#i had to resort to typing it out in a google doc and then pasting it over bc every time i tried to copy-paste an emoji in it'd delete
chaoticspacefam · 1 year
For the SWTOR NPC asks. What happened to Loyat and Cytharat in your canon?
From the [SWTOR NPC Headcanon Asks List]
thank you for the ask, as always! <3
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I’ll start with Cytharat since I definitely have more headcanons for him than Loyat atm! 
Based on him mentioning being Malgus’ apprentice and a very newly-appointed Lord, and also being way Pinker than the obviously-older Pureblood NPCs/the PC Pureblood skintone options, I’m assuming Cytharat is pretty Young for a Pureblood, so I figured him around about Ty’s age, maybe 10 years (~2 human years max age difference) younger if that
Vano and Kas are kind of working in tandem by the time the Makeb storyline comes around so they attend to the Makeb questline(s) together. 
Kas had one conversation with Cytharat and immediately went “Yep This Is My Apprentice Now If Malgus Wants Him Back He Can Come Fucking Fight Me” (Malgus was never brave and/or stupid enough to come fight her XD). Since they’re working together, Kas and Vano manage to split up so Vano saves Catha Niar and Kas manages to save Cytharat. Afterwards she offers him a spot on her crew and since its obvious to him that even if she might be A Little Weird, Kas obviously Cares unlike most of the other Sith so he accepts and ends up becoming part of Kas’s crew. 
While he’s hesitant at first about the idea of teaming up with Jedi/Republic personnel, he trusts Kas by that point so when she says they’re going with Lana and Marr to Yavin IV to help deal with the Revanites Cytharat just accepts it. When Kas is reunited with Rai after arriving there, Cytharat meets Ty and maybe (Definitely) gets a crush. They’re only together for a little while before the whole temporary alliance dissolves again and when Rai (and by extension Ty) refuses to go back to the Empire with them they part ways for a time
Cytharat misses Ty a lot more than he was expecting to and Kas Notices (™). She casually mentions that she has Ty’s holofrequency if he wants it and deliberately leaves said frequency where she Knows he can find it. Cytharat sneaks a few message/letters through and keeps chatting with him until Arcann and the Eternal Empire give them more pressing concerns at which point they lose contact again until one day Lana rocks up to Kas’s office with Rai and Ty in tow. 
Ty gets left with Kas and co. while Rai goes with Lana and Koth to Zakuul and the poor kid is a Nervous Wreck about it so Cytharat has to help Kas calm him down because they’re the only two people he Trusts. Kas then pulls a classic old “oh Cytharat do you think you could help us with this star chart, oh wait a second is that Ashara and Khem calling me? You and Ty can handle looking through this one by yourselves right? I’ll check on you later byeeee~” and at some point during their moving everything over to Odessen he ~finally~ asks Ty out. 
So of course Cytharat stays on with the Alliance afterwards. I’m not 100% sure if they’ll ever get married yet (haven’t gotten that far with their relationship planning yet but they’re defo solid as an item :’3) but Cytharat is absolutely okay with being the muscle of the relationship while his bf hides behind him when things get scary (which is, unfortunately, very often. Poor Ty XD) 
And Loyat!! (who I do not have any screenshots of rn since none of my current pub toons are as far as Ilum (anymore, I yeeted a few of them when I stopped vibing with them oopsie)
I have less solid plants for Loyat but I do love her and I am definitely kidnapping her she’s mine now Bioware /hj
Loyat and Aria are definitely buddies. Probably even drinking buddies, much to the abject horror of anyone who happens to cross paths with them when they’re out drinking XD
They absolutely would meet during the Ilum war/storyline. Though it’s not until after (the Assault on Tython FP) that Aria’s officially outed as a Sith plant, Loyat can probably Sense It so she agrees to go with Aria to the Jedi if only knowing that Aria probably has an Out Again if she’s managed to be in deep cover this long and not get caught.
It’s a minor wrench in the plan when Aria tries to fuckin fight Satele and gets arrested, but I’m kiiind of feeling like Loyat might go with her to Manaan. Especially since with Zenith and most of the other Consular crew lickity splitting when they realise Aria Was Sith The Whole Time. Ya girl’s gonna need some crewmates/friends, so why not Loyat? ;3 by the same vein, probably goes with Aria to the Alliance and ends up working under Kas’s Force Enclave sector, but where specifically I have yet to decide owo
I definitely want to expand on Loyat more, but for now sadly that’s all I got for Loyat! 😅😅
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cdfreak · 4 years
Okay I’m about to list a lot so you don’t have to answer them all but I know nothing about Eve sooo 4, 6, 10, 12, 19, 20, 25, 30, 33, 34, 44, 46, 49, 52, 53, 54, 62, 70, 81, 85, 93 (Also hi this is Clover catgirlkirigiri I just can’t send asks in app because tumblr is broken)
WAIT I JUST REALIZED I ALREADY USED THIS ASK GAME IN HER INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OOPS anyway let me copy paste what i said on her google doc for each of these questions gimme oooone second
ok hi im back
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with? no siblings she is an only child 
6. What would they give their life for? Probably nothing, maybe someone else’s life but she would have to be rlly close to them or theyd have to be like a kid
10. What are some of their talents/skills? Murder, figuring out puzzles, telepathy i guess?? I keep rolling fucking 10s and 12s so i guess shes like a prodigy now or some shit
12. How old are they? When is their birthday? 27, july 31st (hi this is present day me answering this ask rn. shes actually 28 now she turned 28 during one of the sessions)
19. What is their occupation? Murder lesbian (hi present day me back again she is a contract killer that works for like a murder agency and she gets hired out by various individuals and companies to perform assassinations)
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them? Not rlly a title but one of her bosses calls her “the wolf” because she prefers to kill by going for their neck. She fucking hates it
25. What is their biggest flaw? Quick to anger for sure. she is sooo fucking angry all the time. also maybe that she’s a murderer 
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”? fight
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it? Drowning, she would panic and become withdrawn and anxious and have nightmares (hi its me present day soda. she actually had to deal with this a little bit uh she had to go underwater in this weird submarine boat and she fucking. blacked out <3)
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives? Not easily at ALL last time she trusted anyone they tried to kill her
44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars? when she was 20 her best friend Scott tried to kill her when they were on a job so he’d get all the money. It didn’t work, she fought back and ended up killing him, and now she has a large scar over her left eye. 
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?She can express her negative emotions easily but its not exactly healthy?? She’s very good at hiding emotions.
49. Do they have any piercings? Nope, but she wants a septum and her ears pierced
52. What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc? She’s muscular and kind of chubby
53. What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone? Purple, yellow, and uhh idk she’s white but she’s got a bit of a sun tan so shes got light skin but shes not suuuper pale
54. What is their current hairstyle? What have been some of their past hairstyles? Which was their favorite hairstyle? She keeps her hair long and down most of the time but it’s up in a ponytail when she’s on a job. She had a pixie cut when she was a kid, and a bob when she was like 10. idk what her favorite one is maybe the pixie
62. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others?She views her dad leaving as a betrayal and her mom abusing her as a betrayal, those have made it almost impossible for her to trust people. Scott betrayed her also and that rlly reinforced that she should never trust people
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets? Likes them, doesnt have pets, but someday in the future shes going to get a dog i know this to be true in my heart
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood? SAKDJASKLFJSDKL yes eve, the professional assassin, is TERRIFIED of blood /j
85. Do they believe in ghosts? Yes she can see them and interact with them
93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said? Ok technically she didnt SAY that she was doing it but i just think it was rlly cool when she gave Deianira spiritual erectile dysfunction (hi present day me again, Deianira is another one of the player characters, she belongs to @my-remical-chomance)
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onclouddesign · 4 years
Week 8: Tutorial (27/04)
Conversing about the online teaching experience, Andy shared an image of a group of people wedged inside individual pigeon holes, however in spite of this, they seemed to be connecting. He offered that multi-tasking during classes seems to be the norm, and while I agree that this is true at times, I try my best personally to filter out the distractions that surround me and try to maintain the headspace of being present in a classroom. This lead to the discussion about the merits and challenges of online learning.
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For me, the transition to online was difficult initially, in that, we had only had 2 face to face classes and the relationship that I shared with my peers was very premature, and communication was hard to facilitate without a platform. This issue was resolved when a google doc was created, so that we could communicate outside of class hours effectively and share our issues, advice and feedback; and by sharing work it was a way of getting to know our peers personal style and made me feel more connected and calibrated to what was expected from our work. Along with this, sharing our Tumblrs with one another was a fantastic way to view the progress of our peers and reflect creativity against the class. I also found that this transition enabled me to save time traveling to and from uni, although it was a downfall in that, I couldn't come up with inspiring ideation while using public transport as I would typically admire my surroundings and take note of my experiences. In spite of this, I went on daily walks and used nature and urban hubs in my community for stimulus, which advanced my generation of ideas. When learning off campus, it was hard to navigate through instructions that were given to me in order to resolve issues, as I didn't have someone actively looking at the same screen as me. When attending an online class, problems can be resolved immediately through communication, however, when faced with an issue out of this time, conversing via email is delayed. By having classes online, I felt as though most of the time was about learning content, however if we were in a face to face class we would spend most of our time working on our projects. Although we dedicated some time to work in classes, it was hard to balance listening to the commentary and feedback of others work while doing our own. If we were in a physical classroom, people would seek help by going up to the tutor and the conversation wouldn’t be heard by everyone. Although this was the case, it was also helpful as people asked problems that were similar to my own or ones that I hadn’t faced yet, so it was helpful in avoiding those issues. My experience of participating in breakaway groups was binary, as it was a personal way of sharing and you could relate to others in the process, however, at times people would turn off their microphone and communication was not facilitated so it became an idle experience.
Our tutorial then resorted to reflecting on our “Hello, my question is …” assignments, where we looked at the diversity of the approaches within the classroom. I described that my idea was about utilizing fixed objects that couldn’t be manipulated easily, as in class I only had pens with me so it looked a but monotonous and bland if you physically built the letters. I also found that working in my dad’s workshop, it allowed me to create a sense of individuality in my design as I didn’t go in knowing what I wanted to use and there was so many random bits and bobs.
Continuing on, we explored the idea of is design needed? I interpreted this in the way that we need design to pass information and convey emotion through depiction. Andy furthered this by saying “even a doctor after saving lives goes home to read a well designed book.” This comment really resonated with me in that design is so much more than type, imagery, layout, etc. It is the way in which it changes society for the better or the worse. It has power in the response it can generate and it is used in all aspects of life. As a designer, I find that every corner I turn I notice design - whether it is from shop windows, street signs, colours, city planning and layout. Why is it the way it is? How do tastes form? By employing that type, what job do you want it to create? How do people grasp that certain designs show that they are one thing e.g.: the casing for toothpaste - can this be used for another product? without the brand information, would people know what it is used for.?
Andy proposed that if we were to swap around the objects used within the class, what questions would better match these objects? Perhaps for what moves design, stamps could be used instead of transport - or a less physical way of conveying this idea could perhaps be more powerful, suggesting that design moves through time, between cultures, shifts understandings etc.  
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(Produced by Millie Purtell)
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(Produced by Felicia Nguyen)
Dela’s project sparked an interesting conversation of how designers place and set their values; extending that in some instances it is wiser to use free designs for charitable purposes at the cost of setting a price according to the value. The question explores the notion that designers from across the world work in environments that is not appreciated as much. Dela then shared her past experiences as a graphic designer. Her question “How does free design cannibalize the creative industry? used irony and conveyed layered meaning within the words: free design was crafted out of money. Cannibalize was crafted out of meat - ingenious. Industry is made out of knifes which shows that it can be cutting and turbulent. With this idea swarming, Andy shared his experiences of the 80’s and 90’s of when he was doing work in Milan and wasn’t payed accordingly. He reviewed that it is your own discovery, it can be considered as cannibalization - think of it as what you are doing to help someone? Can it be improved and what impact is it making? Has to be from yourself, and it is okay for social purposes. Andy hypothesized that you must be careful of disaster capitalism and we need to watch out for opportunism.
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(Produced by Adelista Widjaya) 
Andy emphasized in this tutorial that it is essential in helping our peers, in order to perspire our efforts and to build value. If you have built a community, you must work within your community and be aware of value and the potential to build value. Value can be measured differently and how we measure value is our intended outcome - value could be helping others, or it could be money, it could be a network / friendship. Each will have your own way of measuring that.
How can ‘we’ ensure diversity in design? Media, newspaper, articles - reflects this idea of privilege - Very much a 19th century media.
Who is the ‘we’?  When saying ‘we read from left to right’ - who is the ‘we’?
‘We’ representing all designers - the programs we use are full of biases / programed into this software. UX designers will create facial detecting software - but there are issues with people with darker skin, emerging from hegemonies / power and status comes into play.
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ruleandruinrpg · 7 years
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You have been accepted for the role of FELIKS BAZIN with an approved faceclaim change to Markel Williams. Your request to also age Feliks down has been approved. Admin Em: Mads, i was absolutely thrilled to see an application for Feliks, and my elation only grew the further i read into your application. You immediately proved you understood that he’s neither a good nor evil person, but a victim of his own shortcomings, and circumstances that were beyond his control. Not only that, but you also captured with stunningly, breathtakingly detail how his resurrection has affected him - it’s made him nihilistic, hellbent on revenge, and it’s marked him as an abomination. Thank you for such a wonderful application - I can’t WAIT to see Feliks on the dash. You have 24 HOURS to send in your account. Also, remember to look at the CHECKLIST. Welcome to Ravka!
PREFERRED PRONOUNS: I have a slight preference for they/them, but she/her is more than okay with me.
AGE: 20
TIMEZONE & ACTIVITY LEVEL: Now that I’m home, I’ll be on all the time. You can’t get rid of me!!
CURRENT/PAST ACCOUNTS: I think this is some of my best writing, and I don’t know why I didn’t share it before.
NOTE #1: Just as a forewarning, this app is a bit on the depressing side. It involves a lot of death (obviously) and some very concrete ideas on the afterlife that I don’t necessarily believe in. But, like, just so you know it involves very heavy concepts like that.
NOTE #2: If you prefer reading in a Doc format, here is the link to the Google Doc!
Feliks Makari Bazan: the outlier, the corrupt, the careless, the monster.
( FELIKS. ) Lucky. The name mocks Feliks’s misfortune, and he wouldn’t think much of it if it weren’t for his mother. “My little luck-bringer,” she’d say with her fingers entwined in his hair, “I prayed for you, and I prayed for you to live a good life. My lucky Feliks.” Now, after one poisonous life and one brutal death, Feliks thinks she should have prayed harder–or perhaps she should have known that a name and a few whispered words can’t shed light on someone’s life.
( MAKARI. ) Feliks knows not of the meaning of his middle name, but his mother gave it to him because it means blessed. Blessed is all his mother ever wanted him to be. She was hoping for a Savior, a Messiah, and instead she got him: a sin, an abnormality. She hasn’t said it, but Feliks knows she regrets naming him anything at all.
( BAZAN. ) In Feliks’s village, anyone with the Bazan name was known to be modest and kind. They’re a simple and good family, but for every rule there is an exception. Feliks is the exception. His surname means very little to him now, and after his resurrection he only uses it out of necessity. He doesn’t belong to the Bazan family, not anymore, and the name tastes sour every time he speaks it.
Feliks was originally my second choice, and the character I would have wanted if I didn’t get Stasya. I’ve always been drawn to him, and in my opinion he’s one of the most interesting characters in the rp.
As I mentioned in Stasya’s application, I’m usually drawn to characters with a distinct before and after. I don’t think Feliks’s defining moment could be any more obvious, and to me the most interesting part of his character is exploring the change that took place after his death. I love that he’s been so changed already, but that there’s still an INCREDIBLE amount of potential. When I read his bio, I see so many directions I can take him in. He really seems unfinished in terms of development, and that’s what intrigues me so much.
ALSO, I really wanted a character that was more morally grey, perhaps more troubled, than Stasya. I think any character in this roleplay would’ve fit the bill, but Feliks is interesting to me because he isn’t evil. He’s far from pure, but he’s also a victim of circumstance and is struggling to play with the hand he was dealt. This makes him exactly my type of character, but still SUCH a contrast to Stasya that I think he’ll be a welcome challenge. Like, I don’t often play remorseless characters, and I think Feliks is fairly remorseless and unarguably not a good person. I really wanted the challenge of making him more than what shows on the surface while not resorting to the “secret heart of gold” trope. SO THAT’S WHAT MADE THIS APP SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE OK THIS IS A VERY DIFFERENT CHARACTER FOR ME.
( ONE. ) Feliks really needs a hobby. I imagine he spends most of his time lamenting, going through the motions, and plotting revenge–so I’d like to see him take up something he really enjoys and cares about. Whether this is art or reading or something involving handiwork, I’d like to see him learn a skill from someone. He really needs something besides violence, sex, and alcohol to channel his energy into–and I’d like to explore how this would change him, and give him a bit more direction and purpose.
( TWO. ) Because he doesn’t have a hobby or anything to look forward to, Feliks spends a lot of his time bent on revenge. He hasn’t planned much, but he wants Altan to pay for his hubris. He doesn’t want to kill him, though–no, that fate would be too easy for him. Living is much harder than dying, after all. I could see this need for vengeance going one of two ways: Feliks meticulously plans out a way to knock Altan down a peg and acts on it, probably failing, but he won’t give up. OR, he realizes how much time he’s wasting on revenge. This is less likely, but I think with the right people and the right positive development, Feliks could grow to see the blessing in a second chance at life. Currently, he sees it as a curse rather than a chance to start over–but that could change. In that case, I think he’d end up pitying Altan for his hubris rather than despising him for it. I don’t think he’ll find enlightenment any time soon, though, so expect him to plot revenge for a while.
( THREE. ) I’d love for Feliks to care about anyone. He’s always been incredibly self-serving. Even now, when his opinion of himself is extremely low, he’s generally only looking out for himself. I don’t think he’s felt love for anyone in particular, excluding maybe his family who he still treated awfully. I really want him to feel close to someone for once, and love someone selflessly–whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial. I think finding some network of support would really help him feel comfortable in life, and I do really want him to find some sense of acceptance. Like, I don’t want all of his development to be positive, but I do want him to let someone into his heart at least once, at least a little bit.
Please kill him a second time. And then bring him back a second time. And then kill him again.
“I’ll see you on the other side,” Anatoly sent one last nod in Feliks’s direction before his blood painted the deck of the skiff.
Feliks buried three bullets in the Volcra, a final show of glory before the creature wrapped its claws around him, too. He didn’t feel any pain. The adrenaline coursing through his veins numbed every other feeling that was trying to claw its way to the surface. Airborne, Feliks felt a rush he’d never felt before: the rush of knowing he was about to die. It wasn’t scary; it was exciting. This was a soldier’s death, the only death Feliks had ever deserved.
Looking down at the skiff, he chuckled triumphantly. He kept his eyes open. He wanted to see the bloodshed below him, his brothers and sisters in arms suffering the same fate as him. He wanted to see his own blood, too–the gore that had become of his torso terrified him, but reminded him that he’d lived the violent life he’d wanted all the way to the end. One last chuckle caught in his throat as he lost his vision, as the world blurred around him. Before he had time to process his last moments, everything was gone.
Everything was gone–and then everything was back.
His vision was still blurry, but light flooded his sight. He could feel again–all of the unbearable pain and terror crept back, except this time there was no adrenaline to mask it. There was no glory, either. He felt so unlike himself, so unsure and so small.
There was noise all around him, voices he didn’t recognize and sounds he couldn’t quite label. When his vision cleared, there was an unfamiliar face. The light that had stunned him only moments ago was so much dimmer now, and Feliks comprehended that it belonged to the lightning of a storm. He lifted a hand–painstakingly slow–to his face, just to feel it. It felt numb; everything was numb now. The pain that had greeted him now escaped him, and he couldn’t be sure if that was because it wasn’t there or because some part of him wasn’t working correctly.
His eyes drifted closed again, but his chest still shallowly rose and fell. When he focused hard enough, he could feel the air filling his lungs. It was a disgusting feeling. He knew then that there was something wrong–this wasn’t supposed to be happening. He’d died in the air, looking down at all of the destruction. That was real. He remembered the rush he’d felt, the contentment. That was real.
Was this real?
For a moment he thought, maybe this is afterlife. But then a firm graze graced his cheek. His eyes snapped open with an urgency he hadn’t known he was capable of. There was the unfamiliar man again, with his unfamiliar fingers all over his skin. Feliks looked from the man’s hand to his own, the first recognizable sight since he’d woken up. This was definitely real.
He had died, he decided, but this wasn’t death.
Another agonizing pain ripped through him, this time starting from his chest–from his heart that shouldn’t be beating. It was heartbreak. It was the pain of being forced to relearn a truth. It was the realization that, after his death and before this moment, there was only an immense amount of darkness.
He’d always lived as though he believed in nothing, but that wasn’t entirely true. When he closed his eyes for the last time, he expected to open them again in another existence. In heaven or hell, as a ghost, as someone new entirely–it didn’t matter as long as there was something.
But there wasn’t. There was nothing.
This would have been a fine truth if he’d stayed dead. In nonexistence, he wouldn’t have been able to lament over his own nonexistence. But here he was again, in the land of the living, wondering what the point of it all was.
( ONE. ) If no one is around to make the judgement, is a sin still a sin?
Growing up, Feliks believed two things: morality was based on whether or not you get caught, and there were no gods or saints to catch him. He nodded and smiled when the standard ideas of purity were presented to him, but he never bought what was being sold. He tried when he was young, tried praying to the saints and doing what he was told, but bad things still happened. And when he rebelled, good things still happened.
As a child, Feliks learned how to sin in private. He learned how to do everything his parents told him not to and still impress them with his beautiful smile and shining eyes. His favorite activity became stealing, and by the age of twelve Feliks had quite sticky fingers. He started by taking things no one would miss: pointless trinkets that he would do nothing with. He had a stash underneath his bed, a collection of items he had no use for.
As he got older, he got smarter. He started taking more expensive things, getting more and more stealthy with every year that passed. Instead of doing nothing with them, he would take the items to neighboring villages and sell them. The money he made was always his little secret–his parents never saw the coins and never suspected anything of their golden child.
Stealing was a simple, childish misdeed, but it kept him entertained during his time at the village. In the army, he learned the true value of sins. He learned how exhilarating it was to partake in everything his family told him was immoral. To this day, he steals things from time to time without thinking much about it. He no longer does anything with the items he steals–instead, it’s an impulse he can’t always control. It’s not satisfying in the way it was when he was a child, but he still gets away with the petty crime.
( TWO. ) As a child, Feliks was constantly bored. He was always wishing for more out of life, something that would define him. When he joined the army, he found the definitions he was looking for: sex, alcohol, and violence. He was easily entertained, really, and his life was complete as long as he had his fill of the three pillars. Even his death was thrilling for him. He’d never wanted to live for long. He lived fast, and he’d always expected to die young because of it. When he got exactly the violent sort of death he was hoping for, he took his last breath with contentment.
Waking up from that was the most painful thing he’s ever experienced. Since then, he’s lived life a lot more dully. Even the awful things he used to enjoy bring him no fulfillment. For a month or so post-resurrection, Feliks tried to live exactly as he did before, but sex and parties no longer bring him joy. He’s absolutely bored again, and maybe he always will be. He’s been subjected to the routine life of a guard–this life is a prison, and he supposes he deserves to be imprisoned.
Currently, the only thing that brings him joy is the concept of revenge. Something calculated and vicious, something to make Altan regret the day he set eyes on Feliks. He has no plans for his life beyond this. In fact, he still isn’t planning to live for long. A long life doesn’t seem fulfilling to him, and growing old is the last thing he wants.
( THREE. ) Feliks’s parents prayed for him for years. With every good deed, with every kind word, they hoped for a child in return. They were told it was impossible, that they should give up trying and take in an orphan. They prayed instead. And for their hard work and patience, they were rewarded with a son.
Feliks became his parents’ favorite subject, and they never let him forget the blessing that came with their devotion to a higher cause. He was a joy to the village, too: a lively child with a smile that spoke not of the mischievous acts he committed in private. His mother always told him he lit up the house, he completed the family. This show of favoritism didn’t end when his first sibling was adopted.
Artur joined the family when Feliks was nine. Those nine years gave him quite the head start��but Feliks never asked to be the favorite child. In fact, he would’ve loved to be doted on less. With less attention, Feliks could find more trouble. Every one of his three siblings had remarkable traits: Artur was sensible and intelligent, Erik was brawny and brave, Marta was helpful and warmhearted. But Feliks, the firstborn and the only one of their parents’ blood, was always admired the most. Feliks seemed to be the only one of the four who had a problem with this.
In fact, his siblings loved him just as much as his parents did. When he left for war, he left five broken hearts in his wake. He knew it was an awful thing to do, to leave his family to seek out death and glory, but he never once felt bad about it. His family wouldn’t love the real him, the sins that festered underneath his skin and the selfish desires that took over his heart. He didn’t mind this fact, either. He didn’t need the love–didn’t really believe in it. He was much more fulfilled by things he could touch: the naked human form, intoxicating substances, weapons of mass destruction. That was the life he was made for.
After his death and resurrection, the only true reward he found was the satisfaction of being right. He was right: his family didn’t care for any part of him that wasn’t righteous and pure. He’s been home once since the Grisha touched him, and his mother refused to greet him. Muffled sounds of her wailing came from inside the modest Bazan home, and his father scowled as he saw who his son had become. “Monster,” he spat, “you’re no son of mine.”
“I think you should go,” Marta said softly after their father had left. “And, maybe, never come back. I think that would be for the best.”
Feliks knows now that he will never see his family–or those who had once been his family–ever again. Good riddance, he thinks, I don’t care about them anyway. But the resentment that festers inside of him says something different. The resentment that festers inside of him says that he does care, that he wanted to be loved just as he is.
( FOUR. ) Feliks always believed that afterlife was a lie people believed in to help them get through life. He didn’t need lies like this to live life to the fullest. In fact, his lack of religious beliefs helped him live the way he thought to be the most fulfilling. He did anything he desired without a second thought, and he defined happiness as freedom. However, there was always a small voice in his mind that believed in afterlife. Whether he would go to a place like heaven or a place like hell he didn’t know, but he also didn’t care.
He would never admit the belief–not even to himself–but he felt as though his life would end and begin again somewhere else. Perhaps this was because he’d been told his whole life that virtue would earn him a life after this one, or perhaps he created the belief for himself. When his brother in arms, Anatoly, said that he’d see him on the other side, Feliks believed him. He’ll deny this if ever asked, of course, but he expected to open his eyes and see Anatoly there waiting for him.
The first thing Feliks saw after death was Altan’s face, a face that meant nothing to him at the time except for being the first sign of his life beginning again. There was nothing in-between his death and his resurrection, and Feliks has since accepted this nothingness as a universal truth. Never once has he considered that maybe it is just him who experienced nothing after death. Instead, he’s convinced that life is pointless, that sinners and saints face the same fate, and that it is only cruel coincidence that he is alive today.
This is not his second chance, his clean slate–this is only another pointless existence.
- Feliks is bisexual. - This is definitely a loose headcanon, as I don’t know what you guys will think of it, but I imagine that Feliks’s body doesn’t function like most. I feel like his heart beats slower, he bleeds less when wounded, he’s a bit colder than the average person, and he might look a bit pale in the face sometimes. Of course, he’s still alive, but there’s a bit of abnormality to the way he functions that might set him apart (even further) from most humans. - Feliks has scars on his torso from the Volcra that killed him. He’s gotten them patched up a bit from a tailor, but he doesn’t want the scars to disappear entirely. He’s proud of the gore he once faced. - Feliks had been raised to believe that Grisha were all abominations. Like most of the beliefs fed to him, he didn’t accept it as truth. This isn’t to say he respected Grisha–he just didn’t care about them at all. Now that he’s been resurrected by a Grisha, most people in his village now believe him to be an abomination as well. For this reason he has been disowned. - He’s tried to convince himself that he doesn’t mind being alone, that he actually prefers having no family and no friends. The truth is, however, that he would love to be accepted unconditionally–he just doesn’t know that about himself. He’s convinced himself that he actually likes the disgusted looks he gets, and he snickers every time someone mocks his existence. But he isn’t happy to be alive. Most of him is ashamed, and the joy he takes from people’s terror is only to help him get through the days. - Sarcasm is a new defense mechanism of Feliks’s. Months ago, he was much more blunt, but now he spits passive-aggressive remarks at anyone who crosses him. - Feliks is a self-proclaimed nihilist, believing that there is no point to life. He doesn’t actively believe in love, or purpose, or much of anything. Before death, there was a spark deep within him that did hope for some of these things, but the nothingness he experienced during death convinced him of life’s pointlessness. - Feliks does realize that he’s lead an awful life and is an awful person, and he knows he doesn’t deserve much better than the hand he was dealt, but he isn’t doing much to change. Currently, he doesn’t see the point in becoming a better person. - Due to the strict rules of his childhood, Feliks has always had a problem with authority. He never cared much for who ruled what, who had power over him–and he was never good with loyalty. Now, after a few months as Viktor’s guard, he’s becoming loyal to him and him only. He would double cross any one of the royals–but never Viktor. Perhaps it’s because he sees a bit of himself in the man, but he believes the youngest prince is the most fit to rule. - If he could, Feliks would eat nothing but red meat and game for the rest of his life.
EXTRAS: Here is a Pinterest board I made for him!
ANYTHING ELSE? I’d like to change his faceclaim to Markel Williams, please! Also–I completely understand if this is a no-go, but I was wondering if I could age him down by just a year, making him 23. Markel is 21, and I have this weird personal rule that I don’t make characters more than 2 years older than their faceclaim. But, like I said, if you’d rather him stay 24, that’s definitely okay–I can break my own rule once.
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drferox · 7 years
20 Questions with Dr Ferox #8
My gosh, there’s just so much stuff you vetlings want to know, isn’t there? Well, knowledge is good, so here we go with yet another info dump as I try to answer a big slew of your questions in one hit.
Anonymous said: I sometimes get your patreon emails or an update on your blog while I'm studying/struggling in the wee-hours of the morning (vetmed). I'm in WA, so where-ever you are it's also late/early. What are you doing up in the witching hours?
First of all, I am an AdultTM and as such I am permitted to set by own Bed Time. There are many reasons why you might receive notifications from me so ‘early’.
I have a blog post on queue every morning between 5am and 6am my time (so probably 3am and 4am your time). It goes up automatically, so I can see initial responses before I go to work.
I think Patreon sends its emails at the same time each day, regardless of when I post. I certainly don’t type there early in the morning.
Sometimes I’m on nightshift and can get kinda bored at 3am sometimes.
Sometimes I just can’t sleep, especially with the changing day/night cycles.
Most of the blog runs on queue, honestly. At least three posts a day do.
@banesidhe said: Just happened to discover your blog. Thank you so much for posting like you do (even the snark. I'm a 911 dispatcher, I appreciate the snark ;) ), and sharing your experiences. No vet question, but if you could only ever re/read five books for the rest of your life, which five titles would make your cut?
Ah, I have found many similar people to myself among emergency personnel. There’s a particular combination of gallows humor and wishing people would get to the point that unites us.
For fiction books:
Feral, Kerry Greenwood
The Shepherd’s Crown, Terry Pratchett
Monstrous Regiment, Terry Pratchett
Watership Down, Richard Adam
Good Omens, Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Hmm, bit of a trend there.
But the work books I couldn’t live without are:
Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook
The 5 minute veterinary consult, Dog and Cat Edition
Ettinger’s Textbook of Internal Medicine, Expert Consult
BSAVA Rabbit Medicine & Surgery Handbook
Small Animal Surgery, Fossum.
Anonymous asked: what was the most exotic/rare patient youve ever had?
This fat meerkat.
Anonymous said: My dog is a shelter dog and we suspect she was abused before we got her (afraid of E V E R Y T H I N G) and weve been slowly working on getting her to at least ignore people we walk past or that enter the house and thats been making progress. But she hates the vet. Hates it. Gets in my lap and refuses to leave. New dogs people and smells. So her normal vet takes the approach of having one of us hold/console her while they do all the poking and listening and whatnot and muzzling her if they need to and just getting it done as quickly as possible. But this last time she saw a new vet and this vet took the approach of hand-feeding her almost an entire bag of treats and called it "stress-eating" and tbh you should have seen the look on my dogs face. She was so weirded out. Shes highly food motivated so it was like heaven to her but she was simultaneously very suspicious. Her face was like"i love this but idk if i trust it" it was great.Have a greatday!
If you an reinforce the behaviour by arranging frequent, short visits to the vet clinic where nothing happens but lots of treats, she may start to associate the vet clinic with positive things (food) ad no scary things. This might make the rest ofher life easier.
Anonymous said: I own fancy rats and just want to put out there to people, that while they are THE MOST amazing tiny friends, in my experience most vets are completely lost when it comes to their care & several I've seen refused to even touch my exceptionally friendly females. They often get respiratory infections requiring antibiotics. One of my friend's females passed away bc nobody would perform a simple surgery on her. So please be cautious when buying them. 
I would like to suggest that any surgery on a rat is likely to be not simple, because they do have particular anesthetic requirements that can make their recovery difficult. Also that a lot of traditional rat medicine hinges on using post mortem examination as a diagnostic tool, which is not useful at all with pet rats.
In dog and cat medicine most of our equipment and even medications are not suitable for rats, or very difficult to adapt. We simply have fewer options, and generally less experience with these species Most vets I know will attempt to treat them, but with a great big disclaimer saying I don’t do this often, and a quick question as to whether you’d prefer to go to a nearby clinic that does see rats more often.
Anonymous said: Hello, I recently took in 3 abandoned kittens and they're covered in fleas. They appear to be 6 weeks old and can't use meds or wash for them. I clean them with vinegar and dish soap and I was wondering if you knew of any other ways to help them since they hate getting wet. I also use a comb but they dislike that as well.
You can use capstar on kittens from 4 weeks of age, and Revolution from 6, probably earlier. Talk to your vet.
Anonymous asked: Strange question but do you know if that rage syndrome thing can happen in cats also? I know a cat who does that and also acts strangely in general at the same time?
It is not documented in cats, however Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome may present in a similar way.
Anonymous said: Hey doc! I plan on getting my cat fixed soon and I'm worried about how it'll affect her. She's really skittish and prefers to stay in one room, could getting her fixed make it worse?? I guess like what are the possible behavioral effects is what I'm askin? For the qt: ive been here a while i just dont like or reblog stuff but i came for the vet knowledge and stayed for it too, especially the mythical creatures and dog breed info
She is probably not going to have any long term personality changes from being desexed, though might be out of sorts for a few days after the anaesthetic. If anything they tend to be less stressed because they’re not attracting Toms.
Another Anonymous said: My kitten was neutered yesterday and he's doing great, healing well, playing nonstop, remarkably agile despite the e-collar (navigating small spaces, jumping to high places), eating & drinking well. The vet didn't give us any aftercare instructions but I googled it -- and wish I'd done so before the surgery because I could've prepared better. A lot of it seemed obvious in hindsight but nothing I'd have thought of on my own. Do you have a flier or anything for your patients' humans? 
We send our patients home with aftercare instructions. We have a default one that we print for routine surgery like desexing, and a customized one for non-routine procedures.
We also read it out to our clients when they pick up their pet, and point out that all these instructions are written down, because it’s easy to forget details when you’re worried.
Anonymous asked: I have a question! I saw your desexing cats post and thought I might send it to you. I neutered my male cat but he still sprays and tries to roam the neighborhood. I try to keep him inside best I can. Is there a reason this happens?
It may be stress, but you should consult your vet to rule out any underlying urinary tract issue before assuming so. Your vet should be able to discus the various stress reducing techniques, changes and treatments that are available.
Anonymous asked: Whenever my roommate wakes up before me, she makes bacon for breakfast while the coffee is brewing. If she hasn't slept well, her coherence is sometimes a bit... lacking. If our cat happens to demand food, about half the time she ends up giving him a slice of bacon instead of cat food. We only recently figured out that she's been doing this. He's not getting fat, and gets actual cat food later, so is this OK, or do we need to try to figure out how to keep this from happening?
While bacon is certainly digestible, it is not a balanced diet. It would be ideal if you could minimize his bacon habit.
@nowgovanish said: Hello! I have a question about my 13 and 4 year old cats. They seem to have some pretty bad skin reactions to certain foods, and I've tried a lot of different food brands that my vet reccommended. The one that seems to work best is a grain free/ non chicken variant, but I see that you aren't a huge fan of grain free. Is there anything I should change or try sticking with what works?
I have said many times before that if it’s working, keep feeding it.
Novel protein diets, and ideally single proteins source diets, are more use for allergies than just going ‘grain free’.
‘Grain Free’ labelling on food particularly vexes me because it’s not regulated. You can find ‘grain free’ food that really mean ‘corn free’ and either use grain byproducts or straight up use rice. Last time I checked, rice was a grain.
It’s like ‘Hollistic’ - it means nothing on a pet food label. Neither does ‘Organic’, pet food companies do not have to use all organic products in pet food to label the food as organic. These are marketing ploys like ‘all natural’ which are targeting your emotions and don’t mean anything when it comes to the food.
If you’ve come across a novel protein diet, or a minimum ingredient diet, that is beneficial for your cats then stick with it. But recognise what’s marketing and what’s useful.
Anonymous said: I love my dog but he is a complete and total moron. He has strangled himself so often that his bark is now raspy. He even found a way to do it with a harness! We've resorted to jogging when walking him to try and keep up but is there some way to make it better? We've tried letting him learn on his own, pausing when he pulls, and getting a longer leash. If he was much smarter I'd accuse him of being into asphyxiation.
I would suggest that you potentially need to figure out what motivates your dog most. Consider using positive reinforcement to encourage him to heel on the lead, instead of wandering and pulling.
You might also want to consider something like a halti collar, which pulls the dog’s nose downwards to their chest when they pull, instead of something that goes around the neck.
Anonymous: Would you consider it a good generalization that dogs more closely resembling/related to wolves (like huskies) have less health problems? I am aware that no dogs are completely lacking in health problems.  Tax: came for good hard factual analysis.
No. And here’s the thing- all modern dog breeds are equally distant from their wolf-like ancestor, unless they have been recently mixed with wolves again.
Their health problems are different to those dogs with more extreme anatomy, but dogs that look like wolves are not inherently healthier.
@justslowdown said: a book i have discusses the man who created the GSD breed (aka isolated traits from a diverse population) pairing dogs with their daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters and onwards til more than 1/2 of the pups had to be culled. due you think this could be partially responsible for the health issues remaining more than a century later? "Very drastic inbreeding was espoused during the formation of the breed [...] to quickly form specific type" - The German Shepherd Dog by Ernest H Hart
This is called line breeding, where the offspring of a ‘perfect’ individual are repeatedly bred back to the same individual generation upon generation to try to recreate it. All you really do is lose genetic diversity very quickly and allow recessive deleterious genes to proliferate in the population.
This is why just about everywhere else that’s not the purebred pet world, this is considered a bad thing to do.
@eyestumblin said: Do you think horses would look significantly different if their wonky anatomy were more logical?
They would no longer be a horse.
@cirque-du-spoon said: I saw you mention sheep on the horse thread and I spent a fair bit of time on a sheep farm in Wales. The head shepherd once told me "sheep are born, they spend the rest of their life trying to die". Then he opened his landrover door, and the passenger footwell was maybe 6 lambs snuggled up to one of his old motherly collies.
The common phrase down here was “The aim in life of a Merino ewe is to die and take fifty of her friends with her.” It’s not really much of an exaggeration.
Anonymous said: I'm intrigued to hear the faults of sheep, lay it on me!
Oh I will. It’s on my list for a big write up.
@queenalia said: Hi! I love the post about why horses make no sense, and I was wondering if you would do a similar one for sheep (one of the most suicidal animals on earth in my opinion)?
It will definitely be done sometime in the next few weeks. As you understand, it’s not  quick answer.
@vulturegeorge said: Hey Dr.F, after reeding your "horses-are-spindily-legged-disasters" post and your comment about how sheep are worse, I was wondering if you wished to elaborate? I am currently working on a heard of 50 random sheep my uni bought with a ton of lung issues ... so it'd be super interesting to me. Question tax: came for the Lucifer story, stayed for all of your amazing advice & opinions. I hope you are finding balance between vetting and living. cheers!
I promise I will elaborate. I can’t leave a cliff hanger like that and not explain... eventually.
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elenetzteil-blog · 5 years
ASUS Chromebook Flip C434TA Review
The Asus Chromebook Flip C434 is usually a sequel that surpasses the original in virtually every single capacity.Changing your cash maker in any considerable way is like playing with fire.The flame could puff out,change right into a warming blaze,or spiral uncontrolled and turn into a harmful inferno.Asus took just such an opportunity updating its beloved C302CA convertible,and people accu asus a32li9h would be the types who should really experience all warm and tingly with regard to the success.Below is Asus Chromebook Flip C434 overview.
The Asus Chromebook Flip C434 has two principal positions.It needs to convince more and more people Chromebooks aren't low cost tat for people who spend for his or her weekly store with coppers simply to experience the excitement of scrimping.And it must be cheaper when compared to the almost disastrously high-priced Google PixelBook.The Chromebook Flip C434 has an all-aluminium shell that appears and feels sharp,and isn't going to flex too significantly.There isn't any bendy lid or a keyboard that bows underneath finger pressure here.If it had been slightly slimmer and lighter it would hold the design chops to match up with Home windows laptops very well.Even as it is the Asus Chromebook Flip C434 retains its possess just fantastic.The 'Flip' element of the name tells you this is a hybrid.Its hinge may be flexed completely,hence the underside finally ends up beside the lid.Individuals hinged details are chunkier than common for a reason.Google Assistant oplader lenovo an2005we is steadily coming to Chromebooks,and whilst it really is not in our Asus Chromebook Flip C434 still,it'll supply another excuse to employ it hybrid-style,with the keyboard propping up the display like a huge picture frame.Google's Chrome OS software would not by natural means invite tablet-like use,as its dwelling screen is nearly bare.Connections are quite generous,too,with over some high-end Home windows laptops offer you.There are two USB-C Gen 1 ports,a single older-style USB-A port in addition to a microSD slot.There is not any committed video clip output,however , you can often hook it approximately a keep an eye on or Television set applying a USB-C adapter cable.There is extra to making a laptop oplader microsoft surface professional 5 appear high-end than steel panels.Currently the screen ought to seem appropriate way too,as well as Asus Chromebook Flip C434's definitely does. It's an edge-to-edge glass surface,so no lifted borders,and the surrounds are thin in all directions.This notebook might not have all that a lot layout temperament,but it really will not glimpse low-cost.The monitor by itself is nice also.It measures fourteen inches throughout,color is punchy and distinction strong.In the cost Asus could theoretically almost have got away with using a show panel with somewhat confined colour saturation,but there isn't any noticeable not enough that here.Brightness could potentially be a little bit much better,but it really still compares fairly very well to other sub Windows laptops.Dimension is really just one of the most important variables.We would be delighted to work all day,daily on a monitor similar to this.You can find plenty of house to arrange apps accu acer aspire v7-582p and workflow,and even though the complete High definition resolution won't leave textual content seeking as sharp as,say,a MacBook's display,you are paying out 50 % the cost right here.
The keyboard cements the Asus Chromebook Flip C434's prospective as being a real work laptop computer.There's a good total of vacation,and it feels not too dissimilar from the vintage 2015 MacBook Pro.This keyboard responses is ever so somewhat deeper in tone,but it's a dilemma of character relatively than quality.The keys are backlit as well,but as opposed to Home windows laptops there isn't any committed important to show that on and off.Press Alt and F4 and the degree adjustments: professional tip with the working day.The trackpad underneath is just one component that won't really a match to the higher-price adapter samsung s34e790c this Asus is supposed to match.It truly is huge,and appears the part,but the surface area is plastic fairly than glass,and its clicker doesn't have a super-high-quality experience.There is a lot of give to it at the base,none in the prime.A fab pad would've concluded off this Chromebook superbly,but this one particular is simply Alright at finest.
With these slim bezels on this machine,my eyes have been drawn on the Flip C434's 14-inch,1080p touch screen,that is pretty vivid and vivid,if limited of groundbreaking.After i watched a trailer for Detective Pikachu,nearby skyscrapers forged a lurid blue glow around the Pokemon's electric-yellow fur.A more in-depth inspection on this sharp display screen unveiled a delicate oplader dell da150pm100 chevron pattern while in the lovable Pokemon's detective cap,which sat above cute watery eyes that rival in cuteness all those of Puss in Boots.The glossy panel is quite reflective,so that you would not wish to utilize the Flip C434 exterior with a sunny working day.The 14-inch screen addresses 93 per cent with the sRGB color gamut,as outlined by our colorimeter.When the Chromebook x2 and Chromebook Professional have more-vivid shows,the Chromebook Flip C434's panel is much more vibrant than those on its predecessor,the Chromebook Clip 302CA,and also the average Chromebook.The Flip C434's exhibit equally falls from the middle from the pack for brightness.Having a peak rating of 286 nits,the Flip 434's monitor is much more luminous in comparison to the average Chromebook; however,the shows about the Chromebook Professional,Chromebook x2 and Flip C302CA glow brighter.The contact screen exactly tracked my erratic swipes as I navigated from just one Google Chrome tab towards the subsequent,examining sports scores and viewing Overwatch on Twitch.Even though the Flip C434 is modest for your 14-inch notebook,it truly is still rather cumbersome as being a pill.All of the substances adapter microsoft floor pro 3 are listed here.Regardless of whether you need to drown out the din at your local espresso store or settle in for just a late-night film,the C434's assortment of audio solutions have you included.I am constantly happy to discover a headphone jack on laptops - there is certainly only no justification to depart it from the spec sheet.Cleanse seem pumped by way of my favourite set of wired headphones by way of the C434's 3.5mm jack.You may as well tap in the Bluetooth radio in case you want,nevertheless the wired port delivers substantially excellent seem.The integrated stereo speakers will not be your normal tin cans.Asus says the C434 has huge resonance chambers hiding within the chassis and that i imagine it.The Chromebook Flip provides a lot more than ample audio to fill an business office,resort,or dorm area.I used to be delighted together with the well balanced profile accu lenovo u330 with the seem,it failed to lean also seriously towards bass or treble tones.It can be would not rock your globe,nonetheless it suffices for daily listening.
The plan of that significant conserving could be the main reason you purchase a Chromebook.But precisely what is its Chrome OS software program actually like The greater you pay back for it,the more serious it appears: which is the blunt fact.It really is fantastic in the event you hop in between general public Wi-Fi hopper,or stay off Google Docs,as the Asus Chromebook Flip feels a little bit like Android which has a appropriate Windows-style front stop.You'll be able to operate various applications at once,in scalable home windows,equally as you'll having a usual laptop.And it supports adapter dell 689c4 Android apps.This opens an entire globe around the Asus Chromebook Flip,whether or not it can be just the cellular phone and pill application entire world instead compared to the just one of more "serious" stuff you have on Home windows.For example,it is possible to down load Microsoft Term and have a completely serviceable version of that phrase processor,if Google Docs seems just a little flimsy.We downloaded the first Sonic the Hedgehog from Google Enjoy,plugged in a very PS4 gamepad over USB and relived the 90s for 10 minutes.We tried out some races accu lenovo z710 in Asphalt eight.It operates just dandy other than the odd dropped frame and looks superb on the 14in monitor.It is possible to use a lot of entertaining with a Chromebook,and it nails gentle get the job done,juggling all those Google docs people today hold sharing along with you.But remember what it can not do.An Acer Swift three,a less expensive Windows notebook,allows you to make use of the same new music output application as Calvin Harris.It lets you utilize the same photo modifying software program as,properly,whoever shot past month's Vogue protect.A Chromebook won't.In addition it stumbles with fairly lots of Android apps.Some you should not scale properly into the complete display screen sizing,and other individuals are only not appropriate.You are able to perform Gameloft's Asphalt eight.But Asphalt 9 That is off restrictions.Ark:Survival Advanced installs,but it really would not operate.Minecraft Story Mode has really serious touchscreen challenges and Munch's Oddysee isn't going to even make it to your title display in advance of closing alone down.Within this context,the place Google Perform appears to be a selection box of biscuits someone has dropped en-route,raw electricity oplader lg lcap39 would not really necessarily mean that much.Nevertheless the Asus CHromebook Flip's CPU is barely good.It is really the Intel Main m3-8100Y.This is often a processor designed for light-weight jobs and very low power use.The more affordable HP Chromebook X360 has an Intel i3-8130U,that's a lot more powerful.But does it issue You could argue Chrome OS in its present-day condition adapter lg 24mn33dpz won't seriously do considerably that warrants a blistering CPU.Along with the m3-8100Y isn't "cheaper" when compared to the i3-8130U.It is just distinct.
The Chromebook Flip C434 is my new favored Chromebook.The 2-in-1 laptop improves on its by now superb predecessor by presenting a bigger,14-inch display within a likewise sized aluminum chassis.Together having a somewhat shiny and vivid 1080p panel,the Flip C434 has effective speakers and lasts for practically ten hrs with a demand.But no laptop is perfect.The Flip C434 is over the pricey aspect to get a Chromebook,and it scored combined final results accu asus tf201 on our overall performance benchmarks.However,the Chromebook Flip C434 is often a standout 2-in-1 that provides Mac and Home windows consumers a compelling motive to change to Chrome.In case you choose a detachable and also have some room in the funds,then go with the HP Chromebook x2,a 12.3-inch hybrid pill which has a bright display,lengthy battery existence along with a relaxed detachable keyboard.And when you would like to conserve cash,then the Samsung Chromebook three might be the laptop in your case.Even though the Chromebook three doesn't offer you the identical effectiveness as being the Flip C434,this is often a steal thanks to its long battery daily life and vivid display.Overall,the Chromebook Flip C434 is definitely an excellent 2-in-1 laptop computer as well as the system I'd recommend to any individual creating the switch to Chrome OS.Asus packed in a reasonable 48 watt-hours of battery ability into the Chromebook Flip C434's chassis.Combined with the low-power CPU as well as the normally efficient nature of Chrome OS,we hoped that the 2-in-1 might get us via a functioning working day away from the charge.That's specifically since it turned out,although we hit a snag as we commenced our testing.Usually,we utilize the Basemark world wide web benchmark to check battery everyday living underneath load,but the Chromebook Flip C434 wouldn't finish the examination.So,we stepped to our net searching test that operates via a collection of well-known internet sites right until the battery operates out.Here,the Asus lasted for a very fantastic 10 in addition to a 50 % hrs.Which is greater than the Acer Chromebook 13's 8 as well as a fifty percent hours,plus the HP Chromebook x2's just one hour extended.It's also aggressive with top quality Home windows 10 laptops like the Dell XPS 13.Inside our video clip looping examination that runs via a nearby Avengers trailer right up until the machine oplader dell dw5g3 shuts down,the Chromebook Flip C434 managed around eleven.five several hours.Which is nearly three several hours for a longer time compared to Acer Chromebook 13 and close to two hrs longer as opposed to HP Chromebook x2 and Google Pixelbook.High quality Windows laptops do past more time on this check,even so.All round,you're likely to acquire a reliable functioning day from the Chromebook Flip C434,as long as the majority of your operate is designed up in the common Chrome OS productivity responsibilities.Fan the flames of Android online games,and you will find the battery to burn off out a great deal a lot more immediately.
Just like Home windows and Mac laptops,Chromebooks change a good deal in regards to selling price.There are bottom-of-the-barrel solutions that should not be regarded as by any one,and within the flip aspect,you could commit nicely in excess of in case you want one thing truly premium and high-end.On the subject of very affordable styles that happen to be still worthy of a darn,however,Chromebooks have got a lot to supply.You can find a good deal of great Chromebooks at various rates,but from what we have seen,the best student-friendly Chromebooks charge underneath.That is extremely reasonably priced to get a high-quality notebook accu hp 14-p001xx that'll last for years to come,and when you consult your wallet,we're certain it's going to be quite happy with that range,too.In truth,with a thing like the Lenovo Chromebook C330,you could expend properly less than and nonetheless get an unbelievable device.Also,because Chrome OS is actually a significantly lighter functioning process than anything like Home windows,Chromebooks with lower-end processors and less RAM are inclined to conduct a lot better as opposed to similarly-speced Home windows equipment.
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toomanysinks · 5 years
The future of news is conversation in small groups with trusted voices
Chikai Ohazama Contributor
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Chikai Ohazama is the founder and CEO of Muxgram, which offers messaging products like the upcoming Sunday Beagle. He previously co-founded Keyhole (Google Earth/Maps) and held leadership roles at Google for 11 years.
When I first came out to California, one of my favorite places to go for sushi was in downtown Mountain View. They had these little boats that would float around the bar, each carrying some sushi on a small plate. You just sat down and started picking out the ones you liked, and began eating — very efficient and also a little bit of fun.
I feel like my news consumption these days is like those sushi boats. I sit down and the news just streams by and I pick out the articles I like and read them. Very efficient and also a little bit of fun. But I’ve been stuck at the sushi boat bar of news for far too long, watching the same imitation crab rolls go by. I need a better way to consume better information.
As you probably guessed, that “sushi boat bar of news” is Facebook, Twitter and the like. The algorithmic nature of news feeds tends to target the lowest common denominator, and it can often pander to people’s baser instincts. That being said, it does have its place, and provides a glimpse into what is capturing the general public’s attention — but it can’t be the whole meal, and that is what it has become. It’s like people who eat McDonald’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s tasty, addictive, but very unhealthy in the long term.
So what can you do about it, how can you make a change?
Email newsletters have been making a resurgence in popularity, but they are hard to manage and sort through. Christopher Mims of The Wall Street Journal tweeted about this problem:
if everyone has an email newsletter and someone gets the brilliant idea to consolidate them in one place where they can easily be followed or unfollowed wouldn’t that realize the dream of an open standards-based, surveillance-free alternative to Facebook?
And then Steven Sinofsky had a witty response:
And let us name it is RSS.
Indeed, another “old” technology like email that people have been gravitating toward as an alternative to get their daily news. Wired has proclaimed that “It’s time for an RSS revival” and it has resonated with well-respected thought leaders like Brad Feld. But RSS has had a tumultuous past, mainly used by professionals who need to keep up with their respective industries, not by the average consumer.
If email newsletters or RSS were to become the replacement, it would need a new approach or framework, not just a rehashing of past products. But that is only half the problem. In this day and age, we have become accustomed to having our friends and other people around when we read the news. Even if you don’t make any comments yourself, news exists in a public conversation and people’s reactions, whether they be from your friends or celebrities, are often part of the news itself.
Now these public conversations can be very toxic and are the very reason people are fleeing and looking for alternatives, but I don’t think people want to turn the dial to zero and go back to the days of reading the newspaper by yourself over breakfast. I think people still want others around — they just want it to be safe and free from trolls.
I think people are seeking relief from the barrage of social media, not knowing who to trust any more and wanting a better channel to the truth.
When the web first started taking off, information propagated via the web and hyperlinks, and that world was dominated by Google web search. As Facebook and Twitter grew into prominence, information started to propagate via social networks. And now people are starting to get more and more of their information via messaging, which is looking to be the next step in the progression. You can already see this transition happening in places like India with WhatsApp, where it is becoming a major source of misinformation. And there are interesting experiments out there like Naveen Selvadurai’s README on Telegram, where he posts articles into a Telegram group.
But for the most part there hasn’t been much evolution or progress on the messaging side of the equation to adapt it to become more of an information propagation medium. It’s still mainly about casual conversation and has little overlap with the “news feed” use case. But given how things are changing, now may be a good time to push the boundaries of what messaging could become. I think people are seeking relief from the barrage of social media, not knowing who to trust any more and wanting a better channel to the truth.
I’m pretty confident that closing the circle to a closer, trusted group would be welcome by most people. It doesn’t necessarily mean just friends, but it could include trusted experts or voices in the community that can help shepherd people through the noise and distractions.
Mike Isaac recently started a newsletter called “Brain Dump” wherein he wrote about his thoughts on the privacy post by Mark Zuckerberg, but what caught my attention was a paragraph near the end:
this is at least in part why i started this newsletter. the form is a kind of weird semi-private hybrid — a public newsletter, sent directly to inboxes, which occasionally elicits one-to-one conversations with some of you (that i greatly enjoy). it makes me feel much better than scrolling through twitter and watching performative nastiness.
A public forum with a positive audience interaction model. Even Fred Wilson noted that his readers often email him directly with comments that lead to one-to-one conversations. I wonder if Fred enjoys it as much as Mike does.
I’m sure this doesn’t scale very well, but it provides an interesting starting point that aligns with where we are heading. The modern equivalent of one-to-one email conversations is private messaging, which is squarely where Facebook has declared that it is headed, and it is also where people spend most of their time communicating these days, especially with the advent of mobile. The email newsletter also needs a modern equivalent, and maybe it can learn something from podcasts, which is seeing a major rebirth these days.
As it so happens, podcasts have adopted RSS as a de facto standard for providing feeds to podcast aggregators. It has its shortcomings, but it’s doing the job well enough that it continues to be used and has become a requirement for any new podcast that wants distribution. Even though it may seem like an esoteric protocol from the internet days of old, RSS is woven more deeply into the fabric of the web than you might think.
So if we think about who could shepherd us through the noise and distractions, could people like Mike Isaac or Fred Wilson be the right voices that help guide us toward understanding the truth of what is happening in the world? They are two very different types of people with two very different motives, and sometimes they are at odds with each other.
Mike Isaac is a journalist for The New York Times, a publication that recently did a campaign with the slogan, “The truth is more important now than ever.” We live in a time where world-class journalism is dying and yet it is desperately needed. The free press has always been a watchdog for democracy and, as The Washington Post says, “Democracy dies in darkness.” Journalists are probably the most obvious group of people that can guide us, since it is at the core of who they are and it is their job to expose the truth.
Fred Wilson is a venture capitalist for Union Square Ventures. He has a financial interest behind much of what he writes about, but that doesn’t necessarily disqualify him from being an important voice in the community. There are many people who are often the subject of the articles written in The New York Times that should have a voice of their own. “The Players’ Tribune” is a media company built entirely around that concept, giving athletes a platform to connect with the world on their own terms. The critics are skeptical that this just sugar-coats their stories, but you can’t ignore testimonials like the father trying to get his son to enjoy reading and how Steph Curry’s story connected with his son like no other sports publication could.
So I believe it will have to be a diverse group of voices that will guide us, just like reading only one publication these days may not always give you the whole story. It will likely start with one-to-one conversations between those voices and their readers, but that will only be the beginning.
People are starting to wake up to the reality of the digital world we live in and realize they are not safe.
Just like teenagers will resort to using Google Docs as their chat application of choice at school, the olds are using whatever tools they can get their hands on to find a safe way to understand the truth of what is going on in the world today. There is a product waiting to be built that is optimized for this purpose, and I’m sure companies large and small are trying to figure it out. For some like Facebook, it is an existential question. For publications like The New York Times and The Washington Post, it’s an opportunity to re-establish themselves after the wake of the internet revolution. And for the entrepreneurs, it could be the chance to use the thin edge of the wedge to work their way to a larger success.
The reason this is happening now is that people are starting to wake up to the reality of the digital world we live in and realize they are not safe. If you use Eugene Wei’s framework, social capital has grown to be enormous, but that by itself is not the concern — it is because social capital has become a fungible asset that can be bought, sold and used in whatever manner you choose.
It was all fine when it was just YouTube and Instagram influencers peddling products and making money, but when you can use that same social capital to influence elections, it started to make people feel very creepy and unsafe. The game is changing from one of status that Eugene Wei so articulately describes in his post to one of trust. We’ve fallen down a couple of levels in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and safety has to be taken care of first before we can get back to esteem.
But we want to get back to trust and safety in a sustainable way, and for that we have to have the right business model. The tricky part is that trust tends to be inversely related to money. The more money you have, the less people trust you. I don’t think the general public trusts the billionaires to look out for their best interests, and the growing income disparity has only made it worse, spawning protests like “Occupy Wall Street” and political slogans like “We are the 99%.”
Ironically in the case of trust, a bank is a good analogy. People need to trust the bank to keep their money safe. If people trust a bank, more people will put more money into it. If they don’t trust the bank, then it will create panic and there will be a run on the bank.
In the context of social media, the currency is people’s attention and the bank is what is keeping people’s attention. People are losing trust in the current “attention banks,” so they are moving it out and trying to find a new more trustworthy place to store it. Again, to use Eugene Wei’s framework, the difficulty in migrating off of a social media platform will depend on how much social capital they have accumulated in the “attention bank” and if they can’t transfer that social capital easily, it will be much harder to leave. But for the average consumer, I don’t think they have much social capital, so it will be easy for them to leave. And when enough of the average consumers leave, there will be a mass deflation of the social capital value on the platform, so it will be easier for those “rich” people to leave also.
Now coming back to the business model. Just like banks make a profit by keeping other people’s money and lending it out to others, social media makes money by keeping other people’s attention and lending it out to others. The medium by which people’s attention is captured has moved from the printed page to an online web page, then an online web page to a social media post. And if the progression toward messaging is fully realized, then attention will migrate into a conversation, which would require a transformation of how people’s attention is lent out to others.
Keeping a dialog going between all parties, whether you like them or not, will only help us get closer to the truth.
This transformation is an opportunity to reinvent the business model. It still may fundamentally be about lending out people’s attention, but it may become much more tangible. If you go back to print media, when you purchased an ad in a magazine, you had to use the size of the readership as a proxy to gauge how much attention that was lent to you. If what you get instead is a conversation with a potential customer, it is much more valuable. A good indicator that this could be a good business model are companies like Intercom, which are creating tools to immediately engage in conversations with customers instead of just taking them to a landing page.
Now if you bring this back to people needing a better way to understand the truth of what is happening in the world, can we have frank and honest discussions about a product that may put the company that makes it in bad light, yet still have that company willing to advertise on the platform?
The answer to this question lies in private messaging. On a platform like Facebook and Twitter, where it is a public conversation, a “town square” as Zuckerberg calls it, then it is more likely to be a problem. But if the conversation is private or in a small closed group, then it is less likely to be a problem. If done correctly, it could be an opportunity to change people’s minds or clarify misunderstandings.
As we said before, it will require a diverse group of voices to guide us to the truth, and companies should have a voice in the conversation where people are talking about their products or services. It’s not too dissimilar to Yelp giving businesses a way to respond to reviews and defend themselves. I think it’s the fair thing to do, and what’s important is not who is right or wrong, but the conversation itself. Keeping a dialog going between all parties, whether you like them or not, will only help us get closer to the truth. Shutting them down will not. They just need to be safe and with people we trust.
If you walk down Harrison Street in San Francisco’s Mission District, you’ll come across a store front with blacked-out windows, right across from the award-winning restaurant Flour + Water, (where Steve Jobs famously got denied a table). The only writing you’ll find is on the front door, which says “By Reservation Only sasakisf.com.”
You would never know by looking at it, but it is also an award-winning restaurant owned by Masaki Sasaki, who earned a Michelin star when he was the chef at Maruya and also consulted for many other omakase restaurants in San Francisco. The restaurant seats 12 people and they offer only one prix-fixe menu nightly. When I want the best sushi both in quality and overall dining experience, this is where I go. Each bite sends you to another world and you can’t help but close your eyes to fully enjoy the experience. It is fitting that omakase is all the rage these days; an intimate experience with only the highest-quality fish, hand-crafted by a master chef.
I think this is where we are heading with our daily news consumption — private groups, only the highest quality, curated by experts that we trust. You can see this change already happening in people’s behavior, partly in reaction to recent events, but also because people are starting to educate themselves on how all of this technology works and what it means to them personally.
With that understanding will come action and people will begin to make different choices depending on how they feel about what they have learned. And that action will lead to opportunity for new and existing companies to provide a service that people want given what they now know.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/07/stuck-at-the-sushi-boat-bar-of-news/
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Logan Paul Gets GRILLED By Casey Neistat In UNCUT Interview
Logan Paul Gets GRILLED By Casey Neistat In UNCUT Interview
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Logan Paul Gets GRILLED By Casey Neistat In UNCUT Interview, Hollywood Celebrity Rewards.
Celebrity News 2018, Hollywood Celebrities Latest Story Emily Blunt, Logan Paul Gets GRILLED By Casey Neistat In UNCUT Interview.
Hollywood Celebrities Watch Online Celebrity News 2016 Youtube by Pixar Animation Studios, is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California that is a subsidiary of The Walt Hollywood Company. Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the Lucasfilm computer division, before its spin-out as a corporation in 1986, with funding by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs, who became the majority shareholder.
What are the names of Walt Hollywood’s brothers and sisters?
Walter Elias Hollywood was born December 5, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, to Elias and Flora Hollywood. His siblings were Herbert, Ray, Roy, and Ruth. Roy later helped his brother make the Hollywood Company a success.
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Download videos to your Android device, iPhone, or iPad 1. Make sure your device is connected to Wi-Fi or your mobile network. 2. Open the Google Play Celebrities & TV app . 3. Tap Menu Library. 4. Next to the Celebrity or TV episode you’d like to download, touch the download icon.
What companies are owned by Hollywood?
Hollywood/ABC Television Group. Hollywood/ABC Television Group operates Hollywood’s broadcast television, cable television and radio businesses. ESPN, Inc. Walt Hollywood Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc. Lucasfilm Ltd. Marvel Entertainment, LLC.
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Casey Neistat CHALLENGES Logan Paul in candid a new interview.
Casey had no problem grilling Logan about all of his recent controversies.
YouTuber Casey Neistat sat down with Logan Paul for a candid and no-holds-bar interview, and the pair got into everything from Logan’s upcoming documentary, to that shameful video that showed a suicide victim’s body in Japan.
Logan said of his documentary QUOTE, “The doc is not a documentary about how hard my life has been this year. It’s about a story of a young man from Ohio, a seemingly regular kid, falling into the social-media machine over the past four years, becoming the most hated man in the snap of a finger. The question that the doc answers is how do you recover from that? Can you recover from that?”
Logan also revealed that he hopes the doc will be interpreted as a redemption story.
At one point, Casey grilled Logan about his infamously insensitive vlog where he showed the body of a suicide victim in Japan, as well as his other videos from his trip Japan that were deemed by many as culturally insensitive. Logan got defensive over his decision to wear Pokemon suit and throw Poke Balls at Japanese citizens, among other things.
CLIP/AUDIO: The Logan Paul Interview
Logan also defended his intentions with his Vlog that showed the suicide victim, explaining QUOTE, “What we did in that video was the attempt, with the forest video — beginning, middle, and end — I made it very clear, that it is okay to feel ostracized and alone. What’s not okay, is holding those feelings in, and that I truly believe that quote unquote that every person has a place on this earth. But we did that such the wrong way. We tried to shock it into people.” Casey had the perfect response for that BS of an explanation.
CLIP/AUDIO: The Logan Paul Interview (24:39- 24:54)
While many of Logan’s fans praised his interview with Casey, there were were quite a few people who were not impressed.
One person Tweeted QUOTE, “So I watched the full 35 minute interview Casey Neistat did with Logan Paul and can now say I am 100% certain he is the biggest piece of trash on the planet. Fake as hell, talks about his “clout” constantly, and clearly thinks HE is the victim from the forest video. Pure trash!”
Another shared QUOTE, “Currently watching Casey Neistat’s interview with Logan Paul. The fact that Logan still doesn’t understand how it’s culturally insensitive to go around Japan wearing a pikachu outfit, throwing poke-balls at the locals, is so troubling. This kid will never get it.”
One person praised Casey’s interviewing skills, writing QUOTE, “Probably one of the toughest things for Logan Paul to do in his career on YouTube. Casey did a great job. Nonetheless, it’s easy to see through all of Logans bullsh*t. He claims that his actions in Japan no longer represent his brand, yet those videos are still up on his channel.”
You can’t really argue with that when Logan’s still making money off of those videos.
As for Casey’s intentions behind his interview with Logan, he explained it was unmonetized and uncut, because he wanted it to be real. He also told the Verge QUOTE, “You can’t self determine redemption. Redemption can only be determined by others — it’s up to the community and others to decide whether he gets a second chance. I don’t think that’s a decision he gets to make…For Logan to be back into that he has to demonstrate that he can have a positive, meaningful impact.”
We definitely agree with Casey on this one.
But now now I wanna turn it over to you guys — what are your thoughts on Casey’s interview with Logan, and do you think the documentary will redeem his career? Sound off with all of your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.
Now click to the right to watch another new Video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels. Thanks so much for watching, I’m your host Emile Ennis Jr. and I’ll see you next time!
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Celebrity Latest Story, Hollywood Celebrity Rating, Hollywood Celebrity News 2019, Latest Celebrity Releases, Logan Paul Gets GRILLED By Casey Neistat In UNCUT Interview.
Some of Hollywood’s animated family films have drawn fire for being accused of having sexual references hidden in them, among them The Little Mermaid (1989), Aladdin (1992), and The Lion King (1994). Instances of sexual material hidden in some versions of The Rescuers (1977) and Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) resulted in recalls and modifications of the films to remove such content. Hollywood Celebrities 2015, Logan Paul Gets GRILLED By Casey Neistat In UNCUT Interview.
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swelldomains · 7 years
Google Penalized Your Links? DON`T DISAVOW YOUR LINKS!
We're commonly gotten in touch with by customers that are battling after getting a penalty from Google. Most of these clients have been penalized for unnatural web links in one way or another.
Unfortunately, it appears that a huge number of the web designers who contact us are still under the impact that they should utilize the disavow web link tool in order to recover. I'm unsure just how this misconception started, yet this is not exactly what the device is for. Whether you have actually been hit by a hand-operated penalty or a mathematical one, the disavow tool is a last hope. It's meant for sophisticated webmasters, and also you're just supposed to use it if you have actually made every effort possible to eliminate the links yourself first.
We've already created two messages about this. We have actually discussed options to the disavow web links device, and we have actually spoken about some false impressions surrounding it. Considering that we're still hearing this subject obtaining brought up, we believed we 'd review it, and also share some vital related misunderstandings concerning web link penalties.
Some of the important things our customers claim when they initially connect to us like:
My website has been partially punished due to abnormal link-building. I've already made a listing of web links that are causing the problem and also sent them with the disavow tool. I likewise sent a reconsideration request, yet it was rejected.
I have a whole lot of sites and do not have time to get rid of every one of the links manually, so I was wanting to use the disavow device to recoup from my penalties.
And so on...
We hate hearing this things, due to the fact that it in fact functions versus recuperation over time. Allow's chat about each kind of penalty, what you need to do to recover, as well as why you need to never use the disavow tool as anything besides a last resort.
1. Unnatural Link Penalties
The just demotions that Google formally refers to as charges are their manual actions. Google in fact has three different type of link penalties that are used by hand:
Unnatural links from your website - I wish to be clear: this is exactly how Google normally manages unnatural web links. They target the sites that are selling the links, that are component of a link network, or that or else exist practically solely to adjust the positions of other websites. Matt Cutts himself has clarified that link sellers are usually the ones who are held responsible.
Unnatural url to your website (impacts web links) - This is the flipside of the link fine listed above. If a website that connects to you obtains penalized, it indicates that your web links obtain punished, yet not in the feeling that they actually count against you. The links simply don't count any longer. It's very crucial to recognize this if you've gotten this kind of charge. Google Web designer Tools will tell you especially which kind of web link fine you were struck by. If it was this, the web links are not counting against you.
Unnatural web links to your site - This is the all-out case where your site is manually penalized for its incoming link profile. This indicates that the links are in fact counting versus you, as well as that you probably won't be able to recover unless you remove the offending links.
Again, it's not tough to figure out which of these 3 charges you're taking care of. Google will certainly flat out tell you nowadays, with a message on this screen:
If it is regarding unnatural web links from your site, you should never, ever use the disavow tool. This means that you have to eliminate the offending web links on your own site. It implies that Google thinks your site exists to assist others rank in an abnormal fashion. The only method to confirm otherwise is to remove those outbound links.
If you have been punished for abnormal inbound links, see to it to try to find the qualifier "impacts links." If you see that qualifier, below is exactly what Google has to say on the issue (strong focus mine):
If you don't manage the links indicating your site, no action is needed on your part. From Google's viewpoint, the links already won't count in ranking. However, if possible, you may wish to remove any kind of artificial url to your site as well as, if you have the ability to obtain the man-made links got rid of, submit a reconsideration request. If we determine that the connect to your site are no much longer in violation of our standards, we'll withdraw the hands-on action.
Google seems to be associated with a bit of doublespeak below, as well as how you decide to progress is up to you. From a pure SEO viewpoint, if you've gotten this particular charge, there is no need to eliminate any web links in any way, not to mention use the disavow tool. (We don't advise utilizing the tool in this situation unless you recognize what you're doing)
However, having a charge on your record, and on purpose neglecting it, probably does not send the most effective message to Google regarding your intentions. Any type of Google staff member who sees that your site is punished is probably going to watch any type of future efforts with more suspicion, and also there's a likelihood that this might antagonize you greater than if you acted to remove the penalty.
That stated, I see no factor to make use of the disavow device in this scenario, ever. Since the entire point of removing the fine is just to get in Google's 'excellent graces,' not actually to boost positions, there's no factor being used the disavow tool. Disavowing is the very easy escape, and Google wishes to see that you're making an effort.
They clearly inform people not to utilize the device unless they actually make an effort to get rid of links first.
Finally, if you have been punished for incoming web links, as well as Google isn't utilizing the qualifier 'effects web links,' it implies that the web links actually are counting against you, and protecting against healing. When it comes to hand-operated unnatural web link charges, this is the only scenario where you should even consider making use of the disavow tool. But once more, it's just a last resort.
Here's an example of messages you'll get from Google under these situations:
And from the 'Handbook Actions' screen:
So, exactly how do you recover from an abnormal incoming web link penalty?
We've talked before about the best ways to recoup from an abnormal web link fine, yet there have actually been a few modifications. The majority of most importantly, there's not any kind of inquiry, also if you didn't have Webmaster Devices when you initially established it up. If you set it up now, you could effortlessly take a look at the Manual Actions page to see if you obtained the charge, as well as precisely which of the three unnatural link fines it is.
If you've obtained an unnatural inbound web link fine that targets your site, not the links, or if you have actually obtained one that does target the web links, but you really feel web link elimination is still the best means to go, we recommend the complying with actions:
Identify all the web links that you or your previous Search Engine Optimization acquired and paste them into a spreadsheet
Identify any type of links that have sent out recommendation web traffic, and also placed them on your 'possibly' checklist. Evaluation these web links one by one to identify if they show well on your brand. The idea is that these links should count as genuine advertising and marketing outside of Search Engine Optimization. If so, put them in your 'secure' list. Do not use PageRank or Web page Authority as part of the decision process.
In basic, you should not bother with links that you or your previous Search Engine Optimization did not acquire, also if they are reduced quality. Poor quality links become part of natural web link building. Unless you spot some extremely dubious looking web links, you ought to typically simply leave these web links alone.
Use a tool like Link Detoxification to eliminate as a lot of the remaining web links as possible.
Place the remainder of the web links right into the disavow device, but only if you did not receive the 'impacts web links' version of the penalty
Submit an in-depth reconsideration demand, total with url to your spread sheets (in public Google Docs data). Describe why you maintained the web links that you did, as well as why you had to use the disavow device for the continuing to be links.
You should expect the penalty to be revoked within regarding a week
However, it's critical to comprehend that this procedure is just half of healing. If you received the 'influences web links' variation of the charge, this won't even aid your rankings. This is entirely concerning getting rid of obstacles to growth. This alone will never result in full recovery.
Full recuperation will certainly need a change in your commercial property growth design. You will need to begin assuming regarding ways to make a profit today with inbound marketing, as well as enhance that campaign for Search Engine Optimization value. To puts it simply, you will certainly should start a high-scale Search Engine Optimization campaign that will basically guarantee success, even if your positions weren't mosting likely to improve.
Paradoxically, this is really the best method to boost your rankings, as well as the most likely road to recovery.
Clearly, covering every little thing you have to understand concerning this process is outside the scope of this post, yet considering that it's really the most essential component of recuperation, it would be an insult to let you stroll away without some knowledge of where to look.
A few things we stress:
When you develop web links (rather than attracting them), looking on your own if you would certainly still develop that link if it were no-follow. If so, you get on the best track. If not, you have to rethink your strategy.
Your website needs linkable properties that will draw in links normally, and also make them quickly when you begin with your outreach. We wrote an overview regarding this at Internet search engine Journal.
Your guest blog messages have to originate from leading market blog sites. We discussed exactly how to do that at Moz.
Think beyond 'material' and begin considering the power of tools and communities.
Appeal to a hardcore audience with comprehensive, valuable, awe-inspiring tools as well as web content, as well as maintain them returning by getting them on an e-mail list, generally by providing something of worth in exchange for it.
Appeal to the mainstream with funny, unique, suitably sized pictures (often using amusing within-image inscriptions), use them to deliver a really easy however vital message, as well as get them shared on socials media. Utilize these pictures to link back to your hardcore content and also grow your audience.
Once you have actually obtained all of this going, you will certainly begin to see a cumulative impact. Points feed off of each other. Social assists search assists email assists social, and also so on.
I want to stress once more that this is where the genuine work is done. Even when web links are counting against you, connect removal will never ever get you back to fresh start. You've shed that worth, as well as you have to gain it back in such a way that will provide permanent results.
2. Algorithmic Link Penalties
When a mathematical penalty like Penguin targets your web links, things are a bit different. For certain, much of your feedback will certainly be precisely the exact same, yet there are some important differences.
For beginners, you have no other way of knowing why you were punished, just how you were penalized, and even if you in fact were penalized. That said, it's reasonable to presume that you were penalized by Penguin, as an example, if you shed a significant amount of traffic on or near the day that a brand-new Penguin upgrade was announced.
Moz has a listing of algorithm updates as well as the dates that they went live. You could check there to help establish whether a specific algorithm is accountable for your decline in rankings.
For an idea of how you can recover from Penguin, we just recently shared a situation research study. We likewise shared a quick evaluation, based upon client data, of one of the most current upgrade (2.1), along with some guidance on recovery.
To day, nobody's quite clear on whether Penguin especially penalizes sites with bad outbound links, sites with bad incoming web links, or both. The exact same chooses other mathematical link charges. It's possible that incoming web links are simply disregarded, similar to the 'affects web links' hand-operated fine, but Matt Cutts did advise utilizing the disavow tool in some circumstances if you are hit by Penguin. Based on that understanding, the best bet is undoubtedly to do some link cleanup. With no specific messages from Google, there's no chance to understand if bad web links could be preventing recovery.
Patience is a must when you're taking care of Penguin. You can not send a reconsideration demand. Generally, you have to wait up until the next Penguin upgrade prior to you will certainly see any outcomes. This means you can not be forgiving at all when you make a decision which url to get rid of, and also that you can't hold back whatsoever when it involves developing a powerful web link building strategy. As well as, certainly, we're constantly happy to assist with that.
3. Link Devaluation
This is a made complex topic in SEO and it's not always related to a particular update or formula. Link decrease is merely the procedure wherein a web link that is pointing toward your website sheds some or every one of its worth. Decreased the value of links don't count against you, they merely do not assist your rankings anymore.
That stated, there was an occasion on January 17, 2013, that our team believe was associated with mathematical link decrease. Google claims there was no update on that certain day, and also we have no need to question them. Instead, our company believe this was the culmination of an algorithm that had currently been introduced, one that decreases the value of links as they are crawled.
If you have lost rankings, your rivals do not seem to be stepping up their game, you do not have any hands-on fines, and your shed rankings don't synchronize with any kind of certain upgrade, this is most likely the cause.
When it pertains to connect devaluation, you need to never use the disavow device. You must never bother to do any kind of web link elimination under these conditions (unless of program this is preemptive).
Keep in mind that link decline will certainly almost never eliminate every one of your rankings. Rather, it has the tendency to press you back a few placements or pages. If you've experienced something more dramatic, maybe an unnamed update.
If it is web link devaluation, the emphasis is completely on recovery. As opposed to losing time getting rid of web links, you should get going with promotion, social media sites, web content advertising and marketing, email advertising and marketing, as well as high top quality web links in order to increase your direct exposure as well as solidify future rankings.
If your website has actually been punished for inbound web links, the last point you must do is hurry to the disavow device. You have to start by learning if the links are in fact counting against you (or in jeopardy of hurting you in other ways). If they are, you require to get rid of as a number of them as feasible prior to using the disavow device. Regardless, most of your success counts on your capability to draw in all-natural links and also develop a prospering audience.
We're always pleased in order to help, and I 'd like to thank you for reading. Feel cost-free to obtain in touch if you need help preparing a plan for recovery.
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topicprinter · 7 years
Edit: WOW! I can't believe how much traction this got - I'm so blessed that this resonated with all of you! I've been getting mad amounts of requests, phone calls, PM's, LinkedIn invites, and more. Feel free to connect with me on Twitter for more of this stuff. I'll definitely be following this up for you guys with a detailed post of how I did so well with business networking events due to the amount of requests I got for it. Thanks for the Reddit Gold, and thanks for being so supportive!Hi guys,I run a small/mid-sized web development & online marketing agency. I wanted to share my process that brought me from 0 customers to a solo-entrepreneur making about $120k/year with you all, because there are a lot of people out there looking to start a business or keep it going! I told some others in r/Entrepreneur that I would give a write up on how I used cold calls to get started and push through the first 2 years of beginning a business from nothing.I have since incorporated and grown a lot, and don't cold call very often. However, I still get into big companies through cold calls, and had a meeting last week with one of the biggest fish I've ever sat in front of as a result of a cold call - I just hate making them and so use this strategy infrequently. I love referrals and people calling me!Author’s note: I finished writing this post, and it is nearly 3,100 words. I put my heart and my soul into writing this for you guys. Maybe there is a person out there that will be inspired to take this even further than I did. If that is you, don’t forget to share! All glory to my savior Jesus Christ for leading me to where I am. Without God showing me the path, I couldn’t share it with you!First, the (short) story:I was an EMT and volunteer firefighter in California back in 2010. I was working in the emergency room of a hospital and had a really tough Monday - lots of death, blood, and more. I decided the only reason I wanted to be a firefighter was because of the retirement (residual) income. If I could do it faster another way, my mind just opened to it. Queue my brother-in-law coming back from a trip to the east coast and telling me about a business opportunity. I started selling websites for another company (which is a really terrible summary of what actually happened, but it's short).When I started, I didn't have ANY money to spare. I had about $5,000 worth of "emergency fund" that I could live on, and my wife worked and brought in about 1800/mo after taxes. Our bills cost about 3000/mo, so I needed to come up with at least 1200/mo to survive by selling websites. I ended up resorting to the only thing that costs no money: Cold Calls!TL;DR: Make cold calls, even if you're terrible like I was. Use my script (Link below). Record data. Follow up. Profit.The idea of picking up a phone and calling a stranger to solicit them to purchase something I was selling made me feel sick. I was also scared of the rejection, and justified my position with every "logical" argument that I could think of. But when you're on a time clock that ends in homelessness and starvation (or failure), you've got to man (or lady) up and do it.Some stats and info These are my statistics based on what I recorded. I don’t have excel spreadsheets of data to link… Only my company’s existence and some old notepads with my first call logs to prove these things, lol. My current URL is NextLevelWeb.com, though we are currently in the middle of a re-brand and the website may not be fully functional for anyone that goes to see it yet!I talked to a person about 70% of the time, so if you want to base my stats on actual people I talked to on a cold call, it’s actually 3.25%. This means that for every 100 conversations, I made 3.25 website sales. My conversion rate including non-answers was 2.5%. I counted all non-answers in my daily calls too.I tried to make 50 calls per day in a 4 hour time-frame, which calculates out to 250 calls/week (assuming Mon-Fri only). The actual number was around 150-200 in action, because I got lazy some days and hurt feelings other days. In addition, making follow-up calls (which don’t count towards these “50 calls per day”) got to be pretty time consuming eventually. Sometimes I’d make 15 of these in a day, and they took even more brainpower than a cold call sometimes due to them being a longer call.The best time to call was the hours of 9AM – 11:30. The hour of 10-11am was the best. I’d typically make calls from 8am-noon.My time to closing my first sale ended up being 2.5 months. I think the 17th call I made eventually led to my first sale. I made it in November, and it didn’t close until mid-January. I eventually shortened this cycle to 2 weeks - 1 month, but I really sucked at calls, talking to people on the phone, etc. at first, so I needed more time and more numbers to start. If this proves anything, you can be absolutely horrible at this like I was and still make it happen!In all the time I did calls, and it must’ve been thousands of them, I made 0 sales on the first call. I wasn’t trying to make them on the 1st call, which is a part of my process outlined below (small commitments leading to larger commitments).My market area is San Diego County, California. While there are a ton of big businesses here that make money, there are many small businesses that are 1-5 employees, and these people were who I was trying to target at the time.I was selling a website product for another company at this time (MLM/Network Marketing deal). The average ticket price was between $1,200 – 3,000 each, and my take was around 70% of that. So, assuming an average take-home of $1,050 (Which was common), that meant that each 100 dials would eventually net me about $2,625.Every time I was told “no,” I assigned a value to it. I’ll save you the math, but at first, each time I heard that word, it was worth about $10 to me. When I got going, each “no” was worth closer to $35 each, because every no led me to someone that says yes! Not every call ended in a yes or no – sometimes it was the dreaded “send me an e-mail and give me a week to think about it” which is not yes or no.I was closing the deal myself, because people wanted to know that they got to deal with me – The idea that I was some salesperson that wouldn’t care if the product I sold worked or not is an appalling idea to a business owner. They wanted to know I was their account manager, too, which is something I carry forward in my agency now. If a salesperson sells, they get to maintain the relationship and ensure the client is satisfied, too.Where I found my list to call:The local Chamber of Commerce websites. They always have a business directory that includes the business owner's name, their current website, the correct phone number, etc. Very good and current source of info, you can start local, and you can use the fact that you found them through the Chamber as a positive thing. Just search for the site on Google -- [city] + chamber of commerce (i.e. - San Diego Chamber of Commerce). Often times, there are 300-1,000 businesses right there, and every one of them has the business owner’s name, a phone number to call, and website address to investigate further.Local free/low-cost networking meetings/groups. I actually wasted a LOT of precious time at local meetup groups - most people were poor like me, and they were only looking to sell (not to buy or refer)! I found these through [http://ift.tt/1nANsPt. I’d actually recommend against going to these if you’re purely focused on trying to sell stuff. There are other, better networking events you can attend (I have an entire process for networking events that has made me even more than cold calling – maybe I’ll share that next?)!The local business directory book that gets delivered. You can even use one from last year.Local magazines delivered to communities.Googling things like “Chiropractors in 92008.” Some people have more money than others, and so I’d spend some time creating a list from googling a profession + zip code. Often times, it produces some decent results.How I qualified my list:This is going to be a bit specific to my niche, which was selling websites (and later online marketing services) to businesses. However, you can also qualify your list so that you are talking to more of the right people and spending less time calling/talking with the wrong people!I looked at their website. If the website looked old or had an old date at the bottom of the site (aka ©2012 when it's 2016), that was a good candidate for calling. If the website was newer, I'd pass on it (though if it was somewhat new, this was a good candidate for online marketing services).They had to be local places/people. I didn't want to be that call you get from an out-of-state number, because those calls get ignored. Local calls get answered.How I documented calls & results:A note on this: If you don't record who you called and what happened, you won't be able to follow up, and consequently won't make it anywhere. You need to be able to follow up on people and call numbers that didn't answer the first time or you’ll run out of decent numbers to call.I opened up a word doc on my computer, numbered a list, and copy/pasted the info if I found the info online or typed it in manually if it was from a magazine/directory/business card. My first notes were actually on a yellow legal pad. I'll get a pic of them, because I still have them somewhere, but digital is best. CRM systems are great, but it's more important to make the darn call and be marginally organized than to be highly organized and sit around doing CRM optimizationlike a poor idiot trying to avoid making his/her calls.I determined my KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) to be: # of calls made, # of people that answered, # of decision makers reached, # of requested call-backs or e-mails, # of appointments set, # of sales made. I made a mark next to the corresponding number on my list for each of these things occurring.I recorded the meaningful points of the conversation (aka what to remember if I talked to them again), and the next step. If they said “not right now,” I’d write to call back in 6 months. I didn’t call many of these people back.The Goal of a cold call and any necessary follow-up activity is to get to a Yes or to a No.Don’t try to convince people of your product’s value. That takes more effort and isn’t what you should be doing. Explaining is required, but convincing is something altogether different – I didn’t have the time or patience to try to show that there was value in a new website. If they didn’t see it, then they didn’t have any money or they were old-school and likely going to be tons of work to convince.Small commitments lead to larger commitments. I didn’t ask for the sale right away. I didn’t ask for an hour of their time. I didn’t ask for them to meet for coffee. I asked for 5 minutes of their time over the phone. If they liked what I had to say, then I’d ask for 30 minutes of their time to show.Don’t leave voice mails for people unless they know who you are. Only leave voice mails for follow-up calls.It is okay to call as often as 5 times per week (once per day), but only leave one voicemail per week in follow-up. It is safer to call only 2-3 times per week, and you should call less often as time goes on so you’re not annoying. I’d say up to 5 calls the first week, 3 calls in week 2, 2 calls in week 3, and 1 call per week after that for follow-up. Just a general set of guidelines.The most important concept I learned on my own: The Three BoxesPeople have three boxes in their head that need to be “checked off” before they will allow you to pass. The receptionist, the business owner, or the office manager will reject your call and not even give you an answer if you don’t give them these three critical pieces of information!– Your name. You don’t need to give your company name. Sometimes it’s even a bad thing if you give your company name. It doesn’t add credibility – It just tells me that I don’t know you. Most times, I’d only give my first name, and this was almost always fine.– How you found them. This tells them if you have something in common or not. If you found them in the Chamber of Commerce, for example, this tells them that you’re local and immediately differentiates you from a random cold call. Look to leverage anything you can to show that you are “like them.” If you can somehow connect on any level, you get a check on this box, because you seem human.– Why you’re calling (and it better not be to sell something!). This one is really the crux of why I am different. If I told someone that I was looking to sell them a website, they’d get rid of me as quickly as possible. “Ugh, not another sales call…” I needed to give them a different, but still valid, reason for calling. My reason was because I saw “a potential fit between our businesses, and was calling to talk to [insert name here] about it.”I do tell them what I am selling afterward, but once I addressed the third box in this new way, something magic happened. People started listening! I was no longer selling snake oil to make money, but was offering to talk about something that would be mutually beneficial. Often times, they would identify with me, and I would get people to give me respect and honest answers. Many times, the answer was still no, but I got my answer! And guess what? Sometimes the answer was yes and I made a sale!The Script (Finally)Link to the script in Google DocsUPDATE: Link to the conversation script in Google DocsHopefully by now, you have read this and can understand why my script is this way.How I followed upThere is a difference between following up and moving prospects forward. It’s a lot simpler than you might think – Start your follow-up call with a goal in mind, remembering that small commitments lead to larger commitments. For me, I always had the same goals in my prospect funnel:Cold callAsk for a 5 minute conversation (to determine if there is a fit)Schedule a 20-30 minute demo (even if it ends up being an hour… 20-30 minutes is easier to stomach for a “busy” business person)Ask for the sale after a website demonstration (Go over pricing – 3 pricing packages are important. Don’t do this for custom quotes… Custom quote requires a modified process from what I shared)Meet in person over coffee, buy their coffee, thank them for their business, get to know them and their company more, and ask for referrals.The end result (Recap)I went from being ~5 months from bankruptcy to making just over $120,000 by myself (using the same company I sold for as sub-contractors for the work, which their cut wasn’t included in the 120k) in my 2nd year of doing this. I also supplemented this work with focused business networking after a while, which is a whole other 3,000-word post in and of itself.A few final notesI made a commitment to making 50 calls per day, 5 days per week. I know others can supposedly bang out 100-300 calls a day, but I don’t know how you do it with any brain power. My brain power was gone after about 50 calls. I would make 50 calls in 4 hours or less. That is a good benchmark, especially when starting out. I was also given that advice by other successful sales professionals. A note is that I counted every time I dialed, whether I spoke to a person or got a voicemail.I bought a pack of small beads at Wal-Mart and put 50 of them into a cup. When I dialed a number, I would move 1 bead over. It was motivation once I was 30 calls in and didn’t want to finish. I even wrote cheesy motivating blurbs on the cups like “you can do it” and “keep going!” Whatever gets you to keep picking up the phone.Don’t let yourself get distracted. You will stop making calls – I guarantee it!Don’t start doing this without an emergency fund (shoutout to [r/PersonalFinance](http://ift.tt/1defSDb) in place. I recommend keeping 6 months of expenses in an emergency fund account. I needed mine to make it happen.You need to have the memory of a goldfish! You have to just forget or leave behind the negative experiences and focus on doing your best now. I did not get yelled at very often, which was due to the way I conducted calls (explained below), but it hurt a LOT when I did. Also, there were entire days that I failed on myself. A few times, I remember making less than 5 calls, putting on headphones and playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion for 8 hours straight because I let a mean person get to me. Nothing against gaming, but this will kill your dreams – I was not okay with failing on my wife and potentially losing our home, but I failed that day. I would pick up and continue on the next day as if nothing happened – It’s a new day, and a new chance to succeed! Don’t get down on yourself for failures.Feel free to post any questions you may have in the comment section. I will answer them as best I can. If you want me to do an AMA on building a marketing agency from scratch down the road, I can if the mods want me to do it.
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Logan Paul Working On Documentary About His Controversial Year
Logan Paul Working On Documentary About His Controversial Year
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Logan Paul Working On Documentary About His Controversial Year, Hollywood Celebrity News 2017.
Watch Latest Celebrity News, New Hollywood Celebrity News 2017, Logan Paul Working On Documentary About His Controversial Year.
A Wrinkle In Time Film Current Celebrity News In Theaters film production Walt Hollywood Studios is an American film studio, one of the four major businesses of The Walt Hollywood Company and the main component of its Studio Entertainment segment.
Who was Roy to Walt Hollywood?
Roy O. Hollywood. Roy Oliver Hollywood (June 24, 1893 – December 20, 1971) was an American businessman, becoming the partner and co-founder, along with his younger brother Walt Hollywood, of Walt Hollywood Productions, since renamed The Walt Hollywood Company.
What is Mulan’s last name?
Although Mulan is set in north China, where the dominant language is Mandarin, the Hollywood film uses the Cantonese pronunciation, “Fa”, of her family name. In Mandarin her name is pronounced “Hua”.
Why was Hollywoodland created?
With limited finances, Walt had to find affordable land. It was also important that his park be located near a major highway. In August of 1953, Hollywood and his partners selected a 160-acre orange grove in Anaheim, California to be the site of Hollywoodland. The construction of Hollywoodland began during the summer of 1954.
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It appears that Logan has officially gotten back together with his ex, Chloe Bennett, after the pair enjoyed a PDA filled 4th of July week in Chloe’s hometown of Chicago.
The couple took in a Cubs game and spent the 4th of July out on a boat, and one fan captured a snap of Chloe affectionately grabbing Logan’s butt inside of a Gucci store.
And they said romance was dead.
The pair met on the set of their film Valley Girl last year, and sparked romance rumors after they were spotted kissing while vacationing in Hawaii. While neither Chloe nor Logan have confirmed they’re dating again, we’re gonna go ahead and call it purely based on that Gucci grab.
And in other Logan Paul news, the Vlogger is apparently making a documentary about his extremely controversial and damaging past year, that started with him showing the dead body of a suicide victim in one of his video. He said of his doc plans QUOTE, “I’m actually filming a documentary about everything that’s happened this year, all the stuff that went down in January, where I was at in my life and kind of the psyche of what actually happened.”
Logan will also share details about his upbringing, and will visit his high school wrestling team to share life advice with them.
Sorry, Logan, but when it comes to documentaries, no YouTuber can top Shane’s TanaCon series. Like it’s not even a competition.
Alright guys now I wanna turn it over to you — are you surprised Chloe and Logan are back together? And is there anything you wanna see Logan discuss in his documentary? Sound off with all your thoughts in the comments below! And then click to the right to watch another new video, and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels! Thanks so much for watching, I’m your host Drew Dorsey and I’ll see you next time.
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Get The Latest & Current Celebrity News, Logan Paul Working On Documentary About His Controversial Year.
The Walt Hollywood Company’s resorts and diversified related holdings include Walt Hollywood Parks and Resorts, Hollywoodland Resort, Walt Hollywood World Resort, Tokyo Hollywood Resort, Hollywoodland Paris, Euro Hollywood S.C.A., Hong Kong Hollywoodland Resort, Shanghai Hollywood Resort, Hollywood Vacation Club, and Hollywood Cruise Line. New Hollywood Celebrities 2018, Logan Paul Working On Documentary About His Controversial Year.
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin CONFIRM Relationship With Hardcore PDA
Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin CONFIRM Relationship With Hardcore PDA
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin CONFIRM Relationship With Hardcore PDA, Hollywood Celebrity Club.
Watch Latest Celebrity News, A Wrinkle In Time Latest Story Song, Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin CONFIRM Relationship With Hardcore PDA.
New Hollywood Celebrities 2017 2018 Celebrities List next HollywoodToon Studios is an American animation studio which creates direct-to-video and occasional theatrical animated feature films. The studio is a division of Walt Hollywood Animation Studios, with both being part of The Walt Hollywood Studios itself a division of The Walt Hollywood Company. The studio has produced 47 feature films, beginning with DuckTales the Celebrity: Treasure of the Lost Lamp in 1990; its most recent feature film is Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast in 2015.
What Hollywood Celebrity has both parents alive?
Mulan, Sleeping beauty, Lady and the Tramp, The Incredibles,One Hundred and One Dalmatians,Peter Pan, Brave, The Lion King 2 and Frozen, but their parents die.
How do you wake up Sleeping Beauty?
Fascinated by the wheel, she touches the spindle, pricking her finger. As had been foretold by the curse, Aurora is put under a sleeping spell. The good fairies place Aurora on her bed with a red rose in her hand and cause a deep sleep to fall over the entire kingdom until they can find a way to break the curse.
What companies are owned by Hollywood?
Hollywood/ABC Television Group. Hollywood/ABC Television Group operates Hollywood’s broadcast television, cable television and radio businesses. ESPN, Inc. Walt Hollywood Parks & Resorts U.S., Inc. Lucasfilm Ltd. Marvel Entertainment, LLC.
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Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin threw caution to the wind and locked lips in public this weekend, confirming that their relationship is back on.
If you needed more proof that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are back together, here you go.
Just days after Us Weekly reported that exes Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are back together, the celebs went ahead and confirmed the relationship news themselves by — wait for it — making out in broad daylight in New York City.
The singer and model were caught kissing at Domino Park in Brooklyn on Saturday afternoon. TMZ got a video of the makeout sesh, which clearly shows the on-again couple playing tonsil hockey amid a large group of pedestrians. One fan was lucky enough to see Justin and Hailey as they were walking along the doc, either right before or right after the kissing happened.
But the Jailey PDA didn’t end there! The couple was later spotted smooching on a bench in Rockefeller Park in Manhattan, proving that their romance is getting super hot and super heavy. And if all that isn’t proof enough that they’re back on, Justin and Hailey were photographed holding hands as they were walking around NYC yesterday, too.
The pair dated briefly in 2016 and were friends for a long time before they got together romantically, but the breakup unfortunately threw a wrench in their relationship for quite some time.
The 21-year-old model explained QUOTE “Justin and I were friends for a long time. I met him when I was really young and he was one of my best friends. Everybody knows that at a certain point in time that turned into something else, but that just happens when you’re 18, 19. It was what it was. We went through a long period of time when we weren’t friends.”
She continued QUOTE “We didn’t speak for quite some time and there was a lot of weirdness that went on, [but] we’ve moved past that.”
It’s clear that Justin and Hailey are doing a lot more than talking these days. Do you ship Jailey? Do you think the relationship will last? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below and then click here to see some of Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran’s cutest friendship moments. I’m your host Naz Perez thanks so much for watching Clevver and I’ll see you next time.
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Latest Hollywood English Celebrities 2017 New English Films, Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin CONFIRM Relationship With Hardcore PDA.
Walt Hollywood has since created corporate divisions in order to market more mature content than is typically associated with its flagship family-oriented brands. The company is best known for the products of its film studio, Walt Hollywood Studios, which is today one of the largest and best-known studios in American cinema. Hollywood’s other three main divisions are Walt Hollywood Parks and Resorts, Hollywood Media Networks, and Hollywood Consumer Products and Interactive Media. List Of 2017 Hollywood Films, Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin CONFIRM Relationship With Hardcore PDA.
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