#halsin x zevlor x tav
mirabai0821 · 5 months
You ever think about Halsin and Zevlor?
Two old men filled with sorrow and regret over past failures, coming together and finding a modicum of comfort in each other. And while it is nice for a time, the call of duty inexorably pulls them away from each other like the last strings of a threadbare scarf. And no matter how much peace there was when there were together, they knew whatever they had wasn't long for this world. They are incomplete, and whatever they are missing cannot be filled by the other. So they sat together, contented in their silence watching the last embers of a dying fire with no wood to rekindle the flame.
Then Tav shows up with an infinite supply of kerosene...
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 7 months
From Your Lips [They] Drew The Hallelujah
Ship: Halsin/Zevlor/Tav Rating: Explicit Tags: POV Zevlor, Porn without plot, porn with feelings, threesome (M/M/Other), Mating Cycles, Nesting & Denning, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, breeding kink Summary:
With the world saved, Zevlor, Halsin and Misphi have found their way into domestic life. Until one morning, Zevlor awakes early to a horrible inevitability crashing back into him. The dreaded return of mating cycles. Particularly his.
Zevlor awoke from his slumber abruptly and stared at the wall across from him, hazy in the early beginnings of dawn. For a moment, he lay there, undisturbed and trying to figure out why he’d woken up early. Just as he’d started questioning if the sun had gotten in his eyes, it hits him, and he squeezes his eyes shut, eyebrows furrowed together. A pained whimper is shoved down his throat by a thick swallow as he curls tightly around himself. It’s as if he’s trapped in an ocean of discomfort, tossed violently between cramping in his lower stomach and pelvis and the straining need to pee. He tries to will his body up, to roll over and fall out of bed. Out of the puddle of sweat he’s currently stewing in, the sheets sticking to his skin and the pillow tossed somewhere by his feet. At some point in the night, Halsin must have rolled over and curled around Misphi as the solid warmth of his back pressed against Zevlor’s. The gentle, steady heat soothes one of the waves of pain crashing through his body, so he scooches back against it, seeking relief before suddenly realizing with horror what was happening.
Shame consumes him as he’s out of bed quickly, his shaking legs nearly collapsing on him. He darts down the hall to the bathroom, emptying his aching bladder to at least find some sort of relief. Shame continues to pulsate through him as he leans one arm on the wall over the toilet and moans in relief. Gods above, why did everything during this have to be pleasurable? Why can’t he just piss like a normal person instead of turning into a depraved incubus tied to an infernal contract by some perverse Devil? He squeezes his dick, giving it a little shake and scowling when it stays half-hard when he lets it go. With a ragged breath, he washes off his hands and looks at himself in the mirror. His hair is a mess; the braids Halsin had done yesterday caught around his horns and the rest stuck against his neck like he’d been caught in the rain. His treacherous tail curls upwards behind him, exposing his undercarriage, much to his chagrin. Sweat rolls down his skin as if he’s boiling alive – he feels like he’s boiling alive, trapped in Avernus once more. This is Avernus. This has always been Avernus to him. A shameful Hell he’d lock himself away in his room to endure until the fever passed him.
A pained gasp forces its way between his clenched teeth as he doubles over the sink, trying not to puke as his body cramps hard enough to make his head spin. He digs his claws into the porcelain, making a nasty screeching noise that he can at least focus on until the cramp fades and leaves him trembling against the floor. He barely pulls himself to his feet, stumbling into the shower Halsin and Misphi had worked tirelessly to install. One of Rolan’s inventions, apparently. He liked it. It was better than spending an hour in the bath, scrubbing his red skin until it was raw, as if hoping it would peel away and reveal a human or elven body underneath. He didn’t fixate on it for nearly as long when he wasn't left to stew in his own mind, not wanting to waste the water he’d poured for a ten-minute bath.
The water droplets roll down his shoulders and soak his already damp hair. It’s freezing, but he prefers it that way, letting it soothe the aching heat buried in his bones as he washes himself meticulously. He starts with his hair, then his shoulders, then his stomach, then his thighs, then his feet. All the while trying to ignore the disgusting, sticky mess between his legs. Slick mixed with precum (and maybe actual cum) smeared across his thighs. It was bad enough being a tiefling; the fact that his body put him through both a rut and heat just felt like an extra “Fuck You” from the Gods.
His needy dick jumps at his touch as he grazes his hands over it, and he huffs out a sigh. One hand wraps around the throbbing organ, pumping it quickly, trying to get this over with. He squeezes his eyes shut, feeling the cramping in his body subside as he gives himself over to what needs to be done. He’s fairly certain nothing could wake his two lovers, especially not his quiet moans coming from the bathroom, but just to be safe, he bites his lip and takes measured breaths until he feels his dick twitching. His hips buck involuntarily against his hand, and even though he feels horribly empty, keeping his other hand firmly against the wall as not to fall over and hit his head, he finds relief. Cum splatters against the shower wall and all over his hand, smelling faintly of sulphur to him. It’s easy to clean it up, watching it run down the drain as he obsessively washes his hands before shutting the shower off completely. He towels off, clenching his fists together to not bury his face in Halsin or Misphi’s towel, not able to grapple with the shame. Their scents will only make this worse. They’ll only cloud his mind and force him to wake them from their peaceful slumber just to take care of him. He doesn’t need that. He doesn’t want that. He wants them to sleep peacefully and go about their days tomorrow without acknowledging his existence in the nesting room. Acknowledging him would mean acknowledging his condition and breaking the fragile trust that the trio have established, no matter how much they try to coax him into believing they love him unconditionally. Love can always be broken. He can always be discarded. Elturel taught him as much. Neither needs to know about his twisted biology; not now, not ever.
His resolve carries him back to their bedroom, and he cuts a clear path through the room to the nesting room. The entrance to the small room is furthest from the door, and it curls around the corner of the bedroom, creating a low, hidden space that can easily be mistaken for part of the wall if need be. He knows there are blankets already stacked in there, waiting for him to make a den or for Misphi to make a nest. He can use them, bury himself inside them and hide away in the corner of the room. Maybe they won’t hear him. Maybe they’ll assume he went out early this morning. He’d go to another room in the house to do this, but part of his cycle-addled mind craves being near them – at least for a brief period, even if it will be as distantly as possible. If they’re nearby, he’s at least safe. No one can touch him, no one can see him. They will make sure of it. He’s safest here.
For a moment, he hovers in the doorway, staring at the two figures on the bed. Halsin has his back to him, eclipsing Misphi, but he can still see their tail curled over his hip, flattened against his back. Zevlor can feel that tail against his back, intertwined with his own, their cool skin pressed against his. Oh, how he wished he could curl up with them, press them to his skin and feel the burning inferno drain from his body. Even Halsin’s soft arms wrapped around him, firmly holding him to his chest as he shushes him quietly, would be enough. He could endure the burning heat of Halsin’s body if it meant he’d hold him but for a moment.
Zevlor bites his tongue, stealing himself with a trembling inhale. His legs shake as he sneaks around the bed, tail bobbing high in the air as he makes his way to the corner of the room where the nest room entrance lies. It comes up to his chest, low to the floor, letting him tuck himself away as if tucking into a cave in the Hells. It feels comforting, like wrapping himself in home, and for a moment, he feels home. He feels like a young man back in Elturel, enduring his cycle tucked away in the Hellrider barracks. He had felt safe there, knowing his superiors would guard him with a gentle understanding shared amongst tieflings. Commander Victorious had always been nothing short of a mother figure for the lower-ranking tieflings, especially during their cycles. Arranging blankets, coming in to check on them and ensuring they had something to sustain themselves, posting guards whom she trusted outside their doors, even offering to help those who needed it, free of judgement. He missed her. If only for the mournful sympathy behind her smile when he’d told her of his cycle and the way she’d held him in her arms, letting him cry until he had nothing left.
A sniffle escapes him, and Zevlor blinks back into his own mind, realizing he’d crawled into the pile of blankets in the centre of the nesting space without thinking and wrapped them around himself. He does his best to unfurl himself as cramps batter his already broken body, trembling hands sorting through denning and nesting blankets. The denning ones are slowly plastered to walls, carefully woven together and through various hooks until he’s created a soft, insulated space. One he’s particularly proud of is the sudden urge to show Misphi and Halsin coursing through his body, almost forcing him out of the nesting room until he catches himself. With a light reprimand, he makes a sloppy nest in the corner for himself and curls up as far away from the entrance as possible. Thanks to how the nesting room curves, he knows anyone who pokes their head in will have to crane their neck to spot him here. Meaning if a dazed Halsin or Misphi comes to investigate the laboured breathing, they’ll find nothing. They’ll go right back to sleep and leave him where he belongs.
Zevlor hates it.
Even as he curls around the blankets, pulling them closer to his skin and clutching his tail in trembling hands, he loathes his isolation. Every fibre in his being wants to scream out and sob and frantically beg for them to wake up. Pain sears through him, making his legs ache, and his arms feel weak. He feels queasy and dizzy, even as he lies on his side, the pain overwhelming his mind. His claws dig into his forearms as he curls closer around himself, begging the universe to let this be the last of him. Give him the most undignified death; claim his soul here and now. Helm, please, show your mercy one last time and wretch him from his body! Bury him in his shame as sobs wrack his trembling body, his dick weakly pulsing against his stomach, begging for attention, while his slick hole clenches around nothing. Let not just shame bury him, but the crumbling earth reclaim his body. Let his body feed the worms and flowers. Let him return beauty to this world rather than continue to suffer through his cursed existence.
Much to his chagrin, the universe decides an ego death is far more fitting for his wretched existence. He feels calloused fingers brush his damp hair from his face with the utmost care, pulling a sob from his lips. “Zevlor?” a soft baritone voice whispers in the haze of the universe.
His trembling body curls in on itself further, trying to escape Halsin’s gaze. Stuttering breathes, attempt to quell his sobs as if that will help now – as if he ceases, Halsin will just go back to bed and leave him be. He had already forced him to climb into the nesting room, sleep probably still clouding his mind as he checked on him. Even still, his desperate body demands him to clutch Halsin’s wrist and beg for his company. Beg for him to curl up around him and fall back asleep here, with him clutched protectively in his arms. Shame courses through his veins, burning his skin further as he can do little but sob his embarrassment.
“Go away!” Zevlor barks with far more bite than he had attended.
“You poor thing,” Halsin sighs, smoothing his hands down Zevlor’s arms as if trying to distract him from the pain. It works – he hates how much it works and how much it speaks of simpler nights when Halsin would smooth his hands down his thighs as he straddled his lap. “I’m not going to leave you like this, I promise. I couldn’t possibly do that to you. You’re in pain; it’s okay to ask for help. This isn’t your fault.”
Zevlor chokes on a sob, continuing to weep against the blankets. Halsin strokes his back for a moment, waiting for a verbal response yet receiving none. Zevlor doesn’t have the strength left to respond, and even if he did, he wouldn’t have a clue what to say.
Realizing he won’t receive a verbal acknowledgment, Halsin continues: “I am going to go get you some water. I don’t know how long you’ve been here, but you must be dehydrated. Though, I hate to leave your den; you’ve done a wonderful job, and it makes me dread the thought of my departure, even though I know I am to return.”
Zevlor’s heart swells in his chest as Halsin kisses his forehead. A clumsy kiss of appreciation is pressed hastily to Halsin’s lips before he can pull away, and Halsin smiles against his mouth. Zevlor finally allows himself to look at the other man, taking in the caring, patient look permanently etched into his face and the way the crow's feet by his eyes scrunch together as he smiles down at him. Never has Halsin looked so endearing to him, patience seemingly etched into his very soul. He wants to reach out and pull him into the nest, to not let him go, to get up and follow after him when he leaves. He tries to do just that, forcing himself to sit up only for Halsin to shush him and coax him back down.
“I will be right back, I promise. Stay right here for me,” Halsin soothes him as if he knows that his absurd submission is uncharacteristic of a Tiefling’s rut. Another reason not to wake Misphi; they would know the moment they smelt him – let alone saw him – that something was different. That he was different.
Shame returns tenfold to Zevlor’s chest as Halsin slips out of the nesting room, leaving him alone once more. He can’t even bring himself to cry anymore, simply staring at the wall blankly. There’s nothing left in him to give as pain wracks his body, cramps returning with a vengeance to clench his guts and force him to stiffen in pain. He can’t even writhe without making it hurt more. In the darkness, all he can do is pray Halsin hurries. Whispering feverish prayers to the universe that he might find it in himself to curl up with Zevlor and soothe his aching body with just the whisper of his voice. Maybe he’ll be able to fall asleep again and sleep through all of this. Not that has ever worked… but it wasn’t as if he ever had a partner he felt comfortable enough around to ask. It might work. He might just be able to sleep through this horrid cycle.
A hushed conversation tears through his peaceful silence as he hears Halsin return to the bedroom. In his desperation for stimuli, he latches onto it, straining to hear everything he can.
“Halsin?” Misphi squeaks, sounding pained.
“Good morning, my heart, how are you feeling? I didn’t mean to wake you; you were supposed to sleep for at least a little longer,” Halsin whispers, the click of a glass being set down on the nightstand echoing in Zevlor’s ears.
“I couldn’t – it’s too much –“ Zevlor curls in on himself, guilt creeping into his bones. Of course. He hadn’t even thought of how his scent might wake them once it slathered itself across the room – “How’s he doing? Is he – can I -?”
“I’m sure he would revel in your company. He’s in the nesting room, where you should be too,” Halsin murmurs and Zevlor can picture him gesturing to the room. He’s torn between forcing himself up and exposing his belly in defeat and leaving it tightly shut, preserving the last of their trust.
“You know I can’t do that. Invading his den without being welcomed will only upset him,” Misphi sighs, their voice dripping with sorrow. Zevlor can practically taste how much they wish to join him, and a pang of guilt hammers through his heart.
“Well, I did to check on him, and he practically begged me to stay,” Halsin argues, much to Zevlor’s relief. Maybe he wouldn’t have to force himself up after all. Maybe he could just lay right here and pretend he can’t hear them. “Come on, you should be in there. We both should be. This is Zevlor we’re talking about; he’s not known for asking for what he needs.”
Misphi goes silent for a moment, and Zevlor hears shuffling in the room. His heart pounds in his chest, unsure what will happen. Will they just barge in? Will they go back to bed? Will they leave him here to suffer alone, like he so regretfully deserves? The bed creaks and Zevlor is certain that, somehow, they’ve convinced Halsin to go back to bed, and that is that. It’s okay. He… It’s better this way.
“Misphi –“ Halsin says softly, like a content sigh, in the same tone he uses after someone kisses him. He repeats himself a moment later, a little more forcefully – “Misphi! Breathe, breathe. I’ll gladly do this, but not here. What if we asked? I want to take you in your nest, where I know you’ll feel safe, for as many times as you require.”
“Gods, yes, that,” Misphi moans, and the bed creaks again.
Zevlor startles suddenly. He doesn’t need the sharp inhale to confirm his deduction. Oh, how foolish he had been to think that he was suffering alone. It was no secret amongst tieflings that cycles tended to trigger other cycles, especially between mates. He should have realized that his cycle would trigger Misphi’s heat, reawakening baser biology that had remained hidden since before Avernus. Now that they were out of danger, now that the Absolute had been defeated, it had only been a matter of time. Yet, he’d foolishly assumed that the Gods would grace them to go into heat when he was more present of mind when he could take care of them properly, instead of dealing with his own addled brain.
A knock on the wall startles him from his thoughts, followed swiftly by their melodic voice: “Zevlor? May we come in?”
“Yes,” he rasps, struggling to disentangle himself, desperate to meet them at the entrance. His determination to take care of them overrode all logical thought, allowing him to forget about his unfortunate situation, but for a moment.
He manages to meet them, sitting up partially, leaning against his hand as they tuck themselves inside (Halsin following Misphi in with a pitcher of water and three glasses for the shelf tucked into the wall of the nest). Misphi looks positively ragged, chest heaving, devoid of sleep clothes, blue skin flushed and hair even wilder than usual. Their tail curled upwards behind them is all he needs to confirm his suspicions.
“I should have checked on you,” Zevlor apologizes, flattening his ears.
“No, none of that,” Misphi scolds him, cupping his face with both their hands. “You did everything right. You built a lovely den and waited for me. That’s all you needed to do.”
He can’t bring himself to look at them, ears still downturned. “But I – I’m not even – I’m a…” Zevlor trails off, head hanging low to avoid finishing his sentence. Maybe if he didn’t say it, they wouldn’t notice?
“I know,” Misphi whispers, kissing his forehead. “I think I’ve always known, in some way. Your scent has always been a little sweeter than most tiefling men. I know why you didn’t tell me; it can’t be easy to start that conversation for even the most confident of our people. And you have never been known for confidence in respect to yourself.”
“I’m sorry,” he still insists as Halsin furrows his brow slightly.
“There is no need to apologize, my love,” Misphi soothes him, kissing his lips gently. “I love you, regardless of how your cycle presents. It just means we’re going to tire poor Halsin out faster.”
Zevlor manages a weak smile at the joke, and Misphi takes it in stride. With one last kiss, they pull away and turn to Halsin. He hands Zevlor a glass of water that he gratefully accepts as Misphi explains the situation.
“Most tieflings go through a heat or a rut, depending on their sex. However, some have been known to go through both, especially those closer to their demonic heritage. Zevlor is one such case. He needs a little extra love, that’s all,” Misphi explains calmly, despite their hands trembling, caught in the throughs of pre-heat.
“Oh,” Halsin mouths, blush and a mischievous grin creeping across his face. “No wonder… thank you for telling me.”
“I am sorry I didn’t say so myself. I was worried the two of you would distrust me if I suddenly disclosed I had been… omitting a detail about myself all this time,” Zevlor apologizes weakly, curling his knees to his chest as another cramp wracks his body.
Halsin takes the empty glass from him and sets it on the nearby shelf, tutting softly. “Do not apologize. We all have secrets we wish to keep. Just allow us to help you; it pains me to see you trembling in pain.”
Zevlor furrows his brow together, having expected the worst and rendered himself holy unprepared for this outcome. As if reading his mind, Misphi bundles him in their arms, coaxing him out of the corner and into Halsin’s. Halsin wraps him up tightly, hands wrapped around his hips with his face buried in the crook of his neck. He feels the comforting rise and fall of Halsin’s chest against his back. Slowly, Zevlor feels Halsin’s hands leave his hips and drift lower, giving him plenty of time to push him away. Instead, he keens, arching into his touch when his calloused hands brush against his dripping prick. A deep chuckle rumbles against his back as Misphi looks up from where they were carefully arranging blankets. Obsidian eyes watch as Halsin pumps his needy dick, Zevlor’s hips bucking forwards until Halsin pins him back with one finger crooked inside his dripping hole. He squirms and whines, melting against Halsin as he works him to a cross-eyed climax.
“Feel better?” Halsin hums against his neck, nipping at his skin.
“I don’t deserve you,” Zevlor sighs, leaning fully against him.
“Enough of that. You deserve everything I give you. Whether it is my kisses or the bruises, I leave behind your hips as I fuck you like a bitch in heat until my cum is dripping down your thighs,” Halsin growls in his ear, pushing another finger into his slick hole.
Zevlor whines and rocks his hips against Halsin’s hand, feeling the other man chuckle behind him.
“I can’t be sure, but I think he just said ‘yes, please,’” Misphi purrs, kneeling in front of Zevlor. They ghost their claws up his stomach, rolling his demonic ridges between their fingers.
“Oh? Can you say it a little louder then? If you ask nicely, I might even let you breed Misphi. Wouldn’t you like that? To see them grow plump with your cubs… I bet you can smell it, too; how much they want you to press them into their nest and fuck them. I can smell their slick thighs from here, begging you to take them. All you have to do is ask,” Halsin encourages him, crooking his fingers inside him and pressing against Zevlor’s prostate. Zevlor groans, arching against his hand – somehow, Halsin never fails to find it on the first try. He toys with it, fucking his fingers against it as Zevlor lurches closer and closer to climax, unable to form a coherent sentence.
“Just say please a little louder, Zevlor. Tell us what you want us to do. Beg us to make you ours,” Misphi croons, wrapping their hand around his tail and pumping it loosely.
That’s enough to force him to hit his breaking point. Damn them for knowing him too well – for being able to find a way around his inability to put himself first. Putting himself first never sounded so damn good in his entire life. “Please! Fuck – oh Hells – Fuck me, please, please! I can’t – I’m going to cum; I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Zevlor begs, whining and sobbing as he grinds against Halsin’s fingers.
“That’s it, such a good boy,” Halsin purrs, pulling his fingers from him, leaving him desperately clenching on air. Climax slips from him immediately, and he screws his eyes shut with a whimper. He had been so close. “Ssh… don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. You just have to help me because Misphi looks like they’re hanging on by a thread. Don’t you want to be a good mate and help them? Don’t they deserve to feel good?”
Halsin's words spur him forward, out of his lap, to inspect the nest Misphi had carefully constructed around them. He tugs lightly at blankets, fluffs pillows and rubs his face against the strong, woven blanket walls. His internal demon purrs contently, turning toward Misphi, who’s watching him with nervous tension, fingers knitted together. He pounces on them, pushing them down to the nest, interlocking his tail with theirs to pull it out of the way. They squeal with delight as he pins their legs to their chest, marvelling at the way his flaming eyes reflect in the slick pooled between their thighs. A possessive growl escapes him as he captures their lips in a fiery kiss, testing the head of his prick lightly against them.
When he slips in easily, hearing them moan against his lips, he starts to sloppily thrust, rubbing their clit with his free hand (supporting his weight with the other one). He bends down to his elbow, bowing over them and letting the ridges on his crotch and chest provide extra friction to their clitoris and nipples, pinning them together. They moan his name, claws digging into his back to pull him closer. Their tail tenses around his, gently wriggling, stimulating the underside and prompting him to do the same, washing them both in waves of pleasure. He feels them clench around him, cumming as they pull him closer, still to sink their teeth into his neck. He groans, hips stuttering before pushing flush with theirs, pumping them with thick spurts of cum. They milk his dick as if trying to take his very soul; he’d gladly hand it over to them if they’d ask.
Zevlor moves to roll off of them afterwards, yet they hold him firm, legs wrapped around his hips and hands tangled in his hair. So he concedes, nuzzling their neck and revelling in the feeling of lazily rolling his hips against theirs, his semi-hard prick sliding through their slick core. Zevlor can imagine no better place than here, and by the way Misphi is purring; they can’t either. He purrs loud enough to match them, grinding his ridges against their clit. They tighten their legs around his hips, grinding against him until they spasm around his semi-hard dick and melt with a sigh. He purrs contently, rolling to the side yet keeping them closer to him, satisfied he can bring his mate such pleasure. Neither even realizes Halsin’s missing until their heads clear for a brief respite, allowing them to look around the nest. It’s been pulled apart by the rough slam of Zevlor’s hips sliding Misphi across the blankets, so they tuck in the displaced ones as they share a look of confusion.
Misphi’s just about to call out for Halsin when his head pokes back into the nesting area with a delicious aroma that makes Zevlor’s stomach flip-flop a little. “Ah, so you are done. I made breakfast – we’ll need our strength, and I figured it would be rude to make it solely for myself.”
“Halsin, do you want your dick sucked?” Misphi asks bluntly, making him nearly drop the omelette he was passing to them.
“Pardon?” he coughs, flustering despite his numerous sexual escapades with the two of them.
“You made me an omelette, and I really, really want to feel your cum drip down my chin as you tangle your hands in my hair, pulling me flush with your hips,” Misphi continues, cunt squeezing around Zevlor’s prick, drawing a whimper out of the other man.
“Eat your breakfast first. Then we will see about fulfilling all your wildest dreams, dear one,” Halsin chuckles, passing Zevlor his omelette before climbing inside the nesting room. “Perhaps, with Zevlor willing, we can stretch your pretty little cunt out to accommodate us both. I bet you would look amazing with both of our dicks buried inside of you, filling your greedy cunt with our seed.”
Zevlor nearly choked on his omelette as he scarfed it down. The plate was quickly tossed outside the nest by Halsin, who leant over the edge in order to do so. Drool slicked Zevlor’s chin as he watched the other man bend over to carefully set the plates out of harm’s way. In a swift, fluid move, the two of them moved on him, Misphi laying between Zevlor’s legs on their back, lips wrapped around the head of his dick, and Zevlor knelt behind Halsin, rutting his hips against his rear, finding it slick and prepared. He thrust in quickly, pulling a baritone moan from Halsin as his pace quickly became feverish and needy.
“Oak father, preserve me,” Halsin groans, leaning against his forearms. His hips rut forward into Misphi's mouth as Zevlor digs his claws into his hips to keep him in place.
“Mine, mine, all mine,” Zevlor growled behind him, chasing after the burning fire coiling around his groin.
“Yes, all yours – oh Gods,” Halsin groans, whimpering after a particularly rough thrust.
Zevlor takes careful note of his reaction, repeating the thrust and watching Halsin jerk in his hands. Grinning proudly, he repeats the motion over and over again, striking Halsin’s prostate as he watches the other man dissolve into a puddle on the floor. He knows he won’t last long and continues to abuse his prostate because of it, watching him become undone as he nips and bites at his neck. Halsin’s panting hard, mouth hanging wide open as he desperately grinds against Misphi’s mouth. Zevlor can feel them grab his tail with their own and press it against their dripping core. He rolls it carefully and pushes it inside, thrusting it in and out, feeling Halsin jerk at the moan reverberating around his dick. Pride swells in him as he listens to his pleased partners. Even if he feels horribly empty. He’ll survive – he can fuck Halsin, and then maybe Halsin will return the favour.
As if Misphi can sense his need, their tail presses against his dripping hole. He gasps as it presses inside him, fucking him the same way he’s fucking them. He spasms and twitches, hips pulling flush with Halsin’s in short, feverish thrusts that press against his prostate. Halsin comes with a shout as Zevlor pumps him full of his cum, rutting his hips desperately against it, trying to push his release back inside him as he feels his cum drip down their thighs. He moves to pull his tail away from Misphi, only for them to hold it in place with two hands, grinding themself against it. He can feel them spasm around his tail, walls fluttering, so close to climax.
Quickly, he shifts off of Halsin and mounts them, replacing his tail with his dick. They grasp his shoulders tightly, pulling him closer as he ruts into them, feeling the dried cum on their thighs. His damp tail rubs against their clit, letting them buck against it as he pumps into them. He cums much quicker as they milk him for all he’s worth, groaning as he buries his face in their neck. They pant heavily underneath him, coming down from their own release.
As they rest, Halsin makes his way back into the nesting room and lifts them up, slipping behind Misphi. He lets them rest their head against his chest as he hooks their legs over his thighs. Slowly he moves his thighs apart, shushing them when they mewl and spreading them open for Zevlor. A feral growl escapes him – one that he definitely won’t be proud of when he regains control of himself – and buries his face between their legs. His dick twitches to life, seemingly unsatisfied, as they moan and whimper, unable to grind their hips against his face as Halsin keeps them still.
“Look at him, dear heart. Tail arched for you, worshipping you at your altar. The picture of a devoted paladin,” Halsin purrs, making Zevlor’s dick twitch back to attention. He’s tracing his lips along Misphi’s neck, toying with their nipples. “What do you say? Do you think he deserves to have you again? Do you think he deserves to share you?”
“Gods – yes - fuck,” Misphi pleads, their usual eloquence leaving them.
“You heard our love, Zevlor. Don’t want to disappoint them now, do we?” Halsin says, pulling Zevlor from between Misphi’s legs with his thumb and forefinger guiding his chin.
Looking up at him, Zevlor sees how wrecked Halsin is. His pupils are blown, his hair is a mess, and there’s a starving look in his eyes as if he wants to devour him whole. Zevlor would let him in a heartbeat, revelling in the pain each time his teeth sank into his skin. He obediently gets to his knees before Misphi, marvelling at their slick and cum drenched hole. He has always hated this part, the one where his refractory period vanished, and the only thing that clouded his mind was the need to breed until he passed out. Yet, right now, he revelled in it. Taking Halsin’s thick cock in his hand, coaxing it back to hardness thanks to the druid’s insane refractory period, Zevlor pushes the tip inside of Misphi. They gasp and mewl in Halsin’s arms, sinking themself as low as Halsin will allow them. Then, Zevlor curiously pushes the head of his cock against Misphi’s tightness, amazed when it slowly sinks into them.
“Hells, how are you – oh, Helm, you feel so good,” Zevlor whimpers, resting his forehead against Misphi’s as he slowly sinks into them. He feels their tail wind behind him, pressing against his dripping hole again, and he lets it enter him, going cross-eyed.
Halsin holds Misphi steady as Zevlor fucks into them, thrusting his own hips up from underneath them. Their dicks rub against each other, adding to the wet sensation of cum and slick sloppily sloshing out of Misphi as they fuck into her. Zevlor manages to lift his head from Misphi, letting Halsin pull him into an open-mouthed kiss, neither claiming dominance over the other as Misphi pulls them closer, one arm around Halsin’s shoulders, the other digging claws into Zevlor’s tail to drag him forward. Zevlor rubs their clit, rutting his hips against their pelvis with each thrust to add to the stimulation. They gasp and writhe between them, cumming hard around them, yet refusing to let the two of them go. They fuck Misphi through their overstimulation, chasing after their own climaxes as Misphi clenches down around their dicks, desperately milking them. When they finally cum, Zevlor can feel Misphi teetering on the edge again, rubbing their clit desperately for them to bring them to completion as well.
Misphi bats his hand away, pushing him down to his back and straddling his face. His hands grasp their thighs as he wraps his lips around their vulva greedily. His nose is buried in their musty, scratchy hair, and he can’t recall anywhere he’d rather be. This is his home, between their thighs, feeling them clench and pulse around his fingers as they grip his horns, ridding his face. He’s distantly aware of Halsin in the corner, panting hard to recover from the shockwaves of climax as Zevlor tastes their releases on his tongue. He swallows greedily, letting cum and slick dribble down his chin as his hips buck into the air. Misphi’s back arches, rolling their hips against his face, yet they continue to hold him against their crotch, grinding against him as if they intend to break his jaw. He’d gladly let them, trapped between their thighs. Damn being tied to a bed, he’d gladly stay still for them under the promise of tasting them release over and over again.
His bliss is broken by the cord in his gut snapping, the cramping returning with a vengeance when his body realizes he’s neglecting himself. His hips buck into the air, chasing any sort of release as Misphi continues to grind against his face, keeping him firmly in place. Tears well up in the corners of his eyes as he desperately tries to fight his own urges to stay between their legs for just a little longer. They taste so sweet on his tongue, a sweetness he's not yet ready to be pulled away from yet. He swallows them down, hollowing his cheeks and trying to focus on the scoops of his forked tongue – anything to make the pain stop. Yet it continues to pulse through his body until he’s almost sobbing. Only then does he pull away long enough to plead with Misphi.
“More, need more – please, oh Helm, please, I need more,” Zevlor begs, tears welled in his eyes as he ruts uselessly into the air. His hole clenches on air as he desperately tries to find release. He can feel the cramping coil in his gut again, starting to make his bones ache as he squeezes his eyes together.
“Oh, you poor sweet thing, I’m sorry,” Misphi murmurs, mind hazy with release as they run their fingers through his hair. “I didn’t – it’s probably worse for you, isn’t it? I didn’t even remember… Sssh, Zev’, it’s okay sweetheart; take a deep breath for me –“ he does as he’s told, letting his breath wobble in his lungs – “There, in and out, that’s it. I’m so sorry, honey.”
He whimpers as they kiss down his chest, moving to straddle his hips instead. He wants to pull them back up to his face, wants to taste them on his tongue again, yet a debauched noise betrays him, ripping from his chest the moment they rub their wet cunt against his dick. He arches off the nest as they sink down on his neglected dick, rolling their hips as they rub their clit, staring down at him like a radiant god. He sees them eclipsed a moment later, Halsin’s shadow looming behind them as he buries his face in their neck.
“I hope I’m not intruding,” Halsin purrs, spreading Zevlor’s legs with calloused hands digging into his inner thighs. Zevlor feels the head of his cock bump against his neglected hole, and he gasps.
“Yes – please, please, fuck me! Breed me!” Zevlor sobs, rutting his hips backward.
Halsin shushes him, rubbing his thighs firmly as he sinks into him. “Calm down, my heart, there’s no need to beg for me. We’ll take care of you. You’ll make it through this, I promise.”
Zevlor can’t stop the tears from finally breaking free of his control, streaming down his face as Halsin gently fucks into him. He gasps and sobs, gripping the sheets in ecstasy as Misphi and Halsin work in tandem to steal his very soul. He’s distantly aware that he’s chanting a mantra of ‘thank you’s and ‘yes’s but he can’t bring himself to be embarrassed. They roll off his tongue as he revels in the stretch of Halsin’s cock in his ass. He’s always felt so big, so sturdy, so grounding, as if trying to reignite his very existence with each steady thrust. Misphi drags their claws down his chest, making him gasp and plead, feeling them reverently kiss each scar as tears continue to roll down his cheeks. They lean forward, kissing him passionately, and he allows their forked tongue to claim victory over his, submitting to them easily as they take care of them.
He's not quite sure when he comes – somewhere between now and forever, trapped within the bosom of time herself – but when he does, it is blinding. His vision swims and blanks for a moment as if his very soul is ripped from his pathetic existence before being shoved back into his chest so he may feel the rapturous orgasm tearing through his body like hellfire. Misphi and Halsin aren’t far behind him, clenching around his dick and soothing the cramps from inside him with hot cum. He feels the splatter of Misphi’s climax against his chest and feels them fall heavily into his arms. He catches them clumsily, feeling exhaustion rumble through his bones as well. They purr loudly against his chest, only growing louder when he follows suit.
In his sleepy state, Zevlor barely registers Halsin stumbling out of the nest and returning with a wet cloth. He doesn’t realize when Halsin leaves again, just when he finally returns, pulling both of them into his arms. He presses himself against Zevlor’s back, strong arms wrapped around both of them to pull Misphi closer. Blankets are pulled around them, cocooning them in the dimly lit nesting room as sleep reclaims their existence once more. Zevlor drifts off contently, focused on the sturdy, sure heartbeats pressed against his skin, finding a moment of peace within this hellish curse.
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Male Companions Responding To Your Pregnancy Announcement
Here are some headcannons I have for the Male Companions + Zevlor responding to your's/Tav's pregnancy announcement. I have a few more ideas I want to write out for the week so we will see how that goes.
Legit might start crying when you tell him you’re expecting.
He smiles so big and bright before scooping you up in his arms and spinning you in a circle.
He is (carefully) rubbing his face against your stomach and whispering to the little baby bump.
He will not let you do anything on your own once you have the smallest of bumps.
He understands you don’t need his help, but he will offer it no matter what.
Once you get later on in your pregnancy, he is constantly rubbing your belly and telling them stories of his adventures as the Blade of Frontiers.
Once you get close to your due date, he will not leave your side cause he doesn’t want to miss anything.
He is there to hold your hand and help you anyway he can when you go into labor. Whispering how well you’re doing and that you are almost there.
Once the baby is there and in his arms, he melts. He doesn’t want to let them go.
Seeing you holding the little baby is his favorite thing.
“Oh darling. You have done so wonderfully.” Looking down at the little child, his child, wrapped in blankets and sleeping peacefully in his arms. “You have given me everything I could ever hope for.”
He has heightened senses due to being a vampire so he can smell something different about you long before you tell him, but he doesn’t know what it up.
He thinks you’re playing some sick joke when you first tell him you’re expecting.
He just can’t wrap his head around it at first, but you wake up to his hands on your belly and whispering softly.
He comes around to the idea of you both having a child slowly but once he does, he is making sure you have the best healers available.
He even asks Shadowheart and Halsin to check on you and make sure everything is going well.
He becomes obsessed with your belly as it gets bigger, wanting to constantly be touching you in some way.
When he feels the first kick, he is startled but you see the largest grin on his face.
“Oh, a little fighter on our hands it seems.”
When you go into labor, he is afraid but he sits behind you and lets you push against him.
He is whispering into your ear how wonderful you are doing and letting you squeeze his hand.
Once he hears the baby cry for the first time, he has an out of body experience.
He is looking over your shoulder at the little one as they are placed in your arms, with you cooing down at them.
“Lover… They look perfect.” Reaching around you and letting them grab hold of his finger with his tiny hand. “I swear, I will always be there for them.”
He stares at you for a moment with wide eyes when you tell him before breaking out in a smile and scooping you into his arms.
He will want to announce to all your companions as soon as possible. He wants to share your good news with everyone.
He starts planning everything; the nursery, what colors everything should be, what foods he is going to be cooking for you through the pregnancy, everything you can think of.
Not to mention Tara is your little shadow and you’re pretty sure that she is reporting everything back to Gale.
He checks up on you multiple times a day, asking if you need anything or if you are craving everything for him to cook.
When you are laying in bed with him, he will be reading next to you and absently rubbing your belly.
When your belly gets bigger, he will want to have his arms wrapped around you while sleep with Tara curled up next to you.
He wants to be there when you give birth, he will not hear anything against it.
When you do go into labor, he is right by your side and wiping your forehead with a wet towel.
He honestly gets in the way of the midwife with his constant questions, but they force him to sit next to you.
When the baby is finally born, he wants to be the first to hold them and cradle them in his arms.
“Oh dearest, look at them. Look at how perfect you have done.” His soft smile and a twinkle in his eyes as he looked down at the child, wanting nothing more in the world.
Halsin knows before you do that you’re pregnant. He picks up on the nausea, the tiredness, and he can smell it on you.
He waits for you to tell him though, giving you the privacy even though he is bursting at the seams with excitement.
He is making sure you’re eating enough and getting enough rest.
You wouldn’t even need to list a single finger if you didn’t want to.
He makes sure not to be too far from you if you would ever need him.
He starts whittling little toys for the child, including a little bear for them.
When your belly gets larger and you start complaining of back pain, he will come up behind you and put his hands under your belly to help relieve the pressure with his chin resting on your shoulder.
From the moment you two lay down for the night he is constantly talking to your belly and rubbing it.
The first time he feels a kick he will grin and give the spot a soft kiss.
He makes sure to keep an eye on everything for anything that could go wrong but he is not against you having additional healers to check up on you.
When you go into labor, he wants to help the midwife with anything they need; water, towels, just about anything.
He also wants to be the one who cuts the cord and clean the baby right after they are born.
He holds them in his arms and marvels at how small they are compared to him before he hands them to you.
“My Heart, just look at them.” Halsin looking down at the child, slowly running his finger down their cheek as they sleep. “Just look at what we have made together.”
Bonus: Zevlor (because I love him and no one can stop me)
When you tell him the poor man’s heart stops for a second.
He is a stuttering mess, hands reaching for you trembling, but he pulls you into his arms and holds you close kissing you.
A million and one doubts that he will be a good father go through his head, but he doesn’t doubt for a second that you will be a good parent.
You have to reassure him and give him a lot of love.
He goes out of his way to make sure you’re taken care of during your pregnancy.
You mention you want a snack or sweet? He will come home with like 10 of them.
You will wake up to him rubbing your belly as it gets bigger.
He eyes will be full of love and wonder when he feels them kick.
When you go into labor, he just can’t stand seeing you in pain and gets kicked out by the midwife.
But the moment he hears the first cry he will burst back into the room.
When the midwife hands the baby to him for the first time, he treats them as if they are made of glass.
“Oh sweetling.” Zevlor could feel tears pricking the corners of his eyes, blurring his vision as he held the newborn close to his chest watching them yawn. “You have given me everything.”
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reverieblondie · 2 months
Could I request headcanons for Gale, Halsin, Wyll, and Astarion with touch starved gn s/o?
I ended up rewriting these a few times but I hope you enjoy reading it! Last Bullet point is NSFW!
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Halsin would never say you were obvious, but figuring out you were touched starved was relatively easy to tell. Especially with the game you were playing, it was clear after the nth time you asked for healing from him from a mere paper cut on your finger. Though, could anyone really blame you? After spending so much time on the road, with no friendly touch for weeks, then when Halsin came to your aid to heal you from a particularly nasty hit from a goblin, That was the start of it, the aching for him; you had been healed by others before but…nobody did healing like Halsin. Most healers hover their hands over you, but Halisn would hold you, pressing his large but tender hands to your skin, letting his healing magic flow through from him to you; the touch would send tingling shivers through you; some would argue that it was from the magic…But you knew it was from his touch. Halsin was more than willing to help heal you every time; in fact, the consent wanting his touch helped you two connect. Halsin hoped you would confess you wanted him to hold you one day. But you never did. So when you came for healing from your “terribly painful stomach ache,” he knew he would have to make the first move. “I think I know the perfect solution to your problem,” he whispered before he wrapped you in a tight hug; every ache and pain melted away from his touch. It is truly the perfect medicine anytime you feel touch starved.
Every party of Halsin is perfection in your eyes. Oak father really did a fantastic job when it came to making him. However, the one place you’re always grabbing onto the most is his arms. It’s not hard to see why; it’s nearly impossible to keep from clinging to his massive limbs, snuggling into them, running your hands over his thick forearms. Halsin, the sweetheart, doesn’t seem to mind your clinging, even if he is busy carving away. Now that Halsin has noticed your fondness for his arms, he may or may not start to flex them subtly when gesturing or wearing shirts that expose them so you can see every slight rippling of his muscles. Halsin will let you cling to him as long as he can nuzzle into his favorite part of you later tonight…
Now usually you’re the needy one in the relationship, pleading for hugs and beaming every time you get wrapped up in Halsins arms. Today has been different, however. It started when you woke up with Halsins hands creasing your sides and snuggling into your neck, of course you melted at the touch, thoroughly relishing in the attention, but it didn’t end there. Usually, Halsin would walk through the woods for some meditation and to gather herbs and materials for you two, but today, he didn’t leave your side. Of course, you loved it, but a part of you was starting to get worried. When you brought it up, he grabbed your hands and held them to his chest, “I just find myself wanting to be near you, my heart.” You squeeze his large hands back, “Well, let me help you, my love.” rising to your tiptoes, you begin to pepper kisses all over Halsins face. He grabs your waist and lifts you to meet his lips with yours quickly; the kiss only makes him needier. 
He loves every part of you, from your hair to your adorable toes. But his hands consistently linger on your curves. On those days when you are feeling extra needy. Halsin is more than willing to help…In some inventive ways. The contrast is maddening… The smooth honey slips on top of your heated skin, and then Halsins rough tongue licks up the sticky liquid off your stomach. His hands guide your back to an arch as he keeps his hazel eyes on your moaning face. Sucking and licking as his hands continue to run over your squirming body. Halsin doesn’t know what is sweeter, the honey or you; he will spend all night trying to figure it out. 
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Zevlor has been around for a while but was never too familiar with the term ‘Touched starved.’ Sure, he had heard it back in his commander days from soldiers whispering about needing attention of the flesh but never truly gave it too much thought…until. The idea came to him when he noticed a particular trait of yours. You had no special awareness when it came to him. Consistently, you were leaning into him quite closely, and when you two walked around during perimeter checks, you would often bump into him or brush your hand against his. Of course, you would apologize for your clumsiness, but deep down, you knew what was happening…Your body was burning for him, his warmth, his touch, and it was seeking it out in any way possible. It didn’t click so quickly for Zevlor until he saw you sparing, and there was no inclination of any clumsiness in your movements; even with others, he never saw you bump or run into anything; your movements were precise and calculated…and that’s when he figured it out you were touching him purposely. Zevlors first thought was, why? Then his second was how can he tell you to only ask him for his touch. Finally, one day, as you two were doing your usual perimeter check, you slowly inched closer and closer to him, seeking the slight relief of his touch. Still, as you went to bump into him for only a moment, you found the ex-hellrider wrapped his arms quickly around you keeping you to his warm chest. Eyes wide, you go to apologize, but Zevlor is quick to quiet your worries, “If you need my warmth…please don’t hesitate to ask me…” After that day, you got a hug from him every chance you could…
Zevlor enjoys the sweet intimacy of your relationship. At first, he was not used to someone wanting to hold him so closely and shower him with affection, but slowly, he is getting used to it and enjoying it immensely. Though, you still find ways to surprise him…For example, when you start paying particular attention to his cheeks and horns, you can’t stop wanting to hold his face so tenderly and whisper soft praises to him. “I’ve never seen beauty like yours, Zevy…” he feels his heart melt at every whisper and every gentle touch to his skin. Then, if you happen to caress the base of his horns? Well…you have never heard such a deep pur.  
 It had been the first day in a long while that you and Zevlor spent most of the day apart. He had promised to speak to some recruits in the city, sharing his wisdom, and you had opted to stay at home. You were expecting him to come home at any minute, so you were working hard to prepare a surprise dinner for him. You missed him being home; usually, you would spend the day working in your small garden together and setting out laundry on the line together. It was lonely without him, so you planned to show him how much you missed him. As you were finishing your stew, you felt arms snaking around your waist. You gasped before his familiar voice eased you, “Be still, my dear, it’s only me…” Your body immediately relaxes as you turn to hug him back. “How was your trip?” Zevlor only hums as he buries his head into your neck. “I missed you…the road was lonely without you by my side…” you rub your hands up and down his arms as they hug you. Then you feel one of his arms part from you and hear the stove turn off; before you can ask anything else, you’re lifted and carried away toward your shared room. “Zev! What- What about Dinner?” “It can wait…I need to be close to you, just for a while…” The stew wasn’t eaten until much later… 
“So beautiful…” his breath is warm as he whispers the complement into your neck. Zevlor’s lips caress your tender skin as he moves to your ear. You cling to his broad shoulders tighten, and your legs squeeze his textured hips. “You’re taking me so well. I’m proud of you.” The moan is involuntary as you feel him push deeper, his lips catching and nipping on your ear, his sharp teeth threatening to pierce, but his tongue soothing you so softly. Moving from your ear, you almost let out a whine before he blows a teasing breath on your neck, causing you to squirm and keen at the tickleing sensation. Zevlor’s fiery eyes look down at you, and that soft smile never fails to melt your core. He leans in, lips hovering over yours, his hands softly gliding down your waist, “I love you…” The vow is then sealed with a kiss. 
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Wyll hadn’t thought of you as touched starved until you had to tell him flat-out. To his credit, you didn’t make it easy for him to figure out. When Wyll thinks of the term touched starved, he thinks of someone like him. Someone always willing to give out a hug or a friendly pat on the back; if you’re touched starved and in the proximity of Wyll, you were not touched starved for long. Hells, Wyll would risk the burns of hugging Karlach if she so requested. You, on the other hand, would never seem to be receptive to his friendly gestures, having grown up in a home with little affection and living on the brutal road for a while with a pleasant touch would always be a shock to your system. Especially from Wyll, it was like lightning shooting through your body with a new surge of energy you didn’t know what to do with, so you would tense up. After feeling you clamp up, Wyll simply thought you didn’t like to be touched, so ever the gentleman, he stopped. But that only made you begin to grave him…Finally, after days of seeing him touch and hug your other friends, you felt yourself going to pop. In a spur of the moment, you walked into his tent, staring at his confused features; timidness threatened to take you over, so with shaking limbs, you held your arms open with a shaky beg of “Please…” Wyll’s smile would grow so wide as he embraced you. “I thought you didn’t like to be touched?” “I…I like it when you do it…I crave your embrace…” Wyll will never make you ask please for a hug again…but other things, he might…    
You couldn’t explain exactly why you love it so much, but you find you’re running your hands up and down Wylls strong back every time you get the chance. Maybe it was from seeing all its glory when he returned from the river or in the early mornings when he woke up for training. There’s just something about his broad shoulders that lean down to his narrow waist that makes your hands twitch to touch him. Wyll, of course, isn’t oblivious to how you take him in; that might be why he walks around without a shirt more often. His favorite part about liking his back is when you rest your head between his shoulder blades and hold onto him tightly. It never fails to put a smile on both your faces.  
Between the two of you, you’re the one who is always slow to wake. On a typical day, you usually wake up to an empty left side of the bed, but this morning is different. You wake up to your body being held by what looks like a sleeping Wyll. Your first instinct is to worry and check him for a fever, but you find that he feels normal, and when he wakes, he greets you with a lazy smirk. “Are you okay, Wyll? You’re usually up by now?” Wyll hums softly as his eyes lazily roam over your form, “I woke up earlier but found that I couldn’t part from you…” His sweet words always make you blush, and you go to say you're sorry out of habit, but you’re silenced by him gently stroking your cheek. “Well, How about I make breakfast for us? We could eat together.” As you rise, you are quickly grabbed and trapped within his arms, his lips attacking your neck in a plethora of kisses, making you giggle. “You’re not going anywhere…I am not done with you yet…”   
It’s always so slow, his hands sliding up and down your spread legs while your sex grows more and more aroused. One part of you wants to beg him to stop teasing you, but you both know that the loving pass of his hands on your skin is what you crave. Wyll keeps his eyes on yours as his lips press against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. The attention he gives you makes your mind hazy and your sex quiver in a way that only he causes. A moment of weakness causes you to moan his name. He will look down at your flushed face and smile against your skin before finally sliding his tongue on the spot you need him the most. 
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Rolan is very familiar with the term being touched starved, and from being accused of it by Cal and Lia relentlessly, he was aware of the traits. Not that he thought he ever showed these. Then came you, and it was the end of him being touched starved. Rolan, at first, didn’t understand why every time you were near, your hand would absentmindedly rub in between his shoulder blades or how when you would go out to the tavern, you would sit so close to him, and it wasn’t as if you were unaware of this. No, from how you would look at his curious gaze with a smirk and a sparkle in your eyes, he knew you were messing with him. Though despite this…you two kept hanging out. If anyone would ask you if you longed for touch, you would say you only wanted Rolans and you had no shame about it; you just wished one day he would indicate the touch for once. Finally, one night, Rolan invited you to the tower to do some reading, something you could do at home, but you wouldn’t dream of passing up a moment to be around him. You two had found yourselves on the chaste, sitting very closely, exchanging blushing looks over the edges of your books, and with every passing page, you two would find yourselves inching closer and closer. Then, as your thighs are pressed together, you feel a warmth wrapping around your ankle. Looking down, you see his tail wrapped around you loosely, unsurely. Rolan had finally taken the initiative, and you were beaming. “If it bothers you, I can-” But before he could finish his sentence, you wrapped his arm around you as you curled into him more. You could hear the rapid rushing of his heart, and you could feel how it matched your own. “It doesn’t bother me; I’ve just been wondering what’s been taking you so long…” The teasing only rewards you with a tighter hold. 
You find every part of Rolan to be utterly perfect, from his beautiful horns to his freckled cheeks to his toes. But the one part of him you constantly find yourself playing with is his tail, swaying and twitching like it has a mind of its own. You love to sneak behind him and run your fingers over the ridged base. The shiver and low growl he gives out every time makes you want to tease and touch him more, your hands becoming clammy for it. Today, you’re reading and mindlessly playing with the sharp tip till, finally, he’s curling the tail around your forearm and pulling you closer for a hungry kiss. He says he is being driven mad by your relentless teasing; you can only smile back before whispering, “Then you shouldn’t keep rewarding me…” 
Rolan tries not to let his neediness get the better of him…but some days, he can’t resist your pull on him. Every time he saw you today, his hands roamed over every curve, his nose in the crook of your neck, and he muttered things you couldn’t catch. The attention was well received as you loved his every touch, but when you parted from him to wash up for the night, the look on his face was utter devastation. “I will be quick, then all night I am yours.” Rolan tsked as he let you go, sitting down in his chair where he would wait for your return. You tried your best to hurry into the bath but were not quick enough. As you wet your hair to be ready for washing, you heard the door open and were greeted by the magnificent sight of Rolan in a small cloth wrapped around his waist. He motions for you to make room. He removes his towel and joins you in the bath. You are happy but utterly confused, and Rolan is quick to defend his actions as he gathers soap into his palm, “You took too long, so now I am here to help; now turn so I can wash your hair.” Without any protest, you turn and relish in the feeling of his clawed hands, washing and lathering the soap in your hair, taking the time to scratch your scalp as he cleans you gently. Maybe you should have him wash your hair every time? If you asked, Rolan would be happy, too.  
It started as a pleasant surprise; while you two were working at Sundries, his tail kept brushing against your butt, and when you two would be out of view from prying eyes, his hand would gently caress your ass. These are simple hints of his wants; you are always eager for his touch. Now here you are, pressed against the back wall with Rolan's needy hands grabbing tight handfuls of your butt. Pants are quickly discarded, and he gives you a quick slap to the soft exposed flesh for being such a naughty distraction. You keen and arch, grinding your ass against his burning erection. A deep moan when his nails dig into your flesh as he starts to rut into you deeply. Panting breaths, intertwined limbs, sweaty bodies desperately rocking against each other. It’s the night you learned that the Great Master Rolan is an ass man.  
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You never thought of yourself as touched starved; sure, you had points when you thought of being held or holding someone, but it was never something you would say you were starving for; well, that was until Gale. It was an accident when it happened; you two had offered to go to the morning market to gather supplies for dinner. The morning market was incredibly crowded, and you two kept getting separated. Gale, always the quick thinker, came up with the best solution. As he walked in front of you like a shield, he grabbed your hand and led you through. The gesture immediately stirred something within you, and as you walked hand in hand, looking at the back of him, you found yourself tightening your grip. During the rest of your time at the market, you two held each other’s hands. It wasn’t until you two returned to camp that you realized you held hands the whole way back. After that day, you reached out for his hand more often. Gale, of course, didn’t seem to mind. He liked the extra company, but getting you to let go so he could cut vegetables was challenging. After a while, you will find yourself craving more touches from Gale. So late one night, you crawled into his tent; when you woke him, he was initially surprised, asking you what you needed. “I…I think I’m touched starved…could…you hold me for a bit?” Gale’s heart nearly burst out of his chest, but he eagerly invites you into his arms, delighted to share in cuddles and maybe a few kisses.    
It should be no surprise your favorite place to touch Gale is his hands. They are perfectly soft and fit perfectly within yours. You find that your hands are interlocked together if you’re by him. Gale finds your need to hold him in some way lovely and ultimately endearing. Gale’s favorite times when you hold his hands is when you are fast asleep curled up with him in his bedroll, your hands interlaced with his. He doesn’t dare move them because he knows you will only start seeking them again in your sleep.   
You’re used to holding Gale’s hand, but on days he’s feeling needy, you find that his hands tend to roam. Today had been one of those days; his hands had started lazily, moving up and down your arms, gently grazing you all morning so tenderly. By the afternoon, his hands had found their way to run up and down your back, moving so slowly to send shivers through your body successfully. Then, in the Evening, they moved to trace your sides as his lips caressed the sensitive skin of your neck. Finally, you asked if he was well, his lips smiling against your skin. “Perfectly fine…just being needy for you…does it bother you?” you feel your skin flush, and your lips curl to an excited smile. “No, I like the attention from you…” Gale is always ready to shower you with attention; you just need to ask…   
The man didn’t lie when he told you he had a practiced tongue, and tonight, you are finding that out firsthand. You felt needy when you crawled into his tent; it was late, and he was surprisingly awake. At first, it was innocent, simple hand holding a kiss or two like other nights before to satisfy your need, but tonight, you’re finding your aching for more, and Gale knows this. All you need to do is ask…Your hands grip tightly to the blankets as his tongue works against you. Gales focuses as his hands grip your thighs, and he sucks and licks more. He’s desperate to taste your release all over his tongue, and with him always being so good to you, who are you to deny him? 
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With all he had been through, the feeling of being touched had become unstimulating. Astartion had felt every kind of touch possible. Well, at least that’s what he thought, until you. The energy between you two had been electric from the first moment; you were brilliant, and his usual charms didn’t make you bend like they did others. In fact, for all his teasing, you would give back your own. It was like a game between you two, and it only made you crave each other more. Then it hit its peak…You were admittedly getting lost in his words as he spoke to you, but it was different; it was genuine, and you had never felt so close to others. So when you gently brushed back his hair as he talked, you both found yourself looking at each other in surprise. Your weakness shocked you, and Astarion was surprised by someone touching him so gently, as if he were made of glass. Going to take back your hand, it’s quickly caught by his, and gentle lips pressing to your palm sets your skin ablaze. The kiss was as soft as your touch, but Astarion can never pass up an opportunity… “Couldn’t help yourself anymore, hm?” You would accept defeat this once…
Astarion has never been a fan of cuddling…well, not until he met you. And what did you do to make him change his mind on the slow and intimate activity? Astarion loves the way your fingers brush slowly and carefully through his hair. He finds he has gradually become needy for that soft, gentle touch. On the other hand, you love the feeling of his soft locks slipping through your fingers; actually, there are many things you can adore about Astarion; you find the soft touch of brushing through his hair always seems to relax you. You could spend all night with him in your arms like this…and you do. 
You didn’t know if it was your imagination, but Astarion seemed grumpy today. You had tried to joke around with him and even participate in some teasing and flirting, but he wasn’t receptive. Thinking it best to just drop it, you left him alone for the rest of the day, going about your usual task. Then Evening rolled around; you were getting ready for bed when you heard a throat clearing outside your tent. Poking your head out, you saw Astarion looking…bashful? “Do you mind…if I slept here…with you…I’ve…been feeling off…” One part of you wanted him to explain; he had ignored you, and now he wants to sleep in your tent with you? And wait, elves don’t sleep? But something about the look in his red eyes…he seemed…lonely…Gently, you reach your hand out to grab the sleeve of his shirt and pull him in softly. The rest of the night was spent with you sleeping with your head in his lap as he read to your sleeping form. Being around you made him feel so much better; it was as he thought…he was starting to rely on you, and for once, the thought of depending on another didn’t scare him. 
Sometimes, you can not decide who is needer between the two of you. Of course, you two tease each other about it, but Astarion is always the better tease. You’re rolling your eyes in both pleasure and annoyance as he moves his tongue across your chest, your nipples peaked and sensitive to every feathery touch. You try to keep your moans in, but it’s useless; “You make such pretty sounds, darling, keep it up.” His cold hands move between caressing your chest and your skin to find your sensitive nipples. Red eyes look up at you, filled with mischief. Is he satisfied with just a taste? Or will he bite…
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 months
-> Second Masterlist (couldn’t fit everything on here)
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-> - Blog Rules & Warnings -
♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐩 ♡
- Worth The Risk | Pregnancy - Angst
- The Real Incubus | NSFW - Choking - Soft Haarlep - A Touch Of Malevolent Haarlep - Comfort
- Bred By The Incubus - Creampie - Breeding - Possessive - Pregnancy
- Milky | NSFW - Lactation - Knotting - Pregnancy - Fluff
- Daughters | Fluff - Parenthood - Haarlep Being A Parent
- Soft Haarlep PRT 1 | Comfort - Angst - NSFW
- Worried For The Incubus (Soft Haarlep) PRT 2 | Aftercare - Abuse - Comfort - Injuries
- A Tainted Mind (Soft Haarlep) PRT 3 | Hurt/Comfort - Soft - Bathing Together
- Bathing With The Incubus (Soft Haarlep Prt. 4) | NSFW - Masturbation - Hurt/Comfrot
- Prequel To Soft Haarlep PRT 0 | This was written by a lovely human I know and I wanted to add it to my list so you all could enjoy it as well!!! - Comfort
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
- No Escape | NSFW - Noncon - Mephistopheles - Heavy Angst - Tragic Romance
- The Truth | Enemies To Lovers
- Frightened Little Dove | Hurt/ Comfort
- Loves Punishment | Angst - Character Death - Slight NSFW
- Unexpected Death | Angst - Character Death
- Just A Taste | NSFW - Male Giving Head - You’re Haarlep’s New Meal
- How They Say ‘I Love You’ | Confession - Fluff
- Reacting To ‘I Love You’ | How He Reacts To You Saying ‘I Love You’
- Realization | NSFW - Noncon - Hurt/Comfort - Ascended Raphael
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♡ 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 ♡
- Leashed | NSFW - You Leash Raphael - Multiple Creampies - Choking - You Ride The Devil
- His Weakness | Soft Raphael - Tender - Comfort
- Stuffed | NSFW - Breeding - Belly Bulge - Ascended Raphael
- His Little Mouse | NSFW - Jealous Raphael - Possessive Raphael - Hurt/Comfort - Minor Angst
- Bred By The Devil | Breeding - Creampie - Possessive - Pregnancy
- Loss Of An Heir | Hurt - Angst - Miscarriage - Ascended Raphael - Raphael Gets Revenge
- Fatherhood | Headcanons - Dadphael - Daughter
- Cambion’s Daughter | Dadphael - Fluff - Parenting
- Daughters | Fluff - Parenthood - Dadphael
- A Cruel Game | Mephistopheles - NSFW - Dubcon - Noncon - Heavy Angst - Double Penetration
- Symphony Of Sin | Angst - Romance
- A Devil You Love PRT 1 | Soft Raphael - Hurt/Comfort
- The Devil You Loved PRT 2 | Heavy Angst - Character Death - Ascended Astarion - Pregnancy
- No Hope For The Devil PRT 3 | Heavy Angst - NSFW - Ascended Astarion - Noncon - Bad Ending
- A Devil & His Eager Pup | NSFW - Riding The Devil
- The Problem | Raphael Realizes He’s Caught Feelings For His Little Mouse
- Professor’s Pet | NSFW - Au Professor Raphael - Age Gap - Slight Voyeurism - Handcuffs - Creampie
- His To Use | NSFW - Voyeurism - Exhibitionism - Degradation
- A Tender Moment | Raphael Reads To You And His Unborn Child
- A Dance With The Devil | Soft Raphael - Dancing - Comfort
- A Wicked Facade | Soft Raphael - Love - Raphael Loves His Little Mouse
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
- Impregnated By The Devil | Breeding - NSFW
- His | Pregnancy - Possessiveness - Character Death - Protectiveness - NSFW
- How They Say ‘I Love You’ | Confession - Fluff
- Reacting To ‘I Love You’ | How He Reacts To You Saying ‘I Love You’
- A Pretty Little Toy | NSFW - Lap Riding
- Nightmare | Angst - Slight NSFW - Death
- Unholy | NSFW - Breeding - Corruption - Dubcon
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♡ 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 ♡
- The Ascended Devil & The Mouse | NSFW - Monster Fucking - Belly Bulge - Ascended Raphael
- Confession | Belly Bulge - Cumflation - Deep Throat
- Ascended Phael | NSFW - Monster Cock
- Realization | Ascended Raphael - Noncon - Hurt - Forced Pregnancy
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♡ 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 & 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐩 ♡
- Used & Abused | NSFW - Rough - Deep Throat - Choking - Anal
- Confession | NSFW - Belly Bulge - Cumflation - Deep Throat
- Plaything | NSFW - Threesome - Fingering - Stuffed
- Two For One | NSFW - Double Penetration
- Impregnated By The Devil | Breeding - NSFW
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
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♡ 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 ♡
- Come Undone | Angst - Hurt/Comfort - Pregnancy
- Birth Of A Miracle | Pregnancy - Birth - Angst - Fluff - Dadstarion
- A Little Convincing | Hurt/ Comft - Talks Of Pregnancy - Fluff - Making out (coming soon)
- His Child | Dadstarion - Jealous Halsin - Possessive Astarion
- Remembrance | Dadstarion - Angst - Hurt/Comfort - Character Death
- Prowl | Slight NSFW - Blood - Blood Drinking
- A Vampires Pet | Noncon Elements - Ascended Astarion - Yandere - Master/Pet - NSFW
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♡ 𝐙𝐞𝐯𝐥𝐨𝐫 ♡
- Commander | NSFW - Big Dick Zevy - Stretching - Calling Him Commander
- Betrayal | Angst - Pregnancy - Hurt/Comfort
- Training You | NSFW - Big Dick Zevy - Stretching - Creampie
- Big Dick Zevy | NSFW - Belly Bulge - Creampie
- Sweet Zevlor | NSFW - Comfort - Period Sex
- Zevlor & The Druid | Fluff - Comfort
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Zevlor’s Pretty Cock | NSFW - Cock - HC’s
- Zevlor & His Druid Child | Fluff - Adorable - Parenting
- Zevlor Confessing | Confession - Fluff - Comfort - Zevlor Doubts Himself
- Zevlor Headcanons | Fluff - NSFW
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♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧 ♡
- Dammon Headcanons | Fluff - NSFW
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Dammon & The Druid | Fluff - Comfort
- Dammon & His Druid Children | Fluff - Adorable - Parenting
- Dammon’s Pretty Cock | NSWF - Cock - HCs
- Protector | Protective - Soft - Fluff
- A Surprise | NSFW - Comfort - Pregnancy
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♡ 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧 ♡
- Damaged | NSFW - Noncon - Hurt/Comfort
- Rolan Headcanons | NSFW - Fluff
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Rolan & The Druid | Fluff - Angsty Rolan
- Rolan & His Druid Children | Adorable - Fluff - Parenting
- Appreciated | NSFW - Comfort - Riding Rolan
- Rolan’s Pretty Cock | NSFW - Cock - HCs
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♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐢𝐧 ♡
Baby Trapping | NSFW - Forced Breeding
The Big Reveal | Pregnancy - Fluff
Unconscious | NSFW - Halsin doesn’t know his own strength
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♡ 𝐆𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡 ♡
- A Dance With The Lord | Forbidden Love - Angst - 18 + Elements
- Sleeping Beauty | NSFW - Somnophilia
- Breeding Kink | NSFW - HCs
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demigoddessqueens · 1 month
Headcanons of how would Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Astarion, Raphael, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his gn s/o telling them how lucky they are to be with him?
- CV-Non
Sounds so sweet!!
Masterlist 10
Those big brown puppy dog eyes are glistening when you tell him in the most intimate, private setting
Saying something back like “no, it’s I who don’t deserve you”
He thinks it’s sweet of you to say, a charming element to the naïveté and devotion you’ve given him
Kind of similar reaction to Gale’s but in his own way
Pulls you in for a tight hug/deep kiss, “by the Oakfather, I never would have imagined one such as you in my life”
Has a hard time trying to believe you at first (poor dude 💔)
But comes to accept your words, knowing you’re not teasing him or anything, and accepting that you genuinely love and cherish him
If he’s trying to be snarky back, he fails immensely! Truth be told, he’s lost in his feelings when you tell him because it’s genuine
Such a softie for you, and saying this is just the cherry on top! He’ll return the sentiment by roping you into him with his tail for a tight hug
Like the Disney prince he is, it’s a hand kiss or romantically sweeping you away so he can look you in the eyes
“And I could have never imagined you in my wildest dreams, my love”
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avocado-writing · 3 months
do you have any headcanons on how the bg3 men + teifling bachelors would react to their s/o teasing them ? i have a desperate need to see these men needy
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minors dni
Astarion teases right back. He is an expert at driving people wild, after all, but with you it’s sincere. He loves to hear the way you moan and whine for him. He pretends he’s fine when you play with him and that he can take it, but wants to even the odds as soon as he possibly can… you’ll be crying out each other’s names by the end of the night, if he has his way.
Gale panics. Goes bright red. Coughs out a reply, tries to hide the growing bulge in his robes. If you’re not at a stage where you’re intimate, will need to excuse himself and take his hardness into his own hand in order to finish off. If you are intimate he’ll pull you into his tent immediately. The man has no patience and you’re glad for it…
Wyll teases you back too and is surprisingly good at it. Honeyed words whispered into your ear when you’re with company, pulling back and giving you a sweet smile as if he didn’t just tell you all the ways he wants to have you when he gets you alone. You can tell your words rouse him from the way he crosses his legs, but he’s a masterful opponent in return.
Halsin enjoys a tease as much as the next elf, and loves a long day of the two of you riling each other up before one of you breaks and takes the other with gusto. Find him picking you up and pressing you into a tree to make love to you, or dropping onto his knees to satisfy you with his mouth. The work up is just as good as the payoff in his opinion 💕
Dammon becomes surprisingly overwhelmed, red cheeked and words stuttered. A little rub of his horns or fingers along his tail give him a full-body reaction. The strong, professional tiefling becomes willing putty in your hands, happy to do whatever you ask so long as you please him in return…
Rolan is so touched-starved that any teasing will almost immediately get him off. Rub him through his robes, run your tongue across the shell of his ear, he’s gone. Masterful wizard reduced to a needy and whiny mess. Finishes quickly but will work his magic on you until he’s ready to go again, and draws it out all night ✨
Zevlor is thrilled you’d want to tease an old man like him. He enjoys the game of it all, willing to drag you into dark corners for long, steamy kisses before the two of you get caught. When you get to bed that night he drags out his pleasuring of you, drives you wild for him, but tuts and tells you to be good for him and wait with a glint in his eye 😈
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theactofknowing · 5 months
Can I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to shy gn crush confessing to him?
⋆·˚ ༘ * the BG3 boys/reserved!reader * ༘˚·⋆
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MILD game spoilers/references to mid-game story progression. you’ve been warned!!
someone who’s reserved isn’t typically what astarion looks for. he’s reserved in a sense—keeping his secrets: conditions and history, close to his chest; but he holds himself up with self-confidence and independence. your quiet and reserved nature is off putting—until he began, reluctantly, talking to you in the hopes of gaining your protection. as time went on, he found out that you weren’t that horrible—maybe he didn’t mind you too much. when you confess to him, he doesn’t find it surprising—it is him, after all. he’ll lightly make fun of you, but he won’t turn you down.
sweet, sweet gale. if you manage to confess before he does, he’s pleasantly surprised—considering how quickly he gets attached to someone. when you confess to gale and you’re unable to meet his eye, he’s not the type to affectionately tease you—he’s preoccupied by the fact that you are actually interested in him. gale is a confident lover when time passes between you, but he spent ages under mystra’s hand and a year locked in his tower—he’s a little rusty. gale and a reserved partner go hand in hand; gale likes to lead in a conversation and in a relationship, and you’re more than happy to put your trust in him.
wyll is graceful and chivalrous. when you come to him in camp one day, obviously nervous, he softly holds one of your hands and soothingly runs his fingers over your knuckles. if you’re hesitant about love and PDA—don’t worry, wyll is the man for you. wyll likes traditionalism, he likes to take it slow. you’ll have time to ease into the relationship because he’s courteous—chaste kisses, fleeting touches.
halsin is someone easy to chat with. his nature is kind and open, relatable—from one leader to another, and it’s easy to fall into a conversation with him time and time again by the fire. halsin says he can sense the good in you, and it’s only natural to fall by your side. when you do manage to confess to him, it’s no surprise. he was simply waiting for you, and it’s only right to slip into this dynamic with him.
you never quite had the opportunity to confess to dammon when he still occupied the grove, so it’s a welcoming surprise when you find him in the grim scenery of the last light inn. dammon always appreciated that you were kind to him as the tieflings were never looked upon favorably, so he’s just as happy to see you. dammon is sweet and soft spoken, willing to take the initiative when you can’t. when you come to him at the inn, visibly nervous and preoccupied with yourself, he indulges you in small talk about his trade until you’re able to speak whatever it is you’re thinking of. it’s easy for him to reciprocate, and he promises you a private date in the city.
it’s obvious rolan saw you in a less than favorable light at first. to enabling his siblings’ wishes to stay at the grove and failing to save them in the shadowlands, rolan wasn’t pleased with you—no matter how pretty he thought you were at first. to his surprise, you save his siblings, and he maybe starts to feel a bit guilty. rolan reeks of self confidence, but finds himself struggling to apologize to you and admit that maybe you’re not that bad. he later laughs when he realizes that he was just as timid as you were during the whole ordeal, entirely standoffish—it completely eases the worries of your confession.
zevlor isn’t someone who looks for romance. he isn’t a terrible bachelor—not unattractive or generally unlikable—he’s just preoccupied with handling himself and the people he looks after. when you came to the grove, zevlor found that he admired you—one leader to another. you advocated for his people, you made sure they were well, and he liked that you were dependable and trustworthy. when you confess to him that you find him just a bit more than admirable a day before the tieflings are set to leave the grove, he’s shocked. the feelings are easily reciprocated, and he wishes to see you again sometime—maybe in the city.
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thank u for the prompt. astarion was the most difficult to write for. feel free to send me requests on my page!
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lynnlovesthestars · 2 months
Could I request headcanons for Harleep, Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor with kind and patient gn s/o? This is quite self-indulgent of me because I have been told I'm too nice & so patient so I'm curious how they would react XD
first of all sorry for being so late, but my small brain has to process things multiple times to make sense, so i wrote this like... 5 times? So it takes me a while, but i hope that waiting was worth it.
Also i saw you sent a second ask to see if i recieved this one, so ill put dammon and rolan there cause this is starting to get a bit long:3<3 thank you so much for your patience!:3
Taglist: @sessils @spacebarbarianweird
Headcanon: BG3 men with kind and patient s/o. (pt. 1)
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Zevlor is emotionally a wreck already, he considers kindness a virtue and it definitely makes him swoon when he notices you put extra care in making sure he's treated with kindness. At the end of the day, he basically got bullied on all fronts when all he really wants is to prove himself worthy of the title he carried for so long.
Zevlor has a short temper too, and he appreciates so much your effort and patience in dealing with his outbursts, whether they are of rage- not towards you of course- or of sadness, you offer always a shoulder for him and he cherishes it so much.
He is lowkey jealous when he notices that your kindness is not mostly exclusive to him, he has learned that people can abuse one's patience and care, and 1. he doesn't want you to get hurt, 2. he wishes your kindness was maybe reserved to him. Call him selfish, but after being deprived of it for so long, he is hesitant to let go of it.
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Initially he would be very wary, in his experience being nice always lead to him getting hurt, so why would he trust someone who's default reply is kindness? At the end of the day the last time someone was '''''kind''''' to him, he was turned in a vampire spawn, so he takes it extra slow, he has just regained control over himself, he won't blindly accept kindness. He's lowkey afraid you are just part of a bigger scheme that will bite him in the ass and leave him shackled and caged again.
Once he gets accustomed to your kindness and finally accepts it, he revels in the kindness you offer and your patience, especially the smallest gestures like opening a door for him. He will literally melt for it, he's already smitten, your kindness leaves him like mush in your hands.
Nevetheless every good side, comes with a negative one. He is dead afraid your kindness will bring you to get hurt. He often reminds you to be weary and keep all your kindness for people you trust (HIM), rather than going around and helping every lost soul that asks for help. He will fight you on this a few times- especially if you do get hurt or it is obvious you are about to- he will not bite his tongue and keep it for himself, and that's one of the moments when he's glad you are patient.
You understand where it comes from and you try your best to find a solution that would make both happy. Your patience of course doesn't stop there, he knows he's an handful: he carries an heavy trauma baggage and he has a feisty personality, yet you always show him you don't mind, that you are there for him and that he can take all the time of the universe to sort his problems out.
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Wyll would find it so endearing, how you are ready to go to someone's aid, you stop on your tracks to support someone in need, and he would love seeing you being kind to everyone. It's probably one of the reasons why he falls in love with you. Unlike Astarion he encourages you to be kind to everyone, cause he considers it a virtue, he incourages you to be the best version of yourself, and he reminds you that if you do get hurt, he will be there to pick up the pieces.
As far as patience goes, he's grateful to the moon and back, he knows he is an handful, especially if he doesn't break his pact with Mizora and has to leave more times than ever. He makes sure once he's back though that he makes up for lost time, whether it is with gifts or by taking care of you.
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Harleep is so used to Raphael that honestly he's taken aback at first, living in the hells means that kindness is hard to come by and around Raphael? It's either a trick or a miracle, so he brushes it off, not repelled like Astarion would, but definitely not eager like Wyll either.. he would be probably the one that takes it as it is, just.. that. But when he gets used to it? He becomes unsufferable. So unsufferable that he goes around demanding Raphael to be treated with kindness and patience! He purrs whenever you are nice even the smallest, thanking you and praising you like a goddess. He even tries to be nice himself- to you only- and despite it has to be and effort, since he has never been exposed to much kindness, he does become a little more mindful, even asking before taking your form or just with small acts of services.
One time Rapahel makes sure to send a message to you through him. "Tav, Raphael asked you stop being nice to me, cause if i demand it from him as well, he's going to turn me into fertilizer", message delivered with a pout that begs exactly the opposite.
Harleep is another that is deeply afraid of your kindness. Let's be real, you can defend yourself as much as you want, but people tend to use people and your kindness is one of those characteristics evil people would pry on- he knows well since its literally part of what he does, and a facet of what Raphael does as well. He probably scolds you a lot for this reason, he does it in a sweet way- don't get me wrong- he sugarcoats the shit out of it, but he will let you know when you are about to get in peril or you are too careless with your kindness.
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Gale is touched by your kindness, already from the first days after meeting him.
You had helped him out of his blotched portal, you fed him artifacts, you didn't question his secrets or push him to reveal anything, and he doesn't give that for granted. Once he's closer to you, and he learns that you are unconditionally kind to everyone, he's scared.
He starts warning you to be a little less nice, to use your judgement before you blindly trust a stranger, but he doesn't push it past a warning. As much as he wants to protect you, he doesn't want to take away your chance to grow from your errors.
In matter of your patience he's so grateful, he spends days thanking you when he's still afflicted with the orb condition, he cooks as a form of apology or thanks depending what he did, he gets baths started for you, he's treating you as a queen/ king. He alread would do it, but with you? He's even more protective, he almost feels like he has to match your kindness and patience with as much attentions he can muster.
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Halsin is a fair man you think he wishes everyone was kind, but he actually wants you to be fair, he wants you to be mindful of who you give kindness to, he wants you to be a reasonable judge rather than unconditionally nice cause it is the way of the nature as well. Nature is not only nurturing and lush, it's also the poisonous vipers and herbs.
Does he appreciate when you are kind? Absolutely, he thinks it's the best gift Silvanus has ever bestowed him, but it doesn't take away the fact that he wants you to be treated kindly as well, so the moment someone crosses the line and starts abusing your kindness or becomes rude, he's definitely stepping in to s h a m e the other person. "You are lucky you have met Tav, cause they are kind, but nature wouldn't be so understanding and patient" He says it with a rage you rarely see in his eyes.
He will do his best to remind you to surely practice kindness but also to be mindful who you help and who you are kind to, cause there's always rotten that can harm you, and lowkey if you get hurt he will invite you to take back what you gave.
Despite this Halsin considers kindness the bare minimum a person should be, and what stops him from encouraging you to be kinder, its just the knowledge that you might get hurt.
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littlelionwriting · 3 months
Male Companions and Parenting
Here is some headcanons for the male companions (and Zevlor) for Baldur's Gate 3. This is a continuation of the Pregnancy headcanons I wrote previously. If you want to request anything just send me a DM!
His son is a spitting image of him except for his eyes, his eyes are your eyes.
When he holds him for the first time his son's tail wraps around Zevlor's wrist and he feels like his heart will burst.
He's a strict parent but he makes sure that his child knows that they are loved.
He wants to be there for everything, every step, and every word. He wants to be involved.
If his son starts to become interested in weapons or fighting it gives Zevlor a heart attack. He doesn't want that life for his son.
But seeing how important it is to him, seeing how his eyes light up when he is fighting, Zevlor makes sure he is properly trained. Nothing but the best.
He will constantly tell his son how proud he is of him.
"You should have seen him today, Sweetling. He was great. He will be amazing." Zevlor sat on the edge of the bed, looking at you with a grin on his face. "Our family is amazing."
When he holds his daughter for the first time, he feels like laughing. His wonderful, beautiful daughter who looks like the perfect mix of the two of you.
He is the dad who has tea parties and helps paint her nails.
Wyll would gladly take her with him when he goes to train, showing her how to properly hold a (dull) blade the moment she is big enough.
He cannot tell her no; she doesn't even bother to ask you for something when she can go to Wyll instead and get what she wants.
The first time he sees his teenage daughter in a proper evening gown for a ball his heart drops cause he knows she isn't his little girl anymore.
He's not the best dancer but he does his best to teach her how to show up everyone on the dance floor.
"Darling, do you see her? Doesn't she look marvelous?" Wyll's eyes go from the dancing figure of your daughter with some noble's son to you as he takes his hand in yours. "Maybe we should take the hint and dance ourselves."
His handsome son with his silver hair and red eyes but your skin color.
He is the only one who can get your son to stop crying as a baby. Not even being held by you can quiet the wailing child.
His son may be a troublemaker from the moment he could walk but Astarion would only encourage it. Very much an 'As long as you don't get caught' way of parenting.
Would have no qualms about teaching him how to pick locks or how to use a dagger. One must always be prepared according to Astarion.
He does not like his child being out at night without one of you, even as he gets into his teenage years. If he isn't home by sundown Astarion is ready to go out searching for him.
Astarion makes sure to encourage his son in anything and everything he wants to do. He would gladly buy the world if that is what was asked of him.
"He did well today, Lover. You would have been proud of him." You hummed softly in acknowledgement, not looking up from your book as Astarion walks over to where you sit in front of the first. He smiles before bending over and laying a kiss on the crown of your head.
"Of course, he's your son."
When your twins are born Halsin swore they would ask for naught. Holding them both in his large arms to his chest as they slept.
Your son looked like you but had Halsin's hair and eyes while your daughter looked like a clone of Halsin just with your eyes.
Halsin learned early on to keep an eye on them, from the moment they could walk they were running off into the forest. They would often come home covered head to toe in mud.
He makes sure to teach them to respect all creatures, even the gross and icky ones.
It is not uncommon to find one of them on his shoulders. In fact, they often would fight over who got to ride on his shoulders so he had to make them take turns.
His son takes after his father, bringing home random critters much to his father's amusement.
His daughter is on the quiet side, liking to stay by his side and enjoy nature more than the company of people.
Would be over the moon when his daughter felt the call to being a Druid and his son a Ranger.
"You are so proud, Halsin." You walked to his side, taking his large hand in yours, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand.
"More than you could ever know, my Heart."
Gale loves his daughter from the moment she is born but he is not a baby or toddler guy.
When he is left alone with her for the first time as a baby you come home to both of them crying.
He does his best which includes taking said daughter with him to any lectures he gives and when she babbles, he acts as if she is answering or giving input.
"Excellent point, Darling! Now, to continue..."
He makes sure she is dressed properly for whatever the weather and makes sure she is always in style.
Tara is her favorite babysitter hands down and Tara is more than happy to follow the young Miss around.
The first time she tells you and Gale she has a crush on someone you have to hold Gale back from threatening the poor soul with a fireball.
Gale makes sure to teach your daughter how to be proper and that includes how to rip someone to shreds with their words.
Gale puts a huge emphasis on education, he will make sure that she has the best tutors and will even tutor her himself if she asked.
"She is doing simply amazing, Dearest. You would never guess she has only been studying for a few years. I say she will soon surpass all the others in her class!" You gave your husband a soft smile as he continued to sing your daughter's praises, happy as can be.
Want to buy me a coffee or commission a short story? Find me here: https://ko-fi.com/littleleonlion
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cambion-companion · 7 months
BG3 Companions on a Halloween Date
YES I was itching to do something for the BG3 gang for the season. You could say it's been bugging me. Hah. Ok sorry it's the influence of my pfp.
Let's start with
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You want a cozy night in under the covers, watching scary movies (or puppet shows or whatever the heck is the equivalent in Faerun) but he's not sold on the idea. "I've seen enough horror to last me several lifetimes, darling."
Instead Astarion would take you out in the crisp Autumn air, under the distant sun, for a walk crunching through the dried leaves of brown and red.
He'd want to go to the pumpkin patch to find the perfect gourd for a Jack-o-Lantern.
When the sun set so very early in the afternoon, you'd retire back to your cozy abode and set to carving faces into your pumpkins.
Astarion of course would make short work of his, dexterous as ever with those knives, and he would do his best to shape the face into what he hopes he looks like.
Either that or, depending on where you're at in his character arc, he'd remake Cazador BEFORE gutting it and making a whole show of utterly eviscerating the poor Halloween decoration. "Astarion, this is supposed to be relaxing." "This IS my ideal downtime."
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You want someone who will snuggle under the covers and watch Hocus Pocus with you? Wyll is your man. But sorry I'm trying to keep to a less modern AU.
Wyll seems like the kind of guy who would put on some fitting music as you two cooked together, dancing in the kitchen intermittently and almost forgetting to check on the cookies before they burned.
He's such a sweetheart, checking to make sure you're happy with just spending an evening indoors with him. "We can go out on the town if you desire, sweetheart." "No, Wyll, I've told you this is absolutely perfect."
Depending on the choices you've made with him thus far, Mizora might pop in to dip her finger in the batter and bamf out again, giving ya'll a cheeky wink. "Ta ta, love imps. You make me physically ill."
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Sigh, you're back for more bones hm?
Alright I'll entertain you.
You ask Withers to dance to Spooky Scary Skeletons. He looks at you, unimpressed. "Get thee hence." "Wilt thou harass someone else?"
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Ideally I would propose and she'd say "yes". Oh what? Sorry, I was miles away.
For a Halloween date. Hm. A corn maze. Definitely.
She'd be all about her tutelage under Shar's freaks followers and want to show off her sneaking skills.
It would turn into a game of hide-and-go-seek and then it'd get a little creepy before she'd inevitably pounce on you and you'd end of in a fit of laughter together.
"I wasn't going to hurt you!" "Well, Shaddy, sometimes I wonder." "Good to keep you on your toes, then." "Careful, I saw a pond on the way in."
Then you two would go and get some candied apples and chat about memories and flowers that bloom in the gloaming.
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Oh Gale.
He'd love to read to you out of a classic gothic novel (cough cough Dracula cough cough) while you two cozy up under some blankets.
He'd probably get fresh with you and run a hand up your leg or something, OH SORRY this is post the patch that fixed that? OK. He'd wait an extra hour.
Tara would curl up next to you and listen as he read from the book, the firelight crackling and warming your bodies as the night grows dark outside.
Afterward he would ask if you'd like to be guided into the Astral plane where you can look down on the All Hallow's Eve festivities below.
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yeah, gotta give Tiefling daddy some love. Especially since I still feel bad for massacring them all my last playthru.
Zevlor is another who has seen his fair share of horror, and he would opt to do something more lighthearted with you for a Halloween date.
He seems like a family kind of man, so I expect he would invite the whole gang over for a delicious dinner. Mol and her friends, Arabella and her parents. Rolan and Zorru and maybe even Auntie Ethel will sneak in there. Then it really WOULD be a Halloween experience.
After the dinner and the guests are snoozing or already left he'd wrap an arm around you and pull you close. "Would you accompany me outside? I would like to show you the stars and tell their tales. It's been so long since I've gotten to properly admire them. Or you."
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Of course I have to include the daddy devil, who do you think I am?
Raphael would take you to a haunted house, of course. OF COURSE.
Hell, what better house that is haunted than the House of Hope?
It would be horrifying for you, since the no touching rules don't apply there, and most amusing for him.
You'd practically climb the cambion in your efforts to avoid the ghosties, especially that one who constantly says "huuuurt meeee, pleeeaaase."
Raphael would enjoy watching you squirm, and remind you such a fate would not be yours only IF you followed his rules.
Oh yeah, and maybe if you're lucky, or perhaps very unlucky, he'll invite you to his Boudoir.
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Oak Father frowns on dissecting pumpkins for the sake of creating superfluous lanterns (or something...I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend, ok)
Instead, Halsin would druid craft you vines and harvest fruits in whatever shapes, sizes, and colors you desired.
He'd also want to go trick or treating so BADLY. "But Halsin, you're eight feet tall and built like a linebacker. No one is going to mistake you for a kid." Then he'd cast Disguise Self and you'd be forced to take him out on the town in hunt of candy.
Poor guy didn't have much of a childhood and wants to experience the finer things in life. Get those king sized candy bars...just once.
You are a bit huffy, having expected a more...romantic evening than this. But he'll make it up to you later winkwonk , till you can bearly stand it.
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You guys would get all CUTE and gussied up together.
Go out on the town.
Pick the best looking victim to be a sacrifice to Lolth.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 7 months
WIP - the long-awaited heat!fic
Zevlor awoke from his slumber abruptly and stared at the wall across from him, hazy in the early beginnings of dawn. For a moment, he lay there, undisturbed and trying to figure out why he’d woken up early. Just as he’d started questioning if the sun had gotten in his eyes, it hits him and he squeezes his eyes shut, eyebrows furrowed together. A pained whimper is shoved down his throat by a thick swallow as he curls tightly around himself. It’s as if he’s trapped in an ocean of discomfort, tossed violently between cramping in his lower stomach and pelvis, and the straining need to pee. He tries to will his body up, to roll over and fall out of bed. Out of the puddle of sweat he’s currently stewing in, the sheets sticking to his skin and the pillow tossed somewhere by his feet. At some point in the night, Halsin must have rolled over and curled around Misphi, as the solid warmth of his back pressed against Zevlor’s. The gentle, steady heat soothes one of the waves of pain crashing through his body, so he scooches back against it, seeking relief before suddenly realizing with horror what was happening.
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garfield0-o · 1 month
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reverieblondie · 4 days
Got a short and sweet one for ya! BG3 character(s) of your choice reacting to someone going, "Aw, you two look so cute together! You should date!" and Tav—the object of his/her as of yet unspoken affections—just smiles a little bashfully and says, "Yeah, that would be nice."
Sorry it took me a a minute to get to your ask! I had originally wanted to make them longer by including the dates they would go on, but I just scrapped that idea. Maybe if people are interested I could do that part but it would be after I do some more request. Anyways I hope You enjoy the fluff!
(Astarion, Gale, Halsin , Rolan, Wyll, Zevlor)
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It's always the same game between you two; since the beginning of your journey together, you two are always teasing and pushing each other closer and closer to the edge. It's frustrating that this game continues still. You two have grown closer, having shared in victories and losses, shared in laughs and tears, but despite all this, you and Astarion remained cautious… Instead of sharing your desire and confessing this connection is real, you opt to continue in your flirtatious game of teasing and keeping yourself at arm's length. Perhaps it's childish, but you both are too accustomed to the game to quit now, not when the risk could be so painful… 
Sipping on your wine, your eyes lock to Astarions, his crimson eyes watching you with a handsome smirk on his pale lips.  
"Are you staring, Astarion, coming to some realizations of the heart?" The smirk widens to a grin that flashes his dangerous fangs. Astarion can't help himself from loving the way you tease… 
"Only imagining how your blood must taste after so much wine."-clever as always in a response. 
"Sounds like you're trying to bite, giving yourself away so easily now?" you muse as you stroll casually to sit at his side, your eyes never leaving each other. 
Carefully, Astarion brushes away your hair from your neck, revealing the bruised mark left by his bite only a night ago. He can't help but lick his lips at the sight, "You're the one who gives themselves away when you ask me to feed from you." You feel your blood rush to your cheeks… He's not entirely wrong. 
Brushing your hair back over your neck, trying to hide the evidence and cover the blooming rush of blood to your face, you two are caught off guard by what sounds like a slurring Shadowheart chiming into your conversation, "Aw, you two look so cute together flirting like that. You two should date already." She says with a devious smirk. 
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, that would be nice," you say sarcastically; that would be the day… 
Astarion studies you for a moment, watching as you roll your eyes and fold your arms to guard yourself further, but he swears he catches a glimpse of something…an opening… Before you know it, you watch him downing the remainder of his wine and taking the game up a notch, "Why not go on a date? Scared after one night alone with me, you will be smitten, darling?" 
You give him a challenging look, "Maybe I will. Maybe you will be the one falling for me…" Astarion leans closer to you, "Sounds like a fun challenge… let's go out tomorrow night…"
Shadowheart can be heard gasping and giggling from the growing tension, never one to be out. Down you down your drink next and lean in close enough for only Astarion to hear you, "Fine, but the first one to fall loses… winner gets to bite the other…" Astarions hands tighten to a fist, and excitement fills his eyes with a new spark; you have yourself a deal. 
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Gale's breath continues to sound shaky, and his hands become more clammy by the second… He's trying so hard to repress the thrumming in his chest, but it's proving to be quite difficult at the moment. With your body pressed so close to him…he thinks at any moment he could burst into a spectacle of himself…or blow up. It has been a while since he's absorbed something, but teaching you this spell is taking precedence now. 
 You have expressed wanting to learn magic from him. You had been intrigued that he attended the prestigious Blackstaff Academy, and despite being a fighter and not relying on magic, you had begged for some lessons from a proper wizard. Gale didn't know if it was the fact that he has always liked to teach or that it was you who was pleading oh so sweetly, but he never answered yes to a request so quickly. 
Now here you two are, the weave wrapped around you as he carefully guides your body to the proper stances, his hands on your hips that then slide to your hands praying to any god that is listening you don't not his clammy nervousness. 
He need not worry, though; the only thing you seem to be able to focus on is the feeling of magic flowing from his fingertips that spark along your skin as he moves your hands. His enchanting voice whispers incantations in your ear, making the tips burn with blush. Gale's lips are so close to your face that all you would have to do is turn your head and give him a look…or even maybe ask him… for a kiss-
 "Aw, you two look so cute together! You shouldn't waste time, Mr. Dekarios; you two should date!" The voice is the unmistakable Tarra, who has recently joined the camp and harps on Gale to shave his beard or settle down practically daily. 
Gale lets out a long groan, causing you to chuckle. The break in concentration causes the magic weave you two worked so hard to conger to break away. Gale, fully embarrassed, starts to argue with her through hissing whispers. All you can do is giggle at the adorable sight of a man arguing with his tressum as he towers over her small form.
"Mr. Dekarios, you're not getting any younger, you know. If she seems to like you even with that thing on your face, might as well go for it." Gale's face is bright red as he tries shushing her. "Tarra, could you lower your voice? I do not need you…helping!" 
Who is he kidding? He could use her nudging him along; it at least helps you finally get what you have been thinking about for a while now. In a surge of confidence, you walk over to the arguing pair, letting your voice break through their bickering: "You know, Tarra, you're right. A date would be nice… If Gale was willing…" 
The argument abruptly pauses, and you watch as Gale's face turns three shades redder. He stares at you blankly, eyes wide in disbelief. It isn't until Tarra swipes his leg that he breaks from his daze. "Don't just stare! Ask Tav out; it might be your only chance before they change their mind from your awkward gawking!"
Gale swallows his dry throat, "Meet you at the library tomorrow?" You smile and nod. "It's a date!"
Gale stands there watching your figure as you walk away…." The library…really?" "Oh shut it, Tarra, I panicked!"  
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Another accident, and you find yourself being patched up by no other than the camp's gentle druid. Halsins hazel eyes look like golden pools of honey in the firelight, and you're unsure what is heating your body more, the crackling fire or his hands as they wrap your wounded limps. Though he's a huge man and you're not exactly the definition of delicate, Halsin still treats you with softness and light touches; when you first met, you thought he would be loud and crass…but that wasn't Halsin… so full of surprises for you to discover. 
"These accidents keep happening more and more frequently… you're sure you're not just trying to find ways to spend time with me?" you feel your heart stir, and your lips curl into a grin, always so full of surprises… The most recent discovery is his unapologetic flirting… 
"Truly, I am just accident-prone. You healing me is just a perk to my affliction." Halsins eyes flash with something, and his face curls into a smile as he finishes your wrappings. "A perk, huh?" Halsins softly brushes his knuckles against your plush thighs, "I could think of better perks to indulge in if you are willing…" 
Your stomach ties itself in an excited knot; damn, he needs not to tease you; you're surely to pass out to all your blood rushing to your-…as you go to say something else, two giggling voices break your concentration. 
Shadowheart and Astarion have their eyes on you two with broad smiles. "Aw, you two look so cute together…" Astarion coos, then Shadowheart chimes in a second, "You should date..or something to that effect…" You give them a death glare, silently screaming at them not to ruin this moment as Halsin chuckles.  
Hearing Halsins laugh causes your heart to swell, and you can't help but utter your response, "Yeah, that would be nice." That makes his laughing come to a halt,  feeling your face burning in embarrassment you keep your gaze to the ground. 
"Well then…" his large hand lifts your chin, your eyes meeting his, his smile addictive, and then his voice… "Just name the date, and I will be yours." 
Lost in the moment your brain evaporates from rational thought to pure desire, "How about right now…"
"Cheeky!" Astarion calls but is promptly silenced by Shadowheart   
Halsin leans in his honeyed breath, teasing your ear, "Meet me by the river in ten minutes…" 
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He doesn't mean to stare… Rolan can't help it; you're just so magnificent… Not only are you stunning to look at, but you're also so incredibly kind. Nobody had asked you to start working at sundries you just offered after everything. Rolan couldn't believe that the gate's mighty hero wanted to have a slower-paced life by working at his newly required shop. 
Though he should, it only made sense that you would offer to help him with the shop. You had been completely smitten with him from the first moment you saw him at the grove. Your affections only grew the more your paths intertwined, so you wanted to work close by and help him. It was nearly impossible for you to be away from him. He had become one of your closest confidants and your friend. 
You hoped your affections would have been evident at this point, but Rolan still hadn't asked you out or attempted to allude to courting you; you're starting to lose hope that he ever would. Maybe fate distended you two to stay just close friends…Maybe he is meant to be in your life, just…not in the way your heart hoped… it's better to have him as a friend than not at all, right? 
You try to push down the heart-aching thought and continue to gather tomes for customers' orders. And just like fate seems to have it, the one time you need to finish the order request happens to be on that pesky wobbly shelf at the bottom of a stack right on the top shelf because, of course, it is…
Lea'zel, despite Cal's best efforts to teach her otherwise, is still learning how to stack the books properly… Rolan had given up the task of correcting her when she just clicked her teeth, stating, "As long as they are away, it should not matter, Wizard…" You would have to be a fool to try and argue with her, though Rolan did attempt…
 Putting down your stack, you struggle on tip-toes to get the tome down. Despite Rolan's warnings, you stand on the bottom shelf for just the slightest high boost, then it starts to tip…and it's too late to avoid crashing down. Squeezing your eyes shut to brace for the pain of being toppled by books, you find that you don't feel books hitting you. You feel a warmth on your back and a familiar hand on your shoulder.
Looking up, you see Rolan pushing the wobbly furniture back in place as he keeps you pinned between him and the shelf. Turning around, you smile at him as your dashing savior this time around. Rolan gives you a smile in return, but before he can playfully chastise you for ignoring his warnings, a sharp wolf whistle breaks your focus. 
"Aw, you two look so cute together like that. You should date!" Rolan's face gets redder, and you feel your voice squeak out of you in surprise. Before he can continue taunting, Lea'zel pinches his ear and drags him off, muttering, "Let them come to their senses finally." Of course, they both noticed before you two did.
In a whisper, you find some courage. "Yeah, a date would be nice…" Your face is as bright red as his. Still pinned, he leans down closer, his hand moving down your arm. "Go out with me on a date…" You bite your lip in excitement. With an eager nod, you say yes. Finally, he asked. 
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You could have asked anyone to spare with you, but Wyll was by far your favorite, and not only because he was absolutely handsome, but also because he was an incredible fighter. Wyll always kept you on your toes and even had some good one-liners and witty remarks. Plus, your mind often wanders back to that time he swatted your rear with the blunt side of his sword to taunt you; a shiver still races down your spine at the thought of some more Wyll spankings…
You two had been clashing swords and swapping excited grins during this match. Finally, with a swift movement, you're able to bat away his weapon and swiftly sweep his legs, making him crash to the ground. You're quick to get on top of him and wrestle with him till, finally, you're getting both his wrists over his head. Your excitement is shown through your smile, matched by Wyll, as your body presses closer to his to keep him pinned and at your mercy.  
"What is this? Four to two? You're off your game, Blade of Frontiers." You taunt with a devious smirk. "How do you know you're not right where I want you?" Wyll squirms, making you tighten your grip. You lean down to his face to tease back, but a sharp whistle from Karlach stops you two. "Aw, You two look so cute together~ You should go on a date…or something…" She gives a wink before walking away. 
Wyll feels himself blush but smiles as he sees the red rush on your cheeks. You see his grin, and you can't help but smile back down at him. "Yeah, that would be nice." Your sultry words make Wyll's heart feel like it could burst. Leaning down to his lips, Wyll takes the opportunity to free his hands and pull you closer, then flips you to your back, pinning you down now. 
"Go out with me…call me old fashioned, but I think I should take you for a date before I ravish you…" With words like that, how could you not agree? 
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Old habits die hard…and Zevlor's habit is taking long walks around the city, something similar to perimeter checks he used to do back in the day. It's hard to go from having daily routines to nothing strenuous, so he made his walks part of his day, even though walking in a city you see every day dulls after a while. 
Though lately, those once quiet walks filled with reflection are a lot more enjoyable now that you have joined him. At first, Zevlor was unsure why you would want to take the sundown walks with him. But he enjoyed your company with him too much to ask at the risk of scaring you off. It's not like you would be interested in an older man like him anyway. It's Best not to get his hopes up.
 Little does he know, you're completely enamored with him. He could read a dictionary or do something as dull as pulling weeds, and you would still find a way to include yourself just to be close to him. So when you learned about his daily walks, you were sure to invite yourself. Zevlor, ever the kind soul, was just happy for the company. Your two took your walks together to talk about your philosophy on life, your past, and, much to your delight, some ideal gossip. Zevlor taunted you for being nosy, but you defended yourself by saying that it's always good for a person to be aware of a city's dealings, even if they might seem small. 
Zevlor treasured these small moments with you, listening to your endless chatting and hopeful ideas. Sometimes, you would even pass some jokes to get him to laugh. But today's walk was different. He was going to put his feelings forward. Was he going to confess? No… he's too shy for that. He was just going to see if he could hold your hand. That should be innocent enough, right?
 While on the walk, you're watching the setting sun shine against his red skin, making the fires of his eyes look golden. You two have slowly started to drift closer and closer, hands softly brushing together, conversation flowing. Then, right as Zevlor is working up the nerve to reach for your hand, he hears someone call both your names. 
Turning, you see a cozy-looking Alfria and Lakrissa, hand in hand. "Aw, you two look so cute together! You should date!" Alfria chimes before Lakrissa nudges her girlfriend not to tease. Zevlor feels his face turn marron before quickly clasping his hands behind his back. You think yourself equally blush before smiling and calling back to the two girls, "Yeah, that would be nice!"
The two girls give each other a look before they grin ear to ear at Zevlor's flushed expression. They quickly stroll away to let Zevlor make his next move. With a deep breath, Zevlor grounds himself before straightening his posture and turning to you. "Tav, would you do me the honor and accompany me on a date tomorrow evening…"
You try to bite back your excitement, but with his blushing face and your heart squeezing, you can't help yourself; you feel like you could explode, "Yes! ah…I mean…I think that sounds absolutely lovely Zev…" He hopes you don't notice how his tail starts to wag, and you hope he doesn't see when you shoot the two girls a thumbs up. 
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dark-and-kawaii · 27 days
୨♡୧ Betrayal ୨♡୧
Zevlor x F!Tav/Reader
₊˚⊹♡ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇꜰᴜꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛɪᴇꜰʟɪɴɢꜱ, ʀᴇꜰᴜꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴢᴇᴠʟᴏʀ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇᴛʀᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴜʀɴ ʜɪꜱ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇᴍ… ʜᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴅᴏ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ, ʀɪɢʜᴛ?
₊˚⊹♡ Notes: ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴘᴜᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ!! ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ ꜱɪɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ꜰᴏʀ ᴢᴇᴠʟᴏʀ ꜱᴏ ꜰᴀʀ!!! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ɪᴛ ᴀꜱ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴀꜱ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ @eurydia ꜰᴏʀ ᴘᴜꜱʜɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ <3
₊˚⊹♡ Major Angst | Angst | Injuries | Blood | Zevlor Harms You | Hurt/ Comfort | There's A Major Twist | Happy Ending? Maybe? Sad Ending? Possibly? | ♡
Prt 2.
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His grasp around your throat was tight and unforgiving, your body held aloft like a ragdoll, and you could feel his nails digging into your skin, his claws drawing pinpricks of blood. You always knew Zevlor was strong, but this strength was...unimaginable.
He wasn't letting up on the pressure at all.
"Z-Zev-lor... pl-please..." You choked out, “Y-ou… You kn-know m-me- Ah!”
His nails sunk further into your flesh, his eyes glaring, and for a split second, you feared that he might snap your neck right there and then… You didn’t want to believe the other tieflings, didn’t want to believe that Zevlor turned his back on his people let alone you… He’d never do such a thing.
Would he?
Your hands grasped his forearm and you could feel your strength dwindling, your eyes closing, your body growing weak, your heart beating a million miles a minute…
“Y-you- you don’t-“ you gasped, struggling for air, “you don’t wan-t t’do- th-this…!”
The tiefling paladin growled at you, the sound guttural and low, eyes narrowing with anger and hate. His tail flicked out from behind him, the pointed end lashing against the air… None of this felt real… Did the absolute truly have such a hold on him? Your precious Zevy?
Suddenly, a loud cry filled the air, followed by the sound of your back hitting the ground… hard. The wind was knocked right out of you, your hands still grasping his arms… You coughed, hacking up a bit of blood, the taste bitter on your tongue, your lungs burning. You were so delirious that you hadn’t notice how Zevlor reached for his blade until it was already too late.
With a single fluid motion, the tiefling paladin drove his sword into your shoulder, pinning you down to the ground like a bug in a glass case. Your pained screams echoed throughout the chamber, his sword sinking deep into the earth beneath you, and tears sprang from your eyes, blurring your vision.
“Zevlor!!” You cried, your hand grasping his.
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and begged him to stop, pleaded for him to see reason. You didn't want to hurt him, and you knew deep down he didn’t want this either. That the absolute was poisoning his mind, corrupting his soul. You knew him… And this wasn’t him… He loved you, dammit! 
“I know- I know you’re st-still in there, Zev-vlor, I kn-now it-. I know it’s been hard… -! But, Zevy, ple- please-!! I lov-ove y-you! I-I won’t ever lea-leave you be-hind- I won’t-,” tears spilled freely from your eyes, the pain you felt didn’t come from your wounds but rather the heartache of knowing why he fell victim to the absolute… With little strength you had left, your shaky arm reached up to caress his cheek, “my- my swe-sweet handsome… Z-Zevlor…”
Tears welled up in his very own eyes and his brows furrowed as if confused, like he was coming to, as though the absolute lost its grip on him...
His gaze met yours, and he whispered your name, “T-Tav?”
Your face softened, the corners of your lips tugging up into a small weak smile, “Th-there he is…..”
He quickly released your neck from his grasp and let go of his sword… 
Gasping and sputtering, you tried to regain the oxygen in your lungs. Your fingers grazing over your bloody neck… The tips of your fingers tracing over the marks his nails had left behind… 
Stumbling back, Zevlor fell to his knees, his hand covering his mouth. He stared at you in horror, his eyes wide as his shoulders trembled, “By the gods what have I done..?” He saw how his blade was sheathed within your shoulder, how it pinned you to the ground, and the way your blood trickled down the edge of the blade… The tiefling’s eyes trailed to your neck… Your lovely beautiful neck now covered in smeared blood and puncture wounds… He did that…
The tiefling had been a fool. Blinded by the absolute, the power it promised, the protection it offered, and the hatred it gave…
Zevlor quickly reached for his blade and yanked it from your shoulder, causing you to cry out once more.
“Hsss!!” You grit your teeth, hissing in pain.
Zevlor cast the blade aside, the sword landing with a clank. He then was immediately on his knees beside you, his hand resting atop of yours as you pressed into your wound. 
He whispered apologies, each word tinged with despair, "I'm so sorry, I... I didn't know. I couldn't see. Forgive me, please."
Your breaths were shallow, each inhale a struggle against the pain, but you managed a nod. "Zevlor, it's... it's not your fault. The Absolute... it- it twisted your mind."
He shook his head, tears streaming down his face, mingling with the dirt and blood that stained his skin. "I was weak," he choked out. "I allowed it to take hold, to use me against those I care most about. Against you."
You reached out, your hand trembling as it brushed away his tears. "No, Zevy. You are still so strong.” The pain in his eyes were so evident, you wish you could take it away, “Everyone has moments of weakness, especially when faced with powers that promise us something good.”
Zevlor's gaze lingered on your face, his eyes searching for forgiveness and strength. He helped you sit up, carefully avoiding your injured shoulder. "We need to get you to a healer. There isn’t much I can do..."
“Zevlor, please don’t fret-“ you could feel yourself start to fade in and out of consciousness… “I-we’ll be… o-ok-“
Everything felt heavy, and it became increasingly hard to keep your eyes open. You tried, you tried so damn hard to fight it, but the pain and loss of blood had gotten to you… Fuck, you didn’t want to leave him on his own with his thoughts… But- but… Your eyes finally shut and everything went dark… You could faintly hear Zevlor call out your name, begging you to stay awake.
He carefully lifted you into his arms, his movements gentle, as if you were made of the most fragile glass. Every step he took was cautious, ensuring not to jar your wound further. The Last Light Inn was not far, but with every step, the urgency of your situation weighed heavily on him.
As he approached the inn, he could see the faces of the other tieflings who had once trusted him. Their expressions turned from surprise to shock, and then to anger as they saw the state you were in and the remorse etched deeply onto his features.
“Zevlor! What have you done!?" Lakrissa cried out, stepping forward with pure fury in her eyes.
He shook his head, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. His voice broke, his gaze dropping to your limp form, “I- i was misled, corrupted by the Absolute. But no more. Please, she needs a healer. There's no time-“
“You are the reason some of us are dead and now you’re almost the reason for her-“ she points at you, “the one person who had faith that you didn’t turn your backs on us! The girl who saved us from those Druids and goblins!!”
Zevlor's face crumpled under the weight of Lakrissa's fury, his guilt and regret manifesting as a visible shudder that ran through his body. He knew she was right; his actions, influenced by the Absolute, had nearly cost the life of the one person who always believed in him. He dared not look at the other tieflings, their eyes burning with a mixture of disappointment, anger, and betrayal.
Lakrissa's expression faltered, her eyes drifting between the two of you, her anger turning to sorrow, but not for herself, for you.
She gestured towards the door of the inn, leading him inside, “Place her on the bed, Halsin is here I just need to fetch him…” Lakrissa stopped just before the doorway, glancing back at the paladin, "This will not undo the wrongs you've committed, and I’m only doing this for her sake."
Zevlor's expression was solemn, "I am aware, Lakrissa…”
Without another word, the tiefling slipped through the doorway and vanished, leaving Zevlor alone with you.
He carefully laid you down on the bed, taking a moment to gently push the hair from your face, his hand finding yours. Gripping it tightly as if holding onto it was his only anchor left in the world.
It didn’t take long for Halsin to arrive. The Druid an old acquaintance, a fine healer…
The large elf took one look at you and got to work immediately, his hands hovering over your wound. A soft light emanated from his palms, “How did such a fate come to pass?”
Zevlor bowed his head in shame, his words caught in his throat. He swallowed thickly, trying to find his voice, "I... I was corrupted by the Absolute and she, she paid the price for it."
“I see.”
You remained unconscious, your breathing shallow but steady, a testament to the healer's skill and the resilience that had always defined you.
Halsin was quiet for a few moments, the druid focused on his task, until his hands fell back to his side, the light fading, his healing almost complete.
“I cannot apologize enough. For everything. I have failed her, my people, and myself- and I will never forgive myself- nor do I expect it from anyone else.”
Zevlor’s hand tightened around yours, his gaze lingering on you for a few moments longer. He had been so close to losing the only person he ever cared for. The thought alone was enough to break him, his thoughts running wild about how he could possibly do it again and find his blade in your back… 
He didn’t want to release your hand, but it was inevitable, and with a final squeeze, he stood up and turned heading towards the exit, "I believe I’ve overstayed my welcome. She’ll be better off without me, nor do I deserve a place among my people. Thank you Halsin, truly, for all you have done.”
Your weak call, "please..." had halted him, a simple plea laden with so much need. When he turned, expecting perhaps to see you awake, he saw how you were still unconscious- your arm hanging off the bed as if reaching out for him…
“They’ll both recover, old friend. She just needs time to rest.”
The elf's eyes landed on the paladin, a simple warm smile gracing his face, "Go to her, they need you."
“They?” Zevlor whispered, his brows furrowing.
"Yes, her… and the child she carries?"
Zevlor was stunned, his mind processing the information. The druid's words replayed in his head, “A child... She is with child?” The walls of the room seemed to close in around him, “Oh gods...” the shadows lengthened as the burden of his knowledge grew. He nearly killed you and his unborn child. The realization was a cruel knife twisting within him. 
The room spun around him, each turn a montage of his failures, his betrayals, the lives lost, the lives almost lost because of his decisions. How could he consider himself worthy of being a father, of standing by you, when his hands were so stained?
“I- I didn’t know. I wasn't aware. If I had known- if I had been stronger... This would not have happened... I would have- I should have protected her. Gods above, what have I done?”
He wanted to run. To escape the truth of his actions and the reality of his newfound parenthood-
A gentle hand on his shoulder pulled him from his thoughts, the druid's kind eyes meeting his, "You are not the man you were yesterday, nor the one from a week ago. We change each day, this is just as life is. You can become the person they both need, the one I know you can be. Do not let the past define your future, do not allow it to define their future. The absolute may have swayed your mind, but not your soul.”
The tieflings eyes flickered towards you, his gaze lingering on you, watching every subtle rise and fall of your chest as you lay there, the steady rhythm of your breathing a quiet symphony in the otherwise silent room. Zevlor felt the weight of his past actions, but also the potential for rebirth, for growth. He realized that while he could not change the past, the future was still his to shape, that’s only if you allow it so. 
He approached your bedside, his movements hesitant, as if afraid to shatter the moment, afraid to find this all an illusion, a cruel dream his subconscious would torment him with and that you’d be lying in a casket instead of a bed… 
He reached out and took your hand in his, the warmth of your skin against his was an assurance that you were real, that he was here, that you would both be okay.
Taking a seat beside you, he watched over you with a mix of awe and fear. Fear of the unknown, of the new life he would now be responsible for, and awe of the strength and resilience you embodied, even in unconsciousness. He always found himself unromancable, yet you loved him. Despite the many faults he possessed, you loved him.
His thumb traced small circles on the back of your hand, a silent prayer of forgiveness, a plea for second chances, a promise to never be blinded by the absolute again.
Hours passed before your finally stirred, the world around you a haze of confusion and pain. Your shoulder felt like it was on fire, and your neck throbbed, every small movement an exercise in pain management.
The sight of you waking was like the dawn after the darkest night, and Zevlor held his breath, waiting, hoping.
When your eyes finally opened, they met his inferno one. A faint smile curved your lips. "Zevlor." your voice was weak, but to him, it was the most beautiful sound.
"I'm here," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm so sorry. For everything."
You reached out, your hand finding his cheek. "No more apologies," you whispered, stroking his skin. "No more blame.You are so kind, my Zevlor. A shield for those that are in need of protection. Please, none of this was your fault, my love.”
He pressed his hand over yours, leaning into your touch, he could see there was not arguing with you, your stubborn nature, and strongheaded ways were something he loved.
His gaze then shifted, resting on your still flat stomach, "I was told that you were with child, and that I would have the privilege of being their father."
He looked back up at you, a nervous smile tugging at his lips.
With a simple nod, you confirmed it.
“Truly?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Truly," you replied.
In a split second, the paladin wrapped his arms around you, his face buried in the crook of your neck.
And in that moment, the world fell away. There was no absolute, no judgement, only the two of you and the promise of a brighter future.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 months
Headcanons of how would Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Astarion, Rolan, and Zevlor react to their shy s/o who normally gives quick pecks on the lips, gently hold their faces while they kissing him until they're out of breath?
- CV-Non
I always love a good kiss prompt!
Masterlist 10
You are speaking his language with such a deep kiss, that he only indulges you more and returns it tenfold when you try to pull away for air, oh don’t fight it sweetheart
Is so touched and enamored by your kisses and just sighs happily when you finally pull away, resting his head on your shoulder after
It’s everything and more than his little hopeless romantic heart could dream for, and the fact the fact that it’s the person he loves and admires the most is the best he could ask for
Oh you’re Not getting out of this one that easy, it’s going to evolve into a full make out session by the end, if not moreso 😉
It may be a deep kiss for you but tis merely a peck on the lips for the Druid, and he is more than generous to reciprocate your kiss and keeps you clad in a tight grip
Affection such as this is so uncommon to him that his hands are fumbling on where he should place them before settling on your hips and inventing a new shade of red from his flustered state
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