advancedscoutkappi · 1 year
DWC Feb, Day5: Ambition/Relentless
Word Count: 921
Summary: Kappi has taken on a very ambitious project in hopes of giving @attzi-gearburst a special Winter's Veil Gift.
Warnings: None!
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His body was tense, hunched over the workbench as he focused in. When he had the cabin built he made sure to include multiple areas for him or Attzi to work just for occasions like this one. Reaching up he flips lenses in his goggles, slipping the magnifying one into place, and focuses in again on the task at hand. In front of him lay an array of parts, some broken, most not and once he actually gets them all together it will be a functioning watch. Or so he hoped. Attzi had been teaching him all about clocks and watches, building them and repairing them. He had taken to it well enough, but just as with any new skill it had not been without its stumbles. But honestly, he had an amazing teacher with Attzi, she was extremely patient with him and he truly enjoyed learning from her. It made it that much more enjoyable. In fact, that is exactly why he came up with the idea with this ambitious project in the first place.
He took a deep breath and shook out his hands, then grabbed the mainspring winder and the mainspring, looking it over carefully to make sure it had no flaws. Satisfied it looked strong he started to slowly wind it. This, for whatever reason, was the part he always had issue with. Whether he wound it too fast, not fast enough, the spring was bad, or any number of other reasons that he failed to get the spring just right. Sadly this time was no different. As he was winding the spring got bound and snapped. He frowned and set the winder down. 
“So many times..just can not seem to get that quite right the first time.” He shakes his head and leans out seeing the broken piece on the floor. He shakes his head again then pulls the other piece from the winder and loads up another spring. He had planned for this and gotten quite a few extras. He smirked and even chuckled as he started again, this time taking even more care than the last. His extra care pays off, as this time it winds perfectly. He snaps it into the barrel and begins carefully closing it up and as he gets the barrel closed he actually jumps a bit on his stool, his tail wagging happily. He had been trying to complete this entire project for sometime, and had wanted to give it to her for even longer. 
The train of wheels came next and that was tricky for a completely different reason than the mainspring. Having to balance all the wheels simultaneously before installing the bridges, it was like the circus performer balancing all the spinning plates. He gets the center wheel placed then the bridge just to hold things together. The escape wheel comes next then comes the balancing act. Keeping the escape and other two wheels he was about to place in their pivots. It took him a few tries, having to attempt to place the bridge then remove everything to start again, trying the bridge again then starting again. He had to take a moment to take a few breaths and then, finally, everything fell into place. As soon as they do his tail begins wagging just as it had earlier. He knew it would only be a matter of time, as long as he kept at it.
He continued working, constructing, greasing, dropping parts into their perfect little places. Which would have been amazing had it happened. In actuality, he broke several parts, lost a few others and had to wipe away much more grease than he should have ever used.Eventually though, after many long hours of relentless work on his part, he drops the balance in and watches the watch come to life. Seeing that, made it all worth it. His tail wagging so hard it would have knocked over anyone in its path. In fact he had to take several moments to calm down because he was shaking. He had watched her construct many watches, helped build several with her right there. But seeing this come to life knowing it was all him..it was such a different feeling all together. He got everything locked down and set aside, after watching it tick away for several minutes of course, and pulled the case over to look at.
The case of the watch was made up of blackrock ore, its natural black color giving that away even at a glance. The back was smooth and had a small message engraved on it. The front was mostly smooth, save for the heart shaped stone in the middle. Around that the numbers one through twelve numerals were carved, but the stone was the eye catcher. Set in the gap in the front was a heart made from bixbite, her favorite stone. The way that neon magenta stone caught the light was simply stunning. He was almost as proud of the design of the watch as he was completing it, almost. He sets the watch in place, its face a white face that actually showed the inner working in its center. The numbers were a brilliant shade of blue as well as the hands and when it all came together he stared in awe. She had saved his life, and he would never truly be able to repay that, but he hoped this would end up being just one of those stones that he would use to build up as close as he possibly could.
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lylixrustwick · 2 years
DWC November Day 4:Children/Vision
Posting here from the DWC at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/advancedscoutkappi
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Lyl drug a hand down her face as the not quite two year old goblin child at her feet had a full on meltdown. Screaming, flailing, throwing herself down, yup the whole deal. Lyl’s mother, Twixly, came through the doorway from the kitchen with a concerned look on her face.
“What happened to my sweet girl?”
Lyl shook her head and pointed to a bowl of wax fruit that her parents had gotten not long before that as decoration. “Nothin’ fuckin’ happened ta her, I just told her she could not eat the wax fruit and this is the result of said conversation.” Lyl responded as she shook her head and facepalmed again.
Twixly blinked several times then snorted and started laughing. “You know, you threw a fit just like this when you were around her age, for much the same thing.” She managed to get out in between her laughs.
Lyl just squints at her mother and shook her head. “And just how does that info fuckin’ help me now, huh?” She knelt down and scooped Lyzette up, which was not easy seeing as how she had decided to go stiff as a board. She carried her over to the couch and laid her down, sitting on the edge to make sure she didn’t throw herself off. “At least her brother ain’t in here tryin’ ta do the same fuckin’ thing.”
“You may not feel like it is helpful but it is the truth, and you know what? Just have to let it run it’s course. Which is why you have us, Sunshine.” Twixly responds softly as she walks over to lay a hand on Lyzette, gently rubbing her back.
“Yea…thank you. Wouldn’t be able ta do it without ya.” Lyl wilts as she responds and sighs heavily.
Twixly reaches up and lays her hand on Lyl’s shoulder, big loving smile on her face. “I know this wasn’t the vision you had when you looked at your life, but you don’t have to do it alone like you have been trying to do so much.” Twixly said with a sweet, soft voice. 
That voice brought a smile to Lyl’s face, just as it had so many times when she was a little. Well, when she was younger, she always knew she would be looked at as Twixly’s little girl but she liked to always remind her she wasn’t so little anymore. Lyl looked up to her mother and the smile grew, even with Lyzette now silently pushing against her thigh with both feet. “Thank Ma. Love ya.”
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advancedscoutkappi · 1 year
DWC Feb Day 1: Weakness
Summary:You know what, I am not sure how to classify it other than a sort of poem. 
Warnings: Mention of blood
Kappi lay on the sand and looked at the sky Blood covered his fur that had started to dry The snakes had decided to leave him alive His weakness the reason he was allowed to survive.
He groaned and hissed and rolled to his side His shame was so great he just wanted to hide It would be hours or days till help would arrive His weakness the reason he was allowed to survive
Tears streamed down his face falling to the sand Passing out, coming to, a pattern he could not understand Finally they saw him, vulpera a group of five His weakness disappeared and he found the drive
Leaving him was a mistake one they would regret His bones all healed his targets set His enemies picked off, no longer live His weakness was gone and now he could thrive.
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advancedscoutkappi · 1 year
DWC Feb, Day4: Influence/Distant (Kavette)
Word Count: 1128
Summary: Kavette, if that is her name, wakes up in the middle of a ship wreck and has absolutely NO idea how she got there.
Warnings: Mention of spiders, total despair, dark voices.
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“Deadspark!! Deadspark!!”
The words echoed in her head. No, not words, name? Was it her name? That couldn’t be her name..could it? What was her name?
“KAVETTE…..” Came a cold, dark voice, from the base of her skull. Was that her name? Kavette. Who was that speaking..How did they know… 
“KAVETTE….” Again, the voice crept out from the base of her skull like a spider slowly creeping towards its prey. Who was Kavette? It had to be her name, but…she could not remember. She could not remember…anything. 
“-YOU- ARE KAVETTE, YEEEESS.” She cries out in pain, or was that only in her head? It still seared like she had been stabbed with a hot poker directly to the base of her skull. Yes..yes she was Kavette.  But who was this in her head..who was…
“WAAAAKE….UUUP…” More scratching at the base of her skull..like a skittering that made her skin scrawl. Wake up? Am I asleep? Why should I….
She was jolted awake to find herself barely clinging to a large section of wood that looked like what used to be the hull of a ship. Her eyes went wide and she scrambled to keep herself afloat, eventually pulling herself up onto the floating debris. She was trembling, bad, bad enough it was difficult to keep a hold on the small hand hold she found and she was unsure if it was the cold or the fear she felt that was the cause. Slowly she scanned her surroundings. Water. Everywhere. How did she even get here? The last thing she remembered…She winced as that searing pain came roaring back, again starting in the base of her skull. A few hopeless tears began to stream down her face as she looked around again, the sheer terror of so much uncertainty hitting her all at once. She barely knew who she was and had no idea where she was, when she was, how she got here, or how she was going to even survive.
Then she saw it, land. It was distant but it was there. She started crying all over again, tears of relief. She might actually make it long enough to ask those questions all over again. But..but how was she going to get to the island? She couldn’t swim that distance….did she even know how to swim? There had to be a way..an escape raft..no, whatever ship she had been on was in pieces there was no way it survived. She looked out through red, puffy eyes, scanning her surroundings again. Nothing. There was nothing but debris from the ship, however she even got on board. She could see clothes, luggage and…goblin who were not as lucky as she was. She covered her mouth with her hand, gasping loudly before she collapsed back to the wood beneath her. She would not survive this…there was no way to get to shore, no one to help her..she was going to die right there on the oce…
“NO! NO YOU WILL NOT! IT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED!!” That  voice in her head again..the searing pain again! This time she did cry out, hands grabbing at her head, hitting it against the wood several times. Shaking, screaming, the darkness creeping in from all sides until..nothing. There was no more pain, no more stinging from her red and puffy eyes. No more sun beating down on her face or ocean splashing at her. There was nothing.
Suddenly she was moving, but it was not her doing the moving. A strong arm wrapped around her waist and hoists her up off the blasted out hull she had been floating on. She could hear sounds..voices? That creeping feeling crawled up from the base of her skull again, sending shivers all throughout…but her body did not shake. Why was she not…she starts moving, but it wasn’t her. Her hand raised, she could hear deep voices yelling for her to stop, that they were there to help. Her hand opened, as did her eyes, enough to see a light..then everything went black yet again. 
When next her eyes opened she was in a small room, on a bunk meant for someone far bigger than she was. She was out of her wet clothes and into..was it a large shirt? Her head pounded, ears were ringing and every inch of her body hurt. She groans and rolls over and the sound of a chair toppling over snapped her eyes open. She scrambled back, putting her back against the wall, looking for the sound. In front of her stood a tall, slender man with light red skin and long hair that was pulled up in a ponytail. Wait..no that is an elf. Why did she know that? Her knees immediately came up in front of her, her arms wrapping around them as she panicked..she did not know what else to do. The man held up his hands, saying something in a language that she did not immediately understand, more so due to the ringing and muffled way she was hearing things now than anything else. She closed her eyes, hands grabbing and pulling down on both ears, and she screamed which startled the man yet again. He waved both hands back and forth then scrambled out of the room, saying something on his way out. Get someone? Healer? She could heal..why did she think that? She shook her head and started to take several deep breaths, hugging her knees tightly as she tried to calm herself but the panic had already grasped her.Suddenly, there came a heavy sound from down the hall. Thud, thud, thud..Footsteps from someone heavy. As she looks up she sees the elf has returned and he brought a much larger person with them. They were very muscular, had green skin, black hair and…blue eyes. An orc. The orc’s eyes were different, they looked kind, despite the external appearance. Somehow she relaxed slightly, but as he approached she stuffed herself back into the corner and started to scream again. Before she got to full throat the orc had placed his hand on her head and she felt a calm come over her unlike anything she had ever felt before. Well, that she remembered before and right now that didn’t go back very far. Her eyes started giving heavy, like she was about to fall asleep, which she suddenly felt like that was the best idea she had had since waking up. Before she drifted off to what she hoped was sleep she thought, “They don’t seem ta want ta hurt me at least.” Followed by that scratching scream from the base of her skull..
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC November Day 3: Forest/Mortality
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Kappi loved it here. Especially early in the morning like this, where the sunbeams squeezed through the trees just enough to remind you it is morning. Kappi had been to many places in his life, but Grizzly Hills was by far one of his favorites. Which might be a surprise to some, with where he came from, but to others it would make far too much sense. The sounds, smells, cool breezes, all the way down to the wildlife…minus the occasional scourge of course. He loved all of it. So when he had finally gotten the time to properly look for a place to call home away from home, this was it.
He had wanted a place to call his own for many years now, and he knew he was doing nothing but getting older, so he finally put things in motion to build.. Being a nomad for so long does have its advantages, but what he wanted is somewhere that was truly his. Of course he enjoyed Booty Bay and could not be happier living there with Attzi, but this was something different. Something..his, that he designed from the ground up and got to choose every single little detail. Which was something that he was enjoying far more than he thought he would.
Kappi tapped a claw idly on the drafting table in front of him, set up just outside where the cabin was being framed with a slight bit of annoyance on his face. The crew he had contracted was late, and while he was not one to shy away from working on whatever he possibly could to move the process along, he still needed the help of others. This did not mean that he had to tolerate their lack of promptness. He sighed and looked back to the plans in front of him, which was enough to bring a small smile back to his face. 
The overall design was that of a log cabin, but modernized a bit with some of the newest in goblin tech from the Frostbite Contingent. He may have wanted to be in the woods, but that did not mean he was going to rough it all the way. That was what camping was for. This, no this was going to have many quality of life upgrades that would make it the perfect getaway spot. He also wanted to make sure things were comfortable enough for when He and Attzi both stayed here. That thought caused his smile to grow even more, and was something he just could not wait to experience. Tracing a claw along the floor plan he moved up the stairs before flipping to the page with the second floor on it. Just as he was inspecting things fully, he heard it. 
“Oi, step away from me pl….oh. Beggin’ ya pardon Mister Kappi, thought it was some wanka trying ta make a mess a things.” The foreman called out as they finally came into view.
“Yes, because there are SO MANY vulpera out here in the woods.”Kappi snapped back as he slowly turned to look at the large Kul Tiran, the smile that was just there fading away to frustration. “Now we can finally get to work, yeah?”
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC November Day 2: Illusion
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“Come on Kaypee! We are going to miss it!” 
Kenah dashed on ahead leaving Kappi in the dust as he scrambled to try and catch up. The two kits dipped, slipped and squeezed their way through the crowd that had gathered around the campfire for the night. The normally raucous village was dead silent as they watched a single vulpera perform in front of their very eyes. He was large for a vulpera, towering over most of them there, and his fur was dark with very little pattern to it. He moved so gracefully around the fire, hands swimming through the air, tail swishing along behind him, it was all so mesmerizing. 
“Kee, wait!” Kappi calls after his sister as she squeezes through a smaller group. As he tries to will his little five year old legs to keep up with her he loses his footing on a pile of rocks that he had tried to scamper over, falling hard with a grunt. He curled himself into a ball, body shaking as he started to silently sob while grabbing at his sore chest. Just as he hears the crowd let out a gasp, a strong pair of hands scoops him up. His teary eyes go wide, but as he turns to see who has him a smile breaks out on his face when his father’s face comes into view.  The older vulpera’s red coat was starting to fade with age but his long snout and bushy eyebrows were always showing just how much he enjoyed life as he was almost never without a smile. 
“Up ya go Kap. Dry those eyes and let's see the show.” Nunzi said as he hoisted Kappi up onto his stout shoulders. 
The two of them made their way towards the edge of the circle, taking a place in the front next to Kenah and his mother, Talma. As they squeezed past the last person Talma’s orange eyes lit up and she grinned widely at the both of them as they sat next to her. The family huddled together and watched in awe as The Great Logotai spun spells, sending images of all manner of desert life up into the night sky. He caused coins to disappear and reappear once again, then he moved to larger objects like daggers and swords. Kappi could not help but be amazed by everything that he saw, ooing and ahing right along with the crowd. He would look up to his father and see him grinning down at him before he would point to the next item to disappear or the next image that flashed across the sky in brilliant colors. 
“Kaypee, Kaypee look!” Kenah had moved around and squeezed between their mother and him at some point during the show and poked him over and over before pointing to a bright image of a hyena just as Logotai wiggled his fingers and made it run from star to star. The bright blue hue of the spell twinkled in both of their eyes and they watched on, wide eyed.
“And now, for my final illusion, I ask that you turn your eyes to my right!” Logotai says with a wave of his cloak. There stood a large, dark brown hyena, giggling to the crowd. Kappi and Kenah gasped and grabbed each parent tightly. 
“He isn’t going to hurt it is he?!” They both asked in unison. Their parents both just laughed and shook their heads, pointing back to the ring. Logotai was circling the hyena, hands waving, weaving multicolor clouds of glowing light in the air. Both kits tilt their heads in confusion as they watch trying to figure out just what he was about to do. Just as the beast was all but covered in a rainbow of dust the magician raised both hands and grins widely.
“Cerbi and I thank you all for your lovely support and we hope you all have enjoyed this as much as we have.” Logotai bows his head and moves both hands down swiftly causing a flash, the campfire roaring larger as smoke fills the circle. When it finally cleared both the vulpera and hyena were gone and the crowd looked around as hushed murmurings began to pass around them. Just as things were about to go silent another blinding flash streaked across the sky and an image of a vulpera riding off on the very same hyena they just saw flashed past the moon high into the sky. The crowd erupts into cheers, clapping whistles and chanting echoing up into the night sky. Kappi turns to Kenah to see her already staring at him wide eyed and the two of them soon join the cheers.
Kappi suddenly wakes, Kudu’s cold nose shuffling up under his chin. He blinks his good eye open and shoves Kudu back, though he giggles and pushes Kappi back thinking it was a game. Kappi laughs and shoves again, then snaps and gives Kudu a signal to back up and he sits up on his cot. The stars were still visible, but the very first streaks of sunlight were beginning to find their way into the sky to take their place. Kappi stretched, then realized that his face was wet, but not from the nose of his companion. Kappi reaches up and brushes away a tear and smiles.
“You sleep well, Kudu? I did. Always nice to relive those treasured memories…”
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC Day 1:Darkness
A bit late but here we go!
Kappi dealing with his inner demons
Warnings: Blood
Run, you can get away, you have to. Coming around a bend he turned to look over his shoulder at his pursuers and knocked himself off balance. Stumbling backwards into the snow, he twisted and fell on his face with a grunt. Scrambling forward, he had to get away, but it was too late. As he raised his head he saw him, vulpera standing there with daggers raised. Before the goblin could react they swung and the fresh snow was painted crimson. Kappi stood, another contract complete, leading him farther down into the darkness that had begun to consume him.
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC Day 2:Forever/Displaced
A snippet from a mission during his resistance days
The night was cold, which was not uncommon in the dunes of Vol’dun. The moon was almost full which was perfect for the scouting party that dashed across the sands.They had gotten reports of a group of sethrak moving in on several small vulperan settlements. The issue being these settlements were made up entirely of non-combatants. That is what had the group in such a rush. Though as they came up over the next rock face their worst fears were realized. 
Towers of smoke rising up into the sky. No, they couldn’t have gotten there yet. The group scrambled down the cliff, dashing across the dunes to finally arrive at the camp and yes, they were too late. The only thing left of the settlements were the burnt out remains of the few buildings they had built. “A” frames from tents, the canvases completely burned away, supplies strewn around and left behind by the snakes. Kappi hit his knees and punched the sand over and over. Others in the group cursed, some praying to the gods, others simply stood in silence. They slowly made their way into the valley, kicking over barely standing frames, shifting debris, moving anything they thought could possibly hide anyone who might have survived. Though they knew that was not likely. He had just tossed aside a larger piece of debris when he heard it, a bird call. All of them there heard it, their ears perked and turned as they tried to place where it had come from. There it was again, it was not a normal call. It repeated. To anyone who was not with the resistance it would have not sounded out of the norm, but to the scouts present…survivors. They all sprinted in the direction of the call, listening intently. There it was again, closer. Now to the right, yes! They came around one pile of charred rubble and in the sand was a slight recess. They all hit their knees and started digging until their claws hit something solid. They all called out, telling them they were there, they were coming and that they were going to be safe. Finally, they found it, the hatch that a lot of vulperan settlements had started putting in for just such an occasion. If they were hidden well enough, as this one was, the snakes would not notice them as they tore through. Kappi and another male grabbed the handle and pulled hard, their muscles straining as the hatch pushed through the sands. From behind it there came gasps, then massive sighs of relief as they all saw they were safe. It was a far cry from the total vulpera that lived here before, but any people saved was better than none. 
Kappi had made his way back up to the top of a nearby dune, watching the evacuation effort with grit teeth. He could not believe they had been late again, AGAIN. Because of that all these people they did save would be forever displaced from the lands they grew up in and on. They could not stay here, they would not be safe. He kicks at the top of the dune in frustration, they would not be late again, they COULD not be late again. Too many were already lost, far too many….
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC Day 5: Fluff/Shiver
Enjoying a little down time...
The breeze was warm, as it always was in Booty Bay, and he could smell the salt water in the air. It was never an unpleasant smell, in fact it was one that he was finding himself getting more and more used to and enjoying even more as well. He leaned forward onto the table he was at, swirling his drink as he watched Attzi play hostess. She never failed to make sure that people were comfortable, especially their comrades after any sort of job or event. She smiled, setting another drink down, then laughed and turned to someone else. He smiled to himself and shook his head, always busy, always making sure everyone else was set before taking time for herself. The night went on, and so did the party. Stories being told, laughter ringing out, and ribbing to be had. Even with the recent events, there is always a need for finding some time to unwind that little bit. Finally things wind down, and people begin to make their way to the exits, though Kappi lingers a bit longer than the rest. He takes a sip of his whiskey as she comes back up to the rooftop, and he smiles at her as she approaches. She reaches out and runs her hand through the fluff of his tail which causes a shiver to run down his spine, then she sits and leans against him with a sigh. “Another successful session of drinks. Everyone seemed very relieved.” Kappi said as he leaned his head against hers. 
“Yeah, but I’m ready for this.” She smiled, nodded, then wrapped an arm around him.
He smiled and wrapped his arm around her in return, squeezing her to him with a happy sigh.
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC Day 4: Impress/Exhaustion
Kappi doing a little light training with his sister
Daggers spin and swim through the air, singing as they do in experienced hands. He flips to the side, then back, then dashes and slides through the sand  before throwing his daggers at two separate targets. He was off on both of them. He scowled as he looked at them, slumping a bit. The daggers are pulled from the target and Kenah walks over to him to return them. “Hey, you are doing fantastic. Besides, you have been at this all day and have to be exhausted.” He scowls again and huffs.”Kaypee, too serious. Your progress has been impressive.”
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC Day 3: Sentimental/Feral
A Special Memory for Kappi
“Oi! Wha wiff the toy, eh?!”
Kappi shook his head as the overly loud oaf chose this moment to interrupt his drink. He slowly turned to look at him, and though he was not overly large, Kappi could be very threatening when he needed to be. The oaf’s  friends noticed this and quickly grabbed him to drag him back to their table. He knew that he would probably be back, but he was happy to have the quiet for a time. 
Kappi took another sip of whiskey before looking down at the left side of his belt. Tied there in the same exact place as always was a small tail that had once belonged to a small vulpera plush. He ran his hand over it gently, thoughtfully. A gift, a gift he never let leave him so that he would always be reminded…
“Kaypeei! Okay Kaypee, where are you? Now is not the time for games!”
The voice came from his left. He crouched even lower than he already was, making sure he was good and hidden in his spot within the large old skeleton. As she approaches his back legs flexed, coiled as he prepares to strike. “Now!” He thought as she came into range and he exploded from his hiding spot thinking he had her. But he had apparently forgotten just how good his sister already was, she whipped around, caught and flipped him in one motion, flopping the seven year old vulpera flat on his back in the sand. He grunt loudly and stares up at her as she almost falls over with laughter. 
“Oh cute little Kaypee, how often do you have to learn you can’t beat me?”
He grumbles but does accept her hand as she offers to help him to his feet. “I was not trying to beat you, Kenah..just,”
“Just trying to be a menace then.” She interrupted as she helped him pop up. “Kaypee, you will go feral before you are able to beat me. Now come on, dinner is waiting.”
He brushed off any sand he had just gathered but nodded, following his older sister back towards camp. The camp was bustling, as it always was. Vulpera coming and going, cooking, scrapping, crafting, everywhere you looked someone was doing something. Kenah easily slid past the crowds, Kappi only being able to keep up because he was smaller. He was always amazed with his sister's skills, even before she joined the resistance. She was smart, quick, blade skills already matched by very few in their camp. He had never told her, but he watched constantly and wanted to be just as skilled as her, though what he didn’t realize is she knew this full well. 
They came up on the fire pit, circled with logs used as makeshift benches and blankets, and the rest of the vulpera gathered turned and smiled at them. A few of the closer ones reached out and ruffled Kappi’s ears, laughing and gently pushing the kit around towards his seat. Kenah smiled at him when he sat down, bumping him with her shoulder as one of the elder vulpera stood. 
“Kappi, we have gathered here to bear witness to you and your decision. To make sure you know this decision has our full support, especially your sister.”
Kappi looked surprised and turned to look towards Kenah who had the biggest grin on her face. He looked back to the elder as he continued.
“The road ahead will be long and difficult, but we have seen your determination, your will. You will no doubt  be a great asset to the resistance.” The elder smiles at Kappi as his hands raise high above his head. He brings them down stabbing his staff into the sand as he chants a prayer to the gods. Once he finished blessing Kappi and his decision he smirked and looked at the kit. “Oh, and happy birthday.”
Those gathered erupted in cheers and laughter, the closer people ruffled his ears, but he could not look away from the proud look on his sister's face.The celebrations last late into the night, songs were sung, stories were shared and so many came to him and talked about the resistance. All the while his sister had that same look on her face. Finally they were back in their own tent, Kappi utterly exhausted from all the attention. Just as he was about to doze off though he heard a voice. 
“Kaypee. Kaypee look at me.” 
Kappi opened his eyes and rolled over to find his sister crouching next to him, a small plush vulpera in her hands. It shared his markings and colors. He blinked several times then looked at her face, and the smile that was there.
“Happy Birthday, Kaypee. Make sure you take care of that and keep it safe. I had it blessed for you, and it will always bring you luck.” She hands him the plush and he snatches it quickly, hugging it to him. 
“Thank you, Kenah…Thank you.” A single tear rolls down his cheek as he squeezes it tightly to his chest.
It was that same loud voice that brought him back to the present. It was loudly pointing out the fact that he had a tear falling down his cheek. Kappi wipes away the tear and looks to the large Kul Tiran with a scowl, but decides tonight is not the night. He finishes his drink, tosses a few gold on the table and makes for the door. He hears that laughter one last time, but even that drunk idiot can’t take away the value of that memory. He pats the tail as he walks out the door, “Thank you, Kenah.”
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC November Day 5: Lush/Damage (Xarian)
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The sun poked through the trees with that early morning light, sunbeams washing over everything they could. The birds were already chirping, singing their spring songs of love and Xarian couldn’t help but smile. Mornings like this were a big reason why he had decided to return home to Rredridge and regain control of his family’s land. He remembered waking up when he was just a boy and hearing these same sounds starting his days and when he did it always brought a smile to his face.
He looked to the angled sawhorses that he set up and sighed, hoisting the log to his shoulder with a grunt. He walked it over and set it into place, turning it until he found some of the spots he was in search of. Grabbing his wood plane he starts to run it down the log, evening it out and smoothing several spots that were not quite right. Long ago his father had shown him how to work with wood, crafting all manner of furniture and other trinkets. It was something that Xarian always found relaxing, though throughout his life he was not able to take advantage of it that often. Now that his focus was back on his family's land, there was ample time.
The land had been in his family for many years. His grandfather passed it to his mother, mother to him…by default. The problem with the hand off from his mother to him is his land had been hit but the Horde when they moved south into Redridge and he had only just now been able to reclaim it proper. The house, sadly, was damaged beyond recognition and much of the belongings that were there before had been taken or destroyed by orcs or looters. It had taken him months to clean things up to even look at the house and see what could be saved, if anything, and there was not much that could. So he had stripped it down to bare bones and here he was now, rebuilding. Much of that entire series of events was on his mind almost constantly since being back here, but he knew those thoughts and memories would motivate him to return the land to its former state, and then improve upon what his family had done.
He pushed the plan along the log then turned it so he could attack the next spot. Before he did though he stood and stretched, his old body aching at him to remind him he was not near as young as he used to be. Sighing heavily he took a quick drink from a canteen he had with him and got back to shaping the log. 
“One day soon you will be back to your beautiful self and this land will be flush with crops. One day…”
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC Day 7: Unforgiven/Peace
Late, but finally got it finished up!
Kappi has a moment of reflection
The night was clear, which meant the stars were stunning. The sheer amount he could see always amazed him. At least, when he got away from the cities. It reminded him of Vol’dun and all the stars they would see at night as kits. Running through the sand, playing, then training. Then relaxing around the fire at night with one another. It was an enjoyable memory from the dunes, and those seemed to be few and far between. Then he looked to the tail that had been given to him all those years ago. His mind slowly floats back to a conversation he had recently, one where he had told someone he would give just about anything to go back and save his sister. He pet over that toy several times as something that has been told to him, several times throughout his life came floating back. Forgiveness is important. But before you forgive others, you need to learn to forgive yourself.
He closed his eyes and sighed. He had forgiven others so many times, but he had done it before forgiving himself. He didn’t know if he would ever be able to actually do it, to forgive himself. Even if he had a way to bring her back. He looked back up to the stars, a tear falling to the ground below. “I am sorry, Kenah..so very sorry…I have tried, and just can not find the strength. I will never be at peace, will I? I ..I am so sorry…”
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC Day 6: Zealous
late, but finally put the finishing touches on the last couple posts.
A mistake was made
Warnings: Blood
“Kappi, hold still! You are still in no shape to be going anywhere!”
He had to find him, had to get out. There was nothing else but that, it did not matter how badly he was hurt, how badly he was bleeding, he would find that damned sethrak and return the favor. Kappi pushed and fought and tried to break free, still bleeding for multiple places where he had been slashed, cut, and stabbed. The damage they had done would be with him for the rest of his life, but they made that one fatal mistake.  They left him alive.
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advancedscoutkappi · 1 year
DWC Feb, Day3: Consequences
Summary: Kappi's newest "gift" has him thinking about past choices and has lunch with @attzi-gearburst
Warnings: None
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“Ya knew then consequences of returnin’ to him, Kappi. Ya knew it yet here you are.”
Those words echoed in Kappi’s mind almost daily. A constant reminder of his moment of weakness after witnessing his boss make the sacrifice play. 
Another constant reminder with the frequent packages that arrived at the FBC offices in Booty Bay. Addressed to him, each one a matte black box with a red ‘T.F’ logo on the side. Something he knew all too well and something he regretted each and every time that box arrived. These were his consequences. The constant barrage of new jobs that he could not turn down or risk putting the one person he loved in danger. 
Each box had the details in it for the next job. Though Kappi had learned early on that Draven was not sharing the whole truth each time. As if some kind of sadistic test to make sure that Kappi truly was back and that his skills were still as sharp as ever. The first, telling him the target had gone to Vol’dun when they had, in fact, fled to Kul Tiras. Another gave him the wrong target, informing him it was an entirely different race. Another, incorrect description. Each and every one, more frustrating than the last. Though, once he knew that there was misinformation somewhere, he started picking up on the tricks and he was able to discern which piece of info was false. He just wished the packages would stop arriving, but that was in the works. 
Kappi stared at the most recent arrival that sat on his desk. A package about the size and shape of a hat box, wrapped in the same black paper as always and a bright red bow tied around it. The moment Kappi had seen it he had pushed it across his desk but it was not something he could push away for long. He would have to look at it’s contents, look at what the Farmer had in store for him next. At least Attzi had convinced him to bring her with him on all of these jobs. It had helped far more than Kappi ever knew it would and was amazing to have someone with him that he trusted with his life. He sighed heavily and sat up in his chair, finally reaching for the cursed package. The time had come that he finally had to look at it, he could not put it off any longer. He slips a dagger from his belt and flips it over, slicing along the seam of the box before putting it away. He had gotten over the caution long ago that any of these would be booby-traped. Even if all this was Draven simply screwing with him, these jobs still needed done and they always got them done quickly.
Inside was the normal contents. A small cake with the same color scheme of the box, a dossier with information about the job and a smaller box that usually had another small part that would help him make the picture whole. He flipped the folder open and started scanning the papers. The target was a mage this time. He sighed heavily and rubbed at his temples, mages were not an easy catch. Though this one seemed like he could be. His name was Bozabeck and it seemed he was very proud of his skills. Could get him to start showing off, could doubt his abilities to get him riled up and willing to be by himself. There was also that off chance Attzi knew him. He flipped another page and continued reading looking for where this ‘Beck’ had last been seen and where they could start sending people to search. As he was reading down another page of the information, looking for that tiny clue to tell him just what part of the information was false, there was a knock on his office door. He stopped reading and glanced up to find Attzi standing in the doorway with lunch in her hands. He smiled and flipped the dossier closed, pushing it to the side, but as she saw it a heavy frown set in.
“Monthly package arrived.” She said flatly as she approached the desk, setting several containers on it.
He nods and sighs. “That it has. Could use your help, love. Looks like a mage this time, maybe you know them.” He motioned towards the dossier for her to see, but she did not grab it right away. Instead she pushed it aside and offered him one of the containers with a smile. “Could be! Right now though, ya gonna sit right there and enjoy ya lunch with me.” She says very matter-of-factly, pulling up a chair, sitting next to him and smiling.
Kappi chuckles and nods, knowing this was not an argument he was going to win. He pops the top on his lunch and is handed a fork by Attzi. They dig in and for those few minutes Kappi almost forgets about the dossier sitting on his desk. But the problem with consequences is they can not be avoided for long…
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advancedscoutkappi · 2 years
DWC November Day 1: Instinct/Neglect
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@daily-writing-challenge The sun had not come up quite yet, the moon still bathing the dunes in its light. A chill still hung over the small camp as it did each and every morning. Kappi was sleeping peacefully for the first time in some time. That is, until the sleeping pallet he was on was suddenly flipped and he ended up underneath it flailing frantically. His panic soon disappeared though as he heard a very familiar laugh and voice.
“Kaypee, what are you doing?! Get up ya lazy bag of bones!” She wailed in between giggles.
“I am up, dunes…why am I up? The sun is not even up yet so why do I have to be?” Kappi scowled and shoved the mat off his back, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he stood.
“Because we are supposed to greet the sun you grub. AAAAND you are supposed to be training! You complain about how my skills are better but yet here you are, sleeping in when you should be honing those skills!” She scolded, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring at him disapprovingly. He grumbles loudly but does not get a chance to protest further as Kenah snatches his ear and drags him out by it.
The sun had just begun to peek over the rocks as they finally arrived, casting long shadows over the sand beneath their feet. The rocks surrounding the small clearing showed obvious signs that this was a common training spot. Each scratch, cut and claw tells a tale of the vulpera that came before them. Kappi ran his fingers along a few of them, pausing on one of them that he knew his sister had made. She was always so good with her blades, he could not believe that she had missed this badly.
“I remember that one.” She says as she smiles. “I missed so badly, I am surprised there is not a faceprint in the stone.” She pat his shoulder firmly and draws a dagger from her belt.
“What are you talking about? You were always perfect with the blades.” Kappi spat back, scowling at her a bit as if comparing where she was to where he was in his mind.
“Kaypee, Kaypee, Kaypee. I was not and still am not perfect. I had to practice for hours each and every day. Had to hone my skills and instincts until it was something that my body did without me even thinking about it.” She punctuates this by throwing a dagger at the target to their left and centers the bullseye without even looking. Kappi blinks then squints at her, throwing a hand up in frustration. “No, that is not the way, Kaypee. Let's go, let's see you throw.” She says, reaching over and pulling a dagger from the back of his belt. He squints and mocks her, snatching the dagger and throwing it at the target much as she had..and clips the bullseye, though not dead center. She shoves his shoulder and cheers all while he looks on in disbelief. 
“That…that was just luck” He stammered, still in disbelief it even hit the target.
This is where Kenah shakes her head, walking over and pulling the dagger free. “No, Kaypee, this is what I have been trying to tell you since you began training. You have even more natural instincts than I did at your age. You just are not applying yourself.”
He tilts his head and stares at her, ears twitching, almost as if he was truly starting to listen to her for the first time. She sees this and nods, moving in close and throwing an arm over his shoulders. “Now let’s get started, Kaypee.”
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