#fortune teller kiriko
gotafewtricks · 8 months
Omg hellooo!
Hc's for an oni reader? The shimadas (plus kiriko) meet such a muscle mommy reader as she's taller and obviously has mad muscles as well as horns. I imagine it like the demon hanzo and oni genji and maybe witch kiriko?
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★ Meeting an oni
Aww, hey !! & thank you for the request !! I'm unsure what you meant on the last sentence, but I presume you meant an oni reader with demon!Hanzo, oni!Genji, and witch!Kiriko? Or just referring to how similar they are, in essence? I'll try to write both versions:3
But, this request is so unique; I hopefully do it justiceee<3
★ Hanzo
Hanzo was no stranger to the spirits, considering his clan found pride in their kinship with dragons. The superstitious essence that enriched the Shimadas' family life feels as if it was something straight out of a fictitious reality for them, but the idea of such was not outlandish. Occupations within the more religious communities of Japan were reliant on someone's belief, for reasons that do not need to be explained. Even if Hanzo was not one to study among the field in his own leisure, ghosts, and among which of those are yōkai, have owned a special place of respect in his heart.
I like to believe that the dragons expressed in his ultimate, and in Genji's, are spirits themselves—even though there are popular theories surrounding that they may just be a channel of energy through technology; I just want to look cool and make the story more interesting by introducing another very well-known idea that they are actually sentient. Think of Kiriko's kitsune companion, in a way.
Although, Hanzo was not exactly ready to meet such a hulking figure before him.
I do not write Hanzo the best as I do with his brother and Kiriko, but I do believe that his reaction would be rather varied. He is extremely used to the spirits, as he has grown accustomed to them, and it feels natural, almost. I'd say that, due to his upbringing within his family, being rather forced into such a position to be made comfortable with those ideas.
Upon your arrival, Hanzo did feel his breath hitch at just how tall you were. It wasn't a foreign concepr for him to be shorter than a person, even if he was of a formidable height—many, many others were vast in their stature. With your strong appearance, he knew that you could've easily have bench pressed triple his weight. Hanzo doesn't know either to be flustered with the thought, or intimidated. He takes it as his cue to feel both.
If we are talking more in terms with a more demonic Hanzo, the archer would still feel those very same emotions. In one hand, he knew to take you seriously—given that you could easily overpower him in a physical scenario. In the other, he was reassured by the safety of his range, knowing his excellence in his bow was an advantage. There was something nagging at him, however, for always thinking about those more violent outcomes. The more he would look over your well-built body, the more he could feel his face flush; lying to himself that he's just trying to study his opponent.
★ Genji
Similar to Hanzo's scenario, Genji is no stranger to the world of yōkai. Him and his dragon companion held a very, very tight bond together; not viewing the lessons and morals the male had to learn over all of those years as boredom, however, a better understanding of the spirit. As Genji would practice further sparring in the comfort of a training session in the comfort of his own solitude, the philosophy he has earned from sharpening his mentality has later enriched his relationship with the dragon.
On occasion, he would also see the fox spirit trail alongside Kiriko, knowing that it was taking care of the girl. Even if most of Genji's interactions with the apparition were of mischevious intent, he knew better not to underestimate the power of the kitsune; their wisdom spanning across multiple generation's length of centuries.
Upon meeting you, the ninja would take a moment to study your physique, and depending on if he was truly in the mood to jab a few playful sayings here and there, Genji would ask for your exercising routine. He's seen how people in the modern times have grown to be so exponentially tall; and with the amount of muscles you have, he couldn't help but feel rather jealous over the fact you were in such great shape. Plus, being seen as smaller was something Genji would often laugh at to himself, but it was something you could always tease him about it later.
Regarding yōkai and their mystical properties, Genji ought to know better than to view it as anything different. He was a cybernetic ninja, after all—he is still human, and still Genji, but he did not choose this body of his. As much as he would be taken aback, considering you do not meet the demons that horror movies love to accentuate every day, he would make a genuine effort to get to know you better. You couldn't help but notice how he would be fascinated with your horns.
If he is an oni himself, however, things would be different, in the sense of meeting another one of his kind. Also, different in the sense that the author knows jackshit about writing Genji in this form, so please forgive them for whatever out of character mess this could escalate to. You cannot see it behind his mask, but the smile in both his eyes and on his face could tell a person that he's very interested—and would love to see what you could really do. He'll try to paraphrase his words to make it seem as if he isn't begging you to spar with him; his tone giving away his true emotion laced through his dialogue—his eagerness.
★ Kiriko
With her background with her grandmother introducing her to the ideas of the spirits, and with Kiriko being familiar with the work that shrine maidens have such high responsibilities of—she has substantial knowledge about the subject. Through performing specific rituals, either that is studying how the ancient Japanese would go about them, or guiding these events herself; the woman would then have a better awareness in regards to the yōkai. As she does surround herself with friends who have kinship to these mythological legends, it's difficult for Kiriko to be surprised with these sorts of events.
As she knows that there are malicious spirits out to target the good will of other's, thus, that being another reason why she is trying her hardest ro train, not to better herself—but for the people that she has sworn to protect. Whenever she laid sights on you, however, she tries to gauge her reaction based on the actions that you were to lay out, at first. Kiriko knows a thing or two about judging others based on their looks alone, considering she gets underestimated with her being a young adult in such a high-stakes type of environment nearly 24/7.
She would be more openly joking about it, not in a way to ever be derogatory or to be offensive ok any shape or form. Rather, making verbal comments to herself. These would mostly be her voicing her opinions on your build, and she would be lying that if seeing your form does make her a bit self-conscious of her stature. Kiriko would be very interested, and she would try to see it as more of a challange to try and best you out of different regimens—either in sports, exercising, etc.; Kiriko knew damn well that if she ever wanted to each the top shelf of anything, she'd need to as for your assistance—making herself feel as if she was a child all over again.
With witch Kiriko (rather, fortune teller), the girl would be pleasantly surprised to come across an oni; it's not the most outlandish thing that she's seen. The familiarity with your kind would somehow put Kiriko at ease, as she can easily predict what coukd happen next with you. She says that it's because of her expertise in her abilities as an oracle, trying to boast her skills in front of you. You may think she is trying to get another customer to pay for a vague, "foretold" explanation of their time ahead. However, she just wants to try to show off in front of you; as she needs to do something to distract her mind—Kiriko knows it's rude to stare, after all. Even if she could look at you for hours, at least.
Though, rest assured, Kiriko already knows what lies ahead in store for her; as the future certainly has you in it.
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faefangs · 2 years
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Halloween Kiriko to bless your timelines.
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gncassidy · 2 years
the butcher (junker queen): “oi, fortune teller! how many armies is it gonna take to kill me?”
fortune teller (kiriko): “actually you die peacefully of old age.”
the butcher (junker queen): *wounded gasp* “you take that back!”
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wildissylupus · 8 months
My Pages Halloween Event
The Lore of Halloween Terrors
Now you might be thinking "but Issy, Halloween Terrors doesn't have that much lore, what is there to talk about?"
And oh my sweet, naieve friend, let me take you on a journy of the lore of the characters featured in the Halloween Terrors event!
First of the canon characters, these are the characters actuvely featured in the lore of this event. Characters that include;
The First Heroes;
The Gunslinger (Cassidy)
The Archer (Hanzo)
The Solider (Soldier 76)
The Alchemist (Ana)
The Four of the Endless Night;
The Countess (Widowmaker)
The Monk (Zenyatta)
The Swordsman (Genji)
The Viking (Torjourn)
The Outlaw (Ashe)
The Renegade (Baptiste)
The Sheild-Maiden (Brigitte)
The Will-o'-the-wisp (Tracer)
The Defenders of Revenge;
The Outlaw (Ashe)
The Butcher (Junker Queen)
The Sleuth (Sojourn)
The Fortune Teller (Kiriko)
All of these characters are the canon adventures in this world, however we are not finished yet, here are the main villains of this world;
Revenge Era;
Junkenstein's Monster (Roadhog)
Dr. Junkenstein (Junkrat)
The Reaper (Reaper)
The Summoner (Symmetra)
The Witch (Mercy)
Wrath Era;
The Banshee (Moira)
The Gargoyles (Uses Winstons abilites but they are not Winston)
The Marionette (Echo)
The Summoner (Symmetra)
The Unstoppable Ghost (Sigma)
The Experiment (Bastion)
The Bride (Sombra)
Now time for the mentioned/NPC characters;
The Ape/Werewolf (Winston)
The King (Reinhardt)
Now all of these characters have lore that is implied mostly through interactions but some are implied through the names in game and their canon skins associated with the character in the Halloween Terror's universe. Some more then others but there is lore non-the-less.
Throughout the month I will be exploring the lore and implications of each characters, starting with the playable heroes and going down the list all the way to the NPC characters.
During this time I will try only answering asks that are centred around the Halloween event.
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afriendlywolf · 1 year
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Accidents (?) happen.
Short story below
“Must I be subjected to your meddlesome teasing?” sighed Hanzo.
“Come onnn!! You lost the bet now you have to pay the price!” said Kiriko.
“Remind me to never place bets with a fortune teller,” said Hanzo.
“Aww, but your ego is so easy to swell” replied Kiriko.
“Fine, but I have a bad feeling on how this will go, meddling with the infatuations of others is not something to take lightly, I as cupid know this” Hanzo said.
“Trust me, my fortune tells me if you do this, something extremely rare will happen. I’m curious to see what it is.”
“And if it goes wrong?”
“Don’t worry, take this special ofuda talisman, through this I can speak to you.”
“Alright, but I’m sure this will likely end in terrible disaster”
“Don’t worry about it. Good luck out there Hanzo!” yelled Kiriko
Hanzo grumbled and waved in response. Grabbing his special love arrows and quiver, he spread his wings and took flight, with the fortune teller’s talisman floating behind him.
He swiftly glided right above a scramble, dozens of soldiers against 5 colorful characters. A large warrior with a shield, and angelic medic, a short stout man with a turret and engines running, an armed medic with weirdly big boots, and lastly, his target. A tall rogue-ish man with what seems to be a century late with his get up. But, true to the archetype, seemed to be hitting his targets with remarkable aim.
Hanzo remained in the air waiting to strike the cowboy, but found himself at a odd situation. The cowboy was a master of maneuvers, and rarely left any opening to strike. At a moments notice he would weave between two positions before rolling quickly to another, the large shield also made it difficult to hit him between reloading and cooldown of energy. This was going to be more difficult than expected, had he not had the power to be invisible to humans, it would’ve been nearly impossible.
“Kiriko, I find no opening to strike him with, my best bet is to guess what position he may try to take.”
“I’ve gotcha. My fortune says, behind the mountain the sun will shine and strike. You just keep an eye on him. You’ve got this!” said Kiriko through her talisman.
Why did I trust the fortune teller Hanzo mentally grumbled.
Hanzo perched on top of a high building, waiting for a chance to strike.
Suddenly a group of stronger tank-like soldiers burst through the crowd of regular soldiers. Each armed with two heavy machine guns.
Most of the group hid behind the giant’s shield, but the cowboy suddenly disappeared.
Hanzo took flight, and spotted him weaving through the alleyways and into a building, leading to a high perch like balcony above the group of enemy forces. The cowboy kneeled and hid at the doorway, waiting for a moment to strike.
Hanzo took this as a sign to get in position himself. And flew above the balcony. It seemed the cowboy was going to strike above to pick off the soldiers, not a good strategy. But his team was crowded behind the warrior’s shield, and they needed to divert the pressure before the shield broke and left them wide open. If the cowboy was to strike above at the balcony, Hanzo was going to strike the wall behind him at an angle with a ricochet arrow. Simple enough.
What was the fortune teller planning to do, other than to send this man and his team to doom?
He was guessing that Kiriko just wanted to laugh and swoon at a battlefield-born love.
No matter, Hanzo did not concern himself with human affairs other than love.
The warrior’s shield started to wear down to its limit. It seemed like the group was going to be overpowered. Hanzo prepared and drew his bowstring.
Then all at once, the giant slammed his hammer to the ground, the small army of soldiers fell, and the rogue cowboy walked into view, and shined. Hanzo took aim.
“It’s high noon” the cowboy's voice rumbled through the street.
Hanzo saw his chance, and released his arrow. The arrow whizzed towards the wall, but before it could bounce off the wall, the cowboy himself looked up towards the source of the whizzing arrow. He stared straight at Hanzo. The arrow bounced off the wall.
Oh no. thought Hanzo.
The arrow struck the cowboy's back, while he was staring at Hanzo. The cowboy flinched, eyes widening, but surprisingly, returned his gaze back to the fallen crowd of soldiers. He then proceeded to unload his gun in one swift motion. All of the enemy tank soldiers were killed in a blink of an eye.
 Hanzo gaped at the power. And due to the distraction, didn’t realize he was losing altitude. One of his wings had been shot through. He was dropping, fast. He fluttered his one working wing to minimize the speed at which he was falling. He closed his eyes bracing for impact. And was caught by a pair of hands.
Hanzo slowly opened his eyes, and stared straight into the cowboy’s eyes.
Irritatingly enough, he was much more handsomely attractive up close.
“Howdy,” said the cowboy in a deep voice, a loving grin slowly spreading on his face.
“…. Greetings” Hanzo slowly responded.
“May I ask what your name is handsome?” asked the cowboy.
“…. Hanzo” Hanzo replied
“Nice to meet you, Hanzo. The name’s Cassidy, Cole Cassidy,” said Cole
“But you can call me whatever you’d like” Cole added with a wink.
Hanzo’s face reddened. He then wriggled out of the cowboys grasp and stood on his feet to explain the situation before it got out of hand.
“I-I am so sorry to have struck you with my love arrow-,” Hanzo embarrassingly stammered.
 “-it was at a request to a friend, I assure you any attraction you feel to me right now is not of your own accord and I am happy to rearrange you wi-“
Hanzo was abruptly cut off by the cowboy reaching behind him and taking out the arrow, apparently he was wearing a hidden layer of armor beneath his serape. He apparently had not been pierced by his love arrow.
Hanzo stood speechless, unsure what to say next.
“Would you do me the honor of being my valentine today Hanzo? or should I say cupid?” Cole asked.
Cole held out his flesh hand. Hanzo stared at it. Despite it being the dumbest thing he could possibly do, he was curious to see where it would lead. Not to mention, Cole was very handsome.
Hanzo gave him his hand. And Cole proceeded to grin widely.
“Yeah, yeah give me a minute. I’m having a moment up here!” Cassidy yelled back.
Kiriko’s talisman flew close to Hanzo’s ear.
“Good luck Cupid,” Kiriko chuckled.
“I will have a stern talk with you later”, Hanzo quietly grumbled.
As Hanzo pondered how this sequence of events would turn out, a slow warmth bloomed in his chest.
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nitewrighter · 2 years
I'm weirded out that kiriko is wearing a boring 'witch' skin but is called a fortune teller in the event and doesn't say anything remotely witch-like. They should've just made glamourous fortune teller skin for her, that would've been better than this lackluster skin that's once again inferior to Mercy's legendaries(witch and witch, default kiriko and Mercy's Miko)
Well let’s be real, if Blizzard actually leaned into the aesthetics of a “fortune teller” skin for Kiriko, they probably would have landed themselves smack-dab in “offensive Roma stereotype” territory—and I’m assuming the diversity algorithm maybe told them that was a bad idea or something so they just did a more clean-cut witch skin.
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ravenoftheskyes · 2 years
So, I ordered a bunch of birthdays from my favorite series because why the fuck not. FE, Persona, TMS, Monark, Project Sekai, AITSF, AINI, Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE, TWEWY and TCE birthdays all in order just because why not under the cut.
1st, Wicked/Marie Amabuki (TCE/TCE2) & Asugi (FEF)
2nd, Kanami Mashita (P4DAN) & Gaius (FE:A)
4th, Ingrid Brandl Galatea (FE:3H), Shoko Nadami (AITSF), & Detective/Mikoto Ushidera (AINI)
5th, Hayate Tsumabuki (Monark)
6th, Pandreo (FE:E) & Makoto Kagutsuchi (MDA:RC)
8th, Fuga (FEF) & Shiho Hinomori (Project Sekai)
11th, Say’ri (FE:A) & Rhea (FE:3H)
13th, Mirei (TCE)
14th, Ryo (MDA:RC)
15th, Hapi (FE3H)
16th, Junpei Iori (P3)
17th, Saphir (FE:E)
18th, Rohan Kumakura (AITSF) & Riichi Chieda (AINI)
19th, Kanji Tatsumi (P4) & Rosado (FE:E)
20th, Raimu “Rhyme” Bito (TWEWY)
21st, Severa/Selena (FE:A/FEF)
22nd, Shogo Satake (TCE)
24th, Arthur (FEF)
26th, Gilbert Pronislav (FE:3H)
27th, Gregor (FE:A) & Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai)
28th, Yusuke Kitagawa (P5)
29th, Eleonora Yumizuru (TMS)
31st, Nina (FEF)
1st, Futa Amanoma/Pewter (AITSF/AINI)
3rd, Hilda Valentine Goneril (FE:3H) & Amber (FE:E)
5th, Rinkah (FEF)
6th, Shachi (MDA:RC)
7th, Subaki (FEF)
8th, Hanneman von Essar (FE:3H)
9th, Priam (FE:A) & Swank Catsonell (MDA:RC)
10th, Yashiro Tsurugi (TMS) & Kanade Yoisaki (Project Sekai)
12th, Kiriko Miyasako (TCE2) & Miriel (FE:A)
14th, Fogado (FE:E)
15th, Maiko Shimazaki (TMS), Takero Matsushita (AITSF), and Tokiko Shigure (AINI)
17th, MU-kun (TCE2) & Nyx (FEF)
19th, Futaba Sakura (P5), Felicia, & Flora (FEF)
20th, Barry Goodman (TMS) & Felix Hugo Fraldarius (FE:3H)
22nd, Brady (FE:A) & Priest (MDA:RC)
23rd, Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY)
26th, Beruka (FEF)
27th, Kensuke Hibiki (TCE) & Fortune Teller (MDA:RC)
28th, Tiki (TMS/FE:A/FE:SD), Manaka Iwai (AITSF), & Lysithea von Ordelia (FE:3H)
29th, Uru Somezuki (AINI)
1st, Saito Sejima (AITSF)
2nd, Ike-P (TCE) & Kohane Azusawa (Project Sekai)
3rd, Azura (FEF)
4th, Jeritza von Hrym (FE:3H) & Dominic Fulltank (MDA:RC)
6th, Lissa (FE:A)
7th, Niko Komamura, Iori Komamura (TCE2) & Tetra’s Father/Characin (MDA:RC)
10th, Clanne & Framme (FE:E)
13th, Forrest (FEF)
14th, Yarne (FE:A) & Ignatz Victor (FE:3H)
15th, Eiji Biwasaka (TCE:O)
16th, Kuchinashi (Mistranslation, TCE:O) & Gangrel (FE:A)
18th, Yoshiko (MDA:RC)
19th, Elise (FEF) & Airi Momoi (Project Sekai)
20th, Bluffman (TCE2) & Constance von Nuvelle (FE:3H)
21st, Subaru Ikariya (Monark)
24th, Benny (FEF), Nel & Nil (FE:E)
25th, Kasumi Yoshizawa, Sumire Yoshizawa (P5R) & Pucci Lavmin (MDA:RC)
27th, Shamir Nevrand (FE:3H)
28th, Hana (FEF) & Chikara Horadori (AINI)
29th, Nah (FE:A)
31st, Jean (FE:E)
1st, Rhajat (FEF) & Enyne (MDA:RC)
2nd, Tharja (FE:A)
4th, Vivia Twilight (MDA:RC) & Madeline (FE:E)
5th, Sora Jingu (Monark)
6th, Kudan (TCE2) & Diamant (FE:E)
9th, Sakura (FEF), Nun (MDA:RC) & Kakeru Hasegawa (Monark)
12th, Yoneharu Enda/Andes Komeji (AINI)
13th, Effie (FEF) & Renju Okiura (AITSF)
14th, Maribelle (FE:A) & Minori Hanasato (Project Sekai)
15th, Aiko (MDA:RC) & Icardi (MDA:RC)
17th, Hubert von Vestra (FE:3H)
19th, Kana (FEF)
20th, Mifue Shinohara (TCE), Labrys (P4A), & Lucina (FE:A)
21st, Seadall (FE:E)
22nd, Niles (FEF)
23rd, Makoto Niijima (P5)
25th, Laurent (FE:A)
27th, Pandora (TCE2), Chloé (FE:E), Jiei Colan (MDA:RC) & Naoto Shirogane (P4)
28th, Yukimura (FEF)
30th, Ferdinand von Aegir, Aelfric Dahlman (FE:3H), Tama (AINI), & Ena Shinonome (Project Sekai)
1st, Ryoma (FEF), Akane Tono, & Sumire Tono (Monark)
4th, Charlotte (FEF), Servan (MDA:RC) & Iruka (MDA:RC)
5th, Morgan (FE:A) & Ame-chan (Needy Streamer Overload)
7th, Machina (TCE2)
8th, Mitsuru Kirijo (P3)
9th, Annette Fantine Dominic (FE:3H) & Saki Tenma (Project Sekai)
10th, Hinata (FEF)
11th, Hitomi Sagan (AITSF/AINI) & Boucheron (FE:E)
14th, Cynthia (FE:A)
16th, Ryotaro Dojima (P4) & Kuchinashi (Actual, TCE:O)
17th, Midori (FEF) & Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
18th, Raphael Kirsten (FE:3H) & Lien Twining (AINI)
20th, Setsuna (FEF)
21st, Yakou Furio (MDA:RC)
22nd, Yuma Kokohead (MDA:RC)
23rd, Ricken (FE:A)
25th, Toya Aoyagi (Project Sekai), Lapis (FE:E) & Mamoru Bodai/Bodyguard (AITSF/AINI)
27th, Chrom (FE:A) & Mercedes von Martritz (FE:3H)
28th, Naruko Morita (TCE) & Siegbert (FEF)
30th, Bunet (FE:E)
1st, Gin Noto (TCE2), Rise Kujikawa (P4) & Martina Electro (MDA:RC)
2nd, Goro Akechi (P5)
3rd, Hortensia (FE:E)
4th, Donnel (FE:A)
5th, Sylvain Jose Gautier (FE:3H) & Worshipper (MDA:RC)
6th, Shigure (FEF) & Seth Burroughs (MDA:RC)
8th, Ota Matsushita (AITSF) & Anna (FE:E)
9th, Sweet-P (TCE), Ryotaro Date (Monark), Neiko Yasuragi/Dr. Shironeko (Monark) & Anna (FE:3H)
10th, Anna (FEF) & Fubuki Clockford (MDA:RC)
11th, Anna (FE:A)
13th, Gunter (FEF) & Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (FE:3H)
14th, Zange Eraser (MDA:RC)
15th, Kizuna Chieda (AINI)
16th, Stahl (FE:A)
19th, Orochi (FEF)
22nd, Touma Akagi (TMS), Yosuke Hanamura (P4), Ritsuko Enshu/Receptionist (AITSF/AINI), Margulaw (MDA:RC) & Edelgard von Hresvelg (FE:3H)
23rd, Suzuna Kagura (TCE)
24th, Ken Amada (P3), Kellam (FE:A) & Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
26th, Mitama (FEF) & Jeryn (MDA:RC)
29th, Lindon (FE:E)
30th, Leo (FEF)
1st: Libra (FE:A), K-Angel (Needy Streamer Overload) & Caspar von Bergliez (FE:3H)
2nd, Uzuki Yashiro (TWEWY)
3rd, Ryuji Sakamoto (P5)
4th, Kiragi (FEF)
6th, Caeldori (FEF) & Mizuki Okiura/Mizuki Date (AITSF/AINI)
7th, Cordelia (FE:A)
8th, Izuru Minezawa (TCE) & Desuhiko Thunderbolt (MDA:RC)
9th, Balthus von Albrecht (FE:3H)
10th, Nozomi Hinata (Monark)
12th, Kiria Kurono (TMS), Kaden (FEF), Shoma Enda (AINI), Servant (MDA:RC) & Flayn (FE:3H)
14th, Kurama Hitotsubashi (Monark)
15th, Owain/Odin (FE:A/FEF)
18th, Goldmary (FE:E)
19th, Shadow Knife (TCE)
20th, Nene Kusanagi (Project Sekai) & Araya Kagami (AITSF/AINI)
21st, Sophie (FEF) & Man Who Fell (MDA:RC)
22nd, Ryuto Tsukishima (TCE2)
23rd, Yen’fay (FE:A)
24th, Claude von Riegan (FE:3H)
26th, Kagero (FEF) & An Shiraishi (Project Sekai)
28th, Yunaka (FE:E) & Dr. Huesca (MDA:RC)
30th, Itsuki Aoi (TMS) & Chie Satonaka (P4)
1st, Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito (TWEWY)
2nd, Zelkov (FE:E)
3rd, Scarlet (FEF), Kaname Date (AITSF/AINI) & Manuela Casagranda (FE:3H)
7th, Sasara Amiki (TCE2), Inigo/Laslow (FE:A/FEF) & Waruna (MDA:RC)
8th, Alfred (FE:E) & Guillaume Hall (MDA:RC)
10th, Mizuki Kuranushi/Bibi (AINI)
11th, Shinjiro Aragaki (P3), Mamori Minamoto (TMS) & Ichika Hoshino (Project Sekai)
12th, Yuri LeClerc (FE:3H)
13th, Basilio (FE:A)
16th, Ignatius (FEF)
17th, Amame Doi/Mermaid (AITSF/AINI)
18th, Hinoka (FEF)
20th, Olivia (FE:A)
21st, Leonie Pinelli (FE:3H)
22nd, Shiro (FEF)
24th, Boy/Kei Colan (MDA:RC)
25th, “Zilch Alexander” (MDA:RC)
26th, Frederick (FE:A)
27th, Shonen-Doll (TCE) & Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekai)
28th, Sophia (P5S)
29th, Jin Furue (AINI) & Timerra (FE:E)
31st, Soleil (FEF), Mayumi Matsushita (AITSF) & Dedue Molinaro (FE3H)
1st, Gerome (FE:A) & Shinya Yuda (Monark)
5th, Percy (FEF)
7th, Doktor (TCE2) & Petra Macneary (FE:3H)
8th, Azama (FEF)
9th, Thorn (TCE) & Emu Otori (Project Sekai)
10th, Regret (TCE2) & Aigis (P3)
12th, Veyle (FE:E)
14th, Walhart (FE:A) & Chinpei Wagai (AITSF/AINI)
15th, Ophelia (FEF) & Catherine (FE:3H)
16th, Kotaro Tomoe (TCE)
17th, Gregory (FE:E) & Casino Owner (MDA:RC)
19th, Hayato (FEF)
21st, Nowi (FE:A) & Gen Ishyagane (AINI)
22nd, Akihiko Sanada (P3)
24th, Merrin (FE:E)
26th, Koki Kariya (TWEWY)
27th, Hisame (FEF)
28th, Moma Kumakura (AITSF/AINI) & Melami Goldmine (MDA:RC)
29th, Kjelle (FE:A) & Dorothea Arnault (FE:3H)
1st, Kobato Kazamatsuri (TCE2), Etie (FE:E), Halara Nightmare (MDA:RC) & Zenkichi Hasegawa (P5S)
2nd, Kaze & Saizo (FEF)
4th, Nanako Dojima (P4), Chiyo Aikawa (Monark) & Zilch Alexander (MDA:RC)
5th, Haruka Kiritani (Project Sekai)
6th, Mozu (FEF)
7th, Noire (FE:A)
9th, Kranke (TCE2)
10th, Lon’qu (FE:A)
11th, Velouria (FEF), Osamu Oishi/Mama (AITSF/AINI) & Yomi Hellsmile (MDA:RC)
12th, Shiki Misaki (TWEWY)
15th, Alcryst (FE:E)
17th, Cherche (FE:A) & Ashe Ubert (FE:3H)
18th, Kuruto Ryuki (AINI)
19th, Yukari Takeba (P3)
20th, Selkie (FEF)
22nd, Kotono Kashiwaba (TCE)
23rd, Panette (FE:E)
25th, Cyril (FE:3H)
26th, Iris Sagan/A-set (AITSF/AINI)
27th, Xander (FEF) & Honami Mochizuki (Project Sekai)
28th, Flavia (FE:A)
30th, Keaton (FEF)
1st, Silas (FEF) & Yoshiya “Joshua” Kiriyu (TWEWY)
3rd, Aversa (FE:A)
4th, Louis (FE:E)
6th, Kurane (MDA:RC)
7th, Reina (FEF) & Linhardt von Hevring (FE:3H)
9th, Aiba (AITSF) & Citrinne (FE:E)
11th, Ayana Amamoto (TCE:O) & Number One (MDA:RC)
12th, Ann Takamaki (P5), Akito Shinonome (Project Sekai) & Karen (MDA:RC)
13th, Henry (FE:A)
16th, Dwyer (FEF)
17th, Ivy (FE:E)
18th, Panne (FE:A)
21st, Zelestia (FE:E)
23rd, Marianne von Edmund (FE:3H)
24th, Sumia (FE:A)
25th, Tetra (MDA:RC)
26th, Vander (FE:E)
28th, Oboro (FEF)
30th, Camilla (FEF) & Kurumi Wendy (MDA:RC)
1st, Alois Rangeld, (FE:3H)
2nd, Tsubasa Oribe (TMS)
3rd, Jakob (FEF)
5th, Haru Okumura (P5), Sugar (MDA:RC) & Sully (FE:A)
6th, Shizuku Hinomori (Project Sekai)
7th, So Sejima (AITSF/AINI) & Jade (FE:E)
8th, Yukiko Amagi (P4) & Kokoro Surugadai (Monark)
10th, Virion (FE:A)
12th, #QP (TCE2) & Bernadetta von Varley (FE:3H)
14th, Takumi (FEF)
18th, Céline (FE:E)
20th, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (FE:3H)
21st, Shura (FEF), Aphex Logan (MDA:RC) & Shizue Kuranushi/Boss (AITSF/AINI)
22nd, Fuuka Yamagishi (P3) & Kagetsu (FE:E)
23rd, Emmeryn (FE:A)
24th, Shota Tsurumaki (TCE2) & Peri (FEF)
26th, Vaike (FE:A)
27th, Seteth (FE:3H)
29th, Stork (TCE:O) & Izana (FEF)
31st, Rafal (FE:E)
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