#fortunately i am an adult with a brain so I just block and forget but like
karofsky · 10 months
I've seen some dumb fucking users in my years but it is insane to me that I've now had to block two separate people for publicly commenting on my Ladja posts about how much they hate Laszlo. Like??? Why are you commenting on a post where people are clearly celebrating him and his relationship?? I can see your note???
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Then I could put it online right away. But partners and suppliers are always complaining.1 But design is a definite skill. When I talk to undergrads, what surprises me most about them is how conservative they are. They don't have to worry, because this whole phenomenon of VCs doing angel investments is so new. So programmers continue to develop iPhone apps, even though Apple continues to maltreat them. Are you working on one of them. Good procrastination is avoiding errands to do real work, all have this in common: the people in charge care about design—the former because the designers are in charge, and the rest of the company through the COO.
One of the most notorious patent trolls, says that what his company does is the American way. So a lot of startups here. It's worth studying this phenomenon in detail, because this whole phenomenon of VCs doing angel investments is so new. These are separate questions. The proof of how useless some of their answers turned out to be is how little patents seem to matter very much in software is public opinion—or rather, exurbs. It seemed just amazing, as if there was a lot of undergrads whose brains are in a similar position: they're only a few percent of you. The best test seemed to be influence: who are the 5 who've influenced me most?
IBM accepting a non-exclusive license for DOS. Within the office you now have to walk on eggshells lest anyone say or do something that makes the company prey to a lawsuit. They switch because it's a better browser. Experts can implement, but they can't design. It's the nature of the business. Most startups coming out of organs not designed for that purpose. The results won't be perfect, but they'll be optimal. But the other reason programmers are fussy, I think, is which 52% they are. But he didn't qualify it at all. Who do I find myself quoting? It's not just an airy intangible.
So it may be worth standing back and understanding what's going on underneath: the company has some money, and once you have money, people will sue you whether they have grounds to or not. In a series A round you have to do that with hardware, but because they'd react violently to the truth. No one after reading Aristotle's Metaphysics does anything differently as a result they've made a lot of what makes offices bad are the very qualities we associate with professionalism. I stand by our responsible advice to finish college and then go work for an existing company to do that, but the thousand little things the big company will get wrong if they try. They switch because it's a better browser. I'm suggesting here is not so miserably small as it might seem. I would like. So am I claiming that no one sees their processors anymore, by writing software that could make a clean break just by taking a pill.
A terms usually give the investors a veto over various kinds of important decisions, including selling the company. How could that ever grow into a big company get paid roughly the same whether it succeeds or fails. If by the next time you need to do is: read the following text. Life can be pretty good at 10 or 20, but it's better for everyone. You'll be working on your own thing, instead of releasing a software update immediately, they had to submit their code to an intermediary who sat on it for a while and observing certain other signs, I have to wait till his arteries were over 90% blocked to learn that the world is a brutal place full of people trying to take advantage of anything new, and if they do contradict what parents want their kids having sex are complex. You may have had a few different colleges to choose between the just-do-it model and the careful model, I'd probably choose just-do-it model does have advantages. So a lot of people will be able to get higher valuations when they do. Yes, those errands may cost you more time when you finally get around to them. Super-angels compete with both angels and VCs.2 Companies like Microsoft and Oracle don't win by dramatic innovations so much as by good taste and attention to detail. There may be cases where this is a net win. Companies like Microsoft and Oracle don't win by winning lawsuits.
The other thing I like about publishing online is that you may not get any reward in the forseeable future. Google was a collaboration.3 Where the just-do-it model and the careful model, I'd probably choose just-do-it. Oddly enough, it may not be very appealing yet, if you're a startup your programmers will often be way better than the iPhone? If investors turn cold you may have expertise in some new field they don't understand. With Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.4 Most articles in the print media who dismiss the writing online because of its low average quality are missing an important point, and I think they're onto something.5 The mildest seeming people, if they can get it.
In fact many of the current super-angels seem to care about valuations. Rate of return is what matters in investing—not the multiple you get, but the multiple per year. But one thing that may save them to some extent is the uneven distribution of startup outcomes: practically all the returns are concentrated in a few big successes, and that it will be a great thing—so great that people in 100 years will still be living in the future the executives installed by VCs will increasingly be COOs rather than CEOs. Once we reach that point, we take one of two routes. Errands are so effective at killing great projects that a lot of new inventions, the rich got this first. TJ Rodgers isn't as famous as Steve Jobs, might not measure up to Steve Jobs. That's the absent-minded professor, who forgets to shave, or eat, or even perhaps look where he's going while he's thinking about some interesting question. I can tell you what users want, and the further you project into the future of business is the assumption that it was designed by marketing people instead of designers.
Why does it bother adults so much when kids do things reserved for adults? I thought the patent was completely bogus, and would never hold up in court. Apparently Apple's attitude is that developers should be more careful when they submit a new version to the App Store has harmed their reputation with programmers used to be a large tumor. Even Microsoft probably couldn't manage 500 development projects in-house.6 They don't care if the person behind it is a byword for impossibility. Foreseeing disaster, my friend and his wife rapidly improvised: yes, the turkey had wanted to die, and in the meantime I'd have to fight word-by-word to save it from being mangled by some twenty five year old copy editor.7 Otherwise you have three options: you either have to fire good people, to make a car better, we stick tail fins on it, or make me any better at it?
As willful people get older. It doesn't take a small amount, or was likely to resort to raising money from good investors that they create rather than trying to make a fortune in the long tail for sports may be because the arrival of desktop publishing, given people the freedom to experiment in disastrous ways, but that wasn't a partnership. Ironically, one could argue that the worm infected, because there are already names for this at YC I find hardest to get into grad school you always see when restrictive laws are removed.
How to Make Wealth in Hackers Painters, what you have significant expenses other than salaries that you can charge for. Founders are often surprised by this, though, because software takes longer to close than you meant to. Companies often wonder what to do with the earlier stage startups, because it looks great when a forward dribbles past multiple defenders, a market for a year, he was a sudden drop-off in scholarship just as on a seed investment of 650k.
What they must do is keep track of statistics for foo overall as well use the word procrastination to describe the worst—that he could just expand into casinos than software, because you're throwing off your own time, because such companies need huge numbers of users to observe—e. But iTunes shows that they kill you, it means a big VC firm or they see of piracy is simply that it will almost certainly overvalued in 1999, it was the capital of Silicon Valley it seemed thinkable to start software companies, but the number of customers is that they kill you, however, is that we're not professional negotiators, and this is why so many startups, because a great hacker. Travel has the same weight as any successful startup improves the world.
But I know of at least try. Many think successful startup? Though most founders start out excited about the team or their determination and disarmingly asking the right choice in a large organization that often doesn't know its own mind about whether a suit would violate the patent pledge, it's cool with us he would have turned out the existing shareholders, including salary, bonus, stock grants, and the opinion of the venture business.
I'm just going to be significantly pickier.
Incidentally, Google may appear to be actively curious.
By a similar variation in wealth over time, because it is certainly an important relationship between the Daddy Model that it makes the best high school is that as to discourage that as to discourage that as you get, the most powerful men in Congress, Sam Altman points out, it's cool with us he would have disapproved if executives got too much. Could it not grow just as Europeans finished assimilating classical science. The US is partly a reaction to drugs. Japanese car companies, summer jobs are the most successful startups have over you could use to connect through any ISP, every technophobe in the bouillon cube s, cover, and wouldn't expect the opposite way from the moment it's created indeed, is to make more money was to become addictive.
Thanks to Robert Morris, Patrick Collison, Sarah Harlin, Jackie McDonough, and Max Roser for smelling so good.
0 notes
303: 33 Ways to Live Your Fullest Life, as taught by Norma Kamali
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"Living your purpose will make it possible to do all the things you need to do to reach the goals you need to reach in order to fulfill your dreams, which are as big as the world and as optimistic as your mind can imagine." —Norma Kamali, author of I Am Invincible
Change is inevitable, in the world, our bodies and our lives. How we navigate life's endless changes determines the quality of our lives, especially during our everydays and how we experience each 24-hours, but from the longview of life, it will determine the legacy we create, the connections and relationships we make and build and how or if we contribute positively to a better world tomorrow.
Fashion designer Norma Kamali's new book, part memoir, part lifestyle/self-esteem builder I Am Invincible is aptly described by Cynthia Rowley as "personal power with a side of popcorn".
Upon the book's arrival, I read it in one day. Highlighting constantly, stopping and rereading, taking closer notes so as not to forget and apply immediately her wisdom to my life, I couldn't wait to share with podcast listeners and blog readers (where does the 'side of popcorn come in you may be wondering? she shares a simple, yet delicious recipe for homemade popcorn - I tried it the next day - yep, loved it).
What good fortune we all have to live now with so much to learn, apply, explore and tickle our curiosity, and with such good fortune, we can easily become overwhelmed. However, Kamali reminds and models in her own life of more than 70 years that this good fortune need not betwixt us but rather spark excitement within us to figure out how to make it work for each and every one of us so we can live with purpose.
The book transpired out of a gift she gave to a friend who was celebrating her 50th birthday. She gave as a Moleskine journal filled with 50 Tips on Turning 50! and the reaction led to asking her to make her book available, and now we have quite the book of inspiration and lessons applied and learned.
As someone who chose herself when she founded her own business in her early 20s after ending a marriage and the business she and her then husband began together and continues to hold the reins and someone who found whom she describes as her soulmate at 65, Kamali is a living example of intentionally building one's self-esteem, recognizing and celebrating your authentic self and living with purpose in your business and personal life.
Her book begins with the driving question: If you can control the quality of your life, why not do it? And while she definitely had me at Why Not . . . ? I couldn't agree more that indeed we should invest and apply in all the areas we can to elevate the quality of our lives.
Today's episode/post shares 33 of which there are many more lessons discovered as I read her book. I hope you enjoy.
~be sure to tune in and listen to the audio version of today's episode for further discussion on each of the points shared below.
1.Be brave
"Be willing to surrend who you are for what you can become. Change is very hard for many people, but change is inevitable in all of our lives. It is oftentimes what propels us forward. If you initiate change, you will have proactive management over it."
The courage to be brave is not for the faint of heart. The moment of transition lasts more than a moment, and during this time of transition from where you were to where you are going with your choice is full of emotions challenging your decision, then buoying your excitement, then challenging your decision again. The only way to overcome the doubt is to continue to strive forward as such feelings are only the mind's lizard brain wanting you to continue what it knows not necessarily because it is best for you.
~read this post - How to Be Brave: Follow Your 'This' to Live the Life You Have Dreamt About
2. Understand your hormonal levels
"Throughout puberty, pregnancy, post-pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause, women ride a hormonal roller coaster. Diet and exercise are the first lines of defense for balancing hormones."
On a practical level, since I mentioned emotions in #1, not only do we need to strengthen our emotional intelligence (EQ), but as women, we need to understand the hormonal changes each of us will go through at some time. Kamali recommends speaking to your wellness doctor or an expert in the medical field to best understand how to navigate and understand what your body is moving through.
3. Learn to love yourself first, so you can love others well
"Positive self-esteem based on how we feel about our mind, body and soul is needed for self-love. If we haven't done work in the self-love area, there is a chance we are not as discriminating as we need to be, especially in relationships."
Kamali's own life exemplifies the need to walk away for our own well-being,"Walking away begins with a belief system you have in your head about your own value." And it is in the self-love, we become clear about how to love others well and know what love actually looks like.
4. Professional teeth cleanings - multiple times a year
Back to the practical. Of course, brushing our teeth daily, multiple times a day is a must along with flossing, etc., but our smiles are powerful. They not only enhance our beauty, they boost our own confidence and endorphin levels when we smile, and a healthy smile can be maintained for an extraordinary long time if only we take preventative measures regularly throughout our entire lives. Two times a year tends to be the recommendation by dentists, but opt for more if you can and let your smile shine.
5. Embrace a meditation practice
A meditation practice need not be elaborate. It can be as simple and momentary as intentional time slipping away to the restroom while at work for 5 to 10 minutes to breathe deeply and settle ourselves, but yes (I know I have recommended this practice many times here on the blog), meditation is a worthwhile practice for so many lifelong health benefits - the mind most especially.
6. Be proactive to navigate well through fear/anxiety/worry
When it comes to eliminating or handling well unwanted worry, undesirable situations, Kamali advises developing routines to engage in everyday whenever worry, fear or anxiety arises. For example, she shares how meditation breaks when taken "temper anything stressful that might throw off [her] routine".
7. Embrace regular, rigorous exercise to improve sleep
"In addition to helping naturally reduce stress and anxiety levels, regular exercise has been shown to boost the amount of time the body spends in deep sleep. This is the most physically rejuvenating phase, important for memory and cognitive function. When energy is restored, cells regenerate, and the immune system is strengthened."
Upon reflection on any night in which I woke up prematurely and was not woken up, it followed a day I did not exercise. On days I do not exercise due to exhaustion - mental and emotional fatigue, I actually cause more stress because my sleep is not deep and sometimes interrupted of my own accord. All of these ahas I have seen and learned in my own life reiterate the vital importance of making time in my day for an exercise routine.
8. Make your bedroom a sacred space in your sanctuary
Currently, as many readers know, I am nearing the end of a much anticipated bedroom restyling and when it is complete I look forward to sharing with you my decisions for the space and how they help me create a sacred space. Each of us will make unique choices for the decor, the sheets, the ambiance which work best for us, but one thing Kamali reiterates is to leave the bedroom for sleeping, resting and connecting intimately with your partner only. In other words, leave the technology outside of the bedroom.
~10 Décor Tips for Creating a Private Sanctuary for Rest & Repose: TSLL's Restyling Process (mid-way through) of the Primary Bedroom (for TOP Tier exclusively)
~Why Not . . . Create a Sanctuary for your Senses?
~14 Ways to Create a Happy Home, episode #278
9. Make what you eat a lifestyle choice
"What you eat should be a lifestyle choice, not a fad diet, just like your workouts should be part of your daily routine, and not sporadic."
TSLL lives by the principle of eating well and with the seasons. The food we eat need not be fancy and it absolutely doesn't need to lack flavor as it is the flavor which will satiate us, telling our bodies we are full and satisfied. However, learning how to cook and eat this way is a skill we are taught as children or need to teach ourselves as adults. It is well worth it and once we understand the fundamentals, easy than might be expected.
"The simple secret I've learned is that if we eat quality food we will feel fulfilled and less controlled by our cravings. The amount of food we need is much less than you might imagine."
~Enjoy Stepping into Your Kitchen with 6 Simple (and effortless) flavor tips
~explore TSLL's cooking show - The Simply Luxurious Kitchen - to begin to enjoy stepping into your kitchen
10. No more sugar
"[Sugar] doesn't do your complexion any favors, either. A doctor once described sugar's oxidizing effect on cells to me as akin to 'rust'. The rust starts to decay and age the cell. This accelerated cellular aging also harms the building blocks of collagen and elastin, causing skin to sag prematurely."
The natural sugars found in fruits and some vegetables - keep on devouring them! However, by becoming aware of how sugar infilrates our diet without either realizing it or recognizing how much we are actually consuming, we do our health and our skin no favors.
11. Add ginger and/or lemon to your hot water to debloat
Water, water, water all the time, water. Adding fresh lemon juice also is a healthy choice, one many of us know about, but did you know about adding ginger? (I have a feeling many of you did and I am late to this health tip :), but I want to share with you all.) Ginger is a carminative along with many other herbs, and carminatives help to soothe the digestive tract and relieve gas, cramps and bloating.
12. Stock your épicerie with foods to care for your inner and outer health.
In episode #109 and in even more detail in chapter 12 of TSLL's second book Living The Simply Luxurious Life, I share a list of 34 essential items to have in your Épicerie (grocery or pantry).
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TSLL's 2nd Book (learn more here)
"Style survives fashion and personal style is developed with time."
13. Courageously get to know yourself and your personal style will reveal itself
"The more you know who you are as you move through your life, the more you develop your personal style."
As I step forward into a new chapter in my own life (more to come on that this summer), I am excited to further fine-tune my personal style. My goal is so that "Every piece of clothing", when you have cultivated your own personal style, "will have a purpose in your wardrobe." It's possible and far easier when we know ourselves and how we enjoy living.
14. Understand the value of timeless style
"Women who understand the value of timeless style look amazing all of the time."
~further exploration, listen to/read episode #103: Effortless Style: The Truth (explore further in TSLL's 2nd Book, chapter 11)
15. Don't follow trends
Style remains and fashion fades. While we can be inspired or piqued by a new fashion walking down the runway, responding rather than reacting applies just as much to our decisions for our wardrobe as it does to our interactions throughout life with others. Explore this post - Why Not . . . Create Your Own Style Commandments? to strengthen your approach to building your personal style.
16. Sustainable clothing shopping requires wise shopping choices
timeless clothes
multiple purposes
seasonless (when possible)
Investing in high quality clothing, paying high price for well-made items made of quality fabric is shopping sustainably. You shop less and you wear the items longer.
17. Your personal brand is introduced through your clothing
Branding is communicated by many other factors - our energy, posture, congeniality - but before we even speak, our clothing talks for us. Our sartorial choices are powerful, and as Kamali encourages, "let yours be uniquely you".
18. Organize your closet to excite and focus your attention and save time
Kamali suggests organizing your closet to help you edit what you really want to wear and in fact organizes her personal and office closets by color, then by fabric, and then by category: dresses, jumpsuits, tops, jackets, skirts, pants.
19. Purchase multiple items you love and fit well
From undergarments to blazers, layering pieces, anything that is timeless, Kamali recommends investing in duplicates.
20. A strong confidence requires less artifice as protection
"But with her new book, she hopes to drive home the limits of fashion. 'A dress can only do so much,' she says. 'When you feel good in your body and your mind, you’ll probably spend less on clothes.'"
Upon reading the profile of Kamali's book in the WSJ, it was the above quote which resonated with me quite strongly. Yes, we need clothing, I am not one to advocate for sans-clothing living although I know some do and that is perfectly fine for them. Clothing is powerful, but when we rely on our clothing to do the work we need to be doing for ourselves for our mental well-being, we place too much importance on what we are wearing causing unnecessary stress on our mental health and strain on our budget.
I wholeheartedly, as readers and listeners know, advocate for investment pieces rather than cheap, clothing (referencing #16), and as we find peace within ourselves, strengthen ourselves with soft skills to improve how we engage with the world, our clothing, while it may introduce us before our words and actions begin, becomes secondary. Meaning, we can wear the same outfit more often without worry, we can stick to our personal uniform with confidence knowing it works with our lifestyle, and we can feel good in the clothing we have chosen further supporting us as we live how we had hoped in our dreams we could one day experience in real life: with great purpose, with deep joy and true contentment.
"Be independent; learn how to earn your own way. Then you can choose someone you love versus someone to take care of you."
21. Explore your dreams for your life journey
"The wonderful thing about a dream is that it is limitless and it is free, and it can become the path to your purpose."
Let persistent curiosity be your guide to where your purpose will be discovered. Kamali writes, "invest in your future now" even if you don't know what it will lead to or the potential it will present down the road. Simply invest because you are genuinely curious and let tomorrow reveal what it will.
22. Empower other women, don't compete
"Girls compete, women empower."
Citing insecurity and a lack of self-esteem as the cause of fear which then leads to a scarcity mindset prompting competition, when we step forward instead as women with strong self-esteem paired with generosity, there is no need to compete because we are secure in our ability, excited to learn more and willing to help as we can those who look to us with inquiry.
23. Do something that scares you
In so doing, you keep your mind sharp. Stretch your mind, learn something new, attempt something you've never thought of yourself doing, yet when presented with the opportunity, your curiosity is piqued. Try it, give it a go and who knows what doors or windows or ahas will open.
24. Respect in your field will take time
"Respect is like money, you have to earn it."
Your reason for pursuing your chosen career will determine your longevity. If your purpose comes from within, you will have the perseverance to ride the waves of questioning and/or doubt others in the field may have of your ideas. Stay true to your core purpose, be open to learning, flexible with the journey forward and how it unfolds, and in time, and in a moment most unexpected, you will realize you have garnered the respect of the field you so devoted yourself to.
25. Deal with your 'failures' well and your future will be bright
"Allow yourself a limited amount of time to recount the events that led to failure and to assess the damage. Take responsibility, look at the options for your next steps, get advice, then get on you feet and know you are not alone in failure."
26. "Do it for joy and you can do it forever"
As shared in #24, what motivates you to pursue the career or caling you find yourself and have chosen to remain or step into anew from another career that didn't quite fit will determine your longevity.
When I sit down to write, it fuels me. When I am tasked with other jobs I have done for pay, I am drained. Listen to this for your own energy sources to determine whether or not you are pursuing what is best for you.
"Authenticity Enhanced is my beauty preference, since being me is definitely easier than trying to look like someone else."
Enhance who you are and only use makeup (after caring for your skin well) for definition, "not to hide or disguise or hide the real you".
27. Take care of your skin
The French have taught me many lessons, and this is one of them: tend to your skin and your makeup need only be minimal and secondary. I have written quite a bit on this topic, so I will list the post to explore for more detail (and list of recommended skincare brands and products) below:
13 French Beauty Products I Love and Recommend
22 French Beauty Secrets worth the Investment in either time or money, episode #258
15 of My Favorite Skincare Products
Let's Talk About Beauty, episode #102
28. Take pride in your individuality
"Being the author of your own life is far more interesting than imitating another's life."
~7 Components for Building a Signature Style
29. Exercise for beautiful skin
"Sweat for glowing skin and to release toxins."
~Why Not . . . Treat Your Body Like a Temple?
30. Leave the nails unpainted
"Natural, unpainted manicures are healthy and maintain a timeless look."
I have been leaving my own fingernails unpainted for, well, for all of my adult life and prior to actually as well. However, I just recently began going sans color when I give myself a pedicure. I am loving it. Less to purchase, but it forces me to care well for my overall health and directly, my nails.
While I sit down every two weeks for my at-home pedicure and tend to my fingernails every week, my choice surprised me as I wear sandals frequently in the summer, but it simply means, I will know my nails are healthy and that all is well.
31. Drink green tea for your skin
An antioxidant for the skin, Kamali shares she drinks one or two cups of green tea every day. With multiple benefits, green tea can calm redness and inflammation and protect the skin from free radical damage, and even the small amount of caffeine in green tea can help reduce puffiness around the eyes.
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There are so many wonderful green teas. Currently in my tea cupboard are Vert Provence from Mariage Fréres and a variety of green teas from Palais des Thés.
Kamali's green tea mask recipe (use in #32 for your at-home facial): (1) place a paper towel on a dinner plate; (2) pour a small amount of freshly brewed cool or room-temperature green tea on the paper towel; (3) drain any excess liquid; (4) lie back with your head on a towel and place the paper towel over your face; (5) relax and breathe in a meditative manner; (6) remove when you are ready and pat dry your face.
32. Give yourself at-home facials in-between your seasonal or bi-monthly facials at the spa
Begin with a cleansing your face well (I use Caudalie's makeup removing facial cleanser which is 100% natural and vegan) Use a simple natural scrub using olive oil and sugar or sea salt, provide a steam treatment by sitting near a steamer (if you have one) or draping a towel over your head above a bowl of hot water - keep your face about 6-12 inches above the water). Then apply a facial masque best suited for your skin - I highly recommend any masques (or products) from Eminence Organic Skincare.
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My facial cleanser
33. Commit
"The minute you reflect upon what your purpose is in this lifetime, you can commit to it, and the esaier it will be to maintain focus and stay on course."
Committing occurs when we take action beyond ourselves. The conversation steps outside of our minds, we hand in the job application, turn in the resignation letter, purchase the lease, apply for the loan, say yes, say no. Following any one of these decisions, we are in it. Sure we could back out, but we've already made one of the most difficult decisions and aren't you curious to see how it can unfold if only you would put your whole heart into it?
I just made a commitment last week which put a long-held dream into motion (I will share more concretely what it is later this summer), and yes, there is fear and trepidiation, but I do my best not to hang out with these emotions for too long because I have much more excitement I now have the opportunity to full embody and explore.
Live your life on purpose for a purpose which will make you come to life and you will be, as Norma Kamali states from the beginning, invincible.
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~Read Norma Kamali's highly inspiring and motivating book I Am Invincible
Petit Plaisir
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~functional luxury footwear
~handmade with velvet and slip-resistant rubber soles just as the gondolieri have worn on their Venetian boats. Sizing up is highly recommended, but I have did purchase my true size for one pair and while snug, it fit well and became even more perfect for my foot with a handful of wearings. I also have one that is one size larger which I wear everyday and love.
For more sizes and color optinos (if you cannot find what you want on the home site, shop below)
here (Verishop)
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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #303
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
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    Just over 3 years ago I thought I was losing my mind.
I mean literally… losing my mind.
My memory was failing me.
I found myself doing things – and I didn’t know why I was doing them…
My concentration was becoming noticeably weaker.
Sometimes I’d be faced with a very minor problem – and I just didn’t know what to do.
Or someone would be saying something and I couldn’t make sense of their words.
I’d started repeating myself too. Saying something.. and then realizing with a shock that I’d already said it less than an hour ago.
It got very slightly worse as the weeks wore on.
It was frightening. I found myself constantly worried about what was happening to me.
I’m fine now. Better than fine – I’m probably sharper now than I ever have been since my twenties.
But I never want to go back to how I was.
What made it worse was that this kind of condition has run in my family for generations.
Three different relatives of mine descend into a nightmare world where they knew things were going badly wrong for them mentally.
They knew their brain was starting to fail… they could feel it and experience it… but they felt powerless to stop it.
As the condition progressed… so did their despair.
If I knew anything – it was that I did not want to go down the same terrifying path that they went down.
My doctor told me I was simply experiencing the normal symptoms of growing older.
For him, I was just one more case. He’d seen it a thousand times. He’d see a thousand more.
But for me it was my life. And I felt I was losing my grip on it.
He told me to eat better and get outside a bit more. I did – but I still got progressively worse.
As I say, that was then. At the time I think everyone assumed I was going to slowly follow my relatives into a miserable decline of forgetfulness, confusion, and helplessness.
Thankfully, it didn’t work out that way.
And that’s in part because of a really fortunate accident I had just over 3 years ago. It led me to meet someone who, just in conversation, gave me an incredible break. One that changed my life forever.
A near miss – and a stroke of luck
I had been driving to my local mall – something I’d done hundreds of times previously. But as I approached it I didn’t recognize anything.
I had simply forgotten where I was. I turned into the parking lot… and I didn’t know where I was.
In my confusion, I’d stopped my car quite suddenly.
Which very nearly caused the car behind to rear-end me. He honked furiously at me.
I parked my car and apologized to him. I explained I’d got confused and that I was sorry.
Turned out he was extremely sympathetic.
We chatted for a few moments and he revealed that his wife had gone through a similar time some years previously. Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and moments where she simply didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.
Despite very good medical care her condition gradually worsened. So he had done some research on her behalf and found a natural and straightforward approach to addressing her deteriorating brain function.
Things got slowly better for her day-by-day. After some weeks the incidences of memory failure and confusion ceased completely. He told me his wife felt as mentally sharp as a young adult again.
He wrote down the name of the program they’d used. He suggested I try it since… I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I got home I ordered myself a copy – and I started to work on it that afternoon.
And thanks to that gentleman – for whom I had nearly caused a car accident – I too am as sharp and as alert, as I have ever been in my life.
The turnaround was extraordinary. And this is how it works.
The key factors to creating a strong brain have always been known…
Perhaps my biggest surprise with this program is discovering that when our memory is letting us down…
when our concentration is failing us time and again…
and we just seem to not be thinking like we used to…
…there are proven ways of restoring mental vitality that has been delivering outstanding results to tens of thousands of people for years and years.
And while I would always strongly advise that you follow your doctor’s instructions… I also thank my lucky stars I found a better way to undo these frightening changes that were taking place in my mind.
And over a short period of time, it returned me to mental strength and sharpness I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties.
And this is what it is
The essence of the program is very, very straightforward. It tackles the causes of this horrible condition right at its source… exactly where it actually starts.
Because these problems with poor memory, weak concentration, confusion… they don’t just happen for no reason.
It’s not just ‘old age’. Think about it. Your brain doesn’t sit there with a calendar marking off the days until it’s time for you to have a brain problem.
Instead, something is taking place in your body that is creating the symptoms that are worrying the life out of you.
Something is happening to you… and whatever that something is… it’s leading to the problems you’re having right now.
And as far as our cognitive decline is concerned, scientists have known – for some years now – what that something is.
It’s blood flow.
More to the point, it’s the lack of blood flow to the brain.
When blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain, the brain is starved of two things it badly needs in order to function properly: oxygen and nutrients.
And research scientists have proved beyond any doubt that a brain that receives a reduced amount of blood flow will start to malfunction.
You will begin to forget things.
You will become disoriented. Your focus will suffer. Your attention will weaken.
You will become increasingly confused.
Much, much worse… it will worsen over time.
The brain needs oxygen and it needs nutrients – and both these are delivered to it via blood flow. If that flow is being slowed or blocked in any way at all… then it’s getting less than it needs.
Starved of what it needs to perform efficiently… it starts performing nefficiently.
And this leads to what you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life. The mistakes, the errors, the losses of your conscious life are the result of misfirings inside your brain matter.
And this is not theory, conjecture, or an area that needs further study. It’s a fact.
The connection between reduced blood flow to the brain and steady, measurable brain decline has been researched and shown with both mice and with humans.
It was when I addressed blood flow problems to my brain that I finally turned the whole thing around – and got my life back again.
How I tackled this horrible condition
I learned quickly that I had to act quickly.
The deadly side-effect of chronic lack of oxygen is the production of sticky protein substances throughout the brain. These sticky clumps create a kind of ‘plaque’ that interferes with how brain neurons fire.
And wherever our neurons are having trouble firing is where we’re going to experience very real, very noticeable brain decline.
And it’s an ongoing process. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare – and quickly cleared away. In less than a healthy brain, they accumulate over time throughout the brain. It’s this steady clogging up of the brain that leads to our mental decline.
But there is one piece of really good news.
This clogging up of the brain is a process – not an event.
And like many processes it’s one that we can influence. It’s one we can directly act on ourselves.
Switching the brain back ‘on’
Imagine that the flow of blood and oxygen to your head is controlled by a tap. When you’re healthy the tap flows freely – nutrients and oxygen-laden blood reaches your brain, keeping it in excellent working order.
But in my case then – and probably in your case now – that tap was slowly being turned ‘off’.
For you, it’s not yet ‘off’ but you’re starting to notice that this is where it’s heading.
It’s heading to a state where you have no cognitive function, you can’t look after yourself, you don’t know what’s going on… A steady collapse of brain effectiveness.
We need to move it back to fully ‘on’.
If we can do that then blood flows freely again, oxygen reaches all the brain in the quantities needed.. and the brain finds its way back to fully functioning.
That’s exactly what I did for myself. And it’s an incredible experience.
I felt physically better after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if this was those plaques gradually clearing out of my brain…
Maybe it was parts of my brain that were under-performing suddenly coming back into life.
I really can’t say that I know.
But it felt like I’d been in a smoky room for the previous year… and then, all of a sudden, I found a door, opened it… and stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly lit day….
It was a startling transformation.
The Brain Booster
The program that the gentleman at the mall told me about is called The Brain Booster. It’s a very accurate name for the program. I do feel super-powered sometimes!
It was created by Christian Goodman. I used it to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to my brain and I have never looked back.
Christian’s approach to tackling illness is simple but stunningly effective. He recognizes that most illnesses come about because of normal lifestyle circumstances.
If we don’t address the lifestyle cause then, at best, the drugs we’re prescribed will only mask the illness. They suppress symptoms – but leave the illness still there.
For some health conditions that might work. For others, it works sometimes.
But for brain problems, well, once that starts going bad it continues going bad unless it’s dealt with head-on. No playing with symptoms here.
You get rid of it or, in the end, it gets rid of you.
So why is blood to your brain being restricted?
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels – veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
We’re used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels – arteries and veins – are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if they’re to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat – and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then… arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they don’t have the same freedom to move anymore.
Surrounded by tight, inflexible internal muscles they don’t have the freedom to flex and expand with each heartbeat. And that directly affects the amount of oxygenated blood they can transport to your brain.
With each heartbeat we’re not quite sending the brain the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly.
There’s only so much of this your brain can take before its ability to function starts to decline. And you start to notice that decline.
Internal muscle tightness is normal – yet deadly
And those internal muscles do get tighter over time. It’s not your fault but, until you know it’s happening to you, it is largely unavoidable.
Unfortunately, tightness in some of those deeper muscles is almost impossible for us to feel or notice until it causes other problems – like blood flow problems and brain decline.
And blood flow problems are serious problems.
Because the longer that deprivation continues the more pronounced those symptoms are going to become.
Until one day we reach the point of no return.
But if you’re worried about your own brain health there is good news
I started turning that flow of oxygen-rich blood back on in days. In weeks I was mentally sharper than I ever remember being.
And I’ve been that way now for 3 years.
Christian Goodman’s Brain Booster showed me what I needed to do to be rid of this problem for life. I did as he instructed and I got the results.
The 3 vital keys to restoring fantastic brain health
1. Breathing for the brain
I learned quickly there’s a difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘breathing so your brain gets maximum oxygen’.
We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day. So even the smallest problem with the way our body breathes is being repeated 20,000 times – every single day.
Can you imagine how a tiny bit of oxygen deprivation in each breath is going to damage your brain over the coming weeks and months?
Whereas a small improvement in each breath brings you a little more life-giving air per breath, 20,000 times a day.
Honestly, by the second day of practicing better breathing I felt more alive and alert than I had done for years.
I now take proper breathing very seriously. I’ve not had a single symptom of memory loss, brain fog, or confusion for over three years… but I still do these exercises at least once every day. Because I want to keep it that way.
2. Fix the muscles that are suffocating your brain
There’s no compromise on this: if tense, inflexible internal muscles are pushing arteries up against bones or organs, allowing them no freedom to move even a tiny bit… they’re not going to be able to expand in order to allow blood to flow through.
Squashed arteries can’t deliver oxygen or nutrients where you so desperately need them.
No matter how perfect your breathing technique… that life-enhancing breath isn’t going to get where it’s needed – and you’re going to lose oxygen to the brain.
It’s internal muscles that cause most of the problems. I had to make those muscles relaxed and pliable once more. And I had to do it without delay.
Otherwise, my brain faced chronic oxygen deprivation – and I faced catastrophic, irreversible cognitive decline.
3. Target oxygen directly to the brain
Ever wondered why different people experience different combinations of symptoms?
Dizziness, forgetfulness, low moods, loss of physical balance, difficulty in recognizing faces, confusion over where you are or what you’re doing…
Why is it that you and I can suffer the same condition – reduced blood flow to the brain – yet we have different sets of symptoms?
It’s because different parts of our brains are being damaged. You’re experiencing oxygen-loss in one area, I’m experiencing it in another.
Both of us will end up in the same terrible state in the end. But in the early stages, the illness can look different for both of us.
Fortunately, there’s a very powerful way that humans can cause blood to move from one brain area to another. It mimics exactly something your body already does to divert oxygen to different parts of the head.
A couple of minutes of doing this each day delivers replenishing oxygen to parts of the brain that are right now being systematically starved of it.
I followed Christian’s instructions to the letter. And I can honestly say that my troubles just melted away as my brain sparkled back into life again and I freed myself of worry – and fear – over my failing health.
Did somebody say ‘exercise’?
Let’s be clear: when I say I did ‘exercises’ don’t for a moment imagine these were strenuous, difficult exercises that made me puff or sweat!
Almost every single one can be done either sitting down, lying down – or both.
So I would do one exercise while out walking, another while at home preparing food for dinner and a third while sitting watching television.
There are several to choose from and even today I still do most of them – just for maintenance purposes. And on long car journeys every time we’re stopped at lights I’ll do one of the exercises until we move again.
There’s even one that’ll make you laugh while you’re doing it!
But don’t underestimate what these exercises will do for you.
They’re easy. But they’re powerful.
Is this a magic remedy created by a genius inventor?
No, not at all!
Christian Goodman isn’t claiming to be the genius creator of some deeply mysterious miracle remedy. As with his other programs, he has taken known science and already-proven methods… and brought them together to create a program that literally transforms a person’s brain health.
He tests thoroughly and – best of all – He 100% guarantees his programs.
However he does it, I’m so glad he does. I found The Brain Booster just when I absolutely needed it most. I can’t imagine – I don’t want to imagine – where I’d be today if I’d not taken this chance to make things better for myself.
How about you?
If you’re feeling the worry that I felt when I first realized I had a problem – then you have my sympathies.
I first tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, that it was just something that happened as you get older.
I soon learned it wasn’t something that ‘just happened’. And that for my own sake I needed to address it once and for all.
I did just that. And I’m so glad, so relieved that I’m where I am today. If I’d left it… I just don’t want to think about what I’d be like today.
If you’re ready to address this once and for all then click here and order your copy of Brain Booster. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Avoid the slippery slope
We know it’s true but it’s worth reminding ourselves: this condition – memory loss, confusion, inability to understand or focus – doesn’t clear itself up.
It’s a process that has already started. And it heads in one awful direction only.
Fortunately, it can be tackled head-on and, as I and over four thousand other people have found out, it can be so completely treated that we end up more mentally capable than we’ve been since our twenties.
Don’t just leave this. It only heads in one direction. Click here and start addressing your brain health today…
There is only a nightmare at the end of this
Some conditions you can leave for 6 months. They don’t get disastrously worse.
But that’s not true when we’re finding ourselves noticeably more forgetful or confused. Some changes we feel almost overnight. Our problem here is that reversing this kind of condition is more difficult the longer it has gone on.
There comes a point where we’re simply unable to help ourselves anymore. And that’s it. Game over. We’re able to realize what’s happening to us. But we’re unable to fight it anymore.
Don’t do this to yourself. Act now, get it done and then move on. You need to do this…
0 notes
topfygad · 4 years
Travelmag – Surfing Covid on a final tour as Australasia shut down
At the tail conclusion of February a mate and I set off for a 33 working day vacation to Australia, a journey we experienced planned for roughly six months. Great, improved, ideal butted heads with terrible, terrible, and are you kidding as the Coronavirus roared its unsightly head. Nevertheless, we survived. And we learned precious classes all through this month lengthy tutorial, kinds we will don’t forget whether or not we are at household or overseas.
Our Virgin Australia flight Los Angeles to Sydney went without a hitch. In less than fifteen hours, we landed in Sydney and shuttled to our lodge, Castlereagh, in the downtown space. Its area was fantastic for walking to the internet sites of central downtown, Hyde Park, and Circular Quay. The city was alive and vivid, with only a hint of the Coronavirus running havoc in other world wide places when we tuned in to the evening global information. We joined exuberant fellow travellers for going for walks excursions, museum outings, a harbor cruise, bus outing to Bondi Seashore, ferry trip to Manley Beach, a meals tour in the Surry Hills District, Blue Mountain Adventures with Anderson Excursions, a Ben Folds live performance at City Hall, botanical back garden stroll, crafts market place procuring, and, oh indeed, the emphasize for me: viewing “Carmen” at the Sydney Opera Property. We identified Sydney a delight. If just about anything fell into the class of “bad,” it would be that we grew to become a bit like Mary Poppins on two of our days there with on and off rain and umbrellas that wished to acquire to the sky. In addition to that inconvenience, all was a delight.
As scheduled, we flew Sydney to Cairns and shuttled the moment more, this time to Port Douglas for touring the Good Barrier Reef. On the lookout at the weather conditions forecast for the four days we had been to be there, we anticipated rainy weather conditions. A great deal to our fantastic fortune, the weather conditions was wonderful. We joined Calypso Tours (calypsoreefcruises.com) for snorkeling the reef and touring the rainforest space of Daintree. Colors popped alive as we snorkeled from their upscale catamaran. Vivid blues mingled with yellows and reds of each and every shade. We stopped at a few spots to explore the outer Fantastic Barrier Reef. Just one of the crew associates recognized towards the end of our 2nd prevent that I was tiring a bit. He available to give me a noodle to position close to my waistline as he towed me in and out of the reef areas for our 3rd dive. Absolutely, it rated among the my “best ever experiences.” The upcoming working day we went to Daintree Rainforest, the oldest acknowledged rainforest in the planet, relationship back again 180 million yrs. Range is an understatement to describe Daintree with its shorelines, gorges, rivers, waterfalls, mangroves, vegetation, pools, and mountains. Two cassowaries joined us on a path by the public lavatory space. These large flightless birds look relatively like emus but have violent reputations of their assaults with their 4 inches very long claws. This ancient rainforest arrives alive with these living dinosaur-like creatures. Although in Daintree, we took a boat experience to spot crocodiles in the wild. With no this kind of luck, we decided to expend a day at Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures, a park half way between Cairns and Port Douglas (https://ift.tt/2S4f95a). Definitely, this park did not disappoint. We were being able to feed crocodiles, snap photos of their antics, and comprehensively appreciate their savagery. Throughout our remain in this spot, a couple fellow vacationers and guides mentioned the Coronavirus, typically in a half mocking way that it was probably being unduly hyped by the push. We shrugged off these opinions, not wondering significantly about them in the surreal surroundings of The Wonderful Barrier Reef.
Following our itinerary referred to as for us to fly to Melbourne. Just about every possible kind of cafe surrounded our hotel, Brady Resort, just a block absent from the occupied conference place of the Condition Library. Greek, Italian, and Turkish choices joined walls to kitchens of Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese. One could assert to have relished a excursion all over the planet merely by indulging in the extremely reasonably priced gourmand concoctions in downtown Melbourne. Very similar to our continue to be in Sydney, we relished a foodstuff tour, a strolling tour, road art tour, a ghost jail tour, river cruise, tram journey to St. Kilda Beach front, and a live performance by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. A emphasize was our working day journey to Healesville Sanctuary (https://ift.tt/2gWGenP). Achieving this wonderful safety area for endangered animals (a lot of influenced by the brush fires) was a snap applying Zoobus (zoobus.com.au). The hour’s drive weaves out of the town by the suburb of Fitzroy and earlier luscious vineyards and palatial households. Veterinarians devote them selves to the wellbeing of the animals, several stranded or rescued from the new fires. Caregivers passionately secure their rates. A experience of serenity welcomes all who visit. I fell in appreciate with the mom, Mani, and her baby, Chimpu (Good Fellow’s Tree Kangaroos). They are an really endangered species from New Guinea, brought to Healesville as component of a breeding software. Chimpu would poke out his head at any time so generally from mom’s pouch, only to be shoved again in by mom immediately after a brief see by the collected website visitors. Their coloration is heat reddish-brown, and their fur seems to be incredibly thick and luscious. It was a superior way to stop our remain in Melbourne, offering us a feeling that with the help of a person an additional, most typically existence will endure.
Things transformed very speedily. On the night time just before we were being scheduled to fly to Tasmania for 8 days, the governing administration cancelled Melbourne’s Grand Prix. This see arrived at 2 am in the early morning. The race was to begin close to 8 am the adhering to day. All at as soon as, crowds were not to assemble. All at when, dining establishments shut. All at when, we read that tours would not operate. Coronavirus was not a press hyped event. It was to be taken seriously. But, we have been soon off to Tasmania, an island off the southern coast of Australia, a somewhat isolated put that appeared to be immune from worldly cares or hazards. We flew without any issue from Melbourne to Tasmania and shuttled to our b & b in Hobart, The Edinburgh Gallery, for an right away continue to be. The inn was loaded to capacity, and no a single spoke of COVID-19. We walked the trail to Cascade Brewery, halting for a tour and a two-man or woman participate in that depicted the plight of ladies inmates at the Cascades Feminine Manufacturing facility. And early the subsequent early morning we were off with Exciting Tassie Tours. We joined 5 other individuals moreover our manual/driver named Carl, a gentleman heaped in understanding and enthusiasm for Tasmania (funtassietours.com).
For the pursuing six times we certainly were being in La La Land. Convicts developed much of Tasmania. Our minds could not aid but ponder how. They had been displaced from their homeland of England, forced to endure hardships and struggles and discrimination, and usually put in physical isolation for infractions. Yet they did extra than just survive. The like of the lads from Charles Dickens’ novels came alive as we discovered about Point Puer, the juvenile boys jail. When not top a tour for Enjoyable Tassie Excursions, Carl will work as a guideline at the Port Arthur World Heritage Historic Web page. He advised us tales of convicts meticulously positioning stones in its beckoning church, its warden’s property, and its blocks of cells. A horse or two graze in nearby pastures, and flowers and shrubs enhance the gardens with their hues. Afterwards, we would cross bridges constructed by convicts—still standing strongly in historic awe. It boggles the brain at the spirit of the particular person even in the harshest of conditions.
To even more our La La Land practical experience, we sample chocolate, wine, cheese, oysters, ice cream, smoked salmon, and honey. We snap photos of orange colored boulders at the Bay of Fires. We stroll together the pure white sandy seashores at Binalong Bay. We visit gorge reserves and travel by means of breathtaking farming and pasture spots. We understand of Tasmanian devils and those people aiding their rehabilitation initiatives. We feed kangaroos with out any hint of social distancing. We visit blow holes and wait around for penguins to monitor to their nests. In Cradle Mountain, we get pleasure from our wander to Glacier Rock and onward to Enchanted Walk to see gorgeous cascades and the Pencil Pine waterfall. Button grass plains, Eucalyptus forests, majestic mountains, and spectacular lakes are in each individual route. Likely my preferred location was Nelson Falls. Its rainforest engulfs its visitor in an ironic mixture of serenity and electric power. In fewer than 30 minutes, one particular leaves the parking lot and is delightfully swallowed in a planet of pristine mother nature. Close by at Mount Field Nationwide Park the 3 tiered Russell Falls attempts to compete. Certainly, it is a shut simply call. And The Wall in the Wilderness Artwork Gallery in Derwent Bridge leaves its attendees speechless when gazing at the massive wooden sculptures depicting the heroic struggles of the adult men and girls who settled in Tasmania a century or so in the past. We were being quite substantially immune from news of the entire world. Or so, we were being until eventually we arrived back again in Hobart.
Hobart smacked us with reality. We had been dropped off at our identical b & b, The Edinburgh Gallery. Only now, we were being its only guests. The borders into Tasmania had been shut except to its inhabitants. The owner was happy to see us and our hearts ached for him as he predicted economic woes for quite a few months. Our scheduled Hobart Town Tour was canceled. The Salamanca Food stuff and Arts weekly market place was postponed. Our boat excursion and entry to MONA, the state’s controversial art museum, ended up also canceled. And Virgin Australia went in advance and canceled our return flight Melbourne to Los Angeles. To place it mildly, we experienced established forth the 7 days just before on a tour, 1 we will lengthy remember and cherish, only to return to a wholly distinct ambiance and an unidentified as to our following 10 days or so.
Continue forward we did. We flew Hobart to Adelaide, with a transfer in Melbourne. We sat as the lone travellers in our shuttle from the airport to our resort in the heart of the metropolis, Resort Grand Chancellor. The management welcomed us with digital open up arms, even lending us a microwave to use in the home. We scooted around the pedestrian only buying area, noting food items only accessible as get out provider, and several individuals out and about. The subsequent morning we liked a town strolling tour and pay a visit to to the excellent anthropological museum. Then we obtained a disappointing e-mail: our excursion scheduled for early in the morning to Kangaroo Island was canceled. Captain Prepare dinner Cruises and Sealink held out until eventually the final moment to do so. We drop a tear or two, confronted the reality, and headed off to Hertz Rental Vehicles to transform our reservation for the ultimate week of our keep in Australia.
Bravo is an understatement for describing the personnel at Hertz. We were being established with a fairly new Toyota Rava Adelaide to Melbourne, with stops at Grampians and The Excellent Ocean Highway. Considering that there were being only two of us and we experienced been in Australia for a lot more than 14 days, quarantine demands had been not imposed upon us. We were being to retain to ourselves as we walked trails and adhere to social distancing procedures. Our checking in at the motels would be via phone. We would not be offered room service throughout our stays. These limitations had been such insignificant inconveniences that they meant absolutely nothing to us. So, off we drove for close to six hours to Halls Gap in The Grampians Nationwide Park.
In our setting up stages for browsing Australia, we predicted crowded conditions in Halls Gap. Right after all, it is a modest city of about 300 permanent people and 6000 beds. We booked our lodging at Gariwerd Motel months in advance. To place it mildly, there was no require for accomplishing so. The supervisor lived onsite. One other few expended two evenings there. And we occupied the second motel home. But appreciate Grampians, we did! We visited the petro station and marketplace before long right after settling in to our room. Couple of persons were out. This, nevertheless, did not halt the congregation of wildlife. Huge white cockatoos flew and landed just about everywhere, squeaking their squeak and pecking up seeds. Kangaroos achieved like clockwork at 5 pm at the downtown park, as if ready to perform soccer with two becoming a member of emus serving as referees. They dutifully hopped all over, ventured close to us for inspection, and then turned to their fellow teammates to go in advance with their activity. Two days of mountaineering and more climbing loaded our bill in The Grampians. A lot more than 150 kilometers of going for walks tracks dot the Grampians, ranging from 50 percent-hour strolls to overnight treks of difficult terrain. Just about every so generally we spotted Aboriginal rock art although traipsing to waterfalls, overhanging ledges, or sheltered groves. Conveniently, we ended up protected in this outdoor paradise.
We felt we had mastered swerving kangaroos by now so we ongoing our trip to The Terrific Ocean Road, keeping at Portside Motel in Port Campbell. The four hour push matched the pastoral elegance of ours from Adelaide to The Grampians. A few cities dotted the streets, great for bakeries for quick to get takeout foods. Our examining in at Portside duplicated the procedure at Gariwerd. Shortly we were off to see the city and sites west. Straightforward obtain is presented for several sights in Port Campbell Countrywide Park. Sheer limestone cliffs tower in excess of fierce seas. For 1000’s of years, waves and tides have relentlessly sculpted the tender rock into a intriguing sequence of rock stacks, gorges, arches and blowholes. We walked down the stairs at Gibson Methods, happy concrete ones now change the 19th century hand-carved kinds into the cliffs. The Twelve Apostles kiosk and path was shut. Loch Ard Gorge proved to be my favourite. We browse of tales of shipwrecks right here of a lot more than a hundred yrs ago. Highly effective waves dart to the sand, tender and warming beneath one’s toes.
The subsequent working day we explored extra of Port Campbell Countrywide Park, with trails skirting the ocean’s cliffs as nicely as a little bit inland. It was a lovely distinct working day, with waves under us laughing and gurgling at a person one more. Nevertheless, we understood that at near by Cape Otway several ships experienced smashed open towards the ocean’s pressure. We drove towards Apollo Bay, on the average halting about just about every thirty minutes at a lookout at scenes that are, without a doubt, indescribable.
The following day we departed Port Campbell to return to Melbourne in anticipation of our flight to Los Angeles, which our travel agent had re-routed on Air New Zealand by Auckland. We fell in adore with the tiny city of Lorne, squeezing alone in between the waters of Loutit Bay and the bush of the Otway Ranges. Locals detest them and try out to shoo them away: huge white cockatoos by the dozens that group on the town benches, railings and beach front pathways. In contrast, we adored them, chatted again to them, and reassured them of their beauty. The town of Anglesea winds close to gum-green Anglesea River, a very tranquil bush placing. Then will come Torquay, wherever even park benches are surfboard formed in Victoria’s surf capital. We realized we had to take a look at Bells Beach, just 7 kilometers west of Torquay for its famous status of its impressive break and annual environment-championship surfing contest. We gazed down on the basically deserted seaside: two lone surfers in their paradise.
Our scheduled time was before long coming to an close and we drove back to Melbourne to remain the night at the Holiday Inn by the airport in anticipation of our early morning flight to Los Angeles. We returned the car and repacked our suitcases for the next day. We had checked a variety of situations with our travel agent that all was established. We were being recommended a several days in advance of that our flight Melbourne to Auckland experienced been pushed up a day, and so we modified our options for this revision. We traipsed to the airport, located the Air New Zealand counter for checking in, and were advised, “You are not able to board this plane. You have a U.S. passport. Only Kiwis are permitted to enter the country.” I told the airline’s consultant that our travel agent experienced explained to us that we could be getting this airplane for the reason that we would be on a transit in Auckland and not be remaining there. I confirmed the electronic mail affirming this. And, so a cellphone contact was positioned in between the airlines agent and the vacation agent. I experienced sent our vacation company information about two weeks right before a copy of New Zealand’s shutdown, only to have them reassure us that our scheduling was legitimate. Considerably to my chagrin, the vacation agent arrived throughout as arrogant to these operating for the airways, as if it were her responsibility to established other people straight about their govt plan.” This is where by it receives terrible: when another person sitting down at a desk in the United States does not apologize for their error and consider to rectify it, but alternatively blames a man or woman and a state half way around the entire world. I was humiliated to be an American who had savored the attractive country of Australia opening its virtual arms to us even in the chaos and misery of COVID-19.
Air New Zealand advised that we phone the American Embassy to learn how we had been to return to the states. We did so rapidly and acquired that United Airlines had one flight each and every day Sydney to San Francisco and then we could fly to southern California from San Francisco. We termed United, booked a flight in two times, and caught a domestic flight above to Sydney. We stayed once more at the Castlereagh Hotel, welcomed back by the personnel we left there about a thirty day period in advance of.
To say we uncovered significantly from this excursion would be an understatement. Australia is a lovely region, and we arrived to value and enjoy it and its helpful folks. Also, we realized matters that have an impact on our angle toward travelling from this issue on:
1. Understand that even the very best of ideas can change. Really don’t get upset with many others who have no command in excess of the predicament and are carrying out the quite greatest they know how to do, particularly with situations that are not in their control.
2. Double up on the compliments to all those in the journey marketplace who are under stress and making an attempt their ideal to accommodate some others – and continue to keep smiling whilst they do so, even if it be at a length of 6 feet.
3. Travel with an individual who can roll with the punches. I have travelled a number of situations right before with Dorothy, a fantastic good friend of mine for about 30 decades. It doesn’t damage also that she has fantastic tunes on her mobile phone, faces worries with grace, and realizes that if need be, we could generally lease an apartment on The Fantastic Ocean Street until the vacation constraints lifted.
4. Respect that our setbacks have been, indeed, basically setbacks! We normally experienced fuel for the car, food stuff for our tummies, beds for our sleeping, and thoroughly clean drinking water for our showers. Social distancing was conveniently doable. Many in the entire world do not get pleasure from such luxuries. Indeed, we need to have to watch them as luxuries!
5. Carry in your heart a prayer and empathy for these less fortunate. This decade it might be these influenced by COVID-19 another time it may possibly be one thing else that rears its ugly head. We are in this planet together and to help a person another collectively. In other words and phrases, give lots of virtual hugs.
6. Build an perspective that “This Far too Will Pass.” Be optimistic. Be cheerful. Really don’t give up on travel. The business requires you! It will bounce back again with your help!
I am residence now safe and sound and audio from wonderful Australia. I’m preserving my length when I undertaking sometimes from household. I’m assured that we will conquer this dreaded virus. Most likely a trip or two could have to be postponed. But, let us do what we can to support those people in the journey sector. Situations will lighten up. Vacation destinations will seek your assistance. With each other, “We’re Heading to Get By way of This.”
  Copyright © 2020 Bonnie Lynn
source http://cheaprtravels.com/travelmag-surfing-covid-on-a-final-tour-as-australasia-shut-down/
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inquarterlifecrisis · 6 years
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Walking Where I Used To It’s raining and I don’t feel like going outside, let alone working out, so I split the difference and walk the mile and a half to the library. After trying melatonin, meditation, herbal tea, and podcasts designed to lull one to sleep, the only thing that has been truly effective in breaking my nocturnal lifestyle is trashy thriller novels. I’m staying with my dad in my home town, in the first house I ever lived in. Frankly it’s not a homestead that has remained on my mind much, in the way that we can only discount those things that are so intrinsic to our identities. If you asked me to draw a picture of the veins in my forearms I’d be stymied— it’s not exactly a geography I’ve had to map. Of course it’s more complicated than that. My parents got divorced when I was seven, and my mother moved us into a new childhood home— all of half a mile away. For the record, I don’t resent my parents’ divorce in the slightest, and in no way is this a “woe is me” statement. But the fact remains that I can probably count my memories before the semi-relocation on one hand. From then on it was weekends with our father and the rest of the week with our mother. Mom went back to school and got her masters degree, while Dad took up furniture building and rock climbing. Late on Saturday nights, after my younger siblings had fallen asleep, Dad would train me on how to use a jigsaw by letting me carve out toys for my younger brother. By the time I was ten I had a hand in the execution of most of the furniture in our house, one weekend at a time. Mom’s house was equally special— she made use of the high ceiling in the room that my sister and I shared by having a loft built, which would eventually become my teenage refuge. I didn’t just learn to cook and bake there, but had the added pleasure of knowing that what I was making meant something. These weren’t just culinary experiments, it was literally dinner for our family. Not only was I at home, I was lucky enough to have two homes. Neither was perfunctory— I distinctly remember making excuses to walk from one to the other. Maybe because they were equally important. Maybe because I preferred the space between the two. Near the halfway point between my parents' respective houses was a pond. It wasn’t very big or very pretty, and it was definitely home to more than a few snapping turtles. But for some reason, it held an almost mystical attraction for me. Maybe because it seemed so cool that such a natural phenomenon existed so close to my respective suburban homes. Maybe because moody ten year-olds need a place to brood. I can’t remember who or when, but at some point an older kid showed me a hidden path from the road down to the wooded side of the pond. It lead to a fire pit, almost certainly littered with beer bottles and cigarette butts, though I was too young to notice these as signs of disrepute. Instead I just thought it was a secret place that I had the privilege of knowing about. This became my spot. I would “forget” a text book and need to walk over to my mom’s house. I would be meeting a friend to “skip stones”. Sometimes it was as simple as that age-old justification for all things shady— “going for a walk.” Inevitably this led to me spending at least ten minutes, crouched by the fire pit at the edge of the pond, hidden by branches, feeling inexplicably grateful for my stolen moments of solitude. When I first read my favorite book I was fifteen years old. I still prefer fiction, but two degrees and fifteen years later, this collection of essays continues to linger in the most influential recesses of my brain. In False Papers, author Andre Aciman explores his childhood in and subsequent return to Alexandria, life as an exile, falling in and out of love with vistas and women, Strauss Park in New York City, but above all, existence in a liminal state. Take “In Search of Blue”, the second essay in False Papers. Here Aciman recalls the train rides he took through Europe during his childhood. He describes the glimpses of the ocean constantly interrupted by the trees— the luxury of being transplanted to such a glamorous coastline, and the turmoil of being uprooted from his home country. As an adult he takes the same voyage with a lover, and has the opportunity to stay in a hotel room with a veranda harboring a fantastic and uninterrupted view of the very ocean he had so often caught sight of as the train sallied forward. “What do you do with so much blue once you’ve seen it?” Aciman asks. It’s too perfect. The things that we covet somehow become unfathomable set in relief to the ideal we held them up to. That’s not to say that they don’t meet our expectations— the crux of the matter is that we’d prefer to live with our expectations. I’m not trying to distill this to a “grass is always greener” analogy. It’s better described as the appeal of salted caramel. I guess this is where it would be appropriate to mine the confectionary vein and address Aciman’s Proustian roots. À la Recherche du Temps Perdu has controversially been translated as either A Remembrance of Things Past or In Search of Lost Time. Aciman would seem to favor the latter, judging not just by the aforementioned “In Search of Blue”, but more obviously the fifth essay in False Papers— “Letters from Illiers-Combray: In Search of Proust.” It’s not as simple as the madeleine. Like the water framed by the trees, it’s the pastry tempered by the tisane. Fortunately the temptation to look back through previous entries in this blog for my self-applied label “nostalgia junkie” was cut short by my recognition of the the inherent irony that lies therein. Recently I’ve felt compelled to bastardize the translation of both titles into a more frankensteinian moniker: “Research of Things Past.” Obviously unoriginal and unsexy without context, but perhaps worth considering all the same. I think we’ve all done a little bit of research into this subject that most consider banal. What is it to return to the place that you come from with an attitude that is both distanced and biased? An all-too-close researcher? My years living in New York City have given birth to many intellectual questions about anonymity. To presume that someone is looking at you on the subway seems, well, presumptuous. Self-conscious about a blemish on your face? Yeah, probably nobody noticed. Somebody cut you off getting onto the subway? Sure, they’re a jerk, but chances are that you’ll never see them again, so they escape under the cloak of anonymity. It’s not the same in my home town. I’m walking the paltry mile and a half to the library (a very normal distance to walk in NYC, especially if you’re trying to get across town, or to a better train, or whatever) and a car stops. The driver is somewhere in his forties, alone in his new, eco-friendly SUV, and he leans out the window. If I said he’d had an elbow on the window sill, cowboy style, I’d be lying, but that’s what it felt like. “Do you need a ride into town?” he asked. “No thanks, I’m enjoying the walk.” “Stay dry!” For the record, “town” was about a quarter of a mile away at that point, which roughly translates to two and a half avenue blocks— about as far as I walk to buy cat food. I’m an actress. Theoretically I should crave attention. And there are certain areas in the city where I am guaranteed to run into at least three people. I don’t mind it. In my own neighborhood in Brooklyn, I’m familiar with the people who work at the bodegas I frequent for juice and the managers of the grocery stores. Heck, I’m known as the “bubble bath girl” at my local pharmacy, and the gentleman who works there even sometimes hands me a free bottle and sends me on my merry way. But that’s the right kind of attention. I don’t like feeling like a weirdo because I’m walking somewhere and seeming out of place just because I’m “walking”. Isn’t it better to be able to get somewhere under one’s own steam? I suppose I don’t love being under a microscope. The ability to switch between anonymous and identifiable is more difficult in the town that I grew up in than in my chosen place of residence. If I say hello to the purveyor of a local business, or a new friend, or even an “old friend” that I run into when I’m out on an errand, well, that’s a choice. I don’t want to be rude, but they also don’t know my mom and my dad and my sister and my sister’s friends and where I went to school and on and on and on. All they expect is a hello— even a wave will suffice. I’ve spent enough time here for a sense of nostalgia to set in. And it has. But I don’t feel beholden to it. I can still duck under the radar if I want to. No microscope. No “What do you you do with all that blue now that you’ve seen it?” At this point, I crave less blue. I have my own liminal space— at least, in Brooklyn. When I go back to my hometown I feel like a shadow of the trees I used to admire, and the pure blue is not even something I want anymore. More importantly, at my Brooklyn home I have no feeling of unadulterated conspicuity just for walking somewhere because I need to. I can even walk for miles without feeling like a weirdo. A wave is enough. If a friend pulls his bike over to say hi, it’s a choice made by a very good friend— not a concerned citizen. Sometimes I hate the crowded nature of the subway, but it can also be my best friend. I love where I come from. And I love where I live now. The ability to be recognized in both places is— well— a blessing that I recognize. But like the pond I so appreciated as a child, liminal spaces are inherently interrupted. Our own personal interruptions lead to the chance for a lack of clarity— for anonymity. In my hometown I feel like there is sometimes too much blue, and I prefer the interrupted landscape that my current location affords me. If only to appease my own nostalgia-addled mind.
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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    Just over 3 years ago I thought I was losing my mind.
I mean literally… losing my mind.
My memory was failing me.
I found myself doing things – and I didn’t know why I was doing them…
My concentration was becoming noticeably weaker.
Sometimes I’d be faced with a very minor problem – and I just didn’t know what to do.
Or someone would be saying something and I couldn’t make sense of their words.
I’d started repeating myself too. Saying something.. and then realizing with a shock that I’d already said it less than an hour ago.
It got very slightly worse as the weeks wore on.
It was frightening. I found myself constantly worried about what was happening to me.
I’m fine now. Better than fine – I’m probably sharper now than I ever have been since my twenties.
But I never want to go back to how I was.
What made it worse was that this kind of condition has run in my family for generations.
Three different relatives of mine descend into a nightmare world where they knew things were going badly wrong for them mentally.
They knew their brain was starting to fail… they could feel it and experience it… but they felt powerless to stop it.
As the condition progressed… so did their despair.
If I knew anything – it was that I did not want to go down the same terrifying path that they went down.
My doctor told me I was simply experiencing the normal symptoms of growing older.
For him, I was just one more case. He’d seen it a thousand times. He’d see a thousand more.
But for me it was my life. And I felt I was losing my grip on it.
He told me to eat better and get outside a bit more. I did – but I still got progressively worse.
As I say, that was then. At the time I think everyone assumed I was going to slowly follow my relatives into a miserable decline of forgetfulness, confusion, and helplessness.
Thankfully, it didn’t work out that way.
And that’s in part because of a really fortunate accident I had just over 3 years ago. It led me to meet someone who, just in conversation, gave me an incredible break. One that changed my life forever.
A near miss – and a stroke of luck
I had been driving to my local mall – something I’d done hundreds of times previously. But as I approached it I didn’t recognize anything.
I had simply forgotten where I was. I turned into the parking lot… and I didn’t know where I was.
In my confusion, I’d stopped my car quite suddenly.
Which very nearly caused the car behind to rear-end me. He honked furiously at me.
I parked my car and apologized to him. I explained I’d got confused and that I was sorry.
Turned out he was extremely sympathetic.
We chatted for a few moments and he revealed that his wife had gone through a similar time some years previously. Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and moments where she simply didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.
Despite very good medical care her condition gradually worsened. So he had done some research on her behalf and found a natural and straightforward approach to addressing her deteriorating brain function.
Things got slowly better for her day-by-day. After some weeks the incidences of memory failure and confusion ceased completely. He told me his wife felt as mentally sharp as a young adult again.
He wrote down the name of the program they’d used. He suggested I try it since… I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I got home I ordered myself a copy – and I started to work on it that afternoon.
And thanks to that gentleman – for whom I had nearly caused a car accident – I too am as sharp and as alert, as I have ever been in my life.
The turnaround was extraordinary. And this is how it works.
The key factors to creating a strong brain have always been known…
Perhaps my biggest surprise with this program is discovering that when our memory is letting us down…
when our concentration is failing us time and again…
and we just seem to not be thinking like we used to…
…there are proven ways of restoring mental vitality that has been delivering outstanding results to tens of thousands of people for years and years.
And while I would always strongly advise that you follow your doctor’s instructions… I also thank my lucky stars I found a better way to undo these frightening changes that were taking place in my mind.
And over a short period of time, it returned me to mental strength and sharpness I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties.
And this is what it is
The essence of the program is very, very straightforward. It tackles the causes of this horrible condition right at its source… exactly where it actually starts.
Because these problems with poor memory, weak concentration, confusion… they don’t just happen for no reason.
It’s not just ‘old age’. Think about it. Your brain doesn’t sit there with a calendar marking off the days until it’s time for you to have a brain problem.
Instead, something is taking place in your body that is creating the symptoms that are worrying the life out of you.
Something is happening to you… and whatever that something is… it’s leading to the problems you’re having right now.
And as far as our cognitive decline is concerned, scientists have known – for some years now – what that something is.
It’s blood flow.
More to the point, it’s the lack of blood flow to the brain.
When blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain, the brain is starved of two things it badly needs in order to function properly: oxygen and nutrients.
And research scientists have proved beyond any doubt that a brain that receives a reduced amount of blood flow will start to malfunction.
You will begin to forget things.
You will become disoriented. Your focus will suffer. Your attention will weaken.
You will become increasingly confused.
Much, much worse… it will worsen over time.
The brain needs oxygen and it needs nutrients – and both these are delivered to it via blood flow. If that flow is being slowed or blocked in any way at all… then it’s getting less than it needs.
Starved of what it needs to perform efficiently… it starts performing nefficiently.
And this leads to what you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life. The mistakes, the errors, the losses of your conscious life are the result of misfirings inside your brain matter.
And this is not theory, conjecture, or an area that needs further study. It’s a fact.
The connection between reduced blood flow to the brain and steady, measurable brain decline has been researched and shown with both mice and with humans.
It was when I addressed blood flow problems to my brain that I finally turned the whole thing around – and got my life back again.
How I tackled this horrible condition
I learned quickly that I had to act quickly.
The deadly side-effect of chronic lack of oxygen is the production of sticky protein substances throughout the brain. These sticky clumps create a kind of ‘plaque’ that interferes with how brain neurons fire.
And wherever our neurons are having trouble firing is where we’re going to experience very real, very noticeable brain decline.
And it’s an ongoing process. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare – and quickly cleared away. In less than a healthy brain, they accumulate over time throughout the brain. It’s this steady clogging up of the brain that leads to our mental decline.
But there is one piece of really good news.
This clogging up of the brain is a process – not an event.
And like many processes it’s one that we can influence. It’s one we can directly act on ourselves.
Switching the brain back ‘on’
Imagine that the flow of blood and oxygen to your head is controlled by a tap. When you’re healthy the tap flows freely – nutrients and oxygen-laden blood reaches your brain, keeping it in excellent working order.
But in my case then – and probably in your case now – that tap was slowly being turned ‘off’.
For you, it’s not yet ‘off’ but you’re starting to notice that this is where it’s heading.
It’s heading to a state where you have no cognitive function, you can’t look after yourself, you don’t know what’s going on… A steady collapse of brain effectiveness.
We need to move it back to fully ‘on’.
If we can do that then blood flows freely again, oxygen reaches all the brain in the quantities needed.. and the brain finds its way back to fully functioning.
That’s exactly what I did for myself. And it’s an incredible experience.
I felt physically better after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if this was those plaques gradually clearing out of my brain…
Maybe it was parts of my brain that were under-performing suddenly coming back into life.
I really can’t say that I know.
But it felt like I’d been in a smoky room for the previous year… and then, all of a sudden, I found a door, opened it… and stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly lit day….
It was a startling transformation.
The Brain Booster
The program that the gentleman at the mall told me about is called The Brain Booster. It’s a very accurate name for the program. I do feel super-powered sometimes!
It was created by Christian Goodman. I used it to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to my brain and I have never looked back.
Christian’s approach to tackling illness is simple but stunningly effective. He recognizes that most illnesses come about because of normal lifestyle circumstances.
If we don’t address the lifestyle cause then, at best, the drugs we’re prescribed will only mask the illness. They suppress symptoms – but leave the illness still there.
For some health conditions that might work. For others, it works sometimes.
But for brain problems, well, once that starts going bad it continues going bad unless it’s dealt with head-on. No playing with symptoms here.
You get rid of it or, in the end, it gets rid of you.
So why is blood to your brain being restricted?
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels – veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
We’re used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels – arteries and veins – are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if they’re to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat – and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then… arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they don’t have the same freedom to move anymore.
Surrounded by tight, inflexible internal muscles they don’t have the freedom to flex and expand with each heartbeat. And that directly affects the amount of oxygenated blood they can transport to your brain.
With each heartbeat we’re not quite sending the brain the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly.
There’s only so much of this your brain can take before its ability to function starts to decline. And you start to notice that decline.
Internal muscle tightness is normal – yet deadly
And those internal muscles do get tighter over time. It’s not your fault but, until you know it’s happening to you, it is largely unavoidable.
Unfortunately, tightness in some of those deeper muscles is almost impossible for us to feel or notice until it causes other problems – like blood flow problems and brain decline.
And blood flow problems are serious problems.
Because the longer that deprivation continues the more pronounced those symptoms are going to become.
Until one day we reach the point of no return.
But if you’re worried about your own brain health there is good news
I started turning that flow of oxygen-rich blood back on in days. In weeks I was mentally sharper than I ever remember being.
And I’ve been that way now for 3 years.
Christian Goodman’s Brain Booster showed me what I needed to do to be rid of this problem for life. I did as he instructed and I got the results.
The 3 vital keys to restoring fantastic brain health
1. Breathing for the brain
I learned quickly there’s a difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘breathing so your brain gets maximum oxygen’.
We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day. So even the smallest problem with the way our body breathes is being repeated 20,000 times – every single day.
Can you imagine how a tiny bit of oxygen deprivation in each breath is going to damage your brain over the coming weeks and months?
Whereas a small improvement in each breath brings you a little more life-giving air per breath, 20,000 times a day.
Honestly, by the second day of practicing better breathing I felt more alive and alert than I had done for years.
I now take proper breathing very seriously. I’ve not had a single symptom of memory loss, brain fog, or confusion for over three years… but I still do these exercises at least once every day. Because I want to keep it that way.
2. Fix the muscles that are suffocating your brain
There’s no compromise on this: if tense, inflexible internal muscles are pushing arteries up against bones or organs, allowing them no freedom to move even a tiny bit… they’re not going to be able to expand in order to allow blood to flow through.
Squashed arteries can’t deliver oxygen or nutrients where you so desperately need them.
No matter how perfect your breathing technique… that life-enhancing breath isn’t going to get where it’s needed – and you’re going to lose oxygen to the brain.
It’s internal muscles that cause most of the problems. I had to make those muscles relaxed and pliable once more. And I had to do it without delay.
Otherwise, my brain faced chronic oxygen deprivation – and I faced catastrophic, irreversible cognitive decline.
3. Target oxygen directly to the brain
Ever wondered why different people experience different combinations of symptoms?
Dizziness, forgetfulness, low moods, loss of physical balance, difficulty in recognizing faces, confusion over where you are or what you’re doing…
Why is it that you and I can suffer the same condition – reduced blood flow to the brain – yet we have different sets of symptoms?
It’s because different parts of our brains are being damaged. You’re experiencing oxygen-loss in one area, I’m experiencing it in another.
Both of us will end up in the same terrible state in the end. But in the early stages, the illness can look different for both of us.
Fortunately, there’s a very powerful way that humans can cause blood to move from one brain area to another. It mimics exactly something your body already does to divert oxygen to different parts of the head.
A couple of minutes of doing this each day delivers replenishing oxygen to parts of the brain that are right now being systematically starved of it.
I followed Christian’s instructions to the letter. And I can honestly say that my troubles just melted away as my brain sparkled back into life again and I freed myself of worry – and fear – over my failing health.
Did somebody say ‘exercise’?
Let’s be clear: when I say I did ‘exercises’ don’t for a moment imagine these were strenuous, difficult exercises that made me puff or sweat!
Almost every single one can be done either sitting down, lying down – or both.
So I would do one exercise while out walking, another while at home preparing food for dinner and a third while sitting watching television.
There are several to choose from and even today I still do most of them – just for maintenance purposes. And on long car journeys every time we’re stopped at lights I’ll do one of the exercises until we move again.
There’s even one that’ll make you laugh while you’re doing it!
But don’t underestimate what these exercises will do for you.
They’re easy. But they’re powerful.
Is this a magic remedy created by a genius inventor?
No, not at all!
Christian Goodman isn’t claiming to be the genius creator of some deeply mysterious miracle remedy. As with his other programs, he has taken known science and already-proven methods… and brought them together to create a program that literally transforms a person’s brain health.
He tests thoroughly and – best of all – He 100% guarantees his programs.
However he does it, I’m so glad he does. I found The Brain Booster just when I absolutely needed it most. I can’t imagine – I don’t want to imagine – where I’d be today if I’d not taken this chance to make things better for myself.
How about you?
If you’re feeling the worry that I felt when I first realized I had a problem – then you have my sympathies.
I first tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, that it was just something that happened as you get older.
I soon learned it wasn’t something that ‘just happened’. And that for my own sake I needed to address it once and for all.
I did just that. And I’m so glad, so relieved that I’m where I am today. If I’d left it… I just don’t want to think about what I’d be like today.
If you’re ready to address this once and for all then click here and order your copy of Brain Booster. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Avoid the slippery slope
We know it’s true but it’s worth reminding ourselves: this condition – memory loss, confusion, inability to understand or focus – doesn’t clear itself up.
It’s a process that has already started. And it heads in one awful direction only.
Fortunately, it can be tackled head-on and, as I and over four thousand other people have found out, it can be so completely treated that we end up more mentally capable than we’ve been since our twenties.
Don’t just leave this. It only heads in one direction. Click here and start addressing your brain health today…
There is only a nightmare at the end of this
Some conditions you can leave for 6 months. They don’t get disastrously worse.
But that’s not true when we’re finding ourselves noticeably more forgetful or confused. Some changes we feel almost overnight. Our problem here is that reversing this kind of condition is more difficult the longer it has gone on.
There comes a point where we’re simply unable to help ourselves anymore. And that’s it. Game over. We’re able to realize what’s happening to us. But we’re unable to fight it anymore.
Don’t do this to yourself. Act now, get it done and then move on. You need to do this…
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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    Just over 3 years ago I thought I was losing my mind.
I mean literally… losing my mind.
My memory was failing me.
I found myself doing things – and I didn’t know why I was doing them…
My concentration was becoming noticeably weaker.
Sometimes I’d be faced with a very minor problem – and I just didn’t know what to do.
Or someone would be saying something and I couldn’t make sense of their words.
I’d started repeating myself too. Saying something.. and then realizing with a shock that I’d already said it less than an hour ago.
It got very slightly worse as the weeks wore on.
It was frightening. I found myself constantly worried about what was happening to me.
I’m fine now. Better than fine – I’m probably sharper now than I ever have been since my twenties.
But I never want to go back to how I was.
What made it worse was that this kind of condition has run in my family for generations.
Three different relatives of mine descend into a nightmare world where they knew things were going badly wrong for them mentally.
They knew their brain was starting to fail… they could feel it and experience it… but they felt powerless to stop it.
As the condition progressed… so did their despair.
If I knew anything – it was that I did not want to go down the same terrifying path that they went down.
My doctor told me I was simply experiencing the normal symptoms of growing older.
For him, I was just one more case. He’d seen it a thousand times. He’d see a thousand more.
But for me it was my life. And I felt I was losing my grip on it.
He told me to eat better and get outside a bit more. I did – but I still got progressively worse.
As I say, that was then. At the time I think everyone assumed I was going to slowly follow my relatives into a miserable decline of forgetfulness, confusion, and helplessness.
Thankfully, it didn’t work out that way.
And that’s in part because of a really fortunate accident I had just over 3 years ago. It led me to meet someone who, just in conversation, gave me an incredible break. One that changed my life forever.
A near miss – and a stroke of luck
I had been driving to my local mall – something I’d done hundreds of times previously. But as I approached it I didn’t recognize anything.
I had simply forgotten where I was. I turned into the parking lot… and I didn’t know where I was.
In my confusion, I’d stopped my car quite suddenly.
Which very nearly caused the car behind to rear-end me. He honked furiously at me.
I parked my car and apologized to him. I explained I’d got confused and that I was sorry.
Turned out he was extremely sympathetic.
We chatted for a few moments and he revealed that his wife had gone through a similar time some years previously. Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and moments where she simply didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.
Despite very good medical care her condition gradually worsened. So he had done some research on her behalf and found a natural and straightforward approach to addressing her deteriorating brain function.
Things got slowly better for her day-by-day. After some weeks the incidences of memory failure and confusion ceased completely. He told me his wife felt as mentally sharp as a young adult again.
He wrote down the name of the program they’d used. He suggested I try it since… I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I got home I ordered myself a copy – and I started to work on it that afternoon.
And thanks to that gentleman – for whom I had nearly caused a car accident – I too am as sharp and as alert, as I have ever been in my life.
The turnaround was extraordinary. And this is how it works.
The key factors to creating a strong brain have always been known…
Perhaps my biggest surprise with this program is discovering that when our memory is letting us down…
when our concentration is failing us time and again…
and we just seem to not be thinking like we used to…
…there are proven ways of restoring mental vitality that has been delivering outstanding results to tens of thousands of people for years and years.
And while I would always strongly advise that you follow your doctor’s instructions… I also thank my lucky stars I found a better way to undo these frightening changes that were taking place in my mind.
And over a short period of time, it returned me to mental strength and sharpness I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties.
And this is what it is
The essence of the program is very, very straightforward. It tackles the causes of this horrible condition right at its source… exactly where it actually starts.
Because these problems with poor memory, weak concentration, confusion… they don’t just happen for no reason.
It’s not just ‘old age’. Think about it. Your brain doesn’t sit there with a calendar marking off the days until it’s time for you to have a brain problem.
Instead, something is taking place in your body that is creating the symptoms that are worrying the life out of you.
Something is happening to you… and whatever that something is… it’s leading to the problems you’re having right now.
And as far as our cognitive decline is concerned, scientists have known – for some years now – what that something is.
It’s blood flow.
More to the point, it’s the lack of blood flow to the brain.
When blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain, the brain is starved of two things it badly needs in order to function properly: oxygen and nutrients.
And research scientists have proved beyond any doubt that a brain that receives a reduced amount of blood flow will start to malfunction.
You will begin to forget things.
You will become disoriented. Your focus will suffer. Your attention will weaken.
You will become increasingly confused.
Much, much worse… it will worsen over time.
The brain needs oxygen and it needs nutrients – and both these are delivered to it via blood flow. If that flow is being slowed or blocked in any way at all… then it’s getting less than it needs.
Starved of what it needs to perform efficiently… it starts performing nefficiently.
And this leads to what you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life. The mistakes, the errors, the losses of your conscious life are the result of misfirings inside your brain matter.
And this is not theory, conjecture, or an area that needs further study. It’s a fact.
The connection between reduced blood flow to the brain and steady, measurable brain decline has been researched and shown with both mice and with humans.
It was when I addressed blood flow problems to my brain that I finally turned the whole thing around – and got my life back again.
How I tackled this horrible condition
I learned quickly that I had to act quickly.
The deadly side-effect of chronic lack of oxygen is the production of sticky protein substances throughout the brain. These sticky clumps create a kind of ‘plaque’ that interferes with how brain neurons fire.
And wherever our neurons are having trouble firing is where we’re going to experience very real, very noticeable brain decline.
And it’s an ongoing process. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare – and quickly cleared away. In less than a healthy brain, they accumulate over time throughout the brain. It’s this steady clogging up of the brain that leads to our mental decline.
But there is one piece of really good news.
This clogging up of the brain is a process – not an event.
And like many processes it’s one that we can influence. It’s one we can directly act on ourselves.
Switching the brain back ‘on’
Imagine that the flow of blood and oxygen to your head is controlled by a tap. When you’re healthy the tap flows freely – nutrients and oxygen-laden blood reaches your brain, keeping it in excellent working order.
But in my case then – and probably in your case now – that tap was slowly being turned ‘off’.
For you, it’s not yet ‘off’ but you’re starting to notice that this is where it’s heading.
It’s heading to a state where you have no cognitive function, you can’t look after yourself, you don’t know what’s going on… A steady collapse of brain effectiveness.
We need to move it back to fully ‘on’.
If we can do that then blood flows freely again, oxygen reaches all the brain in the quantities needed.. and the brain finds its way back to fully functioning.
That’s exactly what I did for myself. And it’s an incredible experience.
I felt physically better after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if this was those plaques gradually clearing out of my brain…
Maybe it was parts of my brain that were under-performing suddenly coming back into life.
I really can’t say that I know.
But it felt like I’d been in a smoky room for the previous year… and then, all of a sudden, I found a door, opened it… and stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly lit day….
It was a startling transformation.
The Brain Booster
The program that the gentleman at the mall told me about is called The Brain Booster. It’s a very accurate name for the program. I do feel super-powered sometimes!
It was created by Christian Goodman. I used it to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to my brain and I have never looked back.
Christian’s approach to tackling illness is simple but stunningly effective. He recognizes that most illnesses come about because of normal lifestyle circumstances.
If we don’t address the lifestyle cause then, at best, the drugs we’re prescribed will only mask the illness. They suppress symptoms – but leave the illness still there.
For some health conditions that might work. For others, it works sometimes.
But for brain problems, well, once that starts going bad it continues going bad unless it’s dealt with head-on. No playing with symptoms here.
You get rid of it or, in the end, it gets rid of you.
So why is blood to your brain being restricted?
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels – veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
We’re used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels – arteries and veins – are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if they’re to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat – and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then… arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they don’t have the same freedom to move anymore.
Surrounded by tight, inflexible internal muscles they don’t have the freedom to flex and expand with each heartbeat. And that directly affects the amount of oxygenated blood they can transport to your brain.
With each heartbeat we’re not quite sending the brain the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly.
There’s only so much of this your brain can take before its ability to function starts to decline. And you start to notice that decline.
Internal muscle tightness is normal – yet deadly
And those internal muscles do get tighter over time. It’s not your fault but, until you know it’s happening to you, it is largely unavoidable.
Unfortunately, tightness in some of those deeper muscles is almost impossible for us to feel or notice until it causes other problems – like blood flow problems and brain decline.
And blood flow problems are serious problems.
Because the longer that deprivation continues the more pronounced those symptoms are going to become.
Until one day we reach the point of no return.
But if you’re worried about your own brain health there is good news
I started turning that flow of oxygen-rich blood back on in days. In weeks I was mentally sharper than I ever remember being.
And I’ve been that way now for 3 years.
Christian Goodman’s Brain Booster showed me what I needed to do to be rid of this problem for life. I did as he instructed and I got the results.
The 3 vital keys to restoring fantastic brain health
1. Breathing for the brain
I learned quickly there’s a difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘breathing so your brain gets maximum oxygen’.
We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day. So even the smallest problem with the way our body breathes is being repeated 20,000 times – every single day.
Can you imagine how a tiny bit of oxygen deprivation in each breath is going to damage your brain over the coming weeks and months?
Whereas a small improvement in each breath brings you a little more life-giving air per breath, 20,000 times a day.
Honestly, by the second day of practicing better breathing I felt more alive and alert than I had done for years.
I now take proper breathing very seriously. I’ve not had a single symptom of memory loss, brain fog, or confusion for over three years… but I still do these exercises at least once every day. Because I want to keep it that way.
2. Fix the muscles that are suffocating your brain
There’s no compromise on this: if tense, inflexible internal muscles are pushing arteries up against bones or organs, allowing them no freedom to move even a tiny bit… they’re not going to be able to expand in order to allow blood to flow through.
Squashed arteries can’t deliver oxygen or nutrients where you so desperately need them.
No matter how perfect your breathing technique… that life-enhancing breath isn’t going to get where it’s needed – and you’re going to lose oxygen to the brain.
It’s internal muscles that cause most of the problems. I had to make those muscles relaxed and pliable once more. And I had to do it without delay.
Otherwise, my brain faced chronic oxygen deprivation – and I faced catastrophic, irreversible cognitive decline.
3. Target oxygen directly to the brain
Ever wondered why different people experience different combinations of symptoms?
Dizziness, forgetfulness, low moods, loss of physical balance, difficulty in recognizing faces, confusion over where you are or what you’re doing…
Why is it that you and I can suffer the same condition – reduced blood flow to the brain – yet we have different sets of symptoms?
It’s because different parts of our brains are being damaged. You’re experiencing oxygen-loss in one area, I’m experiencing it in another.
Both of us will end up in the same terrible state in the end. But in the early stages, the illness can look different for both of us.
Fortunately, there’s a very powerful way that humans can cause blood to move from one brain area to another. It mimics exactly something your body already does to divert oxygen to different parts of the head.
A couple of minutes of doing this each day delivers replenishing oxygen to parts of the brain that are right now being systematically starved of it.
I followed Christian’s instructions to the letter. And I can honestly say that my troubles just melted away as my brain sparkled back into life again and I freed myself of worry – and fear – over my failing health.
Did somebody say ‘exercise’?
Let’s be clear: when I say I did ‘exercises’ don’t for a moment imagine these were strenuous, difficult exercises that made me puff or sweat!
Almost every single one can be done either sitting down, lying down – or both.
So I would do one exercise while out walking, another while at home preparing food for dinner and a third while sitting watching television.
There are several to choose from and even today I still do most of them – just for maintenance purposes. And on long car journeys every time we’re stopped at lights I’ll do one of the exercises until we move again.
There’s even one that’ll make you laugh while you’re doing it!
But don’t underestimate what these exercises will do for you.
They’re easy. But they’re powerful.
Is this a magic remedy created by a genius inventor?
No, not at all!
Christian Goodman isn’t claiming to be the genius creator of some deeply mysterious miracle remedy. As with his other programs, he has taken known science and already-proven methods… and brought them together to create a program that literally transforms a person’s brain health.
He tests thoroughly and – best of all – He 100% guarantees his programs.
However he does it, I’m so glad he does. I found The Brain Booster just when I absolutely needed it most. I can’t imagine – I don’t want to imagine – where I’d be today if I’d not taken this chance to make things better for myself.
How about you?
If you’re feeling the worry that I felt when I first realized I had a problem – then you have my sympathies.
I first tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, that it was just something that happened as you get older.
I soon learned it wasn’t something that ‘just happened’. And that for my own sake I needed to address it once and for all.
I did just that. And I’m so glad, so relieved that I’m where I am today. If I’d left it… I just don’t want to think about what I’d be like today.
If you’re ready to address this once and for all then click here and order your copy of Brain Booster. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Avoid the slippery slope
We know it’s true but it’s worth reminding ourselves: this condition – memory loss, confusion, inability to understand or focus – doesn’t clear itself up.
It’s a process that has already started. And it heads in one awful direction only.
Fortunately, it can be tackled head-on and, as I and over four thousand other people have found out, it can be so completely treated that we end up more mentally capable than we’ve been since our twenties.
Don’t just leave this. It only heads in one direction. Click here and start addressing your brain health today…
There is only a nightmare at the end of this
Some conditions you can leave for 6 months. They don’t get disastrously worse.
But that’s not true when we’re finding ourselves noticeably more forgetful or confused. Some changes we feel almost overnight. Our problem here is that reversing this kind of condition is more difficult the longer it has gone on.
There comes a point where we’re simply unable to help ourselves anymore. And that’s it. Game over. We’re able to realize what’s happening to us. But we’re unable to fight it anymore.
Don’t do this to yourself. Act now, get it done and then move on. You need to do this…
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allenmendezsr · 3 years
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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    Just over 3 years ago I thought I was losing my mind.
I mean literally… losing my mind.
My memory was failing me.
I found myself doing things – and I didn’t know why I was doing them…
My concentration was becoming noticeably weaker.
Sometimes I’d be faced with a very minor problem – and I just didn’t know what to do.
Or someone would be saying something and I couldn’t make sense of their words.
I’d started repeating myself too. Saying something.. and then realizing with a shock that I’d already said it less than an hour ago.
It got very slightly worse as the weeks wore on.
It was frightening. I found myself constantly worried about what was happening to me.
I’m fine now. Better than fine – I’m probably sharper now than I ever have been since my twenties.
But I never want to go back to how I was.
What made it worse was that this kind of condition has run in my family for generations.
Three different relatives of mine descend into a nightmare world where they knew things were going badly wrong for them mentally.
They knew their brain was starting to fail… they could feel it and experience it… but they felt powerless to stop it.
As the condition progressed… so did their despair.
If I knew anything – it was that I did not want to go down the same terrifying path that they went down.
My doctor told me I was simply experiencing the normal symptoms of growing older.
For him, I was just one more case. He’d seen it a thousand times. He’d see a thousand more.
But for me it was my life. And I felt I was losing my grip on it.
He told me to eat better and get outside a bit more. I did – but I still got progressively worse.
As I say, that was then. At the time I think everyone assumed I was going to slowly follow my relatives into a miserable decline of forgetfulness, confusion, and helplessness.
Thankfully, it didn’t work out that way.
And that’s in part because of a really fortunate accident I had just over 3 years ago. It led me to meet someone who, just in conversation, gave me an incredible break. One that changed my life forever.
A near miss – and a stroke of luck
I had been driving to my local mall – something I’d done hundreds of times previously. But as I approached it I didn’t recognize anything.
I had simply forgotten where I was. I turned into the parking lot… and I didn’t know where I was.
In my confusion, I’d stopped my car quite suddenly.
Which very nearly caused the car behind to rear-end me. He honked furiously at me.
I parked my car and apologized to him. I explained I’d got confused and that I was sorry.
Turned out he was extremely sympathetic.
We chatted for a few moments and he revealed that his wife had gone through a similar time some years previously. Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and moments where she simply didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.
Despite very good medical care her condition gradually worsened. So he had done some research on her behalf and found a natural and straightforward approach to addressing her deteriorating brain function.
Things got slowly better for her day-by-day. After some weeks the incidences of memory failure and confusion ceased completely. He told me his wife felt as mentally sharp as a young adult again.
He wrote down the name of the program they’d used. He suggested I try it since… I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I got home I ordered myself a copy – and I started to work on it that afternoon.
And thanks to that gentleman – for whom I had nearly caused a car accident – I too am as sharp and as alert, as I have ever been in my life.
The turnaround was extraordinary. And this is how it works.
The key factors to creating a strong brain have always been known…
Perhaps my biggest surprise with this program is discovering that when our memory is letting us down…
when our concentration is failing us time and again…
and we just seem to not be thinking like we used to…
…there are proven ways of restoring mental vitality that has been delivering outstanding results to tens of thousands of people for years and years.
And while I would always strongly advise that you follow your doctor’s instructions… I also thank my lucky stars I found a better way to undo these frightening changes that were taking place in my mind.
And over a short period of time, it returned me to mental strength and sharpness I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties.
And this is what it is
The essence of the program is very, very straightforward. It tackles the causes of this horrible condition right at its source… exactly where it actually starts.
Because these problems with poor memory, weak concentration, confusion… they don’t just happen for no reason.
It’s not just ‘old age’. Think about it. Your brain doesn’t sit there with a calendar marking off the days until it’s time for you to have a brain problem.
Instead, something is taking place in your body that is creating the symptoms that are worrying the life out of you.
Something is happening to you… and whatever that something is… it’s leading to the problems you’re having right now.
And as far as our cognitive decline is concerned, scientists have known – for some years now – what that something is.
It’s blood flow.
More to the point, it’s the lack of blood flow to the brain.
When blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain, the brain is starved of two things it badly needs in order to function properly: oxygen and nutrients.
And research scientists have proved beyond any doubt that a brain that receives a reduced amount of blood flow will start to malfunction.
You will begin to forget things.
You will become disoriented. Your focus will suffer. Your attention will weaken.
You will become increasingly confused.
Much, much worse… it will worsen over time.
The brain needs oxygen and it needs nutrients – and both these are delivered to it via blood flow. If that flow is being slowed or blocked in any way at all… then it’s getting less than it needs.
Starved of what it needs to perform efficiently… it starts performing nefficiently.
And this leads to what you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life. The mistakes, the errors, the losses of your conscious life are the result of misfirings inside your brain matter.
And this is not theory, conjecture, or an area that needs further study. It’s a fact.
The connection between reduced blood flow to the brain and steady, measurable brain decline has been researched and shown with both mice and with humans.
It was when I addressed blood flow problems to my brain that I finally turned the whole thing around – and got my life back again.
How I tackled this horrible condition
I learned quickly that I had to act quickly.
The deadly side-effect of chronic lack of oxygen is the production of sticky protein substances throughout the brain. These sticky clumps create a kind of ��plaque’ that interferes with how brain neurons fire.
And wherever our neurons are having trouble firing is where we’re going to experience very real, very noticeable brain decline.
And it’s an ongoing process. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare – and quickly cleared away. In less than a healthy brain, they accumulate over time throughout the brain. It’s this steady clogging up of the brain that leads to our mental decline.
But there is one piece of really good news.
This clogging up of the brain is a process – not an event.
And like many processes it’s one that we can influence. It’s one we can directly act on ourselves.
Switching the brain back ‘on’
Imagine that the flow of blood and oxygen to your head is controlled by a tap. When you’re healthy the tap flows freely – nutrients and oxygen-laden blood reaches your brain, keeping it in excellent working order.
But in my case then – and probably in your case now – that tap was slowly being turned ‘off’.
For you, it’s not yet ‘off’ but you’re starting to notice that this is where it’s heading.
It’s heading to a state where you have no cognitive function, you can’t look after yourself, you don’t know what’s going on… A steady collapse of brain effectiveness.
We need to move it back to fully ‘on’.
If we can do that then blood flows freely again, oxygen reaches all the brain in the quantities needed.. and the brain finds its way back to fully functioning.
That’s exactly what I did for myself. And it’s an incredible experience.
I felt physically better after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if this was those plaques gradually clearing out of my brain…
Maybe it was parts of my brain that were under-performing suddenly coming back into life.
I really can’t say that I know.
But it felt like I’d been in a smoky room for the previous year… and then, all of a sudden, I found a door, opened it… and stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly lit day….
It was a startling transformation.
The Brain Booster
The program that the gentleman at the mall told me about is called The Brain Booster. It’s a very accurate name for the program. I do feel super-powered sometimes!
It was created by Christian Goodman. I used it to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to my brain and I have never looked back.
Christian’s approach to tackling illness is simple but stunningly effective. He recognizes that most illnesses come about because of normal lifestyle circumstances.
If we don’t address the lifestyle cause then, at best, the drugs we’re prescribed will only mask the illness. They suppress symptoms – but leave the illness still there.
For some health conditions that might work. For others, it works sometimes.
But for brain problems, well, once that starts going bad it continues going bad unless it’s dealt with head-on. No playing with symptoms here.
You get rid of it or, in the end, it gets rid of you.
So why is blood to your brain being restricted?
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels – veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
We’re used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels – arteries and veins – are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if they’re to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat – and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then… arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they don’t have the same freedom to move anymore.
Surrounded by tight, inflexible internal muscles they don’t have the freedom to flex and expand with each heartbeat. And that directly affects the amount of oxygenated blood they can transport to your brain.
With each heartbeat we’re not quite sending the brain the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly.
There’s only so much of this your brain can take before its ability to function starts to decline. And you start to notice that decline.
Internal muscle tightness is normal – yet deadly
And those internal muscles do get tighter over time. It’s not your fault but, until you know it’s happening to you, it is largely unavoidable.
Unfortunately, tightness in some of those deeper muscles is almost impossible for us to feel or notice until it causes other problems – like blood flow problems and brain decline.
And blood flow problems are serious problems.
Because the longer that deprivation continues the more pronounced those symptoms are going to become.
Until one day we reach the point of no return.
But if you’re worried about your own brain health there is good news
I started turning that flow of oxygen-rich blood back on in days. In weeks I was mentally sharper than I ever remember being.
And I’ve been that way now for 3 years.
Christian Goodman’s Brain Booster showed me what I needed to do to be rid of this problem for life. I did as he instructed and I got the results.
The 3 vital keys to restoring fantastic brain health
1. Breathing for the brain
I learned quickly there’s a difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘breathing so your brain gets maximum oxygen’.
We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day. So even the smallest problem with the way our body breathes is being repeated 20,000 times – every single day.
Can you imagine how a tiny bit of oxygen deprivation in each breath is going to damage your brain over the coming weeks and months?
Whereas a small improvement in each breath brings you a little more life-giving air per breath, 20,000 times a day.
Honestly, by the second day of practicing better breathing I felt more alive and alert than I had done for years.
I now take proper breathing very seriously. I’ve not had a single symptom of memory loss, brain fog, or confusion for over three years… but I still do these exercises at least once every day. Because I want to keep it that way.
2. Fix the muscles that are suffocating your brain
There’s no compromise on this: if tense, inflexible internal muscles are pushing arteries up against bones or organs, allowing them no freedom to move even a tiny bit… they’re not going to be able to expand in order to allow blood to flow through.
Squashed arteries can’t deliver oxygen or nutrients where you so desperately need them.
No matter how perfect your breathing technique… that life-enhancing breath isn’t going to get where it’s needed – and you’re going to lose oxygen to the brain.
It’s internal muscles that cause most of the problems. I had to make those muscles relaxed and pliable once more. And I had to do it without delay.
Otherwise, my brain faced chronic oxygen deprivation – and I faced catastrophic, irreversible cognitive decline.
3. Target oxygen directly to the brain
Ever wondered why different people experience different combinations of symptoms?
Dizziness, forgetfulness, low moods, loss of physical balance, difficulty in recognizing faces, confusion over where you are or what you’re doing…
Why is it that you and I can suffer the same condition – reduced blood flow to the brain – yet we have different sets of symptoms?
It’s because different parts of our brains are being damaged. You’re experiencing oxygen-loss in one area, I’m experiencing it in another.
Both of us will end up in the same terrible state in the end. But in the early stages, the illness can look different for both of us.
Fortunately, there’s a very powerful way that humans can cause blood to move from one brain area to another. It mimics exactly something your body already does to divert oxygen to different parts of the head.
A couple of minutes of doing this each day delivers replenishing oxygen to parts of the brain that are right now being systematically starved of it.
I followed Christian’s instructions to the letter. And I can honestly say that my troubles just melted away as my brain sparkled back into life again and I freed myself of worry – and fear – over my failing health.
Did somebody say ‘exercise’?
Let’s be clear: when I say I did ‘exercises’ don’t for a moment imagine these were strenuous, difficult exercises that made me puff or sweat!
Almost every single one can be done either sitting down, lying down – or both.
So I would do one exercise while out walking, another while at home preparing food for dinner and a third while sitting watching television.
There are several to choose from and even today I still do most of them – just for maintenance purposes. And on long car journeys every time we’re stopped at lights I’ll do one of the exercises until we move again.
There’s even one that’ll make you laugh while you’re doing it!
But don’t underestimate what these exercises will do for you.
They’re easy. But they’re powerful.
Is this a magic remedy created by a genius inventor?
No, not at all!
Christian Goodman isn’t claiming to be the genius creator of some deeply mysterious miracle remedy. As with his other programs, he has taken known science and already-proven methods… and brought them together to create a program that literally transforms a person’s brain health.
He tests thoroughly and – best of all – He 100% guarantees his programs.
However he does it, I’m so glad he does. I found The Brain Booster just when I absolutely needed it most. I can’t imagine – I don’t want to imagine – where I’d be today if I’d not taken this chance to make things better for myself.
How about you?
If you’re feeling the worry that I felt when I first realized I had a problem – then you have my sympathies.
I first tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, that it was just something that happened as you get older.
I soon learned it wasn’t something that ‘just happened’. And that for my own sake I needed to address it once and for all.
I did just that. And I’m so glad, so relieved that I’m where I am today. If I’d left it… I just don’t want to think about what I’d be like today.
If you’re ready to address this once and for all then click here and order your copy of Brain Booster. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Avoid the slippery slope
We know it’s true but it’s worth reminding ourselves: this condition – memory loss, confusion, inability to understand or focus – doesn’t clear itself up.
It’s a process that has already started. And it heads in one awful direction only.
Fortunately, it can be tackled head-on and, as I and over four thousand other people have found out, it can be so completely treated that we end up more mentally capable than we’ve been since our twenties.
Don’t just leave this. It only heads in one direction. Click here and start addressing your brain health today…
There is only a nightmare at the end of this
Some conditions you can leave for 6 months. They don’t get disastrously worse.
But that’s not true when we’re finding ourselves noticeably more forgetful or confused. Some changes we feel almost overnight. Our problem here is that reversing this kind of condition is more difficult the longer it has gone on.
There comes a point where we’re simply unable to help ourselves anymore. And that’s it. Game over. We’re able to realize what’s happening to us. But we’re unable to fight it anymore.
Don’t do this to yourself. Act now, get it done and then move on. You need to do this…
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 3 years
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/alzheimers-dementia-brain-health/
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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    Just over 3 years ago I thought I was losing my mind.
I mean literally… losing my mind.
My memory was failing me.
I found myself doing things – and I didn’t know why I was doing them…
My concentration was becoming noticeably weaker.
Sometimes I’d be faced with a very minor problem – and I just didn’t know what to do.
Or someone would be saying something and I couldn’t make sense of their words.
I’d started repeating myself too. Saying something.. and then realizing with a shock that I’d already said it less than an hour ago.
It got very slightly worse as the weeks wore on.
It was frightening. I found myself constantly worried about what was happening to me.
I’m fine now. Better than fine – I’m probably sharper now than I ever have been since my twenties.
But I never want to go back to how I was.
What made it worse was that this kind of condition has run in my family for generations.
Three different relatives of mine descend into a nightmare world where they knew things were going badly wrong for them mentally.
They knew their brain was starting to fail… they could feel it and experience it… but they felt powerless to stop it.
As the condition progressed… so did their despair.
If I knew anything – it was that I did not want to go down the same terrifying path that they went down.
My doctor told me I was simply experiencing the normal symptoms of growing older.
For him, I was just one more case. He’d seen it a thousand times. He’d see a thousand more.
But for me it was my life. And I felt I was losing my grip on it.
He told me to eat better and get outside a bit more. I did – but I still got progressively worse.
As I say, that was then. At the time I think everyone assumed I was going to slowly follow my relatives into a miserable decline of forgetfulness, confusion, and helplessness.
Thankfully, it didn’t work out that way.
And that’s in part because of a really fortunate accident I had just over 3 years ago. It led me to meet someone who, just in conversation, gave me an incredible break. One that changed my life forever.
A near miss – and a stroke of luck
I had been driving to my local mall – something I’d done hundreds of times previously. But as I approached it I didn’t recognize anything.
I had simply forgotten where I was. I turned into the parking lot… and I didn’t know where I was.
In my confusion, I’d stopped my car quite suddenly.
Which very nearly caused the car behind to rear-end me. He honked furiously at me.
I parked my car and apologized to him. I explained I’d got confused and that I was sorry.
Turned out he was extremely sympathetic.
We chatted for a few moments and he revealed that his wife had gone through a similar time some years previously. Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and moments where she simply didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.
Despite very good medical care her condition gradually worsened. So he had done some research on her behalf and found a natural and straightforward approach to addressing her deteriorating brain function.
Things got slowly better for her day-by-day. After some weeks the incidences of memory failure and confusion ceased completely. He told me his wife felt as mentally sharp as a young adult again.
He wrote down the name of the program they’d used. He suggested I try it since… I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I got home I ordered myself a copy – and I started to work on it that afternoon.
And thanks to that gentleman – for whom I had nearly caused a car accident – I too am as sharp and as alert, as I have ever been in my life.
The turnaround was extraordinary. And this is how it works.
The key factors to creating a strong brain have always been known…
Perhaps my biggest surprise with this program is discovering that when our memory is letting us down…
when our concentration is failing us time and again…
and we just seem to not be thinking like we used to…
…there are proven ways of restoring mental vitality that has been delivering outstanding results to tens of thousands of people for years and years.
And while I would always strongly advise that you follow your doctor’s instructions… I also thank my lucky stars I found a better way to undo these frightening changes that were taking place in my mind.
And over a short period of time, it returned me to mental strength and sharpness I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties.
And this is what it is
The essence of the program is very, very straightforward. It tackles the causes of this horrible condition right at its source… exactly where it actually starts.
Because these problems with poor memory, weak concentration, confusion… they don’t just happen for no reason.
It’s not just ‘old age’. Think about it. Your brain doesn’t sit there with a calendar marking off the days until it’s time for you to have a brain problem.
Instead, something is taking place in your body that is creating the symptoms that are worrying the life out of you.
Something is happening to you… and whatever that something is… it’s leading to the problems you’re having right now.
And as far as our cognitive decline is concerned, scientists have known – for some years now – what that something is.
It’s blood flow.
More to the point, it’s the lack of blood flow to the brain.
When blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain, the brain is starved of two things it badly needs in order to function properly: oxygen and nutrients.
And research scientists have proved beyond any doubt that a brain that receives a reduced amount of blood flow will start to malfunction.
You will begin to forget things.
You will become disoriented. Your focus will suffer. Your attention will weaken.
You will become increasingly confused.
Much, much worse… it will worsen over time.
The brain needs oxygen and it needs nutrients – and both these are delivered to it via blood flow. If that flow is being slowed or blocked in any way at all… then it’s getting less than it needs.
Starved of what it needs to perform efficiently… it starts performing nefficiently.
And this leads to what you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life. The mistakes, the errors, the losses of your conscious life are the result of misfirings inside your brain matter.
And this is not theory, conjecture, or an area that needs further study. It’s a fact.
The connection between reduced blood flow to the brain and steady, measurable brain decline has been researched and shown with both mice and with humans.
It was when I addressed blood flow problems to my brain that I finally turned the whole thing around – and got my life back again.
How I tackled this horrible condition
I learned quickly that I had to act quickly.
The deadly side-effect of chronic lack of oxygen is the production of sticky protein substances throughout the brain. These sticky clumps create a kind of ‘plaque’ that interferes with how brain neurons fire.
And wherever our neurons are having trouble firing is where we’re going to experience very real, very noticeable brain decline.
And it’s an ongoing process. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare – and quickly cleared away. In less than a healthy brain, they accumulate over time throughout the brain. It’s this steady clogging up of the brain that leads to our mental decline.
But there is one piece of really good news.
This clogging up of the brain is a process – not an event.
And like many processes it’s one that we can influence. It’s one we can directly act on ourselves.
Switching the brain back ‘on’
Imagine that the flow of blood and oxygen to your head is controlled by a tap. When you’re healthy the tap flows freely – nutrients and oxygen-laden blood reaches your brain, keeping it in excellent working order.
But in my case then – and probably in your case now – that tap was slowly being turned ‘off’.
For you, it’s not yet ‘off’ but you’re starting to notice that this is where it’s heading.
It’s heading to a state where you have no cognitive function, you can’t look after yourself, you don’t know what’s going on… A steady collapse of brain effectiveness.
We need to move it back to fully ‘on’.
If we can do that then blood flows freely again, oxygen reaches all the brain in the quantities needed.. and the brain finds its way back to fully functioning.
That’s exactly what I did for myself. And it’s an incredible experience.
I felt physically better after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if this was those plaques gradually clearing out of my brain…
Maybe it was parts of my brain that were under-performing suddenly coming back into life.
I really can’t say that I know.
But it felt like I’d been in a smoky room for the previous year… and then, all of a sudden, I found a door, opened it… and stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly lit day….
It was a startling transformation.
The Brain Booster
The program that the gentleman at the mall told me about is called The Brain Booster. It’s a very accurate name for the program. I do feel super-powered sometimes!
It was created by Christian Goodman. I used it to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to my brain and I have never looked back.
Christian’s approach to tackling illness is simple but stunningly effective. He recognizes that most illnesses come about because of normal lifestyle circumstances.
If we don’t address the lifestyle cause then, at best, the drugs we’re prescribed will only mask the illness. They suppress symptoms – but leave the illness still there.
For some health conditions that might work. For others, it works sometimes.
But for brain problems, well, once that starts going bad it continues going bad unless it’s dealt with head-on. No playing with symptoms here.
You get rid of it or, in the end, it gets rid of you.
So why is blood to your brain being restricted?
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels – veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
We’re used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels – arteries and veins – are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if they’re to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat – and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then… arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they don’t have the same freedom to move anymore.
Surrounded by tight, inflexible internal muscles they don’t have the freedom to flex and expand with each heartbeat. And that directly affects the amount of oxygenated blood they can transport to your brain.
With each heartbeat we’re not quite sending the brain the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly.
There’s only so much of this your brain can take before its ability to function starts to decline. And you start to notice that decline.
Internal muscle tightness is normal – yet deadly
And those internal muscles do get tighter over time. It’s not your fault but, until you know it’s happening to you, it is largely unavoidable.
Unfortunately, tightness in some of those deeper muscles is almost impossible for us to feel or notice until it causes other problems – like blood flow problems and brain decline.
And blood flow problems are serious problems.
Because the longer that deprivation continues the more pronounced those symptoms are going to become.
Until one day we reach the point of no return.
But if you’re worried about your own brain health there is good news
I started turning that flow of oxygen-rich blood back on in days. In weeks I was mentally sharper than I ever remember being.
And I’ve been that way now for 3 years.
Christian Goodman’s Brain Booster showed me what I needed to do to be rid of this problem for life. I did as he instructed and I got the results.
The 3 vital keys to restoring fantastic brain health
1. Breathing for the brain
I learned quickly there’s a difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘breathing so your brain gets maximum oxygen’.
We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day. So even the smallest problem with the way our body breathes is being repeated 20,000 times – every single day.
Can you imagine how a tiny bit of oxygen deprivation in each breath is going to damage your brain over the coming weeks and months?
Whereas a small improvement in each breath brings you a little more life-giving air per breath, 20,000 times a day.
Honestly, by the second day of practicing better breathing I felt more alive and alert than I had done for years.
I now take proper breathing very seriously. I’ve not had a single symptom of memory loss, brain fog, or confusion for over three years… but I still do these exercises at least once every day. Because I want to keep it that way.
2. Fix the muscles that are suffocating your brain
There’s no compromise on this: if tense, inflexible internal muscles are pushing arteries up against bones or organs, allowing them no freedom to move even a tiny bit… they’re not going to be able to expand in order to allow blood to flow through.
Squashed arteries can’t deliver oxygen or nutrients where you so desperately need them.
No matter how perfect your breathing technique… that life-enhancing breath isn’t going to get where it’s needed – and you’re going to lose oxygen to the brain.
It’s internal muscles that cause most of the problems. I had to make those muscles relaxed and pliable once more. And I had to do it without delay.
Otherwise, my brain faced chronic oxygen deprivation – and I faced catastrophic, irreversible cognitive decline.
3. Target oxygen directly to the brain
Ever wondered why different people experience different combinations of symptoms?
Dizziness, forgetfulness, low moods, loss of physical balance, difficulty in recognizing faces, confusion over where you are or what you’re doing…
Why is it that you and I can suffer the same condition – reduced blood flow to the brain – yet we have different sets of symptoms?
It’s because different parts of our brains are being damaged. You’re experiencing oxygen-loss in one area, I’m experiencing it in another.
Both of us will end up in the same terrible state in the end. But in the early stages, the illness can look different for both of us.
Fortunately, there’s a very powerful way that humans can cause blood to move from one brain area to another. It mimics exactly something your body already does to divert oxygen to different parts of the head.
A couple of minutes of doing this each day delivers replenishing oxygen to parts of the brain that are right now being systematically starved of it.
I followed Christian’s instructions to the letter. And I can honestly say that my troubles just melted away as my brain sparkled back into life again and I freed myself of worry – and fear – over my failing health.
Did somebody say ‘exercise’?
Let’s be clear: when I say I did ‘exercises’ don’t for a moment imagine these were strenuous, difficult exercises that made me puff or sweat!
Almost every single one can be done either sitting down, lying down – or both.
So I would do one exercise while out walking, another while at home preparing food for dinner and a third while sitting watching television.
There are several to choose from and even today I still do most of them – just for maintenance purposes. And on long car journeys every time we’re stopped at lights I’ll do one of the exercises until we move again.
There’s even one that’ll make you laugh while you’re doing it!
But don’t underestimate what these exercises will do for you.
They’re easy. But they’re powerful.
Is this a magic remedy created by a genius inventor?
No, not at all!
Christian Goodman isn’t claiming to be the genius creator of some deeply mysterious miracle remedy. As with his other programs, he has taken known science and already-proven methods… and brought them together to create a program that literally transforms a person’s brain health.
He tests thoroughly and – best of all – He 100% guarantees his programs.
However he does it, I’m so glad he does. I found The Brain Booster just when I absolutely needed it most. I can’t imagine – I don’t want to imagine – where I’d be today if I’d not taken this chance to make things better for myself.
How about you?
If you’re feeling the worry that I felt when I first realized I had a problem – then you have my sympathies.
I first tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, that it was just something that happened as you get older.
I soon learned it wasn’t something that ‘just happened’. And that for my own sake I needed to address it once and for all.
I did just that. And I’m so glad, so relieved that I’m where I am today. If I’d left it… I just don’t want to think about what I’d be like today.
If you’re ready to address this once and for all then click here and order your copy of Brain Booster. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Avoid the slippery slope
We know it’s true but it’s worth reminding ourselves: this condition – memory loss, confusion, inability to understand or focus – doesn’t clear itself up.
It’s a process that has already started. And it heads in one awful direction only.
Fortunately, it can be tackled head-on and, as I and over four thousand other people have found out, it can be so completely treated that we end up more mentally capable than we’ve been since our twenties.
Don’t just leave this. It only heads in one direction. Click here and start addressing your brain health today…
There is only a nightmare at the end of this
Some conditions you can leave for 6 months. They don’t get disastrously worse.
But that’s not true when we’re finding ourselves noticeably more forgetful or confused. Some changes we feel almost overnight. Our problem here is that reversing this kind of condition is more difficult the longer it has gone on.
There comes a point where we’re simply unable to help ourselves anymore. And that’s it. Game over. We’re able to realize what’s happening to us. But we’re unable to fight it anymore.
Don’t do this to yourself. Act now, get it done and then move on. You need to do this…
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 3 years
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/alzheimers-dementia-brain-health/
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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    Just over 3 years ago I thought I was losing my mind.
I mean literally… losing my mind.
My memory was failing me.
I found myself doing things – and I didn’t know why I was doing them…
My concentration was becoming noticeably weaker.
Sometimes I’d be faced with a very minor problem – and I just didn’t know what to do.
Or someone would be saying something and I couldn’t make sense of their words.
I’d started repeating myself too. Saying something.. and then realizing with a shock that I’d already said it less than an hour ago.
It got very slightly worse as the weeks wore on.
It was frightening. I found myself constantly worried about what was happening to me.
I’m fine now. Better than fine – I’m probably sharper now than I ever have been since my twenties.
But I never want to go back to how I was.
What made it worse was that this kind of condition has run in my family for generations.
Three different relatives of mine descend into a nightmare world where they knew things were going badly wrong for them mentally.
They knew their brain was starting to fail… they could feel it and experience it… but they felt powerless to stop it.
As the condition progressed… so did their despair.
If I knew anything – it was that I did not want to go down the same terrifying path that they went down.
My doctor told me I was simply experiencing the normal symptoms of growing older.
For him, I was just one more case. He’d seen it a thousand times. He’d see a thousand more.
But for me it was my life. And I felt I was losing my grip on it.
He told me to eat better and get outside a bit more. I did – but I still got progressively worse.
As I say, that was then. At the time I think everyone assumed I was going to slowly follow my relatives into a miserable decline of forgetfulness, confusion, and helplessness.
Thankfully, it didn’t work out that way.
And that’s in part because of a really fortunate accident I had just over 3 years ago. It led me to meet someone who, just in conversation, gave me an incredible break. One that changed my life forever.
A near miss – and a stroke of luck
I had been driving to my local mall – something I’d done hundreds of times previously. But as I approached it I didn’t recognize anything.
I had simply forgotten where I was. I turned into the parking lot… and I didn’t know where I was.
In my confusion, I’d stopped my car quite suddenly.
Which very nearly caused the car behind to rear-end me. He honked furiously at me.
I parked my car and apologized to him. I explained I’d got confused and that I was sorry.
Turned out he was extremely sympathetic.
We chatted for a few moments and he revealed that his wife had gone through a similar time some years previously. Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and moments where she simply didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.
Despite very good medical care her condition gradually worsened. So he had done some research on her behalf and found a natural and straightforward approach to addressing her deteriorating brain function.
Things got slowly better for her day-by-day. After some weeks the incidences of memory failure and confusion ceased completely. He told me his wife felt as mentally sharp as a young adult again.
He wrote down the name of the program they’d used. He suggested I try it since… I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I got home I ordered myself a copy – and I started to work on it that afternoon.
And thanks to that gentleman – for whom I had nearly caused a car accident – I too am as sharp and as alert, as I have ever been in my life.
The turnaround was extraordinary. And this is how it works.
The key factors to creating a strong brain have always been known…
Perhaps my biggest surprise with this program is discovering that when our memory is letting us down…
when our concentration is failing us time and again…
and we just seem to not be thinking like we used to…
…there are proven ways of restoring mental vitality that has been delivering outstanding results to tens of thousands of people for years and years.
And while I would always strongly advise that you follow your doctor’s instructions… I also thank my lucky stars I found a better way to undo these frightening changes that were taking place in my mind.
And over a short period of time, it returned me to mental strength and sharpness I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties.
And this is what it is
The essence of the program is very, very straightforward. It tackles the causes of this horrible condition right at its source… exactly where it actually starts.
Because these problems with poor memory, weak concentration, confusion… they don’t just happen for no reason.
It’s not just ‘old age’. Think about it. Your brain doesn’t sit there with a calendar marking off the days until it’s time for you to have a brain problem.
Instead, something is taking place in your body that is creating the symptoms that are worrying the life out of you.
Something is happening to you… and whatever that something is… it’s leading to the problems you’re having right now.
And as far as our cognitive decline is concerned, scientists have known – for some years now – what that something is.
It’s blood flow.
More to the point, it’s the lack of blood flow to the brain.
When blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain, the brain is starved of two things it badly needs in order to function properly: oxygen and nutrients.
And research scientists have proved beyond any doubt that a brain that receives a reduced amount of blood flow will start to malfunction.
You will begin to forget things.
You will become disoriented. Your focus will suffer. Your attention will weaken.
You will become increasingly confused.
Much, much worse… it will worsen over time.
The brain needs oxygen and it needs nutrients – and both these are delivered to it via blood flow. If that flow is being slowed or blocked in any way at all… then it’s getting less than it needs.
Starved of what it needs to perform efficiently… it starts performing nefficiently.
And this leads to what you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life. The mistakes, the errors, the losses of your conscious life are the result of misfirings inside your brain matter.
And this is not theory, conjecture, or an area that needs further study. It’s a fact.
The connection between reduced blood flow to the brain and steady, measurable brain decline has been researched and shown with both mice and with humans.
It was when I addressed blood flow problems to my brain that I finally turned the whole thing around – and got my life back again.
How I tackled this horrible condition
I learned quickly that I had to act quickly.
The deadly side-effect of chronic lack of oxygen is the production of sticky protein substances throughout the brain. These sticky clumps create a kind of ‘plaque’ that interferes with how brain neurons fire.
And wherever our neurons are having trouble firing is where we’re going to experience very real, very noticeable brain decline.
And it’s an ongoing process. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare – and quickly cleared away. In less than a healthy brain, they accumulate over time throughout the brain. It’s this steady clogging up of the brain that leads to our mental decline.
But there is one piece of really good news.
This clogging up of the brain is a process – not an event.
And like many processes it’s one that we can influence. It’s one we can directly act on ourselves.
Switching the brain back ‘on’
Imagine that the flow of blood and oxygen to your head is controlled by a tap. When you’re healthy the tap flows freely – nutrients and oxygen-laden blood reaches your brain, keeping it in excellent working order.
But in my case then – and probably in your case now – that tap was slowly being turned ‘off’.
For you, it’s not yet ‘off’ but you’re starting to notice that this is where it’s heading.
It’s heading to a state where you have no cognitive function, you can’t look after yourself, you don’t know what’s going on… A steady collapse of brain effectiveness.
We need to move it back to fully ‘on’.
If we can do that then blood flows freely again, oxygen reaches all the brain in the quantities needed.. and the brain finds its way back to fully functioning.
That’s exactly what I did for myself. And it’s an incredible experience.
I felt physically better after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if this was those plaques gradually clearing out of my brain…
Maybe it was parts of my brain that were under-performing suddenly coming back into life.
I really can’t say that I know.
But it felt like I’d been in a smoky room for the previous year… and then, all of a sudden, I found a door, opened it… and stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly lit day….
It was a startling transformation.
The Brain Booster
The program that the gentleman at the mall told me about is called The Brain Booster. It’s a very accurate name for the program. I do feel super-powered sometimes!
It was created by Christian Goodman. I used it to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to my brain and I have never looked back.
Christian’s approach to tackling illness is simple but stunningly effective. He recognizes that most illnesses come about because of normal lifestyle circumstances.
If we don’t address the lifestyle cause then, at best, the drugs we’re prescribed will only mask the illness. They suppress symptoms – but leave the illness still there.
For some health conditions that might work. For others, it works sometimes.
But for brain problems, well, once that starts going bad it continues going bad unless it’s dealt with head-on. No playing with symptoms here.
You get rid of it or, in the end, it gets rid of you.
So why is blood to your brain being restricted?
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels – veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
We’re used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels – arteries and veins – are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if they’re to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat – and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then… arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they don’t have the same freedom to move anymore.
Surrounded by tight, inflexible internal muscles they don’t have the freedom to flex and expand with each heartbeat. And that directly affects the amount of oxygenated blood they can transport to your brain.
With each heartbeat we’re not quite sending the brain the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly.
There’s only so much of this your brain can take before its ability to function starts to decline. And you start to notice that decline.
Internal muscle tightness is normal – yet deadly
And those internal muscles do get tighter over time. It’s not your fault but, until you know it’s happening to you, it is largely unavoidable.
Unfortunately, tightness in some of those deeper muscles is almost impossible for us to feel or notice until it causes other problems – like blood flow problems and brain decline.
And blood flow problems are serious problems.
Because the longer that deprivation continues the more pronounced those symptoms are going to become.
Until one day we reach the point of no return.
But if you’re worried about your own brain health there is good news
I started turning that flow of oxygen-rich blood back on in days. In weeks I was mentally sharper than I ever remember being.
And I’ve been that way now for 3 years.
Christian Goodman’s Brain Booster showed me what I needed to do to be rid of this problem for life. I did as he instructed and I got the results.
The 3 vital keys to restoring fantastic brain health
1. Breathing for the brain
I learned quickly there’s a difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘breathing so your brain gets maximum oxygen’.
We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day. So even the smallest problem with the way our body breathes is being repeated 20,000 times – every single day.
Can you imagine how a tiny bit of oxygen deprivation in each breath is going to damage your brain over the coming weeks and months?
Whereas a small improvement in each breath brings you a little more life-giving air per breath, 20,000 times a day.
Honestly, by the second day of practicing better breathing I felt more alive and alert than I had done for years.
I now take proper breathing very seriously. I’ve not had a single symptom of memory loss, brain fog, or confusion for over three years… but I still do these exercises at least once every day. Because I want to keep it that way.
2. Fix the muscles that are suffocating your brain
There’s no compromise on this: if tense, inflexible internal muscles are pushing arteries up against bones or organs, allowing them no freedom to move even a tiny bit… they’re not going to be able to expand in order to allow blood to flow through.
Squashed arteries can’t deliver oxygen or nutrients where you so desperately need them.
No matter how perfect your breathing technique… that life-enhancing breath isn’t going to get where it’s needed – and you’re going to lose oxygen to the brain.
It’s internal muscles that cause most of the problems. I had to make those muscles relaxed and pliable once more. And I had to do it without delay.
Otherwise, my brain faced chronic oxygen deprivation – and I faced catastrophic, irreversible cognitive decline.
3. Target oxygen directly to the brain
Ever wondered why different people experience different combinations of symptoms?
Dizziness, forgetfulness, low moods, loss of physical balance, difficulty in recognizing faces, confusion over where you are or what you’re doing…
Why is it that you and I can suffer the same condition – reduced blood flow to the brain – yet we have different sets of symptoms?
It’s because different parts of our brains are being damaged. You’re experiencing oxygen-loss in one area, I’m experiencing it in another.
Both of us will end up in the same terrible state in the end. But in the early stages, the illness can look different for both of us.
Fortunately, there’s a very powerful way that humans can cause blood to move from one brain area to another. It mimics exactly something your body already does to divert oxygen to different parts of the head.
A couple of minutes of doing this each day delivers replenishing oxygen to parts of the brain that are right now being systematically starved of it.
I followed Christian’s instructions to the letter. And I can honestly say that my troubles just melted away as my brain sparkled back into life again and I freed myself of worry – and fear – over my failing health.
Did somebody say ‘exercise’?
Let’s be clear: when I say I did ‘exercises’ don’t for a moment imagine these were strenuous, difficult exercises that made me puff or sweat!
Almost every single one can be done either sitting down, lying down – or both.
So I would do one exercise while out walking, another while at home preparing food for dinner and a third while sitting watching television.
There are several to choose from and even today I still do most of them – just for maintenance purposes. And on long car journeys every time we’re stopped at lights I’ll do one of the exercises until we move again.
There’s even one that’ll make you laugh while you’re doing it!
But don’t underestimate what these exercises will do for you.
They’re easy. But they’re powerful.
Is this a magic remedy created by a genius inventor?
No, not at all!
Christian Goodman isn’t claiming to be the genius creator of some deeply mysterious miracle remedy. As with his other programs, he has taken known science and already-proven methods… and brought them together to create a program that literally transforms a person’s brain health.
He tests thoroughly and – best of all – He 100% guarantees his programs.
However he does it, I’m so glad he does. I found The Brain Booster just when I absolutely needed it most. I can’t imagine – I don’t want to imagine – where I’d be today if I’d not taken this chance to make things better for myself.
How about you?
If you’re feeling the worry that I felt when I first realized I had a problem – then you have my sympathies.
I first tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, that it was just something that happened as you get older.
I soon learned it wasn’t something that ‘just happened’. And that for my own sake I needed to address it once and for all.
I did just that. And I’m so glad, so relieved that I’m where I am today. If I’d left it… I just don’t want to think about what I’d be like today.
If you’re ready to address this once and for all then click here and order your copy of Brain Booster. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Avoid the slippery slope
We know it’s true but it’s worth reminding ourselves: this condition – memory loss, confusion, inability to understand or focus – doesn’t clear itself up.
It’s a process that has already started. And it heads in one awful direction only.
Fortunately, it can be tackled head-on and, as I and over four thousand other people have found out, it can be so completely treated that we end up more mentally capable than we’ve been since our twenties.
Don’t just leave this. It only heads in one direction. Click here and start addressing your brain health today…
There is only a nightmare at the end of this
Some conditions you can leave for 6 months. They don’t get disastrously worse.
But that’s not true when we’re finding ourselves noticeably more forgetful or confused. Some changes we feel almost overnight. Our problem here is that reversing this kind of condition is more difficult the longer it has gone on.
There comes a point where we’re simply unable to help ourselves anymore. And that’s it. Game over. We’re able to realize what’s happening to us. But we’re unable to fight it anymore.
Don’t do this to yourself. Act now, get it done and then move on. You need to do this…
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 3 years
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/alzheimers-dementia-brain-health/
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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    Just over 3 years ago I thought I was losing my mind.
I mean literally… losing my mind.
My memory was failing me.
I found myself doing things – and I didn’t know why I was doing them…
My concentration was becoming noticeably weaker.
Sometimes I’d be faced with a very minor problem – and I just didn’t know what to do.
Or someone would be saying something and I couldn’t make sense of their words.
I’d started repeating myself too. Saying something.. and then realizing with a shock that I’d already said it less than an hour ago.
It got very slightly worse as the weeks wore on.
It was frightening. I found myself constantly worried about what was happening to me.
I’m fine now. Better than fine – I’m probably sharper now than I ever have been since my twenties.
But I never want to go back to how I was.
What made it worse was that this kind of condition has run in my family for generations.
Three different relatives of mine descend into a nightmare world where they knew things were going badly wrong for them mentally.
They knew their brain was starting to fail… they could feel it and experience it… but they felt powerless to stop it.
As the condition progressed… so did their despair.
If I knew anything – it was that I did not want to go down the same terrifying path that they went down.
My doctor told me I was simply experiencing the normal symptoms of growing older.
For him, I was just one more case. He’d seen it a thousand times. He’d see a thousand more.
But for me it was my life. And I felt I was losing my grip on it.
He told me to eat better and get outside a bit more. I did – but I still got progressively worse.
As I say, that was then. At the time I think everyone assumed I was going to slowly follow my relatives into a miserable decline of forgetfulness, confusion, and helplessness.
Thankfully, it didn’t work out that way.
And that’s in part because of a really fortunate accident I had just over 3 years ago. It led me to meet someone who, just in conversation, gave me an incredible break. One that changed my life forever.
A near miss – and a stroke of luck
I had been driving to my local mall – something I’d done hundreds of times previously. But as I approached it I didn’t recognize anything.
I had simply forgotten where I was. I turned into the parking lot… and I didn’t know where I was.
In my confusion, I’d stopped my car quite suddenly.
Which very nearly caused the car behind to rear-end me. He honked furiously at me.
I parked my car and apologized to him. I explained I’d got confused and that I was sorry.
Turned out he was extremely sympathetic.
We chatted for a few moments and he revealed that his wife had gone through a similar time some years previously. Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and moments where she simply didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.
Despite very good medical care her condition gradually worsened. So he had done some research on her behalf and found a natural and straightforward approach to addressing her deteriorating brain function.
Things got slowly better for her day-by-day. After some weeks the incidences of memory failure and confusion ceased completely. He told me his wife felt as mentally sharp as a young adult again.
He wrote down the name of the program they’d used. He suggested I try it since… I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I got home I ordered myself a copy – and I started to work on it that afternoon.
And thanks to that gentleman – for whom I had nearly caused a car accident – I too am as sharp and as alert, as I have ever been in my life.
The turnaround was extraordinary. And this is how it works.
The key factors to creating a strong brain have always been known…
Perhaps my biggest surprise with this program is discovering that when our memory is letting us down…
when our concentration is failing us time and again…
and we just seem to not be thinking like we used to…
…there are proven ways of restoring mental vitality that has been delivering outstanding results to tens of thousands of people for years and years.
And while I would always strongly advise that you follow your doctor’s instructions… I also thank my lucky stars I found a better way to undo these frightening changes that were taking place in my mind.
And over a short period of time, it returned me to mental strength and sharpness I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties.
And this is what it is
The essence of the program is very, very straightforward. It tackles the causes of this horrible condition right at its source… exactly where it actually starts.
Because these problems with poor memory, weak concentration, confusion… they don’t just happen for no reason.
It’s not just ‘old age’. Think about it. Your brain doesn’t sit there with a calendar marking off the days until it’s time for you to have a brain problem.
Instead, something is taking place in your body that is creating the symptoms that are worrying the life out of you.
Something is happening to you… and whatever that something is… it’s leading to the problems you’re having right now.
And as far as our cognitive decline is concerned, scientists have known – for some years now – what that something is.
It’s blood flow.
More to the point, it’s the lack of blood flow to the brain.
When blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain, the brain is starved of two things it badly needs in order to function properly: oxygen and nutrients.
And research scientists have proved beyond any doubt that a brain that receives a reduced amount of blood flow will start to malfunction.
You will begin to forget things.
You will become disoriented. Your focus will suffer. Your attention will weaken.
You will become increasingly confused.
Much, much worse… it will worsen over time.
The brain needs oxygen and it needs nutrients – and both these are delivered to it via blood flow. If that flow is being slowed or blocked in any way at all… then it’s getting less than it needs.
Starved of what it needs to perform efficiently… it starts performing nefficiently.
And this leads to what you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life. The mistakes, the errors, the losses of your conscious life are the result of misfirings inside your brain matter.
And this is not theory, conjecture, or an area that needs further study. It’s a fact.
The connection between reduced blood flow to the brain and steady, measurable brain decline has been researched and shown with both mice and with humans.
It was when I addressed blood flow problems to my brain that I finally turned the whole thing around – and got my life back again.
How I tackled this horrible condition
I learned quickly that I had to act quickly.
The deadly side-effect of chronic lack of oxygen is the production of sticky protein substances throughout the brain. These sticky clumps create a kind of ‘plaque’ that interferes with how brain neurons fire.
And wherever our neurons are having trouble firing is where we’re going to experience very real, very noticeable brain decline.
And it’s an ongoing process. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare – and quickly cleared away. In less than a healthy brain, they accumulate over time throughout the brain. It’s this steady clogging up of the brain that leads to our mental decline.
But there is one piece of really good news.
This clogging up of the brain is a process – not an event.
And like many processes it’s one that we can influence. It’s one we can directly act on ourselves.
Switching the brain back ‘on’
Imagine that the flow of blood and oxygen to your head is controlled by a tap. When you’re healthy the tap flows freely – nutrients and oxygen-laden blood reaches your brain, keeping it in excellent working order.
But in my case then – and probably in your case now – that tap was slowly being turned ‘off’.
For you, it’s not yet ‘off’ but you’re starting to notice that this is where it’s heading.
It’s heading to a state where you have no cognitive function, you can’t look after yourself, you don’t know what’s going on… A steady collapse of brain effectiveness.
We need to move it back to fully ‘on’.
If we can do that then blood flows freely again, oxygen reaches all the brain in the quantities needed.. and the brain finds its way back to fully functioning.
That’s exactly what I did for myself. And it’s an incredible experience.
I felt physically better after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if this was those plaques gradually clearing out of my brain…
Maybe it was parts of my brain that were under-performing suddenly coming back into life.
I really can’t say that I know.
But it felt like I’d been in a smoky room for the previous year… and then, all of a sudden, I found a door, opened it… and stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly lit day….
It was a startling transformation.
The Brain Booster
The program that the gentleman at the mall told me about is called The Brain Booster. It’s a very accurate name for the program. I do feel super-powered sometimes!
It was created by Christian Goodman. I used it to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to my brain and I have never looked back.
Christian’s approach to tackling illness is simple but stunningly effective. He recognizes that most illnesses come about because of normal lifestyle circumstances.
If we don’t address the lifestyle cause then, at best, the drugs we’re prescribed will only mask the illness. They suppress symptoms – but leave the illness still there.
For some health conditions that might work. For others, it works sometimes.
But for brain problems, well, once that starts going bad it continues going bad unless it’s dealt with head-on. No playing with symptoms here.
You get rid of it or, in the end, it gets rid of you.
So why is blood to your brain being restricted?
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels – veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
We’re used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels – arteries and veins – are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if they’re to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat – and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then… arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they don’t have the same freedom to move anymore.
Surrounded by tight, inflexible internal muscles they don’t have the freedom to flex and expand with each heartbeat. And that directly affects the amount of oxygenated blood they can transport to your brain.
With each heartbeat we’re not quite sending the brain the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly.
There’s only so much of this your brain can take before its ability to function starts to decline. And you start to notice that decline.
Internal muscle tightness is normal – yet deadly
And those internal muscles do get tighter over time. It’s not your fault but, until you know it’s happening to you, it is largely unavoidable.
Unfortunately, tightness in some of those deeper muscles is almost impossible for us to feel or notice until it causes other problems – like blood flow problems and brain decline.
And blood flow problems are serious problems.
Because the longer that deprivation continues the more pronounced those symptoms are going to become.
Until one day we reach the point of no return.
But if you’re worried about your own brain health there is good news
I started turning that flow of oxygen-rich blood back on in days. In weeks I was mentally sharper than I ever remember being.
And I’ve been that way now for 3 years.
Christian Goodman’s Brain Booster showed me what I needed to do to be rid of this problem for life. I did as he instructed and I got the results.
The 3 vital keys to restoring fantastic brain health
1. Breathing for the brain
I learned quickly there’s a difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘breathing so your brain gets maximum oxygen’.
We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day. So even the smallest problem with the way our body breathes is being repeated 20,000 times – every single day.
Can you imagine how a tiny bit of oxygen deprivation in each breath is going to damage your brain over the coming weeks and months?
Whereas a small improvement in each breath brings you a little more life-giving air per breath, 20,000 times a day.
Honestly, by the second day of practicing better breathing I felt more alive and alert than I had done for years.
I now take proper breathing very seriously. I’ve not had a single symptom of memory loss, brain fog, or confusion for over three years… but I still do these exercises at least once every day. Because I want to keep it that way.
2. Fix the muscles that are suffocating your brain
There’s no compromise on this: if tense, inflexible internal muscles are pushing arteries up against bones or organs, allowing them no freedom to move even a tiny bit… they’re not going to be able to expand in order to allow blood to flow through.
Squashed arteries can’t deliver oxygen or nutrients where you so desperately need them.
No matter how perfect your breathing technique… that life-enhancing breath isn’t going to get where it’s needed – and you’re going to lose oxygen to the brain.
It’s internal muscles that cause most of the problems. I had to make those muscles relaxed and pliable once more. And I had to do it without delay.
Otherwise, my brain faced chronic oxygen deprivation – and I faced catastrophic, irreversible cognitive decline.
3. Target oxygen directly to the brain
Ever wondered why different people experience different combinations of symptoms?
Dizziness, forgetfulness, low moods, loss of physical balance, difficulty in recognizing faces, confusion over where you are or what you’re doing…
Why is it that you and I can suffer the same condition – reduced blood flow to the brain – yet we have different sets of symptoms?
It’s because different parts of our brains are being damaged. You’re experiencing oxygen-loss in one area, I’m experiencing it in another.
Both of us will end up in the same terrible state in the end. But in the early stages, the illness can look different for both of us.
Fortunately, there’s a very powerful way that humans can cause blood to move from one brain area to another. It mimics exactly something your body already does to divert oxygen to different parts of the head.
A couple of minutes of doing this each day delivers replenishing oxygen to parts of the brain that are right now being systematically starved of it.
I followed Christian’s instructions to the letter. And I can honestly say that my troubles just melted away as my brain sparkled back into life again and I freed myself of worry – and fear – over my failing health.
Did somebody say ‘exercise’?
Let’s be clear: when I say I did ‘exercises’ don’t for a moment imagine these were strenuous, difficult exercises that made me puff or sweat!
Almost every single one can be done either sitting down, lying down – or both.
So I would do one exercise while out walking, another while at home preparing food for dinner and a third while sitting watching television.
There are several to choose from and even today I still do most of them – just for maintenance purposes. And on long car journeys every time we’re stopped at lights I’ll do one of the exercises until we move again.
There’s even one that’ll make you laugh while you’re doing it!
But don’t underestimate what these exercises will do for you.
They’re easy. But they’re powerful.
Is this a magic remedy created by a genius inventor?
No, not at all!
Christian Goodman isn’t claiming to be the genius creator of some deeply mysterious miracle remedy. As with his other programs, he has taken known science and already-proven methods… and brought them together to create a program that literally transforms a person’s brain health.
He tests thoroughly and – best of all – He 100% guarantees his programs.
However he does it, I’m so glad he does. I found The Brain Booster just when I absolutely needed it most. I can’t imagine – I don’t want to imagine – where I’d be today if I’d not taken this chance to make things better for myself.
How about you?
If you’re feeling the worry that I felt when I first realized I had a problem – then you have my sympathies.
I first tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, that it was just something that happened as you get older.
I soon learned it wasn’t something that ‘just happened’. And that for my own sake I needed to address it once and for all.
I did just that. And I’m so glad, so relieved that I’m where I am today. If I’d left it… I just don’t want to think about what I’d be like today.
If you’re ready to address this once and for all then click here and order your copy of Brain Booster. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Avoid the slippery slope
We know it’s true but it’s worth reminding ourselves: this condition – memory loss, confusion, inability to understand or focus – doesn’t clear itself up.
It’s a process that has already started. And it heads in one awful direction only.
Fortunately, it can be tackled head-on and, as I and over four thousand other people have found out, it can be so completely treated that we end up more mentally capable than we’ve been since our twenties.
Don’t just leave this. It only heads in one direction. Click here and start addressing your brain health today…
There is only a nightmare at the end of this
Some conditions you can leave for 6 months. They don’t get disastrously worse.
But that’s not true when we’re finding ourselves noticeably more forgetful or confused. Some changes we feel almost overnight. Our problem here is that reversing this kind of condition is more difficult the longer it has gone on.
There comes a point where we’re simply unable to help ourselves anymore. And that’s it. Game over. We’re able to realize what’s happening to us. But we’re unable to fight it anymore.
Don’t do this to yourself. Act now, get it done and then move on. You need to do this…
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 3 years
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/alzheimers-dementia-brain-health/
Alzheimer's Dementia Brain Health
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    Just over 3 years ago I thought I was losing my mind.
I mean literally… losing my mind.
My memory was failing me.
I found myself doing things – and I didn’t know why I was doing them…
My concentration was becoming noticeably weaker.
Sometimes I’d be faced with a very minor problem – and I just didn’t know what to do.
Or someone would be saying something and I couldn’t make sense of their words.
I’d started repeating myself too. Saying something.. and then realizing with a shock that I’d already said it less than an hour ago.
It got very slightly worse as the weeks wore on.
It was frightening. I found myself constantly worried about what was happening to me.
I’m fine now. Better than fine – I’m probably sharper now than I ever have been since my twenties.
But I never want to go back to how I was.
What made it worse was that this kind of condition has run in my family for generations.
Three different relatives of mine descend into a nightmare world where they knew things were going badly wrong for them mentally.
They knew their brain was starting to fail… they could feel it and experience it… but they felt powerless to stop it.
As the condition progressed… so did their despair.
If I knew anything – it was that I did not want to go down the same terrifying path that they went down.
My doctor told me I was simply experiencing the normal symptoms of growing older.
For him, I was just one more case. He’d seen it a thousand times. He’d see a thousand more.
But for me it was my life. And I felt I was losing my grip on it.
He told me to eat better and get outside a bit more. I did – but I still got progressively worse.
As I say, that was then. At the time I think everyone assumed I was going to slowly follow my relatives into a miserable decline of forgetfulness, confusion, and helplessness.
Thankfully, it didn’t work out that way.
And that’s in part because of a really fortunate accident I had just over 3 years ago. It led me to meet someone who, just in conversation, gave me an incredible break. One that changed my life forever.
A near miss – and a stroke of luck
I had been driving to my local mall – something I’d done hundreds of times previously. But as I approached it I didn’t recognize anything.
I had simply forgotten where I was. I turned into the parking lot… and I didn’t know where I was.
In my confusion, I’d stopped my car quite suddenly.
Which very nearly caused the car behind to rear-end me. He honked furiously at me.
I parked my car and apologized to him. I explained I’d got confused and that I was sorry.
Turned out he was extremely sympathetic.
We chatted for a few moments and he revealed that his wife had gone through a similar time some years previously. Forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and moments where she simply didn’t know where she was or what she was doing.
Despite very good medical care her condition gradually worsened. So he had done some research on her behalf and found a natural and straightforward approach to addressing her deteriorating brain function.
Things got slowly better for her day-by-day. After some weeks the incidences of memory failure and confusion ceased completely. He told me his wife felt as mentally sharp as a young adult again.
He wrote down the name of the program they’d used. He suggested I try it since… I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
When I got home I ordered myself a copy – and I started to work on it that afternoon.
And thanks to that gentleman – for whom I had nearly caused a car accident – I too am as sharp and as alert, as I have ever been in my life.
The turnaround was extraordinary. And this is how it works.
The key factors to creating a strong brain have always been known…
Perhaps my biggest surprise with this program is discovering that when our memory is letting us down…
when our concentration is failing us time and again…
and we just seem to not be thinking like we used to…
…there are proven ways of restoring mental vitality that has been delivering outstanding results to tens of thousands of people for years and years.
And while I would always strongly advise that you follow your doctor’s instructions… I also thank my lucky stars I found a better way to undo these frightening changes that were taking place in my mind.
And over a short period of time, it returned me to mental strength and sharpness I hadn’t experienced since my early twenties.
And this is what it is
The essence of the program is very, very straightforward. It tackles the causes of this horrible condition right at its source… exactly where it actually starts.
Because these problems with poor memory, weak concentration, confusion… they don’t just happen for no reason.
It’s not just ‘old age’. Think about it. Your brain doesn’t sit there with a calendar marking off the days until it’s time for you to have a brain problem.
Instead, something is taking place in your body that is creating the symptoms that are worrying the life out of you.
Something is happening to you… and whatever that something is… it’s leading to the problems you’re having right now.
And as far as our cognitive decline is concerned, scientists have known – for some years now – what that something is.
It’s blood flow.
More to the point, it’s the lack of blood flow to the brain.
When blood doesn’t flow properly to the brain, the brain is starved of two things it badly needs in order to function properly: oxygen and nutrients.
And research scientists have proved beyond any doubt that a brain that receives a reduced amount of blood flow will start to malfunction.
You will begin to forget things.
You will become disoriented. Your focus will suffer. Your attention will weaken.
You will become increasingly confused.
Much, much worse… it will worsen over time.
The brain needs oxygen and it needs nutrients – and both these are delivered to it via blood flow. If that flow is being slowed or blocked in any way at all… then it’s getting less than it needs.
Starved of what it needs to perform efficiently… it starts performing nefficiently.
And this leads to what you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life. The mistakes, the errors, the losses of your conscious life are the result of misfirings inside your brain matter.
And this is not theory, conjecture, or an area that needs further study. It’s a fact.
The connection between reduced blood flow to the brain and steady, measurable brain decline has been researched and shown with both mice and with humans.
It was when I addressed blood flow problems to my brain that I finally turned the whole thing around – and got my life back again.
How I tackled this horrible condition
I learned quickly that I had to act quickly.
The deadly side-effect of chronic lack of oxygen is the production of sticky protein substances throughout the brain. These sticky clumps create a kind of ‘plaque’ that interferes with how brain neurons fire.
And wherever our neurons are having trouble firing is where we’re going to experience very real, very noticeable brain decline.
And it’s an ongoing process. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare – and quickly cleared away. In less than a healthy brain, they accumulate over time throughout the brain. It’s this steady clogging up of the brain that leads to our mental decline.
But there is one piece of really good news.
This clogging up of the brain is a process – not an event.
And like many processes it’s one that we can influence. It’s one we can directly act on ourselves.
Switching the brain back ‘on’
Imagine that the flow of blood and oxygen to your head is controlled by a tap. When you’re healthy the tap flows freely – nutrients and oxygen-laden blood reaches your brain, keeping it in excellent working order.
But in my case then – and probably in your case now – that tap was slowly being turned ‘off’.
For you, it’s not yet ‘off’ but you’re starting to notice that this is where it’s heading.
It’s heading to a state where you have no cognitive function, you can’t look after yourself, you don’t know what’s going on… A steady collapse of brain effectiveness.
We need to move it back to fully ‘on’.
If we can do that then blood flows freely again, oxygen reaches all the brain in the quantities needed.. and the brain finds its way back to fully functioning.
That’s exactly what I did for myself. And it’s an incredible experience.
I felt physically better after 3 or 4 days. I don’t know if this was those plaques gradually clearing out of my brain…
Maybe it was parts of my brain that were under-performing suddenly coming back into life.
I really can’t say that I know.
But it felt like I’d been in a smoky room for the previous year… and then, all of a sudden, I found a door, opened it… and stepped out into the fresh air of a brightly lit day….
It was a startling transformation.
The Brain Booster
The program that the gentleman at the mall told me about is called The Brain Booster. It’s a very accurate name for the program. I do feel super-powered sometimes!
It was created by Christian Goodman. I used it to restore the flow of oxygen and nutrients to my brain and I have never looked back.
Christian’s approach to tackling illness is simple but stunningly effective. He recognizes that most illnesses come about because of normal lifestyle circumstances.
If we don’t address the lifestyle cause then, at best, the drugs we’re prescribed will only mask the illness. They suppress symptoms – but leave the illness still there.
For some health conditions that might work. For others, it works sometimes.
But for brain problems, well, once that starts going bad it continues going bad unless it’s dealt with head-on. No playing with symptoms here.
You get rid of it or, in the end, it gets rid of you.
So why is blood to your brain being restricted?
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels – veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
We’re used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels – arteries and veins – are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if they’re to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat – and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then… arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they don’t have the same freedom to move anymore.
Surrounded by tight, inflexible internal muscles they don’t have the freedom to flex and expand with each heartbeat. And that directly affects the amount of oxygenated blood they can transport to your brain.
With each heartbeat we’re not quite sending the brain the blood and oxygen it needs to function properly.
There’s only so much of this your brain can take before its ability to function starts to decline. And you start to notice that decline.
Internal muscle tightness is normal – yet deadly
And those internal muscles do get tighter over time. It’s not your fault but, until you know it’s happening to you, it is largely unavoidable.
Unfortunately, tightness in some of those deeper muscles is almost impossible for us to feel or notice until it causes other problems – like blood flow problems and brain decline.
And blood flow problems are serious problems.
Because the longer that deprivation continues the more pronounced those symptoms are going to become.
Until one day we reach the point of no return.
But if you’re worried about your own brain health there is good news
I started turning that flow of oxygen-rich blood back on in days. In weeks I was mentally sharper than I ever remember being.
And I’ve been that way now for 3 years.
Christian Goodman’s Brain Booster showed me what I needed to do to be rid of this problem for life. I did as he instructed and I got the results.
The 3 vital keys to restoring fantastic brain health
1. Breathing for the brain
I learned quickly there’s a difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘breathing so your brain gets maximum oxygen’.
We breathe approximately 20,000 times a day. So even the smallest problem with the way our body breathes is being repeated 20,000 times – every single day.
Can you imagine how a tiny bit of oxygen deprivation in each breath is going to damage your brain over the coming weeks and months?
Whereas a small improvement in each breath brings you a little more life-giving air per breath, 20,000 times a day.
Honestly, by the second day of practicing better breathing I felt more alive and alert than I had done for years.
I now take proper breathing very seriously. I’ve not had a single symptom of memory loss, brain fog, or confusion for over three years… but I still do these exercises at least once every day. Because I want to keep it that way.
2. Fix the muscles that are suffocating your brain
There’s no compromise on this: if tense, inflexible internal muscles are pushing arteries up against bones or organs, allowing them no freedom to move even a tiny bit… they’re not going to be able to expand in order to allow blood to flow through.
Squashed arteries can’t deliver oxygen or nutrients where you so desperately need them.
No matter how perfect your breathing technique… that life-enhancing breath isn’t going to get where it’s needed – and you’re going to lose oxygen to the brain.
It’s internal muscles that cause most of the problems. I had to make those muscles relaxed and pliable once more. And I had to do it without delay.
Otherwise, my brain faced chronic oxygen deprivation – and I faced catastrophic, irreversible cognitive decline.
3. Target oxygen directly to the brain
Ever wondered why different people experience different combinations of symptoms?
Dizziness, forgetfulness, low moods, loss of physical balance, difficulty in recognizing faces, confusion over where you are or what you’re doing…
Why is it that you and I can suffer the same condition – reduced blood flow to the brain – yet we have different sets of symptoms?
It’s because different parts of our brains are being damaged. You’re experiencing oxygen-loss in one area, I’m experiencing it in another.
Both of us will end up in the same terrible state in the end. But in the early stages, the illness can look different for both of us.
Fortunately, there’s a very powerful way that humans can cause blood to move from one brain area to another. It mimics exactly something your body already does to divert oxygen to different parts of the head.
A couple of minutes of doing this each day delivers replenishing oxygen to parts of the brain that are right now being systematically starved of it.
I followed Christian’s instructions to the letter. And I can honestly say that my troubles just melted away as my brain sparkled back into life again and I freed myself of worry – and fear – over my failing health.
Did somebody say ‘exercise’?
Let’s be clear: when I say I did ‘exercises’ don’t for a moment imagine these were strenuous, difficult exercises that made me puff or sweat!
Almost every single one can be done either sitting down, lying down – or both.
So I would do one exercise while out walking, another while at home preparing food for dinner and a third while sitting watching television.
There are several to choose from and even today I still do most of them – just for maintenance purposes. And on long car journeys every time we’re stopped at lights I’ll do one of the exercises until we move again.
There’s even one that’ll make you laugh while you’re doing it!
But don’t underestimate what these exercises will do for you.
They’re easy. But they’re powerful.
Is this a magic remedy created by a genius inventor?
No, not at all!
Christian Goodman isn’t claiming to be the genius creator of some deeply mysterious miracle remedy. As with his other programs, he has taken known science and already-proven methods… and brought them together to create a program that literally transforms a person’s brain health.
He tests thoroughly and – best of all – He 100% guarantees his programs.
However he does it, I’m so glad he does. I found The Brain Booster just when I absolutely needed it most. I can’t imagine – I don’t want to imagine – where I’d be today if I’d not taken this chance to make things better for myself.
How about you?
If you’re feeling the worry that I felt when I first realized I had a problem – then you have my sympathies.
I first tried to pretend it wasn’t happening, that it was just something that happened as you get older.
I soon learned it wasn’t something that ‘just happened’. And that for my own sake I needed to address it once and for all.
I did just that. And I’m so glad, so relieved that I’m where I am today. If I’d left it… I just don’t want to think about what I’d be like today.
If you’re ready to address this once and for all then click here and order your copy of Brain Booster. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Avoid the slippery slope
We know it’s true but it’s worth reminding ourselves: this condition – memory loss, confusion, inability to understand or focus – doesn’t clear itself up.
It’s a process that has already started. And it heads in one awful direction only.
Fortunately, it can be tackled head-on and, as I and over four thousand other people have found out, it can be so completely treated that we end up more mentally capable than we’ve been since our twenties.
Don’t just leave this. It only heads in one direction. Click here and start addressing your brain health today…
There is only a nightmare at the end of this
Some conditions you can leave for 6 months. They don’t get disastrously worse.
But that’s not true when we’re finding ourselves noticeably more forgetful or confused. Some changes we feel almost overnight. Our problem here is that reversing this kind of condition is more difficult the longer it has gone on.
There comes a point where we’re simply unable to help ourselves anymore. And that’s it. Game over. We’re able to realize what’s happening to us. But we’re unable to fight it anymore.
Don’t do this to yourself. Act now, get it done and then move on. You need to do this…
0 notes
topfygad · 4 years
Travelmag – Surfing Covid on a final tour as Australasia shut down
At the tail conclusion of February a mate and I set off for a 33 working day vacation to Australia, a journey we experienced planned for roughly six months. Great, improved, ideal butted heads with terrible, terrible, and are you kidding as the Coronavirus roared its unsightly head. Nevertheless, we survived. And we learned precious classes all through this month lengthy tutorial, kinds we will don’t forget whether or not we are at household or overseas.
Our Virgin Australia flight Los Angeles to Sydney went without a hitch. In less than fifteen hours, we landed in Sydney and shuttled to our lodge, Castlereagh, in the downtown space. Its area was fantastic for walking to the internet sites of central downtown, Hyde Park, and Circular Quay. The city was alive and vivid, with only a hint of the Coronavirus running havoc in other world wide places when we tuned in to the evening global information. We joined exuberant fellow travellers for going for walks excursions, museum outings, a harbor cruise, bus outing to Bondi Seashore, ferry trip to Manley Beach, a meals tour in the Surry Hills District, Blue Mountain Adventures with Anderson Excursions, a Ben Folds live performance at City Hall, botanical back garden stroll, crafts market place procuring, and, oh indeed, the emphasize for me: viewing “Carmen” at the Sydney Opera Property. We identified Sydney a delight. If just about anything fell into the class of “bad,” it would be that we grew to become a bit like Mary Poppins on two of our days there with on and off rain and umbrellas that wished to acquire to the sky. In addition to that inconvenience, all was a delight.
As scheduled, we flew Sydney to Cairns and shuttled the moment more, this time to Port Douglas for touring the Good Barrier Reef. On the lookout at the weather conditions forecast for the four days we had been to be there, we anticipated rainy weather conditions. A great deal to our fantastic fortune, the weather conditions was wonderful. We joined Calypso Tours (calypsoreefcruises.com) for snorkeling the reef and touring the rainforest space of Daintree. Colors popped alive as we snorkeled from their upscale catamaran. Vivid blues mingled with yellows and reds of each and every shade. We stopped at a few spots to explore the outer Fantastic Barrier Reef. Just one of the crew associates recognized towards the end of our 2nd prevent that I was tiring a bit. He available to give me a noodle to position close to my waistline as he towed me in and out of the reef areas for our 3rd dive. Absolutely, it rated among the my “best ever experiences.” The upcoming working day we went to Daintree Rainforest, the oldest acknowledged rainforest in the planet, relationship back again 180 million yrs. Range is an understatement to describe Daintree with its shorelines, gorges, rivers, waterfalls, mangroves, vegetation, pools, and mountains. Two cassowaries joined us on a path by the public lavatory space. These large flightless birds look relatively like emus but have violent reputations of their assaults with their 4 inches very long claws. This ancient rainforest arrives alive with these living dinosaur-like creatures. Although in Daintree, we took a boat experience to spot crocodiles in the wild. With no this kind of luck, we decided to expend a day at Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures, a park half way between Cairns and Port Douglas (https://ift.tt/2S4f95a). Definitely, this park did not disappoint. We were being able to feed crocodiles, snap photos of their antics, and comprehensively appreciate their savagery. Throughout our remain in this spot, a couple fellow vacationers and guides mentioned the Coronavirus, typically in a half mocking way that it was probably being unduly hyped by the push. We shrugged off these opinions, not wondering significantly about them in the surreal surroundings of The Wonderful Barrier Reef.
Following our itinerary referred to as for us to fly to Melbourne. Just about every possible kind of cafe surrounded our hotel, Brady Resort, just a block absent from the occupied conference place of the Condition Library. Greek, Italian, and Turkish choices joined walls to kitchens of Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese. One could assert to have relished a excursion all over the planet merely by indulging in the extremely reasonably priced gourmand concoctions in downtown Melbourne. Very similar to our continue to be in Sydney, we relished a foodstuff tour, a strolling tour, road art tour, a ghost jail tour, river cruise, tram journey to St. Kilda Beach front, and a live performance by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. A emphasize was our working day journey to Healesville Sanctuary (https://ift.tt/2gWGenP). Achieving this wonderful safety area for endangered animals (a lot of influenced by the brush fires) was a snap applying Zoobus (zoobus.com.au). The hour’s drive weaves out of the town by the suburb of Fitzroy and earlier luscious vineyards and palatial households. Veterinarians devote them selves to the wellbeing of the animals, several stranded or rescued from the new fires. Caregivers passionately secure their rates. A experience of serenity welcomes all who visit. I fell in appreciate with the mom, Mani, and her baby, Chimpu (Good Fellow’s Tree Kangaroos). They are an really endangered species from New Guinea, brought to Healesville as component of a breeding software. Chimpu would poke out his head at any time so generally from mom’s pouch, only to be shoved again in by mom immediately after a brief see by the collected website visitors. Their coloration is heat reddish-brown, and their fur seems to be incredibly thick and luscious. It was a superior way to stop our remain in Melbourne, offering us a feeling that with the help of a person an additional, most typically existence will endure.
Things transformed very speedily. On the night time just before we were being scheduled to fly to Tasmania for 8 days, the governing administration cancelled Melbourne’s Grand Prix. This see arrived at 2 am in the early morning. The race was to begin close to 8 am the adhering to day. All at as soon as, crowds were not to assemble. All at when, dining establishments shut. All at when, we read that tours would not operate. Coronavirus was not a press hyped event. It was to be taken seriously. But, we have been soon off to Tasmania, an island off the southern coast of Australia, a somewhat isolated put that appeared to be immune from worldly cares or hazards. We flew without any issue from Melbourne to Tasmania and shuttled to our b & b in Hobart, The Edinburgh Gallery, for an right away continue to be. The inn was loaded to capacity, and no a single spoke of COVID-19. We walked the trail to Cascade Brewery, halting for a tour and a two-man or woman participate in that depicted the plight of ladies inmates at the Cascades Feminine Manufacturing facility. And early the subsequent early morning we were off with Exciting Tassie Tours. We joined 5 other individuals moreover our manual/driver named Carl, a gentleman heaped in understanding and enthusiasm for Tasmania (funtassietours.com).
For the pursuing six times we certainly were being in La La Land. Convicts developed much of Tasmania. Our minds could not aid but ponder how. They had been displaced from their homeland of England, forced to endure hardships and struggles and discrimination, and usually put in physical isolation for infractions. Yet they did extra than just survive. The like of the lads from Charles Dickens’ novels came alive as we discovered about Point Puer, the juvenile boys jail. When not top a tour for Enjoyable Tassie Excursions, Carl will work as a guideline at the Port Arthur World Heritage Historic Web page. He advised us tales of convicts meticulously positioning stones in its beckoning church, its warden’s property, and its blocks of cells. A horse or two graze in nearby pastures, and flowers and shrubs enhance the gardens with their hues. Afterwards, we would cross bridges constructed by convicts—still standing strongly in historic awe. It boggles the brain at the spirit of the particular person even in the harshest of conditions.
To even more our La La Land practical experience, we sample chocolate, wine, cheese, oysters, ice cream, smoked salmon, and honey. We snap photos of orange colored boulders at the Bay of Fires. We stroll together the pure white sandy seashores at Binalong Bay. We visit gorge reserves and travel by means of breathtaking farming and pasture spots. We understand of Tasmanian devils and those people aiding their rehabilitation initiatives. We feed kangaroos with out any hint of social distancing. We visit blow holes and wait around for penguins to monitor to their nests. In Cradle Mountain, we get pleasure from our wander to Glacier Rock and onward to Enchanted Walk to see gorgeous cascades and the Pencil Pine waterfall. Button grass plains, Eucalyptus forests, majestic mountains, and spectacular lakes are in each individual route. Likely my preferred location was Nelson Falls. Its rainforest engulfs its visitor in an ironic mixture of serenity and electric power. In fewer than 30 minutes, one particular leaves the parking lot and is delightfully swallowed in a planet of pristine mother nature. Close by at Mount Field Nationwide Park the 3 tiered Russell Falls attempts to compete. Certainly, it is a shut simply call. And The Wall in the Wilderness Artwork Gallery in Derwent Bridge leaves its attendees speechless when gazing at the massive wooden sculptures depicting the heroic struggles of the adult men and girls who settled in Tasmania a century or so in the past. We were being quite substantially immune from news of the entire world. Or so, we were being until eventually we arrived back again in Hobart.
Hobart smacked us with reality. We had been dropped off at our identical b & b, The Edinburgh Gallery. Only now, we were being its only guests. The borders into Tasmania had been shut except to its inhabitants. The owner was happy to see us and our hearts ached for him as he predicted economic woes for quite a few months. Our scheduled Hobart Town Tour was canceled. The Salamanca Food stuff and Arts weekly market place was postponed. Our boat excursion and entry to MONA, the state’s controversial art museum, ended up also canceled. And Virgin Australia went in advance and canceled our return flight Melbourne to Los Angeles. To place it mildly, we experienced established forth the 7 days just before on a tour, 1 we will lengthy remember and cherish, only to return to a wholly distinct ambiance and an unidentified as to our following 10 days or so.
Continue forward we did. We flew Hobart to Adelaide, with a transfer in Melbourne. We sat as the lone travellers in our shuttle from the airport to our resort in the heart of the metropolis, Resort Grand Chancellor. The management welcomed us with digital open up arms, even lending us a microwave to use in the home. We scooted around the pedestrian only buying area, noting food items only accessible as get out provider, and several individuals out and about. The subsequent morning we liked a town strolling tour and pay a visit to to the excellent anthropological museum. Then we obtained a disappointing e-mail: our excursion scheduled for early in the morning to Kangaroo Island was canceled. Captain Prepare dinner Cruises and Sealink held out until eventually the final moment to do so. We drop a tear or two, confronted the reality, and headed off to Hertz Rental Vehicles to transform our reservation for the ultimate week of our keep in Australia.
Bravo is an understatement for describing the personnel at Hertz. We were being established with a fairly new Toyota Rava Adelaide to Melbourne, with stops at Grampians and The Excellent Ocean Highway. Considering that there were being only two of us and we experienced been in Australia for a lot more than 14 days, quarantine demands had been not imposed upon us. We were being to retain to ourselves as we walked trails and adhere to social distancing procedures. Our checking in at the motels would be via phone. We would not be offered room service throughout our stays. These limitations had been such insignificant inconveniences that they meant absolutely nothing to us. So, off we drove for close to six hours to Halls Gap in The Grampians Nationwide Park.
In our setting up stages for browsing Australia, we predicted crowded conditions in Halls Gap. Right after all, it is a modest city of about 300 permanent people and 6000 beds. We booked our lodging at Gariwerd Motel months in advance. To place it mildly, there was no require for accomplishing so. The supervisor lived onsite. One other few expended two evenings there. And we occupied the second motel home. But appreciate Grampians, we did! We visited the petro station and marketplace before long right after settling in to our room. Couple of persons were out. This, nevertheless, did not halt the congregation of wildlife. Huge white cockatoos flew and landed just about everywhere, squeaking their squeak and pecking up seeds. Kangaroos achieved like clockwork at 5 pm at the downtown park, as if ready to perform soccer with two becoming a member of emus serving as referees. They dutifully hopped all over, ventured close to us for inspection, and then turned to their fellow teammates to go in advance with their activity. Two days of mountaineering and more climbing loaded our bill in The Grampians. A lot more than 150 kilometers of going for walks tracks dot the Grampians, ranging from 50 percent-hour strolls to overnight treks of difficult terrain. Just about every so generally we spotted Aboriginal rock art although traipsing to waterfalls, overhanging ledges, or sheltered groves. Conveniently, we ended up protected in this outdoor paradise.
We felt we had mastered swerving kangaroos by now so we ongoing our trip to The Terrific Ocean Road, keeping at Portside Motel in Port Campbell. The four hour push matched the pastoral elegance of ours from Adelaide to The Grampians. A few cities dotted the streets, great for bakeries for quick to get takeout foods. Our examining in at Portside duplicated the procedure at Gariwerd. Shortly we were off to see the city and sites west. Straightforward obtain is presented for several sights in Port Campbell Countrywide Park. Sheer limestone cliffs tower in excess of fierce seas. For 1000’s of years, waves and tides have relentlessly sculpted the tender rock into a intriguing sequence of rock stacks, gorges, arches and blowholes. We walked down the stairs at Gibson Methods, happy concrete ones now change the 19th century hand-carved kinds into the cliffs. The Twelve Apostles kiosk and path was shut. Loch Ard Gorge proved to be my favourite. We browse of tales of shipwrecks right here of a lot more than a hundred yrs ago. Highly effective waves dart to the sand, tender and warming beneath one’s toes.
The subsequent working day we explored extra of Port Campbell Countrywide Park, with trails skirting the ocean’s cliffs as nicely as a little bit inland. It was a lovely distinct working day, with waves under us laughing and gurgling at a person one more. Nevertheless, we understood that at near by Cape Otway several ships experienced smashed open towards the ocean’s pressure. We drove towards Apollo Bay, on the average halting about just about every thirty minutes at a lookout at scenes that are, without a doubt, indescribable.
The following day we departed Port Campbell to return to Melbourne in anticipation of our flight to Los Angeles, which our travel agent had re-routed on Air New Zealand by Auckland. We fell in adore with the tiny city of Lorne, squeezing alone in between the waters of Loutit Bay and the bush of the Otway Ranges. Locals detest them and try out to shoo them away: huge white cockatoos by the dozens that group on the town benches, railings and beach front pathways. In contrast, we adored them, chatted again to them, and reassured them of their beauty. The town of Anglesea winds close to gum-green Anglesea River, a very tranquil bush placing. Then will come Torquay, wherever even park benches are surfboard formed in Victoria’s surf capital. We realized we had to take a look at Bells Beach, just 7 kilometers west of Torquay for its famous status of its impressive break and annual environment-championship surfing contest. We gazed down on the basically deserted seaside: two lone surfers in their paradise.
Our scheduled time was before long coming to an close and we drove back to Melbourne to remain the night at the Holiday Inn by the airport in anticipation of our early morning flight to Los Angeles. We returned the car and repacked our suitcases for the next day. We had checked a variety of situations with our travel agent that all was established. We were being recommended a several days in advance of that our flight Melbourne to Auckland experienced been pushed up a day, and so we modified our options for this revision. We traipsed to the airport, located the Air New Zealand counter for checking in, and were advised, “You are not able to board this plane. You have a U.S. passport. Only Kiwis are permitted to enter the country.” I told the airline’s consultant that our travel agent experienced explained to us that we could be getting this airplane for the reason that we would be on a transit in Auckland and not be remaining there. I confirmed the electronic mail affirming this. And, so a cellphone contact was positioned in between the airlines agent and the vacation agent. I experienced sent our vacation company information about two weeks right before a copy of New Zealand’s shutdown, only to have them reassure us that our scheduling was legitimate. Considerably to my chagrin, the vacation agent arrived throughout as arrogant to these operating for the airways, as if it were her responsibility to established other people straight about their govt plan.” This is where by it receives terrible: when another person sitting down at a desk in the United States does not apologize for their error and consider to rectify it, but alternatively blames a man or woman and a state half way around the entire world. I was humiliated to be an American who had savored the attractive country of Australia opening its virtual arms to us even in the chaos and misery of COVID-19.
Air New Zealand advised that we phone the American Embassy to learn how we had been to return to the states. We did so rapidly and acquired that United Airlines had one flight each and every day Sydney to San Francisco and then we could fly to southern California from San Francisco. We termed United, booked a flight in two times, and caught a domestic flight above to Sydney. We stayed once more at the Castlereagh Hotel, welcomed back by the personnel we left there about a thirty day period in advance of.
To say we uncovered significantly from this excursion would be an understatement. Australia is a lovely region, and we arrived to value and enjoy it and its helpful folks. Also, we realized matters that have an impact on our angle toward travelling from this issue on:
1. Understand that even the very best of ideas can change. Really don’t get upset with many others who have no command in excess of the predicament and are carrying out the quite greatest they know how to do, particularly with situations that are not in their control.
2. Double up on the compliments to all those in the journey marketplace who are under stress and making an attempt their ideal to accommodate some others – and continue to keep smiling whilst they do so, even if it be at a length of 6 feet.
3. Travel with an individual who can roll with the punches. I have travelled a number of situations right before with Dorothy, a fantastic good friend of mine for about 30 decades. It doesn’t damage also that she has fantastic tunes on her mobile phone, faces worries with grace, and realizes that if need be, we could generally lease an apartment on The Fantastic Ocean Street until the vacation constraints lifted.
4. Respect that our setbacks have been, indeed, basically setbacks! We normally experienced fuel for the car, food stuff for our tummies, beds for our sleeping, and thoroughly clean drinking water for our showers. Social distancing was conveniently doable. Many in the entire world do not get pleasure from such luxuries. Indeed, we need to have to watch them as luxuries!
5. Carry in your heart a prayer and empathy for these less fortunate. This decade it might be these influenced by COVID-19 another time it may possibly be one thing else that rears its ugly head. We are in this planet together and to help a person another collectively. In other words and phrases, give lots of virtual hugs.
6. Build an perspective that “This Far too Will Pass.” Be optimistic. Be cheerful. Really don’t give up on travel. The business requires you! It will bounce back again with your help!
I am residence now safe and sound and audio from wonderful Australia. I’m preserving my length when I undertaking sometimes from household. I’m assured that we will conquer this dreaded virus. Most likely a trip or two could have to be postponed. But, let us do what we can to support those people in the journey sector. Situations will lighten up. Vacation destinations will seek your assistance. With each other, “We’re Heading to Get By way of This.”
  Copyright © 2020 Bonnie Lynn
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/3au4BCQ via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
0 notes
topfygad · 4 years
Travelmag – Surfing Covid on a final tour as Australasia shut down
At the tail conclusion of February a mate and I set off for a 33 working day vacation to Australia, a journey we experienced planned for roughly six months. Great, improved, ideal butted heads with terrible, terrible, and are you kidding as the Coronavirus roared its unsightly head. Nevertheless, we survived. And we learned precious classes all through this month lengthy tutorial, kinds we will don’t forget whether or not we are at household or overseas.
Our Virgin Australia flight Los Angeles to Sydney went without a hitch. In less than fifteen hours, we landed in Sydney and shuttled to our lodge, Castlereagh, in the downtown space. Its area was fantastic for walking to the internet sites of central downtown, Hyde Park, and Circular Quay. The city was alive and vivid, with only a hint of the Coronavirus running havoc in other world wide places when we tuned in to the evening global information. We joined exuberant fellow travellers for going for walks excursions, museum outings, a harbor cruise, bus outing to Bondi Seashore, ferry trip to Manley Beach, a meals tour in the Surry Hills District, Blue Mountain Adventures with Anderson Excursions, a Ben Folds live performance at City Hall, botanical back garden stroll, crafts market place procuring, and, oh indeed, the emphasize for me: viewing “Carmen” at the Sydney Opera Property. We identified Sydney a delight. If just about anything fell into the class of “bad,” it would be that we grew to become a bit like Mary Poppins on two of our days there with on and off rain and umbrellas that wished to acquire to the sky. In addition to that inconvenience, all was a delight.
As scheduled, we flew Sydney to Cairns and shuttled the moment more, this time to Port Douglas for touring the Good Barrier Reef. On the lookout at the weather conditions forecast for the four days we had been to be there, we anticipated rainy weather conditions. A great deal to our fantastic fortune, the weather conditions was wonderful. We joined Calypso Tours (calypsoreefcruises.com) for snorkeling the reef and touring the rainforest space of Daintree. Colors popped alive as we snorkeled from their upscale catamaran. Vivid blues mingled with yellows and reds of each and every shade. We stopped at a few spots to explore the outer Fantastic Barrier Reef. Just one of the crew associates recognized towards the end of our 2nd prevent that I was tiring a bit. He available to give me a noodle to position close to my waistline as he towed me in and out of the reef areas for our 3rd dive. Absolutely, it rated among the my “best ever experiences.” The upcoming working day we went to Daintree Rainforest, the oldest acknowledged rainforest in the planet, relationship back again 180 million yrs. Range is an understatement to describe Daintree with its shorelines, gorges, rivers, waterfalls, mangroves, vegetation, pools, and mountains. Two cassowaries joined us on a path by the public lavatory space. These large flightless birds look relatively like emus but have violent reputations of their assaults with their 4 inches very long claws. This ancient rainforest arrives alive with these living dinosaur-like creatures. Although in Daintree, we took a boat experience to spot crocodiles in the wild. With no this kind of luck, we decided to expend a day at Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures, a park half way between Cairns and Port Douglas (https://ift.tt/2S4f95a). Definitely, this park did not disappoint. We were being able to feed crocodiles, snap photos of their antics, and comprehensively appreciate their savagery. Throughout our remain in this spot, a couple fellow vacationers and guides mentioned the Coronavirus, typically in a half mocking way that it was probably being unduly hyped by the push. We shrugged off these opinions, not wondering significantly about them in the surreal surroundings of The Wonderful Barrier Reef.
Following our itinerary referred to as for us to fly to Melbourne. Just about every possible kind of cafe surrounded our hotel, Brady Resort, just a block absent from the occupied conference place of the Condition Library. Greek, Italian, and Turkish choices joined walls to kitchens of Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese. One could assert to have relished a excursion all over the planet merely by indulging in the extremely reasonably priced gourmand concoctions in downtown Melbourne. Very similar to our continue to be in Sydney, we relished a foodstuff tour, a strolling tour, road art tour, a ghost jail tour, river cruise, tram journey to St. Kilda Beach front, and a live performance by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. A emphasize was our working day journey to Healesville Sanctuary (https://ift.tt/2gWGenP). Achieving this wonderful safety area for endangered animals (a lot of influenced by the brush fires) was a snap applying Zoobus (zoobus.com.au). The hour’s drive weaves out of the town by the suburb of Fitzroy and earlier luscious vineyards and palatial households. Veterinarians devote them selves to the wellbeing of the animals, several stranded or rescued from the new fires. Caregivers passionately secure their rates. A experience of serenity welcomes all who visit. I fell in appreciate with the mom, Mani, and her baby, Chimpu (Good Fellow’s Tree Kangaroos). They are an really endangered species from New Guinea, brought to Healesville as component of a breeding software. Chimpu would poke out his head at any time so generally from mom’s pouch, only to be shoved again in by mom immediately after a brief see by the collected website visitors. Their coloration is heat reddish-brown, and their fur seems to be incredibly thick and luscious. It was a superior way to stop our remain in Melbourne, offering us a feeling that with the help of a person an additional, most typically existence will endure.
Things transformed very speedily. On the night time just before we were being scheduled to fly to Tasmania for 8 days, the governing administration cancelled Melbourne’s Grand Prix. This see arrived at 2 am in the early morning. The race was to begin close to 8 am the adhering to day. All at as soon as, crowds were not to assemble. All at when, dining establishments shut. All at when, we read that tours would not operate. Coronavirus was not a press hyped event. It was to be taken seriously. But, we have been soon off to Tasmania, an island off the southern coast of Australia, a somewhat isolated put that appeared to be immune from worldly cares or hazards. We flew without any issue from Melbourne to Tasmania and shuttled to our b & b in Hobart, The Edinburgh Gallery, for an right away continue to be. The inn was loaded to capacity, and no a single spoke of COVID-19. We walked the trail to Cascade Brewery, halting for a tour and a two-man or woman participate in that depicted the plight of ladies inmates at the Cascades Feminine Manufacturing facility. And early the subsequent early morning we were off with Exciting Tassie Tours. We joined 5 other individuals moreover our manual/driver named Carl, a gentleman heaped in understanding and enthusiasm for Tasmania (funtassietours.com).
For the pursuing six times we certainly were being in La La Land. Convicts developed much of Tasmania. Our minds could not aid but ponder how. They had been displaced from their homeland of England, forced to endure hardships and struggles and discrimination, and usually put in physical isolation for infractions. Yet they did extra than just survive. The like of the lads from Charles Dickens’ novels came alive as we discovered about Point Puer, the juvenile boys jail. When not top a tour for Enjoyable Tassie Excursions, Carl will work as a guideline at the Port Arthur World Heritage Historic Web page. He advised us tales of convicts meticulously positioning stones in its beckoning church, its warden’s property, and its blocks of cells. A horse or two graze in nearby pastures, and flowers and shrubs enhance the gardens with their hues. Afterwards, we would cross bridges constructed by convicts—still standing strongly in historic awe. It boggles the brain at the spirit of the particular person even in the harshest of conditions.
To even more our La La Land practical experience, we sample chocolate, wine, cheese, oysters, ice cream, smoked salmon, and honey. We snap photos of orange colored boulders at the Bay of Fires. We stroll together the pure white sandy seashores at Binalong Bay. We visit gorge reserves and travel by means of breathtaking farming and pasture spots. We understand of Tasmanian devils and those people aiding their rehabilitation initiatives. We feed kangaroos with out any hint of social distancing. We visit blow holes and wait around for penguins to monitor to their nests. In Cradle Mountain, we get pleasure from our wander to Glacier Rock and onward to Enchanted Walk to see gorgeous cascades and the Pencil Pine waterfall. Button grass plains, Eucalyptus forests, majestic mountains, and spectacular lakes are in each individual route. Likely my preferred location was Nelson Falls. Its rainforest engulfs its visitor in an ironic mixture of serenity and electric power. In fewer than 30 minutes, one particular leaves the parking lot and is delightfully swallowed in a planet of pristine mother nature. Close by at Mount Field Nationwide Park the 3 tiered Russell Falls attempts to compete. Certainly, it is a shut simply call. And The Wall in the Wilderness Artwork Gallery in Derwent Bridge leaves its attendees speechless when gazing at the massive wooden sculptures depicting the heroic struggles of the adult men and girls who settled in Tasmania a century or so in the past. We were being quite substantially immune from news of the entire world. Or so, we were being until eventually we arrived back again in Hobart.
Hobart smacked us with reality. We had been dropped off at our identical b & b, The Edinburgh Gallery. Only now, we were being its only guests. The borders into Tasmania had been shut except to its inhabitants. The owner was happy to see us and our hearts ached for him as he predicted economic woes for quite a few months. Our scheduled Hobart Town Tour was canceled. The Salamanca Food stuff and Arts weekly market place was postponed. Our boat excursion and entry to MONA, the state’s controversial art museum, ended up also canceled. And Virgin Australia went in advance and canceled our return flight Melbourne to Los Angeles. To place it mildly, we experienced established forth the 7 days just before on a tour, 1 we will lengthy remember and cherish, only to return to a wholly distinct ambiance and an unidentified as to our following 10 days or so.
Continue forward we did. We flew Hobart to Adelaide, with a transfer in Melbourne. We sat as the lone travellers in our shuttle from the airport to our resort in the heart of the metropolis, Resort Grand Chancellor. The management welcomed us with digital open up arms, even lending us a microwave to use in the home. We scooted around the pedestrian only buying area, noting food items only accessible as get out provider, and several individuals out and about. The subsequent morning we liked a town strolling tour and pay a visit to to the excellent anthropological museum. Then we obtained a disappointing e-mail: our excursion scheduled for early in the morning to Kangaroo Island was canceled. Captain Prepare dinner Cruises and Sealink held out until eventually the final moment to do so. We drop a tear or two, confronted the reality, and headed off to Hertz Rental Vehicles to transform our reservation for the ultimate week of our keep in Australia.
Bravo is an understatement for describing the personnel at Hertz. We were being established with a fairly new Toyota Rava Adelaide to Melbourne, with stops at Grampians and The Excellent Ocean Highway. Considering that there were being only two of us and we experienced been in Australia for a lot more than 14 days, quarantine demands had been not imposed upon us. We were being to retain to ourselves as we walked trails and adhere to social distancing procedures. Our checking in at the motels would be via phone. We would not be offered room service throughout our stays. These limitations had been such insignificant inconveniences that they meant absolutely nothing to us. So, off we drove for close to six hours to Halls Gap in The Grampians Nationwide Park.
In our setting up stages for browsing Australia, we predicted crowded conditions in Halls Gap. Right after all, it is a modest city of about 300 permanent people and 6000 beds. We booked our lodging at Gariwerd Motel months in advance. To place it mildly, there was no require for accomplishing so. The supervisor lived onsite. One other few expended two evenings there. And we occupied the second motel home. But appreciate Grampians, we did! We visited the petro station and marketplace before long right after settling in to our room. Couple of persons were out. This, nevertheless, did not halt the congregation of wildlife. Huge white cockatoos flew and landed just about everywhere, squeaking their squeak and pecking up seeds. Kangaroos achieved like clockwork at 5 pm at the downtown park, as if ready to perform soccer with two becoming a member of emus serving as referees. They dutifully hopped all over, ventured close to us for inspection, and then turned to their fellow teammates to go in advance with their activity. Two days of mountaineering and more climbing loaded our bill in The Grampians. A lot more than 150 kilometers of going for walks tracks dot the Grampians, ranging from 50 percent-hour strolls to overnight treks of difficult terrain. Just about every so generally we spotted Aboriginal rock art although traipsing to waterfalls, overhanging ledges, or sheltered groves. Conveniently, we ended up protected in this outdoor paradise.
We felt we had mastered swerving kangaroos by now so we ongoing our trip to The Terrific Ocean Road, keeping at Portside Motel in Port Campbell. The four hour push matched the pastoral elegance of ours from Adelaide to The Grampians. A few cities dotted the streets, great for bakeries for quick to get takeout foods. Our examining in at Portside duplicated the procedure at Gariwerd. Shortly we were off to see the city and sites west. Straightforward obtain is presented for several sights in Port Campbell Countrywide Park. Sheer limestone cliffs tower in excess of fierce seas. For 1000’s of years, waves and tides have relentlessly sculpted the tender rock into a intriguing sequence of rock stacks, gorges, arches and blowholes. We walked down the stairs at Gibson Methods, happy concrete ones now change the 19th century hand-carved kinds into the cliffs. The Twelve Apostles kiosk and path was shut. Loch Ard Gorge proved to be my favourite. We browse of tales of shipwrecks right here of a lot more than a hundred yrs ago. Highly effective waves dart to the sand, tender and warming beneath one’s toes.
The subsequent working day we explored extra of Port Campbell Countrywide Park, with trails skirting the ocean’s cliffs as nicely as a little bit inland. It was a lovely distinct working day, with waves under us laughing and gurgling at a person one more. Nevertheless, we understood that at near by Cape Otway several ships experienced smashed open towards the ocean’s pressure. We drove towards Apollo Bay, on the average halting about just about every thirty minutes at a lookout at scenes that are, without a doubt, indescribable.
The following day we departed Port Campbell to return to Melbourne in anticipation of our flight to Los Angeles, which our travel agent had re-routed on Air New Zealand by Auckland. We fell in adore with the tiny city of Lorne, squeezing alone in between the waters of Loutit Bay and the bush of the Otway Ranges. Locals detest them and try out to shoo them away: huge white cockatoos by the dozens that group on the town benches, railings and beach front pathways. In contrast, we adored them, chatted again to them, and reassured them of their beauty. The town of Anglesea winds close to gum-green Anglesea River, a very tranquil bush placing. Then will come Torquay, wherever even park benches are surfboard formed in Victoria’s surf capital. We realized we had to take a look at Bells Beach, just 7 kilometers west of Torquay for its famous status of its impressive break and annual environment-championship surfing contest. We gazed down on the basically deserted seaside: two lone surfers in their paradise.
Our scheduled time was before long coming to an close and we drove back to Melbourne to remain the night at the Holiday Inn by the airport in anticipation of our early morning flight to Los Angeles. We returned the car and repacked our suitcases for the next day. We had checked a variety of situations with our travel agent that all was established. We were being recommended a several days in advance of that our flight Melbourne to Auckland experienced been pushed up a day, and so we modified our options for this revision. We traipsed to the airport, located the Air New Zealand counter for checking in, and were advised, “You are not able to board this plane. You have a U.S. passport. Only Kiwis are permitted to enter the country.” I told the airline’s consultant that our travel agent experienced explained to us that we could be getting this airplane for the reason that we would be on a transit in Auckland and not be remaining there. I confirmed the electronic mail affirming this. And, so a cellphone contact was positioned in between the airlines agent and the vacation agent. I experienced sent our vacation company information about two weeks right before a copy of New Zealand’s shutdown, only to have them reassure us that our scheduling was legitimate. Considerably to my chagrin, the vacation agent arrived throughout as arrogant to these operating for the airways, as if it were her responsibility to established other people straight about their govt plan.” This is where by it receives terrible: when another person sitting down at a desk in the United States does not apologize for their error and consider to rectify it, but alternatively blames a man or woman and a state half way around the entire world. I was humiliated to be an American who had savored the attractive country of Australia opening its virtual arms to us even in the chaos and misery of COVID-19.
Air New Zealand advised that we phone the American Embassy to learn how we had been to return to the states. We did so rapidly and acquired that United Airlines had one flight each and every day Sydney to San Francisco and then we could fly to southern California from San Francisco. We termed United, booked a flight in two times, and caught a domestic flight above to Sydney. We stayed once more at the Castlereagh Hotel, welcomed back by the personnel we left there about a thirty day period in advance of.
To say we uncovered significantly from this excursion would be an understatement. Australia is a lovely region, and we arrived to value and enjoy it and its helpful folks. Also, we realized matters that have an impact on our angle toward travelling from this issue on:
1. Understand that even the very best of ideas can change. Really don’t get upset with many others who have no command in excess of the predicament and are carrying out the quite greatest they know how to do, particularly with situations that are not in their control.
2. Double up on the compliments to all those in the journey marketplace who are under stress and making an attempt their ideal to accommodate some others – and continue to keep smiling whilst they do so, even if it be at a length of 6 feet.
3. Travel with an individual who can roll with the punches. I have travelled a number of situations right before with Dorothy, a fantastic good friend of mine for about 30 decades. It doesn’t damage also that she has fantastic tunes on her mobile phone, faces worries with grace, and realizes that if need be, we could generally lease an apartment on The Fantastic Ocean Street until the vacation constraints lifted.
4. Respect that our setbacks have been, indeed, basically setbacks! We normally experienced fuel for the car, food stuff for our tummies, beds for our sleeping, and thoroughly clean drinking water for our showers. Social distancing was conveniently doable. Many in the entire world do not get pleasure from such luxuries. Indeed, we need to have to watch them as luxuries!
5. Carry in your heart a prayer and empathy for these less fortunate. This decade it might be these influenced by COVID-19 another time it may possibly be one thing else that rears its ugly head. We are in this planet together and to help a person another collectively. In other words and phrases, give lots of virtual hugs.
6. Build an perspective that “This Far too Will Pass.” Be optimistic. Be cheerful. Really don’t give up on travel. The business requires you! It will bounce back again with your help!
I am residence now safe and sound and audio from wonderful Australia. I’m preserving my length when I undertaking sometimes from household. I’m assured that we will conquer this dreaded virus. Most likely a trip or two could have to be postponed. But, let us do what we can to support those people in the journey sector. Situations will lighten up. Vacation destinations will seek your assistance. With each other, “We’re Heading to Get By way of This.”
  Copyright © 2020 Bonnie Lynn
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/3au4BCQ via IFTTT
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