#he seemed like such a sweet and easygoing boy ๐Ÿ˜ญ
otterandterrier ยท 26 days
things I've had to change around my apartment so that my cat doesn't wreck it at night in his mighty efforts to get me up:
I used to have a knit runner and a ceramic vase with dried flowers on top of the dining table. I don't anymore.
can't leave the laptop and cable on top of the dining table overnight. yes he bites at the laptop.
can't leave ANYTHING that can be knocked down, bitten or scratched on top of the table actually. table must be clear of everything.
had to clear my desktop off all extra notebooks and papers, and I have to put my planner away at night
have to flip my keyboard up, push the mousepad and mouse close to the wall and weigh it down with the pencil cup, cover it all up with a tablecloth AND put something up to keep him from just swiping at the tablecloth, which he tries to do anyway
have to put a towel on top of the wicker box next to my desk or he will scratch at the lid
have to prop a notebook open on top of my bedside table to leave as little jumping space as possible and keep him from knocking my glasses to the floor. which he has.
can't keep my water bottle there anymore
have to prop the extra pillow on the other half of the bedside table to keep him from climbing up from the bed/swiping at the lamp switch
have to add an old bedsheet on top of the bedspread/bedsheets so he won't ruin them when he starts to aggressively make biscuits. in fact recently I've had to open it fully and try to cover the parts that fall to the floor because he discovered he can scratch at them from the floor
have to put his scratchers on top of a towel because when he gets into it, he makes them knock against the floor
had to pile up the few cardboard boxes at the bottom of my bookcase so he won't scratch the lids anymore
had to move two of the few ceramic pieces I finished that where in my bookcase... after he smashed them to pieces
have to keep his carrier closed or he'll get in just to scratch at the bottom (it's covered with a plastic bag due to peeing incidents)
sometimes I have to put his litterbox in the bathroom because he knows it makes noise
"hey that sucks but it seems like you got all your bases covered! you must be sleeping better now that you figured it out"
I don't. I sleep like shit 5/7 nights. He turns into a demon and nothing I've done works consistently. He continues to find ways to wreck my stuff and/or keep me awake thinking he might. I might need to perform an exorcism because I've run out of ideas and I'm exhausted.
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bgyuus ยท 1 year
โ€” Blue lock boys as TXT members!!
โ€ผ๏ธ all these are based off my opinion ofc :D i love my bllk scrunklies as much as my bbgs + also adding songs by txt that fits them // you can also tell who's my fav out of all aha..
isagi yoichi ร— choi soobin
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- our beloved mc and our beloved hyung!
- i see yoichi as someone who's calm, friendly and really easygoing (minus the times when he's on the field tho ๐Ÿ’€) . same goes to soobin ^^
- isagi would definitely have CROWN and Can't We Just Leave The Monster Alive? in his playlist, the songs just screams his vibes
yukimiya kenyu ร— choi yeonjun
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- pretty pretty boys
- initially wanted to put rin itoshi but yeonjun is more to a smiley and goofy personality unlike rin's
- both of them are very very good at fashion (yukimiya is a model outside the bllk world and yeonjun's a fashionista himself)
- Fairy of Shampoo fits him since he seems like the classy yet elegant type
bachira meguru ร— choi beomgyu
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- my two fav golden retrievers omg!! (beomgyu seems to be shy at first but i'm sure he's all sunshine and chirpy once you both get comfy around each other)
- their bubbly and cheerful personality matches and god i love them both sm
- both of them are very fun to be around with istg i would want to be friends with them
- beomgyu tends to talk in his sleep sometimes so i can imagine bachira doing that as well lmao
- both are very artsy (beomgyu's very creative and bachira def got his artsy side from his mom)
- Cat & Dog and Sugar Rush Ride are smth that i can see bachira head banging to in his room when he's doing spring cleaning
- bachira would definitely sing the part "i just wanna be your dog" and barks out loud ๐Ÿ˜ญ
chigiri hyoma ร— kang taehyun
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- majestic duo
- both of them have older sisters
- taehyun has a cat and chigiri adores black cats (see the similarity?)
- though they might not have the same personality but they're both gorgeous so why not
- EYES and Thursday's Child Has Far To Go would be smth that he'd listen to when doing his self care routine
nanase nijiro ร— huening kai
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- i love nanase! my precious little baby
- both of them are the youngest out of all members
- both are really sweet, polite and friendly too! gotta love these two goofballs
- 9 and Three Quarters (Run Away) and Valley of Lies fits them imo because i view them as the members' youngest brother so these two songs would def go with their young and outgoing personality
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Finished BTD2. Thoughts. You know the drill (no pun intended). This one was tough!!
BTD1 ver \ TPOF ver
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I didn't think he was all that interesting when I first saw him.
The fact that he is apparently my favorite was not known to me until the creation of this list, just now.
But maybe that's not such a surprise because he's actually got a lot in common with Rire (despite being a fallen angel rather than a demon).
Like Rire, he seems to enjoy the finer things, he's jaded, and more importantly: you have to keep his interest, and he gets bored easily.
Unlike Rire, he's pretty serious by nature (therefore more difficult to entertain and less inclined to put up with 'misbehavior'), practically forlorn even.
Also unlike Rire, though, I think he's more able/likely to become truly fond of someone. He's downright soft once you win him over.
Wings pretty. Hair nice.
I'm also a sucker for the whole 'call me anytime you need help, I'll swoop in and defend you' kind of thing ๐Ÿฅฐ
First ending: "Cain dropped you"
Favorite ending: either "Cain saved you" or "Cain saw your value"
8.5/10 I'll take him
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Baby boy. Baby.
So sweet and anxious. Doesn't want to hurt you but does want to remove your spine and keep it. Loves you so much he wants to (literally) climb inside your ribcage but also can't believe anyone could truly love him back ๐Ÿฅบ
someone get this man a psychiatrist
The little sad smiles, the mutters, the blushes. I could just eat him up fr
First ending: "he took you to the woods"
Favorite ending: "Lawrence got closer" or "Lawrence kept you"
*gently holds* 8/10
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Gets a special mention despite not technically having his own route because I love him, your honor
I do have a weakness for grumps so this is not shocking
Another fallen angel, related to Cain. An all around good boy despite being kinda cranky. Also a priest if that does anything for you.
You get a nice epilogue with him if you let him rescue you!!
7.5/10, glad the boyfriend he apparently has doesn't keep him from fooling around with me ๐Ÿ˜
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Went back and forth on him a lot throughout his route
Me when he first appeared on screen: ๐Ÿ˜ณ awooooga!!
Highest percentage of death endings, I think. Yikes. He's easy to piss off.
Big stronk. muscles. scars
I like his personality too. Playful, flirty, and generally easygoing as long as he's not angry.
Protective, loyal, and affectionate (once you win him over), and probably a lot of other traits one could ascribe to a pet dog because.... werewolf
Some of his endings actually gave me feels. He can be very sweet.
Lets you wear!! His clothes!! Because they look good on you and also yours smell good so he wants to keep them! ๐Ÿ˜–
Some uh. rough kinks ๐Ÿ˜ฌ just ignore those I guess
The best ending you can get with him is also poly, which is very cool, because he already kinda has a bf
I actually kinda dislike the bf so ๐Ÿ˜’ he's a brat and not in a fun way
First ending: "Vincent stepped in"
Favorite ending: "Vincent saved you"
*scritches ears* 7.5/10 (yeah he's tied with Damien, whatever. I can't choose)
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I realize I picked a very cute CG but..... this little shit
Once again I'm going to piss off the fandom, because he's another major fan favorite
but he really is kind of a little shit. Also I'm sorry, he looks like he's 13 years old and the thirst train just cannot leave the station with him looking like that
I do sympathize with him and he certainly can be adorable. I'm perfectly happy to be kind to him when he's not zapping the ever-loving shit out of me ๐Ÿ˜ 
I can't forgive him for what he did to my baby boy though!! Ever!!!! I hated playing that scene over and over jfc ๐Ÿ˜ญ
(also let me just say...... seeing that body he has in the freezer was so cathartic, I very nearly pointed and laughed)
First ending: "you took Law's place" (of course)
Favorite ending: "you helped Ren"
6/10 I do feel the urge to hug him when he cries
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themadchemist ยท 9 months
Finished my first BG3 playthrough the other day and man I LOVE this game!!!
I love how how there are so many different ways to handle certain situations and fights. It's probably the first time I played a game like this and it was so much fun!!!
I was actually really worried about all the different options and stuff but after spending 110 hours on this game, it wasn't really that bad, on the contrary, it was amazing!
I'm going to start my 2nd playthrough tonight, this time with a Drow Paladin/Warlock (my first was a High Elf Archfey Warlock and I have to say, Eldritch Blast is busted lol)
Here's my elf girl who looks more like a lotr elf than I wanted to lol
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And my Drow boy for my 2nd run whom I've already fallen madly in love with
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Spoilers under the cut, mostly for the companions' stories.
First of all, the main story. It honestly wasn't THAT great. Like it's not bad or anything, just nothing too special imo. Just goes from finds a cure, fight the 3 bad guys then fight the big gross thing. The 3 chosen were a bit interesting (ok, maybe just Gortash, mainly because he's so pretty lol) like I honestly considered allying with him but 1. I couldn't do this to my girl Karlach 2. I really wanted his robe and I doubt I could've gotten it without killing him XD (I ended up not using it at all but still).
As for the companions' stories, they were GREAT. Astarion, Shadowheart and Wyll were the best imo, Lae'zel has actually really grown, Gale's was good but not as good as the others tbh (and somehow he still managed to grow on me so much that I considered going for him instead of Astarion. I obviously didn't but damn Gale, go easy on me, my poor heart can't take it). Karlach and Halsin's stories were the weakest imo but maybe that's just me being salty about their endings...
For romance, I went with Astarion and Halsin and they're just so sweet ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Halsin has that gentle giant energy and he's just so easygoing. Definitely the kind of guy I'd go for irl lol. And Astarion. Man, he's AMAZING!!! I'm really happy with how his story turned out, a bit disappointed with his good ending, especially when there seems to be a way in d&d to cure his condition, but I'm happy with his story all the same. Like, he's kinda still his "magnificent basterd" self but he also grows so much throughout the story, he becomes softer, more sincere and most importantly, he's actually free and learning to be himself again, to genuinely love and care and to open up and show vulnerability and just ughhhhhh I love him so much and I honestly wish Cazador's death was even worse. He deserved much worse for what he did (and because his fight was soooooooo annoying).
Gale is another one that really broke my heart at one point and I was so ready to fist fight Mystra for him ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ like at the end of act 2, he was actually ready to die and it was pure torture to see him like that and just ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Shadowheart was another one that I really enjoyed, I went from just liking her to wanting to punch her to absolutely loving her. Like in act1 it was fine, funny at times but she really got on my nerves in act2, especially in the gauntlet of shar, like I get that this is where she's supposed to achieve her goal and become a dark justiciar but going Lady Shar this and Lady Shar that at everything started to really annoy me at a certain point but all that annoyance got thrown out of the window when she freed the Nightsong and turned her back on Shar. Like, that must've taken a lot of courage and honestly I was impressed. And then the whole thing with her parents... Damn, Shar really is evil. I chose to free them even though it meant she would live with the pain of Shar's curse for the rest of her life. Like, this was one of the few times that I broke the rp and chose as myself. Overall, her story was amazing (fuck that fight with the mother superior though. All that darkness was pure hell for my party of casters).
Wyll's story really surprised me ngl. I was expecting the boring heroic guy but he turned out to be so much more. The whole thing with Karlach and then his father. This time I chose to sell his soul to Zariel for help to rescue his father but I wonder if I can still rescue his father even after I break his contract. And he gets free bonus points for the fact that his story ended in fighting a dragon. Dragons are always a good addition to any story lol.
Karlach's story had so much potential but it felt like it was cut short. There were a couple of ways to solve her engine's problem, like the gnomes in the steel watch foundry who were working with infernal iron and maybe Dammon. Idk, it was all a bit disappointing honestly. Like she died in my playthrough and no one noticed until she was gone and damn I feel like I'm going to cry again just thinking about it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ overall, best girl deserved so much better.
Speaking of Dammon, him, Rolan and Alfira are my children, my babies, I reloaded the fight with Marcus like 9 times just to save Isobel, not for her though I didn't care about her at the time, but for them. I'd defend them with my life. Like I can't describe the fear I felt when I learned that Rolan left the inn, like my reckless son better be safe or I'm quitting the game. And then the rage I felt when I found him in the wizard's tower but his face looked bruised, like whoever did this to him, their days were numbered. No one hurts my baby like that. And then I saw Dammon and Alfira around the city and I was so happy they were safe and building good lives for themselves.
Back to the companions, I was surprised that you couldn't talk to the tiefling refugees as Halsin. I don't understand why tbh. He took them in and let them stay at the grove, sure he left for a while and left Kagha in charge which led to the whole problem but it's not like he was to blame for that, he wasn't there and he stopped the ritual as soon as he got back. Unless I missed something, I really don't understand. Also, he's another character that suffered from a short story, one that felt more like a side quest even and after that, he was just there... But I'm glad I had a chance to have my big cuddly bear elf man who loves ducks and honey around (also his lines after the romance are just perfect. I love him so much).
And lastly, Lae'zel. I don't really have that much to say about her since I've only used her a couple of times for her personal quest. Although, I admit I didn't expect her to make such little fuss about opposing Vlaakith. Although that was probably all for nothing since I accidentally doomed her people to following a false queen by siding with the Emperor. In my defense, the Emperor was protecting me the entire time, I barely knew anything about Orpheus and the Emperor, despite the concealed truths here and there, wasn't entirely bad. He didn't stab me in the back in the end or force me to do anything bad AND if it weren't for the Emperor someone from the party would've had to become a mind flayer so idk... I wish there was a way to keep the Emperor and rescue Orpheus but oh well... Also, the idea that Balduran was fighting to protect the city even though no one really knew that was cool. (also, I made the mistake of making my Guardian really pretty so I couldn't bring myself to betray him even after he showed his true colors. I blame the option to hug him for this. I only wish he could've kept that look around me...)
All in all, I really enjoyed the game. Act 2 was probably my favorite. Will start my 2nd run tonight, excited to see the Drow reactivity they talked about since the elf was just there, just some person lol
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