#howzer x gil
darlingimawitch · 2 years
tropes & thoughts on tsds ships !
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just for fun, nothing more ! this is just how i feel abt them <3 p.s this was made when i watched s4 so i didn't know abt merlin's feelings for meliodas yet
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meliodas x elizabeth : star crossed lovers. romeo and juliet type of shit that pains me bcs i just want then to be together already. i want to see more of them the more i watch it. idk i just love them both individually and together.
king x diane : my favourite trope, childhood friends to lovers !!! ugh they're so cute they make my teeth rot. i love how he's always there to protect her, knowing v well she can protect herself, but still feels the need to do so. in his eyes, she's something precious so that shit makes me so soft
merlin x escanor : definition of girboss and malewife. again i love its them protecting the ladies knowing they are v capable of doing so themselves. love them plus escanor seems like a sweetheart
ban x elaine : brothers best friend literally. okay they're cute and all but the fact she looks so young threw me off a bit (i get that she's wayyyyy older than him but still.) i don't rlly ship them tho
gilthunder x margaret : childhood friends to best friends to lovers. don't feel anything for them but they're cute
griamore x veronica : SOFT BF X MEAN GF I STAN THEM. i cannot get enough of them ur honor like he's so fricking sweet to her and would do anything to protect her. AND SHES LIKE MEAN TO EVERYONE ELSE BUT SOFT FOR HIM I LOVE THIS TROPE OK
zeldris x gelda : forbidden love !! they're actually rlly cute but i just wish we saw more of gelda bcs she's such a girlboss imo !! and i like how zeldris can be childish around her and hv her take care of him it's so cutee
howzer x diane : jock bf x hyper gf and also one of my favourite rarepairs from the show. i was really rooting for them mans i just love how soft he is for her and didn't even hesitate to protect her when he knew he was on the wrong side !!! like the dude gave her a fair fight despite her being a girl and i just like how he respects her overall
howzer x gil : same braincell kinda chaotic duo which reminds me of bokuroo for some reason??? they're both so cute and so sweet and honestly i do not mind adding myself to this equation🥰🥰
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killershark82 · 1 year
Howzer: That was so hot, Gilthunder .
Gilthunder: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Howzer: I'm so in love with you.
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
Part 3 of my nnt rewatch ep 13-18
I'm trying to watch it in latam Spanish but I just rlly love the English voice cast >:( I'm doing it for most scenes anyway tho🤪 I do love español!Elizabeth's voice tho !! I maintain that English!Ban is the best voice tho
Do we know why meliodas loses his emotions in this form?
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And what form even is this? We never see it again if I remember correctly?
Helbram's magic lowkey cool as fuck
I want to see ban and Elizabeth interact one on one more often, as the two people closest to Meliodas (aside from Merlin, but she has secrets) I want to see them together, yk?
MelBan is just so good like they beat the shit out of each other to show love and I think that's beautiful
I know a lot of ppl ship lancelot and tristan but I ship their dads🫣 el oh el
Elizabeth should be way more powerful than she is and that is what polishes me off the most in all of sds honestly >:(
Also I'm back on my howzer x diane bullshit 😔
La voz del español!Meli es tan profundo, pienso que es la voz más diferente de las versiones, es extraño
Mi teoría sobre la voz de meliodas solo existe en las versiones de inglés y japonés I guess
King and Ban training together is so fucking cutee
I love how we just never rlly find out anything abt the trumpet of cernunos lol
How is ban's jacket too short but his pants aren't? Not complaining, that's just silly lol
Also him defending Meli even tho he obviously knows he's a demon is so🥺
Meliodas splitting the mountain with the branch is one of my fave scenes, we get to see that there's so much more to him and it hints at his coming power
I forgot how tragic Gil and Margaret were that's a good storyline damn
Ep 14 time !!
Is helbram... hot?
YESSS roars of dawn time !!! Slader is so babygirl I love him sm
Guila is such a girlboss line yaasss kween kill those children !!
Why the fuck does meliodas own so many slutty women's costumes HMMM? is he... you know... 👀💅
Gowther introducing himself to Hawk as oinkity oink oink is so real, I love their bond
I love that will Elizabeth feels insta love and Meliodas has BEEN in love for 3000 years
Slader is like if demon!meliodas, ban, and hawk had a baby and that baby was a slut
Seeing genuine surprise from Meliodas when "gowther" was going to be defeated is so weird, like mans was sad he lost his friend and had no idea that wasn't him
The roars of dawn are all hot and that's a good thing
Poor Dale. He just wanted to protect his family. And he was hot too😔
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Ban flipping King off while Meliodas revels in Chastiefol's softness is such a representation of all three of them
Meliodas straight up using hellblaze to fight the armored giant/Dale is so funny, it's like baby isn't ur biggest secret that you're a 3000 year old demon prince?? And hellblaze is your specialty demon power?? This does not seem inconspicuous
Also might do a ramble on hellblaze later 👀
Also ban using a whip is kinda 😳
Indiana jones type drip (I am both attracted to and find gender envy from Indiana jones)
The girls are fightingggg
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Also this title card is so cute !!
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Meliodas straight up being the holy knight grand Master of danafor is so funny to me
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He looks so cute in his danafor outfit😭
Also I wonder where meliodas gets the groping thing from because 3000 years ago he was def not like that, though the groping does get less frequent as the story goes on and that's when the holy war arc is so maybe nakaba just forgot abt it lol
Also slavery being canon in nnt britannia is crazy when you think about it
The only reason meliodas didn't carry a sword being he would kill too many people is just a litttleeee bit funny
But also Cain saying that he is both too violently destructive and "too gentle a soul" is painstaking ahaha🥲 literally the best descriptor for him
Gowther carrying King on piggyback is so cute😭😭
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I think the moment Meliodas finally kills Dale is a real turning point in the series. Before this, he had not killed a single opponent. He just fought to disarm and incapacitate. Just the next episode, he tells ban and gowther to "go straight for the kill" against the holy knights. As we see throughout the rest of the series, even before his emotions get caught in purgatory, he no longer feels hesitant to kill. He only becomes more and more like himself from the time of the Holy War (post 10 commandments). This is why I love his character sm, a corruption arc (even if he is never truly evil) is just so rare and one this good and angst filled is even rarer.
Ban continually stealing the same 1980s glamrock red leather set with studs bc he keeps getting murdered in it is the foundation of his character fr
Gowther and Elizabeth being the only ones who are not alcoholics is so real
Also all of them just sniffing king kills me😭
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Diane being 30 feet tall means the world to me
Also gowther is so pretty, esp without his glasses
Long hair!Dreyfus is also ridiculously pretty
Ban just letting Gowther squish his tits is so hashtag real, mans gives no fucks
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I don't think I've seen this episode since the first time I watched nnt bc I totally forgot Arthur was introduced in it lol
LISTEN howzer rooting for Diane when they're on opposite sides of the battle is just rlly cute look how flustered he is🥺
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so in English, after gowther uses rewrite light, the holy knights say "Meliodas! There you are! Ban, I really missed you man!" BUT in Spanish they call Meliodas mijo (meaning my son/my kid) and Ban hermano (brother)😭😭
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Howzer and Gyula being the first ones to publicly stand up to dreyfus and hendy means so much I love them
Hendy was so hot😭😭
Wait how did I just realize that fraudrin was the one to break gowther's nightmare teller
Wait I also juT realized that Dreyfus is Gil's uncle. Gil is dreyfus's nephew. How did I not comprehend that
King, sobbing: why can't I ever protect the people that I care about?😢😭😓 Helbram: it's because you're consistently late🤨😐🙄
Helbram's eyeliner game is almost as good as Ban's
Is Howzer's hair supposed to be green or blond? Discuss.
On that note, we always say Elizabeth's hair is silver, but it's def mint green
Anyway,that's episode 18! Can't believe I'm already about to be on my last part of season 1 !!
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
The Story of the sad chapter 15
Word Count: 2,367
Pairing: Ban x reader
Warnings: cursing
Summary: The Rescue Mission continues
Taglist; @lysawayne​
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“Okay, lovely reunions aside, we gotta go save the princess now” you hated to be the one who destroyed this precious moment, but someone had to do it.
It wouldn´t be good if you stayed here any longer than you needed to.
“You should´ve said that at the beginning, dear” Merlin smirked and forced Elizabeth´s location out of Vivian.
As soon as she uttered the words, Merlin teleported you in front of the king´s room, something was holding her back though, it was the perfect cube, a demonic barrier.
Not that that was a problem for Merlin, who immediately canceled the magic, making you able to enter the room.
Elizabeth headed straight for Meliodas to hug him, it was bittersweet. She didn´t remember him yet and still her feelings were prevalent.
You wondered if you would ever be able to harbor such a strong love for another person and if they would for you.
Before you could sink into your thoughts any more, Dreyfus entered the room and had all of you on guard.
However instead of fighting you, he broke down on the floor in shame, admitting to the crime of killing his own brother, the very reason you had to flee in the first place. Before you wasn´t a holy knight, he was merely a broken man eaten alive by his guilt now.
He also informed you that Hendrickson´s plan was to bring forth another holy war.
After hearing that his son was alive, he obliged and obediently walked himself into the dungeon to await his trial.
Merlin took a look at the king´s health and stated that he needed to be treated immediately, however this would only be possible in Camelot where she had all of her supplies.
“I´m coming with you!” you said.
Merlin only raised an eyebrow but then chuckled.
“I suppose you would, after all it´s where your weapon lies… however it got there, I cannot remember” she smirked.
She teleported you, Arthur and the king to Camelot´s castle where she treated him.
“Arthur, show (Y/N) where her sword is” she smiled mischievously.
“You mean the one you told me to guard?” he asked and you cocked an eyebrow, why would he have to guard your sword? It´s not like it would wither and nobody was able to steal it.
He showed you around the castle and then stepped through a secret hallway leading into a big room plastered with all kinds of weapons and armor of the goddess clan.
It felt like a twisted version of home.
“What the hell...where did she get all of this? Well, I suppose if anyone would be able to, it´d be Merlin. But still...” you looked around the room in wonder, subconsciously remembering your old days as a soldier, as the head of the holy army.
It was sick but it filled you with pride, you were good at it, very much so and even better at strategy.
But still, there had to be a reason why you remembered so much of your past recently.
“Merlin said you could take anything you want, she also told me to tell you to view this room as your personal closet” he awkwardly smiled at you.
You had to chuckle, that was so typical of her.
“Well, thanks a bunch for all of this, but I have to go back now” you said as you went back to say goodbye to Merlin, sword in hand.
“If you ever need anything else, just give me a call” Merlin smiled at you before she teleported you back to the capital.
You landed right amidst the action, it seemed.
“Holy shit, what the fuck is going on?” you asked, looking around you saw only ruins of the castle, two holy knights wincing in pain and your friends, boyfriend and another holy knight.
“Hell if I know, whatever it is we have to make it stop” Diane said.
“Babe!” Ban came up to you and hugged you tight, kissing your cheek.
“I missed you...” he nuzzled your neck.
Warmth spread through your body as you let yourself fall into his touch for an instance, this, whatever this was, whether it was true or not, it felt right.
Yes, Gowther did spread some doubt in your mind about the reason you got into this relationship, but you wouldn´t let that hinder you.
You were always better at fighting when you had something to protect, even if that something was immortal and handsome.
“(Y/N)! You got your sword back!” Elaine exclaimed, clapping her hands and cheering for you.
“Finally joined the party, eh?” Meliodas joined you, teasing you.
But before any more casual conversation could be held, Jericho transformed into the same monster that Meliodas, Ban and King fought a while ago.
Apparently it was a malfunction on holy knights who have been given demon blood.
The thought that Hendrickson did that still made you sick to your stomach.
He suddenly appeared in front of you, clad in a demonic aura as the new generation of holy knights all transformed into beasts.
“Okay so, how the fuck do we go about this? Mel, you told me that those beasts could only be defeated once you killed the person inside, right? There has to be another way!” you called out to him.
There was too much chaos to get a clear head or overview, everything happened too quickly.
Meliodas and Gilthunder tried to take on Hendrickson, however he ordered Vivian to take Margaret and Elizabeth as hostages, making the men startle for a second.
A second he used to slice them down.
Elizabeth did something very brave and stupid at that moment, she offered to go with Hendrickson in return for Meliodas´ and Gilthunder´s life.
She always thought about others before herself, which made her so strong.
“Mel, I know what you´re thinking, but we need to think this through. We need a rescue Elizabeth team and one that deals with those fuckers” you pointed at the beasts that were once holy knights.
All he gave you was a pained expression.
“I´ll heal your wounds, give me a sec” you knelt down at his side and applied your magic.
“Okay, we need to contain those monsters before we know what to do with them that doesn´t kill the person inside. I can´t afford them to wreak any more havoc. Somebody needs to get the citizens into a safe space. So that´ll be two teams. And then the last one is the rescue team. King, Diane, Gil and Howzer, you go defeat the beasts. Gowther, Hawk and Elaine, get the people to safety. Ban, Mel and I will rescue the princess.” you knew it wasn´t your place but someone had to put order and clear instructions into the heads of the scared, otherwise nothing could be done.
Nothing could be achieved by being frozen in fear.
Meliodas nodded, getting back up on his feet.
You ran into the direction where Hendrickson´s magic was coming from, apparently Dreyfus fought him as of right now.
Dreyfus was on your side, but even if you arrived in time to save the princess you doubted that the four of you could take Hendrickson on.
You might have been able to if you had had the opportunity to train with your sword longer, it should come to you easily, but maybe ten years was just too long. Not to mention Meliodas was exhausted, even though you healed his wounds.
And while Ban couldn´t take any longterm damage from Hendrickson, you doubted he could deliver any to him.
It was hopeless. And yet you couldn´t just stand around and continued moving forward.
When you arrived you saw only the remains of Dreyfus´ armor and a bleeding Elizabeth.
You hoped Ban and Meliodas would be able to distract Hendrickson long enough for you to heal her and get her to safety.
Without thinking you flew past him, grabbed Elizabeth and healed her in the process of leaving her in the care of Elaine and Hawk who alongside Diane and the others came into your direction to help.
You told Elaine and Hawk to get to safety before you joined the fight again.
“Mel, if we´re lucky he won´t be able to take the demonic magic any longer, so let´s hit him with everything we got. Make it count” you husked, a determined look in your eyes as you swung your sword as the first attack against Hendrickson.
Ban watched in awe as your blade stroke his skin, making him wince in pain. It´s been while since he´s seen you go all out on someone and damn were you a sight to behold.
So graceful, so elegant, so utterly beautiful. He had to watch out not to get distracted too much by you.
“Yes babe! Get him!” he cheered for you and the others followed your example, fiercefully attacking Hendrickson.
As the battle commenced it was revealed that Hendrickson hid a red demon corpse in a hidden cave which he claimed to be the source of it all.
It enraged you beyond belief, how he said that without any remorse, without any tone change in his voice, he even sounded proud of it, of himself.
“You disgust me...” you balled your fists, shaking as tears streamed down your face.
“How the fuck could you make them drink that?! Aren´t you ashamed of yourself, you piece of shit? I´m gonna fucking obliterate you and you bet your ass I´m gonna make it hurt” you lashed out at him, your wings subconsciously raised you higher as you started an attack from above, slashing at his shoulder with all force.
“Ashamed? Why should I? Just look at all the success I´ve had with this… I´m invincible” he sardonically smirked.
“If only Mael didn´t steal my place as one of the four archangels and I had his sword, I would´ve killed you back when we first found out about you, but now this´ll have to do!” you kicked him in the guts and held him down, about to give him the final stab when he grabbed onto your wings and broke them.
You saw red as the pain emitted into your body like hot lava, almost making it burst. Your wings hung loosely down your back and you couldn´t move them, they were now a mere burden to you.
“You fucking bastard!” Ban rushed to your side and got you out of harm´s way, only refusing to hit Hendrickson when Meliodas actively held him back.
“Ban.” Elaine stated coldly, there was so much anger inside of her small body she couldn´t contain it, she would have her revenge.
“Let´s end this. Once and for all, we did it once, we can do it again. It´s time for vengeance, for the forest, for (Y/N), for all the misery this thing caused” she grit her teeth, collecting all of her magic in the palm of her hands and pointing it at Hendrickson, making him fall down the hole that was created when the demon was revealed.
“Fucking hell, this hurts like a bitch...” you twisted your arms behind your back to reach your wings to heal them, but it seemed like you had exhausted your healing magic for the day.
“Don´t force yourself, (Y/N). We´re gonna take him down, no matter what” Meliodas told you, carrying you to the side of the battlefield with a dark look in his eyes.
“Diane, you stay back with (Y/N). Watch that nothing happens” Meliodas ordered as the rest went down the hole into the cave.
“We´ll be right back, darling...” Ban held your face in his hands, caressing your cheek.  “Just stay put, okay? Diane, make sure she´s not into too much pain. Please watch out for her for me” he pleaded with a worried look on his face before he kissed your forehead one last time and joined the others.
“You can count on me!” Diane nodded determined and sat down beside you.
“Poor (Y/N)...is there anything I can do to help?” she hated being tall, especially in moments like this she felt useless. A dear friend was hurting and she couldn´t do anything but sit by and watch.
“No...I´ll have to wait until my magic is restored, I think with enough stretching I can heal myself. But it hurts like a bitch...” you forced a smile.
“Maybe we can talk to distract you from the pain? Hey, let´s talk about Ban! That´s sure to brighten up your mood” she smiled at you.
“Yeah, it sure is...” you returned the smile.
“I don´t know what I did to deserve him, but I feel like if I question it too much all the happiness will just go away and I don´t want that. But if I don´t question it then I´ll never be sure...” you rested your chin on your legs.
“Sure of what?” Diane tilted her head.
“Whether I truly love him...whether I´d be able to recognize the feeling even if it hit me in the face or if I´m even capable of such a wonderful thing...” you shared your thoughts with her, watching her frown.
“Well, with your past it´s only natural that you´d feel this way. I can´t tell you how to feel but I can tell you the things I noticed that changed about you when you and Ban got together. You´re happier, it shows, you´re so free and light all the time, it´s contagious, it´s like your smile and happiness washes over to the rest of us. And you´re much more relaxed too, it´s like a burden has been lifted off you. I like seeing you happy like this, I never liked it when you were so depressed over things long past and unchangeable… and (Y/N)? I can see the same changes in him too. He´s so soft and gentle around you, I´m envious of what you have, it´s just so beautiful” she played with her fingers.
“You think so? I didn´t notice any of that...” you felt silly, how could you not even recognize your own happiness let alone the one of others anymore? It was pathetic.
“It´s because you´re always in your head” Diane giggled.
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sullina · 3 years
So first thing u should know, I am a hopeless Jericho fan, so most of this AU will be centered around her. Triple Reincarnation AU, Three people got hit with the whole Eli curse, Elizabeth, Griamore, and Jericho. Eli's story is the same, Griamore was a Giant who was very close to Drole and best friends with who Jericho used to be. Jericho was a Demon who helped Mel escape to the Fairy kings forest, and was being trained be him. Don't know if this is what u ment but its whut I got.
@a-small-tired-lonely-potato okay so here’s what I got:
The story still pretty much goes as always with Mel and Eli, and Jericho and Griamor do reincarnate and meet Meliodas, but I think Griamor wouldn’t recover all his memories as much as Elizabeth or Jericho do since he’s not as close to Meliodas as them. Jericho would be a little sister or maybe even a daughter to Meliodas (whichever you want). In all of her reincarnations, she’s eager to learn how to fight, and searches for someone to teach her, which usually ends up being Meliodas, who is always in high ranking military positions among knights (probably, at least from what canon gave us). As far as power goes, Jericho is stronger than canon, but unable to use her full potential due to frustration from failure.
Griamor is still pretty much the same, with his “Wall” ability, but he also has control over the earth like giants do, but it’s weak since it’s more of a memory of the ability. He fully reawakens it when he gets his memories back.
But onto what you came for
I’m gonna start with Liones Meliodas comes to Liones with baby Eli like in canon, and while that’s happening, Jericho is around 2 years old. When she gets a little older, she looks for someone to teach her swordfighting because her brother won’t (bc he’s stubborn or something), and runs into Meliodas. At the time, she doesn’t even know who he is, she just sees the sword on his back and goes “You’re gonna teach me swordfighting and I won’t take no for an answer” and Meliodas just goes “sure, be at x place tomorrow.” and she ends up training under Meliodas alongside Gilthunder. She learns quickly, and is soon on the same level as Gilthunder, but has the same problem that Howzer was shown to have: she moves on too quickly and her basics, while good, are still a little sloppy. But with a teacher as patient as Meliodas, she’s eager to learn. She doesn’t go on any missions when Meliodas is still with the kingdom since she’s still a child, so during those, she trains with Gilthunder, and even gets close to the royal family through him, and Griamor. Her and Griamor meet through Gilthunder since Gil and Griamor are friends, and sometimes comes along with them when they ‘cause trouble’.
when Zaratras is killed and the sins are framed, Jericho secretely followed them and saw what they saw, so she knew they got framed from the very beginning. Now you could either make it so that Jericho still stays with the kingdom to get stronger, keeping her knowledge secret until the sins come back, or she could pretty much immediately set out to search for them, (though mainly Meliodas). Of course, she could ALSO somehow convince her brother and they start a revolution or something.
I’m gonna go with the “she sets out to find Meliodas”, if you want me to do another possibility though, you can send another ask. She might wait a year or two until she’s a little older to go.
Jericho asked Gilthunder to go as well, but he couldn’t since Vivian was watching him and Margaret, so he stays in the capital. Griamor had to stay with Veronica so he couldn’t come either. So Jericho packs her stuff and, despite heavy protests from her brother, sneaks away in the night, leaving only a note telling her brother to not go after her and that he shouldn’t worry. She sneaks past the night guards and goes along the city walls to a spot where the vines grow tall and she can climb over without being seen. On the other side, she breaks into a run, making sure to stay under trees so she wouldn’t be seen, and leaves Liones behind her.
She travels every single day, only going into towns to look for Meliodas and to buy what she needs or to stay the night. It takes her a while to find Meliodas, months, or maybe even years. When she stumbles into the Boar Hat, she was on the verge of giving up and so deep in thought, that she didn’t notice Meliodas greeting her.
Meliodas knew right away that it was Jericho. She was a little older now, and looked tired.
When he comes up to serve her, she finally notices, but before she can make a big scene, Meliodas shushes her and tells her to wait until closing.
When they close, Jericho is absolutely thrilled to have found him again. She wants to help the sins cleanse their names, and has to convince Meliodas, who is against it, but he has a hard time saying no to her.
This took a while, but I hope you like it anyway^^
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moonstomars · 4 years
Sorry if I'm to late for it, but wouldn't you mind doing some Griamore x Veronica for the ship ask, please?
Hello! You are not late at all, and sure! Sorry it took a while to write this down
Who is a night owl: none of them is particularly a night owl, but Veronica can stay awake longer. She also doesn’t really like to sleep in front of other people because it makes her feel vulnerable and a bit childish, but she doesn’t have this problem with her sisters or Griamore since she has known them for so long and trusts them 
Who is a morning person: Griamore usually wakes up earlier, he doesn’t mind, and besides he has work to do! Veronica wakes up pretty early as well because she wants to train as well, she wouldn’t mind sleeping a bit more but she is stubborn enough to ignore the fact 
Are they cuddlers: not in public usually, but when they are alone Veronica likes to sit next to Griamore and lean against him, and she also appreciates when he puts his arm around her shoulders (though she has never said it out loud)
Who is the big spoon: Veronica would like to be the big spoon but Griamore is huge so in the end, she is okay letting him hold her. Griamore loves that! He feels like he is keeping her safe
Who is the little spoon: Usually Veronica, though she tries sometimes to hold Graimore
What is their favourite sleeping position: they face each other and Veronica usually hugs him, while Griamore holds her gently, he doesn’t want to squeeze her 
Who steals all the blankets: Veronica, always, she does it accidentally and then denies it or claims that she really needs all of them. Griamore is absolutely not bothered by this, he finds her adorable all wrapped in the blankets
What they wear to bed: Veronica wears a nightgown, Griamore a pyjama or shorts 
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: the problem is that Graimore would rip Veronica’s shirt and but his shirts are enormous and Veronica basically disappears inside them. But she can wear them if she fixed them well enough with pins and a belt 
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: both of them! Sometimes Griamore is just so tired that he falls asleep while she is talking, while Veronica is just so stubborn and refuses to go to sleep even though she is tired, so sometimes she t falls asleep suddenly. None of them is bothered by this usually, though Veronica sometimes scolds Graimore about it (she is not serious at all, she knows that he can get tired and finds it pretty cute)
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: it happens to the both of them but not often, like basically all the characters of this manga they passed through some very stressful situations and have some regrets. Veronica doesn’t like to admit that she had a nightmare, she tries to hide it, but Griamore usually notices and just holds her tighter without saying anything. When Griamore has a nightmare though she asks him if he wants to talk about it and reassures him that everything is okay
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Veronica, she punches Graimore a lot, but he rarely notices if she doesn’t hit his face. 
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: they are very controlled, but probably Veronica is the one who reaches for him the most. Griamore is just very respectful and doesn’t want to push her boundaries 
Who said “I love you” first: I think it was Graimore, at the end he simply couldn’t keep it for himself anymore. He was super shy about it but Veronica already knew that he had feelings for him. She appreciated his confession a lot anyway 
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Graimore, definitively, he tries to hide it at first; when Veronica sees it she rolls her eyes but she smiles. 
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Veronica, usually she writers funny comments like about the fact that Graimore should be faster at taking his shower. Griamore secretly finds them lovely 
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Griamore buys her cheesy gifts sometimes, he knows she appreciates them, but Veronica likes to buy him gifts too. She just takes a long time to choose them and always asks her sisters’ help 
Who initiated the first kiss: Veronica, Griamore wouldn’t have taken the first step and she was sick of waiting. She asked him to bend and then just kissed him, it took him by surprise!  
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Graimore sometimes, he can’t help! He finds her lovely when she sleeps! 
Who starts tickle fights: Veronica, she jumps of him traying to tackle him and usually Griamore lets her do whatever she wants
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Veronica is the one who does that the most, Griamore still feels a bit shy about it. 
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Veronica! Griamore was working with Gil and Howzer and she just showed up with something to eat and dragged him away. He likes having lucnh with her a lot, it’s fun, so he never complains when it happens 
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: they were both a bit nervous, but Griamore was probably more nervous ... but they have been friends for so long that they soon relaxed.  
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Veronica doesn’t like spiders so she lets Griamore take care of them, he doesn’t mind 
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Griamore, always when he gets drunk! He gets really loud and needs to express his love. Veronica is not very loud when she is drunk but she is more likely to tell him about how much she cares about him 
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mysti-eris · 4 years
Nanatsu no taizai ✌️
oh hehehhe 
001 Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Elizabeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Least Favorite character: Vivan (she’s just really disgustinggggggggggggggg) I thought she was wayyyy older than Gil
and maybe Merlin (I just hate her in the cath arc)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): MELIZABETH!!!!!!,  hendrickson x dreyfus, kiane, gulia x jericho aandddd 
Diane x Howzer (okay I recently shipped them because of that damn game like have you not seen Diane’s ult with him?? SO FREAKING CUTE)
jesus christ most of my top ships are not canon sksks  (i do ship all the canon ships too tho!!)
Character I find most attractive: for male is Meliodas Hendrickson (it was actually BAN. I was head over heels for him back in 2014)
for female is… haha obvi elizabeth,,I tend to like girls who people think are weak but they are actually hella strong-
Character I would marry: ahahahahaha Too many to list >.
As much as I want to say meliodas or eli- I have to go for Ban,, LIKE he can cook and like he’s a perfect husband!!!
Character I would be best friends with: Slader (he gives good advices and sooo caring T0T)
a random thought: How did King and Diane did the do? (i was actaully talking abt this with a friend of mine and I cant stop thinking abt something so horrid I dont want to say it out loud.)
An unpopular opinion: I actually liked Elizabeth’s uneven bangs-
My Canon OTP: Melizabeth
My Non-canon OTP: oh no there’s too many BUT Diane and Howzer
Most Badass Character: Jericho (she knows Ban would never love her like Elaine  but that didnt stop her from helping both of them- and she wanted to be there when Elaine was gonna give birth?? And she felt so guilty when her brother DIED, she was so angry with herself but when she realised she has his power, she wants to be better than him and like lets just say she’s really underappreciated X0)
Most Epic Villain: oh uh, Estarossa. Like DAMN Hendrickson is close but Estarossa is just woof!
Pairing I am not a fan of: Merlin and Arthur D:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Merlin (tbh I was okay with her and before knowing she had a crush on meliodas, I actually thought she could have been a cute family with melizabeth ,,) But ahaha that damn cath was the WORST. Ik its for setting up the sequel and stuff but JESUS everyone basically forgives her???? and let her slip like ???????? She reactivated Eli’s curse just to make Meliodas kill the Demon King and to REVIVE CHAOS. And let’s not forget that she put just placed chaos in Arthur without his permission- And she didn’t even say sorry. I actually wanted meliodas to not forgive her or like show how angry he is with her. That was the most dirty move. And omg Ik Eli is kind and would never be angry at someone but I lowkey wanted her to feel hurt and betrayed. Yes, the sins also did crazy measurements but they apologised and actually feel sooo bad about their actions. and isn’t it merlin’s fault for killing off Escanor-
Favourite Friendship: Ban and Meliodas!!!!!! bro I want a best friend like that-
Character I most identify with: oof who’s the most asshole character but actually cares about everyone?  I guess Meliodas?? I tend have a lot of secrets and I don’t usually show whats bothering me,,, 
Character I wish I could be: Elizabeth- she’s so perfect I want to be like her- (and im waiting waiting to find my meliodas)
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thesevendeadlydorks · 5 years
Howzer A-Z (✦)
Hey so i figured I would try making an a-z alphabet for Howzer (since there’s not a lot out there for him) and the “✦” means nsfw so proceed with caution. Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you want another character done!
 A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Howzer would be caring towards his s/o but I feel like he would also be wiped out. So he would check to make sure you’re all good, and then go right to sleep.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part would probably be his hands. *cough* “Just lie back and leave everything to my magic hands. I promise it won’t hurt. I’m gonna make you feel like you’re flying.” *cough*
His favorite body part on his partner would either be his s/o’s legs or chest.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Howzer loves to have his s/o cum at least once before he does. It gives him a sense of satisfaction and prevents him from feeling guilty later on.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Howzer has always wanted to have a threesome with Gil. Not with Margaret, as he would be way too nervous about touching her, but with whomever Howzer is dating at the time, and as long as Gil and his s/o are cool with it. (There’s a 99% chance Gilthunder is NOT)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Howzer’s gotten around a bit. He knows what he’s doing but isn’t an expert. Basically hes average.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
I feel like Howzer would like one that either involves sitting or up against a wall. But ones where he has control.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
There’s almost always a little bit of humor when Howzer is involved with anything. Unless he just returned from a mission, in which case he’s more serious.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He keeps it groomed relatively well, its not wild but its also not gone. He cares a lot about the hair that can be seen everyday, so why not take care of the hair that can’t?
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Howzer can be super romantic if the situation calls for it. (One of the first few times y’all have done it, an anniversary, or holiday.) But most of the time there’s a bit of a goofy yet concentrated aspect to it.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation head canon)
If he’s not in a relationship or he’s off on a mission then he probably jacks off about four to five times a week. If he’s in a relation ship then two times a week maximum.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Howzer LOVES lingerie. He loves seeing it on his s/o, he loves his s/o teasing him with it, he loves everything about it. It doesn’t matter if he’s in charge or his s/o is in charge, if his s/o is in lingerie then he’s down.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He mostly sticks to the bed, but he’s always wanted to do it in the boar hat or in a secret room of Liones castle.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Mostly boobs. (Why do you think he had Diane hid hers during the fighting festival?)
OR if his s/o says something to him when they’re around other  people.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Howzer would absolutely do nothing to hurt his s/o. No bondage, no blood, nothing of that sort. Although he would still use blindfolds.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Honestly, he prefers receiving but would go down if his s/o really wants to. But Howzer works hard, sometimes he just wants to sit back and let someone else do the work while he doesn’t have to worry about hurting or pleasing them.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s pretty fast. It’s not like he means to do it, it just happens. If his s/o said something to him he would do his best to slow down, but he just gets so lost in his own world that he forgets sometimes. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s SO down for quickies. Got five minutes before he has to leave for work? What’s a better way to fill the time? Have to meet everyone at the boar hat soon? How ‘bout a round sober and a round drunk? He’s always down.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Howzer’s not too big on experimenting, he’s willing to try some things for his s/o but he does have boundaries.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
At most he can last one or two rounds. Give him like thirty minutes and a few ales and he’ll be good for a round three, though.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
The only ‘toy’ Howzer owns is a blindfold, and he only uses that on his s/o. He’d be down to use any of the ones his s/o owns though. (On them not him.)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Howzer teases quite a bit. The only reason he wouldn’t is if that round is a quickie.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make?)
Howzer is fairly loud, mostly cursing and grunting.
W = Wild Card (Get a random head canon for the character of your choice)
If Howzer had to sleep with any of the sins (besides Diane) he would probably choose Meliodas. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Howzer’s about seven inches in length and has a fairly decent amount of girth,  although Gil has him beat by length and Griamore has him beat in girth, but he’s got a nice balance. Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Probably one of the highest sex drives out of everyone in the series. Meliodas is the only one to have him beat out of the guys.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He can fall asleep almost immediately, unless he has prior engagements or his s/o needs something.
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contrariancy · 5 years
liner notes for ‘reach’.
So, uh. When I write, whatever I write, I always keep a separate “notes” file with things like general plot points, timelines, stuff I’m debating putting in, cut things, and deleted/rewritten bits. And needless to say, the notes for reach got a little, well, long.
Some of the cut stuff I’m actually repurposing for an upcoming series (tentatively titled ‘iƒ’, based on branching points in ‘reach’), but even when I remove that, it’s a lot. So I figured I’d just dump them here and hopefully someone will find them interesting or what have you.
➤  this fic was how I coped with chapter 295; chapter 1 was written almost in its entirety before 296 came out. I acted cool on tumblr and twitter, but I was absolutely sweating bullets and fully prepared to write bizarre fix-it fic because I wanted it. After 296, I lost some steam, but I had a couple friends tell me they really liked the first chapter and thought it was a good concept. I’ve done enough "lost scene" fics that I wanted to try a new challenge and see if I could create an engaging AU fanfic.
Here is exactly what spawned this:
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➤   there were a few rules I created for myself before I got started. The first one was that I couldn’t post anything until the fic was mostly done and once I started posting, that was a commitment to finish it. The second was minimal to no OCs — I had to bend this later with Bathin, but I compromised by making his power fear-based and having him take other forms.
The third rule was that any character introduced had to have some sort of role to play; they couldn’t be there just to "be there" and exist to boost up other characters. Zeal was the only character in it out of necessity, as Guila would have been written entirely differently if she didn’t have her brother with her. Even then, I tried to give him something that wasn’t "[X] in distress." I think the character that came closest to being that was Hendrickson, honestly.
➤ originally, Hendrickson was going to have a phone that he talked to and would have run into Dreyfus while exploring the city. I opted against this because I didn’t want to write any OCs in this and a phone counts. Also, it would be ten times more interesting to have him bounce off of Dreyfus instead of some phone that the reader does not care about. It was also important to me that Dreyfus get introduced as soon as possible, especially in a fic like this where the reader is being asked to accept something different from the top.
➤   Jericho and Howzer were not in the initial draft notes. Then I came up with the pair concept early on (after realizing there was a pattern with Guila-Zeal and Hendrickson-Dreyfus and I could play with that for the eventual Merlin reveal). Fraudrin was an actual character briefly before I decided that Fraudrin as a villain was kind of a tired thing; if I was going to write for him at this point, I would want to explore more of the shades of gray with his character, and this fic would not give me the time or leeway for that. So Howzer became Gil’s paired partner instead, also because I just wanted to write Howzer. Jericho offered the most opportunity for writing things, and I wanted to play her off of Hendrickson and Dreyfus.
➤   Merlin was always going to be the deus ex machina. Merlin was always a factor and always the only Sin I was going to put in. The only thing that changed is she went from sweeping in and completely taking out Bathin and Fixing Everything Ever to coming in for the assist at the end with her OP skills.
➤   Helbram is only in it because he was the first dead character I thought of as a potential partner for Zaratras. I wrote the first half of interlude 1 before anything else and I loved the odd couple pairing, so he stayed and became kind of essential. He’s also very fun to write for and I thought he would be an interesting contrast to the others.
➤   Bathin was going to originally be a straight up Fraudrin clone and just the entity Bathin using Fraudrin’s guise as a persona or whatever. Again, I decided Fraudrin as a villain was a tired thing at this point and having the villain just be Fraudrin again was a bit of a cop out, even if I really didn’t want to write any type of OC. Bathin is like Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist, later complete with Velvet Crowe from Berseria’s arm (which is. also Meliodas and Derieri and I went "oops oh well"). I liked the mental image of Margaret beating everyone up too, so that’s why that happened. It’s also because they’re the two figures in Hendrickson’s life that get possessed and Bathin poses as both of them.
Bathin was meant to be cruel but fun, like an animal that plays with its food. His downfall is his hubris! He thinks he’s on top — and it’s his world, why wouldn’t he think that? — so he doesn’t see anyone as a real threat. The unknown terrifies him though, and that’s why he was tearing his hair out over the 'interloper.' 
➤   ftr, Bathin is one of the many demons referenced in the Lesser Key of Solomon. I’d originally considered something else and even looked into a lot of Arthurian lore, but since Nakaba mines those for canon and I didn’t want to risk any overlap, I swerved in a different direction all together. 
➤   epilogue 1.0 is hot garbage, I started writing this before 296 came out and it was built on assumptions that thankfully turned out not to be true. I trashed it quickly and I like 2.0 much, much better. It’s embarrassingly bad though and this is why you edit, okay. Also, it focused solely on Hendrickson and Dreyfus when the fic did become an ensemble piece and therefore, the other characters deserved to get closure. Some of the sentence structure and imagery got cannibalized for the very last part of the new epilogue, though.
➤   most of the chapter titles stayed the same from the beginning; only chapter 5’s changed. It was originally "in which a good boy questions a demon’s fashion choices" which was a reference to Howzer switching sides and Bathin-as-Fraudrin stuff. Bathin shifted to chapter 6 entirely though, so it became less relevant. The placeholder title was 'in which lightning strikes twice’’ which is a reference to Gilthunder and Zaratras, but since Zaratras doesn’t actually fight in that one, it didn’t make sense.
Everything from here on is from my notes in my project file; the only things I’ve done are rearranged the order for clarity and expanded on shorthand, though there are a couple of italicized notes in parenthesis that I added in later. Some of it is pretty disjointed tbqh! I have a bad habit of not writing in order.
Like I said before, I do a notes file for pretty much anything I write, as it’s where I dump ideas so I don’t forget or move cut text to in case I decide I like the older version better later on (it’s happened). This one just got ridiculously large, so hopefully someone besides me gets a kick out of it.
General notes
Hendrickson wakes up in an apartment, everything is taken care of, wtf
maybe Zaratras has been there for a bit and they're like ARE WE DEAD?? and he's just all HA HA you better not be.
Zaratras is the guy who has just been there!! Forever!! He runs a bar.
Gil is from just before the Kingdom Infiltration arc, so he is just sad and tired all the time.
Howzer is from early and a good boy but also devoted to Dreyfraudrin so it’s like. ??? When he sees those two. He will bond with Hendrickson and this time it will be Hendy’s turn to be like hey. Come. It’s fine.
The ultimate goal with Gil and Howzer is basically attempting to make people whisper "who hurt you."
Merlin shows up in the end like hmm you were all pulled into a pocket dimension but don’t worry, you should be expelled right back into the timeline where you left. No big deal. Bye.
Helbram and Hendrickson kind of. They’re not OKAY but they realize they are both shitty people who were in an impossible situation. Helbram is the petty type, so he’s not really going to forgive him, but Hendrickson doesn’t need his forgiveness either. The two of them work together though because it’s the only way out
Helbram just dunks on Hendrickson constantly because of course he does
Guila is from the same period as Hendrickson and Dreyfus, but she has been there for months by the time they arrive. Zeal is there too because otherwise she’d destroy everyone and everything.
They come in pairs, from similar points in time?
Guila and Zeal are just before the holy war, around chapter 252. Team smartass gen z
Hendrickson and Dreyfus are post 266 / 285 or whatever. Team old man
Zaratras and Helbram are team post death. Team DEAD
Gil and super early bro Howzer who work for Dreyfraudrin. Team dumb boys
Jericho and Merlin. Merlin just lurks for ages, there should be hints about her from chapter 2 on then she’s like lol hi. Post 197 for Jericho, Merlin plays coy because who cares. After 197, Merlin senses Bathin and is like gimme. Team Jericho Broke Nothing
Bathin notes
It’s powered by a crystal that preys on their fears?? Hence Dreyfraudrin existing. Zaratras kind of knows what’s up because he can sense it, since the energy sort of started when he got there, the dude gained a form when Gil showed up, then power when Guila arrived and later Jericho, and now Hendy and Dreyfus sort of complete the collection. It’s their fears all manifested. Merlin has no impact on it though and actually weakened it because ha ha ha you think she has fears, that’s cute. (this shifted to Bathin’s true form being a crystal — I was trying to stick to my "no OC" rule.)
Beleth or Bathin, a fragment of the sangréal? <— too complicated, stick with Ars Goetia lore interpreted for nnt-land. (I think my plan here was some ancient artifact?? Like the sacred treasures. It got really complicated really fast which is no good.) Belialuin Bathinal
Bathin is a demon, its true form is the crystal, it feeds on fears and created the pocket dimension to try and regain a more viable physical form, the weakened state is why its legions are so weak.
But also Bathin feeds on fears and craves Hendrickson and the others’ fears of Fraudrin and everything, and when Bathin finally gets Hendy and is like aren’t you afraid?? He’s just. Yes. I am absolutely terrified. But because Dreyfus took the time to punch him in the heart repeatedly he’s not going to roll over, he has to keep going. Helbram also yells at him like HOW DARE YOU. YOU CAN’T. (This shifted to Jericho in chapter 5 so it could become a more solid arc in the end with the confrontation in 6. Helbram got his moment with Hendrickson and Guila instead and, later, his goodbye.)
Bathin appears like Dreyfraudrin and Margaret, so when they strike Fraudrin down and are like ok?? We good?? Margaret turns and cuts them?? You have until chapter 6 to decide. (it’s pretty obvious what I decided.)
Hendrickson is the perspective character. Only the interlude, which is Dreyfus-centric, isn’t. (The other two interludes were added as I was writing later on.)
Chapter 1: Hendrickson and Dreyfus and general scene setting. Chapter 2: They actually go around town, Guila and Jericho are super introduced, we get glimpses of Gil and Howzer and they kind of talk to the latter. Kind of. Chapter 3: They get to the bar where there’s a bartender that dresses like a mysterious knight, spooky scary etc etc. It’s Zaratras. Helbram is there, too. More on Gil, Howzer should be questioning. Hendrickson leaves Dreyfus at the bar, runs into Howzer on the way out. Interlude 1: Dreyfus figures out Hendrickson’s plan re: Ludociel. Interlude 2: Jericho and Guila on Helbram. Interlude 3: Howzer and Gilthunder. Chapter 4: The confrontation between Dreyfus and Hendrickson. Howzer crashes their place because of course he does. Chapter 5: The Dreyfraudrin chapter. Vs Gilthunder. Zeal will guide them; alluded to in chapter 3. Chapter 6: The source, Bathin, is revealed, Merlin shows herself. Epilogue: The end. "I’m going to make you see how wrong you are." —> this promise HAS to be fulfilled.
Five+ months — Zaratras and Helbram
Five months — Gilthunder and Howzer
Three months — Guila and Zeal
A week — Jericho and Merlin
~Days — Hendrickson and Dreyfus
Eighteenth Plaza — Bathin is the 18th Goetia. Based on Shibuya 109 on the outside.
Pub’s name — Wandering Knight, Silver Helm
Possible Combos - Shot Purge (Guila-Hendrickson) —> Holy Shot?
Flats are like a venus fly trap, lulling them into a false sense of security and complacency so Bathin can keep feeding off their fear?? Maybe it was and then Merlin showed up like lol hi.  (I dumped this because it overcomplicated things a lot; it just became very subtly and only partially implied in chapter 5 but ultimately not very important.)
Cut lines
Chapter Two: What the four of them manage to put together quickly — really, Guila and Hendrickson exchanging theories and ideas while Jericho and Dreyfus watch from across the booth in silent wonder, occasionally exchanging glances as if to say what is wrong with these two — is this: (I wish I could have kept the Jericho and Dreyfus bit, but it didn’t work. This was when they were in the booth, exchanging information.)
“Now hold on a minute, Gilthunder!” Dreyfus turns back to face him, squaring his shoulders. “This— this isn’t what you think! If it’s about M—”
It’s Hendrickson’s turn to yank Dreyfus back, hissing in his ear. “Don’t.” (I didn’t want to complicate it with Margaret. This was before I’d decided to have Bathin use Margaret as a guise as well, but I’d still cut it even if I knew.)
Chapter Five: “You should be.” Hendrickson counters, resting his hands on the back of the couch, leaning forward to look down at Helbram. “Because he brought you and Zaratras here before anyone else. It’s likely that he preys on the souls of the dead.” He pauses at that, glancing over at Guila who nods in agreement, before shifting his attention back to the fairy. “Even if we ‘get out,’ you can’t just live here. Bathin will continue to eat away at your very spirit.” (there are several logical flaws in this that got cleaned up in the final version, which reads very similarly.)
“That should be plenty of time.” Guila pats at Zeal’s shoulder lightly. “Some of us won’t even need that much time, certainly.” (The scene was dragging on for too long and this was ultimately unnecessary. I tend to be really wordy and not know when to stop a scene, so I cut a lot for the sake of flow later on or rework things.)
“Especially since this isn’t Dreyfus’s field of expertise.” (This was cut from the conversation Hendrickson had with Zaratras -- about strategy -- because frankly, it isn’t true and even if it was, Hendrickson wouldn’t say something like that. I cut a lot of stuff like this where it works for the plot but doesn’t track with the character. editing good!!)
The screech of tires can be heard in the distance.
“Ah, I believe they’ve managed to find a vehicle!” (god I really wanted to put Zaratras commenting on grand theft auto in this, even if it made no narrative sense.)
Chapter Six: “Huh?” Jericho gives her a confused look before looking back over her shoulder, where Bathin and Gilthunder were battling it out hand-to-sword. “Yeah, I just— this place is starting to fall apart.”
“Yes, it is, which is why we need to be careful. If you could provide a distraction—”
“Oh!” She snaps her fingers in response. “Yeah, okay, I can do that!” (Jericho was a bit too passive here and it was difficult to transition to the next beat. I reworked it in the final version.)
“Be careful. He’s using his weight as a weapon.” (This was somewhere in phase two of the Bathin fight. I was trying to set the character apart from other demons that they’ve fought, but this was too expository. Hopefully, the sentiment got across in description and whatnot and if not, uh. Oops.)
As he pulls away, flying off towards solid ground, the ice begins to audibly crack. Hendrickson stares up at it, almost resigned in a way. “So this is it,” he murmurs to himself, watching the cracks spider-web their way along the platform (I removed this and tweaked the final paragraph because it didn’t quite line up with Hendrickson’s character in this, especially given the turning point that comes only a paragraph or two later. That one line doesn’t line up with the rest of his arc in the entire fic; I was trying to make it obvious that the ice was cracking and wasn’t going to hold, but uh. This was not the way to do it.)
As an amicable silence falls between them — a far cry from the silence that lingered the last time he took this elevator up — (The transition in the elevator was hard.)
Gilthunder clenches a fist. “That’s exactly why I can’t forget. If I—” He swallows hard. (A lot of stuff gets cut because I start typing and can’t figure out where to go with it. It just didn’t work in the sequence and was too emotional for Gilthunder’s canon point.)
“By the way, have you seen Helbram?” (Zaratras was going to ask about Helbram as well, but that would have dragged the pacing down. Besides, I’d like to think that after their time together, Zaratras ‘gets’ Helbram on some level and knows he’d want to head out on his own terms.)
The orange hue fades into the black of the night, growing brighter and brighter with every passing moment, much like the world around them. And then, it reaches a point where it becomes blindingly bright, like a warmth washing over all of them at once. And then—
And then—  (Did you know that this was basically the same format I used to end the pentultimate section of another fic because I sure didn’t until I just so happened to reread it before posting this one. god. damnit.)
“I’m getting better, right?”
Jericho looks over her shoulder at Hendrickson, then gestures at a small patch of ice in front of her. The druid glances between her and the patch, looking mildly uncertain. “It’s progress,” he admits after a moment.
“You should have seen it the other day, though!” She stomps her foot. “Sir Dreyfus told me I had a lot of potential. (This was originally how Jericho’s epilogue was going to start. It didn’t seem right for her though, especially given the ‘reset’ tone, so I cut it and started from scratch. This would potentially work if it was Dreyfus, but not Hendrickson.)
Detailed chapter breakdowns
Chapter 3: Helbram is disguised, Zaratras is in his armor, it’s a pub and they’re INCOGNITO ok. Helbram spills a drink on Hendrickson like an asshole before the reveal. They figure out that the bartender and server aren’t on the same “script” as the NPCs.
CHAPTER 4 ends with them meeting up with Guila and Jericho, Guila is like this is Bathin, the Eighteenth Duke of the Demon Realm.
CHAPTER 5 is the big planning chapter + infiltrating and fighting Gilthunder. At the end, Bathin’s legions converge on Eighteenth Plaza and Dreyfus stays behind to stop them. Zaratras helps, brothers!! They can have a sad scene with Hendy.
CHAPTER 6 will have a big fight scene in it, this needs to be carefully blocked and mapped out. (narrator voice: it was not carefully blocked and mapped out.)
Bathin — via Dreyfraudrin and Margaret. A lot of darkness, demon powers, fear manipulation. Teleportation? Dreyfraudrin has strength, Margaret has Velvet Crowe-esque hand bs? Dark tendrils, like a cat’s tail.
Hendrickson — Purge, Acid. Purge can weaken Bathin’s power. Dreyfus — Break, Full Size. Full Size might be too much for the building. Dreyfus and Zaratras could hold off Bathin’s legions? Guila — Explosion. Combo with Hendrickson at one point. Jericho — Ice Fang. Someone can get thrown out the elevator at some point and Jericho uses ice to extend a platform and keep them from falling. Eventually uses ice to root Bathin in place so she can PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE!!! Howzer — Tempest. Gilthunder — Thunderbolt. Short circuits the electronics? Helbram — plays his part disguised as Gil to get everyone in, fucks off partway through. Returns to yell at idiots. (This plan was too complicated; what I settled on works better character-wise and narratively speaking.) Zaratras — Great Thunder. Works with Dreyfus to hold off Bathin’s THIRTY DEMON LEGIONS so the others can take him.
Merlin — Infinity. She needs Bathin to be weakened and have his guard down to strike, which is why she slinks in the background and waits. Probably steps in after they’ve done that but Bathin is like YOU FOOLS!! Etc etc. Uses infinity to keep the Holy Shot effect goin’ (see above notes about Merlin)
Top floor of Eighteenth Plaza. There’s the massive office, the long hallway, and the elevator. This is the main area for Bathin.
In the lobby, Zaratras and Dreyfus will take on Bathin’s legions of demons after freeing Gilthunder from his influence.
Guila and Hendrickson get thrown out the glass elevator window, Jericho creates an ice shelf that they cling to, Howzer and Gil work on keeping Bathin busy while Helbram flies out and grabs Guila at Hendrickson’s urging. Hendrickson falls.
Small brief flashback to super young Hendy and Jenna? A call back to being shown how wrong he is. Jenna’s just like LOOK YOU’LL BE FINE, YOU NEVER LIKED IT HERE ANYWAY!! Gosh you’re such a dour kid sometimes, geez, but don’t worry, someone’ll show you how wrong you are someday.
Full Size Dreyfus catches him because gratuitous yes.
Bathin is unfair but so is Merlin.
. . . and that’s it! Hopefully that was interesting to someone and if not, uh. I’m very sorry. Thank you for reading!  🙏
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
So I just finished the entire Nanatsu no Taizai anime. Final thoughts:
Dreyfus, Hawk, and Veronica have absolutely no business being alive whatsoever. However, given that I’m a One Piece fan, I have no right to complain about that. But I will reserve the right to complain about Hawk. Don’t get me wrong, I adore him (he’s one of my favourite characters) and there were actual tears in my eyes when he “died”, but given that everyone else that died because of that death snow thing or whatever stayed dead, it doesn’t make any sense at all. They broke the rules of their universe, and what makes it especially annoying is that they didn’t have any decency to at least explain why? Even a half-assed reason would’ve been enough for me. And Hawk suddenly getting tiny for no reason? What?
The whole wand-waving thing with Elizabeth and her supposedly fantastic magical healing powers was such an ass-pull, and was the one thing I disliked about the finale. Everything else was absolutely amazing.
Ban being ready to kill Meliodas (whom he fought alongside for years) in order to bring back Elaine (whom he knew for exactly 7 days), and Meliodas admitting that he’d do the same for Liz definitely disillusioned me about the both of them. I still love them a lot, but not with the same intensity as before.
Gowther is my child, my fav, and I love him and would die for him. He’s adorable, and the whole cross-dressing thing is hilarious XD
Merlin is absolutely gorgeous and if she propositioned me I wouldn’t say no tbh.
Gil, Howzer, and Griamore are all too precious for words and I would die for them.
I ship Gil x Margaret so hard and I literally screamed when it became canon! GIL WILL BE A FANTASTIC KING I WILL FIGHT YOU ON THIS.
Diane and King is my otp and I honestly cried when it was revealed that Diane regained her memories of the times she spent with King when she was younger.
Diane is my precious daughter and I would cut a bitch for her.
Helbram is easily the character I feel the worst for. His story completely tore my heart to shreds and I’m glad he can finally rest in peace.
I adore Elizabeth to the ends of the Earth, as I’ve been saying since the very beginning, but I’m not gonna lie, I was really really hoping that she wouldn’t come along with them on their new adventure. Because if I’m being honest with you guys, I just don’t think she has enough substance to be a main character. She’s adorable and she cares for her people...but there’s nothing more to her. I mean, she’s basically just there to be Meliodas’ cheerleader. Like, for example, I’ve mentioned before that she reminds me a lot of the princesses from One Piece (Vivi, Rebecca, and Shirahoshi). And she has a lot of the same values as them definitely, and the same courage. But the difference between her and them is that they can at least fight and protect themselves. Hell, Rebecca was a freaking gladiator that won countless fights, and Vivi went undercover in a bounty hunter organization and became one of the most powerful people in the entire organization. Elizabeth, on the other hand, doesn’t have any fighting skills whatsoever, and yet she still insists on running into battle and constantly having to be saved because she can’t do shit.
Meliodas’ “perversion” honestly seems really really out of place to me. It just...doesn’t fit in with the rest of his character? Like, when it comes to other anime perverts (Sanji, Master Roshi, Mineta, Dr Shamal) it makes sense with their character, you know? But with Meliodas, his acts of perversion always come out of nowhere and just feel very awkward and forced. As if they made him that way to appeal to the teenage boys whom the series is most probably marketed towards. You could take that one trait away, and he wouldn’t be any different as a character.
Meliodas and Elizabeth don’t have any chemistry whatsoever and even though I can see that it’s probably heading that way, I’m still hoping they don’t become a canon couple.
We still haven’t seen the seventh sin, and I am so upset!! I want to meet them!
Hawk’s mother is awesome and I love her and I wish she had her own personality instead of just being a convenient plot device to move Meliodas’ tavern around.
The supposed crushes Guila and Jericho have on Gowther and Ban respectively are stupid and are only the writers’ way of trying to ignore the obvious romantic tension between Jericho and Guila. Just let them be soft, sweet, happy girlfriends together.
Arthur Pendragon reminds me of Hinata Shouyou and I love him lots and I really really want to see more of him.
It’s been implied several times that Gowther isn’t human. I’m interested to learn more about that.
In conclusion: It doesn’t rank as high as my favs (OP, BNHA, KHR, HQ), but it was still thoroughly enjoyable and I really love the characters and the world they inherit. The different kinds of magic the characters have are really cool (especially Gil’s lightning and Ban’s “snatch”).
I’ve been told that the manga is a lot better than the anime, and I’m looking forward to reading that and seeing how it differs!
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Please do Gilthunder. I LOVE him.
Why I like them: He’s an adorable dork and I just love him
Why I don’t: Sometimes he’s a bit too stiff for my taste and I didn’t like him when he acted like a bad guy
Favorite episode (scene if movie): When Margaret was saved and he turned on Hendrickson in the same instant
Favorite season/movie
Favorite line: I’m stronger than any of the Seven deadly Sins
Favorite outfit: The Boar Hat uniform
OTP: Gilthunder x Margaret
Brotp: With Howzer and Griamore
Head Canon: I have no idea
Unpopular opinion: Don’t have one I think
A wish: I want to have a scene where Margaret is attacked and Gilthunder saves her in the last moment (pretty specific, and I have no idea why I suddenly thought of this)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: He’s one of the people I fear might die so... please don’t
5 words to best describe them: dork, know-it-all, righteous, smart, trustworthy
My nickname for them: Gil
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killershark82 · 1 year
Gilthunder: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
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