#from fionna and cake ep 5.
salmonroes · 8 months
adventure time transgender character real????
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crab-withaknife · 8 months
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haemosexuality · 8 months
*sits up in the middle of the night* in this next universe where vampires seem to have taken over the world, marceline probably either never met simon or he died soon after they met, which means that since her mom also died when she was really young (too young to remember a lot about her i bet), she most likely raised herself completely alone through the apocalypse and never really learned about Morals which is how after getting bitten she joined the vampires and, became evil i guess. we see that even with simons good influence in her formative years she went through a rough path after getting bitten so it would make sense that shed turn out nasty if it wasnt for him. she is part demon. we just saw an universe where simon lost marcy and was fucked up and now we're gonna see one where marcy lost simon and became fucked up
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kingofooo · 8 months
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Destiny concept drawings and thumbnails by supervising director Steve Wolfhard
I enjoyed drawing these background characters for Fionna & Cake ep 5, haha I was getting obsessed with Max FitzGerald's game Turnip28 at the time. (Farmworld Crunchy is meant to reference "Princess Crunchy the Unforgiving" from "The Dark Cloud")
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j4gm · 7 months
I'm a week late on this post because I had some stuff going on last week, but let's go!
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The opening scene reintroduces us to Ice Finn, who was briefly cursed by Evergreen's crown. We see him abducting a family, who will become part of the pile of frozen bodies that made up the area where he and the Lich opened a portal to the Multiverse in Crossover. At the end of that episode Prismo moved the crown to the site of the Mushroom Bomb's explosion, freeing Farmworld Finn from the curse. But he remains a frightening figure in Farmworld's mythology, as demonstrated by this scarecrow that Simon steals his new clothes from.
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Fionna telling Simon to relax because she's an expert at post-apocalyptic RPGs is ironic considering that Simon has survived and raised a child in an actual apocalypse.
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Big Destiny appears alongside returning Destiny Gang members Tromo (far left) and Trami (fifth from left, just next to the mast). Tromo was assumed to be a boy in her first appearance; it's possible she's transed her gender. Big Destiny claims he was the one who defeated Ice Finn, which is most definitely not the case, but it seems like nobody is in the mood to dispute his claim.
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This is Farmworld Wildberry Princess. She's a butcher just like her Ooo counterpart. Fionna also assaults Farmworld Starchy, and Farmworld Chet is the guy who was surprised to hear that Cake could talk. I'm not sure if there are any other recognisable characters amongst the crowds at the Farmworld meeting place, except of course for...
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Choose Bruce! He was the person who gave Farmworld Finn his sword-arm in his debut episode, and is obviously the Farmworld version of Choose Goose. The evilness of his Ooo counterpart doesn't seem to have manifested in quite the same way, except that he is as shady a salesman as ever.
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Fionna has a copy of a magazine called Mle, which seems to be the Fionna and Cake version of Ble. She also has Finn's iconic flute.
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Peanut exclaims "magic fist" when he sees Cake use her powers, which was the name of Finn and Jake's wizard disguise when they entered the tournament in the episode Wizard Battle.
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Peanut also mentions Fionna's missing nose, which is the first time someone has brought up the art style discrepency in canon. Fionna does in fact have a nose. It's just not drawn in her universe's art style.
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Farmworld Finn's house is reminiscent of the Tree Fort, with its corrugated roof, haphazard wooden construction, steel chimneys, and the ladder steps leading up the trunk of the tree behind. But it still has its own unique design.
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And here is Farmworld Finn himself! His retractable axe-arm is cool.
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He is a widower with five children. As you probably already know, Jay (previous image) and Bonnie (third on left) are named after Finn's kids from Puhoy, who were themselves named after corruptions of Jake and Princess Bubblegum's names. The other three kids on the right are unnamed in the episode's credits, but have characteristics of some of Finn's other "children". The first on the right could represent Neptr, who Finn created in the episode What is Life. The middle on the right likely represents Stormo, who was spawned from Finn's DNA in the episode Goliad. The far right can't really be identified with any existing characters, but he has green eyes like Huntress Wizard, perhaps symbolising the potential of Finn's relationship with her or even being an explicit indicator that Farmworld Huntress was the mother of these children.
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Jake is still alive in this universe. He was possessed by the Lich for a while, but was freed at the end of Crossover.
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Finn throws a stick of bubblegum into the soup for some reason. I've seen various theories about what this is meant to mean but none of them really seem likely to me. It was probably just a nod to the fact that Princess Bubblegum doesn't appear anywhere else in Farmworld.
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Old lady Marceline's broken laser gun and Farmworld Finn's sword arm are mounted on the wall, alongside other artifacts.
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Bonnie has doodled a Candy Kingdom on the wall.
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This is the first of at least two times that Cake suggests selfcest.
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This is the crater from when the Mushroom Bomb blew up. Just like in its original appearance, it remains unclear why its impact was small compared to the bombs that exploded during the war. Perhaps time dulled its power, or perhaps the Lich's spirit was enough to make it more threatening than any conventional nuclear weapon. As previously mentioned, the crown got blown up here because Prismo teleported it here in Crossover. Out-of-universe, this was an explanation for a minor continuity error where the crown was present in a scene it shouldn't have been in during Finn the Human.
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Little Destiny is afflicted by a lesser version of the curse of Evergreen's crown, since she's only wearing one of the jewels. This is why Jay says she feels cold.
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Bartram! This is Farmworld Finn's beloved mule. He was reluctant to sell Bartram in order to pay off the Destiny Gang, which was the catalyst for his discovery of Evergreen's crown. It's good to see that he was at least able to keep his mule after that whole ordeal.
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This show has conditioned us to expect blood when someone dies, so perhaps Farmworld Finn isn't dead despite this looking like a killing blow. Either way, I don't think we'll be seeing him again.
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The dream in this episode's credits is a bunny with a sword.
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gunterfan1992 · 8 months
Episode Review: "Destiny"/"The Winter King" (Fionna & Cake, Eps. 5–6)
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Airdate: September 14, 2023
Story by: Anthony Burch, Adam Muto, Hanna K. Nyström, Jack Pendarvis, Kate Tsang
Storyboarded by: Hanna K. Nyström, Anna Syvertsson, Jacob Winkler, Sonja von Marensdorff
Directed by: Ryann Shannon (supervising), Hans Tseng (art)
One of my favorite moments from Adventure Time comes at the very end of season four's "The Lich" when we are introduced to "Farmworld" for the first time. When the episode aired, this reveal was positively huge, adding as it did a brand new reality to the already complex world of Ooo. The show would go on to expand our understanding of Farmworld in the season five premiere "Finn the Human"/"Jake the Dog" and the season seven episode "Crossover," but even with all those episodes, I never could shake the feeling that there was so much more the series could have done with Farmworld. You can thus imagine my surprise when I learned that Fionna and Cake of all people would be journeying to this strangely normal alternate dimension!
"Destiny" picks up with Fionna, Cake, and Simon landing in Farmworld, roughly 10 or so years after the events of "Crossover." Following the destruction of the Farmworld crown, things returned to their (post-apocalyptic) normalcy, and Ice-Finn (or, as the people in Farmworld call him, "The Snow Man") has grown into a strapping Man-Finn who is busy raising three children (his wife, it seems, has died). One of Finn's kids, Jay, overhears Fionna, Cake, and Simon asking around about the Farmworld crown, and so he steals them away to meet his father. Once Man-Finn discovers what it is Simon and Co. seek, however, he bids them to leave. Going against his father's wishes, Jay sneaks Fionna, Cake, and Simon to the crater where the Farmworld Bomb had detonated, where they all discover the charred remnants of the crown. At this point, Jay reveals that previously when visiting the crater, he had discovered one of the crown's jewels. The final act of the episode is a sees Fionna, Cake, Simon, Man-Finn, and Jay square off against the Destiny Gang and Scarab, who we learn has been trailing our heroes this whole time. After securing the jewel from Big D's turncoat daughter, Simon fuses it with Prismo's remote, zapping himself, Fionna and Cake to another reality just as Scarab stabs(?!) Man-Finn in the head.
First and foremost, I must stress that "Destiny" feels very much like an episode of the "original" Adventure Time. This is likely a result of the Farmworld setting: as a world, it is overflowing with an absurdist energy and out-there characters (e.g., Big D!) that I intimately associate with the adventures of Finn and Jake. And let me know emphatically state: This is not a bad thing. Not at all. I love how the producers have been able to weave the Adventure Time "feel" into something new. It is like meeting an old friend after a long time apart (only for that old friend to get stabbed in the head by a space-god).
OK, but seriously… did Farmworld Finn die? I hope note. If he did, that would mean that Jay's actions were directly responsible for his father getting killed. That's pretty dark. And considering all the bad dads in the Oooniverse, it would be nice if one of the good ones was allowed to live a (relatively) happy life.
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Airdate: September 14, 2023
Story by: Anthony Burch, Adam Muto, Hanna K. Nyström, Jack Pendarvis, Kate Tsang
Storyboarded by: Iggy Craig, Graham Falk, Jim Campbell, Lucyola Langi, Nicole Rodriguez
Directed by: Steve Wolfhard (supervising), Hans Tseng (art)
After zapping away from Farmworld, Simon, Fionna, and Cake teleport to a reality ruled by the "Ice Prince"—an alt-universe Simon Petrikov who has somehow managed to avoid the madness that plagued Ice King. Simon quickly tells his fellow Petrikov the group's goals, and the Ice Prince gallantly agrees to help them by duplicating his own crown. Things are going swimmingly until the evil "Candy Queen" swoops in and snatches away both Simon and the Ice Prince. Fionna, Cake, and Ice Prince's guards dart to their rescue, brutally (but humorously) massacring dozens of hideously mutated candy citizens. Fionna and Cake rescue Simon and the Ice Prince, but once Fionna and Ice Prince share a kiss, the awful truth is revealed: Ice Prince is not some gentleman who overcame the madness of the crown through sheer will. No, he was a self-centered "wad" who used magic to deflect his madness onto the poor Candy Queen… who, as we quickly learn, is just an alternate universe version of Princess Bubblegum. Thanks to fairy tale logic, Fionna's kiss breaks Ice Prince's magic spell, which causes his crown to lose power. He subsequently crumbles to dust and everything he has created melts away.
So far, of the episodes we've gotten, I think "The Winter King" has been my favorite, largely because of the way it explores Simon's psychological character.
One thing that made Ice King’s story so tragic was how Simon, in his original form, was fundamentally a good person, buried deep within the mind of an outwardly "evil" wizard. "The Winter King" neatly conveys the opposite of this situation by showing us an Alt-Simon who, while outwardly "good," had long ago squandered his sense of morality for selfish gain. Not to get too analytical, but all of the good/bad talk reminds me of what the psychologist Carl Jung called the "Shadow." Put in simplest terms, the Shadow is a part of the unconscious human psyche in which repressed, rejected, or unrecognized aspects of the Self are contained, far from the light of conscious thought. The Shadow tends to seal away attributes of the Self that we wish to downplay or dismiss, making it "the home of the suppressed monsters of our inner world," in which "the energy of [our] dark side" bubbles (to quote Christopher Vogler). Furthermore, the Shadow exists as the inverse of our conscious Ego (meaning that, as Jung put it, "when one tries desperately to be good and wonderful and perfect, then all the more the shadow develops a definite will to be black and evil and destructive"). And because it is unconscious, the Shadow eludes easy detection. Nevertheless, its contents can often be ascertained by keeping an eye out for psychological “projection,” wherein a person denies their own foibles and instead recognizes those defects in others.
Now consider this topic in relation to "The Winter King." Let us start with Ice King, a hyperbolically crazy and "evil" wizard. I would argue that Ice King is a textbook of Simon's Shadow made manifest: He is everything that Simon consciously does not want to be brought to the surface in its entirety. The tragedy of Simon is that, while he doesn't often talk about it, he knows deep down that Ice King, while corrupted and warped by the crown, was an aspect of himself. In fact, this entire series feels very much like Simon’s journey to fully recognize his own Shadow.* And the fact that he starting to do this despite it being a painful process is, in my opinion, the clearest evidence of his ethical/moral character. Conversely, Alt-Simon is not like this. When presented with his Shadow, he does not choose to begin the painful recognition process. Instead, he projects it onto an innocent person; he builds up an elaborate "nice king" persona while literally condemning someone for his own sins. It is important to note that psychological projection is a pretty normal occurrence and thus not a surefire marker of "evil" or anything like that. What makes this instance of projection so bad is that Alt-Simon does this fully aware that it will cause someone to suffer for crimes they did not commit. Alt-Simon is like the "pious" archbishop who burns the "evil witches" at the stake all because he cannot come to terms with his own inner demons.
Now that is messed up!
But you know what isn't messed up? The voice acting in this episode. I do not say this to be hyperbolic: "The Winter King" may very well be Hynden Walch's finest performance to date. Her take on the Candy Queen is truly horrifying in a decidedly blursed way. So fundamentally different is her performance that at first I thought it was someone else! Also stealing the spotlight in this episode is Brian David Gilbert, erstwhile writer for Polygon and maker of many a wacky YouTube video. Gilbert's Ice Prince exudes the perfect amount of over-the-top flamboyance and faux chivalry. Both Walch and Gilbert get a song apiece in this episode, and both do a stellar job. (As an aside, have we ever had a true-blue PB song? Does the Candy Queen's song count?)
Oh, and as a quick aside: "The Winter King" features a few short scenes set in Fionna's non-magical world that follow Marshall Lee and Gary Prince as the latter tries to bake something that will earn him greater renown. Going into these scenes, I thought I would have found them a bit dull, but they were quite endearing. It's obvious that these scenes are a way for us to explore how Marceline and Bubblegum got to know one another, but from the parallax angle of a genderbent world, and I am here for it!
Final "Destiny" Grade: A
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Final "The Winter King Grade": A
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* My Prediction: Simon will attempt to become the Ice King, only to realize that a full-on transformation is not just necessary but ultimately dangerous. Recognizing one's Shadow does not mean you become synonymous with; it simply means that you know it's there.
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seal-berry · 7 months
the fionna and cake ending reminds me of this article
sorry but u show golbetty being capable of so much and simon literally was gonna thank her for eating him but nooo we have to get a "emotionally well adjusted grounded" end about taking your lumps and not having a chaos god wife. god forbid women do anything. also the double standard with marshall and gary's romance i was not fond of-- u are telling me in all possible universes marshall and gary are healthy enough to have a happy ending and simon and betty arent? Because thats what youre saying when you frame all of this in a multiverse story.
the plot selectively gives easy outs like golbetty being happy to pop fionna and cakes world out of his head miraculously but we cant have petrigrof because one time simon didnt get on a bus. golbetty shows fionna a dream that sets her straight-- oh yeah, magic WOULD suck! this example world that is much worse than the original f&c world has shown me the light!! dont worry fionna, the threat of losing the world you took for granted and up until now it was implied you were barely making ends meet in will show you that your fantasy and dream were Bad. But cake can stay magic, because thats a metaphor for self identity and not a metaphor for telling a 20-something to grow up! simon stands there and explains what he learned to the audience just in case u didnt Get the Message about Toxic Codependency tm. it was the perfect setup for a dramatic universe breaking love story but instead we get simon being put basically back where we thought he was before the first eps of fionna and cake revealed he wasnt doing well. and that whole show they didnt budget a single scene for simon and our marceline to like. talk. 10 20-plus-minute AT episodes-- what we have been asking for for years-- and in the whole set we get the convo in ep 2 and thats all.
anyways i didnt like the ending because a message that boils down to "suck it up, reality is good enough, dont throw it all away for your god gf again thats the best ending we prommy" is a real swing and a miss in year of our lord 2023. personally throwing it all away for a hot god gf is probably the most self care thing one could do.
thats the line the world of adventure time winds up drawing, that so many things are possible, but this isnt. idk it feels like a slap in the face to have a quick tropey gay romance threaded between a romance that has such a rich setup and history from season 5 get ripped apart from the second there was a "mistake" in their meet cute moment.
anyways sorry i just felt like it was a cheap ending that was very much up on its high horse when the issue that breaks up simon and betty was only really deliberately written in the past 4 episodes. of a romance arc that has lasted since season 5. if u really wanted to go there they couldve made different choices from episode 1 that wouldve left me agreeing that this is a good end, but right now it feels very unsatisfying.
the conclusion is just that betty had infinite power and decided she did not want simon by her side. sad and boring, just like real life!
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safetypinpals · 7 months
How Fionna and Cake explores PB and Marcy's characters while only having them in a 15 sec cameo
As much as I would have loved to see more of PB and Marcy in Fionna and Cake, I feel like it still does a really good job at exploring their individual characters as well as their relationship through how they're reflected in their alternate universes.
I really loved the star, and I think it does these fascinating character studies of pb and marcy and does it while they're one-off side characters in this episode. Its efficient, but still really impactful, and its all done through these alternate versions. I think it's something that can really only be done due to the extensive worldbuilding from AT, and the complex storytelling Fionna and Cake takes on through these alternate universes.
Part 1: Marceline and Bonnibel's characters:
In AT and Distant Lands Obsidian we've seen Bonnie and Marcy's flaws. Bonnie can be cold, paranoid, controlling, stubborn, prideful, obsessive and Machiavellian. We've seen her willing to hurt people for what she views as the greater good. She's a fairly utilitarian person. I think we see her darker side beginning in season 4, and its explored in season 5 and 6. Some examples off the top of my head include a) imprisoning flame princess as a baby b) her surveillance over like, everybody c) Throwing everybody in tree trunks' wedding in prison. These reasons are why a lot of people really dislike her, and see her as an authoritarian dictator, and I don't think they're totally wrong to feel that way. However, we see her grow in season 6, she realizes that some of the stuff she's doing is messed up, and she makes a clear effort to do better. in season 7 when she's usurped, she finished her redemption arc. Finn, Flame Princess, and Marceline, the people in her life play an important role in helping her become a better person. (S6 EP 22 "The cooler", S6 EP23 "The Pajama War", S7 E2 "Varmints"). One of the major things that also really softens her character is her clear love for her people. There's an undeniable motherliness to how she cares for her people and her kingdom that there's something really sweet about. Even though she doesn't always show it well, she does have a lot of love. Love for her people, love for her brother (S7E1 "Bonnie and Neddie"), love for Marceline, and love for her friends (Finn and Jake). She built her whole kingdom because she wanted to have people to be with!
Marcy is also a bit morally gray. Especially in the beginning of the series, she is shown to be unconcerned with people's feelings or the impact of her actions on others. in general, she's apathetic towards the feelings of other people, and primarily sees them as a source of entertainment. She manipulates and plays elaborate mind tricks on people for her own amusement. The song from her debut episode puts it best when she says "I'm a thousand years old and I just lost track of my moral code". She's not an evil person, but over time and through all the things she's lived through, she struggles to empathize with people. She's "burnt out on dealing with mortals".
when we first meet her in S1E2 "Evicted". She literally kicks Finn and Jake out of their house (that s technically hers) even though by the end of the episode it's clear she has other options and is really only doing it to fuck with them. She even tries to kill Jake (which only doesnt work bc Jake uses his powers, but how would she know that?). By her second appearance in S1E22 "Henchmen" it becomes clear that she isn't actually evil, she mostly likes playing mind games. Nonetheless, still fairly messed up. We also see her callousnes In S2E1 "It Came From The Nightosphere" When Hunter Aberdeer terrorizes Ooo, and goes about the land stealing souls and murdering people, Marceline is wholly unconcerned with the people her dad is murdering, and really only worried about getting her bass back (/focused on her own daddy issues). As the series goes along, and as she spends time with finn and jake she mellows out a bit, and gets better. She works through a lot of her issues during the Stakes mini-series (S8 E6-13). We also see her past, and a bit of how her childhood, often lacking consistent, healthy parental figures to model from, and how some of her issues came to be. In fact, I think a large part of why she’s so messed up to people at the beginning of the series is because since Simon’s the ice king, and all the humans are gone, she hasnt had a positive influence on her for a long while.  By the end of Stakes, we see a more grown up, empathetic Marcy. We see this new insight in the finale (S10 E13 "Come Along With Me") when she talks to PB, trying to get her to not go to war. Marcy really just needs people to ground her. Because her life has been so unstable, and so many people in her life have been lost, or have left her (her mom, her dad, simon, Bonnie), she takes to lashing out at people to scare them away in order to avoid rejection. All this is really made clear in Distant Lands: Obsidian.
Part 2: Vampire universe PB and Marcy
In Fionna and Cake E7 we see the versions of them without the things that made them better people. We see how their circumstances created their most toxic selves; for Marcy, that's not having Simon, and for PB it's being put in survival mode, and not having the love of her family.
Princess Bubblegum, instead of being a Princess, is the leader of a resistance against vampires in an apocalyptic world. She's very ruthless, cold, and militaristic. She's dead set on taking down the vampires no matter the cost. as she says "I'm gonna slay him (the Vampire King) or die trying". She only stops to pick up Simon, Fionna and Cake, because she figured that Cake's "murder skills" would be useful in taking down the vamps. In the scene where she refuses to stop to help strangers on the road calling for help really illustrates her mindset. In this, her and Fionna have the following exchange: F: "Quick! Pull over!" B: "No distractions" F: "But you stopped for us." B: "I stopped for your mutant cat. Big picture." When Martin dies, and Fionna apologizes since it was kinda her fault, Bonnie says this “You should be! It’s your fault I’m down one man, and more importantly, one tank. We see her do to the extreme what she's done in the past when she's trying to keep everything together: push all her feelings down, distance herself emotionally from others, and stick to her utilitarian ways. This isn't to say she's all bad. her end goals are nobel. She's trying to save humanity. 
Bubblegum also shows a lot of aggression and ruthfulness. 
She also seems to be very obsessed with Marcy in a very sworn enemies (gay) way. Liek she hates her but she’s also totally obsessed with her and stuck in this powerbattle with her. Marcy makes her crazy mad when she calls her a loser. This is VERY personal to her 
Marcy, without Simon or Finn and Jake’s influence- toss in the VK as a father figure, has totally lost touch with her humanity. Her carelessness towards the lives of others is dialed up to a 10 with her literally murdering henchmen for saying something she didn't like. She’s still playful, but in a much more twisted, evil, crazy way. Her favorite plaything being bonnibel. She seems equally obsessed with Bonnie, and even admires her a little bit. She gets mad when her henchmen talk bad about her and question her as to why she hasn’t killed her yet. She doesn’t seem to actually want to kill her that much because she likes her too much: VK scolds her for “toying her prey”, and tells her to “finish it off”.
Bonnie in kind , as much as she seems to hate Marceline, also seems to secretly like her too, at least in my opinion. Bonnie knows a lot about Marceline; she knows her first name.  Her adamant refusal of “I would never” is loaded with so much history.  When Marceline offers her “You know you could join me” Bonnie seems to briefly consider it, if only for a moment before saying “What’s the point? The population’s crashed and you're running out of food.” There’s something very romantic in that final declaration of “if you poof me, you’ll die too” “together then”. Their dying moments fighting in each other's arms to the death mirrored by Gary and Marshall-lee kissing.
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makigorogoro · 8 months
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
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-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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dynjir · 7 months
I came up with a theory regarding Fionna and Cake.
So the series seems to be based off of the alternate realities created by wishes of others. In episode 6, the creators said that the Baby World universe was created out of BMO's wish, and given how much focus there is about wishes, I thought of something.
What if each world Fionna and Cake go through are wish fulfillment scenarios from various characters?
Here's what I'm thinking so far:
Ep 1: Betty's wish (and I guess Wyatt) (Granted by: Ice Crown and Prismo) This is Adventure Time's main universe. We saw from the ending that Betty wished to Simon safe, sane, and alive, and we're simply seeing the aftermath of the wish here. Wyatt also got a wish that we saw.
Ep 2: Cake's wish (Granted by: Simon) Episode 2 and 3 are a bit strange, but it still makes sense. Both Cake and Fionna craved to be in the land of magic and Cake got her wish first in this episode.
Ep 3: Fionna's wish (Granted by: Simon) This is the episode where Fionna got her wish and managed to reunite with Cake. Honestly, I think 2 and 3's wisher can be swapped because it'd hardly make a difference.
Ep 4: Prismo's wish (Granted by: Prismo and company) I feel like the episode speaks for itself, but Prismo wanted Fionna and Cake to exist and this episode was centered around keeping them and their world alive. And he succeeded! For now, at least.
Ep 5: Finn's wish (Granted by: Prismo) In a early episode of AT, Finn wished that the Lich never existed, creating the Farm World universe. Later in the show, the main Finn actually went back to this world to destroy the crown. We're seeing the aftermath of that here.
Ep 6: Bubblegum's wish (Granted by: Prismo and/or Bubblegum herself) This one's tricky to know for certain. There's a lot of characters missing here since we're focused on the duality of Winter King and Candy Queen, but I think that's a hint to whose wish this could be.
The only person we're shown to have the brains to potentially "fix" Simon's insanity is PB and it's suggested things went the same UNTIL around 100 years ago when Simon was "cured".
However, PB hates magic. She likes solving things with science and it's possible she wanted the most logical, least intrusive solution to cure Simon as naturally as possible, but was stumped on exactly how.
The wish in this case might've been to learn just the knowledge on how to get rid of Ice King's insanity, but it ended up being only that. Just getting rid of his insanity.
It'd line up pretty well with Prismo's monkey paw effect, considering what happened to both of them.
Ep 6 Ending: BMO's wish (Granted by: Prismo) The baby world was said to have been caused by BMO who wished they could watch over everyone in peace and safety. Unfortunately I can't find a direct source to this, but apparently the creator said this.
Ep 7: Marceline's wish (Granted by: Prismo) This one's also tricky. The biggest difference here's that Simon presumably managed to survive the Mushroom War, but had no defense against the vampires, causing him to die too soon to meet Marcy.
I think the implication here might be that Simon never found the crown, but found a bomb shelter to survive through the Mushroom War. Humanity found a way to survive the war, as we saw in Islands, so this would track.
If that's the case, this may imply that someone wished for Simon to never find the crown to become Ice King, but still survive the war with the rest of the humans.
The irony here's that he still died anyway from the vampires due to having little to no defense against them without the crown, which would line up nicely with what Marceline could've potentially wanted.
Ep 8: Lich's wish (Granted by: Prismo) Everything and everyone organic seems to be dead. This was the Lich's original wish before Jake changed it, and we're seeing the aftermath of it here.
Ep 9: Simon's wish (Granted by: Simon) This episode hasn't come out yet, but what was established was that Simon's been wanting to go see GolBetty since the beginning of the series, and the ending of episode 9 suggests that where they went.
Ep 10: ???'s wish If I were to take a guess, I think this would probably be Jake's wish in the sense that life for everyone continues in the original AT's universe; the one that Jake's wish managed to preserve.
What do you guys think?
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4w000 · 7 months
mild fionna & cake spoilers under the cut (up to ep 5 [+ trailer])
gumball & marchall haven't shown up in the same scene together yet (though they seem to not yet know each other in this world yet, & I suspect they are setting up a meet cute w/ those cute cookies. Sorta thinking it's gonna be a C or D plot, mayhaps it'll be like the stephen stills subplot in the background of scott pilgrim*) and while they look cute from that one shot in the trailer, I'll be honest after rewatching the 3 original fionna & cake episodes (and the first pb + marcy ep) I was kind of hoping for some good ol' homoerotic mutual-dickishness, but like y'know "canon" or w/e, that's just me though. Anyways they look sweet.
*scott pilgrim vol 6
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^ this is what'll happen when fionna gets back
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digitalcockroach · 8 months
fionna and cake is really already opening a level of fandom in me i haven't experienced in years like. i mean firstly it's just like a really promising continuation of a great show from my childhood, and the first New show I've felt this deeply invested in in a few years at least so im actually pumped for new episodes weekly. and i have such a perfect history with AT for this bc like last year or early this year or maybe longer ago now idk time isn't real but i decided to watch all of AT bc i remembered watching some of it in middle school and id finally watched all of gravity falls and steven universe (both of which i was pretty late coming to, as i am with most things bc it can be hard to get into smth when it's new and Everyone has an unavoidable opinion on it lol) and i realized a) i must have watched it for a bit longer and more regularly than i remembered bc i recognized up to like the end of season 5 and a few bits from s6+7 but also b) im the same age as Finn and bc the show passed in roughly realtime i literally grew up with him which abruptly recontextualized how much this show actually impacted my soft teenage psyche despite having no clue "fandom" outside of anime was a thing during this initial phase oh and also c) AT is so richly complex and well crafted and basically a perfect show. so it became my falling asleep show bc i have Very Specific Noise Requirements for sleep and has been for the year or two or three since then so ive seen. every episode. uh. lets say at least 100 times bc some ive rewatched way more than others and a couple eps i avoid lmao also i do love distant lands too so NOW my depressed 25 year old ass gets an adult update? fuck YES hot topic I'm gonna need merch stat
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tittiez · 8 months
top 5 tv episodes from anything
HIIII 💖💖💖 I’m sure there are more but unless I’ve seen it more than once I push it out of my head forever 💔 thank u for asking hehe it was fun to think about
literally every episode from pushing daisies I’m being so serious but also I love the one (might be episode 2?) where they deal w the daisy cars and the test drive dummies! also I always think abt the set design of s2 ep 1 where Chuck infiltrates a bee themed makeup/skincare company!! so gorgeous
The chocolate episode of SpongeBob! I love SpongeBob and quote it a lot but it’s also one of the only interests my older sister and I have in common 😭 so it’s special 2 me 💖
Ok for adventure time it used to be the fionna and cake episodes but now that they have their own series I’ll be different 💖 It’s not their best episode but I think a lot abt the one where Finn goes to find Jake a bedtime story and he harasses the woodland creatures and mr fox says YO PUT THAT BAG BACK ON!
Flight of the Concords episode where they meet Kristen wiig and sing “we’re both in love with a sexy lady” 💖 made people watch it at my birthday party one time
I’ve only seen it once but I love the episode of bee and puppycat where they help crispin 💖 I love him he’s my boyfriend he’s so weird he loves clowns
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
When'd you get into Adventure Time the first time, and how'd it happen? Been thinking of giving it a watch (especially after all the good stuff that's been said of Obsidian and, admittedly, all the stuff I've seen you post and reblog), and it got me curious
This is like my favourite story, and it is the only good one I remember from being a teenager (life from back then has been super foggy since I moved out of my mum's but it is all good now):
When I was 15 I made a new friend who wanted to write a comic about Teen Titans with me as the artist, TT being my second-favourite childhood show after DBZ.
I started bingewatching Teen Titans because I now had a computer and was able to do so. I learnt about the voice actors.
Starfire was played by Hynden Walch. I learnt that Hynden's latest role was Princess Bubblegum on Adventure Time. I checked it out on wikipedia. It seemed kind of cartoony for me.
One thing that caught my eye is when the wikipedia page said PB "may have had a past relationship" with Marceline, the vampire girl with the really pretty hair. I was confused by this, and rationalised it to myself as they must have had a history as friends or enemies. It didn't say what kind of relationship and I thought there was no chance of it meaning "romantic".
For the time being, I didn't look into AT further.
A couple months pass. After several months of tension, I get a text while in school telling me that my dad was breaking up with his fiance, and I would need to move back into my mother's place immediately. This was smack bang when I was about to start my GCSE exams - the timing couldn't be worse. My mother's house is a shit hive and I went between having a tiny box room to myself or sharing a messy bedroom with my sister and mother. There were no standards for hygeine and there wasn't a stable supply of food.
I decide to finish my binge watch of Teen Titans. I spend all day doing this every day. I rewatched it once I was done. It was what I did to cope.
At the same time, my Teen Titans comic friend confides in me. She tells me she thinks she might be a lesbian, and she is scared her parents will reject her. I sympathise deeply. At the time, I was waist deep in the closet to the point I couldnt accept certain things about myself either, but having a friend come out to me made me reconsider LGBT matters.
I looked on deviantart and saw some art for "RaeStar". I thought it was wrong to ship them (I shipped RobStar hardcore) but, well, the art was so cute. Their interactions were healthy and sweet. It was nice. This became my low key first gay ship.
Then, I start bingeing RebelTaxi's Teen Titans video reviews.
Once I am dry on Teen Titans content, I see RebelTaxi did a review on Fionna and Cake, and on Ryan North's Issue #2 of the Adventure Time comic.
The first video, Fionna and Cake, was appealing to me. The show had an amazing art style, and a decent sense of humor. I loved that they did something for the fans, making a genderbent fanfic episode based on popular fan characters. It was unprecedented and very post modern.
....But it was the SECOND video that made me take a very sudden interest in the show.
RebelTaxi was referring to a scene with PB and Marcy in the bottom of the Lich's bag. There is a joke where Marcy turns into a tentacle monster. RebelTaxi always makes hentai jokes when tentacle monsters are involved, but he interpreted this scene as referencing the characters' "lesbian undertones".
...Wait, WHAT? Hynden Walch's character and the pretty vampire have Lesbian Undertones?!?! Haven't I heard this somewhere before?!?!
A quick google search of "Adventure Time Lesbian Undertones" later, I discover the Mathematical! Controversy - how an episode with some incredible songwriting seemed to imply they had been girlfriends in the past who have residual feelings for each other. A podcast had been made by the producers fangirling about this possibility, but it was taken down, and the director fired. Nobody had outright said the subtext was not there, but they said they didn't want the podcast to sound like word of god. There had been a lot of upset in the gay community over this. Oh, by the way, there's a gay community of cartoon fans who really ship PB/Marcy.
With a combination of everything, from how my friend had just come out to me and was struggling with homophobia, to how I was a Hynden Walch fan, to how the show had already impressed me with what little I'd seen, I became IMMEDIATELY invested in finding out as much as possible about these potential LGBT characters and their relationship.
So I checked out a ton of Adventure Time videos on youtube. I checked the vids that had Marceline's backstory in, vids with funny moments from PB and all the other characters, I checked Deviantart for fanart where I made my first engagements with the fandom's gay community, I checked the Wiki talk pages to get ALL of the discourse. It changed who I was basically overnight.
I decided Adventure Time was a fun show with clever writing, and absolutely worth my attention. During the break for exams, I binge watched it all day, and then I would cram for my GCSEs between midnight and 3am on the day of the exam. I was addicted!
When I caught up, Goliad aired. This was the first ep to come out with me being in the fandom.
At the time, even though Hynden had drawn me to the show, Marceline was the character I was most invested in. She had the amazing backstory and music and character design. PB was fun, but there was relatively nothing to her character.
Oh boy, that ALL CHANGED with Goliad! People were intensely debating what the episode was saying about her. Is she a good person, a bad person? Why was she so troubled in the episode's opening, and why was Goliad corrupted?
Discourse only escalated with Princess Cookie. The top post on the wikia was "Is Princess Bubblegum evil?"
Thinking about her character was so interesting for me. These two episodes made me realise PB was a character with her own internal battles, who was struggling with the responsibility to do what was right for her people vs what is the Right Thing, with her own psychological wellbeing caught in the middle. My interpretation of Goliad was that PB was a naturally neutral person who had decided to be good, whereas Goliad had been corrupted by Jake's anger, and this contrasted with Finn who was a pure good person. The Princess Cookie episode reinforced my ideas, because she was doing something that was neither objectively good or bad but was a result of her own morality, and it went against Jake's morality. The idea of the "good guys" having such different values was so engaging, and they managed to come around at the end, with baby-snaps being submitted to rehabilitation.
Princess Cookie was also the first episode where PB was shown to be an adult while a currently adult character was a child. Either candy people age quickly, or - more likely - Pb is keeping her age a mystery. After thinking about this, I opened up a page on the wiki forums saying "Is Princess Bubblegum Old?"
This is what sealed my position in the fandom. I became a well known regular of the community after that, on Wikia and then Tumblr. It was my first fandom. So many good memories of theories, debates, analysis and fanart, the satisfaction of my theories being confirmed in season 5 onwards.
The most important thing to me, about engaging with the AT community, was how those initial interactions around the LGBT content were the groundwork for me being comfortable coming out of the closet. If it wasn’t for that, if it wasn’t for speaking specifically to Thisfreemind and Illeity about how gay relationships are perfectly fine and healthy for kids to see, and no less clean than straight relationships, I might be a person with far more conservative views today, and I might have fallen out with several of my closeted friends over internalized homophobia.  
I would have also probably failed high school. My grades improved drastically over the next year, because my online community life had made me happier.  It was comfort and stability during a difficult couple of years. 
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bitchterra · 6 years
Adventure Time Episode Guide Post!
With Adventure Time ending, now is the perfect time to catch up! But the amount of episodes can be a little intimidating. So the list of (at least semi) plot driven eps. I wrote down every arch episode as well as every episode with continuity and foreshadowing so...it ended up being...long. But there’s a summery of why each ep is on my list so you can choose your own adventure (time). Also not that my opinion matters but my fave eps have a star next to them! 
season one
 s1e1: Slumber Party Panic- This is the pilot so you gotta watch it 
s1e3: Prisoners of Love- Character introductions. Antagonist introduction. Sets the tone for for the show. Continuity. 
s1e4: Tree Trunks- Character introduction. The beginning of a story line.  
S1e5: The Enchirdion -Important for continuity reasons. Will be relevant later on
S1e12: Evicted!- Character introduction.
S1E16: Ocean of Fear - Foreshadowing. Important continuity.
S1E20: Freak City -Character introduction
S1E22: Henchmen -Character development. Character growth.
S1e25: His Hero- Character introduction.
Season two
S2e1: It Came from the Nightosphere -Character introduction. Character development. Scenes contain World building elements.
s2e8: crystals Have Power- A continuation of the story line for the episode Tree Trunks
S2e18: Susan strong - World building. Character introduction. An ark-ish episode 
s2e22: The Limit- It’ll be relevant like 20 seasons later I promise 
S2e24: Mortal Folly -Season ark episode. Antagonist introduction (the big bad)
S2e25 Mortal Recoil -A continuation of Mortal Folly
Season three
S3e3: Memory of a Memory- Exposition and foreshadowing. ⭐️
S3e5: Too young - Plot episode. Character introduction. A conclusion for the story line following Mortal Recoil.
S3e7: Still -Minor foreshadowing for waay in the future. 
S3e12: The Creeps- Foreshadowing.
S3e14: Beautopia - Continuation of a series plot line.
S3e18: The New Frontier - Foreshadowing.
S3e19: Holly Jolly Secrets Part 1 and 2 - Character development. Contains world building elements and exposition.
S3e25: Dads Dungeon -Small plot point as well as look into Finn and Jake's childhood. 
S3e26: Incenduim-  Plot episode. Character introduction. Character growth. New love interest for Finn.
Season four
S4e1: Hot to the touch -Continuation of the season three finale
s4e5: Return to the Nightosphere- The beginning of a story line
s4e6: Daddy’s Little Monster- The conclusion to the episode Return to the Nightosphere
S4e7: In Your Footsteps -Bridge episode for a season story line
S4e15: Sons of Mars -World building and continuity. Some good info to store in the back of your brain.
S4e16: Burning Low -Character growth. Character development. ⭐️
s4e18: King Worm-  Foreshadowing 
S4e19: Lady & Pebbles - Plot twist!
S4e20: You Made Me: Continuity for a plot line later on
S4e25: I Remember You -Plot reveal and character development. It's b b b backstory time! ((Lil bit)) *
S4e26: The Litch -Ark episode!
Season five
S5e1&2: Finn the human/Jake the Dog- The continuation of the season four finale. Lots of foreshadowing and insight into the AT universe. Character introduction.
S5e6: Jake The Dad- Character(s) introduction.  
S5e9: All Your Fault- The beginning of a very strange story line
S5e14: Simon & Marcy- Marcaline and the ice kings past is revealed! The laws and reality of the AT universe are once again expanded upon. It's fffflashback time! ⭐️(!)
S5e16: Puhoy: Not essential but minor foreshadowing for that one...thing. ⭐️
S5e24: Another Five More Short Graybles- This seems like a filler but it actually has content that furthers the lemongrab story line.
s528: Be More- World building. Minor character Introduction. Character development.  
S5e29: Sky Witch- Character introduction. Antagonist introduction. The beginning of a series story line  
S5e30 Frost & Fire: Season ark episode. Plot development ⭐️
S5e31: Too Old: The continuation of the lemongrab story line as well as character growth for Fin. Character introduction * 
S5e32: Earth & Water: Character development. Character growth. Plot twist. It's fffflashback time!
S5e34: The Vault- Explanation for the foreshadowing in the episode The Creeps. More foreshadowing. Timeline development.
S5e35: Love Games- Non essential but we do see some emotional character development for fin.
S5e36: Dungeon Train: Character growth and more foreshadowingTM
S5e37: Play Date: Continuity. The beginning of a story line.
S5e38: The Pit- The conclusion of the story line for the episode Play Date. 
S5e42: James: The beginning of a story line. Continuity.
S5e44: Apple wedding: Series antagonist introduction.
S5e45: Blade of Grass: Series plot episode.
s5e46: Rattleballs- Character exposition. Character development. Exposition. 
S5e48: Betty -Series plot episode. Introduction of character (kinda)
S5e50-51: Lemonhope part 1 and 2: The conclusion to the lemmongrab story line ⭐️
S5e52: Billy's Bucket List- The conclusion of season 5 and set up for season six. Plot twist!
season six
S6e1: Wake Up-  Part one of a story line, that follows up on the end of s5. Character introduction. Lots of plot.
S6e2: Escape from the Citadel- Part two of the season premier. Soo much plot and set up for the season. ItTM finally happens.
S6e4: The Tower- Emotional development for Fin
S6e6: Breezy- More emotional development for Fin. Plot progression.⭐️
S6e10: Something Big- Follow up for the episode Sky Witch in season 5
S6e16: Joshua & Margaret Investigations- Relevant exposition Plot twist!
S6e19: Is That You?- Important season/series plot episode. ⭐️
s6e20: The Dentist- Its sort of the start of a story line...or at least there is continuity thats semi relevant later on 
S6e22: The Cooler- Character growth.
S7e23: The Pajama Wars- character growth. Establishes something that will be relevant this season.
S6e24: Evergreen- Very important series plot episode, as well as a continued set up for the finale of season six. Important exposition. Major world building. Its fffflahs back time!⭐️
S6e25: Astral Plane- Another season ark episode. Important exposition. ⭐️
s6e26: Gold Stars- Plot build up. Character development.
S6e27: The Visitor- Character Development.
S6e33: Jermaine- Character introduction.
S6e36: Hoots- Season ark episode. Foreshadowing. Plot twist.
S6e38: You Forgot Your Floaties- Series ark episode.
S6e39: Be Sweet- Foreshadowing/ anticipation build up for the season finale.
S6e40: Orgalorg- Season ark episode. Follows up on some foreshadowing really funny foreshadowing from way back in season two. Continuity. Plot twist. Follow up on hoots.
S6e41: On the Lam- Character development. ⭐️
S6e42: Hot Diggity doom/ The Comet- Season finale. Exposition. A lot of Continuity/ foreshadowing. 
Season seven
S7e1 Bonnie & Neddy: Follows up on the end of season six. Character introduction 
S7e4 Mamma Said: Mostly filler but ends with some plot progression
Stakes: I would strongly recommend watching every episode of Stakes. There are lots flashbacks, world building explanations and character growth. Just watch the first eight episodes before you decide if you like it or not. ⭐️
S721: Kings Randsome-  Plot progression. The beginning of a story line. 
S7E23: Crossover: It relates to the episode Fin the Human, at the start of season five. Probably a series ark episode. So much continuity. 
S7e25 Flute Spell: Character Introduction. Love interest introduction.
Season 8
S8e1: Broke His Crown- follow up on the episode Kings Randsome
S8e5: I am a Sword- Plot progression. The beginning of an overarching story line
S8e7: Normal Man- A resolution episode for the Magic Man story line.
S8e7: Elemental- Set up for a story line. Antagonist introduction
S8e13: Preboot- Season arch episode. Story line set up. Antagonist introduction. Continuity. ⭐️ (Also she is the worst villain and nobody talks about that!)
S8e13: Reboot- The continuation of the previous episode "preboot". Season arch episode. *
S8e15: Two Swords- Continuation of the current story line. Character introduction. ⭐️
S8e15: Do No Harm- Foreshadowing. Character development. 
S8e19: Jelly Beans Have Power- Bridge episode for the story line that was introduced in the episode "Elemental" and will take place next season.
It's mini Series Time!
Adventure time: Islands! There are some really creative world building, reveals as well as character introductions. A lot of questions are answered! Also, it's fff flashback time!⭐️ 
season 9
It’s Mini Series Time!
Adventure time: Elements- We kick of immediately with another miniseries (for some reason...) ... :(
s9e10: Abstract- A follow up on the end of the mini series elements
s9e13; Whispers- The beginning a story line.
s9e14: Three Buckets- A follow up on the episode Whispers. 
WELP there’s still season 10 but thats not finished yet so I’ll add it on later! anyway now instead of watching 246 episodes you can just watch....115...  :(
Au episodes:
s3e9: Adventure Time With Fionna and Cake (gender swap series)
s5e1: Fin The Human
s5e9: Bad Little Boy (gender swap series)
s5e15: A Glitch Is a Glitch
s6e7: Food Chain 
s6e9: The Prince Who Wanted Everything (gender swap series)
s6e22: Water Park Prank 
s7e20: Bad Jubies
s8e9: Five Short Tables (gender swap series)
s9e12: Fionna and Cake and Fionna (this actually not an AU episode but it technically still concludes the gender swap series) 
My Favorite Filler Episodes
s3e10: What was missing *
s3e20: Marceline’s closest *
s4e7: Princess Cookies 
s4e12: Gotcha!
s4e17: BMO Noire 
s5e5: All the Little People * 
s6e17: The Diary *
s7e16: Summer Showers
s7e26: The Thin Yellow Line 
s8e16: Wheels 
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coolmiddlename · 7 years
season 5.1 stream is over!!!
ok! so reaching into season 5, i found that i had slightly better memory of the episodes and that the emotions they gave me were closer to home. which is to say: through some bizarre magic i have a similar opinion of these eps that i had 4 years ago! eps that used to annoy me still annoy me, eps i loved i still love. and i felt the burning controversies they caused, especially Wizards Only fools at the end. its different to season 4which had a sort of universal adoration.
the season altogether was once again quite entertaining. i did feel some moments of frustration, but none of boredom. we watched the stream as a group and at once stage there was 15 people on at the same time! much bigger than the previous streams.
i dont have the same gushing of raw emotional thoughts that i had yesterday but here’s a shot:
theres no real nostalgia for these eps! at least not 5.1. they came at a time where i was firmly settled into the adventure time fandom, and in a more stable place back home. but there IS  a level of excitement, the same ive always had for them. 
part of why theres probably no nostalgia is cos they begin to ditch all pretenses of childishness. theres this slightly anxious undertone all the way through season 5! i’m sitting here feeling VERY tense. i have mixed feelings on this tone shift. i can’t even tell how it functions episode by episode; season 5 feels extremely satirical.
best way to describe this is how finn acts. this was FIRMLY the place where he stopped acting like a kid, and stopped being treated like one. i dont remember a single scene in the season where he was overprotected, or even protected at all.
cos season 5 is so long theres way more standalone eps barely featuring the protagonists too. its strange because theres not a single ‘standalone’ ep in season 8, aside from Horse and Ball! oh, Wheels and High Strangeness too, but do they really count? yet theres still a strong continuity in season 5. the magi of life giving, fionna and cake, the various themes in episodes. they are designed to flow into each other well. even Up a Tree, the most pointless ep of all time, serves a purpose in showing Lady’s developing pregnancy :P
“simon and marcy” is STILL fucking amazing. ice king and marcy’s relationship is touched on plenty in season 5.  i dont have anything large to say on this but it was nice to see marcy get along with ice king, rather than just simon. funnier too! 
the suitor was better than i remembered it being. the black humor is on-point. and i cant help but feel really sorry for pb at the end. 
what ice king said about her in the next ep was something we analyzed the SHIT out of back in 2013 but i forgot that scene existed! what a pleasant surprise to see it again.
....im gonna talk about peebles in all of these reviews, so this is what i think of her in season 5.1: it was kinda the transition of settling into a character. and what ended up being pb’s character for the next couple seasons was someone who did a lot of bad things to help people, held a lot of burdens to protect her citizens, but ended up getting a little too comfortable with the morally ambiguous identity and self-justifications. it comes through in the way everyone discusses her... The suitor: “The princess don’t date.” Red starved: “We figured its best not to ask Bubblegum about her experiments.” The cooler: “You’ve been SPYING on me?” “Hey I’m PB, it’s what I do!” I’ll probably talk more about the Cooler on Tuesday or Wednesday if i bunp the streams but she had gotten so used to doing what she does that she was, in effect, gaining a reputation as a horrible person. And it’s great that these things change after that turning point, at least to an extent; if PB remained the same sort of person now that she was in season 5-6, i wouldnt be able to stand her. it’d have gotten so blande and expected, just like how the characters expect it! remember how the lich is “so evil hes boring”? :P her defining characteristics went from “fucking dangerous” to “extremely impatient and troubled but working on it”.
and i do respect that the show managed to actually... develop her, but not in a way that made her less interesting - they made her more so. considering how interesting this conflict was before, this is INSANE. adventure time got SO MUCH BETTER in seasons 7 and 8, moreso than it was in season 5.2, the golden age of the show!
anyway to rank season 5.1: i dont think its as good as season 4, but its far more consistent than any season before it. considering my current emotional state of being this chapter ceased to be a feel-good show, but it was hardly a waste o time; season 5.1 was the setup for the second half of the show which so far has been fan-dooby-dastic. 
when i see season 5.2, i will probably have more coherent and strong thoughts. good night everybody!!! see you then.
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