#i got distracted by ACNH again...
ohbo-ohno · 6 months
I love your works, especially the serial killer ghoap ones. I’ve had this thought on my mind for a bit. It’s not really dark, more fluffy(?) I just started playing ACNH again and it got me thinking, would serial killer ghoap let reader have a switch? I mean, poor reader has seen so much shit and needs at least a little bit of normalcy in their life. Ofc ghoap would monitor them while they played and such, which leads me to my next part. Let’s say reader has gotten stockholm syndrome and isn’t super phased by all the gore in stuff. Reader just sits in a little corner that maybe has pillows or blankets OR a cage that has pillows and blankets and shit like that. But reader just stays in that corner playing their switch while ghoap does their murder stuff. Idk, I feel it’d be a cute image. Ghoap just torturing someone while reader sits in a corner playing animal crossing. Sorry for rambling, I just really wanted to share this thought. Drink water and make sure to eat ❤️❤️❤️
someday i'll write the serial killer fic. i have a full outline of it. i have like 1k done. it EXISTS ok i PROMISE and i WILL post it. eventually
but in the meantime! questions are fun! (also tysm for saying you love my stuff, ily)
i think they'd absolutely let her have a switch <3 in exchange for good behavior
my reader inserts tend to be massive pushovers (mostly in an attempt to not give them so strong of a personality as to be distracting) but the serial killer girl is soft. i think the contrast of really rough ghoap with really soft reader is Primo.
but i also think ghost and soap would fucking eat UP having a soft little thing to take care of. i think this version of them would really get off on the corruption of it all, coming to their girl covered in blood and watching her try to keep her stuffies from getting stained red :( they loooove watching her get all teary and sniffly when they make her watch them torture people, love watching the way she tries to hide her pretty face :(
so of course they let her have a switch! they looove hearing her talk about all her little villagers, love when she tentatively shows them her new island setup <3
and that second part - do you know how hard johnny would get if he was torturing someone and saw his girl completely tuned out and just playing her little game? she'd be lucky if he didn't bend her over right then and there
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thoughts about totk
i dont know if its just me, but does anyone else feel like the story direction for this game is kindve ... bad? like the actual plot itself was interesting at first but everytime the characters try to deliver a serious line of 'my secret stone' I can't help but laugh at them. It sounds like a mistranslation you would see in a 90's port of a game, not a multi-million dollar triple A title in 2023.
Not only that goofy nature of it but like, why is Zelda so british? No one else is, not even her dad. Why did they chose a VERY british direction for her voice and no one else? It's so distracting and every time she talks I don't pay attention to what she's saying cuz I wish she would just stop talking. (I still hold a grudge over her for feeding Link a fucking frog and then people have the audacity to be like 'oh theyre in love' like no thats fucking sibling behavior at best.)
There's so many aspects of the game where it feels like they want a very specific series of events to happen and there's a very intended player experience. But then... you can go anywhere. Do anything. You can EASILY miss important things (I missed several of the Dragon's Tears because I wasn't aware there was something I was supposed to be grabbing from them I just thought it was scenery) and you can easily find yourself in areas you're not meant to be in yet. "Just teleport out!" Why didn't they just make a linear game that wasn't built as a wanna-be DLC expansion pack?
Having to re-explore a world I'd already put 200+ hours into is frankly tiresome. And to make it THREE TIMES as large??? Exhausting.
I wanted to like this game so much. I preordered it. I went to the midnight release. I played it for six fucking hours the first full day I was able to play it. And after leaving the Great Sky Island all I'm left feeling is... frustrated.
Frustrated at the unclear, hidden direction of where you're supposed to go. Frustrated at the massive size of the map that doesn't have That Many Changes to make it worth going through the nooks and crannies. Frustrated that they turned botw -my favorite climbing simulator- into a gimmick-based game that doesn't like you to use its own gimmick.
The constructs break apart too easily. If you build a flying construct that works well it breaks after about a min and a half of flying. If you build a car to traverse the land it despawns if you hit any cutscene trigger - which are often invisible and unavoidable.
This felt more like a Zelda game in the general flavor of it; you get the classic enemies back, you get actual bomb flowers again, Link is wearing green for fucks sake, and you get actual temples. But the actual heart of it doesn't feel like a Zelda game. The plot feels sloppy at best, rushed at worst, and the voice acting is so genuinely bad it's distracting and embarrassing. The only voice actor I didn't hate was Rauru (Chris Hackney, Legend) and Tulin (Christina Vee, also a Legend), even Sidon felt incredibly stilted.
It feels like the game punishes the player for using the mechanics it gives you to use and play with. Even the fuse mechanic feels like such a back-hand. "Oh we heard the players got frustrated at weapons having a limited usage, so instead of extending it or offering a repair service, we just made Every Weapon Shitty" like wtf. And even for the fuse mechanic theres only ONE PLACE that lets you unfuse and it's through a clunky dialogue menu! (my favorite!!! totally not the reason I stopped playing acnh!!!!) I played for 50 hours and was positive you couldn't unfuse weapons. Wow.
botw was fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it and the fact that your tools were simply on a cooldown. totk feels like a resource-scavenger except the resources are so hard to actually acrue. Not only that, but I've seen other ppl complain about how much harder it feels to upgrade your equipment. As if they needed some way to bloat the game even more.
This is just me rambling about my feelings and maybe talking in circles about it but I feel annoying trying to actively discuss my feelings with anyone so I guess this will do.
I've only beaten half of the bosses and 3 of the temples, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep going. I got stuck at the fire temple boss and I would argue its the worst temple in the game and I haven't even gotten to the Gerudo one. That's just how strongly I feel about the fire temple. I hate the minecart layout, I hate the lava puzzle mechanics, and I literally rage-quited after my 10th attempt at the boss. The water temple boss was annoying but it was mostly just learning patterns and having good reaction time. The fire temple boss is JUST rng.
which sucks cuz the wind temple was sick!!!! it was so cool!!! and the boss was probably one of my top 20 bosses!!! and then I did the water temple and Sidon kept glitching out and wouldn't accompany me for half of the trip up to it, and the GRAVITY!!!! UGH!!!!!!
I'm trying to think of points of the game I've truly enjoyed and I think the highlights of it have been: got to keep Epona from my botw save. But then that turned out to be a nothing burger since you can't have her tow anything. (also the fucking towing minigame that feels so insulting. "please take us to the great fairy!" YOU COULDVE JUST WALKED ITS LITERALLY A FIVE MINUTE WALK)
uhh, other good points uhhh, the new armor is pretty cool. I really like the Ember and Miner set. I really like the cave system. (shouldn't really be a feature but whatever) and uhhhhhhhh, yeah idk. I'm struggling to find points I truly enjoyed past the introductory level. like yeah building a car is cool! ... until it despawns and you lose 40min and work, and yeah I know autobuild can rebuild it but I'm not made of spare parts. And like, the korok puzzles were cute! Until you find one every 15 min and they take at least 10 to get them to their friend.
I think the most enjoyable minigame was the one with the sign dude on the side of the road where you help him hold it up. That was one of the better, more enjoyable parts of the game for me so far. It felt like it actually tested your building skills while not being truly punishing. Just start over if it doesnt work.
botw was a strong like 8/10 for me, and I think totk is gonna unfortunately be like a 5/10. The direction is janky at best. The gimmicks of the game are viable for most of the game. Exploring the same world with minor changes is frustrating and boring. Exploring the Depths makes me want to personally throw up since I have a phobia of dark, open spaces with Things lurking inside. Exploring the sky is fun but I didn't realize you could *reuse* the sheikah tower until 45 hours in because why would I think it would let me do it again??? So it felt inaccessible and frustrating.
The ability to fuse anything to anything and have it run and work well is a technical marvel! I'm not saying its not. But does it make a good *game*? Does it make the story direction work? Does it make the boss fights and dungeons work? imo... no. It doesn't. It makes a good tech demo. It makes an impressive piece of programming.
maybe i'll have more thoughts but I just needed to get all that out.
if you read it all thanks if not you wont be seeing this lol
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songcharme · 4 years
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eyefocusing · 3 years
pls tell me abt jenni and mon el i know nothing abt mon el
OK SO from what i usually see a lot of ppl only know jenni thru her appearances in impulse+flash!!! which is a shame bc shes sooo good in her actual main series (legion of super heroes v4 and legionnaires)!! shes the resident speedster of the team (ofc) and shes kinda shy and excitable and develops crushes really easily and shes just. adorable!
mon-el/lar gand is a little trickier because hes got two origins depending on which version he is! the one jenni knows went by the name valor rather than mon-el. the one that the thing that both versions share tho is the daxamite weakness to lead, which leads to him being put in the phantom zone ("stasis zone" for pzh lar) to keep him from dying. after being trapped there for 1000 years he was released by the legion (with kons help!!).
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due to certain things he did in the present/past, lar is uh. seen as a religious figure to people on various planets, which makes the 30th century feel just as stifling as the "stasis zone" to him. because hes not some great figure, hes just a guy, and he just wants to be a guy. so he takes up a new codename, m'onel, to disguise himself and give him freedom to explore the galaxy.
so!! due to the whole "space jesus" thing, lar has a bit of a strained relationship with a few legionnaires. but not jenni! theyve been shown hanging out and having friendly chats and jenni is just soooo cute when she had her lil crush on him. i love it a ton
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selfhealingblog · 3 years
UPDATE: So, its been a long, long, journey. I can happily say that I am mostly recovered. Struggling with anxiety and dp/dr this past year - I persevered and beat it! Life is pretty much back to normal. The first step with recovering for myself, to acknowledge that it is okay to struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety. To treat yourself with kindness, to relax and love life again. Learning to self love was also a big one for me. You can still be a strong person even if you are having mental health struggles. I am also connected to myself and my environment. Medication and the right support system helped a lot, it gave me the strength to not give up.  I learnt more about dpdr, trauma and anxiety. Dpdr is Depersonalisation/derealization. This is a type of dissociation in which you feel disconnected from yourself/others. One of the causes of dpdr is that its a response to trauma, experiencing an overwhelming situation which you cannot fully process emotionally or physically. So then you dissociate from your external environment. It's part of the 'flight and fight' response but there's also a third, called 'freeze' This is when an individual's nervous system is sensitized and believes there's no escape(flight) nor any way to fight back, so you are triggered into freeze mode. For some people, this can lead to dpdr. There are many types of dissociative disorders, such as dissociative identity disorder where it’s developed due to trauma. There is a dissociative spectrum with different disorders and severity of its effects. I don’t know much about the other disorders, nor have enough knowledge to comment on them. I am just focusing on dpdr as it’s something I struggled with. Fortunately for myself, it took a lot less time to achieve a sense of normalcy.  Check the links below for more detailed explanations! 
Your body and mind can heal, and things can go back to normal - just give yourself the time, be understanding of your self and try not to overwhelm yourself :')
I started many different hobbies to try and build myself up! I tried music production and made a couple of songs, which I'm proud of and still listen to. I tried learning languages. Focusing back on Spanish and French, I used websites like memrise! I started writing to help myself emotionally process the past year and vent - although that had to stop because I got hacked lol. (Then, got accused of hacking which made it weirder) So, back to writing paper, and maybe someday i can buy a type-writer or something like that. I checked ebay and some are being sold for £30-40 so hmmmmm, tempting tempting. Gaming has also been a really relaxing distraction from daily stresses. I started playing animal crossing new horizons again and re-terraformed my whole island. I also stuck to a theme for my island 'cottagecore' apparently its a really common theme and overused in the acnh community, but sucK it, i love it. Also it was entertaining going on Nookazon daily; I have been trading with other players and visiting other islands.
It was faster to recover from anxiety and dp/dr by just continuing my day and plans as normal, even if it did make me anxious. If you're struggling similarly. I really would recommend to still do things, like go out with friends, go shopping, embrace hobbies, visit places you haven't been to before, and make new memories. Just make sure its balanced and you're not overwhelming yourself too fast - so take one step at a time. If you feel uncomfortable meeting with friends, try texting, calling, then build up to meeting them at a safe place and etc. Start in a safe place and slowly build up out of your comfort zone, no matter how long it takes, its worth it. To start living again, rather than just giving up and distracting yourself with constant superficial gratification. 
Also another tip or advice: be aware of who you're surrounding yourself with. The people that you have in your social circle can have an effect on your mental health, if they are stressing you out or hold no positive influence over your life - just be aware of the hold it may have on you. Put yourself first and come back when you're ready. And if you feel like you have to cut people off for a while or permanently, I would say do it. Protect your spiritual energy. And, for yourself, be aware of what you're putting out energy wise and the influence you have on others. It can effect the people you love and care about.
As cliché as it sounds life does get better. I have changed for the better, I feel more 'grown up' and ready to handle new responsibilities. I am more aware of my boundaries and my limitations with others. I can forgive and let go. I'm content not going back to people who have hurt me or who I have hurt. Sometimes its just for the best. I take accountability of my own self too and where I have personally gone wrong. Knowing which areas I need to grow in is important for self growth. No individual is perfect, and at some point we do hurt others or get hurt ourselves. I am grateful that I have the ability to learn from my own personal mistakes and can avoid having an victim complex.
Cool changes for this year: I'm planning to get a car soon. I've made a bucket list for 2021 and things I want to do/explore. Camping. Holiday. Keep learning languages. Date ideas. Other fun activities. Try a different job to build experience. Maybe get a tattoo? also, also, figuring out uni stuff for second year :)<3 
To anyone else that is struggling with mental health or is not feeling the best, I believe in you. I hope you get better, there are going to be good days and bad days for everyone. Healing is not linear, so treat yourself with kindess and love. I can't imagine what youre going through but I can understand. You're brave, strong and Ily. Thank you for reading <3
Helpful educational youtube links for anxiety and dp/dr: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPyzPH8sB2A (fight, flight, freeze)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIb7QwFhcYg (narcissist response where you fight, flight, freeze) 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZdEDEUidDg (talking about dp/dr recovery)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1GCjggflEU (dpdr explained)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PMeMxO8yz8 (causes of dissociation)
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acepalindrome · 2 years
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I posted 12,762 times in 2021
1053 posts created (8%)
11709 posts reblogged (92%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 11.1 posts.
I added 4,470 tags in 2021
#critical role - 1436 posts
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#the owl house - 218 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but it’s okay because bren realizes that he can pull essek away by the hand and drags his floating friend out of danger like he’s a balloon
My Top Posts in 2021
Yknow, when you keep insisting that adults can’t enjoy fandom or play video games or watch cartoons or whatever, it’s other young people that you’re hurting the most. Because the most you’ll do to adults is offend or annoy them with that nonsense, but when you plant that idea in a kid’s head, they grow older with the horrible dread looming over them that the things that bring them happiness and comfort have an expiration date. When I was a young adult, I was genuinely depressed about the thought of getting older because I thought I couldn’t keep enjoying all my hobbies, like I had to give up everything I love once I reach [x] age.
And that is simply not true. It’s bullshit. But the harm is does to people is very real. Kids are so afraid of getting older, and one of the big fears is that their life will become painfully bland and boring once they hit adulthood, as if all adults do is work and pay taxes, possibly raise kids. No more fun, no whimsy, no playfulness, no joy.
Anyway, I’m 33 and I love video games and fanfiction and cartoons. If you tell me I’m too old for that stuff, I’ll roll my eyes and block you and go on with my day. But I will worry about the 17 year old who saw your post too and feels a sinking in their chest at the thought that they have to give up the stuff that makes them happy. THAT’S what bothers me.
1832 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 00:53:56 GMT
I’ve spent much of 2021 thus far playing Stardew Valley in the hopes of distracting myself from the horrors of reality, and I keep meaning to make a list of mods I recommend! Because I am running a truly embarrassing number of mods and there are some really great ones that really improve the gameplay or add fun content or just make everything look really pretty! So without further ado, here are some of my favorite mods:
- Lookup Anything: This is probably my favorite mod. It basically eliminates the need to have to keep consulting the Stardew Valley wiki while you play. The title says it all: this mod lets you look up anything. Need to know what’s a good present for Shane? You can pull up a list of all his loved and liked gifts, with items you have on hand highlighted for ease, plus his birthday, how many hearts he has with you and how many points you need to get to the next heart. Need to know if you should hoard that pine sap or sell it? You can pull up all the uses for it, items that can be crafted with it, anyone who might like it, community center bundles it’s used for, and how much you make by selling. How many days until your melons are ready to harvest? What items can drop from that stone in the mines? What are all the items you can make with the furnace? It’s such a fantastically handy mod and I refuse to play without it!
- NPC Map Locations: One of the most frustrating things in the game is trying to remember everyone’s schedule and then not being able to find someone to give them a birthday present or turn in a quest item. This mod shows exactly where everyone is on your map and solves that problem for good!
- Automate: This mod automatically pulls items from nearby chests into machines, so you don’t have to keep running back and forth to your furnace to pick up the finished metal bars and toss more ore in there...it just spits the finished item back into the nearby chest, pulls in whatever available items you’ve got in the chest and starts running again without you having to do a thing! Just be careful of where you place your chests and machines or you might end up processing items you didn’t want to. Luckily, you can set individual chests to not have items pulled from them.
- Fishing Made Easy Suite: I suck at fishing. I almost never bother with fishing if I don’t have a mod to make it bearable. I like this one because it has different levels of easy-ness, so you can make fishing just 25% easier, or 50%, or 75%, or 99%! And there are some other fun perks too. You want to catch all fish regardless of weather or season? Want to catch legendary fish multiple times? Want to catch prismatic shards? Go nuts.
- Stardew Valley Expanded: This mod is absurdly huge and adds SO MUCH CONTENT. New areas! New characters! New events! I was a little hesitant to start it just because I knew there was so much to the mod and was a little concerned of how well it would mesh with the rest of the game, but the characters and story and style fit in perfectly with the vanilla content. I could almost forget Andy and Sophia weren’t there all along! The purpose of the mod was to make the game feel fresh and new for people who had already played the game and that’s exactly what it does. I love it.
- Artisan Valley/Project Populate JsonAssets/Starbrew Valley: I’m lumping these together but this is a collection of mods that add a TON of new items, crops, trees, flowers, machines and recipes to the game. You don’t have to download them all! You can pick and choose the ones you want, or download the PPJA content pack to get the bulk of these mods all in one go! I personally really love Artisan Valley because it lets me make floral candles and soaps. And an espresso machine so I can make fancy coffee. And Starbrew Valley so there’s actually a fun variety of alcohol in the game.
I’m putting the rest under a cut because this is getting too long.
- Chests Anywhere: Lets you access all of your chests from the menu! You can add some limitations, like only being able to access chests in the same location you’re in, but I’m dumb and constantly forget that I was supposed to bring a present for a villager with me today, or that I wanted to upgrade one of my tools but left all my metal bars at home. So instead of having to run all the way back to my farm, I can just open my menu and switch through the chests until I find the item I need! Labeling the chests also makes this a lot easier for organization.
- Seasonal Villager Outfits: Finally, the villagers have more than one set of clothes! This mod gives them different outfits in different seasons, different weather and special outfits for holidays! It’s cute and really improves the immersion to see the villagers wearing tshirts in the summer and bundling up in the winter, and dressing up for special events! Some characters will change their hairstyle too, which I love.
- Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion: Gives all characters more stuff to say so they won’t just repeat the same lines over and over! Also gives them varied dialogue for festivals starting in year 2, so they don’t say the same thing every year at the Egg Festival or Spirit’s Eve.
- Immersive Elliott: Add more dialogue! Lots more dialogue! I downloaded the Elliott version of this mod because that’s who I plan to marry but I recommend looking up dialogue mods for whoever your favorite characters are (I think there’s one for almost all the marriageable candidates.) You’ll probably be chatting a lot with whoever you’re trying to woo and it’s nice to get lots of new lines!
- Stardew Foliage Redone: There are tons of mods that change the colors and style of trees and buildings and stuff but this one is my favorite. It’s very soft and earthy and pretty without being overkill.
- The Love of Cooking: Actually makes cooking fun in Stardew Valley! It adds a cooking skill, an upgradable cooking tool that lets you cook with more ingredients (at the start you can only make one ingredient dishes), a cooking community center bundle, star levels to cooked items, an animation when you cook...cooking was very bland in the base game, and this mod really spruces the whole system up.
- Medieval Buildings/Medieval craftables: Again, there are so many mods that change up the look of your farm buildings and stuff but these are really pretty and cool and absolutely my style. There’s a mod to make all the town buildings have this style too, but I kind of like keeping the town normal and just living on my mysterious and beautiful farm apart from the rest of the world. My sprinklers are magic moss covered rocks now!
- Elle’s Dog/Cat/Horse/Barn/Coop/etc animals: Super cute animal skins. They look so huggable and soft. Also one of the dog options looks like my real life dog and that’s very important to me.
- Adopt ‘n’ Skin: Pairs well with the mods above, this mod lets you have multiple dogs/cats/horses and lets you use as many different skins as you like. I’ve got four cows and they’ve all got different patterns and colors. I love it. Also Marnie starts taking in stray animals and you can adopt them from her, which is a really cute way of letting you have more pets.
- Seasonal Garden Farmhouse: Its a pinch overkill especially in the early game, but I really like this farmhouse layout. It gives you a small kitchen from the start, a bathroom you can use to restore stamina, big open windows that change with the seasons and time of day...it’s a luxury house and it’s very nice to live in!
- Industrial Kitchen and Interior/Industrial Furniture/Rustic Country Town Interiors: These mods give the interiors and furniture a more rustic style, and the last one changes the town interiors to match. There are many furniture/interior mods, so if this style doesn’t do it for you, check out some of the others! There are lots of very pretty mods!
And I’m going to stop there but that’s only the tip of the iceberg and I highly recommend looking around NexusMods or ModDrop and seeing what kind of stuff is available!
1875 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 01:13:42 GMT
I also hope in the final episode we get one last meeting with the Syphilis Bandits, half because it would be a great and hilarious throwback and also because someone has to try to explain that whole thing to Essek.
“Oh yeah, we never told you about the Syphilis Bandits.“
“The what.”
2192 notes • Posted 2021-05-29 04:11:02 GMT
I know I’ve said it before but it’s impossible to find my old posts on tumblr so I’ll say it again; if you feel insecure about having nerdy/‘childish’ hobbies as you get older, watch Critical Role. Marisha is the baby of the gang at 32, most of them are in their 40s now, and they’re all still a bunch of goofy nerds who have fun playing make-believe while rolling dice and openly love comics and cartoons and video games. Taliesin dyes his hair bright colors, both him and Matt paint their nails, they’ve all got nerdy tattoos, they cosplay and wear silly outfits and I know several of them own kigurumi. They cuddle with each other and get unabashedly excited about things that happen when they’re playing a game where they pretend to be elves and wizards and shit, and several of them are known to cry when they talk about how much they love their friends.
Look, if they’re allowed to do it, you are too. Be nerdy, be silly, be open, let yourself get excited and feel things, have fun with life! You’re never too old for it!
2929 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 17:44:01 GMT
Thinking about the Jester/Essek friendship when Jester gets pregnant, because Essek has absolutely zero experience with babies or pregnant people but he’s really fascinated and kind of enamored with the concept. There’s a tiny new soul? Inside his friend’s body? And sometimes you can feel it kicking??? Jester lets him feel her belly whenever the baby kicks when he’s around and he’s just spellbound by it.
He also fully cries when the baby is born and he gets to hold the little turquoise nugget.
2936 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 11:54:18 GMT
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xmenageriie · 4 years
Ahaaaa. Y’know how I saaaaid I didn’t have much to game to in the mornings, so I’d be here more? :))) Angi sneakily got me ACNH so I’m ✨distracted✨ again!
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acnhmedlilove · 4 years
I’ve been just queuing all my post recently and haven’t been that active. Lockdown has been getting to me pretty bad. I just wish this was all over now. I want to go to work so badly, I want to feel useful again. 
For most of April I was content and distracted mostly by ACNH, a serious mental health saviour, but now I’ve gotten to a great place in acnh, and less is brand new, I have slowed down a bit in my playing. I’ve not got bored, but just got into a rhythm, which has allowed my mind to wander and my anxiety to spiral.
I have Time Travelled, but only a day or two here and there, just to have multiple things to do in one playthrough, but I haven’t gone out of my way to catalogue everything or max out my house, so my content may not be as engaging as other blogs, and I’ve accepted that.
By the end of this week I should be half way through May, and then in June I might get to go back in to work. Perhaps I should open my dodocodes a bit more, try and get more social, would anyone be interested?
I thought the wait for acnh would be the hardest wait this year, but my god I was wrong, waiting for this to end is beyond anything. I wish I wasn’t English, I wish I was Scottish, I wish I was up there listening to Nicola Sturgeon, and believing what she says.
How are you? Pm me
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quirrrky · 2 years
aw tyty! i'm really happy too, nii-chan keeps getting distracted when he's helping me study for my upcoming science test, he says you give him a lot of serotonin and is helping him release endorphins! oh gosh ken must've gotten me around- five i think? kirby, eevee, detective pikachu, luma, and raymond from acnh! yea he was super shy but it was so cute >\\< pfft! that sounds like him to do that, i bet yaku-san got fed up xD hehe feeding him pork got him pouty, huh? ~Lycoris
aaaahhh! I can only imagine >///< he said the same too while we're together and I was like...tetsu, I want to punch your face...with love 💗 KAWAIII KAWAII 😍 I bet ken ken has a surprise ready for you once you finished that science test, wait is that why you're going on another date again? and yes, yaku was so done...unfortunately for tetsu...yaku and I agreed on meat hahahaha he's kinda jealous abt it up until now tho xD and kept on pouting whenever he'd remember lmao
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the-sun-has-sung · 4 years
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I’ve mentioned it before that I would talk more about my journey into sexuality. The beautiful feelings of the twist in my stomach or the sudden halt in my thoughts of realization. It keeps me wound up in an endless cycle of questions at night, or dazed in a continued daydream of what things would be like if everyone knew and I could be free in expressing myself. 
I recently took a quiz on what values mean most to me thanks to AsuraPsych, and when it asked me to choose between sexuality and freedom, I chose freedom. The daydreams are only nice because I’m imagining what it would be like to be completely open about my sexuality. I don’t think that day would ever come, as my mom repeatedly makes me promise her I wouldn’t ever see a woman. So to take a step into this journey is not easy on my conscience. But as it slowly eats away at my soul, I find value in indulging in it. It makes me feel things that scare me to analyze. It’s exciting and eye-opening. It makes me face the daunting fact that there is so much more to my sexuality than I had thought I figured out. It shatters the little assuredness I had in myself of how well I know myself in my sexuality. There is so much out there that I will come to learn, and the way my emotions are pushed into feeling these new things keeps me hungry for more. 
I’ll apologize now for the change in tone. The above was an excerpt from the previous entry. It was embarrassing to keep that one since I talked about her in half of it, not to mention the fact that I uploaded it a day before things ended. So I’m sparing myself the shame and pity by going against the honesty code I have of keeping all memories and not just the good ones. 
It comes naturally to me to repress strong emotions. I have no choice when it comes to dealing with things like this. Sulking overwhelms me, so all I need to do is distract myself for a few days until the period of vulnerability passes. I know it’ll come back to me in bits and pieces, but that’s okay since I’m more endurance than speed. I’m writing this entry now before it hits me again and sends me off spiraling. 
Last night was when the debris hit first. It hit me pretty strong, and made me cry a bit. But I got over it pretty quickly because I got to distract myself by playing games with the trees (council of treants). We met up in person and she apologized. It was the first time I felt so disconnected from her. She was in something deep, and I felt like I couldn’t see her so I was just moving my arms around with the hopes of grabbing her hand to pull her out. I’ll always be there for her, not because I necessarily want to, but because I can’t bring myself to take my arms out. I hate that I feel obligated. Afterall, obligation isn’t a part of the rules. So why am I extending myself at the price of my own emotions? Why do I feel the need to always give this to people I shouldn’t? 
Anyways (anyways) 
I watched Hoarders today. The show is a lot, but playing acnh on top of it kept me distracted in my sensory reality, away from my mentality. I suppose I felt the need to be more distracted. I also came to the realization that so far, the only tangible thing that reminds me of how much time has passed (and I guess in that way grounds me to reality) is my progress in ac. So to do something somewhat more productive and tangible, I began a huge 3d origami project. It’ll keep me physically distracted while I’m watching something so that I can wean off the muscle memory of texting so often. 
It’s much easier for me now to figure out exactly where I am mentally after something that causes my emotions to be distraught. But that also means that I’m probably justifying whatever I do with the reason that I’m aware and conscious of my choices. Oh well.
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