#gradient background because this already took so long lol
sunrisemiracles · 1 month
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Velvette's favorite toy ✨💗💀
Drawn to help keep up motivation to finish my angsty Vaggie x Velvette fanfic
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xelles-archive · 4 years
Your stimboards are so good! How do you make them?
hello anon, tysm!! i'm sorry this took me a while to answer, our wifi turned off as soon as i received the question lol. but it's very simple actually! i only recently started doing stimboards a few days ago, so i'm not sure if this is helpful at all. anyway,
1. firstly, i search for a picture/gif for the character i am doing.
i mostly use gifs because it's just somehow satisfying to see the whole moodboard to move. but you can also use pictures! this is to give me a brief idea of what gifs i would be using.
2. i go on tum.blr search and type "[color/theme] stim".
i mostly base this on the color of the gif/picture of the character i've chosen! it can also be a background story or some kind of trivia of the character. for example, we have my f/o, jo.se ba.den. for him, i would search "sea stim" because he is a sailor and travels through the sea.
going through tu.mblr search and finding for the perfect stim gif would take a while, but that's part of the job! my stimboards, so far, would take me around 30-40 mins. be patient and experiment around! it never hurts to try.
if you can't find a gif on tum.blr, you can use your browser as an alternative. although it may not be as accurate as those in tum.blr, but it's a good way for finding the gif that you want to be included (as long as you put the keywords).
3. always leave a like on the post.
or you could reblog it, save it to your drafts, whichever's easy for you! this is to save yourself some time, and you won't have to go back to the search bar and scroll through endless gifs. you need to credit the creator, always! (don't be like me who forgot to leave a post and took me 20 mins to find the source again ;-;)
4. . [optional] i edit the gifs to a much more fitting color.
some gifs don't blend in well with the main picture/other gifs, so i go ahead and edit them with this app!
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i mostly mess around with the settings until it looks good to me. if you want a more detailed tutorial on this, i'd be happy to provide!
5. after choosing gifs that i think would fit the board, i arrange them in a way that would appease the eye.
i'm pretty sure you can't rearrange pictures on pc, and i don't use pc a lot, so i'm sorry if i can't provide any advice on that. but if you're on mobile, then that's great!
you can press the image option (because it's way easier than having to put one by one and to arrange them afterwards — that's too time-consuming) and choose the gifs in the order i want them to be. preferably, the gif/picture of the character would be in the middle, so it has to be fifth picture. in the end, it would look something like this:
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yeah i used my own stimboard so what >:'(
this stimboard is a gradient (orange to blue green), so if you're doing a singular color, it's ok to put the gifs in what order you'd like!! honestly, there's no way "correct" way to do this (other than the character having to be in the middle) — if you think it's pretty, then that's good! keep arranging them until it looks good to you.
6. lastly, i put the credits underneath the stimboard.
i mostly use this format:
[ x x x - x x x - x x x ]
but you can use other formats too! like:
X | X | X - X | X | X - X | X | X
🌺 - 🌺 - 🌺 | 🌺 - 🌺 - 🌺 | 🌺 - 🌺 - 🌺
whatever you're comfortable with! remember that each x (or emoji) represents the gif in the stimboard — for example, the ninth x would lead to the source of the very last gif. so, if you already have the links (you can always get them back from the reblog/recently liked posts on your main account), you can press down on the text and insert a link using this option:
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something will pop up and you'd be able to insert a link there. if you're not sure if you inserted the right link, you can always post it privately (it's in the options of posting, i believe it's on the top right with the three dots)! for some reason, it doesn't let you check the links in drafts, but don't worry, as long as it's posted privately, nobody would see the stimboard you've made so far.
and you're done! i hope this helps somehow!!
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pirumxsim · 5 years
Tutorial #1
Thank you for the request, @jenpants!!
I will roughly explain how I made this edit, not every process will be included, since the actual one is more complicated and it depends on my editing style which I change frequently. And sorry if I forgot something or my explanation was simply not enough, haha... This edit took me more than 6 hours and this is a long tutorial, so be careful if you want to click the button below...
What I used:
Reshade 3.08
Reshade preset
Photoshop 6.0
Topaz Clean
YouTube for motivation lol
Delete the background
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This is the original screenshot with Reshade. Open ps and delete about 90% of pixels you don’t need. Keep in mind: this the most important part of the whole process, take as long as you want. In this case, I accidentally chose the same color for the background as the hair of the left girl and took more time lol
* Tip: If you don't have or can't use Reshade, I recommend drawing shadows on your sims before pasting them on the background at STEP4 *
Use Topaz Clean
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This is the image without the background. Now select Topaz Clean and make everything clear and smooth! I usually don’t use(this was the first time!) this plugin for edits with sims I took from farther distance, but I wanted to emphasize the beautiful patterns of their clothes in this one.
Fix some details
As I have mentioned in STEP 1, the hair and the background had a similar color, so I couldn’t select some parts and therefore needed to fix the hair. After opening Photopea, I used the lasso tool and copied the right bun and then blurred softly. Also, some pixels were remaining where there was the shadow in the original screenshot. For this, I only used the eraser tool, but with different sizes. This is the result:
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Find the best size of the background for your sims
This really depends on your blog theme or your editing style, but I often post my edits in 1065 x 1218px with a transparent frame, so what I do is: change the size of the background to 1100(height), paste my sims and cut off some parts of the background so that you can focus more on the sims. Before/After:
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Draw some shadows under your sims and blur around their edges
In this edit I could leave this process, but I did it as always. To make the shadows look more natural and realistic, I recommend drawing them separately and with different opacities in multiple layers. Then use the blur tool for the edges, but the brush should only cover the borderlines, so make it smaller.
Change the blending options of your sims
In blending options, add the gradient overlay with soft light and a new adjustment layer to change the brightness(and maybe contrast too). This is the second important process. Before/After:
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Add color overlays with gradients
If you’re already satisfied in the previous step, you can skip to STEP 8. It depends on what tone you want to have for your edits, but in this case, I used some different blue tones and used the gradient tool. Result:
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Draw lights for the background and sims
In most cases you don’t need this. Skip to the next step. I did this, because there were colorful neon lights in the background and it was fuuun lol. Just trace on the lights and the edges of your sims with the same color as the neon lights in the background. And also, I added some more lights ON my sims, especially the clothes to add a glowing(?) effect. Result:
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Use the blur filter on the background
Select the motion blur with 1px, then use the gaussian blur with 1px.
STEP 10:
Save your picture and add more effects
Save it as a png file and open it from the new tab. Then select auto contrast. After this use the motion blur with 4px and draw with the sharpen tool only on your sim’s face.
STEP 11:
Add some 3D effects
This is optional. Skip this. Open ps again and duplicate the layer 2 times. For 1 layer select G and B from the blending option in the channel group. For the other, select only R. After this, at the layer with G and B, use the move tool and push the left arrow on your keyboard 1 time. Then go to the layer with the R channel and push the right arrow 1 time. Save your picture. Result:
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STEP 12:
Change the size of your picture
Open Photopea and change into the size you want to have. Mine was 1065 x 1218px with a transparent frame(the picture itself was 701 x 1170 at the end)
* Thank you for reading this and I hope I could help you! *
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eificopper · 7 years
Title:  Spitefulshipping - 50 things (Alt: Howthefuck…) Series/Timeline: Twinkle - timeline all over the place Characters: Shira – Techny – Citinea – Denika - Indigo (hinted) - Nozomi Length: 1851w
WHAT AM I DOING HAHA So I was like alright I’m just missing 10 more for the 50 themes brighship sentence challenge let’s do this //does 17 for spitefulship //whispers Howthefuck…?? So yeah why not? I’m at 31 and counting so let’s do this Not gonna put them in chronological order because LOL what is timeline with these two (I’m so sorry) have them in the order they’ve been written instead
Edit: 45 I’M YELING HOW ON EARTH XD also tried to organize them a bit more buth uhh;;; Edit2: Hallelujah I’m done and very happy with this <3
1- Team “So we’ll be working together” Shira said when they were left alone “That will be interesting”
2- Neutral The two of them get into yet another argument and Citinea just sits there and goes “I’m neutral”
3- Spark The first time their bodies were so close together (due to that one tango presentation they did) Shira felt a certain jolt of electricity; she reasoned it was simply because they are both electric types.
4- Kick When one of Citinea’s little pranks somehow ended up with them in a rather suggestive pose she could only yelp in Kalosian (“C-Casse-toi!”) with a red face and push him away with a kick of her hooves, as he then yelled something about “now using it as a proper move” while Citinea laughed in the background.
5- Kiss All of the sudden his face is close, too close, and her legs are frozen in place as she feels his hand on her chin, and their noses touch and her face is growing warm, then hot, then cold, because Citinea just pulled him apart (muttering something about “males” and “disgusting”) and she lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.  
6- Envy The Meercle doesn’t know when exactly she stopped being envious of the Coil and rather started being so of the Dokucale but it sure was a very odd feeling.
7- Line Shira was starting to believe the whole “there’s a thin line between Love and Hate” was a true fact after all; and she was dancing and tiptoeing around that line more and more as time went by…
8- Curious Despite not really enjoying that much her feeling-reading abilities she always thought she’d be weirded out if she ever met someone she could not read; turns out she found him ridiculously intriguing.
9- Opposites Shira wished she could say they were total opposites but actually they were more similar than she’d dare to admit.
10- Epiphany She had been simply overthinking her life in bed unable to sleep when she suddenly came to the conclusion that she wholeheartedly wanted to become his light; and then stayed awake the rest of the night wondering what to do with this new realization. 
11- Weakness Forget type matchups, she was his weakness and he knew it.
12- Hate Those who don’t know better will just say they really can’t stand each other but Citinea knows they’re just trying to convince themselves of that.
13- Smirk He smirks smugly and Shira is, partly, irritated that he’s looking so fucking proud of himself, but also just a slightly bit turned on because oh lord Xerneas who gave him the right to look so hot?
14- Question When Shira came to her one day commenting that she had a problem and Citinea jokingly asked if it was “unresolved sexual tension with Techny” she sure as hell didn’t expect the answer to be yes.
15- Friends “Friends? No, not a chance” Not when there was so much more than that.
16- Hostility The animosity she showed towards him since day one (be it due to her rivalry skyrocketing or natural dislike) seems like nothing at all compared to the hostility she shows to the new dark-type member; and strangely enough, he feels a certain relief.
17- Breathing He pulls back just far enough to get some air but still close enough so he can feel her breath on his lips, and says “we should have done this way sooner” before leaning in again.
18- Senses She has a hard time reading his feelings and he barely feels the warmth of her horns but even so they both stay still peacefully for a few moments, just basking on each other’s presence.
19- Sign Denika didn’t really notice the signs beforehand, but when she walked into Shira’s office to see them making out at her desk she began to realize how obvious it was in retrospect.
20- Hurt No matter how many times he said it was alright and carelessly dismissed it (“it’s just some metal I’m fine”) Shira still got really distressed whenever he got “hurt” and broke something; Well at least she didn’t faint, he figured. 
21- Nap Techny’s not sure how this happened but she’s fast asleep with her cheek pressed against his shoulder and he doesn’t dare move until she stirs awake, wipes her eyes and blushes through an unneeded apology.
22- Imperfections Under the eyes of the world they were both strong and confident; it wasn’t until the night had fallen and the lights had been turned off that they revealed their many cracks.
23- Note Techny stared for almost a solid minute at the small sticky note in a corner of his laptop’s screen that simply read “Je t’aime! =D <3” then decided to just leave it there and start working.
24- Touch Gloved fingers extended and brushed softly at the leaves in her neck while she was distracted and the Meercle shivered in response, tossing him an embarrassed frown when he let out a chuckle at her reaction.
25- Sarcasm Sometimes it was amusing to see her so confused and/or embarrassed when she took his sarcasm literally, and sometimes… it was just a headache for everyone involved.
26- Break It was perhaps because her relationship with him had initiated that way, because she actually loved butting heads and a challenge or maybe just because of her pride and rivalry instinct, but Shira simply loved to compete and spite him, to see his aloof strict posture break, and get all flustered and curt.
27- Addiction He was addicted to her, to her smiles, her touch, her kisses, her voice, her company… and couldn’t find an answer as to when and how that even happened.
28- Quiet Shira insists that she’s fine, which Tech considers and insult to his intelligence since the grass-type is wearing the fakest smile he’s ever seen and is never this quiet unless she’s asleep.
29- Hug For someone who claimed she didn’t want to be touched most of the time the Meercle could be incredibly clingy, he noted.
30- Coat With his longcoat casually draped over her shoulders while reviewing some folders, Shira wonders out loud (and it’s just to mess with him, he knows it) what would be his reaction to her wearing only that and nothing under; unknown to her the mental image sticks in his mind all day long.
31- Patience Lying down in the bed boredly looking at the ceiling she asks him to teach her some coding and/or hacking; without even looking away from the screen he replies neither of them have the patience to attempt that, and she huffs and mumbles a “touché”
32- Soul He was supposed to keep his emotions in check, or to have one emotion be shown to disguise all the rest, but when she started to see through that mask, he made no attempt to improve his skill around her.
33- Body She is smooth and soft and warm, an organic kind of beauty, and when pressed against him it was the best thing in the world.
34- Enough He has enough pressure already managing SO almost by himself, but when she decides to start destroying herself with alcohol he just can’t stand it anymore.
35- Drunk He’s given up on saying anything and just sighs half-irritated half-disgusted as he sets away the glass from her hand and tries to get her to stand up; in response she doesn’t utter a word either but instead suddenly puts her arms around his neck and kisses him hard, and her lips are like something of an apology even though they taste like that last shot of tequila she just downed.
36- Remorse      Shira’s life is largely ruled by guilt, that is an undeniable truth, but one of her biggest regrets is honestly having hurt Techny so badly while inebriated. 
37- Evolution “You just went from a small paralyzing goat to a huge paralyzing goat, is not that much of a change” “Shut up I’m a majestic creature, besides, you’re just a bigger cluster of screws and metal you have no right to talk”
38- Sing She thinks she has the place to herself and her voice grows from a soft hum into a full-fledged song, only to stop in embarrassment when she realizes her boyfriend staring at the doorway entranced.
39- Duty He felt it was his duty to protect her, not just because she was female but rather because she was his dear Shira.
40- Sensual Never did she think one day she’d be moaning his name quite like that, and he never imagined it’d sound as sweet and gratifying.
41- Happiness Everyone claims happiness is a feeling, a feeling fleeting and elusive, but Techny knows his happiness is much more concrete than that, with unique curled back horns and a smile to light up the world.
42- Sunset Shira is not just one color, easy to figure out and completely boring, no, Shira is a gradient of colors like a sunset sky, a million different things that Techny could never work out but would spend the rest of his life trying to.  
43- Surprise He likes to keep his cool even in most dire situations; however his face was positively a poem when his wife casually mentions one day that she wants to have a kid.
44- Change Her poor husband is acting so ridiculous and vulnerable (in a way she had certainly never seen before) that she’s almost starting to feel bad for teasing him and pushing at his buttons, but is just sooooo tempting and mesmerizing to see him now as a Rentorar.
45- Innocent Little baby Nozomi paws around in his father’s grasp and actually tries to grab at his headset visor despite Techny’s protests and Shira thinks it’s just hilarious and watches him struggle instead of helping and picking up the child.
46- Climb Techny just sighs and presses two fingers to his forehead, thinking it’s honestly utterly ridiculous to see his wife getting so worried and panicked over Nozomi climbing up that high, after all, who did he learn it from?
47- Alone Her mom used to warn her, tell her to “be prepared” for being a widow, for all the females in their family outlive the males; Shira just didn’t think it’d happen so soon...
48- End It both confused and irked Shira to see other people smiling and laughing like nothing had happened, she felt so miserable not even her children could cheer her up.
49- Ring Nozomi can easily identify when his mom is feeling anxious or troubled without even needing to read her feelings, for she starts unconsciously tapping and fidgeting with her wedding ring non-stop.
50- Victory Shira leans on the sidelines with a small smile as she sees her kid win one of his battles, he strongly reminds her of herself, but when he smirks just the right way after victory she can clearly see his father on him.   
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