#hopefully we'll have useful stuff to say for the devs
ravenstargames · 3 months
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #9 | 02.29.24
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What is this?! Two devlogs in one month?! More likely than you think! This February has been very productive for me and the team, so let's dive right into it!
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Ooooh boy, Raquel keeps knocking it out of the park! She managed to get done every expression for every LI, and I coded them all! Now we have our wonderful characters ready for their debut. We have been using the wonderful Image Tools for Ren'py made by the talented and hard-working Feniks, whose tutorials and resources save a lot of dev's lives every day! This tool has made everything a bit easier for newbies like me, hehe.
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Here's a taste of our edgelord's expressions! 💜 They're kind of a cutie when they put some effort into it!
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We also had our second valentine's day celebration art piece thanks to Kayden! Sadly with the reworked version of the demo, you won't meet Vycar yet, so we thought we could ask for his forgiveness by giving him a beautiful bouquet and reminding him how much of a sweetheart he is! 💜
Also, Raeya got a hair update!
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So, we weren't completely satisfied with the way we portrayed Raeya's hair, so this has been a rework we were sure we wanted to make. At first we were just going to render it again, but we ended up working on it from scratch to better represent what we envisioned for her. We hope you like it as much as we do! ; v ;💜
As always, we are open to any critique or advice; we are white people who have the luck to be able to ask POC friends for their advice as we work, but the more the merrier! Don't hesitate to send us your opinion to our ask box or even our email, [email protected]!
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When it comes to the background department, we have been making great progress thanks to Airyn, who is honestly leaving us with our mouths hanging open every time! Thanks to her, another background has been finished and another one is in the making, leaving only two backgrounds to be revised and approved!
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I personally can't stop looking at this WIP! She understood perfectly what we wanted to portray just by looking at an old WIP we had, and this is what we have so far—and it's already amazing!
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Allie has been OBLITERATING the script. As of today, I think we have almost gone through everything that needed to be corrected and discussing, and lord if the script doesn't look a 100% better after we put it in Allie's hands. The way she writes, the way she understands everything I want to say even when sometimes I don't even know myself—what a talented, inspiring and amazing writer they are. I know I may sound annoying at this point singing her praises endlessly, but if the script is in the state where it is now, it's thanks to her!
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My programming adventure of the month has been a success, if I say so myself! I've coded the characters with aaaaall their layers, their expressions, the blinking animations, made some videos, and started coding the script. Step by step as they say; I've coded 18 pages, and there's, uh...142 more to go. Haha! *sobs*
BUT WE ARE GETTING THERE! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I can finally click 'new game' and read the script and see the stuff going on! YAY!
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Some extras of the month—we are preparing a Casting Call to choose the voice acting talent that will hopefully give voice to our characters. The demo won't be fully voiced (it's impossible with the funds we have, which are...zero), but if we are lucky we'll use some of our personal savings to pay for at least a few lines for each character so you can get an idea of how they'll sound if we get funded! Raquel is preparing an art piece for the announcement, and I'm getting the document ready and asking fellow VA friends for advice :3.
Also, we have a new member here at Ravenstar Games! Some weeks ago Astro and I formally adopted our first kitty, 8 month old Riki, fulfilling one of our dreams. We got him from a feline association that works with volunteers and fosters cats who have been abandoned, cats they find on the street, and so on. Riki has been living with me since January, and he's a happy, long big boy who loves playing, cuddles, and sitting on my desk while I try to work!
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Say hi to the Ravenstar family, Riki! 💜
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A productive month full of accomplished milestones, excitement and new challenges! The team has worked so hard, and I've done my part too! We still don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but we have done a lot of stuff we were sure we wouldn't finish yet, and look at that! We are doing so well!
As you can probably tell, my batteries are starting to run low, so I'm going to leave this devlog here. Thank you all like always for cheering us on, for being here in this journey with us, and for all the love you send our way. Let's hope March is as amazing as February has been, for us and for all of you! 💜
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hypersomniagame · 4 days
Hi! For all of you who follow HYPERSOMNIA, you should already know what the gist is here yada yada yada,
if you don't know what this is or are confused on what hypersomnia is read the other dev logs i've said this like every time lol
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Hey! Hi! Hello! Welcome to the dev log!
I'd like to apologize about last month, I was going through a big block on development and I got practically nothing done. I've also been focusing on real life stuff which has been strange!
OK! So, first things first. Some of you might've seen on our Twitter, the new trailer is DONE! It's been "finished" for a few weeks now but I went back and made some small edits and now I can fully say it's complete!
I'm insanely happy with how this one came out. I went all out on it and I think you guys will agree when it releases that it just completely blows all our other trailers right out of the water. From music, to editing, to visuals, presentation, everything.
I'm more than excited to show you guys this trailer, and hopefully you all will be able to see it soon! It'll be premiering in this years MOTHER DIRECT (as always lol), so be ready for that! Tons of great fangames and indies are gonna be shown off, along with other MOTHER projects, so if you're interested I highly suggest you keep up with M4E.
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Now, onto a more direct game update!
As of right now, the demo is about 50% playable!
This month has been almost exclusively eventing and scripting for the game. That 50% doesn't mean the demo is halfway finished, but it means that we're halfway there to getting the demo playable from start to finish. There's still a lot I gotta do, but eventing is the biggest hurdle for me currently, so it should only be up from here.
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Pigeonville got a bit of a makeover recently! I wanted to make the town look a bit more lively and urban, so I took the time to redo and add a few different buildings. I'm really happy with how it changed the look of the town, and I hope to use this as a base for other areas going forward.
This didn't come without some challenge though. Both the game's prologue and first chapter take place in Pigeonville, and because so many different events are used between the 2 sections, I've had PV split between 2 maps, one for the prologue and the other for chapter 1.
I initially did these edits on the CH1 version of the map, but while porting them to the PL version, I managed to completely screw up almost all the events in the prologue. So while it didn't have to be completely rescripted, I did have to do some playtesting for like a week just to make sure I caught everything that broke.
Speaking of bugs, there's been a bit of bug-squashing going on this month. My friend Muffins (Who helps write for the game) and I both sat down and tried to just play through what we have so far, and it was an experience to say the least. The game was NOT this broken in March, so playing through it just showed me so much stuff that broke, and some of it was absolutely hilarious.
I didn't record any of it though! Which is a shame! I'd totally post a montage or something of just the absolute funniest glitches we encountered but I guess it's for another time.
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And that's all for this month! Sorry it's not much, but I figured it'd be better to give some sort of update then just oddly go silent. Things will most likely pick up during the mid-summer months, I'll have more stuff to talk about, these logs will be longer like they were back in January and we'll all be home on time for Jay Leno.
It's a bit hard to talk about scripting stuff out for the game since I only can talk about so much before I start spoiling stuff. Will June be better? Will there even be a log in June? Will I survive the summer heat? Only time can tell. And the weather man.
If this is your first log you're reading, or even your first time seeing ANYTHING relating to HYPERSOMNIA, I got a whole bunch of links for you to check out if you wanna know more about me and my stupid little game.
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pentition · 1 year
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion in this fandom or what but after seeing some posts and asks surrounding this I sort of wanted to just give my two measly cents.
Be aware, there are Knives Out spoilers from here on out:
I don't think Pen being a romance option is wrong or should have never happened. We know Pen was a late addition as a bachelor and it's okay if the devs haven't wholly figured things out since the game is in early access still. I will say I'm concerned given where we are in the year, with the update and all that with how the romance was handled - especially given the whole full release date stuff.
I don't want this to be (Spoiler for My Time At Portia) another Aadit where things just... end and we have nothing to go off of. With Pen we have more context at least but it's not enough for those of us who romanced him. And the lack of engagement post-reveal of Pen's role is very unsatisfying. I hope that changes, I hope it's just an oversight. I get that it can feel like, "But how can something so big be an oversight" and my answer to that is, I don't know. I just know it's early access so I'm just going to put in trust something better happens. Whether that is just some exchanges to cement Pen's villainous direction and end things - a closure, or we work on getting him back on our side in some manner.
What I want is for the other hearts to unlock with Pen and there be development. What I want is him to be selfish and ditch his loyalty to Duvos at the chance of maybe garnering more attention or what not via helping Sandrock. What I want is Pen and the player to be able to end things or work on them. What I want is whether he's lying or not about what happened that there's well written growth. I don't expect much, because as much as I adore Pathea and they have surprised me with things at times, they also don't always follow through. That's not an insult or meant to be offensive, that's just my opinion and it doesn't change the love I have for this team.
In terms of Pen being romanceable... I think it adds to the narrative well for those that chose him. I think it adds if Pathea decides against returning him to us as a marriage candidate post-Knives Out. I think it adds if they (hopefully) do find a means to return him to us. I don't think him being a romance option is wrong. I think how it was handled was missing important elements needed for the players that romanced him.
At the moment, there's no acknowledgement, closure or any hint whether he's full on antagonist or whether we'll have the chance to get him back. Personally, that's frustrating. I immersed myself in a character who genuinely enjoyed Pen's antics with no interest in anyone else to romance. Now I don't know if there's a future or not on this playthrough in terms of romance. And I don't want to just examine who could be a next potential candidate because I don't have any information to guide me if I should. It's discouraging to some degree to even think about that when I spent so long on this save figuring out how my character fits into everything and who she favors. Yes, it's just a game but it's also a story and narrative I let my imagination sink a lot of hours into and I think that's not something to overlook with the player audience. Creating any story is going to ignite imagination and therefore not keeping that in mind is doing a disservice to your audience.
I feel there's importance and a place if Pen is a dedicated 'evil' and villain. If that's what the devs want to commit to, that's fine. It's not what I want but it is something I can accept. The romance part certainly adds a fun thing to the betrayal. My beef is in how it was handled, how lack lustered it was. I feel like I'm left standing without foundation beneath my feet. I think that provoking that feeling is good in some parts, but that's only on an emotional basis - not a gameplay/technical one due to having no engagement or choices, nor any acknowledgement to the relationship between the two. I can be fine if the towns people don't acknowledge it, even if that's also meh. But for Pen and the builder to be unable to seems like a punch to the gut and unfair.
Anyways, a moot gave good advice over on their ask here that finally tipped me into writing this post. But I'll also add the link right here to fill out the survey for Knives Out. If you want Pen back or have opinions, it's best to kindly fill that out.
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cru5h-cascades · 11 months
Splatoon 3 Side Order Update (Again!)
Wazzup wazzup eveyone! I'm back at it again with some more interesting Side Order-related news! Recently a bunch of stuff for Side Order has been datamined (it seems that the devs have been adding stuff for Side Order ever since launch), so I'd like to go over some of the stuff that was found. No spoilers, but if you'd rather be suprised whenever we actually get Side Order this is your warning. Otherwise, here's some new info regarding Side Order (organized by when they were added, which were during splatfests)!
Rock v Paper v Scissors (testfire fest, August 2022):
nothing too noteworthy over here, just some scenes, whatever those might be.
(nothing for Gear v Grub v Fun in September 2022)
Grass v Fire v Water (November 2022)
wave 2 misc scene added
scene attribute to use for the DLC
Spicy v Sweet v Sour (January 2023)
actor attribute added
added two enemy actors under the names Shell and ZakoStandard
Side note: yay new enemies
Dark Chocolate v Milk Chocolate v White Chocolate (February 2023)
actor attribute added to allow enemies to attack a target (possibly the player)
added object actors under the names PaintTargetArea (splatzones), VictoryBall (8-ball), and VictoryBallGoal (8-ball goal)
added scenes imlying progression on a tower (potentially Deca Tower, duh)
Side note: so what that last addition is basically saying is that Side Order will be kinda like Pizza Tower but scary (and marine life themed, of course). But I mean, I guess we should've known about the tower progression for a while now (the French title of Side Order is Order Tower; I talked about this in a post some time ago). But hey, news is news and we're in dire need for Side Order news. Anyways, moving on (things get real interesting after this)
Nessie v Aliens v Bigfoot (March 2023)
added two bosses under the names BallKing and TowerKing (there's been some speculation that BallKing could be the Octowhirl from Splatoon 1, which would be okay with me as long as they don't bring back the Octostamp.... AGAIN....) (also I have a strong feeling in my gut that TowerKing will be the final boss of Side Order)
added an actor for collectible items
added NPC actors
added lift actors (tower control tower)
added spawner objects
added soaker block actor to Side Order
added person names (most likely belonging to the devs) (you know for the credits)
added scenes for a boss fight and something called creator (level creation?)
Power v Wisdom v Courage (April 2023)
added a lift actor to avoid an 8-ball from going somewhere
added an object actor for both inkrails and grindrails
Vanilla v Strawberry v Mint Chip (July 2023)
all Side Order related strings have been removed :(
And that's all we got up to date! Hopefully we get to see Side Order for Drizzle Season 2023 (AKA the game's first aniversery). I mean with all this data in the game you'd think we'd get news soon, right? We got the rewards and now all of this in the game (or at least until all the SIde Order related strings were removed), maybe even more than that. Anyways if you want a more in-depth look into all of this info, please see Splat Channel's vid (I'll link it to the post right here). But with that being said hopefully, one bright and sunny day we'll get a trailer and release date for Side Order. Someday...
Anyways I'll keep y'all up to date with anything new revolving Side Order, I'll even post an in-depth analysis for the Side Order trailer whenever it does come out (I promise this time; I might've forgotten to do one for Sizzle Season but I assure you I will make one this time). Staaay fresh, everyone!
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[ad_1] Being a software engineer sucks I was told I would be working in a fast-paced exciting environment but in reality I'm stuck in this cubicle building super complex stuff that nobody understands or appreciates if I had a time machine I would do two things one I would tell Harambe to get away from that kid and two I would go back to school to become a civil engineer so I could work outside building stuff everyone admires like Bridges and skyscrapers unfortunately I haven't figured out how to build a time machine in JavaScript yet now I would never recommend anybody Choose software engineering as a career but if you do make bad life choices like me you should be prepared for some really bad things to happen like every doctor eventually loses a patient and every pilot eventually crashes a plane likewise every software engineer will eventually face a merge conflict and That's not even very bad in today's video we'll look at seven different devastating text messages that no developer ever wants to hear speaking of which I finally started a Discord so feel free to chat with me over there after this video we've got some T-shirts and licenses to jetbrain software to Give away over there one of the biggest problems with software engineering is that you don't want your friends and family to find out what you do the reason is you'll get messages like this from your uncle or old roommate asking if you want to build an app together it Will consist of a very dumb idea that's impossibly complex to execute like uber but for horses or Tick Tock without the Chinese with a 5 hundred dollar budget messages like this are so painful because software Engineers are usually introverts who have a hard time saying No what you'll want to do is respond and say hey that's an awesome idea I would love to build it for you but my rate is 300 an hour what they'll likely do is come back with a counteroffer of zero dollars per hour but 10 equity in the Company which will eventually be worth billions that's pretty much Checkmate trust speaks for itself I would just recommend accepting the offer and building the app to get them to go away now when you're not building apps for friends and family you should be working on your own side projects and in doing That you'll likely use the cloud like AWS one of the worst messages you can receive is a cloud billing alert like hey it's AWS your 25 budget has been exceeded by 2.3 million dollars maybe you click the wrong button or accidentally created an infinite Loop but the important thing here is not to Panic the easiest solution is to just stop using AWS and pretend nothing ever happened if Jeff ever sends his guys after you just tell them your account got hacked that may or may not work and if it doesn't you can at least find comfort in knowing there are many other Homos people out there who simply forgot to turn off an ec2 instance another dreaded catastrophic thing a developer doesn't want to hear is that a production database has been dropped accidentally along with all of your company's data that was worth billions of dollars you just made the simple Mistake of dropping prod instead of Dev when something like this happens it's absolutely terrifying but hopefully you have backups that are able to restore it back to its original state if not now would be a good time to start looking for a new job dropping a database is Incredibly easy and can be accomplished with a single line of code you can use this knowledge to fight back against the system as this person did here by weaponizing SQL injection against speed cameras dropping a database is bad but at least it's over quickly many developers suffer a worse fate like this Guy who got a message from his boss assigning him to a legacy angularjs version 1 code base that needs to be migrated to angular 14. sadly the previous developer died of old age and was the only one who had any idea how anything in this code base worked he Knew exactly
how to keep his job by creating an overly complex code base without any comments or documentation and now it's your turn to update it [ __ ] my life this job will take more skill and Ingenuity than building a nuclear submarine and when you finally finish The job in a few years no one will even notice or care because by that time it'll be time to migrate your legacy code base into the hot new JavaScript framework of 2025. speaking of which something a web developer never wants to hear is that a new better JavaScript Framework has been invented when you learn a JavaScript framework you join a tribe and that means everything outside that tribe is dangerous and terrible now normally you can create an echo chamber to convince yourself that your chosen framework is absolutely 100 the best in every use case however at some point you May be convinced that a better framework does in fact exist when that day comes you'll need to turn your back on your tribe and lose many friends in the process and it's not exactly easy to make new friends when you're a software engineer can't sit here but one of the most Annoying things that can happen to you is when a non-technical person like a client or marketing expert asks you to make one small change to an already finished product like let's just move this nav bar from the top over to the side here it should be an easy change For you to make you don't not want to look like a 10x developer so you go ahead and do it but it takes like 20 hours and modifications and 800 different HTML and CSS files then as soon as you commit your work that same person will come back and say you know What I think I liked it better the first way let's go ahead and change it back it's no secret that the most important skill of a software engineer is being able to Google things effectively that means one of the worst things that can happen to you is running into a problem That nobody else has already solved for you it's painful enough when zero results come back on Google with your error message but an even worse thing can happen you might search an error and get a single result on an obscure Forum from 10 years ago and find some dude Going through the exact same problem as you as you scroll down hoping for a well-documented and detailed solution you find that all he posted was fixed all good now and now you have to figure out the problem all by yourself being the Chad that you are you get to work And as soon as you're about to solve the problem you get a notification that it's time for your daily stand-up meeting thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one [ad_2] #Programmer #Hear For More Interesting Article Visit : https://mycyberbase.com/
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radicaldinosaurfan · 7 years
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A certain “First thoughts” video coming soon.
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ravenstargames · 9 months
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #5 | 08.31.23
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August is OVER and that means a brand-new Lost in Devlog!!! 💜 We are very excited for September to begin because that will definitely mark a new era of Lost in Limbo's production as the whole team will be finally free of the shackles of the spanish education system!
This devlog contains mainly progress in the programming and writing department (yours truly in charge), but we have also made some progress in the art department.
In addition, we will use this devlog to discuss a few changes and decisions we have taken in regards to the course of the demo—so feel free to grab a drink and join us for the ride!
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First and foremost...A glimpse of our main menu! 🎉💜 I have been working hard this month to implement the UI as we finally got the files, and I've also animated and programmed the main menu screen, the configuration screen, save/load, etc. The dialogue box and everything else is also implemented and working perfectly, and of course we have a custom cursor thanks to miss Raquel! 🎉
Needless to say, LiL is my first coding adventure, so I'm sure our code isn't perfect or in optimal condition, but hopefully our Kickstarter will allow us to hire a programmer to fix that. I think I've done a pretty good job considering my lack of experience!
Also, special thanks (again) to our dearly beloved @crescencestudio for bearing with me and graciously lending a hand when I struggled the most. They are officially my ren'py mentor and I'd like to take a moment to illustrate our my struggle to y'all with a simple screenshot:
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(Also it's kind of funny we both have animal crossing pics in our discord accounts, that was ✨ a coincidence ✨)
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<<Inside the holy judgement chamber of the Silver Spire, may your words carry only truth, lest punishment is what you seek.>>
This month our dear Raquel has been working on backgrounds when she's had a moment, and this is one of the pieces she has been rendering and polishing! We'll also take a look at another background (a really important one) to bring it up to our new standards. As I said in another devlog, the master degree we were (and still are, until the 15th) attending has changed our way of seeing and approaching art pieces, so we are looking into improving pieces that are still in the making!
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First of all; we are super proud and happy to welcome a new member to the team of Ravenstar Games: Allie! They'll be our editor and proofreader, and I'm sure you know and love some projects she's been on, like Blooming Panic! or our recent and beloved Intertwine. They are a fantastic fantastic writer, an incredible person and a passionate dev that I've had the pleasure to know and work with for a while now, and I would trust no one else with the script of our baby! (and if you are a writer, you know how hard it is to let others read your stuff sometimes. It's like baring your soul to them; it could only be Allie for me!) So please give them a big warm welcome!!
For the writing department, some devlogs ago we talked about the script suffering some changes—well, they have officially solidified now!
We have cut some content that was not exactly relevant for the first experience we want y'all to have with the game. A lot of context and exposition that helps, but is not absolutely necessary to enjoy what is perhaps the most important thing for an indie team and their game; the first demo and the impression it leaves behind. That content has not been scraped and we have decided to save it for an extended demo; the first demo will still be as long as it was in the beginning, as a lot of new content has also been added to prioritize the LIs, which is what you are here for.
We also made this decision because we were once more faced with the reality of: there's only four of us and it's not realistic to do seven LIs + six supporting characters + their expression charts + 13 backgrounds + everything else for a first demo. We are learning as we go, for better or worse, and sometimes you have to sit back and say "right. this is not going to work" so we had to do that. Sadly, we were not realistic with what we wanted to do, but hey, we all get too excited and dream too big sometimes!
This changes will ensure you get the best first experience with LiL without losing important, meaningful content, and hopefully be excited for what will come later. In my humble opinion, the demo script is now in much better shape than it was a month ago. Trust. And just wait for Allie to edit it—that's going to bring it to perfection.
Oh! We'll also be modifying the Masterpost soon as some things are a bit outdated and can be improved, so expect to see some new stuff in there!
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It's 1 am here right now as I write this. I'm in bed. Today has been a day. Tomorrow I'll take a look at this and correct a million typos. See? Another reason we need Allie with us. There's screenshots to take, videos to make, and everything is slowly coming together. We are in really good spirits, motivated and hopeful for the near future. This has been long enough as it is, so as always, thank you for being part of Lost in Limbo's journey, and for the love and kindness you give us again and again. We hope you all are doing great, staying hydrated, and taking care of yourself 💜 See you very very soon!!
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