#hip hop lyon
cbdlyonlesgones · 2 years
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lesgonescbdlyon · 1 year
Les Gones CBD LYON - Magasin de CBD
Les Gones CBD LYON - Magasin de CBD
07 52 03 54 60
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krissiefox · 4 months
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thatsoundssobeautiful · 10 months
JAZZ PARDAV : l'énergie d'un Battle de danse Hip-Hop avec des musiciens Jazz !
Vendredi 10 mars, c’était la 2e édition du concept Jazz Pardav, créé par Johann Milani, directeur artistique du Food Society, conceptualisé par Sounds So Beautiful, et co-organisé avec l’école de danse Takamouv. Sounds So Beautiful et Takamouv t’invitent à venir vivre une expérience Hip Hop inédite, en plein cœur de Part Dieu, au Food Society ! Jazz Pardav, c’est la rencontre inédite entre…
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dirtybeat-deepsounds · 11 months
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mattjacksonsbrain · 23 days
Empire - Television Musical Roundtable
Empire is an American musical drama television series that centers around a hip-hop music conglomerate, offering viewers a compelling look at the industry's cutthroat nature. The show debuted on Fox in January 2015. At the heart of the series is the Lyon family, led by the formidable Lucious Lyon, a hip-hop mogul and the CEO of Empire Entertainment, and his ex-wife Cookie Lyon, whose release from prison adds further complexity to the narrative.
The series is well-known for its captivating blend of music and drama, with its musical aspect being one of its most distinctive features. The show integrates original songs and stunning performances into its storyline, showcasing the talents of its cast while exploring themes of ambition, power, family dynamics, and the American Dream. The series not only entertains but also provides a critical lens on issues such as race, sexuality, and the quest for success in the music industry. Over its run, Empire has received critical acclaim for its storytelling, character development, and especially its musical contributions, making it a groundbreaking series in the portrayal of the contemporary music scene.
How does the series use dual-focus narrative as a strategic storytelling tool beyond heteronormative romantic pairings?
As most successful television narratives do these days, Empire embraced the dual-focus narrative in constructing a dynamic storyline and plot landscape. Given the sizable cast, the narrative should more accurately be regarded as “multi-focus”. The nature of Empire being structured around a family unit offers a layer of complexity and opportunity for this narrative style seeing as, no matter what individual circumstances or experience each individual character is going through, they are all bound to regroup on common ground at some point. They are tied together, meaning their stories are constantly being intertwined and reframed within the greater context of their family and music organization. At one level, we witness the rivalry and dynamic between Lucious Lyon, as the CEO of Empire Entertainment (head of the family), and his ex-wife Cookie Lyon, who emerges from prison to claim her share of the company and place within the familial hierarchy. This rivalry extends beyond their failed marriage, exploring themes of power, redemption, and ambition. On another level, the series portrays the individual journeys of their three sons - Andre, Jamal, and Hakeem - each vying for control of the empire in their unique ways. Andre, the eldest, battles personal demons and seeks validation through his business acumen; Jamal, a talented musician, navigates his career while being openly gay in a genre not known for its acceptance; Hakeem, the youngest, grapples with his identity as an artist versus the legacy of his father's empire. Through these parallel narratives, Empire goes beyond simple romantic entanglements to explore deeper issues of familial loyalty, identity, and legacy within the cutthroat music industry.
2. What are the inevitable couplings within the series and how are they accentuated through "cinematic" similarities and contrasts?
Empire's "inevitable couplings" are focused through the various dynamics of family and power. As mentioned above, a prominent coupling is the tumultuous relationship between Lucious and Cookie Lyon. Their interactions are charged with a history of love, betrayal, and shared dreams, accentuated by their contrasting approaches to life and business; Lucious is cold, calculating, and often ruthless, whereas Cookie is fiery, passionate, and deeply loyal to her family. This contrast is visually represented in their styles (Lucious' refined suits versus Cookie's bold and extravagant outfits) and their interactions with the world around them (Lucious' command of boardrooms versus Cookie's hands-on approach with artists). Another significant coupling is between Jamal, the middle son who is an R&B sensation, and his music, which serves as his true partner. It’s an interesting point to note here that these couplings need not always be between people. Jamal’s coupling is not with a definitive person or concrete force. Rather, it is woven into his personal life through an abstract representation in the form of his songs, reflecting his struggles with his identity, his battles with his father's expectations, and his desires for love and acceptance. These narrative and visual contrasts highlight the tensions and harmonies within the Lyon family, driving the series' drama and emotional depth.
3. How does the series use musical numbers within and beyond the narrative world to replicate fairy tale, backstage, or folk musicals?
In Empire, musical numbers transcend mere performance, becoming a pivotal narrative device that reflects and influences the characters' arcs and the series' thematic underpinnings. The show replicates the essence of fairy tales, backstage dramas, and folk musicals by intertwining the characters' personal and professional lives with their musical creations. For example, Jamal Lyon's musical journey is emblematic of a fairy tale struggle, showcasing his rise from a doubted underdog to a celebrated artist, overcoming personal and societal challenges. His songs often serve as a narrative vehicle for expressing his innermost feelings and conflicts, particularly about his sexuality and family dynamics. Hakeem's performances, on the other hand (reminiscent of the backstage musical) celebrate the glamour and grit of the music industry, as well as explore the personal cost of fame and difficult family dynamics interwoven with power struggles. They are, in short terms, simpler and more literal. Through these musical numbers, Empire delves into the folklore of the modern music industry, presenting a dramatized portrayal of its challenges, triumphs, and the relentless pursuit of legacy. The series uses music to echo the characters' battles, dreams, and triumphs, making each song a chapter in the larger story of the Lyon dynasty. Additionally, the musical numbers can often serve as a direct recounting of either overall recurring issues, themes, or motifs, even going as far as to literally recite the events of the past season or recent episode. In some moments, these numbers are so “on the nose” it’s almost comical.
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Coming this Sunday, April 2nd Available now: a new full album. Here's the eighth and penultimate track, which is quite unpleasant. The album has quite a range of tracks and covers instrumental hip hop, noise, post punk, synth pop, and plunderphonics. Available for either nothing or money, next weekend. now, this very moment.
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njpanther · 2 years
TUMBLR Blog #1: Empire
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Empire is a predominantly black series created by Lee Daniels and Danny Strong for Fox that first aired in 2015 and was canceled in 2020 due to Covid. The premise of the show is a hip-hop mogul and founder and CEO of Empire Entertainment, and how his ex-wife and his 3 sons battle for the throne. Being a soap, it is filled with cutthroat drama and extremes to keep viewers interested. That being said, this award-winning show can be accused of misrepresenting black culture by capturing and exaggerating black stereotypes to create humor and to keep the plot interesting. For example, Lucious Lyon (CEO of Empire Entertainment) was able to create Empire from the money he made from being a drug dealer. Another example is how they portray Lucious’ ex-wife, Cookie. Cookie is shown as a violent angry black woman that has complicated relationship with her kids. That includes tons of love and affection, followed by beatings when they disobey her.  
Yet many would argue that the show is breaking down certain black stereotypes. By forcing the viewers to judge the characters early on, followed by learning what caused those stereotypes; either from hardship or deep-rooted fear.  
Another theory is that the writers were essentially recreating what Blackface minstrels did. “Basically, Empire wasn’t created to entertain black people (although I’m sure it has black viewers). It is instead selling an image of blackness to a predominantly white audience that has long been fed stereotypical messages about what blackness represents,” (Watkins). When in actual reality 61% of the viewers were reported to be black in 2018 from USA Today. 
To represent how Empire portrays race, I have chosen 3 characters who seem to carry the most stereotypes. 
“Lucious Lyon (born Dwight Walker) is the main protagonist and antihero in the television drama, Empire.” (Empire wiki). Lucious from start to finish could be described as a criminal throughout the show. In the beginning he was a drug dealer so he could get enough money to start the company. Once the company was a multi-million-dollar establishment he lies, cheats, steals, and kills people out of cold blood to stay in power. They try and mitigate the hatred for the character by showing that Lucious’s mom was bipolar and tried committing suicide several times followed by him running away from home at an early age and living on the streets.  
Cookie is a well-rounded favorite on the show as Taraji P. Henson brings the character Cookie to life. In many aspects, the role portrays a positive image for black women. Cookie was successful, confident, and in the end always loyal to her family. However, “Cookie is the embodiment of all the stereotypes black women face on TV. Dressed flamboyantly with floor-length furs, color-coded nails and eyelashes big as a manhole covers, she is quick to anger and ready to throw down at a moment's notice" (Deggans).  
“Hakeem, first introduced as the youngest, lively, fame-hungry son, seems to get to his head” (Empire wiki), but it does not stop there. Throughout the show, the character Hakeem is often seen as reckless, arrogant, and unintelligent. The writers try giving sympathy to the character by showing that he was born into a dysfunctional family and motherless until the age of 17 as the cause of his problems. Hard to say if these are stereotypes of a young black man or just a boy born into extreme wealth. None the less Hakeem was hardly painted in a positive way.  
The show leads me to think if the media is really trying to create equality for all or is it just a cover to have a diverse cast while still portraying the same stereotypes? 
Carlton, Kenya. “The Curious Case of 'Empire' and Its Representation of Black Life on TV.” For Harriet | Celebrating the Fullness of Black Womanhood, 21 Mar. 2015, http://www.forharriet.com/2015/03/the-curious-case-of-empire-and-its.html. 
Lawler, Kelly. “Study: How Diverse Are the Audiences for 'This Is Us,' 'Empire,' 'Westworld'?” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 29 June 2018, https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2018/06/28/how-diverse-audiences-us-empire-westworld-nielsen/738216002/. 
Deggans, Eric. “Does Fox's 'Empire' Break or Bolster Black Stereotypes?” NPR, NPR, 18 Mar. 2015, https://www.npr.org/2015/03/18/393785570/does-foxs-empire-break-or-bolster-black-stereotypes. 
“Category: Characters” Empire TV Show Wiki, https://empire.fandom.com/wiki/Lucious_Lyon. 
(@ChuckCreekmur), Chuck Creekmur. “Dr Boyce Watkins: Here's Why I Won't Support the Coonery of ‘Empire.’” AllHipHop, 20 Jan. 2015, https://allhiphop.com/uncategorized/dr-boyce-watkins-heres-why-i-wont-support-the-coonery-of-empire/. 
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En 1982, por iniciativa del Comité Internacional de Danza, fue proclamado por la UNESCO el 29 de abril como Día Internacional de la Danza. La fecha escogida corresponde al natalicio del bailarín y coreógrafo Jean-Georges Noverre.
¿Por qué se celebra el Día Internacional de la Danza?
El objetivo del Día Internacional de la Danza es homenajear a la danza como una disciplina de arte universal y diversa, reuniendo a todos los que han elegido esta forma de expresión sin barreras culturales, políticas y éticas.
¿Qué es la danza?
A través de movimientos corporales, los seres humanos se han expresado y comunicado desde tiempos ancestrales. La danza es, entonces, una forma de expresión y de interacción social acompañada de ritmos acústicos, con fines de entretenimiento, artísticos, culturales y religiosos.
Es igualmente conocida como el "lenguaje del cuerpo", siendo una expresión de emociones que comunican sentimientos a través de los movimientos.
En la actualidad se destacan diversos estilos y géneros, que van de lo tradicional y académico a lo cotidiano, de acuerdo a las diferentes culturas. Mencionamos algunos de ellos:
Danza popular o folklórica: expresan los valores y tradiciones culturales de una localidad, tales como el flamenco,la danza árabe, el tango y los bailes de salón.
Danza clásica: corresponden a la ejecución de movimientos armónicos y coordinados, provenientes del período clásico de la antiguedad medieval: danza ballet.
Danza moderna: sus movimientos y vestimenta reflejan una identidad social: popping, funky, break dance, jumpstyle, hip hop.
Todo estilo y género de danza debe contar con los siguientes elementos:
Espacio: selección de un espacio físico adecuado para la ejecución de entrenamientos y presentaciones.
Coreografía: basada en la coordinación de movimientos corporales para formar un baile, bajo la dirección de un coreógrafo.
Entrenamiento: mediante el estudio y la opráctica continua para lograr una óptima ejecución de la coreografía.
Vestimenta: ropa y accesorios adecuados al estilo y género de la danza.
Un día para la danza
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En 1982, el Comité Internacional de Danza, perteneciente al Instituto Internacional de Teatro, tomó la sugerencia del maestro ruso Piepor Gusev de crear un día para esta manifestación artística.
En atención a esta solicitud, la Unesco eligió el 29 de abril como fecha de esta celebración, en conmemoración al natalicio de Jean-Georges Noverre, un destacado bailarín francés.
Con ello se pretende fomentar la participación y la atención de la opinión pública sobre la importancia del arte y la cultura de la danza. Se busca masificar los eventos a nivel mundial, superando barreras políticas, geográficas y culturales.
Jean-Georges Noverre: un gran bailarín
Fue un bailarín y escritor francés, nacido el 29 de abril de 1727. Noverre dejó un notable legado de numerosas coreografías y publicaciones, relacionadas con la práctica y teoría del ballet. De allí que sea considerado el creador del ballet moderno.
Tuvo su debut ante la corte de Luis XV en Fontainebleau, en el año 1742. Fue invitado por el príncipe de Prusia a Berlín. Al volver a París se incorporaría al ballet de la Opéra-Comique para posteriormente ir a Estrasburgo y Lyon, donde bailó hasta el año 1794.
En 1754 compuso la coreografía de su primer ballet Fêteschinoises (las fiestas chinas). Posteriormente fue profesor de danza de la corte de María Antonieta y profesor del ballet de la Ópera. Muere en 1810, en Saint-Germain (Laye, Francia).
La danza y el cine
Desde los inicios del cine se incorporó la danza como un elemento importante en la producción de películas, incluso cuando aún el cine era mudo. Así, los grandes directores incorporaron diversas coreografías que daban vida y alma al denominado Séptimo Arte.
Como ejemplo de ello, mencionamos algunos filmes cinematográficos que han sido considerados clásicos universales, con la danza como temática principal:
Brodway Melody (1929)
Funny Face (1957)
Danzando Bajo la Lluvia (1952)
Fiebre del Sábado Noche (1977)
Flashdance (1983)
Dirty Dancing (1987)
Billy Elliot (2000)
Cisne Negro (2010)
¿Cómo se celebra el Día Internacional de la Danza?
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Para homenajear este día se presentan numerosos espectáculos y actividades de danza a nivel mundial. En las calles, teatros, escuelas y espacios comunes, los bailarines toman el escenario para deleitarnos con sus técnicas y movimientos.
En esta celebración podemos disfrutar de:
Clases abiertas.
Festivales en distintos espacios y localidades.
Muestras artísticas.
Conversatorios, seminarios y charlas.
Clínicas de baile.
Galas de Ballet Online.
¿Cómo puedo celebrar este día?
La mejor forma para celebrar este día es simplemente bailando. Disfrutemos de la danza y la música con familiares y amigos. Intentemos bailar alguno de los estilos y géneros de danza que jamás hemos practicado: hip hop, danza árabe, tango, funky, break dance ¡Celebremos el baile con alegría!
Puedes ver desde la comodidad de tu hogar videos o películas relacionadas con el ballet. Dejemos que los más pequeños de la casa nos preparen un buen espectáculo de movimientos. En fin, compartamos y expresémonos a través del baile. No olvides compartir tu experiencia por las redes sociales, incluyendo en tus mensajes la etiqueta #DíaInternacionaldelaDanza.
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cantsayidont · 4 months
Part of the reason the title MONARCH: LEGACY OF MONSTERS keeps throwing me is that just last year, there was a short-lived Fox nighttime soap called MONARCH, about the travails of a powerful country music family, the Romans. It was presumably an attempt to recapture the success of the 2015–2020 Fox series EMPIRE (about a powerful hip-hop family, the Lyons) with a different soundtrack and a much whiter cast.
The main reason I bothered with MONARCH, which lasted only 11 episodes, is that it allegedly starred Susan Sarandon as domineering matriarch Dottie Roman. Unfortunately, her character dies after the first episode, shifting the focus to her prickly, laconic husband Albie (Trace Adkins, not nearly charismatic enough for his underwritten part); their ambitious but perennially overreaching business manager son Luke (Joshua Sasse, blandly handsome); and their adult daughters, Nicky (Anna Friel), a neurotic mess the family label is reluctant to promote because they think she's too brittle, and Gigi (Beth Ditto), who has talent and charisma to burn, but only cares about performing if it'll get a rise out a rise out of her sister, preferring to be a stay-at-home mom while her wife Kayla (Meagan Holder) works as a Monarch PR exec — and secretly pursues an affair with Luke that Gigi knows nothing about. There's also a fairly icky subplot about Nicky's adoptive son Ace (Iñigo Pascual) falling for an ambitious young country singer (Emma Milani) who turns out to be Albie's granddaughter, which seems like entirely too much incest for a show that barely lasted one season.
If Sarandon had been a regular, MONARCH might still have worked, but without Dottie's ongoing presence to drive the character conflicts (many of which are ultimately about her!), what's left is a clunky throwback to DALLAS or DYNASTY whose splashy musical numbers aren't exciting enough to compensate for one-note characterization and a distinct shortage of the fireworks that made EMPIRE a hit. Also, there's something disingenuous about the way the show tries to assert that while everyone in Nashville seems to regard Gigi being fat as a grave PR crisis, nobody in the notoriously conservative country music business has any problem with her being a lesbian married to a Black woman. Sure, Jan.
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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cbdlyonlesgones · 1 year
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lesgonescbdlyon · 1 year
Les Gônes CBD Lyon CBD shop
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Les concerts Hip Hop et Jazz à vivre à Lyon en Novembre
Les concerts Hip Hop et Jazz à vivre à Lyon en Novembre
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sl1ckn01 · 1 year
The Legacy of Xscape and SWV in the R&B/Hip Hop Scene
#Swvxscape follows the difficulty of two R&B groups, SWV and Xscape, agreeing on aspects of their joint show, such as the transitions between their performances. SWV member Lelee Lyons expresses frustration with the chaos surrounding the preparations and the uncertainty of what will happen during the show. Xscape’s Tamika Scott explains that while the groups are friends, it can be challenging to…
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bloggergiantnew · 1 year
Top 10 Business Web Series forever
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1. WeCrashed
Based on the popular podcast of the same name, WeCrashed tells the story of how Adam Neumann (Jared Leto) and his wife Rebekah Neumann (Anne Hathaway) went from selling ill-fitting baby clothes to building one of the world’s largest coworking companies. In the end, they were ousted from their company after it failed to make an IPO.
WeCrashed is like The Dropout in that it tracks a founder who makes a lot of money, but it’s also an excellent critique of the cult-like power fantasies in the venture capital-fueled economy. Both shows show that the most scrupulous are often rewarded for their shady acts, with no consideration for the people they hurt.
WeCrashed is a slow-burning, tonally disjointed limited series that does an excellent job of holding its merry band of entrepreneurs accountable for their actions. It also features an excellent performance from Jared Leto and is eminently watchable.
2. Empire
Empire is one of the most popular business TV shows on the air today. It stars Terrence Howard as Lucious Lyon, a hip hop mogul who founded Empire Entertainment.
The series follows the drama among the members of Lucious’ family as they compete for control of their company. It also highlights some of the important aspects of running a successful business, such as maintaining strong relationships with customers and partners.
The show’s diverse cast has helped it to attract a large audience. It is primarily aimed at people of color, but it can be enjoyed by people from all backgrounds and social groups.
3. Dirty Money
This Netflix original series focuses on a different case in each episode and gets under the skin of business behemoths. It also tackles the social issues surrounding them.
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