#ginchy shine
thatginchygal · 6 years
ginchy’s Star Wars fanfic list
My dear @ta-dala tagged me!!
You’ve been tagged in the Star Wars Creator meme! Pick 1 - 10 works you’ve created (fic, art, gifsets, aesthetics, videos, playlists, etc) & tell us why you’re proud of them! Then tag your friends!
Echoes of Always   Rated: M
I believe this will always be the fic I am most proud of.  It took me FIVE years to gather the courage to write it, three months to write and edit, and several weeks to post.  This is my ‘love letter’ to Luke/Mara, sort of a goodbye in a way, because we’ll never have that L/M fandom and time back the way it once was.  I look at this fic now and think that there’s more that I could have done with it, but on the whole I’m still really pleased and proud of it, especially the three interludes, the family dynamics, and the epilogue.  
A Thin Veil   Rated G
This link takes you to the TFN Fanfic Archive. I remember working so hard with the wonderful Jedi Trace to get this story in that archive.  I’m proud of that hard work, but also this look at an elderly Mara and how it deals with a timeless love (that ending still gets me, even to this day!).  I even like my OC, Metarie.  I still have ideas for one-shots in this universe, but the’ve never come to fruition.  Besides “Echoes’” this might be the fic I am most proud of overall.  
The rest I’ve placed under a cut...
ginchy’s gambit  Rated PG
This is a set of 100 drabbles written for a 20 week drabble challenge back in 2006 or 2007.  I was so proud of myself for finishing it and for trying new and different things (for me!) with the drabbles.  My favorite sets include ‘Critters’, ‘The Force’,  ‘Childhood’s End’, and ‘A Flicked Switch’.  I also did a sort of ‘behind the scenes’ reel and posted several ‘rejected’ drabbles. That was a lot of fun!  (The link here is from the now inactive SWFF: Star Wars Fanfic site.  Most of my older fics were lost to truncation on TFN but luckily I have some on my hard-drive and some on random sites across the web.)  I entitled it ‘ginchy’s gambit’ because I wasn’t sure I’d finish all 100 drabbles, but I did!  
Green-Eyed and Territorial   Rated PG
This was just plain fun to write. Jealous!Mara, who could ask for more?  People really responded to it and it gets favorited often on FFnet.  I’m proud of it because it was such a twist to the challenge and because it uses my favorite trope of ‘secret relationship revealed’!
Proficient   Rated M (NC-17)
This was also fun to write and just so silly. I’m proud of it because it’s so silly and takes a look at The Force that you  might not expect.  The last bit still makes me laugh.  (Also linked through the old, and now inactive, SWFF.)
ginchy-shine   Rated R through M (NC-17)
If you knew me between 2005 and 2009 you know that I wrote a ton of ‘ginchy-shine’ which was basically my writing smut scenes for other authors’ fade-to-black implied smut.  In this SWFF thread there are several examples.  I’m proud of the ‘shine’ because it became such a thing that people clamored for, but also because it allowed me to work with so many great authors and to play in their fics!  (That being said, I haven’t read a lot of these in YEARS so they may be awful and if they are, I do apologize!!)
Daddy’s Secret Vice  Rated PG 
I loved writing this. I can still remember sitting and coming up with the idea.  I’m proud of this because it launched my OC “Preeni Pi” the holiday fairy. Others have used her in such wonderful and creative ways (I’m looking at you @jadelotusflower!)  I can’t resist tiny Ben Skywalker (and neither can his parents!).  Just good holiday fun. I used to write a holiday fic every year.  I’m such a sucker for holiday themed fanfic!
In the Flesh  Rated G
This was written originally in 2006 and almost lost to TFN’s truncation. Luckily someone had block quoted a good chunk of it so I was able to recreate it and repost it in 2013.  I am proud of this fic because I took some inspiration from my own life (the fact that I never knew my father until I was an adult) to look at Mara’s thoughts on Ben and her own unknown family.  
Number Six  Rated PG-13 (Violence) 
It’s scary. I’m proud of myself for going there with something so twisted. Poor Mara.
That Old Black Magic  Rated M (NC-17)
I may be tooting my own horn here but I LOVE THIS FIC.  I mean, it’s so ridiculous, the idea of Luke wearing the tragic blue undies that Mark Hamill dons in Black Magic Woman, but there you have it. Luke in undies and L/M smut. That’s all you really need, right???
I think ta-dala got most of the people I would have tagged for this meme, as it’s SW specific... ooh I know! I’ll tag @whoswhatsitwhich and anyone else who would like to do this. It’s been fun to reflect on the fic. I can’t believe how much L/M fic I actually wrote!!
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purgatoryandme · 4 years
Hey! I can't seem to find the post you made with all the books references in Illuminate Me and the reason behind it? Is it deleted?
I know that there is an incomplete one floating around in my reply tag, and it should be in the Illuminate Me tag, but tumblr’s search features are so bad that I went back to the original word doc of the complete list, so prepare for that particular storm lol.  Quoted/Referenced Reading List (In Order of Appearance) Shakespeare: Macbeth I opened on a Macbeth quote (‘When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lighting, or in rain’) because I wanted to start with something immediately relatable. Most readers were introduced to more ‘dramatic’ plays through Macbeth. Beyond that, they were introduced to the concept of pathetic fallacy, which I think plays nicely with Tony as a character (a man who is CONSTANTLY imparting emotion onto inanimate objects…and then actually giving them their own emotions) and with one of the core problems in IM, which is deciding the emotions of others for them. I was hoping to get the ‘feel’ of that without having to lean too far into the actual concept. 
Bonus: I picked this quote in particular because of the importance of threes in Tony’s life (his core group of friends, iterations of the reactor, number of times reborn, his bot children VS his AI children, the number of lovers or almost lovers he has in the fic, etc). Milton: Paradise Lost ‘What is dark within me, illuminate!’ is a modernization of the original Milton quote ‘what is dark within me, illumine’ for readability. I actually feel a bit bad about changing this considering how many people think this is the original quote now. This wound up being a central (and title) quote somewhat by accident. I’m fond of it because of how much I liked a different one that I had originally wanted for Tony’s thoughts of the reactor: ‘yet from those flames, no light, but rather darkness visible’. I had originally wanted to start off on a sadder note, one that showed how much Tony hated losing his humanity, and so the flames of Hell and their physics-bending concept seemed thematically appropriate. I had always intended to eventually invert the imagery – instead of Extremis being (to Tony) flames capable of extinguishing light, the reactor would become a water-like blue light that couldn’t be choked or recreated by any of the shadows that pursued Tony in his life. I picked Milton SPECIFICALLY for the imagery of light and shadows. 
But, man, listen. Darkness visible is a great concept, but it’s also tired. It has, as you’ve noted, been discussed to death. So as I was reading ‘Milton’s darkness visible and Aeneid 7’ to refamiliarize myself with some of the broader themes attached to that particular piece of imagery, I wound up thinking about how to invert the darkness itself instead of the overall concept. The flames of Hell extinguish light instead of having to exist away from it. It is a bad that cannot be penetrated by good. 
Instead of chasing away shadows, which would be implied by shining a light ON them, the request Tony makes here is to actually invert the darkness - to have it illuminate in and of itself. It’s becoming something better instead of being removed or forgotten. On the flip side of that, the darkness within isn’t growing as light weakens, but rather under its own force. Two forces equal in nature and origin in a person. It’s a different take on lighting than the one most critics hammer home. Long ramble is long, but this was the basis for using that quote. It grew from there to have many different meanings, however the core has always remained. All in all I’m pleased with it.
EM Forster: A Room with a View Very forgiving even in its satirical takes on human nature. A lot of passages are very therapy-quotable in their urging to accept the inevitability of causing some harm in life. It plays on a lot of the same concepts with light being obvious metaphor for good and evil that Paradise Lost does, but softens them into more realistic shades of human existence. Isaac Asimov: Foundation Continuing on with themes of rigid morality vs the flexibility and romanticism of humanity, we have Asimov, master of machines and the three rules of robotics! There are lots of quotable epigrams in this beast. The quote pulled from this has two readings depending on what you assume of the man who has said it. If you see him as manipulative, there’s an insidious underpinning of killing off your own morals. If you see him as a kind man, then you could read it as foregoing morals in place of empathy. Tony’s therapist loves a very specific brand of double speak that lets Tony work through the conversation purely through interpretation. Tolstoy: Anna Karenina Tolstoy’s prose is lengthy...so so lengthy, but Anna Karenina is worth the read as long as you relate to at least one of its major characters. Frankly, I think you can choose to read a single character’s plot arc and leave it at that. It’s mostly a novel that is interesting, not because of its plot, but because of its study of relationship dynamics. Tolstoy was really invested in picking apart the idea of what makes a ‘family’ and, beyond that, what makes a class. It’s refreshing to see so much of the critique occurring within the lived experience of the characters instead of through a narrator or outside punishing moral forces. Baudelaire: Windows and Benediction I cannot recommend enough reading multiple translations of Baudelaire poems (fleursdumal.org has a wonderful array available). Benediction is a personal favourite. I love me some malevolence wrapped up in religion. Dante: The Divine Comedy There’s a lot of bleak humor in Dante if you look for it. Several interpretations insist of making each piece excessively grim dark, but faithful translations tend to have a hint of humor in them. It works well for engraving War Machine’s spine - a benediction and a mockery of human limitations. I try to pick quotes that not only fit the scene, but would still fit into the context of the grander themes from whence they came...unless I hate the author. Tennyson: The Lady of Shallot “I am sick of shadows” vs “I am half-sick of shadows”. Tony’s expressing more frustration here with being alone and his passive involvement in that loneliness. Another quote I feel vaguely bad about changing, haha. The Lady of Shallot is a very nice classical piece that I’m sad isn’t taught in schools alongside Hamlet. There are some nice Ophelia parallels here. I wanted a feminine influence on Tony’s loneliness and one that is somewhat youthful despite his age. Yeats: Vacillation I fucking hate Yeats as a person. That said, the man can write. The man can REALLY write. His pieces are almost always layered to the point of absurdity and he’s perfect to swiping quotes with multiple meanings. Definitely Tony’s kind of author. Goethe: Faust Speaks for itself and in the author’s notes on its reference.  Dostoyevsky: The Brothers Karamasov IMO a book that deserves all the acclaim of Anna Karenina and then some. Very VERY Russian in its ethical debates of, as always, religious morality vs free will. Also dips into familial struggles and patricide, because it wouldn’t be a Russian classic if it didn’t contain some deeply buried bitter resentment towards paternalism. I’m going off-script here, but this is a fucking excellent book. I don’t really have words for how much I enjoy how Dostoyevsky explores the concepts that he does. Shakespeare: Julius Ceasar Shakespeare: Twelfth Night Twelfth Night deserves more credit for its development and maintenance of an enigma. Twelfth Night has charisma in spades both because of and in spite of the exceedingly petty actions of some of its characters. It is also a refreshingly simple take on love for the sake of it. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Stephen King: Lisey’s Story I consider Lisey’s Story to be the best of King’s work. The man has his obvious writing ticks and his even more obvious issues as an author. Lisey’s Story contains many of them, but navigates them far better than any of his other work. The monster here is all in the mind and is too vast to truly see or understand. It’s perfectly representative of a creeping sense of inescapable horror. It was fun to flip it on its head with a reference here – Tony isn’t terrified of dying, but he is terrified of his inescapable enjoyment of Bucky’s company. Maria’s family saying is inspired by Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass Armitage: The Death of King Arthur A genuinely fantastic classic tale of heroism, filled with all the drama, tragedy, and sacrifice that you’d expect with strongly feminine undertones. I’m a sucker for this kind of thing. TS Eliot: The Wasteland Excellent piece of poetry with many layered meanings and dual interpretations. I can’t really articulate my thoughts on The Wasteland, but I reference an essay at the end of this list that does that for me. Oedipus Rex Rupert Brooke: Safety Not directly quoted but obscurely referenced through Bucky and Tony’s war conversations + Bucky’s conversation about, you got it, being ‘safe’ with his therapist. His poetry is about WWI and is, largely, idealistic. Safety is…not quite an exception to that. His other poetry contains a certain sense of honour and duty, whereas safety, maintaining a seemingly light tone, has nothing of the sort. It is safety in the soul – something untouchable by the horrors of war or death. It treats that as a ‘house’, which leant itself to the article Tony send Bucky. Armine Wodehouse: Before Ginchy Not directly quoted but obscurely referenced through Bucky and Tony’s war conversations + Bucky’s conversations with his therapist. This is also WWI poetry, though far darker than Brooke’s work. It discusses the parts of the heart and soul soldiers lose. It is an extremely good piece AND references Dante’s Inferno. I had to work it in somewhere even if I didn’t want to directly quote it. Meyer and Brysac: Tournament of Shadows Referenced several times over in discussion of war, the great game, and British military history. Beautifully self-aware account of Britain’s insistence on rewriting history after the fact and the tiny hilariously embarrassing moving pieces that shaped what is often considered the heyday of espionage. Murakami: Kafka on the Shore I love Murakami’s response to questions about understanding the novel as a whole. There are no solutions, only riddles presented, and through their interaction the possibility of a solution takes place. It’s a great lens through which to view the book and individual passages taken out of it. Reminds me of The Wasteland having to be read in totality before you can begin picking it apart, after which each individual piece can be read of its own. Kafka on the Shore, with its musings on the uncertainty of fate and redemption, was the perfect book to outline Tony’s horrifying realization, which he is desperately suppressing, that he might be coming to accept Bucky’s feelings. This quote in particular, while I would’ve used it anyway, is also a great callback to the first chapter and its storms. Chapter 29 is a turning point. Beyond it there are some intentional quote contrasts that are probably more easter eggs than they are anything else. Yeats: A Dialogue of Self and Soul Great contrast with Vacillation. Some parts of self and soul are used in that poem and thematically they are connected and contrasted - self and heart vs self and soul. The symbolism and imagery in Vacillation is really on point and layered, but Self and Soul is peak Yeats for its reversal of the typical ‘the soul is pure and bluntly honest and the body is tainted and bad’ in Christian works. Also Self and Soul’s broader context is scrumptious considering the debate poems history of relying on divine forgiveness and lack thereof instead of on forgiveness of the self. 
It was fun to give this poem a double meaning in IM as both hugely ominous and ultimately pointing to the later forgiveness Tony receives from himself through the divine (if the soul stone can be called that) in the heavens (space!). There’s also another fun twist to ‘who can distinguish darkness from the soul’ in its contrast with ‘what is dark within me, illuminate’. To take that a step further, Vacillation was the beginning of the path of forgiveness for Bucky (understanding Tony’s heart…somewhat literally as he slowly gets closer and closer to the reactor itself), while Self and Soul is a final step (re: Bucky being presented the final hurdle of Tony deciding to move forward alone). Hermann Hesse: Siddhartha Hesse is wonderfully blunt at times. I gotta admit I love German takes on spiritual self-discovery because they always seem to tend towards much more straightforward answers than other countries. Hesse’s relationship with Buddhism in literature vs his lived experience is also really intriguing. Anyway, Siddhartha, in its humanizing of Gods, is wonderful contrast to the consistent imagery of the untouchable and unknowable forces of good and evil in previously quoted works. It has stopped bringing humanity to the divine and has started placing the divine within humanity. Emily Wilson’s translation of the Odyssey One of the ultimate poetic epics. Now that we are nearing the end, I’m going overtime with making the grander themes of this whole piece hit home. A lot of IM was built on a foundation of poetic epics, of heroism, and a bit of Greek tragedy. The Odyssey embodies all of those things beautifully. It also suited Thor too well to pass up. Yeats: An Irish Airman Forsees His Death Ah, Yeats. Very blatant foreshadowing here that is keeping with the foreshadowing from Self and Soul. Fate has, up till this point, been a bit of a question. It has been ‘when will it come to me’ and ‘how will I avoid or overcome it’. Now fate is a set point. It is knowable and present. ‘I know I shall meet my fate, somewhere among the clouds above’. This goes for the true onset of Infinity War and for Tony’s feelings towards Bucky – when he had no one, he allowed Bucky in after essentially promising himself he wouldn’t. If that’s not an accidental admittance of love, nothing is. Henley: Invictus Absolutely fantastic poem. Continuing with the heavy fate themes coming into this climax. Now that Tony knows his fate, truly knows it, he is choosing to take it on directly. Agamemnon (Anne Carson’s Traslation if you prefer a more modern language approach, Lattimore is you prefer a classic) Agamemnon is forgotten all too often in the world of poetic epics and it’s a damn shame. I cannot say enough good things about it. I always wanted to use lines from Agamemnon in a Tony fic because the Cassandra parallels were too perfect to resist. The chorus in this play was also a perfect narrative device for interacting with something of a hive mind. Yeats: The Wanderings of Oisin Another poetic epic. Nice contrast with The Odyssey, The Death of King Arthur, and Agamemnon. Here the dialogue is between an aged hero and a saint looking into the hero’s past. It has the kind of reflective and aged mood necessary for this stage of the story, but is actually a poem I sortof hate. The line ‘And a softness came from the starlight, and filled me full to the bone’ is absolutely gorgeous, though. Some final inspiration pieces:
The Penelopiad 
The Iliad 
House of Leaves (for surrealism in the final chapters) 
Dante at Verona (used in an author’s note as an intentional jab at the dull uninspired nature of the this particular take on Dante. Repurposed quote, essentially) 
a broke machine just blowin’ steam by themikeymonster (great character study of Bucky) 
Frank Kermode’s essay “Eliot and the Shudder” (inspiration behind Tony’s entire interaction with literature)
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tikkisaram · 4 years
How the Ginch Took Xmas!
[Dr. Seuss - How the Grinch Stole Christmas!]
We cap off Christmas week with a monumental lipolation longer than many a blessay. I hope you will appreciate the time and effort that went into lipolating one of the best christmas poems of all time! ;^)
To each Who Down in Who-town Xmas hit just the spot...
To the Ginch, Who was just outside town, It did NOT!
The Ginch hated Xmas! The fun Xmas time! Now, don't ask me why. It's as asking a mime. It might be St. Nick once beat him in a fight. It might be he found his two shoes a bit tight. But I think that the most fitting option would be That what beat in his chest was the size of a pea.
But, What might be the why, The beat, his two shoes, He stood up on Xmas Eve, hating the Whos. Pouting up in his cave as he stood gawking down At the shine of the windows in the joyous town. As he knew that each Who down in Who-town today Was busy now hanging a poinsettia bouquet.
"See them hang up the stockings!" he shouted at noon. "The next day is Xmas! It's coming so soon!" Then he snapped, and jumped up and down, in the snow numbing. "I MUST find some way to stop that Xmas coming!"
As the next day, he knew... ...That the Who -ettes and boys Would wake up at seven. They'd dash to the toys! And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the Noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!
Then the Whos, young and aged, would sit down to a feast. And they'd feast! And they'd feast! And they'd FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! They would feast on Who-pudding, and the Who-baked-beast And the Ginch, who was vegan,1 couldn't stand so much yeast!
And THEN They'd do something Upsetting his hiney: Each Who down in Who-town, the big and the tiny, Would stand one by one, with the Xmas chimes dinging. They'd stand hand-in-hand. And the Whos would be singing! They'd sing! And they'd sing! AND they'd SING! SING! SING! SING! As he thought of the noise of the Who-Xmas-Sing, The Ginch shouted out, "I must stop this mad thing! "Why, five decades and half I've put up with it now! "I MUST stop this Xmas at once! ...oh, but HOW?"
Then he got an idea! A nasty idea! THE GINCH GOT A NASTY, FANTASTIC IDEA!
"I know just what to do!" he guffawed as a goat. And he made up a quick Santy hat and a coat. He guffawed and he said, "I'm so Ginchy and quick! "With this coat and this hat, they should think I'm Saint Nick!"
"Now I need me a moose..." And the Ginch gazed about. But, with no moose in sight, he had no hope, no doubt. Did that stop the mean Ginch...? No! The mean Ginch just said, "If I can't find a moose, I should make one instead!" So he summoned his dog, Max, who jumped out of bed And the Ginch tied a stick on the top of his head.
THEN He packed up some bags And a few empty sacks And a big wooden box And he hitched up his Max.
Then the Ginch said, "Giddap!" And they came speeding down To the homes of the Whos In the big snoozing town.
The Whos' windows stayed dim as Max dashed in the snow. Each Who was a-snooze as the scheme was a go. The Ginch came to a house with a faux "Ho! Ho! Ho!" "This is Ginchy stop one," the defiant Ginch hissed And got up on the house, empty bags in his fist.
Then he squeezed down the chimney. A bit of a pinch. But, if Santa could do it, then so could the Ginch. The Ginch said goodbye to his speedy moose mutt, Then he stuck his head out of the deep chimney soot. He saw the Who stockings hung up nice and neat. "You, stockings!" he said, "Meet the taste of defeat!"
Then the Ginch stepped about with a sneak and a shift, He went off to the bush, and he picked up each gift! Pop guns! And pink bikes! And bongos to beat! A big Seussy poem book!2 Hot Mince pies! And sweets! And he stuffed them in bags. Then the Ginch, oh so nimney, Stuffed each big bag, one by one, up the chimney!
Then he sneaked to the icebox. He took the Whos' feast! He took the Who-pudding! He took the baked beast! He emptied that icebox in a disgusted dash. Why, that Ginch even took the big can of Who-hash!
Up the chute went the food with a mighty big push. "And NOW!" beamed the Ginch, "I should stuff up the bush!"
And the Ginch took the bush, began to push and shove And then came an odd sound as the coo of a dove. The Ginch stopped the shove, and he saw a shy Who! Tiny Tikki-Too Who,3 who was not even two.
The Ginch had been caught by this tiny Who being Who'd got out of bed in the need of a weeing. It gawked at the Ginch and said, "Santy, but why, "Why do you have Tikki's Xmas bush? WHY?"
But you know that the Ginch was as wise as Saint Nick, He thought up a fib, and he thought it up quick! "Why, my sweet tinsy tot," the fake Santy hoodwinked, "On the Xmas bush one of the candy canes pinked. "It cannot be eaten in that shade, my honey. "I can fix it at my shop using just my own money!"
His fib duped the Who. Then he patted its head And he got it a cup and he sent it to bed. And when Tikki-Too Who went to bed with the cup, HE went to the chimney and stuffed the bush up!
As he went back he took The big stick in the chute! Then he went up the chute, thinking he was quite cute. Not a thing stayed behind, not a sock, not a boot.
And the one speck of food That had stayed in the house Was so tiny it wouldn't feed even a mouse.
Then He did the same thing To each of the Whos' houses
And specks stayed, Much too tiny To feed the Whos' mouses!
It was ten past dawn... And the Whos stayed a-bed, And the Whos stayed a-snooze As away the Ginch sped, His sack packed with the gifts! And the paintings! The books! The tags! And the cakes! And the hats! The toy ducks!
Five thousand feet up! Up the side of Mt. Mumpit,4 He sped with his sack to the tiptop to dump it, "Pooh-Pooh to the Whos!" he stood ginchy ginch humming. "Now to see them find out that no Xmas is coming! "See the Whos waking up and then see what they do! "See those mouths hanging open a minute, no, two! "See the Whos down in Who-town shout out BOO-HOO-HOO!"
The Ginch thanked his Max and commended his Fitness. "Now this is the noise" he said, "I have to witness!" And then did come a sound down among the Who bushes. It began to get big as it came up in hushes...
But the sound wasn't sad! Why, this sound sounded happy! It couldn't be so! It was happy and sappy!
He gawked down at Who-town! The Ginch popped his eyes! Then he shook! What he saw sent him up to the skies!
Each Who down in Who-town, the big and the tiny, Was jumping and singing and shaking its hiney!
He had NOT stopped the coming of Xmas! IT CAME! Somehow and someway, it came just the same!
And the Ginch, with his Ginch-feet so icy in snow, Stood asking and asking; "How could it be so?" "It came without gifts! And it came without tags! "It came without packages, boxes and bags!" And he thought and he thought, but ideas had few. Then the Ginch thought of something so stunning and new! "Maybe Xmas," he thought, "is not something to buy." "Maybe Xmas... is not just a pain in the eye!"
And what happened then...? Why, in Who-town they say That the beat of his chest Went up five times that day! And the minute it stopped seeming so tiny-tight, He whizzed back with his sack in a fantastic sight And he gave back the toys! And the food of the feast!
And he...
...HE, THE GINCH...! Joined with a vegan beast!
This interpretation of his motives may be judged slightly controversial, but I think it is a worthy addition to the poem. ↩︎
Dr. Seuss's modesty clearly stopped him from inserting himself directly into the poem, but I amend that omission because I think that he deserves to feature here, being such a famous and talented poet. ↩︎
The incident described here is only semi-autobiographical. ↩︎
I initially simply removed the 'R' from the original "Mt. Crumpit", but I realised that this approach gave a name which might not be appropriate in a children's poem. ↩︎
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rorisunolo · 4 years
Arata Kangatari Volume 3 Remastered Review
The first 2 Arakan Remastered volumes has been pretty faithful to the original with the exceptions of few changes and new scenes to add more context to some of the plot. But volume 3 is where things started to drift apart, with the arcs changed chronically and  hoo boy there’s a lot of stuff to uncover.
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So the first thing is that Watase added some entire new chapters, right around when they arrived at Yorunami’s territory.
Watase would add brief scenes of the destruction of villages and the battles between Shous which is one of the improvements I really like.
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It then introduced new characters, Hikona and Yakuni. At first they look like bystanders, but they turned out to be Shous who planned to challenge Arata and Kannagi especially.
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Obligatory bath moment is obligatory ;)
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Hikona was gonna sabotage their great hot bath moment before being confront by a trio of Shous. Ensure hilarious battle.
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Kannagi ended up helping Hikona on defeating the trio thanks to his knowledge of Hayagami. Eventually Hikona made the 3 submitted, but has to battle Yakuni who was jealous. Their relationship also parallels to Kanate and Ginchi which the former mentioned.
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I think this new segments is very nice for a few reasons. One, it pushes Arata more reasons as to why he has to stop the Shou submission battle. To not only saves innocent lives, but also to stop it from fracturing meaningful relationships among the Shous. Two. it gives Arata an idea that he doesn’t have to make someone submit by force as Hikona and Yakuni ended up submitting to Kannagi out of gratitude.
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Kotoha realizes how much a good person Arata is after she doubt him (which come to think of it, besides the Nagu arc Kotoha don’t really know much about Hinohara when she thought he’s the other Arata until now
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Onto the Suzukura Arc! This is where the major changes begin.
Some redraws of the palace which looks stunning.
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Here’s where it started to get exciting. Arata his battle against Himoroge which extend a little longer than the original, Arata tried undo Hiruko’s kamui which held back many of the people’s money who wanted to return home
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This is turning point where Arata shined in public
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Arata stumbled upon Hiruko’s treasure room. A surprising moment that they actually turned out to be old friends who got turned into objects by Hiruko
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Hiruko’s backstory is more explored here and it’s more tragic. This arc is where Watase-sensei’s editor started to get harsh and started changing up Watase’s ideas. Cause oh man, he did Watase and Hiruko so dirty. 
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thatginchygal · 7 years
So, you had a problem with those smelly people taramidala did, too? I'm more of a lurker than a writer, but I fondly remember Number 6 and your mush. And ginchy-shine!
Thank you!!  I always enjoyed Number Six. I love a good, spooky tale. And ginchy-shine and mush was so much fun to write! (I still write mush and smut. Just in a different fandom now!)  As to my ‘problem’ with the TFN fic boards–mostly I just sort of drifted away?  I just didn’t sign in one day and then another and another went by and suddenly it’s been months, maybe a year or more since I’ve logged in.  There were many reasons for this.  One was that there was a vibe of hostility toward people who were seen as oldbies, along the lines of what @ta-dala mentioned.  Also, the fic changed.  I’m an old and set-in-my-ways fangirl who likes to read the ships I want to read and if those ships aren’t being written…. Another is that the ST sort of took the wind out of my sails a bit.  Honestly the wind had been lagging since Mara died in Sacrifice.  In terms of RL I took the dip in my mid-30′s to go back to graduate school and that eats up a lot of fandom time and my daughter is older now, which also takes up a ton of what used to be fandom time!  But some of the best times of my fandom life were on TFN and a good chunk of my best fandom friends came from there, too.  I’ve been thinking of re-posting some of my SW fic, so come off anon and follow me here!  I am posting a lot of non-SW stuff these days, but even as I find new fandoms and new friends Star Wars, and especially Luke Skywalker, will always be in my heart.  Hope that answered your question!    
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