nixcraft · 1 year
Top programming languages as of March, 2023
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Source: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
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desert-palm · 2 years
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7bits · 9 months
codeblr update: i decided to try learning go again by making things harder for myself and building my next college assignment with it. and it's been pretty cool actually. go is like a cooler and easier C, you can do most of the same things but it is not a pain all the time
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cpunch71 · 6 months
did you know Go's regex engine has a repetition limit? me either! that & more in my new journal entry :3
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frog707 · 2 months
Unlike 99% of human languages, computer languages are designed. Many of them never catch on for real applications. So what makes a computer language successful? Here's one case study...
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hexaredecimal · 8 months
Making a compiler
Every programmer out there, new or experienced longs for a chance to create their own programming language and compiler. I am no exception. Months ago I decided to fork an old project on github and develop it in my image. The project was a golang-like unfinished compiler, so I dug in and made changes. I changed the language to resemble a subset of rust, go and ocaml. I plan to add a LLVM backend inspired by the tre golang compiler. I will continue working on it until it kinda works. I still have a lot to do. check out the project on the link below. If you want to contribute submit a pull request.
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devcommunity · 1 year
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bizarre-furry-bastard · 4 months
do you think that ferris the crab and the Go Gopher kiss when no one’s looking
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devhubby · 1 year
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cssengineer · 2 years
TIL the Go mascot is a gopher. Which makes sense. And I feel silly.
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nixcraft · 1 year
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desert-palm · 2 years
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code-recipe · 10 months
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Google Interview Question Revealed!
Checkout our latest video where we have explained the popular Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon interview question "Two Sum" in a simple, step by step and easy to understand way. Watch it now on YouTube : https://youtu.be/JMCTsP0Jxmc
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onerustyboi · 1 year
Turning some of my attention to the Go language too. I love how simple the syntax is!
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amelia84 · 1 year
Why Golang web development is your Choice for your Next Business Application
The technology you choose for your business project development meets your business goals, and there will always be a place for future improvement and modifications. Golang web development is the right choice considering the future scope of language as well as business. However, some non-technical people have doubts that Golang can be used for web development.? 
So, the answer is definitely yes Go programming language is used for both web and mobile application development so, let's analyze its benefits in building business applications. 
Faster & Cheaper App Development
Golang is considered the fastest programming language as compared to other languages such as Python or java. Golang is also denoted as simple. Golang developer doesn't need to go for terrifying code lines that save a lot of time in Golang app development. Go has a concurrency model and small syntax.  
Golang helps developers to work easier and efficiently due to its necessary tools. The high speed of performance makes a positive impact on applications implementation and optimizes the client cost.  
Possibility To Develop Applications In Any Direction 
Go is a flexible programming language. It provides a wide scope of applications development with future improvements. In cloud services like Dropbox, we can use Golang. In Streaming and media platforms like youtube, we can use the Go programming language. 
Moreover, Using Golang in the MVP is a productive choice. The spectrum of using Golang for web and mobile development is really wide.  
Improve Stability 
Golang  is a technology that is trending right at a time due to numerous advantages that are provided by platform underuse. Golang comes with a concurrency model that consumes less RAM. this is able to run applications effortlessly in creating a background just type of single process. 
In a similar way, Golang platform reduces the risk of the app crashing and improves the stability of the business.  
Final Thoughts 
In recent times, the traction of Golang Web development has witnessed a tremendous rise in comparison with other programming languages, and why not as it offers a rich function in the development process that decreases the many issues in developing business applications. 
Suppose you also want to develop your business Application using the Golang programming language, without any doubt. In that case, you can Hire Golang developer that helps you build a secure, fast, and easy to scale your web application.     
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cakrii · 1 year
Como agregar de manera correcta el $PATH de Go en Zorin OS
Me imagino que si estas aqui es porque estas presentando incoveniente para ejecutar archivos .go en tu pc linux o en Zorin Os, que es la distribuccion la cual utilizo. Si estas aqui es porque me imagino que ya intalaste go en Zorin OS y si presentas incovenientes a la hora de ejercutar el archivo .go despues de haber reiniciado o apagado tu pc te traigo la solucion.
Abre una terminal
Dirigirte al directorio (/home/"usuario":) //donde dice usuario, va colocado tu usuario de acceso a tu sistema linux.
Luego escribes el comando ls -a, el comando "ls" nos muestra todo los archivos que tenemos en esa ruta y con el comando "-a" le indicamos que nos muestre tambien los archivos olcutos. Esto es porque para que nuestro $PATH de go sigan funcionando incluso despues de haber reiniciado la PC es necesario editar un archivo oculto.
Ahi ubicamos el archivo llamado .bashrc y en la terminal escribimos lo siguiente: nano .bashrc (tambien lo puedes hacer con vim, es decir, "vim .bashrc")
Ahi se nos abrira por asi decirlo un editor de texto en nuestra terminal, ahi nos dirigimos a lo ultimo del archivo y pegamos el $PATH de go que es el siguiente: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin, presionamos CTRL + O para guardar los cambios y luego CTRL + X para salir.
Y listo, de esta manera aunque reiniciemos o apaguemos el pc, nuestro $PATH de go estara siempre activo y podemos ejecutar archivos de go sin ningun incoveniente.
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