fisherpeng · 2 years
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2022/05/31 about: 𝗠𝗮𝘆 其實每個月都會忘記做了什麼,因此儘管是一個月一次的月日記都很重要!低潮時會翻翻自己的文章,日子不管多麼難受,總是會有快樂跟美好的回憶。 🌊 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 這個月其實承受了非常多被自己忽略的壓力,甚至還在工作時當著主管的面前哭了(只有主管看到啦)深聊之後才發現,其實有那麼多還跨不去的坎與焦慮存在。除了工作的事情外,還有身體常常不舒服、內心一些小劇場等等,但其實這一切大多都是情緒所影響著。沒有辦法一次跨過,那就在休假時,去海邊看海發呆吧!#許厝港濕地 比起先前常去的海邊稍微近了一些,重點是廁所超級乾淨,不愧是國家級保護區!喜歡濕地的植物們~ 🏠 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 「當你內心想要什麼,整個宇宙都會來幫你」這句話看似很玄,但今年接連不斷實現我內心擺放深處的願望(害我都不敢亂許願😂)其中一個就是希望樓下有陽台的鄰居有一天可以搬走,那我就可以鳩佔鵲巢(!)結果還真的搬走,房東也很阿莎力的讓我搬,所以我們就花了短短兩天幾個小時入住新樓層!因為有了陽台跟無敵採光,害我一點都不想離開小窩去上班呢,我的窩就是我的小宇宙🥺 🎬 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 人生中感動的瞬間來自生活的一些體驗,電影真的是不可獲缺的部分!這個月非常期待的兩部電影上映了。#奇異博士2 雖然罵聲連連但我個人蠻喜歡的,尤其是屍體博士大愛💀 #捍衛戰士 #獨行俠 裡的阿湯哥帥得我一臉,劇情節奏跟音樂都好看得看我脫離現實好一陣子!瘋狂刷音樂!看完非常熱血以及會想飛奔去遊樂場,搭乘速度很快的設施的那種觀後衝動感!期待明年要上映不可能的任務(抖手) 🔫 𝐒𝐏𝐘 𝐱 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 除了電影,這個月也接續看了很多影片類,讓我重拾對動畫的感動就是最近紅到不行的 #SPYxFAMILY 超級無敵療癒!每週六晚上都會守在電腦前等待首播,雖然最後已經心急難耐追完連載中的漫畫😂 安妮亞真是上班族們的可愛小綠洲🏝 🎙 𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 這個月非常榮幸又來錄音,錄了集很赤裸的廣播,三個人怎麼那麼會聊啊哈哈哈,完全不用害怕詞窮只怕負責剪音檔的人會瘋掉😝沒有所謂的理想型!只有必備的擇偶條件是!?(聽到的人真的是對我傻眼到不行哈哈哈) 🐐 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐚𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐭 這個月又購入樂高合組,是超級可愛的 #LEGO76208 愛與雷霆裡面的山羊戰船!小木屋超級可愛愛愛愛不釋手!雖然不是索爾的粉絲,但合組卻是收藏最多(到底???)但這次的愛與雷霆真的讓人好期待!七月見! 🪴𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭 睽違幾個月的新成員:火鶴花 希望未來的小窩處處都有盆栽捏 💘 𝐏𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐞 終於去體驗覬覦已久的俄羅斯刺繡,那把戳針槍好重啊!但是過程好療癒,久違的這麼專注於一件事長達四小時😂 感謝老師沒有吃早餐就陪著我們這麼長的時間,下次我會設計一堆杯墊去報到~我的主作品六月再分享,這次先放上兩個小杯墊~ 以上都是五月前十開心的事情,當然也發生了許多很難受低潮跟自我懷疑的事,但現在就先醬子吧! 阿文每次都很納悶為什麼我都可以花上一小時寫日記,還時不時皺眉深思 因為就很貪心想要把很多回憶都一字不漏紀錄咩~~~ #diary #2022 #may #move #home #house #movie #doctorstrange #topgun #tomccruise #podcasts #lego #thegoatboat #LoveandThunder #flamingplant #Anthurium #punchneedle #punchneedleembroidery #myfab🐟🐝 #fisherslifeishardbuticanhandleit (at May way2022) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeeCJuzP7z9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fupsmuggler · 7 years
So happy my friend introduced me to #NikkoSojuSarang. Probably my favorite part of this #Sushi joint is it's open late. The down part is it's not open Sunday. However, the #NikkoRoll is the signature #SushiRoll on a #FlamingPlate & it's a must have. What a sushi dish.#ThankYou #NikkoSushi (at Nikko Sushi)
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So I saw on a video John Cage’s “flaming plate,” where he sets up paper on fire while running it through the press! (because that is totally safe...). I love the idea of chance while doing artwork, because the flames, while going through the press, leave different marks that are not controlled by the artist, but by chance itself. This work relates entirely on process because the artist did not plan the design himself. The artwork IS the process. He did add his own personal touch at the end by putting a dark circle on the corner, so an intentional part was added. The content of the project was the whole process: bruning the paper, peeling off the burned paper from the plate, going through a chemical process to reveal and seal the print, add the personal touch, and finish it. I completely loved this idea. I wonder if we could try it in class?
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fupsmuggler · 7 years
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So happy my friend introduced me to #NikkoSojuSarang. Probably my favorite part of this #Sushi joint is it's open late. The down part is it's not open Sunday. However, the #NikkoRoll is the signature #SushiRoll on a #FlamingPlate & it's a must have. What a sushi dish.#ThankYou #NikkoSushi (at Nikko Sushi)
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fupsmuggler · 7 years
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So happy my friend introduced me to #NikkoSojuSarang. Probably my favorite part of this #Sushi joint is it's open late. The down part is it's not open Sunday. However, the #NikkoRoll is the signature #SushiRoll on a #FlamingPlate & it's a must have. What a sushi dish.#ThankYou #NikkoSushi (at Nikko Sushi)
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