#haven't read harry potter have only watched 3 HP movies
khlur · 10 months
i'm sooo immune to jumping on bandwagons and getting in on pop culture references only when it comes to tv and film
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basiatlu · 8 months
Getting To Know You Tag Game
Three Ships: I'm going to not include the obvious constant in my life (that being Drarry and other minor/bg Harry Potter ships) because where's the fun in that??? I've enjoyed Drarry since I was 13 so let's just get to the side dishes. You wanna get to know the full Bosh.
Steve / Billy from Stranger Things
Reylo from Star Wars (called it after watching Force Awakens the 1st time i watched it opening night I was starstruck- i was gripped. The dark romance tropes were too potent, sos)
Soriku from Kingdom Hearts (ride or diiiiie)
First Ship: I'm going to also pick 3 of my First Ships because I had so many growing up *shudders*
SasuSaku & SasuNaru - I loved watching Naruto on Toonami at 2 am, practically muted to not wake up my family
Jack Frost / Pitch Black from The Guardians (I loved it an unhealthy amount)
Robin / Slade from the Teen Titans animated series (not the reboot)
..... I'm noticing a pattern.
Last Song: "Rock the House" by Gorillaz but like I hate this question? I listen to music all day long and my taste is alllllll over the damn map. I did listen to "Curicó" by Kiltro on repeat x5 today. A banger.
Last Movie: The Mummy
Currently Reading: I'm reading "Men Who Love Dragons Too Much" by fencer_x and also working through the Mistborn series by Brian Sanderson (only on book 2 and have taken a long break, distracted by HP)
Currently Watching: attempting to finish the og Trigun anime - love it so much, Vash is such a critter.
Last Thing I Wrote: my BFA dissertation? Pfffft-! But besides that, creative writing-wise i used to write a lot of drabbles based on my OC's and the world I built for them. I have like 4 spiral-bound notebooks on worldbuilding, magic systems, and characters for it that I haven't done anything with.
Currently Writing: planning a steadily evolving project that is TBA and is for sure HP related *wink-wonk*. Not really writing beyond notes and adlibs as it's a collab.
Phew that was a lot I am so wordy gosh!
Well thank you so much to @lilbeanz @starquestingfordrarry @goblinmatriarch and @thecouchsofa for tagging me in this lil game! I had a long day and couldn't get to drawing, I'm so saaaaad! But this was fun to type out while layin around, buried under cats.
I tag @mono-chromia and @moon-ambassador and any of my other mutuals who would like to, but I won't be as obnoxious to youuuu
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Ooh I love being tagged in stuff, so let's see what we've got.
Thanks @the-sprog for tagging me!
Top 3 ships
I'll preface this by saying I'm not a big shipper, but I can and will get behind any pairing with a fun dynamic or interesting story. I dont really have OTPs. And of course the ships I focus on change wildly depending on my mood.
1. Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy (DC): I have a lot of DC ships that I love seeing both in comics and in fanfiction, but these two are not only iconic but also fun. They're like top tier romance 24/7. And they are one of the few ships i have where splitting them up/pairing them with other people just doesn't work for me.
2. Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood (HP): this is one of those weird pairings that I don't remember when or why I started shipping it, but I have adored them since I was probably a preteen. They were roommates, they had a jock/nerd dynamic, they didn't get enough love in the books or in the fandom and I just latched onto them. They give me brain worms and I'm not sure why.
3. Merlin/Arthur (BBC Merlin): I'm such a sucker for stories about magic and destiny and medieval fantasy that this show and this ship just hit a sweet spot for me. Also the fandom especially for this ship, has so many wonderful stories capitalizing on all the what ifs and almosts that just pull me in.
First Ever Ship
This is a tough one, and honestly I'm not even sure. But the first ship I clearly remember having was probably Ron/Hermione back when I was in like second grade. I distinctly remember my older sister finding Harry Potter fan sites and printing off fanfiction for me to read.
Last Song
Bad Guy by Set It Off. I've been low key obsessed with this band and would recommend other people give them a listen
Last Movie
Glass Onion. I finally watched it after seeing so many posts about it. It was really good and i think anyone who enjoys a good mystery would like it. We had a family movie night and had a blast!
Currently Reading
Technically I haven't started it yet but I'm going to read Every Heart A Doorway. I am so stoked about it because I've heard nothing but good things about it!
Currently Consuming
A cupcake that we made for my friend's birthday! It's chocolate and gluten free!
Currently Craving
French fries. This is like my default craving lol.
Now let's see who I should tag. I'm not sure if there are 9 people but it's fine. Also no pressure to answer! This is just for fun
@electricdazeworld @cerealboxlore @strato-viper-raven-blog @stormnox @bladeangelx @billy-and-friends
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foulfirerebel · 1 year
So! Rant!
I've loved RWBY since I started watching during the volume 6 to volume 7 hiatus. Volume 7 was the first I watched live.
I'm still watching it on Crunchyroll. That's not stopping anytime soon. No, I don't support Rooster Teeth any more than I support Disney for having The Owl House, Amphibia, or Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur under their banner.
I stopped buying Ubisoft games after the sex assault scandals at the top came out. I never played League of Legends, and love Arcane as much as the next guy, but am not supporting Riot Games. I may have bought The Witcher 3: GOTY edition at one point, and had Cyberpunk 2077 brought for me as I gift but I haven't played Cyberpunk nor the Witcher 3 at any point recently and don't support CDPR.
I may have been a Harry Potter fan since I was a kid, but JKR's whole descent into bigotry of all flavors turned me off anything past book 7 where HP officially ended. I may have liked Ender's Game, but Orson Scott Card is blacklisted for me when I found out about his rampant homophobia.
As far as other things go, the only problematic thing(s) I have are a Spotify Premium subscription for my phone's music and a Crunchyroll subscription for anime since I have multiple devices I like to watch anime on and piracy wasn't working for me.
Assuming that everyone who may otherwise enjoy things like...I dunno, Assassin's Creed or Watch Dogs or The Owl House or RWBY or something else like that automatically supports the horrendous practices of the corporation that owns in it is not welcome here. Especially if you're like me and you either A) Pirate the thing, or B) Avoid it altogether.
Point being, I believe in Don't Like;Don't Watch. I believe in leaving people in peace to enjoy whatever they may, provided whatever it is doesn't cause real harm or contributes to harm. If you wanna pirate, go right ahead. If you wanna avoid things altogether, please feel free.
I will not judge you either way, as I've done both in the past and continue to do so with certain things. Harry Potter related stuff is on a blacklist, for instance, due to JKR's rampant bigotry and real world harm even if I still kept my books and movies. I can't watch Dave Chappelle's newer stuff either, for another example.
I can always get whatever I need of Watch Dogs or Assassin's Creed by watching a twitch stream or reading the wikis, or the cutscenes on youtube.
Anyhow: TLDR - Don't Like it? Don't engage with it. Pirate if you must, avoid if you must. Pick your battles wisely, as some folk don't respond well to being yelled at.
I'm gonna go read my Legend of Korra comics in peace. Thank you for attending this rant. Have a happy Pinkie Pie for your day.
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Reading rush tbr
I am so excited about this year's reading rush! In case you don't know: the reading rush used to be called booktube-a-thon, but the organisers rebranded it to make it more accessible to everyone outside of booktube (i.e., me). It's giving me some NaNoWriMo vibes with its new website (add me @esther if you want)
These are the challenges this year:
Read a book with purple on the cover
Read a book in the same spot the entire time
Read a book you meant to read last year
Read an author’s first book
Read a book with a non-human main character
Pick a book that has five or more words in the title
Read and watch a book to movie adaptation
It has been pointed out that "Harry Potter and the philospher's stone" COULD count for all of these challenges if you're desperate, so I have an illustrated edition I can dive in if all goes wrong. However, I did compile a list of books I want to read for these challenges that were on my tbr anyway.
Het Gilgamesj Epos (challenges: 1, 5)
This is a Dutch Translation of the original twelve tablets of the story of Gilgamesh. This is the only book on the list in my native language. It has been four years since I last read this material, and I am excited to go back on adventures with king Gilgamesh and his good friend Enkidu.
The O'Brien book of Irish fairy tales and legends (challenges: 3, 5 ,6)
Another book in the mythology realm, with stories I haven't visited since I took a mythology course four years ago. I got this as a present in Dublin and haven't gotten around to reading it (despite it being very short).
Again, but better (challenge: 4)
What I know about this book is that Christine wrote it and it's about a girl who is disappointed in college life because somehow you have to actually go OUT into the world to meet people? Sounds like me. This being almost 400 pages is going to be the main read of the week. To be honest, I am not sure I will be able to finish it, but the important thing is that you read more than you would normally read, right?
For challenge 2, I think I'll be reading the Irish myths in one place (my bed), because it's not a book that's comfortable to carry around but short enough to read quickly. I think I will skip on challenge 7. I am generally not a big fan of adaptations anyway and decided it would be more fun for me to ignore this and read what I want than try to fit my reads into every single challenge. (Might still watch HP, but that is unrelated.)
I also have some other books that meet at least one challenge lined up, in case I don't feel like reading these books (which is not likely because I can't wait!!)
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namenotfound69 · 2 years
1st and 2nd book 2022: Children of Blood and Bone and Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi
This is not a book review. Just a guy expressing his thoughts about the books he'd had read.
Children of blood and bone was one of the last books my dad bought for me as a gift when I graduated from senior high school back in early 2019. So, I basically have this book in my care for about 3 years now.
This book is like a mix of Percy Jackson and Harry Potter (though I haven't read the hp yet but I'd had watched the movies) coz the story revolves around magic and there are gods/deities as well, but it's more brutal and bloodthirsty I'd say. I mean there are deaths in the books I've compared it with but the description was merely straightforward like "...and then a spear pierced through his chest, his heartbeat stopped." something like that. But in this book, the description of how the character was killed was savage and grotesque. I was literally grossed out by how vivid the narration was.
I have a love-hate relationship with the main character, Zelie. She can be a real bitch sometimes. I like the second female lead better, Amari. Zelie is really bitchy towards Amari coz she hates royalty—which is understandable coz it's Amari's father who forbids the use of magic. Inan the prince—who's apparently Zelie's lover and also Amari's brother, is a conflicted character. In simplest term: An a-hole. This boy can't think on his own, he deceived Zelie many times over after making promises about making the kingdom a better place but because he's loyal to the kingdom and too scared to stand up against his dad, he always ended up doing the worst thing. Tzain, Amari's lover and Zelie's brother, is the only character I couldn't hate in this book. This dude has patience longer than the Nile river. He stayed on Zelie's side no matter the circumstance and stayed composed all the time. He's the only one who can't wield magic tho.
It's a good book overall, took me a lil longer to finish it coz some of its chapters are boring. Nevertheless, it's still a good read. I'm rating it 3.5/5.
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crollalanzaa · 7 years
For the fanfic questions, how about prime numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41) of the ones you haven't done already.
Finally got on my laptop to answer. How long will this take me. (18:22 now)
What was the first fandom you got involved in?Harry Potter.
2. What is your latest fandom?BNHA - although I’ve not written anything for it. I’m having a lot of fun reblogging art and reading the manga.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Probably Harry Potter (although haikyuu is very close) because it was the first and I fell so much into the fandom, it started me writing again, and I met so many lovely people (including you :D). 
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?Harry Potter, Haikyuu, Percy Jackson, Yuri on Ice, Voltron, GANGSTA, Shaderunners, and two drabble ficlet things for Yowapeda and Akatsuki no Yona.
7. List your NOTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 
EEEEK - uh okay *ducks*  Basically, ship and let ship, dude.HP: Snape/Lily, Sirius/Lily, and I’m slightly allergic to Scorpius/Rose because I ship Scorpius/Lily so hard.HQ: Uh … well … anything that splits up Daisuga, tbh. YoI: Not sure I have a NOTP here.Percy Jackson: I’m not so involved with the fandom that I have an OTP or a NOTP.Voltron: No real NOTP. I’m not a diehard shipper in VLD, really.GANGSTA: The characters are so fucked up in this manga, that’s it’s hard to have an OTP let alone a NOTP.Shaderunners: Easton/Anyone - hahahah. That’s unfair, but a bit of an in-joke.BNHA: don’t really have an OTP, so I don’t quite have a NOTP either. 
11. Who is your current OTP?  (I’m going to use Haikyuu for these questions)Daisuga. I doubt this is a shock to anyone.
13. Any NoTPs?Half answered this. I’m not a huge fan of anything that splits up DaiSuga. Not that I kick off about it, I just avoid it and scroll on by.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?Uhm, tbh, it’s probably Kage/hina.(SORRRRYYYYY)  I do love their dynamic, but I can’t see beyond what they are at the moment. I think they’re still very much at the team mates who are becoming friends, and that’s pretty good, tbh. Maybe one day I’ll get behind them, but  I’m more interested in the older characters anyway, so …
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?I don’t. I used to have several - ha - especially when I was on MNFF. I do think I have a fairly good handle on how to write a story now and how to get it finished, so it’s really my SPaG that needs help, but … I’m impatient to post once I’ve finished, and I’m not sure it’s fair to inflict the copious amounts of stuff I write. It’s also hard to find someone you trust to help you out. I’ve seen the occasional story where someone says they have two or three betas, who are usually friends, and that shows because often friends love your stories so much that they can’t see the errors because they’re so wrapped up in the story. Then again, if you have someone who isn’t in the fandom, or has different ideas about characters, then you can come to a stalemate. 
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I … don’t know. I’ve had a few people say that they were having a horrible day and then found one of my stories and that really cheered them up - that’s lovely. And recently someone commented on my Daisuga/HOP crossover fics saying they loved how I’d worked the HQ characters into the story still using the HQ characterisation. I do really try with characterisation so love when it’s appreciated. Someone said ‘ZECHAD’ on a story once. Not sure it was a compliment - snicker.
Edits to add: You once said that Drowning, Not Waving showed you a different way to write fanfic, and that still blows me away. 
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Generally third, but I’ve written some characters (like both Dumbledores) in first and also my OF is in first, but as a fic POV, I really prefer third. The trouble with first person in fic is that we all read it with our own knowledge of the character, so it’s hard reading a fic where you’re in their head the whole time, and I tend to read in my own voice not the characters. With OF, you don’t know the characters, so it’s easier to go along with it.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:Yikes, I’m not reading five, atm. but here are the two I am. 
Common Side Effects - by notallballs (notallbees) Kuroken, and just a really good slow burn. (WIP)
The Chronicles of the Virgin Asahi - by Ellessey Asanoya, E rating. Complete but I still have 4 chapters to go.
And the last three I read are …
The Perfect Storm - Kaiyou - daisuga. Trapped in a log cabin. Confession fic.
Run and Hide - xladysaya - KuroTsukki - watching scary movies - hahaha
Only in my dreams - rinoa11 - Daisuga Sleeping Beauty AU. 
OOOH, it’s now 19:03 and I’m going to stop.
Thanks, Jess. 
meme thing
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