#fucking finwion answers
fuckingfinwions · 2 years
By the way, have you thought about writing Turgon/Maeglin? I love to think about their relationship, but there are too few fanfics about them! How Turgon was practically his adoptive father, raised him, but how Maeglin was needy, he didn't feel accepted in Gondolin, he didn't feel part of the family, he was desperate for love and Turgon was so serious.
So I had some thoughts about, and it kind of went in a different direction, and it became a ficlet. It's still Turgon/Maeglin, but less "adoptive father" than Maeglin seeing echoes of his parent's relationship.
Everyone looks to their parents as a model of how relationships and marriage works. Maeglin is no exception, and he heard the story so many time he can't recall when he first learned it, and accepts it as naturally as he accepts that the forest permits no sunlight.
Aredhel was traveling from her home and got separated from her escort. She reached Nan Elmoth, ruled by Eol, mostly by accident, when fleeing Ungoliant's spawn. Eol took the time to greet her in person, and to welcome her into his home. When Aredhel asked to leave, Eol forbade it, and forbade as well the speaking of her birth-tongue, or anything that might cause her to obsess over the world outside. After a few months, they married.
Maeglin travels with his mother to Gondolin. His parents die, leaving him all alone. He is forbidden to leave, but welcomed into the palace. Everyone around speaks Quenya rather than Sindarin. He is told that he should not worry about the world outside, Gondolin is safe no matter what.
It's not hard for Maeglin to guess what will become of him.
Maeglin eats dinner with the royal family every night. King Turgon tells Maeglin that he is part of the royal family as well, and of course that makes sense for the king's fiance.
Maeglin does his best to get to know King Turgon. His course has been set for him, and all avoiding it will do is fill his wedding night with terror of the unknown. He is not so foolish as to disrupt his fiance's work, in his study or in the great throne room or with the council. But even a king must rest, and Turgon spends most evenings reading in his private room by the fire.
Maeglin spends nearly every evening with the one who is his uncle and his fiance and the ruler of the city whose word is law. Turgon is kind, and always welcomes Maeglin with a soft smile even when he does not speak. If Maeglin bring his own book, Turgon will allow him to sit next to him on the sofa, Maeglin leaning against his side. If Maeglin "forgets" to bring a book, Turgon will hand him one from his personal library, and Maeglin will learn about whatever facet of Noldorin society the king wishes him to know.
After a week, Maeglin cautiously breaks the silence with questions. He starts with simple questions that Turgon could brush off if he doesn't wish to be disturbed, what the main grain in the noodles at dinner was, which smith designed Turgon's necklace. Turgon answers them all patiently, but goes into little detail about himself. Instead Turgon will talk about Gondolin, how the harvest went last year, where its best mines for sapphires are. Maeglin soon realizes that the whole city is Turgon's masterpiece in a way, the life's work of an architect and politician rather than a smith. Turgon is delighted to show it to such an enthusiastic audience, who has seen none of it before.
Every evening, Maeglin goes to Turgon's room. Every night, Turgon ends their time by telling Maeglin to "go get some sleep". Then Turgon turns and goes into his bedroom - alone.
It's two months after the death of Maeglin's parents Maeglin's arrival in Gondolin that he brings the topic up. He is not particularly eager to go to his marriage bed, but if he had displeased his fiance it's better to learn before Turgon has to correct him.
Maeglin has asked plenty of questions about Noldorin customs. Hopefully another will be permitted.
"What are betrothals like in Gondolin?"
"They vary just as much as their members, in a way. Some have cast aside all the rituals of Tirion, and go for nothing more than a declaration the week before that they are holding a wedding feast. That seems rather tawdry to me, to be so unmoored from tradition, without even a single gift exchanged."
"Was it more formal in Valinor, then?"
"Much more. The proper term for an engagement is a year precisely, so that the completion of your betrothal is the same as its beginning, recalling the cycles of the seasons that the Valar have instilled. Some people even went for a year without either fiance seeing each other, to prove the depth of their devotion, though I myself found that too cruel a test to contemplate. There are rings exchanged at the start to mark the promise, and again at the wedding. Even without a formal announcement, the rings make the betrothal clear to all who care to know. Other gifts are exchanged as well, more personal to the couple, so they have insight into each other's interests. Does that resolve your question, Maeglin?"
"It does very well, thank you." Maeglin rubbed his fingers together, watching the light play over the ring inlaid with a Finwean sun that Turgon had given him. He thought of the forge set aside for his private use, and the dozens of bracelets sitting in his room, and the elegant robes he was wearing.
He had been neglecting his side of their relationship, however unknowingly. At least there were still ten months to make up for it.
Maeglin presented his fiance with a ring and an elegant inkwell five days later. The ring was inlaid with bright sapphires in a twisting silver band like flowering ivy. The inkwell was carved in the shaped of Turgon's throne, with the back as a pen-rest.
Turgon looked at them, and at Maeglin, impassively. He picked up the ring, and watched how the jewels sparkle in the firelight.
"So," the king said at last, "it was not an idle question, how betrothals work in Gondolin."
"It was not. I know there is much I have yet to learn, but I never meant to ignore you, or to be ungrateful for your gifts."
"You were barred from knowledge of our people for most of your life; your ignorance is no fault of your own." Turgon held the ring up a moment longer, and then slid it onto his finger decisively. "Sit down, please. There is no reason to be nervous about my love for you."
Maeglin did so, leaning into Turgon as had become a habit. He was surprised when Turgon tipped his face up instead, though perhaps he should not have been. Kissing was common between couples, whether wed or betrothed.
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
btw sauron in towers is SO silly. finrod NOT only names himself Dungalef, he also openly summons visions of Nargothrond, which, alright, maybe Sauron has never been to but he *knows* it exists and also how many cave cities are there really. AND he calls finrod a scion of finwe. like. babygirl. your only two choices are Orodreth or Finrod. In Lay of Leithian I think, Sauron has spies and knows the king of nargothrond abandoned it. HOW did that monstrosity of a maia who can't add two and two together manage to become Morgoth's lieutenant is a forever mystery to me
(your writing is wonderful as always too <3)
Ok you are SO right and sauron is an idiot. tbf not really any more of an idiot than he is in leithian…I mean. he knows this guy is a king among the noldor, and he apparently knows at least some of the leaders of the Noldor, like, personally (why does he have a vendetta against celegorm??? the world may never know) plus morgoth (and probably sauron himself) met all the famous leaders of the noldor in Aman, so he should have recognized finrod as soon as the disguises fell off. he's a bitch idiot dumbass and he's so fun to write
but also, if you'll excuse my giving a semi-serious answer to a very funny ask, I am always down to ramble about my authorial choices and this was certainly one of them. My view of Finrod and Beren's time in the tower is that Finrod managed to weave some kind of spell that just. straight-up stopped sauron from realizing. sauron knows that the answer is right there, it's on the tip of his tongue, but for all his power he can't break through, and it's irritating as fuck for him.
finrod knows that if sauron figures out who he is, it's kinda over for…many people, because even if sauron doesnt manage to break him/figure anything out about nargothrond, all he's gotta do is dangle finrod as bait and a whole lotta people are gonna lose their minds. orodreth for one (tbh i think hed probably give up nargothrond to get finrod back) but also thingol (who would…probably make things worse), the dwarves, etcetc. so finrod needs to make sure sauron doesnt think of that. the "easiest" way is to present himself as a defenseless target, because if there's one thing the finwions are not, it's defenseless lol. he's keeping sauron guessing, and keeping him more interested in his fun new plaything than in fully thinking through the politics/magic of the situation.
(and thank you!!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying towers <3)
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erotetica · 7 years
fingolfin + passive aggression
‘all his speaking parts’ is a cop out, so
Aman has cryptids. Specific ones for each kindred, based on actual Cuivienen night terrors. Anyway the Noldor have like a Babadook, and though neither of them remember the inciting incident Fingolfin and Lalwen hide a cardboard cutout of one in places when they get in fights. It isn’t really ‘passive’ or ‘aggressive’, and they never really get into ‘fights’, but Lalwen brings out most of the unproblematic extraness in Fingolfin so. It’s indicative. It’s like the Olympics after a while, Finwe stops them when it ends up on a turret, because ‘that thing will give someone war flashbacks.’ (it was him. he wasn’t looking at it squarely when he found it.)
He dudgeon-chews, at banquets, when people have bad opinions. Like a goat. It’s subconscious in that it’s his go-to stress response, and totally on purpose in that Feanor has a mastication skeeve. Fingolfin’s gotten him to up and leave seven events, twice while the person sitting next to him was mid-sentence. 
He was REALLY INELEGANT about it when he was little, when a kid who’d wronged him got wronged themselves, or like, fell, or got a papercut or whatever, he’d look at them. Vindication in his face and satisfaction lifting his ears. Indis was really worried about it. Finwe had flashbacks of Feanor and Findis telling living, breathing, actual adults to fuck off and just took it as a win. Or like. Acceptable losses. (I swear this house knew no FUCKING PEACE till Finarfin. Lalwen was alkaline, but blithely so; effervescent. A handful. Finarfin, you could actually tell to sit and he would.)
He proposed to Anaire three Valian years later than he wanted to, because every time either of their parents asked when he was going to, he had to delay it, on principle, because yes he was going to anyway but that’s not how it looks, 
When his kids were little they slammed the screen door. Once, they locked themselves out in the yard when it was raining. He didn’t notice for ten minutes. He was drinking coffee near an open window.
I feel like now’s a good time to mention that a lot of his stunts are obvious only to him, they bring no outward vindication or satisfaction, some people go their whole lives thinking he’s a polite guy.
When Fingon comes out, and admits that yes, he is into one of the hellspawn, he invites Maedhros over for dinner. Feanor invites Fingon back. It escalates until they co-throw a family reunion. They abscond ten minutes in and get winedrunk in their old treehouse. They’re found later at the base of the tree–among wood, because old lumber and adult weight do not mix–having saved their bottle. Melkor is released after that and it’s the last nice thing they ever do together. 
Anaire is more obviously bitter but The Same. They met in logic college. 
I know Everybody Loves Raymond is a stupidly specific thing to reference but “don’t let a suitcase filled with cheese be your big fork and spoon” is a thing that happened in their marriage at least once. more than once.
During the Unrest he gets up on a soapbox about Indwion political legitimacy, yes, but also about Indis. Which he had never really bothered to do, that being more Findis’ wheelhouse. Actually at one point he’d validated Feanor’s worldview a little. Indis notices, both times.
As far as Finwion divorces: Feanor and Nerdanel’s is as explosive as you’d think, Findis and her wife haven’t answered the phone in eight years, Lalwen is ace and really superior about it in context, and Fingolfin and Anaire’s is mostly. “…..n ice traveling robes.” “Do you need any.” “Can’t think why.” “rEally. CoOl. How Nice For You.”
All of his conversations with regent-Maglor count.
He’s nice about Feanor after he dies, almost zealously, and he has no idea if it’s genuine or sarcastic. 
When he’s reembodied he tries to be cool about things, and train himself off passive aggression as, like, a habit, and Finarfin fucking. owns his ass. burns he’s saved for years just zing on home.
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madtomedgar · 7 years
Sorry, yes I am asking how the Finwions like their chocolate. It's kind of my generic ask when people ask for them and don't specify otherwise because I am always intensely curious as to the answer. It's like my version of fuck, marry, kill >.
Hmmm… ok this is assuming they eat chocolate like we eat chocolate which is a big assumption but. Assuming they do. 
Feanor is definitely that asshole who pretends to like 90% dark chocolate. Finarfin is a basic bitch and eats white chocolate on purpose. I feel like Fingolfin is that wierdo who doesn’t like chocolate. Findis probably only drinks super classy sipping chocolate. Lalwen agrees with me that Finarfin is a basic bitch over there, and is the reason Feanor eats literal baking chocolate. Lalwen doesn’t get her own, she steals from her brother, and she will take it as long as it isn’t baking coco or white chocolate. 
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vardasvapors · 7 years
Ok, holy shit, I saw that ask you answered with Book of Lost Tales quotes about the Two Trees and...wow?!?! Is the whole book written like this? I haven't read much in the HOME except for the longer descriptions Tolkien added to the Finwions, but this is so magical sounding I might have to look!
ANON THE BOOK OF LOST TALES IS PURE MAGIC AND YES THE ENTIRE FIRST SECTIONS ARE WRITTEN LIKE THIS. Like, def the first 5 chapters of Book One. It’s just like, the most pure?? Just straight up ‘paradise is awesome and insane and did I mention AWESOME and ACTUALLY MAGICAL PARADISE and the valar are TOTAL DORKS and where elves and ainur just straight-up go sjkfhsjfhsj in DELIGHT OVER ALL THE MAGICAL INSANITY AT THEIR FINGERTIPS and is NOT A PRIM PRISSY STUFFY RIGID POLITICALLY DECOROUS SNOREFEST LIKE IN SILM FANFIC. You should totally read it. You don’t even need to like, be able to follow any of it or read it through, just skip around for these little piles of twinkling crack.
It’s…super hinky about some things especially when the actual plot starts up and def not as good or resonant as the published Silm about the broader/narrative aspects in most ways, and really hard to follow too, because the prose is so fucking….hectic and excitable. Like idk exactly what the process was IRL, but it really comes off like young!tolkien was scribbling this shit down at top speed without planning all that well and trying to frantically and furiously empty out a desperately overflowing brain while really enjoying the sound of his voice….er….look of his writing, whatever. but THE TANGIBLE DETAILS. AUGH.
weird tangential fact: the first Tolkien stuff I ever read outside of lotr+appendices and the hobbit was actually some of the early parts of the BOLT 1 -- the Cottage of Lost Play and some of the creation and valinor bits, like 2 years before I ever picked up the Silm, and iirc, my reaction was a shivery catch-breath so intimidating that I abandoned the book immediately bc…idk. reasons. I have story-emotion stuff. If you ever wanted to know why I am so weird about some Silm elements…
(Er, the ask-answer is this one, for anyone else wondering.)
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warpstrikes · 7 years
tagged by @shamera!
rules: copy this into a new text post, replace my answers with yours and tag 10 people
B - biggest fear: ending up completely alone
C - current time: 2:14am
D - drink you last had: Pure Leaf bottled sweet tea YOOOO
E - every day starts with: cursing the fact I have to wake up and go to work...sometimes also cursing because FUCK I OVERSLEPT
F - favourite song: BUT I HAVE SO MANY my go-to answer is Always Gold by Radical Face go check out all his music though it’s fucKIN’ LIT
G - ghosts, are they real? I’ve never seen one myself, but my dad says he has and he isn’t the type to lie about shit so, yeah, sure
H - hometown: Southeastern Ohio...I’d go specific but it’s small...
I - in love with: rain....laughing...cats...ffxv even though it’s completely ruined my life
J - jealous of: people who live closer to all the shit I want to see or visit THERE’S NOT A WHOLE LOT OUT HERE IN THE MIDWEST...just walmart and corn............but big cities get more variety in foods and stuff or better shows of all kinds or exhibits...we get some neat stuff out here, too, but it’s not as consistent
K - killed someone: WOW DON’T TELL EVERYONE
L - last time you cried: Tonight...from laughing too hard THE FFXV VA’S STREAM WAS AMAZING.
Crying from actually being sad um...I think when I beat XV, so Dec. 28th.  Though I did tear up seeing the Broadway Little Mermaid tour when it came through on the 22nd.
N - number of siblings: just a brother, four years older than me
O - one wish: To find a purpose
P - person you last texted: Manda Mom
Q - questions you’re always asked: WHAT.....
lol idk probably various iterations of “are you okay” because lbr I’m always a little cray
R - reasons to smile: FFXV CAST.....oh and cats...AND FOOD...weekends...friendships
T - time you woke up: uhhhhhhhh 3pm (I work second shift, don’t look at me like that)
U - underwear color: White with blue florals
V - vacation destination: Listen...I love Virginia, okay.  That place is the SHIT.
W - worst habit: I tend to come off harsher than I want to, even though I show my affection for people by being kind of a shit to them.  Yeah, it makes no sense, but I then worry that I’ve actually offended people but then I can’t just up and apologize because I then get anxious and I’m also stubborn and proud and and and
X - x-rays you’ve ever had: My knee when I sprained it on a trampoline when I was like...seven...?  Also my jaw when I fell off the jungle gym in 5th grade and belly-flopped onto the gravel (I only chipped a molar though)
I think I’m an earth dragon, to be specific...not that I have any idea what that means but HEY TIDBITS
tagging some people okay @enjye @finrod-finwion @masayume85 @elizabetamargie @gogoutori @missragdoll @unproductivepeanut @zacksfairest @fayetastical @coffeetori
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fuckingfinwions · 1 year
love that gondolin idea 👀 i cant help thinking about a variation: maeglin sees all this but figures turgon doesnt need a spouse, but idril does bc she has no heirs. sure shell be controlling and awful but that's how relationships are, and he's a gift from her father.
meanwhile turgon also thinks this but for different reasons - maeglin is illegitimate and needs to not produce any more bastards to shame their family. easiest way to fix that? make him marry into the actual royal line and have idril's kids.
idril is not a huge fan of this plan but she does feel the pressure to have heirs, and maeglin is good about doing everything she says without complaint. he just needs to be taught how to behave in noldorin society - or, alternately, just never go anywhere.
I love this idea.
Turgon is thinking through it all so coldly and politically. Maeglin doesn't have a strong claim to the throne but he has some, and Turgon saw the strife between his father and uncle. Better to nip that in the bud. And it doesn't raise the question of do the bastards of bastards count as anything, if instead Maeglin has a very prominent wedding to Idril and all his kids inherit status from her.
Maeglin is going along with it because what else is he going to do? At least he's heard stories of the life he'll be joining when he joins his spouse, whispered tales of Gondolin from Aredhel. He has no idea of the details, but he is in the city he wanted to be in. Other people (like his mother) have had worse marriages.
Idril doesn't want to be tied to someone else's plans and someone else's life. A husband who shared her dreams would be amazing, but if she can't have that Maeglin works pretty well. He knows that his goals and desires aren't as important as hers, and is perfectly complaint with just doing what she tells him to.
I bet Idril would decide Maeglin never has to go anywhere. He can be taught the correct protocols for formal events where the crown princess's husband would be expected to attend, but the rest of the time he'll spend in their wing of the palace. His father was a smith, and that's always an acceptable hobby/skill for a Noldo. Idril finds a private smithy for Maeglin, and tells everyone her husband is so shy, but isn't the necklace he made for her beautiful?
Maeglin learns Idril's rules, and the rules for formal occasions. He doesn't learn how much you should tip at a restaurant, or the appropriate way to haggle, or what parks are more for sports versus quiet reading, because he never gets in those situations. He learns Quenya, so that his wife can tell him about her day in her native language, and so that he can tell the difference between "fuck my tits" and "suck my clit" when said in half-whispered moans. He learns to read tengwar rather than cirth letters so that Idril can leave him notes about what to do that day.
The big question is, what happens when they do produce heirs? Nan Elmoth was isolated enough that Eol could just keep his son from ever talking to strangers, and therefore keep his controlling relationship secret. Idril though will want her children to have the full freedom of Gondolin, and eventually they'll want to know why their dad never leaves the house or talks to their friend's parents.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
Dark Maedhros anon here, your reply was great and made me feel even worse for poor Finno. Asking him questions during the council is such a nice touch. Mae is having too much fun. I actually imagined Finno's 'throne' has kind of a pedal, which Mae forces him to press and Finno realizes with horror that the dildo moves. Mae orders him to keep doing it until he's literally unable to move from pain and exhaustion. (1/2)
(2/2) Mae nurses Finno back to health. He's very careful and gentle with him and Finno starts hoping again, but as soon as Mae deems him recovered enough, he brings out the chair. Finno begs him not to do it, offers anything else but that, apologizes for calling himself a prince but Mae forces him on it and pedals it himself until Finno goes hoarse from screaming (and comes a couple of times). Then he takes him to a council and has his soldiers pedal it for the entire duration of the council.
(Sorry for the very late response! This is follow up to a previous ask)
Ooh, I like the pedal! Fingon is forced to fuck himself in public, and he can last longer is it's moving just a pedal rather than lifting himself off the throne. Also the length the dildo moves in and out is the same on every stroke, there's nothing Fingon can do to keep himself adjusted. And with his arms tied to the throne, he's utterly trapped.
And then, after Fingon is humiliated once, he has that glimmer of hope when Maedhros nurses him back to health. Only to have it crushed when Maedhros becomes cruel again.
I love the idea of Maedhros pedaling it himself at first. He's not actually bothering to touch Fingon while tormenting him, but Maedhros isn't totally impersonal either. He can tap his foot faster or slower and watch Fingon's reactions to the giant dildo pounding inside him. Maybe Maedhros starts out slow, and every time Fingon stops reacting as much speeds up, just to force another scream out of him. By the time Maedhros is done, Fingon is barely able to keep himself upright.
And then Maedhros goes to his council meeting, and has Fingon brought along as well. I like the idea of Maedhros not bothering to remove Fingon from the chair, just have servants carry the "throne" with Fingon still seated on it. Every time they stumble, or tilt the chair to get up stairs, on anything else, Fingon feels the giant dildo press up against him differently. But hey, he's already screamed himself hoarse, so he's still quiet for the journey.
Perhaps Fingon assumes he'll merely be displayed this time, utterly humiliated and exhausted and wrecked, but passive. And then Maedhros directs a soldier to step on the pedal.
Long before the council meeting is over, Fingon is too exhausted to hold himself up. He doesn't fall out of the chair though, with his arms tied to the armrests and whole torso held upright by the giant dildo inside him.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
in the king!maedhros au you said that after hes of age maedhros will rape celebrimbor at least once. would he get to be comforted by all three of the other concubines after that? would they be able to put aside their differences and make him feel better about it?
I think they're able to mostly put aside their differences, or at least hide them for a few hours. It's been years by that point of the four of them being stuck together. Curufin is aware that Fingon and Nolo have some coping skills that he does not, even if he thinks they're pathetic for needing them. Fingon recognizes that Celebrimbor actually finds Curufin comforting, for some strange reason. Nolo knows how terrible it is to sit and wait while your children are being raped and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
The one thing they all agree on is that Celebrimbor doesn't deserve this. (Curufin thinks Fingon deserves it for being a pervert and Nolo deserves it for disrespecting Feanor. Fingon thinks Curufin deserves it in retaliation. Nolo questions the concept of anyone deserving to be raped for decades- though he might have trouble living up to that if Feanor somehow came under his control.)
This still doesn't add up to all three of the other concubines being able to be in the same room without extreme tension, though. I think they delegate responsibilities.
Nolo has the most practice at staying calm and dealing with the aftermath of rape dispassionately, so he helps Celebrimbor wash up and brush his teeth to get rid of the taste, and makes sure he drinks something, so he doesn't have a headache. He asks about specific acts and injuries, that Celebrimbor might find too awkward to tell his father. (Tyelpe will have to get past that eventually, but it doesn't have to be tonight.) Then Nolo gives a summary to Curufin, and goes out to play bait. Maedhros might want another round, or Maglor might be interested, and sometimes they'll just go for whoever they can find.
Curufin does actually love his son, and Celebrimbor loves him. He sits with Celebrimbor and comforts him as long as it takes. He hugs him carefully without trapping him, and uses all his skill at spotting people's psychological weak points to actually avoid Celebrimbor's triggers. He promises Celebrimbor that Curufin still loves him, still respects him, nothing Maedhros makes him due will ever make Curufin treasure his son any less.
Fingon would guard the door so no one can get in, if any of them thought it would help. But they all know that the most he can hope to accomplish is a ten minute delay of getting dragged of by the soldiers, and pissing off whoever requested Celebrimbor. It's just as likely that Maedhros would decide to take them both, if Fingon is so insistent, and threesomes are almost always more work than one-on-one. He goes to bed as soon as Celebrimbor is taken to Maedhros's room, and in the morning collects both of their lists of chores. Celebrimbor will be sore, and might flinch at things involving beds or crawling on his hands and knees. Fingon does most of Celebrimbor's list before even stating on his own, so at least Celebrimbor won't also be beaten for neglecting his duties. (He doesn't do the same for Curufin, who got just as little sleep worrying about Celebrimbor. Compromise only goes so far.)
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
in the king-maedhros au, does fingon ever use the fact that hes maedhro's favorite (if he is?) to try to get better things for himself/him and nolo? like time off or less punishment or more luxuries or anything? does it actually work or is maedhros like 'no only *i* get to psychologically manipulate *you*?'
I think Fingon is mostly too pissed about the overall situation to manipulate Maedhros like that. Using the fact that he's Mae's favorite feels too much like playing along, and too much like accepting that his place in society in Maedhros's sex slave.
Fingon would still try if any thing important was on the line, like his freedom or life, or those of his family. But not for his own comfort, or for less time on chores (which Fingon assumes would just mean more time being raped anyway). And negotiating for less punishment won't work, as Maedhros already considers himself too inclined to leniency where his favorite is concerned.
Maedhros might decide to give more luxuries to Fingon on his own, though. Maedhros wants his favorite whore to do strip shows down to silk panties at a moment's notice, so Fingon gets new underwear. Maedhros dislikes the way Fingon's callouses feel when jerking him off, so Fingon gets assigned to do less of the scrubbing with harsh soaps, and given a large bottle of lovely-smelling lotion.
Fingon isn't actually so proud that he'll refuse to use these "gifts", especially when he'd be punished for it. He didn't beg for mercy that Maedhros deigned to grant him; Maedhros is just requiring that Fingon do something less unpleasant than average. As long as Fingon isn't in control, he can tell himself that he would use any control he had to actually change things and get the fuck out.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
How exactly does the compulsion work in magic rape slavery AU? Like if Maedhros ordered Fingon to hold his breath, how long would Fingon hold it? Till he suffocated? Till he passed out? Or would the physical necessity to breathe overrule Maedhros's order?
It only works as long as Fingon is conscious. He'd hold his breath until he passed out, and then would start breathing again on reflex. Of course if Maedhros wanted to, he could order Fingon to hold his breath again as soon as Fingon was aware enough to do so, and Fingon would stop breathing.
Broadly, the compulsion affects all voluntary physical actions. It compels Fingon to make a real attempt, but can't compel him to succeed if it's beyond his abilities. Also for orders of a specific action, he isn't compelled to just try again and again futilely after he fails once.
A single order like "hold your breath" would make Fingon hold his breath until he passed out. But then he would start breathing again automatically, and when he woke up he would be able to breathe normally.
A broader restriction like "don't breathe until I tell you to" would also cause Fingon to pass out. But since it's an ongoing order, he would stop breathing as soon as he was awake enough to notice. And then pass out again. "Hold your breath for the next hour" would do the same thing.
Although Fingon is compelled to make a real attempt, he is not compelled to make his best attempt. If he was ordered to kill Manwe he could focus on building a ship to return, or on designing a weapon, or just start walking the Helcaraxe. He doesn't have to carefully think through which of those has the best odds of success. Similarly, ordering him not to breathe doesn't compel him to tie a pillow over his face.
(Maedhros could order Fingon to kill himself, and he would have to obey. A momentary blink when something is headed towards your eye might be reflexive, but keeping a grip on the knife is totally voluntary. Maedhros wouldn't order this unless he thought Fingon was going to be killed or tortured by someone else anyways, but that's not much protection.)
Since it only affects voluntary physical actions, that doesn't directly include arousal. But "masturbate until you're hard" is a valid order. As is "always have your cock hard when naked around me," though Fingon can avoid it simply by staying dressed.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
please sir i am begging you for just a crumb of turgon/maeglin. (perhaps with some other gondolin nobility thrown in for flavor)
Maeglin will do anything no to be sent back to Eol.
What, did you think Eol was dead? No, Turgon is not a Kinslayer no matter how you provoke him. Instead Eol is imprisoned in the deepest dungeon below the castle. He's known as the Dark Elf; perhaps he prefers a windowless cell rather than being a contributing member of Gondolin society and walking beneath the bright sun.
(No one believes that. But he is not killed, and is told that he can come out of the cell if he swears to harm none, never leave the city, and pledge fealty to Turgon as king. He does not swear, and is out of sight and out of mind.)
Eol did not have the right to kill Maeglin, and certainly not to kill Aredhel. But he is head of his house, and did have the right to demand members of his household stay with him. So Maeglin ought to go into the cell with his father, where there's nothing to do but stare at the walls and listen to Eol's insults.
Unless of course, Maeglin joins another household, such as by marriage. He cane even stay out in the city, and see trees and the stars and the moon, as long as he's courting. (But he cannot be the head of a household in Gondolin of course; no Avar can outrank a Noldo.)
So Maeglin makes a half dozen "engagements" and breaks them just before he would have to commit to a wedding date. He doesn't trust any of the Lords of Gondolin to treat him well once he's not allowed to leave. (And no wonder, after what they do to him. He always acts eager for whatever his latest fiance suggests, for fear of them breaking it off early or telling the king it's a farce. Even if Glorfindel prefers to given golden showers rather than flowers, or the flute-player thinks Maeglin should learn how to hold a delicate instrument in his mouth, or Rog loves the way his muscles glisten after so long in the forge he nearly passes out from heat. It's still better than a cell.)
Yntil Turgon says this is ridiculous. If Maeglin will not marry yet that's fine, but he must join a household and stick with it. He can be Turgon's page. Maeglin is enthusiastic about this - he’s not in a cell, and if it’s terrible he can probably still convince Rog to marry him.
Page means that Maeglin writes notes (thank Eru he's learned Quenya by now) and carries letters and in general is on hand for whatever Turgon asks, all those little things that Turgon could do himself but it would be a waste of the King's precious time.
It would be a waste of time for Turgon to masturbate, with someone right there to take care of it for him. Turgon’s robe is long and ornate and goes nearly to the floor, but it’s loose enough for him to spread his legs a bit. Maeglin doesn’t have much room to maneuver underneath, but it’s not like he needs to move most of his body anyway. Just his head up and down on his uncle’s cock, and one hand to cradle the king’s balls while the other braces against the floor.
Maeglin is used to Sindarin stye tunic and legging rather than the full robes of Noldorin court. Turgon lets him keep wearing them, at least for a while. He even has new sets made in the royal colors, as Maeglin's page uniform.
And if the leggings have no crotch, well, the tailor is used to Noldorin clothes. It must be a mistake. But the tunic is long enough to cover it, no one can see anything when Maeglin stands beside his Uncle.
And Turgon can have Maeglin finger himself open and be presentable only seconds later.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
First of a few asks if that’s ok!
I really like the idea of Melkor continuing to be able to construct and use his shadow tendrils even after his physical form is damaged. So he can continue to use them on Maedhros for example. Especially in the same universe as your fic with Melkor and Fëanor. Of course with Maedhros as a captive he won’t have the same element of surprise. Although it could also be in a verse where Maedhros was captured during the darkening
(link to relevant post)
I like that idea too! Even if Melkor can't fully shapeshift, he can still move all the body parts he has, and that includes his shadow tendrils. Of course, this is the first time he's been locked into one form, he might worry about losing that flexibility if he doesn't use it. Luckily for hims Melkor, there's this nice elven prisoner to use his tentacles on...
Yes to it being the same universe as the fic. Feanor never told anyone the details of what happened when Melkor came to Formenos, just that Melkro "attacked" him. But Melkor remembers it very well, and is so eager to try out Maedhros. See if Maedhros is just as good with his tongue as his father, if he's as easy to overwhelm with pleasure. And how much Maedhros can take before he screams in pain, tentacles holding him down and spreading his mouth far too wide, pulling his legs apart until Melkor can witch his tendrils pushing up against that tight hole.
Or maybe Melkor decides to keep the element of surprise one more time. Sure, Maedhros expects Melkor to rape him. But Maedhros, shivering naked in his cell, assumes that he would at least see a threat approach. Instead, Melkor waits out of sight, and the hallway by Maedhros grows darker as shadows creep across the floor. Maedhros tells himself that literally flinching at shadows is ridiculous- right up until the ones over his wrists grow solid, as does the one across his throat. Maedhros is choking and gasping for air when he feels something slither behind his balls.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
Not to agree with Curufin, but Maedhros, if you don't want to do it, consider... not doing it lol. Do you think he will ever realize how fucked up what they are doing is? Was he friends with Fingon when they were kids before all this started? Fingon was old enough to remember free life, Maedhros must remember that time too. Also how will the Nolo and Fingon react once Maedhros starts treating them kinder? (And what exactly is kinder?) I imagine with relief, but also they are still, well, slaves.
Maedhros realizes that what he's doing would look very fucked up to people without context! However, the context of "I'm the king" and "the previous king did it" and "Surely Nolo was some sort of threat, otherwise it would mean Feanor was paranoid and cruel for no reason" means that it can't be fucked up. Following the law is morally good, and the king makes the laws, so anything the king does is morally good. Perfectly circular logic!
He might actually realize it's fucked up and unnecessary if someone takes the Noldorin throne and has no sex slaves or ways of humiliating the former royal family, and their reign is successful. (Finwe is an exception because of course sons obey their fathers.) But if that happened he'd be plotting how to get the throne back, and if he succeeded would see it as proof that enslaving the royal family is a great idea actually.
Maedhros and Fingon weren't close - Fingon is a couple years younger, and Feanor never thought of Nolo as his equal in social status, or Nolo's children as equal to his. But there were still times when Maedhros and Fingon were the only noble kids at some formal political thing, both of their fathers getting them used to it, both thoroughly bored. They got along well enough, and Maedhros planned to strategically keep hanging out with Fingon when they both grew up and stopped getting left out of meetings (either to make peace between Nolofinwe and Feanor or to find some way to discredit Nolo, Maedhros was in middle school and didn't have all the details figured out). Once Finwe died and Feanor became king though, Feanor made it clear that Nolo's children were inferior and his sons should not associate with them, and Maedhros followed that.
The way in which Maedhros starts treating Nolo and Fingon "kinder" is mostly going back to how he treated them before he became king. Less emphasis on his power and authority over them because he doesn't have Curufin as an audience to show off for. More listening to suggestions during sex (not necessarily following, but listening to) because he's a little less stressed and into a rhythm after his coronation. Less lashing out and hitting them because Maedhros is less in pain as time rolls on past his father's funeral.
Nolo is aware that this change in Maedhros's behavior could change back at any time. He tries to make being kinder more appealing to Maedhros - though of course, he didn't disobey when Maedhros was cruel either. But Nolo can be more focused and feign enthusiasm during sex where Maedhros is gentler, rather than mostly zoning out and letting muscle memory take over. After so many years, Nolo knows what Maedhros likes.
Fingon also knows that Maedhros might stop being comparatively kind at any moment. But if Maedhros being cruel wasn't usually as bad as Feanor, and definitely not as bad as dealing with eight people who all wanted separate things from him. Fingon will enjoy it while it lasts, but not try to prolong it.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
Yes exactly! Maedhros and Húrin sort of realize Fingon’s plan at the same time though come to different conclusions about it.
I have several versions because of course I do but ultimately, Fingon does fuck Húrin, multiple times. In some versions Maedhros takes part.
Ooh, both realizing Fingon's plan at the same time. Perhaps Fingon asked Maedhros to join him in his bedroom. Maedhros assumed that it would just be another standard rape session of rough sex. (and Maedhros reminds himself that he's not trapped, he could ride back to Himring any day he wished, he's never tried the door so he doesn't have to wonder if it's locked.) Fingon told him to leave his clothes on and wait in the bedroom, Fingon would join him later. And that's fine. (Maybe Fingon will forget about him and just go to sleep - no, Maedhros doesn't hope for that, of course he wants to spend time with his best friend.)
Then Fingon opens the door and still doesn't say anything to Maedhros, too focused on the latest Man he's going to deflower. And Maedhros realizes that Fingon isn't planning the standard cruelty tonight, soft touches that turn rough, a grip too tight on his wrists, condescending let names. No, tonight Maedhros has to watch the man he loves (loved?) hurt someone.
Meanwhile Hurin. He may be a young recruit, but he's still heard some of the stories about Prince Fingon. How he is generous with gifts towards his favorites, giving them fine armor and horses and jewels. The crude gestures that accompany the word "favorite" - but those would be the case regardless of the truth, soldiers like bawdy stories. And the older generals with the fine horses will admit they got them from Fingon, and never say a word against him. (How could they, with him being the crown prince, with him having the ability to ruin their reputation simply be revealing the truth of their actions?) So perhaps Fingon seduces mortal men, and gives them gifts when he's done to apologize for not keeping them longer.
(Some of the Men in Fingon's bed have been willing, it's true. He enjoys watching them beg for his cock, for his touch, for his smile. But he always grows tired of that game sooner or later.)
Hurin accepts an invitation to dine with the crown prince because it is truly a great honor, and it would be rude to refuse simply based on rumors. If Fingon asks him, Hurin can refuse at that point.
When Fingon kisses Hurin, Hurin pushes back, and says "I'm engaged."
Fingon says "If she shows up, she's welcome to join in." and kisses Hurin until he's literally dizzy from lack of air. Then Fingon grabs Hurin's hand, and Hurin can only stumble along in order not to fall.
And Fingon pulls Hurin into his bedroom, and it's clear that tonight will end the same way no matter what Hurin does.
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fuckingfinwions · 2 years
I hope this is ok to run this idea by you!
I remember you mentioned that Maedhros and Fingon might roleplay "Fingon kills Glaurung and gets his mind control powers" on your list of role plays ranked by how much it would horrify Fingon's family.
This wasn't based on that but it is related
The premise:
Fingon fights Glaurung as in canon. But he Comes Back Wrong. Maedhros soon realizes this but just as quickly realizes that he is in no place to accuse anyone of having contact with one of Angband's denizens and subsequently becoming dangerous or untrustworthy. He is well aware that this is precisely what many say about him and it is in part because of Fingolfin and Fingon's word that he is treated as well as he is. Maedhros tries to dismiss his thoughts as paranoia, perhaps even convincing himself his fear that something is wrong is related to his own trauma with Morgoth, this seems the sort of fear Morgoth might plant in someone after all. But as time goes on he cannot help but notice a particular gleam in Fingon's eyes and worse, a particular delight in something that Fingon has never felt anything but disgust for; cruelty. It becomes a sort of psychological cat and mouse where Fingon also realizes that Maedhros knows and readily plays with him, putting him in positions where he has to cover for Fingon's actions and isolating him. And things get worse when the human vassals from Hithlum arrive and they're such easy targets and Maedhros can't spend all his time babysitting a bunch of barely adult warriors who would do anything their king asked of them.
Things just continue escalating and I have many alternate verses for what happens
I like that idea!
Fingon comes back and - it's nothing obvious at first. Fingon has walked like expects everyone to move out of his way for years (it's a requirement for the crown prince crown prince, and it's good that he's finally settled into it and stopped saying "excuse me!" a dozen times walking down a hallway), and stood like he knows how to fight for decades (since Alqualonde, and that's Maedhros's fault so how dare he resent Fingon for it, how dare Maedhros ever feel threatened by him.) Maedhros knows he learned to jump at shadows in Angband, and just because something's a trigger doesn't mean anyone's doing anything wrong.
Maedhros could try saying "Fingon creeps me out after he struck the mightiest blow any of us have against Morgoth," but he knows it wouldn't get anywhere. At best, someone would very kindly explain to him in small words that just because people can fight very well, doesn't mean they're going to attack him, and would he like to speak with the healers again? More likely though, it would only spark rumors against Maedhros - because what reason could Maedhros have for anything other than joy at defeating Morgoth's creatures, unless he is himself working for Morgoth?
Maedhros does his best to reassure himself. It's probably just paranoia and lingering trauma from Angband - defiance was always punished, but sometimes Morgoth liked to let his prisoners sit in dread for a little while, and punish anyone who was kind to the defiant ones just as harshly.
And Fingon is busy and tired, after such a fight, and then hours and hours of speeches and court functions to show off the victorious hero. That's the only reason he's less gentle with Maedhros, why he forgets they'd planned to meet at the garden and Maedhros waits for hours. Besides, Maedhros asked Fingon to stop coddling him, said he was fully recovered and Fingon could stop walking on tiptoes around anything that might make him flinch.
It's the first time Fingon has actually done so, though.
putting him in positions where he has to cover for Fingon's actions and isolating him
Yes! Once Maedhros figures it out, he still doesn't really have evidence other than his word against Fingon's. And Maedhros assumes it's better if he stays near Fingon, where he can try to prevent Fingon from being cruel to other people.
That gives Fingon all sorts of opportunities to do things to Maedhros though. Little things like giving him the tea for breakfast that he likes least, that Maedhros would look petty if he complained about, or joking that Maedhros's missing hand makes him incompetent. Bigger things too though. Poking Maedhros directly in an old injury in the middle of a council meeting, where Maedhros can't scream in pain or else he'd be disruptive. Keeping Maedhros from sleeping and then sparring with him the next day. Waiting a bit too long to accept Maedhros's yield in a sparring match, so he can see Maedhros bleed. Being just a bit too rough during sex, and taking instead of asking the same things Maedhros has done willingly a dozen times.
(It's not rape, Maedhros thinks, if I never say no. Fingon may be cruel, but he's not torturing me or making me do things against my will. This isn't Angband, and I never have to go back there.)
And Maedhros can't reveal it without looking pathetic at best, or malicious at worst. Perhaps Fingon getting arrested wouldn't even make things better - Fingon's cruelty is pointed at orcs just as easily, and the Noldor need every warrior they can get. That Fingon has started collecting orc fangs is gruesome but he's not even the only one doing it - though Celegorm always waits until the orcs are dead.
Shooting orcs in the back as they're running away isn't proof to the Noldor that Fingon is evil, either. Morgoth would just punish the orcs for failure if they returned alone, and hasn't Maedhros himself said that death is better than Angband?
When Fingon deliberately spills a carafe of wine onto a book that a scribe had just finished, he immediately turns to Maedhros. "Is your arm troubling you? You haven't had a spasm like that in a while." And Maedhros sees no option but to go along with it, and agree that perhaps rest would do him good.
And then the Men come, having heard of the great warrior who fought back a dragon. They pledge themselves to Fingon's service, and Fingon basks in their adoration - and pushes it to the limits. Non of the Men know what typical elven training is like, and Fingon can't be expected to know the limits of Men's strength. If he orders them to stand in nothing but a loincloth while he hits them with a crop, they will, for how else can they prove they won't flinch if injured in a battle? Elves can step lightly enough that walking over hot coals is a painless exercise in not panicking and dealing with extreme temperatures; why should Men be different?
And if Fingon asks one of the Men to his bed, they will see it as a great honor, to be thought of as beautiful and trusted so much. If it hurts, that's worth it to please their hero. If he dumps them outside his door without even giving them time to dress, surely they must have somehow insulted him and deserved it.
and Maedhros can do nothing more than arrange a discreet healer, and make sure the hallway outside Fingon's room is patrolled by a guard who won't arrest the Men for lurking outside the crown prince's rooms in the middle of the night.
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