#franky vs senor pink
oakdll · 6 months
holy shit. cyborg in a speedo just shot lasers out of his nipples at a grown man in a baby suit
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pushovermediacritic · 4 months
One Piece's New vs Old Flashback Style
This is not an argument about which style is better, just a discussion and analysis on how Oda's writing has changed.
Almost all One Piece flashbacks focus on a Mentor/Mentee relationship. The Mentor dies or something else bad happens to them and the Mentee lives to modern-day, inheriting the Mentor's Will. The main difference between the Old Style and New Style is which one is the Point-Of-View character. In the Old Style, the Mentee is the POV character. In the New Style, the Mentor is the POV character.
You can see a gradual transition away from the Old Style to the New Style.
Luffy: Old Style. Luffy is the Mentee POV, Shanks is the Mentor.
Zoro: Old Style. Zoro is the Mentee POV, Kuina is the Mentor.
Usopp: Old Style. Usopp is the Mentee POV, Banchina is the Mentor (even as short as this one is, it still fits the pattern).
Sanji: Old Style. Sanji is the Mentee POV, Zeff is the Mentor.
Nami: Old Style. Nami is the Mentee POV, Bellemere is the Mentor.
Chopper: Old Style. Chopper is the Mentee POV, Hiriluk is the Mentor.
Vivi: Old Style. Vivi is the Mentee POV, Koza is the Mentor (he teaches her to be bold and have friends, and the bad thing that happens to him is the reveal that he's the leader of the rebels in modern-day).
Skypiea. Old Style. Kalgara is the Mentee POV, Noland is the Mentor (the flashback is a story told to Wyper and begins and ends on Kalgara, he's the main character and Noland teaches him about modern medicine).
Franky: Old Style. Franky is the Mentee POV, Tom is the Mentor.
Robin: Old Style. Robin is the Mentee POV, Saul/Clover are the Mentors.
Brook: Old Style (though I think this is where the New Style starts, since Yorky isn't much of a mentor but Brook serves as a mentor of sorts to Laboon, and it does end with Brook's death).
Ace/Sabo/Luffy: Arguable. If it's Old Style, the mentee POV is Luffy. If it's New Style, though, the mentor POV is Ace. I'm honestly not sure which is more accurate.
Fishman Island: The first half is Old Style. Jimbei is the Mentee POV and Fisher Tiger is the Mentor. The second half is New Style. Otohime is the Mentor POV and Shirahoshi is the Mentee.
Rebecca/Kyros. Rebecca is the Mentee, Kyros is the Mentor. We see this flashback twice, once in the Old Style where Rebecca is the POV and then again in the New Style where Kyros is the POV.
Law/Doflamingo. Law is the Mentee, Corazon is the Mentor. Law's segment is Old Style from his POV, but Doflamingo's segment twists the story into also being New Style from Corazon's POV.
Sanji and Germa: Old Style. Sanji is the Mentee POV, Sora is the Mentor.
Pedro: New Style. Pedro is the Mentor POV, Carrot is the Mentee.
Big Mom: Old Style. Linlin is the Mentee POV, Mother Carmel is the Mentor.
Oden: New Style. Oden is the Mentor POV, Kin'emon is the Mentee.
Yamato: Old Style. Yamato is the Mentee POV, Ushimaru is the Mentor.
Kuma: New Style. Kuma is the Mentor POV, Bonney is the Mentee.
The rare flashbacks that don't fit in either style tend to be really short (Senor Pink, Katakuri, and Kaido), or the Zou Battle, which is more of a recap.
It's also interesting to think about how certain flashbacks would be portrayed differently if they were told in the other style.
Old style flashbacks in the New Style would be like: we see Shanks' life story before he met Luffy, Zeff's life before meeting Sanji, Bellemere's life before adopting Nami, Hiriluk's life before meeting Chopper, Tom's life before adopting Franky, or Fisher Tiger's life before forming the Sun Pirates.
New style flashbacks in the Old Style would be like: we see from Kin'emon's POV and only hear about Oden's pirate adventures, or we see from Bonney's POV and only hear about Kuma's past and Ginny.
I think a lot of this style transition has to do with Oda growing older and identifying more with mentor characters than mentee characters, but also the New Style allows him to cover a much longer period of time, adding in more lore and story. As the story grows bigger and reaches its climax, it necessitates more exposition, and it's easier to do that by telling the life story of an older person meeting a young one rather than the story of a young person meeting an older one.
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antiv3nom · 5 months
oh yeah you’re done dressrosa! and you’ve met my favorite character Go D. Usopp and the setup for the worlds best deez hits joke is well underway.
what was your favorite fight? cause there were a lot of cool ones. and shallow excuse for me to talk about franky vs senor pink because my favorite type of fight is two heavyweights throwing haymakers with no defense or any of that weak shit. also sadly i am a fujitora head. he’s garp tier of reluctant marine to me
YES!!!! JUST finished up the last episode!!! the fuckin. god usopp bit is. its buggy levels of failing upwards which is REALLY really getting me ngl, but truly truly good for him
there were a LOT of good fights this arc i agree, and yeah lol i get why the franky and senor pink fight would be appealing then lmao but i think my favorite was probably either the fujitora v sabo fight or the law and luffy v doflamingo and trebol fight (REALLY really liked the creative use of law's devil fruit there and like. fuckin gamma knife dude. that shit rocks)
im with you on fujitora honestly, i really like how he sees the navy as an institution and yes he is still a marine but idk. hes cool. i like him a lot
it was! a really good fuckin arc! despite taking like a month to finish it i really really enjoyed it, there were a lot of really good moments and despite the beginning feeling like a whole bunch of b plots (which i do stand by tbh) everything ended up working together really nicely and it was just. yeah. really cohesive and very good. i can understand why people would complain about pacing but there were VERY few moments that i actually didn't like how they paced this arc, overall i think it worked really well :D
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
Pizarro, King of FLEVANCE?! Island Man vs Fish Man! @bottlepiecemuses
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I think Jimbe will fight Jimbe because Jimbe and Vasco shot are polar opposites in almost every sense of the word. Jimbe is based on a famous and epic fish while fasco shot is based on fish that just get’s made fun of the hole time (blob fish). Jimbe represents honor and fights in a very stern way while we see Vasco just being a drunk that is known for beating everyone up. This will probably also be reflected in his fighting style I think Vasco shot will use a combination of 2 fighting styles both the drunken fist style and a fire breathing style. Because of his heavy drinking he could use all the alcohol he has stored up to breathe fire and of course it would make him drunk. Still this Pizarro theory is great.
Hear me out,
Joyboy was a pirate not the king of the Ancient Kingdom. He was just traveling around the world helping others just like Luffy does. He had 3 strongest commanders, Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus just like how Luffy has 3 strongest commanders, Zoro, Sanji and Jinbei.
In the latest SBS it's revealed that Zoro's mother's name is Tera which means Earth. Sanji's mother's name is Sora, which means Sky. And Jinbei is called "First son of the Sea"
The connection, Zoro - Pluton (both have connection with Wano. In Greek mythology Pluto/Pluton is the God of the Underworld/Hell, Zoro also said he'll become the King of Hell)
Sanji - Uranus (In Greek mythology Uranus is the God of the Sky, and Sanji can also fly and have possible connection with Lunarians)
Jinbei - Poseidon (I don't need to explain what connection Jinbei and Shirahoshi/Poseidon have)
This is a great theory, but i still think Jinbe will fight Vasco Shot, like some people have said. The problem with these matchups is that i can't seem to find a perfect fight for Sanji and Brook.
Every other character has a perfect matchup or some good options, but these two, for me, have matchups that maybe will be taken by other characters. The character i think would best suited for Brook would be Doc Q, with the thematic and that sort of stuff, but Chopper will be the one to fight him, probably. While Sanji i could ser fighting Burgess, but he would be also great for Franky, with a Senor Pink type of fight. We take Aokiji out of the equation imo because it's obvious that he isn't TRULY working for BB, he wouldn't fight a strawhat giving his all to the end with killing intent.
Also, Aokiji not being truly alligned with BB maybe confirms to me that we won't have a last strawhat.
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curlybrow-kun · 2 years
my favorite One Piece arcs in no particular order:
Thriller Bark
Halloween special themed arc
dancing zombies
Brook introduction 🖤
all the Strawhats have a moment to shine
"Nothing happened."
Impel Down
Gay Hell
fun prison break adventure
Jinbe introduction 💙
Buggy and Crocodile teaming up for the first time
Bon Clay!!!!
my best friends Barto and Cabbage
God Usopp!
Luffy vs. Doflamingo
Franky vs. Senor Pink
the BEST Luffy fit
Whole Cake Island
wet, sad, and pathetic Sanji
Luffy vs. Katakuri
sanlu, my beloveds 💙❤️
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idreaminmugiwara · 4 months
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niishi · 1 year
Franky vs senor pink, easily the best fight so far. I was moved to the manliest tears
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Franky is Not Valid™ mostly because of this
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lorillee · 2 years
one piece is, ideally i think, a series you need to go through 1) completely blind and 2) liveblogging to a friend who is already deeply invested in it
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flimflamfranky · 3 years
Say, what do you think about the theory that Sasaki is Kokoro's estranged son (given his similar hair color, build, and fishman-esque traits)? I'm actually really hoping it ends up being true, cause it could really add an emotional layer to his fight with Franky, and maybe show us some new bits from his past! Though honestly, I'm just glad that Franky's finally getting a major battle after so long (especially since his last one was against Senor Pink, which had some elements I wasn't exactly the... biggest fan of)
on the one hand, i always feel like family theories like that are unlikely to be true or confirmed, but on the other hand, i absolutely LOVE that idea
cuz yeah, they absolutely look like they could be related, and i would love to see that emotional drama play out!! esp since i could see franky trying to assume a big brother-like role to sasaki and that could be both funny and sad. but im also just always a slut for more franky backstory;; and i would legitimately like to see kokoro again, i love her a lot and would love to know abt her life outside of tom’s workers
but yeah, i am excited for these fights! im assuming (more to keep my expectations reasonable than anything else) that these are gonna be shorter fights, since there were a lot of match-ups and there’s already a lot going on. as much as i would’ve liked a fun franky vs queen fight, i do want to see a more serious franky fight. or, at least, a more serious opponent for franky to bounce off of and show his stuff against. cuz yeah, the senor pink fight, while funny, had some...issues.
but also, im just looking forward to a giant robot fighting a dinosaur cuz i am a simple man and that sounds fucking cool
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Pertarungan Franky dan Senor Pink di alur Dressrosa One Piece dulu terasa sangat berkesan. Soalnya di situ, Senor Pink terasa sebagai penjahat yang mulia. Baku hantamnya dengan Franky bahkan terasa sangat jantan.
Nah, di bab 1021, Eiichiro Oda menggambar Franky dan Senor Pink minum bareng untuk sampul. Apa yang menarik dari kejadian ini?
1. Ini adalah semacam janji dari Franky dulu
Senor Pink dan Franky. Dok. Toei Animation
Dulu, setelah Franky menang dari Senor Pink, Franky mengatakan begini: kalau mereka bertemu lagi, Franky ingin minum bareng dan Senor Pink bisa cerita soal perempuan bernama Russian.
Senor Pink sendiri adalah salah satu penjahat One Piece yang latar belakangnya tragis banget. Dia benar-benar menyayangi anak dan istrinya, namun anaknya meninggal saat ia tidak di rumah.
Russian lalu menyadari kalau Senor Pink sebenarnya kriminal, namun setelah wanita itu meninggalkan Senor Pink sesudah argumen, Russian justru kecelakaan dan akhirnya menjadi tidak responsif.  
Bahkan kostum bayi Pink adalah upaya Pink supaya istrinya bereaksi. Sebelum itu, gaya pakaian Senor Pink lebih mendekati gambaran stereotip mafia, dengan jas rapi.
Mengingat betapa tragisnya kisah Russian, tidak mengherankan kalau Franky yang emosional pun menangis kalau mendengarnya.
Sayang, gambar sampul ini belum terjadi di canon. Franky belum sempat ketemu Senor Pink lagi setelah kemenangannya.
Baca Juga: 4 Alasan Nico Robin Vs Black Maria Itu Duel Terseru Lawan Tobi Roppo
2. Yang menarik dari minuman di gambar Eiichiro Oda soal Franky dan Senor Pink
Cocktail gimlet. Liquor.com /Tim Nusog
Seorang netizen Twitter yang jeli menyadari hal menarik soal minuman Senor Pink dan Franky di gambar Eiichiro Oda ini.
Nama cocktail yang diminum Franky dan Senor Pink adalah gimlet.
Gimlet adalah nama dari anak Senor Pink. Ini bikin gambarnya terasa semakin mengharukan.
Gimlet sendiri adalah cocktail yang terdiri dari gin, jus jeruk nipis, dan gula.
3. Akankah suatu hari nanti pertemuan ini beneran terjadi?
Toei Animation/One Piece
Saat ini, Franky ada di Onigashima, Wano. Sementara itu Senor Pink dan eksekutif Doflamingo lain terakhir terlihat ditangkap Angkatan Laut.
Bakal sulit bagi Franky dan Senor Pink untuk berjumpa lagi.
Kemungkinan terbesar mereka bisa berjumpa adalah jika Luffy kebetulan mengunjungi lokasi Senor Pink dipenjara.
Atau Senor Pink bisa lolos dan dia kebetulan ada di lokasi Franky setelah alur Wano.
Gimana menurut kamu soal Eiichiro Oda menggambar Franky minum bareng Senor Pink? Jadi berharap mereka bisa beneran ketemu dan ngobrol ya? Sampaikan di kolom komentar!
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hackedmotionsensors · 3 years
When Oda goes off he never does it in halves. Senor Pink vs Franky is so fucking stupid and funny and I cry laughing every time and then they do Senor Pink’s backstory and its HEARTBREAKING. But also absurd??? BUT ITS SO SAD.
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yuissamidare · 4 years
aight im alive.
dressrosa was super good!!! i really enjoyed almost everything about it (hello sabo i will invite u to my funeral as a pallbearer so u can let me down one last time) but other than that everything was incredible! im really amazed at all the little details oda put here and there - like his doffys god strings are a callback to his childhood and the man who cried about his children getting shot sixteen times, or how luffys gear fourth is reminiscent of apsara and divinities who protect humans in the face of unjust gods. i really enjoyed the build up and new revelations about law and the development of his childhood with cora (and as u can see by my essay in simp chat i find cora very fascinating as study for how he was willing to become an enemy of an entire world for the sake of law despite his own lack of self worth, and it does provide some insight as to why law saved luffy in marineford. ace and cora are so similar in that way)
senor pink was a Delight and i love his fight with franky and them just basically just having a dick measuring contest bc franky... Is Not hardboiled. hes open and empathetic and caring in contrast to senor pink cold and callous demeanor. two people who express themselves in very different ways and are like. the two most popular depictions of manliness in pop culture duking it out (the over the top-american parody vs the mysterious sasuke-esqe detective type) and it was amazing i loved every part of it.
and i LOVED rebecca. like her outfits shit but i loved rebecca and im so happy she got her happy ending too, i think shes one of the better characters in the arc and i love her relationship with both kyros and luffy. luffy himself is a symbol of happiness for rebecca and i love that oda showed that by making sunflowers a reoccurring theme - oda says luffys assigned flower is a sunflower, he wears sunflowers all through the arc, sunflowers are always present when shes talkingbor reminiscing about happy days... Bruh. Poetry. shes just a kid who hates fighting and was under the eyes of the entire world who hated her for no fault of her own (like ace, like luffy) and needed to protect herself in any way possible. while kyros hated himself so much, he needed to do something to prove that he was was worthy of being a parent and by rebbys side, by fighting for her so she doesnt need to fight for herself anymore, but will let herself be protected. i love them. and im happy robin got to see a parent/child reunion when she was denied one in her past.
all of the side characters are amazing. great arc. loved it. luffys floral shirt was sexy as hell 10/10 thank u oda
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strawbewwysamurai · 4 years
omggg ur backkk how was ur fathers bday?? had fun? also thanks for answering me abt that meta its really interesting to see that u got these many conflicting emotions bout doflamingo and ngl yea same on these lowkey wanna ask whose character are u kind of dissapointed in? like which pretimeskip chars were better than post? (hope its clear??)
It was really fun and the cake my sister made was super tasty :D!!! And always!!! I actually really love making meta-- I have a few in my drafts for Kid and Killer, Shanks, aaand Paulie I think //squints/ 
I WON'T LIE-- I am,,,, extremely disappointed about Franky. His pre-skip design was so much better, not just his character design, but like-- him as a whole. 
Especially in Dressrosa, him VS Senor Pink was one of the weirdest?? Most disappointing fights to me??? Not just because I found Senor Pink's backstory weird and creepy as heck personally, but because Franky was just-- I can't even explain it god. He felt vastly out of character despite being one of the more comedic ones of the group, and still kind of feels out of character a good chunk of the time compared to how he was in Water 7 to Sabaody Archipelago. 
ALSO, I have to say Sanji too. He wasn't the best before the skip anyway, but after Transphobia Island he came back even worse with just everything involving his two years and now everything after is a nightmare man. 
From Oda's transphobic gags leading to Sanji having trauma, that's also treated as a gag, to leading Sanji being portrayed even more perverted than before... It's just a heaping pile of bad, and I'm really glad some parts of Whole Cake showed more of his... genuine side? How soft and sweet he can actually be, like how gentlemanly he was pre-skip. Especially when he gets a quiet moment. 
I know he was already the pervert trope pre-skip, but at least he had a LOT of gentlemanly stuff to balance it out. Now it’s just some gentlemanly stuff with a big helping of bloody noses that just kick my hemophobia into gear...
Thank you for asking lovely!!! :D <33
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emetkoto · 6 years
im gonna call it franky vs senor pink is the worst fight ive ever seen
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mrashitaka-blog · 6 years
omgsh. franky vs senor pink battle was so epic. i fucking love senor pink
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