digimonloving 2 years
My need to peg/dominate Grandracmon and the struggle that is that he has a bestial lower half... I've seen some people make fanmade "condensed forms" for him where it is replaced with a more humanoid half... Perhaps that could be used for my request, if it's not too much of an issue...? 馃ズ
GranDracmon being pegged/domed by his S/O while using a more "condensed" form
A very rare form he takes, managing to break himself apart into three parts -- two dog-like creatures with the shark-like heads able to move at their own free will, and then his more 'human' body fully taking form. If his S/O wished to peg/dominate him, it's best they take advantage of it. And he gladly lets them, thinking it to be an interesting experience for them both.
And it is quite the experience, that's what he figured out as he let his S/O take over and work him open, lubing their fingers and pressing them into him. It's a new experience, and they do need to be a bit careful, the ring of muscle tight, but with enough patience and kissing and moans from GranDracmon, it's worth it for the sounds he makes.
He's normally fairly quiet during sex, only offering grunts of pleasure when he was in-charge, but with this form being still so off to him at times, and the feeling of his S/O's cock/dildo inched inside of him, he doesn't keep it in, and grips the sheets as he moans out loud, shaking some from the feeling. It's a bit much for him, yet he wants more at the same time. Especially when they begin to thrust, and especially when they rub over his prostate.
GranDracmon would prefer doggy style for this, especially if his S/O wants to grip his horns. God do grip his horns when thrusting into him in such a position. Or his hair, either one will make him moan out loud and his cock twitch in delight. It's rare for him to give such control, and to be in such a pose considering his usual body, so he takes what he can get.
Truly, he's amazed by how much his partner can do while being the dominant one, especially to him. He's such a powerful Digimon, and yet here he was practically putty and a moaning, whining mess while being fucked by his S/O. Especially as they teased hm and his cock, or while they rubbed against that special spot within him that was making him toss his head back and to the side as they struck it. Such a delicious feeling, and yet almost too much at the same time!
He's quite the mess when he cums, and with the feeling of his S/O inside of him it makes it all the sweeter. He didn't expect that this form could get such a pleasure... he'd have to take on this parted for more often to experience such fun with his S/O...
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luimagines 1 year
Wild with Reader but Reader is an ancient being of darkness. They can disguise themselves as any race but their true form is akin to Digimon's GranDracmon in appearance.
As for how they met, Wild ends up stumbling into their den just after he left the Great Plateau. Reader is sick of Ganon's bullshit since they like to be around people (in disguise) and indulge what nature has to offer without a spiteful sorcerer ruining it. Thus the Champion is offered their assistance, a contract, in exchange for stopping the calamity.
Neither didn't expect to fall for each other but Reader and Wild don't regret it. Like with Hyrule's Spouse, he didn't get a chance to tell his eldritch lover about this new mission with the Chain before he was whisked away. Unlike Traveller, he sorta forgot about it scatterbrain style.
Now Reader and Wild's contract is equivalent to a summoner's. He can summon them from anywhere or they can warp to his location by choice. No worse way for your lover to introduce themselves than manifesting in camp without warning. True form and all.
Twilight: What the-
Reader: Link! Where were you?!
Wild: Hey honey... I'm in trouble aren't I?
Reader: LINK!
The rest of the Chain can't help but stare as their friend gets scolded by an eldritch abomination. It's even more ironic that the two are apparently married. Wild is definitely getting teased later.
"THERE WAS NO TIME!...and then I forgot."
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cloudninetonine 1 year
Player being turned into a Lamortmon would be crazy enough. I however raise something more insane, a GranDracmon.
How this happens is that Courage, Player, First and Time get separated from everyone when checking out a new temple like dungeon. Like the four immediately get blocked off just by entering the place. They all manage to enter the last room which contains a weird crystal.
Good news, nothing is protecting the crystal. Bad news is that the room is giant coliseum as shadowy monsters begin to flood the place. Player, who is trying to avoid being skewered by a shadow Stalfos, bumps into the crystal and everything just goes to hell in a hand basket.
Everyone else whose outside are trying to think of another wayside when there's a huge crash from the other side. When the remaining Chain go to check it out, no one expects to see the Links sprawled on the back of what looks like an eldritch lynel thing around.
Or that the giant currently face first in the ground has an upper figure too close to Player albeit in a vampiric gothic style of their outfit.
Four: By Hylia's tits! (Sky: *flustered* Excuse me?!)
Time: I'm too old for this.
Player: At least you can properly walk! Adrenaline had me run like a bear high on spiked honey trying to do a tightrope obstacle course. I'm probably gonna be wobbling about like a newborn deer on these weird legs!
Apparently that weird crystal is stuck inside Reader so it's going to be a bitch to get out. Doesn't help that those strange shark like heads they got act like a dog cause some Links got licked and barked at a few times. Twilight, or Wolfie to be precise, ended up having to help Player learn to walk on their new legs.
Fierce had to help catch them if they fell cause no one wants to get accidentally landed on. Player does try to make the most of it though. They can carry everybody now so traversing long distances is easier and efficient.
Someone joked about putting a large carriage like saddle on GranDracmon!Player's back. The Link responsible definitely got held by the scruff of their shirt like a misbehaving puppy via Player.
Player just "Turning into some fucked up centaur wasn't on my list of things to do but I'll take it."
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talesofsonicasura 2 years
LMK Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent
Another potential poly with these monkeys? Yep. I like experimenting using this particular dynamic especially when it comes to the scenarios that stem from it.
Like with MK's Guardian, you aren't really a normal person. What are you in this? You'll find out soon enough. This can be read gender neutral or preferred gender. Enjoy.
After some time, you were finally returning home to your precious son, Qi Xiaotian or MK. The boy you raised from infancy after finding him in a basket outside your abode.
You see, your homeland wasn't exactly a great place to raise a human child so there been times where squashing any 'pests' became necessary. Luckily, you manage to find a place in Megapolis after he turned 8. A human identity already prepared for the both of you.
It has been a year since you left to deal with some personal business back in your homeland. Enough time for your pup to get tangled in the supernatural.
Pigsy had told you about everything which transpired while you were gone. That MK became the successor of Sun Wukong and have been fighting his foes to learning magic for the past few weeks. What the bloody hell?!
Your son is a strong young man and you have faith in his abilities. However, this feels too much especially without your personal opinion. You were going to need a deep blood wine for this fiasco. Too damn sober.
Luckily, finding the mischievous little imp that is your son wouldn't be difficult. The perks of being part of a species that are intertwined with blood.
Which is how you found MK crafting a breakfast nook while his mentor is busy eating peach chips... Cheeky bastard. The stench of blood came from underneath your pup's clothing. The shadow magic on his back being enough to stir your protective nature.
Sun Wukong could barely do anything when his apprentice suddenly disappeared in a whirlwind of crystal bats. Your son not even blinking before he found himself in bed and his parent staring him down. He knew he was in trouble upon getting the 'Look'.
The two of you ended up in a deep conversation while his bloody bruises got treated. How the Monkey King had not been taking his training seriously as of late and how he went to someone else instead. Unaware that his new mentor, Macaque, had put a magic draining seal on him.
It seems some payback was in order as you began to plot. The shadow monkey waiting for his 'apprentice' at a secluded mountain top upon receiving word that MK needed a bigger training spot.
So when Macaque went to steal his powers, he nor the arriving Sun Wukong didn't expect MK to knock him away like a fly. Or for the young man to disperse into a storm of crystalline bats and the giant monster to come out.
You were never human. The truth is you were a very powerful Demon Beast that went under many names. 'Ruler of the Night', 'Vampire King' (you prefer Lord than King as it suits your preference better) but mainly the name of your species, GranDracmon.
The real MK currently sitting at home with his eyes on the TV. A special broadcast of you rightfully teaching two monkeys to never mess with an ancient Digimon's cub. Quite a show it'll be.
Sun Wukong and Macaque were going to return to their homes with a lot of bruises and ice burns as you never gave them a chance to even move. 'Eye of the Gorgon' being a nice way to make sure they took their hits.
You left both monkeys halfway encased in crystal with 'Crystal Revolution' before returning to your son. The crystal not being too thick so it'll take a few minutes for them to break out. Nice cherry on top is taping a letter to their faces handwritten by MK.
Neither monkey yaoguai are gonna to have a good time crossing your son again. Cause the Demon Beast that is his parent just returned. After all, you've been wanting a chance to try some Six Eared Macaque and stone monkey blood for quite some time.
This time MK has quit training with the Monkey King if you want to know what the letter is. But yep, you are a Digimon for this one specifically GranDracmon.
When it comes to headcanons that involve a fight with Sun Wukong and Macaque, the chosen role will always be something that can fight them.
Like the Auditor, GranDracmon will also give the Monkey King a tough time. One main reason being 'Eye of the Gorgon'. An attack that uses the inner darkness of a target to snare them in a hypotonic and disorienting state. Something that usually leads to the Digimon version of Confusion in game standards.
There's also the fact that GranDracmon boasts enough power that demon lords embodying the Seven Deadly Sins rather not mess with em. Yeah, the Digimon version of Lucifer Morningstar rather not fight this mon.
Until next time folks, we'll see what Sun Wukong and Macaque would do next. I'll see you back at Megapolis. This is GranDracmon btw.
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luimagines 1 year
More with Wild's eldritch spouse!
The man pretty much got the cold shoulder from Reader for awhile after that little screw up. Wild being in the dog house can be summed with these particular behaviors from his lover.
First is not eating his food. Reader doesn't really need to eat much since their vampiric but they love to indulge in Wild's cooking. So him seeing them just drink wine or monster blood is a kick in the gut.
Second is their form. Reader has a set of three that sets limits to their: mortal(25%), hybrid (50%) and true(full). Hybrid is much smaller alongside having a satyr-like build. They're usually in either true or mortal since their hybrid is used for cramp spaces mostly. Wild seeing Reader rarely taking on their true form means he really screwed the pooch.
And finally physical affection. Reader's love language is touch so they take full advantage when possible. Cuddles, hugs, holding hands and such. The two always sleep next to each other or Reader (true form) usually lets Wild take a nap or ride on their back while they travel. His lover sleeping alone to even moving away from him is the biggest blow.
Overall, very fucking awkward for the Chain to watch as Wild fumbles to fix the dent in his relationship with the GranDracmon. Not wanting to see this mess drag any further, the Links decide to help their dear comrade. We all know that Sky, Time, and Twilight probably have the most experience in this department.
After a bunch of suggestions, some good while the rest are questionable at best, Wild finally tries again. The two spend a day together albeit the more responsible Links are trying to keep the less responsible 'helping.'(basically Hiccup trying to help Toothless woo the Light Fury in that one scene of HTTYD 3)
No one in the Chain really knows what happened during the date. They only knew Wild became covered in feathers and honey while Reader holds him by the scruff of his shirt like a kitten in their true form. Both are laughing though so it seems the married couple finally made up.
Reader might've offhandedly knocked Wild into the stream out of pettiness when he went get himself clean. They're little shits to each other as much as they're lovers, your honor.
Ohhhhh nooooooo. Poor Wild :(
Although fully deserved for whatever he did (it's been so long, I'm sorry. I don't remember).
But I also headcanon that Wild's love language is also physical touch. So that one in particular is a pretty heavy blow.
The chain "helping" though is a very in character touch. They all scramble to try and get them to makeup but they all don't know what he did either so it's one just failed attempt after another- inevitably making it worse until Wild manages to tackle his spouse and they "talk"..... (I'm implying the shoving in the river- get your heads out of the gutter :p).
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talesofsonicasura 2 years
Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent: Bloody Wine Inflitrations
Next part for this particular insanity. These monkeys are gonna have a difficult time getting into Reader's good graces just like with the Auditor one. Let's how this one goes. Can be read gender neutral or preferred gender. Enjoy.
When it comes to your family, trust, loyalty and respect are highly valued. Especially if you came from the digital equivalent to Hell, the Dark Area. Good and evil don't exist nor are cared about down there. These values only matter if you want a shot of surviving.
Forging alliances and bonds with the most trustworthy Digimon, whether they be low levels or powerful ones. It was how you gave your son a mostly safe but good childhood despite how hostile that realm could be.
So taking advantage of that is asking for hell to be paid. Something Sun Wukong and Macaque were very quick to learn. Both now trying to find a way to reach MK again.
A fruitless endeavor if none of them can get past his dangerous parent. They have heard of you whether by eavesdropping or your son slightly mentioning it. Although you being an unknown creature hadn't been expected.
Both knew that your species had to be vampiric in nature. After all, a large amount of vampire species fed off the crimson liquid to thrive. So finding any places reeking of blood is the best way to do it.
As for MK, your son had moved into your private estate for the time being. The reason is that both monkeys probably knew where he lived and the pup isn't ready to see their faces. Not too far yet not too close from the city.
His training being handled by you alongside the various residents of your home. Sun Wukong's techniques isn't the only thing he'll be taught to master. Some personal spells along with some psychology, a good defense against deception.
It didn't stop the risk of unwelcomed interruptions. A very determined Sun Wukong and the Six Eared Macaque. Too bad for them, you had some very good security measures.
First break-in attempt being from the shadows by Macaque. He didn't expect getting chased out of the darkness by vampiric wolves nor eerie ghosts: Sangloupmon and Eyesmon. You see the place didn't just accommodate you but also your employees.
Humans, yaoguai and Digimon live here, the latter mainly being from the Dark Area. The harsh land made them more powerful and dangerous from their normal counterparts. Survival of the fittest after all.
Next attempt was from Sun Wukong. You were enjoying a blood wine as you watch your pup train under his new mentor, Gokuwmon. Quite lucky that your right hand Mon is based on the 'Great Sage'.
Anyway, said stone monkey tried to come flying in the form of a sparrow. He definitely wasn't happy when MK's new teacher formed a Somersault Cloud or that his former student manage to form one with some issue.
Too bad for him, you whistled in air security: a large flock of bat Digimon. Cackled madly as Sun Wukong fled from the onslaught of long range attacks that consist of energy spears to vampiric syringes.
Next attempt involved both monkeys instead of one. Sun Wukong coming in through the garden and Macaque from the roof. You didn't intervene cause judging from their movements, they would definitely collide.
Your precious pup napping on your back while you signed papers, something he did as a child to even now. Ear buds in to flush out the two monkeys yelling. Well screams now as they had attracted your more dangerous guards, VenomMyotismon. What fools.
They kept trying to see MK or you multiple times but were always ran off. Neither could find you in public as you had many disguises alongside plenty of magic to make fake MKs all day. Despite how fun these shenanigans were, it was about time they stop.
Sun Wukong and Macaque each received a formal dinner invitation from your messenger bats. Despite the possibility of it being a trap, at least it's something they could prepare for.
Of course, to their dismay upon arriving it wouldn't be just them or you. MK was there as well, seated right next to his parent. Sun Wukong definitely felt guilty when his former apprentice looked at him with pure distaste.
Macaque would've laughed if one of those shark heads on your thighs didn't snarl at him. The tension grew as caught the scent of monkey blood in your food. Every dish smelled had metallic substance but only yours held that kind.
You then gave them a compromise. Both Sun Wukong and Macaque would have a shot at gaining your favor, by proxy MK's too. To come over on a set list of dates. They will listen to whatever you had to say with no questions asked.
Both had put your son in considerable danger so you were going to make them pay for that, through pain or humility. Neither were allowed to talk to MK without him initiating the conversation.
If your pup had an request, they would hear him out. Both monkeys also shared three chances from you and your son. Lose all three... Hehehe, any further attempts will be met with either deadly force or a potential fate worse than death.
Sun Wukong and Macaque were a bit reluctant but agreed to your terms. Neither expected your claw to suddenly cut their respective hand. Or you drinking the bit of blood that claw reaped.
A mark burned itself onto their skin: The Mark of Evil. One on Sun Wukong's forehead and the other over Macaque's left eye. Places that easily induce panic and it grew worse once you let out a malicious cackle.
"Mmm, quite a fruity flavor. Under the Dark Area Blood Oath, Sun Wukong and Macaque are now temporary members to my peerage. Best follow my rules to the letter or pAy ThE PrICe."
The thousands of glowing red eyes that emerge from the shadows staring them down made the monkey yaoguai take your words to heart. It became clear that MK is not just an average delivery boy. They just signed the deal with a devil that is his parent. Oh boy...
If you are curious, Sun Wukong's blood taste like Immortal Peaches and Macaque's taste like a cross between mangos, plums and blood oranges.
The Mark of Evil is a symbol often found on many demon Digimon and can be referred to a Dark Area emblem. I thought of using it for the blood oath set on Sun Wukong and Macaque. What does these particular marks do for them? You'll find out in the next part.
Some Digimon will pop up or be mentioned from time to time. I'll be dropping the wiki pages for anyone who wants to learn more. It isn't really required though.
Until next time folks, I'll see you back at Megapolis. Here's Eyesmon, Sangloupmon, Gokuwmon and VenomMyotismon alongside the Mark of Evil.
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talesofsonicasura 2 years
LMK Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent: First Week Revelations
Here's the next part of this. Like the title suggests this will focus on Sun Wukong and Macaque first week in the peerage. I won't that I put a gut punch in this one. Consequences of your actions after all. Also for people bashing Sun Wukong for the whole LBD thing, give the poor guy a break.
Miscommunication is very common especially for a character like him. Someone who had to carry the world on his shoulders but never gotten the proper chance to learn he can't do everything alone. This is a bit wordy btw. Anyway... Can be read gender neutral or preferred gender. Enjoy.
If someone told Sun Wukong or Macaque that they'll be joining a vampiric peerage with their archenemy, both would laugh. Now, not so much as today they would be working under their former student's inhuman parent.
Neither monkey were ignorant about the chance of becoming errand boys under you. They hurt your kid thus you'll make them pay in some way is an all time high. Best to face it head on as they were required to come early in the morning.
It had been a bit awkward walking into the estate. For Sun Wukong, full on uncomfortable as you brought him alongside Macaque to stand before all your workers. A group introduction for new members.
The biggest surprise had been when their former apprentice walked in. The MK both yaoguai were used to wasn't like the one approaching his much larger parent. What stood before them isn't the kind hearted delivery boy they knew.
This is a young man who not only meant business but apparently isn't fully human. A person whose ears were brown and pink rabbit ones similar to hands, three little brown horns poking from underneath the hair on the crown on his head and pink markings strewn across his body with a now peaceful almost angelic aura. Next to him was a little brown rabbit with similar traits.
You must've read their minds as you spoke. "I found out my son had a severe heart condition that would one day take his life similar to a phantom. Digimon don't exactly have hearts but we have something better: a Digicore. Medi, his Lopmon partner, shared her Digicore with MK to save his life."
Ah. Both monkeys guess that would explain the young man's rabbit traits. It didn't stop the severe concern upon realizing MK once had a heart condition. Neither monkey bothered to check his health records or even ask before they toss him into training.
If Macaque had a twinge of guilt from this information, he wouldn't admit it. He may be an asshole but even he has standards. A thought to delve on later once you announced their roles for the first week.
They were right about being put in a maid position but you made it a whole lot worse. How? Macaque and Sun Wukong were forced to watch MK train under his new mentor alongside you.
A huge punch to their pride seeing the brunette excel much better than when they trained him. MK sparring on his own Somersault Cloud against his Gokuwmon teacher. Both almost equally matched. Your words made these sessions hurt more.
"MK holds a lot of potential. You two have seen it. The reason he struggled before is simple. None of you fully trusted him. Teacher and Student must properly convey their thoughts or worries. Measure their opinions. Most importantly trust in each other's capabilities."
Sun Wukong and Macaque knew you were right. The Monkey King truly didn't take his former student as seriously as he should. A lot of problems could've been dealt with better or even avoided completely.
To the Six Eared Macaque, he had ignore the best student that could ever fall into his lap. Willingly toss it away to spite his former 'associate'. It stung further when MK requested their presence.
"You do know that both of you hurt me with your actions? Macaque, I don't give shit about whatever you have against the Monkey King. Keep it to yourself or you'll drag the wrong person into it. It's pathetic cause you'll just be an empty husk afterwards, one with an innocent body in the grave." What was said to Sun Wukong is just heartbreaking.
"You know I believed in you right? The few books I could find about the Journey To The West in my parent's library gave me hope. YOU had been one of the few things to keep me going against the dangers of the Dark Area. Guess the saying 'Never meet your heroes' held some truth after all."
If both monkeys (unhealthily) coped over those words, neither of them would tell anyone. Macaque tore apart training dummies until he couldn't move. Sun Wukong breaking out the stash of ancient peach wine.
The two completely unaware that you were watching through the Mark of Evil branded on their skin. Empathy brimming from your form as you started to make a few calls.
"I believe it's time for these old yaoguai to get proper help. Best to start out small so both can grow with least possible retaliation. I have a feeling actual therapy should be saved later."
You uploaded something from the laptop that sat by your desk. Neither Sun Wukong and Macaque notice their respective marks softly began to glow nor what would come from it.
It looks our GranDracmon!reader is up to something sneaky. In my personal opinion, Sun Wukong has a stash of very old peach flavored liquor that he indulges on his days. The Monkey King is canonically a lightweight in the original Journey To The West too. His monkeys take care of him once the alcohol takes effect. They are very worried about him if you are wondering.
As for what got sent to them, you'll find out in the next headcanon. Now for MK, he is half Digimon but this is a side effect from his surgery.
I'll be talking about this in full length on a separate page but Digicore Sharing is going to be uncommon in any Digimon related stuff from me. I choose Lopmon to be the donor than Reader for a special reason.
Until next time folks, here's Lopmon!
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digimonloving 2 years
GranDracmon "Shark's Tongues"
The two "heads" that protrude from the shoulders of GranDracmon's lower body don't entirely think, they only follow the basic orders that the humanoid half gives them. So... when his partner asks about the tongues inside of those mouths, he can only look at them with slight concern -- mostly because, while yes, the forked tongues that the heads have could be..... nice on their nethers, there are sharp teeth that don't exactly have any way of not accidentally hurting them while they lick at them.
Should his partner not care, then he makes certain that they do want to receive head from the bestial heads of all things before he makes them lay down and spread their legs wide. He doesn't want their legs to get nicked by the teeth, as much as the scent of blood would drive him crazy...
And as his S/O lays down, following his instructions, it seems that the two heads have a bit more.. reach than one would think them to have as they both sniff at them before their tongues - covered in drool - reach forward to begin, flicking at his S/O's clit/cock, slowly moving to taste them more as the two tongues completely soak them in moments. The tongues have a rougher texture, but not enough to be uncomfortable or hurt.
GrnDracmon can't help but lick his lips and smirk as the two heads work together pleasing his S/O, their tongues swirling in different ways, the tips of their forked tongues teasing and wiggling against the sensitive sex of his S/O, and they make sure that the little S/O keeps their legs spread wide open as they delve their tongues to explore more, one prodding at their entrance while the other keeps licking at them and coating them completely with both their own juices an excess saliva.
Soon enough, one of the tongues is teasing them from the inside, while the other relentlessly swirls and tastes GranDracmon's S/O, the vampire just watching and faintly tasting his S/O on his own tongue. He no doubt starts to palm his erection as he watches his S/O break under the tongues he didn't think would be able to control themselves so well as they are.
Even when his S/O cums, they don't stop. Whether that's because GranDracmon is enjoying their cries as the two heads keep their tongues pressing against them, or if he's trying to get them to pull away but they simply aren't done tasting and playing with his S/O. Either way... it doesn't take long before they push his S/O to another orgasm, which they more than happily "clean up".
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digimonloving 2 years
A GranDracmon that uses a human disguise to be able to enjoy time with his S/O in peace? Taking them on a romantic date so he can shower them in love? Pretty Please With A Cherry On Top?
GranDracmon taking on a human disguise to be able to enjoy time with his S/O in peace
GranDracmon had discovered how to craft his own human disguise after some time spent in the Real World, able to hide such a terrifying form away and at last being able to go out with his S/O somewhere nice and make others believe he was human.
He was more than glad to be able to share a more "comfortable" form for his human S/O, dressing up in a suit and taking his dear one on a date to a place he managed to sweet talk a reservation at. He told his S/O they didn't need to worry about the pricings, he already had everything covered.
GranDracmon was glad he could finally be out and about with them without the worry of causing a scene simply because humans - even with all these holograms around - seeing something like him would still cause quite the panic. Now, he was able to sit in a chair, pretending to be human even though he and his S/O knew he was far from one, as he could look his dear S/O in the eye and compliment them as he enjoyed a nice meal with them, side by side.
GranDracmon showers them in love during it all. He already did before when he didn't create this human disguise to fit into human society, but now it was so much easier as he grabbed their hand and kissed the back of it and only looked at them with nothing but adoration and love. He even ordered them dessert that they shared, the Digimon feeding them with every other bite.
Aside from the dinner, he walks around with them to get a view of the sights. He enjoys the peace they both can bask in as they walk, hand in hand, without him having to lay down with his large body just to hold them and be unable to walk without it feeling uncomfortable. He hates to admit how nice the human disguise feels.
It amuses him greatly at the idea of what would happen should a Digimon try to ruin their date, or a human who thought they were tough and tried to rob them. The idea of the offending side thinking they were going after easy targets, only to have GranDracmon show his true form. He looks forward to when that happens, but until then, he showers his S/O in love and gifts. And taking them to spots he finds that he thinks would be lovely for a little picnic between the both of them.
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digimonloving 2 years
I remember from a previous ask that you wrote out that GranDracmon would get riled up if he smelled that his partner was on their hell week or has gotten off recently... What if they managed to spot very subtle hints from his behaviour or body reactions about this fact, and starts to tease him with complaints about the misfortune of menstruation, or how they are about to get on their monthly soon, how they wish there was an easier (and perhaps more /fun/) way to get rid of the godawful cramps, and it escalates to one day just... Inviting him to go to town on them?
GranDracmon being teased by his S/O until they allow him to go to town on them /NSFT
Warnings: period blood/sex
Being a vampire, blood always excited GranDracmon. No matter what kind it was, but he'd always have different reactions based on certain scents of it. When his S/O firstly went on their period around him, he tensed and tried to keep himself as well mannered as he always was. Trying to keep his interest subtle... but they somehow caught onto him, with how they began to tease him and groan about the misfortunes of their body.
Truly, his S/O was testing his patience. He could keep it up for some time, but eventually he'd break. He felt it was... rude to ask for him to have his way with them when it happened, so he kept waiting for them to bring it up to him. And they did. And when they did, oh... he was but a starved man.
His face is almost immediately buried between their legs as he growled and used his tongue to lap at them, relishing in the taste he only smelt before. He practically has his S/O begging him to have to stop, since he just can't help himself as he uses his tongue to ravish them, pulling orgasm after orgasm from them as he longed for more of their taste and of their blood that was so freely given from their body.
He does allow them a break, but only for so long. They wished for a more fun solution, and GranDracmon refuses to disappoint. Fucking them into the bed, fucking down into them as his larger body sat bedside. The scent was driving his well manners away, but his S/O had no complaints. Being thoroughly fucked out of their mind as he continued to thrust into them.
GranDracmon knew that it was such a base instinct, both the sex and the want for blood... but he couldn't help himself when his S/O just so willingly gave themself to him like that when he had thought about fucking them on their monthly the moment he smelled it. It just riled up something inside of him. He blames the beastial body of his that he rests atop, even if it was born from his own mind.
At least his dear S/O knows that, should they desire a little bit of fun during their hell week, GranDracmon is always up for a bit of fun. He just wants to help keep them clean... not to mention get a nice little snack and see his S/O completely fucked out from how much he goes down on them.
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digimonloving 2 years
How would GranDracmon react to his Tamer S/O show interest in being fucked by his more bestial half? Would he react any differently in the moment compared to having sex with his S/O with his humanoid half?
GranDracmon and a rather curious Tamer S/O /NSFT
GranDracmon always preferred to see his Tamer S/O's reactions and expressions while he was fucking them. It's why he never really thought about using his lower body to pleasure them, and he didn't figure they'd want to be below such a bestial body like an animal. But they certainly surprised him when they decide to ask about it, to want to give it a go for at least one night. GranDracmon is a little speechless, but they've grown to trust each other... maybe he'll grant their wish for the night if they truly desire it.
Even he doesn't know how it'll really feel to mount them in such a way, to have them be the one mostly guiding his cock since they're much smaller than him. This will certainly be an experience for the both of them, to which he does take care in prepping them first so they're not left with only the slick of his more canine-like cock. It's only slightly girthier than his humanoid cock, but he still takes care with his S/O.
And when they push back against his cock, guiding the tip to enter them, he most definitely feels it. Feels how tight they are, how they sink back against his bestial cock. He almost can't control himself, already wanting to hump them like a beast. The two heads that rest upon the shoulders of his lower body growl and drool far more than they usually do at the feeling as well. He can't help but palm himself as he feels them take him in until they can't anymore.
And once he hears their soft whimpers die down, turn into gentle moans as they try to buck back against him for friction, his hips begin to move on their own. Slowly he rears back before thrusting forth, and with that he's near lost himself to the feeling of how purely animalistic it is, and he's near lost control of his lower body.
GranDracmon didn't know what to expect himself when they brought it up to try, and now he knows just how base his lower half desires are, and how they can almost fully override his thought process into nothing more than just wanting to fuck until release. He hopes his partner is helping themself, for he doesn't think there's any way for him to aid in their orgasm aside from trying to angle his hips more, but oh... he nearly doesn't even think to do so from how cloudy his mind feels over the pleasure.
His lower half has a knot to add to it, and when he cums inside of his Tamer S/O, he near can't stop how much floods into them. His only thought is to fill them up and that's it, allowing his instincts to fully take over. He only comes to after the knot deflates, and he is quick to check on his S/O to make sure he didn't do too much damage with his wild thrusting. They are certainly going to not be using their legs for a bit... and they're going to need a serious clean-up...
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digimonloving 2 years
Extremely self-indulgent but could I get a GranDracmon and a Tamer that have been connected together very recently and there is some tension between both but slowly they warm up to each other and become very close and affectionate and start dating? I love the big wolf centaur vampire... 馃ズ
GranDracmon and his Tamer having a bit of a rough start... but eventually falling for each other
It started out a bit rough between this pair of Digimon and Tamer for... GranDracmon didn't quit see why he needed a Tamer at his side in the first place, and spoke his mind about it as well. He openly showed that he didn't quite care to have a human at his side, but he supposed they could stick together until he figured out how to be rid of them, or get them a different partner that would actually need them.
As much as he wanted to brush them away, his Tamer also needed to stay close to him so that they didn't get picked off by any Digimon looking for an easy meal. He may not have wanted a human by his side, but he wasn't going to just abandon them. He'd figure out a decent enough way to be rid of them, and make sure they at least survived a little bit longer than a day without him.
But the more he traveled with them, the more he learned about them, and the more he slowly began to open up about himself. Maybe having a human around wasn't that bad, even if he still felt a little silly about the idea of a Digimon like him needing a Tamer... But he couldn't deny that it was nice to talk to someone like this, someone who didn't fear his power as many Digimon did. They should have been afraid as well, for his power was great, but they didn't seem to even flinch at him -- even when he was a bit nasty to them.
The more and more they talked, the closer they bonded, and the more GranDracmon began to use his more suave and flirtatious nature towards them as a slight joke to amuse himself and get a humorous reaction out of his dear Tamer. He'd always smirk as their face would flush red and they'd look away, and he'd just drink it in as he laughed at their flustered ways.
Even he was surprised when he found himself feeling such.... feelings for his Tamer. his flirting was just a joke but.... ah... this no longer felt like a joke the more he did it, it felt a little too real, and eventually he had to confess his true feelings. No jokes, no laughs, he was being serious as he outstretched his hand and wondered if his Tamer would take him as more than just a Digimon partner.
What had started out as tension and on his part, perhaps not as well-mannered as he could have been, had developed into so much more as he couldn't help but kiss his Tamer all over their face and whisper such compliments to them as they laid together, his Tamer resting against his larger body as he kept them warm and close to him. He wouldn't let them go now, not for the entire Digital World, or the next.
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