#i have wasted my life honing a skill that i am unable to share the results of
ganondoodle · 2 months
tumblr too will sell all user data to A/I fuckers. the toggle is apparently just to tell the techbros i dont want it, they "believe" they will "honor" that, like techbros ever honored anything but money.
sharing my art and connecting with people has been, literally, whats kept me alive through my darkest days.
i do not want it stolen, mangled and used to generate more money for people that already have more money than god.
creative labors of love that we share with people for free, to connect with people, to find joy in art and to bring joy to others, only for it to be ripped from you against your will, stolen, mangled, twisted into an algorythm just so some disgustingly rich guys gain more money.
and you lagerly cant do anything against it, the things you have ever posted anywhere, be it written or drawn, already taken without your consent.
it makes me feel ill.
right now, im questioning my will to be an artist.
to live.
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luovita · 4 years
You are in control, realise where you are, change your habits, achieve your goals and unleash yourself
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Are you in control of your success? Is having an ideal lifestyle considered success?
  Yes, combined with the right attitude, you can be successful in any areas of your life.  Here are few tips to help you control your success and start a life you always wanted. There are several ways on how to control your success like changing your habits as you continue to achieve your goals and unleash yourself to the world of endless possibilities.
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        Maybe it’s your fitness you want to improve and have a healthy lifestyle habits, maybe you’re looking to enhance your career and work with flexibility as you travel the world, or perhaps you want to live in modern lifestyle and probably have a passive income such as making money online, all of it boils down is to what I call LifeStyle Design.       Now, there is nothing wrong with having many goals, but it is also true that many of us lack the necessary skills and expertise to convert those into reality. This renders us somewhat powerless when it comes to choosing the trajectory of our lives. We’re out of shape because we don’t know how to stick to a training program, we lack motivation and consistency in doing the necessary then at the end fail with our goal to have a healthy lifestyle habits. We’re in jobs that are unexciting because we don’t know how to get out of our career ruts and are unable to earn enough money to travel or do leisure activities when in fact there are ways to make money fast from home. We have forgotten what it is to go out and have fun and live the ideal lifestyle you've been dreaming. The really bad part of the matter is when we tell someone how we’re going to quit smoking, write a book or get into shape, and they just roll their eyes and say “sure.” What’s worse? We ourselves don’t fully believe it. It’s time to change all that and be a new person. It’s time to come forth and take control of your life. Let’s look at how we can make it happen.  
Success is for everyone
Realize the real success within yourself
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          For you to really understand the meaning of success, you must have your own definition of it that relates to your personal life. Success is way too far as most people defines it. What is success for you? What does success mean to you? OK let me share a little about me as a kid. I am honestly not so happy  whenever I received awards in school? There’s a distinct feeling of joy and excitement to eat out with my family and get all the attention, however shockingly, getting awards was never the wellspring of my joy. Not the grades that I want to celebrate but the the journey I had to get those good grades. Sleepless nights, projects, tiring days studying for exam, and the support I get from my family. That for me is a real success.     A lot of individuals long of getting a luxury car, working high up in an extravagant organization, gaining bunches of cash, making money over the internet and having the capacity to do what they want and what they need. They work so hard, they eat less, they invested more energy slaving over a long stretch of time of reports, books, and stress; just to get to the best. Give me a chance to ask you this, however: does being on top mean you are successful? Success is the feeling of finding a sense of contentment and inner happiness. Inner happiness is priceless, it is being optimistic despite the life challenges, and failures we may encounter in life. Success for me is living the ideal lifestyle.   Reality is, many of us have different perception about success.  
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  Some people measures success in the amount of money you have in the bank, some people look up to those who knows where to make money, to those who are good in making money ideas. Some feels like being in the elite circle is a representation of a successful life journey. Sad to say that our concept of success is ruled by the pictures of wealth, distinction, and influence. We invest too much push to accomplish that idea and what do we get in return?   Are we truly satisfied, did we genuinely feel happy having all the glamour or even the attention we get from the others? If not, then that isn’t truly a success. Success is not tangible. It's a feeling that we get from exerting our effort and having that peace.   Let me share my experience, I am a work at home mom but prior to this new career I have a good career in corporate world. I already moved up my ladder to get a good position at work. I have honed skills that clients and my company appreciates the most. In short, I already have that value in the company.   However, after getting married I already conditioned myself that once we decided to have a baby, I will give up my career and focus on being a full-time mom. I wanna be there in every milestones of my baby.   Then I got pregnant, guess what? After 8 years working with my company I am ready to give up everything just to fulfill my promise, because I know, that will give me the real happiness.   Now, I am with my baby 24/7, watching her grow and ensuring she gets the best that I can give. I may be the best team lead that my agents would have, but I wanna be more of the best mother for my baby because she only deserves all the best in the world.   While I am a full-time stay-at-home mom, I am also working as a virtual assistant where I make money online. I am into writing also as I learned that I can make money by blogging. I have dreams and future plans. I want to have my own home business so I can start making extra money online.   Material things are not forever so as our lives.   While we still can, invest more on real happiness and peace. Material things are there to use but the happiness we could get in the love of our family, peace of having nothing to be worried about, that moment that you can sleep peacefully at night, those are priceless and not everyone are given that chance. Yes, go for your goal in achieving your healthy lifestyle habit, be fit and be healthy. Or if you always dream working at home and making money online, then go for it! No on is stopping you to do what makes you happy but just make sure you will live your life.   Again while you still can, invest on those things that will make you truly happy, things that money can’t buy.      
Time Invested Wisely leaves to Your Dreams
  Lifestyle ideas make one to dream, act and achieve his aspirations in life. The more you spend your time wisely the more potential you can achieve your dreams, may it be an ideal lifestyle, or if you want to build your own home business to make money online, or maybe you want to take full money control and life control. Time is precious and should be spent wisely for your dreams.    
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    Invest your time wisely because a time wasted will never return. One should study the best ways to invest your time, time wisely used for leisure, for work, for family and for making money ideas so you can support the needs of your family.   Last Friday, I met with someone, who had just started with his own home-based networking business that gives opportunity to make money online. Being an entrepreneur, I believe that this particular venture can truly be an effective method to attain a great financial success which is one of my lifestyle ideas.   My advice to the person was to plan the work in a simple way. Some projects can be lengthy, but while executing them, you should always keep your patience and never quit the job until achieving your ultimate goal.   It is like setting up home business to make money online, at first you may not get much traction nor clients but if you study well through online education learning and you also put dedication and passion to your online business, then I won't be surprised that one day you are already a successful entrepreneur who make money working online.   What if, your fellow teammate or business partner is giving an excuse of a lack of time? Be the leader and emphasize to them the value of Time. My stance on the phrase - “I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME”, is that it should be deleted completely from your vocabulary. A day consists of 24 hours, which is consistent for all. For the next 7 days, keep a detailed track of your invested time.   This simple task will help you to understand your loopholes and will assist you to utilize your time properly and effectively.   God has blessed everyone uniformly with the Universal currency- Time. But, only those who invest in time sensibly, prosper. A successful person, with loads of work can easily give an excuse of time limitations, but he won’t, as he knows the secret to win in life.   To progress in your endeavors and attain your dreams and live your ideal lifestyle, you must look into your soul and perceive the value of time, which is considered as the greatest gift from God. So, make sure to use this to maximum effect by investing it judiciously.   Today, most of the people are impatient and find their job exhausting, when compared to others. But, you must realize that there is a very thin line between winning and losing the game. The way you set your mind, determines your success. Thus, I always suggest my readers to ignore what others say. Listen to your inner-self and choose the right path that leads you to your ideal lifestyle and be successful.   I believe, you and everyone else can live up to their dreams, by simply wiping off the negative thought that you do not have any time.   We all are familiar with the proverb “You reap what you sow.” Take this slogan to your heart and sow your time wisely to live your dreams perfectly.   Whatever the situation is, be affirmative and never say that you are running short of time. Trust me, no other investment can make you richer and happier than investing your time wisely.       Learn more about the truth about living your life.    
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      Next Step - Change Your Habits
  Change your habits so you can live more freely. Change is constant, and changing your habits can help you start living your ideal lifestyle.    
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    Change your habits, change your life. Everyday matters a lot to us, it gives us hope, a new beginning, a brand new start. But imagine yourself doing the same old stuff that isn't making your life better? How do you feel about each day doing the same exact old routine and lifestyle habits and at the end of the day accomplish nothing new nor better for your life. Think about it, you may be doing something that must end by now. It doesn't mean closing your door to change, but you are allowing change to come into your life. Allow us to make you realize that breaking your old habits will bring so much improvement in your existence that will make you live your ideal lifestyle. How many years are you doing the same things, thinking and worrying about the same things, telling the same story, being the same way to all the people in your life and never fully going after the dream that is burning inside you? How many years are you making excuses for why you have not step up yet? How many people try to inspire you to step up and yet you tell them excuses after excuses of why you’re too old, why you’re too young, why you’re not educated enough, why you’re not smart enough, why you’re not good-looking enough, why you don’t have the experience, How many excuses have you made in your life that had held you from fully going after your purpose, you're missing your dream, the thing that brings the fire out of you and inspires those around you. How long and how much longer are you going to hold yourself back, lay small, play it safe, stay comfortable, not hurting one’s feelings. How much longer are you going to play a safe life and never ever doing anything that leaves a mark on this planet. This is your wake-up call, this is the moment you decide, you have a choice every single breath, every single time your heart beats. If you want to have a healthy lifestyle habits, start reading and researching about healthy lifestyle tips. Am I going to move towards my dreams or am I going to waste another breath, waste another heart beat and allow my fears? My insecurities, my stupid stories that I have going in my head over and over that I’m not worthy enough, that I’m not good enough, smart enough, that I’m not ready enough, that I don’t have enough experience holding me back? From fully opening your heart, expressing yourself and living like a human being on a mission to change whatever it is that you want to change and live the way you want to live. This is your wake-up call and you have a huge decision right now. If you want to make big money, then step up and make a move. Try looking for answers, maybe building home business to make money online is the answer, or maybe you can make money fast from home. There are online education learning available everywhere. It's really up to you when to grab it. I’m calling you forth to get out of your comfort zone, whatever you normally do on a day to day basis you’re going to do the complete opposite for the rest of this day. Live in modern lifestyle and feel your freedom. If your usually quiet, you’re going to be outrageous. You are going to be loud. If you usually loud and crazy you’re going to be reserved and quiet and you're going too open your ears which you never really opened and going to listen to the people around you. If you don’t feel worthy, you’re going to walk around like the worthiest person in the world. As if you’re so worthy and deserving that everything you want, feel and experience are just for you. If you dress conservatively, you’re going dress wild, if you dress wild you’re going to dress conservatively. Whatever is on your mind right now and you think that if you would do that I would be so crazy and uncomfortable you’re going to that the rest of this day because that is going to move you towards your dream. Whatever is on your mind, regardless how wild, how timid, how adventurous, how laid back, it will be totally fine because this is your chance to move towards your dream. Do what you want and do it for yourself. The only way you gonna get closer to your dream is doing things that are going to make you feel so freaking uncomfortable. You must be uncomfortable in order to achieve your dreams of living your ideal lifestyle, get the woman or men of your dreams. In order to have a family, the relationships, the health you want, you need to get uncomfortable. If you’re gonna stay comfortable this day that probably you’re gonna stay comfortable for the rest of your life, you have a choice, this is your wake-up call. What are you willing to do to get uncomfortable right now in order to start moving towards your dreams? What decision are you’re going to make right now in order to step up your life and move towards your dreams? Live fully, follow your dreams and make a worthy living, we can have it all in life, we can live a rich life              
Structure Goals and Make Your Plan
  In modern lifestyle, there's so much to do and time is so important, that's why structuring your goal and making your plan is the first thing we should do in order to leverage ourselves in reaching success.    
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      If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Goal setting will lead you to your success. We start with dreaming about ideal lifestyle, then we make a plan, we execute and finally harvest what we planted.       Step 1. Visualization    The first and most important step is to visualize what you want and to really understand what you want. Visualizing helps you identify possible steps you need to undergo as you try to reach your goal. It will boost your motivation as you see the picture of your ultimate goal. It also stimulates your creativity that allows you to create ideas. This is proven approach in order to achieve goals. As you know most companies have vision which they also entails to their employees. If you plan to build a home business, you must visualize the future. Why do you want to build an online business, is it just to make money online or to have a long term success where you can have financial freedom. It depends on goal but still visualizing it can help you achieve. Step 2. Assess your situation   Making an honest appraisal of your current situation is a very important way to assess your current situation. Analyzing helps you better understand all aspects of your goals from planning until reaching them. Allowing yourself to identify possible hiccups and how you could possibly avoid them. Say for example, a home business to make money online you must have an intelligent assessment of your current situation. Do you have the means? Do you know exactly where and how to invest money in online business? Never go to a battle without your weapon. Always be on top of your game.     Step 3. Formulate a plan   Formulate a plan on the basis of your current situation where you want to be and what options you have available to you. You go in a battle with all your weapons including your strategies. Making a plan will also serve as a guide and reminder for you to keep on track. You have now assessed your situation in building a home business, now you can start planning how to attack the situation. If there are challenges, how are you going to deal with them? Have you done your research through online education learning or read about online money investment topics. Plans will make you ready which will bring you to your success.     Step 4. Phrase your goals in small steps    No one is rushing you, every small steps you achieve is already an achievement and you should continue striving for your goal. If you aim to lessen your weight by undergoing physical exercises and strict diet, then every improvement you see and feel must serve as your motivation to continue. You are praising yourself for a job well done regardless how big or small the improvement was. If you have a home business, it's not magic to earn million dollars right away but appreciating every movement on your sales and setting it as a guide in making more money through your online business.   DON'T GIVE UP. This system can be applied anywhere as it helps also for you to really know what you want and make those aims concrete and tangible.         You can watch the full video here : Structure goals and make your plan  
To be successful, start with a the basic life goal.
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        Many people asked me what the secrets are behind achieving a goal in Life... And you are surely aware that most of the goals created are not fulfilled. Sometimes, it seems that we are living in a world of fantasy. Entertainment is the way most people use in order to escape from the happenings in the real world, well I’m really against it, Life and Time are so precious. Well, at least, some gain gratification (short term) from this form of entertainment… What about the reason behind this act of fantasy and the implications that they bring? You need to have an unbelievably responsive mind to be able to observe that you are always eliminating or adding something, which is the act of constantly fantasising. Living in a world of fantasy will not let you have a chance to see the real world as it is. If you go in dept you will know that your fear and greed is responsible. These are habitually the reasons behind the way most people react about life. I, myself like to dream and fantasize a lot, get out of seriousness, love to navigate through time and space imagining situations, what would be my life if I were living so and so, doing and having but then I say to myself, some of these could be reality and are achievable. My advise, don’t take everything to serious, believe in yourself, listen to your feelings (gut feelings) and analyze if it feels OK or not and most important, take action, every day one step froward… This is your life experience talking to you, called subconscious mind, just imagine everything you experienced until now, was it for nothing? Surely not, so what do you do with all this, you ask (or how do I apply this)? My response, listen to your inner voice, focus, don’t bullshit yourself, don’t lie to yourself, don’t get trapped in fantasy land, I mean I like being there but its also exciting to see what you can apply in this world. Like saying to yourself, what if I approach this situation in this way… you be surprised… I leave you thinking about this, back to our goals. What I learned is that sometimes what we want is the outcome or the feeling associated with that outcome, well this is a complex issue but it can be simple. We have tendency to complicate thing…first hand experience. It happens to me all the time, I must really put an effort to simplify tasks, the advantage is that you have a better overview of whats going on and change is easier, not to mention reactivity to situations. Very important, set up a system where you feel organized, where you find things easily, this will help clear your mind. Being a goal-oriented person will help you a lot in achieving the goals that you aspire in life. It has been given very much importance during the old times but later on its has become more and more loosen in our society, what I mean is we never talked more about it but never done less? If You want to learn more about the main purposes of being a goal-oriented person AND ACHIEVE, Welcome to the club! But before reaching your desired goals in life, setting them up first is essential for achieving and the long term view. It lets you concentrate and focus more on the long run objectives as it gives you the opportunity to think on how your present actions will affect your life in the near future. The things that you are doing now to develop yourself will surely determine who you will be and what kind of life are you going to have in the future. This is something that you should give enough importance as you go along in this process of attaining your goals and you must acquire a goal-mindset. Everyone has their own dreams and goals in life. But it is very apparent that most people just keep on dreaming and never tries to do something to attain those dreams. I, personally remind myself all the time, THIS IS MY LIFE! I’m responsible and everything I do will give me MY future, like a script in a film, I’m writing my script. We have 3 Main Projects / Courses and each one of them starts by knowing yourself better, its essential to pass this stage, no matter what you want to do in life. If you haven’t achieved your goals yet, you need to do something different in order to make your goals come true. Let me assure you that you have a greater power within you which surpasses your imagination. Lets discuss Visualization. The daily routine of visualizing the dreams that you have in life helps you in achieving such dreams, ambitions and goals in a faster way. Setting your goal can be a nice way for you in improving your performance because it stimulates you, reminds you, gives you a direction to follow. Have you ever been working for a goal within a short period of time limitation and confused on what you are about to focus, which often result to the not fulfilling your goal? And when that time comes, you wish that you have put in more effort in order to obtain that objective? Maybe the main reason for those failures is that you shifted your focus to the other things that interests you instead of the goal that you have, well its called distractions. Believe me, this world is full of distractions and wants to distract you, generally its hard to maintain focus all the time or at all. That's why visualization is essential, just try to imagine your goal in front of you all the time and like in a battle, just defend yourself but keep going, treat every distraction quickly and keep going, don’t give it to much attention, don’t fight to much, guard your energy, keep going, don’t let your goal out of sight, like your enemy is in front of you and peace or your goal behind, you must pass this battle. Well, I know what your thinking, why bother, let someone else fight! Because its your life! You have the privilege to be in this world and if you fight your fight its an unbelievable experience of achieving, helping others and gratitude, love and inner peace. You should have one goal at time only. Having much more, will confuse you and upon concentrating on one will make it difficult for you to achieve the other one. Just by leading your life you show others that you really can achieve something which they thought of being impossible. You will experience abundance and wealth (not only the physical!) that the other people never realize. Of course there is a lot more to say and to know about and Creating Goals, this is why its part of the LifeStyle Attitude Course and has a Chapter of his own, and as you probably aware this course in Evolutionary and will Grow.    
2 Steps to Stay on Track and Achieve Your Goals
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        Have you thought about what you really want to accomplish in life? Do you have any specific set of goals? Are you clear about how you can support your goals? How will you ensure you are following the desired path towards success? Thinking about staying on track to achieve your goals, LuoVita gives you the most efficient and proven to be effective steps to stay on track. It’s extremely easy to get veered of course, get wrapped up in the hassles of everyday life. Trust me, I know as I have faced the same. The real question is, with so many distractions in your vicinity, how do stay you on track? It’s crucial to have a “vision”, and strategy or realistic ambitions to achieve that. When your goals are clear, they become easier to fulfill. Have a look at your life. how does it feel? How is “today” panning out? At the end of the day, can you feel satisfied that you have done enough to reach your goals? No? Then, how do you stay on track?    
Here are 2 steps to stay on track towards your goals:
  1. Hire a coach or mentor   This is one effective way to stay on track towards what you desire in life.Your life coach can guide you in the right path. Their job is to help you overcome any sort of fear or self-doubt that may persist. They will tweak your game, arming you with added incentives and motivating your journey towards success. Most successful people have life coaches. From Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams to Leonardo Di Caprio, everyone has attributed their success to their life coach. There are various types of life coaches, providing guidance for weight loss, relationships, business etc. You just need to find the one that suits you the most. Now, if you cannot afford one, you can always turn to someone you trust. They will help ensure that you follow the desired path to reach your goals.   2.Join people that have a goal similar to yours   There are many individuals, or organizations in your own community, who might share you views, and your goals. If you can’t find one in your area, check online, or through social media. The more you get successful individuals, who share a common goal around you, the more pressing problems you will solve. You will improve your life and of those who share your expertise, and all of this is possible with the correct attitude, accelerating your steps towards your desired goal. You will become accountable, and also bringing in reinforcement. Think of your goal as a dream, albeit, with a deadline. When you gain that desired level of clarity, it automatically puts power behind your goals and ensures that you measure your progress more often and take appropriate actions. You are an amazing person, it's your life. No one should be in control of your own life other than you.    
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        I wish you a lot of courage, persistence and prosperous achievement, Life is Precious and Time is passing, don’t waste time anymore, its never to late, take it from me…   Jose    
  We ask ourselves what success in life means. Sometimes we tend to compare our life status with others to reassure we are doing just fine. Are there really best tips for achieving anything you want in life? Is it as easy as money management then you are already successful when you can make money working online.
    https://luovita.com/lifestyle-design-free-book/   https://luovita.com/develop-deep-insights-in-your-life-overcome-tough-times-and-discover-your-journey-to-a-better-life/   https://luovita.com/start-your-day-with-a-positive-powerful-approach-meditate-and-appreciate-who-you-are/   https://luovita.com/time-management-tips-and-strategies/   https://luovita.com/how-to-think-about-wealth-and-achieve-it/       Check out our shop with all these resources:  
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  Read the full article
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sheepywitch · 4 years
My new years resolutions
I will try my old hobbies again, and learn to appreciate what I can make with my own two hands. I will use them as chances to learn mediation through repetition and art.
I will give more time to my craft, researching again and honing my skills. I will attempt tarot every day, even if it's only looking at the card of the day on my phone app, though preferred would be to spend time with my physical decks and form a true bond.
I will push myself to keep my living space cleaner, both physically and spiritually.
I will cook last home more often, and eating pizza less(even if it's free through my job) unless I'm in a tough spot and that would be my only option. I will make healthier choices to the best of my ability without feeling pressured.
I will work to better remember to put magic in the mundane, and will make an effort to thank my deities for what they've given me.
Where she'd like, I will invite my roommate to join me in my craft and plan holidays with her, so that we may share in our pagan spirituality together, to both strengthen our bond with each other, and with our respective crafts.
I will practice instruments I've collected at least once every few days. I will not pressure myself to become a pro, but rather use it as another creative outlet and an offering to the deities I follow.
I will spend more time with my dogs, and try to be more active with them to the best of my ability. They deserve better treatment than I have given them this past year, and I am capable of giving it, if I only push past my depression.
I will strive to improve in the workforce, but I will not let myself feel anger towards myself if I have bad days. i will learn to let go of work related stress, and offer it to a deity willing to take the burden from me, if I need help with letting go.
I will begin to accompany my roommate to the gym when she goes, even if all I do is walk on the treadmill, in order to spend time with her and get a little more active in my life, as I know I'm unable to push myself into doing it regularly on my own.
I will once again install a function on my computer that will automatically shut it down, so that I may take better care of my sleeping habits and not waste away on the computer, but I will ensure I have the ability to temporarily disable it for certain days or events unlike last time. I will not cheat the system.
I will try to read more books. I have full access to a public library even without a car, and I will make an effort to take advantage of that, even if I may not know what I want to try to read. I will not force myself to read long novellas.
I will try to draw more, first finishing past commissions I've left sitting around stalling on, then focusing on creating art for myself. Perhaps I will try another ask blog on Tumblr, as I know I enjoyed doing that. If I start to think about doing it, I will stop what I'm doing and start work warmup drawings, as I know that starting is the hardest part for me.
I will seek more social interaction with my fellow pagans, both online and irl. I'm aware the library sometimes has connections available, and I can always see what I can do about that.
I will look into mental health help, and will make plans to see a proper therapist to begin my road to better mental health management and medication if necessary. I will not be afraid of what might come of these choices. In the meantime, I will do what I can on my own, but not without proper research. I've already gone through my own worst days, I can get through a few more. My deities can help me.
I will look into belly dance again, even if it's simply self-taught lessons online at home alone. I know I enjoyed it and my deities did too.
I will home myself accountable for my own actions, but will also be understanding towards myself when I make mistakes or have failures. My best effort is not the same day to day.
I will be kinder to those around me, and work to be a more positive person, without ignoring that dark moments will still be a possibility. I will be more open about my own dark moments so that others may understand as well.
I will be the best me I can be.
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nikkofp2blog · 6 years
I was partnered with Gerald, a classmate of mine in IT05, to interact with our beneficiary, Aunty Latifah. A Malay woman with 56 years of age and counting strong up to this day. Gerald and I both found old people intimidating to handle as they are often more impatient and judgemental as compared to the other generations.
Aunty Latifah was capable of communicating using the English language and was a pleasant conversationalist. I believe it was more than enough to ask for as these characteristics allowed me and Gerald to learn from her without much hassle. Interacting with her did not feel as if I was studying under a mentorship. It felt as though I was listening to stories and learning things that I genuinely wanted to apply in my everyday life.
Before, I had found Service Learning to be an inconvenient as I thought it would be disorganized and forced. But after meeting Latifah, I was genuinely learning some things and thought that perhaps this Service Learning wasn’t a complete waste of time after all.
The activities me and Gerald partook with Aunty Latifah included colouring the colourless drawings given to us, taking pictures, getting to know one another – just talking about our lives.
The fact that we could engage in conversation with such seamless flow was truly something I was grateful for. Awkwardness and being unable to find what to say will often wreck the flow of things. I was able to communicate with Aunty Latifah because I could speak to her in an informal manner – as if she’s a friend. I actively paid attention to her words and took genuine interest in what she was saying. I hope I will be able to communicate with future beneficiaries in a way that makes us feel as though we’re friends because formalities can be more intimidating than imposing.
Some of the important lessons I learned from Aunty Latifah is that your level of education will not affect your happiness and fulfilment in life. Aunty Latifah stopped school since secondary school and went on to become a make up artist for models all around the globe. She’s travelled to countries such as Germany, Netherlands, and Japan to do the make up for runway models.  You can just imagine how great her skills must’ve been to let her land that kind of job. But the reason she was able to grasp these opportunities is because there were people out  there willing to give her a chance. This lesson taught me that school isn’t everything as your skills can also give you more opportunities and bring you further in life than your PhD. She taught me the significance of skills over qualifications as her eyes glistened with livelihood as she told her stories of her travels. Therefore, whilst I study IT in Ngee Ann Poly, I shouldn’t do it for the sake of a diploma. I should reap as many opportunities that come my way, learn as much as I can, develop and hone the skills I acquire, and respect everyone – because one day, they could give me an opportunity that’ll change my life for the good.
The most surprising thing I learned about Aunty Latifah is how she (I swear on my life I am not making this up) smokes weed and does drugs on a regular basis when she’s in Netherlands. When she first told me this, I couldn’t help but ask her to repeat herself. She said what she said and it is what it is. The old lady herself has abused marijuana and drugs. She told me that she missed doing those and that if she could go back for more, she would. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, eventually I broke into laughter. I know for certain that marijuana is legal in Netherlands and that you can see often people doing weed outside cafes. As for the drug use, I’m not so certain of its law. In any case, she showed me that you have to be open to new experiences because you never know what you could be missing out from life. Hence, if I want to create IT solutions to help society, I need to be willing to get out of my comfort zone in order to understand the problem better so that I can make more feasible solutions.
I also learned that she chose to stay in Singapore because this was where her family was. And although she came to stay with them, they put her in a nursing home. But the reasons behind them aren’t toxic per say. They simply lack the time to care for her. She tells me that they will come for her soon, a part of me doubts that. But I only have the heart share my optimism with her. Aunty Latifah has undergone 3 surgeries and is now going through physiotherapy to learn how to walk again.
A social issue I identified was the language barriers and discomfort some of the old folks may experience with the students and vice versa. I believe that it is possible to overcome these issues through both sides contributing efforts to form a bond. Not just through verbal means, but interactive ones. A suggestion could be to teach the elderly how to use technologies of today or maybe play a simple game.
In conclusion, I feel that I gained some hard evidence that the lessons that I’ve been exposed to my whole life aren’t just vague quotes. They’re meaningful words of guidance. Seeing hard evidence of real truths are always a form of special experience for me. And I’m glad I managed to have them with Aunty Latifah. I believe that I was an excellent conversationalist as Latifah did not interrupt me and listened attentively as I spoke. I would say my only flaw was failing to make a lasting impression for after 2 weeks, she had forgotten who I was. No she was not part of the dementia group.
 Word count: 999 words
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sosayset · 7 years
I keep coming back to the whole “non-college educated” label.  And this is me typing late at night, unable to sleep, so forgive the disjointed, train of thought parade, mash up of words and sentences. 
“Not college educated.”  There is an inference there that this means said person is less intelligent than someone who went to college.  I think that might play a role in how come some people call others “liberal elite.”  I went to college.  I can’t repair my own refrigerator, AC, furnace, or do anything on my vehicle beyond changing my oil.  I call someone for those things.  Usually a skilled person.  Went to a trade school or something similar.  Finished.  Found a job.  Doesn’t have any real educational debt.  Has a job that isn’t going anywhere.  And maybe he think I look down on him because I have a piece of paper saying I graduated college. 
That piece of paper, it is an affirmation that you paid someone to tell you what books to read and that you read those books and someone judged how well you retained the information in those books and how well you might be able to apply it in the real world, outside of books. 
And this dichotomy is the real problem.  Both of these options are perfectly fine options for a life, a happy one, but you can’t condescend to the other side for the choice they made.  And that especially can’t happen because, for the eroding middle class, BOTH of these generic examples are under immediate danger and threat from the conservative minority, who actually are the “elite” though far more so financially, and usually through very little of their own achievement, than they are intelligently. 
I think the whole “non-college educated” label needs to go away along with “unskilled worker/labor,” as well as “liberal elitists” and all variations of them all.  Start there; unify that, solidify that and get that bloc to recognize there is far more shared identity with one another, that the reasons they feel so disenfranchised living in this country right now is a two pronged truth that the economic policies of the conservative party are specifically and intentionally designed to benefit the extremely wealthy at the expense of all others, and simultaneously finding ANY other scapegoat available, from immigrants to LGBTQ to each other, to justify their actions, or direct attention away from it. 
And getting back to that whole idea that “non college educated” being a calling card attack on someone’s intelligence, don’t accept it.  I am college educated.  I would have told 18 year old me, who was likely even more clueless and as ambiguous as I am, to try and find a field and a skill that interested him, as I tell the 18-22 year old millennials I now know, instead of choosing college.  Books are always there, finding a career path that can be taken anywhere is much harder. 
Of course, my best skill set was an ability to write, which I have honed over the years, but no one pays you to write what you want, only what they need.  So, even for me, that was a waste. 
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luovita · 5 years
You are in control, realise where you are, change your habits, achieve your goals and unleash yourself
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Are you in control of your success? Is having an ideal lifestyle considered success?
We ask ourselves what success in life means. Sometimes we tend to compare our life status with others to reassure we are doing just fine. Are there really best tips for achieving anything you want in life? Is it as easy as money management then you are already successful when you can make money working online.  
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  Maybe it’s your fitness you want to improve and have a healthy lifestyle habits, maybe you’re looking to enhance your career and work with flexibility as you travel the world, or perhaps you want to live in modern lifestyle and probably have a passive income such as making money online, all of it boils down is to what I call LifeStyle Design.       Now, there is nothing wrong with having many goals, but it is also true that many of us lack the necessary skills and expertise to convert those into reality. This renders us somewhat powerless when it comes to choosing the trajectory of our lives. We’re out of shape because we don’t know how to stick to a training program, we lack motivation and consistency in doing the necessary then at the end fail with our goal to have a healthy lifestyle habits. We’re in jobs that are unexciting because we don’t know how to get out of our career ruts and are unable to earn enough money to travel or do leisure activities when in fact there are ways to make money fast from home. We have forgotten what it is to go out and have fun and live the ideal lifestyle you've been dreaming. The really bad part of the matter is when we tell someone how we’re going to quit smoking, write a book or get into shape, and they just roll their eyes and say “sure.” What’s worse? We ourselves don’t fully believe it. It’s time to change all that and be a new person. It’s time to come forth and take control of your life. Let’s look at how we can make it happen.  
Success is for everyone
Realize the real success within yourself
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      For you to really understand the meaning of success, you must have your own definition of it that relates to your personal life. Success is way too far as most people defines it. What is success for you? What does success mean to you? OK let me share a little about me as a kid. I am honestly not so happy  whenever I received awards in school? There’s a distinct feeling of joy and excitement to eat out with my family and get all the attention, however shockingly, getting awards was never the wellspring of my joy. Not the grades that I want to celebrate but the the journey I had to get those good grades. Sleepless nights, projects, tiring days studying for exam, and the support I get from my family. That for me is a real success.     A lot of individuals long of getting a luxury car, working high up in an extravagant organization, gaining bunches of cash, making money over the internet and having the capacity to do what they want and what they need. They work so hard, they eat less, they invested more energy slaving over a long stretch of time of reports, books, and stress; just to get to the best. Give me a chance to ask you this, however: does being on top mean you are successful? Success is the feeling of finding a sense of contentment and inner happiness. Inner happiness is priceless, it is being optimistic despite the life challenges, and failures we may encounter in life. Success for me is living the ideal lifestyle. Reality is, many of us have different perception about success.  
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  Some people measures success in the amount of money you have in the bank, some people look up to those who knows where to make money, to those who are good in making money ideas. Some feels like being in the elite circle is a representation of a successful life journey. Sad to say that our concept of success is ruled by the pictures of wealth, distinction, and influence. We invest too much push to accomplish that idea and what do we get in return? Are we truly satisfied, did we genuinely feel happy having all the glamour or even the attention we get from the others? If not, then that isn’t truly a success. Success is not tangible. It's a feeling that we get from exerting our effort and having that peace. Let me share my experience, I am a work at home mom but prior to this new career I have a good career in corporate world. I already moved up my ladder to get a good position at work. I have honed skills that clients and my company appreciates the most. In short, I already have that value in the company. However, after getting married I already conditioned myself that once we decided to have a baby, I will give up my career and focus on being a full-time mom. I wanna be there in every milestones of my baby. Then I got pregnant, guess what? After 8 years working with my company I am ready to give up everything just to fulfill my promise, because I know, that will give me the real happiness. Now, I am with my baby 24/7, watching her grow and ensuring she gets the best that I can give. I may be the best team lead that my agents would have, but I wanna be more of the best mother for my baby because she only deserves all the best in the world. While I am a full-time stay-at-home mom, I am also working as a virtual assistant where I make money online. I am into writing also as I learned that I can make money by blogging. I have dreams and future plans. I want to have my own home business so I can start making extra money online.   Material things are not forever so as our lives.   While we still can, invest more on real happiness and peace. Material things are there to use but the happiness we could get in the love of our family, peace of having nothing to be worried about, that moment that you can sleep peacefully at night, those are priceless and not everyone are given that chance. Yes, go for your goal in achieving your healthy lifestyle habit, be fit and be healthy. Or if you always dream working at home and making money online, then go for it! No on is stopping you to do what makes you happy but just make sure you will live your life.   Again while you still can, invest on those things that will make you truly happy, things that money can’t buy.    
    Time Invested Wisely leaves to Your Dreams
Lifestyle ideas make one to dream, act and achieve his aspirations in life. The more you spend your time wisely the more potential you can achieve your dreams, may it be an ideal lifestyle, or if you want to build your own home business to make money online, or maybe you want to take full money control and life control. Time is precious and should be spent wisely for your dreams.
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    Invest your time wisely because a time wasted will never return. One should study the best ways to invest your time, time wisely used for leisure, for work, for family and for making money ideas so you can support the needs of your family. Last Friday, I met with someone, who had just started with his own home-based networking business that gives opportunity to make money online. Being an entrepreneur, I believe that this particular venture can truly be an effective method to attain a great financial success which is one of my lifestyle ideas. My advice to the person was to plan the work in a simple way. Some projects can be lengthy, but while executing them, you should always keep your patience and never quit the job until achieving your ultimate goal. It is like setting up home business to make money online, at first you may not get much traction nor clients but if you study well through online education learning and you also put dedication and passion to your online business, then I won't be surprised that one day you are already a successful entrepreneur who make money working online. What if, your fellow teammate or business partner is giving an excuse of a lack of time? Be the leader and emphasize to them the value of Time. My stance on the phrase - “I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME”, is that it should be deleted completely from your vocabulary. A day consists of 24 hours, which is consistent for all. For the next 7 days, keep a detailed track of your invested time. This simple task will help you to understand your loopholes and will assist you to utilize your time properly and effectively. God has blessed everyone uniformly with the Universal currency- Time. But, only those who invest in time sensibly, prosper. A successful person, with loads of work can easily give an excuse of time limitations, but he won’t, as he knows the secret to win in life. To progress in your endeavors and attain your dreams and live your ideal lifestyle, you must look into your soul and perceive the value of time, which is considered as the greatest gift from God. So, make sure to use this to maximum effect by investing it judiciously. Today, most of the people are impatient and find their job exhausting, when compared to others. But, you must realize that there is a very thin line between winning and losing the game. The way you set your mind, determines your success. Thus, I always suggest my readers to ignore what others say. Listen to your inner-self and choose the right path that leads you to your ideal lifestyle and be successful. I believe, you and everyone else can live up to their dreams, by simply wiping off the negative thought that you do not have any time. We all are familiar with the proverb “You reap what you sow.” Take this slogan to your heart and sow your time wisely to live your dreams perfectly. Whatever the situation is, be affirmative and never say that you are running short of time. Trust me, no other investment can make you richer and happier than investing your time wisely.   Learn more about the truth about living your life.
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    Next Step - Change Your Habits
Change your habits so you can live more freely. Change is constant, and changing your habits can help you start living your ideal lifestyle.    
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    Change your habits, change your life. Everyday matters a lot to us, it gives us hope, a new beginning, a brand new start. But imagine yourself doing the same old stuff that isn't making your life better? How do you feel about each day doing the same exact old routine and lifestyle habits and at the end of the day accomplish nothing new nor better for your life. Think about it, you may be doing something that must end by now. It doesn't mean closing your door to change, but you are allowing change to come into your life. Allow us to make you realize that breaking your old habits will bring so much improvement in your existence that will make you live your ideal lifestyle. How many years are you doing the same things, thinking and worrying about the same things, telling the same story, being the same way to all the people in your life and never fully going after the dream that is burning inside you? How many years are you making excuses for why you have not step up yet? How many people try to inspire you to step up and yet you tell them excuses after excuses of why you’re too old, why you’re too young, why you’re not educated enough, why you’re not smart enough, why you’re not good-looking enough, why you don’t have the experience, How many excuses have you made in your life that had held you from fully going after your purpose, you're missing your dream, the thing that brings the fire out of you and inspires those around you. How long and how much longer are you going to hold yourself back, lay small, play it safe, stay comfortable, not hurting one’s feelings. How much longer are you going to play a safe life and never ever doing anything that leaves a mark on this planet. This is your wake-up call, this is the moment you decide, you have a choice every single breath, every single time your heart beats. If you want to have a healthy lifestyle habits, start reading and researching about healthy lifestyle tips. Am I going to move towards my dreams or am I going to waste another breath, waste another heart beat and allow my fears? My insecurities, my stupid stories that I have going in my head over and over that I’m not worthy enough, that I’m not good enough, smart enough, that I’m not ready enough, that I don’t have enough experience holding me back? From fully opening your heart, expressing yourself and living like a human being on a mission to change whatever it is that you want to change and live the way you want to live. This is your wake-up call and you have a huge decision right now. If you want to make big money, then step up and make a move. Try looking for answers, maybe building home business to make money online is the answer, or maybe you can make money fast from home. There are online education learning available everywhere. It's really up to you when to grab it. I’m calling you forth to get out of your comfort zone, whatever you normally do on a day to day basis you’re going to do the complete opposite for the rest of this day. Live in modern lifestyle and feel your freedom. If your usually quiet, you’re going to be outrageous. You are going to be loud. If you usually loud and crazy you’re going to be reserved and quiet and you're going too open your ears which you never really opened and going to listen to the people around you. If you don’t feel worthy, you’re going to walk around like the worthiest person in the world. As if you’re so worthy and deserving that everything you want, feel and experience are just for you. If you dress conservatively, you’re going dress wild, if you dress wild you’re going to dress conservatively. Whatever is on your mind right now and you think that if you would do that I would be so crazy and uncomfortable you’re going to that the rest of this day because that is going to move you towards your dream. Whatever is on your mind, regardless how wild, how timid, how adventurous, how laid back, it will be totally fine because this is your chance to move towards your dream. Do what you want and do it for yourself. The only way you gonna get closer to your dream is doing things that are going to make you feel so freaking uncomfortable. You must be uncomfortable in order to achieve your dreams of living your ideal lifestyle, get the woman or men of your dreams. In order to have a family, the relationships, the health you want, you need to get uncomfortable. If you’re gonna stay comfortable this day that probably you’re gonna stay comfortable for the rest of your life, you have a choice, this is your wake-up call. What are you willing to do to get uncomfortable right now in order to start moving towards your dreams? What decision are you’re going to make right now in order to step up your life and move towards your dreams? Live fully, follow your dreams and make a worthy living, we can have it all in life, we can live a rich life      
Structure Goals and Make Your Plan
  In modern lifestyle, there's so much to do and time is so important, that's why structuring your goal and making your plan is the first thing we should do in order to leverage ourselves in reaching success.
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  If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Goal setting will lead you to your success. We start with dreaming about ideal lifestyle, then we make a plan, we execute and finally harvest what we planted.       Step 1. Visualization    The first and most important step is to visualize what you want and to really understand what you want. Visualizing helps you identify possible steps you need to undergo as you try to reach your goal. It will boost your motivation as you see the picture of your ultimate goal. It also stimulates your creativity that allows you to create ideas. This is proven approach in order to achieve goals. As you know most companies have vision which they also entails to their employees. If you plan to build a home business, you must visualize the future. Why do you want to build an online business, is it just to make money online or to have a long term success where you can have financial freedom. It depends on goal but still visualizing it can help you achieve. Step 2. Assess your situation   Making an honest appraisal of your current situation is a very important way to assess your current situation. Analyzing helps you better understand all aspects of your goals from planning until reaching them. Allowing yourself to identify possible hiccups and how you could possibly avoid them. Say for example, a home business to make money online you must have an intelligent assessment of your current situation. Do you have the means? Do you know exactly where and how to invest money in online business? Never go to a battle without your weapon. Always be on top of your game. Step 3. Formulate a plan   Formulate a plan on the basis of your current situation where you want to be and what options you have available to you. You go in a battle with all your weapons including your strategies. Making a plan will also serve as a guide and reminder for you to keep on track. You have now assessed your situation in building a home business, now you can start planning how to attack the situation. If there are challenges, how are you going to deal with them? Have you done your research through online education learning or read about online money investment topics. Plans will make you ready which will bring you to your success. Step 4. Phrase your goals in small steps    No one is rushing you, every small steps you achieve is already an achievement and you should continue striving for your goal. If you aim to lessen your weight by undergoing physical exercises and strict diet, then every improvement you see and feel must serve as your motivation to continue. You are praising yourself for a job well done regardless how big or small the improvement was. If you have a home business, it's not magic to earn million dollars right away but appreciating every movement on your sales and setting it as a guide in making more money through your online business.   DON'T GIVE UP. This system can be applied anywhere as it helps also for you to really know what you want and make those aims concrete and tangible.   You can watch the full video here : Structure goals and make your plan
  To be successful, start with a the basic life goal.
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      Many people asked me what the secrets are behind achieving a goal in Life... And you are surely aware that most of the goals created are not fulfilled. Sometimes, it seems that we are living in a world of fantasy. Entertainment is the way most people use in order to escape from the happenings in the real world, well I’m really against it, Life and Time are so precious. Well, at least, some gain gratification (short term) from this form of entertainment… What about the reason behind this act of fantasy and the implications that they bring? You need to have an unbelievably responsive mind to be able to observe that you are always eliminating or adding something, which is the act of constantly fantasising. Living in a world of fantasy will not let you have a chance to see the real world as it is. If you go in dept you will know that your fear and greed is responsible. These are habitually the reasons behind the way most people react about life. I, myself like to dream and fantasize a lot, get out of seriousness, love to navigate through time and space imagining situations, what would be my life if I were living so and so, doing and having but then I say to myself, some of these could be reality and are achievable. My advise, don’t take everything to serious, believe in yourself, listen to your feelings (gut feelings) and analyze if it feels OK or not and most important, take action, every day one step froward… This is your life experience talking to you, called subconscious mind, just imagine everything you experienced until now, was it for nothing? Surely not, so what do you do with all this, you ask (or how do I apply this)? My response, listen to your inner voice, focus, don’t bullshit yourself, don’t lie to yourself, don’t get trapped in fantasy land, I mean I like being there but its also exciting to see what you can apply in this world. Like saying to yourself, what if I approach this situation in this way… you be surprised… I leave you thinking about this, back to our goals. What I learned is that sometimes what we want is the outcome or the feeling associated with that outcome, well this is a complex issue but it can be simple. We have tendency to complicate thing…first hand experience. It happens to me all the time, I must really put an effort to simplify tasks, the advantage is that you have a better overview of whats going on and change is easier, not to mention reactivity to situations. Very important, set up a system where you feel organized, where you find things easily, this will help clear your mind. Being a goal-oriented person will help you a lot in achieving the goals that you aspire in life. It has been given very much importance during the old times but later on its has become more and more loosen in our society, what I mean is we never talked more about it but never done less? If You want to learn more about the main purposes of being a goal-oriented person AND ACHIEVE, Welcome to the club! But before reaching your desired goals in life, setting them up first is essential for achieving and the long term view. It lets you concentrate and focus more on the long run objectives as it gives you the opportunity to think on how your present actions will affect your life in the near future. The things that you are doing now to develop yourself will surely determine who you will be and what kind of life are you going to have in the future. This is something that you should give enough importance as you go along in this process of attaining your goals and you must acquire a goal-mindset. Everyone has their own dreams and goals in life. But it is very apparent that most people just keep on dreaming and never tries to do something to attain those dreams. I, personally remind myself all the time, THIS IS MY LIFE! I’m responsible and everything I do will give me MY future, like a script in a film, I’m writing my script. We have 3 Main Projects / Courses and each one of them starts by knowing yourself better, its essential to pass this stage, no matter what you want to do in life. If you haven’t achieved your goals yet, you need to do something different in order to make your goals come true. Let me assure you that you have a greater power within you which surpasses your imagination. Lets discuss Visualization. The daily routine of visualizing the dreams that you have in life helps you in achieving such dreams, ambitions and goals in a faster way. Setting your goal can be a nice way for you in improving your performance because it stimulates you, reminds you, gives you a direction to follow. Have you ever been working for a goal within a short period of time limitation and confused on what you are about to focus, which often result to the not fulfilling your goal? And when that time comes, you wish that you have put in more effort in order to obtain that objective? Maybe the main reason for those failures is that you shifted your focus to the other things that interests you instead of the goal that you have, well its called distractions. Believe me, this world is full of distractions and wants to distract you, generally its hard to maintain focus all the time or at all. That's why visualization is essential, just try to imagine your goal in front of you all the time and like in a battle, just defend yourself but keep going, treat every distraction quickly and keep going, don’t give it to much attention, don’t fight to much, guard your energy, keep going, don’t let your goal out of sight, like your enemy is in front of you and peace or your goal behind, you must pass this battle. Well, I know what your thinking, why bother, let someone else fight! Because its your life! You have the privilege to be in this world and if you fight your fight its an unbelievable experience of achieving, helping others and gratitude, love and inner peace. You should have one goal at time only. Having much more, will confuse you and upon concentrating on one will make it difficult for you to achieve the other one. Just by leading your life you show others that you really can achieve something which they thought of being impossible. You will experience abundance and wealth (not only the physical!) that the other people never realize. Of course there is a lot more to say and to know about and Creating Goals, this is why its part of the LifeStyle Attitude Course and has a Chapter of his own, and as you probably aware this course in Evolutionary and will Grow. You could start by download the PDF below and read (& Apply) it whenever you want.      
2 Steps to Stay on Track and Achieve Your Goals
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    Have you thought about what you really want to accomplish in life? Do you have any specific set of goals? Are you clear about how you can support your goals? How will you ensure you are following the desired path towards success? Thinking about staying on track to achieve your goals, LuoVita gives you the most efficient and proven to be effective steps to stay on track. It’s extremely easy to get veered of course, get wrapped up in the hassles of everyday life. Trust me, I know as I have faced the same. The real question is, with so many distractions in your vicinity, how do stay you on track? It’s crucial to have a “vision”, and strategy or realistic ambitions to achieve that. When your goals are clear, they become easier to fulfill. Have a look at your life. how does it feel? How is “today” panning out? At the end of the day, can you feel satisfied that you have done enough to reach your goals? No? Then, how do you stay on track?    
Here are 2 steps to stay on track towards your goals:
  1. Hire a coach or mentor   This is one effective way to stay on track towards what you desire in life.Your life coach can guide you in the right path. Their job is to help you overcome any sort of fear or self-doubt that may persist. They will tweak your game, arming you with added incentives and motivating your journey towards success. Most successful people have life coaches. From Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams to Leonardo Di Caprio, everyone has attributed their success to their life coach. There are various types of life coaches, providing guidance for weight loss, relationships, business etc. You just need to find the one that suits you the most. Now, if you cannot afford one, you can always turn to someone you trust. They will help ensure that you follow the desired path to reach your goals.   2.Join people that have a goal similar to yours   There are many individuals, or organizations in your own community, who might share you views, and your goals. If you can’t find one in your area, check online, or through social media. The more you get successful individuals, who share a common goal around you, the more pressing problems you will solve. You will improve your life and of those who share your expertise, and all of this is possible with the correct attitude, accelerating your steps towards your desired goal. You will become accountable, and also bringing in reinforcement. Think of your goal as a dream, albeit, with a deadline. When you gain that desired level of clarity, it automatically puts power behind your goals and ensures that you measure your progress more often and take appropriate actions. You are an amazing person, it's your life. No one should be in control of your own life other than you.    
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        I wish you a lot of courage, persistence and prosperous achievement, Life is Precious and Time is passing, don’t waste time anymore, its never to late, take it from me… Jose
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