#hoshiai no sora mitsue
dominicsorel · 9 months
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reckless-rider · 1 year
Ok here are all of my thoughts, questions, comments, etc about Stars Align
This might be messy sorry lmao I'll try to keep it organized tho (Spoiler warning)
So starting off, I wouldn't have minded if they did this but I'm glad that Maki wasn't always cold and reserved (again I wouldn't have minded). It was refreshing to see him smile, laugh, and enjoy his time with the team. You can tell that he loves all of the people on the team and its fun to watch.
Also, I am pretty concerned about Maki after watching that ending. Yeah his father is a major piece of shit and I fucking hate him but I hope Maki didn't kill him. I just don't want anything bad to happen to Maki. Like all of the boys, I hope they get a hug and happiness.
So, Toma's brother brought up that they have another brother but where is he? Did he move out? How old is he?? From a passing comment it doesn't seem like this other brother wants anything to do with them judging by the fact that we never see him, but I could be way wrong.
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I really do hate Toma's mother, he's done nothing wrong and she hates him for no reason. She compares him to his brother but they are not the same person! And she hates him for that?
Speaking of Toma and Maki, from the tribute video that they dropped, it looked like they had a falling out :((( Maybe they become rivals, I kinda hope it becomes a Free! situation where Rin and Haru started out as friends when they were young, then became rivals, then became friends once again. I would be happy if something like that happens with Toma and Maki because they were such great friends but what happened?
Ok on the topic of rivals, I really liked that the rivalry with Oji was also really fun to watch because it wasn't like they had to have their rivalry on 100% of the time. Like they really enjoyed having him around during the BBQ and they even kinda cheered each other on (if they could) during the tournament. They even let him be apart of their hype ritual!
I feel that Rintaro definitely has good parents, at least from what we've seen. They really do care about their son and want what's best for him. I do also hope that Rintaro gets to meet his birth mother if he wants to and I hope she's good to him.
With Rintaro, I understand him feeling like he isn't good enough and he failed as the vice president. I mean it did seem like Maki took over his job and I wish that we got to see them talk about this issue and come up with a middle ground.
I also thought that Shingo's parents weren't that bad either, maybe a little overprotective but not as bad as some of the other parents. It seemed that they really cared about their children's safety, especially, their daughter (obviously lmao she's like 4).
I feel like Maki's mother did a great job honestly, she seemed like one of the best parents and it has to be very hard for her to be in a situation like that. But it seemed like she did a pretty good job.
The only other set of good parents imo is Taiyo's parents, they seemed like they were pretty supportive, even if they thought their son wasn't a great player at the time. Yeah maybe they went about the responsibility thing a bit wrong, everyone makes mistakes and they seem to try and correct themselves after he stood of for him and Nao. They still didn't have a problem with him playing even if Taiyo's pair didn't win.
Everyone else's parents fucking sucked, I do not need to get into why lmao.
I'm going to be completely honest, but at first I didn't like Soga and Ameno but they quickly grew on me! I was pretty sad that Soga couldn't play in the tournament. Him and Shingo worked so hard only for it not to happen, but at the same time they really did help Nao and Taiyo with their confidence which I think is important.
Speaking of Nao, in the tribute video we see that his knuckles are bruised and bandaged, which makes me wound what could have happened. Obviously something wrong is going on and I wanna know what! Let my boys be happy pls :(
I also want to mention that the art style is fucking gorgeous! And omg the representation is fantastic holy shit!!! Yu is non-binary and the show explicitly says it, which I haven't really seen done in an anime, especially a sports anime. I actually have some LGBT+ headcannons for some of the characters lmao
I think this is all I'll say for rn, this is already really long slkdjf I hope this made sense!
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mayoiayasep · 1 year
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[id: a half body sketch of mitsue kanako from stars align looking to the side with an excited open-mouthed expression. she has her fists clenched and is raising her shoulders slightly. end id]
kanacat :)
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crabboytahomaru · 1 year
Make The Stars Align Prompt #2 - Study
"Are you actually going to do any work, Mitsue-san?"
Yuu's quiet voice caused Kanako to look up from her drawing tablet and she saw him gazing at her.
"This is work," she replied, tapping her stylus against the tablet, and went back to sketching
Yuu suggested to Kanako whilst overseeing the boys' practice that they should study together at the library and Kanako agreed (or rather, grumbled "yeah whatever")
This lead them here, with Yuu diligently working on their homework accompanied with Kanako's tapping on her drawing tablet
She hadn't even bothered to take her work out of her bag.
Kanako wasn't sitting on her chair properly, squatting on it with her tablet on her knees; Yuu had suggested once she might benefit from sitting properly, but after being glared at, they left the matter. After all, Kanako wasn't hurting anyone.
Yuu sighed, and went back to their maths questions. Although, they found themselves unable to focus anymore. Instead, their mind became filled with the taps and slides of Kanako's stylus and a sense of curiosity.
"Uh... Hey, Mitsue-san?"
"Yeah?" replied Kanako, not even looking up.
"Would it be alright if I saw what you're drawing?"
Kanako's hand stilled and she ducked her head, her hair covering her eyes from Yuu's gaze.
"Yeah, sure"
Quietly as he could, Yuu got up, tucked his chair under and stepped towards Kanako to peer over her shoulder.
It was a sketch of all the soft tennis boys in various dynamic positions, messily coloured in, yet that brought a certain charm to the doodles.
"Mitsue-san! These are all really good!"
"You're just saying that," Kanako mumbled, tilting her head away from Yuu's smile.
"I'm serious! How did you learn to draw like that!
"Self taught..."
"Would you mind if I watched you a little? It seems more fascinating than my continuing my maths questions"
"Sure," Kanako gestured for Yuu to take the seat next to her and she continued drawing. Normally having someone watch over her would make things more stressful - and it did, in a way - but having another person find her art beautiful made her so happy.
So the both of them sat there, Yuu happily giving input when asked about ideas, and Kanako pretending like their innocent curiosity didn't make her happy.
Every so often they did remember what exactly it was they were here to do, and intermittently Yuu asked Kanako questions on chemistry, who in return got very annoyed whenever she had to put down her tablet to calculate an answer.
("Ehhh???? What sort of stupid question is that? Why would I know the bond energy?"
"You're meant to work it out, Mitsue-san."
"Stupid capitalism, forcing children into working out things you could Google in ten seconds," Kanako placed her tablet on the table, echoing loudly, and gestured for Yuu to pass her a pencil and a piece of paper.
"I don't think capitalism is quite the right word for it..."
They happily passed over a sheet of paper.)
But it was fun.
As they left, they agreed to another study date, although Kanako got barely anything done.
As they began to part, Yuu looked over to Kanako, and asked her, "When your next drawing is done, show me please, Mitsue-san!"
"Yeah. I will." Kanako replied, grip becoming relaxed on their bag strap, and watched Yuu smile and wave as they jogged away.
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best-underrated-anime · 5 months
Best Underrated Anime Group H Round 2: #H5 vs #H8
#H5: Middle school soft tennis club deals with trauma
#H8: Zombies make really good music
Details and poll under the cut!
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#H5: Stars Align (Hoshiai no Sora)
Constantly outperformed by the girls' club, the boys' soft tennis club faces disbandment due to their poor skills and lack of positive results in matches. In desperate need of members, Toma Shinjou is looking to recruit capable players, but he fails to scout anyone. Enter Maki Katsuragi, a new transfer student who demonstrates great reflexes when he catches a stray cat in his classroom, instantly capturing Toma's attention. With his interest piqued, Toma ambitiously asks Maki to join the boys' team but is quickly rejected, as Maki doesn't wish to join any clubs. Toma refuses to back down and ends up persuading Maki—only under the condition that Toma will pay him for his participation and cover other club expenses.
As Maki joins the team, his incredible form and quick learning allow him to immediately outshine the rest of the team. Although this gives rise to conflict among the boys, Maki challenges and pushes his fellow team members to not only keep up with his seemingly natural talent, but also drive them to devote themselves to the game they once neglected.
Propaganda 1:
Covers a wide variety of issues and gets into the nitty-gritty of the often under-prosecuted instances of child abuse in Japanese society. Multiple LGBT characters, subversions of gender roles, a simple but appealing art style, and some really talented seiyuu to top it all off.
Propaganda 2:
This series is so amazing even though it was cut halfway through (and the trigger warnings, mainly in regard to the environments many of the characters live in) make it difficult to suggest at times. It’s half a sports anime and half a drama, switching between the sports sections and explorations of the lives of the characters involved, the latter of which is the part I really adore. The story discusses the heavily discussed topic of abuse pretty well and also has a good handle on discussions about things like gender (specifically in regard to a canon non-binary character, though there is also a minor character who is a trans man who is also discussed) that I haven’t seen too many other series address, or at least not to the effectiveness of this story. The characters also just have so much charm and compliment each other well, and I love watching them get closer and interact. They’re buddies, and I adore the boys soft tennis team plus Yuu and Mitsue (+ Arashi I guess. He’s from a different school’s team and directly opposed the team, but he very quickly becomes their friend afterwards), as well as all of their dynamics. It’s not a watch for when you’re looking strictly to have a fun time or looking for a complete story, but it’s an amazing story regardless. Also, I love the opening and ending songs so much. I wish this series got its season two so much because it’s so good, I don’t think I did it justice at all.
Trigger Warnings:
Child abuse: Most of the cast is from an abusive household, including mcs.
Domestic abuse: Off-screen/implied, parent of a main character.
Gender/sexuality discrimination: From a parent to a non-binary character + from bullies to a gay character.
Emotional abuse: Some major characters have emotionally abuse parents, this is shown on-screen.
Minor injuries: Blisters, bruises, one scene with plenty of blood but clarified to just be a minor head wound afterwards. etc.
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#H8: Zombieland Saga
Sakura Minamoto dreams of becoming an idol. Unfortunately, reality hits her like a truck, and she dies in a sudden traffic accident. Ten years later, she wakes up in Saga Prefecture, only to find herself a zombie with no memory of her past. While still coming to terms with her demise, she meets a man named Koutarou Tatsumi, who explains that he has resurrected her and six other zombie girls from different eras for the purpose of economically revitalizing Saga by means of an idol group. Assuming the role of an abrasive manager, Koutarou begins scheduling events; the girls go along with it, eventually deciding to name their idol group Franchouchou. An absurdly comedic take on the idol genre, Zombieland Saga tells the story of Franchouchou's heartwarming struggle to save Saga Prefecture while hiding their zombie identities and rediscovering their past lives.
ITS SO GOOD OHMYGOD. First of all, the music? Amazing. The 3D animation they use for the dancing isn’t the best, but the songs are all bangers. The story is also amazing—it’s just the right blend of silly and serious to really get you to love and care about the characters. And it WILL make you cry. It’s a really cool take on zombies and really uses the full potential of its premise really well. Its dub is also actually good. The acting is great, and the jokes are translated perfectly.
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty or Death, Child Abuse, Gender Identity/Sexuality Discrimination, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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anime-related · 1 year
I just finished Stars Align/Hoshiai no Sora
There are spoilers in this post. Do not read unless you have watched it all the way through to the end.
I have a lot of thoughts on the finale.
First of all, it makes me think that it was the plan all along. If the writers were rushed into finishing the show and just stuffed that in there for no reason, I dont think it would be so tightly fit in there.
I think it was supposed to have more of an arc though. Maybe (definitely) something to do with Toma. I mean, they both threatened it for each other, I think Toma was supposed to be involved.
Maybe Toma got hurt by him. Maybe Toma kept staying at their house just in case he came by (and perhaps for a taste of escapism from his own home life) and he wasnt happy with it.
I have a couple cenarios running through my head. Either Toma has Maki hide for trauma reasons, or for some reason Maki is out, leaving Toma alone in their apartment.
Kenji spouts some bullshit about how if Toma doesn't want Maki to get hurt, he'll have to take it for him, or basically just hurts him to get through to the money— something like that.
Once Maki finds out, that's what triggers it.
Or, alternatively, Toma is the one to do it. I think i like this idea more, simply because it's already stated in the show, but I also think it's less likely.
Shame on me for reading so far into it, but I feel like the act of legitimately killing his own father is symbolic of Maki's growth as a person. He's moving on. He's making a life for himself.
I'm not going to lie and say I'm upset that he killed his father. I am glad that sob is canonically supposed to be dead. I just think they rushed it because they didn't have much of a choice.
I know a lot of people choose to ignore the finale, which I 10000% understand and respect, but I'd like to write a season 2 directly following the ending scene.
Okay, well, maybe not directly following. I don't really feel like writing a murder scene. But right after that.
It's really upsetting that the show ended so soon. Hell, even if it ended like that and then got a renewal I'd be happy.
And genuinely, I care less about Maki's home life when I say that. He got closure. His father is gone.
I want to know how Toma and Ryouma handle their new home situation. I want to know if/how Futsu meets his bio mom and what she's like, and how their family dynamic might change.
I want to know how Tsubasa deals with his father, and see more of his relationship between him and his brothers. I think it's a crime that we don't see much, if any, of Itsuki's current home life. Who does he live with now, do we even know?
I wan to see Yu come out to their family and friends, see them wear a skirt to school. I want to see the diverse reactions that come with being nonbinary.
I'd like to see what happens with Nao and his mother. Maybe she gets murdered too, idk (/hj). I want to see Shingo's relationship with his sister and mother.
I want to see how Mitsue finds a new audience with her art. I want to see more of Shou.
I want to see more queer anguish and crisis.
I want to see how everyone reacts to the information that Toma initially paid Maki to join the team.
There's so much stuff that they weren't able to tie up in the end. And while I'm glad they tied up Maki's story with his father (and I do think that was the best choice out of the ones I listed in the short time they had), there's still so many questions I have.
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black-ssstuff · 4 years
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✈⃨⠈᮫͙👘 : ‘ᥲᥱ⃜᥉tℎ᪶ꫀtiᥴ ꩝ᥴ᥆ᥒ᥉ f᥆r y᥆ᥙ’ ꓸꓸꓸ © ꪛᥱᥣᥴ᥆ꪐᥱ⃨! [like It reblog If you save] 𓆇𓆇!𓇽 ☁ᵎᵎ ♡ みすてい ⁺◟✍🏻 bᥣᥲ⃨ᥴk-᥉ᥣ⃑ᥙff ᥆ᥒ ᥣ⃑ᥙmbᥣr!
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everyatomofyou · 2 years
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i'm way late to the party but i finally watched stars align and the yuu-mitsue bestieship extended my life by a decade
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gojoumitsue · 2 years
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Kanako’s Birthday
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goinghostie · 2 years
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Happy birthday, Kanako! 🎂
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hugs4tao · 3 years
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... 人生最愛の人 🦋☁️
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life-is-not-daijobu · 3 years
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shizumachi · 3 years
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a mitsue doodle i drew on da notez app,, its v fun to draw on
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sakuramorango · 3 years
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arashi-oji · 3 years
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stars align main 4 head canons! im doing the rest in parts, what i have left is the rest of the soft tennis club and arashi.
for the soft tennis club, i will be posting them in their pares! 🎧🎶
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Best Underrated Anime Group H Round 3: #H5 vs #H6
#H5: Middle school soft tennis club deals with trauma
#H6: Cozy slice of life about a high school girl with a camera
Details and poll under the cut!
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#H5: Stars Align (Hoshiai no Sora)
Constantly outperformed by the girls' club, the boys' soft tennis club faces disbandment due to their poor skills and lack of positive results in matches. In desperate need of members, Toma Shinjou is looking to recruit capable players, but he fails to scout anyone. Enter Maki Katsuragi, a new transfer student who demonstrates great reflexes when he catches a stray cat in his classroom, instantly capturing Toma's attention. With his interest piqued, Toma ambitiously asks Maki to join the boys' team but is quickly rejected, as Maki doesn't wish to join any clubs. Toma refuses to back down and ends up persuading Maki—only under the condition that Toma will pay him for his participation and cover other club expenses.
As Maki joins the team, his incredible form and quick learning allow him to immediately outshine the rest of the team. Although this gives rise to conflict among the boys, Maki challenges and pushes his fellow team members to not only keep up with his seemingly natural talent, but also drive them to devote themselves to the game they once neglected.
Propaganda 1:
Covers a wide variety of issues and gets into the nitty-gritty of the often under-prosecuted instances of child abuse in Japanese society. Multiple LGBT characters, subversions of gender roles, a simple but appealing art style, and some really talented seiyuu to top it all off.
Propaganda 2:
This series is so amazing even though it was cut halfway through (and the trigger warnings, mainly in regard to the environments many of the characters live in) make it difficult to suggest at times. It’s half a sports anime and half a drama, switching between the sports sections and explorations of the lives of the characters involved, the latter of which is the part I really adore. The story discusses the heavily discussed topic of abuse pretty well and also has a good handle on discussions about things like gender (specifically in regard to a canon non-binary character, though there is also a minor character who is a trans man who is also discussed) that I haven’t seen too many other series address, or at least not to the effectiveness of this story. The characters also just have so much charm and compliment each other well, and I love watching them get closer and interact. They’re buddies, and I adore the boys soft tennis team plus Yuu and Mitsue (+ Arashi I guess. He’s from a different school’s team and directly opposed the team, but he very quickly becomes their friend afterwards), as well as all of their dynamics. It’s not a watch for when you’re looking strictly to have a fun time or looking for a complete story, but it’s an amazing story regardless. Also, I love the opening and ending songs so much. I wish this series got its season two so much because it’s so good, I don’t think I did it justice at all.
Trigger Warnings:
Child abuse: Most of the cast is from an abusive household, including mcs.
Domestic abuse: Off-screen/implied, parent of a main character.
Gender/sexuality discrimination: From a parent to a non-binary character + from bullies to a gay character.
Emotional abuse: Some major characters have emotionally abuse parents, this is shown on-screen.
Minor injuries: Blisters, bruises, one scene with plenty of blood but clarified to just be a minor head wound afterwards. etc.
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#H6: Tamayura: Hitotose
In her last year of middle school, Fuu Sawatari had trouble dealing with her emotions following the sudden death of her father. Through the help of her brother and childhood friend, she rediscovered her love for photography, an activity she and her father often did together. In addition, she decided to attend high school in Takehara, her father's hometown and a place they often visited when she was younger.
It has been one month now since Fuu moved to Takehara and became close with her current group of friends: carefree Kaoru Hanawa, excitable Norie Okazaki, and quiet Maon Sakurada. Together with them and several acquaintances around town and abroad, Fuu continues her mission of capturing the joys of everyday life using her father's camera, while also helping her friends discover their own passions.
No stakes, only warmth. Tamayura: Hitotose is the single coziest anime I have ever watched. It is like Moomins or Studio Ghibli (without all the excitement), in that after watching it you feel like the greatest magic the world has ever known is a home-made bowl of soup, a trip to the mountains, a photograph of a memory. Which is all true. Animes like this teach you to live right, and that's why we need them. Also to teach us to be "more aggressivu!" If you ever have a really rough day/week/month/year/decade, let your soul be soothed and watch Tamayura: Hitotose.
Trigger Warnings: Unknown.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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