#government stimulas relief
tybutler · 10 months
Do you know you can get free government money if you had a business during the pandemic? Click here and find out more. You don't have to pay no money and if you don't get paid we don't get paid:
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tybutler · 2 months
Why are you afraid to repent? The only thing you will be loosing is bondage, depression and anxiety. The pleasure of sin last only for a short moment...THEN THE BONDAGE SETS IN!
You believed you could just drink that one drink, smoke that one cigarette, smoke that one joint, pop that one pill, fornicate that one time...UNTIL YOU GOT ADDICTED TO THE PLEASURE!
You didn't think about the bondage then. But now your stuck in it.
There is hope in Jesus. He can literally take the desire of that sin away from you. Just REPENT of that sin, read your Bible daily and pray to God to take it from you. He is there if you call out to him. He will not leave you in that condition. Cry out to him now. Beg for mercy. I promise you he will deliver you. REPENT and believe the gospel.
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