may seem like the Dominion’s ace in the hole, what repercussions will this decision have...?
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Chapter 5 Japanese title: On Their Own Paths, With Their Own Wills English title: Inveniam Viam
Note: The official English title they present is in Latin this time! It comes from the phrase "Aut inveniam viam aut faciam", "I shall either find a way or make one."
New l'Cie
About a month after the death of Lady Caetuna, the Vermilion Bird Crystal chose a new l'Cie.
Its chosen was the Cadet Representative, Miyu Kagirohi. When the news reached the cadets, they were shocked and upset...
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[Setting: Fountain Courtyard]
Machina: Player! Is it true that the Representative was chosen to become a l'Cie?! Rem: We just heard from Deuce... It's just so sudden, we can't believe it! Rem: Just by looking at your face, I can tell it's the truth... Do you know what happens to a person when they become a l'Cie?
Player choice: >I don't know. >I know.
Rem: I see... Then I'll explain. Rem: The people who are chosen to become l'Cie obtain superhuman power, equal to that of Lord Zhuyu or Soryu. Rem: But they lose their human heart. The Representative is no longer the person she used to be...
(Alternate Player Choice)
Rem: Do you know what happens to a person when they become a l'Cie?
Player choice: >I don't know. >I know.
Rem: I see... Then you understand the price of that power... Rem: In exchange for the power of a l'Cie, the Representative lost her human heart... The Representative is no longer the person she used to be...
Miyu: So you've all already heard that I was chosen by the Crystal. Machina: Representative?! Miyu: I accepted its offer. I may look the same as before, but-- Miyu: Have a look.
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>Miyu's eyes turn red and a red l'Cie brand appears over one of her eyes. Miyu: --This is the brand of a l'Cie. It's the proof that I've obtained power that goes beyond that of a human. Rem: I can't believe it... You're okay with this, Representative? You're even okay with losing your heart...?! Miyu: This was my choice, so I have no regrets. I want to protect the people of this country, so I will bring us victory over Milites. Machina: I understand now... If that's what you wanted, then I have nothing to say about it. Miyu: I'll devise and announce a strategy soon. Everyone, please make sure you're prepared.
Chapter 5, Act 1 Heading Toward the Counterattack
The news that Cadet Representative Miyu Kagirohi had been chosen to become a l'Cie--
Was like a gospel of hope to the Rubrum legion who had fallen into despair.
Miyu proposes that she be added as their spearhead and the military accepts, announcing a new strategy.
And so, in the place of Miyu who had become a l'Cie, the command of the cadets was temporarily given to Ace of Class Zero...
[Setting: Central Command]
Ace: Looks like everyone's here. I'll begin the meeting.
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Ace: By the time we achieved victory against Concordia, Milites had pushed up the frontline considerably. Ace: They've already suppressed and occupied a majority of the land. All that remains is the region of Rubrum where Akademeia is located. Ace: They have our backs to the wall. The only way to reverse this situation-- Miyu: --Is with the power of a l'Cie. With my magic, I’ll lay waste to Milites. Miyu: The enemy constructed a base to capture the Rubrum reigion. Let's destroy that first. Miyu: If I can get within sight of the base, I can annihilate their soldiers with my magic. Rem: You're going to annihilate them...?! You can do that now, Representative...?! Miyu: Indeed. My physical body isn't that different from a regular human's, but my magic is on a completely different level now. Miyu: Listen up, men. This isn't a mission to delay our defeat. Miyu: After the defeat of Lorica and Concordia, two nations remain in Orience. Rubrum or Milites? Who will be the victors of this war? Miyu: The time to decide is now. Let's go, men.
The End is Approaching
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[Setting: Field]
Ace: Representative, I have confirmation that the enemies surrounding the circumference of the base have been mopped up! The enemies are holing up inside! >Miyu's red l'Cie brand activates. Miyu: Good. All hands withdraw. I will begin the aria of the annihilation-class magic. Miyu: Here I go... FLARE! Machina: Kch...! What incredible power...! Rem: The entire base was blown away...?! So this is the power of a l'Cie...! Miyu: Yes. However, the enemies are aware of me now. They're going to adjust with a new strategy. Miyu: Let's return to Akademeia and come up with our own plan for the next battle.
--Meanwhile, in the Militesi army--
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Cid: So a new l'Cie has been born to the Dominion... That was faster than expected. This is somewhat of a miscalculation. Lean: Yes... According to intel, the l'Cie is the Cadet Representative, Miyu Kagirohi. Lean: She's the woman who brought down the Invincible during the assault on Akademeia. Lean: The one who obstructed our path back then is the one who received the Crystal's power... She's bound to be a difficult enemy. Cid: Hmph. If this is to be the final hurdle, then we just have to overcome it. Cid: No matter how strong the l'Cie is, there is always only one battlefield upon which to stand. Cid: We'll divide the forces into five groups and have them advance toward Akademeia. Lean, smiling: All-out war...! In other words, even if one of them is stopped by the l'Cie-- Lean: As long as the remaining four make it to Akademeia, we'll win, right? Cid: Precisely. In their current state, Rubrum has no power to preempt it. Cid: --Send a message to all men and officers: All advance toward Akademeia. Cid: We're proceeding to checkmate. Take down the Dominion with all your strength!
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Final Chapter, Act 2 Characters: The Commandant, Kurasame, Emina, Player, Ace, Tohno, Zhuyu, Khalia, Machina, Kazusa Summary: Despite how much the world seemed to have changed, the end of the war still brings about the beginning of the end. The Dominion struggles to find a way to stop the mysterious invading enemies.
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Final Chapter, Act 2 Tempus Finis
The sky was dyed red, and from that day on, a mysterious army appeared and began slaughtering the people...
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[Setting: Central Command]
Male Legionary: The company stationed at Limbo Stronghold has been annihilated! Commandant: Kh...! It's unavoidable! Withdraw! Assemble at Akademeia and fortify the blockade! Commandant: Who are these soldiers?! Remnants of the Milites army...?! Kurasame: I believe that's unlikely. According to reports from intel, Milites bases also seem to be under attack. Emina: It's the same for Concordia and Lorica, as well... Emina: The remaining Lorican survivors were annihilated. The towns and strongholds in Concordia are currently under siege. Commandant: What?! Are you implying that we're being attacked by an army from somewhere other than one of the four major nations?! Commandant: If that's the case, then where have they been until now?! Those soldiers... The red sky... What in the world is happening?!
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[Setting: Fountain Courtyard]
Ace: You think this is Tempus Finis...?! Tohno, do you know something?! Tohno, distraught: Y-yes... This world was already destroyed by Tempus Finis, and then history started over from the beginning. Tohno: But this time, it was totally different from the previous world... The Representative sublimated and Rubrum defeated Milites...! Tohno: The causes and effects are all different, so why is Tempus Finis happening again?! Ace: Calm down, Tohno! There are a lot of things I don't understand about what you just said, but... Ace: There's no doubt that this is the end of the world, is there? Then, what we can do--
Kurasame (over COMM): All cadets, do you copy? This is Kurasame. Kurasame (over COMM): The unidentified army has come to attack Akademeia. All forces are to intercept!
Ace: ...Right. We have no choice but to fight. We need to protect Rubrum and Akademeia. Ace: Anyway, we have to defeat those soldiers! That's the only thing for us to do right now! Tohno: I-I know that...! Let's go, Player!
Those Who Defy
The Rubrum legion and the cadets raised their full strength to fight back against the unidentified army.
Among the intercepting units was the Vermilion Bird l'Cie...
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[Setting: Coast]
Zhuyu: Uwooooooooahhhgh!! >There's the sound of Zhuyu unleashing a powerful attack.
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Rursan Reaver: --!! Zhuyu: ...Confirming the elimination of the enemies surging in from the coast. I will now return to protecting the Crystal. Khalia (over COMM): We apologize for having to borrow your power like this, Lord Zhuyu... Zhuyu: It's no matter. It's clear that the Crystal is in peril. Zhuyu: But this army... Where in the world could the person who's leading them- >There's the sound of a sword's slash making contact. Zhuyu: --?! Zhuyu: Guh--...! Khalia (over COMM): Lord Zhuyu?! What happened, Lord Zhuyu!? Zhuyu: It caught me unaware...! It got me from behind, but I couldn't even sense it...! Zhuyu: Bastard... Who are... you...?! ??? (not shown): --It is unnecessary for you to know. This is a human war. L'Cie should disappear. >There's the sound of another sword slash followed by the sound of blood spraying.
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[Setting: Fountain Courtyard]
Ace: --The memory of the Vermilion Bird l'Cie just vanished! You mean they could even take down a l'Cie?! Machina: The memory of the remaining White Tiger l'Cie also suddenly vanished...! Does this mean there aren't any l'Cie left in the world...? Machina: We were informed that the capitals of Milites and Concordia have been destroyed. Communications with our comrades scattered throughout Rubrum are also being lost one after another. Machina: The red sky, the enemies that won't stop appearing, death covering the earth... This is Tempus Finis... The end of the world. Tohno: ...No, it's not over. We're still alive. Tohno: Even if the l'Cie have been defeated and all the other nations have fallen to ruin... The world isn't over yet. Tohno: Player, everyone, let's fight without giving up. I'm going to do what I can. Tohno: Let's survive 'til the end... and change the destiny of ruin. Ace: ...Right!
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[Setting: Central Command]
Kazusa: ...Are you going, Kurasame? To the battlefield. Kurasame: Yes. I've received approval from Central Command. Kurasame: I'm leaving command of the units to Emina. There won't be a problem if I'm absent. Kazusa: Ah, I see. So you're doing this to protect the cadets, too... But do you think you'll accomplish anything if you go alone? Kazusa: You don't have the same power you used to have in the days when you were known as the "Ice Reaper." Kazusa: Isn't heading out to the current battlefield the same as heading to your death? Kurasame: ...That may be so. But it's better than sitting down and awaiting destruction. Kurasame: At the time of the Verboten Eidolon's summoning, those who became its foundation entrusted me with surviving for "the battle that would come after." Kurasame: Now that Tempus Finis is here, as long as I still have the strength to move, I must fight. Kazusa: *small laugh* Well, I thought you'd say something like that. Kazusa: Alright, Kurasame. I understand. You'll be on the battlefield, and I'll be here. Let's both do what we can. Kazusa: And when it's all over... I'll look forward to seeing you again. Kurasame: ...Yeah.
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[Setting: Cemetery]
Machina: ...Oh, it's you, Player. Sorry. I know I shouldn't be spacing out at a time like this... Machina: With this recent battle... For some reason, it feels like a large blank spot opened up in my heart... Machina: I wonder if I lost someone who was really important to me... If I can't remember who it was, then I can't even be sure that someone actually died. Machina: Do I have to fight with this kind of empty feeling inside of me...? Do we really still have to fight...?!
Player choice: >Hold on to that feeling tightly. >I understand how you feel.
Machina: *gasps* ...! Right... You're right. Machina: I may have lost someone precious to me. But that's why I have to protect the people who are still alive.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Machina: Do I have to fight with this kind of empty feeling inside of me...? Do we really still have to fight...?!
Player choice: >Hold on to that feeling tightly. >I understand how you feel.
Machina: I see... You could have lost someone important, too. Machina: But then, if that's the case... We can't lose anyone else. Machina: We may have lost people who were precious to us. But that's why we have to protect the people who are still alive.
Machina: Rem, Ace, you... I can't afford to lose any more memories. Machina: ...Thank you, Player. I have a little more courage now. Machina: I'll fight to the end, as well. To protect everyone...!
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 5, Act 3 Characters: Player, Ace, Machina, Miyu, Cid, Lean Summary: For their ultimate strategy to be put into action, Rubrum must first come to the brink of destruction. Sensing that the end of the war is near, Lean makes a decision.
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Chapter 5, Act 3 Battle of the Rubrum Plains
After the Verboten Eidolon Summoning Strategy was revealed, Rubrum mobilized the whole army and put their plan into action.
And then, a strategy for Player and the other cadets was also announced...
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[Setting: Central Command]
Ace: Milites's 2nd division just took down Aqvi's last line of defense. The 1st and 3rd divisions have subsequently broken through the coastline and naval blockade. Ace: Lastly, the town closest to Akademeia, McTighe -- their final defense line has been defeated and we've lost all communication. Ace: The divisions are heading here. Their advance guard will attack Akademeia soon. Ace: Our opportunity to summon the Verboten Eidolon hasn't come yet, though. We can't summon it yet. Machina: The opportunity hasn't come...? What do you mean? Miyu: The summoning of the Verboten Eidolon is a final trump card that can only be used once. If we used it now to defeat their advance guard, there would still be many enemies remaining behind them. Miyu: We'll wait until there are as many enemies here as we can handle. If we summon it before then, we won't see victory. Ace: That’s when the cadets will form a final line of defense around Akademeia. Ace: If we don't stop them there, Milites will use their whole force to besiege and topple Akademeia. Ace: That's when we'll find our opportunity-- We'll eradicate the whole Milites army in one blow.
Player choice: >A chance for turnabout, huh. >A plan where everything comes down to the wire, huh?
Machina: So it would seem... Our biggest chance comes disguised as our biggest crisis... Ace: Yes, exactly. Whether this succeeds or not is up to us. Ace: Akademeia will be behind us. If they manage to break past us, they'll destroy the Vermilion Bird Crystal and everything will be over.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Ace: That's when we'll find out opportunity-- We'll eradicate the whole Milites army in one blow.
Player choice: >A chance for turnabout, huh. >A plan where everything comes down to the wire, huh?
Machina: So it would seem... Unlike all the other battlefields we've seen this far, Akademeia will be behind us this time. Machina: If they break through our line of defense, they'll invade Akademeia. If they destroy our Crystal, then everything will be over...! Ace: But as long as we succeed in defending Akademeia, our biggest crisis will become our biggest chance.
Ace: They may have us backed into a corner for now, but we'll turn it around in an instant! If we want this to succeed, we absolutely can't lose. Ace: The Representative will stay in Akademeia to prepare the summon. We'll handle Milites on our own! Machina: ...Right!
Lean's Departure
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[Setting: Milites Army]
Cid: ...The invasion seems like it's going easily, doesn't it? They must be getting desperate. Lean: All of Rubrum's towns and strongholds have fallen. All that's left is Akademeia... They won't let it fall no matter what, though. Lean, sympathetically: The cadets are bracing themselves. Even when they've been cornered, they still refuse to give up. Cid: In that case, we should also fight to the end with all our power, until the moment we attain victory. Cid: When that time comes, the world will change... It's for that reason I made the decision to accept sins and sacrifices of any kind. Cid: For all the countless sacrifices I've made until now, I cannot lose the game now. Lean: Yeah, I'm thinkin' the same... I guess that means it's 'bout time for me to make my move. Cid: What? Lean: I'm talkin' about me going to the battlefield. Lean: I'm an engineer, but I'm confident in the way I can handle a machine. After all, I'm the one who developed the latest model. Cid: ...Is there a reason for you to go? Why would you go now, so close to the end? Lean: That's why... I wanna settle things with the cadets. Lean: They killed many of my friends. And many of the weapons I made killed them. Lean: If I don't settle the score with them, the war won't end. Not for me, not for them. Cid: So that is the path you've chosen... Very well. Do as you wish.
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Lean: I will... See ya, old man.* Even if I die, keep movin' forward. Cid: ...I will, my son.
TL Note: Lean says 親父 here, which means “father.” Coming from him, it sounds like “old man (affectionate.)” I hope that makes sense. lol
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 0, Act 2 Characters: Player, Miyu, Ace, Tohno Summary: Part two of the prologue of the second cycle. Player accompanies Ace and Tohno on a mission to acquire magicite which will help them counter the Empire’s crystal jammer. When they’re alone, Tohno tells Player the mysterious truth about the world they live in...
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible! They’ve been especially handy for the alternate player choices.
Do you know about the "previous world"?
Chapter 0, Act 2 The Start
That day, Player was summoned by Miyu and headed to the Military Department’s Second Operational Division with Ace.
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[Setting: Central Command]
Miyu: Thank you for coming, you two. We've finished the decryption of the sample document. Miyu: The intel department was able to piece together the enemy's most likely course of action. Bit by bit, we've revealed the Empire's strategy. Miyu: They plan to use a new weapon called the "Crystal Jammer." It would appear they want to suppress the Vermilion Bird Crystal. Miyu: The people of Rubrum draw their magical power from the Crystal which is enshrined here beneath Akademeia. Miyu: However, a weapon called the "Crystal Jammer" sounds like it must have the power to render our Crystal useless. Ace: What?! If they have the power to neutralize our Crystal-- Ace: Everyone living in Rubrum will lose their ability to use magic! We won't even be able to defend ourselves! Miyu: Yes, and then we're finished. We'll be unilaterally invaded by the Milites army. Ace: We can't let that happen. The cadets should be mobilized to protect Rubrum as well. Miyu: I'm working with the military on a way to handle this situation. At the moment, we haven't found a solution that sounds effective... Ace: I see. I wonder what we can do... ???: ...May I join this discussion? Miyu: Tohno? Do you have a solution? Tohno: I wouldn't call it a solution. I just have an idea. Tohno: If the enemy has a weapon that can neutralize our Crystal, I wonder if we can deploy a type of magic that could counteract and nullify the weapon's effect. Miyu: Magic that would make the Crystal Jammer irrelevant? The military has already considered the possibility. Miyu: However, it would require immense magical power to cast such a thing. It goes without saying that it would be impossible for Ace and I. Tohno: In that case, I think it might be possible if we gather others together and employ their combined magical strength. Tohno: I'm sure I heard of powerful magicite which slumbers within the Corsi caves. Ace: Oh, I see what you're saying... If we could obtain that magical ore, we might be able to develop magic which could nullify their Jammer. Miyu: Alright. Let's place our bets on this idea. Miyu: Player and Ace, I'll come with you. Let's hurry out to the cave. Tohno: No, you should stay here on standby, Representative. I'll go in your stead. Miyu: What? Tohno: You're already facing the pressure of the oncoming confrontation with Milites. If you get injured in the field with us, it will have repercussions on the battle ahead. Tohno: So leave this to us. I'll make sure we accomplish the task. Miyu: ...Very well. I'll trust you. Miyu: Take care, you three. May the Crystal guide you.
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[Setting: Field]
Tohno: Player, Ace, I believe the magicite should be found inside this cave. Tohno: However, monsters are drawn to the power of the ore. There are a lot of nests around here. Ace: ...It certainly seems that way. There are signs of monsters all over this area. Ace: Let's be careful, guys.
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[Setting: Cave]
Tohno: Here at last... That's the magicite, isn't it? Ace: Yeah. With this, we should be able to create magic that can nullify the Jammer. Ace: I want to get started on its development. First, let's head back. Tohno: ...Thank goodness. We'll be able to start the development of the "Anti-Crystal Jammer" with this. Tohno: For now, it looks like we've been able to avert the first tragedy...
Player choice: >"The first tragedy"? >"Anti-Crystal Jammer"?
Tohno: This is just the first of many tragedies. Tohno: I'm aware of those numerous tragedies. I experienced them in the "previous world"...
(Alternate Player Choice)
Tohno: For now, it looks like we've been able to avert the first tragedy...
Player choice:
>"The first tragedy"? >"Anti-Crystal Jammer"?
Tohno: At the moment, nobody knows that it's called that. But from this point, that is the magic Ace will create. Tohno: I'm already aware of it. I heard about it in the "previous world"...
Tohno: ...You're giving me a strange look. Everyone looks at me that way when I talk about this. Tohno, dispirited: I had given up and didn't want to bother trying to tell anyone else about this, but... Tohno: Because you were new to Akademeia, I thought I would tell you. Tohno: Player. Do you know about the "previous world"?
Player choice: >I know >I don't know
Tohno: Wh...! R- Really? Tohno: So there are others besides me... Other people who know about the previous state of the world...! Tohno: That's right, Player. This world we're living in is continually repeating.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Tohno: Player. Do you know about the "previous world"?
Player choice: >I know >I don't know
Tohno: ...I'm not surprised. But I've already said this much, so I might as well tell you. Tohno: You may not believe me, but... Please listen, Player.
Tohno: The world has already been destroyed, and then it was created anew. Tohno: Until Agito, the one who will save us from this cycle, is born someday, the cycle will continue to repeat. Tohno: However, only a handful remember. Everyone else has forgotten what happened in the previous world. Tohno: If history continues in this direction, then the same things will happen. Tohno: But, I... I can't stand it. I don't want the tragedies that happened in the previous world to happen again. Tohno, with a look of despair: Player, if it comes to that... Lend us your strength. Tohno: In order to save this world from destruction. In order to prevent those tragedies from being repeated...!
Player choice: >Of course! >......
Tohno: ...I see. Thank you, Player... Tohno: I'm still not sure what we can do. But let's try to think of something together - a way to save the world.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Tohno: In order to save this world from destruction. In order to prevent those tragedies from being repeated...!
Player choice: >Of course! >......
Tohno: ...Oh. Well, that's understandable. I sprung this on you so suddenly. Tohno: Regardless, I'll do it, even if I have to do it alone. Until I find a way to save the world. Tohno: ...If you feel up to it, I'd appreciate your help. Even if it's just a little...
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[Setting: Classroom]
Tohno: Player, I want to thank you for listening to me so considerately... Tohno, blushing: Your presence is very reassuring. Tohno, looking forlorn: Until now, I always felt like I was alone in the world... Tohno: In the past, I tried to tell my story to a number of people, but no one would believe me.
Player choice: >I believe you. >There might be other people who understand.
Tohno: Yes... I'm glad you believe me. It makes me feel like I'm not alone. Tohno: We might be the only people in the whole wide world of Orience who believe in the previous world. Tohno: But that's alright. I'll still do what I can. Tohno: As long as you're here, Player... I'll have the courage to do my best.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Tohno: In the past, I tried to tell my story to a number of people, but no one would believe me.
Player choice: >I believe you. >There might be other people who understand.
Tohno: I wish I could find out... But I'm not good at talking to people... Tohno: Even when I get up the courage to speak, I can't explain the situation clearly... Tohno: ...But maybe I can try to talk to other people the way I talked to you. Tohno: If only I could find someone who would believe me, though...
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 4, Act 2 Characters: Player, Miyu, King, Deuce, Konoha, Celestia, the Commandant, Zhuyu, Izana Summary: Although still struggling with a shortage of troops, Rubrum manages to push back Concordia again. Now Central Command devises a risky strategy to take Concordia out of the race for good.
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Chapter 4, Act 2 Each Person's Role
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[Setting: Central Command]
Miyu: Player, King, Deuce. You did admirable work the other day. Miyu: You and the other cadets who are still in the field achieved outstanding results. Miyu: However, the enemy has sent reinforcements to the frontline and have resumed their march. Our mission is to intercept them at the coastal border. King: I see... But the Concordian forces are limitless. Between humans and monsters, it's been said that they have around 600 thousand combatants. Deuce: 600 thousand... We have to do battle against that many enemies... Miyu: So the struggle continues... Miyu: Deuce, I know you've been fighting this whole time. Player, the pain must be getting worse for you, too. Miyu: ...You're allowed to run away at any time. After all, you weren't meant to be soldiers from the beginning.
Player choice: >No, I'll fight. >Rep, what about you?
Deuce, smiling: ...Right. I feel the same way as Player.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Miyu: ...You're allowed to run away at any time. After all, you weren't meant to be soldiers from the beginning.
Player choice: >No, I'll fight. >Rep, what about you?
Miyu: Are you worried about me? I appreciate your concern, but I can't run away. Miyu: Too many of my compatriots have been sent to their graves. I must fight to receive atonement. Deuce: Then, you and I share the same feeling.
Deuce: I may hate Concordia, and I may not like fighting... Deuce: But if there are lives I can save by fighting, then I will fight. Miyu: Deuce... King: Heh. Don't underestimate us, Rep. King: We've fought for this long to protect Rubrum. That feeling isn't something that can be broken that easily. Miyu: ...I understand. I accept your feelings. Miyu: Well, shall we go, comrades? To our battlefield.
Meanwhile, in Concordia, the commander of the Concordian army, Celestia, was speaking with her peer, Konoha.
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[Setting: Concordia]
Konoha: Even so, Celestia... The King said that he wanted "to have the world in the palm of his hand." Do you think he was serious? Celestia: Yes, probably. Even before he ascended the throne, he was a man of strong ambition. Celestia: It would seem he had been planning this scheme for quite some time. He joined hands with the Empire without even consulting us. Konoha: That’s not ambition. An ambition that suits his small stature, maybe. Konoha: But, wait... Doesn't that mean that Concordia is responsible for the assassination of the Queen? Celestia: We should refrain from speaking of this, Konoha. It is not a warrior's place to ask such questions. Konoha: Oh, really? You expect me to still obey the man who killed the woman I served? Celestia: The memory of the late Queen is already gone... Nevertheless, I feel as though I thought she was a good leader. Celestia: Even if memories disappear, records remain. The fact that she governed our country well remains etched in history. Celestia: Compared to the late Queen, he may be a dangerous Lord possessed by treacherous ambition. Celestia: But a warrior's role is to fight for their country. It doesn't matter who the King is. We must simply follow the orders given. Konoha: You're very steadfast, aren't you... Well, I don't have any complaints about crushing that accursed Dominion. Celestia: Very good. Let us fulfill our roles. Celestia: Send a message to the frontlines: Use your full strength to break through the Dominion's line of defense! Open a path straight to Akademeia!
Signal of the Counterattack
Working together with the Rubrum legion, the cadets halted Concordia's advance for a second time.
However, the difference in their strength was vast. As a result, Rubrum sustained many casualties, but there was no question that they were still holding their ground.
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[Setting: The coastal border]
Deuce: We managed to win somehow... But the sacrifice was too great... Deuce: One after another, blank spots were appearing in my mind... This must mean that many memories were erased by the Oblivion of Death...! King: Yeah... It seems like Concordia have themselves a good commander. King: They manipulated their soldiers skillfully to strike at our defense line. King: It seems like many of our units were wiped out in other areas. Miyu: Tch... So even when I add myself to the fray, it makes no difference... Miyu: I said I'd become Agito, but I couldn't even save my comrades' lives...! Deuce: It's not your fault, Representative. There's a limit to what one person can do on their own... King: She's right. We can only do what we can. Has the next course of action been decided? Miyu: Yes, of course. If we keep taking a defensive position, we'll have no chance of winning. Miyu: Milites or Concordia - whichever one, we urgently need to do something about them. Miyu: Currently, the military is finalizing an all-or-nothing strategy. The details of which...
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[Setting: Central Command]
Zhuyu: You want to destroy the Azure Dragon Crystal? With your own hands? Commandant: That is correct, Lord Zhuyu. Commandant: Concordia has too many combatants. At this rate, Rubrum will surely be crushed by their numbers. Commandant: But what if the source of their power were severed? The ones in the Concordian army who control monsters will lose their powers and become useless. Commandant: This is our sole chance for survival. Needless to say, this will also help to protect the Vermilion Bird Crystal. Commandant: Will you work with us, Lord Zhuyu? I beg of you, for the sake of the Dominion's future...! Zhuyu: ...Very well. To protect the Crystal, I will lend you my power.
[Setting: Armory]
King: Hm? Oh, it's you, Player... King: ...Hey, what are your thoughts on our comrades who died? King: What were they thinking about while they were fighting? And what did they think about as they were dying? King: Maybe we'll never know things like that-- King: Because the Oblivion of Death removes everything about them from our memories. King: Heh. Did you think those questions sounded strange coming from me? I've been asking myself those kinds of things lately, though. King: In some cases, it's a sin for a powerful person to abandon a fight. Up ‘til now, I've fought recklessly with that thought in mind. King: Sometimes, I take risks. Sometimes, I do terrible things. King: But as I watched the Rep stand on the battlefield of her own choice, I had a thought. King: The Rep's desire to protect Rubrum is the real deal. So then, what am I doing here...? King: Hey, Player, what about you? Why do you still stand on the battlefield?
Player choice: >For my friends. >For Rubrum.
King: For your friends, eh? Heh. That sounds like you. King: Hm? You wanna know if that helped with something? King: Yeah, I guess... I did realize something by talking with you-- King, smiling: It seems I love this country called Rubrum. King: This country, where people like you and the Rep live, who fight for their friends.
(Alternate Player Choice)
King: Hey, Player, what about you? Why are you still standing on the battlefield?
Player choice: >For my friends. >For Rubrum.
King: For Rubrum, huh. I see. King: Hm? Did that help with something? King: Yeah, I guess... Talking with you made me realize-- King: It seems I love this country called Rubrum. That's what I've really been fighting to protect this whole time.
King: So, in other words... Basically, my feelings aren't that different from yours and the Rep's, are they? King: Then, the feelings of those who died might not have been that different, either...
[Setting: Central Command]
Commandant: What is it? Has the next mission made you lose your nerve? Commandant: Hmph. Destroying the Azure Dragon Crystal... At first glance, it may sound like an insane mission-- Commandant: But this time, Lord Zhuyu will be participating. With him in the line of battle, my army won't lose. Commandant: My men can win without your help, so you don't have to push yourself to achieve results. Commandant: ...Don't die out there. Come back to Rubrum. Commandant: May the Crystal guide you!
[Setting: Central Command]
Zhuyu: ...A cadet. You're going to be participating in the mission to destroy the Azure Dragon Crystal with me, aren't you. Zhuyu: Although, I will probably have an encounter with the reawakened l'Cie, Soryu. Zhuyu: The destruction of the Crystal must be done by human hands. I can only do what paves the way for me to fulfill my Focus. Zhuyu: Cadet. See to it that you fulfill your own roles admirably. Everything is to protect the Vermilion Bird Crystal.
[Setting: Chocobo Ranch]
Izana: Player, I heard about the mission to destroy the Azure Dragon Crystal! Izana: It's an unprecedented one-shot reversal strategy. If it's successful, we should at least be able to defeat Concordia. Izana: ...No, not "if it's successful." It has to succeed. Izana, serious: Needless to say, we of the legion are going to be participating, too. All of the people who are going are going for that reason. Izana, smiling: I'm also going to bet my life on this mission. For Rubrum's-... For my little brother's future.
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 3, Act 2 Characters: Lean, Cid, Sice, Cater, Miyu, Zhuyu, Caetuna, Jack, Seven, Tohno, Khalia, Rem Summary: A large number of the Empire’s Magitek Armor units begin to approach Akademeia from the coast. Overwhelmed by the combined numbers of Milites and Concordia, Rubrum’s only chance of survival rests with their l’Cie.
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Chapter 3, Act 2 Fierce Battle By the Sea
Working closely together, the Milites-Concordian Alliance Embark to capture Rubrum territory.
In response, the Dominion legion mobilizes all units. The cadets are also dispatched throughout Rubrum and the struggle continues.
[Setting: Milites]
Lean: Even though the difference in our military strength is double that of theirs now... It seems Rubrum is still intent on resisting. Lean: Those cadets are especially troublesome. It's annoying, but they've reduced our numbers significantly. Cid: Indeed, we should heed their strength, but they are of no concern to us. They may resist for now, but they will reach their limit soon enough. Cid: Overwhelm them from all directions. I've already played my next card. Now we'll just have to see how long they can endure it.
Meanwhile, at Akademeia...
[Setting: Central Command]
Sice: Player, Cater, we have urgent orders. It's a direct request from the military. Cater: Huh? What is it, Sice? Did something happen? Sice: Yesterday, we suddenly lost contact with the unit holding our defense along the Sothoth Coast west of Akademeia. Sice: Those Milites bastards probably got 'em. Seems they were an elite squad from the Rubrum legion. Sice: So we were given this new mission: Hurry to the Sothoth Coast and defeat the Milites troops. Cater: Concordia was just attacking, but now it's Milites. Jeez, they really aren't giving us a second to breathe, are they? Cater: Still, for us to suddenly lose contact with the squad that seemed totally fine yesterday... Cater: It rubs me the wrong way. No matter how many Milites troops there were, as long as our troops were guarding their post all day, there couldn't have been enough to overwhelm them, right? Sice: I don't get it, either. Maybe the enemy whipped out a new weapon... Sice: I think this could be a dangerous mission, but will you two join me? Cater: You haven't heard us turn down a mission yet, have you? Besides, I wanna find out what happened. Let's go check it out. Sice: You're live-savers. Alright, let's go, guys.
Player and the others received Miyu's orders and swiftly headed to the Sothoth Coast.
What they witnessed there was an overwhelming number of Magitek Armor units...
[Setting: Sothoth Coast]
Cater: No way... What are so many MA units doing on the beach? Cater: There's no way we wouldn't have noticed them transporting this many units here until toda- Sice: ...?! Oi, guys, look at the water! Cater: Ehhh...?! MA units are coming out of the sea one after another?! Sice: They must have been modified to move underwater. So this is their "new weapon." Sice: This ain't good... If the coast remains occupied, Milites will have a base within reach of Akademeia. Sice: If Milites came all this way to set up a Crystal Jammer, then... Cater: Rubrum will be in serious trouble! Let's put a stop to their plans before they can get it rolling! Sice, scowling: Yeah, of course! Let's go, Player, Cater!
Having repelled the Milites troops who appeared on the Sothoth Coast, Player and the others gave Miyu a report of the situation.
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[Setting: Central Command]
Miyu: I see... This situation is unfavorable... Sice: Yeah. We managed to win this time, but we couldn't destroy their new machines. Sice: Their armaments are steadily evolving. We're gonna be in serious shit if we just keep defending and nothing else. Sice: By the way, what kind of strategy were they deployed with? The enemy withdrew all units at the last second. Sice: We're shorthanded everywhere... Isn't there anything we can do, Rep? Miyu: I understand your frustration. Were something to happen to Rubrum- ???: --Then we would lend you our strength. Miyu: ...?! Y-you're...! Caetuna: Ever so quietly, the time has come... The time when the gears must be realigned to their proper order. Sice: Huh? Who're you? Some kind of poet? Miyu: D-don't be so rude, Sice! These two are-- Miyu: Vermilion Bird l'Cie, Lord Zhuyu and Lady Caetuna! They are the guardian deities of Rubrum! Sice: What?! These two?! I-it's my first time seein' 'em...! Sice: Hey, weren't you guys staying out of the war? Sice: So why'd you show up now...?! No way, are you actually going to help us!? Zhuyu: Correct. The Crystal has decided that this war has put the survival of the Dominion in jeopardy. Caetuna: Our Focus is to protect the Crystal... To fulfill that end, we will fight with you. Miyu: Y-you have our gratitude! Miyu: Alright, let's begin working on a resistance strategy! Player and everyone else, stay on standby!
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[Setting: Entrance]
Jack: Man, I can't believe both of the Dominion's l'Cie would act at the same time~ I hope this helps turn the war around~ Seven: No, if both l'Cie act at the same time, then the situation is bound to change. L'Cie have tremendous power. Seven: Besides, Jack, did you forget? The White Tiger l'Cie, Qun'mi, was able to destroy all of Lorica. Jack: Now that you mention it, that sure was what happened~ The light from that explosion could be seen all over Orience~ Seven: Right... Also, Lord Zhuyu is a former member of Class Zero and Lady Caetuna is the oldest living l'Cie. Seven: Other l'Cie pale in comparison to their strength. Seven: What's more, Concordia has lost Queen Andoria who was their l'Cie, and Milites already lost their l'Cie, Qun'mi. Seven: Now, the only enemy l'Cie who remain are Concordia's Soryu and Milites's Nimbus. Jack: In other words, the number of l'Cie are even? Seven: That's right... However, if two l'Cie happen to clash, one or two mountains could easily vanish. Jack: Hiyeeeh~ That's impressive~ Player, let's be careful not to get involved.
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[Setting: Cemetery]
Tohno: Player, it looks like the Vermilion Bird l'Cie are finally going to make a move... The state of the war could change significantly... Tohno: But if they had moved sooner, then things wouldn't have gotten to this point... Tohno: L'Cie can only follow the will of the Crystal. As regular human beings, we have no way of knowing the Crystal's will. Tohno: Moreover, the Crystl doesn't prioritize the lives of the people of Rubrum. Tohno: Player, don't forget that... I'm sure the day will come when you'll be reminded of that fact.
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[Setting: Central Command]
Khalia: Lord Zhuyu has approached the cadets with a proposal to join forces... This is a great honor for you all. Khalia: Primarily, the Crystals do not actively interfere with human beings. The Crystals are an existence of an unfathomable, transcendent nature. Khalia: Of course, the same can be said of the l'Cie who speak on behalf of the Crystals' will. And it's those who I speak of who will be joining you in battle. Khalia: You are free to think of this as the Crystal's way of acknowledging your strength. Khalia: This is the first time an event like this has occurred in the history of Akademeia. Fight with this honor in your heart.
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[Setting: Sorcery]
Rem: Hey there, Player. Have you noticed? Couples have been popping up all over Akademeia lately. Rem: It's kind of nice, isn't it? Even in these trying times, seeing people falling in love... It makes me feel a bit relieved. Rem: How about you, Player? Is there someone you like?
Player choice: >There is. >There isn't.
Rem: I see. That's nice. Rem: It's everyone's right to love someone. That's a fact that doesn't change in any era. Rem: No matter what happens in the future, no matter what sort of enemy appears... Protect the one who's important to you.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Rem: How about you, Player? Is there someone you like?
Player choice: >There is. >There isn't.
Rem: Oh, I see... That's okay, too. I think there's also a certain kind of strength that can be attained when you have nothing to protect. Rem: But, Player, don't forget, okay? Rem: Even if you don't have anyone you love, there may be those who love you. Rem: Sometimes, you should look around at the people who are near you. You might just notice someone's love and affection.
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 1, Act 3 Characters: Player, Miyu, Queen, Nine, Ace Summary: In order to destroy the remaining Ultima Bombs, Player, Queen, and Nine join the operation to distract the enemies guarding the Milites weapons research facility.
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
The world and the future will be at risk.
Chapter 1, Act 3 Diversion Battlefront
After receiving the report about the Brionac from Player and the others, Miyu conveyed that information to the military.
A solution was discussed and a new mission was ordered.
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[Setting: Central Command]
Miyu: Player, Nine, Queen. Good work the other day. Miyu: Following that, the investigation performed by Ace's unit revealed the whereabouts of the Ultima Bombs. Miyu: One of those demonic weapons was found in Steelworks No.4. It seems it was together with the new Magitek Armor, Brionac, which is still in development. Queen: We should go there and destroy it as soon as possible! A weapon of such demonic nature should be eradicated!
Player choice: >That's right! >I think we should calm down.
Miyu: Calm down, you two. I feel the same way, but following through with that feeling would prove difficult.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Queen: Then we should go there and destroy it as soon as possible! A weapon of such demonic nature should be eradicated!
Player choice: >That's right! >I think we should calm down.
Queen, serious: What's the matter, Player. Are you actually scared? Miyu: Calm down, Queen. I feel the same way, but following through with that feeling would prove difficult.
Miyu: Unlike Steelworks No.1 where you went the other day, Steelworks No.4 is much farther into Milites territory. Miyu: The area is fortified with enemy soldiers. Getting close won't be easy. Miyu: First, we'll have to deploy diversionary units at various locations around the area to leave them shorthanded. Miyu: Then, with a small elite squad, we'll launch an assault on the facility... That will be our next operation. Nine: I get it. That'll open up the way to Steelworks No.4. Queen: It's a bit roundabout, but I suppose there's no other way. Let's go berserk all over the place to confuse the enemy. Queen: Let's go, Player, Nine!
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[Setting: Milites industrial area]
Queen: We've reached the operation site, you two. Queen: In short, our mission is to wreak havoc in this area and cause a commotion. The more you rampage, the more enemy reinforcements will be called. Queen: As a result, the defenses of Steelworks No.4 will eventually be weakened. Nine: Ha. However you look at it, this is the kinda mission for me. Queen: Indeed. I as well... I can finally release my true power. Queen: Let's go berserk, you two! Until we round up every Milites soldier here! Nine: Yeah! Let's go, Player!
Opening the Way
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[Setting: Milites field]
Queen: Huff... Huff...! Huhu. I rampaged with all my strength. Queen: It seems the enemy has called for reinforcements. Now then, next...
Player choice: >Let's return to Akademeia. >Let's take out the reinforcements.
Queen: Return?! What are you talking about?! We're only just getting started! Nine: Nah. Hold up, Queen. Player's got a point.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Queen: It seems the enemy has called for reinforcements. Now then, next...
Player choice: >Let's return to Akademeia. >Let's take out the reinforcements.
Queen: You're right! Well then, Player, let's head into another battle! Nine: Nah. Hold your horses, you two. We should withdraw for now.
Nine: The goal of the mission this time ain't to defeat the enemies. Our job was just to draw their attention. Nine: We've accomplished what we came for. The right answer is to make a break for it before the reinforcements get here. Queen: Ah, um, yes... I let myself get lost in battle and the mission escaped my mind. Nine: Anyway. Commotions like this are being caused all over the place. Nine, pumping his fist: We ain't the only ones takin' part in this mission. The other cadets are also fighting at their positions. Nine: The Empire's line of defense is gonna be a mess soon. It'll be easy slip through the Steelworks' defense. Queen: It's rare to hear you say something decent... It pains me to say this, but that sounded smart of you... Nine: Yeah right. I ain't no model student. Anyway, let's go wait for the results of the diversion.
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[Setting: Central Command]
Ace: Player, it looks like the diversionary operation is going well. We've heard about your success. Ace: We're also repeating the deployment. The enemy is steadily becoming more disordered. Miyu: We'll keep it up without allowing them a moment's rest. Soon enough, we'll thin the defenses of Steelworks No.4. Miyu: We can't miss our opportunity to strike at the Ultima Bombs. This is a tenacious operation which requires patience, but it's the best course. Ace, looking ponderous: But if the way through to Steelworks No.4 is opened, who will attack it? Miyu: That is currently under consideration by the military. Miyu: If all goes well, it should go to Ace, but... There is a chance it could go to someone else. Miyu: Player, you're the other candidate. If you're chosen-- Miyu, worried: ...No, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's concentrate on the operation in front of us.
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[Setting: Akademeia Grand Hall]
Queen: Ah, Player. Your expression somehow looks nervous. Queen: I understand how you feel... It is a bit irritating, waiting for the results of the diversion. Queen: To tell the truth, I wish I could attack Steelworks No.4 and destroy the Ultima Bombs right now. Queen: It sounds like that thing called "Brionac" is a ridiculously large Magitek Armor unit... Nine: Oi, don't you think you're gettin' a lil' too worked up, Queen? Not like I don't agree, though. Nine: I noticed that you've been acting unusually impulsive. What set you off? Queen: ...I simply cannot forgive them. Those Milites scum who made those wretched weapons. Queen: War should fundamentally take place on the battlefield, yes? That is the place for soldiers and weapons. Queen: But the Ultima Bomb is completely different from an ordinary weapon. Innocent civilians who weren't even taking part in the war were caught in its destruction. Queen: That's a line that should never be crossed, even by those who start wars. This is no longer "military strength." It's excessive violence. Nine: For sure. I agree that we can't forgive that kinda thing. Nine: If we don't hurry up and destroy their bombs, then it won't be just Rubrum in danger. The world and the future will be at risk. Queen: Yes. For that reason, I'll even become a rakshasa. Queen: But that alone may not be enough. This isn't something I can accomplish alone. Queen: So, Player, if I were to accept the mission to destroy the Ultima Bombs... Queen, blushing: I would appreciate it if you would lend me your strength. Make it a promise.
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Final Chapter, Act 1 Characters: Player, Tohno, Ace, Cid, Kurasame, Machina, Izana Summary: At long last, it seems as though the war is finally coming to an end. The cadets are ready to let out a sigh of relief. But Marshal Cid leaves them with a foreboding warning...
Thank you to @reverse-vampire​ for the screenshots which made this translation possible!
Final Chapter Japanese title: At the Terminus of History English title: Precipice of History
Toward a New Future
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[Setting: Cemetery]
Tohno: ...Player. Rem told me about the Representative's last moments. Tohno: She actually fought to protect everyone until the end... I kind of... didn't expect that. Tohno: I was always keeping an eye on her. Player, do you know why? Tohno: In the previous world, the Representative betrayed us in the end. We lost the war against Milites and the world fell to ruin. Tohno: At that time, the sky turned red and death covered the earth. It was the coming of "Tempus Finis", the end of the world spoken of in legend. Tohno: ...But the one who brought it about has sublimated now. Tohno: I can't exactly be happy about that, but... I'm sure we'll be able to save the world this time. Tohno: And then soon, this long-running war will finally come to an end. As soon as the situation turned around, I caught a glimpse of our victory. Tohno: The time when we won't lose anyone else is coming. So let's fight to the bitter end.
Final Chapter, Act 1 To the Land of the Decisive Battle
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[Setting: Fountain Courtyard]
Ace: Looks like everyone's here. Central Command has given us our final mission. Ace: Milites lost most of their troops in the last battle. Their capital's defense is weak now, too. Ace: This is a once in a lifetime chance. Before the enemy has the time to reorganize, we'll assault the capital! >The assembled cadets cheer. Ace: ...You sound fired up. If the Representative could hear you, she'd be pleased. Ace: Alright, everyone, let's get started! Prepare to depart for the Milites capital!
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[Setting: Field]
Tohno: ...I can see the capital. At last, this will be the deciding battle. Ace: Let's go, Player. To the final battle!
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[Setting: Ingram, the capital of Milites]
Milites Soldier: Marshal, sir! The Rubrum army is approaching! Milites Soldier: It'll be impossible to hold them back with our current strength...! Please, Marshal, escape on your own! Cid: ...No, I have a duty. Until the end, it's my duty to command my men. Cid: Even if the odds of victory are equal to zero... I cannot submit. Cid: Come, Rubrumites. I won't die until the Empire falls!
End and Beginning
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Cid: ...So you've come, cadets. Ace: You're Imperial Marshal Cid Aulstyne, aren't you?! Tohno: *gasps* That wound... Was it from the legion’s assault? Cid: Kuh... So this is going to be how it ends for me... How regrettable...! Cid: In the end, I wasn't able to free the world from the Crystals...! Ace: Free the world from the Crystals...? What do you mean? Cid: Heh... If you don't know, then I'll tell you. You're all just puppets of the Crystal. Cid: That is the logic of the Crystals which blinds the world. It pulled your strings and made you dance. Cid: Unless you can destroy that logic, true peace will never come to this world...! Tohno: Huh...?! Hold on, "true peace"...?! Ace: Wait, Tohno, the fire is spreading here! We have to escape!
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Cid: Don't forget, Agito cadets! Don’t forget that nothing is over yet! Cid: As long as you remain unaware of the true nature of this world, peace will never be achieved!
Thus, leaving them with those ominous words, Imperial Marshal Cid Aulstyne died and disappeared from the memories of everyone in the world.
Having lost their motivational support, the Milites army surrendered to Rubrum before long. And with that, finally--
Rubrum put an end to the thousands of years of war and became the champions of Orience.
[Setting: Fountain courtyard]
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Ace: ...It's over now, Player. We won. Ace: The world is finally at peace. The days of relentless war are over now...! Tohno: ...Thank you, Player. The world is safe now thanks to you. Tohno: But I can't stop thinking about what Cid said... What exactly did he mean-- Tohno, surprised: ...Huh--?!
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>The sky suddenly turns red. Ace: Wh-what's going on?! The sky has been dyed red...! Male Legionary (over COMM): E-emergency transmission! Can you hear me, Akademeia? This is the legion’s patrol unit! Male Legionary (over COMM) : I have confirmation of unidentified soldiers within our territory! The number of enemies is unknown! There's too many to count! Ace: What?! What do you mean by "unidentified soldiers"?! Male Legionary (over COMM) : I-I don't know! We're just trying to fight back-- Male Legionary (over COMM) : GYAAAAAAAAA!
Ace: Wh... What was that...?! What happened?! Tohno: Is this the same as when the world ended before?! Tohno: It couldn't be... Tempus Finis has come again?!
[Setting: Classroom]
Kurasame: ...Player. I see that you're safe. Kurasame: To think that something like this would happen just as the war ends... This unexpected situation also has Central Command in a state of confusion. Kurasame: But please rest assured. We're looking into the situation and how we'll deal with the monsters. Kurasame: Orders will probably be given to you all soon. I can't stand the thought of you being sent back into the field after the war has been ended, but-- Kurasame: Your continued support is appreciated to overcome this emergency.
[Setting: Chocobo Ranch]
Machina: Dammit, what's going on?! The sky turned red and monsters have appeared all over the world! Machina: Just when we thought we'd won the war, why did something like this have to happen?! Izana: Calm down, Machina! The military's assessing the situation! Izana: I'm a scout, too, so I'll go out to investigate Akademeia's surroundings. We have to find where the monsters are coming from. Machina: Brother, you're going outside?! You can't! It's too dangerous! Izana: I know it's dangerous, but I have to go. It's time to muster this life I've survived with until now. Izana: I'm not goin' out there to die in vain, though. I'll accomplish my mission and survive. Machina: Brother... Izana: We're gonna leave you guys in charge of Akademeia's defense. I'll definitely come back. Izana: Listen, Machina. You better make sure that you survive, too. Machina: ...Right!
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nanakibh · 4 years
Final Fantasy Agito: Second Cycle, Chapter 3, Act 1 Characters: Player, Jack, Sice, Cater, Seven, Queen, and Ace briefly. Summary: Milites and Concordia have formed an alliance and are converging upon the Dominion. The situation is becoming so dire, Jack’s unwavering optimism is starting to ring insincere. Panic is spreading among the cadets like wildfire. (Bonus: Player helps Queen make an, um, difficult decision?)
Credit and eternal thanks to @reverse-vampire for providing the screenshots I used to translate this from!
Player, it’s a pleasure to work with you~
Chapter 3 Japanese title: Dominion Besiegement English title: Dominion Under Siege
Together with Miyu, the cadets returned to Akademeia.
It was decided there how the Milites-Concordia alliance would be dealt with.
In response to this overwhelming situation, the cadets who had previously been reluctant to participate decided to continue their service.
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[Setting: Classroom]
Jack: Oh boy~ We're in a pickle, aren't we, Player? It seems like things might be getting sticky~ Sice: This is more than sticky, Jack. You can shove that careless attitude of yours. Sice: Milites alone was enough of a problem. You realize that we're dealing with TWO countries now, right? Sice: The combined strength of the Militesi and Concordian armies is more than double that of ours. It looks like we'll have a painful battle ahead of us this time. Jack: T... Two countries, huh... Just thinking about it is enough to wear you out, amirite? Cater: ...But we have no choice but to face it. We can't afford to give up here. Cater: Sigh... For some reason, I feel like it's all up to us. What do you think, Player?
Player choice: >As long as I'm here, it'll be okay. >...I'm counting on you.
Seven: Heh. You sound unusually reliable when you talk like that. Cater: I get the feeling you're being too confident, but... Well, that confidence is your weapon, isn't it?
--- (Alternate Player Choice) Cater: Sigh... For some reason, I feel like it's all up to us. What do you think, Player? Player choice: >As long as I'm here, it'll be okay. >...I'm counting on you. Cater: D- Don't you think you're trusting me too much? I know I've been successful in a number of missions so far, but... Jack: Don't worry about it~ Isn't that what it means to get along and help each other? After all, this is a tough situation.
Seven: In any case, the military's upper ranks will divide the units into two groups to oppose both sides. They're announcing orders to march at once. Seven: This time, we face a new enemy, Concordia. This will be a mission unlike any we've had before. Sice: Whatever. It doesn't matter who the enemy is. We just have to fight. Jack: Riiight? Alrighty, then! Give it your all, Player! Get yourself nice ‘n’ ready and head out to the battlefield.
Chapter 3, Act 1 The Carefree Cadet's Departure For the Frontlines
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[Setting: Field]
Jack: Player, we've arrived at the mission site~ So this is Concordia... It's my first time being here. Seven, giving Jack a look: This isn't a field trip, Jack... Oh, whatever. I'll explain the details of the mission this time. Seven: Presently, the Concordian forces who were stationed near the Concordian border have begun to invade Dominion territory. Seven: It's like they decided to make their move as soon as the alliance was formed... We have to cut them off before they can gain momentum. Seven: Cater and Sice have already gone ahead. Player and Jack, you'll be working with me. Jack: Oh-kay~ Player, it's a pleasure to work with you~
Player choice: >Survive no matter what. >Isn't your attitude too laidback?
Jack, pouting: So serious! Don't you think it's a waste to put in too much effort~? I think the more relaxed you are, the more you can exert your strength. Seven: You might have a point, Jack, but you're a little TOO relaxed. Seven, giving Jack another one of those looks: At the least, we'd appreciate it if you could be a little more serious. If you don't, you're going to make us nervous. Jack: Ahaha, sorry, sorry.
(Alternate Player Choice)
Jack: Oh-kay~ Player, it's a pleasure to work with you~
Player choice: >Survive no matter what. >Isn't your attitude too laidback?
Jack, pouting: Huh? You think I sound too laidback? I'm being serious, though. Seven: Yes, you sound laidback. Even under circumstances such as these, I can't detect any sense of urgency from you. Jack, pouting even harder: Oh?? How mean. Tell me to grow up, why don’t you~?
Seven: Well anyway, let's get started. Battle against Concordia, commencing maneuvers. Jack: Rogeeer. Well, Player, let's take care and be off~
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[Setting: Wooded area]
Jack: Woo-hoo! Victory is ours! I thought it might've been close, but we did alright, didn't we? Seven: Don't get ahead of yourself, Jack. These were only the local forces. They're incomparable to Concordia's main army. Jack: Huuhh, seriously? So the battle isn't over? Seven: So it would seem. Not only that, the Milites army is still moving to capture the Dominion. Seven: This whole situation worries me... I'm going to try to contact the others. This is Seven. What's everyone's status? Sice (over COMM): This is Sice. Concordia's reinforcements have shown up. We can't handle this many on our own. Cater and I are withdrawing. Ace (over COMM): This is Ace with the Milites squadron. Magitek Armor units keep appearing one after another. We're going to get overwhelmed at this rate...! Jack, finally showing nervousness: Uh, uhhm~... It sounds like there are problems popping up all over the place. Seven: ...So this is what it means to have “double the strength.” They plan to overwhelm the Dominion with their sheer numbers. Seven: This is the kind of situation where you can't let your guard down... Let's head back to Akademeia for now and prepare for the interception.
[Setting: Akademeia Grand Hall]
Cater: Hnn... I never thought we'd have to deal with Milites AND Concordia...! Seven: Moreover, the Dominion is located between the two. This is becoming even more difficult than I originally thought. Sice: Tch. Those anti-queen faction bastards. If only we had more time, we would've been able to form an alliance. Jack: Speaking of the timing, I'd say Milites were the ones pulling the strings from behind the scenes~ Seven: Yes, that would be a reasonable assumption. More importantly, we have to prepare ourselves to face Concordia. Cater: Hey, by the way, what're the Concordian forces like? Sice: I encountered some of them in the mission before. The Concordian soldiers were so fast on their feet, they really had me struggling. Sice: In terms of leadership, Milites are at the top, but I'd say that the Concordian soldiers are on the same level in terms of strength. Jack: On top of that, they can control dragons and monsters... Yyyep, they sure are a troublesome bunch~ Seven: Nevertheless, if all of our cadets combine their strength, we should be able to overcome this predicament. Cater: Alright, I should go to the Armory and order a new gun. Cater: You too, Player. We have to use this time while we have it.
[Setting: Garden behind the classroom]
Queen: Player, I don't mean to burden you at such a time as this, but... Would you mind listening to what's troubling me? Queen: Recently, it seems as though my food supply has run dry, and the price of food is soaring. Queen, blushing: No matter how I look at it... I'm a glutton, so the cost is my own fault... But it's not like I can avoid eating... Queen: To be honest, I'm thinking about becoming self-sufficient. What should I do? Could you give me your opinion?
Player choice: >Recommend hunting >Recommend agriculture
Queen: Hunting? You mean to defeat monsters and use them for food? Queen: I've had the same thought. If you defeat a Behemoth, it seems as though they'd be suitable for consumption. Queen: Thank you, you've helped me reach a decision, Player! Well then, shall we go...?!
(Alternate Player choice)
Queen: To be honest, I'm thinking about becoming self-sufficient. What should I do? Could you give me your opinion?
Player choice: >Recommend hunting >Recommend agriculture
Queen: Agriculture? You mean growing crops in the fields around Akademeia? Queen: Speaking of self-sufficiency, if I think about it rationally, then that sounds like an obvious answer. In fact, there are probably other cadets who may have already begun growing their own food. Queen: But I don't like vegetables... I'm carnivorous, you see...
[Setting: Akademeia Grand Hall]
Sice: Yo, Player. I heard about your success from Seven. Sounds like you handled those Concordian enemies with style. Sice: When you partner with me, you better bring that energy. Then at least I'll have one more person I can trust on the battlefield. Cater: Still... No matter how many successes we cadets have, the overall battle situation seems to get worse. Cater: The Militesi forces are pushing us hard, and if we lose even one of our bases, that'd be really bad. Sice: Well, I get what you're saying, Cater. All we can do is bear it for now, though. Sice: Being in a deadlock sucks, but if we carelessly try to make a comeback, Milites and Concordia will just gang up on us. Sice: That's why we have to do the best we can for now, stacking up small victories as we go. Cater: But what if it gets harder to even do that much...? Sice: If it gets to that point, then... Nah. Let's stop talking about this. Sice: Player, you should also just focus on the battle in front of us right now. The battlefield isn't kind enough to let you drop your guard.
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