b-skarsgard · 2 years
Bill discussing his favorite horror film
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ansonmountdaily · 11 months
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Strange New Worlds 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera" behind the scenes - The Pike/Una hug
"We've talked a lot about our relationship off-screen. We feel that we've known each other a long time. We think we were actually in the same class at Starfleet Academy together and I'm just the one that happened to get the commission, but I couldn't captain without her. She knows me better than probably anybody, I think." - Anson Mount, Filmtopp interview, July 6 2023
"It just speaks volumes to the level of trust they have with each other, the level of admiration they share for one another, the fact that he was able to provide asylum for her, the level of guilt she feels by putting him at risk that way, but, ultimately, old friends, you know? We really enjoy those scenes [when we're on set together]. I feel like we offer each other real groundedness whenever it's just a two-hander, when it's just the two of us. I mean, in all of our scenes together, but when it's just the two of us, it feels very grounded. He's a delight to work with." - Rebecca Romijn, The Ready Room interview, June 22 2023 (clip of the hug is at 17:43)
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edvinception · 6 months
Filmtopp listed A part of you among movies to be released in 2024. No exact date yet but I would guess late spring.
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One of the most exciting projects this year is without doubt Netflix A part of you where Sigge Eklund makes his directing debut and mega star Zara Larsson makes her acting debut
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importanttragedyfan · 6 months
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outlander-online · 1 year
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EXCLUSIVE: Rebecca Ferguson’s demands to work in Sweden again
A few years ago I wrote a column in which I questioned why we don’t talk about Rebecca Ferguson here in Sweden. When the column was written, she was ranked number eight as the world’s most popular actor on IMDb. Despite this, it was remarkably quiet about our Hollywood star. Since then, things have clearly gotten better (although that may not be because of my writing).
Now is Rebecca Ferguson currently with its first TV series in ten years and I have been honored to do an exclusive interview with one of the actors I always want to see more of. The series in question is called Silo and is a kind of dystopian sci-fi where the world’s last (?) people have been living in an underground silo for a couple of hundred years. Ferguson plays the center of the drama – the machinist Juliette, who works at the bottom of the silo and belongs to the lowest social class. When the sheriff disappears one day, she is, to her surprise, asked to take over the office. Something that in turn leads to her starting to dig into a real mess of conspiracy and is forced to question everything she believes in. The series also features actors such as Tim Robbins, Roshida Jones, Will Patton and Ian Glen (the man who, through Game of Thrones, gave the concept of the “friendzone” a face).
Has it been a conscious decision on your part not to do TV for such a long time?
– I got some great, and some not so great, offers in major studio films. Everything in this world is politics and you need to break into the studio world to be able to regulate one’s gage and to be able to do that you have to do one and the other. To be able to make an independent film, you need to have enough gage for people to be willing to invest [suckar]. It’s a bloody domino effect of choices. I used to not think the TV shows were as good, but when the quality got so much better, we all sat down and said “I want a limited show” [skrattar].
And now you are here with Silo. I have seen all the episodes and I und…
– What do you think, Eric?
I think it is good. I think it’s damn good in parts, but also a bit long. There are some middle sections that I had crossed out, to be honest.
– Good, be honest.
What I would ask is, was there any specific moment where you really felt like you got a handle on the character you’re playing? You are a producer, so I understand that you have worked a lot on the role, but when did you feel that “here I have her”?
– For my part, the job as an actor was no different because I was an executive producer. It did, however, give me access to a creative aspect of the script and permission to sit in and have opinions. I have quite a few opinions [skrattar]. I don’t just want to accept, I want to participate and I want to learn. If I’m going to produce myself, I have to follow someone first. Here I wanted to follow Graham Yost and see how he builds things.
But for me it was enough when I started walking in the character’s shoes, when I found her posture and her way of shying away from people… I studied depression and trauma to find her. She is someone who has lost people who have been very close to her and then chooses to work with machinery, which is an incredible symbol of the physical. She was there for me.
I think what makes the character so believable is the small details in your movements and looks.
– Yes, that she does not meet the gaze, but constantly shies away. Because then we also have somewhere to go. When she later realizes that you have to have contact with people, that you have to find yourself and that’s what the whole outcome of this is. How are you going to lead people if you haven’t looked within?
Eight years ago, Rebecca Ferguson joined the “Mission: Impossible” franchise and has since appeared in “Rogue Nation” and “Fallout.” Later this year she returns as Ilsa Faust for the third time and next year for the fourth. This is interesting partly because she is the only female actor to return in a major role in the M:I films, partly because before “Fallout” she had only done a single action film – “Hercules” with Dwayne Johnson. Now she often works in the genre and even in “Silo” there are some action sequences.
– When I got the role in “Mission”, I thought it was fun [att göra action] and that I was good at it. I think that when we feel that we are good at something, without patting ourselves on the back, and just accept that what you do is good, feels good, looks good and that you can do it, so… why not do it? It’s always there in the back of your mind that the older you get, the less you’ll be able to do it. I understand people are wondering how long Tom [Cruise] will keep at it, but I’m thinking “until he can’t”. I’m not comparing myself in terms of age that way, but the point is “why not?”. Why not do your own stunts, why not push your limits? That being said, I don’t look for my roles based on the physical aspect.
This year is also ten years since Rebecca Ferguson made a purely Swedish film. Then it was “We”, in which she played opposite Gustaf Skarsgård. When I ask her if she is considering making films in Sweden again, I get a positive response.
– I am looking [efter ett svenskt projekt]. I would love to do that. All it takes is a really, really good script, buddy.
I am glad to hear. Has anyone ever said you should play Ingrid Bergman in a biopic?
– [Skrattar] It may have come up. I may have been asked a couple of times.
So you have really been asked to play Ingrid Bergman in a film?
– Yes, I have read some scripts, but they have not been good enough. I’m not interested in only telling stories about the good sides of people. It’s not about finding the worst in them either, but I want to find angles that make it interesting. Nor do I want to tell the story of any husband. If you tell a story about Ingrid Bergman, it shouldn’t be about Ingrid Bergman [Roberto] Rossellini, but about both of them. Sadly, most of the roles I’ve been given have centered around men, but I believe that the story of Ingrid Bergman should be the story of Ingrid Bergman.
With that, we thank Rebecca Ferguson for the chat. “Silo” premieres on Apple TV+ on May 5, don’t miss it.
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filmskribent · 5 years
Mina tankar om första säsongen av Rhythm + Flow (Netflix) finns att läsa på Filmtopp.
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Musiken från finalen och musikvideo-avsnittet finns utgivet på Spotify m.m.
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b-skarsgard · 2 years
New interview with Filmtoppe
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edvinception · 1 year
Filmtopp made a list of 11 must be watched tv-series.
Both Gåsmamman and Young Royals made the list (among other amazing shows. Quicksand and Caliphate are both on Netflix)
Sadly Bonusfamiljen didn't make the list 😔
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"[Edvin and Omar's] acting and connection feel so natural and real and just works and is nothing short of amazing"
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importanttragedyfan · 6 months
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edvinception · 2 years
Not so great review. The reviewer is not impressed but has also gotten alot of things wrong and created their own truths so.
Apparently Edvin is tired of Young Royals.
Rating: 2/5
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edvinception · 9 months
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edvinception · 9 months
Avgrunden review
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