heretherebedork · 3 years
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Out in the Open because everyone deserves to love in the open.
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kovkou · 5 years
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_en There is no doubt that 2019 is the resurrection year of 4-digit ZX model series in the adidas line-up. This is demonstrated not only by the fact that we have already devoted four articles to ZX in recent months but also by the two latest releases from adidas Consortium. Both the collaborations work with the models we've already introduced to you, but the inspiration behind them couldn’t be more different.
First, the Overkill x adidas Consortium ZX 10 000C “Game Overkill”. The model that was born this year as the newest addition to the ZX family was reworked by the legendary Overkill once again – this time as a wider Consortium release. The inspiration behind the shoe were gaming consoles from the 80s and 90s - quite literally. Elements of brushed grey leather are contrasted with bright colour-blocking representing the buttons of the very first Nintendo Gameboy. Even its OG green analog display is reflected inside the shoe. Details on point.
The second and latest reimagined Consortium project is the ZX 4000 model. The retro running silhouette was taken over by the South African retailer Shelflife. It is their very first collab and (correct me if I am wrong) the first adidas collab to come directly from the African continent. The sophisticatedly redesigned shoe presents a simple nubuck pastel colourway at first sight. On closer inspection, however, it cannot deny its country of origin as the panels were reworked with coarse woven fabric – a typical material of indigenous South Africa. The inner side is then covered with an unusual bold pattern that complements the added lacing mechanism.
The designs of both the sneakers are unique and show that local environment, culture and history can be reflected in many ways. Both the Shelflife ZX 4000 and the last few pieces of the ZX 10 000C “Game Overkill” are still available at Footshop.   
//text by Viktor //pics by Kovkou
_cz Nemůže být pochyb o tom, že rok 2019 je pro adidas rokem vzkříšení čtyřciferné série ZX. Dokazuje to nejen fakt, že jsme se na blogu věnovali už čtyřem ZX siluetám v posledních pár měsících, ale i nejnovější releases z dílny adidas Consortium. Obě z dvojice kolaborací pracují s modely, které jsme vám už představili, ale inspirace za nimi nemůže být více odlišná.
První je Overkill x adidas Consortium ZX 10 000C “Game Overkill”. Model, který letos vznikl jako nejnovější člen v ZX rodině, si přeborníci v propracovaných kolaboracích, Overkill, vzali do parády už podruhé – tentokrát byl ale k dispozici celé síti Consoritum retailerů. Inspirací byly gaming konzole z 80. a 90. let – a to doslova. Prvky šedé broušené kůže doplňuje colour-blocking výrazných barev reprezentující herní tlačítka –  na vyměnitelných lace tags dokonce najdete "A" a "B" jako na prvním Nintendo GameBoyi. Jeho zelený analogový displej pak inspiroval zelenou ve vnitřku modelu. Details on point.
Druhá a nejčerstvější kolaborace vznikla na modelu ZX 4000. Retro běžecké siluety se ujal jihoafrický retailer Shelflife. Jedná se o jejich úplně první kolaboraci se třemi pruhy a (pokud se nemýlím) i o první kolabo pocházející z afrického kontinentu.  Sofistikovaně přepracovaná bota z profilu vypadá na první pohled jako jednoduchá pastelová colorway z nubuku. Při bližším pohledu ale zemi původu nezapře. Panely byly přepracovány z hrubé propletené látky, řemeslem typické pro domorodou jižní Afriku. Vnitřní strana je pak pokryta neobvyklým výrazným vzorem, který doplňuje ladící stahovací mechanismus na tkaničky.
Návrhy obou tenisek působí unikátně a ukazují, že lokální prostředí, kultura a historie jdou reflektovat mnoha způsoby. Jak Shelflife ZX 4000, tak posledních pár kusů modelu ZX 10 000C “Game Overkill” ještě najdeš ve Footshopu.
//text by Viktor //pics by Kovkou
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Battle Royale strikes again! This time: which of these bois would you chose to protect? Bois that needs to be protected at all cost? AAAANND the contestants are:
Taekyung vs. DaOn
Adachi vs. Kurosawa
Shi Gu vs. Sky (GB)
Zhao Zi vs. Kang Gook (Eyes Linger)
King vs. Masuk
Pi vs. Tian
Mon vs. Chon
Meen vs. Si Qi
Shu Yi vs. Shi Lei
Arthit vs. Tine
Mes vs. Pharm
Jin vs. Ou Wen
Wayo (2moons2) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Bbomb vs. Yu Zhen
Pete (LBC) vs. Muren
Minh Hoang vs. Fiat
Saifah vs. Kaeng
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Tong
Bar vs. Vee
Karl vs. Gavreel
Paii vs. Folk
Reb vs. Jaime
Mico vs. Jim
Techno vs. Xingsi
Gene vs. Hin
Aey vs. Third
Zi Xuan vs. Sheng Zhe
What a list! Wow. Holy moly. Hoo. You're amazing, battle royale anon. This is such a list!
Taekyung vs. DaOn
I love Daon too much, okay? Taekyung is already better at standing up for himself than he is. He's also better at speaking his mind, being direct and saying no. Daon is the one who's going to stress himself into a migraine or a fainting couch.
Adachi vs. Kurosawa
As much as Kurosawa is a darling angle who needs protection at all costs... Adachi is the one I always want to just hug him and promise him it'll all be okay and he just needs to be protected very badly.
Shi Gu vs. Sky (GB)
Shi Gu needs protection but he's not actively being kidnapped and shot at so I'm gonna go with Sky for this one.
Zhao Zi vs. Kang Gook (Eyes Linger)
I just love Zhao Zi. What a tiny little darling innocent little boy who deserves the entire world and lots of delicious food. Sorry, Kang Gook. I love you but not as much as Zhao Zi.
King vs. Masuk
Masuk needs all the protection in this world. He is a darling boy who lost so much and he just needs to be protected at all costs, okay? Protect this child at all costs.
Pi vs. Tian
Pi can defend himself. Tian? Tian needs someone looking out for him. And someone protecting himself from himself. Seriously.
Mon vs. Chon
Mon needs so much protection. He's a tiny naive little baby. Chon can keep himself safe. He's a strong boy. He knows what's up. Mon? Mon's a teeny tiny gaybie.
Meen vs. Si Qi
I had to pick Si Qi because I love him. Sorry, Meen. You also need protection but, frankly, I'm still mad at your brother.
Shu Yi vs. Shi Lei
... Shi Lei needs so much protection. This tiny darling. This poor baby. This boy whose love just cannot speak up and freezes up so easily. Oh, baby. Protect at all costs. Shu Yi is a close second, it's true. But Shi Lei is at the forefront of my mind right now.
Arthit vs. Tine
Look, sorry y'all, but 2gether is rarely going to win. And Arthit needs protecting from so much, not just the outside world but sometimes from Kongbop's overager attitude as well. So, you know. Poor boy.
Mes vs. Pharm
I love Mes and all but Pharm needs a ton of protection. He's such a little tiny darling of a boy who can look out for himself but seriously needs someone to love him and protect him as well.
Jin vs. Ou Wen
AUGH this is nearly impossible. Look at these two babies! One confident gay with a real weakness for his ex and a tiny bisexual in crisis. They must both be protected at all costs! But I've chosen Ou Wen in the end because his face when he got protected is an expression that will live in my mind forever.
Wayo (2moons2) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Wayo at least got the man of his dreams. Yu? Yu got abandoned and then the new love of his life met a soulmate that he's currently try to ditch despite fate pointing towards them getting together regardless and Yu just... Yu deserves the world and so much better than he got.
Bbomb vs. Yu Zhen
Bbomb might need protection but Yu Zhen is a tiny traumatized man who deserves to be held in Shi Lei's arms forever and loved deeply for exactly who he is.
Pete (LBC) vs. Muren
I love MuRen but he learns to fight back very well. Pete? Pete needs his tiny feral demi to protect him forever and ever. Ae will never not protect Pete and it's just the best.
Minh Hoang vs. Fiat
This one is so, so hard. I really wanted to go with Minh Hoang because UGH that baby boy deserves so much. But Fiat! Oh, Fiat. Fiat needs so much protection AND Leo loves to protect him so much. It's why they're so perfect.
Saifah vs. Kaeng
Does Kaeng need protection? Yes. But he cannot shrink the same way Saifah can. Saifah curled up in that tiny ball in the rain? Protect this boy at literally all costs.
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Tong
I love Kit but that boy can protect himself. Tong can too, honestly. But he needs to be protected from his own fears and his own inability to be honest with himself and those around him.
Bar vs. Vee
Protect Bar at all costs! The tiny darling with all the communication skills and common sense in the entire BL world. Like, please, keep him safe at all costs.
Karl vs. Gavreel
Karl. Karl must be protected. Gav should be as well but darling Karl needs to be protected against himself and his family and the entire world.
Paii vs. Folk
I love Paii. He is my darling. He is my tiny nerdy child. I want to protect him from Itt and I want to protect him from his own show and I just want to protect him in general.
Reb vs. Jaime
Reb. REB. This tiny idiot who just wants true love which is really not a thing if you're not gonna work on it. He needs to be protected. And JM kinda needs to be protected from him as well.
Mico vs. Jim
I had to pick Mico. Jim kinda annoyed me. And in the movie? All I want to do is protect Mico from the entire world and especially from Xavier and his inability to put him first. Seriously. I wish they hadn't rushed the end of that movie.
Techno vs. Xingsi
Techno needs more protection. Xingsi took control of the situation very handily. Techno was just... useless and darling and needs people to kick Kengkla's ass for him.
Gene vs. Hin
This one was another hard one, for sure. But I went with Hin in the end because, well, he's a darling and he's got so many damn issues and Gene can apparently pull off elaborate pranks in the special so... you know?
Aey vs. Third
Ugh. Screw it, Aey. We protect our damaged babies. We bring them to safety. We make sure they're okay.
Zi Xuan vs. Sheng Zhe
I'm so sorry. This one was a very hard choice. But Sheng Zhe is my darling baby boy who has his tiny family and he just needs to be safe forever, okay? I love Zi Xuan but I feel like he causes his own problems and takes too long to solve them.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Top tier BLs that made you cry?
Oh, man. So this is an interesting one. Because, frankly, somethings make me cry that don't seem to make other people cry... so I'll just be totally honest in this one okay? I will be using MDL for this list because there won't be THAT many. Also, these are still top tier which means I still liked them after they ended. Because there are plenty that made me cry but for all the wrong reasons.
1. Gaya sa Pelikula: Definitely cried at this one. So many tears. All the damn tears. This show nearly killed me with crying. I have sincerely not cried as much at any other show.
2. Cherry Magic: The break up. That moment? Omfg. OMFG. Almost killed me. The rest is so good and so soft but watching Kurosawa gentle offer Adachi an out and then Adachi just slowly fall apart... my heart.
3. My Gear and Your Gown: Shut up. Yes, this made me cry. The end of it, when Pai is sobbing at the dinner table? I cannot handle it. I cannot even begin to handle it. That scene emotionally destroys me every single time I watch it. That scene is why I wish the show was so much better.
4. The Yearbook: Look, the show is brand new so I don't quite know if I'll like it forever... but I cried in episode 2 so I gotta give it some credit. The heartbreak of unexpectedly being separated from a friend you were fighting with... ugh, it just hit me so hard.
5. Gameboyys: I cannot rewatch this show because there's so much emotionally painful drama and you never get a break between episodes and I just... ugh. I did cry at this.
6. Fools: This show is so soft and so sad and the end is this open but amorphously sad ending and I just... ugh. I love this show, it's the only sad ending show I like and I love it deeply.
7. Golden Blood: I cried at the preview for episode 7. This show is going to destroy me. And I love them so much. Any show where I feel horrible for both parties will get me.
8. Why R U: Saint is an amazing actor and his chemistry in this show just kills me and, yes, I cry whenever he's rejecting Fighter and I cry for both of them and I love this show far too much.
9. A Tale of a Thousand Stars: Yeah, be unsurprised. I sobbed like a baby. This SHOW.
10. Until We Meet Again: Yeeeep. YEEEP. Though less than one might expect. Mostly for InKorn.
11. Hidden Love: I cried multiple times during this show, okay? They genuinely broke me heart so many times.
13. Seven Days: Not exactly sobbing. But I did cry for these tiny boys when they thought they had to be separated.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
There have been three waves of BL out of the Philippines so far during the lockdown and I find it fascinating.
Wave 1: Brilliance. Absolute brilliance. Gaya Sa Pelikula, Hello Stranger, Gameboyys, My Day... Good characters, good plots, just overall absolutely fantastic shows.
Wave 2: Bromance. This brought a lot of shows that were obviously trying to do BL but without the willingness to go all the way. No kissing, nothing real gay but an implication that it might happen in the future. Better Days, Your Home, BxJ... these are typically well-filmed, well-acted but not truly BL.
Wave 3: After School Specials. Wow. This is where we're at right now. Almost all the shows are about social Justice or educating or pointing out societal flaws. Stranger's Kiss, Padayon, Stigma (literally)... I am watching these and being educated but not so much with the enjoyment.
It's fascinating. I wonder what's coming next. And no, this doesn't cover ALL the shows. Win Jaime's Heart, Meet Me Outside obviously don't fall into Wave 2 OR 3 despite their timing. This is just about the trends I'm seeing with what I'm seeing. Overarching trends.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
What is the so called "BL wave"? Can u give depth about it? Cause i keep seein first, second, third wave im curious about it lol
Ah! So, that is not exactly literal but it’s a way of speaking about periods of time in pop culture or history. A ‘wave’ is a grouping of shows or events that seem to go together and then are followed by another ‘wave’. 
In what I’ve been talking about is the periods of time that I can split more the pinoy BLs into according to types of show and quality/style. It’s something I’ve spent far too much time thinking about and I’ve made a more detailed post a while back that I might search up.
But what I’ve split it into is three waves:
The first wave was GameBoyys, Gaya Sa Pelikula, Hello Stranger... this was a wave of fairly high quality, well-plotted and often thought provoking shows with good humor and deep characters.
The second wave: Your Home, Better Days, B x J... bromance. Very little actual BL, typically no kisses or faked kisses, lots of ‘close friendship’ with the possibility of BL in ‘future seasons’ that never seem to appear.
The third wave: Padayon, Stigma, Stranger’s Kiss... preachy. After school special. Yeah, there’s BL but it’s also full of messages about the Right Things to do and the Importance of noticing Social Differences.
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